Siena News Fall 2009

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Siena Celebrates 800th Anniversary of the Order of Friars Minor INSIDE: Franciscan Center Celebrates 10th Anniversary Legal Fellows Spend Summer in the City

from the president “800 years and brown’s still in style” These were the words on a poster advertising Academic Convocation, the celebration of the 800th anniversary of the Order of Friars Minor. It was meant as a fun slogan, but the words ring true. The fact that the Franciscan tradition has not only survived, but is very much alive at Siena College and other Franciscan communities around the world, is a testament to its enduring relevance. Holding an Academic Convocation was a way to celebrate Siena’s educational origins. Saint Francis, at first skeptical of learning, found that education helped prepare friars to reach all people, to utilize knowledge to do good works. This is the heart of a Siena education. This is the importance of higher education. With this as our foundation, the future for Siena is a bright one. We will build on our history, continuing to provide an affordable education, a transformational experience and a lifetime membership in the Siena family to generations of students to come. Fraternally,

Fr. Kevin Mullen ’75, O.F.M., Ph.D.


Message from the Editors In this issue, we celebrate both anniversaries and new beginnings. The Siena News editors are pleased to announce a new beginning at the magazine: the addition of Ken Jubie ’04 as a contributing editor. Jubie returns to Siena as Media Relations Specialist in the Strategic Communications and Integrated Marketing office. In his first 50 days, Siena had 64 media hits! Prior to joining our staff, Jubie was an anchor/reporter at Capital News 9. Check out his first feature story on page 10. As always, we want to hear from you! What do you want to see more of? Do you have a Siena story to share? We welcome feedback from our readers concerning the magazine, as well as story ideas; these can be sent to Enjoy! Jim Eaton and Allison Maloney ’06

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2009 - 2010 Board of Trustees

4 Academic Convocation

8 Franciscan Center Celebrates 10th Anniversary

Ronald E. Bjorklund ’85 J. David Brown Michael Bucci ’73 Robert F. Campbell ’66 Robert M. Curley Robert T. Cushing ’77 Susan Law Dake Virginia L. Darrow ’83 John J. Dawson, Esq. ’68 Scott C. Donnelly Howard S. Foote ’74 *Shari Golub-Schillinger ’86 Robert L. Guido ’68 Douglas T. Hickey ’77 Rev. Kenneth R. Himes ’71, O.F.M., Ph.D. Edward J. Johnson ’63 Walter T. Kicinski ’62 Rev. Jerome J. Massimino, O.F.M. Pamela McCarthy Robert J. McCormick ’87 Rev. Dominic V. Monti, O.F.M., Ph.D. James J. Morrell ’66 Very Rev. Kevin J. Mullen ’75, O.F.M., Ph.D. John F. Murray ’79 John J. Nigro Very Rev. John F. O’Connor, O.F.M. Walter A. Osterman ’87 Joseph M. Pastore Jr., Ph.D. Kenneth M. Raymond Jr. Mark S. Rose ’65 Rev. Peter A. Schneible, O.F.M., Ph.D. David M. Stack ’73 Christine L. Standish Br. Daniel P. Sulmasy, O.F.M., M.D., Ph.D. *Nimmi M. Trapasso ’98, M.D. Dennis L. Winger ’69 Deceased * New trustee Siena News - Fall 2009 Published by Siena College 515 Loudon Road, Loudonville, NY 12211-1462 E-mail:

10 Summer Legal Fellows

departments On Campus News | 12 Alumni Connection | 25 Faculty News | 18 Alumni Class Notes | 27 Saints Corner | 22 Siena’s Ultimate Fan | 35

• Publisher: Delcy Fox • Editors: Jim Eaton, Allison Maloney ’06 • Contributing Editors: Mark Adam, Joe Fitzgerald, Jodi Ackerman Frank, Ken Jubie ’04, Fr. Kevin Mullen ’75, O.F.M., Ph.D., Michelle Pickering ’09, Jason Rich ’97 and Lynn Ryan • Director of Art and Design: Sergio Sericolo • Alumni Class Notes Design: Jean Higgs • Alumni Class Notes Editor: Janice Goca and Victoria Abdulla ’07 • Photography: Athletics Office, Dave Boswell ’12, Paul Castle ’81, Len Cutler, Judy Dougherty, Lisa Heimerle ’11, Ed LaRow ’59, Frank Martin ’59, Tony Purificato, Kris Qua, Tim Ryan, Sergio Sericolo and Ken Titus ’71 • Printer: The Lane Press, Burlington,Vt. Cover: Fr. Dennis Tamburello ’75, O.F.M., Ph.D., performed The Canticle of Brother Sun by St. Francis of Assisi at the Academic Convocation on campus. SIENA 3


Siena Celebrates 800th Anniversary of the Order of Friars Minor By: Allison Maloney ’06

Siena’s Academic Convocation brought the College community together to celebrate the 800th anniversary of the founding of the Franciscan order and the Franciscan tradition that has shaped Siena College since its founding.


To the melody of bagpipes and with splashes of colorful academic regalia, Chair of the Faculty Jim Harrison led a procession into the Alumni Recreation Center that included friars, faculty, students, administrators, the president’s cabinet and members of the Board of Trustees. “This convocation is a celebration of our origins. From the beginnings of the Order of Friars Minor, education emerged as a primary form of ministry,” said Fr. Kevin Mullen ’75, O.F.M., Ph.D., president. “Saint Francis believed that education helped prepare friars to assist in reaching all people, to utilize knowledge to do good work. Siena College inherited this tradition. As a college, we are proud to honor and be a part of this 800-year-old legacy.” The ceremony also commemorated, fittingly, the 10th anniversary of the Franciscan Center for Service and Advocacy (see Page 8 for complete story). In his welcome address, Student Senate President Steve Hannigan ’10 quoted the Senate’s mission of “the spirit of the saint,” citing its tenets: opportunity, community, growth, experience and pride. Hannigan assured the audience that the “beliefs and values of the founding Franciscans live on in the hearts and minds of Siena students, the modern caretakers of the Franciscan tradition.” The keynote address was given by Sr. Margaret Carney, O.F.F., S.T.D., president of St. Bonaventure University and homeless and mental health advocate. She began by referencing the controversial Dan Brown novels, The Da Vinci Code, Angels & Demons and The Lost Symbol. “As an academic,” said Sr. Carney, “I strive to get the facts right. Brown makes gazillions on turning truth inside out.”


