Sigma Mu Zeta Scholarship A Gathering of Friends 2014

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SIGMA MU ZETA PRESENTS A Gathering of Friends




Shaping Our Future by Enhancing and Fulfilling the Vision


Annual Gala &Scholarship Dinner

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- Painting by John W. Jones

House by the Side of the Road By: Sam Walter Foss

There are hermit souls that live withdrawn In the place of their self-content; There are souls like stars, that dwell apart, In a fellowless firmament; There are pioneer souls that blaze their paths Where highways never ran -But let me live by the side of the road And be a friend to man.

Let me live in a house by the side of the road, Where the race of men go by -The men who are good and the men who are bad, As good and as bad as I. I would not sit in the scorner’s seat, Or hurl the cynic’s ban -Let me live in a house by the side of the road And be a friend to man.

I see from my house by the side of the road, By the side of the highway of life, The men who press with the ardor of hope, The men who are faint with the strife. But I turn not away from their smiles nor their tears, Both parts of an infinite plan -Let me live in a house by the side of the road And be a friend to man.

I know there are brookgladdened meadows ahead And mountains of wearisome height; That the road passes on through the long afternoon And stretches away to the night. But still I rejoice when the travelers rejoice, And weep with the strangers that moan, Nor live in my house by the side of the road Like a man who dwells alone.

Let me live in my house by the side of the road -It’s here the race of men go by. They are good, they are bad, they are weak, they are strong, Wise, foolish -- so am I; Then why should I sit in the scorner’s seat, Or hurl the cynic’s ban? Let me live in my house by the side of the road And be a friend to man.

Table of Contents Greetings from The Sigma Mu Zeta President............................................................................................. 1 Greetings from The State of Georgia Director............................................................................................2 Greetings from The Southeastern Regional Director.................................................................................3 Greetings from The International President................................................................................................ 4 Greetings from the Sigma Mu Zeta Chapter Scholarship Chair..............................................................5 Greetings from the 2014 “A Gathering of Friends� Committee Chairs.................................................6 Greetings from Congressman Hank Johnson...............................................................................................7 Greetings from Congressman David Scott...................................................................................................8 Greetings from DeKalb County Interim CEO Lee May...............................................................................9 Greetings from the City of Lithonia.............................................................................................................10 Proclamation from DeKalb County Government....................................................................................... 11 About Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. . ............................................................................................................. 12 Historical Perspective...................................................................................................................................... 13 Sigma Mu Zeta Administration...................................................................................................................... 14 Organizational Structure................................................................................................................................ 14 The Program of Events.................................................................................................................................... 15 Sylette DeBois................................................................................................................................................... 16 Dr. Jylla Moore Tearte...................................................................................................................................... 17 Larry L. Johnson............................................................................................................................................... 18 Scholarship Recipients.................................................................................................................................... 19 Awards................................................................................................................................................................ 20 Sponsors and Supporters.............................................................................................................................. 24 Acknowledgments........................................................................................................................................... 42

May 17, 2014

Officers: Dr. Rosemarie Merritt-Farngalo President Aisha Merritt-Farngalo First Vice President Rebecca Johnson Second Vice President Talissa Truitt Third Vice President Tamara Franco Secretary Maureen Walker Treasurer Jennifer Toussaint Financial Secretary Tawhana Johnson Parliamentarian Marketa Killingbeck Public Relations Coordinator Maureen Walker Historian/Keeper of Properties Jocasta H. Frazier Chair of the Executive Board P.O. Box 136 Stone Mountain, GA 30086 Email:

Dear Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Members and Friends, We extend to all of you a sincere welcome to our 5th Annual “A Gathering of Friends”: DENIM & PEARLS Scholarship Luncheon for Sigma Mu Zeta Chapter. Your presence here this afternoon speaks loudly to the extent of support that the Chapter has engendered over the years. From the very beginning – for our Sisterhood and the world in which we live – we have aspired to win greater laurels while adhering to scholarship and community outreach at every turn. We have prevailed for more than 94 years and should not forget the principles on which we have been founded: Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood and Finer Womanhood. As a community-conscious action-oriented organization, we are grateful for your demonstrated commitment to our Chapter which bolsters our efforts to stand united and committed to generations of future leaders. Thank you to all of our sponsors, friends, and members who have given generously in this time of prolonged economic distress. We are indebted to you for your commitment to give at a time when so many are in need. Your generosity will positively affect those we sought to uplift in the communities we serve. Thank you so very much for being a part of this celebration. Truly, it has been ninetyfour years of “Shaping Our Future by Enhancing and Fulfilling the Vision”. We still have work to do. Sincerely,

Dr. Rosemarie Merritt-Farngalo Sigma Mu Zeta Chapter President

Greetings from The State of Georgia Director

Greetings from The Southeastern Regional Director

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS 1734 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20009 (202) 387-3103

Mary Breaux Wright


Established 1920

Greetings: It is a pleasure to greet you in the name of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, and on behalf of the National Executive Board and the thousands of Finer Women around the world. Welcome to Sigma Mu Zeta Chapter's Annual, "A Gathering of Friends: DENIM and PEARLS" Scholarship Luncheon. The chapter is recognizing and honoring leaders of service who have made significant contributions to the community. Service is one of Zeta's founding principles and we thank you for your participation and support of this event. Kudos to the members of Sigma Mu Zeta, Rosemarie Farngalo, president and Brenita Kagler and Tawhana Johnson, event chairs for an outstanding program. We extend congratulations and best wishes to those being honored today. Commissioner Larry Johnson, Jylla Moore Tearte Community Involvement Award; Maureen Walker, Pearl AwardZeta of the Year; Shaneesa N. Ashford, Diamond Award-Distinguished Zeta and Yameka Meriweather, Sapphire Award-Undergrad of the Year. Again, we thank you for joining with us as we honor these leaders who work tirelessly to service their communities and as we continue Building on the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths. We are excited to honor these outstanding honorees who are blazing new paths. As we move through our 94th year of Service please know that we are only great when we work together! Always remember "It's about ZETA"! Please take advantage of the support and experience of one another throughout this year as we are energized, excited and committed to what we can offer and do for this great sisterhood. Again, congratulations and have a wonderful event! Serving for the Love of Zeta,


