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In the service of God and man www.sigmapi.org • Fall 2008

from the Grand Sage are, however, is that they are intended to make a difference in the development of brothers while positively impacting our campuses, our communities, and our brotherhood. It is those experiences that we keep with us for life and those experiences that shape each of us and prepare for what life has to offer.

Recently, I was approached in my office by a fellow employee who was curious about my involvement with my fraternity. This employee oversees the organizational development function in our state department and was interested in learning more about Sigma Pi, particularly after the word had traveled around the office about my election to the position of Grand Sage. I, of course, was more than happy to play ambassador for the Fraternity and I thoroughly enjoyed answering all of her questions! I was first asked to clarify what type of fraternity Sigma Pi is. When I responded that we are a social fraternity, I immediately felt compelled to explain that the word “social” was misleading, or at a minimum fails to properly do justice to our purpose as an international fraternity. I’ll return to this point and share the balance of that conversation further into this message. However, I thought it important to briefly offer you some of my thoughts related to why I reacted as I did during that discussion. Sigma Pi clearly is a social fraternity. After all, our bonds of brotherhood are built around so many experiences that occur in a social environment. However, what makes so many of our experiences tremendously significant is their underlying purpose. I often explain to non-Greeks who inquire about my fraternity that Sigma Pi helps college men become real men. Certainly, parties and other social events are woven through our fraternity’s culture. What makes our experiences what they

| Fall 2008

Returning to my office conversation, I was asked if Sigma Pi does anything to help the community. I was quick to point out that our chapters not only give back to their communities but they also perform a service for each of their respective college or university campuses through a program unique to the interfraternal world: The ACE Project. I felt a sense of pride as I explained ACE to my office comrade. The final question centered on whether Sigma Pi has leadership programs. I was quick to point out our Mid-Year Leadership Conference, as well as Sigma Pi University, noting that the former program brings chapter officers together to aid them in their development as leaders in their chapters, and that the latter program aims at both leadership and personal development and welcomes any undergraduate brother who wishes to attend. Our conversation concluded with my being invited to speak with other members of my state department at an upcoming lunch gathering, where I will be given the opportunity to share my insights on Sigma Pi, fraternity leadership and personal development. There are a couple of reasons why my office conversation was important enough for me to share with you. From a personal standpoint, I felt a sense of pride in our fraternity as I shared (albeit briefly) my insights of Sigma Pi. The other reason for sharing this with you has everything to do with the timing of my discussion about leadership and Sigma Pi. Our MidYear Leadership Conference is just around the corner. It is scheduled for February 6 – 7, 2009, and will again be held at the Hilton St.

Louis Airport Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri. This conference will invite our chapter and colony leaders, specifically sages, second counselors and third counselors, to participate in an educational program that will equip them with the knowledge to successfully run the business of their chapters or colonies. We encourage alumni volunteers to attend as well and have a vigorous alumni track planned for those volunteers in attendance. It is hard for me to believe that only eight years ago we held our very first mid-year conference. It has since become such a vital part of our overall programming that I can’t envision Sigma Pi being without this conference in the future. Yes, Sigma Pi Fraternity does help college men become real men, and in so many ways. I’m fairly certain that, when you accepted your invitation to join and become a brother, your reasons were more socially-based than around personal development. Yet if you have found your fraternal experience to be a positive one, and I certainly hope that is the case, chances are very good that you will recognize that you have grown as a result of your decision to join. In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, “It is not the length of life, but the depth of life.” I feel that growth, the type of growth I have been speaking of in this message, increases the depth of life in a way that Emerson intended. It is certainly my goal with every member we recruit. I truly hope you experience the remarkable benefits of your involvement in Sigma Pi in your own daily lives, no matter where you are in your life’s journey.

On the Cover:

In the foreground, a former Sigma Pi staff member, Sergeant John Swales (BT, Valparaiso ’03) was in Baghdad, Iraq, stationed at FOB Rustamiyah with 2-16 IN Rangers; the background is filled with Vincennes Cadets circa. 1900 — all representing Sigma Pi brothers in their service to God and man.


George Hakim Grand Sage

Member, North-American Interfraternity Conference

Copyright © 2009 Sigma Pi Fraternity; Sigma Pi, ACE Project and the crest are trademarks of Sigma Pi, all rights reserved

In this issue Volume XCIII, Number 4 Fall 2008 Editorial Staff John Kitch (H, Purdue ’73) Editor Todd Shelton Managing Editor/Creative Director Mark S. Briscoe (AP, Arkansas State ’82) Business Manager communications committee John Kitch (H, Purdue ’73) Joseph V. Palazzolo (DB, Monmouth ’03) Bryce Carder (HU, UC - Irvine ’99) Clifford A. Wilke (DZ, Missouri - St. Louis ’81) Jonathan Drnjevic (BT, Valparaiso ’81) Jeffery Seay (HE, Florida State ’91) Jack Chenoweth (H, Purdue ’74) John Michelich (EG, Illinois Wesleyan ’75)

Sigma Pi Fraternity was founded at Vincennes University, Vincennes, Indiana, on February 26, 1897. Sigma Pi has chartered more than 215 chapters in North America and has initiated over 90,000 members since 1897. The founding fathers of the Fraternity are: Rolin Rosco James (1879 - 1953), William Raper Kennedy (1877 - 1944), James Thompson Kingsbury (1877 - 1950), George Martin Patterson (1877 - 1960) Emerald of Sigma Pi Fraternity (ISSN 1074-5289, USPS 011-013) has been published since 1911. Emerald is published quarterly by Sigma Pi Fraternity, P. O. Box 1897, Brentwood, Tennessee, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to SIGMA PI FRATERNITY, P. O. Box 1897, Brentwood, TN 37024. MEMBERS: When making an address change, please send your full name and chapter with both the old and new address to the Executive Office address below.



7 departments

Submission Deadlines: Winter December 10 Spring March 10 Summer May 10 Fall September 10

2 | Executive Office News 4 | News from Chapters

Submit Emerald news to: Sigma Pi Fraternity, Attention: Emerald P. O. Box 1897, Brentwood, TN 37024 Telephone: (615) 373-5728 Fax: (615) 373-8949 Email: emerald@sigmapi.org

24 | Campus Expansion 26 | News from Alumni 30 | Adytum on High

25 Update us about your life . . . sigmapi.org


Executive Office News The Emerald news to be more “new” In this issue of the Emerald, you will find Chapter News is compiled from both the May and September chapter reports. Until now, the May and September reports were included in the fall and winter issues respectively. They have been combined in this issue to allow us to become more current, without leaving out any previously filed reports. Moving forward, reports will apear in the Chapter News section based on the following schedule:

Spady wallet card in action by Luke Andert

I want to share with you a story that I have regarding the SAM Spady Foundation. I am currently working in the St. Louis area as an emergency medical technician. This past Saturday I ran a call around 3 a.m. that was dispatched as an overdose. En route to the call we were advised that the patient was a 23 year old male that had consumed a large quantity of alcohol. When we arrived on the scene we found our patient face down on a couch, disoriented, having intermittent loss of consciousness as well as vomiting. There were other people on the scene and all appeared to be college age. As my partner and I were assessing the patient and asking questions of his friends one said, “We just wanted to make sure that he would be ok.” In my experience, it is not normal for an ambulance to be summoned for a college age

person by peers. When I asked what made them decide to call 911 a young man showed me a Sam Spady wallet card and explained to me that his friend met all the criteria on the card for calling an ambulance, so he did. Would our patient have made it through the night had he been left alone? Possibly. I can’t say for sure and it doesn’t matter. We transported him to a hospital where everyone could be certain that there wouldn’t be a negative outcome. Never would I have guessed that I would be exposed to our Fraternity’s philanthropic efforts in this way, on the receiving end of a 911 call. What we are doing works. The Sam Spady Foundation is saving lives. I’m sure of it. My partner that night couldn’t understand why I was smiling all the way to the hospital. Sigma Pi is awesome!

How to submit photos to the Emerald 4Traditional film photos or digital images printed on professional photo paper work best. We cannot use digital pictures printed on your home printer or color copier.


| Fall 2008

4We can accept high-resolution digital images (above 300dpi) by email. These must be a .tif or .jpg file. For best results, use a camera with at least 4.0 mega pixels set on its highest resolution setting (usually “for enlargements”).

Issue Submission Deadline Winter Spring Summer Fall

December 10 March 10 May 10 September 10

The deadline dates have not changed—only the issue in which reports will be placed. This change will make news three months fresher than before.

Chapter News is a Reflection of You Ideal Chapter News briefs are 75-100 words long and contain information about positive chapter events, community service/ philanthropy events, alumni weekends, brothers elected to leadership in other organizations and brothers who win university awards or acheivements. Remember, your report is a reflection of you and your chapter. As college students, you should take the steps to use correct spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Tips: 4Type your report in word processing software then copy and paste it into the browser form to file it with Sigma Pi. While in your word processing software, use spell/grammar check and make any needed corrections. 4Don’t waste space by starting your brief with your chapter name (i.e. “The Brothers of Omega-Omega Chapter...”). Your chapter name is already clear from your heading. 4Only use an exclamation point in the rarest of situation. Let the reader decide if the content is exciting on his or her own. 4“Chapter” is only capitalized when immediately preceded by the chapter name (i.e. Alpha Chapter). 4“Brother(s)” is only capitalized when it precedes a members name (i.e. Brother John Smith; NOT “the Brothers worked on their ACE Project”). 4The correct capitalization for the community service project is: ACE Project. 4The correct capitalization for our national philanthropy is: SAM Spady Foundation.

4We can always use great photos of members wearing the Sigma Pi badge and letters. Remember, we do not print any photographs that show members holding alcoholic beverages or making inappropriate gestures.

Send your story ideas, pictures, and suggestions to: Sigma Pi Fraternity Attn: Emerald Post Office Box 1897 Brentwood, TN 37024 emerald@sigmapi.org

Weed Ne You! Volunteer Opportunities at local Sigma Pi chapters Sigma Pi Fraternity is in need of motivated and energetic alumni who wish to take their membership experience to a higher level. For years Sigma Pi has relied on its volunteers to be the constant driving force for excellence within the organization by donating time and effort to our undergraduate members. By becoming an alumni volunteer, you have the privilege of bringing the value of Sigma Pi to the current and future generations of new leaders. CHAPTER DIRECTORS NEEDED 路 Michigan State (Zeta-Mu Chapter), East Lansing, MI 路 Miami University (Eta-Phi Chapter), Oxford, OH Sigma Pi is looking to assemble full advisory boards, as well as fill the position of Chapter Director, for our chapters at Michigan State University and Miami University (OH). These two groups of undergraduate brothers are looking to excel in all areas, and any help that our alumni can give is greatly valued and appreciated. PROVINCE ARCHONS NEEDED 路 Central Pennsylvania Region 路 State of Wisconsin At this time, we are specifically searching for qualified candidates to fill the open Province Archon positions in Wisconsin and Central Pennsylvania. These two areas are compiled of chapters who need dedicated alumni that will provide a sound structure of guidance and support for the region.

Position: Responsibilities:

Province Archon [2-3 hours per week (minimum)] Chapter Director [2-3 hours per week] Housing Advisor [2-3 hours per month] Scholarship Advisor [1-2 hours per month]

Communicate weekly and visit semesterly all chapters in region Find, confirm, and train alumni for local chapters in need of volunteers Advance Sigma Pi and its values with area alumni, universities, and communities Complete at least one Provincial Workshop for undergraduates per year Attend all relevant international Sigma Pi events or gatherings Attend weekly undergraduate Executive Council and chapter meetings Enforce the rules and regulations of Sigma Pi and the local university Oversee undergraduate programs, projects, membership information, and officer training Whenever possible, attend all relevant international Sigma Pi events Ensure the chapter structure is compliant with local fire & safety codes Oversee major renovations or undertakings and help coordinate future living arrangements Monitor chapter and individual academic performance and organization Work with individuals on academic goal-setting, time management, and career guidance

Recruitment Advisor [2-3 hours per month]

Assist in organizing a structured recruitment process in line with university guidelines Brainstorm with undergraduates ideas to refine future recruitment tactics and events

Financial Advisor [1-2 hours per month] Alumni Advisor [1-2 hours per month] Member Education Advisor [2-3 hours per month (seasonally)]

Guide the undergraduate treasurer in financial planning and budgeting Assist with individual dues collection and personal financial management Relay information between the alumni and undergraduate members Help coordinate alumni events such as Homecoming and Founder's Day Aid the chapter in structuring an 8-week New Member Education process Certify strict undergraduate adherence to the Foundation of Membership

If you are interested in applying for these positions, and to see all open volunteer positions nationwide, please visit www.sigmapi.org/alumniServices/volApp.cfm or contact A.J. Carroll, the Director of Volunteer Support & Alumni Services, at acarroll@sigmapi.org or 800-332-1897.

Update us about your life . . . sigmapi.org


Chapter News

Chapter reports are those submitted by deadlines listed on page 1.

