SIZ State Chapter Report 2016

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Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated Sigma Iota Zeta Chapter

Reynoldsburg, OH Building On the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths

2016 State Chapter Report Compe


Mary Breaux Wright

Michelle Porter Norman

LaRita MJ Smith

Isi Ikharebha

Interna onal Grand Basileus

Great Lakes Regional Director

Ohio State Director

Chapter Basileus





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Service Ronald McDonald House

Page 5

Mid‐Ohio Food Bank

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Page 7‐8

Finer Womanhood

Page 9

Na onal Programs Z‐Hope

Page 10

Get Engaged

Page 11

March of Dimes

Page 12‐13

Adopt a School/ Elder Care

Page 14

Na onal Observances Rededica on

Page 15

Na onal Military Apprecia on Week

Page 15

Founders’ Day

Page 16

Community Service Ac vi es

Page 17

Conferences Boule

Page 18

Great Lakes Regional Conference 2016

Page 19

Ohio State Conference 2015

Page 20

Awards/Honors/Recogni ons (All Levels)

Page 21

Greek Unity Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated

Page 22

NPHC Organiza on

Page 23‐24

Sponsorship of Undergraduate Chapters and/or Auxiliaries

Sponsorship of Gamma Epsilon Undergraduate Chapter

Page 25

Youth Auxiliaries

Page 26‐27


Isi Green

Natasha Smith

Danita Taylor

Chapter President

1st Vice‐President

2nd Vice‐President

Sharina Armstrong Secretary

Jennifer Fowler

Evone Pleasant

Quiana Few


Financial Secretary


LaVada Washington Immediate Past Chapter President Page 3

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Annual Breakfast With the Ar st Promotes Educa on & Art

On March 12, 2016 at Monaco’s Palace, the

Central Ohio community gathered for the 14th Annual Breakfast with the Ar st, Sigma Iota Zeta Chapter’s signature program. Focusing on the youth of our community, the Breakfast opened with SIZ’s Youth Group, Soror Jennifer Fowler, Advisor. Members of our Pearle es, Amice es, and Archone es enacted a play focusing on a difficult subject, domes c violence awareness. The crowd was also entertained by acts ranging from spoken word, dance and visual arts. The audience was entertained and feasted on a delicious breakfast that fed the soul!

The proceeds of the breakfast benefit the Bessie King Jackson

Memorial Scholarship Fund. SIZ’s scholarship is given annually in remembrance of our beloved charter member and past chapter president Soror Bessie K. Jackson. This year, two recipients received the scholarship. The first recipient, Claudia Owusu, is a wo‐ me winner of the scholarship award, Fall of 2015 and 2016. She is in her freshman year at O erbein University, pursuing a Crea ve Wri ng degree at O erbein with a 3.6 GPA. The second recipient, Jasmine Fowlkes, is Soror Bessie K. Jackson’s granddaughter, and a member of SIZ’s Youth group, The Archone es. She is a senior with a 3.74 GPA at Marion Franklin High School, SIZ’s Adopt‐A‐School partner. A member of the Na onal Honor Society, she is also a cheerleader, Ronald McDonald House volunteer and plans to a end West Virginia State University in the Fall of 2016.

The concept of the Breakfast of the Ar st program was originated by Soror Marian D. Hann. In her loving

memory we give out the Dis nguished Zeta Award at the scholarship breakfast. This award is given to a Zeta, who like Soror Marian D. Hann exemplifies the highest aspira ons of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. This year the Basileus of SIZ chapter, Isi Ikharebha awarded this honor to Soror Natasha Smith and Soror Danita Taylor for their reless work to upli Zeta in the community! Page 4

SERVICE SIZ Serving Families at the Ronald McDonald House

Ronald McDonald House Chari es of Central Ohio

(RMHC‐CO) has been making a difference in the lives of seriously ill children and their families for three decades. Many of the children living at RMHC‐CO are being treated at Na onwide Children's Hospital and other hospitals in the Central Ohio area. Partnering with RMHC‐CO of Central Ohio since 2011, Sigma Iota Zeta Chapter (SIZ) of Reynoldsburg, Ohio is commi ed to serving these families several mes per year.

