News and Notes, Winter 2021

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ALUMNI CLASS NOTES Editors: Mary Beth Finnerty ’85, director of alumni relations; Brandon Murphy ’17, assistant director of alumni relations; Kathy Palumbo, development assistant of alumni relations; and Brittany Kane ’20 alumni relations graduate intern. Please submit all of your Class Notes information to your class coordinator. If there is no coordinator listed for your class, please send all information to for posting in the magazine. We look forward to hearing from you.

1945 1946 1950 1951 1955 1956 1960

Joe Harrison


Lou Zampier

1962 If you are willing to help as a class news notes coordinator, please contact


Kevin Raymond

DON'T MISS OUT! Want to stay connected? Make sure to ­update the Alumni Relations­­Office with your current information! If you have not received enews or other emails from us, we probably don’t have your c­ urrent information. Send your address, phone n ­ umber and email to today!



Joe Suozzi


Jack Mulvey


Nick Laiacona Brown Robes by Dr. Robert Porcelli The Brown Robes It was my first day on Campus, On the steps of the Hall. Speaking under hooded habits, Rope, sandals and all, They taught me to learn, In fulfilling their part. With writing and thinking And Science as an Art. My time in the Hall Was more than just learning. It was how to live life, Apart from just earning. I learned life is short And must be well lived-in. It’s not what you’ve received, But what you have given. I learned that living life Should be more than just chances. And the best path to follow Is that of Saint Francis. So at night when I pray, I hope there’s a Heaven. For Friars Amadeus, Anthony, For Cyprian, and Sennen.


Rick Spataro


Jerry DeFrancisco I hope you are all c ­ oping with the pandemic, and staying safe. Don’t you hate it when they say, “Remember, you are in a vulnerable group?” When the heck did that happen? Tom Candon is serving as the President of the Board of The Green Mountain Club, the founder and maintainer of The Long Trail, the oldest longdistance hiking trail in America that stretches the length of Vermont. Last month he completed his second “end to end” hike of The Long Trail from the Massachusetts border to the Canadian border. This is quite the accomplishment and Mary says he found his way back both times! Their mission is to, “Make Vermont mountains play a larger role in the life of the people.” Great work Tom, St. Francis would be pleased. Joe Ciarciaglino is the ­pastor of St. Philip the ­Apostle Orthodox Church in Tampa and the Holy Synod recently awarded him the title of ­Archpriest. Fr. Joe’s parish opened a medical clinic in northern Uganda, just thirty miles south of the South Sudan border. Although unable to visit recently due to the pandemic, he reports that they continue to serve the poorest of God’s children. Bob Guido is retired in Sea Island, Georgia, but f­ requently

joins Zoom calls for the “Spirit of ’68” Committee. The ­committee’s October event was very successful, featuring community activists from Albany, Schenectady and Troy in a conversation with students about, “What is ours to do” with respect to racial and social justice in the­­Capital ­Region. It was virtual, of course, but very well attended, with probing questions and open dialogue. We will start planning for a spring event shortly. If you were unable to attend, I can assure you that the Franciscan spirit that guided us is alive and well in our successors. Stay well my friends! We still have a lot to accomplish!


Ken Dedrick Pat Riley says he grew a ­ OVID beard that may allow C him to get to work as Santa, and I think he also could pass for writer Ernest Hemingway. Mike O’Higgins writes that he and Donna celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary and that he lives in Miami. He continues to run O’Higgins Asset Management, play golf and take an annual around the world trip. Mike has 4 sons and 6 grandchildren. Some in the Class of ’69 might not know that the Alumni Office has a new group called Senior Saints for anyone who has had their

50th reunion. President Dr. Chris Gibson ’86 gave a state of the College talk and Coach Carmen Maciariello ’01 gave an update on the upcoming men’s basketball season. I thought both presentations were terrific. Remember to give your updated email ­address to the Alumni Office for more info.


Paul Twardy 2020. Your choice: “The Year of Living Dangerously” or to paraphrase the theme song from the late ’60s TV show, “That was the year that was / it’s over let it go.” I sincerely hope you all kept healthy and in balance. Whatever your choice, 2021 is the year we finally celebrate our 50th reunion. It’s been quite the journey to get together for this important event. Now we have the gift of more time. We have another opportunity to contact classmates we want to see in June. Also, have you registered with the Siena Alumni Directory? Visit and then click on Request Access To Alumni Directory. If you are on Facebook, go to Siena ­College Class of 1970 and join. Return to campus for our 50th to enjoy a Siena rich in memories and new experiences. Meet our new and the College’s 12th president, Dr. Chris Gibson ’86. Take a look through the telescope atop Roger Bacon Hall. Checkin with former friars and lay faculty who may be around that weekend. Learn about dorms we never knew, but are part of today’s campus life. Learn about the presence and contribution of women among the student population. Get inside the former Dawson Library, now the Sarazen Student Union, site of food and Starbucks, meeting rooms and event spaces among other

