New horizon Issue 14

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New Horizon Magazine of sika china 西卡中国杂志

合作 Cooperation




Cooperate with Leading Home Decoration Company

42 项目 project

百年传承 辉煌二十

Sika China Celebrates its 20th Anniversary


The Roof Project in Tibet



Issue #14 Sika CHINA New Horizon Issue 14 — NEW HORIZON



New Horizon Issue 14 — NEW HORIZON

Sika China’s 20th Anniversary

勇于创新 - 敢于坚持 - 乐于合作,这是西卡创始人 家族赋予西卡的价值观,正是在这些价值观的指导下, 我们创建了西卡中国。从 1993 年在广州起步,如今西 卡中国的业务范围已经扩展到全国,在大陆拥有 10 家 工厂,1200 名员工,年销售额超过 17 亿人民币。 我在西卡的第一个老板曾经告诉我:“我们努力 工作,但不能忘记庆祝胜利。”这正是为什么我们决 定在 20 周年举办一场大型的客户活动。这个活动不是 一场平常的晚宴,而要能代表西卡、展示西卡七个目 标市场,以及呈现我们为客户创造最佳解决方案的承 诺,展现西卡强大的团队精神。 为了组织本次活动,很多人相互协作、共同努力, 庆典当天天气晴朗,正可谓天时、地利、人和让本次 活动取得了巨大成功。这期杂志将和你分享本次庆典 活动中的故事,感受西卡员工的热情。尽管庆典已经 过去,但美好的时光将永存脑海。 在此,我想向在本次活动中表现出色的西卡员工 表示感谢,同时感谢总部管理层的支持以及我们业务 伙伴的鼓励,感谢大家与我们共同度过美好的一天。 穆善和 西卡中国总裁

Courage for innovation - Strength to persist – Pleasure of working together. These are the values given to Sika from the founder family and with courage and persistence we build up Sika China. From small beginnings in Guangzhou 1993 to a company that is active all over China. Nowadays Sika operates 10 factories in mainland China, achieves sales of 1.7 Bio RMB and employs more than 1200 people. My first boss in Sika once told me: “We work very hard but we shall never forget to celebrate our success together”. This I had in mind when we decided to organize a large customer event for the 20th Anniversary. What we wanted was not a normal banquette but an event that represents our companyour seven target markets, our commitment to create best customer solutions and our strong team spirit. Many people helped to organize the event and in the end we were rewarded with wonderful sunshine on the great day that helped to make this event a success. The stories on the next pages show the great enthusiasm of our team. The Anniversary is long gone but many wonderful memories will remain.


MORTEN MUSCHAK President of Sika China

I am very thankful to the team for the great work, to the Top Management of Sika for their support and encouragement and to our business partners for spending this day together with us.

Yours Morten Muschak President Sika China

New Horizon Issue 14 — NEW HORIZON


New Horizon #14 2014 48





百年传承 辉煌二十

Sika China Celebrates its 20th Anniversary


项目 PROJECT 西卡广州办公室地坪系统

Office Decorated with Sika Floors


对话 CeO













42 46



Dialogue with Sika CEO Interview with Swiss Consul What Customers Say? What Employees Think? Stories from the Road Show



Winning Together with Great Wall Motors

New Horizon Issue 14 — Contents

The Roof Project in Tibet

58 港珠澳大桥 A Bridge to Connect Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao 64



Cooperation with the Leading Home Decoration Company

Floors for Automotive Manufacturers



Supply to the Largest Shipbuilding Company

市场 Market 台湾幕墙市场

Sika FFI in Taiwan

技术 Technology 西卡中国荣获“国家科学技术进步奖”

High-value Technology and Science Award






可持续发展 Sustainability 西卡改善室内空气质量


Sika Improves Indoor Air Quality

快讯 express


76 西卡技术日 Sika Technology Day for Automotive Manufacturers


西卡医疗和商业地坪及墙面系统解决 方案

Sika Medical & Commercial Flooring and Wall System Solutions 西卡亚太区运营会议在印度尼西亚召开

SIKA AP Operations Meeting

团队 TEAM 西卡中国荣获“人力资源管理杰出奖”







Flooring Systems for Hospitals

编辑部:西卡中国市场传媒部,上海市华宁路 4555 号


2014 北京春季汽保展首秀 First Show at AMR 2014


2014 广州门窗幕墙展 2014 Windoor Expo

Editors’ address: Marketing Communications, Sika China, No. 4555 Huaning Road, Shanghai, 201108, China, e-mail: Printer: Achieve-Tech Printing and Packaging

Sika Water Treatment Protective Coating Solutions Technical Seminar

Top HR Management Awards

Sika Presentation at Precast Concrete Technology Conference Imprint 印刷公司:上海鸿洋包装印刷制品有限公司

本杂志中的所有注册商标受法律保护。除特殊标注,西卡拥有所有图片的版 权。未经允许,禁止复印。 All trademarks used or mentioned herein are protected by law. All photo copyrights are owned by Sika except when mentioned. Reproduction is permitted with the written consent of the publisher.

New Horizon Issue 14 — Contents



百年传承 辉煌二十

Sika China Celebrates its 20th Anniversary 二十岁对于一个人来说,是成年的标志,正值青春壮年;对于一家公司而言 也是如此,1993 年,西卡携带着瑞士精工的基因,从广州开始了在中国的第 一步。这 20 年来,西卡中国从广州简单的一间办公室已经发展成为在全国拥 有 10 家工厂、1200 名员工、年销售额超 17 亿人民币的大公司,这 20 年是西 卡中国从起步到辉煌的见证。

Reaching twenty is a sign of maturity as well as the best year for a man. It means the same to a company. In 1993, Sika set up an office in Guangzhou, where it took its first step in China. Over the past 20 years, Sika China has developed from a simple office in Guangzhou to having ten factories around the country with 1200 employees and an annual sales volume of more than RMB 1.7 billion. These twenty years have seen Sika China transform from a startup to glory.


New Horizon Issue 14 — NEW HORIZON

New Horizon Issue 14 — NEW HORIZON



2014 年 3 月 21 日,西卡中国在苏州总 部的厂区举行了盛大的 20 周年庆活动,邀 请到苏州工业园区管委会领导、瑞士驻上 海领事馆代理领事、西卡全球首席执行官、 西卡亚太区总裁以及西卡在中国的重要客 户和合作伙伴等嘉宾近 300 人共同见证这 一辉煌盛典。

致辞结束后,由东南大学钱春香教授 向西卡中国转授了由国务院颁发的“国家 科学进步奖”二等奖,以表彰西卡在 2013 年钱春香教授牵头与西卡中国合作的研发 项中技术创新的突出贡献。

随后的“西卡中国成就巡展”的启动 仪式将会场的气氛推向了高潮。二十年来, 这是一个宾主尽欢的夜晚,这是一个 西卡的足迹遍布中国的地标性建筑和事物, 让人难以忘怀的一天,经过 20 年的蓬勃发 为了献礼这个成年庆典,西卡中国选取了 展,西卡在中国的步伐走得将愈加坚定。 二十年间具有代表性的项目,以浓缩精华 的全国巡展向大家展示西卡在中国二十年 的成就。

迎宾 锣鼓声声迎客来,宾客们踏着欢快的 鼓点走上红地毯,走道两边精心设置了西 卡历史墙和文化墙。历史墙带着嘉宾穿越 时空,从 1910 年西卡的起源开始,将西卡 的百年历史娓娓道来。而另一边的文化墙 而现场的微博直播和微信等新媒体的 则将西卡 20 年来在中国的发展浓缩成精 华,一幕幕精彩的场景,一个个经典的项目, 互动活动丰富了客人的现场体验,引起了 不少人的浓厚兴趣,并积极参与互动活动。 是西卡中国一路走来的坚实脚步。 走过文化区,宾客们纷纷在合影区拍 照留念,留住这精彩时刻。主会场门口的 由西卡员工一张张诚挚的笑脸组成的欢迎 墙感染着每个嘉宾。

卡博会 “卡博会”是本次庆典的又一大亮点。 在主会场周围,我们设立了西卡各个目标 市场的展示帐篷,展示西卡最新的产品和 技术,屋面部焊接演示吸引客人跃跃欲试, 混凝土部直接把测试搬到了现场,工业部 门口的用西卡胶粘剂固定的秋千更是吸引 了大家的兴趣。如同一场西卡博览会,客 人们可以在最短时间内全面地了解西卡, 这也是首次西卡全部的目标市场同时展出, 给宾客们留下了深刻的印象。

庆典 在 激 昂 的 威 风 锣 鼓 声 中, 西 卡 中 国 二十周年庆典正式开始。西卡中国总裁穆 善和先生、西卡全球 CeO 颜凌宇先生、瑞 士驻上海领事馆代理领事安娜女士、苏州 工业园区管委会副主任孙燕燕女士上台致 辞,纷纷表达了对西卡中国二十周年的庆 晚宴 贺,以及这二十年来取得成绩的肯定。其中, 当日晚上,西卡中国在苏州洲际酒店 孙燕燕女士表示西卡与园区构建了牢固的 信任关系,肯定了西卡在苏州及全国取得 举办了客户答谢晚宴,下午的震撼尚未褪 的优秀成绩,并祝西卡中国能抓住历史机 去,精心准备的晚宴又给客人们带来了无 限的惊喜。当看到下午在庆典会场拍的照 遇不断取得新的更大成绩!


New Horizon Issue 14 — 20 th Anniversary

片已经整整齐齐地挂在门口供大家取下带 走,客人们不禁感叹西卡的办事效率!晚 宴上精彩的节目,尤其是由西卡员工自编 自演的节目如西卡服装秀和西卡之光,感 动着在现场的每一位人,正是西卡人这种团 结亲如家人的力量铸就了西卡中国的辉煌。


The swing fixed with Sikaflex®


Ms. Sun yanyan, Deputy Head of Suzhou Industrial Park, made an address.


Product display in the tent of Channel Management

下载 20 周年纪念手册

Download the commemorative album 屋面帐篷内焊接演示

Welding demo in the tent of TM Roofing.

New Horizon Issue 14 — 20 th Anniversary



On March 21 st 2014, Sika China held a grand 20 th anniversary celebration at its Suzhou headquarters. Almost 300 guests, including officers of the Suzhou Industrial Park Administration, the deputy consul of the Swiss Consulate General in Shanghai, Sika’s CEO, the President of Sika AP, and important partners and customers were invited to witness the glorious moment together. Welcome With the delightful welcoming drumbeats, our guests entered on the red carpet. Two walls were set up along the aisle to display Sika’s history and culture. The wall of history showed the history of Sika back to 1910. The wall on the other side presented the milestones of Sika China over the past 20 years. Every glorious moment and reference project was a solid step in Sika’s journey in China. Walking through the cultural display section, the guests were invited to take pictures to capture the wonderful moment. A welcoming wall at the entrance of the main tent, composed of the smiling faces of Sika employees, impressed everyone. Ceremony An exciting drum show started the 20th Anniversary Celebration. After Morten Muschak, President of Sika China, gave the welcome speech, Jan Jenisch, CEO of Sika Group, Ms. Anna Mattei, Deputy Consul General of Switzerland in Shanghai and Ms. Sun Yanyan, Deputy Head of


New Horizon Issue 14 — 20 th Anniversary

Suzhou Industrial Park Administrative Committee, made speeches expressing their congratulations to Sika China for its great achievements. In Ms. Sun’s speech, she mentioned that Sika had established a solid relationship with the Industrial Park. She recognized the excellent achievements that Sika had made in Suzhou and China as a whole and wished Sika China an even greater future by seizing the opportunities. Afterwards, Prof. Qian Chunxiang from Southeast University delivered the 2nd prize in the National Scientific Progress Award issued by the State Council. This award was given to recognize the excellent contribution by Sika to technological innovation in a collaborative R&D project between Prof. Qian and Sika China in 2013. Then the kick-off ceremony of the Sika China Achievement Road Show pushed the event to a climax. In the past 20 years, Sika’s products have been applied in the many landmark buildings and projects around China. We had made some representative projects into exquisite models to present them on a sand table, which will have a one-month tour around China. Moreover, the live social media broadcast and games enriched the interactive experience of the guests, many of whom were very interested and active in participating. Sika Expo The “Sika Expo” was another highlight of

the celebration. We set up nine small tents around the main tent to display Sika’s latest products and technology for all target markets. It was first time that Sika China has displayed all its target markets at one time so that the guests could have a full knowledge and broad understanding of Sika’s products and techniques in a short time on that sunny afternoon. We called it Sika Expo, which impressed the guests a lot. For example, the welding demonstration in the roofing tent attracted many guests. TM concrete conducted a product test on site. The swing fixed with Sikaflex at the Industry tent was a big attraction for guests and many of them sat on the swing to test the adhesion strength. The banquet In the evening, Sika China held a dinner of appreciation at Suzhou InterContinental Hotel. Following the exciting afternoon, this exquisite dinner was another surprise for the guests. Seeing the photos from the ceremony already hanging at the entrance for the guests to take away, the guests were amazed by the efficiency and consideration of Sika. Wonderful shows performed by Sika staff, such as the Sika fashion show and Light of Sika, moved everyone who was there. It was the strength of family cohesion that created the glory of Sika China. It was a happy night both for the hosts and the guests, as well as an unforgettable day. After 20 years of development, Sika’s steps in China will be even more certain.

西卡亚太区总裁季瀚思,西卡中国总裁穆善和,西卡全球 CeO 颜凌宇在庆典晚宴上。 Mr. Heinz Gisel, President of Sika AP, Mr. Morten Muschak, President of Sika China and Mr. Jan Jenisch, CeO of Sika Group, at the banquet.

New Horizon Issue 14 — 20 th Anniversary


西卡全球 CeO 颜凌宇先生在庆典上致辞

Mr. Jan Jenisch, CeO of Sika Group, made an address at the ceremony.


New Horizon Issue 14 — NEW HORIZON

对话 CeO

DIalogue with Sika CEO 西卡的核心竞争力在于它是一家创新驱动的公司。在全球,西卡约有 5% 的 员工从事研发工作。

The competitive strength of Sika is that it is an innovation driven company. Around 5% of our global work force are dedicated to Research and Development. 采访:钱俊,《名城苏州》记者


非常感谢您接受我们的采访。尽管市 场环境比较艰难,但西卡集团在全球仍然 取得很好的成绩,西卡是怎样做到的?

国家去,所以不仅仅只有瑞士的实验室在 开发新产品,我们遍布全球的实验室都在 提供新想法、开发新产品。

首先,让我们非常自豪的是西卡员工 都很兢兢业业,努力满足客户需求、研发 新产品。在西卡我们有一种理念,即为客 户提供最佳解决方案。去年,西卡在全球 新开了 10 家工厂,这表明西卡非常重视对 未来业务的投资。

西卡已进入中国市场 20 年了。这 20 年里,西卡中国已经从广州的一家小办公 室成长到如今在全国各地拥有多家工厂和 办事处的大公司。您能谈一谈为什么当初 选择把中国总部建立在苏州吗?

我刚刚进来的时候,看到西卡是 2013 年最佳瑞士品牌 50 强之一。西卡的核心竞 争力是什么?

正如你所说我们在中国的扩张速度非 常快。在仅仅 20 年内,已经从广州的第一 家工厂扩展到现在全国有 10 家工厂,所以 我们需要一个总部,并建立完善的研发设 施。苏州工业园区为西卡提供了很好的机 会,并得到了政府的大力支持。苏州总部 2006 年开业,我们一直在持续地扩展工厂 和生产线。

我认为品牌是一个非常重要的元素, 展示了西卡形象。另外,品牌代表了西卡 的品质、创新以及西卡人的承诺。西卡的 核心竞争力在于它是一家创新驱动的公司。 您能谈一谈西卡在中国面对的机遇和 在全球,西卡约有 5% 的员工从事研发工作, 也就是说西卡在全球约有 800 名研发人员, 挑战吗? 他们分布于西卡在瑞士、德国、法国、美国、 中国是全世界竞争最激烈的市场。中 巴西、中国、韩国和日本等地的实验室, 国的一些本土公司非常厉害。我认为目前 进行新产品和新系统的研发工作。 在中国西卡最大的竞争对手不是那些国际 这好像西卡在全世界播撒种子。 大公司,而是中国本土公司。但我们应该 自豪的是西卡有能力与这些全世界最难对 你的这种说法非常有趣。各个国家的 付的竞争对手进行竞争。 实验室协同作用,这让我们受益匪浅。例如, 西卡中国的最新研发成果可以应用到其他

那西卡集团会加大在中国的投资吗? 会的,我们会继续在中国投资。西卡 中国发展非常迅速,去年西卡中国已经从 西卡的第五大公司已经成长成为第三大。 去年我们在重庆投资了一家工厂,将来会 有更多的项目。例如,我们计划在苏州投 资一条新的汽车降音降噪产品生产线,来 满足中国汽车行业的需求。 那现在有正在建造的实验室或工厂? 是的,我们计划扩大在苏州的技术中 心以及新建一条汽车降音降噪产品生产线。 去年西卡在重庆开设了一家新工厂, 那还会在中国的其他城市投资工厂吗? 明年暂时不会有。也许再下一年会在 西部再投资一家工厂。目前,西卡在成都、 重庆、昆明开设了工厂,我们已经开始扩 展西部市场,也许未来还会有更多。

New Horizon Issue 14 — Dialogue with CEO



Thank you for taking the time for this interview. Despite the demanding market conditions, Sika still achieved an impressive result worldwide. How did Sika make this happen? We are, first of all, very proud that our employees are working so hard to meet customer needs and to develop new products. We have a very good spirit in the company for developing the best solutions for the customers. Last year, we had a record number of 10 new factories opening around the world, which shows that we also invest a lot in the future of the business. Just now when I came in I noticed that Sika was among the top 50 Swiss brands in 2013. What is the core competitiveness of Sika?


New Horizon Issue 14 — Dialogue with CEO

I believe that the brand is one important element because it demonstrates what we tr y to do. It stands for our quality, for our innovation, and for the commitment of our people. The competitive strength of Sika is that it is an innovation driven company. Around 5% of our global work force are dedicated to Research and Development. This means that about 800 people globally are working in our labs in Switzerland, in Germany, France, USA, in Brazil, in China, of course, and in Korea, Japan, developing new systems and products. It is just like Sika is spreading its seeds everywhere. It is a very interesting saying, because we have a lot of synergies between the labs which brings us great benefits. For

example, the latest developments in China we can also use in other parts of the world. So it is not like we have new products only coming from the Swiss labs. We develop new ideas and products everywhere. It is already 20 years since Sika entered China. In the past 20 years, Sika China has grown from a small office in Guangzhou to a big company with factories nationwide. Now you are in Suzhou, what made you choose Suzhou Industrial Park to set your headquarter in China? As you mentioned, we had a very fast expansion. In just 20 years, we went from the first factory site in Guangzhou to ten factories in different cities around the country. We needed a

headquarter for the operations in China and we also wanted to invest into larger R&D facilities. Suzhou offers excellent opportunities for us in the industrial park, with very good support from the government. We are very happy to have our headquarters here. We opened it in 2006 and we keep expanding the facility and the production lines. What are the market opportunities and challenges for Sika in China? China is the most competitive market in the world. It has very strong local companies. Today we believe our biggest competitors are Chinese companies and not the international companies. We are proud to be able to compete with them, the toughest competitors we have worldwide.

Will the Sika Group continue and increase its investment in China in the future?

into a ne w building and a pr oduc t line for automotive.

Yes, we will continue to invest in China. Last year China became our third biggest country in the Sika Group from previously being number five, so Sika China grows and expands fast. Last year, we opened a new factory in Chongqing and we have more ideas for future projects. As an example, for our automotive customers we plan to open a new production line here in Suzhou to produce our acoustic parts for the automotive industry in China.

The last opening of a new plant was in Chongqing, do you have plans to expand into other cities in China? Not for the next year. Maybe in the following year we open another factory in the west. We have a plant in Chengdu, in Chongqing and in Kunming, so we have already expanded into the west. But we have many ideas for the future.

So is there a new lab and factory building opening up right now? Ye s , w e p l a n t o b uil d a t e c h n i c a l center here in Suzhou and we invest

New Horizon Issue 14 — Dialogue with CEO


瑞士领事 采访 Interview with Swiss Consul 西卡是一家著名的瑞士大公司,有着超 过百年的历史,是成功瑞士企业的典范。

Sika is a very famous and big Swiss company that has a history more than a century. It’s an excellent example for successful Swiss companies. 采访:张登峰,《姑苏晚报》记者



您能简单谈谈西卡吗? 西卡是一家著名的瑞士大公司,有着 超过百年的历史,是成功瑞士企业的典范。 西卡代表着创新、可持续发展等,是瑞士 最好的公司之一。 今年也是苏州工业园区成立 20 周年, 您之前来过苏州吗?对苏州是什么印象? 事实上,我来苏州的次数并不多。这 是我第一次来苏州工业园区。我知道这里 有很多的瑞士企业,而且运营得非常成功。 这些瑞士企业对苏州工业园区提供的条件 和支持非常满意。我相信,会有更多的瑞 士企业来到这里,这里有很多机会。


New Horizon Issue 14 — Interview with Swiss Consul

您能谈谈瑞士企业在中国的前景吗? 我认为瑞士企业在中国有着非常理想 的前景。去年中瑞两国签订了自由贸易协 定,这意味着两国之间的贸易环境将更有 利于在华的瑞士企业。瑞士公司会根据中 国市场的需求,将新技术、创新以及服务 引进到中国。这是互利互惠的一个过程。 瑞士领事馆对在华的瑞士企业会提供 什么样的支持? 领事馆为企业提供两种服务。经济部 可以帮助企业与政府建立关系。同时,我 们也以瑞士政府的名义来为企业提供支持。 另外,我们还提供一些推广的服务,尤其

对于中小企业,我们可以帮助他们寻找中 国的合作伙伴。 您对在中国的瑞士企业有什么建议? 首先,在中国的瑞士企业大多数都非 常的成功。据我们观察,对于瑞士企业, 制定一套清晰的中国策略非常重要,必须 从中国的角度来观察中国市场带来的机遇, 并想办法抓住机遇。我觉得对于在华的瑞 士企业的另外一个挑战是,如何去培训员 工,吸引和留住优秀人才。


Ms. Anna Mattei, Deputy Consul General Switzerland in Shanghai, received the interview by Gusu evening Newspaper.

Could you please tell us how do you think of Sika?

How do you see the future of Swiss companies in China?

Sika is a ver y famous and big Swiss company that has a history more than a century. It’s an excellent example for successful Swiss companies. It stands for innovation, sustainability... It’s one of the best companies in Switzerland.

I think for sure there are excellent perspectives for Swiss companies in China. Thanks to the new free trade agreement which has been signed last year, conditions will become more favorable to the Swiss business in China of course and also in Switzerland. For sure, Swiss companies can offer new technology, innovation, services according to Chinese needs. So it can be a very mutualbeneficial creation.

This year, it’s also the 20th anniversary of Suzhou Industrial Park. Have you been here in Suzhou? How do you like Suzhou? Actually, I have not been to Suzhou many times. This is my first time in the Suzhou Industrial Park. I know a lot of Swiss companies are based here and their business is successful here in Suzhou. They are very satisfied with conditions and support here. And it is sure even more Swiss companies will come here. We have the opportunities.

