2017 Great Lakes Regional Chapter Report-SIZ

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Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated Sigma Iota Zeta Chapter Reynoldsburg, OH Building On the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths

2017 Regional Chapter Report Competition

Dr. Mary Breaux Wright

Michelle Porter Norman

LaRita MJ Smith

Isi Green

International President

Great Lakes Regional Director

Ohio State Director

Chapter President


Isi Green

Natasha Smith

Danita Taylor

Chapter President

1st Vice-President

2nd Vice-President

Sharina Armstrong Secretary

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Evone Pleasant

Quiana Few

LaVada Washington

Financial Secretary

Historian/ Public Relations

Immediate Past Chapter President

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Awards/Honors/Recognitions (All Levels)



Greek Unity



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Service Diaper Coalition Mid-Ohio Food Bank

Sisterhood Finer Womanhood Finer Girls Rock Rededication

National Programs Z-Hope Get Engaged March of Dimes Adopt a School

National Observances National Military Appreciation Week Founders’ Day

International Grand Basileus Programmatic Thrusts Elder Care

Conferences Boule Great Lakes Regional Conference 2016 Ohio State Conference 2016

Sponsorship of Undergraduate Chapters and/or Auxiliaries Sponsorship of Gamma Epsilon Undergraduate Chapter Youth Auxiliaries

Joint Programs With Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated

SCHOLARSHIP Annual Breakfast With the Artist Promotes Education & Art On March 18, 2017 at the Holiday Inn in Worthington, Ohio, the Central Ohio community gathered for the 15th Annual Breakfast with the Artist, Sigma Iota Zeta Chapter’s signature program. The crowd was entertained by various arts who sang, danced, played instruments, and artists who showcased their talents with paintings and drawings. The audience was entertained and feasted on a delicious breakfast that fed the soul! The proceeds of the breakfast benefit the Bessie King Jackson Memorial Scholarship Fund. SIZ’s scholarship is given annually in remembrance of our beloved charter member and past chapter president Soror Bessie K. Jackson. Breakfast with the Artist Committee Members

This year, the recipient of the scholarship was Kadija Koroma, from Mifflin High School. Originally from Sierra Leone, Kadija currently maintains a 3.44 G.P.A. in high school, while working as a Crew member at McDonald’s, also serves in hercommunity at the Mohun Health Care Center, and is also a part of her high school track team and Drama club. Kadija plans to attend college and will major in Business, and would like to also obtain her MBA. The concept of the Breakfast of the Artist program was originated by Soror Marian D. Hann. In her loving memory we give out the Distinguished Zeta Award at the scholarship breakfast. This award is given to a Zeta, who like Soror Marian D. Hann exemplifies the highest aspirations of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. This year the Basileus of SIZ chapter, Isi Green awarded this honor to

C Dance Company

Soror Quiana Few for exemplifying the characteristics of Soror Hann and for her continuous efforts to uplift Zeta in the community! Page 4

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SERVICE SIZ Fishes with Dads Fishing with Dads is an event sponsored by the local Urban Leagues, African American Male Initiative. It encourages dads and kids to get together and fish. SIZ members volunteered in the registration and food service areas!

SIZ Serves Up Service With The Diaper Coalition SIZ began 2017 with community service to contribute to Zeta’s 20 Million Hours of Service goal. Our first service activity for the year was volunteering at the Columbus Diaper Coalition, Diaper Bank. Referred to as a “Packing Party,” the ladies of SIZ wrapped and packed up diapers in ready-to-go containers that were disbursed to moms and dads through the pantry.

SIZ Works With The Mid-Ohio Food Bank On Saturday, January 21, 2017, SIZ joined the Mid-Ohio Food Bank and assisted 80 families by serving as personal shoppers in the food pantry at their warehouse located at 3960 Brookham Drive in Grove City, Ohio. Pretend for a moment, you are sitting on the couch thinking of what you could eat for dinner. Then, you go into your pantry or refrigerator and there is no food. You are hungry and there is no meal to eat. There is no snack and no money. What would you do? Since the 1980’s, the Mid-Ohio Foodbank has been working to end hunger one meal at a time. Their aim is to provide efficient, effective ways for hungry people to meet their basic food and nutrition needs.”

