Signage june 2016 pdf

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SIGNAGE , Volume 1, Issue 3 Copyright 2016 by 1609 Media. All right reserved. No part of this publica on may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including informa on storage and retrieval systems without wri en permission from the publisher.

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Oyekan Babajide O. Odubela Adebisi O. O Kalimot Oluwatoyin Oyekan Babajide O. Digital Aderibigbe Funmilola F. Pictures in this edi on was courtesy Philema

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Out-of-Home Marke ng Journal. Volume 1 - Issue 3 June 2016

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Signage is a monthly, Owned 1609 MEDIA, published and edited by Oyekan Babajide O from No 308, Old Abeokuta Road, Abulegba Lagos Nigeria, West Africa.

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Slowly, Surely, Succeed


was reading a post from one of my mentors Strive Masiyiwa “The Eagles in a Storm (part 2)� Changing our wealth creation model.

He spoke about how rich Africa is in mineral resources e.t.c and how other countries was doing so good buying off those mineral resources as cheaply as they can get them and return them back to the continent with high valued products. The moral of this lesson he said; we should always look inwards This edition is dedicated to the 10th poster Awards, an award that started 1997 from a little begining to what it has grown to be now, the industry is one that is so dynamic and ity gladden me to see that OAAN is moving in that direction which informed our slowly surely succeed. Congratulations OAAN. We are sorry for the delay in publishing this edition, it was due to situations beyond our control. Please do enjoy Cheers Oyekan Babajide Team Lead/Editor


Why OAAN may not survive Another LASAA


he outdoor sectoral group within the advertising industry has been having it rough in the last one decade, suffering from one form of collective or individual collateral damage. And for many stakeholders in the industry, the crisis started with the Lagos State Signage and Advertising Agency (LASAA) coming into the scene, claiming it wanted to sanitise the sector. And when the body, which has become the most powerful regulatory agency in Nigeria completed its task, many outdoor advertising practitioners were out from their source of livelihood and profession. Till date, many p ra c t i t i o n e rs h a v e n o t recovered from that LASAA's onslaught.

Government careless about our challenges and keep putting pressure on us, not minding the challenges we are facing as businessmen. Outdoor practitioners are not operating in isolation but within the same harsh economic environment and government appears not to be concerned about our plight,� he said. But it seems LASAA is not done with its onslaught on the outdoor practitioners if the latest news milling is anything to go by. There are claims that the state outdoor regulator is planning to go into partnership


President of OAAN was not outspoken, as he was conscious claiming that the information is still at the realm of rumour. However, his members who spoke are saying it is true, as it has gone beyond the realm of rumour. It was learnt that many of the practitioners are jittery because the bulk of their business is in Lagos as most advertising spend about 60 per cent of what clients pay are domicile in Lagos. So losing the Lagos market would hit the practitioners badly, reasons they are not taking the information lightly, though said to be in the realm of rumour according to the president.

When many of them were still grappling to re cove r f ro m the LASAA i nte r ve nt i o n , other states in Nigeria decided to copy the LASAA model, w i t h n o variation despite the environment differs. This further inflicted another round of pains on the practitioners. The campaign o f m a n y o u t d o o r practitioners is t h a t t h e injustice being melted to them b y s ta t e regulatory agencies should be reversed or amended. They have not yet achieved any concrete success even with the intervention by the Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria (APCON) under the chairmanship of Lolu Akinwunmi. Despite they are still crying, they were hit by another offensive, when some of the practitioners claimed that LASAA refused to comply with the gentleman agreement reached with some practitioners during the countdown to the last general election in Nigeria.\ That the sector is having a tough time was revealed recently when the President of Outdoor Advertising Agency of Nigeria (OAAN), Babatunde Adedoyin, said the outdoor advertising sector has become endangered species in the country as practitioners contend with regulatory bottlenecks and harsh economy. “From left, right and front, we are being batched.

that would see the world biggest outdoor agency take over the functions of LASAA in Lagos, meaning Jean Claude Decaux – a foreign outdoor advertising firm, would play as both practitioner and regulator in the state, which is even not in compliance to the rules of APCON in terms of foreign agencies playing in the Nigerian market. With this development, there are fears among many outdoor practitioners in Nigeria because if Lagos State should succeed, in no time other states will follow suit just as when LASAA came into the scene. And with Jean Claude Decaux enjoying undue collaboration with the state regulators, many of them would be pushed out of business, leading to not only thousands of job loss but also business packing up. On this new development, though the

Nonetheless, if the proposal by LASAA-Jean Claude Decaux scales through, no doubt it would test who has the superior regulatory p owe rs b et we e n A P CO N , a fe d e ra l government agency and LASAA, a Lagos state agency, in the advertising industry in Nigeria. Before now, there had been some squabble among the two agencies about who should dictate the practice of advertising in Nigeria, especially outdoor advertising, so this might bring back that standoff and probably a final answer considering that the two bodies are managed by governments that belong to the same political party. Attempts to get the boss of LASAA, Mobolaji Sanusi to comment on the raging issue were not successful. When his mobile line was dialled, it was entering voicemail and he did not reply the text message sent to him.

