New Horizon Issue 16

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西卡地坪系统和防火涂料应用于 APEC 会场和配套设施


Sika Flooring Systems and Fireproof Coating Applied in APEC Facilities


以不变应万变 — 解析安 利行如何成为船舶胶粘剂 行业翘楚

The Secrete to Grow over 20 Times within 12 Years


市场 MARKET 饮用水保护 全球新车中半数使用了西卡产品

Sika Products in Half of All New Cars Worldwide


Protection on Drinking Water








2014 年对于西卡中国而言意义非凡。我们在西卡 中国位于苏州的总部举办了一场盛大的客户活动,庆 祝西卡进入中国 20 周年。很多与西卡长期合作的客户 和伙伴与我们共同见证了这一难忘的时刻! 2014 年西卡中国取得了优异的成绩,业绩继续增 长,销售额又创新高!正是西卡在创新、质量及可持 续发展上的坚持和努力让业主、总包、施工商和客户 选择与西卡合作。在这期中,您可以看到一些新的精 彩案例: - 位于天津 530m 高的周大福中心采用西卡高效 减水剂浇筑了坚实的基础。

Dear Readers, 2014 was a very special year for Sika China. We celebrated our 20 th Anniversary with a big customer event. Many long term customers and business partners joined us and celebrated together with us in our headquarters in Suzhou – an unforgettable moment. 2014 was also a very successful year for Sika China. We continued our growth story and finished the year with a new record in sales. Our focus on innovation, quality and sustainability has convinced owners, general contractors, applicators and customers all over China. In this edition you can read about some of the newest examples:

- 西卡的地坪和涂料解决方案应用在了 2014 年北 京 APEC 峰会场馆。

- The 530m high Chow Tai Fook Center was built with our high performance water reducers.

- 西卡的硅酮胶系列产品帮助上海北外滩的新地

- Our Flooring & Coating solutions were used for the APAC facilities in Beijing.

标浦江国际商务广场呈现完美的外观。 而 2014 年令我最高兴的是我看见越来越多的年轻 人在西卡中国不断成长:

- 一大批刚从学校毕业的新鲜血液加入了西卡培 训生计划。

- “年轻经理人”的第一批学员已通过学习实践顺 利完成了整个项目。(详细请阅读 78 页) - 有很多几年前加入西卡的年轻人在 2014 年迎来 了他们第一个管理职位的挑战。 这群西卡的新生代将大大推动西卡业务的进一 步成功,将确保实现我们对客户的承诺:“提供最佳 客户解决方案”。 祝福大家新年快乐,恭喜发财! 穆善和 西卡中国总裁


MORTEN MUSCHAK President of Sika China

- The façade of the Shanghai Point, a new iconic building at the northern Bund, was produced with Sika’s engineered silicones. Above all, the best in 2014 was to observe the many young people that grew in our organization. - A large number of freshmen from the university started in our young talent program. - A strong group of talents finished the first round of our “Young professional program” (read more on page 78). - Many young people, that started their career in Sika China some years ago, reached first management positions in 2014. This new generation of Sika-minded people will strongly help to drive the success of our business model and will assure that we always fulfill our promise: To deliver “The best customer solution”. I wish you a Happy New Year. Gong Xi Fa Cai.

Yours Morten Muschak President of Sika China

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Preface


NEW HORIZON #16 2015 6






西卡地坪系统和防火涂料应用于 APEC 会场和配套设施

Sika Flooring Systems and Fireproof Coating Applied in APEC Facilities 12










A Solid Base for a 530m Tall Tower The Wall that can Breathe New Iconic Building of Shanghai North Bund Safe Exercises under the Dome in Smog Days


44 全球新车中半数使用了西卡产品 Sika Products in Half of All New Cars Worldwide






西卡 2014 地坪承建商年会

2014 Sika Flooring Contractors Meeting




以不变应万变—解析安利行如何成为 船舶胶粘剂行业翘楚

Sika FFI Greater China Distributors’ Meeting 2014

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Contents

The Secrete to Grow over 20 Times within 12 Years




Protection on Drinking Water Noise-reducing, Sealing and Bonding Solutions for Ships

技术 TECHNOLOGY 不再单调的混凝土

Pilsen is Far More than a Beer!

可持续发展 SUSTAINABILITY 新能源客车工厂的节能屋面

Energy-Efficient Roof for the New Energy Bus Factory


60 78




Captain of Xuelong Visits Sika China for 86 Noise-reduction Solution of Icebreaker Vessel


西卡香港举办梁黄顾建筑师事务所专场 研讨会

Sika Hong Kong’s Seminar for LWK & Partners







本杂志中的所有注册商标受法律保护。除特殊标注,西卡拥有所有图片和文 字的版权。未经允许,禁止转载或复印。


All trademarks used or mentioned herein are protected by law. All photo and text copyrights are owned by Sika except when mentioned. Reproduction or repost is permitted with the written consent of the publisher.

雪龙号船长一行考察西卡寻求隔音降噪 解决方案

Brief News of Bonding and Sealing Sika Global News

More than a Training


欣赏 ENJOY 圣诞老人来西卡

Santa is Coming to Sika 趣味运动会

Fun Games

IMPRINT 编辑部:西卡中国市场传媒部,上海市华宁路 4555 号 印刷公司:上海鸿洋包装印刷制品有限公司 Editors’ address: Marketing Communications, Sika China, No. 4555 Huaning Road, Shanghai, 201108, China, e-mail: Printer: Achieve-Tech Printing and Packaging



NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Contents


项目 PROJECT 北京日出东方凯宾斯基酒店,地下车库使用西卡地坪系统。

Sika flooring systems are used in the carpark of the Sunrise East Kempinski Hotel in Beijing.



西卡地坪系统和防火涂料应 用于 APEC 会场和配套设施 SIKA FLOORING SYSTEMS AND FIREPROOF COATING APPLIED IN APEC FACILITIES 2014 年 11 月,亚太经济合作组织(APEC)峰会在中国北京举办。APEC 会议 地点座落于北京怀柔美丽的雁栖湖畔。西卡地坪系统和防火涂料应用在本届 APEC 会议主会场以及配套设施。

2014 APEC Summit was held in Beijing, capital of China, at Beijing’s outskirt Lake Yanqi, northeast of downtown and 50 km away from Beijing. Sika products contributed to this great conference in its own way.

文:季龚 图:马文晓



各国贵宾下榻的北京日出东方凯宾 斯 基 酒 店, 其 8000 平 方 米 地 下 车 库 全 部采用了西卡 2mm 弹性聚氨酯地面系统 (Sikafloor®-325 SL+Sikafloor®-315)。 西卡弹性聚氨酯地面系统所具有的裂 缝桥接、表面耐磨、防滑、抗划伤、降噪 等特点满足业主匹配高规格会议主题,追 求品质、确保安全、色彩搭配高端大气的 特点,为参会各国友人获得良好第一印象 增光添彩。

北京雁栖湖国际会展中心是与会各国 领导人共商国际事务的主会场,其建筑安 全成为首选要求。 业主和设计在建材的选择上秉承高标 准、严要求,特别是在防火涂料等消防重 点材料上更是达到了苛刻的程度:除了提 供充分的防火保护外,还要求涂料具有长 效耐久的抗老化性能,这也正是与西卡佑 民生防火涂料一直倡导的耐久性概念不谋 而合。

在项目进行过程中,西卡防火涂料团 队与业主、设计方保持紧密顺畅的沟通, 先后将德国标准 DIN、英国标准 BS 中有关 防火涂料耐久性考核等先进性测试方法引 入到该项目当中,最终,西卡佑民生防火 涂料以强大的技术优势赢得了该项目。项 目完成约 10000 平方米钢结构的防火保护 涂装。作为 2014 年的开门红重点项目,这 也进一步奠定了西卡佑民生品牌在膨胀型 防火涂料的开拓者位置。

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — APEC Facilities





Sika Unitherm® coating provides fireproof protection to the International Convention Center by the Yanqi Lake.





Sika’s 2 mm elastic PU flooring system (Sikafloor®-325 SL + Sikafloor®-315) is used in the 8000 m 2 underground carpark of the Sunrise East Kempinski Hotel, one of the hotels hosting the honorable guests. Sika’s PU flooring system, which has excellent performance as far as crack bridge, sur face abrasion resistance, scratch resistance, noise reduction, etc., are concerned, meeting the strictest requirements. Its high quality and nicelymatched colors are the best choice for a high-end venue.


NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — APEC Facilities

The International Convention Center by the Yanqi Lake is the main venue for the leaders’ meeting. Undoubtedly, the building safety is the most important out of the top-list concerns. Both the owner and architect were extremely strict on the construction materials, especially on safety-related products like the fireproof coating. In addition to fire protection, the coating is also required to be excellent in terms of a long-term aging-resistance, which is one of the advantages that the Sika® Unitherm® fireproof coating has.

To address the concern of the owner and architect, Sika team has introduced durability test methods of fireproof coating, complying with DIN and BS (British Standard). With its great technical advantages and solid brand, Sika® Unitherm® fire-proof coating was eventually used on the 10000 m 2 steel structure of the building. It was a key project for Sika® Unitherm® fireproof coating in 2014, which has strengthened its pioneering position in the market of intumescent fireproof coating.

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — APEC Facilities


“九层之台起于垒土” A SOLID BASE FOR A 530M TALL TOWER 位于天津市滨海新区的周大福金融中心,由香港周大福集团斥资 80 亿元人民 币打造。在项目大底板浇筑过程中应用了西卡高效减水剂,为这座高达 530 米的摩天大厦打下了坚固的基础。

The Chow Tai Fook Financial Center, located in Tianjin, is invested by the Hong Kong Chow Tai Fook Group with 8 billion RMB. Sika high performance water reducer was used in the concreting of the base structure, to create a solid base for the 530m high tower. 文/图:刘珊珊



NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Chow Thai Fook Financial Center


位 于 天 津 市 滨 海 新 区 MSD(TEDA Modern Service District)中心的周大福金融 中心,由香港周大福集团斥资 80 亿元人民 币打造,是滨海新区,乃至天津市备受瞩目 的建筑项目。2014 年 10 月 24 日,作为西 卡项目信息整合人员的我,有幸目睹了为这 座未来的超级大厦开启的,浩大而又严谨低 调的浇筑工程。 当晚 10 时左右,项目部有条不紊地启 动了浇筑作业。而在此之前,198 辆混凝土 搅拌车已从现场的入口处沿主干道呈放射状 向远处依次排开,为之后的有序入场做好准 备。随着夜色的逐渐加深,搅拌车开始有序 地缓缓移动,到达入口处时,准备就绪的工 作人员两两登车——这其中也包括了两名 由项目部指定提供技术支持的西卡技服人 员——随同进入工地现场完成将持续近 48 小时的浇筑任务。此次工程中的主塔底板厚 度平均达 5.7 米,最厚处达 9.9 米,总浇筑 量 31,000 立方米。

10 月 25 日下午,为了进一步记录项目 进展,我再次来到工地。白天的底板作业, 在经过前一晚忙碌的准备后,显得更加井然 有序。展现在眼前的深达 32.3 米的基坑更 加说明了即将拔地而起的这座庞然大物的超 群高度。与往常所见的工地不同的是,这里

并没有漫天的粉尘飞灰,也没有撼天的机器 作业声,有的只是五根直达基底的溜管和源 源不断的供着混凝土的搅拌车。从连接着罐 车槽口的九米长溜管顶端顺渠而下的混凝 土,浆体紧密包裹着骨料,于致密钢筋的空 隙处泉涌般流出,在密网下交织后徐徐流动。 令我感到有点意外的是,没有了噪音和扬尘 的工地,竟可以与头顶上方的一片蓝天白云 和谐相应。 西卡为本次主塔底板浇筑提供了高保 塑 产 品 Sika® ViscoCrete®-3301 MU。 在 长 达 48 小时的连续浇筑过程中,西卡的技术 服务人员全程提供技术支持。在稍早完成的 裙楼底板浇筑中,选用的是西卡的聚羧酸系 高 性 能 减 水 剂 Sika® ViscoCrete®-1210, 西 卡的技术服务人员为客户提供全天候现场服 务,每小时进行一次混凝土实验以确保全程 作业质量,协助客户出色完成了浇筑任务。 在这里所做的一切努力,都是为了成 就四年后的一套完整成熟的商业服务体系: 高达 530 米的主塔将由位于底端的 36 层甲 级写字楼、中端的 300 套酒店式公寓,以 及拱形冠顶下的拥有 350 套客房的超五星 级酒店构建而成;周边配套的 5.3 万平米的 四层裙楼将成为未来的高级商业中心,落成 之后的总建筑面积约为 39 万平米。

在项目设计理念中,由于需要考虑到 临海地区特殊地理环境以及超高建筑本身具 备的抗风险难度,主体部分由 8 个具有一 定斜度的立柱支撑,在增强建筑结构刚度的 同时,还可应对潜在的地震风险。但是在这 刚性十足的硬朗内部结构外层,却是全部以 带有曲线设计的玻璃幕墙覆盖,流畅的弧度 稀释了混凝土结构的粗重感,玻璃的反光性 更是柔化了超高建筑普遍过于生硬的线条, 使得这座擎天大厦无论在阳光、云雾、夜晚 甚至大雨中,都能借助天色或是灯光的映衬 与周边环境巧妙融合,仿若是自然与人工共 同打造的一场优雅而充满趣味的光影游戏。 这座位于全国最具发展潜力之一的开发区中 心地带的超级大厦,不仅因其兼具现代艺术 设计美感与建筑实用性的夺目外型,晕染了 开发区建设蓝图中的浓墨重彩,同时,其多 样的适配性更是完善了 MSD 现代服务区的 配套功能。 西卡 ViscoCrete® 技术完善了混凝土的 流动性、和易性,确保了此次大底板浇筑工 程中溜管作业的顺利进行。本次浇筑共减少 柴油消耗 1.8 万升,相当于减少 47 吨二氧 化碳排放。水泥、砂石和外加剂不仅仅是西 卡混凝土事业部为客户考量的全部,只因为 你我共有的那一角蓝。

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Chow Thai Fook Financial Center




The Chow Tai Fook Financial Center located in MSD (TEDA Modern Service District) in Binhai New District, Tianjin, is invested by the Hong Kong Chow Tai Fook Group with 8 billion RMB, dwarfing other projects in this city. On 24 October 2014, as the information coordinator for the project, I was lucky to see the concreting of the super building, a hugescale yet low key operation.

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Chow Thai Fook Financial Center

At about 10 o’clock that night, the project department commenced work on the concreting project. In preparation, 198 concrete mixers had been parked along the main road at the entrance ready for entry. As night fell, the mixers started to move. When they reached the entrance, workers, including two technical support staff from Sika manned the mixers to provide support for the 48-

hour task of concreting. The concrete base of the main tower is 5.7 meters thick on average, and 9.9 meters thick at its thickest point. The concrete covers a total volume of 31,000 cubic meters. On the afternoon of October 25, I visited the site again to record the progress of the project. The project of base construction had gone smoothly thanks to

the thorough preparations the day before. The 32.3-meter-deep foundation pit reveals the super height of the colossus under construction. Unlike other construction sites, there was no dust in the air or noise from machinery. There were only mixers constantly feeding concrete through 5 supply pipes to the base. The concrete, mixed with aggregate, flowed down the 9-meter-long supply pipes linking the tankers to the pit through the gaps among the steel bars. I was so surprised that on the construction site, there was no noise or dust, which was in harmony with the blue sky and cloud above. Sika provided its high-performance plastic agent Sika® ViscoCrete®-3301 MU for use in the project. Staff from Sika provided technical support throughout the 48 hour long concreting process. Sika’s polycarboxylic acid based highef fec t water reducing agent Sika®

ViscoCrete®-1210 was used for the concreting of the base of the podium building. Technical service staff from Sika remained on site to monitor quality by testing the concrete every hour in order to ensure that the process could be completed successfully. All these efforts will have contributed to the building of a complete, mature business service system in just four years: the 530-meter-high main tower contains 36-floors of class-A office space at the lower levels, 300 hotel-style apartments in the middle and a luxury 5-star hotel consisting of 350 suites beneath the arches at the top. The four-floor podium building covering an area of 53,000 square meters will become a future highend business center. The whole project covers an area of 390,000 square meters. During the building’s design phase, its unique geographical location along the

coast and the inherent difficulties involved in constructing such a tall structure were taken into consideration. The main building is supported by 8 marginally-tilted pillars which increase the rigidity of the structure and help to resist earthquakes. This rigid structure is covered by a sheer glass facade which conceals the internal concrete structure and reflections from the glass soften the outline of the supertall structure, making the whole building an exquisite work of art where nature and technology co-exist, reflecting its environment in natural or artificial light, in sunshine, cloud, fog, fading evening light, or even rain. The supertall building, located in the center of one of the areas with the greatest development potential in China, combines aesthetic modern artwork with functionality, galvanizing the whole development area. Its high functionality also adds value to the MSD modern service zone. Sika® ViscoCrete® improves concrete’s mobility and workability, and ensures the smooth operation of the supply pipes during the concreting of the base structure. This saved 18,000 liters of diesel which is equivalent to the reduction of 47 tons of carbon dioxide emissions. Sika is not only concerned with concrete, gravel, and mixing agents but also with care for its clients as well as protection of the environment.