Delta-Omega Chapter brothers at SIU - Edwardsville are the 2008 Frats with Bats Champions

Alabama Theta-Omicron Chapter (05/08) The ThetaOmicron chapter at the University of Alabama has enjoyed a good semester of expansion and is currently making large plans for the fall semester. In intramural sports the teams excelled and our social schedule had great success. We added four men of quality to our numbers but will miss the men who are going on to work or graduate work away from the chapter. Our summer is expected to focus greatly on rush and we expect good things from our brothers and rush chairman. Arizona

Theta-Pi Chapter

(05/08) Theta Pi has had one of the most successful spring semesters our young chapter has ever seen. Congratulations to the newly initiated Zeta pledge class; 12 new Deltas that bring with them numerous gifts and talents for the benefit of our fraternity. Anticipation for fall rush is high, as Theta Pi has arrived as a top-tier fraternity at


| Fall 2008

the University of Arizona. This spring we participated in all of the sorority philanthropy events, and showed complete dominance in Pi-Phi’s Arrowspike volleyball tournament from the beginning. Our own philanthropic endeavors were successful in our second annual “Sigma Pi’s Miss Greek Sorority Beauty Pageant”, benefiting the Sam Spady Foundation. Drawing a crowd of nearly 400 Greeks and featuring a keynote address by our Greek advisor Johanne Jensen, (a Chi Omega sorority sister/friend of Sam Spady), the event was a huge success. (09/08) The fall 2008 semester for the Theta-Pi chapter at the University of Arizona promises to be a memorable one. The executive council has worked hard in planning our two largest events this semester, homecoming and family weekend. Both are favorites among the brothers; and this year’s homecoming is especially geared towards reconnecting with alumni in the area and

bringing them back into the Theta-Pi family. Theta Pi’s intramural teams are poised to reign over the fall Greek intramural sports, and our social calendar is second to none. The men of Theta-Pi are looking forward to participating in multiple fall sorority philanthropy events, as well as the University’s own “Cat Walk” campus wide event. Coming off of the momentum that was generated last spring, Theta-Pi is sitting proudly at the top of the Greek community at the University of Arizona.

as well as placing in Delta Gamma’s “Anchor Slam.” The varsity intramural softball team had a successful season finishing strong, thanks to huge efforts at bat by Reid Hendricks as well as big plays from the outfield contributed by Ryan Yetter. The brothers of Beta-Kappa look forward to another large pledge class this fall and hope for a safe and beneficial fall semester.

Arizona State Beta-Kappa Chapter (05/08) Finishing up the academic school year strong the brothers of Beta Kappa have had yet another fulfilling and successful spring semester initiating another 24 neophytes, the Beta-Kappa chapter seems to be ever growing and successful in its hopes to build a better chapter as well as brothers. The chapter finished first in Chi Omega’s philanthropy benefiting the “Make a Wish Foundation”

(09/08) The Brothers of Beta-Kappa, have had yet another successful fall rush. Having signed 43 bids, the chapter can soon boast itself as the largest Greek organization on campus. We will be looking forward to the Gamma Phi Beta Philanthropy in our upcoming weeks and hope to achieve first place for the second year in a row. A special congratulation has gone out to Matthew Little for successfully orchestrating two years of outstanding rushes. Optimism and success seem to be the theme for a wishful school year. Arkansas Alpha-Sigma Colony

Brother James Roumeliotis from Gamma-Iota Chapter, Worcester

(05/08) With the first semester of Alpha Sigma Colony coming to a close, the future looks bright. The summer will be an exciting time with several events planned including a float trip on the Kings River, a semi-formal in Branson and a chapter retreat on the lake. Alpha Sigma Colony is constantly recruiting and our numbers are growing steadily.

Chapter News With our ambitious summer recruitment plans, we plan to take in a substantial fall class. We had our first parents day and alumni cookout and are currently planning another one. Our next cookout will be an alumni homecoming cookout that will take place on November 1st, 2008. Any alumni in the area are welcome to attend and participate in the proud football tradition of the Razorback Nation. For more information, contact Nick DeMoss at ndemoss@uark.edu. (09/08) The brothers of Alpha Sigma colony are happy to report the addition of 14 new members taken in during fall rush. Although we anticipated a larger rush class, we have negotiated with the university and have been given open rush for the foreseeable future. Our newest members have shown a great interest in the colony and are all showing a lot of initiative as we work to charter. We are constantly recruiting new men and are progressing steadily with our work toward chartering. We have made significant advancements in alumni contacts and routinely tailgate with alumni before Razorback football games. Alpha Sigma colony is currently planning to adopt a highway as a long-term philanthropy, with a Sam Spady project in the works as well. Alpha Sigma colony is well on its way to chartering! Arkansas State Alpha-Pi Chapter (05/08) The Brothers of Alpha Pi have had a very good spring semester. The Sam Spady Project went very well. We had great participation by all brothers in this event. We are now getting ready for the rush events that will take place this summer. Brother Andy Geswein recently received the Distinguished Service Award for the entire University and the Most Outstanding Radio/TV Graduating Senior. Recently we had the groundbreaking ceremony for our new

house take place. We were very pleased that alumni Governor Mike Beebe and Mr. Buddy Beck were there to participate in this special ceremony with us. Auburn Alpha-Delta Chapter (05/08) This spring, at Alpha Delta, was very productive. We successfully started a campus wide volley ball tournament, were the money raised went to Safe Harbour. We also had our annual luau, featuring Velcro Pygmies, and Whild Peach. There is not much going on during the summer, except for our rush events. This year we are going to City Stages in Birmingham, Al; an Atlanta Braves game; and a rafting trip leading into Lake Martin followed by dinner at a local restaurant. Bentley

from the Alpha Rho pledge class. Also, we bid farewell and good luck to the nine brothers that are graduating this semester. Our 20th Anniversary Orchid Ball was held at the Marlborough Best Western on May 3 and was successful; thank you to all the alumni that could attend. Our annual fundraiser Ms. Sigma Pi went well and all proceeds went to the March of Dimes, a charity event to help premature babies. The future remains promising for Eta-Eta Chapter at BSC. (09/08) A new school year has begun at Bridgewater State College and Eta-Eta

Cal State – Dominguez Hills Eta-Iota Chapter

Cal State – Long Beach Beta-Omicron Chapter

(05/08) Well the year is coming to an end, brothers are getting ready to graduate and we are studying for finals. The Brothers of Sigma Pi, Eta-Iota chapter, are still not ready to throw in the towel we are excited for our annual Orchid Ball and are excited for the new initiates that will cross at the end of this semester. Even though the semester is ending the brothers of Eta Iota will rest assured that our brotherhood and love for the Fraternity will not end with it.

(05/08) The Beta Omicron chapter just concluded a very successful semester with our annual Orchid Ball trip to Laughlin, Nevada with over 50 brothers in attendance. This past semester, we won Greek Sing and the IFC Sports Cup, going undefeated in basketball and volleyball. We also hosted an alumni poker tournament and donated all the proceeds to the Whooten family. We would like to congratulate brother Brian Troutner who was recently elected ASI Treasurer for CSULB. We would like to wish all of our


(05/08) The Bentley College (Waltham, MA) colony was initiated on May 4 at their chapter house minutes from the college campus. Members of the Fitchburg State College and Bridgewater State College Chapters took part in the ceremony which was presided over by New England Province Archon Jeremy Boylan and Grand Fourth Counselor Ed Levesque. Colony President Michael Londergan said, “I am immensely proud of the members of this colony and am extremely thankful for the support of Sigma Pi.” This sentiment was echoed by many of the members of Sigma Pi’s newest colony. Matt Jones said, “We are proud of what we have accomplished, but this is only the beginning. We are looking forward to the future and are prepared to make Bentley College one of Sigma Pi’s finest chapters.” Bridgewater State Eta-Eta Chapter (05/08) Another successful year comes and goes for Eta-Eta Chapter at BSC. Congratulations to the nine new brothers

Alpha-Mu brothers, NJIT, working during a SAM Spady event

Chapter is already in full swing. During the summer, we have been doing our annual fundraiser at Gillette Stadium and having a blast doing it. Our rush schedule is all set and ready with high expectations in the wings. Philanthropy is again sponsoring a Red Cross Blood Drive on campus and will yield high results as always. Our biggest program this year seems to be our Sam Spady project, which will include a dry lock- in and hopefully a very special speaker. As always, look to Eta-Eta for great things.

(09/08) The Eta-Iota chapter at Cal State Dominguez Hills is off to a great start. We have over 30 new members that are more then eager to become brothers. We are also working hard on our brotherhood. The brothers who attended this year’s convocation brought back valuable information that will be helpful to our chapter. Our philanthropies are coming along as well. We are trying our best to get recognized on campus. As we say bye to the brothers who have graduated we are saying hello to the start of a good year.

graduating brothers the best of luck. We are excited to host convocation this year in good ol’ Long Beach and look forward to meeting brothers from all over the US. California - Santa Barbara Alpha-Omicron Chapter (05/08) Alpha Omicron chapter at UCSB is up and running full force this spring! From BBQ’s and volleyball out back to Waterwars and socials with sororities, along with community service and philanthropies, we’ve managed to keep ourselves

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Chapter News entertained and quite busy. Spring Rush this year was a definite success, and ties and brotherhood among the Alpha pledge class and the brothers are growing every day. We look forward to continuing our expansion and keeping in touch as we go our separate ways for the summer. Carleton

Eta-Rho Chapter

(09/08) Eta Rho Chapter had a great start to the year with a solid recruitment period, and a great amount of involvement through Carleton’s Orientation Week. A number of Brothers participated in this funfilled week, really showing their school spirit and helping the freshman adjust to their new surroundings on campus. We look forward in the coming weeks to defend our Greek Olympics Title, as well as our brotherhood hike, and a number of on campus Greek community events. Sigma Pi has been at the forefront in the building of a newly formalized and stronger Carleton Greek Community, and we hope to continue this straight through the rest of the school year! Central Missouri Gamma-Gamma Chapter

Beta-Eta Chapter, San Jose State, during an event with local police officers

(09/08) The fall semester is just underway and the men of Gamma-Gamma chapter at the University of Central Missouri are very excited. Rush week went very well. We were able to sign 10 people before the official rush week even started and will continue to recruit as many quality men as possible. We are currently working on getting our

SAM Spady project going as well as our ACE project. The men of Gamma-Gamma recently participated in a fundraiser/philanthropy project with the ladies of Alpha Gamma Delta sorority. We are looking forward to homecoming with the ladies of Alpha Sigma Alpha and will work very hard to win the whole thing. It is going to be a very positive

semester for Gamma-Gamma chapter and we look forward to a great year Colorado

Zeta-Delta Chapter

(09/08) Our rush was one of the best yet this fall, we got 41 guys to accept bids out of only 50 bids given out. We pride ourselves as being the most selective house on campus. We held our

Beta-Gamma Chapter, Eastern Illinois, took first place in the campus soccer shootout


| Fall 2008

pinning ceremony up in the mountains as usual, we had a great brother turnout, and it was a great night for the new pledges get a sense of our commitment to tradition. On October 4th we had a alumni day at the house. We held a pre-game for the Texas home game which was a huge success. We rented a mechanical bull which we placed in our front yard.

Detroit Mercy Gamma-Alpha Chapter (05/08) After finishing the year with many goals achieved and many new ones made we look towards the next semester for another amazing year in Detroit. With many philanthropy events in the surrounding area we feel we have made a difference in the Motor City. All in all we are

Chapter News looking forward to the next recruitment and pledge class while being the best at UDM. (09/08) As Herald I will continue performing the duties of each herald before me. This includes updating the roster this week with changes to brothers’ contact and residence info as well as active/inactive statuses. I will also enter the new brothers once they cross. I’ll continue our Brother of the Week records and enter them to our display case and will be in charge of rituals. I’ll be starting up a new scrapbook and getting input from every active brother as well as possibly getting other Greek organizations involved (primary sororities). One open-ended idea which was brought up was to spearhead a project to construct a wood coat of arms to hang on the front of our house. This would be made out of several layers and painted and would incorporate the efforts of all brothers. Drury

Epsilon-Rho Chapter

(09/08) The 2008-2009 school year already looks promising and productive for the Epsilon Ro chapter. We have recently rushed fourteen new members, giving our fraternity the largest pledge class at Drury this fall semester. During the month of September, we participated in various community activities such as street cleanups and are in the process of coordinating a big brothers program. As for social events, October will yield many fun activities such as corn maze visits, a formal dance, and adventures through a local haunted house. Lastly, we are in the middle of our campus’s intramural soccer games and we are currently at the top of the bracket with only a few games to go. Eastern Illinois Beta-Gamma Chapter (05/08) Beta Gamma can mark another successful year down in the books. Throughout the year

there were 30 initiated new members and only 10 graduating seniors. We competed in every competition our Greek system had to offer and raised money for charities. The men of Beta Gamma proved to everyone on Eastern Illinois’ campus why we have always been the best and why we will continue to be the best. (09/08) This year started off with a bang with recruitment, intramurals, and preparation for homecoming. With recruitment, we have had great numbers at our events and we are expecting a large pledge class. In intramurals we took first place in the first event, soccer shootout. Beta Gamma as a whole is looking to have a very successful year with every intramural. This past weekend we attended the Eastern Illinois University men’s soccer game where we had fifty of our active members present supporting eight of our fraternal brothers. As for homecoming, we have just began designing and building our float which will be a huge hit. We are looking forward to the alumni giving their support during homecoming. We expect to excel on all levels throughout the course of this year!

A Cudgel is a cudgel is a cudgel? The tradition that is now carried on every year by fraternities at Missouri S & T was started in the 1970’s by Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity. Sigma Tau Gamma took the idea of an Irish Walking Stick (used as a weapon in Ireland in the 19th centtury) and created a tradition that has grown and developed into being a work of significant dedication, skill and craftsmanship. The intricate wood carvings are commonly created by Dremel tools and chisels. Many of the carvings are very detailed and take hours

of labor to perfect. The process of creating a cudgel begins with digging around and then under the tree. After removing the tree from the woods, it is then allowed to dry. The process of drilling a hole through the entire length of the tree and then burning out the center follows. Once the tree is lightened enough by burning out its center, the sanding and carving begins. This part of the project consumes most of the time making the cudgel. When the painting and finishing are complete, the man hours often exceed 1,800 hours.