What kind of suppor ts does Swiss Consulate provide to Swiss companies in China? We have two services at the consulate working for companies. The economic section of the consulate provides support in case our companies need to es-

tablish relationship with governments. And we also support them in the name of the government. Then we also have the promotion services, especially help small and medium companies to find partners in China Could you please share your suggestions to the Swiss companies in China? First of all, many Swiss companies are very successful in China. As we observed it’s very important for them to have a clear China strategy to observe from a local point of view the possibilities and opportunities that the market has to offer and how to use them. I think another challenge is that our Swiss companies have to train and keep their good staff, trying to have good talents to join and stay in their companies.

New Horizon Issue 14 — Interview with Swiss Consul


客户印象 what customers say? 客户对本次 20 周年庆感受的关键词:震撼、真诚、睿智、细心、专业、和谐。

Amazement, sincerity, smart, full of consideration, professionalism and harmony were the key words that the customers felt about the event.

苏永杰 SU YONGJIE 上海开悟车用材料有限公司 Shanghai Kaiwu Auto Material Co., Ltd


2014 年 3 月 21 日下午,受邀参加在苏州工业园区泾东路 28 号西卡中国总部举行了西卡 20 周年庆活动 。

On March 21st 2014, I was invited to Sika’s 20 th Anniversary Celebration at Sika China headquarters.

当我们到达时,彩旗随风舞动,锣鼓声震耳欲聋,会场气氛 非常热闹。主办方热情洋溢地缜密安排好每一个环节,精彩的演讲, 丰富的产品展示,丰盛的晚宴……与会者们欢声笑语,足以说明 这是一次隆重让人难忘的庆典。

As soon as we arrived, the bustling site immediately appealed to us, with colorful flags waving in the wind, and drum beats as the guests arrived. The hospitality of the organizers could be seen in every detail of their arrangements, from the excellent speeches and various product displays, to the grand dinner. The participants’ happy laughter and cheerful voices proved that it was a grand and unforgettable ceremony.

其中有一个细节,让我印象特别深刻。因为西卡(中国)有 限公司地址相对而言比较偏僻,第一次去的话估计要花上一段时 间。而此次,主办方在附件各个路段都用醒目的指示牌标注方向, 差不多每 500 米一块标识牌,让与会者能从容找到会场!这一小 小的细节,可见西卡人的细心,真诚,睿智! 在此,祝愿西卡的明天更美好!

I was particularly impressed by one detail. As the location of Sika was a little remote, it was not easy to find the place. The thoughtful organizer had set up eye-catching road signs along the roads, almost one every 500 m. It was really a great help for us to find the venue easily. It was a small thing but it showed the care, sincerity, and wisdom of Sika people. Here I would like to extend my best wishes to Sika.


New Horizon Issue 14 — What Customers Say

这张照片被评选为庆典当日微信互动活动“诚创之合”最 受欢迎照片,获得 236 次点赞。许全义 ( 右)

This picture was the most liked moment in the live online activity on WeChat, getting 236 likes. Xu Quanyi (right)



我和西卡合作很多年了,对西卡应该是说已经非常熟悉了。 但这次的庆典活动还是让我很震撼,可以用几个“非常”来表达 我的感受:

I have cooperated with Sika for many years and I thought I knew Sika very well. However, I was still amazed by the ceremony and I would like to share my feelings in a few words.

非常震撼!从西卡的场地布置、应邀嘉宾、西卡高层人员都 非常让人震撼,场地设在西卡苏州工厂,全部现场搭建非常有感 染力。

Amazing! The venue was magnificent. The guests invited and Sika management present were all high-level.

非常成功!从开始进场就感受到西卡的独特企业文化,通过 现场各种活动,不仅觉得西卡活动的成功,同时西卡在中国的 20 年也非常成功。 非常细致!接待:从一个月前的电话邀请,到后期的几次确 认,邮件确认;下高速就有指示牌,非常好的广告效应,考虑周到; 全程安排车辆,酒店入住,包括第二天的园林参观。 另外,现场有 7 个目标市场的产品产品“蒙古包”,让顾客 了解更多;现代化科技,现场的照片立马反应到大屏幕上;西卡 赠送的小礼物,我很喜欢。

Successful! I could feel the unique company culture of Sika as soon as I walked into the venue. The activities that day not only prove the success of the ceremony but also that of Sika China in the past 20 years. Full of consideration! I got a phone call invitation one month in advance, repeated confirmation and final email confirmation. We could see the road signs as soon as we left the freeway. It was a good advertisement and the idea was thoughtful as well. The transport and accommodation was very well arranged. The garden tour was a delightful experience. Smart! The tents for displaying the products of Sika’s seven target markets were arranged in a smart way so that the guests could know more about Sika. Fashionable and modern! I was amazed to see the onsite pictures immediately on the big screen. It was fun. One of my pictures was even elected as the most liked moment! Great! The gifts from Sika were great and I liked it.

New Horizon Issue 14 — What Customers Say


西卡的业务范围很广泛,但每个领域 都做“精”,做“专”,让人非常钦佩。 Sika has a wide range of business and it is professional and specialized in every field. I really admire that. 黄锦益 HUANG JINYI 国产集团总经理 General Manager of Goldsun Group


这次西卡中国二十周年的庆典活动气势恢宏,从下午的庆典 到晚上的晚宴,处处都彰显出大公司的风范和气度。如果说要用 一个词来表达我的感受,应该是“专业”。

The 20th anniversary celebration of Sika China was magnificent. Both the ceremony in the afternoon and the banquet in the evening showed Sika’s strength as a big company. To conclude in one word to express my feelings, it would be “professional”.

首先是产品和技术的专业。我们对西卡的混凝土外加剂很了 解,但通过这次活动一次性参观西卡所有业务的产品和技术,这对 我而言是个惊喜。我也是第一全面地了解了西卡应用在各个领域 的产品和技术。西卡的业务范围很广泛,但每个领域都做“精”, 做“专”,让人非常钦佩。

First of all, it is about the products and technology. I knew very well about the concrete admixtures of Sika. However, I was surprised to see Sika’s full range of products and technology in one place. It was the first time I had realized that Sika’s product and technology applied in so many fields. Sika has a 另外,我在现场看到的每个西卡人都意气风发,这是在一个 wide range of business and it is professional and specialized in 生机勃勃的公司才能看到的景象。从酒店接待、到庆典、产品展示、 every field. I really admire that. 到晚宴,接待我们的西卡员工都非常负责,他们体现出来的专业 素养给我留下了深刻的印象。会场门口的笑脸墙也非常有感染力。 透过这些笑脸,可以感受到西卡公司的凝聚力,一家好的公司才 能吸引优秀的员工! 通过参加本次活动,进一步增强了我们与西卡合作的信心。

Furthermore, I found that everyone in Sika was very energetic. It was something you can only see in a prosperous company. Every Sika employee we met was very responsible, from the hotel reception, the ceremony and product displays to the banquet. We were very impressed by the professionalism they showed. The smiling face wall at the entrance was also appealing. I could feel the cohesion of Sika from these faces. Only a good company can attract good employees. This event has further strengthened my faith in working with Sika.


New Horizon Issue 14 — What Customers Say

从一走入庆典会场,几个字就蹦入我 脑海里: “高档、和谐”。 As soon as we walked into the ceremony venue, I immediately received the impression that this was “high-end” and “harmonious”. 林杰生 LIN JIESHENG 建国集团总经理 General Manager of Chien Kuo Asia


从一走入西卡二十周年的庆典会场,几个字就蹦入我脑海里: “高档、和谐”。首先,那天天高气爽,西卡以黄色为主色调的 会场与蓝天白云搭配,非常协调。整个会场布置的很大气,符合 西卡作为全球化大公司的气质。 通过设置在红毯旁边的展示墙,我感叹西卡在这二十年来的 突飞猛进,庆典上西卡全球的 CeO 的出席也让我感觉到西卡集团 对中国市场的重视。几个小帐篷里的展示也非常有趣,考虑非常 周到,抓住这次活动的机会,把整个西卡的产品和系统都呈现在 客户面前,是一个非常好的展示。 从酒店我们收到西卡中国总裁的欢迎卡和巧克力,到下午会 场的布置、工作人员的指引,到晚宴的节目安排,每个细节我都 感觉到了西卡的用心。有两点让我很感动,一个是下午我们在会 场拍的照片到晚宴的时候,我们已经可以拿到打印好的照片!第 二晚上的两个节目深深感染了我,一个是西卡员工还有他们的小 孩一起走的服装秀,另外是一个也是西卡员工用光电的表演西卡 中国的成长历程,我看到了西卡同事之间亲如家人的和谐。

As soon as we walked into the ceremony venue, I immediately received the impression that this was “high-end” and “harmonious”. It was a very nice day. Sika’s iconic yellow, which was the theme color of the venue, was quite eye-catching with the background of the blue sky and white clouds. The decoration of the venue was majestic, representing the character of Sika as a global company. After seeing the display walls along the red carpet, I was impressed by Sika’s rapid development over the past 20 years. At the ceremony, the presence of Sika’s Global CEO also showed that Sika attached high importance to the Chinese market. The displays in the small tents were very interesting. It was a wonderful idea to seize the opportunity to show the Sika’s full range of products and systems to the clients. They did a good job! We received a welcome card and chocolate from the President of Sika China in the hotel. Every detail, from the venue decoration and staff guidance to the arrangement of the banquet, showed the thoughtfulness of Sika. Two things touched me most. We took some pictures at the ceremony, and at the banquet we already received the printed photos. The other thing was the two shows at the banquet. One of them was a fashion show performed by Sika employees and their children and the other one was a light show that presented the development history of Sika China. These performances made me see the harmonious side of Sika’s employees.

New Horizon Issue 14 — What Customers Say


员工体会 what Employees Think? 俗话常用“台上一分钟,台下十年功”来形容演员为了台上短短一分钟的完 美表演需要付出十年的艰辛努力。对于本次庆典而言,当日的完美呈现绝对 也离不开台前幕后的工作人员日日夜夜的准备。本次活动核心团队构思筹备 近 7 个月,整个工作团队一个月倒计时精心准备,整个公司上下联动,从管理层、 市场部、人事部、行政部、各业务部门、运营部等几乎公司所有部门齐心协力, 将向客户呈现了卓越的西卡,这完美地诠释了刘基的一句名言:“万夫一力, 天下无敌。”如今,庆典已经过去近两个月,但读着西卡员工写的对当日的 感想和体会,回想起当日的精彩,仍然心潮澎湃,由衷地感动和自豪!


New Horizon Issue 14 — What Employees Think

20 周年庆典工作团队部分成员 Some members of the project team

It is said that practice makes perfect. This applies to the 20th anniversary. To organize this great event, the core team started planning and preparation seven months ago and the whole project team worked day and night for the last month. It was teamwork by the whole company, from the management, marketing communications, HR, administration, and target markets through to operations. Our collective efforts paid off and the event achieved great success. It has been almost two months since that day, but we still can feel the excitement and pride in reading the articles below written by the project team members about what the event was like in their eyes. New Horizon Issue 14 — What Employees Think


沈文挥 MARYANNE SHEN 项目总协调人




弹指一挥间,但是大家都看到了西卡中 国今天的成就与辉煌:那就是西卡越来 越强大,西卡在中国的知名度越来越广!

现在回想起来,从需要筹备庆典开始 到现在庆典的巡展环节马上进入收尾的状 态,时间跨度有十个月了,如果一切似梦, 感动是因为: 那绝对是一场美伦美奂的梦,但我们都深 团队的合一!这是一次“全民总动员” 知那不是梦,因为那一天被那么多的人亲 的盛会,作为本次项目负责人的我,看 历过、见证过,承载了大家多少的激情、 到了各部门不再有壁垒,联动与互动频 感动、自豪与骄傲,那一天已经以我们负 繁,解决突发性事件快速而有效,准确 责筹办的这场盛会为标志载入西卡的史册, 而又果断!对于西卡同事在本次大项目 那一天已经被西卡中国赋予了不一样的意 的作为,岂是一个“赞”字了得? 义而成为经典成为永恒成为标杆,那一天 家属作为坚实后盾给予强有力的支持! 还一直在被人们津津乐道,那些闪亮时刻 我看到了“全家总动员”:作为主力组 还是时不时被讨论的快乐话题,那一天对 织策划者之一的 April 和 David,为了 于所有西卡人、西卡客户、政府官员及大 盛会已经是全身心地投入其中,在倒计 众都不再是普通的一天! 时的那一个月中,基本上是无睱顾及家 激情是因为: 庭,他们的小宝贝也被选中当二十一号 西卡在中国度过了 20 周年、7,300 个日 晚宴的小演员,为了支持那一天的盛典, 夜、175,200 小 时、10,512,000 分 钟, 他们的先生和太太都不约而同、毫无怨 时间是最公平的秤,这背后有多少员工 言地向各自所在的工作单位请了一天假 的不懈努力与辛勤奉献,这中间凝聚了 来成就西卡盛典的实现!虽说这只是众 多少的头脑风暴、团队奋斗与人力物力 多片段中的一个小缩影,但这样的默默 的投入,二十个春秋筑就了今天的西卡 奉献与支持又怎是“感动”两个字所能 中国!虽说二十年在回首时看来也就是 表达? ■

自豪与骄傲是因为: 西卡中国第一次在自己的场地上,第一 次以全面的形式向来宾、向大众展示了 西卡的各部门;

西卡中国在这样一个平台上展示了西卡 的实力,不论是来自于筹办此次盛会的 员工作为软实力的高质展现,还是来自 于西卡的全球工艺与产品作为硬实力的 完美展现,以至于所有员工与客户都惊 叹于西卡所呈现出来的卓越,不论当日 是否参加了我们的盛会;


New Horizon Issue 14 — What Employees Think

西卡在市场传媒方面的发展也是与时俱 进、有目共睹的,现场的大屏幕实况转播、 嘉宾采访、线上新媒体互动、传统平面 媒体的接力传播等等,一系列有声有色 的传播活动成为一个又一个的“爆点” 将人们的情绪推向了高潮;

古人云:天时地利人和!经过核心团 队将近七个月的构思筹备、工作团队一个 月的倒计时精心准备,如此给力的团队也 感动上天给了我们春光明媚的一天,于是, 那一天就这样注定成为了经典!

各部门不再有壁垒, 联动与互动频繁, 解决问题快速而有效,准确又果断! I’ve seen frequent and efficient communication instead of barriers among all departments. It was a classic day! It is almost ten months from the very start of preparation to the end of the road show. For me, it was sort of like a beautiful dream, yet we know it was definitely more than that, because that day was witnessed and shared by so many people. That day carried our passion, gratitude, pride and glory. That day has been engraved in Sika’s history for the grand event we held. That day has become a classic, and a benchmark. That day is still dwelt on with great relish by many people, recalling from time to time ever y shining moment representing great pleasure. And that day has become a unique day bound to be remembered by all Sika’s staff, Sika’s customers, government officials, and the public! Our passion lies in that: Sika has been operating in the Chinese market for 20 years, 7,300 days, 175,200 hours, 10,512,000 minutes. Time is the fairest scale. It has witnessed the unremitting efforts and hard sacrifice of countless staf f. Twenty years of dedication combining brainstorming, team efforts, and the investment of manpower and material resources finally created today’s Sika China! Although, looking back, twenty years seems as fleeting as the flick of a finger, nobody can deny the arduous work of Sika China, which has brought it the current

achievements and glory. Sika is getting stronger and stronger, and more and more widely recognized in China! Our gratitude lies in: Teamwork! This is an event that mobilized all our staff’s initiative. As the project leader, I’ve seen frequent and efficient communication instead of barriers among all departments. Every emergency has been dealt with in a quick, efficient, accurate, and decisive way! The actions of Sika’s staff during this event have exceeded excellence!

Strong support from families as our stable anchor! This is an event that has also aroused the enthusiasm of our staff’s families. April and David were the core project members of the event, and they put their hearts and souls into the preparation. During the last month, they almost had no time left to take care of their families. Their children were selected as our little performers at the evening banquet on the 21st, and of one accord, as husband and wife they took a day off to show their support for the event! Although this is just a small epitome among many fragments, other silent efforts like this have touched all of us.

Sika China showcased its powers on such a platform. Be it the soft power its staff demonstrated during the organizing process and on the event day, or the hard power embodied in Sika’s technologies and products, these have amazed all Sika’s guests, either in an immersive or a vicarious manner. As we all know, Sika’s developments in marketing communications have always advanced with the times. On-site live broadcast on the large screen, media interviews, online interaction through new media, relay communication of traditional print media and other vivid and colorful communication activities brought the audience’s mood to a climax in spectacular highlights.

As an old saying goes: favorable objec ti ve and subjec ti ve f ac tor s will work wonders! After the core team’s nearly seven months of conception and preparation and the execution team’s one month of painstaking arrangement, thankfully along with a balmy spring day, the day was destined to become a classic!

Our pride and glory lies in that: For the first time, Sika China comprehensively displayed all target markets to the public on its own site. ■

New Horizon Issue 14 — What Employees Think


谢周佳 LAVENDA XIE 会场协调组




3 月 20 日,早晨 7:30 我们上海的主会 场协助人员一行 8 人,怀着一种期待朝着 苏州方向前进,当开到苏州工业园的时候 就被明亮的西卡黄吸引了,一路上的西卡 中国 20 周年宣传广告牌,指示牌把我们顺 利的带到了西卡苏州工厂:20 周年庆典的 主会场。 上午 9:30,所有工作人员集合在三楼 会议室内召开了第一次的准备会议,对于 当天员工的预演,以及盛典当天的人员安 排,注意事项进行了统一的规划。每个工 作人员都被要求穿上黑色套装,女生系上 丝巾,男生带上红色领带。统一的着装让 我们快速进入了状态。 我作为一名现场协调人员,带着庆典 座位安排表来到了活动会场,进行整个场 地的巡查。因为现场是刚刚铺设好,很多


New Horizon Issue 14 — What Employees Think

地面都不平整,我和我的同事们一起一块 块的排查存在安全隐患的区域,并要求施 工人员逐一修整。同时,我们检查了所有 外部的指示标识是不是都能够容易理解, 并准确的带领参观者到正确的位置。外部 区域有很多的现场布置的废弃物,大大影 响了会场的整洁,现场人手严重不足,我 们二话不说,拿了垃圾袋就开始给会场做 清洁。外场全部排查好以后,我们来到了 内场,由于会场的椅子在预演的时候是不 安装座套的,看到椅子上的包装纸很影响 美观,我们又一起一个个的将每张椅子上 的塑料薄膜去除干净。 经过一番整顿,很快到了员工预演环 节。通过预演,我们发现了很多的不足之处, 我们一一记录下来,在当天的总结会议中 提出并讨论出解决的方案。大家都怀着各 种忐忑,希望第二天的活动现场能够顺利、 完美的呈现给所有参观者。

3 月 21 日,天公作美,首先给了我们 一个大大的鼓励,阳光明媚的大晴天,悬 着的心放下来一半。空飘、造云机,美丽 的鲜花与主会场交相辉映,呈现出高端、 大气的感觉。更加让人惊喜的是会场出现 的吉祥物:卡卡。看到他求合影求关注的 可爱模样,引来许多客人和员工与他合影。 庆典期间我们组一直在室外巡查,女生硬 是踩着高跟鞋从早上一直站到了下午,个 别工作人员甚至有一些中暑。但是好在整 个活动非常有序、安全、欢乐的完成了。 虽然我们只是一颗小小的“螺丝钉”, 但是能够看着西卡的茁壮发展,我们心里 都有说不出的激动与喜悦。

虽然我们只是一颗小小的“螺丝钉”, 但是能够看着西卡的茁壮发展,我们 心里都有说不出的激动与喜悦。 Although our roles were as small as a nail, we couldn’t help feeling excited and happy to see the prosperous growth of Sika.

The role of a nail! At 7:30 am on March 20 th , full of expectations, eight of us set out from Shanghai to Suzhou to help with the ceremony. When we arrived at Suzhou Industrial Park, we were immediately attracted by the bright Sika yellow on the road signs, which successfully led us to the company, the main venue for this event. At 9:30 am, everyone gathered in the meeting room on the 3 rd floor for the first briefing meeting, in which a consistent plan was deployed for the rehearsal, personnel arrangement on the day of the ceremony and matters needing attention. Everyone was required to wear a black uniform, while women should wear a scarf and men wear a red tie. The unified look put us in a working mood immediately.

As a coordinator on the site, I went to the venue with a seat arrangement sheet and inspected the whole venue. Since the venue had just been set up after overnight work, many parts of the floor were not smooth yet. My colleagues and I looked for places with safety problems and asked the workers to repair all of them. At the same time, we inspected all the signs outside to see if they were clear enough for guests to find the right place. We found that there was a lot of waste material from the venue setup that had been disposed of outside, which affected the neatness of the venue. We had to do the cleaning all by ourselves due to a shortage of hands. After a major tidying up, came the rehearsal time. We found many problems after the rehearsal and wrote them down. We specifically had a meeting to discuss these problems and came up with solu-

tions. Feeling worried, we prayed that everything would go well on the next day. It was a bright day on March 21st, which was a big encouragement for us. Half of our worries were driven away by the nice weather. The magnificent venue looked even better with balloons, speciallymade clouds, and beautiful flowers. We were surprised to see the lovely mascot Kaka who asked people to take pictures with him. The guests entered the venue with smiles on their faces and found their seats. However, we needed to work outside on such a hot day. Girls stood for a whole day on their high heels and some even had sunstroke. Fortunately, the whole event concluded in a safe and happy way as planned. Although our roles were as small as a nail, we couldn’t help feeling excited and happy to see the prosperous growth of Sika.