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Chow Thai Fook Financial Center


会呼吸的墙 THE WALL THAT CAN BREATHE 建筑墙体温度内外有差异,室内外空气在湿气、温度等的自平衡过程中,容 易产生凝水积聚问题的出现。西卡窗用防水膜系统包括不同隔气功能的防水 卷材,室内防水透气型防水膜与室外防水不透气膜的搭配使用,在有效隔绝 室内水汽进入墙体通道的同时,也实现了墙体少量凝水随着冬夏交替逐步向 外扩散的呼吸式自排水效果。

To avoid the condensation trouble during the vapour “self-balance” process inside and outside of the wall, the “vapour-control” window barrier - SikaMembran Window applies two types of membrane sheets with different vapor control abilities. The specially formulated membrane products not only prevent the indoor moisture transferring outward, but also bring out the condensation water inside of the wall constructions and vapours out as the season drifts. 文/图:司林刚



NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — The Wall that can Breathe

基于西卡如此全面细致的配合,顾问 公司已经把西卡窗用防水膜写入技术 规范,同时作为高档门窗项目的首选 方案推荐给业主。


团投资设计开发,总建筑面积达 90 万平方 复杂,两个工人一天只能安装一个窗户。 米,致力于打造包括顶级住宅、办公、商业、 同时由于节点过多,以往的淋水测试多次 发生漏水的问题。使用西卡窗用防水膜系 娱乐在内的上海最大城市综合体项目。 统后,整个安装流程大大简化,一个工人 其中,16 万平方米的高档住宅尚浦名 只需 30 分钟即可以安装好一个窗户,极大 邸对室内环境诸如隔热、隔音、防水等有着 地提高了工作效率、节省了人工成本,从 严苛的技术规范要求。项目聘请国际知名的 而进一步降低综合成本。 墙体内外有两种截然不同的气候环境。 幕墙顾问公司 WSP 严格把控方案设计、材 室内条件相对温和可控,室外取决于自然 料选用及现场施工细节。项目幕墙窗体尺寸 此外,室内防水不透气膜与室外防水 条件的变化。以上海为例,整年制冷时间 大小不一,要求窗体内外防水,防水材料外 透气膜适合的隔汽性能(sd 比值 30:1), 段较长。在诸如梅雨天气等时间段,室外 部会现场安装发泡水泥等装饰层。此外,被 实现了季节交替中墙体对水汽的“呼吸式” 丰富的水汽通过墙体向室内扩散,当遇到 粘结材料为毛面混凝土和门窗型材。 自主调控,防止了过多水汽冷凝积聚在墙体 室内较冷的墙体时容易形成凝水积聚,从 内部所引发的诸如墙体腐蚀、霉变等问题。 西卡窗用防水膜系统完全符合项目的 而产生金属腐蚀、墙体脱落及霉菌滋生等 该项目总共消耗防水膜 70000 米,配 问题。然而传统的室内外密封胶密封的方 需求,如同为该项目量身打造。该系统包 括室内防水不透气膜和室外防水透气膜, 套 10000 支 Sikaflex® 聚氨酯密封胶。作为 式对此束手无策。 同时配合西卡单组分聚氨酯胶。防水卷材 西卡窗用防水膜在国内的首秀,西卡销售、 欧洲建筑规范及材料的发展可给国内 为聚乙烯材质,厚度为 0.5mm,一侧带有 技术从初期技术需求确认、图纸核查、方 相关问题的解决提供启发:室内外墙体接 压敏胶设计,可在型材的光面快速密封与 案设定、施工细节确认、实体模型实验、 缝选用不同隔汽性能的材料,能够有效地 粘结;另一侧通过 Sikaflex® 聚氨酯密封胶 施工指导及后期质量核查等方面全方位支 防止凝水产生。室内防水使用不透气膜, 粘结在毛面混凝土上。 持服务,赢得了业主、顾问公司、施工方 室外防水使用透气膜,如此的经典搭配隔 及监理的一致认可。 防水膜单卷长度 50 延米,可根据现场 绝了室内水汽进入墙体的通道。同时,墙 基于西卡如此全面细致的配合,在华 体内少量凝水随着冬夏的交替逐步向外扩 需求进行裁切。良好的柔韧性使之能够贴 敷材料表面,并能随意折弯施工。此外, 南某新建项目中,顾问公司已经主动将西 散,实现“呼吸式”自排水的效果。 防水卷材表面的绒毛设计,使得装饰层(如 卡窗用防水膜系统写入技术规范。该项目 西卡“呼吸 式”窗用防水膜 系统国内 发泡水泥通过水泥粘结的外挂)成为可能。 的成功应用,西卡在收获施工经验及良好 首秀 口碑的同时,也进一步强化了在高端住宅 该项目的一期工程采用的是镀锌钢板 项目推广窗用防水膜系统的信心。 坐落于上海新江湾城的尚浦领世地块 由全球领先的房地产开发商美国铁狮门集 折弯进行窗户内外刚性防水。该工艺程序 随着经济的发展,人们对居住环境的 要求越来越严格。建筑隔热、隔音、室内 舒适度等居住条件成为高档住宅的必然技 术指标。除了最基本的墙体防水要求,对 室内外水汽条件的控制慢慢地被社会认知 和接受。

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — The Wall that can Breathe



Architects would never stop pursuing the realization of high-end living conditions. In addition to the most common demands like insulation, acoustic damping and comfortable living, vapour controls are required for new buildings. Generally, we have two different environmental temperatures within and out the house. Inside of the house, it is usually approx. 20°C, 50% RH while the temperatures outside differs as the season drifts. In winter-time, indoor temperature and humidity is generally higher than outdoor. Condensation may take place inside of the construction walls while moisture trends to transfer outwards. Metal corrosion with plasters peeling-down and mildews appear con-


NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — The Wall that can Breathe

sequently. Traditional gap-filling materials like sealant are quite helpless for these problems. The European building code and technical approach successfully solved this problem by applying two types of membrane sheets inside and outside with different vapor control abilities. The specially formulated membrane products not only prevent the indoor moisture transferring outdoor, but also bring out condensation inside the wall constructions and vapours out as the season drifts. “VAPOUR-CONTROL” WINDOW BARRIER - SIKAMEMBRAN WINDOW SYSTEM Located at the gateway of New Jiang-

wan Town of Shanghai City, the Springs is a 900,000 sqm complex comprising of The Springs Residences – 877 exclusive apartments across a total area of 160,000 sqm and The Springs Center – a 740,000 sqm LEED Grade-A gold standard business space. The complex also includes a shopping center, apartments, retail stores, a hotel and other recreational facilities. The Springs Residences is committed to create a very comfortable interior environment with high requirements on thermal insulation, sound insulation and water tightness. SikaMembran Window System meets all these technical requirements. It includes a layer of breathable membrane (Exterior SikaMembran

Window) and a layer of un-breathable membrane (Interior SikaMembran Window). On one edge of the membrane, there is a PSA tape so it could be easily attached over the smooth window frames. The other edge is bonded over the porous concrete wall with Sikaflex® sealants. Workers could easily cut the membrane into required size with scissors or knife. Also, the 0.5mm flexible membrane sheet could be bent into any shapes to fully get into contact with the substrate’s surface. The direct over rendering has become possible with the backing of double-side fleece.

with galvanized steel. It took two workers a whole day to finish just one window. By using SikaMembran systems, the installation procedures are greatly simplified. It takes only 30 mins for a worker to finish a single window even at his first trail.

The first phase of the project followed a traditional waterproofing window solution - sealing both the sides of window

The project consumes more than 70,000 m membrane sheet and 10000 ssg Sikaflex® sealant. Sika FFI team supports

What’s more? Two types of formulation differentiate the sd value (equivalent to air layer thickness). The sd combination guarantees that the condensed water inside of the wall could vapor out with seasonal changes so that the water-corrosion and mould problems are avoided.

the customer with clarification of technical demands, drawing reviews, product discussion, PMU, on-site trainings and regular auditing of construction sites. The good products and its efficient team have impressed the façade consultant companies, who initiatively specified Sika for other projects in Southern China. With the success of this project, Sika FFI team gets familiar with the whole system and this would greatly encourage us to repeat success stories for the future projects.

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — The Wall that can Breathe




上海北外滩新地标 —浦江国际商务广场

NEW ICONIC BUILDING OF SHANGHAI NORTH BUND 如果说“建筑是凝固的音乐”,那么幕墙则是整首 音乐的最高潮部分。建筑设计、幕墙公司、建筑材 料厂孜孜追求于建筑外立面效果的完美呈现。上海 浦江国际金融广场即是对该理念的又一精彩诠释。

“I call architecture frozen music” - 1829, Goethe. Almost 200 years later, glass façade trends to be the chorus of music. Architect, façade fabricator, material suppliers are all dedicated to achieve an impressive building outlook. Shanghai Point, a new iconic building in North Bund of Shanghai, perfectly illustrated this philosophy.



NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Shanghai Point







为打造融合高标准设计、高质量建筑 和高品质服务为一体的优质项目,上海浦 江国际金融广场的建筑概念化设计特邀曾 经设计上海第一高楼——上海中心的美国 Gensler 设计公司担纲,由现代设计集团负 责项目扩初、施工图设计,国际知名房地产 代理商戴德梁行负责策划定位;沈阳远大承 担了幕墙图纸的方案细化及现场施工,并聘 请国际顶级幕墙顾问英国奥雅娜对幕墙设 计、选材、施工环节全方位指导和监控…… 所有各方长达 4 年多的努力,最终的目的 在于将这座总高度达 180 米、包括 5A 级写 字楼及精品配套商业的综合性地产项目完美 的呈现大众。

比、混合、施工及后继的生产质检监控皆 有客户自行监控。由于建筑从业人员的整 体素质参差不齐及某些企业的质量管控意 识相对较弱,质量上乘的产品往往因为得 不到规范化的应用而产生诸多问题。近年 来,建筑幕墙玻璃自爆、石材跌落等问题 时有发生,甚至发生玻璃整体性脱落导致 路人截肢等恶性事件的发生。为了避免此 类问题,必须从幕墙设计、选材、施工、 安装等方面系统性着手,消除可能的风险。

常规对称型中空玻璃、横明竖隐单元 式幕墙、自重托板设计、横向装饰条,从 设计角度来看,所有的一切似乎中规中矩。 然而真正帮助西卡赢得项目订单的决定性 原因在于对细节的追求。

随后的一年半时间里,西卡扎扎实实 地践行了自己的承诺。

产。西卡技术团队现场的生产质检培训, 到后期不间断的生产及质检参数的审核与 确认;从对耀皮玻璃的多次工厂审核,到 对远大工厂多达 11 次 31 个板块的割胶测 试……西卡门窗幕墙系统团队真正将所有 细节落在了实处。正是西卡如此近乎偏执 的服务让客户了解质量控制对幕墙可靠、 耐久性的意义。

本幕墙项目加工及安装业已结束,预 计年底整个项目即可交付使用。浦江国际 经过多方面的权衡,业主和奥雅娜幕 金融广场立足航运金融产业,揽浦江一线 墙顾问团队将硅酮胶候选公司锁定在包括西 观景视野,成就北外滩商务新地标,并成 卡在内的三家进口品牌,最终西卡依靠过硬 功获得了“中国绿色建筑”认证和美国绿 的产品质量(意大利全进口和工厂欧标化), 色建筑 LEED 金级认证。 本项目位于上海市东大名路 81 号街坊, 全面的技术服务承诺(图纸设计咨询、产品 主楼幕墙结合创新设计的流纹幕墙, 地处北外滩核心区域。建筑面积 12 万方平 方案推荐、节点尺寸核算、实验室测试、现 米,幕墙面积 4 万平方米。西卡工程硅酮 场培训、定期工厂核查及成品割胶测试)及 审美与功能兼备,在最大限度阻挡阳光直 胶产品在中空玻璃二道密封、幕墙结构性 大量过往的服务案例,赢得了顾问公司对西 射、降低能耗的同时,结合光影变化,添 加了建筑的动态美感。 粘结及幕墙耐候密封中得到了全面的应用。 卡品牌的信赖和全力支持。

幕墙硅酮结构胶的应用难点在于:胶 厂分别提供 AB 组分产品给客户,产品的配


NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Shanghai Point

从最初在结构设计方面由于对于规范 不同理解而与远大结构计算团队的多次沟 通协调,到与门窗幕墙系统瑞士技术团队 的不间断沟通与确认;从初次实验室检测, 到后期现场检测确认;从 2012 年底初次生

Gensler, who also designed China’s tallest building – the Shanghai Tower, worked together with Shanghai Xian Dai Architectural Design Group in order to create the initial architectural sketch. The global leader in property service DTZ group provided marketing support while Shenyang Yuanda worked on the façade design and installation. The wellknown façade consultant ARPU was involved to supervise the façade design details, fabrication and installation. All these parties worked together during the last 4 years to manifest the creative 180m building including 5A office tower and commercial wing buildings. The project is located at Block 81th, East Daming Road of Shanghai North Bund, with a building area 120,000m2 and a façade area 40,000m2. Sikasil® engineering silicones including secondary sealant of insulating glass, structural sealant of façade fabrication, as well as weather sealant are applied on the building. FULL RANGE OF SIKASIL® PRODUCTS APPLIED ON THE BUILDING Double glazed symmetrical glass unit,

semi-exposed framing of unitized façade system, self-weight adaptor and aluminum bull nose, all façade details seem quite normal. Details-orientation helped Sika in winning the project. It is usually ver y hard to control the bonding quality if customers measure and mix the 2-C structural sealants totally on their own as the workers may not be qualified enough or they just lack the sense of quality control. You may have heard the reports of façade glass or stone falling down just several years after being applied. All these risks can be avoided by professional design, material choosing, fabrication and installation. To pursue a high quality standard, the owner and façade consultants specified three imported brands including Sika as sealant supplier candidates. Several meetings were organized to discuss technical details with all 3 companies. Sika finally won the project with its stable product quality (Europe-imported material and European standard-certified factory) and one-stop technical service promise including drawing review, prod-

uct recommendation, joint calculation, lab testing, factory training and regular factory audit and deglazing test. Sika FFI team kept our promise in the following 2 years to provide all these technical services. When looking back, we are really proud that we made it by insistence on the structural design at the beginning, repeated discussion on design details helped by the corporate FFI technical team, lab tests and regular performance double-checks in customers’ factory, product training to customers, regular factory audit and over 31 times of deglazing tests on the façade panels. Our commitment and persistence on quality gained us the respect of both customer and consultant. All these together guarantee the long-term reliable performance of the structural glazing system. The façade installation has been completed. The building was awarded with both the Golden LEED Certification of USGBC and China Green Conservation.

