New Horizon Magazine of sika china 西卡中国杂志
合作 cooperation
项目 project
Watertight Roof for Hong Kong International Airport
技术 technology 西卡与毅结特紧固件签署 战略合作协议
Cooperation with EJOT in Fastening Technology
A Car without Driver
Leisurely Vacation
Issue #15 Sika CHINA New Horizon Issue 15 — NEW HORIZON
New Horizon Issue 15 — NEW HORIZON
Sustainable solutions for a better life
亲爱的读者: 中国在过去几十年内的发展突飞猛进,十几亿中 国人民的生活质量大幅提高。在曾经的广袤田野上, 我们看到了一幢幢拔地而起的标志性建筑,看到了高 铁、现代化的高速公路、灯火辉煌的机场航站楼,还 有陈列着顶尖品牌商品的商场里透出来的引人入胜。 很多事物都变得更趋美好。 但高速发展同时也带来了一系列问题,这是一个 国家工业化进程中必然要面对的挑战:空气和水的污 染影响着人们的生活质量,交通阻塞让国家基础设施 也无法发挥最大的作用。 因此,未来的发展更多地应该依赖质量来推动, 而不是数量,这就需要更好的解决方案:在降低能源 消耗和减少污染的同时,提供更高的质量。 现在已经有很多这样的解决方案,挑战在于如何 把它们应用于实践。西卡一直在努力为客户提供可持 续发展的解决方案:
- 防水和密封的解决方案:能为新一代的绿色建 筑降低房屋的能源消耗,并提高了生活质量。
- 混凝土解决方案:能为火车轨道、桥梁和公路 延长使用寿命,并帮助节省有效资源。
- 助磨剂解决方案:能帮助减少水泥厂的二氧化 碳的排放。
- 粘接和加固的解决方案:能在汽车生产应用上 帮助降低汽车的噪音,并实现更轻的车身,因 此减少汽油消耗。 智能和可持续发展的解决方案将给我们带来更 美好的生活,也是将来发展的趋势。让我们一起为此 努力! 穆善和 西卡中国总裁
Dear Readers, Over the last decades China has developed rapidly and improved the life quality of 100 millions of people. Nowadays we find landmark buildings where once were only fields, we find high speed trains, modern highways and attractive light filled airport terminals. Shopping malls with top notch brands attracts consumers. Many things have changed for the better. On the other hand the rapid growth also brought the typical problems of an industrialized country. Pollution of air and water affect people’s life and traffic jams backdrop some of the infrastructural efforts. Therefore the growth of the future needs to be based more on quality than on quantity. What it needs are solutions that require less energy, use less resources, produce less pollution and, at the same time, offer a higher quality in use.
MORTEN MUSCHAK President of Sika China
Many of these solutions are already available. The challenge is to put them into practice. We from Sika try to do our part in it. - With Waterproofing and Sealing solutions for the new generation of green buildings. Houses that contain less energy and offer a better life quality. - With Concrete solutions that enlarge the life cycle of railway tracks, bridges and roads and help to save valuable resources. - With Grinding Aids that reduce the CO2 consumption of cement plants. - With bonding and reinforcing solutions that reduces the noise of cars and at the same time allow light weight and gasoline saving constructions. Intelligent, sustainable solutions lead to a better life and are the next step in development. Let us continue to work on it.
Yours Morten Muschak President Sika China
New Horizon Issue 15 — Welcome
New Horizon #15 2014 12
合作 COOPERATION 西卡与毅结特紧固件签署战略合作协议
Cooperation Program in Fastening Technology between EJOT and Sika
8 西卡家装服务新站点 Sika’s New Home Fit-Out Partner
项目 PROJECT 香港国际机场屋面翻新
Watertight Roof for a 5-star Airport
32 百年后携手:西卡与天津西站的缘分 Tianjin West Station - In Partnership after One Hundred Years 38
China Expo Complex - A New Landmark 46 of Shanghai Water-proof on Steel Bridge Deck One-stop Solution for Electronic Industry Flooring Solutions for Novartis R&D Center in Shanghai
New Horizon Issue 15 — Contents
Focus on Wuhan: Auto-City
市场 Market
全球 1/4 的汽车挡风玻璃使用西卡胶粘接
One out of Four Car Windshields is Bonded with Sika
产品 PRODUCT 悠闲假期
Leisurely Vacation
技术 Technology 比坐飞机更舒适
Not Even Flying is Nicer
可持续发展 sustainability 56 共推可持续发展:远大住工和西卡 Sustainability across the Value Chain: Broad Homes and Sika
46 74
快讯 Express
欣赏 Enjoy
74 Consul General of Switzerland in Guangzhou Visits Sika Guangzhou Ltd.
At Sika We are One Family
62 创造需求:技术研讨会的新模式 A New-Model Technical Seminar 64
西卡赞助 2014 上海国际密封技术研讨会
The International Sealant Technology Workshop 2014
66 西卡印度分销商参观西卡中国 Sika India’s Distributors Visit China 68
2014 西卡中国汽车售后全国经销商大会 2014 Sika China’s National Dealer Conference for Automotive Aftermarket
Technical Trainings for Facade, 编辑部:西卡中国市场传媒部,上海市华宁路 4555号 印刷公司:上海鸿洋包装印刷制品有限公司 Fenestration & Insulation Glass
72 第一个分拨点:天津站 To Reach Customers in a Quicker and Cost-efficient Way
Editors’ address: Marketing Communications, Sika China, No. 4555 Huaning Road, Shanghai, 201108, China, e-mail: Printer: Achieve-Tech Printing and Packaging 本杂志中的所有注册商标受法律保护。除特殊标注,西卡拥有所有图片和文 字的版权。未经允许,禁止转载或复印。 All trademarks used or mentioned herein are protected by law. All photo and text copyrights are owned by Sika except when mentioned. Reproduction or repost is permitted with the written consent of the publisher.
New Horizon Issue 15 — Contents
西卡与毅结特紧固件 签署战略合作协议 Cooperation Program in Fastening Technology between EJOT and Sika
文:葛兆 图:毅结特中国
2014 年 7 月 14 日,西卡(中国)有限 公司与德国毅结特集团中国分公司正式签约 战略合作协议,双方管理层、中国建筑材料 科学研究总院苏州防水研究院羡永彪院长以 及相关行业专家出席了签约仪式。今后在中 国单层屋面领域,西卡将采用毅结特定制紧 固件,以最佳的产品组合提升整个单层屋面 系统的品质和可靠性,为客户带来更高附加 值的屋面及防水系统解决方案。
应用为机械固定,除了使用西卡渗耐高品 质的聚氯乙烯防水卷材,每个可靠屋面的 另一个核心配件就是紧固件系统。作为第 一个把单层屋面系统引入中国市场的公司, 西卡充分了解选择可靠的紧固件系统以及 稳定的产品质量的重要性。
德国毅结特集团(eJOT)是全球知名 的紧固件供应商,成立于 1922 年,也是一 家拥有将近百年历史的老牌企业,在建筑 瑞士西卡(sIka)集团成立于 1910 年, 紧固件领域拥有超过 30 年的经验及“德国 是一家具有创新理念的百年老店。作为一 制造”的研发能力,在屋面系统领域有大 家全球化专业化学建材公司,西卡注重产 量的实际应用案例和良好的口碑。西卡(中 品质量和技术创新,为建筑和工业生产行 国)有限公司副总裁周宏吉先生表示:“可 业提供解决方案。作为一个具有 104 年历 靠的质量、稳定的品质、高效的企业生产 史的企业,西卡的成功不仅表现在集团公 管理和专业的技术研发能力,是西卡选择 司近十年来快速健康的发展,也体现在对 毅结特作为战略合作伙伴的重要原因。” 合作伙伴的尊重,确保与合作伙伴的共赢。 德国毅结特集团中国分公司副总裁何 紧固件一直以来是屋面系统的重要组 国雄先生说道:“西卡是一个注重于质量 成部分。众所周知,单层屋面系统的主要 的公司,而我们能获得这次签约的成功,
New Horizon Issue 15 — Cooperation in Fastening Technology
也正是因为毅结特中国长期以来专注于质 量的原因。” 双 方 签 约 之 后, 毅 结 特 将 根 据 西 卡 提 供 的 技 术 指 标, 定 制 生 产 西 卡 品 牌 的 sarnaFast 型螺钉、sarnaDisc 型金属垫片 和 sarnaTube 型塑料套筒。此次毅结特和 西卡共同设计研发的螺钉、套筒和金属垫 片等产品,无论是原材料、产品机械性能 还是表面涂层的质量,均处于市场领先水 平。西卡将通过其强大的品牌、市场影响 力和销售团队,大力推广西卡 PVC 卷材和 sarnaFast 系列紧固件产品的一体化销售。 此次西卡和毅结特的战略合作,将为广大 中国客户提供在不同组合和应用中最佳的 紧固件系统解决方案,达到优势互补,相 得益彰的效果。双方会在今后的合作中不 断创新,为中国乃至亚太区屋面防水紧固 系统树立领先的行业标杆。此次战略合作 也将为双方建立更为全面的长期合作关系 打下坚实的基础。
Sika and EJOT signed a cooperation agreement.
On July 14th, Sika China and EJOT China signed a strategic cooperation agreement. Top management at the t wo companies and relevant industrial experts attended the signing ceremony. According to the agreement, Sika will use the fasteners produced by EJOT on its roofing systems in China to provide stable and high-value waterproofing and roofing systems to customers. Sika Group, founded in 1910, is an established innovative company. As a global chemical specialty company, Sika provides high quality and innovative solutions to customers in the industry and construction fields. Fasteners play a key role in any roofing system. In a mechanically fastened roofing system, fasteners are another key
element in addition to PVC membrane to ensure a stable and reliable roofing system. As the first company to introduce single-ply roofing systems into China, Sika attaches great importance to the quality of fasteners. EJOT is a German company and a leading fasteners supplier. It was established in 1922 and has over 30 years of experience in producing fasteners for construction. With its German technology, EJOT fasteners have been applied in many roofing designs and they have earned a good reputation within the industry. Kelvin Chew, Vice President of Sika China, sums up as follows: “EJOT provides high quality fasteners and has strong technological research ability and high-efficient management. That is the reason why Sika has chosen EJOT as our strategic partner.”
Andy He, Vice President of EJOT China, says: “Sika is a quality-oriented company as is EJOT. That is the reason why the companies are a good fit for cooperation.” EJOT will produce SarnaFast series fasteners, SarnaDisc series washers and SarnaTube series tubes according to Sika technical specifications. These products are excellent in terms of raw materials, mechanical performance and surface coating. Sika will sell the fasteners along with its PVC membrane through its network. Such cooperation between the two companies will bring high quality fastening solutions in various combinations and applications to the Chinese market. This will also lay a solid base for long term and all-around partnership between the two companies.
New Horizon Issue 15 — Cooperation in Fastening Technology
西卡家装服务新站点 Sika’s New Home Fit-Out Partner 家装公司渠道是西卡业务关注重点。与点石家装的业务合作,给予西卡在此 行进道路上增添浓墨色彩,是西卡开拓家装公司的又一新站点。
The distribution channel via home fit-out companies is one of the business focuses of Sika. The business partnership with Dianshi Home Decoration is a significant landmark in Sika’s mission to develop home fit-out companies.
TEXT: Nola he
New Horizon Issue 15 — NEW HORIZON
New Horizon Issue 15 — NEW HORIZON
来,通过不断的努力与创新荣获湖南省著 名商标、中国家装行业 10 大品牌等诸多荣 誉。以“客户的满意高于一切”为核心宗旨, 以“真爱筑家”为核心文化理念,致力专 业服务于中高端消费者、别墅业主、 商业 在家装产品化趋势初露端倪的近几年, 客户、地产等广大客户,是中南地区家装 它提出 “定制家”的概念,力争把所有家 行业的领导性品牌、家装行业的风向标。 装木制品实行工厂定制生产,创新开发出 6 点石家装敢于行业技术创新,追求欧 大类全房定制产品。 化高端品质,这与西卡不谋而合。作为家 在低碳经济成为社会热点的今年,它 装防水行业的实力企业,西卡公司根据点 与时俱进,推出“欧标材料及工艺体系”, 石家装的服务理念,提供适合中南地域气 主攻“环保”与“耐用”两大品牌特点…… 候的家装防水及瓷砖铺贴的产品施工方案。 借助点石家装的工人师傅们巧手工艺,逐 它,就是湖南家装领导者 —湖南点 步地让中南地区的家装业主认识了西卡品 石装饰设计工程有限公司。 牌,了解和亲身体验西卡防水、玻璃胶、 瓷砖胶等家装产品系列。“西卡到家,防 湖南点石装饰设计工程有限公司(以 水护家” —这是业主对西卡认可,也是 下简称:点石家装)成立于 1998 年,16 年 对点石家装师傅施工的肯定。 在装修报价混乱的早些年,湖南点石 装饰设计工程有限公司通过《家装成本白 皮书》将报价规范透明化,成为湖南家装 业第一个吃螃蟹者。
New Horizon Issue 15 — Home Fit-out Partner
本着“技术专业即是最好服务”的理 念,为了让点石家装师傅更好地服务于业 主,西卡公司积极调动资源,配合点石家 装做好更多增值服务:产品讲解、施工培训、 现场指导、售后服务…… 家装公司渠道是西卡业务关注重点。 与点石家装的业务合作,给予西卡在此行 进道路上增添浓墨色彩,是西卡开拓家装 公司的又一新站点。点石家装服务的业主 数以万计,数万的精英客户的口碑共同见 证了点石以往的辉煌历程 ! 希望借由点石家 装之路,西卡的优质产品能更多应用在中 国家庭,为点石家装的前进历程增加助力, 让西卡品牌为更多消费者所认知!
点石家装敢于行业技术创新,追求欧 化高端品质,这与西卡不谋而合。 Dianshi Home Decoration dares to be technically innovative and pursues European-style high-end quality, thereby coinciding in its aims with Sika. In the industry’s fledgling days when home renovation prices were unstable, Hunan Dianshi Home Decoration, an industry leader in the China south-central region, published its white paper on Costs of Home Renovation, in which quotations were standardized and more transparent to the public for the first time. In the last few years since the commoditization of home fit-out began, it advanced the concept of “Customized Homes” and began to customize all wooden goods for home fit-out at the factory, developing six new categories of full home-customized goods. This year, with the low-carbon economy becoming a key issue, Dianshi has kept pace, introducing “European standard materials and craft systems” concentrating on two of its brand characteristics: “environmental-friendliness” and “durability”. Hunan Dianshi Decoration Design Engineering Co., Ltd. was founded in 1998. Via persistent effort and innovation over the past 16 years it has won recognition under the Hunan Famous Trademark Award and as one of the top 10 brands in
the Chinese home fit-out industry. With “Customer’s satisfaction above all else ” as its core aim and “Building homes with love and care” as its core cultural philosophy, it has been dedicated to providing specialized services to medium-to-highend consumers, owners of detached houses, business clients and real estate developers as a leading brand and trendsetter within the home fit-out industry in central and southern China. Dianshi Home Decoration dares to be technically innovative and pursues European-influenced high-end quality, thereby coinciding in its aims with Sika. As an organization with real strength in waterproofing for homes, Sika, based on Dianshi’s service concept, provides waterproofing solutions for home fit-out and tile paving suitable to the climate in central and southern China. Relying on the skill of workers from Dianshi, Sika has gradually improved its brand recognition amongst clients of home fit-out services in central and southern China who have come to understand and personally experience Sika’s series of home fit-out products relating to waterproofing, glass adhesive and tile adhesive. “Sika prevents water seepage and pro-
tects the home” is how Sika has become known by clients and its expertise has also been acknowledged by chief construction workers of Dianshi. Adhering to the concept of “Professional technology is the best service”, in order to assist the workers of Dianshi in providing a better service to clients, Sika actively allocates its resources to provide support to Dianshi and provides more value-added ser vices including product demonstrations, construction training, on-site instruction and aftersales services among others. The distribution channel of home fitout companies is one of the business focuses of Sika. The business partnership with Dianshi Home Decoration is a significant landmark in Sika’s mission to develop home fit-out companies. Praise from tens of thousands of elite clients is testament to the success of Dianshi. Sika hopes to build on the success of Dianshi Home Decoration and bring more and more of its high-quality products to Chinese families, provide assistance to Dianshi Home Decoration in its progress and let more consumers know about Sika’s brands!