Signage vol.1 No2


OAAA's five steps to an even brighter future for out of home advertising, by Nancy Fletcher The following remarks were part of Nancy Fletcher's opening speech at the TAB/OAAA Conference + Expo – Boca Raton, Florida


n 2015, the OOH industry hit a new revenue peak of 7.3 billion dollars after racking up 23 consecutive quarters of growth. In fact, OOH is the only traditional advertising medium that has achieved such a long and continuous winning streak – of that we should all be extremely proud. And today, we celebrate another milestone because today we mark the



We glued paper to wooden boards, moved on to hand-painting on wood or steel, then we began computerprinting on vinyl, and now we're designing digital displays;


For 70 years we were counting cars, and then ten years ago, we launched TAB OOH ratings. Each time, the change was disruptive. Each time, there were those who wanted to slam the breaks on change, but instead the industry broke through and made the significant investments required. It was never easy, but each time the industry embraced innovation, and leaped forward. And what made us strong then will make us strong now. The fundamentals of the OOH industry – our vision, resolve, and unity – they give us everything we need to m a ke t h e n ex t l e a p forward.

125th anniversary of the founding of the Outdoor Advertising Association of America. For 125 years, OAAA has been here to protect, promote, and advance our industry. Nancy Fletcher, President & CEO of the Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA)




Over the last 125 years our industry has been through a host of changes: From standardizing posters in 1900, to offering bulletins in the 1920's, to creating a beautiful array of OOH formats

That's how we protected private property rights on Capitol Hill – and at state legislatures – and it's how we were eventually able to find relative peace after decades of draconian anti-billboard proposals. It's also how we developed Eco-friendly materials and systems. And, it's how we established a successful regulatory and technology framework for the rollout of digital billboards. We successfully made our case with those who opposed digital billboards – and from big markets to small, we've begun to make the capital investments required, to make another leap forward. As we've grown, we've learned from our history. Because of the smart decisions the industry has made – decisions going all the way back to 1891 – we are facing the most exciting future ever, in 2016. As proud as I am of those industry-wide

decisions, I am even more proud of how the industry has made them: with vision, with resolve, and most important of all, with unity. Despite being 125 years old – OOH is still scrappy – and we are very, very hungry. And so today I want to talk with you about how we are going to build that bright future. What I see are five specific steps we need to take – together – as an industry. Here they are: 1. Closely Connect OOH & Digital; 2. See to it that planning, buying, and measuring OOH is as easy as possible; 3. Make the Most of Data; 4. Make everyone aware of OOH Strengths; 5. And serve the Public Good. The first step is to closely connect OOH & digital. As you know, ad revenues have been flooding from traditional to digital media. And when I say digital media – I mean web, search, social, and especially mobile. Research from MagnaGlobal shows that all traditional media (except OOH) is losing market share. It projects that by 2017 OOH will have a larger share than magazines and that by 2019 OOH will have a slightly larger share than newspapers. But here's the big news story: by 2017, digital will end television's sixty-year reign and become the largest advertising medium in the country. Digital's share of the media pie triples; from 18 percent in 2010, to 2019 when digital will have 49 percent of all ad revenues. All types of digital media – web, search, social, and mobile – all are projected to continue to grow at a rapid clip – and here's why: advertisers like digital media because content is easy to deploy, detailed audience analytics are available, and return on investment can be calculated. But, while all this has been happening, OOH has held its market share. OOH has become much more relevant. And, OOH has become a part of that same interconnected media mix that includes digital. Of course digital billboards, interactive kiosks, and place-based screens are prime examples of more digital OOH. But we're also seeing more and more activation using printed OOH formats, connecting our medium with mobile. OAAA has been working to define OOH's role in this larger media landscape. CONTINUED ON PAGE 9

CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 As we've proven by our research and in our campaigns, OOH is an accelerator of digital advertising of all types. That's because OOH drives people to search, interact, and transact with brands on their mobile devices, out in the real world, right then and there. As an industry, we have to get this story out more forcefully. When we do, advertisers will see greater value in OOH. We need to show them the essential role OOH plays in multiplying the effectiveness of digital . We can prove that OOH is the medium most often shared by consumers. It generates more tweets and reviews, move “likes” and posts on Facebook and other platforms, than any other advertising form. And we can prove that OOH is by far the most efficient and effective driver in the real world of clicks in the digital world. But if we are really going to take our shot, we need to do more . We need to convert and build more digital OOH displays. But digital displays aren't all we need. We also have to connect printed OOH displays to digital – with calls to action driving consumers to engage or transact with specific websites or social media channels. Every OOH company, whatever its size or shape is going to need to ramp up both its digital strategy and its digital investment. And, as always, OAAA is here to help pave the way through education, research, standards, and communications. The second step is a familiar one, but that doesn't make it any less challenging: we have to improve our customer experience by making OOH easier to plan, buy and measure. For years, we've heard advertisers say that OOH can be difficult to use – that it can be hard to buy. We've heard that OOH planning tools aren't on the desktop and that OOH is sometimes ignored by advertisers because it's so different. I can't tell you how many times I've heard the phrase: “There's got to be a better way!”