Emporia State Epsilon-Epsilon Chapter (09/08) The brothers of Epsilon-Epsilon are looking forward to an exciting year at Emporia State University. The bonds of brotherhood are stronger than ever as we work to advance our chapter through hard work and dedication. Positive change is stirring and keeping hope alive as our Vice President returned from Summer Convocation with inspiration and new ideas for a better chapter. Despite losing a house, the brothers are working hard to recruit quality men to join our fine fraternity this semester. Ferris State Theta-Theta Chapter (05/08) The brothers here

Alpha-Iota brothers burning out the core of a tree as they begin the process of creating a cudgel at Missouri S & T

at Ferris State University had a lower than expected new initiate count, with only 4 new members. But that didn’t discourage us. We know that they were a strong knit group that fit in well with the brotherhood. We have been discussing new rush activities for next semester and many ideas have been flowing. The new E-board has a bright future to look forward to. We have planned summer events back on campus to keep our strong brotherhood alive and well. Theta-Theta

Chapter can’t wait until next semester. (09/08) The gentlemen of The Theta-Theta Chapter complete another successful summer. The E-board Retreat was a huge success. Brothers came together for a Camping trip and executive meeting at Sleeping Beard Dunes. The brothers are proud to have brought home three awards for national convocation: Grand Chapter Award (Top 25 Chapters), Grand Council Award (Top 12 Chapters), and the 900 Club. We also participated in an ACE-

Project during Welcome Week here at Ferris State. ThetaTheta Chapter is looking forward to another excellent year and hoping to recruit in the double digits this next coming semester. We are also anticipating a great turn out for many events we are planning with other Greek organizations on Campus. Fitchburg State Eta-Tau Chapter (05/08) Once again, EtaTau is proud to announce that they are Greek Week champions for the fifth

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Chapter News consecutive year. Our hard work and dedication showed as we never once lost our first place position. Recently, an Actives vs. Alumni softball game and BBQ was held which had a great turn out and proved to be lots of fun. Our philanthropy project this semester, cleaning up the streets of the Fitchburg Community, also proved to be very successful. (09/08) School is back in

our imperfections and having an even stronger year than the last.

are looking to improve the status of our chapter in all facets of Greek Life.

Florida State Eta-Epsilon Chapter


(05/08) The Eta Epsilon Chapter has successfully concluded its spring semester and is already hard at work planning for another successful year. We ended the semester off on a high note by having our courting efforts accepted by the lovely ladies of

(05/08) Recently we at Alpha-Phi have just initiated a nine member spring pledge class. This is the largest spring pledge class that we have ever initiated, along with the second largest on-campus this spring. On March 23rd we participated in a

Alpha-Phi Chapter

philanthropic activities. Our band party was voted best social event among the brothers, and a new tradition of Sigma Pi Brotherhood Day was started. Our Sam Spady project was well-received, and our ACE project involving bus driver appreciation was greatly appreciated. The brothers are currently focused on summer recruiting and planning a very involved fall semester, with activities including football games,

Breast Cancer, Six Flags and Whitewater nights, and the semester brotherhood retreat. We plan on participating in a variety of Homecoming activities and other social events to get the Sigma Pi letters even more familiar on campus. As for athletics, our flag football team is currently competing in phase I intramurals, with soccer and volleyball planned for phase II.

camping, and theme parties. Everyone is exited about the upcoming rush, and also attending our first convocation as we continue to spread the word about the benefits of being a Sigma Pi.

Grand Valley State Theta-Rho Chapter

Clockwise starting above: Theta-theta brothers, Ferris State, enjoying the outdoors; Theta-Tau Chapter, William Paterson; Zeta-Beta brothers, Embry-Riddle (FL), during a campus 9/11 rememberance

session, and so is Eta-Tau chapter. We kicked off Rush at the school-wide RockThe-Block event in which all clubs and organizations on campus get a chance to meet and greet with incoming freshman. The upcoming weeks hold many fun events including pick-up football games and our annual pig roast and alumni war-stories night. Philanthropies that we are planning this semester include a Sleep-Out for the Homeless and Brother Auction. Eta-Tau looks forward to improving upon


| Fall 2008

Kappa Kappa Gamma as our official 2008 homecoming partners. We also held our first annual brotherhood deep sea fishing trip in Destin, FL – a tradition we hope to continue for years to come. Our rush chairmen have already been hard at work getting our name out to potential new members during table days at Freshman Orientation sessions and have already lined up exciting events for the second half of summer when the new freshmen arrive. With a full calendar of events in the Fall, we

philanthropy event Easter Egg Hunt in which we partnered with the Boys and Girls Club of Athens. In other news, an alumni event at which between thirty to thirty five Alpha-Phi alumni from the 60’s era attended. Georgia Tech


(05/08) The Georgia Tech colony of Sigma Pi is still going strong, and gaining momentum going in to the summer. During a very successful Spring ‘08 semester, we had a variety of social, brotherhood, and

(09/08) The Georgia Tech Colony of Sigma Pi is still going strong and focused on recruitment. After a solid Fall Rush week, the recruitment committee is stepping up to get the numbers needed for chartering. Recent events the colony participated in include the 2-day walk for

(09/08) Theta-Rho is geared up for Fall 2008. We have great events lined up to benefit our philanthropic needs. The annual Theta Beta chapter vs. Theta Rho Pi bowl flag football is early this year and both teams could not wait to get on the gridiron to play flag football. The awards we received at Long Beach have given us pride to demonstrate to Grand Valley’s campus.

Chapter News Houston

Theta-Nu Chapter

(09/08) This semester is off to a great start for Theta-Nu. We have been extremely busy. As a chapter, we have continued our tradition of having great tailgates at all University of Houston Football games. Chi Omega


Phi Chapter

(05/08) The men of Phi Chapter have had a very rewarding spring semester and are ready for their summer break. This past semester we launched our hands off campaign. During this campaign we petitioned for there to be a

Also, Mark Ryan achieved the distinction of being named to the Bronze Tablet and Kyle Decker was named one of the top 100 seniors on campus. (09/08) This past summer has shown just how far Phi Chapter has come in only a few years. At convocation our sage Michael Murphy

new members with frisbee on the south quad, movie nights, and an extremely well attended barbeque. Phi Chapter looks forward to the upcoming year and is excitingly awaiting another large quality fall recruitment class.

campus support and helped to raise money for breast cancer research in Zeta Tau Alpha’s Big Man on Campus as well as participating in Habitat for Humanity’s annual Greek Build donating over 80 hours of service building a home. Beta Chapter celebrates its improved success from last year as well, taking 20th

Clockwise starting left: NJ Pledge Province Workshop at Monmouth; Members of Georgia Tech Colony during a brotherhood retreat and chapter meeting; Alpha-Beta Colony brothers, Michigan, during an ACE Project

has recognized our chapter for building their new Greek letters. Currently we have maintained 30+ actives after this semester’s turnover. We are looking to add to 20 new Brothers in our Iota Pledge Class. On Friday, November 21st, 2008, Theta-Nu Chapter will be holding a formal dinner and celebration for our 5-year anniversary. More information can be found at our new website www.sigmapihouston.org, or by email at thetanu@ sigmapi.org. We would like for brothers from across the nation to join us in celebrating this occasion. Please contact us if you are planning to attend.

women’s center on campus. Additionally, we stood out on the quad and had people sign a banner that promoted our campaign. The banner ended up with over 600 signatures and was hung up on the campus union for the whole University to see. These past two years have also seen remarkable growth for Phi Chapter. We added 19 quality men to our ranks this past year. However, the closing of the year also means that we have to say goodbye to a great senior class. This last senior class had a huge impact on both Sigma Pi and the University of Illinois. Drew Keiser was named senior of the year for the entire Greek system.

received the Michael P. Carey award for outstanding leadership. Additionally, as a chapter, we received an award for the best Ace project, the Grand Council Award, and we were part of the 800 club for efficiency points. While Phi chapter is pleased with this progress, we are still looking to improve and hope to do even better at our next convocation. The coming of a new school year has also been very promising. Our recruitment events are very well attended by quality young men. This is largely due to the wide variety of recruitment events that our chapter holds. We have entertained prospective

Illinois Wesleyan Epsilon-Gamma Chapter (09/08) So far this semester we have activated three new members to our fraternity. We are also raising money to participate in Great Strides, a fundraising walk supporting cystic fibrosis on September 20, 2008. Indiana

Beta Chapter

(05/08) Indiana University was the site of yet another great Spring semester for Sigma Pi Beta Chapter. Early in the semester the most notable chapter success was seen in our growth of a 23 member Fall class and an eight member Spring class. Beta Chapter showed

place in the 2008 Men’s Little 500 and finishing top 3 in Greek intramurals. The chapter also said goodbye but wishes much success and the best of luck to its 23 graduating seniors. Indiana Tech Gamma-Kappa Chapter (05/08) Well, another year has come and gone; some have finally reached the end of their journey and are going to be receiving that diploma. However, to others it’s one more year closer. This next coming year is going to be somewhat challenging to those of us that are still active because we had several brothers graduate this year. That

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Chapter News

Eta-Alpha brothers, Cal State - Sacramento, during their former president’s graduation gathering with friends and family

means that there are going to be quite a few of us somewhat inexperienced brothers around. However, it’s not going to be as bad as one thinks because we know that if we ever have a problem or question about something, that help is only a phone call away. There is a strong connection between all of us and we know that we can count on each other for anything, which is exactly what we promote at our house: Brotherhood. Iowa

Xi Chapter

(05/08) Xi Chapter has been very busy as the semester and another year draws to a close. We have been active in our community. We performed our second ACE Project of the year doing the safe walk on campus. We have adopted a stretch of highway that we will be in charge of cleaning. We have also adopted a child which our money will help feed, clothe, educate the individual. We had a fantastic second annual Orchid Ball at a local indoor water park and banquet hall where we were pleased to have most of the actives, pledges, and even several alumni. We are beginning to prepare for summer rush and say good bye to


| Fall 2008

our graduating brothers who enter the status as an Omega. We look forward to having a great summer and look to continue where we left off in the fall. (09/08) This summer Xi Chapter was hindered by the flood of Iowa City, however, the members that had been living here over the summer volunteered to help lay sand bags in an effort to contain the flood. Xi Chapter was proud to accept the 900 Club award at Convocation for the first time since returning to campus. Now that the flood has ended, Xi Chapter moves forward during rush hoping to turn in a large pledge class. We recently just made some remodeling changes to the house and hope to continue to improve our chapter. We look forward to our second annual philanthropy of Sigma Pi 3-on-3 soccer to benefit Sam Spady foundation. We look forward to a successful year and hope to gain many new members. Kutztown

Eta pledge class. We also bid farewell to brothers Adam Dundore and Mike Katits who graduate this semester. This spring semester showed great success following our Sam Spady Presentation and annual ACE event. This has been a great year for all of us here at the Eta Pi Chapter and looking forward to starting off the fall semester with a strong pledge class and continued success. Lawrence Tech Zeta-Omicron Chapter (05/08) This past semester we won back the Greek Day

trophy, restoring the natural order of things at LTU. We also put on a Sam Spady event at a nearby high school to raise alcohol awareness. As for the summer we are all getting really excited for our brotherhood canoe trip and it can not come soon enough. (09/08) Over the summer the brothers of Zeta Omicron participated in relay for life. We raised over seven hundred dollars to support the fight against cancer. During this semester the brothers of Zeta Omicron have also planned two rush weeks. We have gone

bowling, we went to a pool hall and played pool, we went out to eat at a local pizza, joint called Shields, we have also had a bonfire at a brother’s house. All of these events have brought out many rushees and we hope to have an excellent pledge class this semester. Loyola - Chicago Beta-Chi Chapter (05/08) The Beta-Chi chapter has completed yet another successful academic year. We would like to congratulate several of our

Eta-Pi Chapter

(05/08) The brothers of the Eta Pi Chapter here at Kutztown University have had a busy semester that will undoubtedly strengthen and embolden our chapter. We are proud to say that we have initiated the Alpha

Two brothers helping in setting up the house for a rush BBQ at Theta-Eta Chapter, Old Dominion

Chapter News brothers who are on the Dean’s List this semester. At the beginning of the semester the Beta-Chi chapter began creating the Addison Zellner Foundation with the assistance of our chapter Director Craig Donnelly. The goal of the foundation is to offset the expenses for medical treatment and other related expenses for our alumnus, Adam Zellner, whose daughter was diagnosed with spina bifida. To date, the chapter has raised well over a thousand dollars for Addison from donations at our Founder’s Day event and Orchid Ball. We plan to raise much more money before the end of the semester with donations from actives and alums alike and through a golf tournament which is currently being planned. If you would like to donate please contact us at sigmapibx@gmail.com. (09/08) The Beta-Chi Chapter at Loyola University Chicago has once again gotten off to another tremendous school year. With over 40 active brothers and what is shaping up to be a strong semester of rush, Beta-Chi continues to be the leader in Loyola’s Greek community. With the start of the semester Beta-Chi opened up with its Fall 2008 ACE Project. The brothers of Sigma Pi handed out cold bottles of water, labeled with the fraternity’s name and info about the ACE Project, to freshman students and their families moving into the dorms on the hot days of August. The ACE Project not only served as a way for the school to have a favorable image of the fraternity, but also it allowed families and parents to have a good image of the Greek community as a whole at Loyola. Miami (OH)

Eta-Phi Chapter

(09/08) The Eta Phi Chapter is excited to return to Miami University for another great school year. Last semester we were extremely pleased with our success at the University-

wide Greek awards. We are proud to have taken home four major awards in excellence through community, leadership, brotherhood and community service/philanthropy. In addition we are excited to welcome our newest pledge class (Psi) to our house for the academic year putting our fraternity as one of the largest on campus. As defending Greek Week champions, we are preparing to take on the other 26 fraternites on campus for a hopeful repeat victory in the coming weeks. With a full schedule of philanthropic, athletic and social events we are looking forward to another great year. Michigan Alpha-Beta Colony (09/08) The alpha beta colony of the university of Michigan is very excited about the upcoming rush due to the fact that with a strong rush charting will be in the near future. Nov. 8th is the tentative date for the anticipated charting ceremony. The majority of the fraternities efforts at this time are focused in preparing for this big event. We have also recently completed our ACE project. Removing trees, garbage and debris from areas of the campus that have been neglected for quite some time. We have also moved into a new house which provides housing for 23 of our members. Michigan State Zeta-Mu Chapter (09/08) The Zeta-Mu chapter is having a great start to the 08’-09’ year. Over the summer we’ve made some improvements to the house, including new carpet, showers, doors, and new additions to our sand volleyball court. With our tailgate partners (Sigma Kappa) we are having what is turning into the best tailgate in years. We’re anticipating our fall philanthropy, Mrs. Greek. This is a sorority beauty pageant benefiting the Red Cross, and will be held this

year at the East Lansing Marriott. We are planning a parents day to be held the 11th of October, and will be holding our ACE project later in the fall. Millersville Zeta-Gamma Chapter (05/08) The 2008 spring semester has been productive for Zeta-Gamma. We have had eight new members initiated, and ran an excellent Sam Spady/ ACE Project. To benefit the campus and provide an altruistic campus experience, we decided to have a free cookout on the “Reading Days” before finals. This attracted all of Millersville campus: students, faculty, even the local Millersville bus driver. For our Sam Spady we told everyone her story and encouraged safety and alcohol awareness using the free food to attract people. This left us with a great campus image - benefited the campus - and spread the word about Sam Spady. Although we are not the largest chapter, we take pride in having a strong brotherhood with all of the brothers working toward improving our Fraternity .We are looking forward to September for the Third Annual Alumni Picnic where brothers young and old have a great time together.