Mary Breaux Wright International Grand Basileus

"Building on the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths"

Greetings from the Sigma Mu Zeta Chapter Scholarship Chair

May 17, 2014 To the dovely sorors of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc., brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc., and the many friends of the Sigma Mu Zeta chapter from around the state and region who came to celebrate at this years “A Gathering of Friends” scholarship program. It is my great honor to welcome you all to this years festivities and to thank you for your support. As the Scholarship Chairperson, I have been a blessed to work with a group of dedicated sisters who talk the talk, while walking the walk. At the beginning of the year the chapter decided we could do more to help deserving students from Dekalb county reach their dreams of obtaining a secondary education. Everyone reached deep into their time, talents and creativity to create fund raising events, like the one you are attending today. I am proud to say that because of these efforts we have doubled the scholarship award fund for this fiscal year and will be awarding two one thousand dollar scholarships. Two very deserving young people where selected from a large pool of amazing applicants. The process was long and intense but this year’s recipients embody two of the driving principles of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc., “Scholarship” and “Service”. Both recipients in addition to being outstanding scholars have committed many hours to serving their community. To our recipients we say, keep up the good work as move toward your educational goals. We believe in you and are praying for your continued success. To the gathered community and friends sharing with us today, we know that none of this would be possible without your continued support. We appreciate you, we love you and we look forward to continuing to build strong relationships with each of you. My heartfelt thanks are extended to each and every one of you. Sincerely Rebecca A. Johnson 2nd Vice President Scholarship Committee Chair

5 A Gathering of Friends Scholarship Luncheon

A Warm Welcome Greetings, It is with great pleasure that we greet you for this remarkable occasion. As the co-chairs of “A Gathering of Friends” Denim and Pearls Scholarship Luncheon we are pleased that you choose to join us as we honor leaders that have made a great impact in our sorority and community alike. We are also equally honored that you choose to support Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. - Sigma Mu Zeta Chapter as we award two DeKalb County students scholarships as they continue to further their education. This event means so much to the both of us and we are incredibly thankful to our committee and chapter for all their hard work in making this event a success. This event is dedicated to children and we believe our theme of “Shaping our Future by Enhancing and Fulfilling the Vision” shows just how important allowing our children to further their education means to us a whole. As we continue to work with the community, it is our prayer that Sigma Mu Zeta Chapter will continue to receive the support need to give more students deserving funds so that one day they will become our future community leaders and continue the vision. Please enjoy this wonderful event and remember that it truly does take a village to raise a child. Sisterly, Soror Brenita Weathersbee & Soror Tawhana Johnson

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Greetings from Congressman Hank Johnson

Greetings from Congressman David Scott

Greetings from DeKalb County Interim CEO Lee May

Proclamation from DeKalb County Government

About Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. was founded January 16, 1920, at Howard University, Washington, D.C. The Klan was very active during this period and the Harlem Renaissance was acknowledged as the first important movement of Black artists and writers in the U.S. This same year the Volstead Act became effective heralding the start of Prohibition and Tennessee delivered the crucial 36th ratification for the final adoption of the 19th amendment giving women the right to vote. The worst and longest economic recession to hit the U.S. would define the end of the decade-The Great Depression. It was within this environment that five coeds envisioned a sorority which would directly affect positive change, chart a course of action for the 1920s and beyond, raise consciousness of their people, encourage the highest standards of scholastic achievement, and foster a greater sense of unity among its members. These women believed that sorority elitism and socializing overshadowed the real mission for progressive organizations and failed to address fully the societal mores, ills, prejudices, and poverty affecting humanity in general and the black community in particular. Since its inception, Zeta has continued its steady climb into the national spotlight with programs designed to demonstrate concern for the human condition both nationally and internationally. The organization has been innovative in that it has chronicled a number of firsts. It was the first National Pan-Hellenic Council organization to centralize its operations in a national headquarters, first to charter a chapter in Africa, first to form auxiliary groups, and first to be constitutionally bound to a fraternity, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. The sorority takes pride in its continued participation in transforming communities through volunteer services from members and its auxiliaries. Zeta Phi Beta has chartered hundreds of chapters worldwide and has a membership of 100,000+. Zeta‘s national and local programs include the endowment of its National Educational Foundation community outreach services and support of multiple affiliate organizations. Zeta chapters and auxiliaries have given untotaled hours of voluntary service to educate the public, assist youth, provide scholarships, support organized charities, and promote legislation for social and civic change. As the sorority moves toward its centennial, it retains its original zest for excellence. It espouses the highest academic ideals and that has resulted in its members serving in groundbreaking roles in all fields of endeavor. Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. is poised for perpetual service to mankind into her second century and beyond.

12 A Gathering of Friends Scholarship Luncheon

Historical Perspective

HISTORY OF SIGMA MU ZETA “Freedom to share innermost thoughts, to ask a favor, to show their true feelings. The freedom to simply be themselves.� - Anonymous Sigma Mu Zeta Chapter chartered on December 20, 2001 by 7 classy ladies. The chapter held meetings at its inception at Stephenson High School in Stone Mountain, Georgia. Sorors Rosemarie Farngalo, Jocasta Frazier, Trellis Buckles, Serafina Williams, Darleen Benson Smith, Cheryl Nugent-Bishop, Teresa Green Johnson, and Daarina Abdul Mateen had a vision for a new chapter in the Stone Mountain- Lithonia area. Their heartfelt desire was to create a chapter focused on the Zeta principle of sisterly love. A chapter where a true sisterhood would be forged, finer womanhood would be a consistent norm, and atmosphere that would be drama free which we believe our 5 pearls envisioned for the organization in 1920. Our many community service projects include March for Babies, Relay for Life, American Cancer Society and Stand Up for Kids. We also sponsor monthly food package for a needy family in the community. In the spring of 2008, Sigma Mu Zeta chapter sponsored it first undergraduate chapter. Alpha Tau Chapter at Emory University started with 5 initiates and now boasts a membership of 10 members all within 1 year. Sigma Mu Zeta Chapter is also a charter member of the DeKalb County Pan-Hellenic Council.