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Shanghai Point


雾霾天运动的“世外桃源” SAFE EXERCISES UNDER THE DOME IN SMOG DAYS 为了让学生即使在雾霾天也能安全地运动,北京顺义国际学校建造了一个气 膜内体育馆,地面采用了西卡戴斯克运动地面。

In order that the students can play and exercise year-round, regardless of how smoggy life is outside, the International School of Beijing constructed domes that enclose the entirety of its outdoor areas. Sika Descol’s sports flooring is applied under the dome. 文/图:孙宝斌



NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Stadium under the Dome


伴随经济迅猛发展的同时,中国各地 频繁出现雾霾天气。由于西 / 北两面环山的 独特地理位置和所处地区气候条件,北京遭 受雾霾困扰的问题尤为突出和严重。在遇到 雾霾污染严重的恶劣天气,为了保护学生的 健康和安全,各类学校纷纷停止停户外活动。 北京顺义国际学校是北京地区规模最 大的国际学校,主要针对在京工作生活的 外籍人员子女,目前拥有来自 50 多个国家 的 1900 多名在校学生,学校的主要教学生 活软硬件设施条件在北京国际学校中属于 一流水平。 如 该 校 的 校 长 Tarek Razik 博 士 所 言 学校的办学理念之一是“安全”,为了让 学生在雾霾频发的季节也能安全地进行体 育活动,北京顺义国际学校决定采取主动 措施来规避和降低恶劣天气对学生的影 响——筹建一个可以过滤和控制空气流动 的膜结构体育馆,来营造一个空气相对干 净的室内运动空间。 在膜结构室内馆,有一个中控机构来 监控膜内空间的空气质量并定时进行换气: 抽走被污染的室内空气同时将过滤净化后 的洁净空气补充到膜内整个空间。相对比 普通建筑,膜结构的造价比较低工期比较 短也是甲方考虑的因素之一。

运动地面是室内运动馆的重要组成部 分,也会对馆内空气质量产生重要的影响。 在选择膜内体育馆地面的过程中,多家地 面材料供应商一起参与了甲方组织的产品 推介会。会上各类地面材料百花齐放,有 西卡戴斯克的运动地板、欧洲著名品牌运 动 PVC 地板,以及诸多国产及进口的各类 橡胶、PU 等产品。 在介绍产品时,我们着重强调了西卡 戴斯克运动地面的三大优点: 多功能性:西卡戴斯克 Pulastic 运动 地面具备点弹性(靠下面的橡胶减震垫在 任意一个点上都能提供连续不断的弹性), 因此即使在某一点施加很小的力也能马上 产生即时的回弹,从而提供保护性能,适 合各种项目运动如篮球、排球、羽毛球、 乒乓球、手球、网球、室内足球等球类活 动以及舞蹈、柔道等运动,没有限制。此 外,得益于 Pulastic 的优秀表面性能(耐磨、 抗压、抗撕裂、不怕烟头灼烧、抗紫外线、 稳定无热胀冷缩、不怕水泡等),Pulastic 体育场馆同时可以兼用为多功能室举办舞 会、展览展示、餐厅等等使用目的。 高环保性:Pulastic 属于聚氨酯类运动 地面。不同于低端的聚氨酯类材料,Pulastic 产品中不含甲苯,基本实现水性化。材料一 旦固化完成后则不再有可感觉到的气味。根

据德国 LGA 实验室测试结果,VOA 释放量 仅为限定标准的十分之一。此外,产品不含 铅 / 铬 / 镉等重金属元素,也不含甲醛及氯 元素,因此即使在室内使用也非常安全。 低维护成本和耐磨长寿性:Pulatic 运 动地面可以直接用水进行清洁,无需像木地 板或 PVC 地面进行频繁的清洁上蜡来保持运 动及外观效果,只需每半年配合用清洁机械 进行打磨来彻底清洁。同时,Pulastic 运动 地面可以进行低成本面层翻新,一般用 20 年以后可重新施工面层继续使用几十年。荷 兰 HoeveLaKen 学院运动馆于 1972 年安装, 在使用 26 年后进行了翻新,到现在又使用 了 16 年 —已使用 42 年了!我们的口号是 Pulastic 与场馆同寿命:场馆不拆,地面不换。 凭借着产品出色的性能、西卡的品牌 效应以及戴斯克 Pulastic/ 普乐斯品牌在运 动地面行业多年良好名声的综合影响力, 最终我们打败了最强劲的对手:来自欧洲 的 PVC 运动地面,赢得了项目。 到目前地面已经使用了将近两年的时 间,期间甲方根据需要自行又施画了一些 场地线,使得这片场地能面向更多的运动 和使用目的,真正达到了多功能 / 多目的 的设计要求。在每天频繁的使用和运营中, 我们得到的反馈是:西卡 /Pulastic 是非常 完美的多功能运动地面!

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Stadium under the Dome








Along with rapid economic development, China frequently sees smog in m a n y c i t i e s . D u e t o i t s uni qu e geographical location surrounded by mountains to the west and north and its climate, Beijing suffers from severe smog. The heavy smog blots out the sun and forces residents inside. The schools have to cancel outdoor activities to protect students’ health and safety in smog days. The International School of Beijing is the largest international school in the capital and is aimed at the sons and daughters of foreign nationals working in Beijing. It now has over 1,900 students from over 50 countries. The school boasts first-class facilities and quality of education.


NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Stadium under the Dome

“Safety” is one of the school philosophies, says its headmaster Doctor Tarek Razik. In order that the students can play and exercise year-round, regardless of how smoggy life is outside, the school decided to construct two domes that enclose the entirety of its outdoor areas. There is a central control system in the dome to monitor the indoor air quality and can regulate the air by removing the polluted air and replacing it with filtered clean air. Compared with ordinary buildings, the enclosed dome structure is both low cost and requires a short period of construction, both factors which were taken into consideration. The sports floor is another main part in the dome. Many local and foreign flooring suppliers attended the product demon-

stration convened by the school, including Sika’s Descol sports flooring, European branded sports PVC flooring and various types of rubber and PU flooring. We highlighted three advantages of Sika Descol’s sports flooring during our product introduction: MULTIFUNCTIONALITY: Sika Descol Pulastic sports flooring is characterized by point elasticity (each point can offer continuous elasticity thanks to the rubber shock pad underneath), so even a small force can cause an immediate rebound reaction so as to protect users. It is suitable for use in sports such as basketball, volleyball, badminton, table tennis, handball, tennis, indoor football as well as other activities such as dance and judo, without limits on the

kind of suitable activities. In addition, thanks to its fabulous surface properties (such as wear-resistance, pressureresistance, tear-proof, scorch-proof, anti-U V, non-thermal expansion or contraction and soak-resistance among others), it can also serve many other purposes such as use as a ballroom, exhibition hall or restaurant. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: Pulastic is made from polyurethanes. Unlike the low-end polyurethanes materials, Pulastic contains no methylbenzene and is liquid-based, which means there is no smell once the material has cured. Moreover, based on the test results of the German LGA laborator y, its VOA emission content is only one tenth of the prescribed standard. The product contains no heavy metal elements like

lead, chrome, and cadmium, and no formaldehyde or chlorine. It is very safe for indoor use.

Pulastic lives as long as the sports centre: so long as the building stands, the flooring need never be changed.

LOW COST OF MAINTENANCE, WEARRESISTANCE, AND LONG LIFE: Pulastic sports flooring can be cleaned by water. To maintain performance and appearance, no frequent waxing is required like for wooden or PVC floors. All that is required is mechanical buffing every half year. Moreover, it can be renovated on surface at a low cost. After having served for 20 years, the floor can be used for another several decades once renovated. The floor, installed in the sports centre at HoeveLaKen College in the Netherlands in 1972, has been in user for another 16 years following its renovation, giving a total life to date of 42 years! The slogan of Pulastic is that

Based on the excellent performance of our products, brand image of Sika, industry influence and good reputation of Descol Pulastic in the industry, in being awarded the project, we beat our strongest competitor to win the project. It has been almost two years since the flooring was installed and the centre was divided into sections for different uses so that the centre can serve multiple purposes, which was also the goal of the design. From everyday use and operation we have received feedback that Sika / Pulastic is a perfect multifunctional sports flooring!

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Stadium under the Dome




—记西卡 2014 地坪承建商年会

2014 SIKA FLOORING CONTRACTORS MEETING 新年伊始,来自全国各地的 300 多位西卡地坪承建商们相聚湖光山色的武汉 希尔顿酒店,参加西卡 2014 地坪承建商年会暨新品发布会。

At the beginning of 2015, over 300 Sika flooring contractors from all over China gathered in the Hilton Hotel Wuhan to attend the 2014 Sika Flooring Contractors Meeting. 文/图:吕小萍



NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Flooring Contractors Meeting


西卡地坪承建商年会一直被视为西卡 优良传统节目,成为一年一度西卡与各大 承建商们的大聚会,也堪称中国地坪行业 盛会。

2014 年西卡地坪业务取得了骄人的成 绩,完成了众多如华为工厂、宝马汽车, 路虎汽车,诺华上海研发中心、雀巢食品, 北京日出东方凯宾斯基大酒店等具有影响 力的项目,产品应用覆盖汽车、电子、医疗、 食品、车库、烟草、物流、商用等多个领域, 进一步巩固了西卡在中国地坪行业的领军 地位。正如西卡中国总裁穆善和与副总裁 周宏吉在讲话中所言:“西卡地坪涂料团 队的成功在于改变单一产品销售为系统销 售;在于和广大的合作伙伴们:地坪协会、 承建商和代理商的紧密合作。”这一切的 成就离不开与承建商以及其他合作伙伴的 通力合作和努力。为了表彰和激励这一年 来表现优异的承建商,年会上西卡管理层 为 2014 年十佳地坪承建商以及十佳地坪项 目颁发了奖项。 创新是西卡引领中国地坪行业的重要 因素,西卡中国一直致力于开发更多新产 品、新系统和新服务来更好地满足市场需

求。在下午的产品发布会上,地坪技术服 务负责人季龚和大家分享了西卡地坪业务 最新的发展战略:以新一代聚氨酯工业地 坪为代表,贯彻本地化策略;与世界清洁 保养行业巨头希悦尔公司强强联手,推出 地坪清洁保养措施,导入地坪服务周期概 念,为客户提供衍生附加值服务;推行地 坪一体化系统,提供从混凝土基础到地坪 面层材料解决方案。 中国建筑材料检验认证集团有限公司 副总经理、中国建筑材料检验认证中心主 任刘元新先生和中国建筑材料联合会地坪 材料分会常务秘书长乔亚玲女士受邀参加 了会议。刘元新主任在致辞中对西卡中国 为中国地坪行业做出的贡献表示肯定和感 谢:“西卡为中国的地坪行业带来了优质 的系统的产品和解决方案,并且为地坪行 业源源不断地输入了专业人才和科学的管 理方法”。 在西卡中国地坪业务负责人张烨炯 激情澎湃的讲话中,承建商们一起回顾了 2014,展望 2015:“未来 3 年我们的使命 是:进一步加强西卡地坪品牌和功能,绝 对的领导技术和产品的先进性,以保持未

来 3 年持续高速发展和行业领先的地位。 并贯彻四个战略:‘品牌价值,行业领先, 创新市场和产品,客户为先’,更好的为 我们的承建商合作伙伴们服务。” 不要以为我们的承建商仅仅懂得地坪 工程,他们还是多才多艺的“文艺青年”, 在来自武汉博申建筑装饰工程有限公司罗 成伟先生的古朴悠扬的古琴声中,厦门普 若装饰工程有限公司的曾广清先生泼墨挥 毫,写下了西卡地坪 2015 年的期望词“达 权知变”。而西卡中国地坪业务负责人张 烨炯先生带领销售团队组成的“地主乐队” 为大家献上的《光辉岁月》勾起了多少人 的回忆,点燃了多少人心中激情的火焰! 我们感动,是因为我们有一样的热血青春; 我们激扬,是因为我们把热血书写在西卡, 与西卡一起成长、一起成功。最后在最最 活力、最销魂的《小苹果》中,2014 西卡 地坪承建商年会完满结束。 一年的结束意味着新一年的开始,新 的一年有新的挑战,有新的机遇!正如西 卡地坪 2015 年期望词“达权知变”,让我 们创新知变,创造出更辉煌的 2015 !

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Flooring Contractors Meeting



This yearly meeting is considered as a great event in Sika China or even in the flooring industry of China to bring together the contractors for better communication and relationship. In 20 14, Sika China has made great achievements in the flooring business. The flooring products have been applied in large and influential projects, such as plants of Huawei, B&W, Landover, Novartis, Nestlé, Beijing Sunrise East Kempinski Hotel, etc., covering the fields of automotive, electronics, medical, foods, car park, tobacco, logistics and commercial buildings, which has further strengthened the leading position of Sika in the flooring industry in China. “We work with best contractors and get strong support from the associations and institutes. It’s your support, cooperation and hard work that make our success possible.” Like Mr. Morten Muschak, President of Sika China and Kelvin Chew, Vice President of Sika China, said in their speech, the flooring business success was the result of the great cooperation between Sika, contractors and other partners. On the meeting, the 2014 Sika Top Flooring Projects and Best Flooring Contractors were announced. The two awards set a benchmark for the contractors and also were the great recognition of the achievements that the contractors had made.


NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Flooring Contractors Meeting

Sika leads the flooring industry with its innovative products and systems. At the product release in the afternoon, Sika announced its product development strategies of the flooring business. Sika will further implement the localization of flooring products, including the new generation PU industrial flooring systems. By cooperating with Sealed Air Group Co., Ltd, a global leading company in cleaning and maintenance, Sika launches flooring cleaning and maintenance solution and introduces in the concept of flooring service life to create added-value for our customers. The integrated flooring system, which provides one stop solutions from concrete slab to the surface covering in focused market field, is another key strategy in 2015 of Sika. Experts in the flooring industry of China were also invited to the meeting. They are Mr. Liu Yuanxin, Deputy General Manager of China Building Material Test & Certification Group Co. Ltd. and Ms. Xiao Yaling, General Secretary of China Flooring Association. Mr. Liu expressed his thanks to Sika in his speech “Sika has brought into advanced and systematic flooring products and solutions as well as their advanced management methods into China. Moreover, Sika has trained and cultivated a lot of professionals for the flooring industry of China.”

In the speech of Mr. Leo, Zhang, Head of TM flooring of Sika China, the contractors reviewed the year of 2014 and outlooked the future “In the coming three years, by further strengthening the brand and developing flooring functions with Sika’s leading technology and state-of-art products, Sika will maintain its rapid growth and leading position. We will continue our four principles known as Brand Value, Leading Position in the industry, Creative Markets and Products, Customer First” to better serve our contractors and partners.” There were full of surprises on the party at night. With the gentle sound of Guqin (an ancient instrument in China) played by Mr. Luo from Wuhan, Mr. Zeng from Xiamen was writing the Chinese calligraphy on the stage. They were both our contractors! When the band called “Floor Supply” led by Leo sang the song “Glorious Days”, it aroused the resonance among the audience, recalling their youth time. In a vibrant dance performed by the flooring team, the party was ended. The finish of a year starts another year. In a new year, we will meet new challenges and opportunities. To quote the year word that flooring team has set for 2015 “Da Quan Zhi Bian” let’s keep away the old convention and keep on new innovations.