Theta-Beta brothers at Saginaw Valley State

Missouri Gamma-Sigma Chapter (05/08) The semester is drawing to an end at Gamma Sigma with our house making many improvements. The renovation of our kitchen is nearly finished and looks terrific with improvements like a new stove, floor, and preparation tables. Our chapter has decided to become more involved in the community. Our efforts have included volunteering weekly as a group to places like the Boys and Girls Club and S.T.R.I.P.E.S., the sober driving circuit in Columbia. The members at Gamma Sigma are especially excited about hosting the fall Province Archon workshop in September. Also

Formal at Zeta-Mu Chapter, Michigan State

the brotherhood has been noteworthy. Last weekend, ten to fifteen of our brothers went down to Fulton, Missouri for a camping trip. The following week we hosted a brotherhood barbeque where numerous rushees also attended. Recently, on campus, our fraternity took second place in the Pi Beta Phi philanthropy, one of the biggest in the Greek Community. (09/08) We are in the middle of building another successful pledge class for this upcoming semester. With only two weeks into the school year we have

already doubled our number of new members and looking to continue building on that number. In addition to the renovations that were completed last spring in our kitchen, we are looking forward to the exterior restoration of our house. Once that is completed, Sigma Pi’s house will be among the nicest in Greek town. Last semester our house participated in three different philanthropies, with second place finishes in Pi Beta Phi and Alpha Phi sororities. We plan on being actively involved in the upcoming sorority

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Chapter News philanthropies for this semester as well. We here at Sigma Pi would like to already extend an invitation to all alumni for our Founders Day February 26th. The day will be here before you know it and we are hoping for our best alumni turnout ever. Missouri – St. Louis Delta-Zeta Chapter (05/08) Hello everyone! The Delta-Zeta Chapter continues to move in a positive direction here in 2008, just finishing up our Spring pledge class. We are have one of the highest membership amounts that we have in a long time, with 37 brothers. The Mid-Year Leadership Conference and party were once again a blast, and we thank everyone who showed up. Our Sam Spady and ACE Projects were a big success on campus this year as well. Greek Week is right around the corner, and with the school year now out, we look to continue our positive trend going into the Fall. (09/08) After closing out last spring with an outstanding cumulative GPA well above the AllMen’s average at UMSL, the

chapter is looking forward to the exciting events planned for the summer. Winning Greek Week for the first time in 10 years was an amazing accomplishment for Delta Zeta and a great start to the summer session. On June 14th the actives took on the Alumni in the yearly softball game followed by our 39th Annual Orchid Ball. Currently, fall recruitment is underway, and we are paving a path towards record breaking numbers. This work will help to further solidify our standing on campus as the dominant student leaders among our fellow Greeks and our fellow students. Missouri Southern State Eta-Mu Chapter (05/08) I’d first like to welcome our 3 new members of the semester into our Fraternity. We’ve accomplished a lot during our fall semester. Our annual Orchid Ball went very well, we had a lot of alumni show up and I believe they had an amazing time. We’ve also had a lot of mixers this semester with the sororities on campus. Our ACE Project that we are beginning this week is going to be a good asset to our campus, we’re cleaning

Eta-Nu Chapter, Towson, during their ACE Project


| Fall 2008

and doing all of the yard work for the Cross Country track - 3.3 miles, that is used by our school and area high schools. In February we participated in the area blood drive giving us 33 community service hours. And in turn donating blood and saving lives! We’re planning on having a great spring semester and completing finals with top grades. (09/08) The fall semester is going very well for the Eta-Mu Chapter of Sigma Pi, by pledging 12 new members and having the support our new dean Dr. Speck. Eta-Mu Chapter also welcomed a transfer Brother from Arkansas State Univ. We plan to grow larger on campus and to build Greek life at Missouri Southern. Our upcoming ACE is going to make a big impact on our school as well; we plan to have a Jog-a-thon to raise money for the Learning Center on campus. We plan to volunteer again for the Ronald McDonald House’s annual “Gift of Life, Gift of Love.” Where we set up, and decorate a 22 foot Christmas tree. Our SAM Spady Projects have gone great in the past and we plan to uphold our reputation.

The future of Sigma Pi is looking great for the Eta-Mu Chapter. Missouri State Alpha-Rho Chapter (05/08) The brothers at Alpha Rho have exciting news to report. To conclude the year in Greek sports, we placed in 3rd place overall after playing soccer, bowling, and sand volleyball. The completion of this year’s philanthropy event, Search for Athena, yielded success in raising over $500 for the SAM Spady Foundation and Children’s Miracle Network. This year, we choose to clean Missouri State University’s volleyball courts as part of our ACE Project. We still look forward to our planned Alumni golf tournament held August 13th at Highland Springs Country Club and our Orchid Ball Formal held at the Lake of the Ozarks May 31st. We are excited to recruit next year’s fall pledge class over the summer and wish all graduating seniors good luck and best wishes. Missouri S & T Alpha-Iota Chapter (05/08) Here at AlphaIota, we initiated our

thousandth member and celebrated our 75th anniversary this semester, and the future couldn’t look brighter. We’ve been working hard helping local charities and schools keep things clean while raising our GPA’s even higher. We’re now ready to enter summer, of which we will spend having brotherhood events and rushing to add to our pledge class next semester. (09/08) Here at AlphaIota Chapter, we just got finished with a summer packed full of rush and brotherhood events, including a rush baseball game and our annual float trip. With our ten new pledges for this fall, we’re ready to take on the next semester, achieving even higher GPA’s and a top ranking in the upcoming IFC Greek Week. Our philanthropy goals are not forgotten, however, as we will be participating in a multitude of them this fall. Monmouth Delta-Beta Chapter (05/08) The Delta Beta Chapter of Sigma Pi Fraternity had another good year in West Long Branch, New Jersey. Over the

Chapter News

Members of the Delta Colony, Pennsylvania

calendar year we inducted 16 new brothers, all now actively involved with the chapter’s operations. Delta Beta attained the highest GPA for any Greek organization on campus, and inducted 2 brothers into the Order of Omega honors society. Delta Beta continues to give back to the community and was mentioned in the Asbury Park Press, in reference to its community service events. After the summer break, we plan to return to Campus and continue to demonstrate what it means to be a Sigma Pi. (09/08) First and foremost, Delta Beta has tragically lost one of our founding fathers from the 90’s, brother Shawn C. Reilly. On a much lighter note, Convocation was a huge success for the Chapter, Dr. Joseph Mosca won the Top Faculty Advisor Award and Don Cox won the Chapter Director Award. Also, Delta Beta was one of the top 12 chapter in the nation. We plan to charge into the fall for another great semester, and are looking forward to another successful new member program.

Montclair State


(09/08) We did our ACE Project which was teaching women self-defense. It was extremely successful with a high turnout and the girls all learned how to defend themselves by using our brothers as practice dummies. We won the Greek Council Drive-In Movie Contest in which we built a cardboard card. Fifty dollars was given to the colony for winning the contest. Morehead State Delta-Rho Chapter (05/08) This semester has came to a good end. We have five brothers graduating, with one heading to medical school. We have accomplished a lot this year. In intramurals, we should win or come very close to the champions of the year. We held our second annual dog show, with the money going toward the local dog shelter. Also, we have done a few small fundraisers such as having a CiCi’s Pizza night with a percent of the money going to us. We had a campus jam where we set up speakers and the Rock Band game

on campus for students to hang out and give them refreshments. During the summer, we our holding our summer picnic the weekend of July the 12th. NJIT

Alpha-Mu Chapter

(09/08) Our chapter participated in NJIT move-in day. Twenty of our chapter members helped freshman students move into and get acquainted with the school and their dormitories. We also handed out free water bottles with SAM Spady awareness pamphlets and MADD bracelets in hopes of preventing other alcohol related disasters. Our rush has been extremely successful this semester with over thirty potential rushes. We are expecting one of the largest new member classes in years. North Carolina State Rho Chapter (05/08) The brothers are proud to announce that this year we had 95% retention of pledges. Our Third Annual Skate for Sam event was well executed and we grossed over $2,000 for the SAM Spady Foundation. We participated in our Adopt-A-

Highway program as planned this April, which we have done for over 15 consecutive years. We continued to volunteer every Friday at Wilmington St. Men’s Shelter. Our annual Orchid Ball was held in Wilmington this year was a great success. We had a good turn out to our alumni softball game that was followed up by a cookout at the house. We had more individuals elected to student government than any other organization at the university. Congratulations to Jay Dawkins who was elected North Carolina State University Student Body President. Northern Colorado Zeta-Tau Chapter (05/08) Here at Zeta-Tau Chapter, our fraternity wrapped up a school record 8th Greek Cup Championship. With a 2nd place finish in basketball, and a dominating first place victory in soccer, our chapter couldn’t be happier. Not only was our spring semester filled with excitement from intramural sports but our chapter welcomed three young men into our house. These men are eager, and willing to

make a positive impact and mark they’re place in the long, and rich history of the Zeta-Tau Chapter of Sigma Pi. Long time members Ryan Anderson, Eric Miller, Robert Van Valkenburgh, Dan Baker, Jamie French, and Ben Barnett all graduated and we wish them the best of luck in the future. Our house is excited for the upcoming fall semester where we hope to generate more members to our house, and continue our tradition of dominance on Northern Colorado’s campus. Oakland

Zeta-Pi Chapter

(09/08) Well it’s that time of year again. School is now back in session, and the brothers of the Zeta Pi Chapter are in full “rush” mode with many rush activities planned in order to meet new quality men to join our ranks. Currently, we have signed 15 new potential pledges, and hope to be able to pin and initiate 10 by the end of the Fall semester. Also, we just completed our 14th annual Pig Roast on September 5th which was a huge success! Not only did Pig Roast bring thousands out to our event,

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Chapter News but we were fortunate enough to have our Grand Sage in attendance.

State Altoona to partake in. Lastly, a spring alumni event is in the works.

Ohio State


Gamma Colony

(05/08) This past week was Greek Week and we held a Sigma Pi blood drive on Tuesday, participated in the Greek Olympics on Sunday and had three socials with Alpha Xi Delta and two other Agricultural fraternities. It was a great experience! Oregon

Oregon State Omega Chapter (05/08) Omega Chapter has currently been intensively emphasizing informal rush. The IFC held a spring rush week from April 7 to the 11, from this Omega chapter jumped four new pledges. On OSU mom’s weekend May 3-4 the chapter held our annual Moms Auction and raised a substantial amount of money to go towards repairs around the house. Along with Moms Weekend the chapter participated in this years IFC SING performance with the


(09/08) Eta Chapter has been fixing up and cleaning the house each weekend. The house is having some of its interior painted and the exterior is being cleaned up and looking great. Our rush this semester has started off with a great kick and is looking good.

Iota-Epsilon Chapter

(05/08) Iota-Epsilon Chapter has made great strides their first year as a chartered fraternity at the University of Oregon. In the past term, Iota Epsilon Chapter has won three philanthropies including the coveted Delta Gamma Shamrock philanthropy. Iota Epsilon Chapter is also in the final negotiations required to attain a new house at the University. The new house has 34 bedrooms and is one of the largest and nicest Greek houses around. It will be a recruitment tool thats value is immeasurable. Iota-Epsilon Chapter also just concluded their first annual “Moms Weekend” which was a huge success. The mothers were very pleased and donated over $1000 to the new fraternity. Thank you Moms! IotaEpsilon Chapter is looking forward to a strong summer recruitment as well with ases set up in Eugene and Portland, OR as well as some in the California bay area.

| Fall 2008

Eta Chapter

Rhode Island Alpha-Upsilon Chapter

Theta-Rho brothers, Grand Valley State, left their mark on campus

ladies of Sigma Kappa, the performance was Little Shop of Horrors. Currently the chapter is gearing towards the end of the term and a strong summer rush schedule. Pennsylvania

Delta Colony

(05/08) At our last meeting, we finalized our plans for the fall semester. We discussed our thoughts on recruitment and decided on events for a fall rush. We hope to achieve charter status by the end of next semester and also hope to complete our ACE Project early in the semester. (09/08) Our colony continues to gain recognition on campus through greater visibility and more contact within the Greek community. We are planning a number of events for this fall and plan on obtaining our charter as soon as possible. Penn College Theta-Phi Chapter (09/08) This summer our sage gave the speech for the Grand Council member John Michelich and our chapter banner was flown for the first time at convocation. The new semester is off to a great start, we have already participated in a service projects with a local church with setup for events. In

the coming weeks we will be helping rebuild homes for needy families. We also have adopt-a-highway for the new pledges to take over, SAM Spady project, and help with the local church. We also have a few fundraisers and alumni events planned like a brother auction and a cookout as well as our formal. Our rush chairman has done a knock out job and with help of the chapter plan on having one of the largest groups of new members since we were a colony. It’s shaping up to be a great semester and year! Penn State

Theta Chapter

(09/08) Theta Chapter is in great spirits as we start a new school year. The house looks amazing as we have just recently received new furniture and light fixtures for the first floor. A new Persian rug for our Grand Room, donated by Ray Albed Sr. (‘58), is also a great new addition to the house. The brothers were also pleased to hear that Jack Vogel (‘58) will be donating tile for the basement, which will be redone over the summer. We would like to extend a special thank you to Craig Womeldorf (‘87) for his extensive efforts in working with alumni and the current

brotherhood to make the house look beautiful. As for this upcoming semester, two of the most important Greek events, Greek Sing and Thon, are coming up quickly and the brotherhood looks to be one of the top fraternities in each of these events again this year. Penn State – Altoona Theta-Iota Chapter (09/08) Michael F. Damato Jr., an honorary Founding Father and father of Christopher Damato unexpectedly passed away at age 56. The Damato family is in our prayers. Returning five actives, we have nine potential new members to add to our Fall 2008 class. Under the leadership of our new Sage, Brandon Serralta, we have a multitude of events planned for the duration of the school year. We plan on working with Penn State’s THON, benefiting Pediatric Cancer treatments. Aside from our annual Rush Poker Night, and Saturday Bar-BQs, we have a Brotherhood/ fundraising trip to Kennywood Park’s Phantom Fright Nights. For our ACE Project we always do a creek clean up on campus and we are planning to orchestrate the planting of a “Greek Garden” on campus for all of Greek Life at Penn

(09/08) This semester at our chapter, we were honored to be able to hold an Alumni pig roast at our chapter house. The event brought together chapter Alumni, active brothers, and prospective pledges in an environment that invoked the sharing of many experiences while in Sigma Pi. This year in memory of SAM Spady our brothers are hosting a memorial for her in the students union center on campus. We will have a brother perform live music and make aware the dangers of alcohol to young students. In an effort to become friendly and social with others in the Greek system our chapter agreed to co host a backyard BBQ with our neighboring fraternity Phi Kappa Psi. Basically we invited the entire Greek system to relax and eat good food and play sports as well. It was a huge success and a great tool for our fraternity to grow socially. Rowan

Zeta-Chi Chapter

(05/08) The Zeta-Chi chapter has experienced a very successful semester thus far. For our ACE Project we organized a faculty car wash, while for our SAM Spady project we conducted an alcohol awareness seminar. We also raised over $300 for Relay for Life. Looking to the future, Zeta-Chi looks to have a summer brotherhood retreat and have a strong recruitment next fall.