13 A Gathering of Friends Scholarship Luncheon

Organizational Structure National Executive Board Mrs. Mary Breaux Wright 24th International President Mrs. Scarlet H. Black National 1st Vice President Mrs. Jacqueline Lemon-Denton National 2nd Vice President Ms. Anjylla Foster National 3rd Vice President Ms. Cynthia A. Bell National Secretary Mrs. Michelle A. Joubert National Treasurer Mrs. Brunhilda C. Williams-Curington National Parliamentarian Mrs. Katy S. Campbell, Esq. Chair, National Executive Board Mrs. Darneta G. Brown Chairman, National Trustees Ms. Antoinette Gordon National Trustee Ms. Stephanie L. Dukes National Trustee Mrs. Bettye E. Murchison National Trustee

Ms. Bibliana Bovery National Trustee Mrs. Patricia E. Jones Graduate Member-at-Large Ms. Alexis Maisonet Undergraduate Member-at-Large Dr. Shirley Stansberry. Graduate Member to the Executive Committee Jessica Holden Undergraduate Rep Nat. Nominating Committee Ms. Sheryl P. Underwood 23rd International President Mrs. Barbara C. Moore 22nd International President Dr. Barbara West Carpenter 21st International President

Regional Directors Atlantic – Mrs. Janet Y. Bivins, Esq. Eastern – Mrs. Diane Surgeon Great Lakes – Mrs. Michelle Porter Norman Midwestern – Mrs. Samantha Hughes Pacific – Ms. Nui Brown South Central - Dr. Constance Hendricks Southeastern - Dr. Felicia Scott-Strickland* Southern – Ms. Kay Rosebure

State of Georgia* Ms. Shaneesa N. Ashford Director P.O. Box 490718 Atlanta, GA 30349 Email: Website:

Sigma Mu Zeta Chapter* Dr. Rosemarie Merritt Farngalo President P.O. Box 136 Stone Mountain, GA 30086 Email: Website:

Sigma Mu Zeta Administration Officers Dr. Rosemarie Merritt Farngalo President Mrs. Aisha Swope 1st Vice President

Mrs. Rebecca Johnson 2nd Vice President

Mrs. Talissa Truitt 3rd Vice President

Ms. Tamara Franco Secretary

Ms. Maureen Walker Treasurer

Ms. Jennifer Toussaint Financial Secretary

Ms. Tawhana Johnson Parliamentarian

Mrs. Marketa Killingbeck Public Relations Coordinator

Ms. Maureen Walker Historian/Keeper of Properties

Mrs. Jocasta H. Fraizer Chair of the Executive Board

Committee Chairs Ms. Tawhana Johnson A Gathering of Friends

Ms. Tawhana Johnson Constitution and By-Laws

Mrs. Maureen Walker Budget and Finance

Ms. Cheryl Nugent-Bishop Fundraising

Mrs. Aisha Swope Membership

Mrs. Rebecca Johnson National Programs

Mrs. Jocasta Frazier Nomination and Election

Mrs. Marketa H. Killingbeck Publicity

Mrs. Rebecca Johnson Scholarship

Ms. Maureen Walker Scrapbook

Ms. Aleda Smith McNeill Sunshine

Mrs. Talissa Truitt Undergraduate Coordinator

Mrs. Karen H. Hughes Z-HOPE/Social Action

14 A Gathering of Friends Scholarship Luncheon

The Program Saturday, May 17, 2014 • 12:00 PM

Mistress of Ceremonies

Soror Sylette Debois, RN Greetings and Acknowledgments from Sigma Mu Zeta............................................................ Ms. Tawhana Johnson Sigma Mu Zeta Chapter

Introduction of Mistress of Ceremonies.............................................................................................Ms. Ashley McKenzie Sigma Mu Zeta Chapter

Invocation and Blessing...............................................................................................................................Ms. Chianti Mitchell Sigma Mu Zeta Chapter

The Dr. Jylla Moore Tearte Community Involvement Award ..................................................Dr. Jylla Moore Tearte Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Past International President

Lunch Musical Selection

Mr. Ethan Nathanael Kearney and Mr. Victor Mandel Hughes II Recognition of Scholarship Recipients............................................................................................Mrs. Rebecca Johnson Sigma Mu Zeta Chapter Scholarship Chair

The Sapphire Award (Undergraduate of the Year) ............................................................................. Mrs. Talissa Truitt Sigma Mu Zeta Chapter Undergraduate Advisor

The Diamond Award (Distinguished Zeta)............................................................................................. Mrs. Aisha Swope Sigma Mu Zeta Chapter Membership Chair

The Pearl Award (Zeta of the Year)................................................................................................................. Surprise Guest Special Recognition (Husbands of Sigma Mu Zeta)................................................................... Ms. Jennifer Toussaint Sigma Mu Zeta Chapter

Presentation of President’s Award..................................................................................Dr. Rosemarie Merritt-Farngalo Sigma Mu Zeta Chapter President

Acknowledgments from Sigma Mu Zeta................................................................................................ Ms. Brenita Kagler Sigma Mu Zeta Chapter

Closing Remarks.....................................................................................................................Dr. Rosemarie Merritt-Farngalo Sigma Mu Zeta Chapter President

Benediction........................................................................................................................................................ Ms. Katrina Moore Greater Piney Grove Baptist Church Youth Minister

15 A Gathering of Friends Scholarship Luncheon

Mistress of Ceremonies

Sylette DeBois, BSN, RN, HTC

Sylette DeBois is a registered nurse, educator, consultant, & inspirational speaker. She has been in the nursing field for 20 years and worked in every area of nursing from pediatrics and ICU to management and consulting. She was recently appointed President of “The Truth About Nursing” Atlanta Chapter. She is the Founder/President of SD Nurse Consulting & Associates & Nursing First. Nursing has always been Sylette’s dream, but it became a dream deferred as a young mother at the age of 17. She put her career plans on hold and made many life changes; altered her focus, but never lost vision of becoming a nurse. Determined to challenge defeat, Sylette worked hard to make her dream come true and continues to excel in her nursing career with countless credentials. “My passion comes from the fact that I know nursing is my God given purpose,” Sylette says. “Nursing makes me proud. It’s what keeps me focused.” Her motivating nature, enthusiasm, and skill of nurturing are empowering. Sylette is set to prove her passion by helping nurses and communities stay focused nationwide as the founder of Nursing for All Communities (NFAC), a nonprofit program that focuses on educational community care and nurse advocacy. “My plan for NFAC is to recruit nurses in all states and do free health and wellness screenings in communities to help prevent hospitalizations,” Sylette says. Nurses are patient advocates, however Sylette points out that stress and strain has sent nurses into a state of emergency and plans to take all the skills she has learned to give to her patients and give it back to the caretaker, the nurse, as a mentor.