One way SIZ helps families living at the RMHC‐CO is

by par cipa ng in the 2015 Hot Chocolate 15/5K Run. SIZ volunteered to serve at the race day ac vi es on November 15th for The Hot Chocolate 15/5K Run. Known as “America’s Sweetest Race”, the Hot Chocolate Run which raises funds for the RMHC‐CO began in 2008 and features two races, a 15K (9.3 miles) and a 5K (3.1 miles) runs. SIZ Sorors assisted thousands of runners and walkers as they ran “for chocolate” and Ronald McDonald House Chari es.

Addi onally, Soror Isi Ikharebha and Soror Kim Johnson were registered runners in the 15K and 5K,

respec vely. Another way SIZ Sorors made a difference at RMHC‐CO was by serving lunch to seventy‐five residences on February 13, 2016 at the house located at 711 E. Livingston Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43205. The home‐cooked meal that SIZ provided, prepared, and served offered a free hot lunch in an a empt to give families one less thing to worry about.

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SERVICE SIZ Serves Up Service With Mid‐Ohio Food Bank

Pretend for a moment, you are si ng on the couch

thinking of what you could eat for dinner. Then, you go into your pantry or refrigerator and there is no food. You are hungry and there is no meal to eat. There is no snack and no money. What would you do?

Since the 1980’s, the Mid‐Ohio Foodbank has been

working to end hunger one meal at a me. They “believe it’s not acceptable for thousands of our neighbors—most of them children and seniors—to go hungry. Our aim is to provide efficient, effec ve ways for hungry people to meet their basic food and nutri on needs.”

On Saturday, January 9, 2016, Sigma Iota Zeta

chapter (SIZ) joined Mid‐Ohio Foodbank to volunteer to work a 4‐hour shi at their warehouse located at 3960 Brookham Drive in Grove City, Ohio. Eleven sorors sorted and packed grocery items for distribu on to over 20 coun‐ ty service areas in Ohio. About 20 percent of the food from the Mid‐Ohio Foodbank must be cleaned, sorted, and packed for dispersal before it can be delivered to families.

The ladies of Sigma Iota Zeta packed 879 food boxes for local seniors, the highest number of boxes packed in

the month of January of 2016. Through the efforts of volunteers like SIZ and other local partners giving their me, the Mid‐Ohio Foodbank was able to distribute 53 million pounds of food and other items to many Ohioans in need. On Saturday, January 9, 2016, Sigma Iota Zeta chapter (SIZ) joined Mid‐Ohio Foodbank to volunteer to work a 4‐hour shi at their warehouse located at 3960 Brookham Drive in Grove City, Ohio.

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SISTERHOOD Sigma Iota Zeta Holds Fun, Yet Cathar c Retreat

When SIZ Sorors gathered on August 19 for the annual

chapter retreat in a conference room in Columbus, many were unsure what to expect. Walking into the room, each Soror found a personality profile at her desk ready to be filled out by her. Once the room filled, the Sorors were broken into groups based on the personality which described them. From there, Sorors paired off and it was requested that each soror ask their partner ques ons so that they could introduce their partner to the group. This exercise proved successful as Sorors learned more about each other and determined that the type of informa on they sought was indica ve of their personality type.

Then came an exercise which indicated the

strength of Sorors in our chapter. In an environment that was disclosed to be safe and nonjudgmental, Sorors par cipated in the exercise called “My Cup Runneth Over”, very personal statements about life’sburdens were read and Sorors had to pick up a cup for each one that applied to them. A er the cups were all handed out, Sorors discussed their feelings and observa ons from the exercise. The exercise proved to give Sorors perspec ve and insight into each other’s lives while also gaining a newfound apprecia on for each other. The morning por on of the retreat ended with Sorors reading a sisterhood affirma on to each other. The event was a success and fostered a strong sense of sisterhood that will hopefully carry over into the rest of the sorority year.