西卡门窗幕墙系统 大中华区代理商会议 SIKA FFI GREATER CHINA DISTRIBUTORS’ MEETING 2014 相约漓江,相讨发展,相许未来

Meeting at Lijiang, discussion on development, and promise for the future 文/图:李健



NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — FFI Distributor Meeting


转眼一年,去年 11 月的台北会议还历 历在目,今年的 11 月 23 日,来自西卡门窗 幕墙系统的代理商从北京、上海、深圳、 台湾、香港,汇聚在美丽的遇龙河畔。 这一年,FFI 业务重新回归西卡中国。 有了强大的本地支持,我们第一次成功组 织了为期三天的代理商技术培训;有了公 司高层对 FFI 团队工作的认可和期望,我 们守约在漓江等待辛苦付出一年的代理商。 这一年, FFI 业务加入西卡整好十年。 十年的风风雨雨,磕磕绊绊,西卡 FFI 在 中国从不被市场认知,被专业顾问怀疑, 直到今天当之无愧拥有了被专业人士认可 的各项之最:最稳定的产品,最全面的解 决方案,最周到快捷的技术服务,最忠诚、 团结的销售和代理商团队。 这一年,我加入西卡 FFI 刚好十年。 十年来,有骄傲有沮丧,最艰难的时候几 次写好了辞职信,终归不舍背后团队的支 持和依赖我的客户。走到今天很庆幸当初 的坚持,因为 2014,我终于迎来在西卡最 好的一年。 最好,并不是最轻松。 这一年,有太多挑战:之前业务归在 西卡意大利工厂时,有欧洲同事的高利润 销售做平衡,我们更多的是激情销售,靠 市场,靠努力,也靠运气。今年,我们要 时时跟进销售计划,关注各项产品的 C2, 计划未来三个月甚至更远期的销售;我们 要对爱护提携我们的老板有个好交代;我 们希望年底时有个漂亮的报告。于是第一 次,给代理商订单压力……. 这一年,有太多困难:房地产市场不 景气,虽然我们的目标市场——高端商业 项目未受太大影响,但是信贷政策的紧缩 令项目滞后,代理商回款遇到寒冬打击; 这一年,有太多欣慰:我们的技术服 务团队有了新鲜血液姜杰的加入,我们的 产品经理司林刚可以更多精力投入新的方 案和产品的推广;我们的代理商团队迎来 了深圳的柯总,他一句“我在硅酮胶行业 这么多年,就是为了今天做西卡”的肺腑 之言感动了我们所有人; 这 一 年, 有 太 多 骄 傲: 迫 于 强 大 的 竞争对手,碍于没有本地生产的压力,我

们 不 断 寻 找 新 的 解 决 方 案。2014 年 我 们 在上海国博项目上成功推广了 SikaGlaze® GG-735, 在 铁 狮 门 项 目 上 成 功 推 广 了 Sikamembran® Window System, 在 远 大 新 加 坡 项 目 Marina One 成 功 推 广 了 Sikadamp®-610。以至于竞争对手的代理商 找到我们问“西卡还有什么好产品,我能 做吗?”,令我们小小地自豪; 这 一 年, 有 太 多 感 动: 为 了 推 广 SikaGlaze GG-735,上海岚音的冯总每天清 晨六点到国博工地,给现场的工人送烟送 水,就怕新产品应用被抵触,而由于初期 施工对用量的不把握,冯总夫人经常要开 着家里崭新的商务车临时去工地送上急需 的材料;产品经理司林刚为了检查施工质 量,居然做蜘蛛人爬到展览中心的屋面, 看得我们心惊胆跳; 这一年,终于做出了 FFI 在大中华区 十年来最好的业绩,真是不容易……. 这一年,太多的话要说,千言万语, 凝结在桂林特产甜蜜的桂花酒里: 干杯!远在苏州的总裁先生,Jacky 和 各支持部门的同事,有你们的支持和信任, 我不敢偷懒半日;

干杯! FFI 团队年轻的伙伴们,最艰 难的日子,我们一起度过,盼望你们更多 磨练,更快成长。有你们在,我不敢放弃; 干杯!上海的冯总,十几年携手同行, 您是兄长,是西卡 FFI 大家庭的核心,我 们永远需要您; 干杯!台湾的潘执行长、张博士、郑 副总、玉麟和各位兄弟,感谢你们的付出, 我们相知相随; 干杯!深圳的柯总,你的激情点燃了 我们,让我们在深圳跳一支华美永恒的华 尔兹; 干杯!来自我家乡北京的陈总、李总, 你们已经非常成功,却愿意把你们的未来 和西卡连在一起,感谢你们的信任,我们 努力不让你们失望; 干杯! Billy、小华,两位最年轻的老板, 却有远大的抱负和攻城的韬略,苦难只是 一个课程,祝福你们的未来似锦; 干 杯! 祝 福 我 们 永 远 的 西 卡 FFI

Family !

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — FFI Distributor Meeting



Although another year has passed, the memory of the conference held in Taiwan last November still resonates. On November 23 2014, Sika FFI agents from Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Taiwan, and Hong Kong gathered again. In 2014, FFI business returned to Sika China. With strong local support, we successfully hosted a three-day technical training for agents for the first time. With the acknowledgement and aspirations from the management, we are eagerly awaiting those hardworking agents who have contributed to the success of Sika this year at Lijiang. It was the tenth year that FFI business joined Sika in 2014. We have seen ups and downs in the ten years from the beginning when our products were not known by the market and even doubted by consultants to now when Sika FFI products have been widely used and acknowledged. We are known for the stable product, complete solutions, quick technical service, good sales and agents. It was also the tenth year that I worked in Sika. In these ten years I have seen both good times and bad times. I even


NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — FFI Distributor Meeting

penned my resignation several times during the hardest moments. But I did not want to abandon the team supporting me and the clients who rely on me. I am now thankful for that perseverance and I am lucky to see the best year since I’ve been in Sika. 2014 was the best yet, but was by no means an easy year. This year, there were many challenges. Previously, when the FFI business was led by Sika Italy, supported by the high margin that our European counterparts achieved, we sold products depending on passion, the market, our efforts, and also luck. In 2014, we kept a close eye on the sales plan and C2 of each product, and made long-term sales plans for three months or longer. We aimed to make great achievements. Therefore, for the first time, we placed more pressure on agents to secure more orders. This year, there were many difficulties. The real estate market was weak and although our target market, high-end business projects, suffered from little impact, the credit squeeze policy has cut projects down and the payback period

for agents has been prolonged. This year, there were many comforts on the other hand. A new member, Jochen Jiang joined the technical service team so that Si Lingang the product manager can now concentrate more on the development of new plans and products. Our new agent Mr. Ke moved us by what he said “I have been in the silicone adhesive industry for many years so that I can now cooperate with Sika.” This year, there are many things to be proud of. Faced by strong competition and lack of local production, we were seeking new solutions constantly. SikaGlaze® GG-735 was successfully applied in China Expo Complex in Shanghai, Sikamembran® Window System in the TSP project, and Sikadamp®-610 in Broad’s Marina One Project in Singapore. We were especially proud when our competitors’ agents asked us the question “Does Sika have any other products for us to sell?” This year, there were many moving stories. In order to promote SikaGlaze® GG735, Mr. Feng from Shanghai Lanyin visited the site at six o’clock in the morning

everyday to serve cigarettes and water to workers so that they would not object to the use of the new products. Mrs. Feng even drove their new MPV to deliver materials urgently needed on site. Lingang, our product manager climbed to the roof like a spider man to inspect the quality of construction.

ing together for over ten years. You are a like an elder brother. We certainly need you.

This year has witnessed the most significant achievements for FFI during the ten years in Greater China, which was not easy…

We wish to say thanks to Mr. Ke from Shenzhen. We are ignited by your passion. Let’s dance a beautiful waltz in Shenzhen!

This year, too much has happened to put it all into words, but if we could, those words would be like sweet fermented wine.

We wish to say thanks to Mr. Chen and Mr. Li from my hometown Beijing. You are already ver y successful, yet you are still willing to link your future with Sika. Thanks for your trust. We won’t let you down.

We wish to say thanks to Mr. Muschak, Mr. Jacky Guo, and all other colleagues for all your support and trust. We wish to say thanks to the young FFI team with whom I spent the toughest days. I look forward to even more future achievements. We could not do without you all.

We wish to say thanks to Mr. Pan, Dr. Zhang, Mr. Zheng, Yu Lin and all other friends from Taiwan. Thanks for your contribution. We march forwards together.

We wish to say thanks to Billy and Xiaohua, the two youngest bosses. You have great aspirations and strategies. Hardship is only a test. I hope you have a great future. We wish to say thanks and best wishes to our whole Sika FFI Family!

We wish to say thanks to Mr. Feng from Shanghai Lanyin. We have been work-

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — FFI Distributor Meeting



—解析安利行如何成为船舶 胶粘剂行业翘楚

THE SECRETE TO GROW OVER 20 TIMES WITHIN 12 YEARS ON LEE HONG, GROW WITH SIKA 从维修市场起步、逐步扩展到大巴行业、轨道交通行业到现在以船舶行 业为主,安利行一步一个脚印,让经营更多元化,更具增长空间。从最 初与香港西卡合作到广州西卡,再到西卡中国位于苏州的总部,二十年, 安利行见证了西卡在中国的发展与壮大。时代剧变,但安利行和瑞士西 卡两家公司稳健的合作不变。在广州国际海事贸易展览会之际,西卡特 约安利行贸易有限公司总经理赵为文做了一次深入专访。

Starting with repair business and gradually expanding to bus and railway vehicle sector, On Lee Hong now focuses on products used in shipbuilding. From Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Suzhou, On Lee Hong has cooperated with Sika for twenty years, witnessing the development and growth of Sika in China. The stable cooperation between Sika and On Lee Hong is not influenced by the big changes that have happened in the market. On occasion of Guangzhou International Marine Trade Fair, Sika invited Mr. Zhao Weiwen, the General Manager of On Lee Hong Trade Co., Ltd. to take an in-depth interview.




NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Partner of Marine Products


从维修市场起步、逐步扩展到大巴行 业、轨道交通行业到现在以船舶行业为主, 安利行一步一个脚印,经营更多元化、发 展更具空间。从最初与香港西卡合作到广 州西卡,再到西卡中国位于苏州的总部, 二十年,安利行见证了西卡在中国的发展 与壮大。时代剧变,但安利行和西卡两家 公司稳健的合作不变。在广州国际海事贸 易展览会之际,西卡特约安利行贸易有限 公司总经理赵为文做了一次深入的专访。 安利行是一家贸易公司,专业供应西 卡聚氨酯玻璃胶、密封胶、结构胶,广泛 用于豪华大巴、地铁屏蔽门、空调净化、 电器电柜等的粘接和密封;以及用在豪华 游艇的高抗紫外线西卡船胶(获船级社认 证)。安利行给客户支援和服务,贯通其 设计、培训、示范、施工整个过程。 安利行对西卡产品长达 20 年的专营代 理,积累了丰富的粘接密封技术经验。在 船舶胶粘剂行业,安利行从 2002 年开始做 到现在每年几千万营业额,12 年间营业额 达到 20 倍以上的增长,这家公司是如何积 累资源,如何发展业务,又是如何成为船 舶胶粘剂行业的翘楚? 二十年专注产品 务实经营 安利行用二十年的时间将产品做精做 专。西卡各产品型号、每种产品对不同基材 的粘接或者密封应用,甚至具体到保质期和 进口进关消耗时间,赵总都能信手拈来,甚 至看一眼按压一下便能知道这条船具体到某 一部位是不是使用的西卡胶。在赵总带领下 的安利行除了有丰富的行业积累,还拥有一 只强大的施工队伍,这只队伍由西卡公司技 术服务部进行多轮理论和实操培训,被授予 瑞士西卡授权专业施工队资质。 为了让船体的接缝整齐划一,公司施 工队特别设计了施工模具,保证施工后的

船体外观平整。为配合客户使用产品,赵 总亲自设计适用于产品施工的气动胶枪、 双组份胶枪、手动胶枪、玻璃装拆工具等 配套工具。“不用刻意的推广,只本着一 颗诚信的心,时刻为客户着想,这就是安 利行的经营之道。” 每个国家的公司都有自己的经营风格 和特色。欧洲企业更专注于产品,美资企 业更倾向于营销。对于赵总而言,务实更 为重要。因为务实,所以为了打出最漂亮 的胶条而专门设计模具;因为务实,所以 从来不会因为产品保质期较短的报废风险 而进行买一送一的优惠活动。赵总调侃这 样的决策者到底有没有学过资本论。 “便宜拥有巨大的诱惑力,大家不试就 不死心。好了,后面除了问题,就后悔了,还 是要再用西卡胶来做维修。”赵总做生意考虑 的首要因素就是产品品质,在这样一个营销过 剩的年代,专注于产品品质,是安利行公司能 够扩大一线船厂人脉资源和积累公司和个人 信誉的最重要特质。“做生意不要跟客户讲道 理,而是时刻为客户着想。因为我们实时的项 目跟踪和对库存的高效管理,安利行可以做到 承诺客户在使用不完的情况下进行退货处理。 ” 这样的客户至上之道并不是所有企业和公司 都可以做到,但安利行一直践行着。 亲历亲为 全力以赴在项目第一线 赵总是一个凡事亲历亲为的老板。对 于船厂,赵总就是行业顾问和专家,无论 是技术支持的受力计算、用量估算,还是 施工操作指导,或者处理疑难杂症,赵总 都能够帮助客户解决。在广东省,西卡高 端密封胶粘接胶产品能占领全省 80% 的市 场份额与他在整个船舶密封粘接行业树立 的口碑和专家形象联系密切。

胶条代替铝合金框架固定的契机。维修市场 防弹车防弹玻璃粘接和清障车等特种车辆, 像贵州万达、东风汽车、亚星奔驰、大宇、 广汽等汽车厂都在用西卡胶,后来国产胶相 继进入大巴行业,竞争也越来越激烈……” “2002 年 安 利 行 开 始 启 动 船 舶 行 业 的业务。如今我们与广东大的游艇船和钢 铁机动船都有多个合作项目。比如英辉南 方造船厂出口巴西的 70 米豪华客轮,上 下两层共有 170 块玻璃粘接,每条船使用 了 900 多支西卡胶 Sikaflex®-296;广东某 船厂大型铝合金船中,使用大量的西卡胶 Sikaflex®-296 粘接;珠海先歌游艇厂的玻 璃钢船,在乘客舱和驾驶室使用全系列西卡 产品进行粘接和密封……随着这个行业的精 细化和深入发展,明年着重的业务增长点将 会放在西卡的船用防火材料和产品。” 在与船东和施工队的技术交流和施工 中,赵总说他也能感受到西卡在全球的上 佳表现和影响力,比如法国澳洲都有西卡 产品一条街,全都是销售西卡产品,施工 队被派去法国不需要带底涂,直接去法国 西卡一条街就能买到。赵总感慨道:“在 西卡这家百年企业身上可以学习的东西太 多,而安利行才学到皮毛,还有许多地方 待深入学习,比如西卡深厚的历史积淀和 完善的培训体系等等。” 后记:因为航空管制飞机晚点四小时 之后的第一次见面,赵总从船厂赶回广州, 还没有来得及擦去手上的胶粘剂;在安利 行的官方网站上有一句温馨提示:外地发 货请尽量在下午 16:30 前落单,本公司不建 议员工加班。关于生意关于船舶项目的分 享,两个小时显得极为短暂。每一个数字 精准,严谨的工作作风,诚信的经营风格, 赵总就是这样一位老板。

对于项目,赵总侃侃而谈:“2001-2002 大巴行业非常兴旺,刚好有一个粘接胶和窗

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Partner of Marine Products



Mr. Zhao Weiwen (right), General Manager of On Lee Hong, is with Felix Liu, National Head of Marine of Sika China.


Starting with repair business and gradually expanding to bus and railway vehicle sector, On Lee Hong now focuses on products used in shipbuilding. From Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Suzhou, On Lee Hong has cooperated with Sika for twenty years, witnessing the development and growth of Sika in China. The stable cooperation between Sika and On Lee Hong is not influenced by the big changes that have happened in the market. On occasion of Guangzhou International Marine Trade Fair, Sika invited Mr. Zhao Weiwen, the General Manager of On Lee Hong Trade Co., Ltd. to take an in-depth interview. On Lee Hong is a trade company, specialized in supplying Sika’s PU glass adhesives, sealants and structural adhesive, which are extensively applied in bonding and sealing of luxury buses, metro screen doors, air-conditioning purge, electric cabinets etc... They also sell Sika’s high-end adhesives for luxury yachts, which are high UV-resistant and certified by the Classification Society. On Lee Hong provides support and services to its clients throughout the pro-


NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Partner of Marine Products

cess of design, training, demonstration and construction.

Hong has been trained and certified by Sika both on theory and installation.

As a 20-year franchised agent of Sika’s products, On Lee Hong has gained lots of technical experience in bonding and sealing. It started its business in the sector of vessel adhesives in 2002. Over the past 12 years, its sales has grown by more than 20 times to tens of millions RMB every year. How does this company accumulate resources and develop business and how has it become an outstanding enterprise in the sector of vessel adhesives?

In order to produce smooth and nice seams in a consistent quality, the construction team has designed special molds. Moreover, he designed special tools special for the use of specified products, such as pneumatic glue gun, dual-component adhesive gun, manual glue gun and glass assembly and disassembly tool, etc... “Bearing clients in our honest mind without intentional promotion is our way to do business”.