New Horizon Issue 14 — What Employees Think


王军莉 LILY WANG 媒体组



2014 年 3 月 21 日是一个普通的日子。 但对于西卡中国来说,是不寻常的,这天, 是她 20 岁的庆典了! 公司对于这次“生日”的庆祝也是相 当隆重,这不仅仅是为了庆祝瑞士西卡进 驻中国 20 年并且取得了辉煌成就,更为重 要的意义是她向瑞士上海领事馆的领事、 苏州工业园区管委员会的领导以及我们的 合作伙伴,展示了公司蓬勃发展、蒸蒸日 上的事业前景和良好的企业人文精神,体 现了“百年传承、辉煌二十”的主题内涵。 作为这次活动的协助者,我与 Mia 共 同协助 April 负责媒体的接待工作。在我们 提前一天到达苏州进行准备工作的那一刻 起,就感受到了市场部同事紧张忙碌却井 然有序的工作氛围。到厂区一看,也被眼


New Horizon Issue 14 — What Employees Think

前气势恢弘的场面小小的震撼了,9 个小 产品展示蓬加上一个能容纳 300 多人的大 蓬,三个大 LeD 显示屏和大舞台,整齐的 桌椅摆放,也预展示了第二天将在这里发 生的高水准活动的盛况。 第二天上午,同事们仍然在做着最后 的准备工作,主要是细节方面力求完美和 精细,采访室也布置一新,鲜花也已摆放, 就等待着下午采访贵宾了。下午一点半开 始,嘉宾已分批陆续到来,公司门口锣鼓 声起热烈欢迎,礼仪小姐分发礼物资料, 更为惊喜的是公司的吉祥物“卡卡”憨态 可掬的举着“求合影”的牌子,惹的嘉宾 在签到后纷纷开心合影。 在领事及工业区领导、西卡高层讲话 结束并举行“推杆”仪式后,来宾们品尝

着美味的点心开始参观展示蓬,使西卡的 产品和服务所带给客户最直观的感受和体 验。此时,我们已与来采访的报社记者准 备就绪,采访瑞士领事馆的安娜女士及西 卡总部的 CeO 颜凌宇先生,二位愉快的接 受了采访并就记者提出的问题一一做了回 答。在事前的准备工作时,有报社记者很 感慨的对我说,西卡是一个很严谨认真的 公司,每一个细节都做的比较到位,包括 在提供给媒体的照片上,都是一丝不苟, 力求完美。听了记者的这番感言,做为西 卡中国员工的一份子,自豪感油然而生。 我想也就是因为每个员工都在自己平凡的 岗位上认真工作努力付出,西卡中国才有 辉煌二十的发展前景。

报社记者很感慨的对我说,西卡是一 个很严谨认真的公司,每一个细节都 做的比较到位,包括在提供给媒体的 照片上,都是一丝不苟,力求完美。 A newspaper reporter earnestly said he felt that Sika was a very rigorous company and careful in every detail and strove to achieve perfection. March 21st, 2014 was a common day, but for Sika China, it was special. It was the day to celebrate its 20th anniversary. Sika China held a grand event on that day not only to celebrate the brilliant achievements that Sika had made in China over the past 20 years but also to show the prosperous development, bright business prospects, and good corporate cultural spirit of the company in front of the consul from the Swiss Consulate General in Shanghai, government leaders from Suzhou Industrial Park, and our customers and partners. That day exactly elaborated the event theme of “Consistent for a Century and Glorious for Two Decades ” Mia and I were jointly assigned to assist April in charge of the media reception work. From the moment we arrived in Suzhou and star ted the preparation work one day in advance, we felt the hectic, busy, but orderly working atmo-

sphere. At the ceremony venue, we were deeply impressed by the grand scene with nine small display tents around a big tent that could accommodate more than 300 people. Three big LED screens, a grand stage and orderly desk and chair arrangement… everything indicated a high-level activity was going to take place here tomorrow. On the morning of the next day, colleagues were still making the final preparations and strove to achieve perfection in details. The interview room was also swept and properly arranged, ready for the interview in the afternoon. Starting from 1:30 pm, guests arrived to the sound of the delightful drumbeats. To everyone’s surprise, Kaka, the funny and lovely mascot, showed up and became the most popular guy at the event.

Sika’s full range of products. At this moment, we got well prepared for the interviews with Ms. Anna Mattei, Deputy Consul General Switzerland in Shanghai and Mr. Jan Jenisch, Sika CEO. The newspaper reporters and translators had arrived onsite and the cameras had been turned on. As expected and planned, the interviews went well. A newspaper reporter earnestly said he felt that Sika was a very rigorous company and careful in every detail and strove to achieve perfection — they were strict on everything, for example, they checked every photo offered to the media. Upon hearing these words, I felt really proud of being a member of Sika. I think it is because of the strictness that everyone in Sika holds themselves to that Sika China can achieve such brilliant results.

After the celebration ceremony, guests started visiting the display tents, where they could get a direct experience of

New Horizon Issue 14 — What Employees Think


刘丁富 CARINA LIU 混凝土目标市场




4 月中旬总裁穆善和先生在员工交流 会上询问大家:“在西卡工作,你感到自 豪吗?”是啊,自豪吗?我问自己,答案 毋庸置疑是肯定的,尤其在亲历 20 周年庆 典后,这种自豪感愈加强烈! 庆典的成功是大家有目共睹的,庆典 后第二天我们混凝土目标市场在特密斯组 织了一场高性能混凝土研讨会。这一天, 我们收到了客户很多的赞美,我们员工听 着都与有荣焉,大家的集体荣誉感和自豪 感达到有史以来最高峰,那天都用最高标 准继续为客户服务,因为想让这股精神持 续下去,这就是西卡精神。 但我在这里想说的不是客户的评价, 而是想分享下我在庆典期间的所见所闻。

20 号到苏州的时候,苏州还是有些雾 蒙蒙的。可是 21 号早起却是蓝天白云,金 色的阳光洒在工厂及会场,所有人的心情 都跟着高涨起来,用西卡集团 CeO 的话来 说就是我们尊贵的客户的到来给苏州带来 了阳光。 早上到现场的时候,会场布置仍在紧 张 的 进 行。 市 场 传 媒 部 负 责 人 Maryanne 已 经 在 那 里 监 督 了。 据 我 所 知, 她 已 经 没日没夜的工作了好几天,更让我感动的 是 因 为 时 间 紧 张 且 施 工 公 司 人 手 不 够, Maryanne 在空隙间竟自己拿着垃圾袋在拾 捡红地毯上的垃圾,接着一个西卡员工加 入了,又一个西卡员工也加入了,越来越 多的人在完成自己工作的间隙自动拿起垃 圾袋在争分夺秒的收拾。


New Horizon Issue 14 — What Employees Think

所有工作人员都行动迅速,到手的信 息第一时间处理,无法马上处理的也会及 时跟踪反馈。晚上快 11 点了,接待组的同 事们还坚守在酒店大堂,与我们确认客户 的最新信息;客户信息总在调整,晚宴组 负责人 Hester 在第一时间根据我们的需求 调整桌位。在布置混凝土目标市场帐篷的 过程中,需要用白板来展示 C100 自密实混 凝土,需要户外伞来遮盖搅拌机避免过热, 苏州的行政经理 Grace 多方联系,尽最大 可能尽快满足我们的要求。

天上午又做实验,测试仪器,确保万无一失。 为了避免搅拌机搅拌时发出的响动影响客 户,我们将搅拌机放在帐篷后面,实验室 工作人员来回搬动设备及混凝土,工作量 很大,但每个人的脸上都洋溢着笑容。

布置帐篷时,混凝土样品树上有几十 个样品,技术总监 Tom 拿着样品瓶来回调 整,为了达到实用性,美观度的最佳结合; 新加入西卡的市场总监王边用手在帐篷地 上捡拾微小的小泡沫粒。王边、两位销售 总监一直坚守在解说的岗位上。庆典结束 每位工作人员都有自己的任务,但是 后所有客户及其他部门同事都撤离了,我 大家不仅仅是按照要求做的,其他有需要 们部门所有的工作人员还在奋力一起搬动 的事情,也都能自动自发地去主动完成。 几吨重的混凝土展示块,总监和实验室员 地毯下一块小木板翘起来,我走过去绊了 工这时候都成了“愚公”。第二天周六在 一下,David 马上叫施工队处理;我在照顾 特密斯开研讨会,很多同事都牺牲了休息 茶歇的间隙,看到有其他同事提醒酒店服 时间到公司为客户服务。用王边的话来说: 务人员需要注意一些事项;员工的着装、 刚加入公司,我已经深深的体会到了西卡 工牌,大家都自动自发互相提醒,晚宴过后, 的团队精神…… 西卡员工又成了电梯服务员,主动为自己 这些都只是为了一个共同的目标:尽 的、其他同事的客户服务…… 量做好,做到更好,做到完美。这已经不 与此同时,我们混凝土部门的同事也 再是一项工作,而是一股信念。 让我深受感动。因为混凝土目标市场有两 如果西卡人能一直保持这股精气神, 个展示帐篷,一个是业务展示,另一个是 实验展示,因此我们部门的工作量最为繁 那么西卡在 3 年后,5 年后,10 年后会是 重,从会议制定详细计划,到一步一步实施, 怎样?我想那肯定是一艘乘风破浪坚不可 每个细节我们都精益求精。混凝土外加剂 摧的巨型航母! 不是最终产品,展示方面较为困难,大家 集思广益从展板内容到展块样品构成进行 了商讨,力求无论是混凝土客户还是非混 凝土客户都能对西卡的外加剂业务有一个 直观的了解。 为了保证混凝土 C100 自密实混凝土试 验的顺利进行,我们提前两天做实验,当

人常说找工作跟找另一半一样重要, 因为人一年中有大半时间都是在公司工作, 公司是另一个家。我想这样的西卡应该是 大家都愿意安心为之努力的温暖的家!

Where My Heart Belongs In April, Morten asked us in a staff communication meeting: “Are you proud of working for Sika?” Are we proud? I ask myself. The answer is definitely positive. Especially after the 20th anniversary celebration, that pride is even stronger! The event was undoubtedly a success. At the seminar that TM Concrete held in TMS the next day, we received a lot of praise of the event from our customers. We all were greatly encouraged and felt more company honor and pride than ever. We are committed to continue services of the highest standard to our customers. That is the Sika spirit! However, instead of our customers’ praise, what I really want to share here is what I saw and heard during the event. When I got to Suzhou on the 20 th , it was still a little foggy, but it turned out to be a sunny day when I got up early the next morning. The golden sun shining on the venue and the factory ignited the passion within all our staff present, and was jokingly called, in Sika’s CEO’s words, the harbinger of our distinguished customers. When I arrived at the venue that morning, some staff were already there busy with the final preparations, including Maryanne, who was the project leader. As far as I know she had been working all day and all night for days. What impressed me the most was that Maryanne herself was collecting the garbage on the red carpet during her spare time. Soon some other staff joined her, then another, and then more and more volunteered for garbage collecting once they finished their assigned work. All the staff acted quickly. They began processing without any delay once they got the information, and in a timely way tracked and fed back the information they could not process immediately. The reception team was still in the hotel lob-

by even though it was almost 11 o’clock at night, checking the customers’ latest information with us. As the customers’ information had been constantly changing, Hester, head of the dinner team, had to quickly adjust the table arrangement according to our requirements. We needed a whiteboard to demonstrate C100 self-compaction concrete and an outdoor umbrella to protect the mixer from overheating during the arrangement of the concrete target market tents, and Grace tried her best to contact all available sources to meet our requirements to the greatest extent. Everyone present was willing to offer help to others in need while completing their own jobs as they were required. Seeing I had tripped over a warped block under the carpet, David immediately called for construction team to fix it. While attending the tea break, I saw some colleagues were reminding the hotel waitresses. Everyone nicely reminded others of the dress code and identification badge. After the dinner, volunteers doubled as elevator attendants to deliver service to their own as well as other colleagues’ customers... At the same time, colleagues from our TM Concrete also deeply moved me. Our workload was the heaviest because we had two tents, one for business demonstration and the other for experiment demonstration. We strove for excellence in every detail from developing detailed plans to implementing them step-bystep. Concrete admixture is not the final product, which is difficult to display. We brainstormed better ideas for contents on presentation boards, demo sample composition, etc., and made every effort to make it easy for customers both inside and outside of the concrete field to get an intuitive understanding of Sika concrete admixture products.

to ensure the safety and reliability of the equipment. In order not to interrupt our customers with the noise of the blender, we placed it behind the tent. Laboratory staff had to move the equipment and concrete back and forth, but everyone was wearing a big smile despite the extra workload. When decorating tents, Tom Guo, Technical Manager, rearranged the dozens of sample bottles back and forth on the concrete sample tree in order to realize the best combination of practicality and aesthetics. Wang Bian, who had only joined Sika a short time ago as the Marketing Director, picked up foam pellets by hand on the tent ground. Wang Bian and two sales directors had been at their posts as commentators all through the event. After the celebration, even after all the customers and colleagues from other departments had left, we had to stay to move several tons of demo concrete block. On the next day, we held a technical seminar in TMS even though it was Saturday. According to our new Marketing Director, although he was still new in Sika, he had been deeply touched by Sika’s team spirit. All of these efforts are just for a common goal: striving to make things even better until perfection. It’s not just a job, but a belief. If all staff of Sika can always maintain the spirit, what will Sika be like after three years, five years, or ten years? I think it is bound to become an impregnable giant ship riding the wave of the market trend! They say that a desirable job is as important as your ideal partner, because most of our time is spent in the workplace, which is just like our second home. I think Sika like that would be a warm home worth everyone’s effort!

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the C100 self-compaction concrete test, we did an experiment two days in advance and another one in the morning

New Horizon Issue 14 — What Employees Think


王翀 ERIC WANG 节目表演组



3 月 21 号是一个阳光灿烂的日子,在 大家长久以来的翘首盼望中,我们迎来了 西卡中国二十周年的庆典纪念日! 而此时此刻,作为庆典晚宴节目的表 演者之一,我们“西卡时光”团队却不能 亲眼见证公司里盛大的活动。因为当晚的 表演在即,大家要争取在最短的时间里多 进行几次彩排,以确保呈献给观众最完美 的演出! 我们西卡时光的小伙伴们得知要在 20 周年庆典上表演时,距离正式演出只有一 周的时间。为了节省备战时间,负责这个 节目的人事部门同事,提前做好了录像、 音乐以及独白稿。当大家第一次看到我们 要表演的画面时,不禁为接下来的任务捏 了一把汗。因为这次的画面与年会表演有 很多改变,难度更大、时间更长、配合需 要更紧密。大家决定利用每天中午的时间 加紧训练,每个人都放弃了短暂的休息, 将手头的工作也更高效的处理完,留出排 练的时间。别看时间紧任务重,大家在压


New Horizon Issue 14 — What Employees Think

力之下表现的却是更加团结和高效!排练 第一天还是一团浆糊,第二天就初具雏形, 第三天已基本完成,第四天就只需增加熟 练程度了!我们胸有成竹,只等周五时真 正的表演给全场带来震撼! 我作为团队的一员,在整个训练的过 程中,感受到的不仅仅是节目本身的魅力, 更是同事们在相处时的默契和谐。每个人 都为了一个目标,那就是把演出精彩完成。 没有人介意多做一些,没有人袖手旁观, 每个人每一天都会准时准点到达场地;对 细节处理有争议时,问题总是第一时间被 提出被讨论继而被解决;每一帧采用怎样 的创意,也都由大家集思广益、配合完成。 如果需要用一些细节来佐证以上的感 受,那么我想说一件小事。节目一开始大 家需要在布幕上用光摆出变换的数字,这 个部分如果整齐划一,效果将非常震撼, 但稍有错乱画面就会变得不知所云。这是 整场表演难度最高的部分。当大家刚听到 这个设计时,都觉得想把这个演好,时间

不够。但毕竟这个创意非常漂亮,总要试 一试才甘心。于是在那样狭小的空间里, 为了能挤下十几只手,大家跪的跪蹲的蹲 站的站。先是对数字的字体和大小进行了 讨论,然后每个人需要记住自己在每个数 字里的位置,经过无数遍的演练,最后我 们能步调一致的每秒变换出一个数字。怎 样与上个画面衔接、怎样不会妨碍下个画 面、怎样能够得到自己的位置,这些不是 空想就能完成的,必须是经过实际配合才 能得出的结论。在训练的过程中,最常听 到的有趣对话是“还有手吗?”“我这还 有!”于是有人会用很难受的姿势为某个 点又亮起一盏灯。 就是这样,一帧一帧的练,一秒一秒 的算,我们仅用了四天便完成了整个节目 的设计和排练。在周五的正式演出时,没 有任何意外发生,整场表演配合的天衣无 缝。当演出结束,全场灯亮起,台下掌声 雷动,我们大家牵起手鞠躬谢幕时,我知道, 这是也我们为自己的祝贺与骄傲。

没有人介意多做一些,没有人袖手旁 观,每个人每一天都会准点到达场地。 Nobody complained about additional work and nobody stood by. Every day everyone arrived on time for the practice.

After a long period of anxious and exciting waiting, the day finally came! However, as one of the show performers in the evening, I was not able to witness the grand ceremony in the af ternoon when we were busy with rehearsals to ensure a perfect performance in the evening! When we got the information that we had to play the light show of “Sika Time”, it was only a week before the event. In order to have efficient practice, HR people provided videos, music, and scripts in advance. However, we were still shocked when we got the pictures we had to display, because they were far more complicated and difficult than those we did in the Annual Dinner and the show time was much longer. Practice makes perfect! We practiced at noon every day. Despite the tight schedule and heavy tasks, we practiced in a more united and efficient way under pressure! On the first day, everything was a mess, yet on the second day it started to take shape, then on the third day we almost completed the entire show, and on the

fourth day all we needed was a little more practice to make it perfect! On the last day, we were all ready and were confident to deliver a breath-taking performance in the evening! During the whole process, I was deeply moved not only by the charm of the show itself, but also the tacit unders t anding and har mon y among our team. Everyone went for the common goal to give a wonderful show. Nobody complained about additional work and nobody stood by. Every day everyone arrived on time for the practice, and any problem raised would be solved promptly through discussion. We discussed every second of the show. If you need more details to explain my feelings, I want to share one story. In the design of the show, we had to show changing numbers on the curtain with light, which would be remarkably beautiful if performed with orderly actions. Otherwise, it would be a mess. This was also the most difficult part of the entire show. In a limited space, we had to kneel or squat or stand to fit in a dozen hands

for the show. We discussed the font and size of the numbers, and then each of us had to remember our own position corresponding to each number. After practicing many times, finally we could change the number within a second with concerted actions. How to link up the last picture, how to avoid interference with the next picture, how to get everyone to their own position…. all of these were hard-won experience coming with rounds of tireless practice. During the practice, we heard many funny remarks such as “Any hand available?” “I’ve got one!” Then we would see someone lit up in an awkward pose. Practicing one frame af ter another, counting second by second, we eventually completed the design and rehearsal of the entire show within only four days. On Friday night, the show was perfect without even a slight mistake. When we stood in the dazzling light after the show was over, when we bowed hand in hand to acknowledge the audience’s applause rained on us, I know, this was the congratulation to and pride in ourselves.

New Horizon Issue 14 — What Employees Think


桑波玲 Maria Sang 晚宴组



错过了 2010 年的西卡百年庆典,今年 在“百年传承,辉煌二十”的响亮口号中, 我们又迎来了西卡在华的 20 周年庆典,此 次能够全程参与其中,也算是大大弥补了 之前的遗憾。

20 周年庆典分为白天和晚上两场宴 会,由于晚宴部分有节目,我一早便去酒 店参加节目排练,因此错过了白天在公司 举办的庆典,但我知道肯定是一派欢声雷 动的空前盛况。庆典中我最喜欢的就是精 心准备的西卡微笑墙,一张张青春灿烂的 脸庞,一个个发自内心的微笑,相信一定 给所有来宾留下了极其深刻的印象。晚会


New Horizon Issue 14 — What Employees Think

现场精心为客户准备的照片墙正好与白天 的微笑墙相互呼应,一整片墙收录了西卡 同事和各位来宾在公司庆典现场的合影, 照片墙上的照片客户可以带走留念,白天 在公司的时候大多数客户都已领取了自己 的照片,但晚会现场许多客户还是情不自 禁再次拿起照片仔细端详,大家看到自己 照片所流露出的满意笑容,旁边的我也深 受感染,真遗憾没能在白天庆典现场留下 一张照片。但我更多的还是满足,通过这 样一个特殊日子的相互接触与了解,大家 彼此之间已经结成了一种深厚的情感,庆 典中的点点滴滴必将成为每一个参与者心 中最美好的回忆,最弥足珍贵的财富。

这 样 一 场 盛 宴, 每 个 细 节 都 需 要 精 雕细琢,严格把关。从酒店的选择、场景 的布置到节目的编排再到现场的协调与 把控……,组织者必须统筹兼顾,力争做 到尽善尽美。我真的打心眼里佩服宴会每 一环节的负责同事,正是他们无怨无悔的 付出,才造就了每一个参与者赞不绝口精 彩绝伦的盛宴。他们展现的不仅是他们能 够独当一面的个人风采,更展现出西卡人 的那种众志成城、万众一心的精神风貌。 在这样一个集体里,我们作为西卡人是值 得骄傲与自豪的!

庆典中我最喜欢的就是西卡微笑墙, 一张张青春灿烂的脸庞,一个个发自 内心的微笑,相信一定给所有来宾留 下了极其深刻的印象。 My favorite part in the celebration was the smile wall, which I believe would also greatly impress the guests with glowing youthful faces and heartfelt smiles on it.

Although we were still sorry that we had missed the Sika 100-year celebration in 2010, we have been luck y to participate in Sika China’s 20 th anniversary celebration. As I was in the dinner team, I had to go to the hotel early for preparations and regretfully missed the day time ceremony, which I knew would definitely be an unprecedentedly spectacular event. My favorite part in the celebration was the smile wall, which I believe would also greatly impress the guests with glowing youthful faces and heartfelt

smiles on it. It was really a big surprise for our guests to see at the banquet entrance that their pictures taken in the afternoon had been printed out and were ready to take away. We could tell their satisfaction from the big smiles on their faces when they saw the photos. I believe the little things from that day would be nice memories in the hearts of every participant.

selection, venue arrangement, shows and on-site coordination to the management of the event. The organizers must make overall plans and take all factors into consideration. I really admired the colleagues responsible for the banquets. It was their great effort that made the event a fantastic success. The success proved not only their own ability but also the team spirit. I was truly proud of being a member of such a great team!

However, it was not easy to organize such a grand event. We had to pay attention to every detail with great care and strictly control all steps from hotel

New Horizon Issue 14 — What Employees Think


韩旭 FIONA HAN 节目表演组




当得知这次 20 周年会以我们的服装秀 作为开场秀时,顿时觉得压力山大!不过, 好在同事们的积极性还是很高的,所以前 期的准备阶段还算顺利。不得不提到我们 的“西卡未来们”。为了凸显西卡未来这 个理念,所以我们邀请员工的子女加入演 出。小宝贝年龄都是在 4-5 岁之间,一开 始我还担心宝贝们不好排练,走不出感觉。 可是没想到的是在前期的彩排中,小宝贝 都特别的卖力和来劲,他们都因为能够在

New Horizon Issue 14 — What Employees Think

爸爸妈妈的公司庆典的舞台上表演而激动 不已。就这样,我们信心满满的迎来了 3 月 21 日。 那天上午,我们所有的演职人员都早 早的来到了晚宴现场,进行正式演出前的 彩排。第一遍彩排,我们的演员舞台前方 定位和之前的彩排差异较大,按要求调整 的话,又和我们事先剪辑好的音乐对不上, 导致演员的步伐都乱了。另外,由于现场

的灯光和音效的缘故,我们年龄最小的演 员受到了惊吓,怎么都不肯上台,汗水瞬 间爬满了我的额头。下了舞台,同事们就 开始在后台操练起来了,一遍又一遍,大 家的卖力劲那不是盖的。 最 后, 我 们 在 现 场 观 众 的 热 烈 掌 声 中,完美谢幕。旁边的其他演职人员都笑 称我们的演员是一波“临场发挥型”选手。 哈哈 ~~

小宝贝都特别的卖力和来劲,他们都 因为能够在爸爸妈妈的公司上台表演 而激动不已。 they were excited and felt proud that they could show on the stage of daddy’s or mommy’s company. I admit I felt stressed to learn that our fashion show would be the first show in the banquet. However, our colleagues’ enthusiasm was a great encouragement and brought me confidence. The early preparation went quite smoothly. The thing I would most like to share was the great performance by our children. In order to express the theme of “Sika Future” in our show, we invited the children of our staff to join the show. They were only four to five years old and I was worried that they might be out of control on the stage. However, they surprised me.

They were passionate and followed the instructions during the practices. Moreover, they were excited and felt proud that they could show on the stage of daddy’s or mommy’s company. Thus, we were all confident, waiting for the coming of March 21st. On that morning, we went to the evening banquet venue early for the last rehearsal. After the first round of rehearsal, the stage was quite different from what we had expected, so the position of everyone on the stage had to change, which would interrupt our

paces and didn’t match the pre-edited music. Moreover, our youngest actor was too scared by the on-site flashing light and sound. I felt nervous again. What we could do was to practice over and over again. I was still worried at the last minute before our team went on the stage. Thankfully, everyone performed perfectly without any mistakes. The loud applause from the audience told us everything. Someone joked that our team members were remarkably skilled at improvisation.

