Siena News Fall 2007

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A Time To Begin Again

SIENA Board of Trustees


Ronald E. Bjorklund ’85 Michael Bucci ’73 Robert F. Campbell ’66


Beverly A. Carroll Robert M. Curley Robert T. Cushing ’77 Susan Law Dake Virginia L. Darrow ’83 John J. Dawson, Esq. ’68 Scott C. Donnelly

Begining Again

Howard S. Foote ’74 Robert L. Guido ’68 Rosanne M. Hall, Esq.


Douglas T. Hickey ’77 Rev. Kenneth R. Himes ’71, O.F.M., Ph.D.

Beginning Again...........................4

Gary C. Holle ’77

A Franciscan Welcome.............8

Edward J. Johnson ’63

Pilgrimmage to Assisi Reinforces Siena Education......9

Alberto C. Mariaca ’60 Rev. Jerome J. Massimino, O.F.M.

The Career Builder.............. ....10

Pamela McCarthy Robert J. McCormick ’87

Realizing Mae’s Potential.......11

Susan M. Merritt, R.D.C., Ph.D. Rev. Dominic V. Monti, O.F.M., Ph.D.

Discovering an Undying Passion........................................12

James J. Morrell ’66

A View from History..............13

Very Rev. Kevin J. Mullen ’75, O.F.M., Ph.D. John F. Murray ’79 John J. Nigro


A Family Affair

Very Rev. John F. O’Connor, O.F.M., LL.D.

A Promising Future.................17 A Fateful Gift............................18

Walter A. Osterman ’87

Leading to Learn......................20

Joseph M. Pastore, Jr., Ph.D.

Advocating for the Scientist.......................................21

Kenneth M. Raymond, Jr. Rev. Peter A. Schneible, O.F.M., Ph.D.

Cleaning Up our Community................................22

Michelle M. Schoulder ’99 Christine L. Standish

Distinguished Jurist Drawing Rave Reviews............................24

Br. Daniel P. Sulmasy, O.F.M., M.D., Ph.D. Dennis L. Winger ’69 The Siena News - Fall 2007 Published by Siena College, 515 Loudon Road, Loudonville, NY 12211-1462 • Email: • Publisher: Noel Hogan • Editor: Ned Jones • Contributing Editors: James Eaton, Allison Maloney ’06, Fr. Kevin Mullen ’75, O.F.M., Jason Rich ’98, John Sise ’75 • Director of Art & Design: Sergio Sericolo • Alumni Class Notes Editor: Ashley Dwyer ’08, Katie Sokol ’08 and Nathan Maloney ’00 • Photography: Sergio Sericolo, Jim Eaton, Mike Hemberger • Special Thanks: Dr. Len Cutler, Krzysztof Drzymalski ’08, Heather Flood ’09, Taylor Kahnke ’08, Jolleen Wagner ’04. • Printer: The Lane Press, Burlington,VT.

A Family Affair.........................15

High Expectation for Young Team...............................34 Optimism Surrounds Women’s Basketball Squad......35


A Fateful Gift

Men’s and Women’s Basketball Schedules....................Back Cover

DEPARTMENTS Short Takes...........................14, 23 Planned Giving..........................33 Alumni: Fall Class Notes..25-32 Siena News • 2


“To begin again”St. Francis of Assisi This is the phrase that is echoing on our campus these days – in hallways, classrooms, offices, The Promethean, and residence halls; as you will see in this issue, it was the theme of my inauguration. It is a line that I have quoted often since June and a theme on which I intend to base my presidency. You may be wondering what this means for Siena. To me, these words are not about starting over, but rather a renewed energy for living our mission, a new direction founded in what is already Siena College. The Siena we know and love is the same core experience today as it was 70 years ago. This is a community that shapes students’ answers to the question, “Who am I?” A community that instills in them the spirit of a “Saint,” inciting the question, “What can I do to make a difference and how can I do it?” A community that inspires students to seek and then engage the answers, creating a brighter future for us all. With this foundation, we have been able to achieve great things as a college. However, there is much more work to be done. We can’t rest upon our achievements. Instead, we must relentlessly seek improvement in all that we do. We must be innovative, and we must prepare our students for a world marked by rapid change. To do this, I can think of no stronger foundation than the one we have already established. And so, let us begin again. Fraternally,

Fr. Kevin Mullen, O.F.M.

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Beginning Again An unprecedented number of students, honored guests from 75 colleges, a sea of academic colors, and a celebration of Siena College’s 70 year history, made the Inauguration our 10th President, Fr. Kevin Mullen, O.F.M., Ph.D., ’75 an event that will not soon be forgotten. Siena News • 4

An unprecedented number of students and honored guests from 75 colleges, amid a sea of academic colors, made the inauguration of our tenth president, Fr. Kevin Mullen, O.F.M., Ph.D., ’75 an event to remember. The last five presidents of Siena College, the Honorary Grand Marshal, Dr. Richard Mullen, his brother friars of the Holy Name Province and the greater community all gathered to witness the installation of the new president. However, as Fr. Kevin quipped, “This is not the Kevin Mullen show.” This day was about honoring the rich past of Siena College, reflecting on the mission, and then looking towards the future. Fr. Kenneth Himes, O.F.M., ’71, chair of the department of theology at Boston College, gave the keynote address in which he recognized the significance of a liberal arts college with Catholic and Franciscan traditions in today’s world. “The great traditions that shape Siena College Above: Father Kevin poses with his predecessors. Left to right, Fathers Matthew McConville, Kevin Mackin, Kevin Mullen, Matthew Conlin, and Hugh Hines. Middle: The platform party congratualtes Fr. Kevin. Below: Faculty and Administrators take their seats after processing into the ARC.

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must constantly remind us that we are here for the sake of those who are not here. We must study and learn and become wise for the benefit of those who will never sit inside a classroom, for those who will never own a book of their own, for those who are not literate,” warned Himes, “The traditions of the liberal arts, Catholicism, and Franciscanism must conspire to enlarge the scope of our vision and depth of our compassion or they will have failed us. They will have failed the great project of education – to improve the lot of humankind.”

Fr. Kevin began his address by acknowledging Siena’s many accomplishments and the contributions of the past presidents. Then he got right to the point: “I stand here before you today as one lucky man who has been asked to serve a school that helped to shape and to form me as a person and as a Franciscan friar. In turn, I hope to give my all to the Siena community so that I may, in some respect, demonstrate the gratitude t h a t I feel for Siena College.” Top right: Fr. Kevin’s niece and nephew slap hands after their uncle is officially inaugurated. Middle left: Students stop to take photos in their robes. Middle Right: Joe Hansen, president of the student senate, presents Fr. Kevin with a plaque featuring Siena’s mission. The plaque is now displayed outside of the president’s office in Siena Hall. Right: Fellow college presidents gather to celebrate the inauguration of Fr. Kevin and Siena. Siena News • 6

“The great traditions that shape Siena College must constantly remind us that we are here for the sake of those who are not here. We must study and learn and become wise for the benefit of those who will never sit inside a classroom, for those who will never own a book of their own, for those who are not literate,” warned Himes, “

Top right: Fr. Ken Himes ’71 delivers the keynote address. Above: Professor Jim Matthews leads the procession into the ARC. Middle right: Faculty members participate in the inauguration festivities. Tim Hannigan, class of 2008 president, brings some enthusiasm to the line-up.

Addressing the vitality of our mission and his call to begin again, Fr. Kevin said, “An education at Siena College is a true collegial experience where faculty and students learn together in a collaborative process. Ours is an education that celebrates the values that Francis and Clare of Assisi introduced into the world of the thirteenth century and that continue to inspire men and women today. Within this value system, the poor of the world have a privileged place – they are not threats or burdens, but they are like all of us and they are our brothers and sisters. As a Catholic college, we champion an intellectual tradition that recognizes that faith and reason exist, not as polar opposites, but in a reciprocal relationship that will ultimately lead one to truth.” With this as our tradition, Fr. Kevin believes Siena has the strength to impact people in ways not yet imagined, “Siena College has every reason to be confident as it looks ahead into the twenty-first century and beyond. Our future is bright because we are diligently working according to our mission and drawing wisdom and insight from our heritage.” “And so, let us begin again….” Siena News • 7

A Franciscan Welcome When J. Patrick Barrett ’59 graduated high school, the most important thing in his life was basketball – that is, until he stepped foot on Siena’s campus. One of 13 high school graduates from a small rural town in northern New York, whose mother supported the family on a $2,000 yearly teaching salary, Pat was a week late for the start of classes because he did not know if he could afford a college degree. “I didn’t have a place to live. I was tired. I was more than a little bit scared.” Enter Fr. Vianney Vormwald, O.F.M., a Franciscan living and teaching at Siena. Fr. Vianney found Pat a room to rent, showed him around campus, arranged for an academic scholarship

investments; and comprehensive financial planning and advisory services. However, as he tells it, his success started on a lonely September night when he was introduced to a community that gave students like him personal attention, encouraged individuality and creativity, fostered potential, and underlined the idea that “we are indeed our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers’.” It is in this tradition that Pat and his wife, Christine, established a scholarship recognizing Father Vianney’s deep personal concern for Siena students during his 23 years at the college. Much as Fr. Vianney had done himself during his time at the college, the endowment continues to welcome students to Siena today. The generosity of Pat and Chris did not end with the Vormwald, OFM scholarship endowment. In fact, it flourished. In the late

“He became my mentor, and later, my trusted friend. He changed my life,” - Pat Barrett ‘59 and, most importantly, “He became my mentor, and later, my trusted friend. He changed my life,” said Pat. After his years at Siena, Pat worked to become CEO and chairman of the multinational car rental company, Avis. Active on the political scene, Barrett was appointed by President Ronald Reagan as a member of the President’s Board of Advisors on Private Sector Initiatives in 1987. At President Reagan’s request, he also chaired the Vote America Program. He was elected chairman of the New York Republican State Committee, a post he held until 1991. Pat has also served as chair of Siena’s Board of Trustees. Pat now serves as chairman of the board of directors of Lincoln National Corporation (marketing name-Lincoln Financial Group: NYSE: LNC). Headquartered in Philadelphia, LNC is a Fortune 200 company with assets under management of $237 billion. Through its affiliated companies, Lincoln Financial Group offers: annuities; life, group line and disability insurance; 401 (K) and 403 (B) plans; savings plans, mutual funds; managed accounts; institutional

1980’s the Barrett’s made the first million dollar gift to Siena. This gift was made while Pat was Siena Chair, Board of Trustees, and was given in honor of then President, Hugh F. Hines, OFM (Hines Hall). In subsequent years, they have issued leadership campaign “challenges” to spur on and support-other endowed scholarship efforts, as well as young Siena philanthropy in campaigns. They are yearly leadership donors to Siena’s Annual Fund (unrestricted support)and always say “yes” to hosting and underwriting Siena receptions and dinners at their Syracuse home and other venues. The have been, and will forever remain-Siena Saints! In 1988, Pat was honored to be asked to be Siena’s commencement speaker. He told the students, “Be as proud of Siena as we are of you. No matter where life takes you…remember Siena, remember the Franciscans, and remember you always have a friend here.”

Above: Patrick Barrett ’59 credits Fr. Vianney Vormwald, O.F.M. (bottom left) for the success he has enjoyed in his career. Bottom: Barrett and past president, Fr. Hugh Hines, O.F.M. outside of Siena Hall. Siena News • 8

Pilgrimage to Assisi Reinforces Siena Education Last May, Heather Flood ’09 was chosen as the first recipient of The Way of St. Francis Award and participated in a 13-day pilgrimage to Assisi, Italy. She was chosen based on her commitment to the Franciscan tradition and values, involvement in service and active participation in the spiritual life on campus. “This trip gave me the opportunity to feel the spiritual energy that truly exists in the sanctuaries and streets that St. Clare and St. Francis grew up in,” Heather said. “It was an amazing experience to go to a place that I had heard so much about at Siena.” Traveling to Italy was Heather’s first experience abroad. Instead of being a tourist, she was considered a pilgrim. “I was without a computer and cell phone which allowed me to focus on what was right in front of me,” she said. Without her daily distractions, she focused on the faith journey and learned more about St. Francis, St. Clare, the Franciscan tradition and her relationship with God and the world. During her pilgrimage she visited numerous churches, interacted with locals and enjoyed homecooked meals. “The people I met, like Sr. Marie Michelle (a fellow pilgrim) and many of the locals,

taught me that my relationship with God is a struggle; the journey is not easy, but that’s what makes it worthwhile,” Heather said. She was impressed by how important religion is in the Italian culture. When her group arrived in Assisi, they started each day with a morning prayer on the roof garden of Casa Papa Giovanni. “As we sat for prayer, it was amazing to look at the same rolling hills that St. Francis and St. Clare set their eyes on during their lifetime,” she said. This journey enabled her to look at her life objectively through prayer, journaling and being receptive to the Holy presence of God. “I recorded the events of each day and my feelings so I will never forget how inspirational this pilgrimage was for me,” she said. “It made me want to be a proactive servant-leader like St. Francis and St. Clare were. It also taught me that I need to slow down and enjoy the ride of life.” Prior to this trip, service was important to Heather. After this trip, she now sees service as “the easiest and sometimes most rewarding way of showing your faith.” In her last journal article she wrote: “In today’s world, people are often motivated by ‘what’s in it for me,’ but in order to truly serve others, we need to think outside of that and serve out of the goodness of our hearts. That is the only way to show service as an act of faith. I might be saying this with rose-colored glasses on, but if more people acted this way, the world would be a kinder place with less hatred.”

