21 minute read



Provincial governments introduce sports lottery products at retail locations as an alternative to illegal bookmaking. However, because those products had to adhere to Canada’s ban on singlegame wagering only parlay bets involving a minimum of 3 games get approval. Alongside this single-game betting, gray markets with offshore sites continue to cater on the side to Canadians. Lesgouvernementsprovinciauxintroduisentdes produitsdeloteriesportivedanslespointsdevente audétailcommealternativeàlaprisedeparisillégale. Cependant,parcequecesproduitsdevaientrespecter l’interdictionduCanadasurlesparissurunseuljeu, seulslesparisparlayimpliquantunminimumde3 jeuxsontapprouvés.Parallèlementàcesparissurun seulmatch,lesmarchésgrisavecdessitesoffshore continuent de servir les Canadiens.


February 2020

The Safe and Regulated Sports Betting Act is introduced in Parliament as a Private Member’s Bill by Kevin Waugh, MP for Saskatoon-Grasswood. The Bill, C-218, aims to amend the Criminal Code to make it legal to bet on the outcome of a single sporting event. Endorsement comes through from the likes of other provincial governments across Canada, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce; Soccer Canada and the International Olympic Committee. Backing by the NBA, NHL and MLS is crucial in strengthening support.

LaLoisurlesparissportifssûrsetréglementésestprésentéeau Parlemententantqueprojetdeloid’initiativeparlementaireparKevin Waugh,députédeSaskatoon-Grasswood.LeprojetdeloiC-218viseà modifierleCodecriminelafinderendrelégalleparisurlerésultatd’un seulévénementsportif.L’approbationvientd’autresgouvernements provinciauxàtraversleCanada,laChambredecommerceduCanada; SoccerCanadaetleComitéinternationalolympique.Lesoutiendela NBA,delaLNHetdelaMLSestcrucialpourrenforcerlesoutien.

March 2019

Ontario’s Finance Minister Vic Fedeli sends a letter requesting amendment to Canada’s Criminal Code to allow single-gaming betting in Ontario. This move comes just under a year after the US Supreme Court famously struck down a 1992 federal law banning commercial sports betting (in states other than Nevada). In April the Canadian government revealed their intention to put an end to the monopoly on online gambling.

LeministredesFinancesdel’Ontario,Vic Fedeli, envoie une lettre demandant une modification du Code criminel du Canada pourautoriserlesparisàjeuuniqueen Ontario. Cette décision intervient un peumoinsd’unanaprèsquelaCour suprêmedesÉtats-Unisainvalidé une loi fédérale de 1992 interdisant les parissportifscommerciaux(dansdes ÉtatsautresqueleNevada).Enavril,le gouvernementcanadienarévéléson intentiondemettrefinaumonopoledes jeuxd’argentenligne.

April 2021

On the 22nd of April, Bill C-218’s third reading passes through Canada’s House of Commons without amendment by a 303 to 15 vote. It replaces a government sponsored Bill (C-13), with similar intentions which was tabled in November by Federal Justice Minister and Attorney General David Lametti. Unlike Bill C-13, which removed the single-event sports betting restriction in section 207(4)(b) but included language to specifically maintain Canada’s current parimutuel system of betting for horse racing, Bill C- 218 deleted section 207(4)(b), which may have called into question the pari-mutuel system.

Le22avril,latroisièmelectureduprojetdeloiC-218 passeparlaChambredescommunesduCanadasans amendementpar303voixcontre15.Ilremplaceun projetdeloiparrainéparlegouvernement(C-13), auxintentionssimilaires,déposéennovembrepar leministrefédéraldelaJusticeetprocureurgénéral DavidLametti.ContrairementauprojetdeloiC-13,qui supprimaitlarestrictionsurlesparissportifssurunseul événementàl’alinéa207(4)b),maisincluaitunlibellé visantspécifiquementàmaintenirlesystèmecanadien actueldeparimutuelsurlescoursesdechevaux,le projetdeloiC-218supprimaitl’article207(4)b),quiapu remettreencauselesystèmedeparimutuel.