features. Admire the former Gibbons Hall and recall outrageous times in the Rathskeller. Come walk the campus with St. Francis, St. Bernadine, and St. Clare. Talk up the reunion and encourage each other to attend. We hope to see you June 11-13, with or without that “old green bonnet.” But most of all, let’s be together throughout the 50th reunion weekend for the time of our lives in the seventh decade thereof. If not now, when?


Nicholas Positano


Dennis McGovern elephantdonkeymouse@ Kristin Killpack, the ­ resident of IGNITE Spirits, P Inc. has announced that Jack Callahan has been appointed to its Board of Directors. “We welcome Jack to the company as a director as he brings many years of experience in both the Alcoholic Beverage and Private Equity industries.” IGNITE Spirits is an international beverage company that is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ignite International Ltd, a diversified consumer goods company.


Brian Valentine Joseph Cardillo’s newest book, The 12 Rules of Attention, already released in English editions is being released worldwide in a French language edition in early 2021. A Chinese language version is forthcoming.

1974 If you are willing to help as a class news notes coordinator, please contact

1975 If you are willing to help as a class news notes ­coordinator, please contact


Jean Reamer


Eileen Foley classof1977newsnotes@ Dominick Calsolaro and his wife Mary LaMont welcomed their first grandchild, James Dominick Holmes, in May. Frank K. Dyer was recently appointed the Senior Vice President of Wealth Development at PKS Investments. After 5 years as an assistant basketball coach at Siena, he spent 35 years in a variety of roles in management in the financial services arena. He and his wife of 33 years, Mary Bronson ’78, still reside in Loudonville. John DiNuzzo and his wife live in Trumbull, Connecticut, have 2 kids and 3 grandkids. He works in Manhattan at the MetLife Corporate headquarters. John also had a 20+ year stint in the New York State government. John’s son and daughter-in-law graduated from Siena, and states, “The Franciscan values grow more important to me as I get older.” Joe Millington recently retired as an HR Executive. Currently, he is enjoying spending time at his home in the Adirondacks and working part-time as a Leadership Coach and a HR Consultant. William Moore (Bill) is the President and COO of Marktech Optoelectronics. He joined in 2010 and was soon promoted to his current position. A 35-year veteran of optoelectronics space, Bill oversees the day-to-day

sales, marketing, finance, operations, export compliance, and Digi-Key Electronics distribution relationships across the company’s full optoelectronics component and assembly offerings. Donna McCarthy Carmen is living near Atlanta with her husband Ron. She retired as a Colonel in the Army after 28 years of service in 2005 and is an active volunteer in her community. She is looking forward to our 45th reunion! Stephen Badger lives in Atlanta with his wife Tracey. He has 3 children and has been in healthcare since 1985. He reports that he has had an amazing life! Melissa Cunningham ­Nelson and her husband Bruce live in the DC Metro area. Melissa retired as the Director of Collective Bargaining and Contract Administration from an international labor union that represents media workers. Melissa has 2 children. Retirement activities include travel and volunteer work in both advocacy and political activism. Wendy Brown Marino has retired from a NY State Agency where she began in audit and ended in information ­technology. She visited Siena to recruit computer programmers. When she started at Siena she was a Protestant and has since converted to Catholicism. “I think that being at Siena really was an early seed planted in my faith journey.” Wendy is married to Matthew Marino ’85. Bob Flanagan and his wife Diane DiCerbo Flanagan ’78 have been married for 42 years and are living in Somerset, New Jersey. They have 2 sons and 2 grandsons. Bill Toomey is enjoying retirement after working for New York State for 40 years. Bill is still doing some private basketball practice and coaching at his alma mater CBA.





Brig Gen (USAF ret) Kenneth Todorov ’85 was recently promoted to ­Sector Vice President and ­General Manager of the Combat Systems and Mission Readiness division for Northrop Grumman’s Defense Systems.

Judy Capano Michaelson ’87 was honored as a recipient of the 5th Annual MM&M (Medical Marketing and Media) Hall of Femme 2020.

Linda Clark ’88, an attorney at Barclay Damon, was named to the 2020 Upstate New York Super Lawyers list and to the 2021 Best Lawyers in America list.