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The Career Builder In 1987, Robert “Bob” Campbell ’66 moved from New York City to take a job at First Albany Corporation in its Institutional Bond Department. Not long after, he had an idea that would change the future of his and many others’ careers. “I approached First Albany with the prospect of instituting a Capital Markets Division, a connected yet autonomous business within their business,” he said. “I knew it would be a mutuallybeneficial arrangement – a win-win.” Campbell, who became managing director of the Capital Markets Division at First Albany, came from humble beginnings and viewed the hunger to succeed and the willingness to learn as more important than previous experience or accomplishment. He hired employees based on character and integrity. “I thought if I could find honest, hardworking people, then the business would succeed,” he said. “We had a group of people who were team players at First Albany and as a result the company exploded beyond our wildest imagination.” These team players created a family-like atmosphere in the work place where applying business ethics was highly valued. In order to do this, Campbell hired people like Laurie McMullen ’96, Brian McGuiness ’89, Mark Mottolese ’86 and Carol Lynch ’87 who credit Campbell’s leadership skills for the company’s success. “Bob gave me the chance to test myself in the highly competitive environment of bond trading,” McGuiness said. “This opportunity gave me confidence and helped me realize that I was capable of doing more in this field.” “Bob not only gave me the opportunity to work with him and many other amazing people, he helped me grow,” McMullen said. “Bob showed that it was possible

to be successful while applying good morals to your business and life.” Today, Campbell serves on Siena’s Board of Trustees where he continues to promote what is important to him. “To Bob, family comes first. People are most important. Community is also important,” Bob Klein ’68, director of development at Siena College said. “Bob leads by example, with humility, honesty, integrity and fairness. That’s Bob and that’s Siena.”

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Realizing Mae’s Potential Mae D’Agostino ’77 came to Siena College as a quiet and introverted 18-year-old who was unsure of what she wanted to major in. Today, she is an award-winning lawyer and partner at D’Agostino, Krackeler, Baynes & Maguire, P.C., whose practice areas include medical malpractice, healthcare, negligence, personal injury and discrimination. “Siena will always be in my heart,” Mae said. “Professors like Dr. Leonard Cutler helped build my confidence and social skills while giving me a solid undergraduate education.” At Siena, Dr. Cutler took notice of this shy, talented young person and encouraged her to get involved in Model United Nations and the Student Senate. “Mae was a very bright student and a perfectionist,” Dr. Cutler noted. “We had very healthy dialogues inside and outside of the classroom.” Mae followed Dr. Cutler’s advice and joined Siena’s Model United Nations team. Eventually, she became the head delegate and excelled at the national level earning the Outstanding Delegate Award given by the Harvard National Model UN. When it came time to apply to law school, Dr. Cutler worked closely with Mae on the law school application process. “Dr. Cutler helped get me into Syracuse Law School. I was always impressed by how he fought for all of his students,” Mae said. While attending Syracuse, Mae joined their Moot Court/Mock Trial and grabbed Leon Jaworksi’s attention (most widely remembered for arguing the case of United States v. Nixon before the United States Supreme Court in 1974). “He offered me a job at his law firm in Houston, Texas, but I wanted to stay in the Northeast,” she explained. After graduating from Syracuse Law School, Mae became a partner at an Albany law firm before forming her own

firm in 1997 with Rich Maguire ’86, Brendan Baynes and Christine Krackeler. Her career has been filled with accolades such as the International Academy of Trial Lawyers Award, the 1989 Young Lawyer Award from New York State, the Albany Chamber of Commerce Award for Excellence in the Professions, the Distinguished Alumnae Award from Siena College and the Best Lawyers in America, 2005-2007. Mae, who balances the demands of being a mother and a lawyer, remains involved with the college by supporting the pre-law mentoring program, and her firm sponsors the Distinguished Jurist in Residence Program. Her niece, Amanda Kuryluk ’07, who credits her aunt for inspiring her to attend Siena and study law, is a first-year student at Claude W. Pettit College of Law in Ohio. Mae’s son, Ted, is an eighth- grader and has been attending Siena basketball games with her since he was a 1year-old. “Siena is a great place that challenged me inside and outside of the classroom. Here we are 30 years later, and I’m still in touch with Dr. Cutler,” Mae said. “After all, he played a large role in making my career possible.”

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Discovering an Undying Passion Erin Frazee ’08 figured she would end up being a doctor. She liked biology in high school and the biology courses she began taking at Siena fueled her interest further. However, in a Religion and Science course that she took with Dr. Dickens, professor of religious studies, she began relating to patient’s perspective rather than the physician’s. She found herself asking, “When people go into the hospital for treatment, what do they think about?” She’s been able to search for the answer in her religious studies courses, and now, one- of-a-kind summer job. “When there is even a slight chance of death, people are thinking about God or another higher power, and the line between science and medicine is not as distinct as we would like to believe,” explained Erin. In her Morals and Medicine class, she was able to discuss and debate this topic with her classmates and Dr. Daly, professor of religious studies and director of the college-wide honors program. With healthcare evolving at such a rapid pace, Erin felt strongly about bringing attention to ethical dilemmas, including providing the right end-of-life care for patients; she took action by applying for a summer legal fellowship. Dr. Leonard Cutler placed her at Western New England College of Law in Massachusetts, a state where end-of-life legislation is lagging behind many other states. Erin studied every written document concerning life and death decision making that she could get her hands on. Then, she made recommendations for improving legislation in the commonwealth. Her major recommendation was for Massachusetts to replace its healthcare proxy laws with more comprehensive legislation that includes the adoption of living wills. “When properly expressed,

having a loved one’s wishes written down or recorded in the medical records can make endof-life decisions much smoother for the family and healthcare provider and will ensure that their patient’s dignity and worth is honored,” explained Erin. “Although most people still do not take advantage of these advanced directives, even if they are available to them, I hope my research encourages people to start.” Her next step in bringing attention to their importance is her honors thesis, which will expand her study of the thin line between religion and science. Beyond Siena, she is considering law school. However, some things are certain – Erin has found what she’s passionate about and can’t wait to explore bioethics further.

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A View from History Imagine a place that allows our past to give us the creativity and inspiration to change the way we live our lives today. This is what Tara Heffernan ’09 wants to make a reality at America’s museums and historical sites. This summer, she had the opportunity to begin her crusade by interning at the Shaker Heritage Society. Over the years, the SHS has collected over a thousand historical artifacts, but they did not have the time to care for them; they

needed someone with a love and appreciation for the story behind each item, someone with a desire to share this with others. With the encouragement of Dr. Karen Mahar, co-director of the American studies department, Tara decided to give the graduate-level work a try. She spent her summer in the attic of the restored meeting house, alone more often than not, examining, photographing and documenting each item. “I loved working with the artifacts,” said Tara, “I had the chance to play with history, literally.” The final product of her diligent work is a binder citing the accessions and descriptions of over 900 items. She studied and re-housed each one in safe environments. Tara felt that the preservation of these artifacts was the most important aspect of her internship. Through numerous letters and cards she learned what it meant to be a Shaker. She said, “I saw how they embraced innovation and technology, but always cared for the individual. They valued efficiency and quality in their work. They welcomed all people, including African Americans seeking refuge on the Underground Railroad.” Tara was also attracted to the SHS because of its emphasis on education. “This isn’t a museum with things hanging on the walls to look at. The volunteers, in Shaker dress, take visitors on guided educational tours of the compound. They show them what it was like to be a Shaker.” “I am grateful for such an in-depth experience that taught me about how the museum world works and about the importance of sharing history with people through them,” said Tara.

Tara documented over 900 historic artifacts as an undergraduate intern. Above: Tara poses with stored artifacts, a Shaker Heritage Society volunteer leads a tour of the Shaker site, Tara with her professor and mentor, Dr. Karen Mahar, co-director of the American Studies program. Siena News • 13


English Professor Nominated for Pulitzer Prize Naton Leslie, professor of English, has published a collection of poetry titled Emma Saves Her Life. The collection, a 12-year project, has been nominated for a Pulitzer Prize in poetry. “I’m honored to have my work considered for a Pulitzer Prize,” Nate said. His book contains poems based on letters from his grandmother, an Appalachian farm woman with a wealth of stories to share. The collection, his eighth book of poetry, is currently being used in the Women in Literature class in the English Department. He is also at work on a one-woman play based on the stories in the book.

Student Wins International Photography Award Eric Scalzo ’08 won the American Institute for Foreign Study 2008-2009 Capture the Culture photo contest. As the winner, he received a $500 prize. Eric’s winning photo was taken in Lesotho, South Africa, during a semester abroad in 2006. “The kids in the photo knew a little English from their mission school,” said Scalzo, “and they were asking me how to spell different words in the dirt with a stick. They were very focused on words that revolved around the family like mother, father and sister. It was a great experience, and a great trip.”

Students Present Research and Faculty Member Honored at Conference This fall, five sociology majors presented their research and Dr. Paul Murray, professor of sociology, was honored at the 55th annual meeting of the New York State Sociological Association in Brooklyn. Megan Schienberg ’08 presented a research paper on “Residents versus Commuters: Who Performs Better in College?” Aileen Fitzgerald ’08 shared the results of her survey, “Women in Combat: A Study of Attitudes toward Women in Combat Roles.” Kelly Sullivan ’08 discussed the results of her survey, “Is there a Double Standard? Attitudes of Fairfield, Connecticut Residents toward StayAt-Home Fathers.” Jason Jemiola ’08 explored the implications of his research on “How Do People Vote?” and Vinnie Leibell ’08 examined “Gun Control and Violent Crime.” The students conducted these studies under the supervision of Dr. Murray who was recognized for his “professional commitment, excellence, and distinguished service” by the New York State Sociological Association. Siena News • 14

A Family Affair On September 10, Richard Ognibene ’85 was named by the New York State Board of Regents as The New York State Teacher of the Year, its highest award for educational professionals. This marks the second time a Siena graduate has received this prestigious award; Elizabeth Day ’75 was the 2005 recipient. Siena College is the only institution in the state to have graduated two Teachers of the Year. When Richard talks about teaching and learning, he speaks about a lifelong education that he was fortunate enough to receive and providing the same for his students at Fairport High School in Fairport, N.Y. “The long term goal of teaching is helping students selfactualize to be the best at whatever they are good at. Ten years from now, your students may have forgotten the chemistry you taught, but if you can help them in other avenues of their life, help them to become critical thinkers, gain selfconfidence and become good citizens, that’s the stuff they carry with them.” The idea of learning for life is something Richard learned at Siena and while growing up engaged in an unending series of intellectual conversations sparked by his parents, both professors at Siena. “When our children were growing up, we entertained a lot. Many of these dinners were with our colleagues. We never put the children in another room. They sat at the table. They participated in the conversation. They experienced many people, disciplines and

ideologies,” described Dr. Richard Ognibene, professor of education. Dr. Elaine Ognibene, professor of English, added, “Our family often extended to our students; if we had kids in class who needed a meal or emotional support we would invite them to our home. My husband and I would go to bed and our children would still be up talking to the Siena students.” You could say Richard grew up with Siena, yet, like so many alumni, he describes it as a place he fell in love with as a student. “It’s a beautiful campus with kind and caring people. It has a nur-

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“Teaching is an art, a science and a passion. It is the noblest profession in the world because teachers provide hope for our future. That is why I was drawn to teaching and that is why I stay. I love the excitement of knowing that if I do my job well I will change people’s lives for the better.” – Richard Ognibene ’85

turing environment that was very important to me; I try to create that environment in my classroom. Looking back, I place a lot of value on the exposure to liberal arts courses. Even as a science major, I gained broad ideas of the world which have made me a better chemist and a better teacher.” The significant role that social justice plays in a Siena education was especially important to Richard, “The sense of working for something that is fair and just is an ethos of this campus and it has carried me forward in my life. It is something I try to bring into my classes and teach my students.” In his district, Richard is a leading advocate for respect and tolerance in the classroom. Twelve years ago, Richard and three colleagues began a program in their high school called “Brotherhood/Sisterhood Week.” It is based on what they call CARE: civility, awareness of others, respect, and embracing differences. The program has now spread to all schools in their district and includes assemblies, lectures, music and art. The high school students teach these concepts to the elementary students. “It has transformed our district. It turned a large, disconnected district into a close-knit learning family,” he said. Although he lives in Rochester with his partner, Matt Fleig, a family practice physician, Richard’s honor will take him all over the state and to the nation’s capital. In Washington D.C., he will participate in four weeks of conferences with the Teachers of the Year from all the states. Their conversations will affect na-

Above: New York State Governor Eliott Spitzer honored Richard Ognibene ’85 as the 2008 New York State Teacher of the Year.

tional educational policy and allow the nation’s top teachers to share best practices with each other. Richard will also be considered for the National Teacher of the Year award. His term as NYS Teacher of the Year will include a speaking tour at colleges and events throughout the state. Richard pointed to Elizabeth Day ’75, for providing him with important guidance and advice. “She has been a great mentor in this undertaking,” said Richard.

