Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated
Sigma Iota Zeta Chapter Reynoldsburg, OH Building On the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths
2016 Regional Chapter Report Competition
Mary Breaux Wright
Michelle Porter Norman
LaRita MJ Smith
Isi Ikharebha
International Grand
Great Lakes Regional Director
Ohio State Director
Chapter Basileus
Basileus Page
Table of Contents Scholarship
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Service Ronald McDonald House
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Mid-Ohio Food Bank
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Finer Womanhood
Page 8
National Programs Z-Hope
Page 9
Get Engaged
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March of Dimes
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National Observances Rededication
Page 13
National Military Appreciation Week
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Founders’ Day
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International Grand Basileus Programmatic Thrusts
Page 15
Conferences Great Lakes Regional Conference 2015
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Ohio State Conference
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Greek Unity Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated
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NPHC Organization
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Sponsorship of Gamma Epsilon Undergraduate Chapter
Page 22
Youth Auxiliaries
Page 23
Scholarship Annual Breakfast With the Artist Promotes Education & Art On March 12, 2016 at Monaco’s Palace,
the Centr a l Ohio community gathered for the 14th Annual Breakfast with the Artist, Sigma Iota Zeta Chap ter’s signature program. Focusing on the
Bre akfast
opened with SIZ’s Youth Group, Soror Jennifer Fowler, Advisor. Members of our Pearlettes, Amicettes, and Archonettes enac ted a play focusing on a difficult subject, domestic violence awareness. The crowd was also entertained by various acts ranging from spoken word to dance to visual art. All of the performanc es occurred while the audience feasted on a delicious breakfast that fed the soul! The proceeds of the breakfast benefit the Bessie King Jackson Memorial Scholarship Fund. SIZ’s scholarship is given annually in remembrance of our beloved charter member and past chapter president Soror Bessie K. Jackson. This year, two recipients received the scholarship. The first recipient, Claudia Owusu, is a wo-time winner of the scholarship award, Fall of 2015 and 2016. She is in her freshman year at Otterbein University, pursuing a Creative Writing degree at Otterbein with a 3.6 GPA. The second recipient, Jasmine Fowlkes, is Soror Bessie K. Jackson’s granddaughter, and a member of SIZ’s Youth group, The Archonettes. She is a senior with a 3.74 GPA at Marion Franklin High School, SIZ’s Adopt-A-School partner. A member of the National Honor Society, she is also a cheerleader, Ronald McDonald House volunteer and plans to attend West Virginia State University in the Fall of 2016. The concept of the Breakfast of the Artist program was originated by Soror Marian D. Hann. In her loving memory we give out the Distinguished Zeta Award at the scholarship breakfast. This award is given to a Zeta, who like Soror Marian D. Hann exemplifies the highest aspirations of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. This year the Basileus of SIZ chapter, Isi Ikharebha awarded this honor to Soror Natasha Smith and Soror Danita Taylor for their tireless work to uplift Zeta in the community! Page 3
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Service SIZ Serving Families at the Ronald McDonald House Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio (RMHC-CO) has been making a difference in the lives of seriously ill children and their families for three decades. Many of the children living at RMHC-CO are being treated at Nationwide Children's Hospital and other hospitals in the Central Oh io area.