Rick Gabriel


Sue Reilly Hayes


Diane DeSilva


Jeannie DiCaprio Greetings, Siena ’81 ­ lassmates from both me and c Paul DiCaprio! I hope all is well and that YOU are well during these crazy times. Personally, we are fine, although we find ourselves no longer empty nesters! Our daughter Sarah DiCaprio ’19 is home with us working remotely for Condé Nast as a research analyst.

It was really great to hear from Peter Cataldo! He tells us that in response to the Varsity Blues scandal, he was part of the audit team at the University of California that performed an independent assessment of the university’s admissions practices at all of their nine undergraduate campuses. His audit team was most recently invited to present to over 400 attendees at the annual conference of the Association of College and University Auditors. Bill Redmond has been named the CEO of News Corps News America Marketing business.


Bob Young We are pleased to share that alumni, family and friends have raised nearly $60,000 in memory of Frank Bice. As soon as it’s safe to gather on campus again, we will celebrate Frank with a mass at the Grotto and a dedication of his

Fr Kevin Tortorelli O.F.M. has published a book with the title Listen to Him. It is a collection of Sunday contemplative encounters ­(homilies) with the Word of God, a meeting with Jesus on His terms as He reaches out to us. It contains homily ­reflections as well on Our Lady and some saints including St. Francis of Assisi. The book is available from Fr. Kevin taught at Siena from 1982 - 1992.


bench. Thank you to all who generously contributed!


Elvira Altimari-Jaeger


Lisa San Fratello McCutcheon


Cathy Casey Bjorklund Ron Bjorklund Joe Foley has published a new murder/mystery novel, The Last Laugh, and it is now available online! To order your copy you can go to ­ After Siena, Joe obtained his Juris Doctorate from New England Law in Boston where he has been practicing for the past twenty-five years. Joe and his wife, Sheila, split their time between Brookline, Massachusetts and McLean, Virginia. Brig Gen (USAF ret) ­Kenneth Todorov was ­recently promoted to ­Sector Vice President and ­General Manager of the Combat Systems and Mission Readiness division for Northrop Grumman’s ­Defense Systems. In this role his unparalleled experience and expertise in advanced missile defense are used to develop and integrate ­cutting-edge secure communications, sensing c ­ apabilities,

­protection technologies and readiness s ­ olutions for ­defense c ­ ustomers. Todorov is also a non-resident expert in national security and missile defense projects at the Center for Strategic and International Studie­s in ­Washington, D.C.


Janice Linnan


Maryann King Tony O’Rourke ran for a seat in the Vermont House of Representatives for Chittenden County to represent his fellow Vermonters in the Town of Williston. This was his first time running for an elected ­office. Tony and his wife Tammy started their own wine label, Iron Wolf Wines. Their offerings will be focused on sustainably sourced and family farmed grapes grown in the Pacific Northwest. They look forward to pouring their wines at the next Festa Vino! Judy Capano Michaelson was honored as a recipient of the 5th Annual Medical Marketing and Media Hall of Femme 2020. This award ­honors female senior healthcare ­commercial and ­marketing executives who are leaving their own indelible mark on the medical, marketing and media industry. Judy is the Managing Partner and Chief Operating Officer of Calcium.


Jim Monaghan Susan Mazzola is the ­ ehavioral Health AdminisB trative Coordinator for Mount Sinai South Nassau’s mental health clinics on Long Island. Her son Mark Rodriguez ’20 graduated from Siena in May. Mike McCartney and his practice, Adel Dental Associates, celebrated their 25th




Class of ’92 Gretchen (Zink) Zurlo, Megan O'Donnell and Mary Pat (McLoughlin) Holler met in July at the Walkway Over the Hudson to complete the Siena Alumni Virtual 5K.

Melissa Zambri ’94, an attorney at Barclay Damon, was named to the 2021 Best Lawyers in America list.

Brian Anderson ’04 was named to City & State’s latest New York City 40 Under 40 list, a list that highlights ­rising stars influencing policy.

anniversary and he is in his 19th year doing radio play-byplay for the Cook High Hornets football and baseball teams on WDDQ TALK 92.1 FM that you can listen to on the TuneIN app or at

in class flow analysis and she started her own bookkeeping business 6 years ago.



Mike Carbonaro Theresa M (Pope) Church was promoted to Research Scientist 2 in March and ­currently works for the NYS Department of Health in ­Albany at The Wadsworth Center - David Axelrod Institute in the Laboratory of Viral Diseases. We are the leads in the State for COVID19 testing.