Left to right: Dr. Richard Ognibene, professor of education, Elaine Ognibene, professor of english and their son Richard Ognibene. Dr. Richard Ognibene Ed.D, history of education, University of Rochester • Assistant professor of education and department chair, 1972- 1977 • Professor of education, 2001-current • Dean of the School of Liberal Arts, 2002-2004 Dr. Elaine Ognibene Ph.D., rhetoric and communication, Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute • Instructor, assistant and associate professor of English, 1973-1987 • Professor of English, 1987-current • Director of Women and Minority Studies at Siena College, 1984-1988 • Siena College Teacher of the Year Award, 1995 Siena News • 16

A Promising Future

Antonella Martuccio ’08, recipient of the “Future Teacher” award, teaches math to eighth grade students. When Antonella Martuccio ’08 is asked why she has decided to become a teacher she simply responds, “I consider the ability to teach a gift.” Like many of her peers, she struggled with the question, “What will I do with a math major?” She considered actuarial science and business, but when she got right down to it, her desire to “share the ‘wow’ that math has to offer” made it an easy decision to become a teacher. Her enthusiasm for math and the potential to make a difference in the lives of generations of students to come was recently recognized by the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, which awarded Antonella their prestigious “Future Teacher” award. Antonella came to Siena for two reasons: it was a place where she felt strongly that there would always be someone she could go to and the education program allowed her to be a math major first and pursue education second. She quickly found out she was right. Antonella especially appreciated the professors’ relationships with students, “I always go to Professor James Matthews to talk math. He has a passion for it and makes it easy to connect to that passion. But, it’s not just him; all of my teachers have been willing to help me.” When she went into an eighth grade classroom, she said, “The first two days were terrifying. Then I realized I had the math skills and the teaching skills I needed to educate these kids. I just had to get in there and do it.” Besides participating in the teacher preparation program, she instructs Higher Education Opportunity

Program students in college math and directs group tutoring sessions for computer science and math students seeking extra help. Last year, she joined Students In Free Enterprise, an organization that provides tools for business majors to learn the free enterprise system in real-world situations. “Unexpectedly, education popped up everywhere,” she said. Antonella was given the responsibility of organizing six business lessons for Siena’s Urban Scholars Program for underprivileged students. She taught her students business skills and emphasized the importance of education. On the last day of the program, she got what she calls her “ultimate success story.” “A student named Monique thanked me for giving her hope,” Antonella explained, “Her parents never attended college, each worked more then one job and struggled to provide for her family. Monique never considered college as an option. In teaching Monique how achieving good grades can lead to scholarships and how the government provides financial aid, I helped her discover that nursing school is not as far out of reach as she thought.” Antonella is currently applying to the education literacy program at Pace University. “Educational literacy is the next step in becoming an effective, powerful teacher. Reading, writing and listening skills are essential to comprehension, even in a math class. Understanding that some students have weak literacy skills, I want to gain the ability to work with children who have language and learning disabilities. This will help me in building student-teacher relationships.” Siena News • 17

Seniors Krzysztof “Kiko” Drzymalski and Taylor Kahnke spent the first week of their Albany Medical College Program summer of service in the village of Layrete, a kilometer above Cochabamba, Bolivia. Unfortunately, only five patients a day visited the clinic for about 15 minutes each, and this was not enough for Taylor and Kiko. They did not feel like they were making a difference. As a result, they decided to leave the comfort and refuge of the clinic and ventured out into the poorest country in South America, to seek out a place where they could truly do some good.

A Fateful Gift

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They stumbled upon the phone number of a Polish nun working in Bolivia and lucky for them, Kiko speaks Polish. This nun directed them to a second Polish nun, Sister Anna. Sister Anna offered them positions at the Orphanage San Francisco, an orphanage in need of extra hands, named after St. Francis. “It was fate,” remarked Taylor. The orphanage is home to 57 orphan girls ranging in age from 1 to 19 years old. Their caregivers were three nuns: Sister Anna, who ran the finances and organized the orphanage; Sister Marielena, whose time was spent with the 1-year-old, and Sister Guadalupe, who was in charge of the other 56 children. Every day, Kiko and Taylor paid 19 cents to travel half an hour to the orphanage, which was located on the outskirts of Cochabamba. They assisted the older girls who cook the meals, helped the younger girls with their homework and provided needed care for them. The orphanage became their home. “These nuns and the friars we saw walking the streets of Cochabamba had the same values that I knew as a Siena student. They didn’t want money. They just wanted help,” explained Kiko. Taylor added, “I chose Siena’s medical program for the service aspect and when I arrived on campus, I found myself surrounded by people who had that same mindset. The same thing happened for me in Bolivia.” Kiko and Taylor say that they may have been there to help the girls, but the girls gave them more than they could have imagined. For one thing, the experience changed the way they thought about poverty. “It is more than just lacking financial wealth,” said Kiko. Marta, 9, had been sold by her mother at the age of 4 and was forced to wash clothes in a freezing river for three years, until she became weak enough to be considered not valuable and was thrown out onto the street. Despite her abuse, Marta always had a smile on her face. Another girl, Aide, gave Kiko a small statue of an elephant and told him, “This has brought me luck and I want it to bring you luck too.” These girls, who would give anything just to have parents, gave what little they had. “I can only hope I can have the same strength and good heart as they have,” he remarked. Although these girls live in an orphanage of meager means, they are still wealthy in that they have each other. Their appreciation for what little they have has inspired Kiko and Taylor to work to raise money for a second service trip to Bolivia during their summer break. “What they need, more than money is extra helpers,” explained Kiko. Kiko and Taylor give what they can knowing it will never repay the gifts they’ve been given. Top to Bottom: Kiko stands with the only ambulance that services the town of Layrete, an hour ride from the closest hospital . Kiko carrying one year-old orphan Amelia, Bolivian style. Taylor plays with three year-old Rosita at the Orphanage. Taylor helping the second grade children with their homework. Siena News • 19

Leading to Learn According to Jolleen Wagner ’04, “the Siena experience never ends.” At Siena, she learned how much of an impact one person can have on another and she wanted to create this experience everyday. So, it was no surprise that when she read an article about the San Miguel schools for at-risk students in inner-city Chicago, she wanted to be there. Br. Michael Harlan, O.F.M., the director of Siena’s Franciscan Center for Service and Advocacy at the time, connected her to another Br. Michael at San Miguel who directed her to the Lasallian volunteers. Before she knew it, Jolleen had served three years at San Miguel as a language arts and reading teacher. Without Siena, she said, “I wouldn’t have developed an openness to serve.” One particular class, Issues in Contemporary American Education with Dr. Robert Gorham, assistant professor of education, opened her eyes to the discrepancies in American education. She gained an understanding of how important it is for teachers to go into the inner city and rural regions that are struggling to meet standards and make a significant impact on each child’s future. Jolleen also took a class called Peace and Social Justice with Br. Michael, where she gained a deeper understanding of the unjust aspects of our society, and how we can work to change them.

“Without the combination of these courses and my volunteer work, I would never have considered doing even one year of service,” asserted Jolleen. As a student, Jolleen gained a solid foundation in service and found it to be both challenging and rewarding. One experience was working with an 11-year-old boy, Jack, who is autistic. “I found myself inspired each time Jack experienced even the smallest breakthrough. In fact, Jack’s ability to wake up and take on the world every day despite his disability was an inspiration in itself.” As a senior, she also volunteered at the St. Francis Inn in Philadelphia. Her work as a teacher at San Miguel is an extension of what she learned to value while at Siena. “The most important thing that these students need from me is my time. The time to love them, have a vested interest in them, be an advocate for them, guide them, accompany them, pray for them, and the time to provide them with the tools they need to be successful.” It is no surprise that in addition to her teaching responsibilities, Jolleen also coached JV girl’s basketball, founded and coached the Spoken Word team, co-coordinated Saturday school, and cochaired the Cross City Classic basketball tournament. Just after she proudly watched her second group of eighth graders graduate from San Miguel, she applied for and accepted the position of associate director of the Lasallian Volunteer Program. Jolleen now works with 48 volunteers giving them the support to be successful so they can help many more students find a better future. Left: Basketball Coach Jolleen Wagner ’04 led the San Miguel JV girl’s basketball team to the Cross City Classic basketball tournament championship.

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Advocating for the Scientist Sean Mahar ’02, director of government relations and communications for Audubon New York, spends his days working on advancing legislation and measures to protect the Long Island Sound, as well as innovative projects like the creation of a new educational video game for kids where they have to lead a flock of birds through their migration. He also rides his bike to work on days when the weather cooperates, to make a personal contribution in the fight against global warming. Even a rainy morning doesn’t dampen his passion for nature. “Siena taught me that we have a responsibility to make our world a better place to live,” Sean said. “I am fortunate to have a job that allows me to advocate for the continued improvement in the quality of life for New Yorkers.” As an undergraduate student, Sean worked with Dr. Larry Woolbright, professor of biology, as they conducted research in Puerto Rico and at the Saratoga National Battlefield monitoring frog populations. These ongoing research projects are tracking the ways frogs respond to habitat disturbance (in Puerto Rico) and the ways amphibians use and move about various habitats (at the Saratoga Battlefield). For Sean, these experiences, coupled with an Environmental Policy course and an internship at Audubon New York, allowed him to find his dream job. “Dr. Woolbright believed in me and provided me with numerous opportunities to expand my horizons,” Sean said. “He has a strong interest in protecting our environment and now I am fortunate to be able to advocate for stronger conservation policy using data from the research that scientists like him are conducting.” Sean also gives back to his alma mater by hosting Siena interns during the academic year and hopes “they will enjoy their experience and find everything in a job that they hope for... like I have.”

Sean Mahar ’02 gives Siena interns like Sarah Larsen ’08 (left) the opportunity to work with government officials at the Capitol in Albany, N.Y.

Above: Sean credits Dr. Larry Woolbright, professor of biology, for sparking his interest in environmental policy.

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Cleaning Up our Community After seeing the impact Hurricane Katrina had on New Orleans, Dr. Riobart Breen, assistant professor of political science, realized that the government’s natural disaster response and preventive ecological restoration was less than adequate. As a result, he decided to pursue a local field research project with Chris Kenney ’08 that would enhance their understanding of community-based environmental problem solving and planning. Chris noted, “Little did we know there was an opportunity waiting for us right here on campus.” The Kromma Kill is a small creek that initiates by the townhouses and eventually becomes polluted as it drains into the Hudson River. Dr. Breen and Chris mapped the creek using GPS technology. “During this process we found a closed steel plant which was causing most of the pollution,” Chris said. Chris’ research led him to EPA documents that had a list of past spills and leaks from the steel plant. “There are traces of contaminants in the soil, groundwater, and the Kromma Kill’s waters,” Chris explained. “This includes petroleum products, PCB’s, acid, mercury, chromium, and other heavy metals from the steel plant and the steel plant’s closed dump across the street.” Although the Kromma Kill is listed on New York State’s Superfund list, meaning it is monitored by the state, Dr. Breen and Chris believe that the local community can also get more involved. “We need to educate ourselves and the local community members on the importance of reducing the use of harmful chemicals, commercial products and waste products that degrade our environment, including what gets washed off parking lots and sidewalks into creeks, a problem seen nationwide near college campuses,” Breen said.

Today, the pollution in the creek is negatively affecting trees, wildlife, plants, soil, flowers and the health of community members. It is especially harmful for low-income families who do not have the resources to deal with environmental health problems. “We can’t simply move away and make it someone else’s problem,” Dr. Breen said. “Our goal is to mobilize the entire community in the creek shed to learn how to improve the health of the local environment and have community members work together to take care of our own local responsibilities.” Dr. Breen and Chris began this research last spring with the idea that this will be a long-term service and community-based research project engaging the community with faculty and students in the environmental studies, political science, biology, chemistry, sociology, social work, education, and economics departments. “This is just a start for us,” Dr. Breen said. “It is a win–win project as our students will get a great hands-on learning experience while making our community a healthier place to live, work and play in.”

