Spotlight Second Act
JUNE 2019
Second Act Beat the Heat and Stay Hydrated Hydration is essential for good health. Here are a few tricks to help you stay well hydrated all day long.
A free program for adults 50 and beyond
On the Upswing to Recovery Phillip Rains had been retired for a grand total of eight days. He just finished winching an antique tractor onto a trailer when he disappeared from his wife’s view. She found him, face-down in the gravel, unconscious and not breathing.
1. Always carry a water bottle
Rains, now 63, had suffered a massive heart attack; one so severe that Rains remained sedated for two weeks while medical providers worked to restore full function to his heart. Recovery was slow, but despite the odds, he did recover. His heart was working again. Trouble was, much of the rest of his body wasn’t.
2. Drink a glass of water before every meal Not only can this help you stay hydrated, but it can also boost metabolism.
Rains was transferred to SIH Upswing Recovery, a then brand-new program at SIH St. Joseph Memorial Hospital in Murphysboro. Upswing provides services for patients who no longer need acute hospital care, but do need skilled care and rehabilitation not easily provided at home. This year, SIH Upswing Recovery celebrates five years of helping patients like Rains regain strength, mobility and endurance.
3. Eat hydrating foods Examples include watermelon, oranges, and cucumbers 4. Swap out caffeine for lemon water Lemons are full of vitamins and nutrients that are sure to wake you up and keep you going.
Rains says SIH Upswing Recovery taught him how to live again. “I was intubated so long and was out of it so much, that I couldn’t do anything for myself anymore,” he recalls. He spent exactly a month at SIH Upswing Recovery and a few weeks of therapy at home, retraining and relearning to do even the simplest tasks.
5. Take your water to the next level If you get bored with plain water, try adding herbs such as mint or infuse your water with fruit.
Source: The Daily Meal
“At first I couldn’t walk or even feed myself. Look at me today: it’s obvious that I walk into a lot of restaurants now,” he says with a hearty laugh. “I just can’t say enough good about them. I would recommend all of them to anyone.” Simply put, SIH Upswing Recovery helped Rains get his life back.
TRIP & CLASS POLICY • Reservations are required for all trips and classes. • Trips require prepaid reservations. Cancellations made to trips after the posted cancellation deadline will not be refunded unless another member can fill the vacancy. • All trips have designated activity levels. Please adhere to the requirements set forth in the policy. • Registered guests of members for all trips, events and classes must be at least 21 years of age.
SPECIAL NEEDS It is the responsibility of the SIH Second Act member to notify the Second Act office at least two weeks prior to the published cancellation deadline for a trip or event (one week prior to the date of an educational program) or upon registration, whichever date is earlier, if he/she has a need which requires special accommodations in order to participate. Following an appropriate notification, all reasonable efforts will be made by the Second Act department manager to accommodate those special needs.
Physicians providing services at and admitting patients to Herrin Hospital, Memorial Hospital of Carbondale and St. Joseph Memorial Hospital are not employees of the hospital. Physicians exercise their own independent judgment regarding medical care and treatment and the hospital is not responsible for their actions.
Travel Missouri Botanical Gardens and Lunch at Rigazzi's Tuesday, August 27 Registration Call Date 9 a.m., Tuesday, June 11
Activity Level Moderate
Member Non-Member
Cost $74 $84
Cancellation Deadline Thursday, August 1
Explore the wonder of the Missouri Botanical Gardens. First we’ll have lunch at Rigazzi’s, the oldest restaurant in the historic Hill neighborhood. Then we’ll head over to the gardens to take in nature’s beauty. Don’t forget to explore their gift shop. Trip includes transportation, lunch and admission to see the Botanical Garden via their tram.
HIGH >>>
Requires very little walking and standing. Must be able to climb five steps.
Requires the ability to walk up to 1 mile, climb up to 10 steps, and stand for up to 1/2 hour. Some seating available but not guaranteed.
Requires the ability to walk at least 2 miles or more without assistance, stand for an hour, walk on hilly terrain and have no trouble climbing steps.
Trip example: Touring a museum.
Trip example: Shopping, hikes, multi-day trips, and craft fairs
Trip example: Going to see a play and stopping for lunch.
Please register for Second Act classes, trips and special events by calling 877.480.4040
Registration Required Beginning May 30, 9 a.m. $ All Eat & Educate Classes
Eat & Educate
Wednesday, June 5 | 11 – 1:30 p.m. | Cost: $5
Monday, June 10 | Noon – 1:30 p.m.
FarmHouse Harvest Lavender Farm 6245 Izaac Walton Road, Benton
SIH Corporate Office 1239 E. Main St., Carbondale Conference Room 101 B/D
Allison Snow Owner Farm House Harvest Take a relaxing escape! Enjoy walking through the lush green grass and the tranquil, young lavender fields of FarmHouse Harvest Lavender Farm. Then relax in a session of yoga/pilates done in the comfort of provided chairs. See how the program benefits your body and soul by stretching muscles, toning, improving posture, developing coordination and stimulating blood circulation. Enjoy a delicious picnic tea lunch, and visit the gift cottage.
