www.sigmapi.org • Spring 2011
from the Grand Sage This issue of the Emerald celebrates the centennial of the first issue of our fraternity magazine in 1911. I thought it would be interesting to look back at that issue and see how much Sigma Pi has changed in a century. For one thing, we are a bit larger here in 2011. There were only five active chapters in 1911 – Delta, Epsilon, Gamma, Kappa and Phi – all located in just three states, though it was noted that a petition to charter had been received from a group at Penn State. Today, we have grown to 132 active chapters and colonies across North America. In 2011 we have about 4,500 undergraduate brothers, and we are nearing our 95,000th initiate. In 1911, all 124 actives and pledges, and all 92 alumni were listed in the Emerald. Among those were six men who were, or would become, Grand Sage, two of whom were still undergraduates. Also still earning his degree was future Founders’ Award winner Willard Kiplinger (G, Ohio State). Curtis G. Shake (A, Vincennes) was a newly admitted lawyer, just starting his practice in Vincennes. Recent graduate Byron R. Lewis (A & F, Vincennes & Illinois) was residing in Bridgeport, Illinois. There were also many teachers and engineers, a few more lawyers, a grocer, a farmer, and a rancher. One alumnus was attending graduate school at Harvard, another studying at Princeton Theological Seminary. All in all, pretty impressive and diverse out of a brotherhood of just 216 men. While our numbers have changed, many of the issues we face as fraternity men have not. Emerald editor - and future Grand Sage Louis L. Moore (K, Temple) began the issue with an editorial which asked: What is Sigma Pi Fraternity made up of, chapters or members? Which provides the spirit, the intelligence, the labor and the “sinews of war” to advance our Fraternity, the chapter or the member? Which is doing the most work to further our interests, the chapter or the member? Brother Moore’s answer was “the member”, and we would answer those questions the same way
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today. Our enthusiastic, talented undergraduates and dedicated, loyal alumni – especially our alumni volunteers – continue to be the strength and life of Sigma Pi. This past February, 460 of our brothers came to St. Louis for the 10th Mid-Year Leadership Conference, all with the purpose of making their chapters the best they can be. The weekend included the inaugural Province Archon Training Academy, designed specifically to equip these essential volunteers to help the success of the chapters in their charge. Twenty of our Province Archons took an extra day off from their jobs to undergo intensive instruction with our Executive Office staff. Meanwhile, our chapter officers went to boot camp in classes that included such topics as leadership, chapter organization, finances, rush, philanthropy and fraternity values, all to learn how to best do the requirements of the jobs they committed themselves to. Overall, this year’s Mid-Year Leadership Conference ranked as the largest known gathering of Sigma Pi brothers in our fraternity’s history! Elsewhere in that first Emerald issue, recent Phi (Illinois) alumnus Ralph Bauer took to task the critics of fraternity men, reminding them that . . . the efficiency and usefulness of a college organization is not to be found in the conduct, appearance and demeanor of the student members. . . The test is to be found in the finished product and not the half-finished material. Brother Bauer went on to ask: “Do not these same boisterous, rollicking, fun-loving students become real, live industrious, useful citizens? Fraternities mould men.” Apparently conflict with university administrators and “town and gown” issues were, and remain, a constant. But I am always impressed and encouraged by the quality of men our chapters produce – men who are better prepared to enter the workforce as leaders than are most of their non-Greek classmates. Another source of pride is the many ACE Projects and other philanthropies performed by our brothers. They make “service to God and man” a real part of their lives, and live our Creed by doing so. In
response to our critics, I endorse Brother Bauer’s suggestion that “What appears to some old fossils to be a sporty and wicked atmosphere is just the kind of atmosphere that said fossils need to live in for a short time, in order that the stale and sour gases of musty antiquity may be met by a suitable antidote.” Fun and education are not incompatible. Undergraduate Louis Foley (E, Ohio), who would be our Emerald editor for fifteen years, reminded our brothers that “pledges represent the future of a chapter” and should be chosen based “not so much [on] what he is as what he seems likely to become.” This remains good advice today, as does his conclusion that “the best way in which a pledge is to be taught is by example.” Overall, our chapters have done a fine job eliminating the practice of hazing from new member education programs, but we must always remember that hazing has no place in Sigma Pi. Membership in our fraternity is an opportunity for young men to learn, grow and mature. On a lighter note, some other items are not so constant. Delta (Pennsylvania) chapter’s new house, not far from its current location in Philadelphia, was rented for $60.00 per month, and the chapter’s “sole social function during the year was a tea.” I suspect that the social calendar for Delta – and the rest of our chapters – is somewhat different today. Sigma Pi has been through many struggles in the last century, but continues to grow, continues to succeed, and continues to produce “A New Generation of Leaders.” I am confident that a century from now Sigma Pi will endure, and will still be moulding men, through our strength, our values, and our brotherhood. Fraternally,
Grand Sage Brown
To increase the information available to as many brothers as possible, Grand Sage Brown is posting reminders and Sigma Pi news to Facebook (Christopher R. Brown) and Twitter (GrandSage). “Friend” or “Follow” him to keep up with Sigma Pi.
Member, North-American Interfraternity Conference
Christopher R. Brown Grand Sage Copyright © 2011 Sigma Pi Fraternity; Sigma Pi, ACE Project and the crest are trademarks of Sigma Pi, all rights reserved
In this issue Volume XCV, Number 3 Spring 2011 Editorial Staff John Kitch (H, Purdue ’73) Editor Brian C. Alley (A, Vincennes ’03) Associate Editor Todd Shelton Managing Editor/Creative Director Mark S. Briscoe (AP, Arkansas State ’82) Business Manager communications committee John Kitch (H, Purdue ’73) Brian Alley (A, Vincennes ’03) Joseph V. Palazzolo (DB, Monmouth ’03) Jonathan Drnjevic (BT, Valparaiso ’81) Jeffery Seay (HE, Florida State ’91) Jack Chenoweth (H, Purdue ’74) John Michelich (EG, Illinois Wesleyan ’75)
Sigma Pi Fraternity was founded at Vincennes University, Vincennes, Indiana, on February 26, 1897. Sigma Pi has chartered more than 215 chapters in North America and has initiated over 90,000 members since 1897. The founding fathers of the Fraternity are: Rolin Rosco James (1879 - 1953), William Raper Kennedy (1877 - 1944), James Thompson Kingsbury (1877 - 1950), George Martin Patterson (1877 - 1960) Emerald of Sigma Pi Fraternity (ISSN 1074-5289, USPS 011-013) has been published since 1911. Emerald is published three times a year by Sigma Pi Fraternity, P. O. Box 1897, Brentwood, Tennessee, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to SIGMA PI FRATERNITY, P. O. Box 1897, Brentwood, TN 37024. MEMBERS: When making an address change, please send your full name and chapter with both the old and new address to the Executive Office address below.
Lifetime Giving $10,000
18 departments
Submission Deadlines: Spring February 10 Summer May 10 Fall September 10
9 | The Foundation 14 | Executive Office
Submit Emerald news to: Sigma Pi Fraternity, Attention: Emerald P. O. Box 1897, Brentwood, TN 37024 Telephone: (615) 373-5728 Fax: (615) 373-8949 Email: emerald@sigmapi.org
24 | News from Chapters 36 | News from Alumni 39 | Adytum on High
24 Update us about your life . . . sigmapi.org
This 100th anniversary issue of the Emerald is dedicated to Past Grand Sages Louis L. Moore (K, Temple) and Francis L. Lisman (A, Vincennes), who were solely responsible for producing the magazine’s first issue on July 15, 1911. Moore, often called the Father of the Emerald, was editor-in-chief of the inaugural installment, while Lisman, the Fraternity’s first national president, served as both publisher and business manager. It would be impossible to celebrate the role that this publication has played in the Fraternity’s development over the last century without acknowledging these extraordinary Sigma Pi leaders for their enduring contribution to our brotherhood. May their spirit and example continue to guide the Emerald over the next one hundred years, just as they have the first one hundred.
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100 the emerald
years in print by Christian J. Miele (HN, Towson University) President, Sigma Pi Historical Society
The Emerald is Born The first real concerted effort to bring about the publication of a Fraternity journal was made in October 1910 at the Second Biennial Convocation, held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. At that meeting, the Constitution was amended to provide for the publication of a magazine to be called the Emerald. Prior to this action, the original national Constitution—a document created by Robert George Patterson and used by him under false pretenses to rule and manipulate the Fraternity, and buttress his apocryphal history of Sigma Pi—provided for the publication of a monthly journal called the Chronicle. Needless to say, the Chronicle was nothing more than another product of Patterson’s imagination, and never published. Yet in spite of the magazine’s perennial nonexistence, each national assemblage until the 1910 Convocation perfunctorily elected an editor-in-chief and business manager for the
a magazine in print, Grand Sage M. Atlee Ermold (K, Temple) appointed Louis L. Moore of Kappa as editor-in-chief, and Francis L. Lisman of Alpha as business manager.
Louis L. Moore Grand Sage, 1914–1916 Editor-in-Chief, Emerald Volume I, Number 1
theoretical publication. Devoid of any concrete mandates from the Fraternity’s leadership, these offices essentially existed in name only until, of course, the meeting in Pittsburgh where Willard M. Kiplinger (G, Ohio State) was elected editor and
Francis L. Lisman Grand Sage, 1908–1909 Publisher and Business Manager, Emerald Volume I, Number 1
business manager. Kiplinger, however, after making a survey of the Fraternity’s state of affairs, concluded that “the time was not ripe to launch such a project and resigned his post.” Undaunted by Kiplinger’s assessment of the situation and determined to see
Brothers Moore and Lisman entered at once upon their duties and carried out their work with great enthusiasm despite a lack of funds and the fact that the editor was engaged in a private enterprise that kept him constantly traveling about the country. The staff also had to contend with a dearth of contributors and subscribers. To that end, Moore sent a letter to all of the chapters, asking for letters, news, and stories, while Lisman focused on obtaining subscriptions. After almost interminable urging, there filtered into the editorial “office” letters from Phi, Kappa, and Epsilon Chapters; a half-page story from Louis Foley (E, Ohio), entitled “Our ‘Preps’”; a two-page story from Past Grand Second Counselor Ralph Stanley Bauer (F, Illinois), entitled “Measure of the College
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of all the obstacles that doomed their mission to failure, Brothers Moore and Lisman remained steadfast in their determination to go to press, and through a heavy blanket of fog emerged the shining light of perseverance. Published in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the first issue of the Emerald, made its appearance on July 15, 1911, and according to Moore, “was an attractive number, bound in light brown covers with dark green title, and contained twenty-four pages.” In a feature article entitled “Vol. I, No. 1,” which appeared in the July 1921 issue, Moore expressed: “We are still proud of that little old first issue, because it was our firstborn, and the shabby old copy remaining in our possession means much to one who is fond of holding up the retrospective mirror to Sigma Pi.” The First Photograph, October 1914: This portrait of Louis L. Moore is considered the Emerald’s first published photograph. Moore was Grand Sage at the time of its publication.
Fraternity as an Institution;” and a “History of Delta Chapter,” an article that included an account of that chapter’s installation, which effectively began the Emerald’s long tradition of expansion news. In corresponding with the various chapters, the editor had also requested a full list of each chapter’s members, for in those days the Grand Fourth Counselor did not possess a general membership roll. This request had been made with the dual purpose of compiling a directory for publication, as well as obtaining a potential subscription list. The former objective materialized in the “Official Directory of Sigma Pi Fraternity,” which occupied the last five pages of the first issue. Included in the directory were the names of the national officers and chapter officers, as well as a listing of as many members as were reported by the chapters. The list totaled 216 names, many of which were supplemented with biographical information. As for the subscription list,
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“even the most plaintive appeals to the chapters from the ‘staff’ asking them to rally to the support of the periodical, which they had all demanded, only rebounded as hollow echoes on the listening ears of the business manager. The men would not subscribe,” recalled Moore. No more than a dozen members of the Fraternity came forward with their dollar. And worse, the staff received no funding from the Grand Chapter. In fact, only one advertiser—The Hoover & Smith Company, the official jeweler of the Fraternity— assisted in financing the venture. Consequently, Moore and Lisman made up the deficit occasioned by the printing cost with money out of their own pockets. “The adventure was not a profitable one,” wrote Byron R. Lewis (A, Vincennes & F, Illinois), who at the time of the undertaking was serving his first of eleven consecutive terms as Grand Herald. He stated that Lisman had been “out of pocket about fifty dollars,” which was back then no small sum of money. But in spite
A century later, the spirit of that little old first issue continues to reside in the pages of today’s magazine.
An Excerpt: The First Editorial, July 15, 1911 “It is with mingled pride and gratification that we launch our little bark the Emerald and steer its course on the literary sea of fraternity journals. It bears messages of greeting and good will to all our brethren and we want it to be the agent of full and free communication between each chapter and each brother. To accomplish this result we shall expect every member of our Fraternity to feel and show a live interest in this, HIS PAPER, and to help with his pen and with his keen interest to make the Emerald second to none as a fraternity journal. Every one of us are interested in what is being done by our distant brethren and, though we may not know them faceto-face, yet the same ties bind us and the knowledge of what they have done and are doing will surely draw us all into closer
did you know? With a staggering sixty issues to his credit, Louis Foley (E, Ohio) is the longest-serving editor in the history of the Emerald. His tenure lasted over fifteen years and spanned three decades! In addition, Brother Foley, who served as Grand Fourth Counselor from April 22, 1916– August 10, 1919, is the only editor to have been bestowed the honorary title Editor Emeritus.
1915 1918 1933 1936
January 1915 Issue Also referred to as “Phi Number,” this issue was the first to be dedicated to a specific chapter (Phi Chapter at the University of Illinois). The custom of dedicating issues to individual chapters was discontinued after the January 1921 issue.
October 1918 Issue First issue to feature an “In Memoriam” page to announce the names of recently deceased members. This section has been known as the “Adytum on High” since the May 1945 issue.
November 1933 Issue Starting with the July 1932 issue, the Emerald introduced a series of consecutive covers, which were water color reproductions of old Greek subjects. These originally appeared in the 1932 volume of the Blue and Gold, University of California yearbook, and were secured through an arrangement with the Associated Students there.
May 1936 Issue Debut of “Buck’s Chatter,” the Emerald’s longstanding opinion column penned by William I. Marable (AH, William & Mary). The cover of this issue is one in a series of covers identified by photographs of the hands, representing various college activities.
February 1937 Issue Harold Jacobsen (L, Kenyon), also known as “Mr. Sigma Pi,” becomes the first person to be featured on the cover of the Emerald. Jacobsen, the Fraternity’s first executive secretary, earned this distinction upon his election as both a member of the National Intrerfraternity Conference executive committee and chairman of the College Fraternity Secretaries’ Association.
did you know? Mrs. James T. Wilson, formerly Sarah Seiler, edited twenty-six issues of the Emerald from 1965–1972, and is the only non-member and female to serve as editor. Wilson was a member of Pi Beta Phi Sorority at DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana.
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relationship one to the other, and will foster that spirit for which our Fraternity stands. We want to make and keep the Emerald always bright, crisp, sparkling, and to accomplish this result we want our whole Fraternity to consider itself a “Committee of the Whole” on the advancement of the Emerald and each member an ex-officio contributing editor. If this is done—success is assured from the start.”
did you know? Louis L. Moore (one issue), William D. Akers (one issue), Donald J. Cox Sr. (one issue), Larry P. Rovira (seven issues), and John D. Kitch (eight issues and counting) are the five Grand Sages to have served as editor of the Emerald.
—Louis L. Moore, Editor-in-Chief
A Publication for Generations to Come With the first issue actually off the press and distributed, mostly as complimentary copies to the chapters, Brother Moore began work on the magazine’s second installment. The chapters wanted a journal and wanted it badly, but could not manage to drum up the financial support necessary for a follow-up issue. Although the copy was all written and ready to be handed off to the printer, Volume I, Number 2,
never appeared, and over three years would go by before the appearance of the magazine’s second issue. An examination of the challenges associated with the publication of the initial number plainly reveals why the new venture was not an instant success. At the time, Sigma Pi had
been a national organization but three years, had yet to gain solid financial ground, and consisted of only four active chapters. And much to their disappointment, the enthusiastic support that the staff had anticipated was not forthcoming, a reality that led to the abandonment of the enterprise altogether.
This unfortunate experience cooled the ardor of those who had been clamoring for a Fraternity journal, and no further efforts were taken to resume publication of the magazine until the Fourth Biennial Convocation (1914), although the preceding Convocation, following precedent, had elected a staff. At the 1914 Convocation, Luther C. Weeks (H, Purdue) and Kenneth G. Hobart (I, California) were selected as editor and business manager, respectively. The Fraternity also entered into what would become a longtime publishing arrangement with the George Banta Publishing Company, of Menasha, Wisconsin, a leading publisher of national fraternity and sorority journals. On October 1, 1914, the new staff produced its first number, which it designated Volume II, Number 1. Since that time, with only a few exceptions, the magazine has appeared regularly (quarterly). Beginning with the Summer 2009 issue, the Emerald has been published three times a year.
August 1940–May 1941 Issues The Emerald honored the Founders of Sigma Pi by featuring each one of them on consecutive covers, beginning with the August 1940 issue and ending with the May 1941 issue.
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1945 1967 1969 1972
August 1945 Issue The cover of this issue reflects the Emerald’s patriotic disposition throughout World War II, one of the most trying periods in the Fraternity’s existence.
Fall 1967 Issue The color reproductions of the badge on the front cover of this issue and pledge pin on its back cover were in response to repeated requests from alumni and undergraduates to “inspire and renew fraternal feeling for Sigma Pi brothers everywhere.”
did you know? The Reston/Fitzpatrick Emerald Award of Merit is presented annually to the chapter and alumni club making the most noteworthy contribution to the magazine. It is named after New York Times journalist and Pulitzer Prize winner James B. “Scotty” Reston (F, Illinois) and longtime Emerald contributor Karen M. Fitzpatrick, late wife of E. Andrew Morris (GU, Murray State), former executive director and sitting Grand Fourth Counselor.