Left to right: Dr. Riobart Breen, professor of political science, and Chris Kenney ’08 used GPS technology to map out the Kromma Kill creek. During the mapping process they found numerous waste materials near the creek that impacts the quality of the water. Siena News • 22

SHORT TAKES Fr. Kevin Named to NCAA Board of Directors Just under a month after his inauguration as Siena’s tenth president, Fr. Kevin Mullen, O.F.M., was appointed to the National Collegiate Athletic Association board of directors. Fr. Kevin will serve a four-year term on the 18member panel, which sets divisional policy and direction. Members of the board of directors are selected by the constituencies they represent and no conference may have more than one representative serving on the board of directors simultaneously. “I look forward to putting Siena College’s administrative, athletic and academic skills at the service of the NCAA,” he said. The Division I board’s duties include: establishing a strategic plan; adopting administrative and operating bylaws and regulations; assuring gender equity and diversity in the governing structure; approving an annual Division I budget; approving regulations providing for the administration of championships; advising the executive committee concerning the employment of the NCAA president and the oversight of his/her employment; overseeing the administration, compilation and disclosure of information concerning the Academic Progress Rate and Academic Performance Census. “This is a great opportunity for Siena to represent the MAAC members at the national level,” Director of Athletics John D’Argenio said. “The board will be facing some significant issues over the next few years that will have a great impact on the NCAA membership. Fr. Kevin has worked very closely with the Athletic Department as a Board of Trustees member, as the director of the Franciscan Center for Service and Advocacy and now as president. He brings an informed view and opinion to the discussions.”

Alumna Donates Art Collection to Siena Henrietta Roginski ’67 donated, for the third time, artwork completed by her brother-in-law, Casmer Stanwick. Over 45 of his sketches are being added to the library’s art collection, including his studies of famous artwork. The collection will be displayed around the campus and used by the Creative Arts Department for teaching purposes. Roginski is a retired English teacher from Fonda-Fultonville High School, where she taught for 30 years. She has recently written a children’s book entitled Penrod: The Dancing Emperor Penguin. She knew Siena was the ideal place to entrust her brother-in-law’s work right away, “because of its Franciscan tradition.” Roginski’s prior gifts to the college include a painting depicting the burial of Jesus and a portrait of Maximilian Kolbe, a Polish Franciscan friar who volunteered to die in place of a stranger in the Auschwitz concentration camp during World War II. Kolbe was canonized by Pope John Paul II in 1982. Along with the piece, Roginski included an audio recording of her cousin, Walter Szczesniak, who was a witness to Kolbe’s death at Auschwitz. A copy of this work was given to the Vatican Museum.

Providing Access to the Siena Experience There are many reasons that alumni, parents, friends and corporate partners of Siena College endow scholarship funds to aid the education of our students. What will yours be? You may want to honor someone who has made a difference in your life, as J. Patrick Barrett (page 8) did by endowing a scholarship in Fr. Vianney’s name, the friar who Pat says saved his life. Bob Campbell ’66 (page 10) was honored by his friends and colleagues in their creation of The Janet (Burns) and Robert F. Campbell S c h o l a r s h i p recognizing his retirement from First Albany Corporation. Perhaps you want to open the door to the Siena experience for students like Erin Frazee ’08 (page 12), a summer legal fellow on a mission to guarantee dignified end of life care for everyone and Heather Flood ’09 (page 9), recipient of the Way of St. Francis Award. Their educations are being funded in part by the Robert and Trudy Cushing Scholarship and the Charles and Leona MacClosky Scholarship. Kiko Drzymalski ’08 (page 18) and Tara Heffernan ’09 (page 13) are recipients of The Dr. Louis J. and Alice Gazelay DeRusso Scholarship and the Ursula M. Forth Scholarship, respectively. Maybe you simply have the desire to give back to a special place that changed your life, your son/daughter’s life or the life of a loved one. Whatever your reason, we are happy to assist you in establishing your legacy by endowing a scholarship that will support generations of Siena students to come. For more information on endowed scholarships, please see the enclosed brochure. For a complete list of our endowed scholarships, please visit Sincerely,

David B. Smith ’79 Vice President for Development and External Affairs Siena News • 23

Distinguished Jurist Drawing Rave Reviews For the past 37 years, Dr. Len Cutler, professor of political science, has been challenging his students to realize their potential. Under his supervision, the pre-law program was created and now includes a Summer Legal Fellows experience, a Pre-Law Society, a Mock Trial/Moot Court team, and a mentoring network; the latest addition is the Distinguished Jurist in Residence Program. “Our vision for the Distinguished Jurist in Residence Program was to have a seasoned judge work closely with our students outside of the classroom,” Cutler said. In 2003, the college welcomed the first Distinguished Jurist, Judge Howard Levine and from 2004 – present, Judge James King has held the position. “Our hope was to draw upon their years of experience in small interactive discussion groups on campus,” Cutler explained. While the role of Distinguished Jurist in Residence is defined as a mentor, advisor and counsel to the students at Siena, Judge King has been that and so much more. He came to Siena with experience as a lawyer, a Senior Judge Advocate in the Marine Corps, and New York State assemblyman. He draws upon his years of experience to mentor Siena’s pre-law students. “Judge King helps me guide the mock trial team, gives constructive criticism to our team about openings, closings, direct and cross examinations, assists the pre-law club in numerous ways and consistently makes himself available to the students,” Eric Scalzo ’08 said. “Each time I have approached him, he has offered me sound advice along with some witty jokes.” Judge King has a diversity of interests and a passion for jazz music that includes playing the trombone. “He is a real person that students can relate to,” Rob Manfredo ’05 said. Judge King uses his musical interests as an example to students of how they

Above: Lawyers and Siena community members gathered for the Jurist in Residence Founders’ Luncheon on October 11. (Back row left to right) John Dunne, John Mitchell, Sean Doolan ’84, Sal Ferlazzo ’77, Ed Ryan ’69, Judge James King, Stewart Jones, Vic Mazzotti ’79 and President Fr. Kevin Mullen ’75 O.F.M.. (Front row left to right) Dan Hurteau ’85, Chris Langlois ’92, Dr. Len Cutler and Lorraine Power Tharp.

Eric Scalzo ’08 and Distinguished Jurist in Residence Judge James King at a recent luncheon held at the Fort Orange Club in Albany, N.Y.

can pursue their passions and enjoy life as much as possible. Judge King, a professor at Albany Law School, serves as a valuable resource for Siena’s students. “Students often approach me with questions about the opportunities and obstacles that will face them in the future,” King said. “I try to help them out with letters of recommendation, assistance with their law school applications and advice on what to expect in law school.” While serving as a principal asset for students considering a career in the field of law at Siena, Judge King has helped Siena students attain around an 85 percent acceptance rate to law school, the highest the college has experienced to date. The Distinguished Jurist in ResidenceProgram has been made possible thanks to the generosity of alumni and friends of the college at the following founding firms who created an initial endowment to fund the Program: Crane, Parente & Cherubin D’Agostino, Krackeler, Baynes & Maguire, P.C. DeGraff, Foy, Holt-Harris, Kunz & Devine, LLP Edward P. Ryan, Esq. E. Stewart Jones, Esq. Featherstonhaugh Wiley Clyne & Cordo, LLP Girvin & Ferlazzo, P.C. Hinman Straub, PC Martin, Harding & Mazzotti, LLP Nixon Peabody, LLP Tabner, Ryan & Keniry, LLP Tobin & Dempf, LLP Whiteman Osterman & Hanna, LLP “We are extremely grateful to the founding firms for establishing this seed endowment, enabling Siena to establish our Jurist in Residence Program,” David B. Smith, vice president for development and external affairs said. Currently, Siena College is the only undergraduate program in the country to offer this type of student experience. To fully endow this program Siena needs an additional $200,000. If other individuals or firms are interested in joining this founding group and committing to fund this endowment, please contact David B. Smith at 518.783.2432 or



Editors: Ashley Dwyer ’08, Katie Sokol ’08 and Nathan Maloney ’00 Please submit all of your class notes information to your class coordinator or, if there is no coordinator listed for your class, please send all information to for posting in the magazine.

1950 Peg Mumbower’s father, James Bernardin, passed away on May 16, 2007. He loved Siena and was a loyal fan of the basketball team. He always spoke highly of his school and proudly displayed his diploma until the day he died.

1959 Frank Martin Congratulations to John F. Deyo who has won the New York State Championship in Horseshoes. The competition was held in Waterloo, N.Y. from August 31 to September 2, 2007. There were 200 competitors and he placed FIRST in the 30% ringer category. His record was 5 in 2. Great job John!

1962 Ken Deitcher 1963 Reunion June 6-8 Charles R. Boutin has been appointed as an administrative law judge in the Office of Administrative Hearings of Maryland. He formerly served on the Maryland Public Service Commission and is a past member of the Maryland State Legislature. He lives in Aberdeen, Md. with his wife Cindy. Albert “Bud” Heck, founder of Alpin Haus, the Northeast’s largest familyowned, independent RV retailer, and a name synonymous with outdoor family recreation and entertainment, has assumed the position of chief executive officer. His son Andy Heck ’88 will now become the company’s new president.

1968 Reunion June 6-8 Bill McGoldrick 16 Carriage Hill Latham, NY 12110

Our 40th reunion is right around the corner! As hard as it is to imagine, it’s been almost 40 years since we graduated from Siena. Now it’s time to mark your calendar for our reunion celebration June 6, 7 and 8, 2008! There will be more details coming in future mailings to the class. The best way to encourage as many classmates to attend is to call your closest friends and plan to be there yourself. I know that John Dawson will be there. John is a Siena trustee and has recently been named again to the list of Best Lawyers in America. John’s been on this list for over 20 years. Congratulations John! Another classmate who was recently appointed to Siena’s Board of Trustees is Bob Guido. Bob retired last year from Ernst & Young where he had served as vice chairman and was lead partner on the Coca Cola account for several years. Now he occupies himself with several corporate board of director assignments and board of trustee appointments for many non-profit organizations. Bob’s golf game has gotten a lot better since his retirement too. Charlotte and Bob live in Atlanta. Dan Sleasman and his wife, Marianne, have an addition to their family once again. They recently adopted for the seventh time, a little boy who is their twelfth child. One of their daughters, Mary Colleen, is currently a student at Siena. Maybe we can talk Fr. Jim Joyce into coming to reunion next year. Jim is pastor at Sacred Heart Church in Pittsfield, Mass. Sacred Heart is one of the largest parishes in Berkshire County. Hopefully, when John Dawson comes to our reunion, he can coax Rich Dolinar and Tim Kamper to come as well. I wrote about Tim earlier this year. Rich is a nationallyrenowned clinical endocrinologist specializing in diabetes in Phoenix, Ariz. He’s a senior fellow with

The Heartland Institute and a consultant to the pharmaceutical industry. Rich speaks frequently throughout the United States on the historical, political and economic aspects of health care. He has testified before the United States Senate and has given Congressional briefings regarding healthcare issues. He is interviewed frequently by local and national media, including CNN, CBS and PBS. His articles and opinion pieces have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, New York Times, New England Journal of Medicine, Journal of the American Medical Association, Health Care News and Diabetes Research. He is coauthor of the book Diabetes 101, which is now in its third edition. Drop me a line with news from your life and we’ll share it in the next Siena section!

1969 Mike Kzirian has great news! After working as vice president of sales for telemarketing in N.J., he currently owns a call center consulting business. Best wishes in your future endeavors Mike!

1973 Reunion June 6-8 Brian Valentine 202-586-9741 As your new class news and notes coordinator, I welcome hearing from all members of Siena Class of 1973! Steve Lamy has a new job as vice dean of the College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences’ undergraduate programs at the University of South Carolina (USC). He currently has 6,000 students, 350 faculty and 15 academic programs to manage.

1975 Janet Gutowski Hall Well, Class of ’75, you now have a class news and notes

coordinator! The one thing that makes me especially qualified for this position is the fact that I love e-mail. I love to read it, answer it, and pass it on. So your job is easy, just e-mail me at ( and I’ll get right back to you, as well as get you some ink in the next issue of Siena News. A number of us gathered at Siena in October to celebrate the inauguration of one of our own—Fr. Kevin Mullen O.F.M. as the tenth president of Siena. My 20-year-old son Josh (who was born and raised in the South) dubbed it the most Catholic event he’d ever attended. Josh is in his third year at the University of Kentucky, majoring in music performance. As a special gift, Josh performed “Gabriel’s Oboe” at Fr. Kevin’s reception. In addition, my husband Allan Hall represented Western Kentucky University (WKU) in the inaugural procession. Allan has been teaching marketing and business at WKU for the last eight years. We also have a daughter, Katy, who is a ’06 alum from Georgia Tech and is an aerospace engineer with Delta Airlines. She lives in Atlanta, Ga. I work at WKU as well, in the Office of Environmental Health and Safety. During the weekend, we connected with Jean Burton, who lives in Boston, Mass. with her husband, Larry Durkin ’73 and their son, Charlie. Bill Balduf was there; he is an attorney in Syracuse, N.Y., and the proud father of two grown girls and a 4-year-old son who looks just like dad. Barbara Geiger/Green and Frank Green came in from Washington, D.C., where they are co-presidents of a company that markets legal benefits to other companies, as well as parents to Erica, who is in her third year at Ohio State; Alexis, who is in high school, and KC, who is loving eighth grade. Julianne Martorana/Grennen and her husband Chris arrived at the beginning of the weekend to visit with daughter Katie, who is in her second year at Siena. Julianne teaches at a pre-school in Long Island. Lynn Rondeau was there too-she works

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at General Electric in Conn., but comes to Troy often to check on her parents. We also saw Mike Ruane, Fr. Tom Walters, and the Rev. Bob Clerkin. Many of our buddies from classes before and after us rounded out the celebration. It was wonderful! If I missed naming you here, please forgive me and chalk it up to excitement at the fact that Fr. Kevin is actually the PRESIDENT of the college we enjoyed so much. But if I did indeed miss you, email me quick and I’ll put you in the next issue! Meanwhile, enjoy the holidays!