June 2021

On the 22nd of June, Bill C-218 passes through Canada’s Senate by a 57-20 vote. A similar bill had also failed to pass in the Senate back in 2012 - WindsorTecumseh NDP MP Joe Comartin had introduced a private member’s bill which received all party support but stalled for three years in the Senate, and ultimately died when Parliament was dissolved before the 2015 election.

Le22juin,leprojetdeloiC-218estadopté auSénatduCanadaparunvotede57contre 20.Unprojetdeloisimilairen’avaitpasnon plusétéadoptéauSénaten2012-ledéputé néo-démocratedeWindsor-Tecumseh,Joe Comartin,avaitprésentéunprojetdeloi d’initiativeparlementairequiareçulesoutien detouslespartis,maisquiaétébloqué pendanttroisansauSénat,etestfinalement mortlorsqueleParlementaétédissous avant. l’élection de 2015.

August 2021

Single-game betting finally comes into force - but is currently only offered by provincial lotteries. On the 27th of August Proline+ goes live in Ontario - it is the first singlegame sports betting product to do so in that province. It is estimated that it took approximately 3.5 million bets in the first month-plus of operation alone. Lesparissurunmatchentrentenfin envigueur-maisnesontactuellement offertsqueparlesloteriesprovinciales. Onestimequ’ilafalluenviron3,5 millionsdeparisaucoursdupremier mois de fonctionnement seulement.

April 2022

On April 4 Ontario officially launches its iGaming market. Registered operators that have entered into an agreement with iGaming Ontario can now offer their products and services to Ontario’s regulated market. For the first time in Canada’s gaming history, there will be a competitive, full-scale regulated sports betting model.

Le 4 avril, l’Ontario lance officiellement sonmarchéiGaming.Lesopérateurs enregistrésquiontconcluuneentente aveciGamingOntariopeuvent désormaisoffrirleursproduitset servicessurlemarchéréglementéde l’Ontario.Pourlapremièrefoisdans l’histoiredujeuauCanada,ilyauraun modèleconcurrentieldeparissportifs réglementésàgrandeéchelle.

July 2021

On July 14th, iGaming Ontario - a subsidiary of provincial gaming regulator, the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) is established. Its legislative purpose is to conduct and manage iGaming in the province, and as it states on its website: to ‘enter into commercial agreements with operators who meet rigorous standards of game and operator integrity, fairness, player protections and social responsibility’.

Le14juillet,iGamingOntario-unefilialede l’organismeprovincialderéglementationdes jeux,laCommissiondesalcoolsetdesjeux del’Ontario(AGCO)estétablie.Sonobjectif législatifestdemeneretdegérerl’iGamingdans laprovinceet,commeill’indiquesursonsite Web : de “conclure des accords commerciaux avecdesopérateursquirespectentdes normesrigoureusesd’intégritédesjeuxetdes opérateurs,d’équité,deprotectiondesjoueurset deresponsabilitésociale”.

September 2021

Just a month after single-game betting gets off the ground, regulatory standards are set and AGCO opens its registration application system to iGaming operators. IT systems supporting the launch of the new iGaming framework are built, configured and tested by AGCO, iGaming Ontario, and operators. All businesses that applied for registration before the launch are required to halt operations in Ontario following registration approval by AGCO.

Unmoisseulementaprèslelancementdesparis surunseuljeu,desnormesréglementairessont définiesetAGCOouvresonsystèmededemande d’enregistrementauxopérateursiGaming.Les systèmesinformatiquesprenantenchargele lancementdunouveaucadreiGamingsontconstruits, configurésettestésparAGCO,iGamingOntarioet lesopérateurs.Touteslesentreprisesquiontfait unedemanded’inscriptionavantlelancementsont tenuesdecesserleursactivitésenOntarioaprès l’approbationdel’inscriptionparlaCAJO.

Katja Nordstad CEO cataffs.com

campaigns, skilled VIP and AWOL managers. Top geos are CIS, Nordics, Canada, New Zealand and Central/Eastern Europe.

We are a team of professionals with aggregate experience of more than 40 years in the Fintech industry. We are here to make your business successful. Fintech Harbor Consulting provides A-class solutions including Company Registration, Registered/Virtual Office Address, bank accounts and Merchant account solutions, at an affordable rate.