Janet Shotter Swierbut


Maureen Harris


Mary Pat McLoughlin Holler Congratulations to Jen (­ Pearson) Kaden and Jim Kaden ’93! Jen and Jim ­celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary in August. Martha Yasso is advanced certified in QuickBooks Online with a focus on small service and trade for businesses and nonprofits. Her specialty is


Sue Hannon

Glenn Hofsess


Neil Wilcove


Brian Murray


Selena Dutcher


Janine Trapp Scotti Hi, Class of ’98! I hope this finds you and your ­family well, and you are staying healthy. I haven’t received any updates in some time; please keep us posted about career accomplishments, family milestones, or whatever you’d like to share with your classmates — my ­contact info is above!


Angela Cella


Chris Madigan



Maura Mack


Christine Cinnamond Christine.cinnamond@gmail. com Jared Bennett and A ­ laina (DeFazio) Bennet ’04 ­welcomed Leo in October.


Bill Bordak


Melissa Termine Goetz Lauren Weber Blake Hanan was featured in the Times Union edition of 20 Things, for his app Mealo, where people can order pick up or delivery at a variety of local restaurants. Brian Anderson was named to City & State’s latest New York City 40 Under 40 list, highlights rising stars influencing policy. Brian is the Director of the Department of Emergency Management and Environmental Health & Safety at Pace University and is recognized for keeping Pace students safe during the coronavirus pandemic.

Colin May ’04 was published in the McGrath Institute for Church Life by the University of Notre Dame.

In July, Jolleen Wagner became the Chief ­Character Initiatives Officer of Brilla Schools Network and S ­ eton Education Partners. In ­September she also joined the Board of Trustees at Christian Brothers Academy in Albany. Tim Macherone wed Lauren Woodcock in Lake George on October 10! Ashley (Jeffrey) Bouck had her second daughter Adrianna in January and became the CEO of the Mohawk Hudson Humane Society in May. Cliff Tironi was named the Executive Vice President of a company named Thinaer. He writes, "DevelapMe was acquired by Thinaer to form the first complete 360-­degree view of your organization. Thinaer integrates IoT generated machine data with ­real-time digital feedback from your people to help you know where you are and ­decide where you are going.” 45



Dr. Kristen Navarette ’06 was named Chair of Board of Directors for Girl Scouts of Northeastern New York (GSNENY).

Kelly Werner ’12 MD is a neonatology fellow at Yale Children’s Hospital.

Ryan Keleher and his wife Amanda welcomed Keegan Patrick Keleher on October 31.


Breanne Suhrland Elsesser Andrew Krakat and Jennifer Phillips-Krakat ’08 welcomed their third child, Zachary ­Joseph Krakat, on August 17.


Chris Elsesser Amanda Keys was listed as a top Intellectual Property Litigator for Heslin Rothenberg Farley & Mesiti P.C.


Stan Horton Kristen Carlson Rubin Sienacollegeclassof2007@ Greetings, Class of ’07! Thanks for keeping us updated and please continue to do so. It is with great sadness that we share the loss of our classmate, Joseph A. Nadeau, who passed away suddenly on February 1. Our deepest condolences to his friends and family, including his sister and our fellow Saint, Jessica Nadeau Tomov ’05. Major Nick Monuteaux, who serves in the New York Army National Guard in the 102nd Military Police Battalion, was mobilized to the Javits Center in New York City for the COVID-19 response from April 46

27 - May 31. He serves as the Battalion Executive Officer. Siena may have a future Saint headed their way! ­Kristen Fiore and her husband Chris welcomed, Benjamin Fiore Buhler on August 26. Michael Haddix, Jr. and E ­ rica (Christine) ’06 ­welcomed Michael Haddix III aka Trey in May. Mike Utzig and Danielle Grasso Utzig ’08 welcomed their first son, Matthew ­Emmett Utzig, in September. Please keep sending along updates and we will be sure to post them in the next Siena News.


Danielle Grasso Utzig Patrick Preston Anne Linley and her ­ usband welcomed Maya h Violet Carlor to the family in September. Danielle Grasso Utzig and Mike Utzig '07 welcomed their first son, Matthew ­Emmett Utzig, in September.

Larissa Bertolotti and Rory Goulding ’10 welcomed ­Sienna Rae in September. Charles Rogener and his wife Courtney welcomed S­kylar Brooke Rogener on October 10. Matt Merriam and M ­ egan (Naples) Merriam ’10 ­welcomed Adeline Elizabeth on October 27.