Winter 1969 Issue
Cover within a cover: The cover of the May 19, 1967, issue of Life Magazine, spotlighting Captain Walter M. “Wally” Schirra Jr. (AM, NJIT), also appeared as the cover of the Winter 1969 issue of the Emerald. The photograph of the Sigma Pi astronaut was taken by Robert Morse to accompany a story announcing the selection of Brother Schirra as command pilot of Apollo 7. It will be of interest to Sigma Pi members that our “Pi in the Sky” made six orbits of the Earth in the spacecraft he named Sigma 7 on October 3, 1962; each astronaut named his capsule and added to it the numeral 7 to denote the teamwork of the original seven astronauts.
Spring 1972 Issue The Emerald begins a nine-year run in newspaper format with the Spring 1972 issue.
2002 Winter 2002 Issue The Emerald introduced the name Tony Romo (BG, Eastern Illinois) to Sigma Pi brothers long before he became a household name as the starting quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys when he was featured in the magazine’s “Sigma Pi on the Gridiron” cover story in the Winter 2002 issue.
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The Decades The Editors
Note: This list was compiled using information contained in the 359 issues of the Emerald that have been located and officially catalogued by the Sigma Pi Historical Society. Continuity gaps may exist due to the fact that there are some issues that were either never published or are “missing.” In addition, there are some issues that do not credit an editor. It is believed that the Fraternity archives are incomplete at this time with respect to the Emerald, and it a goal of the Sigma Pi Historical Society to build a complete collection. A listing of issues that may be “missing” has been printed elsewhere in this issue. Please email the Sigma Pi Historical Society at historicalsociety@sigmapi.org if you would care to donate any missing issue(s) to the Fraternity archives so that a complete collection of the Emerald might be housed therein.
1930s Louis L. Moore (K, Temple) 1911
Jeffrey P. Knezovich (BG, Eastern Illinois) 1981
Luther C. Weeks (H, Purdue) 1914–1915
E. Andrew Morris (GU, Murray State) 1981, 1985–1986
William D. Akers (Z, Ohio Northern) 1916
Darrell J. Edquist (EN, Cal State, Fullerton) 1982–1983
Robert B. Fall (H, Purdue) 1916, 1918–1920 Raymond A. Hoyer (K, Temple) 1916–1917 Philip W. Timberlake (L, Kenyon) 1920–1929 I. King Wilkin (I, California) 1929–1944 Marion B. Plant (I, California) 1931 Harold Jacobsen (L, Kenyon) 1933–1935, 1944–1945, 1961–1965 Louis Foley (E, Ohio) 1945–1961 Mrs. James T. Wilson 1965–1972 Curtis G. Shake (A, Vincennes) 1972–1973 Richard R. Barnard (DG, Milton) 1973–1975 D. Dean Crook (BG, Eastern Illinois) 1976–1978, 1992–1995 William C. Marrs (DY, Troy State) 1978–1980
| Spring 2011
George R. Sansoucy (AP, Arkansas State) 1983–1985 Larry P. Rovira (EN, Cal State, Fullerton) 1985, 2001–2002 Kevin J. Darst (EB, Kentucky) 1987–[1989?]
Donald J. Cox Sr. (K, Temple) 1995
Thomas A. Moore Jr. (GR, Western Michigan) 1995–1996 Mark S. Briscoe (AP, Arkansas State) 1997
James R. Corridan (AW, San Diego State) 1998–2001 Jonathon A. Spencer (BN, SIU Carbondale) 1998
Andrew D. Smith (DY, Troy) 2003–2005 Brian C. Alley (A, Vincennes) 2005–2006
Adam L. Dibble (QQ, Ferris State) 2006–2008 John D. Kitch (H, Purdue) 2008–Present
The Foundation
Dear Brothers:
FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Allen W. Yee (AF, Georgia ’99) Chairman James T. Jennings (GU, Murray State ’93) Vice-Chairman of Administration Gary D. Dvorchak (X, Iowa ’86) Vice-Chairman of Finance Les L. Wright (GU, Murray State ’70) Vice-Chairman of Development Gary S. Grubacich (AO, UC - Santa Barbara ’64) Vice-Chairman of Legal Affairs Joseph V. Palazzolo (DB, Monmouth ’03) Treasurer Ian M. Itschner (W, Oregon State ’93) Secretary DIRECTORS Edward A. Mora (BO, Cal State - Long Beach ’93) John J. Merino (BO, Cal State - Long Beach ’58) John J. McCann (AN, NJIT ’83) Jay Joern (GS, Missouri ’76) Chris R. Brown (GH, Rutgers ’81) George N. Hakim (GA, Detroit Mercy ’78) Paul W. Hansen, Advisor Director (BT, Valparaiso ’80) Frank C. Fryburg, Honorary Life Director (Q, Penn State ’49)
Providing the young men of our Fraternity with the tools to succeed has always been the mission of the Sigma Pi Educational Foundation. But that mission has never been more important than it is today in this unprecedented time of rising educational costs, competitive job markets, and economic challenges. Your support allows us to fulfill that important mission. And this academic year is a testament to that support. As the school year ends, I am pleased to report that the Foundation was able to provide over $91,000 in support to the Fraternity and its members, including over $41,000 in scholarships and $40,000 in direct grants for the Fraternity’s Mid-Year Leadership Conference. Indeed, with dozens of scholarships awarded and the largest attendance ever at this year’s Mid-Year Leadership Conference, more Sigma Pi men than ever are seeing the benefit of your gifts and learning the tools they need to succeed. As our support for Sigma Pi grows so does the Foundation as an organization. During the school year, we saw a 19% increase in our overall capitalization, fueled primarily by increased donations and investment gains. We also increased alumni communications with a new website and e-newsletter, hosted a record number of alumni and donor events across the country, welcomed five new members to our Board of Trustees, and added dozens of talented alumni volunteers. Most importantly, last month we launched our new Strategic Plan, which will guide us in our new era of growth and initiative and allow us to raise our level of support for the Fraternity and its membership to previously unseen levels. I invite you to be a part of this time of growth. Attend an event, volunteer, make a gift, or share with us your thoughts and ideas. Whatever your contribution, you will help ensure that all of our Sigma Pi men will be equipped with the right tools for facing the challenges before them. More today than ever before, I BELIEVE IN SIGMA PI and the positive impact it can have on the lives of young men. On behalf of the entire Board of Trustees and the thousands of Sigma Pi men who benefited this year from the loyalty and generosity of our alumni, I thank you for believing too.
FOUNDATION STAFF Chief Operations Officer Jonathan M. Frost (DZ, Missouri - STL ’02)
Very Truly Yours,
Administrative Assistant Jennifer R. Wyatt ADMINSTRATIVE OFFICES

Sigma Pi Educational Foundation Post Office Box 1897 Brentwood, TN 37024
Allen W. Yee Chairman of the Board of Trustees (AF - University of Georgia ‘99)
Tel: (615) 373-5728 Fax: (615) 373-8949 Email: edfound@sigmapi.org Website: www.sigmapiedfund.org
Helping Our Fraternity Build “A New Generation of Leaders”
“Certainly, because of the interest the Educational Foundation has shown in my education, I will be a more dedicated member in the future.” — Donavan Hylarides Update us about your life . . . sigmapiedfund.org
The Foundation Foundation Spotlight: Brother Andy Salas (BO, Cal State-Long Beach, ’78) joins the Traveler’s Society
In February alumnus Andy Salas (BO, Cal State-Long Beach, ’78) surpassed $10,000 lifetime giving to the Educational Foundation. As we continue to learn more about our donors and the importance the Fraternity experience has had in their lives, we caught up with Andy to find out WHY he gives. We appreciate his contributions and are happy to put this “Foundation Spotlight” on Brother Salas! Who in Sigma Pi has had the biggest impact in your life and why? Rick Denmon (BO, Cal StateLong Beach, ’76) who was Sage when I pledged. As with many things, first impressions stay with you and have a lasting effect. As an undergraduate what was your most memorable Sigma Pi experience? In my sophomore year I was chairman of our Fall Formal dinner dance. We had not had one for quite some time and everyone was excited that we were going to have it. It was a very successful event with everyone having a great time. I took great pride in organizing the event and having it be such a pleasurable event for all. What best prepared you for the transition from college to the working world? The leadership experience of being Sage for two terms. I also served as chairman for various committees. My accomplishments in these activities gave me great confidence in my abilities to lead and be successful. You own and operate a company with one of your Fraternity brother; can you tell us how this came about? My roommate at the time, Bob Gau and I had been fraternity brothers for about 5 years. One Sunday while reading the paper
| Spring 2011
Brother Andy Salas, his wife Rosemary, and their two daughters Ashley and Amber
he asked me if I was interested in going into business for ourselves. At the time he was working for a company and while he enjoyed it, he saw opportunities if we set up our own company. I said yes and 30+ years later we are still running a successful business. As an alumnus what do you look forward to seeing in the Emerald magazine? I like to keep up to date on what Sigma Pi is doing as well as the update of CSULB (Beta-Omicron). In your personal life, you are involved with various philanthropic organizations; can you tell us about this experience, what have you got out of this? I am involved with Team in Training an organization that raises funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS). They help individuals accomplish an endurance event such as a marathon, triathlon or a 100 mile bike ride and raise funds for the LLS. I am a coach for the cycle
team and have been involved with them for 2 years. College nowadays is vastly different from when you attended what timeless advice would you give your undergraduate brothers. Take full advantage of your Sigma Pi Fraternity experience. Get involved, be an officer of your chapter, be on a committee, or head up a committee. Attend events and participate in activities. With this you will gain valuable experience and self confidence that will help you in your future endeavors. Whether it is business or personal, what’s the best advice you have ever received? Set goals and do what is necessary to accomplish them. What is one thing you would like to see the Foundation accomplish (or do) in the next few years? You are doing it now - Keep up the good work!
Andy and his wife Rosemary have been married 24 years and reside in Southern California with their two daughters, Ashley 15 and Amber 12. In his free time Salas is an avid cyclist and really enjoys long distance endurance rides and completes about 8-10, 100 mile bike rides a year! In our parting, I asked brother Salas why he gives to the Educational Foundation? Andy’s response, “Young men in college and Universities are the future of our country. They will be leaders, entrepreneurs, and politicians of the next generation. The Foundation provides assistance so these men can realize their potential both in college and their careers.”
The Foundation
The Sigma Pi Educational Foundation strives to provide tools and resources to ensure the success of our members – regardless of graduate status In today’s economic situation it is evident that this support can make the difference in a brother reaching his full potential. Whether it is providing life skills and resume tips or alumni networking events, the value of this support is immeasurable. 1 of every 10 students who graduated a 4 year institution as noted on Forbes.com: 42008, owed $40,000 or more in loans. 42006, owed $23,000 or more in loans. 41996, owed $13,200 or more in loans. Thanks to the many alumni and parent donors the Sigma Pi Educational Foundation is able to provide regional networking events, professional development opportunities at Sigma Pi University and over 25 scholarships. These programs provide opportunities for alumni members to leverage their association in Sigma Pi Fraternity while helping defray increasing education costs. These scholarships are available to both undergraduate and graduate students and provide the opportunity to receive financial support to cover their educational expenses. The Sigma Pi Educational Foundation strongly supports the academic pursuits of members; shown below is a current list of accessible scholarships that Graduate level members can apply for.
Graduate Level Scholarships Lothar I. Iverson
Judge Curtis G. Shake
Siress for Zeta-Eta
Fryburg Scholarship
Timothy B. Haney Cliff Wilke
Foundation Bio: Donavan Hylarides (Ferris State, ’09) Donavan graduated from Ferris State University with degrees in Political Science and Philosophy. As a member of Theta-Theta Chapter he served as New Member Education Chairman, Vice-President, and President, he also served on the Nominating Committee at the 2008 Convocation in Long Beach, CA. Currently, Donavan is in his second year at Wake Forest University School of Law. As a recipient of the Judge Curtis G. Shake Scholarship, Brother Hylarides expressed his appreciation to the Educational Foundation and wanted to pass along his appreciation to all contributors. “I applied for the Shake scholarship to help pay the costs of law school. Through the scholarship, the Educational Foundation has helped me cover some of the immense expenditures associated with the study of law, thereby demonstrating its continued commitment to advancement of Truth and Justice. Unfortunately, law students are too often confronted with limited career options due to burgeoning student loans. However, because of such scholarships, we can direct our efforts toward being true citizen lawyers. The Shake scholarship has also helped my transition to law school by allowing me to take my focus off of the financial aspects of a legal education and more on the skills I am developing.” “I would like to thank all of those who donate to and volunteer for the Educational Foundation. Your generous gifts have been a significant help to me. It is especially heartening to see that the Educational Foundation does not stop caring about our members after graduation. Scholarships to graduate students demonstrate that donors are interested in seeing members continue to advance the creed of Sigma Pi after our undergrad years have passed. Certainly, because of the interest the Educational Foundation has shown in my education, I will be a more dedicated member in the future. “
For a complete list of scholarships including those available for undergraduate members exclusively, please visit www.sigmapiedfund.org.
“It is honorable and directly in harmony with the Sigma Pi ideals and standards to provide the tools and resources that help our student members achieve academic excellence.”
if you would like to make a
donation to the
Sigma Pi Educational Foundation visit us on-line at
www.sigmapiedfund.org or through the browser on your smartphone at
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The Foundation Alumni members give freely of their time and professional expertise assisting the Educational Foundation to provide tools and resources that are vital to the success of future generations of our brotherhood. The Educational Foundation has been recruiting alumni volunteers to make our organization stronger and more successful. These efforts have cultivated over 15 new Board and Committee members; combining the talents and skills of these volunteers we are now better positioned to increase the effectiveness of our mission. In recognition of their contributions we want to introduce these brothers and the committees they serve.
Board of Directors: To provide the strategic direction and scope of the Educational Foundation and its services. Audit Committee: To provide expertise on internal control measures and provide in-depth knowledge on annual audits to improve fiscal accountability. “Sigma Pi allowed me tremendous leadership opportunities while in college. Financially supporting
the educational foundation and volunteering to serve as a member of the audit committee are my way of returning the favor. In the end, I want to make sure the undergraduates of today have the same opportunities I had,” said Paul Hetrick. Investment Committee: To provide expertise on investment strategies to ensure growth and stability in the Foundation’s capital portfolio.
Technology Committee: To provide expertise on the technological issues and social media initiatives. “I want to use the skills I have to help the Educational Foundation continue on their mission,” said Mike Ayalon. Grants/Scholarship Committee: To provide expertise on reviewing grants provided by the Fraternity and selection of scholarship recipients.
Sigma Pi Educational Foundation Board of Directors
Chairman Allen W. Yee (Georgia, ’99) Attorney-at-Law Vinson & Elkins, LLP
VC of Administration James T. Jennings (Murray State, ’93) Vendor Development Manager Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, Inc.
Treasurer Joseph V. Palazzolo (Monmouth, ’03) Lending New Jersey Community Capital
VC of Investments Gary D. Dvorchak (Iowa, ’86) Managing Partner Aviance Capital Management
VC of Legal Affairs Gary S. Grubacich (UC-Santa Barbara, ’64) Attorney-at-Law McCarthy & Kroes, LLP
VC of Development Leslie L. Wright (Murray State, ’70) Director of Sales - Retired Hertz Corporation
Secretary Ian M. Itschner (Oregon State, ’93) President Talon Consulting
Director Dr. Lester “Jay” Joern (Missouri, ’76) Dentist South St. Louis Dental Group
Director Edward A. Mora (Cal State-Long Beach, ’93) VP & Senior Private Client Advisor Bank of the West
Director Chris R. Brown (Rutgers, ’81) Attorney-at-Law Drazin & Warshaw, P.C.
Advisor Director Paul W. Hansen (Valparaiso, ’80) Financial Consultant Smith Barney
Director George N. Hakim (Detroit Mercy, ’78) Facilities and Operations Director for the University of Michigan-Flint.
Director John J. Merino (Cal State-Long Beach, ’58) Educational Administrator – Retired Mater Dei High School
Director John J. McCann (NJIT, ’83) CEO Conti Communications, Inc.
| Spring 2011
The Foundation Chairman Allen Yee and brother Jason Huseman (Murray State, ’94) share in discussions during a planning session in Nashville, TN. The Foundation Board of Directors and Committee Members invited local area alumni to join in the planning session to offer input on the direction of Sigma Pi.
Marketing Committee: To provide expertise on marketing and branding initiatives of the Foundation to increase awareness. “The average life of a corporation is 50-75 years. Sigma Pi is 114 years old and still growing. We are doing a better job....The marketing challenge today is to fully understand who we are and
what we stand for. Once that is clear we can then craft a long term marketing campaign that is authentic and fully represents the values of the modern fraternity. Done right, it will help us grow stronger and smarter and help us lead in the fraternal world. Let’s get busy!” said Nelson Farris.
