2019 MAPACA Show Book

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President’s Message

Welcome to the 2019 MAPACA Jubilee Weekend. We are pleased to see so many of our old friends and excited to have new alpaca enthusiasts join us. We are especially thrilled to let you know that our membership more than doubled this past year! We want to thank all of you who have supported this organization over the years and hope that we have provided you with the best show experiences possible. As you may have noticed we have had a change in space due to Easter falling on our regular show dates. We are certain that you will have a great weekend, and every effort has been made to maintain the MAPACA quality show that has made us a premier alpaca event. And this IS an event! We are more than just a show. There are two halter shows—the Gala and the Jubilee—open to all farms. Added to that we have the Small/New Breeder Show as a special incentive for our newer farms to join in the fun! Walking Fleece has really taken off in the last few years so this is another chance for you to compete and have an open dialogue and evaluation of your animals with the judge. In addition, Mundo Fibra is back, with demonstrations and hands on classes in a wide variety of fiber arts, so please stop by and take advantage of this unique opportunity. There is also a Fleece-to-Shawl demonstration and the resulting shawl will be offered at our Fabulous Farm, Fiber, and Herdsire Auction taking place on Saturday night, following a great Show Banquet. Some of the country’s top Vendors are here for your shopping pleasure and naturally a large number of our youth will be participating in their events. With so much going on, we hope that you take time to socialize and enjoy the alpaca camaraderie for which our industry is so well known. I want to thank my Board of Directors for all of the time and hard work they have put in to make this show happen. Our show coordinators, barn manager, and superintendents have done a tremendous job this year as well! I want to offer a special thanks to our Sponsors—without their support we could not bring this event to you. Most of all, MAPACA would like to thank ALL of the Volunteers and Exhibitors for making this celebration of the Alpaca possible. Best wishes for a great show, Carole Rost MAPACA President

Show Contacts

Barn Manager: Jess Armstrong | (443) 956-3851 | info@calicomoonalpacas.com Barn Manager: Jess Armstrong | (443) 956-3851 | info@calicomoonalpacas.com

Event Co-manager: | Volunteer Manager | Shearing Team Coordinator: Chris Reachard | (302) 629-6489 | candcalapca@gmail.com Event Co-manager: Chris Reachard | (302) 629-6489 | candcalapca@gmail.com

Event Co-manager: Christine Armstrong | (443) 956-4178 | info@calicomoonalpacas.com Event Co-manager: Christine Armstrong | (443) 956-4178 | info@calicomoonalpacas.com

Halter Show Superintendent: Sue Ives | (804) 503-3558 | show.super.ives@gmail.com Halter Show Superintendent:

Show Superintendent: Sue IvesWalking | Phone: Fleece (804) 503-3558 | show.super.ives@gmail.com Schroeder | (540) 797-1985 | show.super.schroeder@gmail.com Walking Judy Fleece Show Superintendent: Judy Schroeder | (540) 797-1985 | show.super.schroeder@gmail.com

Fleece Show, Spin-Off & Fiber Arts Show Superintendent: Cheri Spin-Off Seiler | (703) 932-5562 | show.super.seiler@gmail.com Fleece Show, & Fiber Arts Show Superintendent Cheri Seiler | (703) 932-5562 | show.super.seiler@gmail.com

Auction Coordinators: Auction Coordinators: Randy| (607) Strong727-8153 | (607) 727-8153 | strong84@aol.com Randy Strong | strong84@aol.com Jeff Jorritsma | (607) 738-2811 | autumnmistalpacafarm@gmail.com Jeff Jorritsma | (607) 738 - 2811 | autumnmistalpacafarm@gmail.com Health Check Captain:

Health Check Brian Minte I (301) 520-9010 I bminte@gmail.com Brian Minte I (301) 520 -Captain: 9010 I bminte@gmail.com Registration Webmaster:

Registration Webmaster: Don Tompkins | don@alpacalachin.com Don Tompkins | don@alpacalachin.com Sponsor Coordinator:

Sponsor Carole Rost | (724) 316-6853 | crost51@gmail.com Carole Rost | (724)Coordinator: 316 - 6853 | crost51@gmail.com Seminar Coordinator:

Service: Jay Mariacher | (603) 767-4533 | jayandbarbm@gmail.com ShearingShearing Team Coordinator: Chris Reachard | (302) 629-6489 | candcalpaca@gmail.com

Auction Coordinator: Kara McElroy | (845) 807-3104 | buckbrookalpacas@yahoo.com ShearingSilent Service: Jay Mariacher | (603) 767-4533 | jayandbarbm@gmail.com

Vendor Coordinator: Bill Oraschin | (908) 310-0482 | harleyhillfarm@live.com Silent Auction Coordinator: Kara McElroy | (845) 807-3104 | buckbrookalpacas@yahoo.com

