New Horizon Issue 17

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Play Well Just Like Lego

西卡荣获海尔工业 4.0 战 略优秀模块商大奖

Award of Haier Industry 4.0 Strategic Best Module Supplier




西卡屋面商标印 制服务

Sika RoofGraphic Logo Printing Service


New President on Board



ISSUE #17 SIKA CHINA NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — New Horizon



NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — New Horizon

亲爱的朋友们: 非常高兴加入西卡中国团队,前段时间我匆匆地 在中国跑了一圈,与我们的员工见面,并拜访了一些 客户。我非常欣喜地看到西卡中国团队展现出来的强 大西卡精神,这让我印象深刻。西卡精神的基础就存 在于我们的价值观及准则之中。 客户至上 —— 我看到我们团队每日都兢兢业业地 为客户提供高水准的支持和技术服务。正是这些高水 准的服务让我们在市场中脱颖而出,让我们与客户的 关系更加紧密。

Dear Friends, I am very pleased to have joined the Sika China team. I have spent my short time here traveling around the country meeting our employees and customers in China. I have been pleased and very impressed by the strong Sika Spirit which resides with the team here in Sika China. Our Sika Spirit is grounded in our Values and Principles. Customer First – I have witnessed the high level of support and technical service our team delivers on a daily basis to our valued customers. This level of service differentiates this team within the market and binds us closely to our customers across the country.

勇于创新 —— 创新是西卡的传统。在这生机勃勃 和变化莫测的中国建筑市场,西卡的创新精神更是发 挥地淋漓尽致。我们每日都在创新,创新产品数不胜数, 如新的胶粘剂、密封胶、屋面卷材以及根据客户需求 Courage for Innovation – Innovation is a constant 定制的混凝土外加剂等产品只是其中一小部分。 within Sika and even more so in the incredibly dy稳健持续,诚信可鉴 —— 在西卡中国的所有工厂 和公司,我深深地体会到了合作和尊重的企业文化, 对环境、社区、同事以及客户的尊重。对员工而言, 这是一家值得为其努力工作的好公司;对客户而言, 这是一个值得信赖的合作伙伴。 激励赋权,敬贤礼士 —— 企业家精神是西卡所有 活动的基础。在西卡,我们鼓励每一名员工独立主动, 为自己的工作负责,为团队的成功努力。为提升业务、 加强与客户的关系,我们的团队采取了很多有力有效 的行动。据我所知,这样的例子数不胜数! 绩效管理 —— 目前,中国市场已经从前几年的飞 速增长开始慢慢地变缓。市场流动性的紧张、GDP 增 长的放缓以及客户的一些保守行为都给业务的增长带 来了压力,这给西卡中国带来了巨大的挑战,这要求 我们每一个团队成员都必须尽最大的努力来实现我们 的增长和利润目标。 尽管我们面临着巨大的挑战,但我对我们的团队 充满信心。在接下来的几周和几个月里,我希望能见 到更多的员工,拜访更多的客户。 康秉仁 西卡中国总裁

namic and ever changing Chinese construction market. New adhesives, sealants, roofing membranes and even tailor-made admixtures for specific customer needs are only a few of the current innovations happening in China every day.


MIKE CAMPION President of Sika China

Sustainability and Integrity – Throughout our operations in China, I have witnessed a culture of cooperation and respect. Respect for our environment, our local communities and our fellow employees and customers. This is a great company to work for and a solid reliable partner to work with in the market. Empowerment – Entrepreneurship is the basis of our activities in Sika. Every employee is empowered to act and encouraged to take personal responsibility for the success of our team! I have already seen numerous examples of strong and decisive actions by our team to improve our business and our relations with our customers. Manage for Results – The Chinese Market is slowing down from the growth it has enjoyed over the last few years. Tightening market liquidity, slower GDP growth and more conservative customer activities are pressuring our business. This will be a challenging time for Sika China and will require the maximum efforts from every team member in order to achieve our annual commitments for growth and profitability. While Sika China is facing significant challenges, I am confident our team is up to the challenge! I look forward to meeting many more of our employees and customers in the coming weeks and months.

Yours Mike Campion President of Sika China

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Preface


NEW HORIZON #17 2015 14







New President on Board

采访 INTERVIEW 对话穆善和

Dialogue With Morten Muschak








Have a Holiday in A Palace Like a Royal Grouting a Solid Base for Large Installations in Natural Gas Exploitation Modern Suzhou, More than just Gardens

西卡荣获海尔工业 4.0 战略优秀模块商大奖 46 Haier Best Module Supplier Award 西卡荣获宇通客车 2014 年度质量奖 50 2014 Yutong Bus Quality Award





Sika® FloorJoint“凤凰”型材创新技术 Innovative Solution for Floor Joints



Perfect Solutions for the Food Industry 58 沈阳新世界:多彩停车库 Shenyang New World: Love to Park Cars Here


14 18






Long-lasting Repair Solutions for Tunnel Leakage 西卡屋面商标印制服务

Sika RoofGraphic Logo Printing Service

Play Well Just Like Lego

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Contents


Sika China Wins 2014 Sika Asia Pacific Sustainability Awards


60 66





社会责任 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 81 为贫困地区儿童打开一扇通往外面世界的窗

Open a Window to the Wider World

全球 GLOBAL 让地铁站滴水不漏


Construct Dry Stations

快讯 EXPRESS 西卡助阵东易日盛环保工艺巡展



Sika Attends Dong Yi Ri Sheng Exhibition 90 粘接密封快讯 Brief News of Bonding and Sealing


2015 广州门窗幕墙展 Guangzhou Window Door Facade 2015


2015 中国国际地面材料及铺装技术展览会 Domotex Asia/China Floor 2015




Sika China Concrete Sales and Marketing Team Meeting 广州工厂新建质检实验室

New QC/QA Lab in Guangzhou Factory

西卡中国荣获西卡全球 SAW 比赛 “创新奖”

Sika China Wins the Sika SAW Award

团队 TEAM 欢乐文化季

Have Fun in the Season for Culture

欣赏 ENJOY 西卡好声音

The Voice of Sika

2015 年会 2015 Annual Dinner

IMPRINT 编辑部:西卡中国市场传媒部,上海市华宁路 4555 号 印刷公司:上海鸿洋包装印刷制品有限公司 Editors’ address: Marketing Communications, Sika China, No. 4555 Huaning Road, Shanghai, 201108, China, e-mail: Printer: Achieve-Tech Printing and Packaging 本杂志中的所有注册商标受法律保护。除特殊标注,西卡拥有所有图片 和文字的版权。未经允许,禁止转载或复印。 All trademarks used or mentioned herein are protected by law. All photo and text copyrights are owned by Sika except when mentioned. Reproduction or repost is permitted with the written consent of the publisher.

