Summer 2019 News and Notes

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ALUMNI CLASS NOTES Editors: Mary Beth Finnerty ’85, director of alumni relations, Kathy Palumbo, development assistant of alumni relations, and Joseph Redding ’15, assistant director of alumni relations. Please submit all of your class notes information to your class coordinator. If there is no coordinator listed for your class, please send all information to for posting in the magazine. We look forward to hearing from you.



If you are willing to help as a class news notes coordinator, please contact

1950 1955 1960


Joe Harrison

Kevin Raymond

John Aidala is celebrating 76 years of his business, Quail Auto Sales. They also give back to various charities that bolster the community. He received an appreciation award last May for his dedication to Albany and also to the community where his family business has been since 1943.

Dick Holmes and his wife Katey have been enjoying life as snowbirds with winters in Venice, Florida and summers in Loudonville. He is using his leadership skills in his sixth year as president of their condo association in Florida.


Lou Zampier Capt. John Moore, USN, (Ret.) and his wife Peggy visited ­Moscow, beautiful St. ­Petersburg, and a few very ­interesting Russian villages along the Volga.

Patrick McGovern and his wife Bridget are enjoying ­visiting with their children and five granddaughters. Pat looks forward to our 60th reunion and noted that many of the professors receiving awards at graduation are named in honor of professors during our time. Taught by the best!


Capt. John Moore '61, USN, (Ret.) and his wife Peggy in front of St. Basil’s Cathedral.


Joe Suozzi The class of ’64 had a great turnout at Reunion Weekend. Congratulations to Joe Varkey, who was recognized with the Professor Egon Plager Award for Humanitarian Efforts. Thank you to the reunion committee for helping to rally the class to attend and contribute to the class gift.


Jack Mulvey

1966 If you are willing to help as a class news notes coordinator, please contact


Rick Spataro


Jerry DeFrancisco Farewell Bob – In January we said goodbye to our friend Bob Klein. Bob was a true friend to all of us: a loyal son of Siena and the “glue” that kept our class together for the past five decades. “Kleener” leaves a legacy of friendship and goodness for all of us, and he will be missed. In March we did a “soft launch” of our Spirit of ’68 legacy endowment fund.


Jack Mulvey, Jr., ’65, CLU, ChFC, AEP, is the 2018 recipient of the prestigious Kenneth Black Jr. L­ eadership Award presented by the Society of Financial Service ­Professionals (FSP).

The purpose is to assist in ­“sustaining the Franciscan values of Diversity, Optimism, Respect and Service that distinguish a Siena Education in the context of world issues that affect the society in which the College ­exists.” We had a dinner and guest speaker Dr. George LaMaster on the subject of Civil Discourse, followed by a workshop the next day. Our first launch will be this fall, commemorating the 800th anniversary of the meeting between St. Francis and Sultan Malik al-Kamil of Egypt. Crossing the battle lines of the bloody 5th Crusade, Francis traveled to the Sultan’s camp and spent three days in dialog. He gained appreciation for the similarities between the two religions, influencing his later writings and later preaching to the Friars how intelligent actions were more important than force. Fr. Mark Reamer ’83, OFM


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George Bergmann ’71, Arthur O’Brien ’71, Henry Wysocki ’71, Bill Barry ’71

Paul Mullen ’77, John Latino ’77, Rich Kokel ’77, Mike Nestor ’77, John O’Grady ’76, and Mike Kelley ’76 tailgated at the Jets vs Patriots football game at the Meadowlands.

guardian of the friary and assistant to the president for Franciscan mission, is taking the lead and has convened a committee. The guest speaker is Paul Moses, author of “The Saint and the Sultan.” More information will follow on our class ­Facebook group, plan on joining us.


Ken Dedrick Gorgeous weather and a beautiful Siena campus made our 50th Reunion a stellar event. 55 alumni attended d ­ inners, tours, the family picnic and music, wedding vow renewal, and alumni Mass. We all appreciate the work done by the Alumni Office to make this a special event. Class of ’69 had 345 ­graduates. 50 have passed on. Over the years our class has given $3 million to Siena. There were several Friars present for our alumni weekend. Our thanks to Br. Ed, Fr. Mark Reamer ’83, and Fr Larry. It was clear to all that Siena is in great hands for the future.