Youth Show Coordinator: Karen Bowman | (724) 421-5440 | klbowman@zoominternet.net Vendor Coordinator: Bill Oraschin | (908) 310 - 0482 | harleyhillfarm@live.com Volunteer Manager:


Chris Reachard | (302) 629-6489 | candcalapca@gmail.com Show Veterinarian: Anthony Stachowski, DVM | Cell: (330) 697-3942 | Stachowski Alpacas Youth Show Coordinator Karen Bowman | (724) 421-5440 | klbowman@zoominternet.net

MAPACA Board MAPACA Officers & Board of Directors | bod@mapaca.org Carole Rost, President | 724-316-6853 | crost51@gmail.com | Asgard Acres Alpaca Farm, LLC Randy Strong, Vice President | 607-727-8153 | strong84@aol.com | K-Ran Alpacas Jeff Jorritsma, Treasurer | 607-868-5401 | mapacatreasurer@gmail.com | Autumn Mist Alpaca Farm & Fiber Mill Barb Sodums, Secretary | 607-387-7260 | shepcreekalpacas@aol.com | Shepherd’s Creek Alpacas Members at Large: Bill Oraschin | 215-536-2841 | harleyhillfarm@live.com | Harley Hill Farm, LLC Arlene Fusko | 724-448-6606 | destinyacres@zoominternet.net | Destiny Acres Alpacas Bryan Mindte | 301-520-9010 | bmindte@gmail.com | Mindte’s Meadows

Fiber Demo Schedule Friday April 26, 2019 10:00 am . . . . Needle Felting a Cat Toy - Needle felt a simple cat toy using dyed fiber and locks. 12:00 pm . . . . Drum Carding - use a drum carder to blend alpaca with fun and unusual fibers. 2:00 pm . . . . . Machine Knitting - (Demo only) - Learn about vintage knitting machines and how you can easily turn your farm produced yarn to make knitwear you can sell. 4:00 pm . . . . . Drop Spindling - There are many types of drop spindles from Turkish, supported, top whorl, bottom whorl. Give using a spindle a try to make yarn! 10am-4pm . . . Felting Machine Demonstration & Hands-on Project

Saturday April 27, 2019 10:00 am . . . . Weaving a Wall Hanging - Using a simple loom, we will weave an interesting wall hanging, incorporating locks and other interesting textures. 12:00 pm . . . . Machine Knitting - (Demo only) - Learn about vintage knitting machines and how you can easily turn your farm produced yarn to make knitwear you can sell. 2:00 pm . . . . . Drum Carding - use a drum carder to blend alpaca with fun and unusual fibers. 4:00 pm . . . . . Wet Felting Dryer Balls/Beads (mini sized) - Learn how to form dryer balls and beads and turn your seconds into a profitable product. 10am-2pm . . . Felting Machine Demonstration & Hands-on Project

Sunday April 28, 2019 10:00 am . . . . Needle Felting a Cat Toy - Needle felt a simple cat toy using dyed fiber and locks. 12:00 pm . . . . Wet Felting Dryer Balls/Beads (mini sized) - Learn how to form dryer balls and beads and turn your seconds into a profitable product.

Judge Assignments and Bios

Diana Timmerman, MAPACA Jubilee - Females & Production Senior Fleece Judge and Judge Trainer for all Certifications Diana is an AOA Halter and Senior Fleece Judge and an Alpaca Judge Trainer and Instructor currently in the United States. Diana received her Certification as an International Alpaca Judge trained in Peru at the International Alpaca Judging School (IAJS) in 2004. She has actively judged in Canada and the United States since 2001. Diana has over 21 years of experience breeding and showing alpacas and their fleece, along with over 30 years of experience raising other breeds of livestock. Her love for alpacas and her commitment to fleece education was the inspiration that led to the purchase of The Alpaca Breeders Fiber School, LLC. Diana is also an alpaca industry consultant, educator, Fiber Sorter and Grader and working on her Wool Classer status. Diana currently serves on the AOA Judges Advisory Committee (JAC), AOA Judge Training and Certification Committee (JTCC) as Liaison and has served on the Advisory Board for the Mid-America Alpaca Foundation, the Board of Directors of The Alpaca Breeders of the Rockies, is a faculty member and owner of the Alpaca Breeders Fiber School, LLC, and past leader of the Leading Llamas and Alpacas 4-H Club. Diana was born in Germany where she lived until she was eight years of age. At that time she came to Colorado with her parents and brother and has remained there. She was employed as a paralegal in private practice and the District Attorney’s Office prior to acquiring alpacas. She has one son, Jeff. He and his wife Jenessa and a wonderful grandson, Alden Ray. Along with her husband, Tim, they operate Aussie Acres Alpacas, LCC, successfully producing many of the world’s sought after grey and fawn Huacaya breeding stock. They have been honored to have exported their genetics worldwide.