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Contents




NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — New Horizon


Mr. Heinz Gisel (right), President of Sika Asia Pacific, Mr. Mike Campion (middle), new President of Sika China, and Mr. Morten Muschak (left), previous President of Sika China

西卡中国新总裁上任 NEW PRESIDENT ON BOARD 我们高兴的宣布康秉仁于 2015 年 5 月 1 日起担任西卡中国总裁,向西卡亚太 区负责人季瀚思汇报工作。

We are pleased to announce that Mike Campion assumes the position as President of Sika China effective May 1, 2015 reporting to Heinz Gisel, President of Sika Asia/Pacific. >

康秉仁来自美国,长期服务于西卡,业绩斐然。他于 1998 年 加入西卡美国,担任混凝土事业部市场领域经理。2000 年 , 他晋 升为新建筑事业部副总裁。2008 年之后,康秉仁开始领导混凝土 目标市场和防水目标市场,并于 2013 年晋升为执行副总裁。在美国, 他成功领导这两大目标市场创造了出色并且可持续的有盈利增长。 康秉仁将接任穆善和在中国的工作。穆善和将回欧洲担任管理 职位。他将直接向欧洲中东非洲大区负责人 Paul Schuler 汇报工作。

Mike is a proven, successful and long term Sika Manager from Sika USA. He joined Sika in 1998 as Market Field Manager for Concrete. In 2000, he was promoted as the Vice President New Construction. Since 2008, Mike heads the Target Market Concrete and in 2013, he was promoted to Executive Vice President of Target Markets Concrete and Waterproofing. He has produced excellent and consistent profitable growth in both of these Target Markets in the US.

穆善和于 2012 年担任西卡中国总裁并于 2014 年担任大中国 区负责人。 一直以来,他领导中国区业务成功实现扩张。在他的 领导下,中国的业绩得以提升,特别是净利润额的大幅增长。

Mike succeeds Morten Muschak who will take over a new management position in Europe. He will report directly to Paul Schuler, Regional Manager EMEA.

让我们一起祝贺康秉仁和穆善和。并预祝他们在新的岗位上 取得成功!

Morten took over the position as President of Sika China in 2012 and subsequently was appointed Area Manager Greater China in 2014. Since then, he has led the successful expansion of our business in the area. Under his leadership, the performance in China has accelerated, especially the EBIT growth. Please join us in congratulating Mike and Morten. We wish them success and satisfaction in their new and challenging responsibilities.

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — New President



对话穆善和 DIALOGUE WITH MORTEN MUSCHAK 三年前,他来到中国,以他德国式的严谨, 领导西卡中国提升业绩,大幅度提高利润率。 三年后的今天,他重返欧洲另任管理职位。 他在中国的三年,有怎样的故事,对中国又 有怎样的印象,让我们一起对话西卡中国前 任总裁 —— 穆善和。

Three years ago, he came to China. In his German style, he has led the successful expansion of our business in the area. Under his leadership, the performance in China has accelerated, especially the EBIT growth. In May 2015, he went back to Europe take over a new management position. In the three years in China, what impressed him most? Let’s talk to Morten Muschak, former President of Sika China .


尽管近两年中国市场竞争非常激烈, 西卡中国依旧取得了不错的成绩,尤其是 在利润增长方面。公司能够取得如此成功 的主要原因是什么? 实行价值销售并改进我们的流程是我 们取得成功的主要动因。

- 通过创新产品和专业技术支持,我们 能为客户提供更好的解决方案,这不仅让我 们从竞争者中脱颖而出,更能提高产品自身 价值。 - 这几年我们一直在不断优化工作流 程。采用更好的流程不仅能保障更好的客户 服务,同时还能降低公司成本。 众所周知,中国是全球最具挑战性的 市场。您在中国任职期间遇到的最大挑战 是什么? 中国充满了各种挑战,如快速的变化、 激烈的竞争和商业道德问题等,但对于西卡 中国来讲,最大的挑战是“人”。 我们的业务模式需要各种专业人才(敬 业且受过良好教育和培训的人才)。如何找 到这些人、为他们提供培训,并将其留在公 司是我们遇到的最大挑战。我们的培训生项 目、年轻经理人项目以及我们发起的“为西 卡工作,我骄傲我自豪”活动都是针对这一 问题应运而生的。因此,对我来讲“人”是 最重要的。 在中国的两年时间里,有哪件(些) 事情让您感到骄傲? 很多跨国公司都在中国建筑市场中遭 遇了困境。不仅遭受了经济损失而且很难继 续发展下去,意大利马贝公司(Mapei)、 德国巴斯夫公司(BASF)以及波士胶公司 (Bostik)都因此终止了生产和运营。但西 卡中国却在各项业务中取得了发展并成功营 利。这是值得我们整个团队感到骄傲的事情。 中国同时还是全球发展前景最好的市 场之一。特别是城市化为建筑业带来的巨 大机遇。您个人对中国未来有何预测? 从中长期来讲,中国可以为西卡提供 许多优质机遇。不仅是城市化,现在对高质 量和可持续化解决方案的需求也在不断上 升,这都将增加市场对公司产品的需求量。


NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Dialogue with Morten Muschak

但是,这不会是一个稳定且直线上升的 发展过程。流动性短缺、原材料波动、房价 发展等都将对这一过程产生影响。因此,公 司需要保持灵活快速的响应,以确保成功。 在中国生活近 3 年后,您怎样看待这个 国家呢?现在和 2012 年您刚到中国的时候 有什么变化吗? 中国是一个大国,在过去的 20 年间取 得了巨大的发展。基础设施的完善和专业公 司的建立都让人赞叹。我非常欣赏中国人民 适应快速发展的环境的能力。

所有这些都不是什么难事,真正的挑战是坚 持每天做到这些。

永远不会忘记公司 20 周年庆典和中国春节庆 祝时的聚餐场景。

另外,必须做到“言出必行”。人们总 是观察并且模仿他们的领导(不论行为好坏)。 所以领导一定要为别人树立榜样,特别是为 年轻人树立榜样。

不好的方面,对我个人来讲就是空气污 染,特别是冬天。今年冬天情况稍微好了一些, 我希望以后环境能变得更好。

显然,这些发展也带来了新的挑战,如 交通拥堵、空气污染等。在过去的三年中, 人们越来越重视这些新生问题,同时发展也 在逐渐从重数量向重质量方向转变。

您马上就要回到欧洲了。您能告诉大家 今后的工作安排吗? 为了增强公司在模具和复合材料方面的 业务,西卡收购了法国蔼科颂科技公司(Axson Technologies)。我将负责将该公司业务整合 并入我们的模具和复合材料业务部门,并负 责其在欧洲、美洲和亚洲的国际业务运营。 另外,蔼科颂在上海拥有生产业务,所以我 还有机会回到中国工作并和朋友见面。