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SISTERHOOD Sigma Iota Zeta Holds Fun, Yet Cathartic Retreat When SIZ Sorors gathered on August 19 for the

annual chapter retreat in a conference room in Columbus, many were unsure what to expect. Walking into the room, each Soror found a personality profile at her desk ready to be filled out by her. Once the room filled, the Sorors were broken into groups based on the personality which described them. From there, Sorors paired off and it was requested that each soror ask their partner questions so that they could introduce their partner to the group. This exercise proved successful as Sorors learned more about each other and determined that the type of information they sought was indicative of their personality type. Then came an exercise which indicated the strength of Sorors in our chapter. In an environment that was disclosed to be safe and nonjudgmental, Sorors participated in the exercise called “My Cup Runneth Over”, very personal statements about life’s burdens were read and Sorors had to pick up a cup for each one that applied to them. After the cups were all handed out, Sorors discussed their feelings and observations from the exercise. The exercise proved to give Sorors perspective and insight into each other’s lives while also gaining a newfound appreciation for each other. The morning portion of the retreat ended with Sorors reading a sisterhood affirmation to each other. The event was a success and fostered a strong sense of sisterhood that will hopefully carry over into the rest of the sorority year. Once that was over, it was all fun and games with some service threw in. Sorors headed to the Blue and White Cookout with our brothers of Beta Omicron Sigma and Sorors of Gamma Zeta Zeta chapter. While there, Blue and White family members brought in well over $600 worth of school supplies which were donated to South High School. After fellowship, Sorors attended Bowling For Babies, a Blue and White bowling event where funds were raised for March of Dimes. SIZ Sorors ended the night with a pajama party with food and games. Super SIZ Executive Board

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SISTERHOOD SIZ Holds Historic Induction of New Members for Fall 2016 On October 2, 2016, Sigma Iota Zeta made history when it brought in its first intake class with Soror Natasha Smith as First Anti-Basileus and MIP Coordinator. The chapter brought in four new initiates, Karissa Madison, Yvette Barnes, Joy Davis and Helen Robinson. While any induction is a special occasion, this event was more historic as Robinson is the granddaughter of Most Honorable Founder Leonard F. Morse of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated, our brother organization. As such, our International Grand Basileus, Dr. Mary Breaux Wright came to Columbus for the event for an opportunity to be one of the first to welcome Soror Robinson and her intake sisters into the organization. After the induction, Sigma Iota Zeta hosted a reception in Columbus where the Sorors of the Gamma Zeta Zeta chapter executive board and the brothers of the executive board of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated, Beta Omicron Sigma chapter were invited. Also in attendance was Carter D. Womack, the 27th and 29th International President of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated. During a brief presentation, the new members introduced themselves. Greetings were also brought by Beta Omicron Sigma’s executive board, Past President Womack and Grand Wright. Sigma Iota Zeta looks forward to seeing what these new dynamic Sorors

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To end the 2016 Fiscal Sorority year, SIZ members participated in a Field Day!!!! Held at a local YMCA, chapter members participated in an obstacle course, gum eating and egg relay contest, and a hoola hoop challenge!

SIZ Chapter President Gets Married! On September 24, 2016, SIZ President Isi Green got hitched! Surrounded by her family and SIZ members, this was a day to remember! She married Alaric Green, who is a member of Omega Psi Phi!

SIZ Holiday Celebration On December 17, 2016, SIZ Sorors gathered, along with family and friends the home of our Chapter President Isi Green, for food and fellowship as we celebrated the holiday season. Sorors participated in a white elephant gift swap, played games, and enjoyed the company of family and friends.

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FINER WOMANHOOD Finer Girls Rock Empowers Local Girls On February 25, 2017, The ladies of Sigma Iota Zeta hosted our 1st annual Finer Girls Rock

program, Sigma Iota Zeta hosted Finer Girls Rock, a half-day empowerment program for girls in middle school and high school. The program, held at the Columbus Metropolitan Library, Driving Park Branch, brought together 20 girls from around the metropolitan Columbus area and focused on Careers in Stem, Body Image and Identity, and Protection of Self. Following the success of Hidden Figures, the chapter decided it would be important for the young ladies in attendance to encounter women who look like them currently working in the STEM fields. To that end, the girls were exposed to a panel featuring black women work as pharmaceutical managers, design engineers and IT directors for local companies. In addition, a representative from I Know I Can provided the young ladies with information on STEM scholarship opportunities. For the body image and identity, our facilitator got the girls moving with interactive activities focused on the girls learning how to define themselves. After the girls focused on identity, Soror Brandy Burley-Nicholson taught the girls how to sew a button on a patch of fabric. Finally, a deputy from the Franklin County Sheriff’s Department provided the girls with safety tips. Each girl who attended the program walked away with passes to the

Finer Girls Rock Workshop

COSI science center, along with hygiene tips and daily affirmations.