Garth Garland B2B Marketing Manager www.1account.net

1account is a market and industry-leading solution for KYC and ID verification across the entire iGaming ecosystem. It delivers the highest success ratios on the market with the key to its success and effectiveness being its ability to access and utilise multiple data sources which check every API to achieve a 2+2 match in up to 95% of legitimate individuals.

1XBET www.1xbet.com

1XBET is an international bookmaker with over 10 years of experience. They offer casino games, slots and live casino products from world-leading providers as well as an in-house agent scheme and an affiliate program. They support more than 250 payment solutions from all over the world.

Bojan Kesić Head of Business Development www.admiralbet.rs

Admiralbet is part of Novomatic Group, which is a pioneer in this industry and one of the world’s most famous gambling companies. Admiralbet Serbia is currently among the leading brands in the market with an emphasis on technology and people. Their goal is to continually improve their flagship products and services to offer the best experience to our customers.

Boris Pashnev Senior Affiliate Manager and

Team lead www.alpha-affiliates.com

Alpha Affiliates is a direct iGaming advertiser and partner program with a diverse portfolio of 10 fully-owned online casino brands, including crypto and betting offers. Since 2012, reputation, technology, our passion and expertise in the online gambling market has enabled them to provide the best personalized deals for partners in 38 GEOs.

Dominico Mazzola Commercial Director www.altenar.com

Altenar provides a fully-managed sportsbook solution, integrated seamlessly into your Client Management Platform and portal. Their state-of-the-art software offers the stability of an established product, hosted on our secure and redundant infrastructure. Altenar retains in-house risk management, as well as trading and business support services on a 24/7 basis.

Keith Mangion Livori Casino Director www.amazinggaming.com

Amazing gaming offers an extensive portfolio of products and services to facilitate new and established operators within their respective markets. The company maintains an exclusive focus on the B2B aspects of internet gambling through a portfolio of licenses in Malta, the Isle of Man, Curacao and Romania.

Dinārs Gorniks General Director www.amber-studios.com

Outsourced and Managed Live Broadcasting Studios, presenters, daily operation and people management which is based in Latvia, Lithuania, Georgia and Poland. Known for their high connectivity, 24/7 operations, and bespoke services tailored to each client individually.

Daniel Buttigieg Chief Commercial Officer www.apcopay.com

ApcoPay is a fully integrated payments processing solution, an all-in-one platform that provides Operators with all they need to cater for multi-channel and multi-currency payment options through a single interface. The solution is designed to cater for high transaction volumes, scalability and continuous improvement. We are specialists in payment solutions with over 17 years’ industry experience driven by a passionate team of experts.

Robert Mikudik Head of Commerical www.apollogames.com

Apollo Games is one of the leading suppliers of online gaming software standing at the forefront of the iGaming industry in Central Europe and in Africa. They strive to deliver the best gaming experience and offer players cutting-edge slot games with different levels of volatility and stunning visuals for world-class digital entertainment.

Kris Baron Partner - Regulatory & Advisory www.arqgroup.com

ARQ Group is a Malta-based professional services firm, boasting a team of high-quality regulatory, compliance, AML, accounting and technology specialists. Through the knowledge and experience gained over the years by advising top and mid-tier iGaming companies and assisting start-ups, they provide all the support one would need to grow and protect their business.

Sergei Efimenko CEO, Atlas www.atlas-iac.com

Atlas is a Gambling software provider, focused on Performance, Full flexibility and Automation. Based on in-house built proprietary Platform (Sportsbook, CRM, Risk-management, Antifraud, Bonus engine and Retail), they create pioneering solutions that allow to automate work of thousands of employees in each department, maximize the profit and increase quality of product.

Steve Bates Head of Product and Technology www.aurum.solutions

Aurum Solutions designs, develops and implements world-class reconciliation and exception management software. Fully scalable, highly flexible with comprehensive management information and full audit trail.

Bojan Šćekić CEO www.balkanbet.rs

Balkan Bet was established in 2000 with them now operating over 70 bet shops. Primarily focused on sports betting and casinos, they aim to improve the best gaming and fun experience. In a novel turn, they have a fully stocked bar at every location where they also provide fantastic food.