Paul Twardy The Class of ’70 will celebrate our 50th reunion next June 5-7. Yes, that much time has passed. This will be our time to remember our collective experiences

and friends who shaped our lives then and even now. Mark your calendar, talk this up with your posse, find your old green bonnet, make plans to be back on our campus.


Nicholas Positano


Dennis McGovern elephantdonkeymouse@yahoo. com


Brian Valentine

1974 Rev. Richard Carlino celebrated his 40th year as an ordained priest in the Albany Diocese.


Dale Metzger In May, Greg and ­Marilyn Bell hosted Tony and Gail Kitty, Jim Ringel and Marianne ­Bateman ’78 to celebrate Dale Metzger's birthday. Jim Ringel won the 2019 EPPY silver medal for his novel “49 Buddhas.” Congratulations to all who recently retired! Save the date for our 45th reunion, June 5-7, 2020.



Great to hear from my f­ reshman year roommate Cleta Galvez who shared her ­retirement story. She e ­ njoys keeping her mind active. “I r­etired (really) from 3M ­after a 30 year career. I joined Medtronic as director to build their Center of Expertise for ­Organization Design and Change. I am currently working as the program director for a non-profit, O ­ rganization Design at the Conference Board in New York.”

As I write this, I’m basking in the glow of a wonderful Reunion Weekend, filled with friends, fun, and sunshine. The Class of ’79 was well represented at the event…although there are always people I hope to see who aren’t there. (3W wingmates, we talked about a gathering after alumni weekend five years ago—let’s make it happen!) I found the weekend to be a mixture of catching up with old friends and having great conversations with classmates who I barely knew. A theme among us seemed to be pondering what happens next—retiring and new pursuits, figuring out the next stage, doting on grandchildren, taking kids on college tours or cheering them on as they enter the working world. We all agreed that it’s impossible that we’re celebrating our 40th reunion, because we feel about 35! Sixteen ’79ers played in the alumni golf tournament. ­Although none of our classmates won the tourney, there was spirited competition among the four ’79 groups. Taking the honors was the foursome of Dave Smith, Mickey Mahoney, John ­Breslin, and John Murray. I caught up with Paul ­Ballentine, a physics major who went on to get engineering master’s (MIT) and doctoral degrees (University of ­Rochester). He is the executive director for

Jean Reamer


Linda Fitzsimmons

1978 Rick Gabriel Diane DiCerbo Flanagan and her husband Bob Flanagan ’77 celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. They both lived on campus—Plassmann and Hennepin. She is still utilizing her accounting skills and loving every minute of it. It’s great when alumni like them continue the love they started at Siena for over 40 years and still going strong! The National Council of ­Textile Organizations (NCTO) nominated Chip Stein to ­become a 2019 board member.

Sue Reilly Hayes


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Jeanne DiCaprio


Bob Young Bradley Bodmer was promoted to assistant vice president of development and external affairs at Siena College. Dan Terwilliger was inducted into the N.Y. Basketball Hall of Fame.

Alumni got together at the Boathouse restaurant in New Baltimore, New York for a mini reunion Kevin Maguire ’82, Brad Bodmer ’82, Lisa (Matheu) Bodmer ’85, Pam (Clesceri) Kaiser ’84, Dave Kaiser ’82, Steve Ganci ’82, Carol Ganci, Stephen Browne ’84, John Bennett ’85, Patti Bennett, Maureen (Conners) Culligan ’85, Pat Culligan ’82, John Christian ’82, John Capozzola ’82, Meg (Toomey) Capozzola ’82 (photo courtesy Anne Maguire).