Once that was over, it was all fun and games with some service threw in. Sorors headed to the Blue and White

Cookout with our brothers of Beta Omicron Sigma and Sorors of Gamma Zeta Zeta chapter. While there, Blue and White family members brought in well over $600 worth of school supplies which were donated to South High School. A er fellowship, Sorors a ended Bowling For Babies, a Blue and White bowling event where funds were raised for March of Dimes. SIZ Sorors ended the night with a pajama party with food and games.

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SISTERHOOD SIZ Holds Historic Induc on of New Members for Fall 2016

On October 2, 2016, Sigma Iota Zeta

made history when it brought in its first intake class with Soror Natasha Smith as First An ‐Basileus and MIP coordinator. The chapter brought in four new ini ates, Karissa Madison, Yve e Barnes, Joy Davis and Helen Robinson. While any induc on is a special occasion, this event was more historic as Robinson is the granddaughter of Most Honorable Founder Leonard F. Morse of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated, our brother organiza on.

As such, our Interna onal Grand

Basileus, Dr. Mary Breaux Wright came to Columbus for the event for an opportunity to be one of the first to welcome Robinson and her intake sisters into the organiza on.

A er the induc on, Sigma Iota Zeta hosted a recep on in Columbus where the Sorors of the Gamma Zeta Zeta

chapter execu ve board and the brothers of the execu ve board of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated, Beta Omi‐ cron Sigma chapter were invited. Also in a endance was Carter D. Womack, the 27th and 29th Interna onal President of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated. During a brief presenta on, the new members introduced themselves. Gree ngs were also brought by Beta Omicron Sigma’s execu ve board, Past President Womack and Grand Wright. Sigma Iota Zeta looks forward to seeing what these new dynamic Sorors will bring to our illustrious organiza on.

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FINER WOMANHOOD Natural Hair Symposium Highlights Finer Womanhood

On February 6, 2016, Zeta Phi Beta

Sorority, Inc., Sigma Iota Zeta chapter, in partnership will presented its signature program en tled 2016 Natural Hair Summit “Naturally Healthy, Naturally You”, a health and wellness symposium.

During this event, the ladies of Sigma

Iota Zeta offered valuable informa on to the Central Ohio community through various workshops. Topics covered included styling and hair care maintenance for girls a ending middle and high school. In addi on we hosted a panel discussion where we discussed issues surrounding natural hair in the workplace. A endees had the opportunity to par cipate in live hair demonstra ons and Q&A sessions as well as purchase natural hair care products from on‐site vendors.

“Naturally Healthy Naturally You” took place on Saturday, February 28, 2015 from 10 am to 3pm at the

Columbus Urban League, 788 Mount Vernon Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43203. The cost was $15. Cost of admission included refreshments. Ladies from the program used the hashtag #naturallysiz while pos ng photos throughout the event. The ladies of Sigma Iota Zeta truly enjoyed themselves and are looking forward to bringing the program back in 2017.

SIZ Joins GZZ For Finer Womanhood Tea

In the spirit of sisterhood, SIZ Sorors

donned our hats, pearls and gloves for tea. On May 14, Sorors wearing their finest arrived at the Worthington Inn in Columbus for the Finer Womanhood Tea Brunch along with Amicae. Sorors munched on fine edibles while learning e que e. Sorors also read passages from the Finer Womanhood anthology.

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Sigma Iota Zeta, a chapter with fewer than 25 financial

Sorors, acquired more than 750 Z‐points for the 2015‐2016 fiscal year. This was an increase of more than 250 Z‐points from the previous year. With a chapter focus on service, this year SIZ also donated more than 1000 items towards other “Mee ng Basic Needs” Community Ini a ves and awarded $600 in scholarships. Another reason for the increase in Z‐points is the focus on na onal programming.