Vladimir Luchaninov CMO www.bananzaaffiliates.com

Bananza is a gambling affiliate program with 2 casino brands: Vostok and Volta. Bananza brands have operated since 2015 in CIS countries and have launched in Canada this very same year. Their Affiliate program combines everything you could expect: revshare/ cpa/hybrid models, weekly payments, converting promo materials, detailed reports and postbacks.

Sergey Chernyavski Deputy Director of Marketing belatragames.com

Belatra Games is an online gaming provider with years of experience in the gambling industry. Every year, thanks to the work of a large team of professionals, they release more the 15 new cutting edge games featuring a variety of scenarios and exciting topics.

Kateryna Dolzhenko Affiliate manager www.betandyou.com

Betandyou is a fast-growing gambling site operating in a plethora of markets worldwide and providing high level services to its registered players from day one. Amazing welcome packages, unique daily and weekly offers, a variety of betting markets, casino providers and top-notch in-house affiliate software put them one step ahead of the competition and make Betandyou one of the best and most profitable bets.

Chris Nokolopoulos CCO www.betby.com

Betby is software provider which has built and has been constantly updating a revolutionary sportsbook involving machine learning and artificial intelligence and integrated with premium quality data feeds. We develop, we predict, we detect and we do it quickly, efficiently and with absolute focus on needs of our partners.

Kristina Hambardzumyan Malta Regional



BetConstruct is a software developer and iGaming industry giant. The firm’s philosophy is delivering freedom of choice for clients to maximize their success in the market. With a finger on the pulse of multiple tech trends, the company pushes the limits in iGaming providing proven and innovative offerings since 2003 and the widest gaming and betting portfolio in the industry.

Niklas Fagerström Head of Affiliates www.betwinner.com

BETWINNER Sportsbook and Casino includes over 1,000 events daily and 400,000 online users. We use a personal approach for every partner, helping to maximise benefits. A key advantage is the “low base players” effect. This means that it will be much easier for our partners to monetize our traffic, which gives them great opportunities for scaling and growth.

Claudia Melcaru Head of Business Development www.bfgames.com

BF Games is a creative and dynamic game development studio that creates innovative slots content for the global online. With a focus on developing high-quality games and platform, BF Games offers an extensive portfolio of industry-leading products to the sector. The London-based company was founded by industry veterans and is also a land-based operator and slot machines producer in several European jurisdictions.

BINKII www.binkii.com

Send rewards in a Blink! Offer incentives your customers and employees actually want - Digital gift cards for the world’s biggest brands! We make it easy to integrate via API and send Blinks (Binkii Links) according to your campaign, website or corporate needs.

Nina Jelen Marketing Manager www.blueoceangaming.com

BlueOcean Gaming is a B2B online casino software provider with long-time experience in the online gaming industry. Their lead product is GameHub, a game aggregation platform, which allows operators to quickly launch more than 90 casino game providers via single API integration. Other products they develop include White Label, Turnkey and Site Provider API solution.

Robert Miller Managing Director www.buffalopartners.com

With over 20 years’ experience, Buffalo Partners represents a collection of the world’s largest online casinos and sportsbooks. It operates worldwide and it ticks all the boxes: generous and admin fee free Revenue share/ CPA deals; no Negative carryover; multiple payment varieties and flexibility; customised reporting and personalised marketing creatives; knowledgeable account managers.

Michael Daly CEO www.catenamedia.com

Catena Media is a global leader in generating high-value leads for operators in online casino, sports betting and financial trading. The group connects people to partners through their large portfolio of trusted, educational and innovative brands. The Nasdaq Stockholm Mid Cap listed group employs over 500 people worldwide.

Assaf Dor CEO www.cellxpert.com

Cellxpert, the leading affiliate tracking software, puts you in full control of your affiliate program. Run all marketing channels and reach meaningful insights based on your performance, results and ROI. One practical solution to increase your revenue: From tracking and campaign performance management to advertising and regulation tools.

Darco Aivazian Head of Malta Office/Acting Head of Affiliates www.chillipartners.com

Chilli Partners includes popular major brands of online casinos, providing a huge selection of games for players around the world. Their dedicated and diverse team gains valuable industry experience and mutual development. They are proud of the success that they achieve thanks to the selection of the best games, excellent software, excellent customer service, reliability, and safety.