Marketing Committee
Technology Committee
Grant/Scholarship Committee
Nelson L. Farris (Cal State-Long Beach, ’69) Director/Ambassador NIKE, Inc
Mike R. Ayalon (SUNY-Buffalo, ’97) CEO Petwebdesigner.com
Dr. Joseph “Jay” A. Morgan (Murray State, ’93) Associate Provost Murray State University
Adam L. Dibble (Ferris State, ’06) Marketing Manager Profile Products, LLC
Chris M. Ruth (UM-ST. Louis, ’08) Senior Graphical Interface Designer Automation Solutions
Dr. Jonathan M. Drnjevic (Valparaiso, ’81) Instructor, Department of English Arizona State University
Shea M. Stickler (Arizona State, ’90) Executive Consultant KPM Ventures
Matt E. Smith (Valparaiso, ’05) Technical Support Specialist Valparaiso University-IT
Dr. Thomas J. Holt (UM-St. Louis, ’99) Associate Professor Michigan State University
Investment Committee R. Todd Miller (UT-Martin, ’87) Owner D&T Investments
Audit Committee Paul M. Hetrick, CPA (Murray State, ’92) Sr. Director, Accounting Practices & Initiatives NEWAssurion Corporation
Paul E. McDonald (Murray State, ’70) President & CFO McDonald Family Foundation
Robert D. Roberson, CPA (UM-St. Louis, ’71) CEO & President Frontenac Bancshares, Inc
Derick J. Rheaume Jr. (Bridgewater State, ‘03) Bank Examiner Legal & Compliance Risk Dept. Federal Reserve Bank of New York
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Executive Office 2009-2010 Statistics Ending June 30, 2010
Total number of chapters:
Total number of colonies:
Total number of initiates:
Central Florida
East Carolina
Arkansas Tech
Embry-Riddle (FL)
Georgia Tech
Texas Tech
Washington State
Oklahoma State
2009-2010 Pledges
2009-2010 Initiates
Top 5 Chapter Total Initiates 1. Eastern Illinois
2. Indiana
3. Auburn
4. Penn State
5. Cornell
sigma pi members in each state 5,000 - 9,000 2,500 - 4,999 1,000 - 2,499 500 - 999 100 - 499 Less that 100
| Spring 2011
Executive Office Fraternity Financial Statement Ending June 30, 2010 REVENUE Pledge & Initiate Fees $1,005,075 (53%) Insurance & Programming Fees $691,208 (37%) Educational Foundation Rental Income & Reimbursed Expenses $52,683 (3%)
EXPENSES Chapter Charterings & Supply Sales $23,056 (1%) Alumni Club Dues $13,650 (1%) Other $15,926 (1%)
Royalties $37,709 (2%)
Regional Conferences $9,268 (0%)
Educational Foundation Grants $32,500 (2%)
Interest Income $1,574 (0%)
Statement of Financial Position for the Year Ending June 30, 2010
Administrative $699,718 (39%)
Alumni Services $40,468 (2%)
Fraternity Activities $463,556 (26%) Insurance Premiums & Reserves $434,068 (24%) Communication $78,559 (4%) Mid-Year Leadership Conf. & Sigma Pi University $64,079 (4%)
Statement of Activities for the Year Ending June 30, 2010
Note: Audited Financial Statement Report or IRS Form 990 is available upon request.
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Executive Office Volunteer Opportunities Sigma Pi has recruited and retains amazing regional alumni volunteers that are integral parts in the entire organization’s progress. The regional volunteers, or Province Archons, oversee both undergraduate and alumni members in their area and help facilitate every aspect of our members’ fraternal lives, such as developing the young leaders of today’s chapters or organizing networking and social events for local alumni wishing to reconnect. Sigma Pi is looking for motivated alumni that are looking to give back to their organization by being a Province Archon. Below are a few regions that are in need of a Province Archon to lead the local undergraduate chapters in the area:
The impact that an active, dedicated alumni volunteer has on current and future generations of Sigma Pi cannot be overstated. So what type of person is ideal for the role of Province Archon? Here are some suggested skills and intended outcomes:
As always, there are plenty of other opportunities to volunteer your time and experiences to Sigma Pi in your area. Every one of our members have talents and specialties that other members can benefit from and it is by working together to best utilize each other’s strong points that we all make Sigma Pi a better fraternal organization. Here are some other volunteer positions that are available on a local level:
Wisconsin 4Wisconsin-Madison 4Wisconsin-Oshkosh 4Wisconsin-Platteville 4Michigan Tech Arizona 4Arizona State 4Embry-Riddle Central Pennsylvania 4Penn State 4Indiana of Pennsylvania 4Penn State – Altoona labama A 4Auburn 4West Alabama 4Alabama Keystone 4Franklin & Marshall 4Millersville 4Towson
For a detailed list of positions available in your area, please visit Sigma Pi’s volunteer webpage, www.sigmapi.org/alumniServices/volApp.cfm. Here, you’ll also be able to see the application for volunteering your time and effort to Sigma Pi. To learn more about specific volunteer positions and the personal, professional, and fraternal benefits of volunteerism, please contact the Director of Volunteer Support & Alumni Services, A.J. Carroll at 800-332-1897 or acarroll@sigmapi.org.
| Spring 2011
Executive Office
Current Alumni Clubs 1897 Alumni Association
Alpha Alumni Association
Arizona Alumni Association
Beach Cities Alumni Club
Beta Chapter Alumni Club
Beta-Sigma Alumni Association
Cascade Alumni Association
Central Illinois Alumni Association
Central Iowa Alumni Association
Cletus A. Broecker Alumni Club
Eta-Eta Alumni Association
Eta-Nu Alumni Club
Georgia Alumni Club
Greater Detroit Alumni Club
Irvine Alumni Association
Jack C. Fields Alumni Club
James H. Hauser Alumni Club
Jersey Shore Alumni Club
Kappa Alumni Association
Kentucky Thoroughbred Alumni Club
Moe M. Mitzman Alumni Association
Niagra Frontier Alumni Association
New York City Alumni Club
North Jersey Alumni Club
Old Raritan Alumni Club
Orange County Alumni Association
Ozark Alumni Club
Phi of Sigma Pi Alumni Club
Psi Theta Nu Alumni Club
Rancho Dominguez Alumni Association
Rhode Island Alumni Association
River City Alumni Association
Rotunda Alumni Club
Seminole Alumni Club
Find the latest news:
Sigma Pi Alumni Association of Arkansas
Sigma Pi Alumni Association of Saginaw
Sigma Pi Columbus Alumni Club
Southeastern Keystone Alumni Club
Southern New Jersey Alumni Club
Southern West Virginia Alumni Club
Theta Alumni Association
Theta-Delta Alumni Association
Upsilon Alumni Association
Western Michigan Alumni Club
Winston-Salem Alumni Club
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What you need to know: 4SPU Showcase Nashville, Tenn., July 23,2011. Venue to be announced. Follow up on Facebook or sigmapi.org. 4Download “To the End” www.cdbaby.com/cd/ jacksonyoung ($1 will be donated to Sigma Pi Educational Foundation for each download) 4Official video “Summertime Kinda Girl” to be released mid May.
| Spring 2011
Pi . . . to the end: Jackson Young
Jackson Young (A, Vincennese) spends countless hours honing his craft. Mix that with his remarkable talent, boyish good looks and an Elvis-like charm and that puts Jackson Young directly into the country music spotlight. This shy, young man with a gypsy soul found the path to his dreams and he is walking tall. However, that path has not always been as clear. After graduation from high school in Loogootee, Indiana, Jackson enrolled at Vincennes University with every intention of becoming an attorney and eventually the youngest Supreme Court Justice ever appointed to the federal court. While still in college, Jackson followed the
advice of his grandfather and joined the military reserve. During this time, a slightly different goal developed – to be a JAG lawyer, but when 9/11 happened, Jackson wanted to serve his nation and went to active duty. Jackson comments, “Being a college man and member of Sigma Pi taught me a lot about being a leader, but the military taught me how to be a man.” His time stationed at Ft. Campbell, Kentucky with the 101st Airborne Div. Air Assault brought Jackson closer to a new destiny. A night out with friends in Nashville, Tennessee found Jackson singing on stage for the first time, and that’s when he knew he’d found his passion. Not one to stop at singing, he began songwriting. His life experience lends much to his new role as songwriter. With a genuine love for people, Jackson’s goal is to touch lives in a positive way. “Whether it’s writing inspirational stories about life or performing live, I give a hundred percent and all my heart,” comments Jackson. Always looking for a new adventure, Jackson soon found himself walking the model runway during a contest at Opry Mills. At no time had he modeled or acted, yet he won his division. Catching on quick, he began landing acting and
modeling roles including being the national face of Rooter Man, each a step up on the ladder of his success. This also led to the formation of his dance company, Shall We Dance. Jackson learns from each and every event in his life which propels him on his quest to be the best that he can be. After only six years in Nashville, he is now a singer, songwriter, actor, model and ballroom dancer, each a piece of Jackson Young, the entertainer. Jackson’s hard work is beginning to pay off as he walks into his destiny. He signed a songwriter’s deal with ABET International Music Group, Inc. and a recording contract with Platinum Planet Music, Inc. His first foray into the studio was for the commercial/ jingle production house, OTC Creative; that voiceover ad is currently airing in Kansas. Shortly thereafter, he began recording his own project at the legendary Sound Shop alongside acclaimed musicians Chester Thompson, Boh Cooper, Michael Rhodes, Chris Leuzinger and behind the board was Grammy award-winning engineer, Mark Capps. Noted producer/publisher/ songwriter Justin Peters was at the helm. The result is Jackson’s new mini-CD, The First Sessions. But it’s not just his dreams he’s concerned about. Jackson volunteers for Toys for Tots, an organization whose primary goal is to deliver, through a new toy at Christmas, a message of hope to less fortunate youngsters that will assist them in becoming responsible, productive, and patriotic citizens -- values that Jackson has fought to uphold. Jackson Young is a man of the people. He’s worn many shoes throughout his life, a journey on which he’s lived in poverty, enjoyed a lavish lifestyle and everything in between – from the deserts of Iraq, and the flatland of Indiana, to the
mountains of Tennessee. All these influences make his music of the people, by the people and for the people. Jackson Young is a man with a heart, talent and charisma...a bright star shining on the horizon. The Emerald had the opportunity to discuss his life and career with Jackson. As a child, who did you most admire? I grew up all over a gypsy if you will with a suit case through the “wind shield” life unfolded for me. The only two people that really impacted me would be my grandmother which I call her my “Nanny” Wendy Duvall and my 5th grade teacher Ron Gilbert. They were the only two who saw what every one else didn’t or threw away! It was my potential they encouraged and motivated. I wouldn’t be the man I am today if they wouldn’t have been who I “admired”. They taught me through their actions in their life that any thing was possible with hard work and focus. As a child or teen, what was your life ambition? I’ve worn lots of shoes even as a child. I would have to say honestly I had zero direction as a teen. My high school principal said “that boy will be dead or in prison by the time he is 25.” It wasn’t until I was 17 and a girl I thought a lot of was killed in a car wreck that I turned it all around. I went from being a straight F student up until my junior year to graduating with a B plus average. My senior year I was the defense attorney in a mock trial for government and it was then I knew law would be my destiny.
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What prompted you to go through fraternity rush? I was a supervisor for some of the guys at the time I elected to start at a junior college and transfer to a 4 year school. I was friends with the brothers and had gone to several parties etc. . . But once they knew I was a freshman they were very interested in having their supervisor as a pledge, wouldn’t you? So after hearing the Creed for the first time and seeing the closeness they had I was hooked. How did you select Sigma Pi fraternity? When I went to national in Vincennes at the time and heard from Mark Briscoe about what Sigma Pi stood for and what it embodied, I wanted to embrace that in my own life. Also being an “Alpha” has always been my personality plus being an international fraternity on a junior campus was exciting as well as the distinguished alumni who came before us to include one of my influences, Tracy Lawrence. Was there anyone in Sigma Pi you were closest to? Who? Why? Jim Hills (AC, Maryland) first of all simply because he gave me work and a place to stay for the summer when I had no where else to turn. Mike Utter (A, Vincennes) because we became the closest of friends through our fraternity experience and of course my pledge class. Without each other we would have never become “one” and that is what defines our brotherhood. Did you have any leadership roles in Sigma Pi? I mostly held external positions on campus. I was Greek Council president for Vincennes Campus and financial chair for the chapter as well as being a founding member and implementing “The Wall of Fame” at Alpha chapter. I also held the position of VP of internal affairs at Indiana State. I felt with my open mind I best served my brothers by representing what Sigma Pi was all about in public relations with other undergraduates and Greeks. What is your fondest memory or memories as an undergraduate in Sigma Pi?
| Spring 2011
Jackson Young (seated) during a recent shoot for the music video “Summertime Kinda Girl”
It was Greek Night and knowing once you have those Greek letters. You know that the one guy that gave you the most flack ends up being the one you give the biggest hug to. Activation, wow no one can place words into what it is like when you are privileged to be inducted into a legacy and unlocking the secrets of who you are and what you promise to represent the rest of your life. Every story of every party and every victory you share with the guy to your left and right you never forget! Also being a part of founding and implementing the “Wall of Fame” for Alpha chapter.
sacrifice and stress you go through. I write, sing and act for one reason only, to ‘inspire.” If you get a person just to think then you are doing the most exciting thing ever and that is touching a life.
What is a typical day of work for you?
Is there anything in your life thus far you would go back and change if you could?
I want you to imagine organized chaos and that is what I do. I’m constantly networking and promoting the Jackson Young brand, as well as writing new songs, organizing band schedules and taking meetings. The self disipline in my line of work will make you or break you, “how bad do you want it,” but the one thing I do every day is to remember to take it one day at a time. What is one of your most interesting or exciting activities as a performer? The fans! I mean it is what makes all the chaos worth every minute of
What are your future aspirations? I want to leave a mark in this world. I would love to have Grammys, Oscars, and tons of financial success but honestly that plays a secondary role to my true aspiration. I want to show to every kid who grew up like I did that life can work. All you have to do is believe in who you are and you can be the miracle.
This is probably the most interesting question we think about or ask each other, isn’t it? The “what if” scenario… I’ll answer it very simply for you, “no,” and let me tell you why. Everything you do or did lead you straight to this moment, it isn’t our place to dwell on the things that are already done, and our goal is to influence and create through wisdom and experience what will be our future. Respect and learn from your past, it’s a part of who you are but remember to remain humble to your future because it is what you will be.
Would you like to share information from your personal life? I’m a single parent. My little boy was born Jan. 31, 2010. His name is Dylon and he is the miracle of my life. What would you tell undergraduate Sigma Pi brothers as they look towards their own future careers and plans? You have everything you will ever need to be successful in that pledge manual. The Creed, the ideals, ten obligations and lastly “He who stops learning, stops living.” This is your compass, men, turn to it to guide you through life. In the Creed of Sigma Pi, brothers all pledged to develop character in their daily lives, how do you do that in your life? By taking life one day at a time. Is there anything else you would like to share? I’m honored to be included in this particular Emerald. I want to thank Mark Briscoe (AP, Arkansas State), Chris Brown (GH, Rutgers) our Grand Sage, Brian Alley (A, Vincennes), lastly you the reader. Without the past present and future of Sigma Pi, I would not have the honor to be written into our history so I thank you for that, brothers.
Up and Running Newly Established Sigma Pi Historical Society Begins Work on Fraternity History Book and Other Projects
Charter members of the Sigma Pi Historical Society during the 2010 Convocation in Boston
As far as Fraternity history goes, Sigma Pi has had an awful lot to celebrate over the past three years. On May 21, 2008, Phi Chapter at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the Fraternity’s oldest chapter in continuous operation (it’s never once closed its doors!), celebrated its centennial anniversary, becoming the first chapter to reach this remarkable milestone. On July 29, 2010, with a rap of the gavel, Grand Sage George N. Hakim (GA, Detroit–Mercy) called to order the historic Fiftieth Biennial Convocation of the Grand Chapter in Danvers, Massachusetts. And finally, approximately three months after the jubilee in New England, the brotherhood celebrated another 100th birthday, that of its Ritual. It was on October 30, 1910, that the delegates to the Second Biennial Convocation in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, officially adopted The Golden Quest as the Fraternity’s initiatory rite, a ceremony that has been the philosophical cornerstone of
Sigma Pi ever since. With the publication of the 100th anniversary issue of the Emerald (the issue you are now reading) and centennial anniversaries for Eta Chapter (Purdue) and Theta Chapter (Penn State) set to take place in 2012, the establishment of an organization to keep up with all of this history-making could not have come at a better time. On July 30, 2010, at the Convocation in Danvers, the Grand Chapter voted to amend the Fraternity Bylaws to make provisions for a Sigma Pi Historical Society. This organization, the first of its kind in the Greek world, has been formed as a friendly organization within the Fraternity “to preserve and promote the history of Sigma Pi, and foster an appreciation of the same among its members.” The Sigma Pi Historical Society, or SPHS, is the outgrowth of the Fraternity’s Heritage Committee, which was created by Larry P. Rovira (EN, Cal State, Fullerton) in 2006, upon his election as the
forty-first Grand Sage of Sigma Pi. The committee’s charge was to produce, among other things, a comprehensive Fraternity history book. Notwithstanding the 1923 Sigma Pi Book, which was by no means an exhaustive or complete history of the Fraternity (the entire Patterson Episode was intentionally left out), there exists no official or authoritative written history of Sigma Pi. Over the course of its near four-year existence, the Heritage Committee made great strides in historical research and records organization in preparation for the writing process. It also devised a system for document preservation and the cataloguing of historical items, and took steps toward the building of a Fraternity archive. The work of the committee sparked a renewed interest in Sigma Pi history among both undergraduate and alumni members, many of whom expressed a desire to get involved in one way or another. While encouraging, this newfound and heavy interest created a problem
somewhat analogous to that of supply and demand. Generally speaking, Fraternity committees are limited with respect to their membership and often tend to exist only as temporary task forces. These circumstances led Christian J. Miele (HN, Towson), chairman of the Heritage Committee since its formation in 2006, to propose the creation of a permanent and expanded organization dedicated to the preservation and promotion of Fraternity history, a proposal that received the full support and endorsement of the Grand Council and Executive Office. Miele suggested the name of the organization be the Sigma Pi Historical Society, and it was decided that it should be a group composed of only the most dedicated and loyal Fraternity members, or as Grand Sage Christopher R. Brown (GH, Rutgers) calls them, “true believers.” According to the proposed constitution, membership in the Society would be reserved for those initiated
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members who had attended at least two Convocations, a prerequisite the Society’s organizers hoped would serve as an incentive for brothers to return to Convocation year after year. But unlike the Heritage Committee, there would be no limit as to the number of brothers who could join so long as the Convocation attendance requirement had been met. There would be two levels of membership in the Society: Associates, or initiated members who had attended between two and four Convocations; and Fellows, initiated members who had attended five or more. To add intrigue and a touch of mysticism to the new organization, and reward its members for their years of involvement and, in many cases, service to the Fraternity, an elaborate induction ceremony was written by Miele, which incorporated parts of the recently discovered English Chivalric Ritual (the Fraternity’s first national initiatory rite, used from 1907–1910) and the Sigma Delta Ritual (forerunner of The Golden Quest as written for Kappa Chapter’s predecessor, Sigma Delta, at Temple University). During the induction ceremony, secrets contained in the English Chivalric Ritual are revealed to both Associates and Fellows of the Society, while Fellows are privy to one additional secret from the 103-year-old Sigma Delta Ritual. In the months leading up to the 2010 Convocation, Miele and Grand First Counselor E. Andrew Morris (GU, Murray State), the Heritage Committee’s Grand Council liaison, worked with Convocation Coordinator Hays W. Whitlatch (X, Iowa) to plan the Society’s formation meeting and first biennial banquet, both of which took take place on the first day of the Convocation. The formation meeting was held in Gloucester Rooms A&B of the Crowne Plaza Boston North Shore (site of the Convocation). After opening remarks by Brothers Miele and Morris, those present at the meeting swiftly adopted the proposed constitution and bylaws. Miele and Grand Herald Craig E. Donnelly (BC, Loyola– Chicago) then proceeded with the
| Spring 2011
induction of members, who in turn elected a board of directors for the 2010–2012 biennium. Miele was elected as the Society’s first president, Jason D. Beck (AF, Georgia), vice president, Robert D. Pankau III (ZP, Oakland), treasurer, and Dean F. Houser (E, Ohio), secretary. All inductees were then presented with the official Sigma Pi Historical Society lapel pin. After the meeting, Society members and their guests celebrated the organization’s anticipated founding with a banquet held in the Living Room, which was considered by many to be the highlight of the Convocation. Over the last year, members of the Sigma Pi Historical Society have been working on a wide variety of projects, and have been fortunate to have working alongside them SPHS charter member and Assistant Executive Director Brian C. Alley (A, Vincennes), who was appointed as the Society’s Executive Office liaison not long after the Convocation in Danvers. In addition to the history book, which is being written by Brother Miele, Brother Pankau is spearheading the building of a digital Fraternity archive, which will give Sigma Pi members access to precious Fraternity documents via the web. This password-protected database will give brothers the ability to read their chapter’s petition to charter online, flip through digitized issues of the Emerald with the click and drag of a mouse, and peruse countless other materials published by the Fraternity over the years from the comfort of their own homes. Finally, this summer, Society members will be taking digital photographs of all historical items in the Sigma Pi museum, Executive Office suites, and Fraternity storage units, and assign each item a number for identification and cataloguing purposes. It is the hope of the Society that all of these efforts will ensure that that the history of Sigma Pi Fraternity will be preserved for generations to come.