For the first me in SIZ history, the chapter par cipated in the following

programs: Military Awareness Week, #OurGirls Empowerment Program, and Z‐HOPE Global Day of Service—Get Engaged. The “Get Engaged” project was developed by Zeta to address the underlying issues that are contribu ng to the senseless killing of African Americans in the United States. On August 13, 2015, SIZ par cipated in #Say Her Name, Get Engaged Program, a town hall mee ng conducted by the Divine Nine Sorori es (AKA, DSQ, ZFB, and SGR) in Columbus, Ohio. To view a calendar of events including upcoming Z‐HOPE programs, visit our website

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SIZ hosted a Voters Registra on and Educa on Drive at the

Dodge Recrea onal center, providing people in the local community with the opportunity to get registered to vote and to learn more about their vo ng rights, and to obtain resources where they can learn more about the upcoming elec on and how and why their vote counts! It is every person’s right and responsibility to make their voice count by vo ng. Our Interna onal Grand Basileus, Mary Breaux Wright tasked our sorority with doing our part in local communi es to get engaged to ensure that everyone understand how important it is for them to get out and vote in the upcoming November 2016 elec on.

Sigma Iota Zeta also contributed monetarily to the water drive hosted by the Great Lakes Region to provide fresh water to the residents of Flint, Michigan.

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NATIONAL PROGRAMS SIZ Supports March of Dimes

SIZ’s March for Babies 2016 Campaign began when Soror Natasha Smith and

Soror Wilkister Tangasi a ended the March for Babies Kick‐Off Event on February 27, 2016 at the Dublin Recrea on Center. SIZ’s reasons for par cipa on, 15 million babies, worldwide, are born too soon each year and more than 1 in 6 Black infants are born premature when compared to 1 in 9 for all babies. Since 1972, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated and March of Dimes have been partnering to raise money to support programming and fund research to find answers to solve problems that threaten our babies.

As the signature walk event for Zeta Phi Beta

Sorority, Incorporated, SIZ’s March for Babies Walk was May 1, 2016 at COSI, 333 West Broad Street, Columbus, OH, 43215. SIZ had 4 registered par cipants, so our fundraising efforts will count as a Z‐HOPE (Zetas Helping Other People Excel) ini a ve. Columbus, Ohio. Sorors Natasha Smith, Evone Pleasant, Danita Taylor, Wilkister Tangasi and Jovanda Curry, will walk the 5k course which begins at COSI, 333 West Broad Street, Columbus, OH, 43215. SIZ has at least 4 registered par cipants, so our fundraising efforts will count as a Z‐HOPE (Zetas Helping Other People Excel) ini a ve. The phamily photo below features sorors from Sigma Iota Zeta Chapter, Reynoldsburg, Ohio, and Gamma Zeta Zeta Chapter from Columbus, Ohio, as well as, our Phi Beta Sigma Brothers from Beta Omicron Sigma Chapter of Columbus, Ohio.

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NATIONAL PROGRAMS SIZ Supports March of Dimes, cont.

The 36th Annual March of Dimes Night Moves

5K/5‐Mile glow run and walk event was held on September 16, 2016 in Columbus, Ohio. For the six year in a row, SIZ was there volunteering their me. The race concluded with a block party which included free pizza and musical entertainment.

March of Dimes and Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., have a long‐standing partnership devoted to making sure all

babies have a healthy start in life. Funds raised at Night Moves will support the March of Dimes’ mission of preven ng infant mortality, premature births, and birth defects. Newly hired Katherine Chris an, Senior Community Director of Central Ohio March of Dimes, coordinated the event through The Arena District and Downtown Columbus, as well as, Pints for Preemies.

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NATIONAL PROGRAMS SIZ Adopts Marion Franklin High School SIZ chapter is blessed to have a chapter full of educators. The chapter understands how important it is to elevate Interna onal Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright’s thrust for the Adopt A School Program. This year, SIZ adopted Marion Franklin High School. During our annual Scholarship Fundraiser, SIZ awarded Marion Franklin Senior Jasmine Fowlkes, The Bessie K. Jackson Memorial Scholarship.

SIZ Shows Love to Elder Popula on in Central Ohio On December 12th, Sigma Iota Zeta Sorors along with members of our Youth Auxiliary groups par cipated in Elder Care programming by visi ng Isabelle Ridgeway Care Center. Sigma Iota Zeta’s visit to this adult care facility included several fun ac vi es with the Seniors, Bingo, and a holiday ornaments cra ac vity. SIZ recently worked with our youth auxiliary groups to create gree ng cards and wrote le ers to be delivered to the residents. SIZ looks forward to more Elder Care Programs in the coming year.