Amanda VandenBosch, MAPACA Jubilee - Males & Production Senior Fleece Judge and Judge Trainer for all Certifications Amanda travels worldwide judging alpacas, instructing, presenting seminars and workshops to breeders and judges. Her “hands on” approach is greatly sought after. Amanda worked with the British Alpaca Society (BAS) for 7 years to help develop the Judge Training Program, and with the New Zealand Judges for continuous training. She has been honored with regular appointments as an AOA Senior Instructor and Judge Trainer in both Fleece and Halter in the USA. Amanda has spent many hours volunteering over the years at AOBA National Conferences and regional events. She has participated on numerous committees. She is past president of CALPACA a Regional Affiliate and past co-chair of the Judges Advisory Committee (JAC). Currently she acts as a liaison for the Judge Training & Certification Committee. Amanda has had the opportunity to work with some of the world’s leading experts in the study of alpacas. Amanda is a native of the United Kingdom. She traveled and worked for The National Stud (UK) Lindsay Park Stud (Australia) and Lanes End Farm (Kentucky, USA) the premier thoroughbred breeding operations worldwide. In 1991 she settled in the USA. For the last 23 years, Amanda has been involved with alpacas in all aspects. Amanda is also a co-author of the book “The Art & Science of Alpaca Judging” published by AOBA and used as a training tool. With her husband, Vince, and two sons, Cody and Hunter, they operate Flying Dutchman Alpacas, in Bend, Oregon, successfully raising both huacayas and suris. Along with raising high quality breeding stock, they also own a partnership in Spring Harvest Mill, completing the circle of taking fleece to processing and end use, with these fine products being offered for sale at their local business Tumalo Coffee House.

Cheryl Gehly, MAPACA Fleece Senior Fleece Judge and Judge Trainer Fleece Cheryl Gehly became an AOBA Certified Fleece Judge in 2002. In addition to judging fleece shows, Cheryl has shared her knowledge with judges and apprentices as an AOA Certified Instructor at JTCC sponsored Judge Training Clinics, as well as being a Senior AOA Fleece Judge and an AOA Certified Fleece Judge Trainer. Cheryl has volunteered time with AOA by being a member and chairperson of the Judge Training and Certification Committee. Cheryl has been a member and chairperson of the AOA Judge Advisory Committee. She is also the fleece judge liaison to the Show Rules Committee. Cheryl teaches at breeder seminars around the country as well as judging multiple AOA Certified Fleece Shows annually.

Judge Assignments and Bios

David Barboza, Small Breeders Jubilee - Youth Performance David Barboza, while volunteering as a ring steward, recognized the process and challenges that livestock judging presented and decided to attend the International Alpaca Judging School in 2001. After returning from Peru he began the AOA judges training program and completed his certification in both IAJS and AOA as a halter, fleece, and performance judge. He judged his first show in 2006 and has judged over 45 shows both in the US and Canada. David served a 3 year term on the AOBA board serving as Secretary and President. Promoting youth involvement in alpacas he has been instrumental in developing alpaca youth judging contests throughout the US. To expand his knowledge of livestock, David is currently enrolled in Graduate Studies at Colorado State University. After serving 29 years in the fire service David continues to serve as a soldier in the California State Military Reserve and Mission Pilot in the Civil Air Patrol. He works in the alpaca industry dividing his time between his ranch, judging, and teaching seminars. In 2006, together with his wife Brenda, they started ACE, Alpaca Continuing Education, which provides cutting edge training and education for the alpaca breeder. Today David and Brenda run their ranch, RanchoNC Alpacas, in the foothills of Northern California and devote their attention to the alpaca industry.

Stephanie Glyptis, Mid-Atlantic Alpaca Gala - Females & Production Judge Trainer Performance After graduating from West Virginia University with a degree in animal science, Stephanie Glyptis jumped into alpacas in 2000 as the herd manager for Heart's Desire Farm, the largest huacaya herd in West Virginia. This herd of nearly 300 kept her very busy halter training, delivering crias and managing the daily needs of the alpacas. A very active participant in the show ring, she was finally able to merge her background in dairy cattle judging with alpacas in 2006 when she became an AOA certified judge. Since then, she has judged all over the United States and Canada. Being certified in all aspects of judging, fleece, halter and performance, has become the perfect fit for many shows that only need one judge. Stephanie, her husband Phillip, and their children, Teddy and Abigail, live in Weirton, West Virginia just outside Pittsburgh, PA. Stephanie runs Solimente Alpaca Consulting and in addition to judging also does education and herd evaluations for alpaca herds.