an industry may be the most revolutionary idea of all: make the most of the power of data. Many of the leading minds in OOH believe that data is our industry's single biggest opportunity. Well, think about it. New capabilities in how we collect, process, and analyze data will allow us to understand, segment, and target OOH audiences with a lot more precision; let us engage consumers with more relevant messages; and let us measure OOH's return on investment like never before. And, here's the thing, we can do it all while protecting the privacy of consumers. For our advertisers and for the OOH industry, data is a transformational opportunity. Re c e n t l y, s e ve ra l c o m p a n i e s h ave announced the launch of new products and services, which when coupled with data and analytics platforms, promise to provide information that extends beyond basic audience measurement. These new capabilities have the power to improve, and improve significantly, the effectiveness of OOH campaigns. And they'll be able to prove it. Better audience information and tailored demographics will allow us to target audiences like never before, and thanks to insights we gain through data analysis, every OOH display can have its own personality and unique audience. The OOH industry should seize the opportunity and the power that data offers. Some of our leading companies and suppliers have begun new initiatives, and are already making impressive progress — but this should also be an industry-wide focus. TAB and OAAA should work with our members to develop education, guidelines, and common standards, so that the entire OOH industry can participate and benefit. Let's publicly state our respect for privacy. Let's update the Industr y Code of Principles. Now it's time for our fourth step: to loudly, clearly, and proactively tell the story about the creative strengths and competitive advantages of OOH advertising.

Well, a better way is coming. Automatic and programmatic transactions are becoming a common method for evaluating and buying all forms of media. The OOH industry is following this inevitable trend by building platforms and offering solutions that allow fast and easy transfer of information. A better way is also coming at TAB. The new TAB will make OOH easier to measure and I want to congratulate Kym Frank and her team, who have created a new vision for OOH ratings through their pilot program called “Operation More.” It's important that we support TAB and their continued development of common measurement – because if we do this:

In the midst of massive movement of ad dollars to digital, we need to break through all the noise and let the world know just how real OOH is – and that OOH is not subject to ad blocking, online ad fraud, or ad skipping. We need to remind people of OOH's powerful ability to build brands. We need to continue to highlight OOH's creative canvas – and show just how large it is, how engaging, high impact, and how relevant it is to time and place. In this age of digital and social media, marketing success very often depends on changing the current narrative. And that we've started to do.

· It means the industry can unite around a better way of measuring OOH. · It means that OOH can be planned alongside other media. · And that OOH can be considered right alongside print, broadcast and digital as a first choice for advertisers. The third step we need to take – together as

We've been changing people's minds – by telling our story with campaigns like “Feel the Real”, and you'll be hearing more about that tomorrow morning. We targeted media planning and buying professionals from ad agencies in top markets across the country. We told our story of how OOH advertising in the real world drives clicks

and engagement in the digital world. And then we proved it – by driving thousands of advertising professionals online to learn more about OOH's value proposition. It was a tremendous success and it changed the conversation. We have to keep this up. We have to tell the OOH story to a whole new generation of media and advertising professionals. Next, we're planning a localized second phase of “Feel the Real” – and we'll be breaking through in other ways. We'll be launching a brand, new industry campaign that celebrates the power of OOH. There will be new public-private partnerships to highlight our unique storytelling ability, like the Art Everywhere and National Park Centennial campaigns. There will be more celebration of awardwinning creative work, and more cuttingedge research. If we expect to be a bigger part of the media mix, then in 2016 and beyond, our top priority must be to keep raising the OOH profile and building the OOH brand. And then we have the fifth and final step: to serve the public good. This step, which is all about connecting our business with the communities we serve – makes everything else possible. Without it, there wouldn't be an OOH advertising industry. The OOH platform – and indeed our entire livelihood – depends on municipal contracts, planning committees, zoning boards, national & state legislatures, city councils, and even the courts. Our success has been built on strong industry advocacy. It's built on lobbying and partnering – that's what will maintain and expand the current OOH platform, as it always has. OOH is not only one of the oldest forms of advertising, it is also the most public. We are seen on public streets, buses, train stations, subways, malls, and airports. OOH advertising, more than any other medium, is intrinsically linked with the communities we serve. So, we have a special responsibility. We must be good corporate citizens. We must always give value to the communities that support us. The best way to ensure our success is for the industry to stay united in the legislative and legal arenas under the OAAA umbrella, and also to continue our industry-wide commitment to public service, so that we are an increasingly positive part of the American experience. We are at a critical point in our 125-year history, and we face a range of challenges and choices that will determine our future. But here's something I know. I know we have the vision to make the right choices. We have the resolve to make the necessary changes. And we have the unity to come together, no matter what the market throws at us. I look out here and I see a strong, vibrant, and creative industry. OOH has what it takes to succeed.

Signage vol.1 No2


Lagos plans to bring France's JC Decaux to regulate Nigerian Update outdoor media


n the midst of pains, stress and frustrations suffered by most practitioners of outdoor advertising in Lagos State recently, the worries might even been heightened as the state government is set to bring in a foreign company, JC Decaux based in France to regulate the business of outdoor advertising in collaboration with the Lagos State Signage and Advertisement Agency (LASAA) which has over the years became 'inimical' to the admen.