Charter Members of the Sigma Pi Historical Society (officer titles as of SPHS founding date)
Grand Sage George N. Hakim (GA, Detroit–Mercy), Fellow Grand Second Counselor Christopher R. Brown (GH, Rutgers), Fellow Grand Third Counselor Edward R. Levesque (HH, Bridgewater State), Fellow Grand Fourth Counselor John A. Michelich (EG, Illinois Wesleyan), Fellow Grand First Counselor E. Andrew Morris (GU, Murray State), Fellow Grand Herald Craig E. Donnelly, (BC, Loyola–Chicago), Fellow Past Grand Sage Howard H. Beyer (AM, NJIT), Fellow Past Grand Sage Gary B. Tash (BP, Virginia), Fellow Past Grand Sage John J. Merino (BO, Cal State–Long Beach), Fellow Past Grand Sage Donald J. Cox Sr. (K, Temple), Fellow Past Grand Sage John D. Kitch (H, Purdue), Fellow Honorary Grand Sage James L. Hills (AC, Maryland), Fellow Brian C. Alley (A, Vincennes), Fellow Jason D. Beck (AF, Georgia), Fellow Jeremy M. Boylan (HT, Fitchburg State), Fellow John T. Chenoweth (H, Purdue), Fellow Christopher M. Chesney (QK, Texas Tech), Associate Russell J. Furnari (AM, NJIT), Fellow Michael S. Grant (ZP, Oakland), Fellow Michael L. Hachey (HO, Toronto), Fellow Dean F. Houser (E, Ohio), Fellow Niles D. Leisti (AM, NJIT), Associate Ricky L. Marshall (AP, Arkansas State), Fellow Christian J. Miele (HN, Towson), Fellow Thomas A. Moore Jr. (GR, Western Michigan), Fellow Robert D. Pankau III (ZP, Oakland), Fellow William M. Reed II (AF, Georgia), Fellow Fred P. Salmu (GO, Wayne State), Fellow Christopher C. West (HO, Toronto), Fellow Leslie L. Wright (GU, Murray State), Fellow Recently Inducted Members: Clifford A. Wilke (DZ, Missouri–St. Louis), Fellow* Grand Herald James M. Wisherd II (AF, Georgia), Fellow
*Paid member, but not yet ceremonially inducted
Sigma Pi History Book Update The history of Sigma Pi will be presented in reference book format and divided into two volumes: the first covering the years 1897–1964; and the second, 1964–present day. The books will take the reader on a chronological journey through each biennium of Fraternity history. Thus, each “chapter” of the book will cover a two-year time period. The lead-in entry for each biennium, or “chapter,” will be a biography of the Grand Sage serving during the respective period. For example, the bio and official portrait of Frank C. Fryburg (Q, Penn State), who served as Grand Sage from 1962–1964, will comprise the first entry in the “chapter” covering the 1962–1964 biennium. Likewise, the last entry in each chapter of the book will be an account of the Convocation effectively ending the respective biennium.
Readers can also expect: 4The complete story of the Fraternity’s founding and “early years” (1897–1908) 4The new “fifth Founder” theory 4The reason that the Emerald is the jewel of the Fraternity (revealed for the first time!) 4The Patterson Episode like it’s never been told before 4A chronological breakdown of each biennium (1908–Present), to include: 4Detailed summary of each chapter’s founding 4History of the local organization or colony 4Detailed account of the chapter’s installation/reinstallation (founding date, installation team, location of installation banquet, etc.) 4Coverage of significant events 4Alumni in the news (“Pi in the Sky,” Tony Romo named to Pro Bowl, Mike Beebe elected Governor of Arkansas, etc.) 4Special Convocations 4Sigma Pi University 4Mid-Year Leadership Conference 4Milestones (Past Grand Sage William J. Cutbirth Jr. is elected NIC President, Honorary Grand Sage Harold Jacobsen wins NIC Gold Medal, Mark S. Briscoe becomes Executive Director, the Fraternity breaks ground at Shadowwood, etc.) 4Bio and official portrait of Honorary Grand Officers (six Honorary Grand Sages and one Honorary Grand Herald) 4Appendixes 4Sigma Pi Terminology 4Chapter Roll 4Alumni Club Roll 4Listing of Grand Officers (past and present) 4Listing of Honorary Grand Officers
The Sigma Pi Historical Society is seeking a copy of the following publications and documents in an effort to build a complete Fraternity archive. Please email the Sigma Pi Historical Society at historicalsociety@sigmapi.org if you would care to donate any of these items to the archives so that a complete collection of materials printed by the Fraternity might be housed therein. Summer 1979 Issue of the Emerald Winter 1989 Issue of the Emerald Winter 1990 Issue of the Emerald Spring 1990 Issue of the Emerald Summer 1990 Issue of the Emerald Fall 1990 Issue of the Emerald Winter 1991 Issue of the Emerald Spring 1991 Issue of the Emerald Summer 1991 Issue of the Emerald Fall 1991 Issue of the Emerald Winter 1992 Issue of the Emerald Spring 1992 Issue of the Emerald Winter 1993 Issue of the Emerald Fall 1997 Issue of the Emerald Spring 1998 Issue of the Emerald Summer 1998 Issue of the Emerald Minutes of the Thirteenth-Fourteenth Biennial Convocation, 1934 Minutes of the Eighteenth Biennial Convocation, 1946 Minutes of the Fiftieth Anniversary Convocation, 1947 Minutes of the Twentieth Biennial Convocation, 1950 Minutes of the Twenty-first Biennial Convocation, 1952 Minutes of the Twenty-second Biennial Convocation, 1954 Minutes of the Twenty-third Biennial Convocation, 1956 Minutes of the Twenty-fourth Biennial Convocation, 1958 Minutes of the Twenty-fifth Biennial Convocation, 1960 Minutes of the Twenty-sixth Biennial Convocation, 1962 Minutes of the Twenty-seventh Biennial Convocation, 1964 Minutes of the Twenty-eighth Biennial Convocation, 1966 Minutes of the Twenty-ninth Biennial Convocation, 1968 Minutes of the Thirtieth Biennial Convocation, 1970 Minutes of the Thirty-first Biennial Convocation, 1972 Minutes of the Thirty-second Biennial Convocation, 1974 Minutes of the Thirty-third Biennial Convocation, 1976 Minutes of the Thirty-fourth Biennial Convocation, 1978 Minutes of the Thirty-fifth Biennial Convocation, 1980 Minutes of the Thirty-sixth Biennial Convocation, 1982 Minutes of the Thirty-eighth Biennial Convocation, 1986 Minutes of the Thirty-ninth Biennial Convocation, 1988 Minutes of the Fortieth Biennial Convocation, 1990 I Believe, The Sigma Pi Manual, 2002 Edition Official Program Binder for Sigma Pi University 1999 Official Program Binder for Sigma Pi University 2001 Official Program Binder for 2010 Mid-Year Leadership Conference
4Listing of every Grand Chapter award won in the Fraternity’s history 4Locations of the Executive Office 4Dates and Sites of Convocations
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Chapter News
Chapter reports are those submitted by deadlines listed on page 1.
Fraternal spirit exhibited by brothers from Iota-Epsilon chapter (Oregon)
Arizona State
Beta-Kappa Chapter
The Beta Kappa chapter of Sigma Pi has recently added 28 new initiates to its family. With a very busy Spring semester approaching the Beta Kappa chapter has started off on a good note by receiving a one hundred percent bid acceptance, and adding 30 new members to its spring pledge class. We also plan on having our Sam Spady project as well as our ACE project this semester. The Beta Kappa chapter continues to grow stronger each and every day. Arkansas
Alpha-Sigma Chapter
Alph-Sigma is proud to announce that we have initiated 10 new men from fall rush and will have another 8 for the spring. We had a great Founders’ Day alumni event with the chapter and some alumni at Powerhouse Grill. Our annual brotherhood camping trip in Gilbert, AR was a blast. Our Sweet Southern Moon date camping trip had a great turnout. We recently held our Sigloo function and are looking forward to a St. Patrick’s day function and ROW
| Spring 2011
week to include a date function, and multiple bands. We have had success with adopt a highway for our ACE project and are ready for alcohol awareness with our Sam Spady Project. Last semester we had an awesome round of tailgates leading up to the Sugar Bowl and our annual 80’s Rave function! Arkansas State
productive agenda in order to progress our chapter at ATU. We have several newmembers and old members are RAs and we can’t wait for the future. Auburn
Alpha-Delta Chapter
The Alpha Delta chapter has started the New Year right. We started the New Year off by beating the Oregon
Alpha-Pi Chapter
It has been a very productive couple of months for the Alpha Pi chapter. Pi week was a great success and we earned over 500 Dollars for Mike Beebe’s Injured Veterans Fund. We also participated in the local Chi Omega Run for a Wish 5k. With this behind us there is a bright future ahead for the Alpha Pi chapter.
Bridgewater State
Arkansas Tech Iota-Lambda Chapter This semester has been especially productive. We have an excellent new memeber education program. our brotherhood comity had an excellent Big bro Little bro day whereby our members participated in team building events. Our chapter with steadfast minds continue in a
Ducks in the National Championship, and a group of brothers flew out to Glendale to experience the once in a life opportunity. Rolling Toomer’s Corner and attending the championship celebration ceremony was a great time. We currently have 4 members in our Spring 2011 pledge class, who will be strong assets to our chapter. We are also preparing for our 2011 founders day and are expecting it to be a great success with a golf scramble and guest speaker Jim Bullington who is one of our Alumni and former United States Ambassador. We also have a packed social calendar this spring -- our formal in New Orleans, a couple socials, as well as our Luau themed party and the annual Alpha Psi Rodeo.
Gamma-Iota chapter (Worcester Polytech) during a community project
Eta-Eta Chapter
This semester has been the greatest the HH chapter has seen in a long time. We initiated 9 new brothers last semester, and it only gets better from there. To start, we won our annual Greek Week competition thanks to the hard work of our brotherhood. Our Sam Spady project “Drop Your Pride”, which raised awareness on the
Chapter News consequences of drunk driving, also contributed to our victory. We were nominated for organization of the year, and our very own Matt Brady won the award for Greek Man of the Year. Greg Gomes also won the Pillar of Excellence Award for outstanding dedication to service in the Greek Community.Our Sage, Brian Sanborn, won an Impactful Leadership Award as well. These fantastic achievements are only the beginning of great things for the HH chapter, and with our zeal and dedication we will continue to apply our letters and make Sigma Pi proud.
Foundation. Currently, we have a very promising group of new members coming through the ranks thanks to the hard work and organization of our recruitment committee. We’ve had two social events with sororities so far and we have another one coming up this week. We just finished our first parent’s weekend in which the majority of brothers invited their
Pi dominated Greek week, placing first or second in nearly every event and ultimately earning first place in Greek Week for Fraternities. Iota Eta is optimistic and excited for the next few weeks in which we will be holding officer and executive elections, rafting down the American River for our retreat, and completing our first accepted Gold Standard.
Cal State – Long Beach Beta-Omicron Chapter As the longest standing fraternity on California State University Long Beach’s campus, Beta Omicron chapter stands on solid ground for Spring Rush 2011 after our exceptional achievements last semester. Taking 1st place in IFC football, rushing a quality pledge class, and achieving 3rd overall in academics out of 13 fraternities has left our brothers bleeding lavender, white, and gold. From new initiate to senior member, every one of our brothers is now contributing to the strength of our brotherhood on both a local and national level. From chapter house renovations and community service projects to faculty relations and sorority bonds, we are the strongest house on campus and plan to uphold that standard for many years to come. Delta-Beta chapter (Monmouth) during a blood drive
UCI’s Eta Upsilon Chapter of Sigma Pi, crossed a 20 man pledge class at the end of the fall quarter and received a 2.934 GPA, higher than All Greek and All Fraternity averages. In sorority relations, Sigma Pi’s Ryan Beach won UCI Alpha Phi’s Mr. Heart Throb 2010. Eta Upsilon has had a busy schedule for the winter quarter; 2 sorority exchanges, 1 venue party, within 3 weeks, all with a new executive council taking the wheel. In inter-fraternal sports, Eta Upsilon chapter has a great record in both soccer and basketball for this quarter. The chapters annual Alumni Bowl, flag football game between active and alumni brothers, the actives broke a 6 year losing streak and took a win over the alumni.
parents to come spend a lovely weekend in Santa Barbara full of explanations of chapter finances, delicious mixers and meals, as well as a bright and brisk barbeque on Goleta Beach.
This Spring Quarter has been fantastic for the Alpha Omicron Chapter. We recently put on our annual philanthropy in conjunction with the Sean Feliciano Amazing Day
Central Florida
Iota-Kappa Chapter
Spring 2011 has been an extremely productive semester for Iota Kappa. With the new year came new goals. As a chapter, it was decided that we wanted to contribute more to the UCF community, through community service, other organizations’ philanthropies, and of course our ACE project. Without an established annual ACE project, it was a clear priority to make that happen this semester. Brother Seth Iskowitz led the ACE committee, and conducted an extremely successful canned food drive, raising 1727 pounds of food for the on campus food pantry, Knights Helping Knights. This semester we also participated in 8 out of 10 service projects hosted by other Greek organizations, including UCF’s Interfraternity Council. We had a successful Sam Spady project which involved a drunk driving simulation go-kart, as well as a volleyball tournament benefiting the Children’s Miracle Network. Central Missouri Gamma-Gamma Chapter
California – Irvine Eta-Upsilon Chapter
California - Santa Barbara Alpha-Omicron Chapter
celebrating its 20th anniversary!