PRODUCTS FOCUS AND PRACTICAL OPERATION In the past 20 years, On Lee Hong has grown into an expert in Sika products. Mr. Zhao knows Sika products so well that he can tell the type, the application details, even the period life and delivery terms of each Sika product. Moreover, he is able to tell whether Sika products are applied on a ship by just taking a look or giving a press. A strong and professional construction team is also a key factor. The construction team of On Lee

Different companies have its own business style. Generally speaking, European companies focus more on their products while American-funded companies are better at marketing. Mr. Zhao is a practical man. That’s why he designed molds in order to produce the most beautiful seams, why he distains to do promotion sales like “buy one and get one free” to sell out expiring products. “Cheap price is highly appealing. No one will drop the idea without trying it. Okay, the buyers will feel regret when

在广东,西卡高端密封胶粘接胶产品 做到全省 80% 的市场份额与他为整 个船舶密封粘接行业树立的口碑和专 家形象联系密切。 IN GUANGDONG, SIKA’S HIGHEND SEALANTS AND ADHESIVES ACCOUNT FOR 80% MARKET SHARE. troubles come up. They will come to Sika products for repairs.” According to Mr. Zhao, product quality is in the first place in doing business. That explains why On Lee Hong can build good relationship and get good reputation during the top shipyards. “When you do business, you should not argue with your clients. Instead, you should always put them at first. Thanks to our real-time project tracking and efficient stock management, On Lee Hong undertakes to accept a return if a client has not used up the products.” A LWAY S O N T H E F RO N T L IN E O F PROJECTS Mr. Zhao always works on the frontline. To the shipyard, he is an industrial consultant and expert, able to provide technical support, stress calculation, quantity estimation, and installation instruction or solve problems. In Guangdong, Sika’s high-end sealants and adhesives account for 80% market share. The reputation as an industrial expert that Mr. Zhao has established in this field contributes a lot to this achievement.

Talking about projects, Mr. Zhao had a lot to share: “In 2001 and 2002, the bus market was very booming. It was a good timing to replace a-alloy frames with adhesives and window rubber strips. At that time, Sika adhesives were already applied in bonding of special vehicles as armored cars with bulletproof glass and wreckers in repairing market and by many well-known factories as Guizhou Wanda, Dongfeng Motor, Yaxing Benz, Daewoo and Guangzhou Motors. Gradually, domestic adhesives joined in the market so the completion is becoming increasingly fierce.” “In 2002, On Lee Hong started its business in shipbuilding field. Now we are cooperating with several shipyards on their mega yachts and steel motor vessels. For example, on the 70-meter luxury passenger liner exported to Brazil built by the Afai Southern Shipyard, there are 170 pieces of glass for bonding, which consumes 900 sausages of Sikaflex®-296 for each ship. Large quantities of Sikaflex®-296 are used in the large heavy aluminum alloy ships built by a shipyard in Guangdong. On the

glass reinforced plastic ship built by IAG Yachts, full series of Sika products have been applied in bonding and sealing of passenger cabin and pilot cabin. With the in-depth development of this industry, we will focus on the Sika ship-used fireproof products next year.” What impressed Mr. Zhao a lot is that Sika products have good reputation and wide use globally. In France and Australia, there are streets where the shops all sell Sika products. When their workers went to France for installation, they didn’t need to bring the primer but could buy the products directly on the “Sika Street”. Mr. Zhao said that they could learn a lot from Sika and there is still a long way to go for On Lee Hong. Postscript: When we met Mr. Zhao, he just came back to Guangzhou from the shipyard with adhesives still on his hands. There is a tip on On Lee Hong’s website: “Please place your order before 16:30 because we don’t want our people to work overtime.” This reflects the other side of Mr. Zhao in addition to a hard-working industrial expert.

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Partner of Marine Products


市场 MARKET 汽车前挡风玻璃使用西卡玻璃胶固定约 70 分钟后,整辆车被吊起。

The car was lifted up about 70 minutes after the windscreen was installed with Sika adhesives.






NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Future of the Automotive Industry

全球新车中半数 使用了西卡产品 SIKA PRODUCTS IN HALF OF ALL NEW CARS WORLDWIDE 在西卡“隐形”的高性能产品的帮助下,当前汽车建造的问 题如抗撞击性能和轻量化车身设计等就有了实际的解决方案。

These “invisible” high-performance products of Sika help the automotive industry find practical solutions to current issues in vehicle construction, such as crash resistance and lightweight design. >

日前在瑞士举办的一场对媒体和专业分析师 开放的活动上,西卡以欧洲某著名汽车品牌为例 展示了西卡在汽车制造领域的技术。 西卡 CEO 颜凌宇先生告诉现场的专业听众: “目前西卡 20% 的销售额来自汽车行业,并且 西卡已经准备好拓展如中国等未来潜力巨大的市 场,进一步加强西卡的领先地位。西卡的胶粘剂 和处理材料正助推汽车领域发展的大趋势:电动 化、车身轻量化、粘接材料多样化。例如,碳纤 维和铝无法焊接,只能使用胶粘剂粘 在一起。”

Dudenhöffer 教授认为汽车行业的发展主要 由两个因素来推动:电动化和自动化驾驶。“未 来人类对汽车的需求量只会越来越多,但我们需 要的是不一样的汽车。在未来的 20 多年,汽车 将发生巨大的变革,这些变化将超过过去 100 多 年以来变化的总和。新材料和新生产技术的应用 将是变革过程中的重要元素之一。”

胶粘剂将取代焊缝 来自德国奥斯纳布吕克(Osnabrück)大学 的汽车轻量化设计和车身工程学专家 Christian Schäfers 教授总结说:“胶粘剂粘接是二十一世 在过去的 25 年,西卡已经发展成为汽车行 纪的材料结合技术。” Schäfers 教授认为胶粘剂 业的领导供应商,为其提供车身结构粘接、玻璃 粘接技术是关键,尤其对于对轻量化车身设计有 粘接和密封、车身加固以及降音减噪等解决方案。 着更为严格要求的电动汽车。 西卡在汽车玻璃更换业务,即汽车后市场,的占 有率已经超过 30%。 传统的材料结合方法如铆钉、螺钉或焊接, 将被胶粘剂取代。胶粘剂提供更高的强度,并且 中国 - 汽车世界的中心 保留自身的弹性,使传统方法无法实现的极度轻 汽车行业世界知名的专家 Ferdinand Duden- 量化车身设计能成为现实。 höffer 教授认为未来全球的汽车市场在中国,他 说:“中国已经成为汽车世界的中心,并对汽车 行业的产品开发有着越来越大的影响力。”

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Future of the Automotive Industry



Sika showcased its own technologies during an event held in Switzerland for media representatives and analysts, taking the latest European premium brand vehicle models as an example. As Sika’s CEO, Jan Jenisch, told his specialist audience: “Sika currently generates around 20 percent of sales in the vehicles industry. We are well placed to exploit the huge potential in the growth markets of the future, such as China, and to further extend


NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Future of the Automotive Industry

our leading position. Sika’s adhesives and processing materials are helping to drive forward the megatrends in the automotive industry: electromobility, lightweight design and bonding various, very different materials. For example, carbon fibers and aluminum can only be adhesively bonded together; they cannot be welded.” In the past 25 years, Sika has developed into a leading automotive industry supplier by virtue of its structural

adhesives, direc t glazing s ystems, reinforcing materials and acoustic noise reduction systems. Sika already holds more than 30 percent of the auto glass replacement business, or aftermarket as it is known. CHINA – THE CENTER OF THE AUTOMOTIVE WORLD For Professor Ferdinand Dudenhöffer, one of the world’s most respected vehicle industry experts, the future of the global vehicle market lies in China: “China

Ferdinand Dudenhöffer 教授 汽车行业世界知名的专家

one of the world’s most respected vehicle industry experts “新材料和新生产技术的应用将是汽车变革过程中的重要 元素之一。”

“New materials and production techniques represent one important pillar in this process of change of automotive.”

has become the center of the automotive world and is having an increasingly stronger influence on the industr y’s product development activities.” In Professor Dudenhöffer’s opinion, this dynamic will be driven by two developments: the electric car and automated driving. “We will need substantially more cars tomorrow than we did yesterday, but we need different cars. Cars will change more over the next 20 years than they have in the past 100. New ma-

terials and production techniques represent one important pillar in this process of change.” ADHESIVES TO REPLACE WELD SEAMS “Adhesive bonding is the 21 st century technology for joining components”, concludes Professor Christian Schäfers, lightweight design and bodywork engineering specialist at Osnabrück University, Germany. Schäfers regards adhesive bonding techniques as the key, particularly for electromobility which requires

even more rigorous use of lightweight design principles. Traditional methods of joining materials, such as rivets, screws or welding, will be replaced by adhesive joints that are not only high-strength, but which also retain their elasticity. This allows the use of radical lightweight designs which cannot be achieved with traditional technologies.

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Future of the Automotive Industry




Sika provides protective coating solutions for the reservoir flood gate for Shanghai Qingcaosha Reservoir.

饮用水保护 PROTECTION ON DRINKING WATER 在水乃生命之源,饮用水的安全关系着每个人的身体健康。西卡在水处理和 保护领域已经有 60 年历史,相关的水处理解决方案能够全面覆盖水务和水 利建设中不同程度的防护需求。

Water is a life source. The safety of drinking water is vital to everyone’s health. Sika has a 60-year history in the field of water treatment and protection, with solutions suitable for protection in municipal water supply and drainage facilities. 文/图:雪山佳穗



NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Protection on Drinking Water

西卡水处理产品通过了全球许多相关 政府部门和权威检测机构的严苛认 证,包括美国、德国、英国、日本以 及中国卫生部的关于饮用水安全以及 环境保护方面的检测。


水乃生命之源,饮用水的安全关系着 每个人的身体健康。水源、供水企业、二 次供水是确保饮用水安全的三个关键环节。 西卡在水处理和保护领域已经有 60 年历史。水处理产品包括 Sikaflex® 系列建 筑 密 封 胶、Sikagard® / Epocem® 系 列 防 护涂料以及 Sikalastic® 系列喷涂聚脲等等, 可应用于水利河道设施和市政供排水设施 中的混凝土水池、水槽以及钢结构保护, 同样也适用于管道内防护,在大坝、闸门 等新工程和翻新工程中广泛应用,能够全 面覆盖水务和水利建设中不同程度的防护 需求。

水源地保护 上海青草沙水库 - 水库闸门防护涂料解决 方案

证, 在 IM2( 海 水 浸 泡) 及 C5-M( 大 气 腐蚀最高级别:海洋腐蚀)环境下,配合 Sika®Permacor®-2706 防 锈 底 漆, 其 耐 久 性可达 10 年以上,相比原来每三年的检修 频率,大大降低了维护成本。

青草沙水库位于长江口南北港分流口 下方,上海长兴岛西北方冲积沙洲青草沙 上。水库从长江江心取水,供水规模 719 万 立方 / 天,为超过 1100 万的上海市民供水, 上海浦东水厂 - 化学品储罐区混凝土池及 占上海原水供应规模 50% 以上。青草沙水 地面解决方案 库 2011 年建成投入运行,改写了上海饮用 上海浦东自来水厂提供上海浦东居民 水主要依靠黄浦江水源的历史。 生活用水,原水在处理后成可饮用水时,常 为保证水质,水库引水闸门每年都要 用化学品进行处理,如高浓度硫酸铵,聚合 进行检修,其钢结构闸门必须采用防腐涂 氯化铅,次氯酸钠有时会泄露,化学品进入 料。传统大气防腐无法满足腐蚀性能要求; 管道后与铁,氧化铁等进行了化学反应,导 西卡水处理产品能有效地保护混凝土 每个闸门内外结构均需涂装,故涂层应用 致了管道爆炸,并造成饮用水被污染。故水 结构和金属管件等不受到环境或者水本身 于闸门所有与泵水直接接触区域。 厂放置此三个化学品储罐的混凝土池壁和地 的侵蚀,从而延长其使用寿命,降低维护 面必须采用防腐涂料进行防护,以防止泄漏 成本。尤其关键的是,这些产品能够增加 此项目为客户维护翻新所需涂料,原 后进入管道,并方便及时清理。 混凝土的抗开裂能力和与基础的粘结力, 防腐涂层 3 年后腐蚀已经比较严重。客户 有效降低自来水在流经各个设施中的流失, 应用于水厂的产品必须满足卫生部关 需要的产品必须满足卫生部关于与饮用水 节约水资源。同时,杜绝污水渗漏带来的 接触的涂层要求。涂层在满足 Im1(淡水浸 于与饮用水接触的要求。Sikagard®-62 产 土壤污染受损。 泡)和 Im2(海水浸泡)环境基础上,必 品是无溶剂环氧高耐磨损涂料,通过卫生 须满足耐磨损性能,且表面光滑,不易附 部“生活饮用水输配水设备及防护材料卫 西卡水处理产品通过了全球许多相关 着水藻,水生物等。 生安全评价规范”认证,在高浓度酸碱盐 政府部门和权威检测机构的严苛认证,包 环境下,仍长期保持其优异的性能。 括美国、德国、英国、日本以及中国卫生 Sikagard®-62 产品是无溶剂环氧高耐 部的关于饮用水安全以及环境保护方面的 磨损涂料,满足卫生部《生活饮用水输配 检测。使用西卡防护涂料能够确保市民家 水设备及防护材料卫生安全评价规范》认 的自来水安全无毒。


NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Protection on Drinking Water


Water is a life source. The safety of drinking water is vital to ever yone’s health. The water source, water plants and the supply pipes are the three key elements for tap water safety during the water supply. Sika has a 60-year history in the field of water treatment and protection, supplying products Sikaflex® sealants, Sikagard®/Epocem® protective coatings and Sikalastic® polyurea spray, which can be used for the protection of concrete pools, water tanks and steel structures of municipal water supply and drainage facilities. They are also suitable for protection of the interior of pipes and are widely used for new projects and for the refurbishment of dams and sluice gates. These products are able to effectively protect concrete structure and metal pipes against corrosion caused by the environment or water so as to extend their service life and reduce costs of maintenance. Crucially, these products can enhance the ability of concrete to resist cracking and improve foundation cohesion to effectively reduce the loss of running water in the course of transition through each facility to save water resources. In addition, they can prevent pollution and damage to soil brought about by leakage of sewage.


NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Protection on Drinking Water

Sika products have been globally certified by many related authorities and authoritative testing institutes. They have passed tests set by the ministries of health in the United States, Germany, United Kingdom, Japan and China on the safety of drinking water and environmental protection. Use of Sika’s protective coatings ensures the safety and hygiene of running water in residents’ homes.


Shanghai Qingcaosha Reservoirsources water from the Yangtze River, supplying water to over 11 million residents in Shanghai at a daily supply of 719,000,000 m 3 water, which accounts for half of the city’s water supply. T he f lood gate mus t be pr otec ted with an anti-corrosion coating on both inside and outside, so the coating has direct contact with the pumped water. The reservoir started operation in 2011 and the original coating had been seriously corroded.

The coating should meet the requirements prescribed by the Ministr y of Health on drinking-water direct-contact coating, which should also reach the corrosivity categories Im1 (fresh water) and Im2 (sea or brackish water). Moreover, the coating should be very smooth on surface with good anti-wear performance, not easily attached with algae and other aquatic organisms. Sikagard®-62 product is solvent-free epoxy highly anti-wear coating, meeting the certification level of the “Standard for Hygienic Safety Evaluation of Equipment and Protective Materials in Drinking Water” promulgated by the Ministry of Health. In addition, under IM2 and


Sika provides concrete tanks and flooring solutions for the chemicals storage tank area of Shanghai Pudong Water Plant.

SIKA PRODUCTS HAVE BEEN GLOBALLY CERTIFIED BY MANY RELATED AUTHORITIES AND AUTHORITATIVE TESTING INSTITUTES. Pudong area. When the raw water is processed into drinking water, chemicals are often added for treatment, such as high-concentration ammonium sulfate, polymerized lead chloride and sodium hypochlorite. These can leak on occasion, and when such chemicals enter the pipelines, they react with iron or iron oxide and other constituents to pollute the drinking water and can even cause pipeline explosions. Therefore, it is essential

that the concrete tanks and the ground surfaces where these three chemicals are present must be protected with anti-corrosion coating to prevent leaked chemicals from entering the pipelines and to ensure swift cleanup. The products must meet the relevant requirements on drinking water contactcoating.Sikagard®-62 product isa solvent-free epoxy high anti-wear coating,

meeting the certification level of the “Standard for Hygienic Safety Evaluation of Equipment and Protective Materials in Drinking Water” promulgated by thev Ministry of Health. It can maintain excellent performance for a long duration in environments containing a highconcentration of acid and alkali salts.