Anton Voystrikov CEO www.clicklead.ru

CLICKLED is an international iGaming CPA network operating in affiliate marketing since 2016. CLICKLED has more than 1,000 offers in 40 countries around the world. Most importantly, with CLICKLEAD, your profit is higher than when working directly with advertisers directly.

Michael Koral CBO & Co-Founder www.smartpay.coinsmart.com

SmartPay by CoinSmart is the easiest way to accept crypto payments. Instantly convert crypto to fiat with same day payouts wired to your bank account. Get guaranteed exchange rates and low transaction fees without the risk of chargebacks or price volatility.

David Black Managing Director - EMEA www.continent8.com

Founded over 20 years ago, Continent 8 is an award-winning, multi-jurisdictional, global network solutions provider that connects, manages, and secures the world’s most valuable information. The company has data centres and strategic points of presence in over 80 connected locations spanning Europe, the Americas and Asia, and is expanding rapidly. Its carrier-grade network powers some of the biggest brands in iGaming.

Roger A. Strickland Jr. Director www.csbgroup.com

CSB Group offers a 360° approach to iGaming operators by effectively assisting them with setting up or relocating their iGaming operation to Malta. Their highly skilled iGaming advisory team assists with Licensing Application Support, Tax Advice, Company Incorporation, Regulatory & Compliance, Key Function Services, Accounting & Payroll, Recruitment, Real Estate and more.

Lilit Azatyan Head of Marketing Department www.digitain.com

Digitain offers a wide range of premium customer-centric products and services for the iGaming industry, ensuring its partners’ competitive advantage. Their sportsbook, whether delivered via a turnkey platform, or via API, is a fully functional platform, with a comprehensive range of supporting services.

Xhejn Dule Payment Expert www.dimoco.eu

DIMOCO Carrier Billing is a regulated payment institute for Direct Carrier Billing and holds a payment service license from the Austrian Financial Market Authority. DIMOCO enables over 1.5 billion people to purchase goods and services from merchants with their mobile devices, charged via the user’s phone bill or credit.

Frank Herold Business Development Director www.emirat.de

EMIRAT AG covers the financial risk of these campaigns as well as other measures such as discount campaigns or redemption. Efficient and reliable coverage is made possible by worldwide cooperation with renowned partner companies. EMIRAT AG supports its customers from the conceptual idea through to implementation - it develops creative new promotional as well as marketing campaigns with sweepstake probabilities and implements them hand in hand with its clientele.

Germano Arno CEO emoney.mt

Emoney PLC is an Electronic Money Institution, licensed in Malta by the MFSA, authorised to operate in all SEPA countries. The company is involved in issuing of electronic money, payment services, payment circuits and innovative internet banking solutions, fully customisable, based on the most advanced technology, security and execution speed.

Marvi Kirik COO www.enchantaffiliates.com

Enchant Affiliates is an Affiliate Program that includes 3 Casino and Sportsbook brands operated by Curacao and MGA licenses. Absorbing the extensive experience in a traffic generation market and innovative technical resources, Enchant Affiliates turned it into brands with the highest conversion funnels and the best tools for affiliates.

Mark Thorne CMO www.esportstechnologies.com

Esports Technologies is developing ground-breaking and engaging wagering products. Esports Technologies is one of the leading global providers of esports product and platform solutions. With offices in Las Vegas, Ireland and Malta, the company operates B2C brands as well as developing esports predictive modelling technologies.

Andrey Astapov Managing Partner at ETERNA LAW www.eterna.law

ETERNA LAW is a full-service European law firm with extensive expertise in Ukraine and the CIS region. ETERNA LAW is one of the leading law firms in the market and has unequaled experience in advising gambling operators in Ukraine in accordance with the provisions of the Gambling Law.

Dmitry Starostenkov CEO evenbetgaming.com

EvenBet Gaming is a world-class online poker solutions developer based and licensed in Malta. Company has created 360-degree software platform with poker in its core, modern mobile and desktop client applications, reliable server, easy-to-manage backend, and an option to integrate thousands of casino games. Used by over 130 iGaming projects.