He did get one thing right, though, she said. There was a woman who still has a huge influence on the Catholic Church today. She was talking not about Mary Magdalene, but about St. Clare. “Clare was not just a saint, but a founder of a feminist movement, an artisan, a teacher, a spiritual leader and a mystic,” said Sr. Carney. Positioning herself as a Ken Burns-like movie director, Carney took a captivated audience through scenes of St. Clare’s life, beginning with her first encounter with Francis, who allowed Clare and her family to flee during a time of civil war in Assisi, despite that their place in society made them enemies. Ten years later, when Clare listened to Francis preach about an authentic way of living the gospel, she became fascinated with the idea of doing something. In the next scene, Clare did the unfathomable. She left her privileged home in her Palm Sunday dress, escaping through city gates and traded the beautiful gown for a plain robe. Thus, began her life of simplicity. Defying societal norms, Clare and Francis bridged a socioeconomic gap, and the Franciscan allowed her voice to be heard within the order. In another scene, Clare and her fellow sisters earned their own way by embroidering silk. Led by Clare, the sisters led a life of sustainable ecology and economy. When they had abundance, they shared with the sick and the poor. In the final scene, Clare is a 60-year-old woman. Pope Innocent IV visits her on her death bed. “He made the mistake of asking if there was anything he could do for her,” said Carney. Clare asked for her rule to become the rule for the Order of Poor Ladies. He agreed, and issued the papal bull, Solet Annure, which confirmed that Clare’s rule would be the governing rule for the Order of Poor Ladies. She died clutching the document to her heart. Carney then faded the movie to black, bringing the audience back to the Alumni Recreation Center. “We walked in here and it says ‘Home of the Saints.’ That is absolutely true,” she said. “This Franciscan community is filled with light and grace that can’t be erased. You are the Saints!” Following Carney’s address, three honorary degrees were conferred by Bob Cushing ’77, chair of the Board of Trustees. The recipients included Sr. Carney, Fr. John Felice, O.F.M., and Rev. Robert Lamar, D.D., community leader and pastor emeritus of the First Presbyterian Church in Albany. Felice told a well-known story of St. Francis, who got off of his horse to touch a leper. On impulse, Francis embraced him. “This moment changed Left to right: Rev. Robert Lamar, Sr. Margaret Carney, Fr. Kevin Mullen ’75, Fr. John Felice and Bob Cushing ’77


St. Francis’ life and the lives of generations of friars,” said Felice. “When it’s your turn to get off your horse, remember the absolute worth of each individual.” Lamar reflected on importance of interfaith discussion throughout the Capital Region. He concluded: “Francis and Clare would be especially proud of their brothers and sisters today.” After the celebration, the Siena community shared St. Francis’ favorite treat, almond cookies.

Students Complete Summer of Service Around the World By Jim Eaton The Siena College/Albany Medical College Program in Science, Humanities and Medicine is an early assurance program, the first of its kind in the country, that places emphasis on humanities, ethics and social service. Students in this program earn a bachelor’s degree from Siena after four years and a doctorate in medicine from Albany Medical College upon completion of the medical curriculum. Part of the program includes a summer-of-service component that occurs between the junior and senior years at Siena College. Students typically engage in nonmedical work with disadvantaged people in urban areas or developing nations.

Siena students traveled to different parts of the world during their summer of service: • Sana Ali ’10 and Lindsey Cilia ’10 worked with children and adults in Costa Rica. During the day, they worked at an orphanage to help children trust and overcome physical and mental limitations attributed to early abuse and neglect.

• Katherine Armstrong ’10 and Nathalie Peiris ’10 worked with Visayan children at an orphanage in the Philippines. These children face a complex and precarious landscape dominated by multigenerational poverty, social marginalization, recurring hunger and the hazards of living and playing amidst mounting garbage.

• Indira Dhandapani ’10 worked with children at an orphanage in Honduras. During her second week, there was an earthquake (7.2 on Richter magnitude scale). Tsunami warnings were announced and people evacuated the next day. • Steven Hannigan’10 and Elizabeth Keenan’10 worked with children at a national clinic in El Salvador. They spent their mornings at the clinic. During the afternoons, they visited community members and conducted surveys. • Ramy Sedhom ’10 and Christopher Smith ’10 volunteered

in Kenya with the Mill Hill Sisters at a Marigat Catholic Mission. They worked at the mission and mobile clinics. They also visited homes in outlying villages, where they distributed medications and served as health educators at primary schools. SIENA 7

r e t n e C n a c s i c n a r a Fr e Y 0 1 s e t a r b e Cel y r a s r e v i n n A By Jim Eaton and Joe Fitzgerald

Ten years ago, Fr. Kevin Mullen, O.F.M., treasurer of the Holy Name Province, was the first person to raise his hand in support of the creation of Siena College’s Franciscan Center for Service and Advocacy (FCSA) . The request came on behalf of Fr. John Felice, O.F.M., who thought Siena and St. Bonaventure University could benefit from a center that provided direct services to the poor and marginalized and to incorporate an academic component for this need. SIENA 8

only to take students “The center was created not St. Francis Inn in on trips to places like the ve them the academic Philadelphia, but also to gi to understand why we component that allows them O.F.M. do this,” Fr. John Felice,

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Inspired by St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi, the FCSA has made a significant contribution to the mission of Siena College by encouraging students and members of the Siena community to volunteer their time and talents to those in need. The FCSA has partnered with more than 165 social service agencies in the Capital Region and has sent more than 10,000 students out to have face-to-face contact with people in need around the world. The FCSA works under the guidance of Br. Michael Harlan, O.F.M. (1999-2005); Fr. Kevin Mullen ’75, O.F.M., Ph. D. (2005-2006); and Fr. Mathias Doyle ’56, O.F.M. (2006-present). The FCSA has sponsored service trips to Philadelphia, Boston and Jamaica. It has supported Habitat for Humanity trips to North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and West Virginia. Under the direction of Jim Snyder, coordinator of the mentoring program, the FCSA has sponsored Siena’s mentoring program for Capital Region’s underprivileged youth. The mentoring program has been in place since 1965.


Through the FCSA program, which students can select as a minor, and its other activities, the Franciscan Center helps Siena graduates become advocates for the poor and marginalized. During the last two years, more than 15 Siena graduates have volunteered for one or two years of postgraduate full-time service in organizations dedicated to assisting those in need. The FCSA is the academic component of the center that allows for a better understanding of the socioeconomic factors and structures that negatively impact the poor and marginalized; an awareness of the principles of the Franciscan tradition and Catholic social teaching; and ways to advocate for just social structures for those in need. After all, this is what a Franciscan education is all about.

Left to right: Jim Snyder, coordinator of the mentoring program and Judy Dougherty’06, assistant director of the Franciscan Center at the 10-year anniversary celebration.