Kelly Peckholdt Kimberly (Bick) Etman published her first ­children’s book, Stanley’s Garden in ­September. The book is the first story in a series where Stanley explores, asks ­questions, learns and makes new friends! Visit ­­ Kathleen Digan wed Joey DeRosa at the Siena Grotto on September 12. Theresa (Wojtecki) Alonzo celebrated her one-year ­anniversary as the ­Family ­Services Manager at Head Start Community Program of Morris County. Caitlin (Sikorsky) C ­ onway and her husband Kevin ­welcomed their second child, Keira Eileen, on September 14. Keira joins big brother Kevin. Meg (O’Neill) Burns and Brian welcomed Harper Burns on November 5.



Carmen Francella III Kara Livingston Marcel Bedard

Matt and Shana DeFazio welcomed Gino Francis ­DeFazio in July. James and Elizabeth Pollock welcomed Liam Robert in July. Emma Fitzgerald and her husband welcomed Hank James on September 9.

Clarence Jackson, Jr. ’11 and Alex Natale Jackson ’14 ­welcomed Natalia Diane in July. Jessica Fama and Adrian welcomed Xavier Luis on ­September 15. Ryan and Christan ­Nicklas welcomed Riley Grace on ­September 16.

Tiffany Salonich

Caitlin (Stremel) Leone and Adam Leon welcomed Adaline Eve Leone on October 8. Dr. Alyssa Abitabile and her husband Bobby welcomed Luca Anthony in October. Nicholas DiRoma ­married Analise Palomo on ­September 19 at their house in Stamford, Connecticut. Brian D. Litz is engaged to Danielle E. Stabinski. Brian completed a second advanced master’s degree in Healthcare Data Analytics from Clarkson University. Hildy Marinello wed ­Matthew Curtin on October 2 at her parents’ home in Albany. Hildy is currently an Associate Attorney in the litigation practice group at Whiteman Osterman & Hanna LLP in Albany. Tricia Davidson and her husband Brandon Meyer ­welcomed Jack Davidson Meyer in October.


Therese Daly Hope you are doing well and safe in this crazy and scary time! Seeing all of your wonderful updates is a bright spot amongst a gloomy year. Please keep me updated by emailing or Emily (Pritchard) DeLancey is working for the Washington State Department of Commerce as the primary Budget Analyst responsible for the Housing Trust Fund, which helps to build and create affordable housing statewide. Jill Roth wed Herb Smith in an intimate wedding ceremony on September 26 at their family beach home in Beach Haven, New Jersey. Paige D. Bartholomew, an attorney for Commercial Litigation at Farrell Fritz, was selected to the 2021 The Best Lawyers in America: Ones to Watch list. Joe Kaczmarek wed Emily Curro ’13 in July.

Shaun Looney published his OP-ED, “Why systemic racism is a threat to U.S. national security” in the San Francisco Chronicle in June. Mike Savage is currently putting his environmental science education to good use by testing water samples for the County of Suffolk to ensure the samples are within DEC guidelines. When he’s not testing the water to make sure it’s safe, he’s out surfing on it. Cowabunga! Kristin Cacchioli teaches English at Hawtree Creek Middle School. She is engaged to Joseph Alvear. Jessica Wayte, PsyD and Nicholas Aiola, CPA celebrated their one-year wedding anniversary in October. ­Jessica is a school psychologist at Boces, and Nicholas runs his own accounting firm. Kelly Werner, MD is a neonatology fellow at Yale Children’s Hospital. She is the Social Chair, the Multicultural Liaison, and recently applied for a position on the board of the Yale Women’s Housestaff Organization. Emily (Pritchard) Delancey moved to Washington State where she is a Budget Analyst at the Washington State Department of Commerce. She and her husband, Shawn, completed their hike along the Appalachian Trail before marrying last May and now spend their free time hiking in the Pacific Northwest. Christina (Taranto) ­Michno wed Gerard Michno in ­August. She lives and works in ­Ossining as a paralegal. Diana Nystrom and her husband Joseph Coleman recently welcomed a baby boy, Noah, into their lives and their hearts. Diana and Joseph, who met at a school where they were both teachers, celebrated their oneyear wedding anniversary in November. Brittany (Letteriello) Dinizio and her husband