1977 Linda Fitzsimmons This past June the class of ’77 gathered to celebrate 30 years since our graduation. How many of you remember how hot it was at graduation that year? My husband, Jack Fitzsimmons, and I were able to attend the reunion and it was great reconnecting with some old friends, some of whom we haven’t seen since graduation! Recently, I accepted the position of regional catechetical director for Dutchess and Ulster counties in the Archdiocese of New York. After having been involved in parish ministry for several years and receiving my Masters’ degree in religious studies in 2001, I am looking forward to this new challenge. Jack, who is with IBM East Fishkill, has reached his fifteenth invention plateau, which represents authorship and submission of over 50 patent applications in microelectronics fabrication and chemical processes. Neil Johanning and Maryann Abate/Johanning celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary this year with a two-week trip to Alaska. Melissa Nelson was not able to be at our reunion but she tells me she has accepted the position of executive secretary to the Contracts Committee of The Newspaper GuildCommunication Workers of America, based in Washington, D.C. Melissa’s new position entails oversight of the contracts the Guild has with newspaper employers and the corresponding collective bargaining process. Congratulations, Melissa! Claudia Verruto Bernstein is embarking on a new career as a massage therapist. She will graduate in December and sit for the national and state boards as soon as they become available. Claudia is proud of her two young

step-grandchildren and her two daughters who attend college and are personal trainers. Claudia was at the Siena campus this past April to meet the recipients of the Lou Verruto Broadcast Scholarship Award (in honor of her late brother) and wishes everyone well.

1979 Susan A. Hayes 522 Chili-Riga Town Line Road Churchville, NY 14428 585-889-2072 Hi, ’79ers! Thanks to all who emailed with news, notes and photos—keep them coming. Brian Zwilling reports that he enjoyed his annual September Lake George reunion with Siena buddies Chip Davy, Tom Metzold ’80, and J.D. Strong. The group has been converging on the Davy family’s summer cottage at Huletts Landing for nearly 23 years, and pride in the fact that they are dedicated in continuing the tradition, as they did during the five-year span when Chip lived in England. Brian writes, “I’d pick him up at JFK, we’d drive up to Lake George for the weekend, then I’d drop him off at the airport again to head back to London.” The weekend itinerary always includes a long bike ride, swimming (regardless of weather and air temperature), golfing, cliff-diving, and plenty of dock time complete with coolers of course! Thumbs up to Sal Catalano who received the HOPES award, presented by the Archdiocese of Hartford, CT for service to Catholic schools. Sal was honored for delivering Junior Achievement programs to St. Mary’s School in Waterbury, Conn. for almost 20 years. Sharing the news, Sal commented, “Siena provided me such a great education that included the Franciscan tradition. Giving back to the community is part of my life as a result of my time at Siena.” Kathy West Babeu ’80 reports that the surprise 50 th birthday party for Tim Barker on March 24, was a “total blast from the past. Tim’s wife Anne (Hein) Barker ’80 had pictures from each decade of his life in every corner of the room. We ate, drank and danced away the night until after midnight.” Tim had just returned from a birthday jaunt in Las Vegas with his buddies and had no idea what was in store for him. Check out the partygoers in the photo submitted by Kathy. Conversation and laughter flew

non-stop during the August minireunion at Kevin McAleese’s shore condo in Avalon, N.J. Enjoying the fun-filled weekend were Sue (Reilly) Hayes, Lori Collins Tremblay, Peggy Maddi Glenn (who traveled the farthest, from Kansas City), Brian Zwilling, Scott Bailey, Rick Gabriel ’78, Pat Lewis, and Kevin McAleese. We enjoyed the pool, hot tub, and beach time, along with lots of fabulous food and drink. All agreed this should be an annual event, so start planning for 2008, Kev! Dan Thomas sends greetings from the Iraq/Kuwait region where he’s deployed with his reserve unit until December. “Please tell my classmates we are all doing the mission here and have a cold beer or two for me until I get back!” Dan Hughes and his company, Celtic Marketing, recently organized a golf tournament which raised nearly $14,000 for the Polycystic Kidney Disease Foundation. (PDK is a genetic disease affecting 600,000 Americans including Dan’s sister and nephew.) Playing in the tourney were Tim Barker and George Babeu, who also showed their support by combining with Gary Kolakowski and Kerry Guthrie to endow a tournament sponsorship. Dan’s brother-in-law Kurt Neiswender ’75 also contributed to the cause as a sponsor. Great Siena volunteer spirit, guys! For a future column, I’d like to highlight the ’79ers who travel to interesting locales, U.S. and abroad, as part of their careers. Whether it’s a regular part of your job or a one-time adventure, e-mail me and let me know where you’ve been over the past 25 or more years!

1980 Anne Bradley received an award from The United Nations Association in Canada-Edmonton branch and the St. Albert Baha’i community. Anne received the award on International Women’s Day, held on March 9, 2007, for her exemplary service to the community of the St. Albert and Edmonton area. This includes her volunteer work along with her work as a reading specialist in an inner-city school in Edmonton.

1981 Frank D’Agostino is headed to Broadway with his hit Cold As Ice starring Oksana Baiul. The musical opened at the Gateway Theater in Bellport, Long Island, N.Y. on May 23, 2007 and received rave reviews. Congratulations Frank!

1982 Becky Simbari/Almstead PO Box Newtonville, NY

496 12128

1983 Reunion June 6-8 Elvira Altimari-Jaeger 60 Wyatt Rd Garden City, NY 11530 Hey fellow Alumni from the class of ’83. Hope everyone had a great summer and you’re all enjoying the fall. Here is some news from your fellow classmates. Gail Landers Malone and her husband, Michael, have been married for 20 years and have three teenage children; Michael, 17, Chelsea, 16 and MacKenzie, 15. Gail was a caseworker for Community Maternity Services in Albany, working with pregnant teens and adolescent moms, before becoming a full-time mom herself. Even though Gail watches her nephew full time, she still finds time to volunteer and has been active in the PTA since her kids entered elementary school. She is currently a vice president of the Colonie High School P a r e n t / Te a c h e r / S t u d e n t Association also serves on the board of directors at Community Maternity Services. Her son Michael started college at Wentworth in Boston this year, and she secretly hopes that one of her daughters ends up at Siena. She is looking forward to seeing a lot of familiar faces at the reunion in June! We also heard from two of our shout-outs: Tom Bonomo and his wife Katie have been married 19 years and currently live in Midlothian, Va. (Richmond area). They have five (yes, five!) children. Alex is a junior in high school; Margot is in eighth grade; Tommy, in seventh grade; Christina and Jacqueline are twins and just entered first grade. Alex plays field hockey; Margot plays travel soccer and is on the neighborhood swim team; Tommy plays basketball, tennis and golf; and Christina and Jacqueline play soccer, which Tom coached this past year, his 15th season as a soccer coach! When they are not driving to practice or games, Tom and Katie are on the HSA board (similar to the PTA) at St. Edward Epiphany School where their younger four go. Tom has been with Philip Morris for 22 years in various positions, in information technology and sales in New York and Virginia. Currently, he is in IT and has responsibility

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for all the production systems in manufacturing, R&D, engineering, quality insurance and procurement. Tom, we hope to see you in June. I also heard from Mary Lou Corsi-Hall. She and Dave Hall ’83 have just celebrated 20 years of marriage! Congratulations! They live in Montclair, N.J. with their two children Michael, 11, and Natalie, 8, who keep them running around every weekend at their various sporting events. Mary Lou currently works part time locally selling franchises. She also volunteers with an organization called CASA where she is an advocate for children in the foster care system. In her spare time she likes to play tennis. Dave is currently COO/SVP of finance for Greg Norman in N.Y. Mary Lou said he keeps busy coaching the kids’ teams and tries to sneak in some tennis and golf when he can. They are both on the reunion committee and look forward to seeing everyone in June. Well, that is it for now. Only seven months until we pretend 25 years hasn’t passed since we were in college. If you would like to be on the reunion committee, please e-mail me; it is not too late. I have had a few requests for shout-outs, so here goes- Tom Jones “TJ” and Lauren Ladd: your classmates want to know where you are and what you are up to!

1984 Lisa San Fratello/ McCutcheon 305 The Parkway Ithaca, NY 1485 Hello class of 1984. First - make sure you note that my e-mail has changed to I have had some wonderful responses this time and loved hearing from some more friends in our class. Sharon Esler Sullivan writes to tell me that she and her family, which include three wonderful kids; Colin, 15, Theresa, 14, and Julia, 12, are ready for a flashback... Ft. Lauderdale! She is currently the executive director of development at St. Thomas Aquinas High School in Ft. Lauderdale. Sharon loves the warm weather and still keeps in touch with her close Siena friends, Mary Beth O’Brien (married and living in Dallas), Cathy Walsh (married and living in Atlanta), and Theresa Lambert (married and living in Syracusemy neighbor!) We’d love to hear from all of you soon! I also heard from another good friend and former 2E guy, Rick O’Brien. He is the chief executive officer and

founder of Athena Real Estate in Danbury, CT. Athena is a real estate investment and advisory firm specializing in niche property types. For more info about this, contact Rick at Rick resides in Ridgefield, CT with his wife Mary Flanagan-O’Brien and his two kids, Katie and Michael. Rick still keeps in touch with Dave Miller, who lives in Rochester, NY. Chuck Ryan, who can be contacted via e-mail at, has also sent me a note letting us know he resides in Ashburn, VA with his wife Suzanne, and his two kids, Erin,16, and Stephen, 14. Chuck was recently promoted to battalion chief in the Fairfax County Virginia Fire and Rescue Department. He is also the president of the Fairfax County Professional Fire and Rescue Officers Association, where he also serves as a planning officer with Virginia Task Force One, one of only two United States USAR teams which are deployed globally in disaster response. In addition, Chuck also practices law on a parttime basis with Dombroff, Gilmore, Jaques & French in McLean,VA. Congratulations! It would be wonderful to hear from more of you! Please send your news!

1985 Catherine & Ron Bjorklund 14 Stevens Lane Tabernacle, NJ 08088-9744 From the “How Cool is That” Department: Lisa Barbaris is a twenty-plus year veteran of the music industry. Hired out of college, Lisa began her career in 1985 as a staff writer at the boutique firm Morton Dennis Wax & Associates. Within months she gained the attention of Elektra/ Asylum/Nonesuch Records, where she rose through the ranks from an in-house independent publicist to director of press and artist relations. She worked with a wide array of artists – from Metallica to Motley Crue to the 10,000 Maniacs, The Cure and Anita Baker. In 1989, Lisa was then successfully courted by Geffen Records as senior director of publicity, where she was responsible for over 25 acts including Aerosmith, Cher, Don Henley, XTC, among others. In 1990, Lisa was asked by Sylvia Rhone, newly appointed general manager of EastWest/Atlantic Records, to run the artist relations and media department there. Four years later she added artist management to her repertoire by

opening her own firm called So What Media and Management. The first management signing was UK sensation, Simply Red. For the next 10 years, Lisa also handled public relations for mega acts such as AC/DC, Cheap Trick, Foreigner and The Allman Brothers Band. In 2000, Lisa closed the public relations part of her firm to concentrate her talents on full-time management of former public relations client, and multi-platinum selling artist, Cyndi Lauper. Lisa continues to manage Cyndi Lauper today, as well as Simply Red and V2 recording artist The Mooney Suzuki and Sony urban act Vivian Green. In 2007, Lisa, along with her partner’s agent, Jonny Podell and Cyndi Lauper, launched the True Colors festival. The tour was created to raise awareness of inequalities suffered by the LGBT community through a celebration of great music. The tour included Erasure, Debbie Harry, The Gossip, Cyndi Lauper, Margaret Cho, and special guests Rufus Wainright, The Indigo Girls and Rosie O’Donnell. An announcement for True Colors 2008 is imminent. Lisa lives in Manhattan with her husband, Max, and 8-year-old son, Elijah. There is also news on Col. Kenneth Todorov, who has been appointed the 23 rd Wing Commander at Moody Air Force Base in Valdosta, GA. Sheila Moran/Poole will become the associate commissioner of the Office of Regional Operations effective on July 23. Poole has been the commissioner of the Albany County Department for Children, Youth and Families. She has held the positions of director of children’s services, and director of assessment and operations for the Tennessee Department of Children’s Services. George Durney has been appointed to the board of directors for the Meals On Wheels’ National Association. He will work with the organization to further develop their initiative to educate future leaders, as well as the intern program targeted at colleges. Also, Richard Ognibene was named New York State Teacher of the Year. This is the second time a Siena graduate has received this distinction. From the “Just Can’t Leave” Department: MaryBeth “MB” is rejoining the Siena community as the new associate director of the Annual Fund. She is very excited to be back at Siena working with the crew. Ron Bjorklund has been elected to the Siena College Board

of Trustees. Ron will serve on the Student Life Committee and the Strategic Planning Committee. 1986 KPMG LLP, the U.S. audit, tax and advisory firm, would like to announce that John Atkinson, an audit partner in the firm’s Minneapolis office, has been named the national audit sector leader for Consumer Products and Food & Drink. As the audit sector leader, John will serve as the signing, lead and/or concurring review partner for KPMG’s largest Consumer Products and Food & Drink audit clients.