Legal Fellows Spend Summer in the City By Ken Jubie ’04 Siena’s Summer Legal Fellows Program continues to provide aspiring attorneys with a solid foundation for future careers in practicing law. This year, the program expanded with a new partnership with Fordham Law School in New York City. As a result, Megan Lohan ’10 and Michael DiSiena ’10 spent their summer working in Fordham’s John D. Feerick Center for Social Justice. “Everyone there treated us absolutely professionally,” DiSiena said. “You see the human aspects behind the law as well ... It was a very eye-opening experience for me.” The students said the top-tier law school treated the students like members of its staff, giving them opportunities to learn first-hand what legal work in New York City entails. “They accepted our students as part of the family,” said prelaw advisor Len Cutler, Ph.D. The students participated in delivering legal papers to a defendant or an individual involved in a court case and helped draft legislation to make it more effective and efficient. They also worked in Civil Legal Assistance Resource offices in Manhattan and the Bronx. People can visit one of these offices to receive free basic legal advice if they are in debt and facing legal action from creditors. “It was incredible … Being sued is scary, and people left feeling confident and reassured,” Lohan said. The students also worked directly with Jonathan Lippman, chief judge of the Court of Appeals, New York state’s highest court, to find ways to ease the transition for retiring lawyers who want to do pro bono work. They also visited women’s shelters and worked with volunteer and


Other Summer Legal Fellows: retired lawyers who assist poor and elderly people facing eviction or a loss of vital services. “They’re getting exposed to the kind of mission that we have here at Siena College and that is to serve the poor and marginalized,” Cutler said. “I always knew I wanted to do something in law. Legal Fellows validated that for me,” Lohan said. While it affirmed her calling to the legal profession, Lohan said the Summer Legal Fellows Program changed what she plans to concentrate on in law school. The political science major had planned on pursuing a career in contract law, but, after her experiences this summer, Lohan wants to consider working in public interest law. “It opened a lot of doors for me,” Lohan said. Cutler said he hopes those doors will remain open for the next group of Siena students looking to learn more about how law impacts everyday life from the professors and professionals practicing at Fordham Law School.

l Caitlin Romanowski and Aaron Depaolo worked in the Government Law Center at Albany Law School. They concentrated on community benefits agreements. The agreements are aimed at helping to create community coalitions, smart hiring practices, green building principles, transit-oriented development and mixed-use neighborhoods. l Michael Ellement and Garrett Blair worked at American Law School on plans and proposals concerning national health care reform. l Emily Flasz was trained and worked on domestic violence and elder abuse cases under the supervision of a legal mentor at the Pace Women’s Justice Center. l Keri Lynn Timlin and Ryan Ziegler conducted research at Western New England College of Law. Timlin’s work will be published along with her professor’s law review article on combating terrorism in the United Kingdom through “prevention detention.” Ziegler’s work will appear in an article about “Prescription Drug Diversion and Drug Abuse.”

Above: Siena Summer Legal Fellows Amanda Campo ’10 and Louise Bassette ’10 with Robert Kennedy, Jr., Karl Coplan and Dan Estrin at Pace University’s Environmental Law Clinic. They worked on environmental law cases being handled by the school’s Environmental Litigation Clinic.

A Fresh Start: Move-In Day 2009 About 800 new members of the Siena College community kissed their parents goodbye, shook their new roommate’s hands and began life on campus in early September. “I’m excited to meet my roommates and stuff. But I’m still really nervous,” said freshman Haley Brown as she began moving into Plassmann Hall. As they stepped out of their cars, minivans and, in some cases, rented box trucks, members of the Class of 2013 and transfer students saw the Siena community in action. More than 350 volunteers, including resident assistants, ambassadors and administrators helped students and parents unload their cars and lug everything from boxes of clothes to flat-screen televisions into their new homes in Ryan, Plassmann, Padua and Hines halls. “Siena is known for having people open doors for each other. It’s known for having everybody pitch in and help each other. And this is the best way to walk into Siena,” said senior Liz Keenan. “It’s the welcoming tradition of Siena College. It goes right in line with the mission of Siena. It’s a very exciting four years and these students are going to be happy,” said Assistant Vice President for Admissions Heather Renault ’97. Despite all the unpacking, new students remembered why they came to Siena in the first place. “They had a lot of programs for my major. I wanted to do accounting and finance,” said freshman Mike Walling. As nerves calmed and new students settled into the collegiate chapter of their lives, they and their families will fondly remember their first Siena move-in day. Haley Brown’s grandfather, Charlie, said, “I think it goes along with everything else that’s said about Siena. It’s first class.”


Generations of Siena

Above: Siena welcomed 66 incoming freshman students to campus this fall who are sons and daughters of Siena alumni.

Enrollment is Up Despite Economic Downturn Despite the economic downturn and the uncertain financial future facing many families, Siena College remains a viable and affordable option. Financial aid counselors have been working with families to make sure their children can receive the high-quality Franciscan liberal arts education Siena College is built upon, even if their financial circumstances have changed. “Through thick and thin we’re at your side,” said Siena College Vice President for Enrollment Management Ned Jones. All of Siena efforts have paid off. The Class of 2013 exceeded the College’s enrollment goal. The academic quality of students joining the Siena community also has increased. SAT scores and diversity numbers are up, and more than 60% of incoming students graduated in the top 25% of their class. The Class of 2013 represents 18 states and various countries, including England, Sweden and Germany.

H1N1 Preparations While students have been stocking up on hand sanitizer, faculty, staff and administrators have been doing their part to mitigate the potential impact of the H1N1 virus, commonly known as swine flu. We have confirmed cases on campus. Resident directors and assistants have been given extensive training on how to spot flulike symptoms. The College also is working closely with the state Department of Health and U.S. Center for Disease Control to establish the best ways to slow the spread of germs. Signs stressing the importance of hand washing have been posted in residence hall bathrooms and hand sanitizing stations have been installed in buildings across campus. Along with being vigilant with hand washing and respiratory etiquette, Vice President for Student Affairs Maryellen Gilroy, Ed.D., has asked students and their families to come up with personal plans in case the College has to close or students are diagnosed with the flu and have to be placed on medical leave. “If you have the flu or flulike symptoms including fever or chills, headache, stomach ache, muscle ache or sore throat, stay home. Do not go to class,” said Gilroy, who also is encouraging students to contact Siena Health Services if they have flulike symptoms. In case of a widespread outbreak, Siena College has a campus emergency plan in place. For more details and updates, visit