New Horizon Issue 15 — Home Fit-out Partner
New Horizon Issue 15 — NEW HORIZON
香港国际机场屋面翻新 WATERTIGHT ROOF FOR A 5-STAR AIRPORT 香港国际机场是由世界著名航空业界调查机构 skytrax 评定的五星级机场 (全球仅三家)。自 1998 年开始运营以来,香港国际机场已经被数 10 家机构 评选为全球最佳机场多达 25 次。为给来往的旅客提供舒适、安全、干燥的环境, 在一号航站楼原有防水层开始损坏时,机场管理局选择西卡渗耐防水系统对屋 面进行翻新。
Hong Kong International Airport is one of three Skytrax 5-star airports around the world. Since its operation in July 1998, it has earned the world’s best airport recognition for more than 25 times by 10 different entities. To provide a confortable, safe and dry environment for passengers, the airport authority decided to install additional waterproofing layer when having found the existing layer was damaged. They chose Sika Sarnafil roofing system as the new waterproof system.
TEXT/photo: kenson lam
香港国际机场是由世界著名航空业界 调查机构 skytrax 评定的五星级机场(全球 仅三家)。自 1998 年开始运营以来,香港 国际机场已经被数 10 家机构评选为全球最 佳机场多达 25 次。同时,它是世界上最繁 忙的客运机场之一,国际货运量更是称冠 全球。
整个项目包括在现有防水卷材上新增 一层防水卷材的设计、卷材的供货以及施 工。根据设计要求,新增的防水层的重量 每平方米不得超过 2.5 公斤,但整个防水系 统必须满足抗风荷载 8.5kPa。另外,由于 屋顶呈圆弧状,大部分的接缝只能使用手 工焊接,而不能采用机器自动焊接,这对 施工质量提出了很高的要求。
及 天 窗 使 用 sarnafil® 金 属 板 和 sikaflex® aT 密封胶进行密封防水。sikaflex®-265 并 已经应用于所有天窗接缝,总数超过 2 万米。 屋面上还安装 sikaplan® 人行走道,方便屋 面维护时保护卷材。 整个需要翻新的屋面的面积达到 20 万 平方米,项目将持续到 2015 年。
1.8 毫米厚的 PVC 卷材由压条固定在屋面板
西卡解决方案 上,防水层已经开始损坏,香港机场管理 西卡的 PVC 卷材 sarnafil® s 327-15 L 局决定在原有的系统上新增一层防水卷材, 直接覆盖在现有防水层上,用压条和不锈 形成新的防水系统。 钢固定件固定到屋面钢板上。屋面四周以
New Horizon Issue 15 — Hong Kong International Airport
It is one of three Skytrax 5-star airports around the world. Since its operation in July 1998, it has earned the world's best airport recognition for more than 25 times by 10 different entities. Hong Kong International Airport is the world's busiest cargo gateway and one of the world's busiest passenger airports. The existing waterproofing system at Hong Kong International Airport Terminal 1 is found to be damaged. It consisted of 1.8mm thick PVC membrane which was fixed on the composite roof decking by tie bars. The Hong Kong Airport Authority decided to install an additional waterproofing membrane on top of the existing system without removing the existing membrane in order to provide a durable new waterproofing system. The project includes design, supply and installation of an additional roof waterproofing membrane on the top of the existing PVC sheet membrane waterproofing system of Terminal 1 roof. The loading of the additional waterproofing system to be imposed on the roof shall not exceed 2.5kg/m 2 , while its
New Horizon Issue 15 — Hong Kong International Airport
fixing system shall satisfy the design wind pressure with the highest figure 8.5kPa. Moreover, seam welding is mostly done by hand held welding guns instead of automatic machines. This is due to the dome shape profile of the roof where automatic machine cannot be implemented.
ten strip, Sarnarail and stainless steel fasteners. Sarnafil® Metal Sheet and Sikaflex® AT Sealant are installed along the roof edge profiles and skylights. Sikaflex®-265 which has applied to all skylight joints, total over 20,000m. Sikaplan® Walkway is installed as maintenance protection.
SIKA SOLUTION Sika Sarnafil® S 327-15 L is laid on top of the existing membrane by mechanically fastened to the metal deck. The membrane is clamped by polymeric bat-
The whole re-roofing project covers an area of 200,000m2 and is expected to be finished next year.
New Horizon Issue 15 — NEW HORIZON
城市新名片 China Expo Complex A New Landmark of Shanghai 中国博览会会展综合体由国家商务部和上海市政府合作共建,总建筑面积 147 万平方米,地上建筑面积 127 万平方米,是目前世界上面积最大的建筑单体和 会展综合体。西卡为该项目提供了地坪系统以及幕墙系统解决方案。
China Expo Complex is a project led by Ministry of Commerce of China and Shanghai Municiple Government. It will be the largest single block building and exhibition complex in the world with a total construction area of 1.47 million square meters, among which 1.27 million square meters are above ground. Sika provided flooring and facade system solutions to this complex. 文:陈丰,王伟 图:石英浩
New Horizon Issue 15 — NEW HORIZON
New Horizon Issue 15 — NEW HORIZON
sikaGlaze® GG-735 的 使 用, 不 仅 替 施工单位节省了近 50% 的材料成本,
而且其便捷的加工工艺及快速的固化 时间,使得板块在施胶 48 小时后就 可以安装。
中国博览会会展综合体项目外形以四 封胶 sikasil® Ws-305 CN 和双组份聚氨酯 叶草为设计造型,位于上海大虹桥商务区西 结构胶 sikaGlaze® GG-735 在该项目中得到 侧,其优越的地理位置以及便利的交通条件, 了全面应用。 无疑将成为最具竞争力的会展综合体。 如何在较短的时间内完成近 10 万平 项目由展览场馆、配套商业中心、配 方米屋面复合铝板加强筋的固定,成为项 套办公楼和配套酒店四大部分构成,总建 目的一大施工难点。传统的施工工艺一般 筑面积 147 万平方米,地上建筑面积 127 万 采用单组分硅酮结构胶粘结的方法进行处 平方米,是目前世界上面积最大的建筑单 理。受温度和湿度的影响,打胶后一般需 体和会展综合体。其室内展厅为 40 万平方 要 4-6 天的养护时间才能安装。sikaGlaze® 米,相当于 2 个浦东新国际展览中心的室 GG-735 的使用,不仅替施工单位节省了近 内展厅面积。 50% 的材料成本,而且其便捷的加工工艺 及快速的固化时间,使得板块在施胶 48 小 在西卡和各合作伙伴共同努力下,西 时后就可以安装。从根本上解决了业主对 卡的地坪系统以及幕墙产品单组份硅酮密 于工期的困扰。
New Horizon Issue 15 — Largest Exhibition Complex
为了体现会展中心地坪在颜色和质感 上更有特色,在项目前期,业主、总包、 设计、监理在西卡的苏州工厂召开研讨会, 讨论决定选用 sikafloor 2 synTop 1。颜色 没有选用常规色,而是特别调制的蓝黑色, 大气稳重的颜色与宽敞的展厅相得益彰。 今 年 10 月, 展 览 中 心 将 迎 来 它 的 开 馆第一展“2014 年中国国际汽车商品交易 会和 2014 年中国国际摩托车及零部件交易 会”。届时,来自五湖四海的人们将会一 起见证这个世界最大的会展中心—亦是 上海城市新地标的诞生。
With SikaGlaze® GG-735, the curing time is reduced to 48 hours with only about 50% material cost. The China Expo Convention and Exhibition Complex is designed in the shape of a clover leaf. It is situated in the west of the Shanghai Hongqiao Business Area. Convenient transportation surrounding the center makes it highly competitive. Facilities at the complex include exhibition halls, the commercial center, office buildings, and a hotel. It will be the largest single block building and exhibition complex in the world with a total construction area of 1.47 million square meters, of which 1.27 million square meters are above ground. The complex offers 400,000 square meters of indoor exhibition space, making it twice as large as the Shanghai International Exhibition Center.
Through the efforts of Sika and its partners, Sika supplied Sikafloor® systems and FFI products such as single-component silicone sealant Sikasil® WS-305 CN and two-component polyurethane structure adhesive SikaGlaze® GG-735 to the development. It was a challenge to fix the stiffeners for 100,000 square meters of clad aluminum on the roof. Depending on the temperature and humility, 4-6 days curing time is usually required before the clads are ready for installation by using onecomponent silicone structural adhesive. With SikaGlaze® GG-735, the curing time is reduced to 48 hours with only about 50% material cost.
In order to create a unique look and texture for the floor of the exhibition hall, the owner, general contractor, designer and supervisor met with Sika before commencement of construction to discuss flooring products. In the end Sikafloor®-2 SynTop 1 was used with a customized black blue color, matching the spacious hall well. In October, the world’s largest convention center will be ready for its opening exhibition, the 2014 China International Auto Products Expo. It will then become the new landmark of Shanghai.
New Horizon Issue 15 — Largest Exhibition Complex
西卡全球第一个 钢桥面防水铺装项目 water-proof On steel bridge deck 宁波市北外环广元路立交项目应用了西卡钢桥面铺装防水体系,这是西卡全 球第一个应用的钢桥面防水系统,具有里程碑的意义。
The steel bridge part of the North Outer Ring Flyover in Ningbo of China was waterproofed with Sika waterproofing system for steel bridge decks. It was the first time for this system applied in a real project in the world. 文:沈佩青 图:MaRC eGGIMaN
TEXT: Neal Shen PHOTO: Marc Eggiman
New Horizon Issue 15 — Waterproofing on Steel Bridge Deck
此防水系统不仅满足常规性能指标并 且在低温随从性、弯曲疲劳强度等性 能上具有相当大的优势。 >
2014 年 5 月是个值得纪念的日子,西卡 中国相关团队携同上海市政设计研究总院,历 时近三年,由桥梁市场团队发起,销售、技术 支持、产品管理组成团队,完成了一系列的系 统测试、设计交底、施工准备等工作后,于宁 波市北外环广元路立交项目中正式应用了西 卡钢桥面铺装防水体系,作为西卡在全球第一 个应用的钢桥面防水系统, 具有里程碑的意义, 该项目中广元大道路口因轨道交通 4 号线存 车折返线路布置,设置了一联(58+72+51)m 的钢箱梁结构,横截面宽 29.5m。
西卡推荐的 sikaCor® HM 桥面防水体 以更加完美的与沥青路面结合,大大延长 系在与设计院进行了一系列的长期测试后, 使用寿命。 实验结果证实:此防水系统不仅满足常规 由于此防水体系需要精细化施工,对于 性能指标并且在低温随从性、弯曲疲劳强 施工队伍的专业程度有较高的要求,西卡总 度等性能上具有相当大的优势。 部还派出经验丰富的德国的专家为我们提供 sikaCor® HM Primer 是钢桥面防腐底 专业的施工指导。不仅如此,在该项目实施 油,在解决了桥面钢板的阻锈、防腐要求 过程中,西卡团队的相关负责人、销售人员、 的同时还为防水层的施工起到了良好的过 技术人员、产品管理人员等分批分时段驻扎 渡作用,值得一提的是该底涂与钢板间的 在现场,确保随时提供强有力、专业的技术 支持。 实测拉拔强度达到或超过了 8MPa。
由于钢桥面铺装与普通道路路面及水 泥混凝土桥铺装有较大差异,因此针对北 外环的钢箱梁桥面铺装进行专门设计。上 海市政院对于铺装的防水体系在抗拉伸性 能、抗剪切性能以及拉拔强度上面都有较 高的要求,此外耐久性、耐腐蚀性等方面 也是业主及设计方极其关注的重点。
sikaCor® HM Mastic 是防水层,不仅 在各项试验中的数据远超标准,还是热熔 颗粒的良好载体。 sikalastic®-827 HT 热 熔 颗 粒 为 防 水 层与沥青之间的粘接提供机械咬合与高温 下化学键反应的双重保障,使整个体系可
在大家不懈努力下,通过人员的磨合、 现场施工问题的解决,历经 20 天,于 6 月 7 日顺利完成沥青铺装,结束了整个钢桥面 防水体系的施工。 真实项目的演练使我们的队伍更加成 熟,并期待更多更具挑战性的工程。
New Horizon Issue 15 — Waterproofing on Steel Bridge Deck
May 2014 was a memorable month. Sika China in partnership with the Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Institute, after a series of system tests, design clarifications and construction preparations, applied Sika’s waterproofing system for steel bridge decks at the Guangyuan Road flyover on the north outer-ring road in Ningbo. Since this was the first time that Sika’s waterproofing system for steel bridge decks has been applied anywhere in the world, it was a milestone occasion. Due to the layout of the Subway Line 4 at the intersection, a (58m+72m+51m) steel-box girder structure with a cross-section width of 29.5m was designed and installed at the Guangyuan Avenue intersection. Due to the significant difference between waterproofing on steel bridge decks and on general road and cementconcrete bridges, the waterproofing system for the steel-box girder was specially designed for the north outer ring. The Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Institute put forward strict requirements for stretch resistance, resistance to shearing and tensile strength of the waterproofing system. In addition, both the client and the designer also attached great importance to durability and resistance to corrosion.
New Horizon Issue 15 — Waterproofing on Steel Bridge Deck
A series of long-term trials of the SikaCor® HM waterproofing system for bridge decks as recommended by Sika were conducted at the Design Institute. The results of the trials proved that this waterproofing system not only met the requirements for routine performance but also exhibited great advantages in properties such as flexibility in low temperatures and bending fatigue strength. An anti-corrosion primer for steel bridge decks, SikaCor® HM Primer not only meets the requirements for resistance to rust and resistance to corrosion of steel deck plate but also plays a good transition role in the construction of waterproof barriers. It is worth mentioning that the measured tensile strength between this primer and steel plate reaches or exceeds 8MPa. SikaCor® HM Mastic is a water-proof layer. Its performance in varying trials greatly exceeds the standards. In addition, it is a good carrier of hotmelt adhesive. Sikalastic®-827 HT is a hot melt pellet which provides dual protection against mechanical locking and chemical bond reaction in high temperatures between the waterproof layer and the asphalt, which
enables the system as a whole to be combined with the asphalt pavement more effectively so as to extend service life. Since this waterproof system requires expert construction, there were strict requirements for the degree of specialization required of the construction team. Sika therefore sent experienced German experts to provide specialized construction guidance. In addition, during the course of installation, Sika’s project chief, sales personnel, technical personnel and product management personnel stayed on-site to provide effective professional and technical support throughout the process. With persistence, cooperation and great effort from all those involved, all site issues were resolved and the asphalt construction was completed successfully on June 7. The implementation took 20 days in total to ensure that the waterproof system for the steel bridge deck as a whole was fully completed. The practical experience gained from the project has helped the team to develop its skills and the team now waits with anticipation for many larger and more challenging projects.
this waterproofing system not only met the requirements for routine performance but also exhibited great advantages in properties such as flexibility in low temperatures and bending fatigue strength.