Partnering with RMHC-CO of
Central Ohio since 2011, Sigma Iota Zeta Chapter (SIZ) of Reynoldsburg, Ohio is committed to serving these families several times per year. One way SIZ helps families living at the RMHC-CO is by participating in the 2015 Hot Chocolate 15/5K Run. SIZ volunteered to serve at the race day activities on November 15th for The H ot Choc ola te 15/5K Run. Known as “America’s Sweetest Race”, the Hot Choc olate Run which raises fund s for the RMHC-CO began in 2008 and features two races, a 15K (9.3 miles) and a 5K (3.1 miles) runs. SIZ Sorors assisted thousands of runners and walkers as they ran “for chocolate” and Rona ld McDonald House Charities. Additionally, Soror Isi Ikharebha and Soror Ki m Johnson were registered runners in the 15K and 5K, respectively. Another way SIZ Sorors made a difference at RMHC-CO was by serving lunch to seventy-five residences on February 13, 2016 at the house located at 711 E. Livingston Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43205. The home-co oked meal that SIZ provided, prepared, and served offered a free hot lunch in an atte mp t to give families one less thing to worry about. Page 4
Service SIZ Serves Up Service With Mid-Ohio Food Bank Pretend for a moment, you are sitting on the couch thinking of what you could eat for dinner. Then, you go into your pantry or refrigerator and there is no food. You are hungry and there is no meal to eat. There is no snack and no money. What would you do? Since the 1980’s, the Mid-Ohio Foodbank has been working to end hunger one meal at a time. At Mid-Ohio Foodbank, they “believe it’s not acceptable for thousands of our neighbors—most of them children and seniors—to go hungry. Our aim is to provide efficient, effective ways for hungry people to meet their basic food and nutrition needs.” On Saturday, January 9, 2016, Sigma Iota Zeta chapter (SIZ) joined Mid-Ohio Foodbank to volunteer to work a 4-hour shift at their warehouse located at 3960 Brookham Drive in Grove City, Ohio. Eleven sorors sorted and packed grocery items for distribution to over 20 county service areas in Ohio. About 20 percent of the food from the Mid-Ohio Foodbank must be cleaned, sorted, and packed for dispersal before it can be delivered to families. The ladies of Sigma Iota Zeta packed 879 food boxes for local seniors, the highest number of boxes packed in the month of January of 2016. Through the efforts of volunteers like SIZ and other local partners giving their time, the Mid-Ohio Foodbank was able to distribute 53 million pounds of food and other items to many Ohioans in need. On Saturday, January 9, 2016, Sigma Iota Zeta chapter (SIZ) joined Mid-Ohio Foodbank to volunteer to work a 4-hour shift at their warehouse located at 3960 Brookham Drive in Grove City, Ohio
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Sisterhood Relax, Relate, RETREAT! On August 14 and 15th, 2015, the ladies of Sigma Iota Zeta Chapter gathered for their annual chapter retreat! In true SIZ fashion, the weekend was filled with fun, sistertime, fun, service, fun, food, fun….and you get the point!! First stop, Sorors gathered at the Studio Movie Grill to check out “Straight Out of Compton. Next up was the UNCF Run/Walk! Sorors arrived at Wolfe Park on Saturday morning to walk or run with fellow Greeks to support this worthy cause. After a 3.2 mile walk sorors participated in a Chicago Step demonstration, visited booths, and then headed out for a hearty all you can eat breakfast!! The final activity for the weekend was a good ole cookout with the brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc, Beta Omicron Sigma Chapter. Sorors got to participate in “Signing Day,” where undergraduate Sigmas transitioned to the graduate chapter with a small ceremony. Sorors filled their bellies with grilled and fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, green beans, hot dogs, hamburgers, peach cobbler, and other goodies while continuing to fellowship with one another. This year, our chapter’s 1st Anti-Basileus Natasha Smith introduced the E1B1 (Each One, Bring One) initiative asking Sorors to make an effort to bring either an inactive Soror or a woman showcasing Zeta qualities to at least one of the chapter’s events during the sorority year. Sorors used this as an opportunity to introduce women to Zeta and also show Sorors who have stepped away from the organization that we are blazing new paths. Page 6
Sisterhood Relax, Relate, RETREAT!, cont. During the month of December, SIZ held its first Open House which brought together Sorors looking to reclaim as well as women interested in becoming a part of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority. The event was a success in introducing us to women in the community who could prove to be an asset to the organization. It also brought a few Sorors home to Zeta! While recruiting and reclamation are important aspects of membership, SIZ understands it is also vital to retain and appreciate those chapters who continue to showcase their zeal for Zeta by remaining financial and active. As a good Zeta is an informed Zeta, the chapter began providing structured opportunities during the 2015-2016 sorority year for Sorors to learn about the organization through Z-Education. During every meeting, a period ranging from 25 to 45 minutes is set aside to educate Sorors on topics ranging from parliamentary procedures to Z-HOPE to leadership. The chapter also implemented a Zeta Buddy system where Sorors were paired up for the purpose of contacting each other at least monthly and having at least two outings throughout the sorority year. In December, the chapter held its annual holiday party at Soror Tennille Cooley’s home which allowed chapter Sorors to engage not only with each other, but also to bring our families and significant others into the fold. The chapter also added a fourth “R” to our membership strategy and that was recognition. Each month, we acknowledge the birthdays and Zeta anniversaries of Sorors. We created the SIZStar award where our chapter basileus Isi Ikharebha recognizes a soror each month who has went above and beyond in the name of Zeta.