SIZ Sorors Rededicate During Finer Womanhood Month On Sunday, March 12, 2017, the women of Sigma Iota Zeta chapter participated in our annual rededication ceremony shortly after our March chapter meeting. It is customary during our National observance of Finer Womanhood, for Sorors active or inactive to recommit themselves to the principles of our beloved sorority…Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood and Finer Womanhood. Each sister contributes her part for the betterment of the whole.

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NATIONAL PROGRAMS SIZ Racks Up Z-HOPE Points With Service Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio (RMHC-CO)

has been making a difference in the lives of seriously ill children and their families for three decades. Many of the children living at RMHC-CO are being treated at Nationwide Children's Hospital and other hospitals in the Central Ohio area. Partnering with RMHC-CO of Central Ohio since 2011, Sigma Iota Zeta Chapter (SIZ) of Reynoldsburg, Ohio is committed to serving these families several times per year. SIZ enjoys supporting Zeta’s national partnership with the Ronald McDonald House organization. SIZ supported these families by participating in the 2016 Hot Chocolate 15/5K Run on November 19, 2016. SIZ volunteered and served at the kick off activities the day before the race. Known as “America’s Sweetest Race”, the Hot Chocolate Run which


funds for the RMHC-CO began in 2008. Another way that SIZ Sorors have made a difference at RMHC-CO was by serving lunch to over 30 families on February 18, 2017. The home-cooked meal that SIZ provided, prepared, and served offered a free hot lunch in an attempt to give the families one less thing to worry about.

SIZ Hosts Hair Care Product Donation Drive The ladies of Sigma Iota Zeta hosted a Black Hair Product Donation Drive, and collected over 70 various African-American Hair Care Products for women at the CHOICES Domestic Violence Shelter in Columbus, Ohio. CHOICES for Victims of Domestic Violence, is the only domestic violence safe haven shelter and 24-hour crisis and information hotline in Franklin County. Since 1977, they have offered counseling services, support groups, and legal and community advocates for those impacted by domestic violence. CHOICES also provides domestic violence education throughout the community. CHOICES shelters about 750 individuals annually and receives more than 3,000 calls to their domestic violence hotline.

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SIZ hosted a Voters Registration and Education Drive at the

Dodge Recreational center, providing people in the local community with the opportunity to get registered to vote and to learn more about their voting rights, and to obtain resources where they can learn more about the upcoming election and how and why their vote counts! It is every person’s right and responsibility to make their voice count by voting. Our International Grand Basileus, Mary Breaux Wright tasked our entire sorority with doing our part in local communities to get engaged to ensure that everyone understand how important it was for them to get out and vote in the November 2016 election.

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NATIONAL PROGRAMS SIZ Supports March of Dimes On Sunday, April 28, 2016, Sigma Iota Zeta Chapter members participated and volunteered in the 2016 March for Babies walk in Columbus, Ohio. Sorors enjoyed the warm up, as they danced to routines led by local Hip Hop Instructor Michael Nicholson, who is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Along with fellow Central Ohio Zetas and Sigmas, chapter members completed the 3.2 mile walk! In July of 2016, SIZ members participated in the kickoff March of Dimes event “Run Fest.” This event promoted the upcoming 36th annual Night Moves race in Central Ohio. In September of 2016, SIZ sorors and youth participated and volunteered in the 36th annual Night Moves race which was a huge success!!