Chapter News (09/08) The Zeta-Chi Chapter, fresh off a spring semester and summer that were more of a success than anything the chapter has ever seen, has once again set the bar high this fall. We plan on once again using dynamic rush tactics to bring in a strong fall class. In addition, we have organized an alumni barbeque that is anticipated to be the biggest the chapter has seen in years, and look forward to being the top fraternity on campus come the end of the year. San Jose State Beta-Eta Chapter (05/08) Beta-Eta’s spring went off without a hitch in which we started strong with a six man pledge class that made it successfully through the semester. We had our annual May Madness Basketball Tournament in which we raised awareness for the SAM Spady Foundation and gathered canned food for the homeless. This summer we look forward to having our annual Alumni River Rafting trip and we hope to have a fantastic semester this fall. (09/08) Beta-Eta is looking forward to having a fantastic semester! After winning the Grand Chapter Award this year at convocation, we are looking to increase our numbers and our overall efficiency as a chapter. We also want to keep our momentum going and win an IFC championship in either football or soccer to follow our win in volleyball. This past semester four of our brothers graduated and we are proud of their accomplishment; Mark Crumpacker, Christopher De Gour, Nathan Jin and Gabe Villalovos. Visit us at Sigmapisjsu.com! Santa Clara Zeta-Eta Chapter (05/08) It was another successful year for the brothers at the Zeta-Eta Chapter in Santa Clara. We initiated 30 brothers this

year bringing our total number to over 90. April 11-12 was our annual Father’s Weekend where everybody went to a San Francisco Giants and our Mother’s Weekend was May 9-10 where we put on a dinner for our mothers and went to mini-golf. We recently put on our annual philanthropy Multiple Sclerosis Beach Volleyball tournament in Santa Cruz on May 3. Our presentation of the SAM Spady Project on May 1 was the first event any Greek organization has been able to do on campus in eight years. It was a landmark event for Greeks in Santa Clara and was very successful. Our Orchid Ball was held from April 18-20 in Pismo Beach, California and there were over 150 people in attendance. (09/08) The brothers at the Zeta-Eta Chapter are preparing for another great year. With 78 returning members, we continue to be a strong force in the Greek Community in Santa Clara. Over the summer, we had twelve members drive down to Long Beach for Convocation to cheer on one of our founders, Ed Panconi, as he was receiving the Founders’ Award. Also at convocation, we were awarded with the Grand Council award. This fall, we plan on holding rush in early October. We are excited to begin a new year and to continue to focus on both brotherhood and philanthropy.

the end of the semester our brother DJ Montgomery threw a party at Pyros Night Club and it was a huge hit. He donated a majority of the profits to the general fund of the fraternity. Our graduation was also a very big hit. We had ten brothers graduate and one of them, Billy Penick, threw a private party so we and our alumni would have a place to go on graduation night. Southern Illinois - Edwardsville Delta-Omega Chapter (09/08) As tradition continues, Delta-Omega has taken Greek Life at SIUE to a new level. Faculty and students have been quoted many times saying, “You guys are everywhere this year.” We are living up to the standards we are obligated to uphold. Our pre-rush events, held every week since this fall semester has begun,

event on campus for SIUE’s Welcome Week. With Formal Rush in progress we expect to increase our number of pledges over last years and continue to thrive as leaders in our Greek Community. Southern Tech Epsilon-Alpha Chapter (05/08) On April 12th, the gentlemen of the Sigma Pi Epsilon Alpha chapter at Southern Polytechnic State University hosted a chivalry dinner for 50 of the Ladies of Gamma Phi Beta in the school’s ballroom. It was a very successful event that we plan on making tradition. Everyone involved had a very enjoyable time, and he ladies are looking forward to the next dinner. We also had a very successful Founders Day with outstanding attendance. Our Orchid Ball this year was held in Ashville, North Carolina at the Biltmore. The attendees and their dates

(09/08) The Epsilon Alpha chapter has been very busy with recruitment this semester. We have five pledges that we are all very proud of, who we believe will become outstanding members of the fraternity. For fundraising, we have been working Sunday games at the Georgia Dome. We also worked as coordinators for a campus blood drive. We have decided to continue looking for new members throughout the year. We are preparing for Goat Night, an inter-Greek competition and relations event, which will occur on October 22. We are already looking forward to Spring Rush. Several of our members, and in fact several of our pledges, already have people interested in the Fraternity. We look forward to expanding ourselves and becoming one of the largest fraternities on campus.

Southern Arkansas Epsilon-Kappa Chapter (05/08) During the spring semester there was much going on in Sigma Pi at Southern Arkansas University. We started the semester off with our back to school party, the biggest party thrown during the back to school week. The first weekend of spring break we had our annual river trip, which is always a very big hit. We also cohosted a blood drive with the basketball team and it had great results. Towards

Campus spirit is displayed by brothers at Theta-Nu Chapter, Houston

have been a great tool for recruitment. Frats with Bats, an IFC sponsored softball tournament, was dominated by the presence of Sigma Pi and our Sorority Fans. We took First Place for the 2nd consecutive year. Our ACE Project, 6th annual Pig Roast and Luau on Sept. 9th, was the biggest

had a wonderful time. We held a car bash for the ACE Project to raise awareness of drunk Driving. This year forward, we look forward to further strengthening our brotherhood with biweekly chapter meetings and a number of brotherhood events, including a weekend retreat.

SUNY – Buffalo Epsilon-Omicron Chapter (05/08) The Epsilon Omicron chapter finished out the school year strong and is looking forward to continuing improvements as the new academic year approaches. The chapter has relocated its fraternity house, moving us closer to

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Chapter News our campus and hopefully strengthening our ties with the University and new students. Our ACE Project was a huge success as we had the opportunity to get outside and spend a day cleaning the Buffalo community surrounding our beautiful campus. As we approach the summer plans have already begun for our Fall 2008 recruitment and we look forward to another school year of growing, prospering, and spreading the good name of Sigma Pi. (09/08) Its a new school year at the University at Buffalo and our chapter is off to a great start with

another great turn out with active brothers and alumni. We are very excited for our upcoming rush and are expecting great numbers. We’re looking to leaving another great mark at the University this semester.

Delta enjoyed our annual Family Picnic this past spring. Each class is responsible for bringing something different to the barbeque. It’s a great way to show families our strong brotherhood and also have a fun time.


(09/08) Although school is not in session, Theta Delta has been busy over the summer months. Sadly, we graduated 13 leaders from our fraternity at the end of the spring semester. But with our new Mu class of 18, we plan to come into this year very strong. Five of our brothers attended the Biennial Convocation held in Long Beach this

Theta-Delta Chapter

(05/08) This past semester has been overall very productive and fun for Theta Delta. We initiated 18 new brothers this spring and they have been extremely active in the fraternity. Unfortunately, we had to graduate 13 distinguished gentlemen from our chapter, who will now surely do great

Theta Delta is also proud to host our annual NJ province workshop, and is proud that our province was awarded so much at the convocation. Texas

Gamma-Theta Chapter

(09/08) Last Spring the Gamma Theta Ace Project was a major success. With the help of the police we stage a fake drunk driving crash and arrest. We also pass out literature on safe drinking and the SAM Spady Foundation. Over the past few months our chapter has been hard at work preparing for our new house. We moved into a larger and nicer house; it is the same house

Texas-San Antonio Iota-Delta Chapter (05/08) With the year coming to a close, the Iota Delta Chapter of Sigma Pi Fraternity has successfully launched their first Ace Project. The brothers chose to throw a luncheon for the UTSA Police Department, one of the largest university departments in the nation. The event went extremely well, the police chief as well as many officers gave their praise. The University looks forward to the Iota Delta Chapter becoming a permanent part of the Police Appreciation week hosted early in the fall semester. (09/08) The brothers of the Iota Delta Chapter at University of Texas at San Antonio are kicking it into gear for rush week. A week long of having different events every night Monday through Friday such as having BBQ on campus, playing pool, bowling, poker night and other events. Each brother is bringing in new guys who are interested and getting to know each one. Texas State Theta-Upsilon Chapter

Brothers and alumni of the Zeta-Eta Chapter, Santa Clara, at Convocation with Founders Award recipient Ed Panconi (ES, Loyola - Marymount ’84), who helped found the chapter and served as Chapter Director for many years.

many new beginnings. Just recently we moved into our new house and it has gone very smoothly. Countless Alumni have guided us and contributed their time to ensure that our house is in tip-top shape for our upcoming Fall Rush 2008. The chapter enjoyed a great summer with an annual Camp Out event featuring


| Fall 2008

things. We also just had our 8th annual Luau, which is the largest social event at the college. It ran smoothly and over 500 people came throughout the day. Our chapter had our formal in Long Branch at a beautiful hotel where we partied and gave out awards like brother of the year, athlete of the year, and new member of the year.The families of Theta

past August along with our Chapter Director Donald Cox. Theta Delta was proud to take home the Grand Sage’s cup and also that our very own Mr. Cox took home the Chapter Director award. For the fall, we have a ton of things planned including homecoming with Zeta Tau Alpha, where we hope to win for the second year in a row.

in which Sigma Pi gamma theta chapter first received their charter. The brothers of this chapter worked hard to get our house completely put together in only three days so rush could begin. We are currently involved in rush, and it has so far been very successful.

(05/08) Theta Upsilon wrapped up the school year with a brotherhood that is stronger than ever. The Orchid ball in Galveston, Texas, was a great time. We completed our ACE Project by beautifying our campus. Were looking foreword to fall recruitment with 30 men communicating interest in our brotherhood. Rush co-chairs Chase Sanders and Gaylon Davenport are working toward our most successful rush to date. Bill Clinton was on campus. Texas Tech Theta-Kappa Chapter (05/08) To begin, the men of the Theta Kappa Chapter at Texas Tech University would like to thank our alumni for their support and also congratulate the graduated seniors. The brothers of Theta Kappa are looking forward to a great year of recruitment, especially since Fall 2008 is

Chapter News the biggest freshman class in Texas Tech history. We are expecting to host a SAM Spady Alcohol Awareness Week and we are looking to raise money to purchase a satellite house. Overall we are extremely excited for the 2008-2009 school year and look to take this campus by storm. Toronto Eta-Omicron Chapter (09/08) In September we held a Brotherhood Barbeque were numerous active, alumni and rush came out to our house. It was one of our highest attended events and we plan to host more when the weather permits it. Also, in October we participated in the CIBC Run for the Cure were each brother raised money and did the run. We completed the run and got a photo of some of the brothers before the run started. Also, in October we had an Active vs. Alumni softball game, which had a good turn out of brothers who participated. Many photos of this event were taken, and we plan to have another game as soon as possible. Towson

Eta-Nu Chapter

(05/08) The spring 2008 semester was a decided success for the brothers at Towson University. On April 25, the Eta-Nu Chapter won its third consecutive IFC Greek Week championship, narrowly edging out Phi Sigma Kappa and Zeta Beta Tau for the crown and bragging rights. This year’s title marks the chapter’s 12th in the last 15 years! On May 2, five men were initiated into the secrets and mysteries of Sigma Pi. Eta-Nu is pleased to introduce the following new brothers: David Ascher, Brad Betson, Christopher Breland, Devon Makrides, and Christopher Patterson. Finally, the chapter bids farewell to its graduating seniors: Past First Counselor Brendan Bannon, Timothy Bathon, Ira Brick, Past Herald Robert Gilligan, Jared Ginsberg, Past Second Counselor Michael Kociemba, Past Second Counselor John Lewis, Gregory Milstein,

Past Third Counselor Jeffrey Rosier, Past First Counselor Brett Rubin, and Past Third Counselor Jeffrey Rusignuolo. UCLA

Upsilon Chapter

(05/08) The quarter has been going very well. We are currently preparing for our second philanthropy of the year. We hope to raise money for the “Sunshine Kids Program.” This program is to help children with cancer and we are all looking forward to it hoping to see at least 300 attending this event. Also, we have one of our brothers running for President of USAC at our school. We have all been involved in promoting his campaign, and hope to see one of our own in this position. It could be very helpful for our fraternity as well as many others across campus. Ursinus Theta-Sigma Chapter (05/08) We recently had our formal where many alumni returned to visit with the current brothers. We also had a lot of success at our annual BBQ at our fraternity mother’s house. The brothers here are looking forward to continuing to build off of the benchmarks that have been set, while the alumni are venturing off into the post-graduate world as Sigma Pi brothers. Valparaiso