OOH Advertising

we can authoritatively state that the coming of JC Decaux is already sending shivers down the spines of the already demoralized or bruised outdoor advertising practitioners. JC Decaux, established in 1964 by Jean Claude Decaux has

businesses all over the world recently grabbed the right to operate the Hong Kong International Airport and the smart clocks for Montevideo in Uruguay. The company which garnered 813 billion Euros as revenue in 2014 has over 12,000 workers globally. Meanwhile, most practitioners have been expressing their displeasure over the state government's intention to bring in a foreign firm to regulate the industry. It would be recalled that in the past seven years, the practitioners have been battling with LASAA from the leadership of Makanjuola Alabi, to George Noah and now Bolaji Sanusi who is currently holding forte at LASAA, while the APC campaign issue still lingers BRANDCAMPAIGN

APCON Chairmanship: Lai Mohammed, industry stakeholders differ on choice


hat seems to be a disquiet storm is blowing in the Nigerian advertising and marketing communications over the choice of who becomes the chairman of Advertising Practitioners' Council of Nigeria (APCON) which was recently vacated by Udeme Ufot. Since the seat was vacated by Udeme Ufot of SO&U Advertising Limited aftermath the exit of President Goodluck Jonathan as the country's President with the election that ushered in President Mohammadu Buhari, it has not been easy to fill the vacant seat

Story first Published by



It is gathered that the Minister overseeing the Council, Alhaji Lai Mohammed prefers to have Mr Kola Ayanwale, the Group Managing Director of Centrespread Advertising Limited as the next chairman while some influential stakeholders in the industry are rooting for the return of Udeme Ufot as the man to head the council.

We learnt that nobody has been decisively penciled down as the Chairman because the Minister who has the power to make the choice has not made up his mind and the stakeholders in the industry are uncomfortable with this posture, which is negatively impacting on activities in the entire industry.

2015 polls: APC yet to pay for campaign billboards


ndications have emerged that the All Progressives Congress (APC) has not paid some of its outstanding campaign expenses – More than 70 outdoor advertising companies contracted to handle the Ambode/Buhari campaign billboards in Lagos are still waiting to get paid – Advertising practitioners reveal that they are enduring a choking debt burden It was gathered that the companies that ensured that President Muhammadu Buhari and Governor Akinwunmi Ambode billboards took over 95% of the available billboards in Lagos have not been paid up to 5% of their payments for the job. Share on Facebook, Share on Twitter President Muhammadu Buhari billboard during the electioneering period The outdoor advertisers lamented that they were invited by the former Lagos State Signage and Advertisement Agency (LASAA) managing director, George Noah during the election campaigns to do the jobs but only one or two who insisted on being paid were paid partially, with more than 70 companies remaining in limbo. The new MD, Mr. Mobolaji Sanusi has refused to honour the agreement between us and his predecessor, yet his men have started clamping down on our members since around October last year, shutting down our billboards for non-payment of their own dues. He has also sent new bills for the year while the billboards are not working since he shut them down but we have explained that the APC billboard monies have not been paid to us by the former MD,

In other News

George Noah who he claimed has been paid by the All Progressives Congress, Lagos,

When pressed on why they have not met with Noah over the matter, a member of tone of the companies said: “Our association has met with him but he is insisting that the APC is yet to pay him, all he keeps saying is that he is still talking to his principal but all we are asking for is payment for jobs we did.” On why they have kept quiet about it till now, another interviewed member representing one of the affected companies said: “We hesitated from coming out till now because we don't want to embarrass t h e government or the APC but we were advised by the current LASAA MD, to go after George Noah a n d t h e company he used to issue the media order, 'Media Worth'.

Babs Fagade leaves OYSAA


nconfirmed news, reports that Mr. Babajide Fagade had been asked by the Governor of OYO STATE, Gov. Abiola Ajimobi since march 2016, According to unconfirmed source(s), He was asked to quietly

proceed on a terminal leave. Referencing his Linkedin page, he served the agency for a period of 6month between October 2015 to March 2016. We wish him well in his future endeavors.

Lanre Lawal is the winner of British Council's Your Ad Here competition 2016


ritish Council Nigeria is delighted to announce artist, Lanre Lawal as winner of Your Ad Here competition.

Your Ad Here is a project exploring the relationship between advertising and daily life in the city of Lagos. In addition to his winning entry going live on 2 May, 2016 on a billboard at the Third Mainland Bridge Ring Road in Lagos, Lawal will receive a cash prize to support his art practice. Lawal's 'Generatorpolis', three commissioned pieces, and entries from the runners-up will be exhibited at A Whitespace Lagos from 13 May to 20 May, 2016. The runners-up in the competition include Adeola Olagunju, Chris Iduma, Falodun Oluwafemi, Femi Morakinyo, Joseph Audu, Logo Oluwamuyiwa, Michael Adediji, Oladoyin Akinwunmiju, and Solomon Eko.

in Nigeria and the UK. Together, British and Nigerian practitioners have been able to explore questions about the place for art in cities, and in particular, the role of the public sphere in bringing art to new audiences in Nigeria. It follows Create's inaugural Your Ad Here commissioned in London's Olympic Park in 2014.” Malaika Toyo, Head of Strategy and Projects, AWCA gave his comments on the competition saying: “Sharing these artworks on billboards highlights our commitment to building more inclusive communities through the arts. A big well done to all those who participated in the competition. We are honoured to be showcasing 10 of the 41 entries at A Whitespace Lagos from Friday, May 13, 2016. This exhibition starts at 6pm, and is open to all.” Funded by the British Council, Your Ad Here is part of UK/Nigeria 2015–16, a major season of arts in Nigeria aimed at building new audiences, creating new collaborations and strengthening