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NATIONAL PROGRAMS Adopt A School SIZ chapter is blessed to have a chapter full of educators. The chapter understands how important it is to elevate International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright’s thrust for the Adopt A School Program. During our annual Scholarship Fundraiser, SIZ awarded Mifflin High School Senior Kadija Koroma, The Bessie K. Jackson Memorial Scholarship. Originally from Sierra Leone, Kadija currently maintains a 3.44 G.P.A. in high school, while working as a Crew member at McDonald’s, also serves in her community at the Mohun Health Care Center, and is also a part of her high school track team and Drama club. Kadija plans to attend college in the Fall and plans to major in Business, and would like to also obtain her MBA after she completes her Bachelor’s program. Mifflin High School is located in Northeast Columbus. Ninety two percent of students enrolled at Mifflin are minority (black). The state average is 28%. Mifflin is part of the Columbus City School District which has a 58% graduation rate which is lower than the Ohio state average of 89%. SIZ has been a partner with Mifflin High School for 5 years working with students on the college application process and providing resources to enhance their academic endeavors. This is the 5th Mifflin student that SIZ has awarded with a scholarship.

SIZ scholarship committee and scholarship recipient, Kadija Koroma

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NATIONAL OBSERVANCES SIZ Recognizes Military Appreciation Week In November 2016, Sigma Iota Zeta chapter collected and presented over 300 items in their toiletry drive to benefit the Mash Pantry, a Veterans pantry in Central Ohio. The Mash Pantry serves approximately 120 veterans monthly with food, clothing etc. Occasionally, there are homeless veterans or veterans going through a hardship who need toiletries. The toiletry donation contributed by Sigma Iota Zeta chapter will benefit those veterans who are most in need. Sigma Iota Zeta chapter contributed to the National Military Appreciation Women Veterans ROCK initiative to support Women Veterans and Military Families in the areas of: Housing, Employment, Education, Financial Stability and Health and Wellness. The chapter contributed $50 towards the National fundraising initiative towards helping the basic needs of veteran men and women. SIZ Sorors At Wreaths Across America

Sigma Iota Zeta also participated with Wreaths Across America organization in laying over 500 wreaths at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Columbus, Ohio on December 17th. Wreaths of America mission is to Remember, Honor, Teach and spread the importance of remembering our fallen heroes, honoring those who serve, and teaching our children about the sacrifices made by veterans and their families to preserve our freedoms.

SIZ Military Veteran, Soror Jovanda Curry

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NATIONAL OBSERVANCES SIZ Sorors Celebrate Founders’ Day Throughout The Month of January Founder’s Day is always an exciting time within the sisterhood and this year was no different for Sigma Iota Zeta. During Founders’ Day weekend, on January 14, 2017, SIZ Sorors attended the statewide Founders’ Day Brunch held here in Columbus, where recent initiate and SIZ Soror Helen Robinson, granddaughter of Most Honorable Founder Leonard F. Morse of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated, spoke on being a legacy within

Statewide Founders’ Day Celebration

the Blue and White Family. She was joined by Bro. Michael Tyler, the grandnephew of Triumphant Founders Myrtle Tyler Faithful and Viola Tyler Goings, who also spoke on being a legacy of a founder. As we neared the Founders’ Day Weekend, as a chapter, we held a sisterly outing to see the motion picture film, Hidden Figures.

SIZ Movie Night—Hidden Figures

From January 28 to January 29, 2017, the chapter joined Gamma Zeta Zeta chapter and Beta Omicron Sigma chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated for a Joint Founders’ Day Celebration. On Friday, the Blue and White family gathered for a comedy show hosted by a member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated and also featured a comedian who was a fraternity brother. Saturday was the main event, a celebration gala at Monaco’s where attendees were told to don their 1920s-style apparel. Women showed up in flapper dresses and head pieces while men donned elegant suits. Everyone feasted on a soul food dinner. Highlights of the program included the members of Beta Omicron Sigma chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated honoring Brother Joseph Copeland with the Sigma of the Year honor and members of the undergraduate chapters Delta Omicron (Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated) and Xi Gamma (Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated) performing a re-enactment of the founding of our organizations. After the program, everybody danced to a DJ and fellowshipped. During the program, the organizations also collected $600 in item and monetary donations for the Community Shelter Board.

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SIZ Shows Love to Elder Population in Central Ohio On December 10th, Sigma Iota Zeta Sorors along with members of our Youth Auxiliary groups participated in Elder Care programming by visiting Isabelle Ridgeway Care Center. Sigma Iota Zeta’s visit to this adult care facility included several fun activities with the Seniors, Bingo, and a holiday ornaments craft activity. SIZ recently worked with our youth auxiliary groups to create greeting cards and wrote letters to be delivered to the residents. SIZ looks forward to more Elder Care Programs in the coming year. Elder Care an initiative outlined by Madam Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright in 2012, provides education and awareness about men and women in their senior years. It is a comprehensive program that focuses on elder abuse awareness, financial peace, supporting the caregiver, and volunteering at senior care facilities.