我们听说您非常喜欢旅游。除了出差, 您去过中国哪些地方?哪些地方给您留下了 深刻的印象? 印象最深的是那些和欧洲不同的文化特 色建筑:北京的紫禁城和天坛、西安的兵马 俑以及苏州的园林。另外,我还非常喜欢乡 间美景:云南、阳朔、黄山及其周围的徽州 特色村落。将文化和户外活动结合起来那简 直就是完美,比如在长城或在龙骨稻田间进 行徒步运动。

您能否分享一些领导团队的个人秘诀? 其实,我觉得没有什么秘诀可言。成功 带领团队是由许多方面共同造就的,如令人 信服的目标、清晰的计划、开诚布公的沟通、 精确的计算,以及员工的敬业和重视程度。

在中国生活的这段时间里,对中国最好 和最不好的印象是什么? 很难讲最好或最不好,但是我非常喜欢 中国人的工作方式和彼此之间的互动。这和 欧洲单打独斗的工作方式非常不同。我想我

请您对中国的员工、合作伙伴和客户说 几句话。 想要说的太多,但对我而言最重要的一 句其实很简单:“非常感谢”。西卡中国对 于远离家乡的我来讲就像是第二个家。

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Dialogue with Morten Muschak



Visit Shenyang government.


Visit Hengxiang Insulation, a partner of Sika China.


NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Dialogue with Morten Muschak


With Kaka, the mascot of Sika China.


Team building of the management.


At the Fun Games of Sika China with Mrs. Muschak.

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Dialogue with Morten Muschak




Despite the demanding market conditions in China these two years, Sika China still achieved good results, especially having very good performance in profit growth. What is the key to make this happen? Value s elling and impr o v emen t in our pr o cess es ar e t he main dr i v er for our profitabilit y. - Creating better customers solutions with innovative products and professional technical support differentiates us from competition and allows us to charge a premium.


NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Dialogue with Morten Muschak

- Over the last years we have constantly improved our process. Better processes lead to better service for the customer and less cost for us. It is well known that China is one of the most challenging markets in the world. What’s the most challenging thing during your presidency in China? There are many challenges in China, like speed of change, fierce competition, business ethics, etc. but the Nr. 1 challenge for Sika China is “people”. Our business model requires specialists (committed, well-educated and trained

people). To find the right people, train them and bind them to our company is the biggest challenge we have. Our trainee program, the young professional program as well as our initiative “proud to work for Sika” are addressing that issue. Therefore this is most important for me. Over the past two years in China, what is that (those) you feel proud of? Many international companies struggle in the Chinese construction market. They lose money and do not grow. Mapei, BASF, Bostik – they all closed production and businesses. We at Sika


With the young professionals of Sika China.

China grow and earn money – in all our businesses. This achievement is something our whole team can be proud of. China is also one of the most promising markets in the world. Especially the urbanization brings great opportunities to the construction industry. What is your personal forecast for China? In the middle and long term China offers excellent opportunities for Sika. The urbanization but also the increasing demand for higher quality and sustainable solutions will increase the demand for our products. However, this will not be a stable and linear process. Liquidity shortage, raw material fluctuation, house price development, etc. will affect the process. So we need to remain very flexible and fast to assure success. After living nearly 3 years in China, how do you think of this country? Is there any difference from 2012 when you just arrived? China is a great country with a massive development in the past 20 years. The improvement in infrastructure as well as the build-up of professional companies is impressive. I admire how quickly people in China adapt to this rapid changing environment. Clear ly all this developments also brought new challenges like traf fic jams, air pollution, etc. Over the last 3 years these new challenges were addressed more and more and measures are started to change from a more quantitative development to a Qualitative one. Do you mind sharing personal secrets of leading a team?

Actually, I think there is no secret at all. Successfully leading a team consists of a bundle of measures like a convincing goal, a clear plan, open communication, clear measurement, involvement and recognition of people. All these things are not very difficult, the real challenge is to life all of them every day. In addition ‘walk the talk” is crucial. People watch and copy their leaders (the good and the bad behaviors). Therefore it is important to be a role model, especially for our young people. Since you are moving back to Europe. Could you please share with us what will you be responsible for? In order to strengthen the Tooling & Composite business Sika bought the French company Axson Technologies. I will be responsible to integrate the company into our own Tooling&Composite business and to run this international business, with subsidiaries in Europe, America and Asia. Axson also has a production in Shanghai, so I will have the chance to come back to China to do business and meet friends. What is the best and the worst impression during living in China? Difficult to say worse or best, but what I really love about China is the way people work and celebrate together. This is quite different from the very individualistic way in Europe. The group dinners and the

th celebrations at the 20 anniversary or at Chinese New Year I will never forget.

On the bad side I personally struggle with the air pollution, especially in winter. This winter I had the feeling it got slightly better and I hope it will further improve. We heard that you like travelling. Besides business travel, where have you been in China. Which place impressed you most? Most impressive to me are the cultural places which are quite different from Europe: Beijing with the Forbidden City and the Temple of Heaven, the Army of Terracotta warriors in Xian or the Gardens in Suzhou. Also I like the countryside very much: Yunnan, Yangshuo or Huangshan with the small Huizhou villages around. To combine culture and outdoor is simply fantastic, like hiking on the Great Wall or in the Dragonbone rice fields. Could you please say something to the employees, partners and customers in China? There would be much to say but most important to me is simply: “Thank you very much”. Sika China was kind of family to me many miles from home.

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Dialogue with Morten Muschak



西卡荣获海尔工业 4.0 战略优秀模块商大奖 SIKA WINS THE HAIER INDUSTRY 4.0 STRATEGY BEST MODULE SUPPLIER AWARD 政府报告中首次提出的“中国制造 2025”、“互联网 +”两大热点在家电行 业获得有力回应。3 月 12 日,海尔集团对外发布了工业 4.0 战略,并上线了 用户交互定制平台、模块商资源平台两大平台。西卡公司作为模块商资源平 台的优秀供应商和合作伙伴,获得了海尔颁发的优秀模块商金魔方奖。西卡 中国副总裁郭治权先生代表西卡接收了这一殊荣。

In the Chinese government work report for 2015, “Made in China 2025” and “Internet Plus” were mentioned for the first time. On March 12th, Haier Group rolled out its industry 4.0 strategy, with its user-interactive customized platform and module supplier resource platform both going online. As one of the best module suppliers Sika China won a Golden Cube Award for top module suppliers. The company’s Vice President Mr. Jacky Guo collected the award on behalf of Sika.