welcomed Nathan Dinizio on May 22. Neila Lachander accepted a new position as Manager at Vynamic, a Healthcare Industry Management Consulting firm, and will be moving to Boston. Prior to Vynamic, Neila was a Manager at KPMG US working in Albany. Julia Sokolohorsky got engaged to Stephen O’Leary in October. Bridget Archer and Steven Archer ’11 welcomed Avery in 2019 and she just celebrated her one-year birthday in October. Megan (Derudder) Milano and Pete Milano ’10 welcomed Madelyn Jane in October. Danielle Bowell is excited to share the news of her engagement to Matt Studer in October. He proposed on the mountain where they had had one of their first dates! Maryann Gaffuri got engaged to Eric Holton in October 2019 and they now live in Boston where Maryann works as a Practice Manager in the Department of Surgery at Newton-Wellesley Hospital. Pat Mantle and his wife Rebecca welcomed Raelynn Theresa Mantle in October. Joe Frumusa is back at Siena as Associate Director of the Annual Fund! After nearly a decade in the TV news business, which started while he was still a student, Joe is eager to be able to reconnect with his fellow classmates and show how important the Siena Annual Fund is to our community. Send him a message at if you’d like to get involved! Kelly (Girvin) Bariteau and Ty Bariteau ’11 welcomed Cooper James Bariteau on November 2. Steve Metz and wife Sarah welcomed Brennan Patrick in November. Chelsea Flaim wed James Fowler on August 8. Kaite Wilczewski wed Eric Raybon on October 3.

As for myself, Therese Daly, I am going on my third year working for the ­Senate Majority Leader, Andrea Stewart-Cousins as her Director of Correspondence. I am engaged to Christopher Assini after he proposed in front of the Capitol in Albany (by the food trucks where we met). I am getting my masters at Georgetown currently, and we adopted the cutest (I’m biased) golden retriever dog, and his name is Beckham (as in David).


Cassy Jane Werking Matt Goerl and wife ­Dakota welcomed James in ­September. After Devon A. Bruno received her degree in biology, she went on to pursue a BS and MS in Nursing. She has now achieved her childhood dream and is a licensed Family Nurse Practitioner working as a Hospitalist at Central Florida Hospitalist Partners. Melanie Garbaini works at Hudson Mohawk Hope House and is going for her CASAC. She was also recently inducted into the Phi Theta Kappa for her academic achievements and her volunteer work at the YMCA. Melissa Bellantonio earned her master’s degree in Higher Education Administration from Stony Brook University in August. Rebecca Grasso wed Matt St. Pierre ’12 in October at the Siena Chapel. Kraig Arnold and Renee Perrucci ’16 got engaged this summer. Emily Curro wed Joe ­Kaczmarek ’12 this summer. Emily was also granted tenure as an ENL teacher for the New York City Department of ­Education this year. Cassy Jane Werking was recently chosen as a fellow at the Massachusetts Historical Society in Boston.


Alyssa Grogan ’15 earned a Ph.D. in Molecular Medicine from the University of Maryland School of Medicine.

Jennifer Scalice wed Joseph Loudon this summer.


Nicole Heck Thomas Zielenski and Brittany welcomed Jackson in September. Mark Kiley joined the New York law firm Olshan Frome Wolosky LLP as a Law Clerk in October. Nicole Heck was promoted to Customer Experience Manager at Alpin Haus in September. In her new role she will be overseeing all of the recruiting and customer service needs for the entire company. Alana Strassfield moved back to the U.S. and started her MBA at the University of Washington, Foster School of Business.


Helene Rached Caroline Bertholf Max Morse wed Laurabelle Zagada ’16 on August 15. Alyssa Grogan earned a Ph.D. in Molecular Medicine from the University of ­Maryland School of Medicine. She successfully defended her thesis “Investigating the pathophysiological significance of obscurin immunoglobulin domains lg58/59 in the heart”. Congratulations! Anthony Piro wed Mia Guyette at Siena College in July. 47


Julia has been a Marketing & ­Communications Specialist for the company since she graduated from Siena.


Amy Polchinski Anthony Pelliccia Nicolette DiMaggio ’17 is an Equity Research A ­ ssociate for Willis Towers Watson and recently published her first ­fictional children's book Stock Explore. Please visit ­


Anthony Bjelke Matt Lorini Jackie Sabatino wed Eric Newton on September 5. Laurabelle Zagada wed Max Morse ’15 on August 15. Alex Reed and Alexis Von Schiller ’18 got engaged in August at the Country Club of Troy. Lauren Mazzone got engaged to Travis Perrott in June. Lauren Smith is enjoying working in the financial industry specifically in Wealth Management at Bank of New York Mellon (NYC), where she frequently collaborates with fellow Siena alumni, Tim Barker ’79 and Will Banta ’95. Lauren recently received her Certified Financial Planning (CFP) accreditation. Toni-Ann Arpino ­graduated with her master’s degree in Birth to 6th Grade Special Education and General E ­ ducation from St. Joseph’s College in November 2019. While ­getting her degree, Toni-Ann has been working as a teacher and has recently switched from teaching 4th graders to 3rd graders. Costin Thampikutty wed Michelle Prakash in the spring. Julie St. Louis got engaged to Greg Kline in October. They met while working for Aquatic Development Group. 48

Rebecca Sullivan received her master’s degree in TESOL from Stony Brook University in May and is now teaching ENL and Spanish at a high school on Long Island. Bryan Niebanck is now a pastor at Zion United Church of Christ, Fireside, in ­Bellevue, Ohio, after ­having graduated from Ashland Theological Seminary in 2020. Abby Hutton and her husband Gavin purchased a home in Attleboro, Massachusetts and just celebrated their ­one-year anniversary. Cat Cazzari and Zack Zyskowski got engaged on October 10.