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On July 6, 2016, over 2,000 Zeta, Amicae, Youth, and their families made their way to Orlando, FL, home of the Walt Disney Theme Parks!! Sorors Isi Ikharebha Green and LaVada Washington were present to represent SIZ!! While there was definitely time to play, the business was of Zeta was handled first! Soror were patient as they worked through 80+ proposed amendments to our constitution. This conference made history as the first members of the Mrytle and Viola Tyler Legacy Club were inducted! The National Centennial shared plans, expenses, and budgets for the 2020 Centennial Celebration. A new ZOL class was certified and celebrated during the Awards Dinner. Soror Mary Breaux Wright was re-elected to office and plans for the 2018 Boule in New Orleans were shared!!! Whewww!!! The week in Florida was truly a time to remember!

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CONFERENCES 82nd Great Lakes Regional Conference The ladies of Sigma Iota Zeta and chapter and their youth attended the 82nd Great Lakes Regional Conference in Louisville, Kentucky! This year was a joint conference with our brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Sorors listened intensely as our International Grand Basileus, Mary Breaux Wright, shared an update on the state of our National affairs. SIZ Sorors also chaired and served on conference committees. Immediate Past Basileus, Soror LaVada Washington serves as the Regional Scrapbook Committee Chair and her committee worked hard during the conference judging the plethora of scrapbooks submitted by chapters in the region. Soror Danita Taylor, the State of Ohio Z-HOPE coordinator, worked tirelessly with the Regional Z-HOPE Coordinator organizing the donations for the Regional community service project. The highlight of the Regional Conference was the joint rededication ceremony with our brothers. It was a historical event as the Daughter and Grand Nephew of the Tyler sisters served as Marshalls for the event! Sorors from Central Ohio (GZZ, SIZ, XG) united together to compete in the Stroll Competition! SIZ Sorors were also able to take advantage of the Undergraduate, Youth, and Amicae Advisor certification sessions offered during the conference. Soror Isi Green also completed the Undergraduate Advisor Certification course!

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CONFERENCES SIZ Sorors Attend 2016 OSO State Meeting

The ladies of Sigma Iota Zeta attended

the 58th Annual Ohio State Organization (OSO) Leadership Conference hosted in Cleveland, Ohio by Nu Theta Zeta Graduate chapter. Soror LaRita MJ Smith, Ohio State Director, worked hard with planning leadership training, workshops, and other activities for more than 150 graduate and undergraduate participants. Great Lakes Regional Director, Michelle Porter Norman was also in attendance. Sigma Iota Zeta chapter had 11 Sorors present at the conference. SIZ Chapter Members at Ohio State Leadership Conference

Congratulations goes out to Sigma Iota Zeta's 1st-Vice President Natasha Smith on being re-elected as State of Ohio Public Relations Chair/ Historian. There are a several SIZ Sorors who serve on the State of Ohio board and as Committee Chairs. Our chapter President, Soror Isi Green is the State of Ohio Chair of the Board. Our Second Vice President, Danita Taylor is the State of Ohio Z-Hope Coordinator. Soror Quiana Few served for the 1st time as the Scrapbook and Chapter Report Competition Committee chair. SIZ received a 1st place award in the Chapter Report Competition, and received several Service Excellence Awards for our chapters work year round. The Z-HOPE initiative for the Conference provided a collection of needed supplies for the Norma Herr Women’s Center which provides basic needs and mental health services to women in Cleveland, Ohio. Norma Herr Women’s Center (NHWC) in Cleveland is an emergency housing shelter for Women located on Payne Avenue. NHWC operates 24-hour, seven days per week. NHWC has two major goals: 1) to safely shelter homeless women and 2) to help those homeless women to achieve admission to a shelter program offering the specialized services to effectively meet their specific service needs and preferences, or other housing options. Norma Herr Women’s Center provides mental health services, substanceuse treatment programs, and has the capacity to provide beds to 126 individuals with an additional 30 mats. SIZ donated 25 items