Elder Care, an ini a ve outlined by Madam Grand

Basileus Mary Breaux Wright in 2012, provides educa on and awareness about men and women in their senior years. It is a comprehensive program that focuses on elder abuse awareness, financial peace, suppor ng the caregiver, and volunteering at senior care facili es.

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NATIONAL OBSERVANCES SIZ Holds Annual Rededica on With Gamma Epsilon

On Saturday March 13, the women of Sigma Iota Zeta chapter par cipated in our annual rededica on

ceremony. This year was special once again as SIZ did a joint ceremony that included new members of our undergraduate chapter, Gamma Epsilon at Wilberforce University! It is customary during our Na onal observance of Finer Womanhood, for Sorors ac ve or inac ve to recommit themselves to the principles of our beloved sorority… Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood and Finer Womanhood. Each sister contributes her part for the be erment of the whole.

SIZ Recognizes Military Apprecia on Week

In November 2015, Sigma Iota Zeta chapter collected

and presented over 800 items in their toiletry drive to benefit the Chalmers P. Wylie Ambulatory Care Center, a Veterans Affair medical center. Chalmers P. Wylie Ambulatory Care Center serves approximately 2,000 veterans daily. Sigma Iota Zeta chapter contributed to the Na onal

Military Apprecia on Women Veterans ROCK ini a ve to support Veterans and Military Families in the areas of: Housing, Employment, Educa on, Financial Stability and Health and Wellness. The chapter met the goal of $100 towards the Na onal fundraising ini a ve towards helping the basic needs of veteran men and women. Sigma Iota Zeta chapter par cipated with Wreaths Across America organiza on in laying over 600 wreaths at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Columbus, Ohio on December 12th.

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NATIONAL OBSERVANCES SIZ Celebrates Founders’ Day With Weekend of Ac vi es

Founders’ Day 2016 for Sigma Iota Zeta members was an exci ng adventure. Founders’ Day celebra ons began with Sorors of SIZ and GZZ enjoying me together at Old Bag of Nails, playing games, dinner, and having sisterly fun with one another. We were all excited about the fun mes that were in store! The next stop was the State of Michigan Founders’ Day Celebra on and Rededica on. The keynote speaker was Soror Eugenia Freeman who is the President of Wilberforce University, where Sigma Iota Zeta is a sponsor for the undergraduate chapter. It was an honor for our chapter Sorors to be able to a end this wonderful event.

The next day, SIZ Sorors supported Gamma Zeta Zeta Chapter at their Founders’ Day Dinner which honored youth in the community for their scholas c achievement. This was a first me event for their chapter, and they did an amazing job! And finally, the ladies of SIZ wrapped up the Founders Day celebra ons by par cipa ng in the annual Mar n Luther King Jr. parade. Our chapter par cipates in this annual event year a er year along side our brothers from Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.

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On May 21, 2016, SIZ worked at the Columbus Diaper Coali on packing diapers for Central Ohio families.

Referred to as a “Packing Party,” the ladies of SIZ wrapped and packed up diapers in ready‐to‐go containers that were disbursed to moms and dads through the pantry. The mission of the Columbus Diaper Coali on is to provide diapers to families who are suffering from financial difficul es. The Columbus Diaper Coali on believes that access to diapers is a basic need and can provide health and happiness to babies and families throughout the Columbus area. SIZ plans to con nue the partnership with the Columbus Diaper Coali on. This rela onship could lead to SIZ’s first Stork’s Nest.

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On July 6, 2016, over 2,000 Zeta, Amicae,

Youth, and their families made their way to Orlando, Fl, home of the Walt Disney Theme Parks!! Sorors Isi Ikharebha Green and LaVada Washington were present to represent SIZ!! While there was definitely me to play, the business was of Zeta was handled first! Soror were pa ent as they worked through 80+ proposed amendments to our cons tu on.