business development at U of R’s Center for Emerging and ­Innovative Sciences. Congratulations to Lorrie Scardino and Rich Sleasman who received the Professor Joseph A. Buff Award for Career Achievement. It was great to see a table full of ’79 friends (and of course Rich’s wife, Terri Dupre Sleasman) sitting with each of the honorees to share in their big moment. I was delighted to hear the news that John Murray was just elected Chairman of the Siena College Board of Trustees. Ralph Simone is living in Syracuse as a consultant and leadership coach. His ­entrepreneurial spirit and imagination led him to pursue start-up ideas, most recently pertaining to the timely topic of workplace fitness. Janet Wydra Curtin and Frank Sands are really e ­ njoying their grandchildren. J­ anet retired from her h ­ uman r­ esources job to become caregiver to her grandson, and is loving every (exhausting!) minute of it. The tour guide told us Siena provides free rides to the hoops games to students in the “Dog Pound” cheering section. Remember the name of our fan

section? Len Shustack still has his Teepee Rowdies t-shirt and, in fact, was wearing it at the Saturday afternoon picnic! A highlight of the weekend was a chance to take a peek through the College’s new Breyo Observatory telescopes. I shared this magical experience with friends Patty Kelly, Patty Lewis, Agnes Forsyth. The final weekend activity was the outdoor Mass on Sunday at the Grotto. Many ’79ers enjoyed the liturgy and met up at the Latham ’76 Diner to continue reminiscing. If you didn’t make it to this reunion but find yourself in the area of Siena at some future date, I encourage you to stop by for a visit. The campus looks absolutely beautiful—new buildings, additional majors; but it’s the people we shared so many memories with that make ­Siena such a special place.


Diane DeSilva Daniel Rutnik, president of Bender Lane Advisory, will be merging his company with Hugh Johnson Advisors.


Elvira Altimari-Jaeger On May 12th my youngest daughter, Samantha, graduated from Siena. I have spent the last four years vicariously reliving my time at Siena. She had a wonderful experience and cried when she left. It has been 36 years since our own commencement. Some things have changed, but it is the same Siena I remember. The venue has changed – we graduated on campus and now they fill up the Times Union Center. The technology has changed – we were still typing our papers on a typewriter, kids now have computers and spellcheck. My father, who couldn’t attend in-person, watched his granddaughter graduate on his IPad. But, the main theme and the thread that connects us to every other alumnus is the love we feel for Siena. We love her for the education she gave us – but more for the people she ­connected us to and the people we became because we spent four years immersed in the Franciscan tradition. It was extremely heartwarming to listen to speaker after speaker, students, administration and alumni, opine about Siena in the same way. The world is a much different place in 2019 than it was in 1983– but the people, they are the same, the message at graduation, it was the same, go forth, live the Franciscan tradition and make the world a

better place! Shout out to two of my roommates who made it up to graduation – thanks Theresa Rowan-Lindgren and Ginny Darrow! If you have any news to share – please email me. LOL Moment – Senior week events for class of 2019 – Cruise on the Hudson, a Yankees Game and Sip and Paint. 1983 Senior week was drinking in Lake George on the Mini Ha Ha, drinking at Kaydeross Park while barbequing and drinking at Rafters in Saratoga.


Lisa San Fratello McCutcheon The class of ’84 35th reunion weekend began with a cocktail party in Saratoga hosted by Bill “Hummer” Morgan. Drinks and laughs flowed with Jeanne Rizzo, Mary Hand, Sharon McQuade, Mary ­(McGuire) and Bob Walsh, Linda ­(Chamberlin) O’Hare, Mary (Byrne) DiLiberti, Lisa Apuzzi, Maureen (Morris) Arciero, Caroline Lavelle, and me. Saturday tours of campus led to purchases of new swag. There was an afternoon picnic and beer tasting. The evening consisted of drinks and dancing under the tent with the men of East Cove: Mike Connell (who picked out new “socks” for the next reunion), Dave Miller, Mike “Fitz” Fitzgerald, Rick O’Brien and Sean Doolan. We were happy to be joined by former Hennepin Hall friend Brianne Bonner. We searched for but could not find the following: Paula and Tommy MacKay, Big and Little Burt, Vin and Patty Looney, Jackie Bligh, Steve Brown, Jimmy Coyne, Debbie Hughes, Maria DeAngelus, Dianne (Sporing) Schifini, and Sue D’Angelo. Special congratulations to Mary (Reeves) Hayes who missed reunion to attend a retirement party- her own! Funny how so much time has passed and yet everyone fell into the weekend as if it was 1984 and another Saturday night at Siena, reminding us


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Judy Capano Michelson ’87 and her husband Steven ­Michaelson were named the 2019 Industry Persons of the Year by Med Ad News at the 30th Annual Manny Awards.