New Horizon Issue 15 — Waterproofing on Steel Bridge Deck
电子行业一站式解决方案 One-stop Solution for Electronic Industry 自 2009 年的北京工厂,到 2014 年在建的重庆工厂,中国显示技术领导企业— 京东方科技集团股份有限公司一直选择西卡作为信任的合作伙伴。西卡为京 东方工厂提供地坪、墙面、防水卷材和防火一站式解决方案。
Starting from 2009, Sika has been a trusted partner of BOE, a renowned Chinese provider of display technologies, products and solutions. In 2014, BOE chose Sika again as the provider of flooring, wall, waterproofing and fireproofing solutions for its Chongqing factory. 文:蒋滨松
TEXT: Benson Jiang
New Horizon Issue 15 — Solution for Electronic Industry
西卡在获知这个项目后很快成立了部 门负责人参与的 kPM 项目组,整合了地坪、 防火涂料和防水卷材几个部门的资源,配 备了项目负责人、资深销售经理、资深技 术支持经理的强大团队,并参照西卡 ssPP 销售模式,对于该项目进行了认真分析, 并确定了行动计划: 基于强强联合的考虑,选定了施工商 合作伙伴,充分整合资源;
国内的地坪厂商对此普遍缺乏概念,而西 卡自 1989 年起已经在洁净室地坪领域拥有 丰富的经验,西卡理所当然地成为技术部 门倚重的对象。 随着项目的进行,西卡的另一个优势 开始显现:西卡提供从屋面防水到钢结构 防火涂料再到地坪的整体解决方案。西卡 的一站式专业服务解决了原本困扰业主和 设计院的担忧,节省了业主宝贵的时间, 同时也降低了成本。
充分利用和业主交流的机会,了解业 主的需求并展示西卡的专业能力;
同时在多次交流中,我们让业主认识到 由于生产设备投资极其巨大,一旦发生火灾 认真和采购中心的每一方交流,帮助 损失将不可估量。西卡佑民生防火涂料系统 设计院和管理公司完成在地坪、防火,防 获得全球最权威的 FM 认证,是包括电子和 水等领域的设计和规范制定,帮助总包单 机场等重要工程首选的品牌。同时用于洁净 位解决施工中的技术难点和工期问题。 室的防火涂料需要提供 OCM asTM 595 洁净 京东方科技集团股份有限公司是中国 室废气检测报告。sika® unitherm®-38091/ 但由于业主方迫切需要尽快投产以抢 Permacor®-2707 因为通过了美国加州橘郡 知名的显示技术、产品与解决方案的提供 商,中国大陆唯一完整掌握 TFT-LCD 核心 占市场先机,因此项目工期非常紧张。需要 实验室的检测,在众多竞争对手中脱颖而出, 技术的本土企业,中国液晶显示产业中唯 在很短时间内完成近 60 万平米的墙面涂料、 成为此项目防火涂料不二选择。 一全面覆盖各尺寸主流电子产品应用领域 18 万平米防静电地坪、16 万平米防水卷材 的企业,营销和服务体系覆盖欧、美、亚 以及超过 10 万平米的钢结构防火涂料施工。 与地坪和防火涂料类似,西卡渗耐的 这对于材料的生产供应、现场施工组织协调 PVC 防水卷材在业内也是赫赫有名。通过 等全球主要地区。 都提出了极大的挑战。西卡 kPM 团队就此 几次技术交流和工程案例的考察,当业主 京东方在北京、成都、鄂尔多斯、合 确立了以技术优势为先导,避免与一众国内 看到有那么多完工近 20 年的项目至今屋面 肥有多条第 5 代到第 8.5 代 TFT-LCD 生产线, 竞争对手陷入恶性价格战的策略。 毫无渗水之虞,当即放心地把 16 万平米的 在建中的重庆第 8.5 代新型半导体显示器件 屋面防水项目也交给了西卡。 针对业主的疑虑,西卡及施工商多次 及系统项目也即将于明年投产。从北京到重 组织研讨会,并安排参观西卡工厂和完工 庆,西卡一直是京东方信任的合作伙伴。 在顺利完成北京京东方项目之后,业 及在建项目。西卡在电子行业拥有非常丰 主对于西卡及其施工商的表现完全认可, 2009 年京东方投资 280 亿在北京筹 富的经验,完成了众多大型项目如华为、 在其后的 2012 年合肥鑫盛项目,2014 年开 建业内技术领先的 8.5 代液晶面板生产线, 台积电、宏立半导体、中芯国际等,这是 始的重庆京东方项目,都顺理成章地继续 期望借助该项目的顺利实施确立其在液晶 竞争对手无法企及的优势。业主从中获得 把西卡作为其首选供应商。 面板业内的领跑地位。 了充分的信心,坚信与西卡的合作将是该 西卡凭借在京东方项目上的巨大成功, 项目地坪 / 墙面 / 防水 / 防火子项顺利完 由于技术要求高加上体量巨大,项目 成的重要保障。2010 年 4 月,西卡地坪、 从此奠定了在电子行业尤其是液晶面板行 立项伊始就广受各方关注。包括国际品牌在 墙面、防水卷材和防火涂料被确定为该项 业的领导者地位,在其后众多的大型液晶 内的几乎所有具备一定规模的地坪 / 防火涂 目第一优选品牌,为我们后续工作的开展 面板项目如华星光电,熊猫电子和国显光 料 / 防水卷材企业都把这个项目看作展示实 铺平了道路。 电等,西卡无一例外都是作为首选供应商 力的最佳机会。根据国家发展计划,在随后 获得邀请,而西卡也将在京东方项目上获 几年里液晶面板行业会迎来巨大的商机,必 在随后与管理公司和设计院的交流中, 得的成功经验与这些业主分享,为这些项 将有井喷式的大发展。对于各家企业而言, 我们进一步了解到工厂的主要设备都是花 目提出了很多建设性的意见,获得了业主 在北京京东方项目上取得先机,也就占领了 巨资从国外进口,对生产环境有着非常严 认可和信任,并陆续拿到了这些项目的后 未来几年液晶面板行业的制高点。 格的要求,必须满足国外的洁净室认证。 续工程。
New Horizon Issue 15 — Solution for Electronic Industry
A renowned Chinese provider of display technologies, products and solutions, BOE Co., Ltd. is the sole mainland Chinese company with a full command of T F T-L C D cor e te chnologies and full coverage across all dimensions of mainstream electronic products in the Chinese LCD industry. Its marketing and service systems cover all of the main regions in Europe, America and Asia. BOE has several TFT-LCD production lines from Generation 5 to Generation 8 in Beijing, Chengdu, Ordos and Hefei. Its new Generation 8.5 new-type semiconductor display par ts and system production line under construction in Chongqing will also be put into operation next year. From Beijing to Chongqing, Sika is a trusted partner of BOE. In 2009, BOE invested RMB 28 billion in Beijing to build its Generation 8.5 LCD panel production line using leading industry technologies in the hope of cementing its leading position within the LCD industry.
senior technical support managers. Sika also conducted a detailed project analysis and drafted an action plan based on the Sika SSPP sales format as follows: 1. To select construction partners with a thorough integration of resources to achieve a strong association between partners; 2. To take advantage the opportunity to communicate with the client, understand their needs and display Sika’s professional competences; 3. To carefully communicate with each part of the procurement centre, assist the design team and the management company in completing the design and formation of standards in the fields of flooring, fire prevention and waterproofing, and to assist the main contractor in solving technical difficulties and issues encountered during the construction process.
Due to strict technical requirements and the huge scale involved, the development attracted widespread attention upon announcement. Almost every large flooring, anti-fire coating and waterproofing membrane producer including international brands saw a good opportunity to show their strengths. In accordance with the country’s plans for national development, the LCD industry will see huge business potential and rapid development in the next few years. As far as suppliers were concerned, securing early opportunities in the BOE Beijing project meant securing a strong foothold in LCD industry for the following years.
However, since the client required urgent completion to allow production as quickly as possible in order to seize the opportunities in the market, the construction work was given a tight deadline. In a short space of time it was necessary to complete construction of nearly 600,000 square meters of wall paint, 180,000 square meters of antistatic flooring, 160,000 square meters of waterproofing membrane and more than 100,000 square meters of fire-proof coating for steel structures. This presented a huge challenge to the production and supply of materials and to the organization and coordination of on-site construction. Sika’s KPM team, taking advantage of its technical strength, therefore adopted a strategy of avoiding a damaging price war with domestic competitors.
When Sika first became aware of this project, it quickly formed the KPM project team with involvement from the heads of departments and resources from the flooring, anti-fire coating and waterproofing membrane departments, establishing a strong team consisting of a chairperson, senior sales managers and
To address concerns of the client, Sika and the contractors organized several seminars and arranged visits to Sika’s factories as well as to its completed projec ts and those currently under construction. Highly experienced in the electronics sector, Sika has completed numerous large developments for Hua-
New Horizon Issue 15 — Solution for Electronic Industry
wei, TSMC, Hongli Semiconductor and SMIC and therefore has strength and experience beyond the reach of its competitors. The client gained strong confidence based on this. BOE was then fully convinced that its cooperation with Sika would play an important role in guaranteeing smooth completion of the work relating to flooring, walls, waterproofing and fire prevention. In April 2010 Sika’s flooring, wall coating, waterproofing membrane and fire-proof coating products were selected as the first choice brand for this project, thereby paving the way for the development of our subsequent work. During subsequent communications with the management company and the design team, Sika became aware that the majority of the factory’s equipment had been imported at huge cost with strict requirements relating to the environment in which they were to be used such as the cleanroom certification requirements. Domestic flooring manufacturers were not aware of such issues. Sika has been highly experienced in clean-room production flooring since 1989 and is therefore a business that technical departments may rely on. As the progress of construction continued, Sika’s other advantages were realized. As a provider of package solutions from waterproof roofing to fire-proof coating for steel structures to flooring products, Sika provides a one-stop for specialized services which assist the client and the designer in addressing their concerns so as to save precious time and reduce costs. Through communication with the client, we made the client realize that any fire will bring inestimable loss due to the huge sum of money invested into the production equipment. Sika® Unitherm® fire-proof coating has obtained the world’s most authoritative FM certification globally. It is the first choice of brand for many significant construc tion developments includ-
西卡在京东方项目上累计完成的产品系统: 1. sikafloor®-161/220 W/ 262 as CN防静电环氧自流平地坪系统:
350,000 m2 2. sikagard® Wallcoat 水性环氧墙面涂料系统:300,000 m2 3. sikagard® Wallcoat Pu eDF防静电聚氨酯墙面涂料系统:320,000 m2 4. sika® sarnafil® F30-12F PVC 防水卷材:160,000 m2 5. sika® unitherm®-38091/Permacor®-2707防火涂料系统:300,000 m2 Sika’s products and systems used during the BOE projects: 1. Sikafloor®-161/220 W/ 262 AS CN antistatic epoxy self-levelling flooring: 350,000 m2 2. Sikagard® Wallcoat water-based epoxy wall coating: 300,000 m2 3. Sikagard® Wallcoat PU EDF antistatic polyurethane wall coating: 320,000 m2 4. Sika® Sarnafil® F30-12 F PVC waterproofing membrane: 160,000 m2 5. Sika® Unitherm®-38091/Permacor®-2707 fire-proof coating: 300,000 m2
ing those in the electronic industr y and airport construction. In addition, an OCM ASTM 595 cleanroom waste gas test repor t is required for firepr o o f co a t ing designed f or clean rooms. Since Sika® Unitherm®-38091/ Permacor®-2707 has passed the test conducted by the Orange County Laboratory in California USA, it has distinguished itself from many competitors and was the best choice of fire-proof coating for this development. Similar to its flooring and fireproof coatings products, Sika PVC waterproofing membrane is also famous in the sector. Af ter technical demonstrations and
explanations of Sika’s previous cases, since the client saw no sign of water leakage on the roofing of any of the completed developments for nearly 20 years, it immediately entrusted the 160,000-square-meter roofing water prevention task to Sika with confidence. After smooth completion of the Beijing BOE development, the client was highly satisfied with the performance of Sika and the contractors. Thereafter, for its Xinsheng Development in Hefei in 2012 and the new development in Chongqing in 2014, BOE again chose Sika as its first choice of supplier.
Sika’s great success in the BOE development has laid a solid foundation for Sika to take the lead in the electronic industry and especially the LCD sector. As a result large LCD producers such as CSOT, CEC – Panda Group and Guoxian Photoelectric, all invited Sika to be the first choice of supplier for their new developments. Sika was also able to share the experience gained from the success of the BOE development with these clients and provided numerous constructive opinions, winning the recognition and trust of the clients and obtaining follow-up contracts from the success of these developments.
New Horizon Issue 15 — Solution for Electronic Industry
诺华上海研发中心 地坪解决方案 Flooring Solutions for Novartis R&D Center in Shanghai 诺华集团投资 10 亿美元,在上海张江高科技园区打造全新研发园区。新建成的研 发中心将成为诺华公司全球第三大研发中心,同时也将会是中国最大的综合性医 药研发中心。西卡根据不同建筑对地面的要求,为该项目提供了多款地坪系统。
Novartis Group invested US$ 1 billion to build a brand-new research and development park within the Shanghai Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park. It will become the third largest research and development center for Novartis and the largest integrated pharmaceutical research and development center in China. Sika has provided different flooring systems to this project to meet the various function, color requirements for different buildings. 文:朱杰 图:朱杰 / 上海百利加防腐工程有限公司
TEXT: Zhu Jie photo: Zhu Jie / SHANGHAI XERVON
国内最大医药研发中心 诺华是全球领先的医药健康企业,总 部位于瑞士巴塞尔。诺华业务遍及全球 140 多个国家和地区,2012 年,全球超过 12 亿 患者受益于诺华集团的产品。1997 年,诺 华在北京成立中国总部。此次,诺华集团 投资 10 亿美元,在上海张江高科技园区打 造全新研发园区,选址毗邻各大学术科研 机构、生物科技公司及制药研发机构。新 建成的研发中心将成为诺华公司继美国麻 省剑桥研发中心、瑞士总部巴塞尔研发中 心之外的全球第三大研发中心,同时也将 会是中国最大的综合性医药研发中心。
New Horizon Issue 15 — Novartis R&D Center in Shanghai
风格迥异的建筑群 诺华上海研发园区设计开发 14 栋建筑 单体和一个连通的大地下室。首期建设项 目始于 2011 年,开发 7 栋单体建筑及一半 的地下室,地上和地下各约 4 万平方米, 计划于 2015 年中完成,二期计划 2015 年 底开始动工。研发园区由多位国际知名建 筑师鼎力打造,建筑内部设有庭院自成一 体,外观设计则流动和谐,为该区域的城 市环境注入新的活力。 每栋建筑的设计风格迥异,不同功能 的建筑对地面要求也不相同,地质结构复
杂和工期短。作为医药行业的领导企业, 诺华在行业内具有巨大的影响力,项目的 参与者都是本行业的知名公司,因此能参 与该项目将是一个公司实力的体现。 西卡地坪解决方案 西卡成立专门的项目组,根据设计对 不同建筑风格的搭配要求、地坪应用的特 点以及颜色混搭要求,有针对性的提出适 合各个建筑的地坪系统。在工厂、研发、 销售、技术各个部门的的通力协作下,西 卡专门为诺华项目申请和生产了十余种的 新 Code,并配合施工商上海百利加防腐工
每栋建筑的设计风格迥异,不同功能 的建筑对地面要求也不相同。 程有限公司进行了几十次的样板施工。过 硬的技术、专业的服务、辛勤的汗水和坚 韧不拔的精神,最终说服了业主、设计公司、 管理公司以及总包方,在多个区域采用了 西卡地坪系统。
C5 建 筑 最 初 的 地 面 设 计 是 一 家 竞 争 对 手 的 装 饰 性 地 坪 系 统, 通 过 不 断 的 沟 通 和 展 示, 西 卡 商 用 纯 聚 氨 酯 地 坪 系 统 sikafloor®-325 CF + sikafloor®-304 W 凭 借其良好的舒适性,低 VOC、环保等优点, 最终在 C5 建筑一半的地面得到了应用。同 时,车库应用了西卡纯聚氨酯车库地坪系
统 sikafloor®-325 sL + sikafloor®-359, 该系统具有良好的裂缝桥接能力和耐化 学 腐 蚀 能 力、 耐 uV、 防 滑、 降 低 胎 噪。 动物房应用了西卡聚氨酯砂浆地坪系统 sikafloor®-24 N Purcem + sikafloor®-315, 该系统具备优良的耐热水冲洗性能、良好 的耐化学腐蚀能力、安全、卫生等优质特性。
炜 先 生 参 观 了 诺 华( 中 国) 生 物 医 学 研 究 有 限 公 司, 受 到 诺 华 上 海 园 区 负 责 人 Tschekav Muench 女 士 和 项 目 经 理 汪 先 生的热情接待。 充分的沟通,增进了彼此间的了解和 友谊,为双方的长期友好合作奠定了坚实 的基础,祝愿西卡和诺华的友谊生根发芽!