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Protection on Drinking Water







胶粘剂产品的应用 据不完全统计,迄今为止已有 6000 多种胶粘剂产品问世。胶粘剂应用行业极 广,对高新科学技术进步和人们日常生活 改善有着各种各样的影响。在很多场合下, 胶粘剂能有效地代替焊接、铆接、螺接和 其它机械联接,为各生产战线简化工艺、 降低成本、提高经济效益提供了有效途径。 刘健说,“在船舶领域,西卡为船舶 业开发的弹性粘结胶和密封胶系统,具有 优异的施工性能。全面的产品线涵盖了填 缝、找平、垫层、密封和粘结等方面的应 用。西卡产品系统适用于所有的船舶工艺, 从小帆船到豪华游艇,从汽艇到巡航船以 及从邮轮到渡船,都有西卡产品的存在。” 船舶用胶满足船体防护 船用平面密封材料要求通常采用硅橡 胶类、硅酮类和聚酯、聚醚类干型和半干 型材料。由于船舶的航运要求,船用胶粘 剂还要求耐海水腐蚀,耐氯化钠和盐雾腐 蚀等。

另外,船舱走道、橡胶类护栏木、软管、 胶垫、储油储水槽、电缆用的橡胶型修复 材料,要求胶粘剂防腐、耐磨、抗冲击负载、 常温固化。

直以来的特色,为客户分担在技术层面、在 综合成本面、在保证供货和现场技术支持方 面的担忧以及问题,以客户为本是西卡产品 一直以来受到信赖的关键因素。”

刘健说,“多年以前,船舶产业的领 先制造商们便与西卡合作,并且至今一直 在使用这些系统。通过与风帆游艇、摩托艇、 远洋巡洋舰和货船建造商的商业合作而得 到的反馈信息有助于西卡不断改善专业技 术。”另外,西卡海事工程师定期拜访客户, 讨论需求,并通过与用户协作来为西卡粘 合与密封系统开发新的应用。

除此之外,西卡还为客户提供有效的 成本控制,预测施工时间,评估交船风险 以及绿色环保认证方面的诸多附加服务。 另外,西卡研发与技术部门与世界主要的 声学测试中心之间紧密合作,并一直致力 于不断开发和改进声学地板系统,以满足 不断变化和更具挑战性的各种需求。

船舶隔音降噪解决方案 “振动和噪声是影响船舶舒适度、船 舶电子仪器仪表可靠性、船员工作和生活 环境的主要因素,也是船舶水下辐射噪声 的主要噪声源之一。作为世界瞩目的玛丽 女王 2 号、海洋自由号、五彩梦幻号、海 洋绿洲号等全球巨型豪华邮轮,在建造过 程中配套的隔音降噪解决方案极为重要。” 刘健说,“这几艘全球顶级豪华邮轮都选 择来自瑞士的西卡船舶产品(甲板敷料、 阻尼材料、浮动地板)做船体配套的隔音 降噪方案。”

与其它胶粘剂制造企业的船舶用胶产 品相比,西卡船舶产品在适用范围上,已 适用于所有类型的建造工作包括木材、玻 璃纤维、铝或钢。胶粘剂在船舶各种主辅 刘健补充说,“除了全球丰富的使用 机内腔、泵、叶轮、螺旋桨、汽轮机叶片、 经验外,与客户之间的长期合作,共同开发 储罐流道、大口径管道弯头部位均可使用。” 适合客户需求的顶级整体解决方案是西卡一


NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Marine Solutions

海洋工程及业务项目 目前船舶与海洋工程装备的减振降噪、 提高舒适度工作主要从两个方面入手:一 是对振动、噪声源头进行控制,围绕主机 及相关动力装置的振动、噪声处理开展降 噪工作;二是在振动、噪声传输途中进行 控制。船舶中液化气的运输和储存要求具 有很好的绝缘性,针对这种特殊应用西卡 提供一系列的结构胶和密封胶系统。另外 在油轮和石油钻塔上也有类似声学地板或 其他标准应用的要求。刘健说,“西卡作 为船舶工业的合作伙伴,可以提供满足这 些要求的全方位的产品,已在国内多个船 舶项目中应用。”

2011 年西卡 - 为番禺粤新造船公司新 建造的 16000 马力海洋平台三用工作船配

西卡将会在中国进行船舶业务产品的 研发和生产,扭转目前产品全部依赖 进口的现状;另外还将增加西卡船舶 业务产品的种类,以及扩大产品的使 用范围。 套 607 平方米的船用浮动地板,用来降低 船内的振动和噪音,满足该船的高等级舒 适度要求。西卡还为广船国际股份有限公 司建造的 1600 米车道高速豪华客滚船、上 海外高桥造船公司建造的 3000 米深水半潜 式钻井平合“海洋石油 981”号、江南造船(集 团)有限公司建造的 1.65 万吨油船、武昌 船舶重工有限公司建造的中海油服深水三 用工程船、烟台中集来福士海洋工程有限 公司建造的铺管船等提供了船用浮动地板。 不久前,西卡中国船舶拿下了本年在 上海外高桥造船有限公司第一个项目。该 项目是 2+2 艘远洋平台供应船 PX121,西卡 提供的产品涉及高效能 2 毫米阻尼,甲板

敷料,防火岩棉,隔音降噪浮动地板,主 要解决各个舱室的噪音舒适度 COMF 3 和 防火。 不断研发出新产品 去年 3 月,西卡通过应用先进的 i-Cure® 技术,宣布研发出新款 Sikaflex®-295i UV 产品。这项专利技术带来的是下一代的弹 性 胶 粘 剂 和 塑 封 剂。 西 卡 在 2011 年 推 出 Sikaflex®-292i,在 2012 年推出 Sikaflex®290i DC 用于取代一些船用产品。

2014 年 6 月份,西卡生产的酸酐固化 环氧树脂体系 Biresin CR141 获得德国劳氏 船级社的认证,其可与 Biresin CH141 酸酐

硬化剂和 Biresin CA141 催化剂进行固化, 适合拉挤工艺。 刘健表示,“西卡是船舶行业研发、 生产和供应完美配套服务的世界领导者, 西卡会继续努力,推出新产品来取代剩余 的旧产品。” 对于未来在中国市场上的部署和规划, 刘健指出“西卡将会在中国进行船舶业务 产品的研发和生产,扭转目前产品全部依 赖进口的现状;另外还将增加西卡船舶业 务产品的种类,以及扩大产品的使用范围。”

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Marine Solutions



APPLICATION OF ADHESIVES There are over 6,000 kinds of adhesives around the world. They are widely used and closely connected to the technological and scientific developments and the people’s life improvement. In many situations, adhesives can effectively replace welding, riveting, screws, and other methods of mechanical joining. They also provide effective ways to simplify processing, lower costs, and increase the economic benefits of production. Felix Liu remarked, “Sika’s elastic adhesives and sealants used in the marine industry display excellent capabilities. Our product line covers products for caulking, leveling, bedding, sealing, and bonding, etc. Sika’s solutions can be applied to all kinds of vessel from small sailboats to luxury yachts, motor boats, cruise ships, ocean liners, and ferries.” ADHESIVES FOR VESSEL HULL PROTECTION Generally, silicone-rubber-based, silicone-based, polyester-based, polyethertype dry or semi-dry materials are used for vessel sealants. In addition, the sealant must be able to resist erosion caused by the sea, sodium chloride, salt fog, and other natural elements. Sika’s marine products have a wide range of uses and can be applied to all types of materials including wood, fiberglass, aluminum and steel. Sika’s adhesives can be used in the main and auxiliar y engines, pumps, impellers, propellers, turbine blades, storage tank pipes, and bends in large-caliber pipes. The adhesives must be able to resist erosion, abrasion, and impact load, and have the ability to cure at room temperature when applied to the cabin aisles, rubber guard booms, hoses, rubber mats, oil and water storage tanks, and rubber-based repair materials for electrical cables. Felix Liu said, “Leaders in the ship industry started cooperation with Sika many years ago, and have continued to use


NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Marine Solutions

Sika products. The feedback received from our partners engaged in the building of sail barges, motorboats, ocean cruisers, and cargo ships has helped Sika to constantly improve its technology.” In addition, marine engineers from Sika regularly visit customers to understand their needs. Through closely assisting its customers, Sika has developed new applications for adhesives and sealants. NOISE REDUCTION SOLUTIONS “Vibration and noise are major factors which effect the comfort of passengers, reliability of electronic devices, and the working and living environments of the crew. They are also a major source of underwater noise radiation. Solutions to reduce noise are important factors in the construction of giant luxury cruise ships such as Queen Mary II, MS Freedom of the Seas, Colorful Dream, and Ocean Oasis,” said Felix Liu. “These ships all use Sika s products (deck covering, damping materials, floating floors) as part of their noise-reducing solutions.” He added, “Sika boasts rich experience worldwide, and has, through long-term close cooperation with cus tomer s, developed top-level integrated solutions which satisfy customers’ needs. It solves problems related to technology, cost control, supply, and provides on-site technical support. Customerorientation is the key to the success of Sika’s products.” In addition, Sika provides numerous other value-added services for customers such as effective cost control, estimated construction schedules, assessment of risk regarding late ship delivery, and environmental protection related certification. Sika’s research, development and technology departments work closely with the main acoustic testing centers all over the world. They are devoted to the development and improvement of acoustic floors, so as to meet the everchanging and more challenging requirements of customers.

OCEAN ENGINEERING There are currently two main methods of noise-reduction and comfortenhancement for shipping and ocean engineering and equipment. The first is to control the source of vibration and noise, which means to reduce the noise of the main engine and related power units. The second is to control the tr ansmission of v ibr a tion and noise. Good insulation is required for the transport and storage of liquefied gas, for which Sika provides a series of structural adhesive and sealant products. Sika also provides acoustic floors and other standard-use solutions required in tankers and oil rigs. “Sika, as a partner of the ship industry, can provide products which satisfy all requirements and our products are widely used within the industry,” said Felix Liu. In 2011 Sika manufactured a supporting floating floor with an area of 607 square meters for the 16,000 horsepower ocean platform multi-purpose vessel produced by Guangdong Yuexin Ocean Engineering Co., Ltd. which can lower the vibration and noise on board and satisfy the requirements for high level of comfort. Sika also supplied floating floors for the 1600m ROPAX high-speed luxury passenger ship manufactured by Guangzhou Shipyard International Co., Ltd., the deep-water semi-submersible type drilling platform “Offshore Oil No. 981” built by Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., the 16,500-ton tanker built by Jiangnan Shipyard (Group) Co., Ltd., the COSL deep-water multi-purpose engineering ship built by Wuchang Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd. and the pipe-laying ship built by CIMC Raffles amongst others. Not long ago, Sika China was awarded its first project by Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. The project is for 2+2 ocean platform supply vessels PX121. The products provided by Sika included high-effect 2mm damping, deck covering, fire-proof mineral wool, and sound-proof floating floors, providing

SIKA WILL CONTINUE TO INVEST IN R&D AND PRODUCTION OF MARINE PRODUCTS AND WILL SHIFT AWAY FROM THE CURRENT RELIANCE ON IMPORTED PRODUCTS. IN ADDITION, THERE WILL BE MORE PRODUCTS WITH AN WIDER RANGE OF APPLICATIONS. COMF 3 comfort level for noise and fire prevention in each cabin. CONSTANT DEVELOPMENT OF NEW PRODUCTS L as t Mar ch, Sika developed a new product—Sikaflex®-295i UV with the advanced i-Cure® technology. The patented technology will bring the nextgeneration elastic adhesives and sealants. Sikaflex®-292i developed by Sika in 2011 and Sikaflex®-290i DC by Sika in 2012 can be used to replace existing ship products.

In June 20 1 4, the anhy dr ide epox y resin produced by Sika, Biresin CR141 was accredited by the Germanischer Lloyd classification society. It can be solidified with Biresin CH141 anhydride hardener and Biresin CA141 catalyst and used for pultrusion. Felix Liu remarked, “Sika is the world’s leader in R&D, production and supply of the adhesives and sealants for the marine industry. We will continue to make efforts in replacing old products with new ones.”

In terms of future plans for the Chinese market, Felix Liu pointed out that “Sika will continue to invest in R&D and production of ship-related products and will shift away from the current reliance on imported products. In addition, there will be more kinds of products for the industry, and the products will have an even wider range of applications.”

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Marine Solutions





不再单调的 混凝土 PILSEN IS FAR MORE THAN A BEER! 捷克的比尔森距离首都布拉格约 90 公里, 这 个 以 啤 酒 闻 名 的 城 市 被 当 选 为 2015 年 欧洲文化之都。随着比尔森新剧院(Nové Divadlo)的开业,比尔森戏剧节开幕了。这 座魅力非凡的建筑是捷克 30 多年来首次新 建的剧院。新剧院的外形引人注目,两幢建 筑通过一条空中走廊连接在一起,建筑外墙 表面是深红色的彩色混凝土 Colorcrete®。

Pilsen, some 90 km southwest of the Czech Republic capital Prague, has been named European Capital of Culture 2015. The opening of Pilsen’s New Theater (Nové Divadlo) marked the start of the city’s theatrical season. This attractive building is the only new theater to have been built in the Czech Republic during the last 30 years. It consists of two separate interconnected objects, immediately appealing to the eye with their exterior made with deep red Colorcrete® concrete. 文/TEXT: MAREK SVABENIK, ASTRID SCHNEIDER 图/PHOTO: MICHAL HURYCH


新剧院采用的全是二十一世纪最先进 的剧院技术。主演出厅拥有宽大的舞台, 观众席可以容纳 461 名观众;另外,新剧 院还设有容纳 150 名观众的小剧场。 新剧院于 2014 年 9 月 1 日正式向公众 开放,首场演出是著名歌剧《被出卖的新 娘》。新剧院一开业,就为观众带来艺术 的饕餮大餐,观众可以根据自己的喜好挑 选节目:歌剧斯美塔那的《被出卖的新娘》、 马丁奴的《霍夫曼故事》、《士兵》、《舞者》 以及《茶花女》和《托斯卡》,芭蕾舞剧《灰 姑娘》、 《斯巴达克斯》等等,让人目不暇接。 2015 年三月,由肖斯塔科维奇乐曲伴奏的 芭蕾舞剧《安娜卡列尼娜》也将在新剧院 上演。 新剧院的外形引人注目,两幢建筑通 过一条空中走廊连接在一起,建筑外墙表 面是深红色的彩色混凝土 Colorcrete®。彩 色 混 凝 土 由 Českomoravský beton 集 团 旗 下的 TBG Plzeň Transportbeton 公司供应。 这家公司同时还供应了其他的建筑和地面 材料,包括在主入口的“泡泡幕墙”。 建筑的支撑系统是一整块巨大的立体 结构,包含加强混凝土墙、混凝土板以及 混凝土柱子。 为了使混凝土达到理想的颜色,35kg 的混凝土需要加入 1m3 的定制的混合配料, 含有液体颜料 SikaColorFlo®、高效减水剂 Sika® ViscoCrete 以 及 硅 粉 SikaFume®。 幕墙的接缝使用特殊的红色聚氨酯胶粘剂 Sika Hyflex-250 粘接,地下室防水使用了 Sika®-Waterbars。 独特的约 3500m2 的红色装饰混凝土 幕墙让这座新剧院与众不同。幕墙还包括 1600m2 的黑色蚀刻玻璃以及表面的钛锌 板。根据建筑师的设计,根据相应的色彩 来调整混凝土的配方。 该多功能建筑可以承办各种演出如戏 剧、音乐会、歌剧以及芭蕾,因此除了啤酒, 比尔森有更多的东西向游客展示。也许看 完歌剧,在一家温馨的小酒吧喝上一杯传 统的比尔森啤酒是一个不错的主意。

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Pilsen’s New Theater



NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Pilsen’s New Theater


NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Pilsen’s New Theater



The new building, equipped with stateof-the-art theater technology, is a symbol of the 21st century. Besides the main theater hall with its huge stage and elegant auditorium for 461 spectators, the new building also houses the 150-seat Small Stage. The New Theater was opened officially to the public on September 1, 20 14 with a new production of The Bartered Bride. You can have your pick of the current opera repertoire: The Bartered


NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Pilsen’s New Theater

Bride by Smetana, The Tales of Hoffman, The Soldier and the Dancer by BohuslavMartinů, La Traviata and Tosca. A new production of Verdi’s Aida premiered in October. The ballet Cinderella with music by Sergei Prokofiev was on, and from November Khachaturian’s ballet Spartacus is being staged. In March, a ballet interpretation of the story of Anna Karenina accompanied by the music of Dmitri Shostakovich will open in the New Theater.

But this ex traordinar y new building first had to be constructed. It consists of two separate interconnected objects, immediately appealing to the eye with their exterior made with deep red Colorcrete® concrete, supplied by TBG PlzeňTransportbeton, a member of the Českomoravsk ýbeton group, which supplied all other transit monolithic construction and flooring materials, including the “bubble facade” of the theater building, which contains the main entrance.