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Finer Womanhood Natural Hair Symposium Highlights Finer Womanhood On February 6, 2016, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Sigma Iota Zeta chapter, in partnership will presented its signature program entitled
2016 Natural Hair Summit “Naturally Healthy, Naturally
You”, a health and wellness symposium. During this event, the ladies of Sigma Iota Zeta offered valuable information to the Central Ohio community through various workshops. Topics covered included styling and hair care maintenance for girls attending middle and high school. In addition we hosted a panel discussion where we discussed issues surrounding natural hair in the workplace. Attendees had the opportunity to participate in live hair demonstrations and Q&A sessions as well as purchase natural hair care products from on-site vendors. “Naturally Healthy Naturally You will took place on Saturday, February 28, 2015 from 10 am to 3pm at the Columbus Urban League, 788 Mount Vernon Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43203. The cost was $15. Cost of admission includes refreshments. Ladies from the program used the hashtag #naturallysiz while posting photos throughout the event. The ladies of Sigma Iota Zeta truly enjoyed themselves and are looking forward to bringing the program back in 2017.
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National Programs SIZ Racks Up Z-HOPE Points With Service SIZ, a chapter with fewer than 25 financial Sorors, acquired more than 750 Z-points for the 2015-2016 fiscal year. This was an increase of more than 250 Zpoints from the previous year. With a chapter focus on service, this year SIZ also donated more than 1000 items
“Meeting Basic Needs” Community Initiatives and awarded $600 in scholarships. Another reason for the increase in Zpoints is the focus on national programming. For the first time in SIZ history, the chapter participated in the following programs:
Military Awareness Week,
#OurGirls Empowerment Program, and Z-HOPE Global Day of Service—Get Engaged. The “Get Engaged” project was developed by Zeta to address the underlying issues that are contributing to the senseless killing of African Americans in the United States. On August 13, 2015, SIZ participated in #Say Her Name, Get Engaged Program, a town hall meeting conducted by the Divine Nine Sororities (AKA, DSQ, ZFB, and SGR) in Columbus, Ohio. To view a calendar of events including upcoming Z-HOPE programs, visit our website www.zphibsiz.org.
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National Programs SIZ Zetas “Get Engaged” Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Sigma Iota Z eta joined the Nation al Pan-Hellenic Counc il of Columbus sororities as it hosted the unpre cedented Know Your Rights To wnhall Meeting, August 13 th at 6:30p at J. Ashburn Center. Led by the ladies of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. – Delta Omicron Sigma Alumnae Chapter who were heeding their call after the senseless death of their soror Sandra Bland, the sororities addressed safety issues impacting Columbus residents and families. Led by the ladies of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. – Delta Omicron Sigma Alumnae Cha p ter, the sororities will offer information and advocacy tools to help residents with legal interactions with police agencies while raising the awareness around mental health and voter engagement. Speakers including judges, law enforcement officials and physicians addressed the issues of civil rights and protection, mental health and awareness, legal interactions & police agencies and knowing your rights. SIZ soror Natasha Smith and Soror Angela Christie of Gamma Zeta Zeta chap t er presented information to those a t tending about Zeta P hi Beta’s Get Engag ed campaign. The event also provided Sorors with an opportunity to distribute the NAACP’s 411-on-the-5-0 pamphlets to educate community members about their rights when interacting with law enforcement officials.