此外,西卡还分别获取了能源中心、 卸载平台、C10、消防通道等区域的地坪。
2014 年 4 月 24 日 西 卡 中 国 总 裁 穆 善 和 先 生 陪 同 西 卡 全 球 副 CeO 庞 笑
New Horizon Issue 15 — Novartis R&D Center in Shanghai
The style of design varies from building to building. Buildings with different functions have different requirements for flooring. >
L argest Pharmaceutical R&D Center in China Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, Novartis is known globally as a leading pharmaceutical and healthcare company with business operations located in more than 140 countries. In 2012, more than 1.2 billion patients throughout the world received the benefits from products made by Novartis Group. In 1997, Novartis established its China headquarters in Beijing. Novartis Group invested US$ 1 billion to build a brandnew research and development park within the Shanghai Zhangjiang Hitech Park. The site is adjacent to major academic institutions, biotechnology companies and pharmaceutical research and development institutions. This new development and research center will become the third largest research and
New Horizon Issue 15 — Novartis R&D Center in Shanghai
development center for Novartis following its Massachusetts-based Cambridge Research and Development Center in the United States and Basel Research and Development Center at its Switzerland headquarters. It will also become the largest integrated pharmaceutical research and development center in China. 14 Buildings with Various Styles The Novartis Shanghai Research and Development Center is comprised of 14 single buildings and a large basement. Phase-I construction works were started in 2011 with the development of 7 buildings as well as half of the basement area. The total construction area is around 40,000 square meters. It is expected to be completed in mid2015. The phase-II works will commence at the end of 2015. The research and development center was designed by
many world renowned architects. The interior sections of the buildings contain courtyards as part of the unique overall design. The exterior flowing design in harmonious style will bring new energy to the region‘s urban surroundings. The style of design varies from building to building. Buildings with different functions have different requirements for flooring. The ground structure is complex and the construction deadline is tight. As a leading business in the pharmaceutical industry, Novartis exerts enormous influence on the sector. All companies involved in this development are well-known in each sector. Therefore, their involvement in this development is a reflection of the strength of those companies.
2014 年 4月24日,西卡中国总裁穆善和先生陪同 西卡集团全球副CeO庞笑炜先生参观了诺华(中 国)生物医学研究有限公司。
On April 24th, 2014, Mr. Morten Muschak, President of Sika China, accompanied Mr. Silvio Ponti, Deputy CEO of Sika Group, to China Novartis Institutes of Biomedical Research Co., Ltd..
Sika Flooring Solutions The project team that Sika established proposed flooring systems applicable to various building styles based on the design requirements for the matching of different architectural styles, flooring applications and requirements for colour matching. With cooperation from the factory, R&D, sales and technical service, Sika developed more than ten new codes specifically for the Novartis development, and provided support to the construction company Shanghai Xervon in model construction on numerous occasions. After hard work and perseverance, the client, the design company, the management company and the general contractor were impressed by Sika’s excellent technology and professional service and they agreed to use Sika’s flooring systems in many areas of the construction work.
The original ground design for Building C5 used an ornamental flooring system from another company. After frequent communication and product displays, it was agreed to use Sika’s pure polyurethane flooring system Sikafloor®-325 CF+ Sikafloor®-304 W with its high level of comfort, low VOC and environmentfriendliness to cover half of the ground of Building C5. In additions, Sika’s pure polyurethane car park flooring system Sikafloor®-325 SL + Sikafloor®-359 was used for the car parking area. This product is characterized by excellent crackbridging ability, resistance to chemical corrosion, resistance to UV, anti-slip and reduction of tyre noise. For the animalhousing rooms Sika’s polyurethane mortar flooring system Sikafloor®-24 N Purcem + Sikafloor®-315 was used. This system is characterized by high-quality elements such as excellent resistance to
hot water, resistance to chemical corrosion, safety and cleanliness. In addition, Sika’s flooring systems were also used for the energy center, loading dock, C10 and fire escapes. On April 24, 2014, Mr. Morten Muschak, President of Sika China, accompanied Mr. Silvio Ponti, Deputy CEO of Sika Group, to China Novartis Institutes of Biomedical Research Co., Ltd.. The team was warmly received by the director of Novartis’ Shanghai Center Ms. Tschekav Muench and the project manager Mr. Wang. Good communication has enhanced the understanding and friendship between the two parties and laid a solid foundation for long-term cooperation. Long may the friendship and cooperation between Sika and Novartis continue!
New Horizon Issue 15 — Novartis R&D Center in Shanghai
New Horizon Issue 15 — NEW HORIZON
百年后携手: 西卡与天津西站 的缘分 Tianjin West Station In Partnership After One Hundred Years 1910 年,天津老西站正式投入运营,与此同时,在亚 欧大陆另一端的瑞士 kaspar Winkler 先生创立西卡公 司。历史是如此奇妙和巧合,100 多年后,西卡为天 津新西站的建设贡献力量,为其量身定制了混凝土解 决方案。
In 1910, the old Tianjin West Station was put into operation and the same year, in Switzerland at the other land of the Asia-Europe landmass, Mr. Kaspar Winkler started the history of Sika. Over 100 years later, Sika made a contribution to the construction of the new station to provide customized concrete solutions.
文:刘杉杉 图:杨鸿壮
TEXT: Chris Liu PHOTO: Bruce Yang
New Horizon Issue 15 — Tianjin West Station
长达四百米的钢结构编织拱顶的庞大之身覆盖在两栋对称的二十米高的C 型裙房之上,款款坐落于海河之滨。
With its enormous 400-meter long steel structure covering two symmetrical 20-meter high C-shaped annexes, this huge building shimmers in daylight and is bathed in colorful lights at night.
New Horizon Issue 15 — NEW HORIZON
New Horizon Issue 15 — NEW HORIZON
天津老西站 1898 年建成,1910 年投入运营。老西站候车楼已被完整平移到新站附近,作为铁路博物馆,和新西站遥相辉映。
The old station was built up in 1898 and put into operation in 1910. The waiting room of the old West Station has been relocated near the new West Station and now serves as a railway museum.
作为屈指可数的亚洲特大火车站之一, 天津新西站占地六十八万平方米,站房主 体由地上两层和地下三层构成,建筑总面 积达十八万平方米,车场总规模为二十四 台二十四线。 这座被命名为“光辉”的庞大建筑, 正如它耀眼的名字,以它长达四百米的钢 结构编织拱顶的庞大之身覆盖在两栋对称 的 二 十 米 高 的 C 型 裙 房 之 上, 款 款 坐 落 于海河之滨,沐浴着熠熠生辉的白日,缤 纷着流光溢彩的夜晚,连接了朝夕间北城 CbD 的繁华崭新和南城老区的淡然古味, 这般新旧两边地理上的承接不得不让人联 想到另一层巧合。 天津西站的故事 这便要先从天津西站的历史说起了。 早在一八九八年,英德资本集团对于“津 镇铁路”的擅自承办就促成了它的前身 天津老西站的建成。当时由于资金投放受 英德政府限制,因此在设计上采用了德国 设计师的理念与构想,这使得老西站同时 拥有了西式的清水砖墙、窗套立柱、石材 雕制的花饰和入口台阶,和东方韵味的南 极仙翁、仙鹤、龙嘴浮雕,成为一座典型 的具有折衷主义风格的德国新古典主义建 筑。巧合的是:新西站的设计也是由德国 的一家建筑师事务所完成的。如今的老西
New Horizon Issue 15 — Tianjin West Station
站候车楼,已被完整平移到新站附近,作 为铁路博物馆,和新西站遥相辉映,演绎 着天津这座华城的过去和未来。如此这般 地理和历史上的新旧相交,使得天津西站 具有了不囿于外表的美学意义。而更让人 觉得惊叹欣喜的是,在有关西站的这段悠 久历史中,西卡亦找到与之交叠的岁月, 在 老 西 站 投 入 运 营 的 同 年, 也 就 是 1910 年,远在亚欧大陆另一端的美丽国度瑞士, kaspar Winkler 先生开启了西卡超越百年 的历史,而那时又有谁能预料到,百年之 后这两部伟大的作品能够再一次在时空中 交错,且携手共谱一段精彩的乐章! 能为这样一座具有非凡价值和意义的 建筑施工贡献力量,是西卡的骄傲,也是 西卡产品在业内好口碑的力证。西站原本 就是天津市地铁一号线的重要车站,而根 据天津市地铁规划,原一号线与新的四号 及六号线会在新西站地下呈“H”型交汇, 由此,地下配置工程巨大,涵盖停车场、 地铁候车室等。 项目要求 由于地下配置工程巨大,要求混凝土 进行大底板、大体积施工。底板设计的平 均厚度为四米,最厚处甚至达到了七到八 米。由于设计的特殊性,容易造成混凝土 开裂,所以对防止混凝土由于收缩变形引
起的开裂性能要求非常高。此外,距离给 混凝土施工带来的挑战也不容忽视,个别 施工部位离泵车较远,泵送距离在 500m 以上,而现场要求混凝土和易性、流动性 良好,到达现浇筑部位的塌落度在 180mm 以上,对混凝土的泵送性能要求高。并且 工程要求拆模后混凝土表面无明显气泡、 孔洞。 西卡解决方案 西卡团队为新西站建设量身定制了 解 决 方 案。 施 工 方 使 用 了 西 卡 的 高 效 减 水 剂 系 列 sika® ViscoCrete®-1200 以 及 可 在零下十五度低温下施工的防冻剂 sika® ViscoCrete® W,应用于约四十万方混凝土。 混凝土充分发挥了其优越的工作性能,和 易性以及流动性好,经过长距离泵送塌落 度没有损失,混凝土浇筑到施工部位,包 裹性依然很好。拆模后,混凝土表面光洁, 无明显气泡孔洞。 如今的新西站,已投入运营三年多, 可同时容纳五万人乘车,站内各项设施便 利齐全,运行良好,每日为出行的旅客提 供优质服务,而这其中,也有西卡的努力 付出和贡献。为此,西卡在未来前进的道 路上会一直心怀感恩并深感荣耀。
As one of just a few large railway stations in Asia, the new Tianjin West Station covers an area of 680,000 square meter s. T he main s tation building consists of two stories above ground and three below ground with a total construction area of 180,000 square meters. There are a total of twenty-four platforms and twenty-four lines. This huge building named “Brilliance”, living up to its name, is situated along the bank of Haihe River. With its enormous 400-meter long steel structure covering two symmetrical 20-meter high Cshaped annexes the building shimmers in daylight and is bathed in colorful lights at night. It links the flourishing brand-new CBD in the north of the city with the ancient charm of the old city to the south. Such a connection between the old and new districts brings a fresh contrast. History of Tianjin West Station The story must start with the history of Tianjin West Station. As early as 1898, under British and German Capital Group’s independent operation of the “Jinzhen Railway” the former Tianjin West Station was built. Since the investment of capital was restricted by the British and German governments at the time, the philosophy and ideas of German designers were adopted in the design. Therefore, the old West Station had western style plain brick walls, window pillars, stone carving sand entrance staircases, combined with oriental deity sculptures, red-crowned cranes and dragon heads, being typical of eclectic-style German Neo-classic architecture. Coincidentally, the new West Station was also designed by German architects. The waiting room of the old West Station has been relocated near the new West Station and now serves as a railway museum. This geographical and historical succession of old and new mirrors the past and future
of the beautiful city of Tianjin bringing aesthetic values beyond appearance to Tianjin West Station. But what makes people feel especially delighted is that Sika has shared this long history with the West Station. In 1910, the same year that the old West Station was put into operation, in the beautiful country of Switzerland at the other end of the Asia-Europe landmass, Mr. Kaspar Winkler started the history of Sika which is now over one hundred years old. Of course, at the time, no one could have imagined that these two greats would come together once again to create a new masterpiece one hundred years later! Sika is proud to be given the opportunity to make a contribution to the construction of such architecture with extraordinary values and significance. It is also strong proof of the excellent reputation of Sika’s products in the industry. The West Station is a key stop on Line 1 of the Tianjin metro. According to plans for the expansion of the Tianjin metro, the original Line 1 and the new Line 4 and Line 6 will be connected in the shape of an “H” at the new West Station. Therefore, the underground excavation and construction project will be huge, covering parking lots, and waiting halls for the metro and other such facilities. Requirements of the Project Due to the size of the underground construction project, construction of large floor plates and a large volume of concrete will be required. The average thickness of the floor is planned to be 4 meters with a maximum thickness of 7-8 meters. Due to the special design, there is a significant risk of the concrete cracking. Therefore, the need to prevent concrete cracking caused by shrinking and deformation will be of great importance. Additionally, the challenge created by the distance to the concrete production
should not be disregarded. A few of the construction sites are quite far from the pump trucks with a pumping distance of over 500m. However, the construction work requires good workability and mobility of the concrete and on reaching the site casting areas the concrete slump should be over 180mm. High performance in terms of concrete pumping is therefore required. Furthermore, it is necessary that there be no obvious air bubbles or pores on the surface of concrete after it is removed from the mould. Sika Solutions Sika’s team has custom-designed a number of solutions for the construction of the new West Station. The construction team had applied Sika’s highperformance series of water reduction agents Sika® ViscoCrete®-1200 as well as antifreeze Sika® ViscoCrete® W which can be used in temperatures of -15°C to a total volume of concrete of 400,000 cubic meters. This has ensured good workability and mobility of the concrete being used with no loss of slump even after pumping over long distances. Concrete can be poured at the construction site with very good preservation. After being taken out of the mould, the surface of the concrete is smooth and clean without obvious bubbles or pores. The new West Station has been in operation for more than three years and can hold 50,000 passengers at any one time. The station is equipped with convenient and complete facilities and its smooth operation provides a high quality service to travelers every day. To make this happen, Sika has also expended much effort to make its contribution towards the operation of the station. As a result, Sika will be both grateful and proud as it marches on in the future.