T he building suppor t s y s tem consists of a monolithic spatial struct ur e o f r ein f or ced concr e te w alls, slabs and columns. To achieve the desired color on the concrete required 35 kg per 1 m3 of pigment concrete mix, which was specially formulated for these specific solutions using the products SikaColorFlo® (liquid pigments), Sika® ViscoCrete and microsilicaSikaFume®. For the facade joint were used PU sealant Sika Hyflex-250

Facade in special red color and for the basement Sika®-Waterbars were used. All in all, the new theatre differs markedly from other buildings owing to its facade of red cast architectural concrete, spanning a total of 3,500 m2. The red facade consists of glass surfacefrosted black etched glass (1,600 m 2 ) and a titanium-zinc surface. Based on the architect’s specifications, the concrete formulation was adapted to the corresponding color shade.

The multifunctional building is designed to host drama and musicals, as well as operas and ballets. So the European Capital of Culture 2015 can show more than its favorite drinks to its visitors. Though going to the opera and afterwards having a traditional Pils beer in a cosy bar sounds very nice…

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Pilsen’s New Theater



新能源客车工厂的节能屋面 ENERGY-EFFICIENT ROOF FOR THE NEW ENERGY BUS FACTORY 汽车尾气排放是影响城市环境和空气的罪魁祸首之一。中国政府近年来不断 提高汽车排放标准,同时也大力支持和鼓励新能源汽车的发展。杭州长江汽 车有限公司纯电动新能源客车项目建成后将生产纯电动新能源客车,以改善 杭州以及周边区域的空气环境。同作为可持续发展和环境保护的支持者和践 行者,西卡为该新能源客车厂提供了节省能源的整体屋面系统。

Motor vehicle emissions contribute to air pollution and are a major ingredient in the creation of smog in some large cities. In recent years, the Chinese government has placed stricter control on vehicle emissions by setting tighter emission standards and encouraging the development of new clean energy vehicles. In Hangzhou, a plant to produce 100% electric bus is under construction. Sika, as a supporter and practitioner for sustainability and environment protection, provides an energy-efficient roof system to the new plant. 文/图:万常彪



NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Roof for the New Energy Bus Factory

防水卷材的独特涂层可 减少空气中污染物在卷 材表面附着,其高太阳 反射性在夏季有利于降 低室温,节省能源。 >

杭州长江汽车有限公司纯电动新能源 客车项目规划总投资 51 亿元,一期建成后, 将形成 2 万辆纯电动新能源客车的生产能 力。项目二期工程还将规划建设纯电动中、 轻、微型客车、乘用车以及专用车整车生产、 研发基地,预计建成后将形成年 26 万辆纯 电动汽车的整车生产规模。此项目已被列 为 2014 年浙江省重大外资项目。不久的将 来,杭州人将可以坐上本土产的纯电动客 车以及纯电动商务车等出行,将极大改善 杭州以及周边区域的空气环境。 作为可持续发展和环境保护的支持者 和实践者,西卡一直努力为客户提供节能 环保的解决方案。在本项目中,西卡提供 的屋面系统在为新工厂提供防水保护的同 时,同时也具有保温节能的功能。 该项目屋面系统工程的屋面为钢结构 保温平屋面。钢结构屋面防水面积约 16.5 万平方米,包含总装车间、焊装车间、冲 压车间和涂装车间,加上两座混凝土结构 屋面的办公楼,总共防水面积超过 20 万平 方米。 总装车间屋面系统从下至上包含压型 钢 板、PE 膜 隔 汽 层、 岩 棉 保 温 层 和 PVC 防水卷材。项目采用了西卡渗耐白色柔性 PVC 防水卷材 S 327-15L,该型号卷材具有

优异的抗紫外线性能以及高太阳反射率, 夏季有利于保持室内温度,降低能源损耗。 渗耐 PE 膜隔汽层降低了屋面结构产生冷凝 的风险,同时有效地抵御了内部空气压力, 降低了总风载。连续的岩棉保温层和隔汽 层有效保证屋面的保温及抗冷凝效果。 针对岩棉保温层系统,运用了全新的 西卡屋面紧固件系统,包括 SarnaTube 塑 料套筒以及 SarnaFast 螺钉,该螺钉对基 层的咬合力较大,具有良好的抗腐蚀性能, 安全可靠性高,安装采用机械固定法固定 卷材和保温板。 细部节点处理是关系整个屋面防水效 果的关键。该项目屋面包含了大量的细部 节点,其中部分节点还很特殊。例如,已 大体施工完毕的整装车间屋面有 72 个大天 窗、内天沟和 90 多个风机洞口需做防水收 口处理。经过严密的现场考察和实际操作 测试,西卡渗耐的承建商制定出了在风机 管道周边和内天沟收口的方法,从根本上 保障了节点的密封性。西卡渗耐以其专业 的节点处理、设计和施工确保了防水的密 封效果和美观。

可以有效地解决屋面细部处理的难题,并 且维修简单,操作简便、快速,成本低廉, 降低业主后期维护成本。 现场根据西卡公司的技术要求进行施 工。为保证施工质量和进度,西卡渗耐专 业的承建商组建了强有力的施工及管理队 伍,拥有施工人员 30 余人,焊工 10 余名人, 满足现场施工需求。 在项目开工的一月时间内,施工完的 面积已达 8 万多平米,施工效率高速有效, 现场秩序井然,施工完的屋面相当整洁干 净,客户以及总包对项目的施工工艺和已 完成部分的防水效果非常满意。

同时西卡渗耐 PVC S-327 卷材经久耐 用,经英国 BBA 认证使用寿命超过 35 年。 此外,PVC 卷材具备良好的热风焊接性能,

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Roof for the New Energy Bus Factory



The Pure-electric New Energy Bus Project of Hangzhou Yangtze Auto Co., Ltd. has a total investment of RMB 5.1 billion. After its completion of Phase I construction, the plant will have an annual productivity of 20,000 pure-electric new energy buses. The Phase II construction will complete the whole vehicle production, research and development foundation and it is expected that the annual pan automobile productivity will reach total of 260,000 vehicles after the completion. The project has been listed as one of the 2014 Major Foreigninvested Project in Zhejiang Province. In the near future, Hangzhou people would travel in pure -electric buses and other locally manufactured commercial vehicles, and this will greatly improve the environment and air quality Hangzhou and other areas in its vicinity. Sika, as a supporter and practitioner for sustainability and environment protection, is always committed to provide environmental friendly and energ yefficient solutions. In this project, the Sika roofing system will also help on the insulation and energy reduction in addition to waterproofing. It is a flat roof on steel structures with an area of about 165,000 m 2, including the assembly workshop, welding workshop, punching workshops and coating


NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Roof for the New Energy Bus Factory

workshops. In addition, there are two office buildings with concrete structure roofs. In total, this project has a roof area of over 200,000 m2. The roof system of the assembly work shop is designed with the steel structure, PE vapor control layer, rock wool insulation layer and PVC waterproof membranes from the bottom to the top. The Sika Sarnafil S 327-15 L PVC waterproof membrane used, white as it is, is excellent in UV resistance with high solar reflectivity, which will help maintain low indoor temperatures during summer and subsequently reduce energy consumptions indoor. The PE vapour control layer reduces condensation risk of roof structures, effectively resists indoor air pressures and reduces the total wind load. The combination of the rock wool insulation layer and vapour barrier provides effective heat insulation and anticondensation of the roof. In this project, a brand new fastening system was used over the rock wool insulation, including SarnaTube plastic tubes and SarnaFast fasteners. This system, its excellent anti-corrosive performance, has great biting force over the base layer, providing high reliability. Details always decide the whole waterproof effect of a whole roof. This project

has a lot of details, and some of them are very special. For example, there are 72 skylights, inner gutters and over 90 openings for fans on the assembly workshop roof. Based on careful on-site observations and measurements, the Sika Sarnafil’s contractors decided to terminate in the inner gutter and around the fan pipes to realize watertight and good-looking details Sika Sarnafil S 327 PVC membrane is excellent in its durability. It has certified by BBA that it has a life in excess of 35 years. Its hot air weldablility enables easy maintenance with low cost. The on-site construction was carried out according to the technical requirements of Sika. A team of 30 fitters and over 10 welders and onsite quality managers from the Sika certified contractor was equipped for the construction. Over 80,000 m 2 roof with a good appearance has been finished within one month. The owner and general contractor was quite satisfactor y with high efficiency, strict onsite management as well as the waterproof effect and appearance of the roof.

整装车间屋面系统层次构造 (自下而上 ): • 0.8mm压型钢板 • 0.3mm 渗耐 PE 膜隔汽层 • 60mm岩棉保温隔热层 • 1.5mm Sarnafil S327-15L PVC卷材防水层

Roof build-ups (from bottom-to-top): • 0.8mm profiled steel sheet • 0.3mm Sarnafil PE membrane vapour barrier • 60mm rock wool insulation layer • 1.5mm Sarnafil S327-15L PVC waterproofing membrane layer






经过 30 多天的长途跋涉,2014 年 12 月初,中国最大的极地考察船“雪龙”号载 着中国第 31 次南极考察队抵达南极中山站 外陆缘冰地带。“雪龙”号‘龙’代表中国, ‘雪’意味着南极的冰雪世界,它是中国唯 一能在极地破冰前行的船只,由乌克兰赫尔 松船厂在 1993 年 3 月 25 日完成建造。

2015 年 1 月 6 日,来自中国极地研究 中心,原雪龙号船长沈权等 5 人来到苏州 西卡考察。 西卡船舶业务全国市场负责人 刘健先生为客人介绍了西卡主要业务和产 品,船舶销售经理梁锐先生介绍了西卡船 舶产品,并和客人交流了船舶产品应用的 问题。西卡副总裁 / 工业部负责人郭治权 先生和亚太区技术服务部经理王鹏飞女士 在实验室给客人展示和讲解了西卡工业部 多个产品的具体应用。


NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Visit by Xuelong Captain

中国极地研究中心,是我国唯一专门 从事极地考察的科学研究和保障业务中心。 主要开展极地雪冰 - 海洋与全球变化,极 地生态环境,及其生命过程,以及极地科 学基础平台技术等。负责“雪龙”号极地 科学考察船、南极长城站、中山站、昆仑站, 北极黄河站以及国内基地的运行与管理; 开展极地考察条件保障的国际交流与合作。 据悉,中国极地研究中心目前正在和 国外设计院,中国船厂商谈设计和建造中 国自己生产的第一艘破冰船,这将是极地 科考实现中国梦的又一伟大创举。中国极 地研究中心各位贵宾包括破冰船建设工程 部副总工程师(船长)沈权先生,破冰船 建设工程部副总工艺师(轮机长)黄嵘先生, 破冰船建设工程部副总指挥(船长)王建 忠先生等共五人。此行大家到访西卡的主

要目的就是为中国第一艘造破冰船寻找能 够相配套的顶级隔音降噪一体化解决方案。 以客户为本是西卡公司一直以来受到 信赖的关键因素,除了全球丰富的隔音降 噪使用经验外,与客户之间的长期合作, 共同开发适合客户需求的顶级整体解决方 案,为客户分担在技术层面、在综合成本面、 在保证供货和现场技术支持方面的担忧以 及问题,是西卡一直以来的特色。 除此之外,西卡还为客户提供有效的 成本控制,预测施工时间,评估交船风险 以及绿色环保认证方面的诸多附加服务。 另外,西卡研发与技术部门与世界主要的 声学测试中心之间紧密合作,并一直致力 于不断开发和改进声学地板系统,以满足 不断变化和更具挑战性的各种需求。

来自中国极地研究中 心的考察团认真听取 西卡中国公司介绍。 中为雪龙号原船长 沈权。

Visitors from Polar Research Institute of China are listening carefully the presentations of Sika China, including Mr. Quan Shen (middle), former captain of Xuelong.

西卡中国船舶大客户 经理梁瑞介绍西卡船 舶产品。

Rui Liang, Sales Manager-Marine, is introducing Sika marine products.


Jacky Guo, Head of TM Industry of Sika China, is introducing the products application.

After a 30-day long journey, the largest Chinese polar research vessel Xuelong, carrying the Chinese Antarctic expedition team, arrived nearby the Zhongshan Station. In the name of Xuelong, “Long” stands for China and “Xue” means snow in the Antarctic area. Xuelong, built in Ukraine in 1993, is the only Chinese icebreaker that can sail in the polar regions. On Jan 6th, a team from Polar Research Institute of China, including Shen Quan, former captain of Xuelong, paid a visit to Sika China in Suzhou. Sika China’s marine team Felix Liu, Head of Marine Business and Rui Liang, Sales Manager of Marine Products, gave a detailed presentation on Sika and its marine products to the visitors. Jacky Guo, Head of Industry of Sika China and Ellen Wang, Technical Service Manager, showed and explained Sika products’ application in the lab.

Polar Research Institute of China is the main Chinese research institute for the study of the Earth’s polar regions, working on the search on polar glacial snow, ocean and global change, ecoenvironment in polar etc. It manages four polar research stations as well as the icebreaking research vessel Xuelong. It is learned that the Institute is now contacting foreign design institutes and Chinese shipyards for a great plan to build the first icebreaker vessel by China. The 5-person team to visit Sika China included Mr. Quan Shen, former captain of Xuelong and the deputy General Engineer of the icebreaker building, Mr. Rong Huang, former chief engineer of Xuelong and the deputy General Process Engineer of the icebreaker building and Mr. Jianzhong Wang, deputy General Director of icebreaker building. They visited Sika China to look for the noise reduction solution for the icebreaker.

Sika always puts customers at the first place. Sika boasts rich experience worldwide, and has, through long-term close cooperation with customers, developed top-level integrated solutions which satisfy customers’ needs. It solves problems related to technology, cost control, supply, and provides on-site technical support. Customer-orientation is the key to the success of Sika’s products. In addition, Sika provides numerous other value-added services for customers such as effective cost control, estimated construction schedules, assessment of risk regarding late ship delivery, and environmental protection related certification. Sika’s research, development and technology departments work closely with the main acoustic testing centers all over the world. They are devoted to the development and improvement of acoustic floors, so as to meet the ever-changing and more challenging requirements of customers.

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Visit by Xuelong Captain


西卡香港举办梁黄顾 建筑师事务所专场研讨会 SIKA HONG KONG’S SEMINAR FOR LWK & PARTNERS 文/图:区振辉




2014 年 8 月, 西 卡 香 港 技 术 团 队 为 梁黄顾建筑师(香港)事务所(以下简称 “梁黄顾”)举办了一场专场研讨会。梁 黄顾是一家国际化的建筑设计公司,总部 位于香港,分公司及办事处设于深圳、上 海、广州、成都及沈阳。现时拥有员工超 过 600 名,专业提供全方位的建筑和室内 设计咨询服务。

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Meeting with Architects

来自梁黄顾的 40 名设计师参加了研 讨会,讨论话题覆盖屋面防水、地下室防 水以及绿色屋面系统。会场气氛融洽,参 会者积极交流。西卡香港详细展示了西卡 先 进 品 牌 SikaLastic®、Sikaplan®、Sika Sarnafil® 以及喷涂聚脲和聚氨酯防水材料, 同时会上还对新市场趋势分析、产品参数、 标准以及质量控制展开了讨论。西卡香港 推出的积极及免除经常维修不便之系统解 决方案受到了欢迎。

通过演示,设计师了解了西卡产品的 特点和性能。另外,针对一些极端环境为 承建商带来的挑战,西卡提出相应的解决 方案,正好为设计师们在设计过程中面对 这些挑战时提供了专业的建议。 通过本次研讨会,西卡与设计师相互 合作,提供系统设计的解决方案。

The Specification Team of Sika Hong Kong organized and ran a seminar for the architects of LWK & Partners in Hong Kong. LWK is a multinational architectural practice with over 600 staff, providing architectural services through its offices in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu and Shenyang. 40 participants attended the seminar, and topics presented comprised Roof Waterproofing, Basement Waterproof-

ing and Green Roof Systems. A comprehensive seminar was conducted in a harmonious atmosphere filled with heated exchanges with the audience. State-of-art SikaLastic®, Sikaplan® and Sika Sarnafil® brands were presented in details including spray-on polyurea and polyurethane waterproofing membrane. A new local market trend analysis, product specifications, standards and quality control were discussed. A proactive, maintenance free system solution Sika had been providing was welcomed.