This conference made history as the first members of the Mrytle

and Viola Tyler Legacy Club were inducted! The Na onal Centennial shared plans, expenses, and budgets for the 2020 Centennial Celebra on. A new ZOL class was cer fied and celebrated during the Awards Dinner. Soror Mary Breaux Wright was re‐elected to office and plans for the 2018 Boule in New Orleans were shared!!! Whewww!!! The week in Florida was truly a me to remember!

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CONFERENCES 82nd Great Lakes Regional Conference The ladies of Sigma Iota Zeta and chapter and their youth a ended the 82nd Great Lakes Regional Conference in Louisville, Kentucky! This year especially grand as this was a joint conference with our brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Sorors listened intensely as our Interna onal Grand Basileus, Mary Breaux Wright, shared an update on the state of our Na onal affairs. SIZ Sorors also chaired and served on conference commi ees. Immediate Past Basileus, Soror LaVada Washington serves as the Regional Scrapbook Commi ee Chair and her commi ee worked hard during the conference judg‐ ing the plethora of scrapbooks submi ed by chapters in the region.

Soror Danita Taylor, the State of Ohio Z‐HOPE coordinator,

worked relessly with the Regional Z‐HOPE coordinator organizing the dona ons for the Regional community service project. The highlight of the Regional Conference was the joint rededica on ceremony with our brothers. It was a historical event as the Daughter and Grand Nephew of the Tyler sisters served as Marshalls for the event! Sorors from Central Ohio (GZZ, SIZ, XG) united together to compete in the Stroll Compe


SIZ Sorors were also able to take advantage of the Undergraduate, Youth, and Amicae Advisor cer fica on sessions offered during the conference. Soror Isi Ikharebha completed the Undergraduate Advisor Cer fica on course!

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CONFERENCES SIZ Sorors A end 2015 OSO State Mee ng

The 57th Annual Ohio State Organiza on (OSO) Leadership Conference

was hosted in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio this year by Mu Rho Zeta Graduate chapter. This year, the OSO Leadership Conference was held at the Sheraton Suites Akron, Ohio. Soror LaRita MJ Smith, Ohio State Director, worked hard with planning leadership training, workshops, and other ac vi es for more than 150 graduate and undergraduate par cipants. Interna onal Grand President Mary Breaux Wright and Great Lakes Regional Director, Michelle Porter Norman were in a endance. Sigma Iota Zeta chapter had 6 Sorors present at the conference. And, congratula ons goes out to Sigma Iota Zeta's president, Isi Ikharebha, on being elected as the Ohio State Organiza on Execu ve Board Chair.

The year 2020 will mark 100 years of

community service by interna onal organiza on, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. As a part of the 57th Annual OSO conference, commi ee chair, SIZ Soror Tennille Cooley along with Mu Rho Zeta held a Centennial Launch party on October 16, 2015 to commemorate the beginning of several events leading up to the historic celebra on in the year 2020. The OSO conference held a community service ini a ve for Mu Rho Zeta’s Stork’s Nest of Akron, Ohio. The

OhioZ‐HOPE Coordinator, Soror Myr s Holder, and Mu Rho Zeta Chapter called for each Ohio chapter to donate at least 20 baby items. SIZ donated 20 items to meet the basic needs for the women and infants that would be served through The Stork’s Nest. A Stork’s Nest aims to increase the number of women receiving early and regular prenatal care in order to prevent cases of low birth‐weight, premature births, and infant deaths. The first Stork’s Nest was in Atlanta, Georgia in 1971 as one of the educa onal and service project of Be er Infant Births, a program sponsored by the Fulton‐Dekalb‐Clayton Chapter of the March of Dimes. The program was so successful that Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. adopted Stork’s Nest in 1972 as one of its na onal projects.

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AWARDS SIZ Garners Awards and Recogni on on State, Regional, Na onal Level

Sigma Iota Zeta con nues to demonstrate that hard work and commitment to our founding principles yields

not only results but also acknowledgment and recogni on. The Great Lakes Regional Conference saw Soror Lavada Washington serve as Chair on the Regional Scrapbook commi ee. During the Ohio State Conference last year, the chapter won 2nd place in the chapter report compe

on. SIZ Chapter Basileus Isi Ikharebha was elected to serve as

Chair of the Ohio State Organiza on Execu ve Board, and SIZ Chapter 1st An ‐Basileus Natasha Smith was also elected to serve as the Public Rela ons Chair of Ohio State Organiza on. Soror Natasha Smith was also recognized as a Visionary at the charter donor level. During the upcoming Ohio State Conference, SIZ Chapter Epistoleus, Quiana Few will serve as the Scrapbook and Chapter Report Chair.