1987 Gerry McAndrew

1988 Reunion June 6-8 Paula Cacossa Dr. Michael McCartney has been appointed president of the Southwestern Dental District Association. Alpin Haus, the Northeast’s largest, familyowned, independent RV retailer and a name synonymous with outdoor family recreation and entertainment, has announced the appointment of Andy Heck to president. Andy succeeds his father Bud ’63, founder of Alpin Haus, who assumes the position of chief executive officer.

1989 Michael Carbonaro 3140 10 th Street Bethlehem, PA 18020 Class of ’89 you are out there! It is now the fall of 2007 and news is starting to hit my inbox which made my job easy. Keep it coming! Dr. Julie A. Adams wrote in under threat of punishment from her roommates. Many thanks to the roommates who dealt with me; you receive an honorable mention for your help. Julie has been very busy earning a doctorate in computer information systems from Penn State University in 1995. On top of this, she is also published in over 55 journals, magazines, books and conferences. Most recently, Julie, a professor at Vanderbuilt University, was awarded a National Science Foundation CAREER award for her research in human-multiple robot teaming. Erin Carol/Knotek ’88 (Alaska), an honorary class member for her ’89 class news, wrote in about a

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Siena reunion at the New Orleans Jazz Festival. Erin, Sue La Velle/Kopen (NJ), Dr. Michelle Hyla (AZ), Ann Godfrey (MS), Nancy Delp (MD), Debbie Duquettte/Schwaeger (CT), Carol McDonough/Greene (CT) flew in from six different states to meet in the French Quarter where they reminisced about old times while enjoying jazz. Marguerite McEnery/Christie and her husband Steve had their third child, Colin Patrick, on May 22, 2006. Colin is joined by his sister Claire, 5, and brother Michael, 7. Marguerite left the U.S. Army as a captain several years ago moving into the private sector as a buyer for several tech companies. She is now a stay-athome mom who is currently home schooling her children. Marguerite wrote that as a stay-at-home mom she now has so much free time which we find hard to believe, so Marguerite please write in, since the rest of your class wants to know the secret for “free time.” Lynne Mantello/Colose asks, “don’t know if you remember me?” Sure we do Lynne! For those who do not remember, Lynne was part of the townhouse crew of Laura Bifulco/ Rasa, Beth Perkowski/Downing and Marla Riccio/Landsman. Lynne is a chiropractor living in Niskayuna with her two children Theresa, 14, and Dante, 16 months, and for fun she plays the saxophone and clarinet in a Dixieland jazz band called the Nisky Dixie Cats. Kim Schillinger/Ragosta started her second job as a purchasing agent for Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute this past July while continuing her 24hour-a-day job as a mom to two wonderful boys, 7 and 9. Finally, I received my PMP certification from the Project Management Institute.

announce the birth of their daughter, Natalie Rose, born June 6, 2007. She joins older brother Zachary, who will turn 3 in October. Scott A. Wilson has recently been selected as chief executive officer for SeaComm Federal Credit Union in Massena, NY. Also, Shawn McMahon has accepted the position of global finance director at ADI, a $2.2 billion low voltage security and audio-visual product distribution subsidiary of Honeywell, located in Long Island, NY.

1992 Mary Pat McLoughlin/ Holler Matthew Farron, recently received the 2007 SCCC Foundation Award for Excellence in Teaching at Schenectad County Community College, where he is an assistant professor in the Business and Law Department. Marty Dauer recently published his first children’s book, Harvey’s Woods: The Royal Adventures. The chapter book is targeted to children ages 7-11 and features the antics of two best friends and their comical dog, Jake. For more information about the book, or to contact Marty, go to Amy Markowicz received her Master’s in Literacy Education from SUNY Cortland in May 2005. She is now a third-grade teacher in the Morrisville-Eaton School District.

1993 Reunion June 6-8 1990 Stephen Leavenworth 212-382-6975

1991 Jennifer K. O’Brien/Gilbride and her husband Andrew are pleased to announce the birth of their baby girl, Maggie Shea, on June 29, 2007. She was born at the New York Hospital in New York City, which is where the couple resides when they are not spending time at their home in Westhampton, N.Y. Craig Sanders and his wife, Aletta, proudly announce the birth of their son, Cohan Thomas, born March 19, 2007, weighing 7lbs., 4 oz. Craig joins sisters Chandra, Jaigh, Lauren, and big brother Braeden at home in Hanover, MA. Lisa Mastroly/ Smith and her husband Brian

Susan Hannon 213 W. 252 nd Street Riverdale, NY 10471 917-796-2085 Mark your calendars class of 1993 – the reunion is just around the corner, June 6-8, 2008! I received 13 responses this month so I can’t be as quirky as normal since I’m on a strict word count – sorry! Jen DeVanzo/Spore and her husband Dave welcomed their third baby, Ella Catherine, on July 7, 2007. It must be something in the Albany area as Rob and Christine Reynolds also had a baby girl, Katherine Elise, on July 15, 2007 joining her brother Ryan. Leanne Lauer sends thanks for answering the shout-out! She is married to Drew VandeCreek and is currently living in

DeKalb, IL. Working as an assistant professor at Northern Illinois University, she is expecting her first child on Christmas Day! From Illinois to Florida we find John Nolan in Buckingham, just outside of Fort Meyers working as an athletic director at East Lee County High School. John and his wife, Jessie, have two children, Jack and Maggie. Townhouse #37 has been busy having babies and celebrating marriages. Sue Santana/DeLasho and her husband Pat now have three children, including Robbie, who was born last December. Patti Hundiak married Alan Scott (as opposed to Scott Allen-where are you by the way?) in Aurora, NY last July. They currently live in Washington, DC. Christi Ellrott/ Paul also gave birth to her third child, Megan Claire, last July 10, 2006. Dan Walton (DW) answered the call-out to Townhouse #32, my old neighbors. He is an English teacher just outside Boston and has two children with his bride, Adrienne. Sam is almost 4 and Hannah is 1. Susan Turchick/ Knapp got hitched in 2004 to Kirby Knapp and loves living in Baltimore, MD as she is just a short walk from Camden Yards. Her son, Sawyer William, turned 1 this summer. Peter and Jacqui Judd/ Agresta also have a 1-year-old son, Peter, Jr. While mom takes care of the two kids, Pete is a vice president of sales at Alliance Bernstein in New York City. Jacqui would like to know what’s going on with Lara Genovese. Joe Lehr and his wife, Rachel, have two boys, Justin Nicholas, 1, and Ethan, 4. Tom Fleming, “Tom Thumb,” is a director of finance for AT&T in Bedminster, NJ. He’s been blessed with three girls, Camryn, Erin and Shannon – could you get any more Irish! Amy Molinaro/Sementilli and her husband Anthony welcomed a baby girl on July 7, 2007. Chiara Luisa joins big brothers, Anthony and Dominic. Finally, Becky Grotevant/Dinello says hello from Charlotte, N.C. She lives there with her husband and son, and works for the Plantation Estates Retirement Community. Finally this issue’s call-out: Sandy Baker, Kerry Callahan, Jeff Gonzales, and Kevin Mannix – what’s new with you?

1994 Glenn Hofsess 83 Kellogg Street Brookfield, CT 06804

The leaves have fallen from the trees, a chill is in the air and it’s again time for the 1994 class news and notes. As always, it’s great to hear from you so keep the news coming! Congratulations to Tony Weaver on receiving his Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Tony is an assistant professor in the Department of Leisure and Sport Management at Elon University. He and his wife, Lauren, as well as their two daughters (number three on the way) live in Elon, NC. I heard from Jayne “Jay Jay” Nesheim who has accepted a position with America On-Line as senior communications director in New York City. Amanda Geiges-Quine checked in to share with us that after graduating from Siena, she went to Cleveland, Ohio and earned a master’s in social work from Case Western Reserve University. She then returned to Schenectady, NY and worked her way up to program director of a foster care prevention program. In 1999, she moved to Phoenix, AZ with nothing but the clothes on her back. She has worked in many different fields in social work, including her current job, which she loves, as a school social worker. Her husband, David, and her two daughters, Emily Marie, 3, and Lindsey Catherine, 1, just finished building a new house in North Phoenix. Amanda and her family welcome any guests who wish to travel to the Southwest. I also heard from Erin Pollay/Zeggert, who married Bill Zeggert on July 7, 2007. Erin is living in Clifton Park, NY where she works as a technology project manager at Delmar Cengage Learning. Kyle Howard has moved West in order to accept the position of supervisor of business planning for Vans in Cypress (Anaheim, CA). Kyle is now hanging out with the likes of Jeff Spicoli of Fast Times at Ridgemont High fame and notorious wearer of Vans Footwear. Kyle resides in Dana Point, CA and is proudly representing the Red Sox Nation of the West. Finally, I want to wish everyone a happy and healthy holiday season. Enjoy the spirit of the season and cherish time spent with family and friends. Take time to see the world as if through the eyes of a child and keep those moments with you all year long. Cheers!

1995 NeilWilcove n w i l c o v e @ f m g l a w. c o m Freeman Mathis & Gary, LLP

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100 Galleria Parkway Suite 1600 Atlanta, GA 30339 770-818-1430 Bill Bafundo and his wife Nikki welcomed triplets, Chloe, Madison and Jack. The three little bundles of joy were born on February 12, 2007. Julie Bollenbacher/Reilley and her husband Patrick welcomed their first child, Claire Meredith on February 19, 2007. Jeannine Girzone/Burkhardt and her husband Patrick welcomed their first child, Keegan Joshua on March 29, 2007. Cosmo Tropiano and his wife Jennifer welcomed their first child Robert Michael on June 7, 2007. Robert Michael weighed 9 lbs. and was 20 inches long. Tom and Marian Hanley/Cartnick along with their sons, Thomas and Christopher proudly announce the birth of Julia Mary, born September 20, 2007. Phil Oliva has accepted a position as director of communications for a pharmaceutical consulting firm and is leaving NYS Assembly Minority Leader James Tedisco’s staff. Mike Ryan and his wife Kerri Ryan are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Lauren Marie on June 8, 2006. Kevin Sweeney and Jessica DiNapoli/Sweeney had a new addition to their family. They welcomed a baby boy, Finn Hughes Sweeney on May 7, 2007. He joins his big brother Patrick and big sister Mackenzie.

1996 Brian Murray 614-270-6003 Jennifer McPhail/McCormick and Steven McCormick ’95 welcomed their third child, Luke James on May 27, 2007. Luke joins his big sister Ashley Grace, 6, and big brother Jacob Steven, 3. Jennifer Browne Mayerhofer ’97 and Michael Mayerhofer are proud to announce the birth of their third child, Michael Patrick, born on May 24, 2007. Twin brothers, Ryan and Jack, are excited to have a little brother. Jill Foulds/Flinton and her husband Faron had a son, Daniel Jonathon on December 7, 2006. Daniel has two older half-brothers. Mom recently took a position with the United States Department of Justice as a bankruptcy analyst in Albany. She had previously spent 10 plus years at the United States Department of Health and Human

Services as a Medicare/Medicaid auditor. Noah Michael McGrath was born on August 18, 2007 to parents, Jennifer Georgia/ McGrath and Michael McGrath. Natalie Policastri/ Schiavone and her husband, Dominic, are proud to announce the birth of their son, Tyler Anthony Schiavone, born on April 18, 2007. Tyler joins his big sisters Megan, 6, and Lauren, 4. On March 16, 2007 Veena Mathad/ Federico and husband Jerry Federico added a new member to the familyl- Asha Shanti Federico. Her older brother, Navin, is very excited to be a big brother. Patrick O’Donnell and Lorraine Mele/O’Donnell fell in love at Siena and after graduation, moved on together for their Master’s in clinical psychology at Loyola in Baltimore, MD. They’ve both worked for the psychiatric institute in Orangeburg. Lorraine did research on schizophrenia, and is now working as a clinical manager for a medical practice in Poughkeepsie. Patrick has completed a CAS in School Psychiatry at Marist and is now finishing up his doctorate at SUNY Albany. He also just had a therapeutic game published. Finally, Michael Ganey and his wife Julie Ganey are living and working as medical missionaries in Africa. Congratulations Class of ’96! Our class now seems to be entirely married off, as there are no weddings to report. It’s a sad day when you realize that you have to wait for your nieces and nephews to come of age for wedding receptions.