Ohio Z-Hope Coordinator , Soror Danita Taylor leading Z-HOPE workshop

toward this effort. Page 19

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AWARDS SIZ Garners Awards and Recognition on State, Regional, National Sigma Iota Zeta continues to demonstrate that hard work and commitment to our founding principles

yields not only results but also acknowledgment and recognition. The Great Lakes Regional Conference saw Soror Lavada Washington serve as Chair on the Regional Scrapbook committee. During the 2016 Ohio State Conference the chapter won 1st place in the chapter report competition. SIZ Chapter Basileus Isi Ikharebha was re-elected to serve as Chair of the Ohio State Organization Executive Board, and SIZ Chapter 1st Anti-Basileus Natasha Smith was also re-elected to serve as the Public Relations Chair of Ohio State Organization. SIZ Chapter Epistoleus, Quiana Few also served as the Scrapbook and Chapter Report Chair at the 2016 Ohio State Conference. Sigma Iota Zeta was also recognized during the conference with the Service Award of Excellence for our service and uplifting Zeta in our communities.

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GREEK UNITY SIZ Supports Divine Nine in Central Ohio Sigma Iota Zeta could often be seen throughout the Metropolitan Columbus community showing love for our brothers and sisters of the Divine Nine. Throughout the year, SIZ Sorors Amy McGrapth and Sharina Armstrong attended regular meetings of the Columbus Alumni NPHC as representatives as well as attended several Greek mixers. Soror Tennille Cooley served as the Councils’ President kicking off the 2016 fraternity/ sorority year. Central Ohio Sorority Prayer Breakfast

Sorority Prayer Breakfast In April of 2016, the Central Ohio Sororities of Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta, Zeta Phi Beta, and Sigma Gamma Rho came together for the Annual Sorority Breakfast. This event is an opportunity for the sororities to get together and fellowship. All of the entertainment provided consisted of members from each organization. This year the word was brought to everyone by Elder Kermetta Fomar! She truly blessed and inspired all who were in attendance.

Central Ohio National Pan-Hellenic Unity Weekend This year’s host for NPHC Columbus Unity Weekend was the ladies of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority. June 20, 1016 was the start of Unity Weekend for the Columbus NPHC. Monday, SIZ Sorors danced to the tune of modern day hip hop headed up by Alpha Phi Alpha member Mike Nicholson.

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GREEK UNITY SIZ Supports Divine Nine in Central Ohio Friday’s evening event of the NPHC Columbus Unity Weekend was the biannual Black and White Gala was held to collectively celebrate service and achievements of our Black Greek Letter Organizations (BGLO) in Columbus, Ohio. SIZ Sorors were in attendance to help celebrate the accomplishment of our Brothers of Phi Beta Sigma, Beta Omicron Sigma Chapter for the Health Services Award for their Sigma Bazaar program and Brother Michael Tyler II on the Education and Training Professional Award.

NPHC Unity Weekend Gala

Saturday was the traditional Unity Weekend picnic where all Divine 9 orgs mixed and mingled, ate BBQ, and strolled to the modern day and old school music. A good time was had by all!

NPHC Unity Weekend Cookout

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GREEK UNITY SIZ Supports Divine Nine in Central Ohio Sigma Gamma Rho/ Gamma Zeta Zeta HIV Awareness Program The ladies of Sigma Iota Zeta supported our sorors of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Gamma Zeta Zeta Chapter and our sisters in Greekdom of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Delta Omicron Sigma THE Columbus Graduate Chapter as they provided an informative program on HIV in the Black community

SIZ Supports Divine 9 Events The ladies of SIZ also attended throughout the year several social and civic functions presented by NPHC organizations this sorority year including the Delta Sigma Theta Columbus Alumnae Chapter’s Founders’ Day Luncheon, the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mistletoe Party, the Kappa Alpha Psi Wine Sip, and Omega Psi Phi’s Mardi Gras and Bowties and Stilettos event hosted by Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Delta Omicron Sigma THE Columbus Graduate Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Founders Day Banquet, hosted by Mu Iota Chapter! Columbus Alumnae Chapter and the Columbus Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated.