“Everything in healthcare is focused on patient satisfaction. Who looks out for the nurses? The key to patient satisfaction is nurse satisfaction,” Sylette says. “This is why I am a nurse advocate.” Her gift of helping others heal and focus of overall well-being are the tools she will use to bring balance to the nursing field and bridge the gap in community care. Keeping nurses motivated and passionate about their work is all the reward Sylette seeks. She has appeared on several TV and radio shows and is preparing to launch a blog talk radio show for nurse entrepreneurs. She is also working on building a network of “One Million Nurses.” “Separate we have purpose, Together we have POWER,” Sylette says. My life’s mission is to educate, enhance, and empower the nursing profession. She is an educator, motivator, and mentor advocating for patients through nurse success. SD Nurse Consulting & Associates

16 A Gathering of Friends Scholarship Luncheon

Guest Presenter

Dr. Jylla Moore Tearte Dr. Jylla Moore Tearte is President and CEO of Crystal Stairs, Inc. The firm’s mission is to help countless encore leaders count in unimaginable ways by strengthening leadership assets® that will cause conscious and intentional shifts in individuals, teams, businesses, organizations and institutions resulting in the development of legacy leaders and high potential talent. Services include Encore Leadership and executive coaching, publishing, consulting, strategic facilitation, and organization development. She has authored “The Leadership Maturation Life Cycle” as a process to develop exceptional leaders. In 2013, she published Encore Leadership: Transforming Time, Talent and Treasure into a Legacy that matters! Written as the textbook for her life’s work, she documented a comprehensive 12-step process and resource guide with her dissertation as the foundation. She has also published an eBook, “Life Prospectus: The most crucial portfolio to manage for family and trusted advisors.” She also serves as Chief Operating Officer for Tearte Associates, Inc. that manages their family foundation focused on education partners and the network of Tearte Scholars. As the 20th International President of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, a 100,000+ member community service organization, she established partnerships with the American Lung Association, the U. S. Space Camp, Black Enterprise Magazine, Center for Disease Control, National Caucus on Black Aged, the March of Dimes and a host of Fortune 500 corporations. During her presidency, she was awarded keys to more than 25 cities and participated in the Fourth United Nation’s World Conference on Women in Beijing, China, where she lectured on “The Role of African-American Women Leaders.” Her “World Class Service” Administration founded the Pearlettes for girls ages 5-8, and the Male Network, for men who support Zeta women. During her tenure as International President, the Sorority’s Diamond Jubilee was celebrated in Washington, D.C., marking the Sorority’s 75th year of global service. A monument was placed on the campus of Howard University to commemorate this historic milestone. She lives in Atlanta, Georgia with her husband, Curtis.

17 A Gathering of Friends Scholarship Luncheon

Dr. Jylla Moore Tearte Award

Community Involvement

Larry L. Johnson, MPH

Commissioner Larry Johnson was elected as the DeKalb 3rd District Commissioner in November 2002. With the overwhelming support of the community he won with 92 percent of the vote, making him one the youngest commissioners to ever be elected to serve on the Board of Commissioners. During his first year in office, he accomplished a number of things, including voting for 32 million dollars in infrastructure and highway improvements, such as sidewalks and improvements to relieve traffic congestion; the Millage Rate was decreased for homeowners; and the adoption of the Property Maintenance Ordinance. Commissioner Johnson is currently serving his third term in office. As a County Commissioner, Commissioner Johnson works diligently to perform the duties and responsibilities of this office as well as takes the opportunity to make a difference in the quality of life for the residents of DeKalb. Initiatives such as the “Tree of Love,” an annual event Commissioner Johnson holds each year to provide Christmas gifts to children who may not, due to circumstances beyond their control, have parents in a position to provide for them is an example of his community involvement and commitment. Other initiatives include the “DeKalb Walks…For the Health of It” which has been renamed to “Let’s Move! DeKalb…Walk! an initiative designed to get DeKalb residents to focus on improving their health through walking. Commissioner Johnson, under this initiative, designated walking as the official exercise of DeKalb --- the only locality in Georgia or the U.S. to do so. His goal is to get DeKalb residents healthy and improve their overall healthful lifestyles. This initiative is also a part of First Lady Michelle Obama’s national childhood obesity awareness initiative: Let’s Move! In July 2012, Commissioner Johnson was invited to participate with the First Lady in Pittsburgh when she announced the new Let’s Move! Cities, Towns and Counties Commitments---acknowledging the work accomplished by Commissioner Johnson in this arena. Commissioner Johnson has worked during his time on the Board to support initiatives that positively impact the District he represents as well as the entire County. In 2014, Commissioner Johnson was re-elected by his peers to serve as Presiding Officer of the Board of Commissioners. Commissioner Johnson graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with a Bachelor in Community Health and later earned a Masters Degree in Public Health from the University of Northern Colorado. He is a member of the Body of Christ Christian Church, and an active community leader. Commissioner Johnson is a published writer/contributor to several professional publications which include: Contributor to Health Disparities Experienced by Racial/Ethnic Minority Populations, Vo1. 53 August 27 2004 Mortality & Morbidity Weekly Report; Contributor to Steps To Healthier U.S; Matters of the Heart – Newsletter; “Translation To Practice of An Intervention to Promote Colorectal Cancer Screening Among African Americans” - Clinical and Translational Science Commissioner Larry Johnson is married and has one daughter.