Constitution Day 2009: Considering Same Sex Marriage As New York’s political leaders continue to debate the legalization of samesex marriage, Siena College students had the opportunity to discuss the topic with a man at the forefront of the fight to allow same-sex couples to tie the knot. During Siena’s annual Constitution Day celebration in September, Stephen Clark, J.D., Albany Law School associate professor, addressed more than 200 students, faculty and administrators in the Sarazen Student Union, where he discussed the legal arguments that shape the same-sex marriage conversation. Clark, who lives with his partner of 14 years, has led the charge to legalize same-sex marriage in New York state and across the country. During his speech, “Same–Sex Marriage and the Constitution: The Tension Between Law and Statesmanship,” Clark separated political and religious issues from the legal aspects of same-sex marriage. He also spoke about the history of the movement and its evolution in recent years. He said he thinks New York is ready to make same-sex marriage legal, but to the surprise of many students, the timing isn’t quite right for a constitutional amendment to legalize same-sex marriages nationwide. Constitution Day, and Clark’s speech in particular, caught the attention of Capital Region media, including television stations WTEN and Capital News 9. Students told Capital News 9 that they’re glad Siena, as a Catholic college, has embraced a discussion on this progressive and controversial topic. “It demonstrates that our campus is open and that we can have this conversation here and not be afraid of it,” said Katie Logothetis ’10, vice president for the Gay-Straight Alliance. Pre-Law Society President Michael Ellement ’10 said, “I thought it was great to combine a legal aspect to a question we’ve seen so much of in the political realm.” Center for the Study of Government and Politics Director Len Cutler, Ph.D., said that, since Constitution Day celebrations started five years ago,


they have given people the chance to think about how the hallowed document relates to some of today’s most pressing issues. This year was no exception. “We addressed one such issue, that of same-sex marriage. The United States Supreme Court has long recognized marriage between men and women as a constitutional right, most notably in 1967 when it overturned bans on interracial marriage. Since sexual

orientation, unlike race, is not mentioned in the Constitution, the question is whether that right extends to gay men and lesbians,” Cutler said. Constitution Day was sponsored by Siena College’s Center for the Study of Government and Politics, the Gay-Straight Alliance, Office of Multicultural Affairs, School of Liberal Arts and Political Science Society.

Flags of our Fallen: Remembering September 11 As the country took time to remember the tragic events of September 11, 2001, Siena College students proudly and quietly honored the people who lost their lives that fateful day eight years ago. Members of Siena’s Republican Club joined the Siena Democrats in placing 2,977 small American flags on the lawn in front of the Standish Library to honor each life lost in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks. “Each one of these flags represents a husband, a wife, a family member,” said Siena College Republican Club President Ridge Harris ’11. Harris said the Republican Club and Siena Democrats spent a few late-night hours on Sept. 10, arranging the flags so students would see them on their way to class the next morning. “9/11 isn’t a partisan event,” Harris said. As the students groups learned, it’s not political either. “People coming out of the library pitched in the night before. It shows what a supportive community we have,” said Siena Democrats President Kathleen Digan ’10. About a dozen students created the silent reminder of the tragic events that happened when many current students were in middle school.

Digan said the two clubs, with help from the Political Science Department, worked together in hopes of making the memory of 9/11 more pronounced on campus. Harris was in seventh grade when the terrorist attacks took place. “There’s not really an America I know before 9/11,” he said. Harris added that he remembers the feelings of compassion, unity and collaboration that followed the terrorist attacks and hopes that reminding people of what happened that tragic day will return those feelings to the forefront of American culture, starting with the Siena College community.

Good Grief When she walks through the New York State Museum examining the September 11, 2001 exhibit, Carla Sofka, Ph.D associate professor of social work, sees more than just artifacts. She sees a way for people to heal. Since 2002, Sofka has volunteered at the museum. Her work includes speaking to visitors and meeting people directly impacted by the events of that fateful day. Sofka has observed that people use the exhibit as a “healing space.” Sofka said that, along with preserving memories, museums provide a place to share stories of survivorship and hope while passing down the history of the tragic events. Sofka dug deeper into her research during her sabbatical in 2007-2008 by visiting the World Trade Center Tribute Center and the Oklahoma City National Memorial Museum. She conducted research to learn if these facilities are providing similar benefits for the people who visit. Sofka shared with songwriter David LaMotte what she learned

at the sites and from meeting with families of the deceased and survivors of the tragedies. As a result, LaMotte wrote and recorded the song “A Place to Go” in honor of the people who have died in tragic events, including the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Oklahoma City bombing. Proceeds from CD sales and downloads of the song benefit the “healing spaces” that inspired Sofka’s research, including the New York State Museum, the World Trade Center Tribute Center and the Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum. Above New York State Museum where a bouquet that was placed on this case on the anniversary of 9-11 by the family of a man who died while working for the AON corporation. Since they do not have a cemetery to go to, this is what they have done to honor his memory. SIENA 15

Family Weekend Rocks the House It’s often hard for parents and grandparents to truly understand what life on campus is like, but they got a taste this October during Siena College’s annual Family Weekend. “It is clear that not only do the students love our college, but their parents and siblings do as well,” said Fr. Greg Jakubowicz, O.F.M., the new college chaplain who experienced his first Family Weekend. Many parents played golf or walked through the craft fair with their children, enjoying the music of 24/7 and Fr. Dennis Tamburello ’75. Others decided to make the weekend a learning experience by diving into their son or daughter’s daily routines. Parents sat in on mini-lectures to get a feel for what college classes at Siena are like. More than 400 people enjoyed the annual Multicultural Dinner. “The best part of the weekend was to be able to offer opportunities for families to reconnect with their children and, at the same time, give everyone the chance to celebrate as part of the Siena community and share in its rich traditions,” said John Dierna, director of campus programs and student activities. Families also were able to get a feel for Siena’s Franciscan heritage. The College celebrated the Feast of St. Francis Mass and the 800th Anniversary of the founding of the Franciscan Order in the Alumni Recreation Center. “I was especially impressed by how many students,

College Says Farewell to Fr. Daly Fr. Kevin J. Daly, O.F.M., who has been associate campus minister at Siena since 2005, has been assigned by the Franciscan Friars of the Holy Name Province as pastor of St. Joseph’s Church in East Rutherford, N.J. He began his new ministry in August. During his time at Siena, Fr. Kevin was tireless in his pastoral ministry to students, faculty, staff and alumni. His Franciscan joyfulness and visible presence on campus will be missed.


along with their families, participated in the celebrations. The whole weekend really was a celebration of what Siena is all about,” Jakubowicz said. The weekend’s wildest time was the annual Blessing of the Animals ceremony. Jakubowicz blessed animals that ranged from reptiles to golden retrievers. It’s safe to say everyone had a howling good time.

