Meme Magazine

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2016 - may issue 000000001

an 21st century nonsense magazine

120 baht



/ Thank you for pick up and read this meme mag // And better if u bring it to the cashier /// Hope u enjoy this //// It’s not the matter u must know ///// But it is the little collector of abbreviation of our 21st humour ////// it’s gonna b the first and last issue…. /////// It’s the only 3rd year student project //////// And I will b and intern next monday ///////// May 13th ,2016 <6:18> //////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


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2 Intro 4 - 5 Meme 6 - 7 Internet Meme 8 - 11 Meme Timeline 12 - 26 Meme in anywhere

meme magazine

The world are now full of memes


Meme / mem / noun an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation. a humorous image, video, piece of text, etc. that is copied (often with slight variations) and spread rapidly by Internet users.

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being a meme deliberately altered by human creativity—distinguished from biological genes An Internet meme (/mi :m/ meem) is an acand Dawkins’ pre-Internet concept of a meme tivity, concept, catchphrase or piece of media which involved mutation by random change which spreads, often as mimicry, from person and spreading through accurate replication as to person via the Internet. Some notable exin Darwinian selection. Dawkins explained that amples include posting a photo of people lying Internet memes are thus a “hijacking of the down in public places (called “planking”) and original idea”, the very idea of a meme having uploading a short video of people dancing to mutated and evolved in this new direction. the Harlem Shake. Further, Internet memes carry an additional property that ordinary memes do not—Internet A meme is “an idea, behavior, or style that memes leave a footprint in the media through spreads from person to person within a culwhich they propagate (for example, social ture”. An Internet meme may take the form of networks) that renders them traceable and an image, hyperlink, video, website, or hashtag. analyzable. It may be just a word or phrase, including an intentional misspelling. These small moveInternet memes are a subset that Susan Blackments tend to spread from person to person via more called temes—memes which live in techsocial networks, blogs, direct email, or news nological artifacts instead of the human mind. sources. They may relate to various existing Internet cultures or subcultures, often created Image macros are often confused with interor spread on various websites, or by Usenet net memes and are often miscited as such, boards and other such early-internet commuusually by their creators. However, there is a nications facilities. Fads and sensations tend key distinction between the two. Primarily this to grow rapidly on the Internet, because the in- distinction lies within the subject’s recognizstant communication facilitates word-of-mouth ability in internet pop-culture. While such an transmission. image may display an existing meme, or in fact a macro itself may even eventually become a The word meme was coined by Richard Dawmeme, it does not qualify as one until it reaches kins in his 1976 book The Selfish Gene, as an approximately the same level of mass recogniattempt to explain the way cultural information tion as required for a person to be considered a spreads; Internet memes are a subset of this celebrity. general meme concept specific to the culture and environment of the Internet. In 2013 Dawkins characterized an Internet meme as

Internet Meme

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Dschinghis Khan was a German pop band, created in 1979 to compete in the Eurovision Song Contest.

Admiral Ackbar (played by Timothy M. Rose) is a character in the Star Wars fictional universe.

The name of the band was chosen to fit the song of the same name, written and produced by Ralph Siegel with lyrics by Bernd Meinunger.

He first appears in Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi and later is a supporting character in the Star Wars Expanded Universe of novels, video games, and comic books.

While the group broke up in the mid-1980s, the video for “Moskau” was a part of the show “Disco” on ZDF; as was their similarly-staged number “Dschinghis Khan”. Moskau received popularity as an internet meme (largely through starting in 2005 for its use of the melody and style of the Tetris theme song.








The line for which Admiral Ackbar is most known, “It’s a trap!”, is often parodied, notably by the animated show Robot Chicken in their Star Wars special episode. In an episode of The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon imitates Ackbar, repeating the line, “it’s a trap!”.














Donga (Thief) is a Telegu film which was released on March 14, 1985.

Godwin’s Law (also known as Godwin’s Rule of Nazi Analogies) is a humorous observation coined by Mike Godwin in 1990, and which has become an Internet adage.

This film was directed by A. Kodandarami Reddy, and stars Chiranjeevi and Radha. This film is produced by T. Trivikram Rao and was distributed by his company Vijayalakshmi Art Pictures. A viral video involving Donga stems from a scene featuring a song called Golimar (Shoot the Bullet). The scene contains choreography and elements which appear to be very similar to Michael Jackson’s music video for Thriller (which leads to the common nickname for the video, “Indian Thriller”).

It states: “As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1.” Godwin’s Law is often cited in online discussions as a deterrent against the use of arguments in the widespread reductio ad Hitlerum form. The rule does not make any statement about whether any particular reference or comparison to Adolf Hitler or the Nazis might be appropriate, but only asserts that the likelihood of such a reference or compar-

ison arising increases as the discussion progresses. It is precisely because such a comparison or reference may sometimes be appropriate, Godwin has argued, that overuse of Nazi and Hitler comparisons should be avoided, because it robs the valid comparisons of their impact. Although in one of its early forms Godwin’s Law referred specifically to Usenet newsgroup discussions, the law is now applied to any threaded online discussion: electronic mailing lists, message boards, chat rooms, and more recently blog comment threads and wiki talk pages.

meme magazine






14 It was created in 2005 by Bobby Henderson as a satirical protest to the decision by the Kansas State Board of Education to require the teaching of intelligent design as an alternative to biological evolution in public schools. Since the intelligent design movement used ambiguous references to an unspecified “Intelligent Designer” to avoid court rulings prohibiting the teaching of creationism as a science, this presumably left open the possibility that any imaginable thing could fill that role. In an open letter sent to the education board, Henderson parodies the concept of intelli-



Jan The Flying Spaghetti Monster (or FSM) is the deity of the parody religion the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster or Pastafarianism.

gent design by professing belief in a supernatural creator, which closely resembles spaghetti and meatballs. He furthermore calls for the “Pastafarian” (a play on Rastafarian) theory of creation to be taught in science classrooms. Due to its recent popularity and media exposure, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is often used by atheists, agnostics (known by Pastafarians as “spagnostics”), and others as a modern version of Russell’s teapot and the Invisible Pink Unicorn.

The sneezing baby panda made its first known YouTube appearance as part of a Japanese television clip. The original video, titled “Panda Sneezing yOU WILL LVOE” never became nearly as popular as its successor, which was aptly named, “The Sneezing Baby Panda.”

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009 02 v1 No Someone with real talent took the Charlie Bit Me video, auto tuned it, chopped it, and set it to the beat from Auto Tune the News #2. The result? Sheer perfection.

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266th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church


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Photo set -

The Pope vs. the Wind

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North Korea

Kim Jong Un visits lube factory

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Kim Jong-gunk: Kim Jong-un visits the Chonji Lubricant Factory in North Korea. The local newspaper said Kim called for efforts to improve international competitiveness of North Korean product.

Kim Jong-un (Chosŏn’gŭl ; Korean ; born 8 January 1983) is the Chairman of the Workers’ Party of Korea and supreme leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), commonly referred to as North Korea.

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The Adventures of Napoleon Bonaparte

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Strongest Ministry on earth

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Chatchat Sitthipan ,the minister of Thailand bought some food and walk with his bare foot.

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Leonardo DiCaprio and his 1st Oscar

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What a night for Leonardo DiCaprio. After winning his first Oscar for his role in ‘The Revenant’ on Feb. 28, the internet exploded and celebrated with some pretty clever memes.

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