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National Programs SIZ Supports March of Dimes SIZ’s March for Babies 2016 Campaign began when Soror Natasha Smith and Soror Wilkister Tangasi attended the March for Babies Kick-Off Event on February 27, 2016 at the Dublin Recreation Center. The reasons for participation, 15 million babies, worldwide, are born too soon each year and more than 1 in 6 Black infants are born premature when compared to 1 in 9 for all babies. Since 1972, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated and March of Dimes have been partnering to raise money to support programming and fund research to find answers to solve problems that threaten our babies. This year’s SIZ March for Babies Campaign will be led by Soror Wilkister Tangasi and 2nd Vice President Danita Taylor. The 2016 campaign is underway. SIZ’s goal is to raise $500. Over the past 4 years, SIZ has raised more than $1400 for March of Dimes. As the signature walk event for Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, SIZ’s March for Babies Walk will be May 1, 2016 at the Resolute Athletic Conference, Columbus, Ohio. Sorors Natasha Smith, Evone Pleasant, Danita Taylor, Wilkister Tangasi and Jovanda Curry, will walk the 5k course which begins at COSI, 333 West Broad Street, Columbus, OH, 43215. SIZ has at least 4 registered participants, so our fundraising efforts will count as a Z-HOPE
Hel ping
People Excel) initiative.
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National Programs SIZ Supports March of Dimes cont. The 35th Annual March of Dimes Night Moves 5K/5-Mile glow run and walk event was held on September 18, 2015 in Columbus, Ohio. For the fifth year in a row, SIZ was there volunteering their time. Sorors Natasha Smith and Wilkister Tangasi volunteered as route assistants passing out water and Gatorade at the finish line. Soror Tangasi is new to SIZ transferring from Pi Delta Zeta Chapter in Iowa City, Iowa. Soror Isi Ikharebha was a runner in this event. All volunteers were given a T-shirt and a glow necklace. The race concluded with a block party which included free pizza and musical entertainment. Funds raised at Night Moves will support the March of Dimes’ mission of preventing infant mortality, premature births, and birth defects. Newly hired Katherine Christian, Senior Community Director of Central Ohio March of Dimes, coordinated the event through The Arena District and Downtown Columbus. This phamily photo, from March for Babies 2015, features sorors from Sigma Iota Zeta Chapter, Reynoldsburg, Ohio, and Gamma Zeta Zeta Chapter from Columbus, Ohio, as well as, our Phi Beta Sigma Brothers from Beta Omicron Sigma Chapter of Columbus, Ohio. This year’s March for Babies will be held on May 1, 2016.
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National Observances SIZ Holds Annual Rededication With Gamma Epsilon On Saturday March 13, the women of Sigma Iota Zeta chap ter participated in our annual rededication ceremony. Th is year was special once again as SIZ did a joint ceremony that included new members of our undergraduate chapter, Gamma Epsilon at Wilberforce University! It is customary during our Nationa l observance of Finer Womanh oo d, for sorors active or inactive to recommit themselves to the principles of our beloved sorority…Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood and Finer Woma nhood. Each sister contributes her part for the betterme nt of the whole.
SIZ Recognizes Military Appreciation Week In November 2015, Sigma Iota Zeta chapter collected and presented over 800 items in their toiletry drive to benefit the Chalmers P. Wylie Ambulatory Care Center, a Veterans Affair medical center. Chalmers P. Wylie Ambulatory Care Center serves approximat ely 2,000 veterans daily. Sigma Iota Zeta chapt er contributed to the National Military Appreciation Women Veterans ROCK initiative to support Veterans and Military Families in the areas of: Housing, Employment, Education, Financial Stability and Health and Wellness. The chap te r met the goal of $100 towards the National fundraising initiative towards helping the basic needs of veteran men and women. Sigma Iota Zeta chapt er participated with Wreaths Across America organizatio n in laying over 600 wreaths at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Columbus, Ohio on December 12th. Page 13
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National Observances SIZ Celebrates Founders’ Day With Weekend of Activities Founders’ Day 2016 for Sigma Iota Zeta members was an exciting adventure.
Founders’ Day celebrations
began with Sorors of SIZ and GZZ enjoying time together at Old Bag of Nails, playing games, dinner, and having sisterly fun with one another.