1997 Selena Dutcher 518-265-2127 Time seems to fly by…exactly when I don’t want it to! Fall is over and the cold weather is here. I am waiting for the arrival of my first niece and, as expected, she is going to be the most spoiled child ever. Hopefully you and yours are doing well! Here is an update on some of our classmates…Steve Thomson has been very busy over the past 10 years. He has lived in CA, NJ, Poland and Panama City, Panama! He married Karen in 2005 and they now live in Guatemala City, waiting for the arrival of their first child, a boy. Congratulations to Kevin McCormick and his wife Marianne who were married in

2003. They are proud to announce the arrival of their first child, Brian Joseph, on March 19, 2007. They live in Huntington, NY. Tobias Maguire and his wife Sarah are shouting from the rooftops about the arrival of their second daughter, Josephine Maebh Maguire on July 10, 2007. On September 29, 2006, Katie Grilli/Robles and husband Andy welcomed their daughter Talia Rene to the world. Katie also wanted to say that she is the public information officer for the Nassau County Police Department. Congratulations to Siena sweethearts Dr. Stacy McClosky ’98 and John Durso, who were married on December 9, 2006 in Vernon, NJ. Brian Montanari has been newly appointed as chief operating officer at HABCO Inc. in Glastonbury, CT. Brian received his Master of Business Administration from Central Connecticut State University. Do you have a move planned? Are you getting a promotion? Let me know and I’ll pass the word along. Remember to make a submission for the newsletter at one of my email addresses above. I look forward to hearing from you!

1998 Reunion June 6-8 Janine Trapp Scotti, MBA 1232 West Jarvis Avenue Chicago, IL 60626 201-294-0395 Greetings, class of ’98. We’re coming up on 10 years now- how time flies. I’m thrilled to fill our class coordinator position and I hope you will get in touch with me so we can share your exciting news. First, I wanted to tell you a little about myself... After working in New York City for several years following graduation, I landed in the Midwest in 2005, and currently reside in Chicago, IL, with my husband, Tom. I found my “calling” in the medical communications industry where I work as senior project manager and manage the project management department at the Peer Point Medical Education Institute. I received my Master of Business Administration in 2006 and got married that year too, so I’ve been pretty busy! Jim Murphy and Megan Stevens/Murphy ’99 welcomed their second son, Justin Robert, on July 14, 2007. He weighed 8 pounds and was 21.5 inches long. He joins big brother, Ryan who is almost 3, at home in Altamont, NY. Rebecca Sullivan/Baglio and her husband

Scott are also pleased to announce the birth of their first daughter, Siena Kathleen, on May 11, 2007. Rebecca and Scott were happily married in July 2005 and live in CT. I look forward to hearing from more of you and learning about what you have been up to these past 10 years! Please write to me so I can share your news with the rest of the Siena community.

1999 Brendan Fitzgerald 518-258-9272 Nichole Geracitano and Guy Gialanella, along with big brother Jack, welcomed the arrival of Elisabeth Lena and Theodore Anthony on August 5, 2007. Stephanie Bondi/ Robinson married Christopher in 2001 and had a son named C.J. in August 2004. Stephanie and her family currently live in Mt. Pleasant, SC. She also received her Ph.D. in pharmacology from the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston in May 2006. Greg Maida and Sarah Fetterman/ Maida were married on October 21, 2006 at Blessed Sacrament Church in Albany, with a reception following at Mallozzi’s in Rotterdam. The couple honeymooned in St. Lucia and now reside in Colonie, NY.

2000 Shaymus R. Schweitzer 103 Sherman Ave. Troy, NY 12180 518-727-3392 What’s up class of 2000? Best wishes to you all as we approach the holiday season. I was happy to catch up with Katie Demaree a few months back. Dr. Katie Demaree/Lincoln got married to Dr. Matthew Lincoln on May 26, 2007. As you can see from her prefix, Katie graduated from the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine in 2005 and she is now in her third year of residency in family medicine at Wilson Memorial Hospital in Johnson City, NY. Her husband is an internal medicine resident and captain in the United States Army. Matthew Rosencrans and his wife were in attendance for the big day as well. The happy couple recently built a house in San Antonio, TX, near

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Brooke Army Medical Center where Matt is stationed. Katie will be moving there full time this summer. She says it will be tough to leave home, but she is looking forward to no more NY winters! It was also great to hear from fellow freshman year Ryan Hall resident Angela Miller/Johnson. I can’t believe our freshman days were 11 years ago! Angela and her husband, Adam, just had their second baby, Michael Paul, on July 15, 2007. The happy couple already has a 4-year-old named Emma. Together, the happy family is living right on the edge of the Jersey shore. Meghan Gorman/ Anderson and Kevin Anderson recently became the proud parents of a beautiful baby girl. Corey Brenna was welcomed into this world on June 4, 2007 weighing in at 7 lbs., 11oz. Corey enjoys being outdoors, watching sports, talking and smiling. She has already been to the Cape and spent a day at the beach with her Siena friends. She can’t wait to see them again and meet the other “little Saints.” Edward Cardinale and his wife Elizabeth are happy to announce the birth of their second child! Kaitlin was born on September 11, 2007. She joins big sister, Grace, who just recently celebrated her third birthday. The happy family is living locally for the time being. Ed is a captain in the United States Army and served in Iraq, piloting the Chinook helicopter. He is in the area attending SUNY Albany’s Rockefeller College in pursuit of his Master’s in public administration. Once completed, Ed, Liz and family expect to be shipped off to South Korea for a stint with the Army. Congratulations guys! We’ll miss you when you leave. Ben Maynard checked in and had the following to pass along, “Things here are great, I live in Portland, Maine and love it. I left IBM to start my own business early this year. In January, I became the president/chief executive officer of Brayberry Consulting, a small Internet/Technology company. The big thing is that we just rolled out a new website at and we’re hoping that some of our Siena friends might pick up their favorite greens and golds on the site! I am trying my best to get the word out!” You can check it out and maybe do a little business with Ben by visiting him at or Brian and Kelly Boyer Chapin welcomed a new baby girl named Emerson Laurel to their lives on September 16, 2007.

Congratulations! Until next time, best wishes to you all!

2001 Maura Mack Lisa Kuhner/Iurato graduated summa cum laude in May 2007 from Rutgers University in Newark, NJ, with a master’s in public affairs and administration. She is currently manager of global communications for Prudential Financial in Newark, and resides in NJ with her husband, Frank. Kim Kaltreider recently completed her first half Ironman race (1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, 13.1 mile run) and if that wasn’t enough, she’s set to compete in a full Ironman competition next July in Lake Placid, NY. Good luck and talk about ambitious! Jaymie Czornyj/Lowe recently gave birth on July 25 to a beautiful baby girl named Abigail Grace! Congratulations, Jamie. Who helps keep Zach Braff and the cast on top of all those witty lines? Devin Mahoney! Devin was recently promoted to script coordinator on the NBC show Scrubs. Recent nuptials: Brooke Maggiore and Joshua Metzger were married on July 27, 2007 in Staten Island, NY. Their reception was held at the Westmount Country Club in West Paterson, NJ. Brooke received her MS in elementary education from Sage Graduate School in 2003 and has been teaching in Staten Island, NY for the past five years. Josh is a mutual fund wholesaler in New York City. Tara Crawford married Brian Hennessy on May 27, 2007 in a beautiful ceremony at St. Catherine of Genoa church in Somerville, MA, with the reception in Woburn, MA at the Crestview. They went on a 10day Baltic Sea Cruise on the Norwegian Dream for their honeymoon. Shannon Archer/ McGorry and her husband, Scott, welcomed their daugher, Colleen Flynn on Tuesday, October 2, 2007. Congratulations! As always, it’s great to hear from classmates, so send your info my way—don’t be shy.

2002 Christine Cinnamond 646-942-0970 Congratulations on the marriage of Sakima Grimes and Mary McKissack ’03, the couple tied the knot August 18 in Syracuse, N.Y.

2003 Reunion June 6-8 Gina Gizzi P.O. Box 5133 Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 518-421-4316 During the weekend of September 29, 2007 a preview to the class of 2003’s upcoming reunion occurred at the wedding of Vince Pasqualino to Laurie Spofford. A great time was enjoyed by all on campus with the ceremony at the good old Siena Chapel, followed by a Saints-style celebration at the Normanside Country Club. Many attendees were alumni who kept after me about getting this into our news and notes. Congratulations Vince and Laurie, thanks for an excellent evening! Sean Power and Katie Ostrosky are engaged and plan to wed in April 2008. Following a similar trend, Paul Coen and Emalie Varno sent this update: “Paul has recently been promoted to a retail sales manager for Nestle, U.S.A., and I am the communications manager for SSA, Inc.” They became engaged over the summer. Emalie said, “Paul proposed along a lake at sunset while we were on a tour of ‘wine country.’ It was beautiful and romantic, and we are looking forward to our wedding next July!” Eric Pederson was accepted into the clinical psychology doctoral program at the University of Washington in Seattle. He is moving there from Los Angeles, CA where he had been working as the assistant director of a research project in the Psychology Department at Loyola Marymount University. I hope everyone has June 6, 7 and 8, 2008 marked on their calendars as I look forward to seeing you at reunion weekend! Congratulations to Kristen Pattamana who has recently become engaged to Andrew Cavo ’02. Paula DiMenna/Antista married Jared Antista of Windham, NH on July 21, 2007. Jared is the brother of our classmate Jon Antista. Paula and Jared were married in Buffalo, NY, where Paula is originally from, and went to Hawaii for their honeymoon. They are enjoying being newlyweds in Westlake, Ohio where they both work. Attention class of 2003: fellow classmate, Lloyd Knight is looking for a career advance in the New York City area. If anyone has any contacts or suggestions especially within the finance field, please contact the Alumni Office. Anne

Burak joins the Albany law firm of Hiscock & Barclay. She will concentrate her practice in the area of commercial litigation.

2004 Jolleen Wagner

2005 Sabra-joi Dingman 845-758-7692 Ann Petray/Higgs is now living in Poughkeepsie, NY with her husband, Raymond and son, Paxton Carter. Raymond is a graduate of RPI who is now working for IBM. Ann and Raymond were married on February 2, 2006. Their son Paxton was born October 5, 2006 and weighed 8 lbs and 2 oz. Ann is currently finishing up her thesis for a master’s degree in industrial and organizational psychology from Baruch College. Cristina Sabia is engaged to John Luft. They are planning a wedding in Saratoga Springs for June 1, 2008, as well as a reception for Cristina’s family in Ascea, Italy on June 7, 2008. Congratulations to Lisa Guerrero who has received her master’s degree in secondary education from Villanova University in August. Lisa is currently teaching special education at a Philadelphia suburbs high school. Andrew Krakat also received his Master of Arts in history from SUNY Albany last May. Great job Andrew!

2006 Chris Elsesser The leaves have changed colors, the days are shorter and that familiar old crisp is in the air, which signals the heart of the fall season and another quarter to report the evolving developments in our young lives. After a very hectic and stressful September, I was able to visit campus in October for Fr. Mullen’s presidential inauguration, which gave me an opportunity to reenergize myself (and take a day off). It’s always amazing how catching up with old friends and re-telling our classic “Siena Tales” can change your perspective on life! With that being said, let’s start spreading this quarters’ news! We are sad, but happy to announce that Ashley Boland made a tough decision to leave her position as assistant director of Alumni Relations at Siena in August, to fulfill the same position at Union College in Schenectady. This new opportunity presents Ashley the

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chance to work with Union’s alumni groups on the West Coast and even make a few trips to Orange County (the OC)! On behalf of our class, I would like to wish her the best of luck in this position! I am also excited that she will continue working with me as co-editor of this section. Lisa DiStefano has been promoted to the position of marketer/underwriting assistant at Fuller and O’Brien Inc., working on insurance and fidelity bonds. She recently passed her New York State Property and Causality Brokers Insurance exam. Michael and Sarah Hren/Suarez welcomed their new baby, Maria Clare Suarez, on August 22, 2007. Congratulations! We also have a couple of weddings to announce this quarter. I would like to send congratulations out to my former roommate Ray Navarette and Kristen Kaschak, who were married at Wolfert’s Roost one week after graduation on May 27, 2006. Also, we congratulate Danielle O’Neill who married Stephen Barretta ‘05 on September 29, 2007. Over the last year, I have found much enjoyment in writing (and reading) this section of the magazine, learning about the interesting and exciting news that you all have to share. Join the club! Let us know what you have been doing! No news is no fun! As we wrap up another year, Ashley and I would like to wish you and your family a very happy holiday season. We’ll talk to you in the winter!