文:段杨 图:戴昌积



NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Haier Award

西卡中国副总裁郭治权先生(左二)代表西卡上台领取海尔工业4.0 战略优秀模块商“金魔方奖”。

Mr. Jacky Guo (2nd from left), Vice President of Sika China, accepted Award of Haier Industry 4.0 Strategic Best Module Supplier.


政 府 报 告 中 首 次 提 出 的“ 中 国 制 造

2025”、“互联网 +”两大热点在家电行 业获得有力回应。3 月 12 日,海尔集团对 外发布了工业 4.0 战略,并上线了用户交 互定制平台、模块商资源平台两大平台。 西卡公司作为模块商资源平台的优秀供应 商和合作伙伴,获得了海尔颁发的优秀模 块商金魔方奖。西卡中国副总裁郭治权先 生代表西卡接收了这一殊荣。

益于海尔“一流化模块供应商无障碍引入” 的创新采购理念及模块商资源平台,西卡 有幸成为了海尔供应商体系中的一家重要 模块供应商。

西卡公司的白色家电解决方案主要帮 助海尔的冰箱玻璃门两个方面的问题,一 个是闪缝问题,一个是自动化应用的问题。 西卡从产品结构设计、基材变形、粘接材 料本身粘接强度、后期受力冰箱设计寿命 海尔互联工厂的构建逻辑是全流程可 等涉及方面,系统且全面分析了现存闪缝 视化的用户定制模式,用户在参与产品设 (玻璃与门框用胶带粘接产生的缝隙)问 计的同时,还可以随时查看产品制造、订 题产生的原因,并在现场与海尔研发部、 单配送等所有环节信息。业内专家表示, 质量部等相关人员讨论各种可行性解决方 互联工厂的核心价值是信息的全流程共享, 案。这次会议西卡公司也详细介绍了西卡 这种“透明”工厂互联出最佳用户体验。 热熔胶产品的解决方案、产品原理、技术 西卡全球生产及装配负责人 Leo Scheiwiller 优势及可以闪缝问题、实施自动化施工的 先生在此次海尔的全球供应商大会现场, 突出优势。 分享了海尔与西卡智造互联,开放共享的 胶粘剂的使用使自动化施工成为可能。 成功经验。 机器人、胶机和打胶平台组成了最基本的 海尔,全球家电第一品牌,锐意进取、 自动化施工系统。通过对系统的设定,机 求变创新,一直持续引爆、引领着家电行 器人能够精确地对冰箱门体进行施胶,不 业风向标杆。西卡,一家拥有百年品牌的 论是在胶型和胶量的控制,以及施胶的速 瑞士跨国公司,一直引领着技术创新。得 度上都能够达到一个完美的结果。

从最初的质量原因分析到用户整体需 求的了解,到粘接方案测试验证到半自动 化 / 全自动化施工方案的需求更新,再到 粘接工艺的设计到各关联部门共同开发及 并联设计,最后到从中国技术研发团队的 全程参予到整合国外总部的设计资源。西 卡人与海尔人不分彼此、不分昼夜的共同 协作、奋战一线、共同探索…… 最终,在 10 个多月的交互时间里,模 块化设计方与使用方迭代更新了让用户最 佳体验的一流化模块方案。时光如剑,岁 月如梭,共同倾注,共收硕果: 从海尔人对于闪缝问题的质量关注到 美国 ITEA 国际优秀团队大奖的入围, 从海尔一线市场投诉的不断降低到质 量目标的持续改善, 从西卡对于粘接技术的行业引领到拥 有客户更多的信任认可, 从双方的同心共建、携手合作到质量 创新,追求一致。

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Haier Award


西卡全球生产及装配负责人 Leo Scheiwiller在现场分享海尔与西卡智造互联,开放共享的成功经验。

Leo Scheiwiller from Sika shared his experience on the successes achieved by this knowledge creation and sharing of information between Sika and Haier.


NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — New Horizon


In the Chinese government work report for 2015, “Made in China 2025” and “Internet Plus” were mentioned for the first time. On March 12 th , Haier Group rolled out its industry 4.0 strategy, with its user-interactive customized platform and module supplier resource platform both going online. As one of the best module suppliers Sika China won a Golden Cube Award for top module suppliers. The company’s Vice President Mr. Jacky Guo collected the award on behalf of Sika. The Haier interconnected factory offers a customized mode visible during the whole process. Users can check on the product manufacturing, order delivery, and all other relevant information whilst involved in product design. According to industry experts, the core value of the factory is that all information is shared, providing users with the best possible experience. At the Haier Global Supply Conference, Leo Scheiwiller from Sika shared his experience on the successes achieved by this knowledge creation and sharing of information between Sika and Haier. A well-known home appliance brand throughout the world pursuing progress and innovation, Haier has been leading trends in the home appliance industry and modern lifestyles. Sika,

a multinational from Switzerland with over 100 years of histor y, has been leading technological innovation in the adhesive industry. In 2014, Haier placed took an important step in its process of interconnected transformation by establishing HOPE (Haier Open Partnership Ecosystem), in which it committed to establishing the biggest innovation ecosystem and full-process interactive innovation community in the world. Thanks to Haier’s “obstacle-free introduction of first-class module suppliers”, an innovative purchasing concept and module supplier platform, Sika is honored to become a key supplier on Haier’s innovative open platform. In the field of white goods, Sika’s hot melt adhesives have accumulated a rich history of use after years of testing in the global market. Sika’s home goods solutions departmen t assis ted Haier w ith t w o ke y problems relating to glass fridge doors: one related to the fridge seams and the other was automation application. Conventionally, VHB tape is applied to the seams of glass fridge doors. Sika carried out a thorough and systematic analysis to identify the causes of the seam problems (the seam between the glass and the adhesive door frame tape) looking at product structure and design, backing

material deformation, the adhesiveness of the adhesive material and life span of the anti-stress design features of the fridges after long use. In addition, they also discussed all kinds of practical solutions with Haier’s R&D and Quality Control staff on site. During these meetings, Sika illustrated the solutions, product designs, and technological advantages of Sika hot melt adhesives and explained its extraordinary strength in solving seam problems and implementing automated construction. Finally, after over 10 months of cooperation, the module designer and the user were able to update the module design to provide the user with the best experience. How time flies! The hard work finally paid off! From Haier’s attention to seam quality to being nominated by the US ITEA International Team Award. From the continuous reduction of firsttier market complaints to constant improvement of quality targets. From Sika leading the adhesive technology industry in winning more trust and recognition from clients. From joint efforts of both sides in a common pursuit of quality innovation.