California – Santa Cruz Iota-Eta Chapter In the spring quarter of 2011, the Iota Eta Chapter has continued to make positive strides in securing our position of top fraternity as well as strengthening the campus’s view of Sigma Pi. We began the quarter by taking twelve promising pledges who have been fully dedicated in completing their pledge process and show promise in helping build the
The Gamma-Gamma chapter just finished the school year on May 7. May 13th marks our 49th year on Central Missouri’s campus so the brothers have been hard at working getting an alumni event together to celebrate the 50 year milestone next year. Colorado Eta-Rho Chapter
Greetings from the “great white north” and all the brothers of Eta Rho Chapter. As our school year draws to a close we’ll be taking a brief moment to reflect on all that we have accomplished this past year. We participated in a “Poppy Drive” for the Canadian Legion raising over 2900 dollars. We also participated in “CU Relay For Life” where we raised 1600 dollars for cancer research. We had an amazing rush this year thanks to the combined effort of all of Eta Rho. We’re happy to welcome classes Alpha Xi and Alpha Omicron! Our Sigma Pi recreational hockey team recently
Theta-Eta chapter (Old Dominion) volleyball champions
fraternity in the future. We have successfully accomplished our ACE project and multiple philanthropies which led to various new relationships with prominent Santa Cruz non-profit organizations. Just recently, Sigma
won the finals and became the first ever champions of the GHL(Greek Hockey League) on campus! Finally as the end of the year draws to a triumphant close a reminder that next year our chapter Eta Rho will be
Zeta-Delta Chapter
This semester has been very successful for the Zeta Delta chapter. Our philanthropy, Miss Greek, raised over $66,000 for Clinca. Clinica is a medical clinic that provides services for people who cannot afford the proper health insurance. Miss Greek is an event that our chapter hosts each year during Greek Week and donations toward the event give the donor fraternity/sorority points for Greek Week. Delaware
Iota-Beta Chapter
The brothers of Iota-Beta have been very busy this past semester as we prepare to have another great year in 2011. In the fall, we participated in numerous philanthropy events and were proud to sponsor the breast cancer awareness presentation, “Counting Doves” delivered by Sigma Pi’s very own Andy Morris. Much of UD’s Greek life was in attendance, and all proceeds went to benefit
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Chapter News breast cancer research. We are also proud to still boast one of the top overall GPAs of fraternities on campus, nd continue to achieve the Gold Standard in our university’s Chapter Assessment Program. We also would like to announce the addition of 15 new brothers to our chapter, and look forward to what is shaping up to be a promising rush in the spring. In addition, we are excited to be having our annual Founders’ Day Lunch this winter. Detroit Mercy Gamma-Alpha Chapter The spring semester was a success for the men of the Detroit-Mercy Gamma Alpha chapter. We welcomed nine new members, three of whom have taken executive council and big-three committee positions for the fall semester. The chapter house will undergo major remodeling and
renovation over the summer, and will be ready to help rush new members in the fall. Gamma Alpha still has the highest cumulative GPA on campus, and was the honorary recipient of the “Greek Philanthropist of the Year” award for Greek organizations at Detroit-Mercy. Great things are expected of Gamma Alpha for fall 2011, and the brothers are excited to come back stronger than ever. Duke
The Duke University Colony of Sigma Pi has ended the school year strong. A firm foundation has been laid, and everything is indicating that the colony will hit the ground running beginning next year. Since the birth of the colony a little over a month ago, we have pinned eight new brothers. The focus of the colony thus far has been to promote brotherhood
and fellowship within the fledgling fraternity, culminating in a end of the school year trip to Myrtle Beach. Eastern Illinois Beta-Gamma Chapter Here at EIU, Beta Gamma has been working hard. Our current Executive Council recently visited St. Louis on a retreat to gain more knowledge on what Sigma Pi is all about. They learned a lot and are excited to implement their creativity into our brotherhood. Spring Rush events are taking place as we speak and we have already begun preparing for Greek Week! We hope to dominate in Big and Little Man Tugs, as well as all the other events! Our scholarship chair has established a great way for people to get in the library and get work done to help raise our GPA. He and every other brother is motivated to finish out the semester strong and come out on top in Greek Week! Eastern Kentucky Epsilon-Lambda Chapter The Epsilon Lambda chapter of Sigma Pi had a successful spring 2011 semester. Our events were the Sigma Pi Triple Crown Weekend and a Sigma Pi Pig Roast/Softball Tournament. Two of our chapter members were awarded Kappa Delta sorority letters, Andrew Barnott and Daniel Craig Meadows were given the honor of King and Daggerman due to their chivalrous acts toward the Kappa Delta sorority. We also placed 3rd in the university wide Greek Games with Kappa Alpha Theta sorority as our partner. East Stroudsburg
Alpha-Omicron brothers (California - Santa Barbara) during a brotherhood retreat
Elon Iota-Kappa (Central Florida) chapter retreat
Beta-Psi Colony
When the Beta Psi Chapter was founded in 1961, it became the first nationally recognized Fraternity at East Stroudsburg University. Sigma Pi International revoked the Beta Psi charter in 2006. On November 17, 2010, 28 men were initiated by Sigma Pi International as founding fathers of the Beta Psi Colony at ESU. The Beta Psi Colony would like to extend a special thank you to our local Beta Psi alumni that spent hundreds of thousands of dollars and countless hours of sweat equity to renovate the Beta Psi House. Brother Larry Doc Moyer has been a great mentor throughout the colonization process. Our goal is to obtain our charter by December 2011 and commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Beta Psi chapter. Epsilon-Theta Chapter
We are excited to start on our spring
| Spring 2011
semester here in Elon, NC. During the fall several of our brothers studied abroad and it is great to have them back. We also are excited to welcome three new brothers to the fraternity from the fall semester and are now greatly anticipating a good spring class so we can continue to show strong growth. A focus for our chapter this spring is first off to increase our alumni relations we feel that the school allotting us an on campus house will be a nice change from “the suite life” we have been living for a number of years now. Another focus of ours is to build up our relations with other chapters starting with a recent visit to the brothers of the Beta Pi chapter at UVA,whom we would like to thank for the hospitality. Embry-Riddle (AZ) Epsilon-Phi Chapter Now that the spring semester has ome to an end the Epsilon-Phi chapter can look back on an outstanding year. We initiated nineteen new brothers, more than doubling our initial size. We also graduated three seniors, one of whom has recently started his own intelligence company by the name of Ironsights. We also had a very successful ACE project washing the campus fleet of airplanes. In other philanthropic news, the chapter helped build a house for Habitat for Humanity as well as volunteering for the Whiskey Challenge off road bike race, one of the top off road races in America. The chapter also holds the highest GPA on campus. With these great accomplishments the Epsilon-Phi chapter can look forward to even greater success in the next school year. Fairleigh Dickinson Epsilon-Xi Chapter This semester has been one that has had many key and positive points for the chapter. We completed three Ace Projects, one Sam Spady project and seven other philanthropies. One Ace Project included doing a drunk driving simulation where the Teaneck Fire Department came and did a vehicle extraction. They came with the Paramedics who did mock iv’s and medical prodedures they would do to an actual crash victim. We also this semester were able to do a philanthropy with our brothers over at Montclair State University Iota Iota chapter. We did a battle of the sexes game show with the sorority Chi Upsilon Sigma. We have as a chapter improved by leaps and strides and I can only thank the chapter as a whole because we only improved because of all the brothers group efforts.
Chapter News Ferris State
Theta-Theta Chapter
The brothers of Theta-Theta had a very successful year. We had the third highest recruitment on campus adding six quality members to our ranks. Also we continued to dominate in intramural sports winning the Interfraternity athletic supremacy award for the first time in our chapter’s history. Also continuing to be the leading RSO on campus with the highest GPA and most hours of Philanthropy. We ended the semester with thirteen brothers graduating who are now pursuing jobs in their fields of study. This summer we are planning to fix up the house and have our third annual father son golf outing and alumni tubing trip. For next semester we already have big plans on continuing to be the best on campus and have a successful rush. Florida
Zeta-Zeta Chapter
Zeta Zeta has had a good year. We hope to have an on-campus house this year or next. We had a successful rush, and our recruitment numbers are up. Our new recruits are enthusiastic and focused and we have high hopes for the chapter’s future. Grand Valley State Theta-Rho Chapter Our chapter had a semester full of accolades. Our brother, Mike Schulz, won the Mr. Grand Valley competition. Ten of our brothers were selected to be Orientation Leaders for next semester and twenty-one of our brothers received the “I am Grand Valley” award, which recognizes student leaders. Our GPA exceeded the non-Greek male average,and we credit this to the dedication of our Scholarship Chair, Darren Frakes. We held our semi-formal on a boat and had a classy evening cruising down the Grand River enjoying fine dining and dancing. We crowned our new sweetheart, Alessa Quinones, and our brother was crowned Homecoming King, too. We also have brothers representing us both on GLC and IFC, plus two of our brothers were named IFC Man of the Month last semester. Finally, we won our first intramural soccer and basketball games. We send our best regards to all other chapters! Houston
Theta-Nu Chapter
Over the past months we have made great improvements to the house. One of the major things is that we installed wooden floors, which is a massive improvement over the bare
Gamma-Sigma Chapter (Missouri)
concrete we had before. We also have a new dining table that has been hand built by our actives. Another thing to report is that we have two members that have made the Dean’s List. Illinois Wesleyan Epsilon-Gamma Chapter This Spring, Epsilon-Gamma has been super busy with many campus wide events in the Greek Community. Specifically, Greek Week. This year for Greek Week 2011, Sigma Pi Epsilon-Gamma came out victorious in several events, which gave us the title of the Fraternity Division of Greek Week Champions. On top of that, the last night of Greek Week was the Fraternity and Sorority Life Awards, where Epsilon-Gamma won 6 awards and also, Zez Ready, took home the title of Fraternity Man of the Year. We are busy planning our Jack C. Fields Memorial Scholarship, which goes out to an incoming first-year male, and also works as a great recruitment tool. Indiana
Beta Chapter
Beta chapter had a great year. The spring semester was kicked off with
another great rush that has boosted our house back to full strength to be a top contender within the Greek intramural sports. The Beta chapters Little 500 bicycle team qualified to compete in the Little 500 this year thanks to the hard work of our bike team lead by team captain Eric Stearley. We are confident next year will be an even better placement due to the fact that three of our four riders were freshman at the time. The chapter also hosted a parents weekend this spring which had a great turn out. The house was able to raise a small amount of money from parents making donations. Beta chapter is looking forward to another successful year with our 94 returning members. Indiana of Pennsylvania Theta-Epsilon Chapter The new member class Alpha Alpha just got in to the Fraternity with outstanding work through their process. They passed every test with no problem and helped out tremendously with the renovations on the house and with Greek Week which helped us get 3rd place and
place for the first time in 6 years. Also, The class before them, Omega class had an outstanding turnout in this year’s elections, and the whole class will hold a position on E-board for Spring 2012. Overall this year was a success, We had high expectations and accomplished many of our goals and we look forward to the future with many young people ready to step up and turn Theta Epsilon chapter at IUP even better. Indiana Tech Gamma-Kappa Chapter Here at Gamma-Kappa Chapter we have had a good fall semester. We now have two new neophytes into the brotherhood and are glad to have them be a part of us. We are getting the house renovated for our Annual Alumni Banquet coming up here soon in April. We have had a great time with all the brothers getting together going out to dinner and just hanging out and spending time together. We often all get together and watch wrestling or MMA at one of the alumni’s houses. We are working with the other fraternities and sororities on campus on creating
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Chapter News a Greek Council and to start up a Greek Games. We plan on pledging a few more people to keep adding on to this great fraternity’s legacy here at Indiana Tech. Iowa
Xi Chapter
The Xi Chapter is excited to put an end to this great school year. This year is the last year at our current chapter house. We spent this year fundraising in order to have the money for next year to purchase a new chapter house. Coming into next year we are hoping to explore our opportunities and are excited to see where we will be located. The Brothers of Xi are ready for the summer, and we cannot wait for next year to begin so we can start to recruit potential new members and continue adding brothers to our chapter. Johnson & Wales Eta-Omega Chapter Continuing in the right direction our chapter is improving in many categories needed. We are continuing to pay off debt and should be fully out of debt within the next few weeks. The chapter also put on a huge event “ little miss ugly pageant” on campus and it is up for event of the year. We continued to succeed in community service events week after week. This winter we welcomed 12 new members to our brotherhood which is are biggest class yet. As we know we have the strongest brotherhood on campus we continued to do events together such as movies and dinners and even a day of paintball. We’re looking foward to the spring trimester as we have many events planned. We’re extremely excited in the direction in which we’re
Gamma-Alpha chapter (Detroit-Mercy) during a community food drive
moving. Kansas State
The Iota-Alpha Chapter has been very busy for the end of the spring semester. On May 7, we initiated our spring pledge class of 3 men. For the week of April 24-29, we had our Sam Spady project, where we created a display on campus and handed out information cards. This spring, we also celebrated our chapter’s Founders’ Day
Beta-Chi chapter (Loyola-Chicago) show their spirit
| Spring 2011
Iota-Alpha Chapter
on May 5. On the weekend of April 9, we had our Orchid Ball Formal at Table Rock Lake in Kimberling, Missouri. This offered all brothers and their dates a chance to take a break from school and have some fun on the lake for a weekend. Congratulations to the recent graduates. Keene State
Our organization has developed explosively in the Greek Community
at Keene State College. At the beginning of the year we had 0 on the Executive Board of the Interfraternity Council. Currently, we have 3 members including Head Recruitment Chair, Secretary, Philanthropy Chair and a fourth brother is running next week for Parlimentarian. Our group stands in first in points standing (an awards system) for IFC by a margin of 7-1. Our recruitment chairman is running for President of the IFC this Sunday. The organization had the
Eta-Mu chapter (Missouri Southern) hosting a recruitment event
Chapter News highest recruitment of new members for fraternities on campus and the new members ranked second highest in GPA at a 2.94 (substantially above the ALL MEN’S average). The group’s greatest accomplishment was the scheduling for an Ethical Leadership presentation with the President of the University where she will hold a discussion with our members about the growth and improvement leadership skills. Kentucky
Epsilon-Beta Chapter
Epsilon Beta chapter of Sigma Pi has been actively trying to get our softball tournament started for next semester. When startedthis will be our main philanthropy event. We are looking to get all fraternities and sororities to participate in the event. Our chapter feels like this will be a great new addition to our campus and also will help us raise money for our organization.
fundraising then recent semesters by having car washes at Applebee’s and working for businesses around the Kutztown community. As the semester comes to a close we realize we have made many improvements to our chapter but there is always more that can be done. We look forward to a new year and a new group of officers to lead the way. Lawrence Tech Zeta-Omicron Chapter The spring semester of 2011 has been a hard working semester for the brothers of the Zeta Omicron Chapter. For the month of April the brothers worked diligently to make our philanthropy events a success and win Greek Day. By participating in Pie in the Face the brothers have easily raised $50 that would go towards Red Cross. Also, despite all odds, our biggest success is our victory on Greek Day for the second time this year. With hard work and practice the
are ready to see it finished. We also recently welcomed several newly active members into our chapter. Louisville
This spring semester was a very busy semester for our colony here at UL. The semester started off with IFC Spring Rush and then it was off to St. Louis for Midyear for our EC. It is always a great time at Midyear when you get to meet brothers from other chapters. After returning from St. Louis, Brother Seth Dorian took charge of our philanthropy project with “Sounds for Hounds.” “Sounds for Hounds” is a benefit concert with all proceeds going to the Humane Society. Next up we had our first spring formal and it was held in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, and was a huge success and will even be better next year. This spring we completed our first ACE project as well. We also have a new Province Archon here at
the Dunk Tank with Phi Sig and Humans Vs. Zombies Fundraisers, weekly Rogers Park clean-ups, a Chicago Bliss Lingerie Football Brotherhood Event, and won the most GREEK school spirit award with a trophy displayed in the stadium. We have continued to volunteer at the Lasalle Senior Center and logged over 200 service hours there last year, held our Second Annual Sigma Pi Toy and Used Clothing Drive raising over 100 toys and clothing items, and were the majority of volunteers for Loyola’s EMT training class final exam. We also held a community wide Sam Spady Alcohol Management Workshop. Miami (OH)
Eta-Phi Chapter
Our chapter had an extremely strong recruiting class of 33 new members. The new class is actively involved in the University including NCAA athletes, Division 1 club sports members, and a variety of
Alpha Chapter’s Executive Council and CD pose with Honorary Grand Sage James L. Hills (AC, Maryland ’54) (left), Grand First Counselor Craig Donnelly (BC, Loyola-Chicago ’01) (center), and Assistant Executive Director Brian Alley (A, Vincennes ’03) during their Founders’ Day Banquet on February 26th.
Eta-Pi Chapter
I have the pleasure to report to the Emerald that Eta Pi chapter now has 11 new brothers all who follow the Sigma Pi Creed. This semester has been a productive one for the brothers. Since Homecoming we have been strengthening our relationship with our Alumni. They are attending meetings with the active brothers and giving advice whenever necessary. This semester we have also done more
brothers of the Zeta Omicron chapter reached victory after being behind 6 points. We look forward to keeping the momentum going and making fall 2011 the most enjoyable year for our chapter. Louisiana Tech Delta-Lambda Chapter The brothers of Delta Lambda chapter recently held their annual active-alumni retreat this past January with a turnout of 30 alumni. We began remodeling our house and
the University of Louisville, Daniel Daugherty. Daniel is an alumnus of Delta Rho Chapter. Loyola - Chicago
Beta-Chi Chapter
With the spring semester well underway we have continued to focus on recruiting,fundraising, and philanthropy. We held 3 big Rush week events, a Deep Fry, Pizza n Wings, and a Super Bowl Party and currently have nine signed bids. We have hosted various events including
scholastic organizations. They embody the values and virtues which signify what Sigma Pi stands for and we look poised to continue our chapter’s strong image on campus. The fraternity also held many highly successful brotherhood events, philanthropy events, and a strong showing in Greek sports. In particular our brotherhood hockey game has become a tradition each semester with a greater showing each time.
