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POWERFUL, TOGETHER: 2018 POLITICAL STRATEGY This November, the ​Sierra Club Independent Expenditure Committee is poised to mobilize thousands of voters in Colorado to elect pro-conservation champions, take back the state Senate, and elect a pro-environment Governor. The Trump Administration, the clear and present danger of climate change, and the influence of corporate special interests threaten Colorado’s iconic mountains, landscapes, wildlife, and heritage. Fortunately, these grave threats have awakened Coloradans and focused Sierra Club’s role as an electoral force to protect Colorado, our democracy, and safeguard our natural resources for present and future generations.

Dysfunction isn’t unique to Washington, D.C. Since 2015, the Republican-controlled Colorado State Senate, emboldened by a corrupt and corrosive fossil fuel industry, has obstructed conservation progress. With an open Governor’s seat and control of the Legislature hanging in the balance by one Senate seat, 2018 is a pivotal electoral year. We have the opportunity to advance progress on climate, public lands, and equity and justice for all. LANDSCAPE: ​Long a red state dominated by conservatives in the 1990s and 2000s, Colorado’s changing demographics--driven by an influx of Latinos and young people--have reshaped it into a battleground. Despite recent high-profile Democratic successes, and a slight Democratic voter registration advantage, most voters are unaffiliated and embody western values. Colorado voters are independent yet pragmatic, aspirational and authentic, who value Colorado’s quality of life and consider themselves stewards of the environment. Governor John Hickenlooper won his elections in both 2010 and 2014 on a fairly moderate platform. Colorado remains a purple state that Republicans can carry. Therefore, the progressive

gubernatorial nominee must tailor messaging to reflect the values of all Coloradans. Colorado's state government is divided: Republicans hold an ​18-17 ​majority in the Senate, while Democrats hold a 37-28 ​majority in the House. Except for the Governor’s office, every other statewide elected constitutional office is held by a Republican. ​The stakes are high for 2018, as the election will determine which party has considerable power going into the 2020 redistricting process. Colorado stands to gain one congressional seat so it’s vital that Democrats retain control the governor’s seat and regain control of the state Senate. ​Our 2018 goals include​: 1. Building on our 2017 political progress; 2. Electing a pro-conservation governor; 3. Winning Senate control; 4. Protecting a House majority; 5. Scaling our local power to raise environmental ambition and to advocate for conservation and justice.

Paid for by the Sierra Club Independent Expenditure Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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