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GREEK UNITY SIZ, BOS Take Cons tu onal Bond Seriously Sigma Iota Zeta chapter takes our cons tu onal bond with our brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated very seriously. To that extent, we o en support our brothers of the Beta Omicron Sigma chapter and receive that support in return. We graciously accept invita ons to their events and programs, and we look forward to their a endance at our events and programs as well. Our bond is strong, and our love for one another is endless!

Over the past year, Blue & White has joined together for the March of

Dimes Walk, the Founders’ Day ac vi es, and the local Mar n Luther King Walk, Sigma Iota Zeta members have also contributed to Beta Omicron Sigma’s efforts as they breathe new life into their chapter with the introduc on of a new Web site and new programming. Beta Omicron Sigma events a ended by SIZ Sorors include a veterans’ breakfast, clothing dona on drive, joint school supply drive, Blue and White cookout, Bowling for Babies and Sigma Santa. Sorors also a ended Nu Phi Sigma’s Prayer Breakfast scholarship fundraiser. Plans are currently underway for joint Founders’ Day programming, a college readiness seminar in the upcoming sorority year and for our chapter to par ci‐ pate in the upcoming Sigma Santa event in December. Page 22

GREEK UNITY SIZ Supports Divine Nine in Central Ohio

Sigma Iota Zeta could o en be seen

throughout the Metropolitan Columbus community showing love for our brothers and sisters of the Divine Nine. Throughout the year, SIZ Sorors Amy McGrapth and Sharina


a ended


mee ngs of the Columbus Alumni NPHC as representa ves as well as a ended several Greek mixers. Soror Tennille Cooley served as the Councils’ President kicking off the 2016 fraternity/sorority year.

This year’s host for Unity

Weekend was the ladies of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority. June 20, 1016 was the start of Unity Weekend for the Columbus NPHC. Monday, SIZ Sorors danced to the tune of modern day hip hop headed up by Alpha Phi Alpha member Mike Nicholson. All proceeds were donated to a local charity.

Friday’s evening event, the biannual Black and White Gala was held to collec vely celebrate service and

achievements of our Black Greek Le er Organiza ons (BGLO) in Columbus, Ohio. SIZ Sorors were in a endance to help celebrate the accomplishment of our Brothers of Phi Beta Sigma, Beta Omicron Sigma Chapter for the Health Services Award for their Sigma Bazaar program and Brother Michael Tyler II on the Educa on and Training Professional Award. Saturday was the tradi onal Unity Weekend picnic where all Divine 9 orgs mixed and mingled, ate BBQ, and strolled to the modern day and old school music. A good me was had by all!

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GREEK UNITY SIZ Supports Divine Nine in Central Ohio, cont. In October 2015, the ladies of Sigma Iota Zeta a ended Psi Eta Omega chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated’s annual Sisterhood Luncheon. In its third year, the celebra on honored the women of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority by having Soror Tennille Cooley serve as the keynote speaker.

The ladies of SIZ also a ended several social and civic

func ons presented by NPHC organiza ons this sorority year including the Delta Sigma Theta Columbus Alumnae Chapter’s Founders’ Day Luncheon, the Alpha Phi Alpha Mistletoe Party, the Kappa Alpha Psi Wine Sip, and Omega Psi Phi’s Mardi Gras and a financial freedom seminar that was put on by the Psi Eta Omega chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Columbus Alumnae Chapter and the Columbus Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated. SIZ donated to the local Iota Phi Theta Fraternity chapter’s Flint water drive where they delivered water and filters to the people of Flint.