Peter Mortka ’87 was named one of Northwestern Mutual's 2019 Community Service Award winners for his support of Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital Region.

what a special place it is. This only left everyone wondering why we need another five to 10 years to get together again.


Cathy Casey Bjorklund Ron Bjorklund Ron Bjorklund has been appointed to the board of directors of NSCRO. The National Small College Rugby Organization was created to support and encourage the development and organization of small college rugby in the U.S. This summer Donald ­Sagliano will be volunteering for the 15th time on The Appalachian Service Project as a group and adult mentor for local youth to make homes warmer, safer and drier in Appalachia. Paul Finnerty has accepted a position with Vermeer North Atlantic as Branch Manager in Brewster, New York. Judge Gerard McAuliffe was appointed as the new Fulton County Family Court Judge. Save the date! 35th class reunion June 5-7, 2020.


Janice Linnan Laura Gerhard received the NYASP 2018 School Psychologist of the Year Award (Chapter

J). Congrats, Laura! Please let us know what you are up to so we can share!


Maryann King Mike Altamuro and his wife Diane DiMartino Altamuro ’88 traveled to Siena, Italy in March to visit their daughter Danielle who was studying abroad in Florence. Judy Capano Michaelson and her husband Steven Michaelson were named the 2019 Industry Persons of the Year by Med Ad News. Steven is founder/CEO of Calcium & Judy is co-founder/ managing partner/COO of Calcium. Maryann Foley King and her husband Ted are enjoying life—their youngest child, Annie, just graduated in May. After 23 wonderful years of Catholic education for their three children, they are thrilled to be tuition-free! Kevin Thompson Acct has been named as Chief Financial officer of Engineering Manufacturing Technologies, LLC in Endicott, New York. Edward P. Hourihan, Jr. was recognized in Chambers USA 2019 in the America’s Leading Lawyers for Business directory in upstate New York. Ed works at Bond, Schoeneck & King PLLC and has a wealth of experience in business and commercial disputes at trial and appellate



John Gigliello ’87 has been appointed by the county legislature to Albany County's Investment Policy Board.

Michael O’Keefe ’87 served in the 2019 NYC Saint Patrick’s Day Parade as the ­Orange County Aide to the Grand Marshal. Standing next to him is his wife Kathy ­(Jaffarian) O’Keefe ’87.



Jim Monaghan Michael Monahan released a new book, “Counter Strike,” that is a sequel to “The Bringer of Death.”

1989 Mike Carbonaro


Janet Shotter Swierbut Is it possible we will all be celebrating our 30th reunion next year? Caroline Kowach Miller, Michele Ferris Hoffmann and I got together for the women’s lacrosse alumni day. It was so fun catching up about our days as club lacrosse players.

Alan Blakeborough shared that the Knights of Siena ­Fencing Academy is celebrating 25 years of training tomorrow's champions. He is the executive director. Congratulations to Lisa Vetere, Ph.D., who was invited to work on a book called "Gothic and the Anthropocene" in ­Sweden. Lisa is recently engaged. Todd Weintraub was appointed the senior vice president and chief financial officer of Hill International, Inc. For the past 16 years, Jon B­riccetti has been the CEO of Troy Web Consulting, one of 2018 Best Places to Work. He stays true to Siena’s values by making community involvement a key part of the company's culture. Many of you shared 50th birthday celebrations around the country—happy belated 50th to all of us! Hope to see you all next year at the reunion!