Vladimir Malakchi Chief Commercial Officer www.evoplay.games

Evoplay is an industry-leading iGaming provider that leads the way, revolutionising the iGaming industry with its innovative approach to game development and overall iGaming experience. The current portfolio includes over 160 slots, table, and instant games are currently available, ranging from classic to innovative gaming-inspired titles.

Anthony Hennessy Commercial Director & Co Founder www.exactasolutions.com

A young company with a strong pedigree, Malta-based Exacta Solutions brings years of experience to bear on the issues faced by new and growing businesses. With experience in executive recruitment, headhunting and management consulting, and an unrivalled network of experts from various backgrounds, they’ll help you reach your business goals.

John Micallef Director www.fact-technologies.net

FACT Technologies offers a variety of services to the gaming industry, including IT advisory and auditing, penetration testing and information security health checks, project management, ISO27001 consultancy, risk and security assessment, and IT Governance. They are also an approved entity by the MGA to carry out Systems and Compliance audits.

Andrea Stojanović Head of Sales www.fazi.rs

The leading manufacturer in the casino industry. Innovative, cutting-edge HTML5 online casino games with the greatest performances for all kinds of players. More than 500 satisfied operators and 30 integrated platforms recognized the quality of unique game content with adjustable UI.

Carsten Schaefer Director www.finductive.com

Finductive Ltd, a regulated Financial Institution based in Malta, is our vision of modern banking and payments! With access to various currencies, IBANS and advanced technical gateway solutions we are proud to offer you payment options to receive, administer and transfer funds globally.

Brian Forth Vice President of Sales and



Finnplay is the leading iGaming platform provider from the Nordics. We offer a trusted, open and state-of-the-art PAM platform with the top casino and sportsbook integrations. Finnplay supports licensed operators in selected regulated markets.

Elena Dudchenko Lawyer fintecharbor.com

They are a team of professionals with aggregate experience of more than 40 years in the Fintech industry. Fintech Harbor Consulting provides A-class solutions including Company Registration, Registered/Virtual Office Address, bank accounts and Merchant account solutions, at an affordable rate.

Jens Poewski CEO & Co-Founder www.finxp.com

FinXP is an award-winning European payments and banking solution provider committed to empowering businesses to easily make and receive payments. Founded in 2014, the company is led by an experienced team with deep knowledge in niche industries including iGaming and Crypto. FinXP’s comprehensive product portfolio includes IBAN Payment Accounts, Unique Pay-out Solutions, Card Issuing, Omnichannel Payment Processing, and more.

John Walker Commercial Director www.fluidbranding.com

Fluid Branding delivers high quality promotional merchandise, that’s what they do and they are proud of doing it. Beyond just selling branded merchandise, their purpose is to create a culture of change that pushes everyone to do things better every day.

James King CEO www.flows.world

Flows is an innovation platform that enables iGaming companies to automate their digital processes, build digital features, and produce applications, without writing a single line of code. Flows securely ingests data from any feed, learns it, and lets you use it to build automated workflows through a no-code Flows builder.

Vivian Mizrahi Head of Affiliates www.fpm.global

Financial Partners Marketing is a world leading affiliate network that specializes in exclusive financial offers. Their commitment to detail and attention towards building partnerships always make their affiliates earn more. Their specialized team made up of passionate marketers ensure that every element from banners to conversion are perfectly optimized and deliver optimal results for their partners.

David Mahon CEO www.fullcolorgames.com

Full Color® Games is the world’s first and new class of card and casino gaming featuring Full Color® Cards and the Full Color® Gaming System where Color Cards™ increase your score and White Cards™ while decreasing it to create a new set of UP & DOWN gaming action. Certified by BMM with Malta & Curacao gaming licences.

Robert Civill Chief Commercial Officer www.gamanza.com

Gamanza is an ISO 27001 certified technology provider offering a complete suite of iGaming software. Gamanza’s iGaming Superstore™ includes a world-class account platform with an ultra-sleek back office, a flexible compliance framework, regulatory data vault, payment gateway, customizable gamification system and a cutting-edge real-time CRM.

Sylvain Boniver COO and founder www.gaming1.com

Gaming1 is a major actor in both land-based and online entertainment (casino, sports betting, poker and game provider). The group is a leader on the Belgian game of chance market with the brand Circus. Using their own technological platform, Gaming1 has built a portfolio of strong brands in 9 countries around the world.