Yolonda Simon Alzheimer’s Association Community Educator Alzheimer’s disease is not a normal part of aging. It’s a disease of the brain that causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior. Join us to learn about the impact of Alzheimer’s, the difference between Alzheimer’s and dementia, disease stages and risk factors and current research and treatments available to address some symptoms.
Tuesday, June 11 | Noon – 1:30 p.m.
Thursday, June 13 | Noon – 1:30 p.m.
Marshall Browning Hospital 900 N. Washington St., Du Quoin Second Floor Conference Room
Harrisburg District Library 2 W. Walnut St., Harrisburg Barnes Conference Room
Garrett Burton, RN, MSN ; Gene Brandon, RN, BSN, TNS; Eduardo Smith Singares, MD, FACS Southern Illinois Healthcare
David Martin, OT; Emily Sumner, OT SIH Outpatient Rehabilitation
We’ve been on a journey to enhance emergency care in Southern Illinois. Learn the ways SIH is impacting community health by developing a local trauma center. Get a better idea of what is considered to be a traumatic injury and see how SIH is working with emergency departments to streamline these efforts.
There are many instances of trauma such as a fall or heavy overhead lifting that leads to pain in the shoulder, but what about simply waking up one day in pain? How or why does this happen and what can be done to stop the ache? What happens when our shoulders get out of alignment? How or why does this occur and what can be done to resolve it?
Tuesday, June 18 | 10– 11:30 a.m.
Tuesday, June 25 | Noon– 1:30 p.m.
SIH Corporate Office 1239 E. Main St. Carbondale Conference Room 101 B/D
SIH Cancer Institute 1400 Pin Oak Dr., Carterville Unity/Vision Rooms
Bria Miller, MD SIU Medical Resident
Michele Behm, PAC SIH Medical Group
Shingles can hit hard and do lasting damage. The disease caused by the same virus as chicken pox causes a burning, painful rash that can affect many locations on the body. Learn the cause, treatment and long-term effects of this painful condition.
Summer is the season to kick back, relax and enjoy being outside, but it's not time to slack on your skincare routine. UVA/UVB rays are harmful all year long, but are especially damaging during the summer months when our exposure levels are higher. Learn tips for keeping skin healthy during the summer.
Please register for Second Act classes, trips and special events by calling 877.480.4040
Other Classes & Events REFIT® for Ladies
Please join us for an introduction to an exciting workout program. This will be a great time to try it out! Feel free to attend one or both classes to see which one is the right fit for you. You will receive an introduction to the program and plan on doing some workouts too!
Wednesday, June 12 | 1:30 – 3 p.m.
Wednesday, June 19 | 1:30 – 3 p.m
Christian Life Church 1901 N. Park Ave., Herrin
Christian Life Church 1901 N. Park Ave., Herrin
Alexis Long, Certified REFIT® and REV+FLOW Instructor
Alexis Long, Certified REFIT® and REV+FLOW Instructor
All ladies invited. REFIT® is a life-changing group fitness experience that rocks your body, heart and soul with powerful moves and positive music to inspire you from the inside out. Powered by human connections, we turn boring, “have-to” workouts into a “can’t-miss” community fitness experience! REFIT classes propel students to their best selves through dance, toning, balance and flexibility. Our easy-to-follow formula is perfect for both beginners and fitness enthusiasts, with workouts designed for everybody and every body—regardless of age, shape, size or ability.
All ladies invited. REV+FLOW is a dynamic workout that’s easy on joints without compromising the intensity of the workout. REV+FLOW strengthens bodies and sculpts muscles through targeted, music-based movements and resistance training. Be challenged in new and unique ways through easy-to-follow movements and uplifting music. All fitness levels welcome! Please bring a fitness/yoga mat. This class is for information only and is not an endorsement.
This class is for information only and is not an endorsement.
FUN WITH ALPACAS! Thursday, June 20 | 1 – 3:30 p.m. Cost is $5 Rolling Oak Alpaca Ranch 1335 Hall Church Road, Makanda IT IS A GOOD IDEA TO BRING AN EXTRA PAIR OF SHOES THAT CAN GET MUDDY OR DIRTY Rolling Oak Alpaca Ranch is a family-owned and operated farm located in beautiful Makanda. Get to know the alpacas that call Rolling Oak their home. Go into their pen where you can hand feed and interact with them. You will learn about the alpacas and have question-and-answer time. If the weather is nice, you will see areas around the farm like the alley, pastures and garden. Next, go inside the studio and see some of the tools and methods used to process the alpacas fiber. During this time, you will have a 45-minute hands-on weaving experience creating a small coaster-size item using a cardboard loom. Members will keep the loom and weaving. At the end of your tour, shop the store and purchase alpaca items to remember your visit!