Rising Need for New Residence Hall In the movie Field of Dreams, a disembodied voice whispers, “If you build it, they will come.” At Siena, hundreds of embodied voices in the form of new students have been shouting, “We’re coming!” As a result, the College will build a new residence hall to house the current student population. Siena is working with the town of Colonie to gain approval to build a new 264-bed complex near Colbeth Hall. The new residence hall will include gambrel roofs, clapboard siding and arched openings, giving it the same Dutch classic look as neighboring Colbeth Hall. While the residence hall will maintain a classic look, its amenities are as contemporary and student friendly as can be. Along with mostly double-occupancy rooms, the fourstory structure will include television, computer, multimedia, lecture and laundry rooms; a fitness center; and food service and dining facilities. The new hall will include a number of green initiatives including more efficient heating, cooling and electrical systems that will reduce energy consumption and improve indoor air quality. Once the project is approved, construction will begin in hopes of having the residence hall ready for students to move into next fall.

Townhouse Renovations During the summer six townhouses on campus were renovated. Students came back to find new countertops, appliances and flooring as well as new couches and chairs. In the six person townhouses that were renovated, each bedroom now has a personal bathroom.


Finn Wins NSF CAREER Award Physics Assistant Professor Rose Finn, Ph.D., is out of this world—and so is her research. Finn is working with undergraduate students to find out what causes galaxies to evolve from active star-forming galaxies to red passive galaxies. Finn and her students are studying the gas and stellar properties of galaxies in 10 low-redshift groups and clusters. Her research and collaboration efforts have earned her the Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award from the National Science Foundation (NSF). It is the most prestigious award given to new faculty members. The educational objective of the $471,460 award is to increase the number of Siena College graduates who pursue careers in physics, astronomy and related fields. “Dr. Finn’s accomplishments in research, teaching and service are outstanding by anyone’s standards. She has received more than $650,000 in external funding, including the very prestigious CAREER Award,” said Karen Quaal, Ph.D., dean, school of science. The NSF program recognizes and supports the early career development of teacher-scholars who are most likely to become the academic leaders of the 21st century. “She actively engages students in her research, including taking them to some of the most advanced observatories in the world located in Arecibo, Puerto Rico, and on Kitt Peak in Arizona. Her expertise is not limited to scientific research, as she is equally engaged in national dialogue on science education,” Quaal said. Siena College is the only liberal arts college in the Capital Region to have two active CAREER Award winners teaching in the School of Science. Along with Finn, Kevin Kittredge, Ph.D., assistant professor of chemistry and biochemistry, received a CAREER Award from the NSF in 2007. Kittredge received $498,000 to research better ways to preserve frescos and other works of art using transparent polymers. He also used the grant money for research into how to make nanoparticles for use in electronics and medicine. SIENA 18

Remembering Josh Diamond Physics Professor Joshua Diamond, Ph.D. was remembered fondly this fall at an awards ceremony in his memory. Diamond, who recently died after a long bout with cancer, was the first recipient of the Fr. Matthew Conlin, O.F.M., Distinguished Service Award. The award recognizes members of the Siena College faculty who have given consistent and outstanding service to the Siena College community. “Josh was a very beloved member of the Siena community. It was fitting and proper for us to take time to honor his memory and contribution to Siena and to acknowledge his award,” said Karen Quaal, Ph.D., dean, school of science Throughout his 29-year Siena College career, Diamond embodied the spirit of this award. Since joining the Siena faculty in 1980, he taught almost every physics course, including core courses for nonphysics majors. He also led the efforts to develop various science courses and foundations courses, which he taught for four years. His scholarship included 12 published articles, nine presentations at professional meetings and two National Science Foundation (NSF) grants. “Dr. Diamond was one of the most student friendly professors I’ve ever had. He worked with all students to make sure they really understood the material,” said physics major Michael Wickham ’05. “He was a model of how you should be as a senior member of a department,” said Physics Assistant Professor Rose Finn, Ph.D. Finn recently won a NSF grant of her own. Because her work will include the research efforts of students, she said she knows her former mentor would be proud. “This was his vision of where education in physics was going… it validates his vision. It validates his goals,” Finn said. Diamond’s colleagues said his passion and commitment to education will live on through the experiences of students and as faculty members share in the courses and community he helped to cultivate.

Faculty Members on a Mission

Dr. Smith-Hunter Goes to Washington Hickey Chair in Business Andrea Smith-Hunter, Ph. D., has been appointed to a position on the White House Council on Women and Girls. President Barack Obama signed an executive order creating the Council earlier this year to address the challenges facing women and girls in the United States. According to the White House, the Council will focus on preventing violence against women and improving women’s health care, the balance between work, family and women’s economic security. Smith-Hunter, who also is associate professor of marketing and management, will be helping the Council explore the development of programs for aspiring women entrepreneurs through her work with the Center for Women’s Business Research, based in Virginia. Smith-Hunter joins fellow experts in creating a model to help women entrepreneurs succeed. That model, she said, will be included in recommendations for government policies and loan distribution to women looking to start their own businesses. “There are no boundaries to what you could do with owning your own business and being an entrepreneur,” she said. Smith-Hunter, a pioneer in studying women entrepreneurs who began her research in this area in 1996, has traveled the world to study the impact that age, experience, socioeconomic status and race have on a woman’s ability to start and run a business. “My hope is to do a very good job of really formulating sound principles and policies that will impact not just minority women entrepreneurs, but all women entrepreneurs,” Smith-Hunter said. Smith-Hunter continues to meet regularly in Washington, D.C., and said the work she is doing could have a positive impact on businesswomen in the United States for generations to come.

Siena College’s mission took center stage this summer at an overnight faculty retreat. Fr. Ken Paulli ’82, O.F.M., Ed. D. chief of staff, was joined by Tom Dickens, Ph.D., and Matthew Johnson ’93, Ph.D. in leading a spirited discussion about the lives and legacies of Francis and Clare of Assisi. The men were joined by 12 faculty members from various disciplines who collectively looked at the implications that these legacies have on the faculty member’s work. “Faculty play a key role in terms of advancing the Franciscan Catholic dimensions of Siena’s mission,” said Fr. Ken. As Siena College’s chief of staff and a tenured professor, Fr. Ken said he enjoys retreating with other faculty and figuring out ways to apply the Catholic intellectual tradition to Siena’s instruction, research and advising. Academic service learning was also a focus of the retreat. Fr. Ken and the other presenters stressed the power of using service learning to achieve academic goals and attend to the college’s Franciscan Catholic heritage.