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Haier Award


西卡荣获宇通客车 2014 年度质量奖 SIKA WINS THE 2014 YUTONG BUS QUALITY AWARD 西卡公司是宇通集团长期优质的供应商及战略合作伙伴。凭借 2014 年的出色 表现:市场故障率、损失率及零公里 PPM 值均为零,荣获宇通“2014 年度质 量奖”。

As a long-term supplier and strategic cooperative partner, with its record of zero market failure, loss, and zero PPM value, Sika won the 2014 Yutong Quality Award, granted by the largest bus manufacturer in the world. 文/图:王建斌



西卡长期致力于为巴士客车客户提 供全面的解决方案。在宇通以“提品质铸 就竞争力,规模化迎接新机遇”为主题的 2015 年 供 应 商 大 会, 西 卡 作 为 宇 通 长 期 优质供应商及战略合作伙伴,荣获了宇通 “2014 年度质量奖”,宇通国内外 400 多 家供应商中仅三家公司荣获该奖项。西卡 中国副总裁郭治权先生代表西卡接受了这 一份殊荣。

理体系完善,质量保证能力强,表现稳定, 2014 年市场故障率、损失率及零公里 PPM 值均为 0。”

西卡工业部在粘接、密封、隔音降噪 和结构加固等工业领域是世界上最大的供 应商之一,产品大量应用在客车玻璃的粘 接与密封上。为客户量身订制的解决方案 和迅速快捷的服务反应能力为宇通客车生 产的安全和可靠运行提供了有力的支持和 西卡与宇通一直保持着良好的长期合 保障。为更好地满足客户需求,西卡针对 作关系,荣获“2014 年度质量奖”是对西 不同季节提供不同的产品解决方案。例如 卡产品质量以及高品质全方位服务的肯定, 在客车侧窗玻璃粘接与前挡风玻璃粘接应 这是继 2011 年西卡获得宇通年度优秀供应 用中,在冬季西卡提供的是 SikaTack® Ul商后,西卡获得的又一重要奖项,体现了 trafast CN 和 SikaTack® Plus + Booster, 西卡胶粘剂技术的全球领先地位与雄厚的 因为西卡专利技术 Booster 体系在冬季可 专业技术实力。正如宇通对西卡的评价: “西 以良好地促进胶的固化速率;在夏季,西 卡始终坚持质量第一的经营理念,质量管 卡提供产品 Sikaflex®-260 CN。产品 Sikaf-


NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Yutong Award

lex®-221 WR 具有优良的抗紫外线和耐候性 能,适应国内国外不同的气候,主要应用 在侧窗密封。Sikaflex®-221 i,凭借其良好 的粘接及密封性能被广泛应用,如流水槽 的粘接密封、空调的粘接密封、内饰的粘 接密封等,同时该产品应用了先进的西卡 专利 i-Cure 技术,保证产品无气味、无溶剂。 西卡丰富的产品系列是宇通不断发展的坚 实基础与保障。 西卡作为胶粘剂行业的全球领导者, 拥有百年的专业技术实力,是宇通客车值 得信赖的战略合作伙伴。

西卡中国副总裁郭治权先生代表西卡接受宇通“2014 年度质量奖”

Mr. Jacky Guo (first from left), Vice President of Sika China, accepted 2014 Yutong Bus Quality Award.

Sika is committed to providing integrated solutions to bus manufacturing. At the 2015 Yutong Supplier Conference, held by the largest bus manufacturer in the world, Sika as a long term preferential supplier and strategic partner, was awarded the 2014 Yutong Quality Award. Only three out of over 400 suppliers were awarded with the Prize. Jacky Guo, Vice President of Sika China, received the award on behalf of the company. Sika and Yutong have maintained an excellent cooperative relationship for many years. This award was further recognition of Sika’s product quality and high-grade service, adding to the Yutong Best Supplier Award won in 2011. This is a reflection of Sika’s leading global technology and rich professional and technical capabilities. Yutong commented: “Sika has been adhering to quality first. It has a perfect quality

management system and can guarantee good quality. In 2014, it had a record of zero market failure, zero loss rate, and zero PPM value.” Sika is one of the world’s largest suppliers of bonding, sealing, damping, and structural reinforcing products with a series of products for use in the adhesion and sealing of passenger bus glass windows. Sika offers customized solutions and fast-response services, which provide powerful support which guarantee safe and reliable bus production for Yutong. To meet the clients’ demands, Sika provides different product solutions for different seasons. For example relating to the adhesion of side windows and windshields, in winter, Sika provides SikaTack® Ultrafast CN and SikaTack® Plus + Booster. The patented technology Booster system can accelerate curing in winter whilst Sikaflex®-260CN is more suitable for

summer. Sikaflex®-221 WR, with its excellent performance in UV-resistance and anti-ageing, is mainly used for the sealing of side windows and is suitable for both domestic and overseas climates. Sikaflex®-221 i is widely used in adhesion and sealing of gutter channels, air conditioners, and interior decorations due to its good adhesion and sealing properties. At the same time, the advanced patented i-Cure technology is applied to the product to ensure that it is odor and solvent free. Sika’s rich product lines provide the solid foundation and support for Yutong’s continuous development. As a global leader in the adhesive industry, and with more than 100 years’ e xperience in developing patented technologies, Sika is a trust wor thy strategic and cooperative partner of Yutong Bus.

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Yutong Award



像乐高一样表现出色 PLAY WELL JUST LIKE LEGO 乐高集团是世界著名的玩具制造商,其销量始终列于世界十大玩具之列。乐 高拼砌玩具伴随无数孩子的成长,在孩子和家长的心目中,乐高代表的是快 乐,是无限的想象,是创意的未来。新建的乐高嘉兴工厂是乐高集团继丹麦、 匈牙利、捷克、墨西哥 4 家工厂之外的新成员,也是乐高集团的三大全球供 应支柱之一。西卡渗耐屋面系统凭借优异的性能应用在该新建工厂。

Lego, the world famous toy manufacturer, is one of the most popular global toy brands. Lego bricks have accompanied the growth of generations of children. They represent fun, limitless imagination and innovation. The new plant in Jiaxing, China, is the first Lego factory in Asia adding to the existing four plants in Denmark, Hungary, The Czech Republic and Mexico and will be one of the three key pillars of the group’s global supply chain. Sika Sarnafil PVC membrane with its exceptional qualities was used for the waterproofing system on the new plant roof. 文/图 :万常彪



NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Lego

乐高玩具生产工艺需要保持室内温度 和湿度处于恒定状态,因此对总体施 工工艺要求非常严格。


乐高嘉兴工厂预计将在 2017 年全面投 产。目前,乐高集团已经投资数亿欧元, 按照全球标准,设计、兴建嘉兴工厂,引 进国外先进成熟的注塑、涂装、包装等设备, 建设智力玩具生产线。年设计、开发、包装、 生产各类智力玩具 776 万组塑料模块。 项目位于浙江嘉兴经济技术开发区桐 乡大道,一期项目用地约 472 亩,新建各 类厂房和配套用房,屋面面积约 13.7 万平 方米。屋面以钢结构屋面为主,共计十三 个工作面,大的近 3 万平米,小的仅数千 平米。由于项目采用了双层防火板加硬质 玻璃丝棉的保温层结构,防火板硬度较大, 对卷材的固定件施工构成非常大的挑战。 且乐高玩具生产工艺需要保持室内温度和 湿度处于恒定状态,因此对总体施工工艺 要求非常严格。西卡渗耐凭借优质的 PVC 防水系统以及国内丰富的施工应用经验成 功中标此项目所有钢结构屋面防水材料。