During the presentation, the architects learned about the features and performance of Sika products. Sika’s focus was also on the various challenges faced by contractors in some extremely demanding environment that the Architects are cautious to garner expertise solutions in their ongoing design work. Through this seminar, Sika can collaborate with the Architects hand in hand as solution-provider on system design. Thereby, numerous follow-ups ensue.

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Meeting with Architects




17TH ANNUAL MEETING OF CHINA ADHESIVE AND TAPE INDUSTRY 2014.9.22-24 在中国胶粘剂和胶粘带工业协会主办的第十七届中国胶粘剂和胶粘带行业年 会上,西卡副总裁郭治权先生在会议中分享了西卡粘结技术的创新与发展,在当 今“更低能源消耗,更多使用可再生可回收材料,轻量化结构,更环保,减少排放, 可维修可拆卸的组装方式,材料本身性能优越,拥有更长使用寿命”的胶粘剂市 场下,西卡公司研发了 i-Cure 技术,UHM 超高模量技术以适应快速发展的应用需求。

At the 17 th annual meeting of China adhesive and adhesive tape industry sponsored by China Adhesives and Tape Industry Association, Mr. Jacky Guo, Vice President of Sika China, shared Sika’s innovation and development of bonding technology with its peers. In today’s adhesive market characterized with lower energy consumption, use of more renewable and recyclable materials, lightweight structure, higher environment-friendliness, assembly method for easy repair and disassembly, superior property of material and longer service life, Sika has developed i-Cure technology and UHM technology to meet the quickly growing needs in terms of application.


SPECHEM CHINA 2014 2014.11.26 在中国国际化工产学研项目合作大会上,西卡工 业部亚太区技术服务经理王鹏飞女士发表西卡在粘接 技术领域的创新与发展。

On the SpeChem China 2014, Ellen Wang, Technical Service Manager- Industry of Sika AP presented Sika’s innovation and development in the field of bonding technology.


NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — News of Bonding and Sealing

2014 中国粘接与密封技术创新与发展论坛 2014 FORUM OF INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF BONDING AND SEALING TECHNOLOGIES IN CHINA 2014.11.13-15 2014 年 11 月 13-15 日,由《粘接》杂志社、浙江省粘接技术协会、 北京粘接学会、上海市接技术协会、宁波市胶粘剂及制品行业协会、 武汉粘接学会以及上海康达化工新材料股份有限公司等单位联合 举办的“2014 中国粘接与密封技术创新与发展论坛暨中国胶粘剂 首届优秀科技论文颁奖典礼”在宁波隆重举行。来自全国各地胶粘 剂领域的专家学者、企业家、供应商等共约 330 人参加了此次会议。

The 2014 Forum of Innovation and Development of Bonding and Sealing Technologies, organized by the magazine Adhesion, Zhengjiang Adhesion Technology Association, Beijing Adhesion Society and other organizations and companies in this industry, was held in Ningbo. Over 330 experts, suppliers in the adhesion industry in China attended the meeting.

会议邀请了益小苏教授(博士、国家 973 计划复合材料项目 首席科学家、中国航空工业集团公司复合材料技术首席专家等)、 张军营教授(北京化工大学材料与工程学院博士生导师)、曲军 博士(西卡公司首席科学家)等 15 位国内外胶粘剂领域的专家教 授分别作了精彩的学术报告。

Fifteen experts in the adhesion field, including Dr. Su Xiaoyi, the Principle Scientist in composite material technology of Aviation Industry Corporation of China, Dr. Zhang Junying from Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Dr. Jun Que, Principal Scientist of Sika, were invited to deliver reports.

曲军博士与国内另外四位专家荣获了“中国粘接学术事业支持 Dr. Que and four other Chinese experts won the “Award of 奖”,成为当前企业界和学术界支持中国粘接学术事业的典范人物。 Supporting China’s Bonding Academic Development”.


Principle Scientist of Sika Dr. Jun Que (3rd from the right) and four other Chinese experts won the Award of Supporting China’s Bonding Academic Development.

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — News of Bonding and Sealing





NEW R&D CENTER OPENED BY DUKE OF KENT 英国肯特公爵爱德华亲王为西卡位于英国西北部普雷斯顿的研 发中心开业揭幕,该研发中心主要致力于液体屋面系统的研发。


NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Sika Global News

In the presence of His Royal Highness, Prince Edward Duke of Kent, Sika has opened a state-of-the-art research facility in Preston in northwest England. It’s a leading-edge technology center in the area of liquid roofing.


SIKA TO STRENGTHEN ITS PRESENCE IN SOUTH-EASTERN EUROPE 随着在塞尔维亚建立新工厂,在波黑成立分公司,西卡进一 步加强在欧洲东南部的投资,为进一步发展奠定基础。 西卡 EMEA 地区负责人 Paul Schuler 讲道:“在塞尔维亚的 新工厂和波黑的新公司为西卡在巴尔干半岛地区的快速发展奠定 了基础。西卡塞尔维亚将成为砂浆生产中心;成立了波黑分公司, 西卡在该地区市场的业务在未来的三四年间内可能会翻一番。”

With a new plant in Serbia and the foundation of a subsidiary in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Sika is laying the foundation for further growth in South-Eastern Europe. Paul Schuler, Sika Regional Manager EMEA: “The new mortar plant in Serbia and the establishment of a new Sika subsidiary in Bosnia-Herzegovina set the stage for Sika’s accelerated growth in the Balkan states. Sika Serbia will become a production hub for mortars, and the new subsidiary in Bosnia-Herzegovina will unlock further potential to double our business in this market over the next three to four years.”

西卡成为 1975 年来瑞士百强企业中进步最 大公司

SIKA BEST IMPROVER AMONG TOP 100 SWISS COMPANIES SINCE 1975 《瑞士商报》对 1975 年以来瑞士 100 强企业进行的调查结果。在 1975 年评估的 瑞士销售额 100 强的公司中,如今只剩 29 家公司仍在榜单中,而仅 4 家公司的排名 有所上升,其中西卡排名上升幅度最大, 提高了 32 名,从 77 名上升到 45 名。

In a ranking measuring growth in sales revenues among the top 100 Swiss companies since 1975, Sika has moved up from 77 th to 45th position and has thus enjoyed one of the best improvements in the ranking. The assessment was conducted recently by Handelszeitung, a leading Swiss business weekly.

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Sika Global News



不仅仅是培训 MORE THAN A TRAINING 文:陆凯虹 图:石英浩



NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Young Professional Program

西卡中国年轻经理人发展计划在 2013 年 9 月拉开帷幕,第一批学员已通过学 习实践顺利完成整个项目。到目前为止,其中有超过一半的学员已经在自己 新的岗位或业务领域中接受着不同的挑战。

The Young Professional Program of Sika China was launched in September 2013. The first group of young talents have successfully completed the program after study and internship. So far, more than half of the young talents have been accepting different challenges in their new posts or business lines. NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Young Professional Program



Morten Muschak, President of Sika China, is with the young talents.

年轻经理人计划在我看来,不仅仅是 一项培训,更是学员们磨练和提升自 己的一个实验室。


NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Young Professional Program


我们的年轻经理人发展计划着重在于 领导力提升。在说领导力发展的时候,往 往想到的是“高大上”的概念,通常会忽 略落地的个人发展计划,员工经常在参加 了领导力相关课程后,仍然不能清晰的认 识到能力的提升点在哪里。只有真正帮助 员工清楚的看到自身的这些点,才能加强 他们对领导力发展的意识。美国培训与发 展协会在前几年就提到,行为的改变才是 最重要的,行为的改变从而带来绩效。其 实培训本生很难用数字计算 ROI(投资回报 率),但我们可以看个人,从个人的能力 改变基础上去实现绩效目标,再由人去影 响到整个业务环境。在项目中,我们从一 开始就设计了自我探寻和发现的环节,通 过在线测评和管理层参与的小组面试,让 学员自己意识到自己的潜在发展空间,接 着匹配体验式课程、研讨、业务案例、教练、 推荐读书等资源,加以实践巩固,一次又 一次去思考,领导力不仅仅是工具和方法,

更是一种立场,在此基础上进行的行为意 识改变,才是个人能力提升的关键。 此次项目得到了西卡中国高层管理者 们的大力支持,每一次活动各地业务领导 实际参与到项目的运行过程中,如小组面 试、现场授课、业务案例指导等,都投入 了大量的时间和精力。这样的沟通一方面 让管理层认识、了解来自各地的年轻人才, 充分看到学员们的表现和才能,增加学员 的曝光度,同时也让学员有更多的机会学 习,从管理层的角度出发,如何去看待和 解决问题。另外,在学习过程中,我们鼓 励学员之间的分享和协同,增进跨部门沟 通,拓展他们的工作交际圈,让学员彼此 之间更有效的了解对方部门的利益诉求, 有助于在培训项目之外营造更高效率和更 职业化的工作氛围。 作为项目的设计和组织人,伴随学员 们走过的这一年多时间里,我在项目中以

及每一位学员的身上都看到了西卡文化的 剪影。所谓文化并不是贴在墙上的标语, 而是员工在日常工作中表现出来的一种态 度。人力资源部门首次在学习过程中引入 教练机制,为每位学员指派了一位教练以 帮助他们的学习,作为教练之一,定期和 学员沟通,每一次都能感受到大家的信任 真诚,让我在其中感受到这份工作的快乐。 学员之间互相关爱的情谊时有发生,同时 他们也把这样的正能量带回了他们所在的 部门和平时的工作,从平时点滴的情感联 系中,也看到了良好的企业文化氛围会使 员工拥有更强烈的归属感。 年轻经理人计划在我看来,不仅仅是 一项培训,更是学员们磨练和提升自己的 一个实验室。在这里,可以将最真实的自 己展现,不用害怕在实验室里失败,当你 在其中获取到自我的认知,养成反思的习 惯,汲取丰富的知识,挖掘尽可能的资源, 都将成为未来职业发展道路上的可贵财富。

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Young Professional Program




The Young Professional Program focuses on enhancement of leadership. When we mention development of leadership, we often think of those “high, big and fancy” ideas, neglecting well-grounded development program for individuals. Employees often still fail to have a clear awareness of where they can improve their competence after taking leadership-oriented courses. Only if we can really help employees clearly realize their shortcomings, we can improve their awareness of development of leadership. The U.S. Association for Talent Development mentioned years ago that the change in behavior is the most important emphasis. Change in behavior will bring about better performance. Actually, regarding trainings, it is very hard to calculate ROI with figures. However, we can view it from individuals. We can realize performance targets based on changes in individual competence, and then we can exert influence on the entire business via individuals. Regarding the project, we just design the course of self-exploration and self-discovery from the very beginning. Via on-line assessment and panel interview involved by the management team, the young talents were able to realize their own potential room for development by themselves. Then, resources as experienceoriented curriculums, seminars, business cases, coaching and recommended books are matched to allow the young talents to conduct consolidation in practice and

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Young Professional Program

think from time to time. Leadership is not only a tool and a method, but also a standpoint. Only a change in behavior or awareness based on it is the key to enhancement of individual competence. Sika China’s senior managers have provided great support to this project. As for every event, the local managers participated in the fulfillment of the project. For example, they take lots of time and energy in panel interview, onsite teaching, business case instruction, etc. Such communication on one side enables the management team to realize and understand young talents from all cities and know sufficiently about the young talents’ performance and abilities, as well as to increase the exposure of young talents. On the other side, the young talents have more opportunities to learn to view and solve issues from of the management team perspective. Besides, in the course of study, we encourage sharing and teamwork among young talents to enhance inter-department communication, expand their circle of business association and enable them to know more efficiently about the other departments’ interests to facilitate creation of more efficient and professional working atmosphere other than the training project. As the designer and the organizer of the project, I have found a touch of Sika’s culture from the project and every

young talent during the more than one year of being together. The so-called culture is not a slogan posted onto the wall. It is rather a kind of attitude that the employees show during their day-today work. The human resource department introduced the coach mechanism in the course of study for the first time. They arranged a coach for every young talent to help them with the study. As one of the coaches, I made regular communication with the young talents. I could feel their trust and sincerity every time. It gave me the joy of this job. There were concern and love among the young talents as time passed by. In the meantime, they brought such a positive energy back to their departments and their routine jobs. I also found out that, from the emotional connection here and there that excellent corporate culture and atmosphere enable employees to have a stronger sense of belonging. In my opinion, The Young Professional Program is not only a kind of training, but moreover, a lab where young talents can temper and improve themselves. In the program, they can show the truest side of themselves without fear of any failure in the lab. After you have obtained perception of yourself, established habit of thinking, absorbed abundant knowledge and tapped resources as much as possible, you have owned precious wealth for your professional development in the future.



The author Hester Lu (middle) is with the young talents.

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Young Professional Program




SANTA IS COMING TO SIKA 注意啦,开心吧,圣诞老人来西卡啦! 每年的圣诞节,圣诞老人都会来到西卡中国各地, 为大家带来欢乐和礼物!

You better watch out. You better not cry. You better not pout. I’m telling you why. Santa Claus is coming to Sika.


NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Christmas Day

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Christmas Day



FUN GAMES 输赢不是重点!重要的是玩得开心,姿势表情要到位!

It’ not important to win the game but have fun and pose nicely!


NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Fun Games

NEW HORIZON Issue 16 — Fun Games


NATIONAL CONTACT 全国联络方式 西卡(中国)有限公司



JINAN SIKA ENGINEERING CO., LTD. 济南市经七路 83 号润亨大厦 1102、1109 房间 邮编:250001 电话:+86 531 8191 1728 传真:+86 531 8191 1700

苏州工业园区泾东路 28 号 邮编:215121 电话:+86 512 6273 2888 传真:+86 512 6287 7070 网址:

广州西卡建筑材料有限公司 西卡北京分公司


SIKA ( CHINA ) LTD. BEIJING BRANCH 北京市朝阳区东土城路怡和阳光大厦 C 座 1401 室 邮编:100013 电话:+86 10 6448 9567 传真:+86 10 6448 9581


SIKA ( GUANGZHOU ) TRADING CO., LTD. 广州经济技术开发区东区骏达路 96 号 邮编:510530 电话:+86 20 8226 6066 传真:+86 20 8226 6022




天津市北辰区铁东北路天穆镇都市产业园南仓园区天 盈四支路 18 号 邮编:300400 电话:+86 22 8688 8308 传真:+86 22 8688 8301-219

SIKA LTD., DALIAN 大连市甘井子区工兴路 47 号 邮编:116031 电话:+86 411 8678 0060

四川西卡柯帅建筑材料有限公司 西卡渗耐防水系统(上海)有限公司


SIKA ( CHINA ) LTD. SHANGHAI BRANCH 上海市莘庄工业园区华宁路 4555 号 邮编:201108 电话:+86 21 3407 3788 传真:+86 21 3407 3799



SICHUAN SIKA KESHUAI CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL CO., LTD. 成都市新津邓双川浙合作 工业园区兴化路 2 路 89 号 邮编:611430 电话:+86 028 8259 2299 传真:+86 028 8259 2333 传真:+86 411 8678 0070



SICHUAN SIKA KESHUAI CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL CO., LTD. CHONGQING BRANCH 重庆市九龙坡区奥体路 1 号附 6-22-9 邮编:510260 电话:+86 23 8806 0828 传真:+86 23 8806 0858

HEBEI JIUQIANG BUILDING MATERIALS CO., LTD. 石家庄市正定县正灵公路 8 公里处 邮编:050800 电话:+86 311 8826 4988 传真:+86 311 8826 4961 网址

西卡香港有限公司 四川西卡柯帅建筑材料有限公司云南分公司

SICHUAN SIKA KESHUAI CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL CO., LTD. YUNNAN BRANCH 昆明市晋宁县工业园区二街片区 邮编:650600 电话:+86 871 6789 9129 传真:+86 871 6789 9129



SIKA HONGKONG LTD. 新界沙田安平街 6 号新贸中心 A 座 15 楼 1507-12 室 电话:+852 2686 8108 传真:+852 2645 3671


SIKA TAIWAN LTD. 台湾桃园市卢竹区富国路三段 1380 号 邮编:33849 电话:+886 3352 8622 传真:+886 3352 0470

镇江市丹徒区辛丰镇工业园 邮编:212142 电话:+86 511 8558 8866 传真:+86 511 8558 0578

Company brands owned by Sika 西卡中国旗下公司品牌

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SIKA® POWERCLEAN AID 魔术棉 去渍能量 超乎想象 ́除硅油 ́ ́擦玻璃 ́ ́去污渍 ́ ́清残胶 ́



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