New Horizon Issue 15 — Tianjin West Station
聚焦武汉汽车工业 Focus on Wuhan: Auto-City 武汉向来是中国历史上的重镇,如今又以发达的汽车工业闻名。多家汽车制 造商将生产和销售基地选择在武汉,如东风集团、神龙汽车、东风本田已在 武汉生产多年。目前上海通用汽车和东风雷诺汽车都在武汉建立新工厂。自 2007 年起,西卡为神龙、东风、标致等品牌多款车型提供隔音降噪及结构加 强等产品。
Wuhan is an important city in China’s history. It is now famous for its automotive industry. Many auto companies have chosen Wuhan as their manufacturing and trading center, such as Dongfeng Group, DPCA and Dongfeng Honda which have been producing vehicles in Wuhan for years. SGM and Dongfeng Renault are also building their new plants in Wuhan. Since 2007, Sika has been providing baffle, damping and reinforcing products for vehicles produced by DPCA, DFM. 文:白雄
TEXT: Bouse bai
New Horizon Issue 15 — Automotive
西卡在东风集团和神龙汽车取得的成 绩离不开团队的紧密合作,正是在技 术、质量、客服等团队的有力支持下, 销售团队才能创造出更大的成绩。
武汉向来是中国历史上的重镇,现今更 因发达的汽车工业而闻名。多家汽车制造商 将生产和销售基地选择在武汉,如东风集团、 神龙汽车、东风本田已在武汉生产多年。如 今,上海通用汽车和东风雷诺汽车也先后在 武汉建立了新工厂。
胶 sikaPower®-498 也 被 选 定 使 用 在 408 车型上,这是西卡的结构加强件首次在中 国应用。西卡在神龙汽车的市场份额从 5% 很快上升到 60%。
神龙汽车有限公司是东风汽车集团与法 国标致雪铁龙集团的合资公司,成立于 1992 年,拥有一个发动机工厂及三个主生产厂, 共四个生产工厂。2012 年的汽车销量为 44 万辆,2013 年上升到 57 万辆,2014 年的目 标是 72 万辆。到 2015 年年底,三个主工厂 的产能将达到 100 多万辆。神龙汽车正在 成都建立其第五个生产工厂,并计划推出多 款新车型,到 2020 年,生产规模将扩大到 150 万辆 / 年。
着神龙汽车密集地推出新车型,西卡将有更 多的市场机会。
2007 年,西卡成功将膨胀片应用到标 致品牌 508 车型上,这是西卡中国首次在没 有使用经销商的帮助下,直接与合资汽车生 产厂商签订供货合同。 2009 年神龙汽车开始使用西卡汽车降 噪产品 sikaDamp®,并成为了其他汽车原厂 降噪产品应用的范例。 从 2010 年 到 2013 年, 神 龙 汽 车 发 布 301、 新 爱 丽 舍、C-XR、2008、408& 3008 车型的膨胀片以及 408 车型的结构 加强件咨询文件。面临着强劲的竞争对手 艾联及汉高,西卡脱颖而出,最终成功被 选为这些车型的零件供应商。另外,结构
西卡与神龙汽车和东风乘用车公司的合作 历程:
2007 神龙汽车的首个隔音产品业务 —
2014 年,西卡又顺利的拿到了新车型 P84 和 X81 的车身结构隔音产品的订单。随
东风乘用车公司成立于 2007 年,是东 风集团的全资子公司,2009 年建厂,生产 的第一辆车是 s30。经过 4 年的发展,东 风乘用车公司目前生产的车型包括 s30、 H30、a60 和 a30, 并 将 于 2015 年 推 出 aX7。西卡目前是东风乘用车公司唯一膨胀 片供应商,拥有 100% 份额。从 2012 年到 2013 年,东风乘用车公司的汽车销量从 7 万 辆增长到 9 万辆。
2014 年 2 月 18 日,东风集团与标致雪 铁龙集团签订合同,购买标致雪铁龙 14%
sikabaffle®-250 2008 sikaDamp® 产品首次应用在神龙汽车 — sikaDamp-630 2010 西卡补强片首次用在东风乘用车 —
sikaReinforcer®-615 2011 被神龙汽车点名为 301/ 爱丽舍 /2008 供应 车身结构隔音产品 — sikabaffle®-250 NT
2012 被神龙汽车选定为 C-XR 车型膨胀片供应商 — sikabaffle®-250 NT
的股份,成为标致雪铁龙集团三大股东之一, 这将为神龙汽车以及东风乘用车公司带来更 被 神 龙 汽 车 选 定 为 408 膨 胀 片、 结构加强件及结构胶的供应商 — 大的发展机会。
sikabaffle®-250 NT, sikaReinforcer®-
西卡在东风集团和神龙汽车取得的成绩 911Pb,sikapower®-498 离不开团队的紧密合作,正是在技术、质量、 客服等团队的有力支持下,销售团队才能创 2013 为东风乘用车公司供应 a60、a30、 aX7 造出更大的成绩。 的车身结构隔音产品 — sikabaffle®-250 NT, sikabaffle®-229。为神龙汽车供应的车 身结构加强件 sikaReinforcer®-911 Pb。
New Horizon Issue 15 — Automotive
These opportunities and offers were achieved by excellent teamwork with contributions from the engineering, quality, and customer service teams. >
Wuhan is an important city in China’s history. It is now famous for its automotive industry. Many auto companies have chosen Wuhan as their manufacturing and trading center, such as Dongfeng Group, DPCA and Dongfeng Honda w hich hav e been pr oducing vehicles in Wuhan for years. SGM and Dongfeng Renault are also building their new plants in Wuhan. DPC A is the joint venture company founded by Dongfeng Group and PSA in Wuhan on May 18 th 1992. DPCA now has 4 plants: one for engine production, and three for vehicles. From 2012 to 2013, annual output increased from 440,000 to 570,000 vehicles. The plan for 2014 is for over 720,000 vehicles to be produced. By the end of 2015, the full capacity of these three plants will reach more than 1 million vehicles. DPCA is now founding its 5th plant for vehicle production in Chengdu and is planning the launch of more new models and the expansion of production to 1,500,000 vehicles by 2020. In 2007, Sika Automotive China first won business from DPCA via its 508 baffle contract. This was our first direct JV project contract with an OEM without dealer channels involved. In 2009, Sika secured the first business from DPCA in relation to SikaDamp® products, setting an example to other OEMs.
New Horizon Issue 15 — Automotive
From 2010 to 2013, DPCA tendered its baffle RFQs for 301, Elysee, C-XR, 2008, 408 & 3008, and reissued RFQs for 408. Facing strong competition from L&L and Henkel, Sika finally won the approval for all these RFQs, in addition to the approval of SikaPower®-498 for T9. This was the first application of Sika’s reinforcement products in China. After SOPs have been implemented for all the models, Sika’s market share at DPCA will increase from 5% to 60%! In 2014, we also received baffle RFQs for the new models P84 and X81. With such positive development of demand for new models from DPCA, there are huge opportunities to expand our business. DFM (Dongfeng Passenger Vehicle Company) is a 100% subsidiary company of Dongfeng Group. DFM was founded in 2007 and its plant was constructed in 2009, with the first model being the S30. And after 4 years of expansion, DFM has the models S30, H30, A60 and D23 in production, and the G29 will be launched in 2015. Sika was selected for all existing DFM projects. From 2012 to 2013, DFM volumes grew from 70,000 vehicles to 90,000 vehicles. On February 18 th 2014 Dongfeng Group signed the cooperation agreement with PSA. Dongfeng Group took a 14% share and was one of the three biggest shareholders. Such cooperation will create many opportunities for DPCA and DFM.
These opportunities and offers were achieved by excellent teamwork with contributions from the engineering, quality, and customer service teams. Timeline of the Sika acoustics projects at DPCA and DFM: 2007 First acoustics business from DPCA – SikaBaffle® 250 2008 First application of SikaDamp® in China by DPCA – SikaDamp®-630 2010 First application of Sika’s brace products in China by DFM – SikaReinforcer®-615 2011 301/Elysee/2008 baffle approval by DPCA - SikaBaffle®-250 NT 2012 C-XR baffle approval by DPCA- SikaBaffle®- 250 NT 408 baffle/reinforcer/Power approval by DPCA – SikaBaffle®-250 NT, SikaReinforcer®-911 PB, SikaPower®-498. 2013 A60, A30, AX7 baffle approval by DFM – SikaBaffle®-250 NT, SikaBaffle®-229 3008 reinforcer approval by DPCA – SikaReinforcer®-911 PB.
New Horizon Issue 15 — NEW HORIZON
市场 Market
机器手自动安装的完美效果 sikaflex® 挡风玻璃胶满足最高的安全标准,可以大幅加快汽车生产流程。
Automatically perfect The Sikaflex® direct glazing system meets the highest safety standards and can significantly accelerate the production process.
New Horizon Issue 15 — NEW HORIZON
全球 1/4 的 汽车挡风玻 璃使用西卡 胶粘接 One out of Four Car Windshields is Bonded with Sika 每天都有数以百万计的人靠汽车出行,大家 可能只知道汽车挡风玻璃的功能是使驾驶人 员清晰地看见前面的路况,却鲜有人知道挡 风玻璃是用胶水粘接在车身上的。
Millions of people travel by car every day. But few of them know the true functions of the windshield that gives them a clear view of the road. And even fewer know how the windshield is bonded to the car.
粘接是为了安全 挡风玻璃是汽车上的一个重要的安全 元件,同时全球 1/4 的汽车挡风玻璃是用 西卡胶粘接的。汽车前挡风玻璃采用夹层 结构,作为车身结构的一部分,可以提高 车身刚性。由于挡风玻璃是使用具有弹性 的玻璃胶粘接固定的,所以它可以吸收振 动和冲击,并可以提高汽车整体的运行性 能。如今,汽车挡风玻璃在撞击时不会裂 成碎片,将吸收巨大的冲击力。因此挡风 玻璃必须牢固地粘接在车身上,不能从车 身上飞脱。在交通事故中,用西卡粘接系 统固定的挡风玻璃具有足够的强度来支撑 保护乘客的安全气囊,这就对粘接玻璃和 车身的玻璃胶提出了很高的要求。如今挡 风玻璃粘接已经被汽车制造商广泛使用, 西卡也为汽车售后的挡风玻璃更换开发了 适用的挡风玻璃胶。 汽车制造时的挡风玻璃粘接 西卡不断地开发新的玻璃胶技术,已 为汽车制造商提供超过 25 年的挡风玻璃胶。 如今粘接的挡风玻璃是汽车上重要的结构 件和安全件。日趋严格的安全标准推动了 挡风玻璃胶技术的进步。sikaflex® 挡风玻 璃胶以及相应的粘接系统 - 活化剂和底涂 可以满足最严格的功能性和安全性要求, 并得到汽车制造商的验证。得利于更快的 粘接力生成和固化速率,玻璃粘接可以更 好地应用于挡风玻璃的装配中,缩短汽车 生产周期。 最短的“安全驶离时间”- 西卡在售后 市场最重要的卖点 西卡在售后市场的玻璃更换中占有 超过 30% 的市场份额,这其实并不是偶 然。 西 卡 的 维 修 套 装 在 80 多 个 国 家 使 用,因为它是被汽车制造商和保险机构测 试和验证过的,同时西卡也为修理店的技 工 提 供 产 品 正 确 使 用 的 全 面 培 训。 使 用 sikaTack® 产品粘接的挡风玻璃允许更短 的“安全驶离时间” – 挡风玻璃更换后, 汽车达到新车安全标准并可以安全上路的 时间。除此之外,简便和无溶剂的施工使 得西卡成为主机厂和售后市场玻璃粘接胶 的首选供应商。
New Horizon Issue 15 — Bonding for Car Windshields
Video on auto glass replacement.
汽车玻璃更换不影响汽车质保 西卡在汽车售后玻璃更换市场占有超过 30% 的市场份额, 主要原因是西卡的维修套装简单易用、所需的安全驶离时间 段,同时不影响汽车厂家提供的质保和保险。
Auto glass replacement that doesn’t void the warranty Sika has a market share of over 30% in the auto glass aftermarket. The main reasons are easy application using a Sika repair kit, a short “safe drive-away time,” and the fact that the manufacturer’s warranty and insurance coverage remain in effect.
Bonding for safety One out of four car windshields is attached with Sika adhesive, and with good reason. W indshields are an impor tant safet y element. With its laminated glass construction, the windshield is part of the vehicle structure and contributes to the car’s rigidity. Because it is attached by adhesive bonding, it can absorb vibrations and shocks and thereby affect the vehicle’s overall handling. Today’s windshields no longer splinter. In a crash they can absorb enormous forces. Windshields have to be so securely bonded that they cannot become detached from the car body. The windscreen in conjunction with the Sika bonding system must be strong enough to suppor t the airbag which protects the passengers in the event of an accident. This places maximum demands on the adhesive bond between the glass and the vehicle. Sika has developed products that have proven as popular among car manufacturers as
New Horizon Issue 15 — Bonding for Car Windshields
they are in the auto glass aftermarket for precisely this application. Direct gl azing in automotive manufacturing For over 25 years, Sika has served vehicle manufacturers by continually developing its adhesive technologies. Today’s adhesive bonded windshields are important structural and safety elements. Development of adhesive technologies is driven by the extremely high safety requirements for auto glass. Sikaflex® glass adhesives and the corresponding bonding agent systems —activators and primer systems — meet even the strictest functional and safety requirements and have proven themselves in automotive manufacturing. Thanks to faster adhesion build-up and accelerated curing, they slot perfectly into assembly processes, enabling shorter cycle times and more flexible integration of processes.
The shortest “safe drive-away time” – Sika’s most compelling selling point in the auto glass aftermarket It is no coincidence that Sika holds a market share in excess of 30% in the auto glass replacement aftermarket. Sika repair kits are used in over 80 countries because they have been tested and approved by vehicle manufacturers and insurers alike and because Sika gives repair shop staff full training in their proper use. Windshield bonding with SikaTack® products enables a very short “safe drive-away time” — the time needed after replacing auto glass before the vehicle meets new-car safety standards and can be allowed to drive away from the shop. This, together with simple, solvent-free application, makes Sika the preferred supplier of direct glazing systems, both for mass production and the auto glass aftermarket.
简便和无溶剂的施工使得西卡成为主 机厂和售后市场玻璃粘接胶的首选供 应商。 solvent-free application, makes Sika the preferred supplier of direct glazing systems, both for mass production and the auto glass aftermarket.
New Horizon Issue 15 — Bonding for Car Windshields
产品 Product
悠闲假期 Leisurely Vacation 近年来,邮轮游受到越来越多人的青睐,邮轮度假轻松、自由、休闲。那你 知道西卡也为舒适的邮轮假期作出了贡献吗?世界瞩目的玛丽女王 2 号、海 洋自由号、五彩梦幻号、海洋绿洲号等这些全球知名的巨型豪华邮轮,在建 造过程中配套的隔音降噪解决方案都选择了西卡船舶产品。
Have you ever spent your vacation on a cruise ship? Time spent on board is never boring or lonely. Do you know Sika makes contributions to the comfort on the ship. The designers of many world-famous super-luxury cruise ships such as Queen Mary II, Freedom of the Seas, Carnival Dream and Ocean Oasis all chose Sika’s marine products for sound insulation and noise reduction during the construction process. 文:梁瑞
TEXT: Liang Rui
New Horizon Issue 15 — NEW HORIZON
New Horizon Issue 15 — NEW HORIZON
近年来,邮轮游受到越来越多人的青 睐,邮轮度假轻松、自由、休闲,既能畅 游大海、轻松欣赏各地风光,又能尽情享 受邮轮上所提供的各项设施,成为全家老 小一起出游的绝佳选择。
邮轮像一座移动的城市,这座城市自 然需要巨大的动力来驱动,越大的轮船所 需要的动力装置和设备越多,需要的钢板 也越多,由这些柴油机、螺旋桨、齿轮箱、 电站、空压机、泵等船舶动力装置引起的 振动、噪声也就越大。然而坐过邮轮的人 知道,当我们在邮轮上时,听不见机器的 轰鸣声,也感觉不到振动,几乎会忘记这 些机器的存在,这是因为所有的邮轮在建 造过程中,都必须采取隔音降噪的措施, 保证船员和游客的舒适度。
邮轮上的生活从来不会无聊或寂寞。 在 甲 板 上 享 受 日 光 浴、 打 高 尔 夫、 在 泳 池 游 泳、 在 健 身 房 做 运 动、 在 美 容 室 做 sPa。如果你是吃货,你就更不会失望了, 邮轮上分布着各种餐厅、酒吧和咖啡馆, 让你尽情享受饕餮盛宴的美味诱惑。晚上 盛大的晚宴、热闹的赌场、精彩演出、派队、 世界瞩目的玛丽女王 2 号、海洋自由 剧场会让黑夜变得那么短暂,更是让你流 号、五彩梦幻号、海洋绿洲号等这些全球 连忘返。 知名的巨型豪华邮轮,在建造过程中配套
New Horizon Issue 15 — Marine Products for Cruise Ship
的隔音降噪解决方案都选择了西卡船舶产 品(甲板敷料、阻尼材料、浮动地板、船 舶胶)。 西卡船舶产品在全球有着丰富的使用 经验,与全球一流的造船公司一直保持着 长期合作。西卡研发与技术部门与世界主 要的声学测试中心之间紧密合作,一直致 力于不断开发和改进声学地板系统,以满 足不断变化和更具挑战性的各种需求。
Sika marine products.