Caroline Kowach Miller ’90, Michele Ferris Hoffmann ’90 and Janet Sweibert ’90


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Mary Pat McLoughlin Holler

happy to report that Scott ­Sheldon beat cancer last year and many of our classmates gathered for a “Sheldon ­Survived” party on Travers weekend in Saratoga. I am thrilled to announce an addition to the extended Siena family. Eileen Foley and I got engaged in January. Everyone who met her over reunion weekend knows she is awesome, and we are both looking forward to our future together. Whether it’s celebrating life’s successes or having a shoulder to lean on when life takes a turn, our Siena roots help guide us through thick and thin. Our class has been very quiet lately and I wish to encourage all of you to reach out and share personal milestones or anything else with the rest of our class. Let us remain connected and feel the strength of our Siena f­oundation.



Janine Trapp Scotti


Sabrina Mosseau ’91, BS, RN, OCN, was named executive director of New York Oncology ­Hematology.


Kevin Clarke


Sue Hannon


Glenn Hofsess We graduated a short 25 years ago, although it sure does not feel like it has been that long. It was wonderful to see everyone at our 25th. I think I speak for everyone in saying it was an enjoyable time spent with old friends, nostalgia, and a reaffirmation of our shared Siena bonds which have shaped our lives over these years. Having the opportunity to reconnect on the hallowed grounds of Siena every 5 years is one of life’s high points. While Dapp’s no longer exists, an observatory is on Roger Bacon, and there’s a bar in the “old library,” our connections remain strong. Our class had the highest turnout and won the Reunion Cup— start planning ahead! Andra Ackerman announced her candidacy for Albany Court Judge. In other class news, we are

Neil Wilcove Dr. Salvatore Napoli has been inducted into Boston Magazine’s list of Top Doctors for



Brian Murray

Angela Cella

Frederick Pratt has been named the director of support services at Friends' Central School in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania. He supervises all counselors, learning specialists, nurses, interns and intermediate unit personnel while continuing to provide mental health counseling services. He also has a private practice with Main Line Counseling and Wellness. He has continued postgraduate study at Villanova University, Bryn Mawr College and the International Institute for Restorative Practices for whom he has become a licensed trainer.

Melanie Moore was announced as the new head coach of women’s basketball at Xavier. Angela Cella married Chris Yeates on June 8.


Congratulations to Jeff ­Hafley, who was named the Ohio State football team’s ­co-defensive coordinator and secondary coach. He spent seven seasons in the NFL—­recently three seasons with the 49ers as the defensive backs coach. Jeff and his wife, Gina, have two daughters, Hope and Leah. Carmen Maciariello has been named the 18th head coach of the Siena men's basketball team!

Selena Dutcher


Jennifer Doyle completed the Executive MBA program at Columbia Business School, graduating last May. Please send updates!

2000 Chris Madigan Mark your calendars for June 5-7, 2020 for our 20th Reunion. Keep an eye out for information in the coming months!


Maura Mack


Jon “JT” Tellstone hosted a group of ‘93 alumni in the Merrill Lynch Suite for the Siena/Manhattan game this past season at the Times Union Center. Scott Noel ’93 even took a break from his announcing seat to join. (L-R): John Devito, Janice (Stanley) Putrino, Patty (Hundiak) Scott, Amy (Ehlinger) MacCaull, Patrice (Burns) Van Heusen, Ann (Malagisi) Dejnozka, Sue (Santana) DeLasho, Jon Tellstone, Dave Malone. Not pictured: Rob White


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Christine Cinnamond


Bill Bordak Stephanie Forman is the president and founder of Liv4TheCure, a local nonprofit whose mission is to advance science and technology for rare chromosomal deletion syndromes ( Her daughter Olivia has Wolf Hirschhorn Syndrome, a genetic deletion on her fourth chromosome. Linda Parry Murphy, CEO of Product Launchers, was named to Inc. magazine’s 37th annual Inc. 5000 for 2018.


Melissa Termine Goetz Lauren Weber Michael McNally welcomed his second daughter, Fallon Reese in December 2018 Karen Kusak married Josh Bowie in Rochester in the fall of 2018. Lauren Weber welcomed Finley Kathleen last April. Patrick Malone, a wealth management advisor with Merrill Lynch in Boston, was named to the 2019 Forbes "Best-in-State Wealth Advisors" list. Malone successfully helps high-net-worth individuals and families grow their wealth, manage their finances and plan for the future. He is active in the community as a co-chairman and member of the American Ireland Fund. Kelly Collins has recently been appointed as the Principal of Watervliet Elementary School in Watervliet. Her role as a school leader has provided her with opportunities to work collaboratively with both teachers and students, as well as the community. Kristin Neinast welcomed her third child to the world in February 2018, Layla Patricia.