Peter Kennedy, Mid-Atlantic Alpaca Gala - Males & Production Judge Trainer for all Certifications Peter and his partner established Canchones Alpacas in 1998. Starting on ten acres with two females, the herd has grown to some 350 black alpacas (250 huacaya and 100 suri). In 2003, the alpaca stud was relocated to a 400 acre property in North East Victoria, Australia. In 2004, Peter spent three months in Peru selecting black alpacas to be added to the Canchones breeding program. In all thirty huacaya and five suri, were selected by Peter and imported into Australia. Peter has been a full time alpaca breeder for the last five years. He manages the breeding program of the Canchones herd, on a daily basis, using the latest techniques including ET (Embryo Transfer) and the SRS system. Peter successfully attended the International Alpaca Judging School (IAJS) in the Peruvian altiplano in 2004. He has also been certified as both an AOBA (Alpaca Owners and Breeders Association) and AAA (Australian Alpaca Association) judge. Since qualifying as a judge in Australia and the United States, Peter has judged shows throughout Australia, Canada , New Zealand, and the USA.

Judge Assignments and Bios Kathy Klay, Walking Fleece Kathy began her alpaca adventure in 2000 with what was thought as an innocent little comment from her husband regarding an article he was reading on what his college's past president was doing during retirement. From there, the internet was all it took for the fun to begin. Growing up on a farm and being actively involved in 4-H raising cattle & showing horses, it was easy to see the potential of this fiber animal and to embrace raising alpacas. She has spent hours volunteering at fleece and halter shows and enjoyed scribing during numerous annual AOBA National Conference Fleece shows. She started the first alpaca 4-H club in Franklin County and has donated her time to coach various 4-H clubs around the state as well as judge 4-H alpaca events. She has held clinics and presented seminars on varied alpaca topics. She's currently the membership chairperson of OABA and an active member of AOA, CABO, and the Suri Network. Kathy left her financial planning and investment management job in 2007 to concentrate full-time on completing the AOBA Judge Apprenticeship program and is now certified to judge suri/huacaya halter, performance & fleece. She enjoys delivering her orals reasons in a way that each participant gets meaningful information as to why their alpacas placed as they did reflecting her desire to enhance the exhibitor's show experience. Kathy, her husband Earl and their herd of suri and huacaya alpacas, reside at Jefferson Laurel Farm which is located minutes from Columbus, Ohio.

Judy Keske, Walking Fleece - SpinOff As president of Slow & Easy Alpaca Farm, Judy began their business in 1996 with the purchase of 3 alpacas. As the industry evolved, her business branched into fiber related interests to help promote alpaca fiber. At that time, she decided to retire from nursing and devote all of her time to this fine industry. She began spinning shortly after their 2nd shearing in 1998. At the same time, she became actively involved in Lorain County Spinners & Weavers Guild. Our services include teaching, demonstrating and education re: various fiber arts at community events and schools. Since that time, she has become a member of Ohio Natural Fiber Network and continues to promote all aspects of natural fiber. Volunteering at fleece shows had become a part of her schedule, beginning in 2002 for OABA & AOBA. There is no better place to learn all about the super characteristics of alpaca fleece. Her personal service includes instruction in fleece preparation for show/spin-off, spinning, and beginning crochet. Judy was approved as a spin-off judge in 2006 and has judged competitions for many of the national and local shows. She has since been accredited as a spin-off judge under a new AOA accreditation program that began in August 2016. In August 2012 she became an AOBA Certified Fleece Judge after apprenticing numerous shows throughout the United States. She feels privileged to have the opportunity to continue evaluating North American alpaca fleece on various levels.

Special Breeding Packages Available!

Visit Vendor Village

Alpaca Collections - www.alpacacollections.com Andean Group LLC / Glengary Farm Alpacas - www.glengaryfarmalpacas.com Bent Pine Alpaca Farm - www.bentpinealpacas.com Fashion Forum by DebrAnn Weiss and co - www.DebrAnnWeissandco.com Gore Trailer - www.goretrailers.com Lael Alpaca - www.alpacalael.com Lanart - www.lanart.net Latin Collection LLC - www.latincollection.com Light Livestock Equipment & Supply - www.lighlivestockequipment.com Long Hollow Suri Alpacas / New Era Fiber - www.longhollowalpacas.com New England Alpaca Fiber Pool - www.neafp.com Peruvian Link, Co. - www.peruvianlink.com

RedMaple Sportswear Co. - www.RedMapleSportswear.com Stockyard Style - www.stockyardstyle.com Windy Meadows Farm and Fiber Factory, llc - www.thefiberfactory.com

Join Us For Great Opportunities & Fun!!! At The 2019 Farm, Fiber &

Power House of Genetics Herdsire Auction & Dinner Auctioneer, Brett Kaysen of Silver Penn Sales

Saturday, April 27th @ 6:00pm Here’s your opportunity to aquire useful farm products & services, lovely alpaca wear & home goods, and sought-after power house Herdsire breedings. Thank you Donors for your generous offerings.

Don’t Miss out!