Previously in Your Ad Here project, commissioned by Create London and A Whitespace Creative Agency (AWCA) in Nigeria, artists Karo Akpokiere (Nigeria and Germany), Matt Stokes (UK) and Nick Waplington (UK and US) developed three new works that brought art into the public space. “There were lots of fantastic entries submitted for the competition and we're pleased to showcase Lawal's 'Generatorpolis' on a billboard boosting awareness around programming work in public spaces and visual arts in Lagos one of the biggest cities in Nigeria,” said Ojoma Ochai, Director of Arts, British Council Nigeria. Create Curator, Marijke Steedman spoke about the project saying: “This ambitious project triggered new relationships and conversations between creative practitioners and organisations

Signage vol.1 No2


DSS Europe in pictures

Digital Signage Summit Europe 2016 With over 500 delegates and 40 exhibitors and conference sponsors, Digital Signage Summit Europe 2016 featured a packed programme of presentations and workshops featuring over 40 international digital signage experts and thought leaders. Below are the pictures of the event.

DSS Europe 2016 - Official Opening (Mike Blackmann: Integrated Systems Events; Florian Rotberg and Oliver Schwede: invidis consulting)

Over 500 Registrations at DSS Europe 2016

Fully packed exhibition area



Networking and lunch directly at the exhibition area

High class catering

Entrance hall and exhibition area at the 2016 venue

Event venue - Hilton Munich Airport Hotel

New Kantar customised consumer measurement tools licensed to Ask Africa, TGI in SA


outh African advertising, marketing and media industries will soon have access to highly optimised consumer measurement tools, thanks to the introduction of new, innovative survey delivery software developed by Kantar Media's Target Group Index (TGI), licensed locally to the Ask Afrika Group.

African Update

offline data, will provide marketers with key brand insights at their fingertips, and the beauty of TGI is its ability to tie up with existing measurement currencies in South Africa. TGI will integrate seamlessly with these currencies,” said Wicken.

TGI, a global products and brands survey, is used by the majority of top 50 advertisers and media owners in South Africa. It currently compliments latest media measurement currencies, namely the Establishment Survey, the Out of Home Survey), Radio Audience Currency Survey (RACS) and the Television Audience Measurement Survey (TAMS). The TGI sample is in the process of being aligned to the new currencies. Addressing thought-leaders at a conference hosted by Ask Afrika in Johannesburg yesterday, London-based head of TGI International at Kantar Media, Geoff Wicken, said TGI's latest innovations offer sophisticated marketing solutions in the digital space, and are soon to be introduced in South Africa. One is the TGI Target Snapshot, a web app designed for advertising, marketing and media agencies to enable their workforce to quickly and simply access and understand key insights into a product or brand's consumers. Another is TGI Clickstream, metered consumer mobile behaviour, enabling better planning and selling amongst all players in the digital media marketplace by evaluating the most effective online inventory. “These innovations, combining online and

Nine SA judges for Cannes Lions


ine South African creative experts will be joining the 387 judges at this year's 63rd Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, which will take place between 18 and 25 June. Together this esteemed panel, who will be judging categories ranging from Design Lions, to Film Lions, to Outdoor Lions to Media Lions – and many more, will decide who receives the glory and the privilege of a Cannes Lions award.

with creative greats like Simon Pegg, Mindy Karling, Anna Wintour and David Copperfield. This year's festival is going to be incredible,” says Tshireletso Yvonne Diogo, Marketing Manager and Account Executive of Media Sales for Cinemark.

Nathan Reddy, Suhana Gordhan, Rob McLennan, M a r c Ta b a c k , E m m a C a r p e n t e r, J o n a t h a n Beggs, Eoin Welsh, Fran Luckin and Jenny Glover will be the local talent joining a global network of top creatives. “The judges chosen from South Africa this year are going to be playing such a significant role at the international festival – the Cinemark team is so excited for them. We are also thrilled that they will be rubbing shoulders Signage vol.1 No2


Signage Digital Journal


Marketing phrases that should be banned


Regardless of the industry you work in, there will always be a few common sayings. Phrases and terms that everyone knows. However, there are times where certain phrases become clichĂŠ. Overused and tired, they can also become meaningless.

Signage vol.1 No2


Pictures from






has no


photographs copied from Sara Young facebook account

Signage vol.1 No2




Signage vol.1 N




Nigerian Update

Between Direct marketing, TV, Radio, outdoor and PR, which one adds more value to brand building? Brand building is holistic and not single minded, so all the above listed marketing communication platform play significant roles when brand owners decide to grow their brand in the market space and with their target consumers. You have left out another major player in brand building in our world today, this channel takes your brand beyond the brands operating frontier and that is digital. These platforms have their peculiar reach in terms of stakeholders' engagement but they all have one direct objective; brand building. TV radio and OOH are deployed majorly for brand adverts, while PR speak to the opinion shapers popularly called the fourth realm who then transfer the information to the intended receivers and finally reaching out to the consumers the main divide of a brand's stakeholders would be the responsibility of direct marketing; the field Nm Encore plays in. In the present state of Nigeria's economy, what measures should brand owners take to improve on Returns on Investment? I strongly believe a brand can't go wrong if they employ creativity in pushing their brands, despite the economic challenges Nigeria is presently facing we are a people who appreciate creativity and would put our money where sound thinking exist. Brands have failed to use out of box thinking during stable economy any brand that continuesin such trend might experience the flip side of business. Brand owners should have a proper knowledge and understanding of their consumers and how to effectively engage them which will transform into affinity/loyalty for the brand and this would bring about repeated purchase. So if you truly want ROI then put your thinking caps on and create a world for your brand and its consumers. Some believe that Above the Line marketing solution has not been effective in growing brands and products, unlike in the past, what is your opinion on this? I would not want to join the queue of those who believe in this theory of ATL not being effective anymore like in the past, the issue here would be the dynamism of today's consumers. Consumers are now more in tune with global trends through country visits and online channels they patronize thus their thirst for creativity and proper brand messaging in adverts is now premium. So when you find consumers aversion to adverts it has more to do with the quality as against ATL. If you ask me what the job is I