2007 Sean Robbins PO Box 11222 Loudonville, NY 12211 With fall in full swing, the class of 2007 is hitting the ground running without missing a beat. While sharing a house with five friends, a dog, cat, and a bunny, Samantha Tompkins is busy working in M&T Bank’s sales development program, a fast-paced training program designed to help prepare her for management. Additionally, Samantha plans to pursue a Master of Business Administration beginning next fall. Marcie Rajter says she misses Siena, though she is enthusiastically pursuing a master’s degree in special education and elementary education at the College of Saint Rose. James Cataldo has just started in July for UHY Advisors NY, Inc. in downtown Albany. Good luck James! Nathaniel Jenkins, a former assistant editor of The Promethean, whose concentration at Siena focused on history and classics, has

accepted a position with Mount Ida Press where he works as a historical research associate. Finally, marketing major Nick Taylor has accepted a position with Taylor and Leonard Insurance & Financial Services in Glens Falls, N.Y. Nick works as a full-time agent who provides long-term care insurance, life insurance, annuities, home and renters insurance, as well as automobile insurance. So here we are, the class of 2007, barely six months post-graduation and already busy at work building the stepping stones towards our future.

Steve Thomson ’97 & Karen Thomson at their 2005 Wedding.

In Memory of: Theodore J. Yund ’43 Ugo R. Miseno ’43 Joseph Kretchmer ’47 James Kaplan ’48 James R. Donovan ’49 Michael Mastrianni ’49 Paul Le Cuyer ’49 William H. Purcell ’49 James Bernardin ’50 Edward J. Fleming, Jr. ’50 James Bernardin ’50 Kenneth C. Kass ’50 T. Laurence Reynolds ’50 Dr. Arthur Wendth ’52 Gerard Fennessey ’52 Herbert Callinan ’53 Dr. Robert Vincent O’Toole ’53 Stephen P. Racko ’55 George T. Parker ’58 John J. Jenkinson Jr. ’58 Frank Joseph Conley ’59 Frank R. Finn ’59 John L. O’Connor ’59 James E. Smith ’60 John P. (Jack) Callahan, Jr. ’63 Charles Cavanaugh Jr. ’64 Donald Markiewicz ’64 Paul J. Doolin ’64 Willliam E. Riley ’64 John (Jack) Shuttleworth ’67 Stanley C. Harrison ’68 Dr. Leonard Roberts ’69 Gilbert J. Harbour ’70 Charles E. Gerardi ’70 Paul Anthony Morrell ’70 Dr. John Van Deloo ’71 Rev. Gregory Brennan ’73 Brian W. Swinn ’75 Peter J. McGreen, Ph.D ’79 Rick Tenenini ’80 Donald E. Witko ’83 Daniel E. Kennedy ’87 Cheri Goodness ’92 Michael Farina ’03

Paula DiMenna ’03 married Jared Antista on July 21, 2007.

Tara Crawford ’01 married Brian Hennessy on May 27, 2007.

Dr. Stacy McClosky ’98 married John Durso ’97 on December 9, 2006.

Class of ’79ers at Kevin McAleese’s 79 Shore Condo in Avalon, New Jersey.

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Brooke A. Maggiore ’01 married Joshua C. Metzger ’01 on July 27, 2007 in Staten Island.

Monica Prinzivalli ’04 married Christopher Acker ’03 on July 8, 2006.

Stephen Erdman ’03 married Martha Kroll ’03 on July 8, 2006. Ray Navarette ’06 married Kristen Kaschak ’06 on May 27, 2006.

Jim Scott ‘02 married Meghan.

Dr. Katie Demaree ’00 married Dr. Matthew Lincoln on May 26, 2007.

Greg Maida ’99 married Sarah Fetterman on October 21, 2006.

Danielle O’Neill ’06 married Stephen Barretta ’05 on Septemebr 29, 2007.

Siena alumni celebrate Tim Barker’s 50th birthday party in March.

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“What Will Your Legacy Be?” “Too often wealth is viewed as an end unto itself, when in fact it should be an instrument placed into the services of values and purpose.” These words from Adam Smith, the worldrenowned economist, ring as true today as when he first uttered them. Economists tell us that in the next 20 years, more wealth will transfer to families and charities than was transferred in the previous 150 years. That number has been estimated at 41 trillion dollars. As this generation of adults accumulates wealth that far exceeds their personal and family needs, each member will be faced with the question, “What legacy will I leave behind?” Fortunately, Siena has benefited from many alumni and friends who have chosen to make future generations of Siena students the beneficiaries of their legacy. Their generosity underscores the value of a Siena education, reaffirms the mission of the founding friars and helps perpetuate the Franciscan spirit of “giving back.” As we “Begin Again,” I encourage each of you to reflect on the impact that Siena College has had on your life and the lives of your family and to include Siena College in your philanthropic plans

when you ask, “How will I be remembered as having made a difference?” There are many ways to make a gift that will create your legacy at Siena College without reducing any amount that you might leave to your loved ones. Each gift has significant tax benefits to you. Certain types of gifts provide income to you and your spouse immediately or at some future date that you determine. Your gift will be appropriately recognized and most importantly, you will know that you are supporting generations of future students who will be receiving a Siena College education because of your gift. If you are interested in learning more about creating your legacy at Siena College, please contact Jack Sise, Esq. ’75, director of gift planning (518) 7832315 or, who will be happy to work with you and your advisors to design a gift that would be most beneficial to you and to the college. Fraternally,

Fr. Kevin Mullen, O.F.M. ’75

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Siena Basketball Expectations High for Young Team Just two years ago, Siena’s men’s basketball head coach Fran McCaffery inherited a team that set a program record with 24 losses and scored the fewest points in the league. Expectations were simple: rebuild the program, as fast as possible. Fast forward to the present where McCaffery’s Saints are coming off a 20-win season and a MAAC title-game appearance. Behind McCaffery’s offensive-minded vision, Siena scored the most points in the conference last season, re-energizing the program and electrifying the Capital Region fans. Expectations have changed. Siena is the MAAC coaches’ pick to win the league in 2007-2008, narrowly edging second-place Loyola in the annual preseason poll. The whirlwind transformation has raised the excitement level surrounding the upstart Saints, while also raising the proverbial bar. “I’m very pleased with the direction we are headed,” McCaffery said. “The players have really bought into what we are trying to accomplish. We have been fortunate enough to have had great leadership from our upperclassmen in each of my first two seasons. That again will be a key this year, as we have a very young team.” The Saints are extremely young for a squad seeking to achieve such ambitious goals. Tay Fisher is the only senior on this year’s squad, and 11 of the 14 players are freshmen or sophomores, eligibility-wise.

To make things more difficult, the Saints embark on their most challenging schMen’s Teamedule since turning Division I, 31 years ago. Siena will play Syracuse in the NIT season tip-off (11/11) and travel to preseason #3 Memphis (1/3). The home schedule begins on November 17 against Pac-10 power Stanford, and includes games with America East Champion UAlbany (12/1), Patriot League champ Holy Cross (12/22), 2004 Elite 8 participant St. Joseph’s (12/28) and Ivy League contender Dartmouth (12/31).

“We are very young, but people have a reason to be optimistic,” McCaffery said. “We enjoyed a great deal of success last season and many of the key contributors are back. Whenever you have that scenario, people are going to expect a great deal. Our focus has to be on improving each day and remaining focused throughout the season. If we can do this, I’m confident we will be in a position to meet the highest expectations – our own.” Above: Kenny Hasbrouck ’09 and Alex Franklin ’10 figure to be key contributors to this year’s team. Siena News • 34

Optimism Surrounds Women’s Basketball Squad Last year the Saints struggled as they lost 20 games for only the second time in 18 years under the guidance of head coach Gina Castelli. However, a late season surge that included a buzzer-beating 3-point shot from Melissa Manzer in a MAAC quarterfinal upset of Fairfield provides reason to believe this year’s squad will make some noise in the MAAC. The Saints march their way into the 20072008 campaign with a talented core of returnees, including four starters and a highly-touted

freshman class. Senior tri-captains Laura Menty, Melissa Manzer and Liga Alpe-Luka, along with junior Shondaya Burrell have the skill and leadership ability needed to bring home a MAAC Championship this year. “We have a hard working group with great camaraderie,” explained Castelli. “Our goal never changes: we expect to compete for a MAAC Championship every year. I believe with our solid senior leadership and team chemistry, we are capable of achieving this goal.” Siena’s opponents will focus their attention on Menty, a 2006-2007 MAAC First Team pick who was named to the Preseason MAAC First Team. She returns for her final season in Loudonville, bringing leadership to the frontcourt. Manzer is coming off a solid junior campaign and is prepared to pick up where she left off after being named to the MAAC All-Tournament Team last year. Alpe-Luka’s refuse-to-lose attitude and the athletic Burrell, a preseason third team selection this year, will spark the Saints efforts. The season tips off in the friendly confines of the Alumni Recreation Center on November 10 against Boston University. If all goes as planned, the Saints will be the last team standing at the end of this year’s MAAC Tournament on March 9, 2008. Left: Senior tri-captain Laura Menty will lead the women’s team to a possible NCAA berth this March.

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SIENA BASKETBALL 2007 – 20 08 Men’s Basketbal Date l Schedule Opponent 11/9/07 at James M Time adison 11/12/07 at Syracus 7:00 p.m. e (NIT Seaso n Tip-Off) 11/13/07 NIT Seaso 7:00 p.m. n Tip-Off 11/17/07 vs. Stanfor TBA d 11/21/07 NIT Seaso 1:00 p.m. n Tip-Off Sem ifinals 11/23/07 NIT Seaso TBA n Tip-Off Fin als 11/25/07 at Cornell TBA 12/1/07 vs. UAlban 12:00 p.m. y 12/7/07 at Fairfield 7:00 p.m. 12/9/07 vs. Iona 7:30 p.m. 12/22/07 vs. Holy C 2:00 p.m. ross 12/28/07 vs. Saint Jo 1:00 p.m. seph’s 12/31/07 vs. Dartmou 7:00 p.m. 1/3/08 th at Memphis 2:00 p.m. 1/6/08 vs. Saint P 9:00 p.m. eter’s 1/8/08 vs. Fairfield 6:00 p.m. 1/11/08 at Niagara 7:00 p.m. 1/13/08 at Canisius 9:00 p.m. 1/17/08 vs. Manha 4:00 p.m. ttan 1/21/08 vs. Canisiu 7:00 p.m. s 1/24/08 at Loyola 6:30 p.m. 1/27/08 at Iona 7:00 p.m. 2/2/08 vs. Rider 2:00 p.m. 2/4/08 vs. Marist 2:00 p.m. 2/8/08 at Marist 7:00 p.m. 2/10/08 at Rider 7:00 p.m. 2/16/08 vs. Loyola 3:00 p.m. 2/18/08 at Manhatta 1:00 p.m. n 2/23/08 ESPNU Bra 7:00 p.m. cketbuster 2/29/08 s vs. Niagara TBA 3/2/08 at Saint Pet 7:00 p.m. er’s 3/8-11/08 MAAC Tour 2:00 p.m. nament TBA

515 Loudon Road Loudonville, NY 12211-1462 ADDRESS SER VICE REQ UESTED SERVICE REQUESTED

dule 2007 – 2008 Women’s Basketball Sche Time Opponent Date 2:00 p.m. vs. Boston University 11/10/07 7:00 p.m. rd Harva at 11/13/07 7:00 p.m. at Rhode Island 11/16/07 7:00 p.m. D ISLAN LONG at 11/19/07 9:30 p.m. at Colorado 11/23/07 TBA Clemson/Rice 11/24/07 7:00 p.m. l Drexe at 11/28/07 5:00 p.m. vs. Albany NY 12/1/07 7:00 p.m. attan Manh vs. 7 12/7/0 2:00 p.m. at Iona 12/9/07 7:00 p.m. vs. Oakland (MI) 12/20/07 7:00 p.m. use Syrac at 12/28/07 3:00 p.m. vs. Canisius 1/06/08 7:00 p.m. attan Manh at 8 1/11/0 2:00 p.m. at St. Peter ’s 1/13/08 7:00 p.m. at Loyola (Md) 1/18/08 4:00 p.m. ra Niaga vs. 1/21/08 7:30 p.m. at Marist 1/25/08 2:00 p.m. Rider vs. 8 1/27/0 7:00 p.m. vs. St. Peter ’s 2/1/08 2:00 p.m. vs. Marist 2/3/08 7:00 p.m. ius Canis at 2/8/08 2:00 p.m. at Niagara 2/10/08 12:00 p.m. ld Fairfie at 8 2/16/0 7:00 p.m. vs. Loyola (Md) 2/18/08 7:00 p.m. vs. Iona 2/22/08 2:00 p.m. ld Fairfie vs. 2/24/08 4:30 p.m. at Rider 2/29/08 TBA t amen Tourn MAAC 0/08 3/7-1

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