Power House of Genetics Donated Herdsire Breedings CCNF Tristan - Central Hill Alpacas Plus - Carl, Mary, Jennifer Gilmore

AMAF Lucy’s Little Ricky - Asgard Acres - Carole & Joe Rost

Sunset Hills Zagato - Alpaca Palace LLC - Renee & Rick Ritenour

Power House of Genetics Donated Herdsire Breedings FTAF’s Blackbeard - Full Tilt Alpacas - Lorilee Kramer

Snowmass Solar Paramount - Buck Brook Alpacas - Kara & Justin McElroy

MC Escher - Art In Motion - Morning Beckons Farm LLC - Julie & Vern Butler

Power House of Genetics Donated Herdsire Breedings Choice of : Crescent Moon’s Sixtus / Irish Meadows P Shades of Silver / Heaven’s Hill Mercucio Heaven’s Hill Alpacas - Alma & Michael Gelorme

WLK Milano (Suri) - Double 8 Alpaca Ranch - Doug Kittrell & Bonnie Belfiore-Kittrell

MAPACA Active Membership a Suri Farm ltd Dennis Balbac & Monica Kline 1864 Mt. Zion Road Myerstown, PA 17067-3307 Home: (717) 514-0022 Cell: (717) 991-9420 info@asurifarm.com www.asurifarm.com

Asgard Acres Alpaca Farm Carole & Joe Rost 180 Nursery Road Renfrew, PA 16053 Home: (724) 789-7345 Cell: (724) 316-6853 crost51@gmail.com www.asgardacresalpacas.com

Callowhill Farm Hendrika Paci PO Box 517 814 Callowhill Road Silverdale, PA 18962 Home: (215) 257-3727 Cell: (215) 262-6599 hjpaci@verizon.net

Acorn Acres Alpaca Farm Pat, Gloria & April Chestnut 44528 Crestview Rd. Columbiana, OH 44408 (330) 482-0342 Enginette28@yahoo.com www.acrornacresalpacas.com

Autumn Mist Alpaca Farm Leslie & Jeff Jorritsma 11579 Wessie Rd. Prattsburgh, NY 14873 (607) 868-5401 Autumnmistalpacafarm@gmail.com www.autumnmistalpacafarm.com

Alpaca Palace, LLC Renee & Rick Ritenour 102 Knotingham Lane Butler, PA 16001 Home: (724)234-2221 Renee‘s Cell: (724)787-6214 alpacas@alpacapalace.com www.alpacapalace.com

Bell House Alpacas David & Ruth Nye 18119 York Road Parkton, MD 21120 Home: (410)371-7451 bellhousealpacas@comcast.net

Celtic Knot Alpacas Rebecca & Russell Jones 1560 McClures Gap Road Carlisle, PA 17015 Home: (717)-418-9612 Cell: (717) 418-9612 celticknotalpaca@aol.com www.celticknotalpacas.com

Alpaca Road Jackie Mathiason & Brad Dean 1135 Camp Rd. Denton, MD 21629 (410) 241–4367 www.alpacaroad.com Alpacas of Pinney Valley Kathy & Phil Brown 25689 Garey Rd. Denton, MD 21629 (410) 443-4842 kbrown@alpacasof pinneyvalley.com www.alpacasofpinneyvalley.com Alpacas Of York Sheri Hunt-Smith 90 Jean Lo Way York, PA 17406 Home: (717) 495-8979 Cell: (717) 495-8979 sheri@alpacasofyork.com www.alpacasofyork.com Amber Autumn Alpacas Daryl & Shirley Krause 12444 SW Green Dr. Culver, OR 97734 (541) 604-5277 www.amberautumnalpacas.com

Bent Pine Alpaca Farm Darwin & Doris Kell 53 Little Run Road Camp Hill, PA 17011 Home: (717)-737-2960 Cell: (717) 773-5177 Fax: (717) 796-5949 darwin@bentpinealpacas.com info@bentpinealpacas.com www.bentpinealpacas.com Buck Brook Alpacas Kara & Justin McElroy 99 Bestenheider Rd. Roscoe, NY 12776 (845) 807-3104 BuckBrookAlpacas@yahoo.com www.buckbrookalpacas.com C & C Alpaca Factory Chris Reachard & Christian Addor 2952 Dusty Rd. Seaford, DE 19973 (302) 629-6489 candcalpacas@gmail.com www.candcalpaca.com Cabin View Alpacas Chris & David Houseworth 9435 Congress Street Ext. Trumansburg, NY 14886 (607) 279-3567 info@cabinviewalpacas.com www.cabinviewalpacas.com

Central Hill Alpacas Plus Carl, Mary and Jennifer Gilmore 11322 Central Hill Rd. Windsor, VA 23487 (757) 434-4629 www.centralhillalpacas.com Chagrin Valley Alpacas Mary Reed 9601 Kinsman Road Novelty, OH 44072 (216) 387-3509 sunnimoor@roadrunner.com Cinco C's Alpacas Chris & Carol Howard 198 Sartwell Creek Rd. Port Allegany, PA 16743 Home: (814) 544-2626 Cell: (814) 598-1667 Fax: (814) 544-2626 carol@cincocsalpacas.com www.cincocsalpacas.com Claddagh Farm Alpacas Carl & Sarah Lamanna 6905 Stebbins Rd. LaFayette, NY 13084 (315) 243-3782 claddaghfarms@gmail.com www.claddaghfarmalpacas.com Classic Alpaca Chris McCue 441 Carbondale Rd. Clarks Summit, PA 18411 (800) 425-7222 info@classicalpaca.com www.classicalpaca.com