Manoj Trivedi Head of Sales and Marketing www.gammastack.com

GammaStack is an iGaming software solutions and services provider possessing 8+ years of experience. The company provides ready to launch solutions and custom development services for markets including Europe, Africa, South America & North America. Various iGaming verticals covered by company include sports betting, online casinos, fantasy sports, online lottery solutions, esports, etc.

Aleksandr Kosogov CEO www.gamzix.com

Gamzix is a young and progressive slot provider. They create high-quality games for players from all over the world. They provide entertaining content including jackpots, free rounds, and a big choice of revenueboosting promo tools. They already have a strong portfolio, and are ready to cooperate with engaged online casinos and operators.

Rebekah Jackson Business Development Director www.gbgplc.com

GBG is trusted by over 19,000 customers across 65 countries to improve the customer onboarding and verification experience. GBG helps gaming organizations to quickly and simply onboard, verify and monitor players globally with a 100% decision rate, while ensuring frictionless compliance.

Zana Kadir Chairman www.gettechnology.co

GetTechnologies is a service provider for the gaming industry offering sports and casino games for users and shop owners. They offer dedicated end users services such as desktop and mobile version as well as services for shop owners as mobile and desktop partner panels to cover the full requirements spectrum.

Marco Trucco MD Europe en.ggpoker.eu

GGPoker is the world’s leading online poker platform, with next-generation software and a range of innovative games and promotions. As an exclusive partner of the World Series of Poker®, GGPoker offers players gaming experiences that cannot be found anywhere else! Marco Trucco leads GGPoker operations in Europe and the growth of the Malta office.

Oliver Marco La Rosa CEO www.globiance.com

Globiance aims to provide services to all clients across the world with a global approach. Offering services to corporate and retail clients. Globiance platforms cover the exchange and trading of crypto and fiat currencies, payment solutions and worldwide transfers. Offering GBEX the first exchange token designed in a deflationary way.

Dr Ian Gauci Managing Partner www.gtgadvocates.com

The firm provides its clients with integrated advice and assistance on FinTech, regtech, citizenship and residence, shipping, corporate law, financial services, blockchain and DLTs, cryptocurrencies, and general litigation and dispute resolution. A leader in data protection, telecommunications and gaming, GTG serves a diverse client-base which also benefits from an international professional network including international firms and banks.

Arcangelo Lonoce Head of Business Development habanerosystems.com

Habanero is a premium slot games provider creates games popular in both Western and Asian gaming markets. Their complete catalogue of Slot games, Table Games and Video Pokers deliver the best gaming experience using HTML5. Currently certified in 16 countries, Habanero continues to expand its presence globally.

Maddison Newton Affiliate Manager www.highaffiliates.com

High Affiliates is one of the top casino affiliate network programs with in-depth knowledge of the gaming industry with the best CPA’s & Rev-Share from the market. Their high referral bonuses and benefits makes them one of the pillars of the affiliate market.

Maddison Newton VP of Sales & Growth www.intelitics.com

Scalable Customer Acquisition Solutions for iGaming Brands

Our marketing-tech suite and services allow iGaming brands to streamline, automate, and expand customer acquisition channels while driving informed media investing to unlock hidden revenue and boost return on ad spend.

Javier Gazquez CEO & Founder www.interamplify.com

One of the main international SEO platforms that provides advanced solutions to help global brands to grow in any country. Since 2012, They have overcome the challenge of leading their clients to success in many different countries and markets, and have built a solid network of connections around the world to make it happen.

Peter Ekmark Chief Executive Officer www.internetvikings.com

Internet Vikings is a Swedish-based provider of hosting, domain names and marketing solutions established in 2008. The full suite of services includes hosting services across the most relevant jurisdictions, domain names, and marketing solutions in the field of brand protection, making Internet Vikings a one-stop-shop for iGaming operators.

Gianluca Scassa Business Development Manager & ISMS Auditor www.itechlabs.com

iTech Labs is a world leading accredited testing and certification laboratory for online gaming systems. As a trusted industry leader, iTech Labs prides itself on a culture of integrity to the industry and to their customers, while dedicating their skills to meeting customer’s deadlines, at the same time as maintaining the highest quality of testing, at set, competitive rates.