西卡渗耐自 1998 年以来已累计在中国 市场安装了超过 2000 万平米的柔性 PVC 屋面系统,是中国单层屋面市场当之无愧 的领导者。经过西卡、承建商以及业主多 次的协商研讨,并针对此项目屋面的构造 形式特点,最终确定选用西卡高性能白色 PVC 防水卷材 Sarnafil® S 327-15L,该卷材 白色的表面以及独有的涂层处理能大大提 高屋面的反射率,并且有效减少了污浊物 的附着。采用机械性能良好的 SarnaTube 塑料套筒以及 SarnaFast 螺钉系统将 PVC 防水卷材固定在钢板基层,PVC 防水卷材 之间的搭接缝采用热风焊接,保证了防水 层的完全封闭。

层,使西卡渗耐轻钢屋面系统能够轻松应 对工厂生产制造恒温恒湿等特殊复杂环境 的要求和挑战。 本项目由西卡渗耐认证承建商负责施 工安装,严格按照西卡公司的技术要求进 行施工。在施工过程中有效地对卷材进行 保护,在细部节点以及收口位置处理上精 工细作,保证了屋面的整体防水效果和美 观性。由于项目整体面积较大,截至 2015 年 4 月中旬项目还在紧张施工当中,施工 完的屋面相当整洁干净,在成功抵御春季 几轮暴雨地袭击后,卓越的防水效果已经 初步显现。

西卡渗耐轻钢屋面系统中所增加的独 立密闭隔汽层可以完全阻止室内热空气的 上升,而屋面焊接一体的西卡渗耐 PVC 卷 材则阻止了室外冷空气的进入与交换,加 之此项目采用的连续高强足够厚度的保温

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Lego




The new Lego factory in Jiaxing, China, is expected to open in 2017. Lego Group has invested hundreds of millions of Euros in the new factory, which was designed and constructed in accordance with its global standards. The factory will import injection molding, painting and packaging production lines to create an intelligent production line. It will be able to design, develop, package, and

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Lego

produce Lego bricks with an annual capacity of 7.76 million sets. The first stage of the project covers 472 mu (approximately 31.5 ha), on which workshops and facility buildings with a roof area of 137,000 m 2 in total will be built. The roof is mainly composed of steel structure, divided into 13 working areas, the largest of which cover an

area of almost 30,000 m 2 whilst the smallest are only 1,000 m2. Within this project, the roof insulation consists of double-layer fireproof plates and rigid glass wool. This provides good fireproofing but presents a challenge in fixing the waterproof membrane to the rigid insulation layer. In addition, the Lego toy production process requires a constant room temperature and humidity, so

there are strict requirements relating to the factory construction process. Sika won the bid for supplying the waterproofing materials for the steel structure roofing of the project. Since 1998, over 20 million m2 of Sika’s PVC membrane has been installed in China. Sika is the unrivaled leader in China’s single-layer roofing market. After discussions between Sika, the contractor and owners, it was finally decided that the project would use Sika® Sarnafil® S 327-15 L, a high-performance waterproof PVC membrane. Its white surface has a high solar reflectivity and the unique coating on the surface can reduce the accumulation of dust. The

membrane was fixed onto the steel roof by using SarnaTube plastic sleeves and SarnaFast screws, which have excellent mechanical performance. The membrane overlaps were hot-air welded to create a completely sealed waterproofing layer. A vapor barrier was set up in the roofing system, to prevent the hot air indoors from rising, whilst the integrated PVC waterproof layer prevents cold air from entering from outside. Together with the sufficiently high-strength and thick insulation layer, the roofing system easily addresses the complex specific environmental requirements and challenges such as the need to maintain a constant

temperature and humidity during the production in the workshops. The roof system was installed by Sika’s certified contractor in strict accordance with Sika’s technical requirements. The membrane was well protected during construction, and was carefully treated to ensure a good overall waterproofing effect and good appearance. Since the area under construction was relatively large construction was still ongoing in mid-April 2015, although the roof did prove its excellent waterproofing capability through several heavy rainstorms in the spring.

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Lego


沈阳新世界:多彩停车库 SHENYANG NEW WORLD: LOVE TO PARK CARS HERE 多彩亮丽的色彩,平整的地面,停车区域一目了然,在沈阳新世界花园近 12 万平方米的地下车库中,西卡聚氨酯地坪系统会让你迷上在这里停车。

Park your car in a garage with flat and smooth floors, attractive colors and clear divisions courtesy of Sika’s polyurethane carpark flooring systems. The 120,000 m2 carpark at the New World Garden in Shenyang will be perfect for cars. 文/图:杨帆



NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — New Horizon

业主要求车库地面能够反映出该楼盘 的高档品质,需要有丰富的色彩表现 和能够耐用、抗车辆轮胎磨损的要求。 >

新世界中国地产是香港上市企业,为 国内大型全国性房地产发展商之一。新世界 地产与西卡有着多年的合作:从地面产品、 建筑防水产品到密封粘接产品,西卡在全国 范围内完成了多个新世界地产项目。 沈阳新世界花园位于沈阳浑河畔,定 位是大型高档生活社区。该楼盘二期 B 区 地下车库面积接近 12 万平方米,业主明确 要求车库地面应能够反映出楼盘的高档品 质,需要有丰富的色彩表现以区分不同的停 车区域,同时对地面的耐用性以及抗车辆轮 胎磨损都有很高的要求。而更大的挑战是业 主要求在三个月内完成这 12 万平方米的地 面施工,这对材料的生产和供应以及施工都 提出了极高的要求。

通过西卡专业技术团队与业主多次 交 流, 西 卡 推 荐 了 在 市 场 上 领 先 的 聚 氨 酯 车 库 地 面 系 统。 并 根 据 停 车 位 及 行 车 区域的不同特点分别使用两种地坪系统: Sikafloor®-264 应用于停车位; Sikafloor®-264 + Sikafloor®-315 应用于行车道,这是因为行 车道有频繁车辆行驶,所以在行车道增加了 西卡独有的聚氨酯罩面系统,增加地面耐磨 度及抗 UV 及抗化学能力,以抵抗车辆频繁 行驶过程中对地面的损害。 西卡专业的技术、强劲的品牌优势以 及优秀的团队合作在该项目中发挥了重要作 用。从 2013 年到 2014 年期间,西卡技术及 销售团队与业主基本每月都有一次技术沟通 会,交流技术、产品选择,同时提供了详细