Beta-Tau Chapter

(05/08) This Spring we were able to Initiate our full pledge class of ten gentlemen, all of which will prove to be valuable assets to our chapter. The new members organized our ACE project, which was a successful faculty and staff carwash. Numerous brotherhood events were planned to bring all of our active members closer to each other and overall, the semester was a blast Vincennes

Alpha Chapter

(05/08) As the school year comes to a close, all of the brothers at Alpha reflect on what a productive and

fun year it has been. At the beginning of the year the chapter’s roll was not even 20 members. Now the chapter boasts nearly 50 brothers. The spring class has just been put through and they look forwards to August for another awesome school year at Vincennes! (09/08) Alpha’s year is off to a great start! With the election of new officers, a Top 25 Award from Convocation, and rush underway, we are confident that we will have a very strong year. We have been helping with many university events in partnership with the Student Government and the Student Ambassadors. Our annual hog roast is approaching and we expect great success with it. We would also like to congratulate our new Chapter Director Brian Alley, and our new Faculty Advisor Lou Caprino. They have already provided a great deal of help. We look forward to working with them in the future with the continued improvement of our chapter. Virginia

Beta-Pi Chapter

(05/08) Beta-Pi has had an exciting close to the Spring 2008 semester. In early April, we hosted our first annual Surf and Turf, which raised $3800 towards the Virginia Nursing Students Without Borders’ effort to build a hospital in El Salvador. As classes came to a close, Beta-Pi welcomed back alumni for the Foxfield races, a University of Virginia tradition. In addition, our chapter was recognized for excellence within the Virginia Greek community. At the annual Greek Awards, Beta-Pi was chosen from among the Fraternities at UVA to receive both the Outstanding Philanthropy Program and Outstanding Intramural Sports awards. Thanks to generous alumni support, we will spend this summer renovating our chapter house. We invite alumni to join us for Reunions, June

5-8, on the side deck. West Chester Zeta-Alpha Chapter (05/08) The Zeta Alpha Chapter of Sigma Pi is now bigger than ever, we currently have more than 60 active members after initiating our spring class. We our off to a great start winning the Greek league softball and basketball championship, hoping that we will take the IFC Cup this year. In April we had our annual Alumni vs. Active Softball Game, with more than 20 alumni returning to play, but that was still no match for the active chapter. Now the series is tied 1 and 1. Our annual brotherhood in Outer Banks was a blast with 60 active members and alumni going down for a week. We our excited for the fall semester because with only one graduate our number of members will continue to grow and we will remain the largest fraternity at West Chester University. (09/08) The Zeta Alpha Chapter of Sigma Pi at West Chester University is excited for the upcoming fall semester! We recently had our Summer Barbeque with returning Alumni and active brothers. We are shooting for a great group of guys who recently had a chance to talk to our close friend and brother, PGS John Williams, at our last rush event. Zeta Alpha is also excited to remain the largest fraternity on West Chester’s campus. Western Illinois Epsilon-Zeta Chapter (05/08) We closed the year strong, and are hoping for an even stronger fall semester. We have been very busy this semester doubling the size of our house; from 12 members at the beginning of fall to 18 at the beginning of spring, and adding 6 new members to make a strong 24 member house. We are very proud of this and looking to receive another 10-12 members next fall. We were also

voted “Best Fraternity on Campus” in the campus news paper. We brought ourselves completely out of debit, and are projecting a very good budget for fall. We had a successful founder’s day and started a new alumni mailing list that with their help can become stronger and larger than the last. Finally we completed a cleanup ACE project in the spring semester. William Paterson Theta-Tau Chapter (09/08) It feels great to be back at school after a relaxing summer for all of us here at Theta Tau. We’ve got a ton planned for this semester, starting off with our first annual “Pie a Pi” fundraiser. “Pie a Pi” will be a great lead into our fourth annual Sigma Pi Cutie Pie pageant, where all proceeds go toward the SAM Spady Foundation. Brothers will be also giving an alcohol awareness presentation during the pageant and all audience members will be receiving SAM Spady cards as a great reminder. We’ve been planning a few community service events, that range from helping out the Breast Cancer walk in NYC in October, to visiting local soup kitchens and a local boys orphanage around the holidays. Overall, look out for Theta Tau this school year! Worcester Polytech Gamma-Iota Chapter (09/08) After a great summer the Men of Gamma Iota are back and ready for another year. With a successful fall and spring pledge program last year we are ready for rush this fall with high hopes. Numerous philanthropy events are also in order a long with an ACE and SAM Spady project. Plans are also in order for scheduling a first time winter retreat to a ski resort. Other internal projects include increasing Alumni relations as well as continuing to work on our sprinklers fund since we are the only fraternity on campus without sprinklers installed.

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In the service of God and man by John Kitch


| Fall 2008

We all know that Sigma Pi Fraternity has a rich history of service to God and man but most do not know the extent to which brothers in our Fraternity have created and maintained a strong tradition of service in the armed forces, beginning with the Four Founders even before our Fraternity was founded. All four were military cadets at Vincennes University when they heard Charlotte Mallotte lecture on the subject of “College Fraternities” in early 1897. The rest, as they say, is history. It would take a major work to chronicle all of the contributions Sigma Pi brothers have made to the military service of the United States and Canada, and such an endeavor is well beyond the scope of either the author’s abilities or the Emerald’s capacity. Rather, this article is a snapshot of some of the people in our Fraternity who have given their efforts, and in some cases their lives, in the military service of our member countries. Let us not forget, then, all our brothers who have given meaning to the words of George Orwell, who said “People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.” Here are a few of the stories of those “rough men.” 4

William Raper Kennedy

Thomas Winch Barrett

Founding Father William Raper Kennedy chose a military career and almost all his life after his graduation from Vincennes in 1897 was devoted to service in the United States Army. At the beginning of the Spanish-American War he became quartermaster sergeant of Company L, 159th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, composed of Vincennes University cadets. He enlisted in the regular army in December of 1898 and served until 1904, after which he spent eight years in the Indiana National Guard, leaving with the rank of captain. At the outbreak of World War I Brother Kennedy again chose to serve, rejoining the army as a major. He served in France for ten months before his discharge in 1918. He was later commissioned a lieutenant colonel in the reserves and taught at Culver Military Academy where he was regarded as an expert in military tactics.

Thomas Winch Barrett, an alumnus of Gamma Chapter, was the first member of the American Expeditionary Forces to die in World War One. An aviator, he was flying a mission behind French lines when the gas tank on his aircraft exploded at a height of five thousand feet, sending his plane to earth in flames. Brother Barrett was a man of slight build and had had to petition Washington to allow him to enter the service. His brothers described him as “a good student, a popular man in the university, a man of Christian refinement and character and an indefatigable worker for Sigma Pi.”

Robert O’Connor At age 17, Brother O’Connor, Theta Chapter, enlisted in the U.S. Army and served during the Korean War. He was awarded the Bronze Star with the letter V for heroic achievement near Chwasudong, Korea, on Jan. 19, 1952, while a sergeant in the 160th

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The Medal of Honor

Infantry Regiment, 40th Infantry Division. The citation noted: “With total disregard for personal safety, Sergeant O’Connor purposely exposed himself to draw fire from enemy bunkers; thus he enabled other members of the platoon to inflict heavy enemy casualties. Acting upon orders of the wounded patrol leader, Sergeant O’Connor effected a safe withdrawal, and then returned to the base of the hill to aid in evacuating his leader. When Sergeant O’Connor learned another comrade was still missing, he again returned to the area raked by grazing fire and aided the wounded man to reach a position of safety `” In 1953, while serving with the 3rd Infantry Regiment at Fort Myer, VA., he was selected sergeant of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery. O’Connor attended Pennsylvania State University on the GI Bill and graduated in 1959 with a bachelor’s degree in business administration. While he was president of Sigma Pi and greeting guests arriving for a party at the fraternity house, he met Lynn Kinnier, who had arrived with a date. He was later fond of saying that he took the man’s coat and his date. O’Connor was a distinguished military graduate of the university’s Reserve Officer Training Corps and received a commission in the U.S. Air Force. During his 24 years of Air Force service, he was a student at the Armed Forces Staff College in Norfolk, Va., and later at the Air War College at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., in the fields of U.S. foreign policy and national security. He received a master’s degree in industrial management from the University of Missouri in 1968. Before retiring as a colonel in 1983, his assignments included standardization missile crew commander in the Minuteman Missile System at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri; chief of base data automation at Da Nang Air Force Base in Vietnam; Minuteman III test director at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California; chief of


| Fall 2008

test plans branch, HQ Strategic Air Command at Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska; deputy base commander at F.E. Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming; and test director for M-X (Peacekeeper Missile) operational test and evaluation at Norton Air Force Base in San Bernardino.

George Kenton Sisler First Lieutenant George Kenton Sisler, an Alpha Pi brother at Arkansas State, was the first member of the Military Intelligence Branch to receive the Medal of Honor. He was a member of the 5th Special Forces Group, 1st Special Forces in Vietnam. His Medal of Honor citation reads as follows: “For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life and above and beyond the call of duty. 1st Lt. Sisler was the platoon leader/adviser to a Special United States/Vietnam exploitation force. While on patrol deep within enemy dominated territory, 1st Lt. Sisler’s platoon was attacked from 3 sides by a company sized enemy force. 1st Lt. Sisler quickly rallied his men, deployed them to a better defensive position, called for air strikes, and moved among his men to encourage and direct their efforts. Learning that 2 men had been wounded and were unable to pull back to the perimeter, 1st Lt. Sisler charged from the position through intense enemy fire to assist them. He reached the men and began carrying 1 of them back to the perimeter, when he was taken under more intensive weapons fire by the enemy. Laying down his wounded comrade, he killed 3 onrushing enemy soldiers by firing his rifle and silenced the enemy machinegun with a grenade. As he returned the wounded man to the perimeter, the left flank of the position came under extremely heavy attack by the superior enemy force and several additional men of his platoon were quickly wounded. Realizing the need for instant action to prevent his position from being overrun, 1st Lt. Sisler picked up some grenades and charged single-handedly into the enemy onslaught, firing his weapon and throwing grenades.

This singularly heroic action broke up the vicious assault and forced the enemy to begin withdrawing. Despite the continuing enemy fire, 1st Lt. Sisler was moving about the battlefield directing air strikes when he fell mortally wounded. His extraordinary leadership, infinite courage, and selfless concern for his men saved the lives of a number of his comrades. His actions reflect great credit upon himself and uphold the highest traditions of the military service.” The Arkansas State University ROTC Department’s Ranger Challenge team is named Sisler’s Raiders in his honor.

Ryan Beaupre Ryan Beaupre, Marine Corps Captain, Sigma Pi brother, and a graduate of the Illinois Weselyan University Class of 1995, was killed in a helicopter crash in Kuwait on March 20, 2003, thereby becoming one of the first U.S. casualties of the war in Iraq. He was the pilot of the CH-46 Sea Knight helicopter that crashed, killing eight British and three other Marines. The helicopter assigned to the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force crashed about nine miles away

from the border with Iraq, military officials said. Captain Beaupre was thirty years old. Past Grand Sage Jack Fields, registrar at Illinois Wesleyan and adviser to Sigma Pi fraternity, remembered Ryan as “one of the best. He is one of the kids who really stands out in my memory. He was confident but not arrogant. The calm certainty about him inspired confidence. I would think that he would have made an excellent officer. He would inspire men to follow him.” On March 28, the Illinois State House of Representatives passed a resolution in honor of Beaupre and observed a moment of silence.

Josh Zaffos Brother Zaffos, a captain in the Marine Corps and Founding Father at Theta Kappa Chapter, Texas Tech, is a fourth-generation military man. After graduating in 2003 and spending some time in the financial services industry, he felt something was missing in his life and joined the Marine Corps as a tank officer. In his first deployment to Iraq, he and his platoon of four tanks and sixteen Marines completed

Members of the Canadian Forces: Andrew Parkes, Matthew Sanders, Greg McBride, Angelo Simoes and Eric Davis

more than fifty missions, patrolling the streets of Fallujah, Iraq, providing security for Iraq’s first democratic election in thirty years, and searching for weapons hidden by insurgents. His second deployment to Iraq saw him become a pirate hunter on a Navy ship patrolling the coastal waters of the Persian Gulf. Since returning to the United States Captain Zaffos has been assigned to the Marine Officer Selection Office in Lubbock, recruiting qualified people from West Texas and New Mexico into the Marine Corps.

to deploy to Afghanistan with the Royal Canadian Regiment Battle Group as a Close Support Military Police Operator. After six months of training he left for Afghanistan’s Kandahar Airfield Military Base (KAF). His platoon’s main duties while stationed there was to provide escort to convoys travelling through the southern region of Afghanistan as well as to visit Afghan Police Checkpoints in order to ensure that they were not overrun or replaced by Taliban

Our Canadian Brothers It is not only the military forces of the United States in which Sigma Pi members have served. Our northern brothers also have dedicated themselves to the service of their country and have served proudly in the Canadian Forces. Ironically, the first organized Canadian militias were formed to protect Canada from American invasion. An example of this dedication is Corey Hatt. A member of Epsilon Rho Chapter at Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Brother Hatt joined the Canadian Forces in 2002. In February of 2006, he volunteered for a tour with the Military Police

checkpoints. His secondary duties were as a jeep gunner for a Quick Reactionary Force (QRF) to coalition troops when they were attacked by insurgents, and as an Afghan Police Mentor/Instructor.