would say let's put on our thinking caps and WOW the consumers. Your company, NM En.Core limited has done well in the past few years, what has been the magic, Selling point and winning strategy that drive the agency? On the soft side I am averse to magic, however I am a strong advocate of good thinking and hard work two elements that have seen Nm Encore excel in the few years we have been around in the marketing communication industry. Our drive and push has always been to surpass our last project/campaign. We are a vibrant disciple of think globally and act locally, what we do with brands that have engaged our expertise to reach their consumers is to generate content that will not only form an impression in Nigeria but embrace the world over. Lastly, we commit resources into training, retraining and exposure of our people on the beauty of brand building. We have resolved to be constantly dynamic just as the world and the consumers we regularly speak to are.

formed to feel the void in the BTL world where clients are treated not based on their business status or budget. We create experiences for brands that will sell them conveniently to all their stakeholders either here or outside this country. Our USP is to ensure that we stand out in content generation that is not just BTL driven but strong on othermarketing communication channels. This we do with one thing in mind and that is to champion brands. Take a survey on the brands we have worked with and presently work on and you will have better understanding of our resolve to make world class brands. All our clients and jobs are special, if we had the time to critically look at all our projects from start up you will see how we have

Experiential Marketing

Can you rate the performance and efficiency rate of most of the workers or staff that presently practice in your industry? The industry is one that is quick in weeding out inefficiency and if you look around several BTL agencies that were around a while back are still waxing strong. What that means for me is simple; the brains behind these projects and the work force they engage take this industry seriously and so they continually play significant role in keeping the BTL side of marketing communication in Nigeria going. From ideas generation to deploying of exquisite event elements and to the thorough project management techniques BTL is currently gaining ground in Nigeria and I am so confident that in the nearest future BTL agencies will break new grounds. To further strengthen this resolve EXMAN our BTL regulating body in Nigeria is going all out that only thorough breed professionals take up the responsibility of engaging brands and consumers. Who are your major clients, your unique, outstanding jobs done and what is your projection in the next five years? We do not have a scale for our clients that describe major or otherwise businesses; we take all our clients business seriously regardless of stature or budget. We were

deployed unique experiences and content driven activations to take our partners(clients) over and beyond their projected height. Five years from now you will witness a revolution in the BTL industry in Nigeria and put it down that NM Encore will champion it.

Solabomi Okonkwo CEO NM En.Core Limited,

Interview first Published by BRANDCAMPAIGN Signage vol.1 No2


The 8th Poster Awards was hosted in 2014, A press conference was held in march 12, 2014 at Jevink, Ikeja lagos but the event proper was held at the Eko Hotels & Suites, Victoria Island, Lagos on the 15th of May 2014. Awards were giving out in 10 categories with about 65 entries that came in for that year. winners for that year are

1. Dairy products - Loya Milk 2.Household products - Mouka 3.Alcoholic Drinks -Star 4.Non-Alcoholic - Fanta 5.ICT/Telecoms - Swift Network 6.Financial Service - Fidelity Bank 7.Electrical/Electronics - LG 8.Public Services - No winner 9 . S p e c i a l Re co g n i t i o n - N B L , Rotapanel 10.Grand Poster Awards - Star The 2015 awards was sponsored by NBL, Rotapanel, Arik, MTN, Air, Dangote. with Partners from Promasidor, Classic Fm, Naija FM, Inspiration FM, Invent Media, MC&D, Grapo, The Beat FM,Premium Graphics, Romarong, Moving Media and NTA.

GLO, FRIESLAND CAMPINA 15.Legend of Out of Home -Nil The Awards was sponsored by NBL, Rotapanel, MTN, Onga and Glo - Partners are Framework, Gems, Invent Media, KOK, MC&D, Heineken and Bio Colours The 2016 Poster Awards marks the 10th edition of the poster awards with the theme Strengthening our Partnership. This year awards came in varous categories, covering all the major sectors of the economy. An 11 member panel of judges was constituted, the entries for this year was thereafter rigorously screened by the panel. Awards were giving out in 12 categories winners were

1.Entertainment - Bet9ja 2. Automobiles&Accessories Peugeot 508 3.Avaition,Oil&Gas - Emirate Airline 4.Electronic/Electrical - Tecno 5.Product Service

6.ICT - Konga 7.Non-Alcoholic - Pepsi 8.Alcoholic - Starlite 9.Dairy Foods - Mcvities 10.Household products - Oral B 11.Financial Services - stanbic IBTC bank 12.Telecoms Airtel 13.special recognitions - sponsors 14.Grand Poster Awards - Pepsi The Events started with started with the Business section at about 1pm followed by OAAN president welcome address which was followed the keynote paper presentation with the title Indices of a vibrant economy- outdoor Advertising, a catalyst for Growth delivered by Mr Shobajo. The speech by the Hon. Minister of information and culture followed thereafter. A panel Discussion followed , the business section ended with a vote of thanks. The proper awards started at about 5pm and was well attended.