The next stop was the State of Michigan Founders’ Day Celebration and Rededication. The keynote speaker was Soror Eugenia Freeman who is the President of Wilberforce University, where SIZ is a sponsor for the undergraduate chapter. The next day, SIZ sorors supported Gamma Zeta Zeta at their Founders’ Day Dinner which honored youth in the community for their scholastic achievement. Finally, SIZ wrapped up their Founders Day celebration by participating in the annual Martin Luther King Jr. parade.
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International Grand Basileus Programmatic Thrusts
SIZ Adopts Marion Franklin High School SIZ chapter is blessed to have a chapter full of educators. The chapt er understands how important it is to elevate International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright’s thrust for the Adopt A School Program. This year, SIZ ad opted Marion Franklin High School. During our annual Scholarship Fundraiser, SIZ awarded Marion Franklin Senior Jasmine Fowlkes, The Bessie K. Jackson Memorial Scholarship.
SIZ Shows Love to Elder Population in Central Ohio On December 12th, Sigma Iota Zeta Sorors along with members of our Youth Auxiliary groups participated in Elder Care programming by visiting Isabelle Ridgeway Care Center. Sigma Iota Zeta’s visit to this adult care facility included several fun activities with the Seniors, Bingo, and a holiday ornaments craft activity. SIZ looks forward to more Elder Care Programs in the coming year. Elder Care, an initiative outlined by Madam Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright in 2012, provides education and awareness about men and women in their senior years. It is a comprehensive program that focuses on elder abuse awareness, financial peace, supporting the caregiver, and volunteering at senior care facilities.
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Conferences SIZ Sorors Work, Network, Learn at GLRC Conference in Alsip Several Sigma Iota Zeta sorors attended the 81 st Great Lakes Regional Conference held in Alsip,
Washingto n continued to serve as the regional scrapbook chair, while SIZ sorors supported her by serving on her committee. Sigma Iota Zeta members also took advantage of the workshops offered at the regional confe rence, attending both Be Finer and Instructional Design workshops. The chapter also placed second in the chapter report com petition fo r chapters sizes 5-25. As our illustrious organization is continuing its countdown to our Centenni al in 2020, chapter Sorors attended the Centennial Launch Party at the conference where they netw orked and enjoyed the company of Sorors while also filling their Passport journals with stamps from everybody from our International Gra nd to past regional directors and national of ficers. The chapter also donated variou s items to the region’s time capsule including a copy of ou r 2015 chapter report and a program for our “Naturally Healthy, Naturally You” hair symposium. SIZ sorors were also able to take advantage of the Undergraduate, Youth, and Amicae Advisor certification sessions offered during the conference. Sorors Isi Ikharebha, Jennifer Fowler, Quiana Few and Sharina Armstrong compl eted the Youth Advisor Certification course! Across the hall, Sorors Marissa Mills and Natasha Smith completed their Undergraduate Advisor Certification as well while Soror LaVada Washington received her Amicae certification. As the sponsoring chapter for Gamma Epsilon undergraduate chapter, Great Lakes Regional Director Michelle Porter Norman pr esented the chapter with Gamma Epsilon’s reactivation charter.
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Conferences SIZ Sorors Attend 2015 OSO State Meeting The 57th Annual Ohio State Organization (OSO) Leadership Conference was hosted in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio this year by Mu Rho Zeta Graduate chapter. This year, the OSO Leadership Conference was held at the Sheraton Suites Akron, Ohio. Soror LaRita MJ Smith, Ohio State Director, worked hard with planning leadership training, workshops, and other activities for more than 150 graduate and undergraduate participants. International Grand President Mary Breaux Wright and Great Lakes Regional Director, Michelle Porter Norman were in attendance. Sigma Iota Zeta chapter had 6 Sorors present at the conference. And, congratulations goes out to Sigma Iota Zeta's president, Isi Ikharebha, on being elected as the Ohio State Organization Executive Board Chair. The year 2020 will mark 100 years of community service by international organization, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. As a part of the 57th Annual OSO conference, committee chair, SIZ Soror Tennille Cooley along with Mu Rho Zeta held a Centennial Launch party on October 16, 2015 to commemorate the beginning of several events leading up to the historic celebration in the year 2020. The OSO conference held a community service initiative for Mu Rho Zeta’s Stork’s Nest of Akron, Ohio. The Ohio Z-HOPE Coordinator, Soror Myrtis Holder, and Mu Rho Zeta Chapter called for each Ohio chapter to donate at least 20 baby items. SIZ donated 20 items to meet the basic needs for the women and infants that would be served through The Stork’s Nest. A Stork’s Nest aims to increase the number of women receiving early and regular prenatal care in order to prevent cases of low birth-weight, premature births, and infant deaths. The first Stork’s Nest was in Atlanta, Georgia in 1971 as one of the educational and service project of Better Infant Births, a program sponsored by the Fulton-Dekalb-Clayton Chapter of the March of Dimes. The program was so successful that Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. adopted Stork’s Nest in 1972 as one of its national projects.