During his time in the Southern region of Afghanistan, he participated in two major offensive operations known as Medusa and Perching Falcon, where he provided security to convoys as a jeep gunner and dismount. He also deployed to the forward operating areas to search and transfer detainees, secure areas for Sensitive Sight Exploitations (SSE), and provide security to the leadership when they liaised with local authorities and officials. Another Eta Rho brother serving is Nick Bruzzone, who is a Sub Lieutenant in the Canadian Navy. This coming summer he will be posted to one of Canada’s City Class Frigates such as HMCS (Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship) Vancouver as Assistant Logistics Officer. His duties will be as second in command of the logistics department on board, managing the ship’s support elements to ensure successful completion of the ship’s mission. One of the Canadian Navy’s major efforts in Operation ALTAIR, a U.S. led coalition fleet, is conducting anti-terrorist operations in the Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea. Our Eta Omicron brothers at the University of Toronto seem drawn to one unit, the Toronto

Scottish Regiment (Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother’s Own). No fewer than eight active and alumni brothers, including four sages, have served with the TSR, colloquially called by its members the “Tor Scots,” since Eta-Omicron’s chartering in 1991. The Toronto Scottish Regiment is an Army Reserve unit based at Fort York Armoury in Toronto. The Army Reserve trains for, and provides support to the Regular Force. Members of the Regiment have served with United Nations Peacekeeping Forces and with Canadian Forces Humanitarian Assistance Missions in Bosnia, Cambodia, Croatia, Cyprus, Haiti, Kosovo, Namibia, The Golan Heights, and Rwanda. The unit traces its history to a cavalry unit, the 9th Mississauga Horse formed in1906. During the First World War the unit became the 75th (Mississauga) Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. During the war over 5,500 soldiers served in the battalion in France and Belgium. Members of the Regiment took part in the WWII raid on Dieppe in August 1942. After D-Day until the cease-fire on 7th May 1945, the Toronto Scottish Regiment was on the continent of Europe supporting many 2nd Canadian Division units; at one time unit members were fighting in three different countries at the same time. During the war 59 members of the Regiment were decorated and 42 Mentioned-in-Despatches.

Unsung heroes This article has but skimmed the surface of the service Sigma Pi brothers have given to their respective countries. Many, many more men deserve mention for their contributions to their countries. And the words of Prince Hal in Shakespeare’s play Henry V speaks both to all of those who have served in the military and those who are brothers in Sigma Pi Fraternity: “We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother . . .”

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PGS John Willams and members of Theta-Chi Chapter at St. Joseph’s University present the chapter’s ACE Award to Dr. Carl Anderson, university vice-president.

Epsilon-Pi Alumni Association hosts first Sigma Pi Reunion during CNU’s Homecoming Weekend


| Fall 2008

If you are a Sigma Pi who has served or currently is serving in the armed forces of Canada or the United States — We Want You! Under the leadership of Major Nick Zeisler, U.S. Air Force, Sigma Pi Fraternity is forming an alumni club to be comprised of members of the armed forces of our countries.

The mission of the alumni club will be three-fold: 1) To encourage the profession of arms for our undergraduate brothers, 2) To provide networking opportunities and foster relations between Sigma Pi men who are serving or have served in the armed forces, and 3) To develop scholarships and grants for undergraduate brothers who have affiliations with the Armed Forces. If you are interested in being a charter member of this new group, please e-mail Nick at vets@sigmapi.org for more information.

40th Anniversary Orchid Ball Formal

Saturday, April 18, 2009 Crowne Plaza Hotel – Downtown St. Louis To register and for more information, visit: www.umslsigmapi.com. Hotel rooms available for a discounted rate, Call (314) 621-8200 to make your hotel reservation

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Campus Expansion University of Central Florida Colonization On Thursday, September 18th, 2008, Director of Expansion Nick Frees (QB, Saginaw Valley State ’07) and Expansion consultants Joe Ruggieri (ZA, West Chester ’07) and Will Wojcik (IZ, Minnesota ’08) colonized 52 outstanding men at the University of Central Florida. This colonization marks one of the largest and most successful expansion efforts in Sigma Pi’s 117-year history, as well as our first colonization of the year. The Executive Office would like to thank the numerous alumni who helped lead the colonization ceremony: Province Archon Dean Houser (E, Ohio ’72), Colony Director Jon Andrews (BN, Sothern Illinois ’01), Bob Bates (X, Iowa ’85) Jason Dodge (ZetaPi, Oakland ’04) and Jeff Arbogast (QR, Grand Valley State ’06). The roots of this colonization at

the University of Central Florida can be traced back to the spring of 2007, when former Director of Expansion Jim Divita (ZM, Michigan State ’04) presented at the university and Sigma Pi was selected to come to campus out of a group of 20-plus applicants. Sigma Pi’s presence at UCF marks the first time it has been on the campus. Over the course of a month, an extremely diverse group of men were recruited to form the colony. The colony contains members from several

student organizations on campus, including the Student Government Association, College Republicans, Campus Activity Board, as well as several LEAD Scholars. A large group of the men are also heavily involved in intramural sports. The colony is currently organizing its committee structure and is anticipating having an immediate impact on campus as they start with a strong core of motivated members. They are an excited and driven group of young men, and the Executive Office is looking

forward to seeing what they accomplish in the near future as they work towards gaining a charter.

group consists of many SGA board members, Resident Hall Advisors, football players, first semester freshmen, seniors, and men who are getting involved in an organization for the first time. Diversity is truly the word; the blend of men makes them the most dynamic group on campus and gives them the opportunity to be one of the best Sigma Pi groups in our organization.

Colonization Ceremony. Terry Laughinghouse (AP, Arkansas State) who will be the Colony Director, Kevin Solomon (EK, Southern Arkansas), who is the Assistant Director of Housing at Tech, will be the Faculty Advisor, and SPEF Trustee Mason Cozart (EK, Southern Arkansas) all should be commended for their help and will provide great support for the colony. If you would be interested in joining the alumni advisory board, contact Nick Frees at: nfrees@sigmapi.org for more information.

After this colonization, the state of Florida now has four active groups. If you are interested in serving on the alumni advisory board or helping the young colony in its development, please contact Director of Expansion Nick Frees at: nfrees@sigmapi. org or call the Sigma Pi Executive Office at: (800) 332-1897.

Sigma Pi Colonization at Arkansas Tech On October 23rd, Sigma Pi Fraternity officially colonized at Arkansas Tech University. The colonization, of 42 men, is a great step for the group and shows the great efforts by the Expansion Department. Senior Expansion Consultant, Joe Ruggieri (ZA, West Chester ’07) and Expansion Consultant, Will Wojcik (Iota-Zeta ’08) are to credit for the on the ground success of the group. Past Director of Expansion, Jim DiVita (ZM, Michigan State ’04) laid


| Fall 2008

the foundation by coordinating the beginning efforts with Blake Bradley, who is Arkansas Tech’s past Greek Advisor. Then it was followed up by our Director of Expansion, Nick Frees (QB, Saginaw Valley State ’07), his expansion team, and the Greek Advisor at Arkansas Tech, Cindy Tesch. The men of the colony truly represent what Sigma Pi is about and what great things come from starting new colonies on campuses across America. The

Words cannot be said enough to thank our alumni who helped with the efforts and with our

C h a p t e r C h a r t e r ing

Campus Expansion

Alpha Beta Chapter Re-Charters at the University of Michigan by Nick Frees Sigma Pi chapter in the Big Ten Conference and joins one of the most storied Greek systems in the country with over 28 fraternities on campus.

On Saturday, November 8th, 2009 in Ann Arbor, Mich., Sigma Pi Fraternity re-chartered its Alpha-Beta Chapter at the University of Michigan. The Alpha-Beta Chapter got its initial start during in the fall of 2006 and was formally recognized as a colony on March 30th, 2007. Communication with the University of Michigan began in the spring of 2006, when then Director of Expansion Jim DiVita (ZM, Michigan State ’04) presented to the campus InterFraternity Council. Sigma Pi was then extended a formal invitation from the IFC to form a colony the ensuing academic year. The men that have come to assemble Alpha-Beta Chapter are also involved in several other campus organizations like Michigan Entrepreneurs, Alpha Phi Omega co-ed service Fraternity, Phi Chi Theta Professional Business Fraternity, Michigan Wrestling, Michigan

Interactive Investments, Sports Marketing and intramural sports. Led by President Alex Trambitas ’09 the men have been able to make a significant impact on the University of Michigan campus. The group was able to secure a beautiful house for the members to live in and also completed a successful ACE and SAM Spady Project along the way towards fulfilling the requirement setout out in The Four Degrees to Chartering. The chartering at the University of Michigan marks the 11th chapter of Sigma Pi in the state of Michigan, the nineth

The men at the University of Michigan were also very fortunate to have numerous local Sigma Pi alumni step up and volunteer to assist the men in their efforts to re-charter the Alpha-Beta Chapter. We would like to sincerely thank Fred Salmu (GW, Wayne State ’92), Brett Westen (ZP, Oakland ’04), David Myers (GW, Wayne State ’70), Brad Watson (B, Indiana

’92), Jonathan Lich (GR, Western Michigan ’03), Mike Grant (ZP, Oakland ’97), Rob Pankau (ZP, Oakland ’05), Adam Dibble (QQ, Ferris State ’06) and Grand Sage George Hakim (GA, Detroit Mercy ’78) for their efforts in guiding the men of Alpha-Beta Chapter along the way. This would have not been possible without the combined efforts of all our alumni volunteers. Letter of Congratulations can be sent to: C/O Alex Trambitas, Sigma Pi Fraternity, 1415 Cambridge Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48104.

C h a r t e r ing T e a m : Grand Sage: George Hakim (GA, Detroit Mercy ’78) Grand Second Counselor: Fred Salmu (GW, Wayne State ’92) Grand Third Counselor: Tom Moore (GR, Western Michigan ’69) Grand Fourth Counselor: Mike Grant (ZP, Oakland ’97) Grand First Counselor: Rob Pankau (ZP, Oakland ’05) Grand Herald: Craig Donnelly (BC, Loyola-Chicago ’01)

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News from Alumni Beta Chapter Alumni receptions held in Chicago, Indianapolis Receptions for alumni were held in Chicago (February, Gibson’s Steakhouse) and Indianapolis (April, Claddagh Irish Pub) this past spring. Brothers from many decades attended including ones from the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, and 2000’s at the Indianapolis event. It was a great time to reconnect with brothers that haven’t seen each other in a while and meet brothers from different eras that we never knew. But there was also the opportunity to get an update on what is going on at the chapter as well as the latest happenings with the Alumni Advisory Board and Housing Corporation Board.

Gene Newcombe ’51 and Stuart Hobson ’90 at the Indianapolis Reception

Alpha alumnus recieves Purple Heart


Dan Verhoeven grew up in Williamsport, IN. On November 29th, 2004 he signed up for the National Guard. He had always wanted to serve his country. After he graduated from high school, Dan decided to attend Vincennes University.

However in May of 2007, Dan learned he would be going to Iraq. He had to step down from Vice President to go and serve his country, which he did proudly. He was stationed in Key West which is about one hour south of Mosul.

In the Fall of 2006, Dan became a pledge of Sigma Pi. He was looked up to by all of his pledge brothers and successfully completed pledgeship. He then made the choice to become and active brother, all the while participating in basic training and field exercises for the National Guard. The brothers at the time felt it right to vote Dan as Vice President of the Alpha Chapter for the 2007-08 year.

On April 14th, 2008 Dan was out on a convoy. He was heading south back toward his base in the 2nd scout vehicle. All of a sudden the first scout vehicle notified them that they had passed something that looked suspicious, so Dan’s vehicle went back to check it out. Dan stood up and looked out of the vehicle and he noticed an Improvised Explosive Device. Before Dan could notify the driver it

| Fall 2008

exploded. Dan felt a burning pain in his neck and right arm and he fell to the floor. The driver took off when Dan notified his superior that he had been struck. He was taken to a medical post where the shrapnel was removed. Dan being the man he is, returned to service the next day. At the time of this article, Dan was on R&R back home. He was awarded the Purple Heart by the Army. Dan has served his fraternity, and his country. He fights to keep us all safe. He has made a great sacrifice for all of us, his brothers. He is to be redeployed on September 14, 2008, and is to be released around Thanksgiving.

There has been a focused initiative recently to get more alumni involved with both the alumni boards as well as the active chapter and this was a great launching pad for this effort. From these meetings several alumni were interested in becoming more involved and have since committed to helping out. Jimmy Arpaia ‘07 will be serving on the Housing Corporation Board. Jeremy Hambrick ‘03 will be working with the active members in achieving a 3.0 chapter GPA and exceeding the all men’s average on campus. Jeff Wright ‘03 will be helping with the Rush process and will be advising the chapter on recruiting. Matt Jensen ‘01 and Jeremy Kopeck ‘00 are organizing a golf outing for next summer. This is just the start of alumni involvement as we (and the active chapter) continue to need your help. We will be contacting other alumni who have indicated during

News from Alumni Remembering Past Grand Sage Jack Field

During Homecoming at Illinois Wesleyan University, Dr. Richard Wilson, President of the University (far right) formally accepts the gift of a tree (foreground) presented by the active and alumni brothers of Epsilon-Gamma Chapter in memory of Past Grand Sage Jack C. Fields who passed away in 2001. Standing (from left) are Epsilon-Gamma brothers Rome Yount ’82, President of the Jack C. Fields Alumni Club; John Michelich ’74, Grand Fourth Counselor, and John Mastandona ’10, Sage of Epsilon-Gamma Chapter. Later that evening, the brothers conducted the Memorial Ceremony in memory of PGS Fields who had served as Chapter Director at Wesleyan for many years.

At the dedication ceremony October 4, Rome Yount, President of the Jack C. Fields Alumni Club (left) and John Mastandona, Sage of Epsilon-Gamma Chapter share the ceremonial honor of watering the maple tree dedicated to the memory of Past Grand Sage Jack Fields. The chapter donated the tree as part of its ACE Project. Fields, who was Grand Sage 1996-98, served as Registrar of the University, Assistant Dean and Professor of Business and Accounting. The tree was planted beside the “Alumni Walk” leading to the main entrance of the new Minor Myers Welcome Center, also dedicated at Homecoming 2008, in memory of the late President Minor Myers, Jr. After the ceremony, a reception was held at the chapter house for visiting alumni and guests.

a recent survey they are interested in helping out. If you are interested in helping out, please contact FMG at FMGTucson@ fmgtucson.com or 800.228.7326 and they will put you in touch with the right person.