Please register for Second Act classes, trips and special events by calling 877.480.4040
Star Groups
Star Groups meet at least monthly and are open to all Second Act Members. These groups cover a variety of interesting topics – join a group for fun or to expand your knowledge
Wednesdays | 1 p.m. June 5,12, 19, 26
Tuesdays | Noon – 3:30 p.m. June 4, 11, 18, 25
Herrin Bocce Courts (behind Civic Center)
Murphysboro Senior Center Murphysboro
Leader: Jeff Kurtz
Leader: Wilma Nelson
Thursday | 1 p.m.
2 & 4 Monday | 1 – 3 p.m.
Wednesday | 11:30 a.m.
June 6
June 10, 24
June 19
Carbondale Public Library 405 W. Main St., Carbondale
University Mall (Sitting area in front of S&B's Burger Joint) Carbondale
Italian Village 405 S. Washington St., Carbondale
Leader: David McKay, Bill Simonds
Leader: Joe Taylor
Leader: Mary Holm
LINE DANCING | Carbondale
LINE DANCING | Murphysboro
Mondays | 1 – 3 p.m. June 3, 10, 17, 24
Wednesdays | 9 – 10 a.m. June 5, 12, 19, 26
Thursdays | 9:30 a.m. June 6, 13, 20, 27
University Mall, Carbondale (Meets in front of SIH The Place)
Carbondale Senior Center Carbondale
Murphysboro Senior Center Murphysboro
Leader: Janet Spires
Leader: Gloria Perrott
Leader: Marcia Allen
3rd Wednesday | 8 – 11 a.m. June 19
Fridays | 1 – 4 p.m. June 7, 14, 21, 28
Mondays | 9 – 10 a.m. June 3, 10, 17, 24
Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center, 8588 Route 148, Marion
Murdale Baptist Church, Carbondale (Meets in basement) Details: Materials and machines provided. Group makes quilts for charitable causes.
University Mall, Carbondale (Meets in front of SIH The Place)
Leader: Jim Osborn, Photographer
Leader: Margee Betts
3rd Monday, 6/17 will meet at Bandana's, 309 E. Main, Carbondale at 12:30 PM for lunch/knitting
Leader: Jo Ann Whitehead
Please register for Second Act classes, trips and special events by calling 877.480.4040
Other Workshops LIVE WELL BE WELL DIABETES WORKSHOPS Tuesday, June 4 through July 9 | 1 – 3:30 p.m. Register: 618.833.8561 or at
Union County Farm Bureau 104 West Broad St., Jonesboro Thursday, June 6 through July 10 | 1 – 3:30 p.m. Register: 866.744.2468 or at
John A Logan College West Frankfort Extension Center 19 West Frankfort Plaza, West Frankfort For anyone living with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes or prediabetes or caregivers. Learn how to build an effective relationship with your doctor, deal with pain frustration, isolation and lack of energy, prevent complications, make healthy food choices, solve problems, manage medications, explore exercises and set goals. Participants must complete four of the six scheduled classes beginning with week one or two. For maximum benefit, all six classes are strongly recommended.
LIVE WELL BE WELL CHRONIC DISEASE Wednesday, June 5 through July 10 | 1 – 3:30 p.m.
John A. Logan College West Frankfort Extension Center 19 West Frankfort Plaza, West Frankfort For anyone with a chronic health condition or caregiver. Learn how to build an effective relationship with your doctor, solve problems, explore an exercise routine, how to communicate your condition with friends and family, eating tips to help you feel better, managing your medications, setting and achieving goals, dealing with pain, frustration, isolation and lack of energy. Participants must complete four of the six scheduled classes beginning with week one or two. For maximum benefit, all six classes are strongly recommended.
Rethink Your Snacking Healthy eating is important for everybody, not just for those with chronic diseases. One way to improve healthy eating is by meal planning. Many people only meal plan for their breakfasts, lunches and dinners, but it is also important to meal plan or think ahead about your snacks! When it comes to snacking, people often first think of foods that are high in sugar or added fats but there are lots of other options! Snacks can help curb hunger while adding nutritious energy boosts for your day. Snacks are also a great opportunity to fit in another serving of fruits and vegetables! Some tips to remember when planning snacks include: •
Know your portion sizes beforehand, use measuring cups and spoons to ensure correct portions!
Avoid mindless snacking in front of the TV or computer or while reading or driving.
Stock up on healthy options so you always have them on hand.
Choose fresh fruits and fresh vegetables whenever possible.
Snack on unsalted nuts and seeds to cut back on sodium.
Some healthy snack choices include almonds, celery and peanut butter, hard boiled eggs, cheese sticks, fruit and veggies, olives, pumpkin seeds and many more! Use these tips and suggestions to change your relationship with snacking. Plan ahead to ensure that snacking doesn’t throw you off of your day of healthy eating!
Register: 866.744.2468 or at
Please register for Second Act classes, trips and special events by calling 877.480.4040
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To learn more and to schedule your appointment, please call
618.549.0721 ext 64263 ©2019