MAPACA Active Membership Cleo Alpacas, LLC Betty Lou Herter & Cleo Ellen Kuhl 211 Cedarcrest Dr. Mooresville, NC 28115 (704) 663-9785 www.keuka-lake-pintos.com Dark Rose Alpacas Karen & Rick Bowman 105 Sportsman Lane Slippery Rock, PA 16057 Karen’s Cell: 724-421-5440 Rick’s Cell: 724-421-5032 klbowman@zoominternet.net Destiny Acres Alpacas Arlene and Chuck Fusko 140 Truth Trail Sarver, PA 16055 (724) 448-6606 destinyacres@zoominternet.net Double 8 Alpaca Ranch Doug & Bonnie Kittrell 40205 Quailrun Ct. Lovettsville, VA 20180 (540) 303-7071 info@double8alpacas.com www.double8alpacas.com Eastland Alapcas Kevin & Sue Zurin 2089 Risser Mill Road Mount Joy, PA 17552 Home: (717) 653-2757 Fax: (717) 653-9079 alpacas@eastlandalpacas.com www.eastlandalpacas.com Estelstation Mary Estel 227 Hookstown Grade Rd. Clinton, PA 15026 Home: (724) 375-7361 Cell: (412) 889-6070 estelstation@aol.com www.estelstationalpacas.com Flame Pool Alpacas Kathy Graziani 486 Stone Rd. Westminster, MD 21158 (443) 812-1102 flamepoolalpacas@verizon.net www.flamepoolalpacas.com

Four Season Alpacas and Rug Weaving The Weaver Family 4418 Six Corners Rd. Dundee, NY 14837 (607) 243-7076 floydwicker@frontiernet.net www.fourseasonalpacas.com Forest Glen Alpacas, Llc Douglas & Tina Weston 316 McCurdy Rd. Titusville, PA 16354 Home: (814) 827-2352 Cell: (814) 657-0746 tina@forestglenalpacas.com www.forestglenalpacas.com Glengary Farm Alpacas/Andean Group Patrick Cassese 2704 Slessman Dr. Plymouth, OH 44865 (216) 701-0052 farmerpat@glengaryfarmalpacas.com www.glengaryfarmalpacas.com Golden Criations Alpacas Wanda & Christopher Golden 977 Hoffman Rd. Gettysburg, PA 17325 Home: (717) 337-9170 Cell: (717) 253-4613 wagolden@embarqmail.com Good Time Ridge Farm, LLC Harald & Cheri Seiler 3354 North River Rd. Augusta, WV 26704 (703) 932-5562 goodtimeridge@gmail.com www.goodtimeridgefarm.com Green Slopes Alpacas Christine D. Beck 12879 Weygandt St. Canal Fulton, OH 44614 (330) 854-6208 (330) 495-8516 Harley Hill Farm Bill & Lori Oraschin 451 Kellers Rd. Quakertown, PA 18951 Home: (215) 536-2841 Cell: (908) 310-0482 Fax: (215) 536-2841 harleyhillfarm@live.com lori_ea@hotmail.com www.harleyhillfarm.com

Heather's Acre Alpaca Farm Tim & Debbie McCarty 30 Baxter Road Jackson Center, PA 16133 Home: (724) 376-2579 Cell: (412) 292-0663 heathersacre@hotmail.com www.heathersacrealpacafarm.com Heaven's Hill Alpacas Michael & Alma Gelorme 68 Christy Road Washington, PA 15301 Home: (724) 228-1465 Cell: (412) 849-1662 Fax: (724) 228-1464 heavenshill@hughes.net www.heavenshillalpacas.com Heavenly Sunset Farm Gail & Carolyn Clark/Dan & Susan Clark 1134-1166 Country Route 99 Woodhull, NY 14898 (607)458-5499 c2@zoominternet.net www.heavenlysunsetfarm.com Hickory Meadow Alpaca Farm LLC Kelly & Bob Foster 28047 West Belpre Pike Coolville, OH 45723 (845)797-3552 Kelly@hickorymeadowalpacafarm.com www.hiddenpasturesluxuryfiberfarm.com Highland Airs Alpaca Ranch Colin & Joy Scott 10 River Rd. (off Kings Hwy) Hackettstown, NJ 07840 (707) 330-7178 highlandairsalpacaranch@gmail.com www.highlandairsalpaca.com Honeycreek Farm The Williamson Family 4001 Bill Moxley Rd. Mount Airy, MD 21771 (410) 507-4419 K-Ran Alpacas Randy & Karen Strong 145 Purvis Road Butler, PA 16001 Cell: (607) 727-8153 Strong84@aol.com