Omega Psi Phi Marti Gras

Kappa Wine Sip

Alpha Phi Alpha Mistletoe Jam

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UNDERGRADUATE SPONSORSHIP Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Gamma Epsilon Chapter, Wilberforce University

New Sorors Wilberforce University is America’s FIRST HBCU! Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. is no stranger to being first! Upholding our sorority’s principles and desires for undergraduate, Sigma Iota Zeta chapter is the Undergraduate sponsor for Gamma Epsilon! In the Spring of 2016, Gamma Epsilon welcomed three new Zetas, Kenesha Coleman, Mary Lindsey, and Tanara Crawford.

Graduation with the GRAND! Graduation for Wilberforce University was on May 7, 2016. There were five Gamma Epsilon Sorors who graduated and received their

Bachelor’s degrees. Congratulations to Sorors

Kenesha Coleman, Mija Martin, Emani Lewis, Asia Moss, and Ayana Jones! Also during the graduation ceremony, our International Grand Basileus, Mary Breaux Wright received an Honorary Doctorate of Economic Justice and Social Sciences!


Campus Community Clean Up Day!

NPHC at Rosa Parks Elementary School

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YOUTH AUXILIARIES SIZ’s Youth Have Busy Year, Focus on Service SIZ has active Youth Auxiliaries to engage girls of all

ages. Our youth axillaries kicked off the year strong with working on a service project creating letters and writing personal positive mottos on greeting cards for residents at Isabelle Ridgeway Nursing Home in Columbus, OH. During our time together, we also conducted some icebreaker activities to help the youth get to know one another, and we shared information about the calendar of activities for the upcoming year.

Every year, SIZ and our youths participate in the Midnight sandwich run. This event is where bag lunches are prepared to feed the homeless in the Columbus community. The Midnight Sandwich Run (MSR) is a grassroots initiative to end hunger in a metropolitan area by creating, assembling and deploying meal packages. MSR is a city-wide collaborative event of community leaders from various universities as well as service groups. Originally the Midnight Sandwich Run is an East-coast tradition assembled by the Men of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. (Eta chapter NYC).

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YOUTH AUXILIARIES SIZ’s Youth Have Busy Year, Focus on Service

On December 10, 2016 SIZ along with our

youth auxiliary groups hosted an Elder Care activity with residents at the Isabelle Ridgeway Care Center. We played bingo, created holiday ornaments with the residents and handed out holiday cards. We had a great day with the residents and look forward to the next event in the coming months. The ladies of Sigma Iota Zeta hosted Finer Girls Rock on February 25, 2017, which was an interactive program for middleschool and high-school aged girls to learn about skills needed in a 21st-century world. We focused on self-defense, careers in STEM and body image. We kicked off the program with an ice breaker so that our participants could get to know one another, and hosted a panel of speakers with careers in STEM fields, moderated by our very own Archonette J'Anna Rogers. We learned about college scholarship opportunities that are available to youth interested in pursuing further studies in STEM majors. Then, we moved into a discussion about self image and self care, completed an activity learning basic sewing skills and after lunch, learned a lesson on self-defense. This was a very successful event for our chapter and we appreciated all of the speakers and participants who contributed to making this event a success. We are very appreciative of each of our panelists, speakers, moderators, and all of the Sorors who contributed to the planning and execution of this program. We look forward to conducting this program again next year!

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SIZ, BOS Take Constitutional Bond Seriously In April 2016, SIZ Sorors supported our brothers of Beta Omicron Sigma chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated as they held their annual Sigma Bazaar where they collected donated clothing items at the Barnett Community Center for distribution to the public. At the beginning of the sorority year, SIZ Sorors joined our Sorors of Gamma Zeta Zeta chapter and our brothers of Beta Omicron Sigma chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated for the local Blue and White Cookout on August 19. While there, Blue and White family members brought in well over $600 worth of school supplies which were donated to South High School. After fellowship, Sorors attended Bowling For Babies, a Blue and White bowling event where funds were raised for March of Dimes. In December 2016, SIZ Sorors joined with our Gamma Zeta Zeta Sorors and our Beta Omicron Sigma brothers once again for Sigma Santa. On Tuesday, December 13, the Blue and White family collected toys at Buckeye Crazy. On Saturday, December 17, they came together once again to serve a pancake breakfast and donated those toys to the children and families at the Barnett Community Center. The Columbus Blue and White family provided nearly 300 kids and over 150 parents with toys and breakfast. We presented Barnett with a $300 check for center programs.

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