In recent years, cruise ship holidays have become more and more popular. Since cruise ship holidays are characterized by relaxation, freedom, leisure and the opportunity to admire scenery around the world whilst cruising the seas in comfort and enjoying the many leisure facilities provided on board, they have become an excellent choice for family holidays for both young and old. Time spent on a cruise ship is never boring or lonely. You can sunbathe or play golf on deck, swim in the swimming pool, exercise in the gym or enjoy spa treatments. If you enjoy dining, then you will not be disappointed. There are varied restaurants, bars and cafes on board providing delicious food to satisfy your every culinary wish. The grand dining room, bustling casino, spectacular performances, parties and the evening
theater will make the dark night seem so short, making the experience an unforgettable one. A cruise ship is just like a mobile city. Such a city requires enormous power to function. The bigger the ship, the more the power, equipment and steel plates are needed and the louder the vibration and noise caused by the marine power plants will be. This includes diesel engines, propellers, gear boxes, power plants, air compressors and pumps. However when passengers are aboard the ship, they know they will not hear the roar of machines and feel such vibrations. They almost forget these machines exist at all because measures for sound insulation and noise reduction in the process of building cruise ships ensure comfort for both the crew and passengers.
The designers of many world-famous super-luxury cruise ships such as Queen Mary II, Freedom of the Seas, Carnival Dream and Ocean Oasis all chose Sika’s marine products (deck dressing, damping materials, floating floors and marine adhesive) for sound insulation and noise reduction during the construction process. Use of Sika’s marine products around the world has had a long history. Sika has also maintained long term cooperation with the world’s top shipbuilding companies. Its development and technical departments work closely with the major acoustic test centers around the world and it is committed to continually developing and improving acoustic floor systems to meet varied changing and more challenging requirements.
New Horizon Issue 15 — Marine Products for Cruise Ship
技术 Technology
比坐飞机更舒适 NOT EVEN FLYING IS NICER 2014 年日内瓦车展上,林斯比得汽车公司发布了 Xchange 概念车。在不久的 将来,“自动化驾驶”将成为现实。当主要的汽车制造商还在微调技术时,瑞 士梦幻工厂林斯比得汽车公司将“车中人”作为 Xchange 概念的研究重点。西 卡公司充分参与到未来的这一创新愿景中。
In the near future “autonomous driving” will become a reality Rinspeed unveiled its “XchangE” concept at the 2014 Geneva motor show. While the major automotive manufacturers are fine-tuning the technology, the Swiss dream factory Rinspeed is putting the “people in the car” at the centre of the “XchangE” study. Sika is fully involved in this innovative vision of the future.
文:DObRIVOJe JOVaNOVIC 图:林斯比得汽车公司
New Horizon Issue 15 — NEW HORIZON
New Horizon Issue 15 — NEW HORIZON
有了自动控制与支持系统,大部分决 定都不用用户来做,车辆能自动高效 运转,因此出错的几率将大大减少, 这也将大大减少交通事故。
如果汽车能自动驾驶,那车的内部应 该如何设计才能使得乘客最大化利用因不 用驾驶而节省下来的时间?
用在车前部及后部面板、侧梁、以及后导 流板处。这些部件都采用西卡胶 sikaflex® 固定和密封。
Xchange 概念车是一辆完全由电驱动
Xchange 概念车是以特斯拉 -s 车型为
的豪华轿车,座位类似飞机商务舱,舒适 并可调整。在未来,乘客能以任何姿势在 座位上休息:直立坐着或放松地趴着。座 位有 20 种不同的设置可供调整选择。
Xchange 概念车车内的四块屏幕分别 提供导航、娱乐、个人协助和服务的功能。
基础改造而来,设计理念是用作移动办公 室或活动会议室。不用驾驶汽车,用户也 绝不会无聊,省下的时间可以阅读、听音乐、 上网、打电子游戏、观看高清电影,或在 120 公里的时速下召开会议或完成文案工 作,同时还可以煮上一杯新鲜的浓缩咖啡。
但目前“全自动驾驶”尚未得到法律 中控台上方有条 1.2 米的宽屏,显示重 支持。1968 年的维也纳道路交通会议为世 要信息。汽车后部的 32 英寸 4k 显示器可 界各国的交通法规奠定了基础,该法规仅 随时将车内变成舒适的超高清“车内影院”。 允许车辆带有一些半自动化功能。但相关 信息和娱乐系统通过集成 LTe 模块与云数 的立法机构、政府和保险公司已经开始在 据 进 行 沟 通。 德 国 电 信 公 司 的 business- 详细讨论修改必要的车辆许可规定以及产 2-Car 平台汇编并分析所有车辆以及信息娱 品合法性。 乐的数据。 无人驾驶汽车可在 4 到 6 年成为现实, 概念车的内部空间极具未来风格,全 测试车辆装备的自动导航仪证明了这一点。 软垫的设计营造出独特的舒适气氛。不同 目前开发工作集中于以下五个核心领域: 色调的蓝灰色海洋风彰显魅力。个别舒适 区甚至采用了如美利奴羊毛和丝绸等天然 可进行 360 °全方位监测的传感器 — 材料。车顶的树脂玻璃让车辆更显未来感, 冗余系统架构 同时带来充足的光线。树脂玻璃还广泛应 功能上预防故障与抵御黑客攻击的可靠性 ■
New Horizon Issue 15 — Car without Driver
高清高精度地图 法律条例
此外无人驾驶汽车要在路上有效地行 驶还必须具备一下至关重要的能力: ■
预先驾驶能力 障碍物识别,如道路工程、交通流、以 及红绿灯转换 驾驶行为与速度可调节。
许多将这些因素考虑进措施中的概念 也已存在。 “未来的自动驾驶技术”将包含上述 所有元素,将使驾驶成为休闲的出行体验。 有了自动控制与支持系统,大部分决定都 不用用户来做,车辆能自动高效运转,因 此出错的几率将大大减少,这也将大大减 少交通事故。
New Horizon Issue 15 — Car without Driver
New Horizon Issue 15 — Car without Driver
When automatic control and support systems remove many decisions from us and do operate effectively, errors will become increasingly rare. >
If cars drive themselves – how should the car interior be designed so that passengers can best use the time saved by not driving? The “XchangE” seats in this fully electrically powered touring limousine resemble the comfortable adjustable seating in airline business class. The passenger of the future will be able to sit or rest in almost any upright or relaxed prone position, selecting from over 20 different seating configurations. The XchangE concept offers many different navigation, entertainment, personal assistance and service functions which appear on four displays. There is a 1.2 metre wide strip in the steering column displays impor tant information in widescreen format. A 32 inch 4K monitor at the rear of the car converts effectively the interior of the XchangE to a comfortable UHD “car cinema” when required. The infotainment system communicates with cloud data via an integral LTE module. Deutsche Telekom’s “Business-2-Car” platform compiles and analyses all of the vehicle and infotainment data. T he f utur is tic design of the f ull y upholstered interior fosters a unique feel-good atmosphere with a maritime charm in different shades of blue and grey. Natural materials like merino
wool and silk are used for individual comfort zones. A revolutionary Plexiglas roof provides a futuristic look and plenty of light and along with the many other Plexiglas components in the front and rear panels, side sills and the rear spoiler, were fixed and sealed using Sikaflex® adhesive.
is so. Current developments are focused on the following five core areas: ■■
The XchangE is a Tesla-S development and as well designed to be used as a mobile office or conference room on the move. The time saved by “not driving“ yourself, can therefore be spent in many different ways: reading, listening to music, surfing the internet, playing video games, watching high definition films, or holding meetings at 120 km/h or completing paperwork, and whilst brewing a fresh espresso at the same time. But there is no legal basis for “fully automated driving”. The 1968 Vienna Convention on Road Traffic, which forms the basis for the National Traffic Laws in many countries around the world, only allows partially automated functions. However, the necessary vehicle licensing regulations and product liability issues to amend these are already being discussed in detail by the relevant legislative authorities, governments and the insurance industry.
Sensors for 360° all-round detection Redundant system architecture Functional reliability preventing malfunctions and hacking attacks High-definition precision maps Legal regulations
Furthermore the following factors are crucial for efficiency on the road: ■■
Anticipatory driving ability K no w ledge of obs tacles such as road works, traffic flows and traffic light cycles Adaptable driving behavior and speed.
Many concepts which incorporate these factors in their approach also already exist. “Automated driving of the future” will include all of above elements and will therefore make driving a restful travel experience. When automatic control and support systems remove many decisions from us and do operate effectively, errors will become increasingly rare. And as a result the number of road accidents will fall significantly.
Driverless cars will be ready for the road in the next 4-6 years. Test vehicles kitted out with an autopilot prove that this
New Horizon Issue 15 — Car without Driver
可持续发展 sustainability
共推可持续发展: 远大住工和西卡 Sustainability across the Value Chain: Broad Homes and Sika 在快速发展的中国,不断加速的城市化,生活质量的提高,以及环保 意识的觉醒都促进着建筑工业化的进程。
China is booming. Rapidly growing cities, rising quality of life, and an awakening awareness of environmental issues and sustainability demand industrialized construction processes, prefabrication, and a life-cycle approach.
图/PHOTO: Marc Eggiman
远大住工是目前国内最具规模和实力 的绿色建筑制造商,以工业化制造的方式全 面革新建筑生产方式,提升建筑品质和效率, 践行资源节约与低碳减排,为客户提供一体 化的绿色建筑整体解决方案,致力于推动中 国建筑业的全面革新和可持续发展。 实现增长和可持续发展同步 公司的研发中心是远大住工的基石, 拥有 500 多名经验丰富的建筑师、工程师 以及环境和能源专家,同时中心的建筑信 息模型系统(bMI)可以模拟建筑物所具有 的真实信息以支持项目整个生命周期的管 理和规划。目前的第五代工业一体化建筑 系统,与传统建筑方式相比,施工周期仅 为传统方式的 1/3,同时用工量也大大减少, 节省能源达 70%。
New Horizon Issue 15 — Sustainable Buildings
工业化可以贯穿整个建筑周期,建筑 的工业化率已经从 2005 年的 60% 提高到 2013 年的 85%。和传统建筑方式不同,建 筑的构件先在工厂生产好,因此施工现场 无粉尘、噪音、污水等污染。同时,高度 工业化的生产流程也大大降低了成本,加 快了建造进度,实现质量可控。同时大大 提高了建筑的精确度,精确度已经达到以 毫米来衡量。 与西卡的战略合作 2013 年,远大住工在中国的 8 个城市 建立了制造基地,公司的目标是 2014 年在 全国 22 个省级城市开设分公司,2015 年 实现产能 5000 万平方米。为了实现快速 增长以及可持续发展的目标,实现在国际 市场的布局,远大住工一直在寻找一家具
有丰富的全球经验和良好口碑的国际化公 司作为合作伙伴。2012 年 8 月,远大住工 和西卡签订了战略性合作协议。西卡供应 远大住工生产预制构件用的混凝土外加剂 (sika® ViscoCrete®)、 屋 顶 防 水 用 的 液 体卷材(sikalastic®)以及建筑外墙密封胶 (sikaflex® Construction PC)。 同 时, 西 卡也会在可持续发展以及建筑生命周期等 方面提供经验和知识。这是一次共赢的合 作,西卡和远大住工,携手为美好的未来 一起努力。 在快速发展的中国,不断加速的城市 化,生活质量的提高,以及环保意识的觉 醒都促进着建筑工业化的进程。这对于西 卡和远大住工而言,都是巨大的机会。
为了实现快速增长以及可持续发展的 目标,实现在国际市场的布局,远大 住工一直在寻找一家具有丰富的全球 经验和良好口碑的国际化公司作为合 作伙伴。 New Horizon Issue 15 — Sustainable Buildings
To continue meeting the ambitious growth and sustainability targets and ensure future expansion into other countries, Broad Homes was looking for a partner company with global operations, worldwide experience, and proven capabilities. 远大住工是一家绿色建筑整体解决方 案的供应商,为客户提供集研发、设 计、制造、运营以及建筑成本控制一系 列一体化服务。
Broad Homes is a total-solutions provider for sustainable building. Its product and service range extends from research and development through architectural, structural, and amenities design to building and cost management.
New Horizon Issue 15 — Sustainable Buildings
谭新明 远大住工供应链总经理 在西卡解决方案的帮助下,他在实现快速发展的同时,保证建筑质量以及 可持续发展的高水准。
Tan Xinming General Manager of Supply Chain Department, Broad Homes Thanks to Sika solutions, he can combine rapid growth with excellent building quality and high sustainability standards.
Broad Homes is building for China’s future. As a single-source solution provider for residential and commercial buildings in city centers and suburbs, Broad Homes’ reliance on sustainability across the entire value chain has made it a pioneer and role model for the industry. Broad Homes combines speed with sustainability The foundation on which the company builds is its in-house research and development center, which employs over 500 architects, engineers, and specialists in environment, energy, and even computer simulations as a basis for management and planning. The result is what is now the fifth generation of industrialized, integrated building systems, which has reduced construction time by twothirds, yielding energy savings of over 70% over the structure’s life cycle. All this has been made possible by a reconception of the entire construction process. The degree of industrialization has risen from 60% in 2005 to 85%
in 2013. Instead of being built on-site, building components are prefabricated in factories. This means less noise, less dust and lower water and material consumption. At the same time, the highly industrialized production process cuts costs, reduces time to market, and ensures constant construction quality and precision. It is a precision measured in millimeters, not in centimeters. Strategic collaboration with Sika In 20 13, Broad Homes opened new production establishments in eight provincial cities. In 2014, the goal is to have a presence in all 22 provincial capitals. By 2015, the annual production capacity is scheduled to grow to a total construction area of 50 million square meters. To continue meeting the ambitious growth and sustainability targets and ensure future expansion into other countries, Broad Homes was looking for a partner company with global operations, worldwide experience, and proven capabilities. In August 20 12, Broad Homes and Sika signed a strategic col-
laboration agreement. Sika supplies all concrete admixtures for prefabrication (Sika® ViscoCrete®), liquid membranes for roofs (Sikalastic®), and joint sealants for sealing building envelopes (Sikaflex® Construction PC). At the same time, Sika is able to contribute experience and specific expertise related to sustainability and the building life cycle. This will pay off for both Sika and Broad Homes. – Sika and Broad Homes: two strong names for a hopeful future. China is booming. Rapidly growing cities, rising quality of life, and an awakening awareness of environmental issues and sustainability demand industrialized construction processes, prefabrication, and a life-cycle approach. This is the opportunity facing Broad Homes and Sika. Broad Homes is a total-solutions provider for sustainable building. Its product and service range extends from research and development through architectural, structural, and amenities design to building and cost management.
