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Birkman Method
The Birkman Method at the Mid-Year Leadership Conference
How Sigma Pi Is Using the Self-Assessment Tools for Continued Growth of Chapter Leaders
by Matt Smith (Valparaiso ’01), contributing writer I f you've heard anyone talking about using “the colors” of people for teams or communication, they were probably referring to the Birkman. The Birkman method is an assessment revealing three key perspectives of every person: motivation, self-perception, and social perception. By understanding these perceptions, and how they influence each other, leaders can better understand the emotions and actions that characterize their lives.
“The reality of life is that your perceptions – right or wrong – influence everything else you do. When you get a proper perspective of your perceptions, you may be surprised how many other things fall into place.” – Roger W. Birkman, PhD. 1919-2014
Over 8,000 companies, educational institutions and assessment centers, and more than 3.5 million people worldwide have taken the Birkman assessment. It is available in 20 languages and is rigorously evaluated for reliability, validity, and statistical soundness as a personality instrument. In 2018, Sigma Pi began looking at ways to enhance our training programs and communication resources for alumni volunteers and chapter officers. The Birkman was chosen as one of the tools that can assist our fraternity in growing in these areas. Sigma Pi contracted a third party vendor to administer the Birkman assessment and conduct a pilot training at the 2019 Mid-Year Leadership Conference (MYLC) in Kansas City, MO. Several alumni volunteers and executive office staff assisted to observe and learn the process.
The ancient philosopher Socrates is quoted as saying, “Falling down is not a failure. Failure comes when you stay where you have fallen.” In this light, the Sigma Pi Curriculum Task Force took a very open and honest evaluation of our pilot by reviewing facilitators, undergraduates, and alumni volunteer feedback from MYLC. We reviewed the strengths and weaknesses of the approach taken with our vendor, and sought the advice from the Birkman
corporation itself, to understand how other corporations have scaled this methodology to ballroomsized audiences.
The Curriculum Task Force has taken the initiative to gain Birkman Signature Certification, which enables us to independently administer the assessment. It also qualifies us for generating insights, coaching, and group dynamic reports that were not available to us previously. In 2019, only 77 participants at MYLC took the Birkman Assessment, which was sent to them after registration, meaning the majority of our chapter officers didn't receive the full benefit of the conference. The Birkman assessment is an integral MYLC experience and all participants are given complimentary assessment with their registration. The 2020 MYLC saw 174 undergraduates complete the assessment, a 126% increase year-over-year.