New Horizon Issue 14 — What Employees Think


巡展的故事 Stories from the Road Show 7500 公里,26 个日夜,7 个城市…… 7500 km, 26 days and nights, 7 cities...



3 月 21 日在庆典会场盛大的启动仪式 开启了西卡中国二十周年成就巡展,这一 路我们行驶了 7500 公里,历经 26 个日夜, 在全国东西南北中的 7 个城市展示。

的起源、历史、规模、产品应用等,现场 工作人员为其详细介绍,他频频点头,并 提出很多建筑方面专业的问题,原来他是 华西第二建筑公司的建筑师,本来是在逛 商场,看到西卡的展台,以前只是听说过 本次巡展主要为了提高西卡的知名度。 西卡但并不太了解,于是过来详细了解, 巡展将西卡二十年来在中国的标志性项目 并在工作人员的指导下关注了西卡中国的 制作成精致的沙盘在各大城市的商业中心 微信,并表示以后会关注西卡。 展出。这些项目都是各地著名的标志性建 专程而来的粉丝 筑,如北京的新央视大楼、广州的小蛮腰、 上海的环球金融大厦、苏州的科文中心等 同样是在成都站,我们遇到了一个西 等。尽管在专业领域闻名遐迩的西卡在普 卡的超级粉丝。他现在就职于一家建筑行 通公众的心目中却并不熟知,但这些老百 业的公司,从西卡网站上了解到本次巡展, 姓耳熟能详的建筑出现在同一个沙盘上引 特意赶来观看。在现场他进一步了解西卡, 起了不少路人的兴趣,而且经过工作人员 并表达了想加入西卡的意愿。 的多角度的讲解,大家对西卡也开始有所 借势宣传的代理商 了解,并产生了兴趣。 由于本次巡展设在各地的商业中心, 这一路有不明真相群众的围观,有专 对于西卡的家装系列产品更是一次宣传的 程而来的专业人士,也有不期而遇的建筑 好机会。西卡多地的分销代理商都借助本 师……,这一路发生了很多有趣的故事, 次巡展宣传当地的西卡家装产品代理店, 正是这些小故事诠释了这次巡展的意义。 武汉的代理商甚至将产品展示架搬到了巡 展现场,吸引了不少准备装修的人群,很 美丽的误解 多人以前对装修的这些辅料产品都不甚了 当人们看到我们精美的沙盘上聚集了 解,随便施工队用什么品牌,了解到西卡 各地著名的建筑时,最常见的反应就是高 是具有百年历史的瑞士企业,大多数人都 档楼盘的销售,甚至有人感叹真是高大上 表示以后装修时要指定西卡品牌,不要再 的楼盘销售啊!但经过工作人员的解释, 被忽悠。 虽然有小部分人对不是卖楼的略感遗憾, 来自欧洲的同行 但大部分人从好奇变成了感叹:在如此多 的著名建筑中应用的产品想来必定也是很 四月的淮海路,时尚男女走在春光明 好的产品。 媚的街头,《西卡成就》全国巡展上海站 设立在这时尚的前沿同样吸引着人们的目 与建筑师的邂逅 光。同样自来欧洲的某百年建筑品牌进入 在巡展的成都站,一个年轻人来到西 国内市场一年有余,其市场开发人员看到 卡的展台,详细询问西卡的情况,从西卡 西卡进入中国二十年获得如此的成功非常

New Horizon Issue 14 — Road Show

羡慕,愿意与西卡在各自领域通力合作, 分享项目信息,共同获取更大成功。 有趣的卡卡 在 20 周年庆典首次登场的西卡吉祥物 卡卡一出场就受到了大家的热爱。这个明 星自然也随着大家走完了巡展的全程,当 然也有不少有趣的故事。 天津卡卡的扮演者是位兼职的小伙子, 不顾闷热的头套和笨重的服饰,耐心地和 每一位大小朋友握手、拥抱、合影。休息 的时候还认真地阅读西卡全套资料,瞧他 这样子,真是“埋头”苦读啊。 卡卡的卡通形象制作上没有设计眼部 区域的透视功能,导致很多人以为卡卡是 没有视觉的。这不,有位天津小伙蹑手蹑 脚地准备恐吓卡卡,结果被卡卡发现立刻 迎上去,小伙子被反吓了一跳,大叫:他 从鼻孔里偷看我呀 ! 巡展的每一站无论人多人少,总有些 欣喜的收获,在推动西卡品牌进驻普通人 心中的同时,西卡进入中国 20 年来的成功 也让我们增加了作为西卡人的自豪感。虽 然也有很多人匆匆而过,但我们亮黄色的 背景和漂亮的展台还是获取了很多人的注 意,虽然他们没有停下脚步来仔细了解, 但我们听见路过的人中不少人口中都念着: 西卡成就。或许他们现在还不了解西卡, 但也许有一天,他们在生活中或者工作中 遇到了西卡,脑海上可能就会闪过“西卡 成就”字样,闪过这些美丽的建筑,那时, 西卡对于他们而言,不再是完全陌生的品 牌了。

这一路有不明真相群众的围观,有专 程而来的专业人士,也有不期而遇的 建筑师…… We have encountered passersby who didn’t know what was going on, professionals who came all the way for the road show, and architects who just happened to be there.

New Horizon Issue 14 — Road Show



video of the road show


New Horizon Issue 14 — Road Show


The road show of Sika China’s achievements began at the ceremony on March 21st. On the 26-day journey we traveled 7500 km and showcased Sika in seven major cities around China. The road show was designed to showcase the reference projects of Sika China over the past 20 years in the commercial centers of the cities, in order to make Sika known to more ordinary people. These projects were made into exquisite models and displayed together on a sand table. Most of these projects are famous local landmarks, such as the new CCTV Headquarters in Beijing, Guangzhou TV Tower, the World Financial Center in Shanghai, the Science and Cultural Arts Centre in Suzhou, etc. Although already a big name in the construction and industry fields, Sika is still an unknown name among ordinary people in China. When these famous buildings appeared together on one sand table, people were immediately attracted. With the explanation of the staff, people began to know about Sika and became interested. We have encountered passersby who didn’t know what was going on, professionals who came all the way for the road show, and architects who just happened to be there. Many interesting things happened along the way and they perfectly illustrated the purpose of the show. A beautiful misunderstanding When people see the famous buildings on our sand table, the most common reaction was to think it was for selling a piece of expensive real estate and someone was even amazed by how highend the sales could be. However, after the explanation of the staff, people’s curiosity turned to amazement, while a minority of people felt sorry that it was not a real estate sale. They believed that the products applied in so many famous architectures must be good ones. An encounter with an architect At the Chengdu stop on the road show,

a young man came to the Sika booth and inquired about Sika’s origin, history, scale, and product application. The Sika staff answered his questions in detail. He nodded and asked some professional questions about architecture. He was actually an architect from Huaxi No.2 Architectural Company. He happened to see Sika’s booth when he was shopping. He had heard of Sika before but knew little so he came to the booth in the hope of knowing more. He followed Sika’s WeChat account and said that he would keep following Sika in the future. A fa n w ho c a me sp ecific a l ly for Sika Also in Chengdu, we encountered a super fan of Sika. He worked in a construction company and knew about the road show from Sika’s website. Coming specifically for Sika, he got to know more about Sika and showed the intention of joining Sika. Agents took the opportunity to promote themselves The road show was set up in business centers. It was a good chance to promote the products for home decoration. Some of our distribution agents joined the road show. The agent in Wuhan moved his product shelf to the road show site, attracting people who planned to decorate their home. Many people knew little about accessory materials in decoration and left the construction team to make the decision. Learning that Sika came from Switzerland and had a history of over 100 years, many of them said that they would consider using Sika products during their decoration. A counterpart from Europe On a sunny day in April in Shanghai, the road show was set on the most fashionable street, Huaihai Road. It was quite interesting when we met a guy who was working in the marketing department of a company that also came from Europe and had over a 100-year history just like Sika but had just entered China about one year ago. The marketing

guy admired the success that Sika had achieved during their 20 years in China and showed willingness to cooperate with Sika in various fields and share project information for mutual success. Funny Kaka Sika’s mascot Kaka’s debut at Sika’s 20 th anniversary celebration was a huge surprise to everyone. The new star followed the whole road show and interesting things happened along the trip. In Tianjin, in spite of the heavy helmet and costume, the guy hired to play Kaka shook hands with, hugged and posed for the pictures with passersby. I was moved to see that he sat down to read Sika brochures during his short break. From outside, you couldn’t see through Kaka’s eyes on his helmet so many people thought Kaka could not see. A guy in Tianjin tiptoed close to Kaka and tried to mock him. But he was shocked when Kaka suddenly turned to him. The guy screamed: “He’s peeking at me from his nostrils!” The road show was intended to showcase Sika to ordinary people and helped to build Sika as a strong and wellknown brand. Although some people just passed by without stopping, the bright yellow background and beautiful building models still attracted their attention. We heard them murmuring Sika by reading the words on the billboard as they passed by. Maybe they didn’t know what was going on and didn’t know about Sika yet. But maybe one day, when they come across Sika, they may recall the scene they once passed by. By then, Sika will no longer be a totally unheard name to them.

New Horizon Issue 14 — Road Show




Cooperation with the Leading Home Decoration Company 西卡与国内家装行业领袖企业 — 东易日盛家居装饰集团股份有限公司确立 战略合作伙伴关系,展开全面合作,力图打造中国家装行业的领军航舰。

Sika China has established a strategic partnership with Dong Yi Ri Sheng, a leading home decoration company. The two companies will cooperate in all aspects. 文:何楠楠 图:东易日盛



Case of Dong yi Ri Sheng


New Horizon Issue 14 — Home Decoration

滴水不成海,独木难 成林。西卡将继 续本着团结协作,互利共赢,共策 鸿 图的合作理念,在寻求优秀合作伙伴 的道路上坚定的走下去。


“能用众力,则无敌于天下矣;能用 众智,则无畏于圣人矣。”战国时期吴王 孙权曾如是说。时至今日,西卡传承此意 念,不断探索与顶尖品牌的战略合作道路。 2013 年 11 月,西卡(中国)有限公司与东 易日盛家居装饰集团股份有限公司在北京 正式确立战略合作伙伴关系,自此展开全 面合作,共同倡导环保理念,追求提供最 高品质的家装服务,力图打造中国家装行 业的领军航舰。

装修业务,在不盲目求大而专注做精品的 战略指导下,东易日盛成为房地产开发企 业信赖品牌,成为中国住宅装饰行业的领 军企业。 东易日盛装饰是中国家装行业的领袖, 引导着业界的创新与发展。反观瑞士西卡 集团,创立于 1910 年,是全球领先的特殊 化学品供应商。在 80 多个国家拥有超过 160 个生产基地和营销机构。

本次西卡与东易日盛合作可谓强强联 东易日盛集团是家装行业的标杆企业, 成立于 1997 年,2014 年 2 月成功在深交所 手。西卡利用自身丰富的产品线,多年的 挂牌上市,成为“中国家装第一股”,引 项目经验及专业的技术团队,本着与客户 互利双赢,资源共享的合作理念,和东易 领整个行业走向国际化。 日盛一起为中国家装行业提供全面的家装 东易日盛集团专注为中国精英阶层提 解决方案。其中厨卫防水系列,瓷砖铺贴 供“有机整体住宅装饰”解决方案,形成 系列,卫浴门窗密封系列等应用产品均是 独特的涵盖住宅装饰设计、施工、主材代理、 西卡的明星产品,有着 80 多个国家亿万用 自营木作产品配套体系的全产业链发展模 户的应用体验;西卡以用户利益为核心, 式,截至 2014 年年初,东易日盛已成长为 注重产品的环保安全,助东易日盛营造舒 下设 6 家子公司、25 家直营分公司、113 个 适安心的家居环境;西卡还提供专业的技 直营店面、67 家加盟商,产品和服务辐射 术团队,与东易日盛共同研究,联手推广 117 个城市的中国家装行业知名品牌企业。 传播新施工工业,以期引领行业创新发展 潮流。 东易日盛旗下三大锐利品牌“睿筑别 西卡与东易日盛装饰此次合作,在家 墅装饰”、“东易日盛装饰”、“速美集 屋家装”分别定位于顶级财智阶层别墅私 装行业引起了不小的轰动;滴水不成海, 属定制生活、中高端别墅大宅生活方式规 独木难成林。西卡将继续本着团结协作, 划和白领精英阶层中小户型完整家居解决 互利共赢,共策鸿图的合作理念,在寻求 方案,迄今已为超过 10 万个家庭提供高品 优秀合作伙伴的道路上坚定的走下去。西 质整体家装服务。3700 余名员工为不断满 卡将立足中国,展望未来,期待越来越多 足客户的家装梦想孜孜努力。聚焦住宅精 合作商的精彩加盟!


Mr. Chen Hui, Chairman of Dong yi Ri Sheng

New Horizon Issue 14 — Home Decoration


It is said that a drop of water cannot make a sea and a single tree cannot make a forest. Sika will continue to carry out its strategy of looking for outstanding cooperative partners to create a bright future together. >

“Using the strength of the people, you will be invincible; using the wisdom of the people, you will be fearless of the sage.” said Sun Quan, the king of the Wu kingdom during the Chinese Three Kingdoms period over 2000 years ago. Sika is always exploring strategic cooperation with top brands. In November 2013, Sika (China) Co., Ltd officially established a strategic cooperative partnership with Dong Yi Ri Sheng Home Decoration Group Co., Ltd. in Beijing. The two companies will cooperate in all aspects, co-promote their environmental protection philosophy, pursue top quality home decoration services and create a flagship in the Chinese home decoration market.


solutions to the top-end Chinese market, covering home design, construction, material procurement, wood products, etc. The company has 6 subsidiaries, 25 direct-managed branches, 113 direct-sale shops and 67 agents, creating a network covering 117 cities in China. Dong Yi Ri Sheng owns three brands to target high, middle, and low-end customers respectively. To date, Dong Yi Ri Sheng has provided high quality home decoration ser vices to over 100,000 families. The 3,700 employees work hard to realize the clients’ dreams. Focusing on the home decoration business and directed by a strategy of working on refinement rather than blindly expanding, Dong Yi Ri Sheng has grown into a trustworthy brand for real estate enterprises.

As the benchmark company in the home decoration sector in China, Dong Yi Ri Sheng, established in 1997, went public on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2014. It was the first publicly quoted home decoration company in China.

Dong Yi Ri Sheng is a leader in China’s home decoration industry, while Sika is a global leading company in specialty chemicals. Sika has over 160 factories in 84 countries.

Dong Yi Ri Sheng is committed to provide “organic and integrated home decoration”

The cooperation between Sika and Dong Yi Ri Sheng is a joint effort of two great

New Horizon Issue 14 — Home Decoration

powers. With its full range of products, project experience and professional technical teams, Sika works with Dong Yi Ri Sheng to provide a full range of home decoration solutions to the Chinese market. The products for kitchen and bathroom waterproofing, tile bonding, sealing of bathroom windows and doors, are all star products of Sika that have been used by billions of users in over 80 countries. With user’s benefits as its main consideration, Sika provides environment-friendly and safe products to help Dong Yi Ri Sheng create a safe and comfor table home. In addition, Sika’s technical experts will work with Dong Yi Ri Sheng to promote new construction methods. The cooperation between the two companies is big news in the home decoration industry in China. It is said that a drop of water cannot make a sea and a single tree cannot make a forest. Sika will continue to carry out its strategy of looking for outstanding cooperative partners to create a bright future together.

New Horizon Issue 14 — Home Decoration


西卡与长城汽车共赢 W inning T oge ther with Great Wall Motors 长城汽车是中国最大的 Suv 和皮卡制造商,2010 年西卡敲开与长城汽车的合 作之门,帮助长城制定了声学标准,并随后应用在长城极其受欢迎的车型哈 佛 H6 的 12 处车身结构上。

Great Wall Motors is China’s largest SUV and pick-up manufacturer. In 2010, with a “knock on the door”, Sika helped GWM establish an acoustic standard which was then followed by the adoption of twelve baffle parts for its highly popular H6 SUV.




成立于 1984 年的长城汽车股份有限公 司是中国最大的 Suv 和皮卡制造商,已于 2003 年、2011 年分别在香港 H 股和国内 A 股上市,下属控股子公司 30 余家,员工 6 万余人。旗下产品涵盖哈弗 Suv、MvP、 皮卡和长城品牌乘用小汽车。2013 年,长 城汽车销售量达到 75.4 万辆。到了 2015 年 长城汽车公司的生产目标为 130 万辆。

2010 年敲开了长城汽车的合作之门 2010 年前,长城汽车对汽车车身结构 隔音产品知之甚少。2010 年,西卡敲开了 与长城汽车的合作之门,帮助长城制定了 声学标准,并随后应用在长城极其受欢迎 的车型哈佛 H6 的 12 处车身结构上。西卡 因其出色的专业解决方案和可靠的服务获 得了长城企业的高度认可,信任由此建立, 合作自此开始。


New Horizon Issue 14 — Great Wall Motors

2011 年快速拓展业务 k1 项目,哈弗 H5 也是长城另一款受 欢迎的 Suv 车型。但在 2010 年,其车身 还尚无隔音产品装配设计。但当西卡隔音 产品在哈佛 H6 车型得到成功应用后,长城 随即也在 k1 项目上开始应用。作为长城汽 车声学解决方案的主要供应商,西卡提供 的独特的解决方案迅速地应用在长城现有 车型的车身结构中。西卡团队提供的专业 服务在竞争对手中脱颖而出。 长城汽车下属控股子公司长城灯具事 业 部 成 立 于 1997 年。 自 2011 年, 西 卡 开 始 为 其 供 应 聚 氨 酯 粘 接 剂 Sikaflex®-630 HD-2。该产品采用热熔聚氨酯技术,且应 用范围广泛,具备优异的性能,如实现快 速的初始粘合强度、低雾化、无垂滴、单 体含量低等。如今,Sikaflex®-630 HD-2 已 经成为长城几乎所有新车型的首选胶粘剂。

2012 年起稳步增长 如今,长城汽车 70% 以上新车型的车 身结构隔音产品由西卡供应,而且应用在 车灯粘合的胶粘剂产品的合作也在持续增 长。且在 2013 年西卡成功向长城推荐车身 结构加固产品 SikaReinforcer,并首先在哈 佛 H8 车型中得到应用。随着西卡与长城汽 车的合作进一步加深,到 2014 年,西卡销 售额预计将达 3000 万元。

2014 年深入合作 2014 年三月,西卡与长城汽车的高层 会议在长城总部河北保定召开,旨在加强 双方的进一步紧密合作。长城未来几年的 市场目标是成为全球最大的 Suv 生产企业。 作为长城汽车的重要合作伙伴,西卡将持 续为长城汽车提供创新的解决方案,满足 其快速增长的需求,为实现长城汽车的战 略目标助一臂之力。

Great Wall Motors Company Ltd. is China’s largest SUV and pick-up manufacturer. Founded in 1984, GMW stock is listed on both the Shanghai and Hong Kong Stock Exchanges. GWM has more than 30 subsidiary stock-holding companies and 54,000 employees. Passenger vehicles, mini SUV, pick-up, and MPV’s are sold under the Haval and Great Wall Motors brands. In 2013, GWM sold nearly 750,000 vehicles and has a global production target of 1.3 million by 2015.

Brisk Business Growth in 2011 The K1 is another popular GWM SUV. At initial launch, there were no baffles within this vehicle. However, following the adoption of them on H6, they were soon added. With Sika serving as GWM’s primar y acoustics solution provider, unique solutions were designed for quick introduction into GMW’s existing car body architecture. The performance of the Sika Team was unmatched by the market competitors.

Knocking on the Door in 2010 GWM had limited experience with baffles prior to 2010. With a “knock on the door”, Sika helped GWM establish an acoustic standard which was then followed by the adoption of twelve baffle parts for its highly popular H6 SUV. Therefore, Sika gained recognition within GWM as a trusted supplier of acoustic solutions.

GWM Headlamp Dept. is a GWM’s subsidiary company founded in 1997. Starting in 2011, Sika began to supply Sikaflex®-630 HD-2. This material is based on warm-melt polyurethane technology and showed wonderful results with instant initial strength, low fogging, good non-sag properties, low monomer content, and a wide adhesion range. Today, Sikaflex®-630 HD-2 is the preferred choice for GWM on all nearly all new vehicles launched.

Steady Growth since 2012 Today, Sika commands more than 70% of baffle share at GWM and continues to increase our share of the headlamp bonding applications. SikaReinforcer application were introduced to GWM and started from CHK011 (H8) in 2013, with new applications following. In 2014, we expect to reach about 30 million RMB in sales at this valued customer. Farther Cooperation in 2014 In March 2014, SIKA & GWM was held in GWM Headquarters in Baoding with the aim to strengthen farther cooperation between Sika and GWM with senior management in attendance from both sides. GWM future’s marketing strategy is to become the number one SUV manufacturer globally in the coming years. Sika will be there to help strive for this goal by continuing to deliver innovative solutions that address the needs of this fast growing customer.