Clare McDermott and James McDermott ’05 welcomed Leighton Anne McDermott on May 26.


Breanne Suhrland Elsesser On January 5, Joan Paul married Anand George, esq., in his hometown of Tamil Nadu, India. Katie Donahue Cintolo and her husband Mike welcomed Haley Cintolo. Danielle Carpenter Galligan welcomed Olivia Shae Galligan, on March 13.


Chris Elsesser I hope that this issue of Siena News finds you well! Please take a moment to reach out and let us know what you have been doing. If you have nothing to share, encourage a roommate to send in a note! I look forward to hearing from everyone soon! Mike Renna and his wife Lauren welcomed Valerie Joan on December 31.


Stan Horton Kristen Carlson Rubin Sienacollegeclassof2007@gmail. com Alicia Romano welcomed Giuliana Mae on January 16. Sean Grover welcomed Grabiella Jean on January 20. Rachel Flaherty welcomed Evelyn Maeve Matthews on February 9. Jonathan McCardle has been named partner of Featherstonhaugh, Wiley & Clyne, LLP. Thomas Meyer welcomed Declan Harry Meyer on March 21. Christie Ryan and David Ryan welcomed Katherine Elizabeth on April 12. Kristen Sullivan Johnson welcomed Colin Thomas Johnson on February 27. Joshua Werbeck and Leanne Werbeck welcomed Elle Louise Werbeck on June 8.

A mini reunion was organized by Br. Brian Belanger and our Brazilian Alumni Chapter in Curitiba, Brazil.

Maura Titterington and her husband Kyle welcomed Mason William on March 25. Corey Fink welcomed Crew Carrier on May 30. John Cannone and Katie Cannone welcomed Julian Thomas Cannone on May 29.


Danielle Grasso Patrick Preston Chris Farrell and his wife Sheena welcomed two baby girls, Harper and Sienna, on November 28. Eric Scalzo welcomed Everly Rose Scalzo, into his family.


Tiffany Salonich Matthew Defazio and Shana Brady Defazio welcomed Brady Defazio on April 5. Jay Pollock was awarded the Examiner of the Year award from the National Credit Union Administration. Samantha Carrol Potapchuk and her husband Nick welcomed Logan Joseph Potapchuk on October 23. Ben and Julie Tasse welcomed their second child, Lacey Mae Tasse, the week of their 10th Reunion. Stephanie Spindler welcomed Jackson Gregory on May 15.

Christine Mundy Marks and her husband Gregory welcomed Jane Lousie Marks on May 20. Franchel Mendoza and Milagros Rodriguez married on February 16 on Long Island. Javid Afzali has joined Bond, Schoeneck & King in the Albany office in the firm’s litigation, property and environmental and energy practices. Steve Dole welcomed Callie Grace Dole on March 14.


Kelly Peckholdt Congratulations to Deborah Gemellaro D’Acampora and her husband, Michael, for the birth of Marco Blaise on March 12. Leah Colbert Primeau and her husband, Leo, welcomed

WEDDINGS In an effort to publish alumni wedding photos in a more timely manner and to allow alumni to share these photos via social media all future weddings will be posted at weddings. The wedding announcements will continue to appear in the class notes section. Cheers!


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Landyn Alexa on October 23. Leah is the Deputy Appointments Officer for NYS. Marie Walker Gavin and her husband, Derek Gavin ’11, ­welcomed Alora on March 27, 2018.


Carmen Francella III Kara Livingston Marcel Bedard Trish Hughes is the associate director of admissions at St. Francis College. Steve Blanchard married Alaina and they bought a house close to Siena. Kristen Carroll is as an ­associate attorney in the New York office of Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith as an attorney in the appellate department within the general liability practice. Janek Ambros co-produced a film called "Human Capital" ­starring Marisa Tomei, Liev Schreiber and Alex Wolf. Michelle Goudey and ­Stephen Terrio were married on October 13, 2018 at Siena — ­officiated by Fr. Dennis ­Tamburello. Frank Freund welcomed Ellie Rose on April 4. Lizzie Hunter was inducted into the inaugural class of the American Cancer Society's CEO Club.