18 A Gathering of Friends Scholarship Luncheon

Scholarship Recipients

Rodney Clayton Burnett “If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you dream it, you can become it.� This is my motto that I live by. I have always had a great imagination. This imagination lead me to my love of technology, gaming, computers and software development. So much so that I will be majoring in Computer Engineering and Software Design at Georgia Southern University this fall.

Kayla Tomlinson I am a senior at Stone Mountain High School. I am ranked 6th in my graduating class of 230 students with a 3.9 grade point average. I am also very involved within my school and community. I also hold various offices within the organizations at my school. (A complete list is attached to this email.) I will be attending Howard University in the Fall of 2014 and will be majoring in Sports Management with hopes of becoming a sports agent.

I have been apart of the Robotic Engineering Club at Arabia Mountain High School for 4 years and became Vice President my Senior year. Our team came in 4th place out of 40 high schools. In this Engineering program I became very proficient in CAD (computer Aided Design), All auto desk programs, adobe code, java code and C++ code. My second passion is music. I have been in band since the age of 10. I Join the Marching Rams at Arabia Mountain my freshman year playing the Alto sax and then the tuba my remaining years. I also play the tenor sax in the Jazz Band. All of this would not be so if it were not for my parents, John and Jeaneille Burnett, whom I love very much. They stressed education since day one which was 2/7/1996 in Clarkston, Georgia. I am very appreciative of the time they put in to make me who I am today and that was not easy. But due to this nurturing I have received numerous awards and honors such as being inducted into the National Society of High School Scholars, National Beta Club, Duke Tip Scholar and the Jr. National Society of Black Engineers. I will also be the first male in my family to go to college. My greatest joy are my two nieces and my love for services. I have volunteered with The Atlanta Soup Kitchen, Marta kids in Transit program, One Accord Church, The Nature Conservancy of Atlanta and Phi Beta Sigma Club. My parents call me their gentle giant but I plan to make a big difference in my small world.

19 A Gathering of Friends Scholarship Luncheon

Sapphire Award

Undergrad of the Year

Yameka N. Meriweathers

I graduated from Emory University this semester with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology & Linguistics with a minor in Latin; I am also an alumnus of the Alpha Tau undergraduate chapter. During my time at Emory University, I participated in a myriad of activities. I served as a facilitator for a diversity retreat entitled Crossroads, mentored incoming students as a Multicultural Outreach at Emory (M.O.R.E) Mentor and as a Resident Advisor in the Leadership Living Learning Community, conducted research in all three areas of my concentration, and joined this illustrious organization my sophomore year. Currently, I am employed working on a summer project for Alexander and Babbage (a strategy and consumer research firm), where I am handling the statistical aspects. Afterwards, I plan to teach English abroad in South Korea for a few years while helping to enrich the community through matriculating into one of the graduate chapters there. Lastly, my goal in life is to obtain by M.A. and Ph.D. in Industrial Organizational Psychology, with a concentration in organizational development and consultation. Also, just a little fun fact, I will be in’s I am Zeta book.

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Diamond Award Distinguished Zeta

Shaneesa N. Ashford

Shaneesa N. Ashford was appointed as the Director of the State of Georgia in August 2012. Soror Ashford was initiated into Zeta Phi Beta in the fall of 1991 through the Gamma Alpha Chapter at Florida A&M University (FAMU). Since her initiation, she has served Zeta on every level. Prior to her appointment, Soror Ashford served as National Graduate to the Executive Committee from 2008-2012. Nationally, she has also served as a member of the National Internal Audit Committee, as Chair of the National Nominating Committee during the 2006 Grand Boule’ in Hollywood, Fla., and as a member of the National Constitution and Bylaws Committee and the National Public Relations Corp. ZOL certified in the first cohort, she has also served on the boards of the Southeastern Region and the State of Georgia. She is a member of the Omicron Kappa Zeta Chapter in College Park, Georgia. Soror Ashford works at Emory University as a Communications Specialist in the Human Resources Department, and has represented the department on various University councils and committees. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in newspaper journalism from FAMU, and a Master’s degree in Nonprofit Organizations from the University of Georgia. She is pursuing a Juris Master in the School of Law at Emory University, with a concentration in conflict resolution. She has served on various levels in numerous organizations, including a term as the National Parliamentarian for the FAMU National Alumni Association. She also served as vice president of the National Pan-Hellenic Council of Greater Atlanta, where she chaired the Bylaws Committee. She now serves as Secretary of the Emory School of Law Juris Master Society, and is a member of the American Institute of Parliamentarians.

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Pearl Award

Zeta of the Year

Maureen Walker

Maureen Walker was born in London England and is a graduate of the University of South Florida. While in college as an undergraduate she pledged Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. in the spring of 1985. She successfully earned a bachelors of Arts in Speech Communication, specializing in Business and Professional Communication. While at the university she won the first Ms. Greek for the school and was active in numerous campus organizations. In 2001 she was inducted into the Kappa Iota Zeta Hall of Fame for her outstanding service to Zeta. Not only did she chair various committees, she was an active part of others while holding the position of Third Vice President - Advisor to three universities in Atlanta at the same time. Maureen has spent the last 20 years in the financial sector of Fraud Investigations as an Investigator and Manager, she is currently a Recruiter in Atlanta. Maureen has held various positions in Zeta from First Anti-President to Assistant Treasurer, she currently holds the positions of Keeper of Properties, Historian, Treasurer, and is the Life Member Secretary for the state of Georgia. In 2013/2014 she became a Life member and a Diamond Life, both lifetime dreams ever since she became a member of Zeta. She is a veteran and the proud mother of two beautiful children Morgan and Blake.