New Horizon Issue 14 — Great Wall Motors



西卡广州办公室 地坪系统




New Horizon Issue 14 — New Office


Lobby and corridor: epoxy Terrazzo System Sikafloor®-156 + Sikafloor®-263 SL + Sikafloor®-169 N + graded aggregates + copper lines


适逢西卡中国二十周年庆典,广州工 厂主要针对办公区域进行了大规模的装修, 同时对地面装修也提出了要求,原则上所 有办公室区域的各种地坪都尽可能使用到 本厂生产的材料,也就是要做到自给自足。

开重要会议的地方,这里应用了西卡舒适 地 坪 Sikafloor®-161 + Sikafloor®-325 CF + Sikafloor®-300 N。该地坪系统 vOC 排放率 极低,舒适度高,并能吸收噪音,为与会 者提供安静舒适的环境。

办公区域主要分两层楼:一楼主要包 括前台、董事会议室、培训室、接待室与 展示厅。二楼主要是由独立办公室与销售 大厅等组成。

紧挨着董事长会议室的培训室采用了 半亮光的自流平彩砂系统 Sikafloor®-161 + Sikafloor®-263 SL Decor,具有致密实、高 装饰性、防滑等功能。

现在想必大家迫不及待要一睹广州办 公室崭新的地坪吧。好吧,请跟着我步伐 去细细品味并听我王导慢慢道来吧。

结束一楼的参观,走上楼梯到二楼去 看看。首先出现在我们眼前的是一个公用 区域,我们设计了半哑光的聚氨酯自流平 砂 浆 系 统 Sikafloor®-161 + Sikafloor®-24 N Purcem (CN) + Sikafloor®-315。该地坪系统 具有防滑、超耐磨、易清洁等功能,女士 们穿高跟鞋和裙子都能安全安心,不会摔 倒不会走光。

首先是一楼大厅及走廊,作为公用区 域也是访客到的第一站,我们当然要使出 看家本领,务求创造一个舒适、耐用、美 观、高大上的地坪环境。我们采用了环氧 磨石系统:Sikafloor®-156 + Sikafloor®-263 SL + Sikafloor®-169 N + 级配的彩石 + 铜条。 各位可能要问地下布满那些土豪金的数字 与箭头为何意思?那可是百年老店西卡的 发展历史长河的缩影,每组数字代表着西 卡历史上的重要年份。当你漫步在这历史 道路上,结合墙上的图文介绍,你一定会 对西卡有更多的了解。 参观完大厅后让我们穿过历史长河 在第一个门左转进入董事会议室。作为召

最后是一间一间的经理单独办公 室。 我 们 颇 费 思 良 地 根 据 不 同 职 能 的 经 理 结 合 不 同 的 个 人 喜 好 和 情 况, 给 他 们 各自的小天地创造了相应的系统与颜色 搭 配。 例 如, 我 们 为 财 务 的 同 事 设 计 了 浅 色 的 彩 色 砂 浆 系 统 Sikafloor®-161 + Sikafloor®-264 + Sikadur®-505 Q + 装饰彩 片 + Sikafloor®-169。此系统密实易维护, 晶莹透澈。有何目的?不言而喻:一笔笔 的帐可要清清楚楚。为来自国外的同事, 我们用了艳绿色的自流平彩砂系统。他离 乡别井来到中国工作,我们就努力营造一 个温馨的环境,让他安心在中国工作,乐 不思蜀。 还有更多精彩的地坪系统应用,期待 您光临广州办公室自己来瞧瞧。

走 过 公 共 区 域 左 转, 眼 前 豁 然 开 朗 的 地 方 是 销 售 大 厅。 在 销 售 大 厅, 我 们 设 计 了 三 种 颜 色, 两 种 系 统 的 结 合。 左 边 走 道 采 用 了 聚 氨 酯 自 流 平 砂 浆 系 统 Sikafloor®-161 + Sikafloor®-24 N Purcem(CN), 而 中 间 走 道 与 其 他 区 域 均 采 用 了 自 流 平 彩 砂 系 统 Sikafloor®-161 + Sikafloor®-263 S Décor,主要功能易清洁, 耐磨,高装饰性等。

New Horizon Issue 14 — New Office



Finance office: epoxy Mortar System Sikafloor®-161 + Sikafloor®-264 + Sikadur®-505 Q + chips + Sikafloor®-169


It is a surprise for people working in Sika Guangzhou when they see the newly and nicely decorated office. More surprises? The colorful and comfortable floors are all Sika flooring systems. Let me be your guide to show you around the brand new office. We put the most effort into the lobby and corridors to create a comfortable, durable and pleasant floor environment because it’s the first place that visitors will see. We chose the epoxy terrazzo system: Sikafloor®-156 + Sikafloor®-263 SL+ Sikafloor®-169 N + graded aggregates + copper lines. You may wonder what do the golden numbers and arrows on the corridor floor stand for. These are the milestone years of Sika’s history. As you walk along the road of history and read the introductions and look at the pictures on the wall, you can learn a lot about Sika. Then we can see the board room where impor tant meetings are held. Sika® Comfor t Floor System: Sikafloor®-161+Sikafloor®-325 CF + Sikafloor®-300 N is used. It has very low


New Horizon Issue 14 — New Office


Self-smoothing Decorative Screed System

VOC emissions and is very comfortable and able to absorb noise to provide a quiet meeting environment. Next to the board meeting room is the training room. Here we used a selfsmoothing decorative screed system: Sikafloor®-161 + Sikafloor®-263 SL Decor, which is highly compact, decorative, and skid-resistant. Moving up to the second floor, what we see first is the public area. Here we used a PU self-smoothing screed system: Sikafloor®-161 + Sikafloor®-24 N PurCem (CN) + Sikafloor®-315, which is skidresistant, wear-proof, and easy to clean. Ladies wearing high heels and skirts won’t be worried about falling down or reflections from the floor. Next, for the sales hall, we designed two systems with three colors. The left aisle uses a PU self-smoothing screed system: Sikafloor®-161 + Sikafloor®-24 N PurCem (CN); the middle aisle and other areas used a self-smoothing decorative screed system (Sikafloor®-161 + Sikafloor®-263 S Décor), which is easy to clean, wear-proof, and decorative.

The rest are independent offices for managers. We put a lot of thought into combining their personal preferences and functions into the design. For example, in one office we used an epoxy mortar system: Sikafloor®-161 + Sikafloor®-264 + Sikadur®-505 Q + chips + Sikafloor®-169, which is compact, easy to maintain and crystal clear. It was specifically designed for the financial manager. Why? All the accounting should be crystal clear! We used a green self-leveling color quartz system for our foreign colleague who left his home far away to work in China. So we tried to create a comfortable environment for him and make him feel assured and happy working here. Want to know more? Come and see for yourself.


Left passage of the sales hall: Pu Self-smoothing Screed System Sikafloor®-161 + Sikafloor®-24 N Purcem (CN) 中间走道和其他区域采用自流平彩砂系统

The middle aisle and other areas: Self-smoothing Decorative Screed System Sikafloor®-161 + Sikafloor®-263 S Décor


Training room: Self-smoothing Decorative Screed System Sikafloor®-161 + Sikafloor®-263 SL Decor


Board meeting room: Sika® Comfort Floor Sikafloor®-161 + Sikafloor®-325 CF + Sikafloor®-300 N


Public area: Pu Self-smoothing Screed System Sikafloor®-161 + Sikafloor®-24 N Purcem (CN) + Sikafloor®-315

New Horizon Issue 14 — New Office


西卡地坪助力奔驰、宝马 Floors for automotive manufacturers 文 / 图:申健



2010 年,位于沈阳经济技术开发区投 资超过 50 亿的华晨宝马二期项目全面启 动。经过激烈的竞争,西卡地坪开始全面 参与华晨宝马新工厂的建设。2012 年 5 月, 华晨宝马铁西新工厂正式开业,总计约 30 万 平 米 的 西 卡 地 坪 开 始 正 式 投 入 使 用。 2013 年,过硬的质量、良好的服务、全面 地解决方案使西卡继续获得华晨宝马新工 厂三期项目和新发动机工厂的青睐,仍有 大约 25 万坪的地面需求。西卡硬化剂地面、 西卡多种环氧地面、西卡聚氨酯砂浆地面 等都多种地面系统得到应用。 与此同时,在北京奔驰项目上,西卡 地坪也突破了传统势力的围城。基于西卡


New Horizon Issue 14 — Flooring

液体硬化剂和 eSD 环氧防静电地面的技术 优势以及优良的服务,2012 年西卡地坪开 始正式进入了北京奔驰的建设中。2013 年, 约 13 万平方西卡地坪应用在奔驰工厂,其 中包括 3 万平米的 Sikafloor® - 235 eSD 地 面,是目前西卡此地坪在中国最大的单体 项目。2014 年西卡继续获得新工厂约 3 万 平方 Sikafloor® - 235 eSD 的应用以及约 15 万平方西卡液体硬化剂的应用。 西卡地坪在奔驰、宝马项目上的大获 成功,进一步增强了西卡地坪的品牌影响 力,展示了西卡的技术实力,不仅夯实了 西卡地坪在汽车行业的地位,也大大影响 西卡地坪在其他行业的应用。

In 2010, the Phase Two project of Brilliance BMW, with an investment of over RMB 5 billion, was started. Having won this contract against fierce competition, Sika flooring systems started to be used in the plants of the Brilliance BMW. In 2012, the new plant of Brilliance BMW in Tiexi, with a total area of about 300,000 m2 of Sika flooring systems, was put into operation. In 2013, based on the excellent quality products, reliable solutions and services that we had provided in the previous years, Sika again won the contract to supply flooring products for the Phase Three project of the new Brilliance BMW plant

and its new engine plant. The new project and plant demanded about 250,000 m2 of flooring in which Sika’s full range of floorings systems were applied, including hardener flooring, epoxy flooring, and PU mortar flooring. Meanwhile, Sika successfully won the flooring projects at Beijing Mercedes, despite many competitors, with its strong technical advantages in the liquid hardener and ESD epox y antistatic flooring systems. In 2012, Sika flooring systems started to be used in the plants of Beijing Mercedes. In 2013, about 130,000 m 2 of Sika flooring was

completed, including 30,000 m2 of Sikafloor®-235 ESD. It was the biggest single flooring system of this type that Sika had delivered in China. In 2014, another 30,000 m 2 of Sikafloor®-235 ESD floor as well as 150,000 m2 of liquid hardener were applied. These successes in the Mercedes and BMW projects have further enhanced our brand reputation and shown the technological strength of Sika.

New Horizon Issue 14 — Flooring



The roof project in tibet 西藏,一直是人们心神向往的一方净土,怎样的建筑才能和这片神圣之地相 得益彰?西藏会展中心取雪域高原为意境,如同美丽的格桑花静静绽放。

Tibet, a holy land, is known as the roof of the world. On this plateau, at an altitude of 3658 m, Sika just finished a roof project for a convention center that was designed following the concept of a snow-covered plateau.

文 / 图:黄康培



New Horizon Issue 14 — Roof

重点。同时,藏族的文化特点“尚白”, 整个会展中心的屋面以漂浮的白云作为设 计主题。而西卡 Sarnafil® S 327 L PvC 卷 材外观白色,特有的 Lacquer 涂层使卷材 具有优越的抗紫外线和自洁性能(太阳反 射 比 ρ s=83%), 拥 有 35 年 的 BBA 使 用认证,这些产品特性充分满足该项目的 各种需求。在项目推介阶段,设计师曾感 叹:“这正是我们要找的防水卷材。”

以雪域高原为设计理念的国际会展中心 西藏会展中心是西藏自治区首座综合 性国际会展中心,也是拉萨市东城纳金核 心商务区的主体工程,是拉萨市未来地标 建筑和城市名片。该项目位于西藏自治区 拉萨市东区新城内的东西角,东南毗邻拉 萨河,东为建设中的圣地天堂酒店群,南 临西藏大学新校区,西接江苏大道。项目 总 投 资 5.4 亿 元, 规 划 用 地 478.8 亩, 主 要包括会展中心 1 号馆(兼会议中心)、2 号馆、室外展场、大型人工湖、音乐喷泉 景观和停车库等配套设施。 项目以西侧江苏大道的延长线做为规 划的主轴线,由西向东依次是前广场、人 工湖、会展中心 1 号馆、2 号馆、会展中心 室外展场以及圣地天堂酒店群。主轴线的 中央为面积约 60000 m2 的会展中心室外 展场,南面是会展中心 1 号馆,北面是会 展中心 2 号馆,东面是与会展中心配套的 圣地天堂酒店群,西面是面积约 50000m2 的人工湖,形成一个“三围合、一临水” 的良好格局。

会展中心屋面是张拉膜结构,意味着 屋面上有很多穿出屋面的支撑杆,这就会 产生两个设计难题:如何确保每个支撑杆 滴水不漏?如何避免冷桥和冷凝水现象发 西藏会展中心的设计理念以雪域高原 生?传统钢结构屋面无法百分百保证每个 为意境。雪域高原的景象要素是雪山、白 支撑杆滴水不漏,而西卡渗耐 PvC 柔性屋 云、湖泊及河流,故方案设计取“漂浮白云” 面系统通过 PvC 特有的柔性及热风焊接性 的形态。东西两侧 1 号、2 号展馆的屋面以 能,能真正确保每个斜拉杆滴水不漏。在 钢桁架面覆白色张拉膜,如云朵漂浮般纤 屋面钢板及天沟整体满铺一层 90mm 厚岩 巧;配套的六座酒店建筑如雪山般巍峨, 面保温层和 0.3mm 厚 Pe 隔汽膜,使整个 远远望去,似一朵格桑花静静地盛开在拉 屋面保温隔热系统一体化,从而有效降低 萨河畔。当整个建筑形态倒映在前广场一 冷桥和冷凝水现象发生的风险。项目验收 侧的大型人工湖时,一幅“天高、地远、 阶段,西卡屋面系统经受住 3 次雨天的考 漂浮的白云、层层的雪山”的绝美画卷便 验,没有渗漏现象,获得了业主、总包、监理、 设计等各方的一致好评。设计师曾对业主 会呈现在眼前。 有感而发:“西卡防水保温一体化屋面系 西卡公司用自信迎接设计挑战 统确实是大型会展项目的最佳选择。” 西藏会展中心项目所属拉萨市位于雅 西藏,一直是人们心神向往的一方净 鲁藏布江支流拉萨河中游河谷平原,海拔 高度 3658 米。由于地处西玛拉雅山北侧, 土,而雪域高原上的建筑领域,也是人们 受下沉气流的影响,全年多睛朗天气,冬 愿意为之奉献的神圣之地。虽然面临种种 无严寒、夏无酷暑,属高原季风半干旱气候。 严峻考验,西卡公司凭借出色的产品系统 最高气温 29°C,最低气温零下 16.5°C,年 以及多年的成功经验,有幸参与到西藏会 平均气温 7.4°C,年降雨量 500 毫米左右, 展中心项目的建设中,为西藏经济繁荣添 降雨集中在七、八、九月份。全年日照时 砖加瓦。对于西卡公司而言,不仅实践了“诚 间 3000 小时以上,素有“日光城”之称。 就卓越”的品牌承诺,而且,此项目的成 因此,如何抵御强烈的紫外线成为设计的 功也将载入西卡屋面防水史的史册。

New Horizon Issue 14 — Roof




Design concept of snow-covered plateau With a total investment of RMB 540 million and a planned area of 478.8 mu, the Tibet International Convention Center, when completed, will be the first comprehensive international convention center in Tibet. It is a major project in Lhasa and will become a recognized landmark in the city. The convention center is located in the middle of the business district next to the Lhasa River in east Lhasa. To its east, the Holyland Paradise Hotels are under construction; to the south is the new campus of Lhasa University. It is composed of two halls, one venue, an artificial lake and a musical fountain.

New Horizon Issue 14 — Roof

The convention center has been designed following the concept of a snowcovered plateau that features snowy mountains, white clouds, lakes and rivers. The design takes the image of a floating cloud. The roofs of the two halls are made of steel trusses covered with white tensile membrane, which will look like clouds. Meanwhile, the six hotels are like snowy mountains. Seen from afar, the buildings look like a galsang flower blossoming by the Lhasa River. An amazing picture of a lofty sky, wide land, floating clouds and snowy mountains will appear before you when the buildings are reflected in the lake. To meet the challenge The convention center is located in the

valley plain of the Lhasa River at an altitude of 3658 m. Influenced by the downdraft in the north of the Himalayas, it has a plateau monsoon semi-arid climate, which means sunny days most of the year without intense cold or heat. The average temperature is 7.4°C with extreme temperatures ranging from −16.5 to 29°C. Lhasa has an annual precipitation of 500 mm, with rain falling mainly in July, August and September. The city receives nearly 3,000 hours of sunlight annually and, for that reason, is sometimes called “the sunlit city”. Therefore it is very important to protect the building from strong ultraviolet rays. To realize the cloud-like roof, white was the only option for color of the roof material. Sika Sarnafil® S 327 L PVC

由上自下屋面结构层次: ■ 张拉膜 ■ 西卡渗耐 1.5mm 厚 S 327-15 L PvC 防水层 ■ 90mm 厚的岩棉保温层 ■ 0.3mm 厚 Pe 隔汽层 ■ 0.8mm 厚镀锌 yX35-125-750 压型钢板 ■ 钢檩条

roof build-ups from top to bottom: Tensile membrane Sika® Sarnafil® S 327-15 L, 1.5 mm Rockwool insulation, 90 mm Pe vapor control layer, 0.3 mm Galvanized profiled steel sheet, 0.8 mm Steel purlin ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

membrane is white. The lacquer coating on its surface is excellent in ultraviolet ray resistance and self-cleaning with a reflectivity of ρs=83%. In addition, it is certified by BBA for its 35-year service life. The product satisfied all the requirements of the project. At the very beginning, the designer said: “This is the right waterproof membrane we are looking for!” For its tensioned membrane structure, there will be many support poles penetrating the roof material. This causes two problems. One is how to make sure there is no water leakage at any of the poles, and the other is how to prevent cold bridges and condensation. In a traditional steel roof, it’s almost im-

possible to make sure each pole is watertight. The flexible PVC membrane of Sika Sarnafil can achieve an integrated waterproof roof through hot welding membranes into one piece. By covering a 90 mm thick rockwool thermal insulation layer and a 0.3 mm thick PE vapor control layer on the steel roof and gutter, it can effectively reduce the cold bridge effect and condensation. It rained for three days during the acceptance inspection period, and the roof performed perfectly without any leakage, which was highly praised by the property owner, contractor, project supervisor and designer. The designer said to the property owner: “The waterproofing and insulation integrated roofing system from Sika is definitely

the best choice for large scale exhibition facility projects.” Tibet is a holy land for many people. It’s a great challenge but also an honor for Sika to have contributed to the construction in this land. The project will definitely be recorded in Sika roofing waterproof history.

New Horizon Issue 14 — Roof



A Bridge to Connect Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao 港珠澳大桥是中国继三峡工程、青藏铁路、南水北调、西气东输、京沪高铁 之后又一重大基础设施项目,东连香港、西接珠海、澳门,是集桥、岛、隧 为一体的超大型跨海通道。

The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, linking Hong Kong, and Zhuhai and Macao, is a combination of bridges, a tunnel and artificial islands. It is an ongoing infrastructure project as momentous as the previous Three Gorges, Qinghai-Tibet Railway and Beijing-Shanghai Express Railway projects, which have become established as some of the most significant mega projects completed since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. 文 / 图:Lerri Meng

Text / Photo: Lerri Meng


New Horizon Issue 14 — NEW HORIZON

New Horizon Issue 14 — NEW HORIZON


为了满足项目要求,所用混凝土必须 具有高强度、高施工性能和低水灰比, 坍落度保持时间高达五个小时。 To meet the project requirement, the concrete used must be high strength, high workability, low water cement ratio with a slump retention for up to five hours.



港珠澳大桥坐落于珠江口伶仃洋海域, 是连接香港特别行政区、广东省珠海市和 澳门特别行政区的一条超大型跨海大桥。 整个项目包括位于内陆水域的主桥和三地 的跨境交通设施以及接驳道路。该大桥的 作用是满足香港、大陆(尤其是珠江西地区) 和澳门之间的客运和陆上货运需求,建立 连接珠江东、西岸的新通道,并加强三地 的经济和可持续发展。

New Horizon Issue 14 — Concrete

港珠澳大桥的主桥从珠海拱北外的 人工岛通往仅作为香港特别行政区边界西 部隧道段的东部人工岛。该项目包括一条 29.6 公里长的双向三车行车道路,道路采 用桥隧结合的形式,由一条约 6.7 公里的隧 道、二条在香港特别行政区西部隧道进出 口的人工岛以及相关工程组成,包括土木 与结构工程、环境减灾、排水、机电、机械、 交通管制及监察系统等。

项目要求 为了直接而有效地连接香港的交通网 络与港珠澳大桥,将在香港境内建立一系 列战略性运输设施,包括香港接线工程。 长达 12 公里的香港接线工程将连接位于香 港特别行政区的港珠澳大桥主桥和位于香 港国际机场东北水域的香港过境交通设施, 从而打开香港、澳门和西珠江三角洲之间 的一条全新的直连通道。香港接线工程将

比下的强大液化能力和充分的坍落度保持 Plastiment® vz 是一种用于优质混凝 时间。总混凝土体积大约为 120,000 立方米, 土的减水剂和缓凝剂混凝土外加剂。该项 基础工程的施工为期 15 个月,于 2013 年 11 目的预计用量为 480,000 升。 为了满足项目要求,所用混凝土必须 月开工,预期 2015 年 1 月竣工。 具有高强度、高施工性能和低水灰比,坍 最后,光滑的表面外观是通过西卡的 落度保持时间高达五小时。 Sika® viscoCrete 1200NT 是第三代超 脱模剂技术 Sika® Formol-WB® 来实现。 级塑化剂,可为设施提供极大的减水作用、 西卡解决方案 特别优良的流动性,同时还具有超强的粘 西卡为香港施工段的基础工程提供基 聚性和高度的自流平性能。该项目的预计 于 Sika® viscoCrete® 技术的高性能外加剂。 用量为 840,000 升。 该技术凭借其高减水性能,可提供低水灰 按照港珠澳大桥、香港过境交通设施和屯 门至赤鱲角连接路南部连接的标准完成。

New Horizon Issue 14 — Concrete



Hong Kong – Zhuhai – Macao Bridge (HZMB), situated in the waters of Lingdingyang in the Pearl River Estuary, is a proposed mega-size sea crossing to link the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), Zhuhai City in Guangdong Province and Macao Special Administrative Region. It consists of a main bridge in Mainland waters, together with boundary crossing facilities and link roads within the three destinations. The functions of the bridge are to meet the demands for passenger and freight land transport among Hong Kong, the Mainland (particularly the Pearl River West region) and Macao, to establish a new land transport link between the east and west coasts of the Pearl River, and to enhance the economic and sustainable development of the three locations. The HZMB Main Bridge will run from an artificial island off Gongbei in Zhuhai to an eastern artificial island for the tunnel section just west of the HKSAR boundary. The project includes a 29.6 km


New Horizon Issue 14 — Concrete

dual 3-lane carriageway in the form of a bridge-cum-tunnel structure comprising a tunnel of about 6.7 km, two artificial islands for the tunnel landings west of the HKSAR boundary, and associated works including civil and structural works, environmental mitigation, drainage, E&M and mechanical, traffic control and surveillance systems, etc. PROJECT REQUIREMENT In order to connect the Hong Kong traffic network directly and ef fectively with the Hong Kong – Zhuhai - Macao Bridge (HZMB), a series of strategic transport facilities will be implemented within Hong Kong territory including the Hong Kong Link Road (HKLR). The proposed 12 km-long HKLR will connect the HZMB Main Bridge at the HKSAR boundary with the Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities (HKBCF) situated in the northeastern waters of the Hong Kong International Airpor t, opening a new and direc t connec tion route between Hong Kong, Macao and the Western Pearl River Delta. The HKLR

will be completed in line with that of the HZMB Main Bridge, the HKBCF and the Tuen Mun – Chek Lap Kok Link (TMCLKL) southern connection. To meet the project requirements, the concrete used must be high strength, with high workability and a low water/ cement ratio with slump retention of up to five hours. SIKA SOLUTION Sika offered a high-performance admixture based on Sika® ViscoCrete® technology for the foundation works of the Hong Kong section. This technology with its high water-reducing capability offers powerful liquefaction at low water/cement ratio with suf ficient slump life. The total concrete volume is around 120,000 m3 and the construction period of the foundation works will last 15 months, from November 2013 to January 2015. Sika® ViscoCrete 1200NT is a 3 rd generation superplasticizer that facilitates

extreme water reduction, excellent flow properties, optimal cohesion and highest self-compaction behaviour. The expected volume to be used for this project is 840,000 litres. Plastiment® VZ is a water-reducing and set-retarding concrete admixture for high quality concrete. The expected volume to be used for this project is 480,000 litres. Last but not least a smooth surface appearance can be accomplished with the application of Sika’s mould release agent technology Sika® Formol-WB®

New Horizon Issue 14 — Concrete


中国最大造船厂 西卡第一单 Supply to the Largest Shipbuilding Company 历时 9 个月的推介、跟进、技术方案阐述和 1 个月的商 务谈判,西卡中国船舶业务终于拿下了 2014 年第一个 单项目大单,合同金额逾 390 万人民币。

After nine months of follow-up activities and one month of commercial negotiation, Sika China won a large contract with sales of over RMB 3,900,000 to supply its marine products to Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. 文:段杨



该项目是 2+2 艘远洋平台供应船,船 东为新加坡太平洋光辉公司,挪威著名海 工设计公司 uLSTeIN 做基本设计,外高桥 海洋工程有限公司做生产设计,由美国船 级社检验入级,南通崇海船舶工程公司安 装施工,在被誉为中国第一大船厂,全球 第三的上海外高桥造船有限公司建造。

本船为海洋平台供应船,能在世界范 围内运输水泥、泥浆、基础油、卤水、燃油、 淡水、回收的低闪点液货,以及干散货。 适用于国际贸易的航区,除了南北极气候 区、美国内陆水域以及有特殊管制的相同 水域。满足船级社无人值守机舱及一人桥 楼的要求,该船配备动力定位 DP2 系统。

前 2 艘船预计交船期为 2015 年 3 月和 8 月,西卡约定供货时间为 2014 年 10 月 和 2015 年 1 月。产品涉及船舶阻尼,水泥

本船配备两台全回转电力推进,电力 由两台柴油发电机组提供。艏部布置一台 管遂式侧推和一台伸缩式推进器。主甲板 以下设置了四个舱可运输低闪点在 43℃以 下的货液。

基甲板敷料,隔音降噪防火岩棉,主要用 于各个舱室的噪音舒适度控制和防火。


New Horizon Issue 14 — Marine

上海外高桥造船有限公司(简称“外 高桥造船”)成立于 1999 年,是中国船舶 工业集团公司旗下的上市公司—中国船 舶工业股份有限公司的全资子公司。 自 2005 起,公司造船总量和经济效益 连续八年稳居国内造船企业首位。2011 年, 公司完工交船 36 艘,成为中国第一家年造 船完工总量突破 800 万载重吨大关的船厂, 被誉为“中国第一船厂”,年产值逾 200 亿。

The products are to be used on 2+2 offshore platform supply vessels. The ships are owned by Pacific Radiance Group and are basically designed by the wellknown Norway ship design company Ulstein. The production design has been finished by Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding and Offshore Co., Ltd. The ships will be verified and classified by the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) and manufactured by Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., the largest shipbuilding company in China and the third largest in the world. The delivery dates of the first two vessels are expected to be in March and August in 2015. Sika products for damping and cement-based deck filling as well as insulation rock wools will be used in the vessels to create comfortable and safe cabins.