The 9th Poster Awards was organised by a 14 man committe, a press conference was held in May at the Protea Hotel, Maryland, Lagos on the !8th, then followed by the inauguration of the Panel of Judges at Planet 1, Maryland, Lagos. The entries for that year was 119 for 15 categories. The event proper took place at t h e p r e s t i g i o u s Intercontinental Hotels & Resorts, Victoria Island, Lagos. The winners are

1.Dairy Food - Golden Penny Spagetti 2.Alcoholic Drinks - Star Lite 3.Non- Alcoholic Drinks Pepsi 4.Financial Ser vices sterling Bank 5.Public Services _Grenadines Homes 6.Electronic/ElectricalsNil 7.Automobile&Accessorie s - Toyota Yaris 8.Household product Ariel 9.Pharmaveutical Panadol 1 0 .Te l e c o m s - M T N 11.Information-Nil 12.Oil/Gas- Conoil 13.GrandPoster Awards Conoil 14.Special Awards- NBL,

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4b Afeeze Alayaki Street, Owode Ajah Lagos Nigeria Tel: +23480 221 25035, +23481 263 49239



he industry have been awashed with the news of the 10th Poster Awards organized annually by the Outdoor Advertising Association of Nigeria OAAN to showcase the creativity of the sector and sub-sector that uses the outdoor advertising platform for their marketing communications and public enlightenment engagements. The event which started a decade ago precisely in 1997 had faced its own fair share of hurdles, its greatest was to get the entire advertising industry to accept the findings, outcome and the awards in totality.

COWBELL MILK - Dairy products 33 Larger Beer - Alcoholic Pepsi (best ‘em silly) - Non Alcoholic NESCAFE CLASSIC - FOOD AND Beverages DIAMOND BANK PAYCARD - Financial Services VASELINE(A BOLD NEW LOOK) -Toiletries & Beauty products TOTAL Q5000 SJ - Automobile & Accessori es UPS - Business Services/ products MEYER PAINTS - Chemical & Paints

In 1999, the event could not hold, according to some industry stalk holders, “it was as if an idea, a dream was dead or about to die. But in the year 2000, the event bounced back with the name OAAN Millennium Awards. it was well publicized and had an increased number of entries due to changes in the mode of entries. A total of 150 entries were submitted with about 240 posters considered. The ceremony witnessed presentation of prizes to 16 posters adjudged best by the panel of judges. at the end of the exercise FORTUNE BANK GREEN POSTER GOT THE GRAND POSTER AWARD along with that of the FINANCIAL SERVICE category Dairy - PEAK28, WEST AFRICAN MILK COMPANY Alcoholic beverages - GUINNESS COUPLE Non Alcoholic - Malta Guinness Household personal product - Elephant Detergent Automobile -Mercedes E class Automobile accessories - Michelin MTE tubeless Electrical and Electronics - Hitachi Inspired audio Tobacco - Benson & Hedges Fashion, Testiles & Accessories - Wrangler way of life Transportation, Tourist & hospitality - Mr. Biggs Personal Products - Santex Medicated Soap The Awards was hosted at the Eko Le’Meridien Hotels Victoria Island, Lagos and was sponsored by MTN Nigeria. After the Poster Awards of year 2000, the awards was also hosted in 2004, 2006, 2008, and 2011. *Aside2004,all little was known

Today, the awards is one of the major event not only in the outdoor advertising sub sector but the entire Advertising/ Marketing communication Industry. The awards was conceived as an avenue to reward creative ingenuity in poster design. Over the years, the association had constituted various panel each year for the awards, members of the panel are always selected across board within the marketing communication industry, members are also selected from tertiary institution where mass communication is offered as courses. When the award started in 1997, it was not as big in scope as it is today, the 1997 Poster Awards had five 5 categories . The second edition of the awards tagged OAAN annual Poster Awards held at the Muson Centre Onikan on the 28th of May 1998 and was chaired by Mr. I.S.Moemeke, the chairman of the Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria APCON while Alhaji Shettima represented the Secretary to the Federal Military Government. The total entry for the 1998 edition stood at 35 in 15 product categories, 9 of the entries were adjudged award winners. WINNERS OF THE 1998 EDITION

The Grand Poster Award for that year 1998 was NESCAFE 40sheets Poster.

or documented about the awards ceremony in the previous years. Signage vol.1 No2



A simple, down to earth individual, Philameh is an international photographer who has worked in six (6) countries.



orn on the 16th of March, Philameh as he’s Philameh 08077777880 fondly called comes from Umunede in Delta State. Philameh Dorophil philip



He had his primary, secondary and tertiary eudcationn in Lagos State and in Ibadan,

He had worked and covered numerous weddings and events in general, this extra O R D I N A R Y photographer had covered events for organizations, corporates bodies, high and low individual in the society, politicians and celebrites: some of whom is the Legendary AY, Seyi Law, Bovi, Gordons, Ramsy Noah, Akpororo, Ushbebe, Princess and funny bone.