MAPACA Active Membership Kendall Creek Farms Chris & Lori Works 41 Looker Mountain Trail Bradford, PA 16701 Lori Cell: (814) 598-3824 Chris Cell: (814) 558-0346 chris@kcfalpacas.com www.kcfalpacas.com

Man in the Moon Farm LLC Mark Edmonds + Brenda Landes 16108 Johns Creek Rd. New Castle, VA 24127 (540) 309-8568 (540) 309-8388 MMFAlpacas@tds.net www.mmfalpacas.com

Kraussdale Alpacas Maggie Wright 5169 Kraussdale Rd. East Greenville, PA 18041 Home: (215) 541-1778 Cell: (215) 805-5903 Fax: (215) 541-1778 maggie@kraussdalealpacas.com www.kraussdalealpacas.com

Meadowgate Alpacas Stephen & Nicole Phillips Beaverdam, VA 23015 (804) 432– 3572 Nicole@meadowgatealpacas.com www.meadowgatealpacas.com

Limestone Creek Alpacas, LLC Leslie & Don Oliver 3537 Pompey Hollow Rd. Cazenovia, NY 13035 (315) 655-4898 (315) 314-1275 info@limestonecreekalpacas.com www.limestonecreekalpacas.com Little Creek Farm, LLC Lynn Edens 364 Hardscrabble Rd. North Salem, NY 10560 (917) 952-5184 (914) 318-0893 www.lcfalpacas.com Long Hollow Suri Alpacas Karl & Jan Heinrich 698 Wallace Rd. Gallatin, TN (615) 452-7852 janh@longhollowalpacas.com www.longhollowalpacas.com Magik Springs Farm B. Gail Magik 2554 Frays Mill Rd. Ruckersville, VA 22968 (434) 409-2242 (434) 973-9504 magikspringsfarm@centurylink.net www.magikspringsfarm.com Majestic Meadows Alpacas Faye & Jeff Farley 4195Abbeyville Rd. Medina, OH 44256 (330) 241-0977 (330) 461– 6017 faye@majesticmeadowsalpacas.com www.majesticmeadowsalpacas.com

Memory M-Acres Farm Bob Figular & Lisa Collura Hopewell Township Lambertville, NJ 08530 (609) 902-3551 info@memorymacres.com www.memorymacres.com Morgan’s Fortunato Farm Ben & Gina Morgan 122 Fortunato Lane Waverly, WV 26184 (304) 588-0249 www.fortunatoalpacas.com Morning Sky Farm Bob & Lynn McClurg 480 Carpenters Corners Road Clarks Mills, PA 16114 Home: (724) 253-2493 Cell: (724) 699-3669 morningskyfarm@windstream.net www.morningskyfarm.com Never Ending Alpaca Farm Jerry & Kathy Scutt 1285 Lillibridge Rd. Portville, NY 14770 (716) 933-8561 jkscutt@roadrunner.com www.neverendingalpacafarm.com Nite Star Alpacas Ann & Jim Nogier 1301 Larson Road Schwenksville, PA 19473 Home: (484) 552-8186 Cell: (484) 888-5005 nitestaralpacas@comcast.net www.nitestaralpacas.com

Outstanding Dreams Alpaca Farm Phil & Vickie Liske 24480 Pinetown Rd. Preston, MD 21655 (410) 673-2002 (410) 829-4492 (410) 829-2012 pviske@OutstandingDreamsFarm.com www.OutstandingDreamsFarm.com Over Home Alpacas, LLC Allen Rebman, Richard & Carol Reed Earleville, MD 18 Midway Rd. Bethel, PA 19507 (Allen) (717) 673-2539 (Carol) (717) 673-2541 (Rich) (717) 673-2542 info@overhomealpacas.com www.overhomealpacas.com Painted Spring Farm Alpacas Beth & Neal Lutz 280 Roth Church Rd. Spring Grove, PA 17362 Home: (717) 225-3941 Cell: (717) 891-8060 Fax: (717) 848-9197 paintedspring@gmail.com www.paintedspring.com Pohopoco Creek Mary Baxter 216 Merwinsburg Road Effort, PA 18330 Home: (570) 242-3587 pcalpacas@gmail.com www.pohopococreekalpacas.com Providence Alpaca Farm, LLC Roni & Bradley Perkins 940 Wilderness Way Shepherdsville, KY 40165 (502) 543-6676 (502) 619-3464 Pyramid Alpaca John & Denise Price Clearbrook, VA 22624 (540) 336-1321 (540) 545-2066 dprice@1217@aol.com www.pyramidalpacas.com Quarry Critters Alpaca Ranch Julie & David Wysong 580 Basehoar Rd Littlestown, PA 17340 Home: (717) 359-9989 Cell: (443) 340-9638 juliesalpacas@gmail.com www.quarrycrittersalpacas.com