In April of 2016, the Central Ohio Sorori es of

Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta, Zeta Phi Beta, and Sigma Gamma Rho came together for the Annual Sorority Breakfast. This event is an opportunity for the sorori es to get together and fellowship. All of the entertainment provided consisted of members from each organiza on. This year the word was brought to everyone by Elder Kerme a Fomar! She truly blessed and inspired all who were in a endance. Page 24


In the Spring of 2015, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.,

Gamma Epsilon Chapter was reac vated at Wilberforce University! Since then, the Gamma Epsilon Undergraduates have been working relessly on their campus upholding the principles of our beloved sorority. In October of 2015, 100% of the Gamma Epsilon members a ended the Ohio State Conference! This conference was par cularly special because our Interna onal Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright was in a endance!

The chapter was recognized during the state conference

for their a endance and welcomed back into the sisterhood. This year, Gamma Epsilon has par cipated in service projects with the community that involved volunteering at their local Senior Center and Campus Clean Ups. In the Spring of 2016, Gamma Epsilon welcomed three new Zetas, Kenesha Coleman, Mary Lindsey, and Tanara Crawford.

During the Spring step show, Gamma Epsilon took

home the third place trophy! Gradua on for Wilberforce University was on May 7, 2016. There were five Gamma Epsilon Sorors who graduated and received their Bachelor’s degrees. Congratula ons to Sorors Kenesha Coleman, Mija Mar n, Emani Lewis, Asia Moss, and Ayana Jones! Also during the gradua on ceremony, our Interna onal Grand Basileus, Mary Breaux Wright received an Honorary Doctorate of Economic Jus ce and Social Sciences.

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YOUTH AUXILIARIES SIZ’s Youth Have Busy Year, Focus on Principles

SIZ has ac ve Youth Auxiliaries to engage girls of

all ages. On Saturday, September 19th there were 5 Archone es, 2 Amice es, and 1 Pearle e inducted into the Youth Auxiliaries. This was the first year that SIZ par cipated in induc on ceremonies and the ladies learned the history of the auxiliaries and to help them official become apart of the organiza on and receive their pins. In a endance at the event were members of the local chapter, our State Youth Commi ee Chair, our brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc, their youth group, the Sigma Beta Club, parents and friends.

This was just the beginning of the work of the

youth auxiliary this year. The ladies worked hard to par cipate in service projects that were a ended by the ladies of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc, the men of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc, and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc, par cipated in sisterhood events and learned the history of Zeta. To start the 2015‐2016 year, on October 10, 2015, in an effort to foster sisterhood and ensuring all youth know how special unique, and valuable they are, the group hosted a sleepover. This gave the youth addi onal me to bond together and par cipate in ac vi es around self‐esteem.

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YOUTH AUXILIARIES SIZ’s Youth Have Busy Year, Focus on Principles (cont.)

One of the most pivotal ac vi es of the youth

auxiliaries this year was their prepara on and par cipa on the Signature and Annual event of Sigma Iota Zeta (Breakfast with the Ar st). At this event the ladies brought a en on to the serious issue of da ng violence among teens. Instead of standing and reading sta s cs and promising to protect themselves and their fellow sisters from violence; they presented a reading of the play Safe Dates.

This play showcased the rela onship challenges of a

teenage who was struggling with physical and emo onal abuse from her boyfriend and how she responds as well has how her friends sought to support both her and her abuser. In the end each young lady was able to get a clear understand that abuse is never okay and in the end of the reading provide sta s cs to educate the audience on how to recognize and end da ng violence among teens. The youth also par cipated in Service projects including the Midnight Sandwich Run hosted by the Hilltop YMCA of Columbus as well as SIZ’s Eldercare ac vity at the Isabelle Ridgeway Care Center.

On Saturday, September 24, the Sigma Iota Zeta Sorors held it down at an

informa on table at the Ohio HBCU College Fair in Columbus which a racted more than 1,000 students and their parents and caregivers. This was a collabora ve effort with many organiza ons, colleges and universi es in a endance. The chapter used this opportunity to provide informa on about the chapter’s programming as well as its three youth auxiliary groups. More than 25 people signed up to learn more informa on about the chapter. Sigma Iota Zeta also seized the opportunity to present on stage about our organiza on and chapter.

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