Restoring Dignity to the Forgotten Siena College students traveled to Western New York in early October to take part in Operation Dignity, a national movement to restore old and abandoned psychiatric hospital cemeteries. Social work professors Diana Strock-Lynskey, M.S.W., Donna McIntosh, M.S.W., and students joined their counterparts from St. Bonaventure University at the site of the former Gowanda Psychiatric Center Cemetery, where they spent several hours clearing dirt off of the gravestones and then cleaning them. The cemetery holds the remains of about 1,000 patients of the now-closed psychiatric center. It is one of 17 such sites in New York state. “I’m glad I was part of the experience. We showed that there are people who care,” said Juile Kallenburg ‘10, who is majoring in social work. The students saw first-hand that, when the mental health

A Pilot’s Perspective In his new book, J.F.K. Jr.–10 Years After the Crash: A Pilot’s Perspective, Siena Professor Doug Lonnstrom explains what really happened while Kennedy was flying through the thick haze off Martha’s Vineyard on July 16, 1999, and corrects errors published right after the crash. Lonnstrom is an experienced pilot who was flying home from Cape Cod the day that Kennedy’s plane crashed. He combines his own flight experience with 10 years of research to outline more than 30 mistakes that Kennedy made during his final flight. The book will beavailable in time


patients died, their graves often were marked only with a number, a cross, with wreaths or a Star of David. “It was eye opening. I didn’t know this type of stuff was going on,” said Tania Miolan ’10, who also is majoring in social work. “I was angry. I just couldn’t believe people would bury them with just a number,” Kallenburg said. “They were caught up in the job that needed to be done. I’m really proud of the caliber of the students we have,” said Strock-Lynskey. “They became an inspiration to keep going for the people out there.” Other students participating in the gravesite restoration project are junior social work majors Brittany Clarke, Natalee Gumbs, Mercy Kyeremeh and Karen Martinez, and political science major Kim Vassilatos ’10.

for the holidays. The book will be sold for $18.45 plus tax at the Siena College bookstore. It also can be ordered online at The Franciscan Center for Service and Advocacy will receive $5 from every copy sold. If you provide contact information, including your name, Lonnstrom will personally autograph as many copies as you order.

New Full-Time Faculty Siena College welcomes 18 new full-time faculty members for the 2009-2010 academic year. School of Business

Chester Brearey, Ph.D., assistant professor of accounting, has more than 30 years of professional experience as a CPA, including time spent as a partner in a Cleveland, Ohio, firm. He recently completed his doctorate in business at Case Western Reserve University. Arindam Mandel, Ph.D., visiting assistant professor of economics, has served as a research economist in the private sector and in state government. He recently completed his doctorate in economics at the University at Albany. Aaron Pacitti, Ph.D., assistant professor of economics, recently completed his doctorate in economics from American University. He won the 2008 James H. Weaver Award for Excellence in Teaching. Michael Pepe, Ph.D., assistant professor of marketing, brings 16 years of business experience from the retail grocery sector and six years of adjunct teaching experience. He recently completed his doctorate in marketing at Nova Southeastern University. Kenneth Williams, professional specialist in

strategic management, has been a visiting marketing and strategic management professor at several area colleges, including Siena, for more than 20 years. His business, entrepreneurship and consulting experience include aspects of strategic management. Sandra Zelka, visiting instructor of accounting, has more than 20 years of financial experience at SEC-regulated national and international companies. She is a CPA and earned an MBA from the University at Albany. She has taught as an adjunct professor at Siena and is currently pursuing her doctorate.

School of Liberal Arts

Elizabeth Blum, visiting assistant professor of creative arts, is a visual artist and educator from Troy, N.Y. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Loughborough College of Art and Design in England and a master’s degree from the University at Albany. Mark Jury, Ph.D., associate professor of education, has more than 30 years of experience as a teacher, researcher and education consultant. He holds a master’s degree and a doctorate from University of California, Berkeley, and comes to Siena from the SUNY system. Sudarat Musikawong, Ph. D., assistant professor of sociology, comes to Siena after a two-year postdoctoral fellowship at Willamette University in Oregon. She also has been a Henry Luce

Fellow in Asian studies at Australia National University and researched state violence in Thailand. Kevin O’Connor, visiting professor of social work, has been a psychiatric social worker who worked with the homeless for the past 26 years. He has been an adjunct professor at Siena College for the past two years and holds a master’s degree from Hunter College. Paul Ricciardi, assistant professor of creative arts, specializes in acting, voice and speech. He has taught acting at the University at Albany and Rhode Island College. He has a master’s degree in acting from Trinity Repertory Company. Kristine Santilli, Ph. D., visiting assistant professor of English, returns to Siena, where she taught in the 1980s. She then taught at the Sage Colleges for 17 years, where she won the Exemplary Faculty Service Award in 2006.

School of Science

Elizabeth Brookins Danz ’04, Ph.D., visiting assistant professor of biology, has returned to teach at her alma mater after completing her doctorate at Albany Medical College’s Center for Cardiovascular Sciences. Krsna Dev, Ph.D., visiting assistant professor of physics and astronomy, has taught for several years at Middlebury and Haverford colleges. He joins the Siena faculty to teach astronomy, electricity

and magnetism. He holds a doctorate from Dartmouth College. William Kennerly, Ph.D., visiting assistant professor of environmental studies, received his doctoral from Cornell University and worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the College of Nanoscience and Engineering at the University at Albany. He also worked as an adjunct professor at the University at Albany and taught at Siena College last year. Katherine Meierdiercks, Ph.D., assistant professor of environmental studies, has a background in civil and environmental engineering, specializing in water resources. She holds a doctorate from Princeton University. Stephanie Vernooy, Ph.D., visiting assistant professor of biology, has taught biology at Los Angeles Valley College and Pasadena City College. She holds a doctorate in biology from the California Institute of Technology.


Alison M. Larsen, assistant librarian, is the new serials and Web resources librarian. She has worked at the University at Albany, Albany Molecular Research and the Environmental Protection Agency Library in New York City. Larsen holds a master’s degree in science and information systems from the University at Albany.