Ali Digena Farrah Leone graduated from Stony Brook University’s School of Marine and Atmospheric Science with a Master of Arts in Marine ­Conservation & Policy. Nicole Sedran ­graduated from the University of ­Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science with a Master of ­Professional ­Science in Marine ­Conservation and started an environmental educator job for the NYS Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation at the Taconic Outdoor Education Center. Cody McEneny ­Ingraham graduated from George ­Washington University with his master’s degree in History and a concentration in American Legal History. He recently published his master’s thesis titled, “First in War, First in Peace, First in Retirement:

How George Washington Shaped the Political Influence of the Post-Presidency.” Kelsey DelMastro was engaged in August to Eliseo Baldizzi ’17. Serene Medina graduated with a Master of S ­ cience in Network and ­Computer ­Security from SUNY ­Polytechnic Institute.


Megan Kelly Patrick Moran


Brianna Brown Zach Brimmer Anna Kuhne got engaged to Evans Kibet in October. Alanna DiFiglia started as an Assistant Manager at ­Express LLC. Andraya Perez started a position at City Year Americorps. Christopher Adams is a ­Senior Premier Lead at Zones. Kaley Brindisi teaches math at Schalmont High School. Riley Williams works at The Plastic Surgery Center at ­Williams. Tanner Streb is a Staff ­Accountant at Ultimus ­Leverpoint. Sydney Geddes is an ­Analyst at Ayco, A Goldman Sachs Company. Zainab Raza is a Field ­Engineer at CS Energy. Amber O’Regan started as a National Park Ranger at Petrified Forest National Park in Arizona. She fell in love with the state and decided to stay and become a middle school science teacher in Phoenix. Sarah Ellis is an Audit ­Associate at KPMG. Alexandria More is a Health Home Care Coordinator at Whitney M. Young Health Center. Brianna Thomas is a 9th Grade Global teacher at Legacy College Prep Charter School in the Bronx.

Lexie Lill is a Project Scientist at TRC Companies, Inc. Julia Montgomery works for the Oceanside School District in Long Island as a 7th and 8th grade English teacher while pursuing her master’s degree in TESOL at Molloy College. Clare Foertsch is enrolled in the Aquinas Fellowship Program — receiving her master’s degree at Fairfield University while working in a Catholic School. Brianna Brown is working towards her MBA at Siena in Strategic Management and as a Grad Assistant. Grace Nicastro is a F ­ inancial Analyst at Ayco, A Goldman Sachs Company. Skyler Bullard says graduating during a pandemic was bittersweet and was hired as an Assistant Store Manager at Sherwin Williams Paint Store. Elijah Sullivan works for the US Federal Government as a Budget Officer. Nicholas Desautels started a new position at his father’s State Farm Agency, helping him open the business in ­September. His degree has been immensely helpful throughout this process as ­different problems and situations have arisen, and his experience at Siena has helped him solve them. Shannon Gizzi is studying for her MSW in the Advanced Standing program at St. Rose and is interning with clinical social workers and mental health therapists and counselors at St. Catherine’s Center for Children. Joel Madru is a Graduate Assistant for Residence Life & Esports Coach at Saint Leo University, Florida and is working towards his MBA in Data Analytics. Brianna Davis started as a Cloud Developer in the Digital Technology Leadership ­Program at GE. Jamie Mutinsky is a ­Financial Planning Associate at Emissary Wealth.


The former residents of Town House 22 often reminisce about a classic photo of our party during the countdown to graduation in 1994. Ryan Sgroi ’20 brilliantly arranged an update of our classic photo with the current residents of the residence.