Marina Nechaeva Head of Affiliate Department, Jim Partners www.jimpartners.com

An affiliate program with its own products. Their network includes 6 brands of Online Casinos with Sportsbook. They expand their borders every day, because they work with countries all over the world, including Europe and the CIS. They are focused on long-term cooperation with their partners and offer only high-quality projects with high conversion rates.

Tomash Devenishek Founder & CEO www.kerosports.com

Kero Sports is a leader in algorithmically curated in-game betting. Its whitelabeled engine focuses on converting play by play data into highly contextual microbetting opportunities - performed entirely by proprietary algorithms. Kero Sports technology is deployed inside the apps of major league pro sports organizations as a free to play offering and is debuting soon as a real money gaming product with licensed North American sportsbook operators.

Trevor Axiak Director kyte.global

Kyte Global is a one-stop-shop compliance service provider. With decades of experience in the gaming industry, Kyte can support companies with all licensing requirements using internal resources. Kyte has at its disposal specialised teams for various compliance matters such as AML, ISO27001, PCI DSS, Responsible Gaming, GDPR, Internal Audit, SWIFT, PSD2 etc. Kyte is strong in Information Security and can perform Security Audits as well as Penetration testing to support your Risk Management requirements.

Nikita Gorškov CEO www.mancalagaming.com

Mancala gaming is an online slot game provider with a portfolio of 30+ games that offers direct or reverse integration, jackpots, and unique bonusing tools to increase player retention. All games are HTML5 supporting landscape and portrait mode. New releases focus on unique features with element of skill for demanding players and younger audience.

Miles Benham Managing Director www.mannbenham.com

MannBenham is recognised as one of the Isle of Man’s leading law firms and eGaming service providers, with 25-years’ experience advising clients across the international eGaming arena. MannBenham is comprised of professional business lawyers, an advisory practice with experts in operations, payments and compliance, and a licensed corporate service provider, all focused on eGaming solutions.

Margarita Malysheva Head of Marketing www.mascot.games

Mascot Gaming is an exciting slot development studio on a mission to create engaging games that provide players with the most thrilling experience possible. Its slots combine striking design with sophisticated mechanics to deliver slots that stand out from the crowd. Its team regularly pushes boundaries, creating unique products.

Leanne Muleba COO www.matchingvisions.com

With just 1 signup, 1 login and 1 point of contact, affiliates get access to a long string of high value CPA, Hybrid, CPL and flat RevShare campaigns. With everything under one roof, affiliates need to look no further to grow their business. Matching Visions is the fastest growing affiliate network in the industry and has no plans of slowing down. With highly competitive deals and state-of-the-art software, affiliates no longer need to chase deals, payments and keep track of piles of different login details.

Maddison Newton Affiliate Manager www.mateaffiliates.com

Looking for easy ways to make passive income? There’s nothing better than online casinos that grab people’s attention. Invite people to join and get a high referral bonus for every user. Mate Affiliates offers a high-class affiliate network beyond compare.

John Smith Principal Consultant melbet.ng

MELBET is a trusted online bookmaker with one of the biggest sports lines in the industry. In addition, MELBET offers online live casinos and slots from the world’s best providers. The bookmaker grants top tier iGaming experience to its players.

Joseph Cutajar Managing Director mib.com.mt

MIB is Malta’s largest insurance broker and risk management services firm, the local pioneer in this sector with a track record of over 40 years serving some of Malta’s major public and private corporate entities.

Paul Kavanagh CEO www.mifinity.com

MiFinity, a global payments provider, offers a range of cost-effective and efficient end-to-end payment solutions. It has a growing network of Global partner relationships and a best-in-class, highly secure and regulated technology platform.

Rasmus Kjaergaard CEO www.mindway-ai.com

Mindway AI is a Danish award-winning provider of science-based solutions for automatic detection and monitoring of at-risk and problem gambling behavior. Based on artificial intelligence combined with human experts’ assessments GameScanner becomes your “Virtual Psycholgist”. Gamalyze is a new and innovative way to do self-test as a card game.

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