The ships are able to fulfil general demands of the offshore Industry worldwide for transpor tation of cement, liquids mud, base oil, brine, fuel oil, fresh water, recovered oil, low flashpoint liquids and dry bulk cargo. The ship is built for international trade, except for service in the Arctic or Antarctic climatic zones, US inland waters and similar areas with special restrictions and requirements. Bridge consoles are arranged according to NAUT-OSV(A) requirements. The vessels will be equipped with a DP2 system. The vessels are to be propelled by two diesel electric driven azimuth thrusters. Power supply is by four resilient mounted diesel generator sets. One tunnel thruster and one retractable azimuth thruster on FWD shall be of

the electrically driven controllable pitch type. Four tanks to be arranged below main deck will be able to carry liquids with flash points below 43°C. F ounded in 19 9 9, S W S is a w holl y owned subsidiary of China CSSC Holding Ltd., a publicly listed company controlled by China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC). Since 2005, SWS has been ranked at the top for consecutive years for both production and efficiency in China’s shipbuilding industry. In 2011, SWS became the first shipyard in China with an annual delivery of over 8 million DWT (36 vessels in total), and hence known as the “Number One Shipbuilding Company in China”. Its annual production value is over RMB 20 billion.

New Horizon Issue 14 — Marine



台湾幕墙市场 Sika FFI IN Taiwan 在台湾,很难见到如北京上海一样成片的摩天大厦,可是台湾玻璃幕墙的产 值却达到千亿台币。这个成绩不是来自数量而是质量。在市场竞争日益残酷 的今天,台湾玻璃幕墙的造价依旧可以是大陆的 3-4 倍。

The output value of Taiwan’s facades can reach tens of billions of NTD, about 1/10 of the market value in Mainland China, while the number of skyscrapers in Taiwan is far smaller than those in Beijing or Shanghai. Indeed, the achievement does not come from quantity but quality. Despite the increasingly fierce competition in the market, the budget for a glass curtain wall in Taiwan is still three to four times higher than that on the mainland. How do they achieve that? 文:李健



New Horizon Issue 14 — Sealing and Bonding


台北市玻璃商业同业公会(等同大陆 的行业协会)为了庆祝六十周年的到来, 举办了一系列庆祝活动。在西卡门窗幕墙 系统部门(FFI)台湾代理商崇越电通股份 公司的协助下,西卡受邀作为第二场研讨 会的主讲,向台湾玻璃公会 150 名会员代 表介绍西卡高模量硅酮结构胶在中空玻璃 二道密封中的应用。

是老板、设计经理还是项目经理,新产品、 新技术永远是最被关注的话题,保证项目 质量,对业主负责是他们内心衡量成功的 最高标准,作为仅为这个行业贡献 3% 产 值的硅酮密封胶供应商,我们不禁为这份 尊重而自豪,为这份坚持而感动。

终于到了 2013 年 12 月 25 日的下午, 台湾大学集思会议中心国际会议厅早早聚 自从准备在 2014 年接手台湾 FFI 的业 满了来自台湾各地的玻璃界同行,西卡 FFI 务,我们一直想了解:在台湾,即使在台北, 产品经理司林刚关于高模量硅酮结构胶在 台中和高雄等几个大城市,也很难见到如 中空玻璃二道密封上的应用的报告得到热 北京 CBD,上海浦东一样成片的摩天大厦, 烈的反馈。代表硅酮结构胶最高技术水平 可是台湾玻璃幕墙的产值却达到千亿台币, 的 Sikasil® IG-25 HM+ 首先在欧洲被推广, 是大陆市场的十分之一,当然这个成绩不 我们的中国客户上海耀皮工程玻璃有限公 是来自数量,而是质量,在市场竞争日益 司(SyP)于 2007 年最先使用在欧洲第一 残酷的今天,台湾玻璃幕墙的造价依旧可 高楼 —俄联邦大厦项目上,其后深圳南 以是大陆的 3-4 倍,是什么样的力量和坚 玻、深圳信义、北京北玻等都陆续在其境 持保证了他们今天的业绩? 外项目中使用 IG-25HM+ 这款产品。最令 我们骄傲的是,在无锡尚德研发中心、北 研讨会之前尚有两天的时间,在崇越 京燕翔饭店项目上,业主通过对 Sikasil® 公司的陪同下,我们马不停蹄地走访了两 IG-25 HM+ 的认可,继而选择了全系列的 家幕墙顾问公司,三家幕墙工程公司,萦 西卡硅酮密封胶产品,成为“高技术带来 绕在脑际的问题终于有了初步的答案。台 高回报”的完美典范。 湾虽然不像大陆市场有众多的海外投资公 在我写这篇文章的同时,装有 Sikasil® 司,国际幕墙顾问公司,几乎都是本地投 资,本土从业人士,不过我们我见的无论 IG-25 HM+ 的货柜正飘洋过海,从意大利

米兰驶往台湾基隆港,祝福 Sikasil® IG-25 HM+ 在台湾有最佳表现。 结束了台北的客户拜访和研讨会,我 们轻松启程,这次是去拜访位于彰化的台 湾玻璃加工厂,告别几日来细雨霏霏的台 北,彰化艳阳蓝天带来的冲击力远远不及 工厂里亲人般熟悉的西卡黄色 Sikasil® IG25 HM+ 胶桶。十年间,通过我们代理商 崇越公司的不断努力,西卡 Sikasil® IG-25 HM+ 在台湾玻璃的供货量超过 90%,而台 湾玻璃又提供了台湾市场 90% 的中空玻璃, 所以说 Sikasil® IG-25 HM+ 是西卡在台湾的 明星产品,在同类产品中的市场占有率超 过 80%。 就要离开台湾,从台中搭高铁到桃园 机场。此时的台湾,在我的印象中已不再 单单是美丽的湖光山色,琳琅的夜市小吃, 谦逊礼让的人民和安静闲逸的生活,此行 中遇到的那么多朴实坚守的专业人员而令 我对台湾的印象变得厚重而丰满。 同时也有沉重,毕竟西卡硅酮胶在台 湾的总体市场占有率还不足 15%,立足于 稳定的产品,高新的技术和全面的幕墙系 统解决方案,西卡的明天必须更美好!

New Horizon Issue 14 — Sealing and Bonding


对业主负责是他们内心衡量成功的最 高标准。 Project quality was the highest standard for them to evaluate success. >

Taipei Glass Commerce Association organized a series of celebration activities for its 60th anniversary. With the help of Topco Technologies Corp, Sika FFI agent in Taiwan, Sika was invited to deliver a presentation on “The application of Sika’s high modulus silicone structural sealants in the second sealing of hollow glass” to 150 members of the association.

ager, or project manager, was about new products and new technology. Project quality was the most important standard for them to evaluate success. As a supplier of silicon sealant, which only contributes 3% of the output value in this sector, we admired their respect to the industry and were moved by their insistence on quality.

Since we prepared to take over the Taiwan FFI business in 2014, we had always wondered why the output value of Taiwan’s facades can reach tens of billions of NTD, about 1/10 of the market value in Mainland China, while the number of skyscrapers in Taiwan is far smaller than those in Beijing or Shanghai. Indeed, the achievement does not come from quantity but quality. Despite the increasingly fierce competition in the market, the budget for a glass curtain wall in Taiwan is still three to four times higher than that on the mainland. How do they achieve that?

On the day of the seminar, in front of the industrial experts in Taiwan, Si Lingang, Sika FFI Product Manager, made a wonderful presentation about Sika’s high modulus silicone structural sealants in the second sealing of hollow glass. Sikasil® IG-25 HM+, which represents the highest technology in silicon sealants, was first introduced in Europe. Shanghai Yaopi Engineering Glass Co., Ltd was the first Chinese company to apply this product in the Russian Federation Building, the highest building in Europe, in 2007. Following this, it was used by Shenzhen South Glass, Shenzhen Xinyi, and Beijing North Glass in their overseas projects. What we were most proud of was that in the projects of Suntech R&D Center and Beijing Yanxiang Hotel, the owners decided to use the full range of Sika silicon sealant products, as they were very satisfied with Sikasil® IG-25 HM+. This was a perfect example of the high rewards created by high tech.

After we had visited two curtain wall consultancy companies and three engineering companies in the two days before the seminar, we had some clues to find the answer to the questions in our minds. Instead of foreign investment companies or consultancy companies, most of the companies in Taiwan have been established locally by local professionals. What we heard from most of them, whether the boss, design man-


New Horizon Issue 14 — Sealing and Bonding

As I write this article, containers loaded with Sikasil® IG-25 HM+ ar e being

shipped from Milan, Italy to the Port of Keelung, Taiwan. Let’s wish IG-25HM+ a wonderful performance in Taiwan. After the client visit and seminar in Taipei, we set out to visit the processing factory of Taiwan Glass in Changhua. Bidding farewell to drizzling Taipei, we arrived in to sunlit Changhua. However, the clear weather was not as adorable as the yellow IG-25 sealant buckets in the factory. In ten years, with the consistent effort of our agent Topco, the supply of Sikasil® IG-25 HM+ has exceeded 90%, while Taiwan Glass provides 90% of the hollow glass in the Taiwanese market. So we can say that Sikasil IG 25 is a star product in Taiwan with a market share of over 80% among its counterparts. When we were about to take the highspeed rail from Taichung to Taoyuan Airport and leave, we realized that Taiwan was not just a place with beautiful scenery, delicious snacks in the night markets, humble and polite people, and a peaceful life. It became more significant to us for its modest and insistent professionals. At the same time, we also felt heavy in our hearts because the overall market share of Sika’s silicon sealants was less than 15%. But we believed that with stable products, new technology and sound curtain wall system solutions, Sika’s future will be brighter tomorrow.


China Steel Corporation Headquarters kaohsiung in Taiwan applied with Sika sealant products

New Horizon Issue 14 — NEW HORIZON



西卡中国荣获 2013 年度 “国家科学技术进步奖” High-value Technology and Science Award for Sika in China 2014 年 1 月 18 日,国家主席习近平、总理李克强等国家领导人在人民大会堂 为获奖的项目颁奖。

In January, 2014, Jinping Xi, the President of P. R. China, Keqiang Li, the Prime Minister and so on, met the delegates and winners and granted them the certificates. 文:曲军


中国已成为全球汽车制造和水泥生产 的大国,2013 年中国的汽车产量超过两千 两百万辆,水泥产量达到 22 亿吨。因此, 对于西卡而言,中国是一个快速发展的重 要市场。几年前,Sika Technology AG、西 卡(中国)有限公司以及西卡汽车事业部 中国区开始与中国一些优秀的大学及研究 机构合作进行科学和技术研究。科研合作 的目的并不只是为了研究西卡混凝土外加 剂是否适应当地的建筑材料,或者西卡密 封胶和胶粘剂与汽车材料的相容性,同时 也研究中国的技术发展状况,为西卡在中 国的业务提供支持。 西卡与东南大学就“西卡减水剂对混 凝土体积稳定性的影响规律和机理”以及 “西卡减水剂对混凝土耐久性能的影响研 究”两个项目展开合作,研究取得了喜人 的成果,获得了学术赞誉,并在多个工程 项目中得到应用。双方的合作研究项目“混 凝 土 裂 缝 龄 期 防 治 新 技 术 与 应 用” 获 得 2012 年中国教育部科学技术进步奖一等奖 后,该项目于 2013 年又荣获由中华人民共


New Horizon Issue 14 — High-value Award

和国国务院颁发的“国家科学技术进步奖” 二等奖(全国仅 188 项研究项目获此殊荣)。 2014 年一月,中国国家主席习近平、总理 李克强以及其他领导在人民大会堂为获奖 的项目颁奖。

2014 年 3 月 21 日,在西卡中国二十周 年的庆典上,在瑞士瑞士上海领事馆官员、 苏州工业园区领导、客户、员工以及西卡 集团管理层如西卡全球首席执行官颜凌宇 先生、西卡亚太总裁季瀚思先生的见证下, 西卡中国的总裁穆善和先生正式领取了这 一珍贵的奖项。“国家科学技术进步奖” 在中国是级别非常高并极具价值的奖项, 对于西卡在中国的发展有着重要的意义, 展示了西卡在混凝土及混凝土外加剂领域 的技术领先性,并有利于业务的开展,同 时提升了西卡的品牌形象。


Morten Muschak, President of Sika (China) Ltd., was officially granted the high-value certificate by Professor Qian from Southeast university.

China becomes a world’s leading car and cement manufacturer with the production of over 22 million vehicles and 2.2 billion tons of cement in 2013 and is therefore an important and rapidly developing market for our company Sika. Several years ago, Sika Technology AG, Sika (China) Ltd. and Sika Automotive (China) began to establish scientific and technical cooperation with some local elite universities and institutes. It aims not only to investigate the compatibility of Sika’s concrete admixtures and automobile adhesives & sealants with local construction materials and automobile substrates, but also to study the current state of technical development in China. In addition, it may also support our business in China. During the previous scientific & technical cooperation with Southeast University, two projects “Investigation into

Influential Regularities and Mechanisms of Sika Water Reducing Agent on Concrete Volume Change” and “Investigation into Influential Regularities and Mechanisms of Sika Water Reducing Agent on Concrete Durability” were carried out. This cooperation is very successful in several business projects and has an academic aspect as well. After obtaining the first Award for Scientific & Technical Progress at the Ministry of Education China in 2012, Sika and Southeast University jointly applied for the award with the project “New Materials and New Technology Preventing Concrete Cracks at Different Ages and Its Application” and successfully won the second Grade Award for the State Scientific & Technical Progress in 2013, one of the 188 awards in China. In January, 2014, the president of P. R. China, Jinping Xi, the Prime Minister, Keqiang Li, and so on, met the delegates and

winners and granted them the certificates during the ceremony at the National People’s Congress Hall in Beijing. On the 20th Anniversary Sika (China) Ltd. on March 21st , 2014, Morten Muschak, President of Sika (China) Ltd., was officially granted the high-value certificate in the presence of Swiss diplomats, local governmental officials, customers, employees and the members of Sika Group Management like Jan Jenisch, CEO of Sika AG, and Heinz Gisel, President of Sika Asia Pacific. Such an award is wellknown in China and of vital importance for Sika in China. It’ll not only demonstrate the technology leadership of Sika in concrete and concrete admixtures, but also help Sika to do good business and to raise Sika’s brand image and brand name in China.

New Horizon Issue 14 — High-value Award


可持续发展 Sustainability


Sika improves indoor air quality

如今,大多数人 80% 左右的时间是在室内度过,因此无溶剂、无污染的建筑 材料必不可少。在这方面,西卡走在了时代的前列。

In a world where most people spend around 80% of their time in enclosed spaces, there is a need for solvent-free and pollutant-free building materials; and this is where Sika is ahead of its time.


在可持续发展受到公众关注之前,西 卡就已经开始致力于减少有害排放。30 年 前,西卡是首批在市面上销售无溶剂密封 剂和胶粘剂的企业之一。在行业和政府规 定成为强制性要求之前,西卡的研发部门 就已经保证产品符合相关规定,最新推出 的 i-Cure® 技术恰好说明了这一点。 西卡创新典范

i-Cure® 代表“智能固化”,是聚氨酯 胶单组份交联专利技术。运用 i-Cure® 技术 的西卡产品排放量极低,对人与环境都非 常安全,并且经久耐用。通过特别配制, i-Cure® 技术可以实现更广泛的应用,包括 应用到洁净室。

i-cure®—胶粘剂和密封胶的技术标杆 i-Cure® 技术对可持续与节能的施工方 法做出了决定性的贡献。因为这些方法不 仅对设计与建筑材料提出了新要求,并对 胶粘剂和密封胶也做出规定:胶的强度、 弹性、胶粘力及抗性必须满足建筑整个使 用寿命周期的需求。在正确应用的同时,


New Horizon Issue 14 — Air Quality

还需要胶粘剂和密封胶能够有效地粘接和 密封不同材料。这些仅仅是 i-Cure® 技术的 “实用”特性。此技术在维护生态和健康 方面表现出来的各种优势才是其核心特性。 西卡致力于提高室内控制质量 节约能源要求建筑尽可能地密封。在 人们长期生活和工作的室内空间营造良好 的环境,则要求建筑材料在处理和长期使 用的过程中不得释放出危害健康的物质。 这就是为什么在西卡排放检测中心我们根 据各项标准对产品与系统进行反复测试的 原因。例如,采用多种方法检测产品与系 统中挥发性有机物质(vOC)的含量。一种 方法是将建筑材料样品暴露在测试箱的空 气中,然后收集释放在空气中的复合物并 进行分析。在西卡,我们展开长期测试以 确保产品符合当前及未来的规定。在研发 最新的无溶剂胶粘剂和密封胶时,我们采 用特别的测试箱来对小样品进行检测。 首个不含 voc 的直接上釉系统 西卡专为汽车制造领域研发出首个不

含 vOC 的直接上釉系统。这个系统的最新 成果是水基催化剂 Sika® HydroPrep® 100, 它能够提高玻璃和陶瓷的粘着力,轻松达 到甚至超过含溶剂产品的胶粘效果。由于 不含异味和溶剂,所以在应用过程中,工 作人员无需进行呼吸保护或者配备复杂的 通风系统。 研发掠影 西卡排放检测中心开展的各项检测是 生产可持续产品的重要环节。其实西卡的 可持续发展战略很早就已付诸实施,且影 响深远:西卡根据生态标准选择产品原料, 采用环保型技术,从产品和系统的整个循 环周期角度进行研发。


living and working without harmful solvents 使用不含有害溶剂与 vOC 的密封剂和粘合剂可以改善居家和办公室空气 质量。同时让从事这类产品生产的工作人员无需使用呼吸保护或复杂的 通风系统。

Living and working without harmful solvents vOC -free sealants and adhesives improve the air quality in houses and offices. They make life easier for people working in production because there is no need for breathing protection or complex air extraction systems.

New Horizon Issue 14 — Air Quality



Sika was endeavoring to reduce harmful emissions well before sustainability became a public issue. 30 years ago, Sika was one of the first companies to launch solvent-free sealants and adhesives onto the market. Its research and development department always ensured that Sika products and systems met industry and government regulations before they became mandatory requirements. The most recent example is iCure® technology. A prime example of Sika innovation i-Cure® stands for “intelligent curing”; it is a patented single pack crosslinking t e c hn o l o g y f o r p o l y ur e t han e based adhesives and sealants. Sika products that use i-Cure® technology are particularly low in emissions. They are sustainable as regards both people and the environment, safe to use and particularly durable. They can be specifically formulated for a huge range of applications.i-Cure®-based products are unreservedly suitable for use anywhere, even in clean rooms. i-Cure® – the technology yardstick for adhesives and sealants i-Cure® technology is making a decisive contribution to sustainable and energyefficient construction methods because these methods not only place new demands on design and building materials but on bonding and joint sealants in particular. Their strength, elasticity, adhesion and resistance must be capable of matching the entire life cycle of a building. In addition to correct application, this requires adhesives and sealants that are capable of bonding and sealing different materials most effectively. These are, however, only the “practical” benefits of i-Cure® technology. The decisive aspects are its ecological and health-related credentials which are exemplary in every way. Sika for good indoor air quality Energy ef ficiency demands as tight building envelopes as possible. Achieving a pleasant micro-climate indoors,


New Horizon Issue 14 — Air Quality

where people spend most of their time, requires construction materials that do not release substances that are hazardous to health either during processing or in long-term use. This is why Sika products and systems are tested in the Sika Emission Competence Center in accordance with a variety of standards and guidelines. For their volatile organic compound (VOC) content, for example. Different methods exist for doing this. One involves exposing samples of materials to the air in a test chamber, then collecting and analyzing the compounds that have been released. Long-term investigations are carried out in test chambers to verify conformity with current and future guidelines. Special test chambers for small samples are used specifically for developing new solventfree sealants and adhesives. The first VOC -free direct glazing system Sika is particularly proud of its first VOC-free direct glazing system for the automotive manufacturing sector. The system’s latest highlight is Sika® HydroPrep® 100, a water-based activator for promoting adhesion to glass and ceramics, which easily achieves or beats the performance of products containing solvents. Since it is odorless and solvent free, there is no need for breathing protection or complex air extraction systems in production buildings. Research at a glance The tests conducted in the Sika Emission Competence Center are important steps on the way to sustainable products. But Sika’s sustainability strategy starts much earlier and reaches much further: Sika chooses raw materials according to ecological criteria, employs environmentally friendly technologies and develops products and systems with a view to their life cycle as a whole.

Dr. jÖrg vogelsaNg 西卡全球分析服务负责人 西卡位于瑞士总部的检测中心根据最新的标准和程序对西卡产品与系统进行排放检测。

Head Corporate Analytic Service, Sika Technology AG The Sika Test Center in Switzerland tests the emission levels of Sika products and systems in accordance with the latest directives and procedures.

New Horizon Issue 14 — Air Quality



西卡技术日 Sika Technology Day for aUTOMOTIVE MANUFACTURERS 文:张保觉

TEXT: Jimmy Zhang



New Horizon Issue 14 — Technology Day


为进一步强化西卡与大众公司在中国设立的合资企业的合作, 日前“西卡技术日”在一汽大众和上汽大众成功举行。同时,西 卡技术团队前往位于柳州市的上汽通用五菱公司开展技术交流, 上汽通用五菱是中国最大的微型汽车制造商。

In order to strengthen the cooperation between Sika and the VW JVs here in China, a “Sika Technology Day” was successfully held at FAW-VW and SAIC-VW in February. The team also traveled to the south of China to present to SGMW in Liuzhou, China’s largest single passenger vehicle producer.