Morgann Barker is working at Albany Urologic Oncology as a Medical Assistant to two doctors. She mentions that she really enjoys her job while pursuing her dream of becoming a Physician Assistant. Caitlin Florio is attending the University of Texas at El Paso for a master’s degree in Literacy Education and is ­pursuing an alternative certification to become a teacher and eventually a literacy coach in the state of Texas. Ava Kilmer was hired as a QA Tester at Vicarious V ­ isions and adopted a rescue dog ­during the pandemic. Meng Jie Ni is a Staff ­Accountant for Ultimus ­LeverPoint. Marissa Calcutti is a math teacher in the Troy City School District, Alternative Learning Program. Cassie Summo was hired as an Advisory Associate at KPMG. Matthew Scolaro started as a Social Media Manager at ­Doctor’s Internet. Andreas Rosnes is attending the Norwegian University of Science and Technology ­pursuing a MSc of Physics. It is a two year long program where she will be specializing in Materials Physics through research on third generation solar cells. She also mentions she continues to play soccer overseas as well. Krista Rizzo is studying for the first Actuarial Exam,

Siena College mourns the loss of the following members of our community:

Exam P and has been keeping in ­contact and visiting friends from Siena! Meghan Lemelin was hired as a Spanish teacher at ­Mechanicville School. Myrlandy Surprise started medical school at Albany Medical College. Lucian Williams is a ­Bioengineering Ph.D. ­candidate at Clemson ­University, performing research in a ­neurological nanomedicine laboratory. Focusing on CRISPR/Cas9 delivery. Jensen McLenithan was hired as a Marketing Assistant at SKS Bottle & Packaging, Inc in Saratoga Springs. Lindsay Nugent is a ­Jesuit Volunteer/AmeriCorps ­Member for Jesuit Volunteer Corps Northwest working as a Job Support Specialist with ­Missoula Works in Missoula, Montana. Alexander Ferrer mentions she will be moving to Arizona and would love to know if any 2020 grads live around the area! Lai-Yee Yau is a Senior ­Accountant at NYSTRS. Dakota Wilkinson started at Albany Medical College and is loving it so far. Madison Kappel enrolled in the Siena MBA program. Zach Brimmer was ­appointed Executive ­Assistant to Siena President Dr. Chris Gibson ’86. Zach is also ­pursuing his MBA at Siena.

Metro Myresko ’46

Michael Tabacco ’64

Lawrence Corbett ’48

Sr. Mary Grace O'Neil ’65

Peter Sawick ’48

Kenneth Philo, II ’65

Joseph Torrisi ’48

Richard Tentor ’65

Dr. Earle Flatt ’49

James Powers, Ph.D. ’66

John Gilmartin ’49

James Connolly ’67

Thomas Haselsteiner ’49

Dorothy Henwood ’67

Arthur Dunn ’50

Robert Merges ’68

Daniel McDonald ’50

Willard Stone ’68

Edward Winnicki ’50

Joseph Kroboth ’69

John Hogan ’51

Francis Hanlon ’70

Paul Murray ’51

Richard Amico ’71

Leo Nicolai ’51

Peter Gwilt ’71

Leo Ratka ’51

Timothy Mullens ’71

Stephen Smatlak ’51

Kenneth Blackman ’73

Joseph Yakaitis ’51

Timothy Murphy ’74

Alfred Klein ’53

Hannah Winney ’74

Anthony Morra ’53

Joan Connell ’75

Gordon Sanders ’54

James Zinkovitch ’75

Martin Chauvin ’55

Michael Walsh ’76

Charles Farone ’55

Neil Stoebling ’77

John Kennedy ’55

Michael Jordan ’78

Joseph Platukis ’56

Edith Benjamin ’79

Norman Farrell ’57

Marcus Burdick ’80

John Hogan ’57

Joseph Cupolo ’80

Stephen Krill ’57

Rebecca Almstead ’82

Major James Ryan, III USA (Ret.) ’57

James Davey ’82

Bernard Shannon ’57

Neal Benoit ’83

Robert Baldes ’58

Donald Diamond ’83

Robert Nusplinger ’58

Donna Jean Henline ’83

James Cronin ’59

John Miller ’88

Joseph Early ’59

Michael Giovannone ’92

Robert Heitzman ’59

Keith Heller ’94

Daniel Sickles ’59

Elizabeth Barton ’97

Jack Tooher ’59

Christopher Goyette ’00

Holbrook Bissell, Jr. ’60

Nicholas Riley, Sr. ’02

Bernard Ryan, Jr. ’60

Adam Davis ’12

Edward Green ’61

Joseph Pastore, Ph.D. ’12 HON

William Salomone ‘61 Merrick Shook ’61 James Fay ’63 Lt. Col. David Mooney ’63 John Di Carlo ’64 Allan Perry ’64

Linda Farina ’82

Fr. Reginald Reddy OFM, Associate Professor of Physics Francis V. Madigan, Jr., Professor Emeritus of English


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