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Awards SIZ Garners Awards and Recognition on State, Regional, National Level Sigma Iota Zeta continues to demonstrate that hard work and commitment to our founding principles yields not only results but also acknowledgment and recognition. In April 2015, SIZ Sorors attended the Great Lakes Regional Conference in Alsip, IL. The chapter placed 2nd in the region’s chapter report competition. The Great Lakes Regional Conference also saw Soror Lavada Washington serve as Chair on the Regional Scrapbook committee. During the Ohio State Conference last year, the chapter won 2nd place in the chapter report competition. SIZ Chapter Basileus Isi Ikharebha was elected to serve as Chair of the Ohio State Organization Executive Board, and SIZ Chapter 1 st Anti-Basileus Natasha Smith was also elected to serve as the Public Relations Chair of Ohio State Organization. Soror Natasha Smith was also recognized as a Visionary at the charter donor level.
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Programs With Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated S I Z S u p p o r t s O u r B r o t h e r s o f P h i B e t a S i g m a Fr a t e r n i t y Sigma Iota Zeta chapter takes our constitutional bond with our brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated very seriously. To that extent, we often support our brothers of the Beta Omicron Sigma chapter and receive that support in return. Over the past year, Blue & White has joined together for the March of Dimes Walk, the United Negro College Fund Walk, Founders’ Day activities, and the Martin Luther King Walk, Sigma Iota Zeta members have also contributed to Beta Omicron Sigma’s efforts as they breathe new life into their chapter with the introduction of a new Web site and new programming. Beta Omicron Sigma events attended by SIZ Sorors include a veterans’ breakfast, wine and chocolate event, clothing donation drive and Sigma Santa. Sorors also attended Nu Phi Sigma’s Prayer Breakfast scholarship fundraiser. Plans are currently underway for a joint Founders’ Day programming and a college readiness seminar in the upcoming sorority year.
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Greek Unity S I Z S u p p o r t s D iv i n e N i n e i n C e n t r a l O h i o Sigma Iota Zeta could often be seen throughout the Metropolitan Columbus community showing love for our brothers and sisters of the Divine Nine. Throughout the year, SIZ Sorors Amy McGrapth and Jennifer Fowler attended regular meetings of the Columbus Alumni NPHC as representatives as well as attended Greek mixers. In 2015, SIZ Soror Tennille Cooley took the helm as chair of the NPHC Columbus Alumni Chapter’s Greek Unity Weekend held in June. For the first time, the weekend featured an All-White Jazz Affair on June 6, held on the rooftop of the local Renaissance Hotel. The sophisticated function featured live music performances and ballroom stepping. Great fun was had at the local NPHC Unity Weekend picnic, where the women of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated (Sigma Iota Zeta and Gamma Zeta Zeta chapters) served as the host organizations. The Greek Unity weekend also featured a happy hour and a brunch.