这是西卡汽车事业部的中国团队首次在客户场地举办如此大 规模的培训与交流会议。这汇集了西卡全球团队的共同努力。为 确保此次技术日的成功举办,西卡欧洲总部的多名技术专家特意 位临中国指导并为活动提供了强大的技术支持。我们很荣幸有如 此强大的支持团队出席此次活动。

It was the first time for the Automotive China Team to hold such a major training and communication event at the customer’s site. It was truly a global team effort. In support of this event, Frieder Reimann, Dobrivoje Jovanovic, Pascal Obringer, Nicolas Morel, Holger Becker, and Jun Que travelled 活动中,在简单介绍西卡集团以及西卡中国汽车事业部之后, to China from Europe. It was our honor to have such a strong 西卡技术团队深度剖析了西卡与客户之间的关系及每个汽车目标 team in attendance. Following an overview of Sika Group and 市场的现有技术。并在随后举行的样品展示及研讨会中与客户进行 Automotive, team members presented in-depth views of 了深入技术交流。研讨会中,曲军博士详细展示了西卡的研发能力, the Sika-customer relationships and each automotive target 借此强调创新是西卡对客户不变的承诺。此次技术日的参与人员 market technology. Sample presentations along with work主要来自汽车生产商的工程师、部门经理及西卡的当地经销商。 shop demonstrations then followed and provided opportunity for discussion with the customer. Dr. Jun Que emphasized our 本次技术日活动让参与者更好地了解到西卡目前针对汽车市 commitment to innovation by providing an in-depth look at 场在用的先进技术与产品。同时面对面的交流让我们更好的了解 Sika’s R&D capabilities. The customer attendees were key 客户需求,从而为客户提供最佳解决方案。 engineering contacts and department managers from the customer and local distributors. 值此机会,西卡中国汽车事业部谨向为此次活动投入时间的 欧洲汽车事业部的同事及专家们表示最诚挚的感谢!活动的成功 举办离不开您们的支持!我们也期待在西卡团队的不懈努力下获 得客户更大市场占有率。


SikaPower® Application

This event enabled all the participants get to know more about Sika’s advanced technology and products in the current market. Face-to-face communication provided the opportunity for everyone to gain a clearer understanding of how best we can further work with each customer.


SikaBaffle® Application

New Horizon Issue 14 — Technology Day


西卡防护涂料水务处 理解决方案研讨会 Sika Water Treatment Protective Coating Solutions Technical Seminar 文:孙令



New Horizon Issue 14 — Protective Coating


2014 年 2 月 19 日至 2 月 21 日,西卡中国地坪与涂料部门在 上海工厂成功组织了三场针对不同客户的 “西卡防护涂料水务处 理解决方案”研讨会。 本次研讨会得到了上海市排水行业协会,上海市政工程设计 研究总院(集团)有限公司,上海市供水行业协会以及上海市水 利工程协会的大力支持和协助,累计接待上海水务行业的业主、 设计师、施工人员共计 80 余人。 西卡中国地坪与涂料部门全国销售总监张烨炯、技术服务总 监季龚率销售和技术团队全程热情接待了参会代表。西卡业务发展 经理雪山佳穗重点针对污水、净水及水利等领域,结合大量国外重 大工程案例,对西卡防护涂料在水务处理的应用进行了系统的介 绍。会场展示的内衬蓝色涂料的特殊鱼缸让来宾们感触到西卡水 务防护涂料的安全和无毒性能!在实验操作环节,技术主管张洪 国在现场演示了快干型 Sika® Lastic-871 热喷涂聚脲涂料以及高抗 化学性 Sikagard®-62 环氧涂料、海工专用 Sika® epiter TF-130 等 防护产品,使参会代表对西卡产品在实际工程中的应用上有了更 深刻的理解。 通过这次面对面的沟通交流,我们进一步了解到水务系统上 防护涂料的巨大需求和目前涂装方案的现状,为进一步进入上海 市场打下良好的基础。参会代表们表示,西卡净水 / 抗化学涂装解 决方案技术先进,内容充实,为他们在以后工作中提供了更多的 解决方案。

From Feb 19th to 21st, 2014, Sika successfully organized in Sika’s Shanghai factory three technical seminars tailored to different types of clients about Sika Water Treatment Protective Coating Solutions. With strong support from the Shanghai Water Reclamation Trade Association, Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Institute (Group) Co., Ltd., Shanghai Water Supply Trade Association and Shanghai Water Engineering Association, more than 80 experts, including owners, designers and contractors in the water treatment field, were invited to experience Sika’s Protective Coating Solutions. Sika’s sales and technical service team, led by Mr. Leo Zhang, Head of TM Flooring & Coating, and Mr. John Ji, Head of Technical Service Flooring & Coating, warmly received all the participants. Ms. Kaho Yukiyama, Business Development Manager, presented Sika’s Protective Coating products and technology aimed at sewage/ potable water and water engineering infrastructure. The fish tank protected on-site by Sika Coating further impressed all customers with the safety and non-toxicity of Sika Protective Coatings. During the application, Mr. Henry Zhang, Technical Service Supervisor, demonstrated the fast-dry type Sikalastic®-871, chemicalresistant Sikagard®-62 and, for hydraulic uses, Sika® Epiter TF-130, which enhanced the understanding of all participants. Through these face-to-face communications, Sika has discovered more marketing information, such as the huge coating demands and current protective solutions in the water treatment field, and laid a good foundation for entering into the Shanghai market. The participants got to know about advanced Sika protective coating solutions that could be very helpful to them in coming projects.

Sikalastic® - 871 用于南水北调穿黄工程的输水管内防护 Sikalastic® - 871 used for inner protection of water pipes in the Southto-North Water Diversion Project

New Horizon Issue 14 — Protective Coating


SikaHyflex® 系列产品用于预制混凝土构件的接缝密封 SikaHyflex® series products are used for the joint sealing of precast concrete structures.

西卡亮相合肥混凝土 预制件技术大会 Sika Presentation at Precast Concrete Technology Conference 文:高嵩 TEXT: TONY GAO


New Horizon Issue 14 — Precast Concrete


3 月 20 日 -21 日,由住建部科技与产业化中心主办的全国建 筑工业化生产方式—装配式混凝土结构建筑(PC)生产与施工 技术现场交流大会在合肥举行。自 2010 年开始,住房和城乡建设

From March 20th to 21st, a meeting on Prefabricated Concrete Structure Production and Construction was held in Hefei. This meeting was organized by the Technology and Industrializa部科技与产业化发展中心每年都举办一届有关建筑工业化技术交 tion Center under the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural 流会,已连续召开五届。原计划 500 人的生产施工技术交流大会, Development. Since 2010 the Center has organized a meeting 现场引来各地政府代表、建筑企业等 1100 余人参加,此次合肥盛会, every year on industrialization technology for construction. This year, it was planned to have 500 participants, but even也成为迄今为止中国建筑工业化领域规模最大的一次盛会。 tually about 1100 people attended. It has become the largest针对专题《预制构件配套附件和施工相关材料、技术》,主 scale meeting in this field. 讲嘉宾西卡公司密封与粘接全国销售经理朱宏先生系统地向与会 者介绍了西卡公司历史及 PC 中使用的产品,针对 PC 结构中的接 缝设计要求也进行了相关讲解。西卡在本次会议中的亮相对公司 在 PC 项目的产品推广中起到了非常积极的推动作用。 此次大会集中介绍了装配式混凝土结构的适用环境、安装体 系、结构设计、配套材料等技术方面的问题和解决方法。西卡作 为 PC 结构配套材料提供商,也系统阐述了产品在 PC 结构中的作 用及使用方法。现场人员针对西卡产品的交流咨询也非常积极。 住房和城乡建设部科技与产业化发展中心副主任文林峰连连 感慨:“与去年大会相比,本次会议参会企业数量翻了一倍、人 员翻了一倍、人员更加广泛,过去重点集中在 20 多个城市,现在 基本覆盖全国,范围非常广;产业链也更全,原来只是主管部门、 规划设计单位关注,现在施工生产咨询机构都在关注。”


zhu Hong, Sales Manager of Sealing and Bonding, delivered a speech.

On the topic of Materials and Technology for Precast Components and Construction, Zhu Hong from Sika gave a systematic introduction to Sika and its products used in PC, with special attention to joint design in PC structures. The meeting this year focused on problems and solutions in application conditions, installation systems, structural design and supporting materials for prefabricated concrete structures. As a supplier of PC structure supporting materials, Sika presented its products in this field, attracting much attention from the attendees. Wen Linfeng, Deputy Director of the Technology and Industrialization Development Center, said, “Compared to last year, the number of companies and people has doubled and the participants have come from all around China rather than only 20 cities, as they did before. This meeting is getting more and more attention. In the past, only the related government departments and design companies attended but now it attracts construction, production and consultancy companies as well.”


visit to the precast factory in Hefei.

New Horizon Issue 14 — Precast Concrete


谁去动医院地坪市场 的那一块奶酪? Flooring Systems for Hospitals 西卡弹性舒适地坪和墙面系统参展“2014 亚洲医院建设新格局高峰论坛中国站”

Sika presented its elastic comfort floor and wall system in 2014 Asia Hospital Construction Summit. 文 / 图:邹珍翠

TEXT / PHOTO: Cathy Zou >

随着国内经济发展 , 地坪行业也面临 转型阶段 , 西卡弹性舒适地坪一直在包括医 疗、教育、商业等在内的目标市场领域积 极地“抛头露面”,深入寻找发展机会。 我们不仅通过传统的行业展会和技术研讨 会等“普遍撒网”的形式进行推广吸引客户, 而且也通过参加专业峰会这种“重点捕捞” 的方式集中探寻客户真实需求和贴近目标 群体。 基 于 此, 我 们 参 加 了 于 2014 年 3 月 28 日至 29 日在北京建筑大学召开的“2014 亚洲医院建设新格局高峰论坛 - 中国站”。

型,方便客户直接触摸感受与 PvC 地坪截 然不同的材质特点。在两天的峰会过程中, 西卡招牌式黄色展位吸引了不少参会嘉宾 前来咨询了解。除了在会场背景墙上体现 西卡公司标志,在会议资料中也加入了与 现场展位一样的广告页以引导客户前往展 位交流,并激活加深客户对公司品牌形象 的认知。另外还在资料袋中放置医院专用 宣传册以便客户日后查询备用。

在西卡北京团队的大力支持下,我们 成功地参加了此次医院建设高峰论坛并颇 有收获。首先,通过与医院业主和设计单 出席此次论坛峰会的不仅有众多来自包括 位直接沟通,获取了国内外医院建设的最 公 立 和 三 资 等 在 内 的 医 院 正 副 院 长 和 基 新资讯和发展趋势。接触到了一批包括院 建处处长,而且有不少国内外专业医院规 长和基建处处长等决策者在内的用户,并 划设计机构。经过综合考虑后,西卡以小 直接与其负责的医院建设项目对接,从而 型展位形式参与,借助这个平台展示西卡 为进入医院行业探好路、敲开门。其次, 弹性舒适地坪和墙面整体系统,突出体现 进一步了解了公立医院建设流程以及外来 其“无缝一体、持久耐用、整体系统、舒 资本投资医院的趋势,为公司调整及确立 适人性化”等优势特点,把它与目前医院 细分市场提供了更准确客观的依据。公立 所 采 用 的 传 统 PvC 地 坪 系 统 区 别 开 来, 医院在建设方面受制于行政管理制约,呈 并以卫生墙面涂料构成西卡从天花—墙 现出“心有余而力不足”的无奈状态。但 面—地坪的“六面空间”的系统解决方案, 外资和专业化医院对于新材料的接受意愿 和决策自主性更强,对于品牌品质的认可 独树一帜以吸引参会人员的眼球。 度更高。因此,这可能是我们切入医院行 为了让客户全面真实地了解西卡系统, 业的一个合乎实际的着眼点。最后,我们 我们在会议现场内树立了拉网展架吸引客 认识了一些医院专业设计院如 HDR 和北京 户前来驻足观看 , 并在展位内放置了节点模 建筑大学设计院以及医院关联产品供应商,


New Horizon Issue 14 — Flooring for Hospitals

为进入该行业提供了另一条间接渠道,以 达到协同作战、取道上山的目的。 西卡弹性舒适地坪和整体墙面系统参 加这次高端的医院建设峰会,也算是“小 荷才露尖尖角”。它让我们意识到:面对 该领域传统的主流 PvC 地坪系统,我们应 该如何满足客户的个性化需求,如何进入 政府部门主管的公立医院,如何抓住日益 繁荣的外来资本投资医院的机会以及如何 与国内外医院设计单位进行交流合作等, 这些都是给予我们的挑战和机遇。 参加行业专业峰会论坛是一种新方式, 也是一个新开始。如同医生只有在正确诊 断、对症下药的前提下才能达到治病救人 的目的,我们也要及时把握住市场脉搏, 紧跟其发展节奏,才能更有效地拓展市场, 实现预定的目标。

With economic development in China, it’s also entering into the changing stage in terms of products line and marketing strategy in flooring sector. Sika Comfort Floor shows up frequently in its target markets including medical, education, and commercial fields for more opportunities. We carry it out in two ways. One is to attend traditional expos and seminars for a wide broadcasting. The other way is to target the special summits for a closer communication and better understanding what the market needs.

used in hospitals. The integrated coating solution for ceiling, wall and flooring impressed the visitors.

The 2014 Asia Hospital Construction Summit held in Beijing University of Civil Engineering Architecture was a good chance to promote Sika flooring systems for hospitals. The attendees of this summit were heads and directors from the public, private and joint venture hospitals, and experts from the local and foreign hospital design companies. Sika attended this summit with a booth to display its elastic comfort floor and wall system. We aimed to highlight its advantages of being seamless, durable, holistic, comfortable and human-oriented to differentiate it from the PVC flooring system currently

With the joint efforts and strong support from local office, it’s rewarding for us to take part in this summit. By attending this summit, we made direct communication with hospital owners and design institutions and learned the latest information and tendency concerning hospital construction. Through the contact with the decision-makers of hospitals, we can get to know the specific hospital projects under construction. Moreover, we had a further understanding in the public hospital construction procedures and foreign investment in hospitals, which provided information for adjusting and establish-

We set up posters and models of details so that people could touch and feel the material on site. To make good use of the summit, we did all-way promotion by displaying Sika logo on the summit background board, putting advertisement flyers in the summit documents, adding brochures special for hospital flooring in the take-away materials.

ing classified markets. Compared to public hospitals, foreign and specialized hospitals were more independent in decision making and had stronger wills to use new materials and systems and were more concerned about brands and quality. The hospital design institutions, such as HDR, Design Institute of Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, suppliers to hospitals that we met in the summit would be great partners for Sika flooring entering the hospital markets. Sika elastic comfort floor and wall system made its debut in high-end hospital construction summits. We should be prepared to meet the challenges in the market ,like how to compete over the conventional PVC flooring, meet the clients’ special requirements, go into the public hospitals, seize the opportunities of foreign-invested hospitals, cooperate with design institutes. Like doctors should make correct diagnosis in order to save a patient, we should have a correct understanding of the market to seize the opportunities.

New Horizon Issue 14 — Flooring for Hospitals





作为中国汽保行业的晴雨表和连接 国 际 汽 保 同 行 最 直 接 有 效 的 贸 易 平 台, AMR2014 国际汽保展邀国际国内千余家展 商齐聚北京。西卡公司汽车售后业务部门携 全球知名的风挡玻璃胶产品,车身修复胶产 品以及底盘防护产品等各类密封粘接产品亮 相 2014 国际汽保展。这是既 2013 年 12 月 法兰克福汽配展后,西卡汽车售后业务的又 一次全系列产品集体亮相展出。 “ 创 新” 是 企 业 发 展 的 源 动 力, 亦 是行业发展的重要标志。在本届展会上, 西 卡 Sikaflex® Auto Tape 产 品 被 评 选 为 “AMR2014 特别推荐产品”。评选活动由 十多位业内专家严格评审选出。西卡作为 入选企业,其产品也出现在展会的“推荐 产品专区”,方便观众以更加快速便捷地 找到最新、最热的汽保产品,了解行业发 展的最新动向。 本次展会西卡引入一种全新应用的保 险杠修复胶,用它修复保险杠比更换更经 济,也比目前国内在使用的热焊修复方式 更方便、更节能,所有修复仅依靠一种双 组分胶粘剂和两片定型膜来完成。在展会 期间,很多客户对此新应用都产生了浓厚 的兴趣,目前我们还需进一步的了解该应


New Horizon Issue 14 — Auto Maintenance and Repair

用在国内的可操作性,以及最终用户的接 受程度,如果该应用被广泛认可和接受, 那么在不远的将来,西卡将会把这种新产 品引入国内市场。 据悉,本届展会专业观众将达 6 万人 次,西卡展台在本届汽保展接待了来自全 国各地的客户,甚至包括广西、新疆等地 区的客户。包括经销商、维修厂、改装店、 4S 店集团、工具商等等,有些是为了寻求 新的业务机会,有些是为了寻求更好的替 代产品,还有些是为了了解行业的发展趋 势,无论这些客户的需求是什么,他们大 多都对西卡的产品充满了兴趣,并对西卡 的专业性表示了赞赏。 作为全球主要汽车生产商的玻璃胶供 应商和战略合作伙伴,西卡为奔驰、宝马、 沃尔沃、捷豹、保时捷、大众等汽车生产 产家供应高品质的挡风玻璃胶。自 1985 年 开发出第一款高粘度汽车玻璃胶后,西卡 随即跨入多元化工业粘结剂领域,西卡风 挡玻璃胶产品在近 30 年的使用历史中,已 经成功为全球两亿片挡风玻璃的更换安装 提供挡风玻璃胶。

西卡钣金密封产品具有很好的施工性 能和修整性,为售后维修提供快速、清洁和 简便的车身密封解决方案。其中 Sikaflex® Auto 主 要 应 用 于 胶 条 密 封 和 刷 涂 密 封, 配 合 燕 尾 胶 嘴 可 打 出 漂 亮 的 折 边 密 封; Sikaflex® Auto Tape 成型胶带,无需固化, 即使对于新手也可以还原至汽车出厂时的折 边密封外观;Sikaflex®-529 AT 可刷涂和喷 涂密封胶,还原至汽车出厂时的喷涂密封胶 外观,和油性漆盒水性漆都相容。 西卡底盘装甲系列产品 SikaGard® 是 应用于乘用车和商用车上的防锈、抗石击的 快干型产品。用于保护门槛、车门下部、车 轮拱罩和车身底盘等部位免受砂石的撞击, 同时该产品还可用于发动机舱、行李箱架 和行李箱区域的防锈和减震降噪。其中, SikaGard®-6420 快干型,适合在冬季和低 温的环境下施工,优异的抗石击性和底盘保 护性;SikaGard®-6620 环保低气味,拥有 优异的抗石击性和底盘保护性;SikaGard®6440S 喷雾罐包装,无需使用喷枪施工, 适合小面积的喷涂和维修。根据西卡产品技 术人员的专业建议,如果表面要喷涂双组份 油漆,建议先喷涂一薄层底漆。

Sikaflex® Auto Tape 产品被评选为“AMR2014 特别推荐产品”。 Sikaflex® Auto Tape was listed on the AMR 2014 Specially Recommended Products.

Auto Maintenance and Repair is the most influential exhibition in the auto industry in China and it is also the most effective trade platform. More than 1,000 local and foreign companies attended AMR this year. After the Automechanika in December last year, Sika AGR again showcased its full range of products used in car glass replacement, car body repair and underbody protection on this occasion. Innovation is always the driver for an enterprise and is also a sign of the development of an industr y. Sikaflex® Auto Tape was listed on the AMR 2014 Specially Recommended Products, which were selected by more than ten experts in the industry. A special area was set aside to display the recommended products so that visitors could get to know the latest and most popular products for auto maintenance and repair. Sika presented a new adhesive product for bumper repair. It provides a more cost-efficient way to perform bumper repairs and is easier to use and more energy-efficient than the hot welding repair method currently used in China. The repair can be done with a doublecomponent adhesive and two pieces of film. This new product got a great deal

of attention from the visitors. We will evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of the product in China before introducing it into the Chinese market. It was reported that there were over 60,000 visitors this year. Sika’s booth received visitors from dealers, car maintenance and repair shops, car modification shops, 4S shops and tool manufacturers from all over China. They came to seek business opportunities and better substitutes or to learn the industr y trends. Whatever their purpose, they were very interested in Sika products. A s a leader in auto glass sealant s worldwide, Sika supplies adhesives and sealants to Mercedes Benz, BMW, Volvo, Jaguar, Porsche, VW and other automotive manufacturers. Since its first adhesive product for auto glass was developed in 1985, Sika has been active in this industry field. In the almost 30 years since then, Sika’s adhesive products have been used for the replacement of over 200 million pieces of windshield around the world. Sika sealants used for seam sealing have excellent workability to provide rapid, clean, and simple solutions for seam sealing in car repairs. Sikaflex® Auto can be

used as a bead and brush seam sealant and can achieve good bead structure with hem flange nozzle. Sikaflex® Auto Tape is a type of shaped tape with no need for curing; it can easily restore the original OEM structure even in the hands of an inexperienced technician. Sikaflex®-529 AT can be used as a brush and spray sealant to restore the original spray structure and is compatible with both water-based and solvent-based paints. SikaGard® is a stone chip and corrosion protection coating for the automotive and transportation industries. It provides stone chip protection on sill panels, lower doors, wheel arches, underbody, etc. It can also be used for corrosion protection and sound deadening in engine bays, luggage racks and boot compartments. SikaGard®-6420 is fast drying, suitable for use in winter and cold environment and gives excellent underbody protection and anti-stone chip protection. SikaGard®-6620 has low odor and provides excellent underbody protection and anti-stone chip protection. SikaGard®-6440S, in aerosol package, is applicable without an air spray gun and is suitable for small area repairs. It is recommended that if twocomponent paint is used, you should apply a thin layer of primer first.

New Horizon Issue 14 — Auto Maintenance and Repair


西卡亮相 2014 广州门窗幕墙展


TEXT: Jochen Jiang


2014 年 3 月 9 日 -11 日,瑞士西卡携全系列硅酮胶产品与最 新解决方案亮相 2014 第 20 届全国铝门窗幕墙行业年会暨铝门窗 幕墙新产品博览会。本届展会汇聚了包括中国、美国、德国、瑞士、 荷兰、台湾等 24 个国家和地区 450 多家精英企业参与,集中展示 了包括门窗幕墙系统、遮阳系统、建筑玻璃、结构胶等各类门窗 幕墙产品及技术。 “香街十里一城春,笑语喧声入彩门”三月的花城,春意早 已盎然。热情的观展人士纷至沓来,展会现场亦如花市般热闹非 凡。据主办方统计,展会第一天,观展人数达 23517 人,同期增长 23.7%。在三天的展会期间,前来西卡展位咨询,参观的幕墙公司、 幕墙设计院、经销商络绎不绝,其中“地产直通车—中国房地产商 代表团”也参观了西卡展位。我们向来宾介绍西卡产品、分享项目 案例,为 2014 年密封与粘接部门业务的开展奠定了良好的基础。 基于对西卡品牌的认可和肯定,展会第二天,新浪地产频道、 广州卫视分别采访了密封与粘接市场的全国销售经理李建女士与 产品技术经理司林刚先生。两位分别从市场与技术角度阐述了西 卡未来的发展方向,展现了西卡专业而专注的品牌形象。 为期三天的展会很快结束了,出了展厅,行走在广州初春的 微雨浅浅中,葱茏的不远处恰有一座建筑物,依稀记起那是西卡 的项目,蓦地对广州这座陌生而遥远的城市生出一丝亲切来。细 细想来,那便是所谓的荣誉感吧。


New Horizon Issue 14 — Windoor Expo


A group of visitors from real estate companies at Sika Booth

On March 9 th -11 th, 2014, Sika attended Windoor 2014 with its full range of silicone sealant products. The event invited over 450 companies from 24 countries and regions to display their products in facade systems, shading systems, building glass and structural sealants. The organizers recorded that 23,517 people visited the expo on the first day, 23.7% more than last year. During

the three days, the Sika booth received visitors from curtain wall companies, design institutes and dealers, as well as a delegation of real estate enterprises. Sika products and solutions were well promoted.

er and Si Lingang, the product manager, conducted interviews with the media to illustrate Sika’s product development as seen from the marketing and technical viewpoints respectively.