MAPACA Active Membership Rainbow Mountain Alpacas Charles & Diane Sheesley 2368 St John Rd. Punxsutawney, PA 15767 Home: (814) 939-7079 Cell: (814) 952-2306 Fax: (814) 939-7079 rainbowmtalpacas@yahoo.com www.rainbowmountainalpacas.com

Silkies Farm Marcia & Al Silkroski 1418 Hilltop Rd. Chester Springs, PA 19425 Home: (610) 469-7592 Cell: (610) 608-5337 silk65@gmail.com www.silkiesfarm.com

Raynay Alpaca Farm, LLC Candy & Ray McMahan 1897 Ashland Rd. Ruffin, NC 27326 (336) 939-3645 (336) 707-4352 www.raynayalpacas.com

Silver Ley Farm, Llc Pete/Penny/Owen Jones 1876 Salem Rd. Coopersburg, PA 18036 Home: (610) 282-0607 Fax: (610) 282-4354 silverley@juno.com www.silverleyfarm.com

Rosehaven Alpacas Michele Armour 2027 State Route 17B Bethel, NY 12720 (845)-583-3179 michele@rosehavenalpacas.com www.rosehavenalpacas.com

Skyfiber Ranch, LLC Aimee Matheny & Mark Minorik Marshall, VA 20115 (540) 724-1247 Info@skyfiberranch.com www.skyfiberranch.com

Russell’s Alpaca Acres Jean & Jay Russell 4047 Newtown Rd. Burdett, NY 14818 (518) 817-1805 jrussell7522@yahoo.com www.russellsalpacaacres.com

Small Paws Farm James & Dawn Evans 4963 Route 82 Salt Point, NY 12578 (914) 474-8951 (845) 741-9885 smallpawsfarm@gmail.com www.Smallpawsfarm.com

Santa’s Alpaca Farm Linda , Andrew, James, Leigh & Michael Santa 205 Hespenheide Rd. Mars, PA 16046 (724) 776-5445 (724) 272-0258 www.santasheritagefarm.com Secret World Alpacas Jennie Mezick 7453 Todd’s Wharf Rd. Preston, MD 21655 (410) 310-9423 secretworldalpacas@hotmail.com www.secretworldalpacas.com Shepherds Creek Alpacas Barb and/or Marc Sodums 5797 Stilwell Rd. Trumansburg, NY 14886 (607) 387-7260 Shepcreekalpacas@aol.com www.shepherdscreekalpacas.com

Spring Grove Alpacas Ranch Carl Troop 496 Solanco Road Quarryville, PA 17566 Home: (717) 786-1303 sgalpacas@yahoo.com STILLMEADOW Farm Pamela Brewster 116 Al Harvey Rd. Stonington, CT 06378 (860)821-9492 stillmeadowfarm1@gmail.com www.stillmeadowalpacafarm.com Stoney Meadows Alpacas & Stone Mountain Looms Theresa & Charles Jewell 16038 Glidden Rd. Holley, NY 14470 (585) 750-9332 jherzog1@rochester.rr.com www.stoney-meadows.com

Sugar Hollow Farm Jay & Kathy Brown 9955 Masters Road Waynesboro, PA 17268 Home: (717) 749-7056 info@shfalpacas.com www.shfalpacas.com Sugartown Farms Helen & Timm Herman 6277 Sugartown Rd. Ellicottville, NY 14731 (716) 699-2902 (716) 307-2634 www.sugartownfarms.com Sweet Valley Suris Kristie & Brion Smoker 5701 Valley Glen Rd. Annville, PA 17003 Home: (717) 867-2897 Cell: (717) 503-6168 Fax: (717) 867-8446 kristie@sweetvalleysuris.com www.sweetvalleysuris.com The Wood Farm Alpacas Kevin & Libby Stover 14 Wood Road Franklin, PA 16323 Home: (814) 758-1063 Cell: (814) 758-1063 twfalpacas@gmail.com www.alpacanation.com/ woodfarm.asp Virginia Breeze Alpacas Patricia Rice & Pat Hamilton 13300 Hensley Rd. Chesterfield, VA 23112 (804) 641-4811 (804) 641-3698 pegs@cstone.net www.virginiabreezealpacas.com Wild Rose Suri Ranch Patti & Alan Anderson 3623 Harmony Church Rd. Havre de Grace, MD 21078 (Patti) (443) 740-4240 (410) 734-7084 Anderson@WildRoseAlpacas.com www.WildRoseAlpacas.com Zuni Tree & Alpaca Farm Shirley & Ronald Nelson 19362Tomlin Hill Dr. Zuni, VA 23898 (757) 242-4780 (757) 758-0874 zunitree@gmail.com www.zunitreealpacas.com

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