He had also worked with the likes of Klint Oyo State. d e D r u n k , Yo m i Casual and Lanre He started photgraphy M a k u n w h o m h e over a decade ago, in covered his wedding. his own words “ I am very private, I love He is a well respected being very simple and individual, humble, being able to get across very passionate about to every tom, dick and his work, country and harry” Family.

News, Events & Entertainment Videos Bringing you the lastest programmes line up Come dine with me four marketing communications professionals take turns to host a dinner date, hoping to impress their guests and win prizes

See it, Be it In three (3) days, Ten (10) students from different tertiary institution will be giving an inside view of what an outdoor advertising company, outdoor structural construction firms are; by giving them a guided tour of various department of each company(s) and possibly their sites.

Media partners

Straight to your Device Coming soon

International Stare Too Long at Snickers' Marilyn Billboard, and Update

You Get a Scolding From You-Know-Who


his is a nifty bit of tech-fueled out-of-home advertising from Snickers and BBDO New York, extending the candy bar's Marilyn Monroe-themed Super Bowl campaign.

The Seven Year Itch, which was also the theme of the brand's Super Bowl spot in February. But this billboard also had a sneaky f a c i a l recognition camera to gauge the reaction from p a s s e r s b y. And we all know it's rude to stare, right? Check out the video to see what happened w h e n fo l k s lingered a bit too long:

OOH Advertising Digital board uses facial recognition to extend Super Bowl idea

In April, the agency set up a digital board in New York City showing the famed actress with her skirt blowing over a subway grate—a reference to the famous scene from 1955's

It's a fun interactive execution, even if, conceptually, it's a bit at odds with what the whole "You're Not You When You're Hungry" campaign is about. (Here, Marilyn gets grumpy at being gawked at, not because she's hungry.)

Apple Revels in Beautiful, Rich Color in Its Latest Global 'Shot on iPhone' Billboards


pple and TBWA\Media Arts Lab are back with more "Shot on iPhone" billboards. And this time, the focus in on the color—deep reds, oranges, yellows, blues,

location around the globe. "Each photo is a striking expression of color that can stand on its own, but when paired together they provide a breathtaking color spectrum that forces you to stop and admire the beauty of the world around us, Apple, of course, isn't a newcomer to art directing colorful boards that bring vibrancy to everything around them, the iPod silhouettes did much the same thing a decade ago.

purples and greens, all hand-selected for each out-of-home

The "Colors" campaign launched this week in the U.S., Canada, U.K., Australia, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, Russia, UAE, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, India, Korea, China, Malaysia, New Zealand and Thailand.





Mr. Chudi Obiora, Mr. Udak Bassey and Mr. Ladi Sole

Chief Akinbobola, Acting BOT Chairman, Mr. Charles Chijide and LASAA MD representative

Mr. Emmanuel Ajufo, Vice President OAAN and Prince Tunde Adedoyin, OAAN President


Signage vol.1 No2



Guerilla-IMC welcomes Simon Allenberg to its team


eading Out of Home Media Company Guerrilla–IMC has announced the addition of Simon Allenberg to its team. Allenberg will work closely with industry veteran Matthew Palmer on the Business and Site Development areas of the business. Allenberg joins Guerrilla from The Old

Shanghai Firecracker Factory, a full service advertising agency based in Johannesburg, to focus on his passion for big brands, big thinking and large format outdoor advertising. “I feel my experience in the creative agency space has given me an in depth understanding of how the initial brief informs the strategy, creative execution and ultimately the media strategy. This experience will allow me to really push the boundary on creative execution and assist in building big brands instead of simply selling space. I believe moving from lead agency to media owner will give me a unique view point in the OOH i n d u st r y,” s ay s A l l e n b e rg . Guerrilla-IMC has been shaking up the out of home industry for the last seven years by thinking differently. Enlisting a traditional creative agency talent is just the latest example of using “guerrilla tactics” to win the hearts and minds of the consumer and bolster the c l i e nt ' s b o tto m l i n e .

For more information, visit

Creative Spark appoints Felleng Sekha as chairperson of the Board.


reative Spark, the award-winning, specialist digital agency that was recently acquired by M&C Saatchi PLC, has announced it has appointed renowned ICT expert and pioneer, Felleng Sekha, to chair its new board. The Johannesburg and Cape-Town based agency serves an array of local, African and international clients, offering web,

app and digital development and design services. Creative Spark also produces high-quality content marketing and production services in the realm of social media for a variety of companies. The agency is also known for publishing the successful suite of online media brands,,, and others. “We are privileged to have someone of Felleng's calibre and experience as the company's chairperson of the board. It marks another highlight for the company since it was recently acquired by M&C Saatchi PLC last year,” says Matthew Buckland, managing director.. Sekha was one of the pioneers in Africa's ICT public policy and regulation, managing diverse interests and charting a difficult course in achieving policy coherence and consistency. That same intrepid spirit drove her to successfully pursue business opportunities in uncharted territories, resulting in successful implementation of MTN in Nigeria, one of the most complex operational environments in Africa.



Delivering the Promise We come to work each day for one reason: to make things work for you as our clients- not just merely on paper or conceptually, but on ground practically with our hoarding.


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Limited Head office 3, Little Road, Sabo Yaba, P.O.Box 10455, Marina, Lagos

Tel: 01-2954642, 08033056356, 08098856356 Email:,

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