Therese Daly Classof2012classnotes@


Cassy Jane Werking Jen Cullen is the development manager for Make-­AWish Northeast New York. Sarah Gauthier married ­Samuel Williams on August 17, 2018. Shannon Jones is in ­practice at Block Chiropractic and Sports

Physical Therapy in Smithtown, New York. OD Anosike played his sixth professional basketball season in France after stops in Italy, Greece, and Spain. Arianna Livshits graduated with her masters in educational policy and leadership from the University at Albany. Michelle (Campbell) Max and Benjamin Max were ­married on October 13 at Maple Ski Ridge. Michelle is a content marketer at McGraw Hill/­Cengage Learning and ­Benjamin is the communications and member services manager at NYACP. Challen Banach married Zachary DeMartino ’12 in June. Cassy Jane Werking is ­working on her dissertation for her Ph.D. in history from the University of Kentucky.


Nicole Heck Alana Strassfield started as director of corporate social ­responsibility operations at AQM. Alana is based in ­Shanghai. Amy Watt works at ­Southampton High School on Long Island teaching English as a new language. Dana Tricarico is the ­outreach specialist for a nonprofit organization in Miami, Miami Waterkeeper, which she started after o ­ btaining her ­master’s d ­ egree from the ­University of Miami’s ­Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric ­Science. She hired Nicole S ­ edran ’18, as her outreach­intern, who just so happens to be completing her master’s degree from the same program! Both received their BA in Environmental Studies. Katie Risolo married Tom Radovich on March 30. She is a first grade teacher and serves as STEAM Coordinator at her school. Kayla Haskin is engaged. Gabriella Tangredi is working as an account supervisor at CDM NY on the rare disease team.


Helene Rached Caroline Bertholf Becky Steephenson is an ­associate at Venable LLP. Caroline Bertholf graduated from Syracuse Law School. Connor Finnerty is a business analyst for, which is listed as one of the fastest growing companies in the country. He co- wrote a ­pilot script called "The Sloganeers," which was nominated for best TV comedy script at the Austin Comedy Film Festival and is currently nominated for best TV comedy script at the Las Vegas International Film and Screenwriting Competition. This script was based on a short film he co-wrote and directed, which featured Sean Baldwin ’14, Eric Neuls ’16, and WVCR’s Darrin Kibbey. Erika Palombo welcomed Matthew John on February 24.


Anthony Bjelke Matt Lorini Sara Leavitt graduated with a master’s degree in social work from the University at Buffalo. She is a CPS advocate at Unity House of Troy. David Hoffmann earned his master’s degree from Southern New Hampshire University. Mary-Kate Browne completed an accelerated LLB at City University of London and will be attending St. John’s University School of Law for her LLM. Kelly Byrne graduated from the University of St. Joseph with her master’s of science in physician assistant studies, and will be a general surgery physician assistant at NYU Winthrop Hospital in Mineola, New York. The following alumni graduated from law school: Anthony Bjelke, American University Washington College of Law (cum laude); Dylan ­Porcello, Brooklyn Law School (cum laude); Mathew Lorini, Boston College Law School (­Public ­Interest Scholar);

Adam Durham, Boston College Law School; Joseph Gonyeau, ­William and Mary Law School; Steven ­Spaccarelli, Albany Law School; Alexander Van Den Eynde, Emory University School of Law; Megan Vreeland, ­Rutgers Law School. Eric Newton and Jackie ­Sabatino are engaged. Ashley Morales graduated from the College of St. Rose with her M.S. Ed. (magna cum laude) and will be starting as a psychiatric clinician I at Ellis Hospital. Mankirat Singh is a wealth strategies analyst at Bank of America Private Bank. Matthew Johnson is an ­assistant business development manager at the Aquatic Development Group. Julie St. Louis is the ­marketing and communications specialist at the Aquatic ­Development Group.