22 A Gathering of Friends Scholarship Luncheon

President Awards Karen Hughes Karen Hughes was born in Passaic, New Jersey and is a graduate of Montclair State University, Montclair, New Jersey. She has been employed in the warehouse distribution industry for 27 years in various roles of specialist and management roles. She has been a Zeta for 32 years and was reclaimed with Sigma Mu Zeta Chapter in 2010. Since reclaiming, she has taken the bull by the horn and jumped right in. She is actively working for the good of Zeta in our community service ventures and is the ZHOPE Coordinator. She was featured with the chapter in the fall 2013 On Common Grounds Newspaper, were the chapter collaborated with the Lithonia Chamber of Commerce and Stoneview Elementary for the Health Fair. Recently she volunteered in her first Regional Conference in the registration process and is the brain child and leader of the chapters first Valentine’s Day Soiree and Breaking Bread with Sigma Mu Zeta. Karen is a force to be reckon with, she is devoted, dedicated, and exemplified that which we love in a finer woman. She shares her Zeta life with her husband (Victor) of 20 years and 2 children Quinlan and Victor II.

Marketa Killingbeck Marketa H. Killingbeck, originally born and raised in Charleston, SC graduated from South Carolina State University in 1999 with a degree in civil engineering. For several years, she worked as a Civil Engineer in the Bridge Construction Division for South Carolina Department of Transportation in Charleston, SC before relocating to Atlanta, GA, for a new position at Georgia Department of Transportation and to pursue graduate study in business management. She completed an MBA in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix in 2007. Marketa went on to grow in her profession by eventually working for DeKalb County Government in Planning and Development and Parks & Recreation. Since 2010, she has also been the Owner and President of GENAsis Marketing, a public relations and brand marketing consulting firm that provides strategic planning, public relations, social media, digital marketing, and full-creative capabilities -- each utilizing proven processes refined and validated over hundreds of client engagements In 2012 she was inducted into Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. by way of Sigma Mu Zeta Chapter in Stone Mountain, GA. Since then she has been appointed and elected the chapter’s Public Relations Coordinator and in 2014 she was appointed to the State of Georgia’s Executive Board as the State’s Newsletter Editor. In this roll she keeps the Zeta’s of the State informed on what is going on with all of the chapters’ news and events. Marketa lives in Stone Mountain, GA with her husband Cecile and three kids Edmond, Noah and Arysa.

23 A Gathering of Friends Scholarship Luncheon

Sponsors & Supporters White Rose Sponsors

Friend Sponsors Carol Williams Law Group Hire Velocity AMSOIL

Jacquin McNeill

Dove Sponsors


Georgia Piedmont Technical College

VOTE MAY 20TH ON ALL BALLOTS Royal Blue Sponsors Sheriff Mann is endorsed by Sheriff Jeff Mann

Former DeKalb Sheriff Tom Brown, Interim DeKalb CEO Lee May, DeKalb Clerk of Superior Court Debra DeBerry, DeKalb District Attorney Robert James, DeKalb Tax Commissioner Claudia Lawson, DeKalb Solicitor General Sherry Boston, DeKalb Commissioners Kathie Gannon and Jeff Rader, Avondale Estates Mayor Jim Rieger, Brookhaven Mayor J. Max Davis, Chamblee Mayor Eric Clarkson, Decatur MayorCapitol Jim Baskett, City Doraville Bank Mayor Donna Pittman, Dunwoody Mayor Mike Davis, Lithonia Mayor Deborah Jackson, Stone Mountain Mayor Pat Wheeler, Clarkston Vice-Mayor Ahmed Hassan, and Brookhaven District 1 Councilwoman Rebecca Chase Williams.

Jeff Mann Uniquely Infinity Qualified HIM To Be Our Sheriff

Rosemarie Farngalo Gregory M. M. Farngalo Aisha Swope Brittney Lindsay Jennifer Toussaint Tamara Franco Maresa McNeill Aleda McNeill Santana McNeill-Toro Doreen M. Young Karen McFadden Cheryl Nugent-Bishop Maureen Walker Rebecca Johnson Shalay Johnson Pamela & Michael Lawrence Serafina Williams Jocasta Frazier Christie Phillips Marketa Killingbeck Gloria Kilanko Sylvia Flen Sandra Hall Shirley Bailey Katoria Jones Tawhana Johnson Aubrey Watson Julia Bennerson Lawrence Jennings Asa Stallings Victor & Karen Hughes Becky Taylor Katrina Moore Zuri N. Farngalo Eartha S. Petersen Emelda Foreman

• DeKalb County Chief Deputy Sheriff, 10 years

• Graduate, University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor • Veteran, U.S. Air Force

24 A Gathering of Friends Scholarship Luncheon

Patrons Garol G. Graham Sandy Fincher Amanda Boles

Dekalb Alternative School Olabisi Thomas Keith Evans Ron Robinson Vivian Sihachack Bobby Schiltz Sam Logan Darius Philpot Eunice Robson Collie Nicole Robinson Maria Robinson Rose Mary Anthony Dion Williams Adrienne Toliver Trellis Buckles Shelia Thompson Edmond Wilson Era Stewart Stacey Andrews Lorenzo Nash Dr. Dawson Thomas Dean Morris Gary Keysha Lee Brian Dyess Racquel Brown Natasha Simpson Bettye Griggs Clarence Anderson

Z E TA P H I B E TA S O R O R I T Y, I N C .

Congratulations to


Successful Scholarship Luncheon From the

Soror Felicia Scott-Strickland and the Southeastern Region Executive Board Soror Mary B. Wright

International Grand Basileus

Soror Felicia Scott-Strickland

Southeastern Regional Director

Soror Fran McTier

Executive Board Chair

Building on the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths

Time Line of My Life


1940 2010 2000

1960 1970



By Jacquin McNeill *White Rose Sponsor

The Time Line of My Life Japan: Pearl Harbor

Integration of schools

March on Washington D.C. Assassination of John Kennedy Invasion of the Beatles


Birth Date: Jacquin E. Stone


Stopped believing in Santa Believed in Supreme Being Joined the church


Graduated high school Received B.S. and M.S. Degrees Attended March on Washington Lost Mom and Dad

Vietnam War


Married Otis McNeill

Assassination of Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr.