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Chapter News Michigan State
Zeta-Mu Chapter
Summer has finally arrived in East Lansing and the Zeta-Mu Chapter is geared up for summer! The year ended for us quite well. Our volleyball tournament went extremely well and although the weather wasn’t exactly nice we had great feedback from our participants. Despite Greek Week not ending the way we were hoping the chapter is excited for next year. The house has big plans for the summer. With fall recruitment right around the corner we have already started preparations. The house is getting cleaned and slightly redecorated over the summer thanks to our brothers who continue to use our house as they work and take classes over the summer. We are hoping these improvements help to bump up our numbers next year as our house takes its usual slide down because of our 13 graduating seniors this spring. Best of luck! Michigan Tech Zeta-Epsilon Chapter This year’s Halloween the brothers of Zeta Epsilon hapter put forth yet another great Haunted Haus. All had a great time scaring citizens of Houghton, allowing us to donate 1000 dollars to the Pigs-in-Heat foundation. Middle Tennessee State Theta-Omega Chapter Theta Omega chapter had a wonderful semester. We participated in the annual Tracy Lawrence Turkey Fry. Another philanthropy we were pleased to be a part of was the Rivalry Run. We teamed up with WKU to benefit the American Red Cross. We currently hold more seats in Student Government than any other fraternity. We have had brothers elected to homecoming court and IFC executive board. We were also named the Greek winners for Homecoming this year. We are planning our Founders’ Day, and we hope to see many alumni throughout the state of Tennessee in attendance. We are spending countless hours this semester planning our Sigma Pi week to make it the best we’ve ever had. Our Chapter has been busy as of late, but with the guidance of our new executive board and the participation of our brothers we plan on having a great recruitment and semester. Minnesota
Iota-Zeta Chapter
Here at the Iota-Zeta chapter in Minneapolis, MN we have been working extremely hard to make us
| Spring 2011
one of the top fraternities on campus. Our fall pledge class was ranked #1 in cumulative GPA with three brothers above a 3.8. We are very proud of the members we added and for the first time since we started, we anticipate a spring pledge class. Not only will this be the first spring pledge class, but it has potential of being greater than our fall class. It is amazing to see our relatively new fraternity grow and prosper. Our final goal for the semester is to reach out to our alumni and see if we can get them over to the house more for alumni dinners and events sometime this semester. It is great to meet fellow Sigma Pi members in the area and hear their stories and experiences. Missouri
Gamma-Sigma Chapter
After a monumental initiation of over 50 aspiring new Sigma Pi members, the Gamma Sigma chapter is off to a wonderful start. Around the clock recruitment and constant upstanding philanthropy events are helping this chapter make quite the splash in Mizzou’s Greek Town. Although last semester Gamma Sigma was volleyball champions and soccer finalists, we are trying to top that with a better record in intramurals this year! Many house improvements have been made since re-chartering including renovations to the basement flooring, fresh paint on all basement surfaces, outside patio flooring redone with fresh wood and our lavender & golden letters hanging high and mighty on the side of the house facing Greek Town. Many more ideas are surfacing as this semester gets underway in attempts to make this the best chapter it can be. Missouri S&T
Theta-Lambda chapter (Radford) during benefit for St. Baldrick
Eta-Eta chapter (Bridgewater State) during SAM Spady Project, “Drop Your Pride”
Alpha-Iota Chapter
A very successful St. Patrick’s celebration took place in March, during which we had many alumni come back to visit and share old memories. We have also recently revamped our kitchen with all new stainless steel cabinets and counters. As for philanthropy, this spring we completed an ACE project, which involved cleaning up the S&T campus on Earth Day. Missouri – St. Louis Delta-Zeta Chapter Sigma Pi-Delta Zeta is looking to have a great year in 2011. We have a strong youthful EC installed ready to get things going. We also initiated eight new guys on January 23rd. Our brotherhood chair Jeff Lakebrink is making brotherhood events every
Epsilon-Beta (Kentucky) chapter during a brotherhood event. They went out on a Sunday afternoon and played paintball. The members in the photograph are Matt Carrigan, Pj Targun, Ted Mattingly, Ej Fox, Jarran Thomas, Cam Bast, Scott Frietag, Jordan Wedell, Hunter Stanley, Logan Staples, Aaron Petty, Cameron McRae, Colin Reichert, Tyler Vincent, Chris Artner, Aj Howlett, Zach Morris, Casey Todd and Corey Ketchem.
Chapter News Friday night and we are doing everything from bowling to foosball tournaments. Also my Secretary and I have talked about keeping a hard copy of minutes and at the end of the year binding them and putting that book in the chapter room. Missouri Southern State Eta-Mu Chapter The stage is set for things to be shaken up here at Eta Mu. Our new rush system went into effect starting in January. This took us weeks to plan and the events spanned two weeks. We are now poised to Bid at least 6 new members and begin the new member education in the coming weeks. This is piled on top of us forming a new Greek Council on campus. This development looks to provide plenty of new opportunities for Greek life here at Missouri Southern. With several brotherhood events planned and several new ideas from the new executive council things should change for the better. Monmouth
Delta-Beta Chapter
These past three months our chapter has improved greatly. With our new E-board we have improved in many ways, with our most successful blood drive, an amazing ACE project, winning Greek Week for the third year in a row, 3 Sam Spady presentations for seniors attending prom and still having a great reputation around campus. Our recent pledge class this Spring was 4 members and we are looking to get many more in the fall. We end this year on a very high note and plan to continue to improve next year. Montclair State
Iota-Iota Chapter
The Iota Iota chapter at Montclair State continues to grow and gain recognition on our campus. During Greek Week, we did our annual ACE project where we hand out free pizza and water to all students and faculty on campus. While we all felt a little disappointed that we did not take first this year in Greek Week, the Iota Iota chapter remains positive as for only participating twice so far, we have placed in the top three every time. Morehead State
Delta-Rho Chapter
The Delta Rho Chapter of Sigma Pi in Morehead, Kentucky, this past semester held its 40th anniversary. Tons of alumni s showed up to show their support for Sigma Pi. Also we were blessed to have the Grand
Sage grace us with his presence and speak at our 40th. It was a blast and I’m sure no one will ever forget it. We have recently built up a great connection with our alumni and they were nice enough to help us get a chapter house. We are very excited for the next coming year. Murray State Gamma-Upsilon Chapter The Gamma Upsilon Chapter finished the year off strong by accomplishing many of our goals for the year. We are preparing to initiate one new member and are preparing for an incredibly strong fall rush. We were also incredibly active in other Greek philanthropic events this semester, donating hundreds of dollars and winning several spirit awards. We have also had several brothers accomplish personal goals this semester. Ryan Johnson became a member of Lambda Alpha Delta Honor Society. Corey Stephens has been accepted to participate in the Ragensburg, Germany Study Abroad program in the Fall of 2011. Lastly Ricky Weiss will be graduating at the end of the semester and will be beginning his career in criminal justice as a Federal Police Officer for The National Geo-spatial Intelligence Agency. NJIT
Alpha-Mu Chapter
The Alpha Mu chapter had one of the best semesters we have had in some time this past spring. We welcomed 11 new brothers to our family who are all exceptional young men from whomwe are expecting great things. We also held our annual Founders’ Day in February with a great turnout from alumni. During ACE week we had our Sam Spady presentation for all new Greek members for alcohol awareness. We also had a BBQ on campus to raise money for a local brother diagnosed with cancer. This semester also saw us compete and place 2nd in NJIT Greek Week. This even bought all Greeks on campus together to compete in different events and we feel proud of our accomplishments. With another successful year behind us, we have never been stronger as a chapter and look forward to what lies ahead. Northern Illinois Beta-Sigma Chapter The Beta Sigma chapter at Northern Illinois has had an exceptional past year. We have enjoyed consistently larger pledge classes each semester, this most recent class with 13. Thanks to our house owner, Leo Laughlin, a Sigma Pi himself, we have enjoyed
Theta-Gamma chapter (West Alabama) brother looking fierce on the field
great renovations. In our annual TUGS tournament we emerged as underdogs finishing 3-1, with our sole loss to the championship team. Locally we have participated in our school’s NIU cares day, a community outreach event. Our Greek community also welcomed guest speaker Jeff Yordon, a successful NIU Sigma Pi alumni responsible for the recent $2.5 million athletic center. With his help our Northern Huskies nearly won the MAC championship against Miami(Ohio). As a rising fraternity locally with a strong executive board we are setting out to improve our Gold Standard and become a more respected house internationally. Oakland
Zeta-Pi Chapter
Zeta Pi Chapter had a very eventful
Fall semester. We added another pledge class to our ranks which we are very proud of. We also organized and held one of our annual Sam Spady events, that was a great success on campus. We also had many socials that went off without a hitch. We are looking forward to our new pledge class for the winter and fall and anticipate a very active year as we continue to grow. Ohio State
Gamma Colony
Gamma colony at The Ohio State University is moving swiftly forward towards our chartering goal. With around 40 members and a solid executive council, we have been efficiently planning, funding and operating many events and completing any goals that have been set before
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Chapter News
us. Chapter involvement is high, and our new member education program is successfully teaching the history and ideals of Sigma Pi to the entire colony in preparation for the chartering exam. Many brotherhood activities have been held and our social committee has been increasing our relations with sororities all over campus, giving us a close relationship with Delta Zeta. Along with this, the marketing committee has been successfully getting the Sigma Pi name out all around campus through rush shirts, posters and newspaper articles. Philanthropy events are also planned throughout this quarter and the subsequent quarter as well. Old Dominion
Theta-Eta Chapter
This past semester has continued the successes of the Theta Eta chapter. We had a great homecoming with Zeta Tau Alpha which brought a great alumni turnout. Our annual Firefighter Appreciation day was once again an amazing hit also having a large alumni presence. We had an awesome social with the ladies of Alpha Xi Delta. Our Greek Week team took home the first place honors. In intramurals, Theta Eta
| Spring 2011
All around good term for Sigma Pi members at Oregon State. Pennsylvania
Iota-Eta chapter (UC - Santa Cruz) maintaining a campus trail for an ACE Project
was crowned champions in volleyball and second in floor hockey. We plan to continue this wave of successes and accomplishments into the Fall semester.
won 1st. As you can see we are very busy and have developed a culture of participation in philanthropies here at University of Oregon.
Oregon State
Iota-Epsilon Chapter
This spring quarter our chapter has initiated 13 new members and has filled our house for the first time since chartering. As of next fall we will be doubling up some rooms in order to fit everyone as we will have 38 live-ins. Also this spring term we have participated in Delta Gamma’s Anchor splash in which our dance won 2nd place. We have also participated in Alpha Phi’s Mrs./Mr. Greek in which one of our brothers
Omega Chapter
Omega is finishing this year off strong. We are in the process of rushing seven men and are getting plans together for summer rush. Our chapter grades continue to rise. Each term we have a scholarship dinner for those with the highest GPA, and the minimum GPA to get the best meal is the highest it has ever been. We have been holding weekly brotherhood book club, with more emphasis on the brotherhood than the book.
Delta Chapter
Delta Chapter of Sigma Pi at the University of Pennsylvania has finally settled in after transitioning from a Colony. After the amazing ceremony that occurred in September, this will be our first semester as a Chapter. Spring rush was well planned, including a trip to New York City for a comedy club night. We’re now pledging our Alpha pledge class. Penn College
Theta-Phi Chapter
This semester the brothers of the Theta Phi chapter have overcome the struggles that once faced us to become Greek week champion and also intramural dodge ball champions. Along with these awards one of our brothers became Greek of the Year, and another brother won New Member of the Year. We were also struck with the tragic and untimely passing of brother Christopher Fox. He touch the lives of all those he met and will be dearly missed.
Chapter News Penn State
Theta Chapter
The brothers of Sigma Pi had a stellar fall semester and hope to continue this trend going into the spring semester. As rush comes to a close it looks like Theta chapter will outperform our fall numbers. In the fall we placed fourth overall in the Greek Sing competition, dancing to the theme of the movie Footloose. During the holiday season we placed first overall in holiday lights interior competition, which included a station for pictures with Santa (Brother Mike Messeri) and a Santa’s Workshop to the enjoyment of local State College residents. We have been actively participating in Thon with our four canning trips and constant Thonvelopes in order to raise money to cure pediatric cancer. In intramural sports the football team narrowly missed the playoffs, losing in the wildcard game, but wrestling has begun with a strong showing from currently undefeated former IM champion Anthony Wahler. Radford
Theta-Lambda Chapter
involved spending the day painting murals for a local elementary school. Wealso participated in an event called “Back to the Boro” with other Greek organizations. This event found Zeta Chi and other organizations of Rowan University helping to clean up around the town of Glassboro. We finished up our semester with our second ACE project of the school year by holding a free car wash on campus for the students and staff of Rowan University. Salisbury
Theta-Xi Chapter
The Theta Xi chapter has worked hard to become increasingly popular among the fraternities here at Salisbury University. We launched our first Sigma Pi Cutie Pi Pageant this semester. Attendance was very high and we are planning on making this our annual event. We are also working to increase community service among our fraternity members. Most of our chapter participated in multiple community service events this semester. Additionally, we proudly initiated six hardworking brothers into our chapter.
Santa Clara
Zeta-Eta Chapter
The brothers of Zeta Eta chapter are buckling down in preparation for the end of spring quarter. We have had a strong academic year and are in the process of revising and establishing concrete standards to promote an environment that emphasizes progress. We are also anticipating a large turnout for our 25th Annual Sigma Pi Volleyball Tournament to support Multiple Sclerosis research, which will be held on May 22nd in Santa Cruz. We are excited to end the year on a good note and will be carrying our momentum into the 2011-2012 academic year. Southern Arkansas Epsilon-Kappa Chapter This past semester we have made changes in our chapter. We have changed the way we operate our meetings and meeting dress attire. We recently had five worthy members inducted to our chapter. We had Greek Week a few weeks ago and as a whole we did very well. We ended up winning Greek Week this year. Also this semester we had our annual
ready for the next school year to start. Southern Illinois- Carbondale Beta-Nu Colony We are planning on becoming a full chapter here on campus by spring 2012. However, after 2 successful semesters, we still have a lot of work to do. We are currently are planning for next semester to hold our ACE project, to benefit the on campus police force. We are also planning on having a large recruitment session that will bring in many new members. On top of all this, we are hoping to get a house in Carbondale for next fall, so that our members will have the benefit of creating a stronger brotherhood. We are all very excited that we have the privilege of being men of Sigma Pi and the re-founding fathers of the Beta Nu chapter, and we are also looking forward to working more with our alumni in our quest of becoming a chapter next spring and being the best fraternity on campus. Southern Illinois - Edwardsville Delta-Omega Chapter The Delta Omega chapter welcomed
The men of Theta-Lambda Chapter this past year have experienced quite a bit of success for our chapter. We finished off our spring semester winning the best New Member Education, Community Service, Scholarship, and the Presidents Cup, the most prestigious award for Greek Life, solidifying us as one of the top fraternities on campus. We initiated 14 new brothers who have already become a great asset to our fraternity. Our chapter had the largest donation in our history to St. Baldricks of over $10,000 which goes towards finding a cure for childhood cancers. Our service to the community did not stop there as we helped host “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” where fraternity men wear high heels to raise awareness of domestic violence towards women. Looking toward the future we hope to gain more success and coupled with the traditions of Sigma Pi the future looks bright. Rowan
Zeta-Chi Chapter
This semester the Zeta-Chi chapter of Sigma Pi is proud to welcome our biggest pledge class in chapter history after initiating sixteen new members of the Beta Delta pledge class. Over the past semester the brothers of Zeta Chi have done multiple fundraisers to help raise money for the Sam Spady Foundation. We participated in a community service project that
Brothers from Theta-Rho chapter (Grand Valley State)
San Jose State
Beta-Eta Chapter
We have been having weekly council meetings in order to progress as a fraternity on campus as well as holding rush events for the new spring semester.
Rivertrip. River trip was awesome like always. River trip gives the new guys time to catch up with the alumni and have fun all weekend talking about stories, hiking, canoeing, camping, and grilling out. This semester has blown by and now we are getting
12 new members after the fall semester of 2010. We are presenting an alcohol awareness day in February that will consist of a guest speaker for Greek and public community. The newest edition to the chapter is the ongoing process of bring Greek
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Chapter News housing to the SIUE campus. Designs are currently underway and we are planning to have a residence in a year’s time. Southern Tech Epsilon-Alpha Chapter The brothers at Epsilon Alpha greatly improved in Greek Week. We finished 3rd this year with only 8 points behind 2nd place. Some of our alumni are hosting dinner at our new house every Tuesday, which has been a great event. We have no problem filling our house. This may sound a little odd, but out of the 5 fraternities on campus only we and Sigma Nu have no problems filling the new Greek houses built by the campus. Sigma Pi has turned the corner and is fast rising to the top fraternity on campus at SPSU. The photo attached is us showing off our mascot to the fraternities and sororities on campus during Greek Week. The owl is surely strutting his stuff. We also had him out for the bathtub races on campus. St. Joseph’s
we plan to implement this spring. As always, it is of the utmost importance for us to distinguish ourselves as an asset to the campus. We wish to be seen a group of individuals who do not merely exist in the community, but have a true presence within it.
up for LoneStar Reunion this summer where all the chapters of Texas will be meeting in our hometown of San Antonio to celebrate a great year! We anticipate and welcome international staff to LoneStar Reunion to scout San Antonio for Convocation 2012!
Gamma-Theta Chapter
The brothers of the Gamma Theta Chapter are looking forward to building a stronger chapter at the University of Texas at Austin. During the summer we will be moving into a new house which we think will help us have a better Fall rush. We recently initiated 2 brothers who are truly dedicated to helping us improve this chapter. As of now, all our attention is focused on increasing the number of brothers and improving our image on campus.
Eta-Omicron Chapter
Over the course of this 2010/2011 school year the Eta- Omicron chapter has initiated 8 new brothers, all offering unique skills and personalities from a range of Schools. 2010/11 has proved to be an active and constructive year for recruiting new members. A great opportunity arose to have a rush event at our house during the Super Bowl game this year. It had a good turnout. A group of brothers drove to St.