As a well-known brand in this field, the Sika booth was visited on the second day by Sina real estate channel and by Guangzhou TV. Jane Li, the sales manag-

New Horizon Issue 14 — Windoor Expo


西卡医疗和 商业地坪及 墙面系统解决方案 Sika Medical & COMMERCIAL Flooring and Wall System Solutions 2014 年 3 月在上海举办的第十六届中国国际地面材料及铺装技 术展览会上,西卡以“医疗商业地坪和墙面 — 新一代整体地 坪和墙面解决方案”为重点主题,特意参展入驻以弹性地面材料 为主的展馆区。

In March 2014, centering on the key theme of “Medical and Commercial Floorings and Wall - Sika’s New-Generation Integrated Flooring and Wall solution”, Sika showcased its products in the exhibition hall for elastic floorings at the 16th Domotex Asia held in Shanghai. 文:邹珍翠



近一年多来,伴随着新一届中国政府 倡导的“中国梦”在全国各地的兴起,政 府加大了对关乎百姓生活方面的民生基础 设施的建设和投入,同时部分放开社会资 本进入包括医疗机构在内的公共服务行业 投资。另一方面,随着中国经济的稳步着 陆和市场的不断成熟,新建工业投资项目 正逐步趋于平稳的发展态势。作为在工业 地坪领域表现非凡的西卡,自进入中国市 场以来一直致力于挖掘并满足不断变化的 市场需求。为了进一步拓展市场领域,西 卡紧紧跟随中国政府的经济发展政策,有 针对性地制定产品系统和市场推广策略。 这一回,秉承“瑞士技术,中国制造”方 针的西卡弹性舒适地坪系统正迈着轻盈的 步伐,一步步走进医院、学校、商场和运 动场馆,为各行各业的人们提供更加洁净、 卫生、艺术、舒心的地面系统。

New Horizon Issue 14 — Domotex

“入乡随俗” 2012 年 12 月,经过对地面系统进行市 场细分,并结合中国现有国内弹性地面的 特点,公司将医疗和商业市场确定为弹性 舒适地坪的重点应用领域和目标市场。立 足市场应用特点,联合销售、技术服务和 研发部门通力协作,借鉴国外弹性地坪的 应用技术,围绕国内现有市场的产品特点, 开发了适用于中国的弹性舒适地坪系统。 “入乡随俗”本土化之后的弹性舒适地坪 系统,简化了系统层次,满足本土价格定位, 提升了产品品质!一言以敝之,这是简化 但不简单、超值但不超价、脱俗但不脱市 的新一代地坪系统!

西卡以“医疗商业地坪和墙面 —— 新一代 整体地坪和墙面解决方案”为重点主题, 特意参展入驻以弹性地面材料为主的展馆 区。一方面,这是为了直接面对医疗商业 领域的传统主流弹性地面系统,正所谓“万 紫千红独我异”,在众多同类产品中另辟 蹊径吸引眼球。另一方面,这也是为了直 接接触认识活跃在该市场领域的施工应用 商,通过他们搭桥间接进入医疗商业领域。 为了充分展示西卡弹性舒适地坪的特性和 优势,我们采用了“一看二说三踩四演” 的四管齐下的方式:一看,即在展台处悬 挂灯箱海报和精致的细部节点模型吸引客 户观看。二说,即在前台由专人负责发放 宣传手册并解说一般性问题。三踩,即在 多样化呈现 面向主通道处放置了三个不同层次和外观 2014 年 03 月,在上海举办的第十六 效果的弹性地坪系统体验区以鼓励客户实 届中国国际地面材料及铺装技术展览会上, 地踩踏感受。四演,即在展会现场实际操


Customers observed Sika comfort floor.

作演示弹性地坪的施工,让客户更直观更 真实地感受产品的优势。每天上下午各一 场,每次约半小时的应用演示反响热烈, 受到了参观人员的青睐和欢迎。他们聚集 在展台周围,亲眼观察施工过程,并亲手 操作感受产品应用。这种“眼见为实”的 体验方式比传统的书面或口头宣讲更让人 印象深刻,更具有说服力。另外,我们始 终坚持西卡一贯的系统服务理念,提出了 包括墙面产品在内的整体解决方案,以更 好地满足客户多方面的要求。我们在展会 期间派驻了包括销售、技术服务、业务拓 展在内的专人团队全天候接待参观人员并 负责答疑解惑。虽然置身于馆内众多知名 弹性地面材料参展商大型豪华展台之中, 但西卡展台清新简约低调别具一格,使参 观者眼前一亮,从而有兴趣步入展台进行 更多的了解和交流。

专场研讨会 同时,为了更深入地了解行业内专业 客户的需求和面临的问题,西卡分别参加 了展会期间针对医院建设材料和仓储物流 行业地面的专场研讨会。通过这两场研讨 会,我们明确了客户专注的问题和要求, 了解了该市场领域的市场现状,并认识了 包括业主、设计、施工单位在内的行业客 户和专业人士,为进入市场和后续具体项 目对接和跟踪奠定了一定的基础。

的特性和公司的企业文化。为期三天的展 会,我们通过发放宣传手册、当面解答释疑、 实际体验感受、现场应用演示的方式,让 西卡弹性舒适地坪系统从宣传册中走出来, 成为鲜活的脚踏实地的地面! “千里之行始于足下”,期待西卡整 体地坪和墙面系统能真正走入人们的日常 生活之中,让大家从脚底下开始切实感受 到“中国梦”构筑过程中带来的生活品质 的改善与提升!

作为和市场沟通的一个重要窗口和平 台,我们借助这次展会将西卡弹性舒适地 坪和墙面系统的最新信息传递给目标市场 各方。此外,我们秉承西卡技术创新为主 的信条,在整个过程中始终坚持以革新性 技术为立足点,对弹性舒适地坪系统进行 正确妥当的宣传,让客户了解到西卡产品

New Horizon Issue 14 — Domotex



Over the past year or so, with the promotion of the “China Dream” throughout China, the new Chinese government is stepping up the investment in infrastructure construction affecting people’s life and livelihood. At the same time, it’s partially opening medical institutions and other civil service fields to social capital for investment. On the other hand, as China’s economy achieves a steady landing and the Chinese market matures, new investment in industrial projects is gradually levelling off. As the leader of the industrial flooring industry with outstanding performance, Sika has always been striving to develop and satisfy the ever-changing market demands since entering the Chinese market. In order to explore new market segments, Sika closely follows the Chinese government’s economic development policies and formulates specific product systems and market promotion strategies. Adhering to the policy of “Powered by Swiss Technologies, Made in China”, Sika finds its way into hospitals, schools and shopping malls, as well as gyms and stadiums, providing its comfort flooring system and clean, healthy, aesthetically enjoyable and comfortable service to people from all walks of life. Customized Solutions In December 2012, based on the market segmentation of flooring systems, combining the characteristics of existing elastic floorings in the Chinese domestic market, the company targeted the medical and commercial markets as the key application areas for comfort flooring. Based on the market application characteristics, with the joint effort of sales, technical service, and R&D departments, drawing lessons from foreign technologies for elastic flooring applications, centering around the existing product characteristics within the domestic market, Sika has successfully developed a comfort flooring system suitable for the Chinese market. Sika has adapted the comfort flooring system by streamlining the system layers and improving the product quality to meet the local price


New Horizon Issue 14 — Domotex

positioning requirements. In a word, the new-generation flooring system deserves the high praise of “simple yet not vapid, valuable yet not expensive and refined yet not overpriced”! Display in multiple ways In March 2014, centering on the key theme of “Medical and Commercial Floorings and Wall - Sika’s New-Generation Integrated Flooring and Wall solution”, Sika showcased its products in the exhibition hall for elastic floorings at the 16th Domotex Asia held in Shanghai. On the one hand, this was a great opportunity to directly contact traditional mainstream elastic flooring systems in the medical and commercial fields and develop a new unique promotion method to attract attention among other similar products. On the other hand, it was also a rare opportunity to approach the active contractors or applicators within the industry who may offer indirect access into the medical and commercial fields. In order to fully demonstrate the features and advantages of Sika’s comfort flooring, we adopted a four-pronged promotion approach called “Attracting attention, Illustration, Hands-on experience, and Application”. Firstly, we hung light box advertisements, put up posters and displayed exquisite detailed mock-ups in the stand to attract customers’ attention. Secondly, professional staff were specially assigned to the reception desk, responsible for distributing brochures and answering general questions. Thirdly, we encouraged customers to directly tread on the three flooring systems with different layers and appearances laid along the main hall. Fourthly, we carried out a 30-minute on-site construction demo each morning and afternoon at the exhibition to allow customers an immersive experience to get a feel for the advantages of our products. The reaction to the application demos was very positive; every demo attracted lots of visitors around our stand and drew unanimously high praise. Through personal experience such as observation of the construction process and hands-on operation of our

products and applications, they were deeply impressed and much more easily tempted by our products compared to the traditional written or oral promotion methods. In addition, we consistently adhered to Sika’s systematic service concept and put forward the integrated solution including wall products in order to better meet various requirements of customers. We organized a specialist team from sales, technical service, and business development departments at the exhibition, responsible for all-day reception and question answering. Among many famous elastic flooring providers with grand pompous stands in the hall, Sika’s low-key and simple stand created a uniquely fresh feeling for visitors, which outshone the entire venue and attracted them to come closer for more information and exchanges. attendance in seminars At the same time, in order to get a deeper understanding of professional customers’ needs and problems within the industry, Sika participated in the seminars specific to hospital construction materials and floorings for warehousing logistics during the exhibition. Through these two seminars, we clearly defined questions and requirements that most concerned customers, got a better understanding of the current situations within those markets, and got familiar with owners, designers, construction units and other industry customers and professionals, which laid a solid foundation for entering the market as well as matchmaking and tracking of the specific subsequent projects. As an important window and platform for communication with the market, this exhibition offered us a good opportunity to deliver the latest information about Sika’s comfort flooring and wall system to all interested parties in the target markets. In addition, in accordance with Sika’s technical innovation-centered doctrine, we invariably clung to the innovative technologies as our foothold during the entire exhibition, and launched an apt

promotion campaign for elastic ComfortFloor system, and got more customers familiar with Sika’s product features and corporate culture. After the three-day exhibition, through our brochure issuing, face to face Q&A, hands-on operation and on-site application demonstration, we have successfully established Sika’s comfort flooring system as a vivid downto-earth brand and not just a stodgy image on the brochures! A journey of a thousand miles starts from beneath your feet. We sincerely hope that Sika’s integrated flooring and wall system can actually be incorporated into people’s daily life, and everybody can benefit from the improvement of the quality of life under their feet during the construction of the “China Dream”.


President of Sika China broadcasted chips.


Display of Sika elastic wood floor sealants.

New Horizon Issue 14 — Domotex


西卡亚太区运营会议 在印度尼西亚召开 SIKA AP Operations Meeting HELD in Indonesia 文:杜万生



2014 年 4 月 24 日和 25 日,西卡亚太 区 2014 年第一次运营会议在印度尼西亚泗 水市召开。西卡在亚太区 15 个国家或地区 拥有自己的工厂或分公司,来自亚太区各 个国家或地区的运营经理参加了本次会议。 会议重点讨论的议题包括亚太区未来

5 年的运营战略以及对质量与 eHS 的专题 讨论,充分让与会者参与并对这些重要议 题收集反馈意见,为形成可行的亚太区运 营发展战略和质量和环境健康安全(eHS) 方面的改进奠定了良好基础。

4 月 24 日上午,我们对亚太区运营组 织架构进行了评审,包括运营管理、质量 保证、eHS、产品监管与合规、工程。之后 对亚太区运营发展战略进行分组研讨,对 运营策略的关键部分进行讨论,如 SWOT (优势、弱势、机会、威胁)分析、国家 / 区域关键行动、以及可能的工厂发展历程。 下午,大家分享了运营方面的最佳实践, 对供应链和投资项目进行评审。会议后, 全体与会者组织参观西卡印尼泗水新工厂, 仔细检查了工厂运营各部门,并将书面检 查报告提交给当地运营管理团队,以便持 续改进。


New Horizon Issue 14 — AP Operation

会议第二天的重点是质量和 eHS 相关 议题。首先我们对产品合规和监管方面进 展做了介绍,如 SAP eHS 模块项目实施以 及亚太区相关国家 GHS(全球协调系统— 化学品分类和标签)实施进展状况。接着 对质量和 eHS 方面的实际案例进行研讨, 然后分小组展示研讨结果。在评审了 2014 年第一季度工厂 kPI(关键绩效指标)报告 后结束了会议上午的议题。 下午我们讨论了 eRP 系统中的质量模 块、MRP(物料需求计划)、2014 年运营 投资计划,亚太区 2013 年度 eHS 业绩评估、 月度险肇事故报告,同时西卡印度的同事 分享“全国安全日”活动的经验。并为有 关国家颁发了 2014 年度最佳 eHS 奖项(安 全、节能、节约水资源、减少废弃物)。 西卡 0/20/20 可持续发展项目于 2013 年 12 月告一段落,这是一个以 2010 年为 基准,在 2011 至 2013 年这三年时间里,实 现“零”工伤事故,每吨产品实现 20% 能 耗降低、20% 水(不含产品用水)消耗或 每吨产品减少 20% 废弃物。

西卡亚太区在 0/20/20 项目上取得了 良好绩效,在过去的三年里(2011-2013), 同 2010 年基线相比:亚太区实现事故率(可 报告事故数 /1000 雇员)下降 60%,每吨 产品能耗下降 60%,每吨产品废弃物下降 50%,每吨产品用水(去除产品用水)下 降 24%。 在本次会议上我们设定了 2014 年度 eHS 目标:同 2013 年相比,亚太区事故率 下降 8%,每吨能耗下降 6%,每吨水耗和 每吨废弃物各下降 5%。

This spring Sika Asia Pacific has grown by a few more entities. It was a great opportunity to invite the new and old members of the region to the first Regional Operations Managers’ Meeting in 2014 in Surabaya, Indonesia. Stephan Oderbolz had the pleasure of welcoming most of the Operations Managers to the event. We spent more time on workshop discussions at this ROMM in order to encourage more participation and get feedback on regional Operations Strateg y and on future Quality & EHS improvements. On the first day, 24th April, we reviewed the regional Operations organization chart, including Operations Management, Quality Assurance, EHS, Product Stewardship and Engineering, followed by a workshop discussion on regional Operations strategy. The participants were divided into three groups, and each group organized a team discussion to figure out key components of the regional Operations strategy, such as SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat) analysis, strategic challenges, country / regional key moves and possible factory footprint.

In the afternoon, we shared operational BDP (Best Demonstrated Practice) from different countries and reviewed some supply chain / investment projects in the region. Then we took the bus to the new factory in Surabaya, where we spent one hour on a visit to the new factory. Each participant inspected different factory functions carefully and gave their written feedback to the local Operations team for continuous improvement. On the second day we focused on quality and EHS topics. First we had a short update on the status and progress in the region of Product Stewardship, which is related to the SAP EHS module implementation and countr y-specific GHS (Global Harmonized System – Chemical classification and labeling). Then we had a two-hour workshop on Quality and EHS. Each workshop did a case study and showed their results at the meeting. We ended the morning session by reviewing recent factory reported KPIs in the first quarter of 2014 and the improvements to be made.

formance review, monthly near miss reporting and India’s experience during their national safety day. Then we had a ceremony to present the 2014 EHS awards for safety, energy saving, waste reduction and water resource saving to the winning countries. Sika’s 0/20/20 program closed at end of 2013. Sika Asia Pacific made great achievements in the 0/20/20 program. Over the past three years (2011-2013), compared with the baseline in 2010, Sika Asia Pacific realized a 60% reduction in the accident rate (number of accidents / 1000 headcount), a 60% reduction in the energy consumption per ton of finished goods, a 50% reduction in the waste per ton of finished goods, and a 24% reduction in the consumption of water (excluding water in products). We have already set EHS targets for 2014. The region will realize the reduction of the accident rate by 8%, energy by 6%, and water and waste each by 5% compared with 2013.

L a t er in t h e da y w e s w i t ch e d t h e focus to the Qualit y module, S&OP, investment in 2014, regional EHS per-

New Horizon Issue 14 — AP Operation



西卡中国荣获 “人力资源管理杰出奖” Sika China Wins “Top Human Resources Management Awards” 文:顾源



Frank Huang (right), HR Director of Sika China, with the award organizer.



面对全球化竞争和日趋复杂的经济形 势,企业要想保持竞争力的关键越来越依 靠人才和创新。2013 年摆在所有人力资源 管理者面前的挑战更加复杂尖锐,HR 们 不仅要关注人才招聘、关心人均生产率和 组织效率,也要关注员工的敬业度,建立 有效的人才梯队,提升组织绩效,并打造 强大的企业文化和雇主品牌来支撑企业发 展和战略实现。正是基于这样的原因,国 内最大的人力资源服务机构前程无忧坚持 每年举办“人力资源管理杰出企业”评选 活动,以此来推动和促进本地人力资源管 理的发展。

2013 年 度 奖 项 的 评 选 从 2013 年 9 月 开始启动,重点考量企业自 2012 年至未来 3 年的发展规划、人力资源对企业战略的配 合和支持、对于优秀人才的吸引和保留、 培训和组织发展、员工薪酬、晋升和企业 文化建设等 7 项内容。同时对同行业的参 选企业进行比较,最终评出代表 8 个地区、 不同行业,不同规模,不同市场阶段的 234 家人力资源管理杰出企业。最终当选的企 业分布在全国八大区域,其中西卡中国总 部所在的江苏省仅有 30 家获奖企业。

与“最佳雇主”不同,“人力资源管 理杰出奖”更关注人力资源管理对企业战 略的贡献、对产品和服务产生的价值、对 企业文化的核心作用、对企业远期目标的 支持,同时“人力资源管理杰出奖” 还更 关注人力资源管理的理论和实践,关注人 力资源行业的发展方向和最佳实践,以及 对于行业的指导意义和标杆作用。

西卡中国人力资源总监黄坚先生这样说道: “能够连续 2 年获得人力资源管理杰出奖, 是对我们西卡中国人力资源团队这两年工 作的肯定,我们感到非常荣幸,也非常感 谢主办方能够提供这一奖项。”

New Horizon Issue 14 — HR Award

2013 年已是西卡(中国)有限公司第 2 次获选此殊荣。在接受主办方的采访时,

在谈到十八年来作为人力资源工作者 的从业经历感受时,黄坚说:“一路走来

感受良多,其中最让我感到欣慰的,是作 为一个 HR 的从业者,看到你曾经引入公 司的这些年轻人,通过公司的各类培养计 划,比如我们的培训生项目、年轻经理人 计划及管理技能培训,能使他们一步步走 向骨干的岗位,甚至最终走向公司的管理 层。这是我们 HR 觉得最引以为豪的。因 为我们所肩负的使命就是帮助员工成长乃 至成功。” 今年 1 月份,人力资源部熊群女士代 表西卡中国人力资源部赴南京参加了盛大 的“人力资源管理杰出奖”颁奖典礼,并 上台接受了属于西卡中国的这份殊荣。 我们坚信,在全体公司员工的努力和 支持下,西卡中国这一雇主品牌必将越发 展现出她的魅力与朝气。我们的人力资源 管理工作也势必会为公司创造更大的人才 竞争优势,从而帮助企业和员工一起成功!


ellen Xiong was granted the award on the ceremony on behalf of Sika China.

With global competition and a more complex economic situation, enterprises have to rely more on talent and innovation in order to maintain their competitiveness. In 2013 the challenges for HR managers were more complicated and acute. Not only did they have to they pay attention to recruitment, per capita productivity, and organizational efficiency, but also to the employees’ engagement, to establishing an effective talent pool, to enhancing organizational performance, and to building up a powerful corporate culture and employer brand to support the enterprise’s development and strategy. Therefore, 51job, the biggest HR service organization in China, has been organizing the “Top Human Resources Management Awards” every year in order to boost the development of domestic HR management. In contrast with the “Best Employer Award”, the “Top Human Resources Management Awards” put more emphasis on HR’s contribution to the corporate strategy, its value to products and services, its core role in corporate culture, and its support for the long-term goals of the company. At the same time, the awards

also cover the theory and practice of HR management, the development direction and the best practice of the HR industry as well as its guiding significance and benchmark role in the industry. Initiated in September 2013, the award assessed seven aspects, including the company ’s development plan, HR’s cooperation with and support to the company’s strategy, attraction and maintenance of excellent talent, training and organizational development, employee’s compensation, promotion, and corporate culture construction from 2012 over the next three years. By comparing candidates from the same industry, the jury finally selected 234 enterprises for the award from different industries, scales, and market phases. The award-winning enterprises came from eight regions in China. In Jiangsu province, where Sika China is headquartered, only 30 enterprises won the award. It is the second time that Sika China Co., Ltd has won the award. While being interviewed by the organizer, Frank Huang, HR Director of Sika China, said: “It is a great recognition for the HR Team of Sika China

to win the award for two consecutive years. We are very honored to receive the award and we’re grateful to the organizer.” Talking about his HR experience over 18 years, Frank said: “I have mixed feelings after all these years. What I find rewarding is to see the once young talents that have been promoted to important positions and finally to management level via various training courses, such as our trainee program, young professional program, and management training. It is what I feel most proud of because our responsibility is to help employees grow and succeed.” In January 2014 Ellen Xiong from HR Department attended the “Top Human Resources Management Awards” ceremony to receive the honor on behalf of the company. We firmly believe that with the effort and support of everyone in the company, Sika China, as an employer brand, will show more of its charm and vitality. Our HR management will also create more talented competitive advantages for the company and help the company and its employees to succeed!

New Horizon Issue 14 — HR Award


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New Horizon Issue 14 — NEW HORIZON

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New Horizon Issue 14 — NEW HORIZON


车身覆盖板结构粘接胶 SikaPower® -4720

SikaPower®-4720 车身覆盖板结构胶荣获《汽车维修与保养》杂志评选的 “2013 年度 20 佳维修工具”。

SikaPower®-4720 适用于承受动态应力的车身板粘接。该产品不适应于车身结构的 粘接,如门柱、门槛、纵梁和发动机基座。结构胶未固化前,可以很容易进行点焊。 ■ ■ ■ ■


New Horizon Issue 14 — NEW HORIZON

高强度结构粘接胶 快速固化,且操作时间长 干净、快速、简单的施工 无溶剂、不含硅酮

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