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Greek Unity S I Z S u p p o r t s D iv i n e N i n e i n C e n t r a l O h i o , c o n t . The months of September and October brought a focus on civic engagement as the ladies of Sigma Iota Zeta participated in the local #SayHerName Town Hall with their local sisters of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated and Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated. In October, the Sigma Iota Zeta Sorors attended a candidates’ forum held by Alpha Sigma Omega chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc., Delta Omicron Sigma Alumnae Chapter. Also in October, the ladies of Sigma Iota Zeta attended Psi Eta Omega chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated’s annual Sisterhood Luncheon. In its third year, the celebration honored the women of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority by having Soror Tennille Cooley serve as the keynote speaker. The ladies of SIZ also attended several social and civic functions presented by NPHC organizations this sorority year including the Delta Sigma
Founders’ Day Luncheon, the Alpha Phi Alpha Mistletoe Party, the Kappa Alpha Psi Wine Sip, and Omega Psi Phi’s Mardi Gras and a financial freedom seminar that was put on by the Psi Eta Omega chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Columbus Alumnae Chapter and the Columbus Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated. SIZ also donated to the local Iota Phi Theta Fraternity chapter’s Flint water drive where they delivered water and filters to the people of Flint.
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Undergraduate Sponsorship YEAR OF THE UNDERGRADUATES
In the Spring of 2015, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Gamma Epsilon Chapter was reactivated at Wilberforce University! Since then, the Gamma Epsilon Undergraduates have been working tirelessly on their campus upholding the principles of our beloved sorority. In October of 2015, 100% of the Gamma Epsilon members attended the Ohio State Conference! This conference was particularly special because our International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright was in attendance! The chapter was recognized during the state conference for their attendance and welcomed back into the sisterhood. This year, Gamma Epsilon has participated in service projects with the community that involved volunteering at their local Senior Center and Campus Clean Ups. In the Spring of 2016, Gamma Epsilon welcomed three new Zetas, Kenesha Coleman, Mary Lindsey, and Tanara Crawford. During the Spring step show, Gamma Epsilon took home the third place trophy! Graduation for Wilberforce University will be on May 7. There will be five Gamma Epsilon sorors who will be graduating! Congratulations to Sorors Kenesha Coleman, Mija Martin, Emani Lewis, Asia Moss, and Ayana Jones.
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Youth Auxiliaries SIZ’s Youth Have Busy Year, Focus on Principles SIZ has active Youth Auxiliaries to engage girls of all ages. On Saturday, September 19th there were 5 Archonettes, 2 Amicettes, and 1 Pearlette inducted into the Youth Auxiliaries.
This was the first
year that SIZ participated in induction ceremonies and we were excited to work with the ladies to learn the history of the auxiliaries and help them official become apart of the organization and receive their pins. In attendance at the event were members of the local chapter, our State Youth Committee Chair, our brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc, and their youth group, the Sigma Beta Club as well as parents and friends. This was just the beginning of the work of the youth auxiliary this year. The ladies worked hard to participate in service projects that were attended by the ladies of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc, the men of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc, and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc, participated in sisterhood events and learned the history of Zeta. To start the 2015-2016 year, on October 10, 2015, in an effort to foster sisterhood and ensuring all youth know how special unique, and valuable they are, the group hosted a sleepover. This gave the youth additional time to bond together and participate in activities around self-esteem. The ladies were able to make self-affirmation boards that will now serve as a constant reminder of the beauty and ability imbedded in each of them. The ladies also participated in Service projects including the Midnight Sandwich Run hosted by the Hilltop YMCA of Columbus as well as SIZ’s Eldercare activity at the Isabelle Ridgeway Care Center. Page 23
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Youth Auxiliaries SIZ’s Youth Have Busy Year, Focus on Principles (cont.) One of the most pivotal activities of the youth auxiliaries this year was their preparation and participation the Signature and Annual event of Sigma Iota Zeta (Breakfast with the Artist). At this event the ladies brought attention to the serious issue of dating violence among teens. Instead of standing and reading statistics and promising to protect themselves and their fellow sisters from violence; they presented a reading of the play Safe Dates. This play showcased the relationship challenges of a teenage who was struggling with physical and emotional abuse from her boyfriend and how she responds as well has how her friends sought to support both her and her abuser. In the end each young lady was able to get a clear understand that abuse is never okay and in the end of the reading provide statistics to educate the audience on how to recognize and end dating violence among teens.
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