WOMP (Westwood Organized Mega Project) which was an event were we cleaned and restored an area of Westwood. During the first week of May we organized a philanthropy blood drive event where our chapter and others were encouraged to donate blood. This quarter we have also had a couple of alumni events and are planning on creating more. Career Day was Monday May 10th. This Saturday May 14th is the Sigma Pi Western World series and we are planning on competing in it. Also right after the tournament we have planned to have a poker night with our alumni. Valparaiso
Beta-Tau Chapter
The Beta Tau chapter of Sigma Pi has continued to maintain its excellent performance both internally and on
Theta-Chi Chapter
The Theta Chi chapter at St. Joseph’s University is wrapping up with another successful academic year. After a successful Greek Games in which we came in first overall among fraternities, we were proud to graduate seven brothers, and initiate a class of 14 new members. SUNY – Buffalo Epsilon-Omicron Chapter Our fraternity is going through exciting changes at this point with new brothers and other ones graduating, and there is a lot of creativity flowing through the heads of the brothers currently. We cannot wait for our upcoming semester to see what we can do to contribute to not only the community, but our cam TCNJ
Theta-Delta Chapter
The upcoming semester promises to be a good one for Theta Delta. Our brotherhood is strong, our finances are in good order, and rush, though it has just begun, is already attracting many potential new members. Most importantly perhaps, we are taking steps to improve both our philanthropy efforts and ACE projects. Last year saw the start of our Unsung Heroes project, a week long endeavor in which our members assisted school workers while promoting their appreciation on campus. Although happy with this first effort, we recognize that there is much room for improvement and expansion, which
| Spring 2011
Epsilon-Zeta chapter (Western Illinois) getting the crowds out for a campus blood drive
Texas-San Antonio Iota-Delta Chapter The Iota-Delta Chapter had an outstanding spring semester this year! We have initiated 5 new members while experiencing our first class of graduating seniors. In a pivotal time of change for our young chapter we have stayed strong and strengthened our foothold on campus. Aside from setting up our first alumni programs, winning intramural titles and hosting the most successful clothes drive in our schools history, we have also managed to fortify our brotherhood this semester. A successful retreat brought the chapter together in order to finish the semester strong and gear
Louis for the Mid-Year Leadership Conference. The 2011 Orchid Ball in Toronto was a huge success, and a great deal of fun. The rich mix of Alumni and actives ranged from the founding fathers to the newest initiates. Dancing, food, drinks, and a historic slide show went off without a hitch. The founding fathers had mentioned that this year’s Orchid Ball has been the best yet and look forward to keeping in contact. UCLA
Upsilon Chapter
This quarter has been busy one. It started with Spring Rush in the second week of the quarter. On April 17th, our chapter participated in
campus during the passing semester. Several individuals as well as the chapter as a whole have received honors from Valparaiso University and the Order of Omega. Beta Tau won Chapter of the Year, Outstanding Philanthropy, and Outstanding Community Service and individual members of Beta Tau won Greek Man of the Year (Matt Tynski), New Member of the Year (Matt Lewitke), and Outstanding Community Service (Carl Hufford). Four members of Beta Tau were admitted into Order of Omega including Matt D’Abreu, Matt Lewitke, Spencer Roach, and Brandon Spinner along with Matt Tynski who was admitted last year. Beta Tau performed well academically as well
Chapter News with our chapter’s GPA surpassing the Valparaiso University All-Man GPA. Beta Tau expects to continue its excellent performance in the coming academic year. Virginia
Beta-Pi Chapter
The end of the semester is quickly approaching and it has been filled with many successful philanthropic and brotherhood events. We began with a great spring rush resulting in 16 new brothers being added to the fraternity. Our Sam Spady event focused on informing people on the dangers of drinking and driving utilizing “Beer Goggles” and tricycles. Participants raced along a street course while wearing the impairment goggles and were informed of various statistics concerning accidents involving alcohol and motor vehicles. Our Surf and Turf philanthropy took place on April 15th and raised over $3000 for the Nursing Students Without Borders organization. The event had over 800 participants and included live music and copious amounts of food. We had multiple brotherhood events that were very successful including skeet shooting and a trip to the Nascar race in Martinsville. Wake Forest
Alpha-Nu Chapter
After a successful spring rush class with 18 new members, Alpha Nu was able to stretch its arms across the Wake Forest Campus. Alpha-Nu’s best performance in a philanthropic event came in Delta Zeta’s volleyball event benefitting the Red Cross, where we won first, second, and third place. Sigma Pi also performed well in Pi Kappa Alpha’s Pump-up for Piccolo strength competition, Kappa Kappa Gamma’s Kappa Kaddies golf tournament, and many others. Alpha Nu’s own charitable events included a poker tournament supporting the Red Cross’s tireless effort in aiding Japan. Our AACE Project came happily received by maintenance and cleaning workers at Wake Forest, as we decided to show our appreciation for their work with donuts, bagels, and juice. Sigma Pi had an impressive performance in intramural indoor soccer league, going undefeated until the finals where losing by only one point. Washington State
Iota-Nu Chapter
After a very successful Spring 2011 rush, Iota Nu is looking forward to moving into our new chapter house for the 2011-2012 school year! This 42 man house will help us greatly in
recruitment, but also becoming more social in the Greek community. We fully intend to use the new Sigma Pi house in growing our chapter to more easily become the best fraternity on campus. Recently, we held a brotherhood trip and visited the Omega and Iota Epsilon chapters in Oregon. We look forward to a successful Fall and Spring rush to help Iota Nu take bigger steps in becoming a more successful chapter. Wayne State Gamma-Omega Chapter Gamma Omega chapter is back on its feet after a great fall semester and after welcoming new members ready and eager to take the lead in bringing Sigma Pi back to the top at Wayne State University. Our current goal for the start of this winter semester is recruitment of new members and getting in better standing with the Executive Office. Brotherhood events were and are being held that prove to be fun for everyone, such as our upcoming Founders Day celebration that alumni and active members alike are looking forward to. We plan on holding charity events in the coming months that we hope to be as successful as our last one, which was a dunk tank for domestic violence, and ACE events, like our Clean as a Whistle STD Awareness program. With all this planned, Winter 2011 is looking up for the brothers of Gamma Omega. West Alabama Theta-Gamma Chapter It has been a bittersweet semester for not only the Theta-Gamma Chapter of Sigma Pi but also the ThetaOmicron and Alpha-Delta chapters. Theta-Gamma had just received the Homer Award which recognized us as the most outstanding fraternity on campus, but a week later we were informed that a brother from our sister chapter in Tuscaloosa had passed away after a recent tornado. After hearing about this, Alpha-Delta at Auburn contacted our Sage and we decided to design a plaque for the fallen brother and present it to the Theta-Omicron Chapter. Several states and communities were hit hard by this storm so let’s all remember to pray and lend a helping hand in any way we can to give some hope to the storm victims. West Chester
Zeta-Alpha Chapter
The spring semester was a very strong one for Zeta-Alpha. We held two ACE projects; one was with the Women’s Center and the other was in conjunction with a student on
campus with a disability, telling his story about not taking life for granted. Both were huge successes. Mark Cerofeci, Herald, was elected Secretary of the Student Government Association for the next academic year. We wish him luck in continuing leadership on campus. April 10th marked the start of Greek Week as we were paired with Zeta Tau Alpha sorority. Some highlighted events were canned food sculpture, lip sync, and pool games. Matthew Sonon placed first in the football toss on campus and Our Alumni Day was a big success as we held our annual softball game and barbeque on April 30th. We look forward to the fall semester as we build on our previous success. West Virginia Tech Gamma-Xi Chapter Gamma Xi wrapped up this semester with a bang! We completed both our ACE project and Sam Spady event with the success of having all Greek organizations present along with other several campus groups. We celebrated the end of the semester with the other Greeks on our campus lawn, and will be spending some quality time with our Alumni this Memorial Day weekend during our 12th annual white water rafting trip. Western Illinois Epsilon-Zeta Chapter Epsilon Zeta chapter initiated 5 brothers. Participants in our Ace project recorded 50 hours. We won a championship in Greek softball. Our president Steven Nolte won Greek God during our Greek week. William & Mary
Alpha-Eta Chapter
Alpha Eta is proud to announce the initiation of three new members this spring. The Chapter got into the swing of spring with our ACE project, assisting campus landscapers with their work and running an Environmental Awareness booth on Earth Day. The Chapter has also founded an Alumni Advisory Board comprised of five recent alumni.
from the fundraiser is still yet to be determines. Lastly, we co-sponsored an event with Omega Phi Chi and held an open discussion board about dating and relationships. Wisconsin – Oshkosh Gamma-Mu Chapter Gamma Mu is undergoing a semester of change; while we are ever progressing onward as a chapter we are also retracing our heritage back to our chapter’s founders. Pressing onwards we are focusing on revamping our recruitment plan, increasing our scholarship, redesigning our Membership Education, and ultimately becoming the Greek organization on Campus. While we are focusing on creating new leaders and progressing, we will also be starting several projects to learn about our chapter’s past. These projects include Family Tree Night, which will be a brotherhood in the second semester in which we invite alumni over to meet our new brothers and teach them about our history. Worcester Polytech Gamma-Iota Chapter The semester has been going well for Gamma Iota. The chapter has been promoting scholarship well, receiving honorable mention for best academic support at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Philanthropy has done very well at our chapter this year. We have put in 1900 hours of community service and raised $5600 for charitable causes. The chapter raised the fourth largest amount of money for Relay for Life out of the 83 teams that participated and started a campus wide event to be held annually called Legends of the Golden Goat. Gamma Iota has helped a nearby chapter of Sigma Pi as well as doing work on our own campus. Twenty brothers went to Eta-Tau chapter for a day to help them to renovate their house. The show of support from Gamma Iota has helped give Eta Tau new determination to improve their house and their chapter as a whole.
William Paterson Theta-Tau Chapter This month our chapter participated in an event with The Feminist Collective called Walk a Mile in Her Shoes. Brothers walked around the center of campus wearing high heeled shoes to raise awareness for women suffering from eating disorders. We also held a fundraiser at Applebees and received a percentage of everyone’s check that came and supported the chapter. Our final cut
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Alumni News
Upsilon Founders Day, including a group of 1970s alumni with their Silver Cross Certificate.
Upsilon Alumni Association The 88th Founders’ Day was a rip-roaring success, highlighted by Chef Ruben Zuniga’s tasty Hawaiian Luau completed with a roasted pig. Distinguished guests included Grand Third Councilor Brian Devot of Long Beach St., Province Archon Ryan Yuhnke of UC Irvine, and Chapter Advisor Taylor Lapsys of UC Irvine. A large group of 1970s brothers returned to the house to accept the first ever Silver Crosses for the 25th anniversary of their initiation: Hon. Andrew Guilford, Barry Maiten, Jim Lipow, Rev. Mark Nakamura, John “Big Juan” Tsukahira, Dan Pence, Paul Goto, Richard Hofman. The oldest, most wisest attendees were Bob Baker, former Chapter Advisor Joe Henriksen (who wore the Sigma Pi badge given to him by his father-in-law and Upsilon Founding Father, Dr. Donald Allison), Paul Hutton and Kurt Kenworth. The youngest alumni included Misha Silin, Albert de Mao, Sebastian Perkinson and Craig Schallhorn. The farthest traveled were Dan Pence (Dallas), Alfred Hernandez (Houston), Dave Bresler (Boston) and Paul Goto (Hawaii).
Congratulations to First Councilor Mark Stamper for organizing a great show, and to Sage Spencer Van Ruiten for leading the Opening Ritual and Memorial Ritual, which honored the brothers who passed to the Adytum on High: Dr. Elliott Brainard, Norman Charles Reed, Thomas Tapscott, Hon. John Crickard, John Kulli, Lt. William Manning, Gregory Scott and Dr. Ronald Baskin. Long-time chef Pearl Winter (1948-1974), who died in the 1980s was also remembered. She ran a spic-and-span kitchen and wore a Sigma Pi badge every day while taking care of the brothers for many decades. Ray Carlisle’s estate (Class of 1939), a friend of the second oldest living Upsilon brother Clement “Jake” Jacomini, donated $57,000 to our Upsilon endowment for scholarships, raising the total to $120,000. Award winners: Pledge scholarships: Andrew Summers, Jake Camacho, Spencer Pratt. Upsilon Perpetual Scholarships: Brian Warren (1st), Roger Lau (2nd), Kanishk Tulsyan (3rd). William Meyer Award (presented by David Finkel) - most contributions to chapter: Mitchell Howard. Julien D’Avanzo (presented by
| Spring 2011
Craig Schallhorn and Sebastian Perkins) - Spirit of Sigma Pi: Kanishk Tulsyan.
Delta-Rho Alumni Association We would like to introduce the following new leaders of DRAA: Board of Regents: Bruce Peak, Bob Webster, Charlie Eldridge Executive Officers: Marcus Hundley, Jason Tackett, Dan McGowan, Wayne Grannis, Kevin Shelton and Mark Cade. This spring, Delta-Rho Chapter celebrated their 40th year on the campus of Morehead State University. The weekend kicked off with a “shot-gun start” golf scramble at Eagle Trace golf course. Later that evening, a ritual ceremony was held and officiated by the Grand Sage, Chris Brown, and the fraternity Executive Director, Mark Briscoe. The following day, DRAA and the active chapter met to discuss the vision for the alumni association and future support for the active chapter. The festivities concluded with a formal attired dinner and dance on Saturday evening at the Morehead Conference Center. Attendees enjoyed a buffet dinner, silent auction and a display highlighting 40 years of Sigma Pi tradition and memorabilia. The highlight of the evening was marked by a presentation and toast from
Grand Sage Brown during which the Active and Alumni Charters, which had recently been conserved and re-framed, were unveiled. A wonderful time was had by everyone in attendance. Upcoming Events: Golf Outing (Friday, July 8th at Eagle Trace Golf Course) and Summer Picnic (Saturday, July 9th at Cave Run Lake/Twin Knobs West Group Area, Morehead, KY from 12 PM until 8 PM). The venue includes a covered shelter and accommodates softball, volleyball, hiking/walking trails and direct access to the beach. Bring the family or a potential future brother to the gathering. Morehead State University Homecoming weekend (October 21-22, 2011).
Alumni News
Sigma Pi Brothers from Ohio State, Miami University, Ohio University, Ohio Northern, and Jonathon Frost of the Sigma Pi Educational Foundation who enjoyed last year’s outing put on by the Ohio State University. This years golf outing will be held August 12, 2011 and is open to any Sigma Pi. Contact Wib Angles at wangles@columbus.rr.com for information.
At the Alpha-Phi Chapter Reunion April 30th, the alumni presented a plaque to the chapter honoring over 100 brothers who are veterans and served, or are serving, our country in the military.
Lt. Col. Russell Todd Zink (ZL, USC ’91), right, battalion commander of the Texas-based 1st Battalion, 23rd Marine Regiment, and Sgt. Maj. Michael J. Sanderson uncase their unit colors. The Marines of 1/23 officially took over a wide variety of operations throughout Helmand province from 3rd Battalion, 25th Marine Regiment during a transfer of authority ceremony at Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan, March 19. (Photo by Cpl. Brian Gabriel, Jr.)
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Alumni News Sigma Pi brother to run for governor Gregg unlikely to face primary foe in 2012
make sure Indiana thrives so my kids and yours will be proud to call Indiana home.”
John R. Gregg (A, Vincennes ’74), Founders’ Award Recipient, Vincennes attorney, former college president and former Indiana House Speaker from Sandborn, filed paperwork in May to create an exploratory committee for the Indiana governor’s race in 2012. Gregg was speaker of the Indiana House of Representatives from 1996 to 2002. He led the House when it was evenly split with 50 Republicans and 50 Democrats and brought both parties together to pass legislation to create jobs, remake public education and keep Indiana taxes low. Gregg retired from the House in 2002 to return to Sandborn and spend time with his two sons. He then served as interim president of Vincennes University and now is an attorney with the Indiana
“Hoosiers are tired of the divisive politics we’ve seen so much of lately, especially when so many of our friends and neighbors have been left behind in this economic recession,” he said. “It will take all of us – Republicans and Democrats; rural and urban; Millennials and their grandparents – to forge a path that brings jobs back to Indiana.” law firm of Bingham McHale. “I come from a small town – Sandborn, Indiana – where the values of hard work, personal responsibility, honesty and faith exemplify the Hoosier values we all share,” Gregg said in his news release. “As a father and a Hoosier, I’ll work twice as hard to
Where to find him: 4GreggforIndiana.com 4info@GreggforIndiana.com 4YouTube.com/GreggforIndiana 4Twitter.com/GreggforIndiana
Gregg will spend the upcoming months continuing to travel the state of Indiana to listen to concerns of everyday Hoosiers. Gregg was awarded the Founders’ Award in 2002 at the 46th Biennial Convocation in Philadelphia in recognition for his service to the State of Indiana.
26 awarded the Governor Beebe Wounded Veterans Scholarship: Sigma Pi processed $22,400 in total awards to the Beck PRIDE Center for America’s Wounded Veterans’ participants for the Spring 2011 semester at Arkansas State. This photo was taken on May 6th at the annual awards banquet. Recipients were introduced individually then personally congratulated by Ricky Marshall, Chapter Director with ASU’s chapter of Sigma Pi. The family oriented event was attended by approximately 150 people. Several special guests also congratulated award winners- AR State representative Jon Hubbard (R-District 75), Nathan Davis (representing U.S. Senator John Boozman); representatives from MOAA, Military Order of Purple Heart, VFW, DAV and the American Legion.
| Spring 2011
Adytum on High Clarence D Van Gundy ’57 Dec66 Kent D Richardson ’60 3/22/08 John H Arnett Jr. ’60 8/3/03 Maurice L Kliewer ’59 1/8/06 William S Morris ’59 2/15/03 Robert V Huff ’58 Feb 1972 Donald E McMannis ’58 7/18/08 William J Miller ’59 1/30/06 James M Adle ’60 2/9/09
In the Service of God and Man It is with deep sadness that Alpha-Mu (NJIT) chapter announces the passing of Louis Loffredo Jr. Deacon Louis Loffredo Jr., 66, a lifelong resident of Newark, N.J. was accepted into eternal glory on Thursday, Jan. 6, 2011, the Feast of the Epiphany, a fitting tribute to his love of the Christmas season. Deacon Louis Loffredo was born into this world on April 23, 1944. He had a lifelong love and devotion to the Roman Catholic Church, the saints, and St. Lucy’s Parish. Deacon Lou was a much loved member of the clergy of St. Lucy’s and the heart of the parish family. Deacon Lou was also an accomplished gardener and cook Arizona State - Beta-Kappa Richard O Petrick ’62 3/14/10 Brandon K Barth ’07 4/10/11 Arkansas - Alpha-Sigma Philip C Lamitina ’68 Arkansas State - Alpha-Pi Robert C Lucas ’50 Louis J Romero ’52 9/10/10 Gordon D Simpson ’70 11/14/10 Jimmy C Statler ’58 March 2011 James R Taylor ’57 10/9/77 Daniel M Burge ’49 Auburn - Alpha-Delta James A Warren ’42 7/5/07 Phillip A Utter ’54 10/15/10 Beloit - Alpha-Theta Robert W Ginn ’38 1974 Bloomsburg - Delta-Phi James H Neiswender Dec 1994 Cal State-Long Beach Beta-Omicron Albert “Paul” Stokes ’57 12/3/07 Jay G LaGregs ’62 1/19/11
and served as a cook for Sigma Pi Fraternity at NJIT College in Newark for many years, where he provided not only the best in Italian food but was a great moral and spiritual example for the youth of today.