的技术、施工、产品方案,并按照业主要求 在现场前后施工接近 20 块样块供业主考察。 该项目是目前为止中国最大的单体车库 地面项目,施工期间,西卡与西卡培训认证 的优秀施工商通力合作,顺利按时完成项目。 该项目将会加快推动聚氨酯系统在车 库地面市场的份额,使车库地面市场以传 统的硬化剂及环氧树脂向聚氨酯系统快速 的推动,从而使我们看到西卡在前瞻性市 场的领先。

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Colorful Carpark



NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Colorful Carpark



New World China Land Limited, listed in Hong Kong and one of the leading largescale property developers in China, has been in partnership with Sika for many years. Sika’s products including flooring, waterproofing, sealing and bonding products have been used to complete many New World China Land’s developments throughout the country. The Shenyang New World Garden is a high-end residential area developed by New World China Land on the banks of the Hun River. The underground parking garage in area B has an area of 120,000 m2. The owners required the garage flooring to match the high-grade quality of the development. It should have rich colors, be durable, and resistant to the abrasion caused by vehicle wheels. Another significant challenge was that the flooring must be completed within three months. These

requirements posed significant challenges in relation to the production, supply and installation of materials. After several discussions, Sika recommended its polyurethane carpark flooring systems. Sikafloor®-264 was used for the parking bays and Sikafloor®-264 + Sikafloor®-315 were used in the traffic lanes. Given the frequency of cars passing over a unique polyurethane coating system was added to the traffic lanes to improve the abrasion resistance, UV resistance and chemical resistance of the floors. The strong technical strength, brand reputation and excellent teamwork played an important role in completion of the project. In the pre-project period, Sika’s technical and sales teams held technical exchanges with the owner on a monthly basis to discuss technical as-

pects and product selections. Sika also put forward detailed technical plans, construction plans and product designs including the use of 20 flooring samples which were made onsite. This project is currently the largest single carpark flooring area in the country. It was implemented by the certified contractor appointed by Sika and completed on time. The success of this project will accelerate the penetration of polyurethane systems in the carpark flooring market, assisting this new and advanced flooring system in replacing the traditional hardener and epoxy flooring systems. This highlights Sika’s pioneering and leadership position in the flooring market.

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Colorful Carpark


像皇室般在皇宫里度假 HAVE A HOLIDAY IN A PALACE LIKE A ROYAL 永利皇宫是永利品牌簱下新开发的豪华酒店系列和赌场设施,位于中国澳门的 路氹金光大道,价值 40 亿美金。建成之后,将向客户提供皇室般尊荣礼遇。 西卡为“皇宫”提供防水保护。

The Wynn Palace in Macau is a new luxurious integrated resort development in Cotai by Wynn Resorts Ltd. This USD 4 billion resort includes gaming, dining, retail and convention facilities in addition to hotel and casino. It promises to serve the clients like royals. Sika provides waterproof protection to the palace. 文/ TEXT: KENSON LAM


永利皇宫是永利品牌簱下新开发的豪 华酒店系列和赌场设施,位于中国澳门的 路氹金光大道,价值 40 亿美金。新度假村 除提供住宿和赌场设施外,更设有高档商 场、餐厅、酒吧以及会议展览配套和多个 别具特色的观光景点。 度假村将以花为主题,花园有各种形 状和主题分布在整个度假村里,花园将被 设置在升高至不同高度的基座上,并每月 更换。度假村入口处将会有面积达三万平 方米的巨型人工湖,建成后人工湖上可以 进行灯光秀。而别具一格“贡多拉”船形 的轻轨列车像吞吐烟雾的龙将客户直接送 到酒店。 永利皇宫由礼顿公司负责建设,预计

2016 年年中完工。该世界一流的度假村对


NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Wynn Palace

外观、品质和工艺都有最高标准的要求, 将重新定义精美和优雅。工程包括地基、 地面、酒店以及含博彩、餐饮、购物、会 议和观光景点的综合建筑。整个工程将采 用建筑业最高标准,对细节精益求精。 对于面积达 63378 平方米的综合建筑 屋面的防水,客户希望找到可信赖的整体 方案供应商提供高性能防水系统。西卡和 建筑师从设计阶段就一直保持密切合作。 该项目采用了西卡暴露式屋面防水系统, 防 水 层 为 Sika® Sarnafil® G410L Felt 柔 性 聚氯乙烯卷材,内含玻璃纤维加强筋并附 无纺布背衬。该卷材表面有一层特殊的涂 层,可以降低空气中的灰尘或污染物在卷 材表面的附着。卷材紧密胶粘在混凝土表 面,形成防水保护层。

此 外, 该 项 目 的 基 础 建 设 中 还 用 到 了 西 卡 先 进 的 混 凝 土 外 加 剂 ——Sika® ViscoCrete® -1100 NT (R),这是一种用途极 广的混凝土减水剂 / 塑化剂,使混凝土保 持良好的流动性,提高可施工性,更提高 了成品的质量及延长使用寿命。 永利在澳门已有两家高端酒店:永利 澳门度假村和澳门万利酒店。2008 年永利 澳门度假村获 TTG China 旅游大奖选为“澳 门最佳豪华酒店”。2015 年,永利澳门成 为全球唯一荣获七项《福布斯旅游指南》 五星大奖的度假酒店。永利主席兼首席执 行官史蒂夫 • 永利曾表示:“永利皇宫是 集团历年来最具野心、最棒和最可爱的项 目”。永利皇宫将比永利澳门度假村更为 豪华,承诺给客户提供皇室般尊荣礼遇。