Gave birth to Sebastian

1980 Motown Music: The Jacksons, The Temptations, and The Supremes Georgia Missing and Murdered Children Presidents: Ronald Regan, Jimmy Carter

Raised son in an integrated environment in Georgia Coached Little League


Legally divorced Son entered Marine Corp Attended summer at Princeton University My Siblings died Retired from education profession


Moved to North Carolina to live

Womens Liberated in Corporate America

Iraq War Afghanistan War First Teacher Fatality President Obama Government Shut Down Washington Hostages and Guns in public schools

Moved back to Georgia

If you are alive today, can you relate to yesterday?

Congratulations to The Sigma Mu Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. On Your “Denim and Pearls Scholarship Luncheon�

May God forever bless you as you continue to honor those who serve as great examples of leadership and who diligently uphold the ideals of your great sorority. Your work in the community is commendable, indeed. You are valued and appreciated for the difference you make. Sincerely, Commissioner Larry Johnson DeKalb County District 3 Commissioner Larry Johnson


@Larry JohnsonD3

Vote April 28 - May 20th for R. Alexander Fitzhugh

My Platform: The 4 C’s

Class Size: Class size is one of the most important aspects of quality education. I will work to make sure that the Dekalb County School System reduces class size, to increase the educational impact of teacher instruction. Climate:

The individual school climate can be used, and is usually the first indicator of how successful a school is. I will make the School Climate Survey a key piece of information in grading how well a school is functioning.


Compensation for teachers and staff have remained unchanged for over five (5) years, while the cost of living has increased an estimated 21%. I will work with other board members to find the money for our valued employees.

Clarity: Clarity and transparency are issues that I will

make sure are present. I will be as clear on board actions as I can be. Gone are the days of behind the scene deals, and the ‘vote for me I vote for you’ days.

• Father of two young men, one a 2012 SWD High School graduate, and the other a current 7th grader at Chapel Hill Middle School. • Current President of the Chapel Hill Middle School PTSA. • Past graduate of Towers High School located in DeKalb County • Member of the Chapel Hill MS local school council last two years • Successful entrepreneur that has created real life entrepreneurship programs and opportunities for students • Involved for the last 15 years in the schools system as a volunteer, male mentor, PTA officer, and advocate. • Helped students create the website www. that highlighted their writing skills, entrepreneur efforts, artistic talents, and their technological skills. • Believes that we should stop asking the question of ‘How Smart a Child Is.”, instead, asking “How Are They Smart” • The CLEAR CHOICE for DeKalb County Board of Education - District 5

Congratulations to Sigma Mu Zeta’s 2014 Scholarship Recipients Zada Weston-Hill, M.D.

770.439.9355 2453 Powder Springs Rd. Marietta, GA 30064

It is our mission to provide you with quality healthcare that is not compromised by time or reimbursement. We love taking care of you and your family and we plan to be a part of your community for a very Dr. Germaine Cummings long time. Your business is greatly appreciated and we will try our utmost to provide you with uncompromised personalized and compassionate care. NDC Family Care, Inc Phone: (770) 554-8828 Fax: (770) 554-6361 4480 Atlanta Hwy Loganville, GA 30052

MIDWAY MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Post Office Box 490039 2280 Godby Road College Park, GA 30349 404-768-5648 —


Deaconess Jocasta H. Frazier and Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Sigma Mu Zeta Chapter Stone Mountain. GA

in support of

The Denim and Pearls Scholarship Luncheon

Reverend Edward S. Reynolds, Pastor Reverend Judge Penny Brown Reynolds, Associate Pastor

Infinity Health Information Management (Infinity HIM) is a full service medical coding and consulting company founded upon compromising values and dedicated to the clients we serve and to our employees. We are in the business to make a difference and bring about awareness to everyone about the HIM world. We cater to all hospitals, clinics and doctors’ offices to handle their coding, compliance, auditing needs around the United States. We are about making a difference in the HIM arena. Infinity HIM provides a range of Outpatient Services in a contractual basis to several hospital across the United States. We utilize the current Procedural Terminology Melvina M. Washington President & Founder (CPT), International Classification of Diseases 9th (ICD-9 and Health Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) along with guidelines and policies from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to complete the projects/assignments. Infinity HIM utilizes the most update materials and references to provide the best quality of services to the healthcare industry. We are undergoing additional training to stay on top of the changes that occur in the HIM industry such as International Classification of Disease 10th Revision (ICD-10). We are in the business to make a difference and bring about awareness to everyone about the HIM world. Please visit our Contact page for any HIM needs. For further information or to apply for a position as a medical coder, contact us at

Congratulations to Sigma Mu Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated 2014 Scholarship Recipients.

*Dove Sponsor *Dove Sponsor

VOTE MAY 20TH ON ALL BALLOTS Sheriff Mann is endorsed by

Former DeKalb Sheriff Tom Brown, Interim DeKalb CEO Lee May, DeKalb Clerk of Superior Court Debra DeBerry, DeKalb District Attorney Robert James, DeKalb Tax Commissioner Claudia Lawson, DeKalb Solicitor General Sherry Boston, DeKalb Commissioners Kathie Gannon and Jeff Rader, Avondale Estates Mayor Jim Rieger, Brookhaven Mayor J. Max Davis, Chamblee Mayor Eric Clarkson, Decatur Mayor Jim Baskett, Doraville Mayor Donna Pittman, Dunwoody Mayor Mike Davis, Lithonia Mayor Deborah Jackson, Stone Mountain Mayor Pat Wheeler, Clarkston Vice-Mayor Ahmed Hassan, and Brookhaven District 1 Councilwoman Rebecca Chase Williams.