Herbert L Allen ’51 2/15/11 William F Dotson ’51 2/28/09 Harry L Hedden ’51 1/6/93 William F von Almen ’51 4/19/10 John H Bell ’51 12/7/1999 Larry L Leathers ’52 10/29/06 Jerry B Robinson ’52 6/7/10 Ewell B Winnett ’51 8/30/08 Stanley L Cornelison ’53 5//01 Keith L Phillips ’52 4/15/05 David C Rouse ’53 12/21/10 Stanley A Wood ’53 3/17/09 Max B Ferguson ’54 1/3/11 Drury D Long ’53 11/21/06 Randal S Miller ’55 10/13/06 Kent K Grummett ’55 10/2/10 Lowell F Boatz ’55 1/9/11 Donald E Kelsey ’55 9/16/10 Murvil D Harpster ’57 12/15/05 William D Hollenbeck ’56 4/4/08 John R Lindstrom ’56 1/4/1999 Richard K Rudy ’56 7/11/10 Robert G Cheffer ’58 10/7/1994 Charles M Montgomery ’60 8/28/00 Charles E Ryan ’58 Jan 1983 Daniel J Lesh ’58 1/14/04
Cornell - Mu Charlie E Willie ’50 12/22/10
Elon - Epsilon-Theta Clifton O Purvis ’78 4/7/10
Drexel- Beta-Theta David A Nace ’62 10/9/10 Harold N Hillegass ’52 8/18/10 William M Cattafesta ’55 11/23/04
Emory - Psi Walton L Jones ’39 5/5/10 William P Shealy ’42 6/4/09 Richard L Jackson ’35 11//06 Howard Boteler Jr. ’50 6/13/10
Eastern Illinois - Beta-Gamma Robert C Whitehead ’50 9/28/08 Richard K Regnier ’62 12/10/07 Charles T Lowe ’55 4/21/09 Donald E Cohoon ’49 2/17/09 Bertrand P Holley ’49 8/15/04 Arthur R Stough ’50 4/24/02
Kenyon - Lambda Richard (Dick) M Eller ’54 Feb 06
Loved by everyone, Deacon Lou will forever be remembered by the brothers of Alpha Mu chapter as one of our own. His name will live on in our house as we have decorated our kitchen with countless pictures of him over the years helping our chapter and have commemorated the kitchen as “Lou’s Kitchen”. A son, brother, husband, father, uncle, and a true Sigma Pi, Louis Loffredo Jr will be greatly missed and forever remembered.
Fitchburg State - Eta-Tau Jonathan E Fish ’08 12/28/10 Franklin & Marshall - Nu Charles T Fultineer ’48 2010 William A Schaeffer ’40 2010
Lock Haven - Beta-Omega Stephen C Martin ’2001 2009 Louisiana State - Alpha-Kappa Arthur T Dardeau ’60 10/9/10 Loyola-Chicago - Beta-Chi Edward L Minarich ’71 9/21/07
Bruce P Ryder ’44 8/21/10 Adam L Witkonis ’61 8/22/10 Jack M Buckwalter ’52 8/11/10 Robert B Young ’51 3/25/10 Arnold E Lohmann ’49 10/15/10 Walter P Condon ’54 8/17/05 John D Killian ’56 9/12/08 Donald B Witwer ’59 5/15/97 Waldo G Parker ’43 10/16/02 Walter F Johnson ’46 1/25/03 Alfred Brockunier Jr. ’45 8/14/07 Daniel H Kunkel Jr. ’44 7/6/10 Elliot F Pettigrew ’45 10/8/10
Georgia - Alpha-Phi Lawrence A Stockton ’69 10/30/10 Robert B Stephens ’67 3/8/11 Vandy S Gates ’63 2/8/11 Georgia Southern - Gamma-Tau Dennis L Hudson ’83 1/1/11 Paul L Haynes ’76 11/10/10 Indiana - Beta William O Glant ’45 Raymond E McCaslin ’40 Kansas - Beta-Delta Arthur E Ament ’54 July 1975 Charles L Childers Jr. ’56 2006 Frederic E Cooper ’51 2/4/1998 Edward L Sheehey Jr. ’50 8/5/92 Clifford C Holloway ’49 10/16/08 Robert L James ’51 9/12/04 John S Anderson ’51 Nov 1991 Emmor J Cavinee ’51 7/16/09 Elmer F Beth ’51 Oct 1970 Robert L Powers ’52 3/25/91 William L Beydler ’52 2/4/95 Harry D Hunt ’55 11/5/06 Bob F Ogle ’54 3/23/1995 John R Wright ’54 12/23/10
Maryland - Alpha-Chi Jean F Carlton ’48 6/19/06 Earle R Marden Jr. ’50 10/25/04 James M Wells ’54 10/3/10 Robert W Byrd ’52 8/11/09 Vincent E Hutton ’51 10/3/1992 Louis M Iannuzzelli ’52 3/26/09 James M O’Donnell ’52 8/6/04 Charles E Travers ’52 1/2/04 Ray E Tucker ’51 2/22/06 Donald F Miller ’50 2/22/05 Randall D Sterling Jr. ’53 Jul-78 Fred G Everett ’55 6/16/00 Allan L Luke ’54 7/9/07 Francis W Germaine ’52 4/7/09 Clyde L Frazier ’54 4/10/07 Benjamin F Poinsett ’54 11/10/09 Robert M Briden ’57 6/2/10 James E Booth ’58 1/14/04 John T McLendon ’58 2//1999 Robert V Garver ’56 8/16/10 Robert L Watts ’58 August 1982 Franklyn T Michael ’59 5/25/1998 Frederick W Frei Jr. ’58 July 1980 Carl E Zavada ’57 4/15/09 Phillip W Kane Jr. ’49 3/12/10 Glenn B Melton ’60 5/24/10 Thomas E Willett ’60 3/31/05 James H Williams ’64 8/19/02 James P Abato ’65 8/12/1999 Miami (FL) - Beta-Zeta Frank R Slivocka ’51 8/15/10 William J Daly ’52 2/17/01 Thomas A Barabe ’52 Sep 78 Anthony J Daly ’54 8/17/98 Robert R Anderson ’54 2/11/1998 Thomas J Liggett ’54 9/25/1997 Calvin C Rampulla ’53 9/5/92 John J Lenahan Jr. ’52 8/30/99 George Renninger II ’52 Nov 1991 Stuart L Graves ’58 10/2/02 Robert S Peters ’58 1/2/97 Richard W Mirra ’59 5/29/10 John B Cope ’61 8/12/03 Michigan Tech - Zeta-Epsilon Ronald G Oberle ’94
Update us about your life . . . sigmapi.org
Adytum on High Milton - Delta-Gamma Werner C Stadtlander ’69 1985 Missouri - St. Louis - Delta-Zeta Gerard F Gaylord ’72 10/6/10 Missouri State - Alpha-Rho Jerold J Thomas ’57 1/22/11 Monmouth - Delta-Beta Cleto J Augusto ’76 NJIT - Alpha-Mu Louis Loffredo 1/6/11 Herman O Schroedel ’52 1992 North Carolina State - Rho Walter M Keller ’41 10/09 Marc S Haege ’12 Dec 2010 Oakland Univ. - Zeta-Pi Edwin C Porter Dec 2010 Ohio Northern - Zeta Archie R Moore ’41 3/28/10 Daniel J Hart ’68 Keith A Brail ’69 Jeffrey L Fox ’70 Ohio State - Gamma Robert L Bryan ’31 Nov 1985 Oregon State - Omega Paul M Cochran ’11 4/2/11 Parsons - Gamma-Zeta Benjamin F Rogers ’71 8/23/10 Pennsylvania - Delta John B Corrin Jr. ’27 Feb 1982 Joseph L Hunsberger ’30 5//09 Penn College - Theta-Phi Christopher M Fox ’06 3//11 Penn State - Theta James E Work ’49 Herbert E Longenecker ’30 Pittsburgh - Chi Stanton L Harvey ’52 Richard D Van Maldeghem ’61 Purdue - Eta Charles M Hess ’47 9/4/10 David Erwin ’52 Jon R Augustson ’58 Feb 2009 Stanley H Beck ’55 2/12/10 Rhode Island - Alpha-Upsilon John R Scattergood ’65 10/28/10 Rutgers - Gamma-Eta Stephen G Taylor ’65 11/19/10 San Diego State - Alpha-Omega Alberto Doria ’61 8/2/02 James C MacGregor ’49 7/23/86 Graham C Mehaffey ’51 5/30/07 Robert K Miller ’51 9/5/02 Robert W Smart ’50 1/12/1999 John O Watson ’51 1/3/11 Walter B Everingham ’50 7/16/05 Luther D Privette ’52 7/1/01 William M Wood ’51 1/7/1995 Gordon E Thompson ’50 1/1/1991
| Spring 2011
Homer F Gay ’51 9/21/09 Ernest A Smith Jr. ’51 6/28/08 Edward H Stone ’49 12/1/02 Jack L Brown ’51 7/22/06 Richard W Randleman ’51 1/1/99 Jack B Schwartz ’53 2/12/03 Donald L Gates ’53 Sep 1980 Gerald F Lamb ’54 12/31/10 Harold J Powell ’55 Feb 1984 Charles W Clay Jr. ’54 Sep 1975 William D Cool Jr. ’56 5/14/09 Peter B Ward ’56 4/24/1997 Rodney M Woodward Jr. ’56 6/4/1996 Stanley R Moore ’57 4//04 Jack C Parrish ’57 7/18/01 Henry G Turner ’55 3/15/1999 William G Tadlock ’57 3/7/07 Merwyn E Williams ’56 1/30/07 Harold E Pinney ’58 4/7/00 William T Bowen ’50 10/15/08 Harry S Grow ’54 3/12/1996 Harold S Fassett Jr. ’54 3/10/08 Arthur H Hayes ’54 8/11/06 Mark H Pray ’57 1/8/11 Michael E Noe ’62 2/9/06 Raymond A Still ’61 10/24/01
San Jose State - Beta-Eta Barney P Bragg ’51 3/25/08 Nathan Hooper ’51 1/3/09 William W Patterson ’51 10/8/10 Thomas C Hardy ’50 9/14/08 Warren E Sanner Jr. ’52 Sep 68 Walter S Pinkston ’50 7/26/09 Thomas R Miller Jr. ’51 3/13/05 Dale E Hoyt ’52 3/17/07 Robert W Schoop ’52 March 72 George R Smith ’53 12/15/02 Richard C Booth ’52 April 1976 Richard P Cunnison ’52 3/26/96 Eugene V Greenelsh ’53 7/27/96 Walter E Burnett ’53 5/30/10 Dale J Sumers ’53 1/17/09 Richard C Mooring ’55 5/7/10 Richard O Compton ’55 7/3/00 George C Dick ’54 1/12/00 Charles T Chappell ’57 12/4/01 Frank V Giallanza ’60 12/25/1993 Kenneth F Warren ’58 8/3/05 Robert J Aiello ’57 2/12/09 William A Anderson ’59 6/24/06 James R Uhl ’59 11/15/1994 John D Fehd Jr. ’56 10/8/10 Robert L Stegall ’60 5/16/1994 Arthur W Alway ’61 11//05 John D Metesser ’64 5/5/08 Edwin L Hill ’65 6/10/08 John C Moody ’68 7/13/04 Harold H Chouinard II ’68 11/28/09 James W Kennedy ’69 7/28/09 Robert B Martin III ’70 2/2/02 SIU-Carbondale - Beta-Nu C. Robert Shoop ’57 SIU-Edwardsville - Delta-Omega Donald G Peters ’91 Syracuse - Beta-Epsilon
John Yuhas ’49 7/1/10 Albert J Hanna Jr. ’49 8/2/1997 Albert H Brown ’50 12/9/09 Charles B Hepburn ’50 10/21/09 Laurence W McCarty ’50 7/30/07 Robert F Milford ’49 12/12/94 Earl H Jacobs Jr. ’50 6/6/1995 Franklin W Rozell ’50 7/24/06 Walter W Krueger ’50 9/13/98 Joseph H West ’51 5/31/93 George J Coleman ’51 8/4/00 Glenn R Curtis ’51 12/29/00 Charles G Frink ’51 5/13/10 Frederick L Sloatman ’52 8/27/04 Ralph W Hewitt Jr. ’51 10/9/10
Temple- Kappa Arthur J Clark ’18 Aug 1986 Hugh B Spacht ’37 8/9/10 Tennessee-Martin - Epsilon-Tau Daniel P Treatt ’89 3/22/11 Towson - Eta-Nu Brian R May ’93 5/3/11 Tulane - Omicron Richard Piske Jr. ’47 5/27/10 Wilder K Kuhn ’50 2003 UCLA - Upsilon Robert R Smart ’48 5/14/10 Walter N Tashjian ’70 9/23/10 Richard C Benner ’40 Nov 2007 Ray A Carlisle ’39 11/25/07 Thomas J Reddy ’59 12/9/10 William L Holmes ’48 7/14/08 Roger K Denney ’54 1/12/09 Richard M Konrady ’77 1995 Elliot L Brainard ’48 2/26/09 Ronald J Baskin ’57 7/25/10 Gregory Scott ’71 Oct 2010 Thomas M Tapscott ’50 11/26/10 William H Manning ’51 1/31/10
Elmer G Erickson ’52 10/8/1999 Edwin V Stephenson ’54 Aug-83 Verne R Thompson ’57 6/12/00 Edward L Nowell ’57 8/28/07 Frederick M Brown ’57 8/12/1995 Walter J Gardner ’59 4/10/02 Carlton K Scott ’60 9/9/1999 Ronne A Blaschke ’61 8/22/06 Michael S Hegeman ’61 May 1978 Karl P Schneider ’60 11/6/03 Robert L Wheelwright ’59 5/15/02 Jack H Webster ’61 10/3/09 Michael E Taylor ’62 10/28/07 Parley D Smart ’63 1/1/10
Valparaiso - Beta-Tau William H Haas III ’73 Wake Forest - Alpha-Nu Burlon A Gault ’78 1/1/11 Kent A Robertson ’75 2/24/07 West Virginia - Gamma-Xi Alvin A Anderson ’67 4/10/11 William and Mary - Alpha-Eta Regis B Brown ’44 10/4/10 Wisconsin-Platteville - Delta-Iota Kevin J Foate ’99
Utah - Pi Kenneth R Cook ’56 Dec 2006 Jay L Love ’42 9/26/10 Utah State Univ - Alpha-Psi Don C Hunsaker ’51 6/26/07 Kenneth G Nickell ’50 11/17/1988 Kenneth Thompson ’51 8/2/08 Drake W Will ’47 3/11/10 Carl F Vaterlaus ’50 8/10/1995 Harry D Cook ’51 Jan 1979 Robert G Gray ’51 7/8/1989 Henry M Hjelm ’52 12/2/09 Paul F Madden Jr. ’51 5/5/04 Clayton L Earl ’52 11/8/1998 Elmer L Davis ’50 9/3/1997 Ernest R Croxford ’52 10//10 Darwin W Judy ’52 10/1/03 Derrall C Petersen ’52 11/18/08 Frank L Holman ’53 May 1987 Robert J Obropta ’53 2/6/02 Ivan A Summers ’52 4/28/07 Garold C Christensen ’53 10/24/05 Robert L Eardley ’52 12/24/1996 Wray M Skanchy ’54 6/14/05
Adytum on High listings as of May 10, 2011. Gifts in memory of a brother of Sigma Pi are accepted by the Sigma Pi Educational Foundation. Once a gift is received, a card of acknowledgement is sent to the donor and, if possible, a card announcing the memorial contribution is sent to the immediate family of the one remembered or person honored. Please contact the SPEF office (800) 332-1897, email: edfund@ sigmapi.org.
You can help! Secure your chapter’s place in the forthcoming history book
The Sigma Pi Historical Society is looking for information related to the following chapter installations and reinstallations as no report of these events has ever appeared in the pages of the Emerald. More specifically, we are looking for event details such as the names and stations of the installation team members, location of chartering banquet or celebration, names of any university officials and/or alumni volunteers in attendance, etc. Alpha-Beta (Michigan) Rechartering (1949) Alpha-Gamma (Washington) Rechartering (1984) Alpha-Kappa (Louisiana State) Recharterings (1957 & 1986) Alpha-Omicron (California-Santa Barbara) Rechartering (1973) Alpha-Tau (Louisiana–Lafayette) Chartering (1948) and Rechartering (1994) Alpha-Phi (Georgia) Rechartering (1981) Alpha-Omega (San Diego State) Rechartering (2001) Beta-Kappa (Arizona State) Rechartering (1985) Beta-Lambda (Lycoming) Rechartering (1984) Beta-Nu (SIU-Carbondale) Rechartering (1984) Beta-Xi (New Mexico State) Rechartering (1967) Gamma-Mu (Wisconsin–Oshkosh) Rechartering (1985) Delta-Nu (Ball State) Rechartering (1984) Epsilon-Omega (SUNY–Potsdam) Chartering (1983) Zeta-Alpha (West Chester) Chartering (1984) Zeta-Beta (Embry Riddle, FL) Chartering (1984) Zeta-Gamma (Millersville) Chartering (1984) Zeta-Delta (Colorado) Chartering (1984) Zeta-Epsilon (Michigan Tech) Chartering (1984) Zeta-Zeta (Florida) Chartering (1984) Zeta-Eta (Santa Clara) Chartering (1985) Zeta-Theta (SUNY–Plattsburgh) Chartering (1985) Zeta-Iota (Western Ontario) Chartering (1985) Zeta-Kappa (Cal State-Bakersfield) Chartering (1985) Zeta-Lambda (Southern California) Chartering (1985) Zeta-Mu (Michigan State) Chartering (1985) Eta-Zeta (Western Connecticut State) Chartering (1989) Eta-Eta (Bridgewater State) Chartering (1989) Eta-Theta (York) Chartering (1989) Eta-Iota (Cal State-Dominguez Hills) Chartering (1989) Eta-Omega (Johnson & Wales) Chartering (1996)
Please email the Sigma Pi Historical Society at
historicalsociety@sigmapi.org if you have any of this information and ensure that your chapter’s history will be accurately preserved.
Sigma Pi Fraternity P. O. Box 1897 Brentwood, TN 37024
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