New Horizon Issue 15 — Sustainable Buildings
快讯 Express
新上任瑞士驻广州 总领事参观西卡广州 Consul General of Switzerland in Guangzhou Visits Sika Guangzhou Ltd. 文:曹美德 图:薛浩辉
TEXT: Ted Cao photo: Michael Xue
2014 年 9 月 5 日上午,瑞士广州领事 馆总领事博智东先生与瑞士商务中心投资 促进官员林霞萍女士来到西卡广州公司, 对西卡广州公司进行为期半天的友好参观 活动。 博智东先生今年 7 月份刚上任瑞士驻 广州总领事,为了了解瑞士企业在华情况, 他选择了瑞士知名企业 abb 和西卡作为 首批参观的公司。西卡中国运营总监邱博 士为总领事详细介绍了西卡公司的概况, 以及西卡在中国的业务发展情况,随后引 领总领事参观了西卡广州各生产线及新装 修的办公室。总领事很高兴看到西卡不同 效果的地坪材料在新装修办公室里的应用 情况,连口称赞这是一个不错的产品展示 平台。 参观完工厂,了解到西卡的产品应用 到众多知名建筑以及工业领域,总领事先 生表示西卡是一家非常专业的公司,西卡 在中国的快速发展也给总领事留下了深刻 的印象。
New Horizon Issue 15 — Visit by Consul General of Switzerland in Guangzhou
合影(从左到右):曹美德,西卡广州助理工厂经理;邱清华,西卡中国运营总监;博智东,瑞士驻广州总领事;林霞萍,瑞士驻广州领事馆投资促进官员;肖琴,西卡 广州eHs/行政经理。
Group Picture (left to right): Ted Cao, Assistant Factory Manager of Sika Guangzhou; Robert Qiu, Operation Director of Sika China; Didier Boschung, Consul General of Switzerland in Guangzhou; Mandy Lin, Investment Promotion Officer from Swiss Business Hub; Fiona Xiao, EHS/Admin. Manager of Sika Guangzhou.
On September 5th, the Consul General of Switzerland in Guangzhou Mr. Didier Boschung together with the Investment Promotion Officer from Swiss Business Hub Mandy Lin paid a half-day visit to Sika Guangzhou Ltd. Mr. Boschung took office in July. In order to find out how Swiss companies are developing in China, he planned to visit well-known Swiss companies ABB and Sika to begin with. After a presentation to the Consul General on Sika and its business in China, the Operations Director of Sika China Dr. Robert Qiu accompanied the Consul General on the tour of the factory and newly renovated office. Witnessing Sikafloor systems being applied in the office, the Consul General remarked that this was an ingenious way to display the products and systems in Sika’s own office. The use of Sika’s products in many well-known buildings and industry fields impressed the Consul General greatly and he also commented that Sika was a highly professional company with special expertise in the construction and industry fields. Moreover, he was pleased to see the rapid growth of Sika in China.
New Horizon Issue 15 — Visit by Consul General of Switzerland in Guangzhou
创造需求: 技术研讨会的新模式 A New-Model Technical Seminar 文/图:季龚
如果有一天,你在一个幽静的咖啡馆 内,遇见几个人在谈论着西卡产品,你不 用奇怪,一个产品研讨会可能正在进行中。
个话题只能照本宣科念一遍讲稿。然而台 下听众的兴趣点不尽相同,因此很难达到 预期的效果。
2014 年的短短 7 个月中,地坪业务团 队完成了 56 次技术研讨会。如此的宣传力 度和强度,可谓史无前例。
于是,我们探索出一种新的研讨会模 式,做到“清晰,高效”。
“客户至上”一直以来是西卡坚持的 服务宗旨。但目标客户在哪里?目标客户 有什么需求?通过技术研讨会交流寻找目 标客户是一条不错的渠道。 然而“开大会”式的传统研讨会模式, 是否能达到预期的效果?传统模式的研讨 会,准备工作费时费力,往往需要提前数 月来召集人员、准备场地。与会现场少则 几十人,多至上百人。而主办方往往也会 同时演示好几个话题,由于时间限制,每
New Horizon Issue 15 — New Model Seminar
“清晰”是指目标明确,以执行销售 策略为核心,研讨会的定位与目标市场紧 密结合。以业主 / 管理公司 / 设计单位为 范畴筛选目标客户人群,清晰地宣传西卡 在目标市场中具有独特优势的产品和系统。
有效地沟通,每次研讨会的参会人数都会 严格控制。讲师在会议当中会引导参会人 员进行互动,改变了以往单一讲授灌输的 形式。同时,每场研讨会时间基本控制在 1 个小时以内,避免了长时间的会议容易让 人疲倦、走神。 这种新型研讨会的另一优势在于地点 非常灵活,可以在公司会议室,或咖啡馆, 或午餐会。
研讨会是销售工作的开始,为树立西 卡的品牌以及提高市场影响力具有重要推 “高效”是指让研讨会模块化,小型化。 动作用,得到了客户的积极正面的反馈。 技术团队精心准备了标准课件,产品主题 以聚氨酯产品为例,通过新型研讨会的推 鲜明单一。便携的演示工具箱,客户能够 广,销量与 2013 年同期相比翻了一番。地 直接体验西卡产品的性能。同时组织对讲 坪团队对于新模式的探索,是创新理念的 师的统一培训,大大提高了讲师的效率。 体现。我们会继续走下去。 与传统模式不同,为了能与每个参会人员
Should you encounter a group of people discussing Sika products in a quiet café, there is no need to be necessarily surprised. Most likely a product seminar is in town. During the first seven months of 2014, the flooring team alone successfully hosted 56 technical seminars. Such strength in product promotion is a key component of business development. Sika has always been adhered to the principle of “customer first” as its service aim. As regards who are our target customers and what are their demands, the exchange of ideas in these technical seminars is of great benefit. However, it must be considered whether the traditional model of simply “having a conference” is necessary for Sika or whether the conference can be adapted to provide greater benefits. For a traditional seminar, the preparation takes time and resources. It is often necessar y to issue invitations and prepare the venue several months in advance. Dozens or even hundreds of people will attend one seminar. The
sponsor must present all of the topics to participants, which simply follow according to the plan. This often does not generate interest amongst attending delegates and a satisfactory result cannot be guaranteed. “To be clear-cut and effective” has become the objective of the new model of technical seminars. “To be clear-cut” means that we should establish a welldefined goal and do everything necessary to ensure the adoption of the best sales strategy. For flooring business, we select the target customers from owners, management company and designers. In the seminar, we clearly emphasize the qualities and advantages of Sika products that make them stand out in the target market. “To be effective” means to be moduleoriented and small-size-oriented. The technical team carefully prepares standard course materials with distinctive and individual product themes. The portable demonstration kits enable clients to directly experience the capabilities of Sika’s products. Different from the traditional conference, in the new model
seminar, the number of participants in each seminar is strictly controlled to ensure a good communication with each one. During the meeting, the lecturers guide the participants into the interactive exercise and communication so as to move away from the limited one-way form of teaching. The duration of the training is flexible, but generally within one hour to enable participants to concentrate more easily. Flexible venues are another advantage, including not only company conference rooms but also cafés and lunch meetings. As a vehicle for securing future sales, product seminars play an important role in promoting Sika brands and raising Sika market influence. The clients’ feedback is also beneficial. Taking polyurethane products as an example, the sales volume this year has doubled compared with the same period of 2013 primarily due to the promotional effect from product seminars. The flooring team’s exploration into new sales models thus reflects the innovation of Sika. To this end, we will continue to develop.
New Horizon Issue 15 — New Model Seminar
西卡赞助 2014 上海 国际密封技术研讨会 The International Sealant Technology Workshop 2014 文:段杨
TEXT: Jenny Duan
作为世界第二大经济体,中国的胶粘 剂与密封剂的生产及消耗量居于世界第二 位,各行各业对于胶粘剂、密封胶的需求 量不断增长,新的胶粘剂品种不断出现, 特别是用于新能源、汽车、电子、电器、 建筑、医疗卫生以及航空航天等人民日常 生活各个领域的环保、高附加值型胶粘剂 快速发展。 为 加 强 胶 粘 剂 行 业 间 的 学 术 交 流, 提升密封胶粘剂在行业中的技术水平,更 好促进我国胶粘剂行业的发展,上海市粘 接技术协会携手西卡(中国)有限公司于 2014 年 6 月下旬在上海召开“2014 上海国 际密封技术研讨会”。该会为国内外企业 提供一个专注的密封胶技术交流平台,共 同探讨密封胶粘剂的新技术和未来的发展 趋势。 为期两天的展会,技术研讨论坛几乎 贯穿始终。本次大会有 200 多名业内人士 参与,多所高等院校的著名教授以及来自 国内的专家学者共 20 余人为参会者作精彩 的学术报告。为了促进产学研结合,通过 先进技术分享引领行业发展,协会联手同
New Horizon Issue 15 — Sealant Technology Workshop
济大学、复旦大学、华东理工大学、黑龙 江省石油化学研究院等共同举办产学研结 合研讨会。活动中,协会组织由高等院校、 研究院所、生产企业代表参加技术交流合 作洽谈,以此方式为各方创造合作机会。 作为大会协办方,西卡中国副总裁 / 工业部负责人郭治权先生在现场为大家带 来了精彩报告《粘结技术与市场的发展及 趋势》,用全球数据为大家展现了密封粘 接全球及亚太市场发展状况。2012 年,全 球统计胶粘剂和密封剂的使用量为 1280 万 吨,销售额 330 亿欧元。金砖四国表现出 更快的增长势头,尽管对产品的质量要求 相对较低,但能更灵活地满足市场的需求。 在产品技术方面,结构装配交通市场使用 的胶粘剂技术仍依赖于国外;而自主研发 的密封剂技术在中国得到了快速发展。市 场方面,未来在建筑、消费品以及 DIY 市场, 胶粘剂及密封剂将有较大的增长。 除了全球趋势,来自瑞士的西卡产品 也有诸多技术特点,西卡中国产品管理及 技术服务经理王鹏飞女士为大家演示了《西 卡高强度结构胶的特点及应用》,详细介
绍西卡双组份聚氨酯的多应用以及风车叶 片粘结、灌封、三明治板粘结和结构粘接。 协会特别邀请了来自瑞士的西卡首席 技术官曲军博士,他在会议上指出“如何 正确理解胶粘剂,粘接接头和构件本身的 使用年限和安全性,如何正确使用胶粘剂, 如何设计粘接接头是目前摆在我们科技工 作者和应用企业面前亟待解决的问题。” 胶粘剂和粘接接头安全性是一个极其错综 复杂的问题,它既受胶粘剂和粘接接头耐 久性的影响,又受机械载荷、接头设计和 现场施工的影响。 另外来自上海交通大学先进产业技术 研究院副院长孙康教授,就粘接剂在健康 产业的应用与前景在现场与各位专家做了 探讨。粘接剂在健康领域的应用已有 50 多 年历史,粘接剂自问世起在广泛的应用需 求推动下发展十分迅速,为临床应用提供 了止血和组织粘合的有力武器。目前,粘 接剂在健康产业的主要应用在软组织用粘 接剂、牙科用粘接剂、骨科用粘接剂。具 体的功能可代替手术缝合线、粘接固定、 快速止血、栓塞堵漏等等。
西卡工业部负责人郭治权在现场 做报告。
Jacky Guo, Head of TM Industry, delivers a report.
As the world’s second largest economy, the production and consumption of adhesives and sealants in China is now ranked second in the world. The demands of v ar ious indus tr ies for adhesives and sealants is constantly increasing. New types of adhesives are constantly emerging. Development is especially fast for environment-friendly and high-value added adhesives applied in fields related to people’s daily lifestyles such as in the fields of new energies, automobiles, electronics, electrical appliances, construction, medicine and health care as well as for use in the aerospace industry. In order to strengthen academic exchange within the adhesives sector, enhance the technical level of sealants within the industry and promote the development of the adhesives industry in China, the Shanghai Bonding Technology Association together with Sika (China) Co., Ltd. hosted the 2014 Shanghai International Sealant Technology Conference in Shanghai in late June 2014. The conference provided a dedicated sealant technology exchange platform for international and domestic enterprises to discuss new sealant technologies and future development trends within the industry. Technology forums were held throughout the two-day conference. More than 200 industry personnel attended and more than 20 experts including famous professors from many universities and colleges as well as domestic experts and scholars delivered excellent academic reports to participants. In order to promote the combination of production, education and research and advance industrial development through the sharing of advanced technologies, the Association in partnership with Tongji
University, Fudan University, East China University of Science and Technology and the Institute of Petrochemistry of Heilongjiang Academy of Sciences and other famous institutions held numerous seminars combining production, education and research. During these events, the Association arranged for representatives from higher learning institutions, research institutes and manufacturers to take part in technical exchanges to create opportunities for cooperation on all sides. As a co-organizer of the conference, Sika China sent its Vice President and Head of TM Industry Mr. Jacky Guo to deliver an insightful repor t entitled Development Trends within the Sealant Technology Market to conference participants, describing the development of the global market for sealants including an analysis of the Asia-Pacific region. In 2012, based on global statistics, the consumption of adhesives and sealants reached 12.8 million tons and sales amounted to € 33 billion. The BRIC countries in particular exhibited faster growth. Although their requirements for product quality were relatively low, market demand can be more readily satisfied. In terms of product technology, adhesive technologies applied in the transport infrastructure market tended to rely on supply from abroad although independently developed sealant technologies have also developed rapidly in China. In terms of markets, demand for adhesives and sealants is expected to grow considerably in the construction, consumer goods and DIY markets. In addition to global trends, Sika products also have many technical advantages. Sika China Product Management Manager and Technical Service Manager
Ms. Ellen Wang presented her report Characteristics and Application of Sika’s High-strength Structural Adhesives to delegates, providing a detailed analysis of the numerous applications of Sika’s two-component polyurethanes including the bonding of windmill blades, gap filling and bonding and structural bonding of sandwich plates. The Association specially invited Sika Principle Scientist Dr. Jun Que from Switzerland. He advocated that “How to correctly understand service life and safe use of adhesives, adhesive joints and components, how to correctly use adhesives and how to design adhesive joints are the current key issues to be tackled by researchers and users.” In fact, the safety of adhesives and adhesive joints is a highly complicated issue since it can be affected by the durability of adhesives and adhesive joints, by mechanical load, joint design and on-site construction. In addition, Vice President of the Advanced Industrial Technology Research Institute at Shanghai Jiaotong University Professor Sun Kang discussed the application and prospects for bonding agents in the healthcare industry with other experts at the conference. Bonding agents have been applied in the sector of healthcare for more than 50 years. The development of bonding agents has been especially rapid since the emergence of widespread demand and they have become a powerful tool for clinical application in hemostasis and tissue bonding. Currently, bonding agents are mainly applied within the healthcare industry as bonding agents for soft tissue, dentistry and orthopedics. Specific functions include alternatives to surgical suture, bonding and fixtures, fast hemostasis, embolism sealing and many others.