Amy Polchinski Anthony Pelliccia ­Taylor Boucher is as a ­constituent liaison for ­Congresswoman Stefanik. Liam Gurnick is a chiropractor and will be starting at a small business soon, with the hopes of owning a business in the future. Taylor Fadrowski earned her master's degree from John Hopkins University and has ­accepted a job offer at John Hopkins Hospital in the ­pediatrics unit. Christina Papadopoulos earned her master of arts in teaching mathematics at Clarkson University Graduate School. Kyle Collins is in the ­accounting department of the Aquatic Development Group.


Ali Digena ­Karina Wojnar works at Albany Center Gallery as the development & membership coordinator.


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Siena College mourns the loss of the following members of our community: William Pugliese '43

Robert Nusplinger '58

Robert Klein '68

William VanAlstine, Jr. ’44

John Riley '58

Michael Costa ’69

Joseph Lapetina '46

Jerry Brehm, Sr. '59

Michael Salzano ’69

George Panfely ’48

Louis Unright '59

Sr. Teresa Heinke, OP '70

Arthur Bianchi '49

Charles Morrill ’59

George Palmatier, Jr. '70

Larry Bisnett ’49

Michael Orapello ’59

John Lawrence '72

John Gilmartin '49

Adam Shaffer II, ’59

Joseph Baciewicz '74

John Guzy '49

James Slattery '59

Robert Hardy '74

Eugene Frank ’49

Anthony Crisafulli '60

James Zinkovitch '75

Joseph Metzger ’49

Michael Conron '60

Charles Brocco '76

Daniel O'Toole '49

Gerard Furlong '60

Anthony Trimarchi '76

Wellington Pindar '49, MD

Joseph O'Leary '60

James Alund '77

Edward Babyak '50

John Gamberoni ’61

Michael Jordan '78

Robert Cunningham '50

Thomas Rowe ’61

Luis Marti '81

Lucille Husarik '50

Al Sirois ’61

Rebecca Almstead '82

Earl Matte '50

Edward Lewis '61

Mary Anne (Wardell) Barber ’83

Douglas McMillan '50

Olgierd Weiss '61

William Edwards '83

Donald Moon ’50

Thomas Brazier '62

Neal Benoit '83

John Murphy '50

James Campbell '62

Donna Jean Henline '83

Harold Stephens ’50

John Glynn ’62

Gerard Mullin '83

Frank Dougherty ’51

Carol MacNeil '62

Carol Olsta '84

Lavina Reedy Finin ’51

Jack Nevins ’62

Amy (Nickrewicz) Sivulich '84

George O'Keefe '52

Robert Scalise '62

Mark Rogers '87

Michael Audino '53

James Trembly '62

Philip Genova ’88

Arthur Cramer '53

Leopold Mielewski '63

Steven Page '88

Anthony Morra '53

Gerard Zaklukiewicz '63

Victoria Lamberta ’90

Lawrence Wayne ’53

William Corcoran ’64

Carol McKenna Winick ’90

George Barber '54

William Edwards '65

John Mulhall ’93

James Cheney ’54

William Frueh ’65

Keith Heller '94

Joseph Monaghan ’54

Paul Loatman '65

Marcella Frances Wiley ’97

Douglas Krueger ’55

Joel Palmer '65

Brendan Fitzgerald ’99

Jack Markham '55

Leo Cote '66

Heather Shepherd '03

Joseph Baginski ’56

Robert Johnson '66

Nathan Nicholson '07

William Kirsch ’56

Bruce Beck '67

Robert Clayton Lamar '09

Raymond Oboyski ’56

Andrew Bivona ’67

John Tobin '56

Joseph Bonavita, Jr. ’67

Dr. Joseph Pastore, Jr., Ph.D. – Trustee Emeritus

John Connors '57

John Keegan '67

Joseph Tuohey ’57

Elizabeth Sheehan Kotansky '67

Fr. Reginald James Reddy, O.F.M., Ph.D. – Professor Emeritus of Physics


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7/10/19 11:11 AM

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