Men’s Basketball to Embark on Most Anticipated Season in Program’s History By Jason Rich ’97 Kenny Hasbrouck ’09 graduated in May after finishing one of the most notable careers in Siena history. He was the first recruit to commit to Coach Fran McCaffery in April 2005 and would later admit he wasn’t sure if Siena was a Division I program when he first got the call. Just over four years later, the Saints are receiving more Preseason Top-25 recognition than UCLA.What in the name of John Wooden is going on here? Consider this: McCaffery inherited a team that set a program record with 24 losses in 2004-05. He led Siena to a program-record 27 wins last season. Siena is now one of just 18 teams in the country to reach the second round of the NCAA Tournament in each of the last two seasons, and four starters return this year along with the MAAC’s Sixth Man of the Year. More impressive, the Saints have proved you can win the right way. According to the NCAA’s most recent report, Siena’s Graduation Success Rate in men’s basketball of 86 percent is more than 20 percentage points higher than the national average (65 percent). With all this success, McCaffery’s job as a recruiter has changed dramatically. Once greeted with recruits like Hasbrouck who didn’t


know much, if anything, about Siena, he now walks into living rooms of many people who can name the college team’s starting five. Shortly after taking over the Siena program, a local columnist pondered whether the Saints would even win a game in McCaffrey’s first year (the Saints posted the fifth greatest turnaround in all of Division I that season). Now, the coach’s media interactions include campus visits from Sports Illustrated and ESPN. As he was whisked through a “car wash” at

run and, with four starters returning, lofty dreams have been replaced with even loftier national expectations. Many feel the last season for Siena’s “big three” — point guard Ronald Moore ’10, swingman Edwin Ubiles ’10 and power forward Alex Franklin ’10 — could be bittersweet. The exposure surrounding the program is at an all-time high, but questions arise as to whether this year will mark the end of this fantastic voyage.

ESPN Studios in Bristol last March, just days before the Saints would knock off Ohio State University in their backyard, McCaffery was asked time and time again how this all happened. How did he take a team from being the cellar of the MAAC to the darlings of college basketball? How can it be that Siena basketball has assumed a role so important in New York’s Capital Region that two resolutions have been formally read into the state Senate and Assembly books lauding the team’s accomplishments, and the town of Colonie (wherein Siena resides) literally handed the Saints a ceremonial key to the Town? Siena is an institution that was founded (on an asparagus field) by seven Franciscan friars in 1937. The friars on campus today will no doubt tell you faith played a part in this turnaround. For certain, something special is happening. Consecutive storybook chapters have set the stage for a fairytale ending even Hollywood would have a hard time believing. After Siena battered Vanderbilt with Cinderella’s slipper in 2008, the clock struck midnight on Ohio State when Ronald Moore arrived in the nick of time in 2009. Now comes year three of this magical

“What we try to do is not make it a closing chapter, but make it ongoing,” McCaffery said. “That’s the challenge. A lot of programs make a run and retool. Our challenge is to maintain this level of play.” Some people point to established midmajor programs and find similarities to what McCaffery has brought to Loudonville. Take Coach Rick Pitino, who said the day before his number-one-ranked Louisville Cardinals faced the Saints in the NCAA Tournament last year: “They’ve got terrific talent, and the good thing for Siena is most of these guys are coming back. Siena now has joined the ranks of Xavier and Gonzaga in terms of the types of players they’re getting and the type of talent they have.” McCaffery knows there is much work that needs to be done before those comparisons can be made on a consistent basis, but the recent past has taught the country not to underestimate this program. The Saints may very well open the season in the top 25 for the first time ever. That level of respect demands attention, and Siena will be receiving plenty of it all season, as Siena’s 69th season of men’s basketball is its most anticipated ever.


Women Ready to Compete for MAAC Crown By Mark Adam It’s a milestone year for Gina Castelli who enters her 20th season as head coach for the Siena women’s basketball team and is one win shy of 300 in her career. Castelli has been the symbol of consistency, averaging 15.7 wins per year, posting seven 20 plus win seasons, winning seven MAAC regular season championships and one MAAC tournament title. The five-time MAAC Coach of the Year wants to lead her team back to the promised land — the NCAA Tournament. Siena returns four starters and 77% of its offense from last season. Allie Lindemann ’10 and Cristina Centeno ’12 made an immediate impact for the Saints in their first season while returnees Merrick Volpe ’10, Sarah Fullmer ’10 and Cathy Cockrum ’11 stepped into prominent roles. Lindemann ranked second in the league with 2.4 3-pointers/game and was second on the team with 10.6 points/ game. Centeno brings a physical presence to the backcourt and can create for others. She is the only freshman since the program went to Division I (1983-84) to lead the team in assists (101). Volpe, a guard, stepped into a leadership role as the season progressed last year. In February, she made notable improvements, averaging 8.9 points, 4.0 rebounds and 3.3 assists during that month. Fullmer and Serena Moore ’11 complement each other in the front court. Fullmer is a skilled offensive player whose range extends outside of the paint. She ranked in the MAAC’s top five in field goal percentage (5th – .475) and blocks/game (2nd – 1.4) and was a MAAC Sixth Player nominee last season. Moore can slash to the hoop on offensive and alter shots on the defensive end with her length and jumping ability. She averaged 7.8 points and 4.5 rebounds last season. Another player who stepped up last year was Cockrum. The junior forward is a player who does all the little things a team needs to win. She crashes the offensive glass and plays with a focused intensity. Cockrum scored a career high of 12 points in her first career start (12/7) and never left the lineup. With this squad, Coach Castelli is poised for another run at the MAAC Championship this year.


Siena College is Pleased to Announce the New Director of Alumni Relations: Mary Beth Finnerty ‘85 Finnerty graduated from Siena with a bachelor’s degree in social work. She also holds a master’s degree in the same field from the University at Albany. She has held various positions in both the nonprofit and business sectors. In 2007, Finnerty returned to her “home,” Siena College, as the associate director of the annual fund. As Director of Alumni Relations, she looks forward to creating new and meaningful ways to foster alumni involvement at Siena.

From the Desk of the Director Greetings from the Office of Alumni Relations! It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that I write to you for the first time as director —Siena’s first female alumni director. As a fellow alum, I share with you the pride of being a Siena Saint. The warm sense of community, friendships, challenging academics, loyalty to our teams and commitment to Franciscan values are what make Siena a unique and wonderful place. While the physical landscape has changed since Siena was first established in 1937, much remains the same. The memories of our experiences connect us as alumni, from our first graduates of 1941 to our newest graduates of 2009. I always enjoy the immediate bond I feel when meeting Siena students or alumni. Age and experience make no difference; pride and love of Siena are the common thread. I am grateful to serve Siena as Director of Alumni Relations. Our alumni are 28,000 strong, representing all ages, geographic areas and careers. My charge is to engage alumni to be involved actively in the life of the College through the social networks, assistance with admissions, career placement, fundraising initiatives and community service projects. I welcome your thoughts and look forward to reconnecting with old friends and making new ones. With best wishes,

Mary Beth Finnerty Mary Beth Finnerty ’85 P.S. Please contact us at with updated information, thoughts or ideas.