New Horizon Issue 15 — Sealant Technology Workshop
西卡印度分销商 参观西卡中国 Sika India’s Distributors Visit China 文:杨世凯 图:戴昌积
2014 年 5 月 22 日,西卡中国在苏州 总部迎来了 44 位来自西卡印度的客人以及 他们的分销商。2008 年起西卡印度每年将 组织优秀分销商出国旅行作为奖励。今年 他们来到了中国。
这些年来,旅行奖励不断激励着印度 的分销商,提高业绩的同时,并让他们亲 身体验西卡精神,感受西卡大家庭的文化 与氛围。旅行奖励机制也增强了西卡团队 与分销商的关系。
这种旅行奖励是对表现优秀的分销商 的认可。印度分销商通过参观其他国家西 卡公司的厂房、研发中心等,了解了西卡 的先进技术。这些旅行在分销商心目中树 立了西卡全球化品牌的形象。
在西卡中国总部苏州,首先由西卡中国 营运负责人杨世凯先生为大家介绍了西卡中 国及其供应链,接着修补加固负责人叶励帆 先生演示了西卡沥青卷材 sika bituseal W。
New Horizon Issue 15 — Visit by Sika India’s Distributors
接着印度客人参观了水剂、粉剂、涂 料生产车间以及 Pu 生产技术。 最后,杨世凯先生为这些表现优秀的 分销商颁发的奖杯。
On 22 May 2014, Sika China hosted 45 visitors from Sika India and their Channel business distributors in Suzhou. Sika India first hosted its annual Distributors Reward Tour in 2008 for its top performing Distributors. This is the 6th year of the tour, and the destination was China. This tour is in recognition of the excellent performance by the distributors during the year. The Indian distributors can experience Sika outside of India and view advanced technology by visiting factories and R&D centers abroad. This tour plays a vital role in establishing
and promoting the global Sika brand amongst distributors. Over the years the tour has helped to motivate distributors and create a Sika family culture. This has also led to improved performance by the distributors. The business relationship between the Sika management team and the distributors has also been reinforced. This year’s programme in Suzhou began with a presentation by Sika China on the subject of the National supply chain footprint and was delivered by S H Yang, Head of Operations. This was then fol-
lowed by a product presentation on Sika Bituseal W by Philipp Irniger, TM Manager of Refurbishment. Visitors were given the opportunity to visit and witness PU technology production in the factory in addition to the liquid, powder and coating production facilities at the site. The visit concluded with an award presentation to thank all visitors for their excellent sales achievement in the year. We must also thank Grace Hang and Panther Zhao for their support and organization of this memorable event.
New Horizon Issue 15 — Visit by Sika India’s Distributors
西卡门窗幕墙系统 技术培训 Technical Trainings for Facade, Fenestration & Insulation Glass 文: 姜杰
TEXT: Jochen Jiang >
六月夏季,将热未热之际,西卡门窗 幕墙系统团队在苏州总部举办了大中华区 代理商技术培训会议。来自全国各地的七 家代理,共计 29 人汇聚西卡,交流分享产 品技术知识。在为期三天的培训中,门窗 幕墙系统团队向代理商详细介绍了西卡全 系列硅酮胶产品及最新项目解决方案。 初夏的早晨还不怎么热,代理商团队 早早地驱车赶到西卡苏州总部,在这里,技
New Horizon Issue 15 — FFI Training
术培训会议拉开了帷幕。在全国销售经理李 建女士简短对幕墙门窗系统上半年销售进行 回顾后,产品技术经理司林刚先生对幕墙结 构胶、耐侯胶、中空玻璃结构胶进行了细致 讲解,讲到投入时不免提高音量,手舞足蹈。 培训期间亦穿插些实验操作,如大板玻璃灌 浆、门窗防水膜粘接等,让代理商们现场动 手完成,切身体会产品的施工性能。整个培 训过程欢笑不断,妙趣横生。
培训最后一天,产品技术经理司林刚先 生带领代理商团队参观了沈阳远大铝业有限 公司位于上海的生产基地。现场就工厂服务 和投诉处理进行讲解,工厂参观经历也使大 家对西卡产品的实际应用有了更直观的认识。 清风,明月,近水,远山,坐落于古 城苏州的西卡似乎也浸染了些许江南水乡 那种特有的细腻温婉,柔而不刚,锐而不折, 仁而不犯,始得天下。
Agents are doing test of large glass grouting in the laboratory.
Agents from Taiwan are doing test of rubber tapping.
In June, before the full summer heat arrived, Sika FFI team hosted a technical training forum for its agents from the Greater China region in its Suzhoubased head-office. In total 29 representatives from seven agents around the country met at Sika to exchange and share technical product knowledge. During the three-day training, the FFI team presented in detail Sika’s full series of silicone adhesive products and its latest project solutions. Agents arrived early at Suzhou office. After the national sales manager Ms.
Agents are paying a visit to the production base of Shenyang Yuanda.
Jane Li had completed her brief review of FFI sales for the first half of the year, product manager Mr. Si Lingang gave a detailed explanation on the facade structural glazing adhesive, weather sealing sealants and insulating glass s tr uc tur al adhesi ve. His animated speech was sometimes accompanied by a raised voice and exaggerated gestures. During the training, practical tests were also available such as glass wall grouting and water/vapour proofing for doors and windows. Agents completed the tests by themselves on-site to gain insight into the properties and capabilities
of the products on display. The whole training programme was both amiable and insightful. On the final day of the training, Mr. Si Lingang took the agents to the production base of Shenyang Yuanda Aluminum Industry Engineering Co., Ltd. in Shanghai, explaining the factory’s ser vice and handling of complaints. The experience of visiting the factory also gave the agents a more intuitive understanding of the practical uses of Sika’s products.
New Horizon Issue 15 — FFI Training
2014 西卡中国汽车售后 全国经销商大会
2014 Sika China’s National Dealer Conference for Automotive Aftermarket 文:段杨
TEXT: Jenny Duan >
2014 年 6 月 28 日西卡中国汽车售后全国 经销商大会在江南名城苏州举行,全国近十多 个省市的 20 多名经销商代表参加了本次会议。
销售经验培训分享会上,经销商们分 随后的环节是西卡 2014 年汽车售后推 享西卡在车身维修业务领域的成功案例, 广工具和各类辅销物的展示和介绍,新开 共同探寻车身维修业务在售后领域的机会, 发的底盘装甲样板展示架以及各种桌上型 这进一步坚定了经销商与西卡合作的信心。 样品展示工具受到了大家的欢迎。现场的 本次会议主题围绕“智汇·赢未来”展开, 渠道促销活动 —订货满 2 万金额免费赠 西卡中国汽车售后经理大卫·托布勒(David 在产品演示和实际操作环节,经销商 送 144 只西卡免垫密封胶 —更是受到热 Tobler)先生重点阐述了西卡中国汽车售后 们深入了解了西卡最新主推产品,感受西 捧,把会议气氛推向高潮。 业务今后五年市场发展的战略框架、品牌 卡先进生产管理和技术带来的优秀产品品 一年一度的汽车售后经销商大会促进 与经销商合作理念,强调“同心”是“共赢” 质。经销商伙伴们亲手体验了西卡免垫密 的基础。2014 年上半年,西卡汽车车身维 封胶 sikasil® Gasket、西卡高强度车身板 了西卡与经销商之间的相互交流,让西卡 修业务市场的网络渠道已经覆盖全国, 除 结构胶 sikaPower®-4720 以及塑料件修复 更加了解市场以及经销商的需求,从而提 建立了核心经销商之外,西卡也在积极建 胶的操作性能。他们对于产品未来的发展 供更好的服务,而经销商们通过这次会议 对西卡的好产品、好技术有更深刻的体验。 立二级网络以及本地集团化的开发。 也积极地贡献各种经验和意见。
New Horizon Issue 15 — AFM Dealers Meeting
On June 28, 2014, Sika China National Dealer Conference for Automotive Aftermarket was held in Suzhou. More than 20 representatives of dealers from over ten provinces throughout China attended the conference. Mr. David Tobler, Sika China & Asia Pacific Aftermarket Manager, described the strategic framework for the development of China markets, brands and the concept of close cooperation with dealers for the upcoming five years, stressing that the “with one mind” concept will be the basis for “win-win” mutual success. In the first half year of 2014, Sika’s sales network and outlets for the car body repair market achieved coverage across the whole country. In addition to the establishment of core dealers, Sika is also actively building a secondary sales network and developing local clusters.
At the training and experience exchange part, representatives of dealers discussed Sika’s successful cases in the car body repair market and jointly explored the opportunities within the market. This further strengthened the confidence of dealers in cooperation with Sika. Acting as the link between product presentation and practical operation, dealers obtained an in-depth understanding of Sika’s latest products under promotion and Sika’s excellent product quality brought about by its advanced management of production and technologies. Sales partners were able to personally witness the operational performance of Sika RTV silicon sealant Sikasil® Gasket, Sika’s highstrength structural adhesive for car body panels SikaPower®-4720 and plastic repair adhesive. Representatives also shared their experiences and opinions on the future development of products.
In addition Sika also showed the promotional tools aftermarket. The newly developed display stands for samples of chassis plates and varied kinds of desktop sample display tools proved popular. The sales promotion event at the conference in which 144 units of Sika’s padfree sealant were given away and orders amounting to at least RMB 20000 for the same agreed was highly popular and was a highlight of the conference. The annual dealer conference for automobile after-sales service has enhanced communication between Sika and the dealers. This has also assisted Sika to better understand the market and the needs of the dealers so as to provide improved services, and dealers have gained a better understanding of Sika’s excellent products and technologies.
New Horizon Issue 15 — AFM Dealers Meeting
第一个分拨点:天津站 To reach customers in a quicker and cost-efficient way 文/图:胡长丽
TEXT/photo: Echo Hu
2013 年从苏州和广州发往天津工厂的 海运集装箱多达 206 个。但由于天津仓库 储存容量的限制以及北区巨大的消耗量和 供货急的原因,经常发生多个集装箱滞留 港口的现象。如此一来,变相地把港口当 成了第三方仓储,造成全年的滞箱、滞港 费达高达 23 万人民币。 2014 年,随着零售业务在北区的进一 步扩张,客户对供货时间要求越发严格。 另外,天津仓库还面临着地坪产品的备货 要求。因此在天津寻求外部仓储作为北区 的分拨点的需求迫在眉睫。
New Horizon Issue 15 — Efficient Delivery
一个合格的分拨点对地理位置有着严 格的要求:必须距离工厂近,便于与工厂 之间的短拨,方便管理,进行定期的盘点 和现场货物的检查和确认;必须位于天津 外环,不受天津车辆限行的限制;同时必 须出行方便,靠近高速入口,便于周边地 区的提送货。为了更为快速有效地为客户 供货,结合实际操作的需要,我们要求分 拨点必须提供 24 小时的服务,而且必须具 备装卸集装箱的能力。 今年年初,在天津工厂和零售部门的 协助下,在勘察了多家第三方的仓储公司
之后,经过筛选和比较,最后选择了距离 天津工厂大约 9 公里,位于天津外环的一 家仓储地作为分拨点。
2014 年 3 月 1 日,天津分拨点正式启 用。运行几个月以来,平均每月的吞吐量为: 2072 吨 (2185 托盘 ),大大缓解了工厂的装 卸货压力,同时减少了工厂的加班安排, 也保证了北区地坪产品的备货需求。24 小 时的服务满足了随时装卸货的要求,缩短 了供货时间,让货品能更快地到达客户手 上。同时,较于去年的滞港费,仓储成本 也得到了很好的控制。
In 2013, a total of 206 shipping containers were delivered from Suzhou and Guangzhou to the Tianjin factory. However, due to the limited storage space at the Tianjin warehouse, huge consumption within the North China region and the urgent need for supplies of goods, many containers were often left at the port. As a result, the port effectively became a third party warehouse, and annual storage charges were incurred amounting to RMB 230,000. In 2014, with further expansion of the retail business within North China, clients have put forward stricter requirements in relation to time of supply. In addition, the Tianjin warehouse has faced requests for the preparation of flooring products. Therefore, the need for external warehousing in Tianjin to act as a distribution outlet for the North China region had become urgent.
A suitable location for a distribution centre has strict requirements for geographic location. It should be located sufficiently close to the factory to allow convenient goods transfer, ensure efficient management and allow regular inventory counting and examination and confirmation of on-site goods. It should also be located within the outer ring road of Tianjin without being restricted by the traffic flow within Tianjin. In addition it should be located near the expressway to allow for easy collection and delivery of goods to neighboring regions. In order to supply goods to customers faster and more efficiently, based on actual operational requirements, the distribution centre must provide a 24-hour service and have the capacity for loading and unloading containers. Earlier this year, with assistance from the Tianjin factory and retail departments and after a comparison of op-
tions offered by several third par t y warehousing companies, a warehouse located about 9 kilometers away from the Tianjin factory and within the Tianjin outer ring road was confirmed as the new distribution centre. On 1 March 2014, the Tianjin distribution centre was put into operation. For the first few months of operation, the average monthly throughput was 2072 tons (2185 pallets), greatly relieving pressure on the factory in terms of loading and unloading goods. In addition, the cost of overtime at the factory has been reduced so as to assist the preparation for flooring products for the North China region. The 24-hour service has satisfied the demand for loading and unloading goods at any time and has cut delivery times for the supply of goods to the client. Furthermore, compared with the charges incurred for storage last year, warehousing costs have been well controlled.
New Horizon Issue 15 — Efficient Delivery
欣赏 Enjoy
亲如一家 At Sika We are One Family 我们在这里工作,但这里对我们而言不仅仅只是工作的地方;我们一起工作, 但不仅仅只是同事。我们关心对方,我们一起奋斗、一起欢笑,便让这里像 家一样。
Sika is more than just a workplace. Here we work together, but we are more than co-workers. We care for each other, strive together and enjoy working together. That makes us a family.
New Horizon Issue 15 — We Are One Family
Team Building 在年中的管理层会议中,经理们一起玩起了“疯狂过 山车”,大家分工明确,通力合作,搭建起了一条“西 卡轨道”,随着篮球沿着轨道顺利抵达终点,落到由 参会人员组成的西卡三角中,现场喝彩一片,为团队 的合作成果和行动的一致性鼓掌。
During the bi-annual management meeting, all managers enjoyed the “Crazy Roller Coaster” team building activity. With assistance from everyone, a coaster was constructed and a basketball was sent successfully to the terminal where the managers sat in a shape of the Sika triangle. We would all like to say bravo to the team for its work!
New Horizon Issue 15 — We Are One Family
Ice Cream Day 有什么比在炎炎夏日来一口清凉美味的冰激凌更畅快呢?
What can be better than the taste of delicious ice cream on a summer day?
New Horizon Issue 15 — We Are One Family
Dragon boat festival 包粽子是项技术活,老祖宗的传统不能忘!
Glutinous rice dumplings are a traditional food at the dragon boat festival in China. However, few of the younger generation know how to make it.
New Horizon Issue 15 — We Are One Family
Family Day in Shanghai 这一天,没有领导或属下;这一天,我们是一个大家庭, 只有欢笑和快乐。
On this day, there are no bosses or subordinates; on this day, we are a big family.
New Horizon Issue 15 — We Are One Family
New Horizon Issue 15 — We Are One Family
Family Day in Guangzhou
New Horizon Issue 15 — We Are One Family
Opening Ceremony of Renovated Guangzhou Office 喜气洋洋贺新家!
With great joy and enthusiasm, we celebrated the opening of the renovated Guangzhou office with a lion dance performance.
New Horizon Issue 15 — We Are One Family
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New Horizon Issue 15 — NEW HORIZON
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sICHuaN sIka kesHuaI CONsTRuCTION MaTeRIaL CO., LTD. CHONGQING bRaNCH 重庆市九龙坡区奥体路 1 号附 6-22-9 邮编:510260 电话:+86 23 8806 0828 传真:+86 23 8806 0858
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JIaNGsu TMs CONCReTe aDMIXTuRe CO., LTD. 镇江市丹徒区辛丰镇工业园 邮编:212142 电话:+86 511 8558 8866 传真:+86 511 8558 0578
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New Horizon Issue 15 — NEW HORIZON
西卡船舶 客户个性化解决方案 西卡船舶高性能系统包括声学地板,甲板敷料,弹性阻尼,密封粘接,环氧地坪, a60 浮动地板产品等。
New Horizon Issue 15 — NEW HORIZON