Jeff Mann Uniquely Qualified To Be Our Sheriff

• DeKalb County Chief Deputy Sheriff, 10 years

• Graduate, University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor • Veteran, U.S. Air Force

*Dove Sponsor

Provider Solutions LLC

P.O. Box 6996 Marietta, Georgia 30065 Owners: Frater Alexis D Lee & Soror Shannon B McGuire-Lee Provider Solutions LLC wants to say congratulations to Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Sigma Mu Zeta Chapter on there annual Denim & Pearls Scholarship Event. Proverbs 31: 10-31 “Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies.�

Love Divine, Inc. Music and Ministry wants to say congratulations to Ethan Kearney on his musical debut at Sigma Mu Zeta Chapter’s Denim & Pearls Scholarship Luncheon We Love You and are so very proud of you!!! Your Family at Love Divine

ers a



m a d e”

ve Divine Inc. Lo

“ W h e r e le

2997 S. Rainbow Dr. Decatur, GA 30034 Ph. 404.244.7420 Email:

n d a c hie v e



Doc Popcorn

“Building A Legacy To Bank On”

Congratulates Maresa & Aleda McNeill and all of the Sorors of Sigma Mu Zeta on A Gathering of Friends 2014

Sigma Mu Zeta Chapter Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated

MAIN BRANCH 562 Lee Street :: Atlanta, GA :: 30310 404.752.6067 CASCADE BRANCH 2358 Cascade Road :: Atlanta, GA :: 30311 404.755.4254 HARTSFIELD-JACKSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT BRANCH 2000Terminal Road :: Atrium :: Suite S-4 :: Atlanta, GA :: 30320 404.766.8111

Wishing your chapter continued success throughout the year!

PEACHTREE BRANCH 94 Peachtree Street, SW :: Atlanta, GA :: 30303 404.589.1719 STONE MOUNTAIN BRANCH 5674 Memorial Drive :: Stone Mountain, GA :: 30083 404.298.7711

John L. Turner


Doc Popcorn will be opening in May 2014 In Zone 6 @ Sugarloaf Mills Mall Lawrenceville, GA Al Kittrell, Proprietor

Willie E. Wilson, Jr. Store Manager 8055 Mall Parkway Lithonia, GA 30038 678.526.0338 • Fax 678.526.0301 Cell 770.910.4885

A/C & Heat · Alignment · Batteries Brakes · Oil Change · Tune - Up

Congratulations to Cheryl NugentBishop and the illustrious ladies of Sigma Mu Zeta on your Scholarship Luncheon. May you continue to demonstrate sisterly love and a commitment of excellence in all that you do. Fraternally,

Reverend & Mrs. Jonathan Williams

Congratulations to Aisha Merritt-Swope and the Ladies of Sigma Mu Zeta. Clear Vision Ceramics wishes the molding of education and your passion of service to continue. ~Christopher Swope, Owner 404.599.0759

Dr. Tina’s Humanitarian Initiative Each One Reach One And Change A Generation Together We Can Do It Dr. Tina D. Pipkin wishes Katoria Jones and Sigma Mu Zeta on In memoryscholarship of Amicae Dorine Austin another successful luncheon (Alpha Gamma Zeta New Orleans, LA) “”God grant me the serenity business email: personal email: to accept the things I

In memory of Amicae Dorine Austin (Alpha Gamma Zeta New Orleans, LA)

change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.”

“”God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.”

From Sigma Mu Zeta and your loving daughter, Doreen Young

From Sigma Mu Zeta and your loving daughter, Doreen Young

cannot courage to US # 404-449-1880 • Accra # +233 020change; 914 3131

Troop 796 Mondays 7pm-8pm

Chastity Owens Owner-Designer In memory 1202 Metropolitan Pkwy, BldgofAAmicae Dorine Austin Atlanta, Ga 30310(Alpha Gamma Zeta New Orleans, LA) 404-759-1483

“”God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to Teach One Academy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit community based, educational, change the things I can; day school that prepares talented, wellqualified, and motivated students, Grade the and wisdom to know K through Grade 12, to pursue and realize their academic, personal, and social difference.” potential. We provide a comprehensive,

caring, and creative curriculum and extracurricular program that fosters an experience of excellence for each student. Inspired students, a superior faculty, and Mu engaged From Sigma Zetafamilies and your thrive in our diverse, safe, and supportive community. We afford students daughter, Young the opportunity to discover their passion inloving life and to learn Doreen to embrace confidently and responsibly the moral and ethical challenges of being lifelong learners, teachers of others, and citizens of an increasingly complex global community.

Norcross First United Methodist Church 2500 Beaver Ruin Road Norcross, GA 30071

In memory of Amicae Dorine Austin

(Alpha Gamma Zeta New Orleans, LA) Julia Yoki - 404.483.1073 Rebecca Dorminy - 678.294.7705

“”God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.”

From Sigma Mu Zeta and your loving daughter, Doreen Young Ask me how you can get AVON delivered right to your door for free!

Congratulations Scholarship Winners of Sigma Mu Zeta Chapter Kathryn D. Williams Protocol, Amenities & Logistics Coordinator The Great State of Georgia & President - Phi Omicron Zeta Chapter Covington – Conyers, GA

Practice Limited to Immigration and Naturalization Law

Carol Williams, Esq. 3355 Lenox Road, Suite 750 Atlanta, GA 30326 678-322-7039 *Licensed in Washington DC & Maryland

Natural Hair Stylist/Loctitian Michele Mills (404) 437-5762 Licensed Cosmetologist Byron West | President

375 Northridge Rd., #505 Atlanta, GA 30350

Office. 1.678.713.3202 Mobile. 1.770.367.3575


President Rosemarie Merritt Farngalo, members of the Executive Board and the membership of the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. – Sigma Mu Zeta Chapter is indeed grateful to all those dedicated individuals for their untiring efforts in making the 5th Annual A Gathering of Friend: DENIM and PEARLS Scholarship Luncheon a success.


Mrs. Karen Hughes Mrs. Rebecca Johnson Sigma Mu Zeta Chapter Members

Event Planning Partner

DeKalb Conference Center Decatur, GA

We thank the program participants for honoring us with their presence and for their participation.


B-Unique Publix

We are sincerely grateful to our sponsors and other financial supporters whose contributions will support the work of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., both locally and nationally.

Contributors CVS

And finally, to all in attendance, we are delighted that you joined us; we invite you to become partners with us as we continue our work to foster the ideas of service, charity, scholarship, civil and cultural endeavors, sisterhood and finer womanhood.

Program Brochure Ms. Katoria Jones dDirect

Silent Auction

Mrs. Jocasta Frazier Sigma Mu Zeta Chapter Members

We salute all of our honorees for their years of service to the community and the advancement of civil rights.

42 A Gathering of Friends Scholarship Luncheon

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