South Texas Alumni Club This past year has been good for the Alumni Club. We are continuing to gain interest and support from alumni throughout the Houston area. This next year will be even better! Since 1999, Sigma Pi has exploded in the Great State of Texas, as we currently have six active chapters and one colony, with more on the way.

Alumni Updates Captain David Spanton, Beta Nu, 2003

Kevin Booth (EK, Southern

Arkansas ’95 ) - was appointed by Governor Mike Bebee (AP, Arkansas State ’68 ) to the Arkansas Child Abuse, Rape and Domestic Violence Commission on August 19, 2008. Jonathan Lindberg (EQ, Elon ‘01) - recently accepted a position with the North Carolina Department of Commerce in Raleigh, NC. He will be working with a team of Economic Developers as part of the Business & Industry Division. Alan Rovira (ZF, Southeast Louisiana ’93) – received the NASA Director’s Commendation Certificate from David King, the Director of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center. The award was given “for outstanding effort in the planning and implementation

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News from Alumni of emergency operations and for putting their lives in danger to protect the Michoud Assembly Facility.” This was for the work that the ride out crew did during Hurricane Gustav. David Spanton (BN, SUI Carbondale ’03) - is a Blackhawk pilot and Captain with the United States Army. He is a company commander with the 101st Airborne Division(Air Assault). His unit is beginning

its deployment in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. This is CPT Spanton’s second deployment with the 101st. His first was in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

A Canadian Affaire: Front row: Jonathan Hope, Craig McCann, Mike Brown the happy groom, Dan Taylor, David Spence first president of the first Sigma Pi in Canada; Back row: David Kellam, Andrew Wilson, Tim Thomson, Sean McKenna

During his UCLA career, in addition to the mile record, Seaman set records in the 880 yard run and relays. Additionally, Seaman went on to break the four-minute barrier in the mile in 1962 (3:58:07).

Upsilon military service UCLA Athletics Hall Of Fame Class Of 2008 inducts new members Eight new members were inducted into the UCLA Athletics Hall of Fame on Oct. 3. Invitation-only induction ceremonies was held in Covel Commons, and the new inductees were introduced during halftime of the Oct. 4 UCLA-Washington State football game at the Rose Bowl. The UCLA Athletics Hall of Fame was dedicated in 1984 with 25 charter members. The Class of 2008 brings the total membership to 223. The 2008 inductees included Robert Seaman, men’s track & field. Robert Seaman (U, UCLA ‘57) is a former UCLA record-holder and a distinguished distance runner. Seaman competed for the Bruins from 1955-57. In 1955, Seaman was a member of UCLA’s victorious conference mile relay team and finished third in the mile at the NCAA Championship to help lead the Bruins to a second place national finish. During the 1956 season, Seaman set a UCLA record by running the mile in 4:01.4, the second fastest mile in U.S. history at the time. He helped lead the Bruins to the conference title, winning the 880-yard event. Later that year at the NCAA Championship, he finished fourth in the 1500 as the Bruins took home the NCAA team title. Seaman served as team captain in 1957.


| Fall 2008

Four brothers of Upsilon who served in the military and were killed in combat during World War II were honored along with all UCLA veterans who gave their lives for their country: Robert “Ace” Calkins, Donald Hesse, Liston Comer and Lane Donovan. The ceremony included the dedication of a plaque, and included veterans from the World War II era to the current Iraq War. John Kulli (Pasadena) and Clement “Jake” Jacomini (Signal Hill) were classmates of the group and remember the Upsilon brothers fondly from their days on campus in the late 1930s and early 1940s. Currently, Dr. Robin Matuk is stationed in Iraq. Matuk works as a doctor in Bakersfield, and he is deployed as part of his commitment to the National Guard. He arrived in Kuwait in late July.

UCLA Upsilon alumnus Bill Kealey with wife Maureen, son Bill Jr, and UCLA coach Rick Neuheisel.

name Tom Concannon sounds familiar, perhaps you have had a “Concannon Petite Syrah” or one of their other offerings. Tom’s family sold the winery shortly after he left UCLA, but he was raised with it his entire life. The family vineyard started in 1883, and was in the family until the early 1980s. Concannon helped the less experienced palates enjoy them better.

Upsilon Alumni Gathering

Mike Dykstra was part owner of a medical practice and is now teaching high school sciences.

Brothers from the late 1970s gathered in Northridge in July to celebrate the 50th birthday of Bruce Thompson, including Michael Dykstra, James Lipow, Greg Hill, David Shiokari, David Pulaski, Wayne Smith, and Thomas Concannon. The group indulged in three cases of chardonnay for a wine tasting, and four magnums of some nice meritage reds (blends). If the

Jim Lipow was in construction and is now teaching special education. Greg Hill is with the Bureau of Land Management, doing the mapping, restrictions, etc. for the southwest deserts. Dave Shiokari owns his own capital business. Dave Pulaski owned a rival to JD Powers, and is now at MetLife. Wayne Smith is an attorney. Tom Concannon is a manager/VP at a division of Oracle.

Ajay Patel - The Los Angelesbased lawyer oversaw Sony’s recent launch of a new online service that allows media downloads via the Sony Playstation console, and also found time to step up his dedication to pro bono services. For his leadership in the Southern California chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel, Patel received the President’s Pro Bono Service Award for the corporate counsel section at the California Bar Association’s annual meeting. Jim Ballard, at attorney with Schwartz Semerdjian Haile Ballard & Cauley, was honored by the Consumer Attorneys of San Diego with its “Outstanding Trial Lawyer” Award. Ballard graduated from Univ. of San Diego School of Law and is on the Board of Directors for its Alumni Association.

News from Alumni

actives and alumni chatting, discussing the brotherhood and continuing to share our lifelong fellowship log on. connect.

developed by the Southern West Virginia Alumni Association Update us about your life . . . sigmapi.org


Adytum on High

Gifts in memory of a brother of Sigma Pi are accepted by the Sigma Pi Educational Foundation. Once a gift is received, a card of acknowledgement is sent to the donor and, if possible, a card announcing the memorial contribution is sent to the immediate family of the one remembered or person honored. Please contact the SPEF office (800) 332-1897, email: edfound@sigmapi.org Auburn - Alpha-Delta Niles H. Land ’50 1998

Monmouth University - Delta-Beta Shawn C. Reilly ’91 7/25/08

San Jose State - Beta-Eta Nicholas J. Waddock ’55 6/15/08

Beloit - Alpha-Theta William J. Sauer ’38 Feb-08

Murray State - Gamma Upsilon Bernard E. Ray ’78 6/4/04

Temple- Kappa Bert Dobbs ’42 1983

California Berkeley - Iota Hollis A. Hardy ’49 6/18/2008

NJIT - Alpha-Mu John H. Painter ’45 Anton G. Frey ’58

Tulane - Omicron Carl J Gulotta ’38

California Los Angeles - Upsilon Dale H. Champion ’49 7/24/2008 California - Santa Barbara - Alpha-Omicron Wilbur T. Hardison ’52 8/7/08 James E. Lopez ’51

Northern Colorado - Zeta-Tau Matthew J. O’Brien ’92 7/23/08

Cal State-Long Beach - Beta-Omicron Edwin W. Sandison IV ’62 12/8/07

Northern Illinois - Beta-Sigma Philip A. Bastian ’67 5/2007

Detroit - Gamma-Alpha Charles E. Sperrick ’66

Ohio - Epsilon Urias D. Walton ’38 11/20/86 John M. Watson ’32 6/19/69

Eastern Illinois - Gamma Claude O. Goldsmith ’54 03/06 Findlay - Gamma-Omicron Mark A. Yajko ’80 Franklin & Marshall - Nu Rodney L. Kirk ’47 12/28/07 William J. Beals Jr ’44 Illinois - Phi Wilmer R. Rasmussen ’57 5/22/02 Robert E. Evans ’57 June 2007 John L. Schmidt ’53 9/11/08 Louisana State - Alpha-Kappa Spiro M. Broomas ’72 9/23/08


North Carolina State - Rho Theodore T. Howe ’48 1/25/2008

| Fall 2008

Pennsylvania - Delta LeRoy B. Dampman ’34 7/4/2003 Hugh W Bellas ’33 3/15/08 Penn. State - Theta William S Hollenbach ’45 Penn. State - Altoona - Theta-Iota Michael F Damato Jr. ’03 8/20/08 Rochester Tech - Beta-Phi Charles D Kuhler ’65 8/4/07 Howard S. Beye ’52 9/19/08 Saint Lawrence - Alpha-Zeta Gary D. Morell ’63 8/11/08

Utah - Pi Jack H. Alston ’38 5/21/08 Valparaiso - Beta-Tau Bruce A Gillogly ’64 4/12/07 William and Mary - Alpha-Eta Charles C. Wentworth ’53 Wisconsin - Stevens Point - Gamma-Lambda David L. Harris ’69 Worcester Polytech - Gamma-Iota Robert J. Zawanda ’45


The Foundation

Tracy Lawrence and Major General Elder Granger to be honored by SPEF On February 20, 2009, The Sigma Pi Educational Foundation will honor country music legend, brother, and Founder’s Award recipient Tracy Lawrence (EK, Southern Arkansas University ’87) and Major General Elder Granger (Arkansas State University ’76) at a dinner to be held at the Governor’s residence in Little Rock, Arkansas. Brother Lawrence and MG Granger will be honored as the next recipients of the Walter M. Schirra Leadership Award. Brother Lawrence is honored for his many accomplishments, not only in his music career, but for his philanthropic efforts and as a brother who exemplifies the ideals found in the Sigma Pi Creed. MG Granger is being honored for his many years of service to the US Army as well as his numerous accomplishments and philanthropic efforts. In honor of Brother Tracy Lawrence and Major General Granger, proceeds from the dinner will benefit the Sigma Pi Educational Foundation Endowment and the Governor Mike Beebe Veterans Fund, which was established to provide educational opportunities for wounded and disabled veterans who have served in the “War on Terror,” regardless of affiliation with Sigma Pi. The fund will also provide educational opportunities for the children of soldiers disabled or killed in action serving in the “War on Terror.” Attendees will be treated to an open reception at the Governor’s residence prior to the event, a dinner with Major General Granger and Brothers Tracy Lawrence and Governor Mike Beebe, prepared by the Governor’s chefs, and the ceremony honoring Brother Lawrence. Sponsors of the event will also be invited to take part in a private reception with Major General Granger, Brothers Tracy Lawrence and the Governor prior to the event. Seating for this event is limited to 220 attendees. If you would like more information about how you can be a part of this historic event as an event committee member, an attendee, an event sponsor, or would like to contribute to the Governor Mike Beebe Veterans Fund please contact our President & Chief Development Officer, Richard Robinson. He will be happy to assist you and can be reached toll-free at 800-332-1897 or by email at rrobinson@sigmapi.org.

| Fall 2008

The Foundation

The Sigma Pi CareerCenter . . . here for you!

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The Foundation




Thomas A. Moore, Jr., Chairman (GR, Western Michigan ’69) Clifford A. Wilke, Chairman (DZ, Missouri at St. Louis ’81) R. Todd Miller Vice-Chairman of Administration (ET, Tennessee - Martin ’87)

Dear Brothers, As we start 2009, it is a time to make New Year’s Resolutions. While some of us may focus on the normal resolutions, it is a time to think of Sigma Pi and the Educational Foundation. We have developed a new strategic plan that is focused on taking the Educational Foundation to the next level and working closer with the Grand Chapter. The last half of 2008 and looking forward to 2009 will present challenges for all of us based on what the stock market and the economy have done. The experts say that charitable foundations such as ours will have to work harder to achieve the objectives we have detailed in the strategic plan. Speaking for the Educational Foundation Board of Trustees, we are dedicated to the challenge ahead. We do need your help to make the experts wrong. Many of you have corporate matching programs – please think of your fraternity to further our mission. When you get the mailers from the Educational Foundation, take a moment to read what we are focusing on, and what we are accomplishing. Hopefully, after reading you will want to support our goals. Also, it would be great to reconnect with your fraternity in 2009 by attending an event or volunteering to host an event. And please do not forget that we have established the e-mail address: email@sigmapi.org to allow you to send us your updated e-mail address Our President and Chief Development Officer Richard Robinson is doing a great job working with many of you. He will be more than glad to show you how you can support your foundation to take the Sigma Pi Educational Foundation to the next level in 2009. He can be reached at (800) 332-1897. Please join us in making an important New Year’s Resolution in support of the Sigma Pi Educational Foundation. We look forward to a GREAT 2009!

Marc S. Saffren Vice-Chairman of Development (HL, New York - Albany ’92) Gary D. Dvorchak Vice-Chairman of Finance & Investments (X, Iowa ’86) Allen Yee Vice-Chairman of Legal (AF, Georgia ’99) G. Mason Cozart, Treasurer (EK, Southern Arkansas ’83) James T. Jennings, Secretary (GU, Murray State ’93) TRUSTEES Kevin D. Farmer (BN, S. Illinois - Carbondale ’95) John J. McCann (AN, NJIT ’83) John J. Merino (BO, Calif. State - Long Beach ’58) Joseph V. Palazzolo (DB, Monmouth ’03) Michael J. Simmons (EN, Calif. State - Fullerton ’87) George N. Hakim (GA, Detroit Mercy ’78) Larry P. Rovira (EN, Calif. State - Fullerton ’85) Paul W. Hansen, Advisor Trustee (BT, Valparaiso ’80)


Sincerely and Fraternally,

President/Chief Development Officer Richard Robinson (ET, Tennessee – Martin ’87) Development Officer Josh J. Singleton (QR, Grand Valley State ’07)

Thomas A. Moore, Jr. Chairman

Administrative Assistant Jennifer R. Wyatt

Clifford A. Wilke Chairman

ADMINSTRATIVE OFFICES Sigma Pi Educational Foundation Post Office Box 1897 Brentwood, TN 37024 Tel: (615) 373-5728 Fax: (615) 373-8949 Email: edfound@sigmapi.org Website: www.sigmapi.org

Helping Our Fraternity Build “A New Generation of Leaders”

| Fall 2008

www.sigmapi.org • Fall 2008

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