Great Food and Fine Wine for a Good Cause Five-hundred Siena alumni and friends attended Festa Vino 2009 in support of the Saints Alive! Athletic Fund and a newly established emergency financial aid fund. Check out more photos of the always popular event at

Standish Library Celebrates 10 Years Siena College celebrated the 10th anniversary of the J. Spencer and Patricia Standish Library with a reception in October. “The library has played a central role in the development of academic excellence at Siena College during the past decade,” said Linda Richardson, Ph.D., vice president for academic affairs. She called the library “the greatest testimony to the visionary generosity of Spencer and Pat Standish.” Richardson reminded those in attendance of the Dawson Memorial Library: five floors of stacks, only one large reading room, drawers and drawers of card catalogues and no computers. Today’s Standish Library provides the modern amenities that probably were hard to imagine for those who experienced the previous library. As Student Senate President Steve Hannigan said, “The library is so much more than collections of books and computers. It is our research database, our home office, our student corner and our living room.” Gary Thompson, director of the library and audiovisual services, said, “The Standish Library has many

forward-looking aspects that still make us the envy of other academic librarians and faculty who visit here.” The structure of the library continues to evolve to meet the needs of the Siena community. The library was the second building (after the Sarazen Student Union) to provide wireless access. The library includes a 24-hour student space to complement the 24-hour computer lab, a multimedia production facility and college archives (in time to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Siena College in 2012).

Other library features include:

• instruction classroom and lab • community meeting room • computer networking throughout • computer clusters, collaborative AV spaces and group study areas • “green” interior that meets tough environmental standards • traditional and contemporary art

Whatever the changes may be, the library will be an invaluable resource for generations of Siena students to come. “Because of the Standish Library, Siena College is in a position to provide digital technology that will allow its students, faculty and staff the opportunity to participate in national and international efforts to explore and explain the world around us,” Richards said.

Above: Spencer and Patricia Standish with family, friends and members of the Siena College community. SIENA 26

An Interview with Sr. Rosemary Sgroi Sr. Rosemary Sgroi, R.S.M., was a member of the Siena Campus Ministry Team for 15 years. She returned to the college this past year as associate director of stewardship and donor relations. To the Siena community, Sr. Rosemary is known as a trusted confidante and advisor to students, staff and faculty. To the local community, she is known as a dedicated board member to numerous nonprofit organizations. To her Sisters of Mercy community, she is recognized as a spiritual leader and a trusted friend. To her family, she is kind and fun-loving Aunt Rosemary. To all, she is a special friend. Sr. Sgroi celebrated her 50th anniversary as a Sister of Mercy in September 2009. To honor this special occasion, alumni, friends and family have endowed a scholarship. The scholarship is in honor of Sr. Rosemary’s parents, Anna and Salvadore Sgroi, and will benefit a woman, preferably from the Arbor Hill neighborhood in Albany, N.Y., who embraces the Franciscan spirit and would otherwise be unable to attend college. Preference also will be given to a woman who has been enrolled in the elementary and high school mentoring program at Siena. For more information on the scholarship, please contact Ruth Richards, director of stewardship and donor relations, at or 518-782-4226. Siena News: What inspired you to become a sister?

Siena News: Why are scholarships so important?

Sr. Rosemary: It may have been the joy and vitality of the sisters who taught me in high school. I did feel like God was “calling me,” but I wasn’t quick to respond. It was a feeling that lingered with me for a few years before I finally made the commitment.

Sr. Rosemary: As I review the student scholarship thank-you letters, I realize what a profound impact that scholarships have on the student recipients and their families. Six-hundred-and-six scholarships are awarded to more than 680 students each year, enabling them to be part of the Siena family and the Siena experience. Many of these students would not be able to attend college without this financial aid. The scholarships also represent Siena’s commitment to diversity and education for all.

Siena News: Why is Siena special to you? Sr. Rosemary: Siena upholds strong spiritual, academic and social values. It uplifts the spirit and promise of young people while challenging them to a commitment of equality, diversity and social justice. I hold in my heart many fond memories of my time here. Siena News: What is your favorite Siena memory? Sr. Rosemary: That’s a tough one! There are so many “bests.” Perhaps just being there for the students in Ryan Hall, or directing a retreat in Lake George, or organizing the volunteer fair and having more than 600 students volunteer in the local community, or preparing students for the sacraments, or being on the committee for Siena’s 50th anniversary, or going white water rafting with ROTC, or being one of the biggest fans of the Siena Saints. The list is endless. Siena News: What do you like most about your position in stewardship? Sr. Rosemary: Definitely the interaction with students, alumni and generous donors. I also like the spiritual projects I’ve been involved with, such as memorial masses, publication of a revised prayer book, Siena note cards, departmental services and prayers, and the camaraderie of a dedicated development staff. I also enjoy the various activities that surround the scholarships and the scholarship dinner.


Siena’s Ultimate Fan By Michelle Pickering ’09

Thank you to the many alumni who submitted their Ultimate Fan photos. The Siena News editorial staff selected three finalist photos of an alumnus, a house and a dog. Frank Martin ’59 is our Grand Prize winner. He showed his Siena College pride with his collection of greenand-gold shirts, bags, coffee mugs, blankets, bobbleheads and more. He received a $50 gift card to the college bookstore where he can add to his collection. Second place went to Tim Ryan for his decorative use of the Siena College logo projected on his house. Third place went to Ken Titus ’71 for keeping his dog warm in Siena apparel. Although, the dog is not a St. Bernard, he still looks fashionable. Thanks again, and stay tuned for the next Siena News contest! SIENA 35

515 Loudon Road Loudonville, NY 12211

Look Who’s Calling Meet the Annual Fund student callers Vicky Zampini ‘11 English Education Syracuse, NY Mike Utzig ‘07 Annual Fund Staff

Mark Doherty ‘10 Creative Arts Bridgewater, MA

Aleksey Matyunenkov ‘11 Biology Brooklyn, NY

Samantha John ‘12 Math Clifton Park, NY

Allie Primo ‘11 Finance Syracuse, NY

Adam Brown ’10 Finance Troy, NY

Jennifer Russo ‘12 Undeclared Gloversville, NY

Ashley Powell ‘11 Sociology Latham, NY

Michelle McMahon ‘12 Accounting Mount Sinai, NY

Kyle Pulsifer ‘11 History Grafton, NY

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