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — New Horizon



NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — New Horizon

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — New Horizon




NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Wynn Palace


The Wynn Palace in Macau is a new luxurious integrated resort development in Cotai by Wynn Resorts Ltd. This USD 4 billion resort includes gaming, dining, retail and convention facilities in addition to hotel and casino. The hotel is in a theme of flowers and will make most use of flowers, water and natural light. Huge displays of flowers that can ascend will be placed in atriums and change every month. A 30,000 square metre performance lake is strategically placed in front of the hotel that will feature a light show. Light rail with gondolas shaped like smoke-breathing dragons will stop at the mid of lake. The whole concept is to give a reminiscent of the Bellagio, in Las Vegas. Wynn Palace is constructed by Leighton and is expected to be completed by mid

of 2016. The highest levels of finish, quality and workmanship are required for the exceptional designs and worldclass facilities of the resort, which aims to establish new standards in excellence and elegance. An enhanced attention to detail and the very best standards in construction will be applied to the entire scope of works for the project, which includes ground and major foundation works together with construction of a luxury hotel and a mixed-use podium comprising gaming, dining, retail and convention facilities, as well as numerous special attractions. For the podium waterproofing with a total area of 63,378 m2, the customer is looking for a high performance waterproof system and a trustable supplier as total solution provider. Sika has worked closely with the Architect starting from

the design stage. Sika offers a high performance exposed waterproofing system which consisted of Sika® Sarnafil® G410 L Felt, a premium quality PVC membrane with an inlay of glass nonwoven and a polyester fleece backing. The membrane has a unique lacquer top coating to reduce staining from airborne dirt and pollutants. It is bonded tightly on the concrete surface to form a watertight protection to the podium with proven long life expectancy. Besides, Sika also offer state-of-theart admixture for the foundation and construction works. Sika® ViscoCrete® 1100 NT (R), a unique liquid admixture which was used as a high range water reducer / superplasticiser, not only enhanced the workability and consistence retention (open time) of the concrete for easier placement, but also gave higher strength and increased durability. Wynn Resorts already has two hotels in Macau: Wynn Macau and the Encore. Wynn Macau won the TTG Travel Award in 2008 as the most luxury hotel in Macau. It is also the only resort in the world with 7 Forbes five-star awards. Steve Wynn, the chairman and chief executive of Wynn Resort, describes Wynn Palace as “the most aggressive, ambitious and lovely project” he has ever undertaken. The Wynn Palace promises to be even more opulent than the Wynn Macau and clients will be treated like royals.

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Wynn Palace


为天然气开发设 备灌注牢固基座 GROUTING A SOLID BASE FOR LARGE INSTALLATIONS IN NATURAL GAS EXPLOITATION 在重庆市开县高桥镇的大山深处,中国石油天 然气集团公司与美国雪佛龙公司共同开发的川 东北天然气项目中,一台大型设备的灌浆施工 遇到困难。直到业主找到西卡,后者才成功地 为设备灌注了牢固的基座。

In the remote mountainous area, 370 km from Chongqing, the Chuandongbei Natural Gas Project co-developed by China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) and Chevron from the US, failed in grouting for large installations until they found Sika.




NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Grouting for Large Installations

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Grouting for Large Installations



The gas compressor


川 东 北 天 然 气 项 目 位 于 重 庆 市 开 能为他们补救之前的失败,并指导另外 2 县 高 桥 镇 的 大 山 深 处, 距 离 重 庆 市 区 约 台相同设备的灌浆施工。 370km。该项目由中国石油天然气集团公 制定方案 司与美国雪佛龙(Chevron)公司共同开发, 我们趁热打铁,立即组织人员到现场 是中石油目前最大的陆上石油天然气对外 对设备进行了实地考察。 合作项目。 承接项目 2014 年 11 月,我们接到了来自川东北 天然气项目的咨询邮件。据邮件介绍,项 目在 2014 年 9 月份对一台设备进行了水泥 灌浆施工。但是灌浆施工失败了,在灌浆 区域发现了多处空洞,希望西卡能给予一 些意见。 通过进一步了解,我们发现该设备灌 浆施工存在两个主要问题。其一是施工队 错误地选择了水泥灌浆材料。灌浆料所承 载的是一台大型气体压缩机。这种设备在 运行过程中会持续产生强烈的振动。这种 持续的振动极易使得固化后的水泥灌浆料 发生疲劳破坏。根据 API 的规定,针对这 种设备应该选择使用耐振动疲劳性能更好 的环氧灌浆材料。其二是施工队错误地采 取了常规的施工方法,而没有去做有针对 性的施工工艺设计。这台设备的外围尺寸 为 4.5m×10.6m,共需要灌注 5.5t 灌浆材 料。对于灌浆施工而言,这具有相当的难度。 先前灌浆施工失败的原因得到了正地 分析和解答,我们获得了雪佛龙公司现场 项目部的信任。项目部希望西卡的工程师


NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Grouting for Large Installations

模拟施工 为了确保施工的万无一失,项目部组 织了一次模拟施工。通过模拟施工,既可 以验证方案的可靠性,及时发现问题,又 可以锻炼一下施工队伍。我们挑选了一个 流动距离最长的区域,和一个体量最大的 区域进行模拟施工。

我们首先拜访了雪佛龙项目部的负责 人 Brown 先生。Brown 先生是位非常有经 验的工程师。他非常支持我们的建议,将 水泥灌浆料更换成环氧灌浆料,并指示项 目部其他工作人员给我们提供包括图纸在 内的所有必需的技术文件。

12 月 17 日是模拟施工的日子。现场非 常热闹,除了我们和施工队外,业主单位、 设计单位、雪佛龙项目部、监理单位都派 了人到现场观摩。

能够得到项目部的充分支持自然很高 兴。但接着摆在我们面前的问题是,西卡 中国以前从未参与过对如此大设备进行环 氧灌浆的施工。

工人们都是第一次接触环氧灌浆料的 新手。我们对施工 \ 过程中的每一个步骤, 以及需要注意的事项,进行了详细地说明。 然后在我们的指导下,整个模拟施工有条 不紊地进行了一个多小时。很幸运,模拟 施工一次就成功了。

通过对设备的实地观察,我们发现灌 浆施工的难度远比我们之前预期的要困难 许多。基础钢板面上各种管线纵横交错, 非常密集,钢板底下不规则地有 56 个混凝 土块。我们随即对管线、混凝土块的位置 进行了定位测量。把这些数据带回住宿地 作进一步地分析。 经过分析和反复讨论后,我们决定将 整个灌浆区域划分成 15 个小的独立区域。 然后在每个小区域里,见缝插针地布置高 位漏斗。我们期望在施工时,势差能推动 灌浆料流过 4.5m 的距离。

见到模拟施工成功,最高兴的还是业 主负责人唐总。他跑过来与我们逐一握手 以示庆贺。他说:“我今天看了模拟施工, 我觉得西卡材料的流动性能能满足要求, 西卡的技术人员有水平。我们现在可以对 后续的施工充满信心了。” 施工

2015 年 1 月底,正式的施工开始了。 施工的第一步就是请来专业大型吊机把这 台庞然大物从原来的位置吊离。然后让工 人们把原来的灌浆基础彻底凿除。紧接着


Set up the warm shed.

通过对设备的实地观察,我们发现灌 浆施工的难度远比我们之前预期的要 困难许多。

就是按照之前的方案,施工队按部就班地 逐步实施。工人们干净十足,都想赶在春 节前来完成工作。

2 月 13 日,终于迎来了要正式灌浆的 日子。经过了一个多月的论证,又经过两 个多星期的准备,成败在此一刻。 上午 8:00,各个单位有关人员就早早 地到了施工现场。比大家来得更早的是项 目经理李总以及他那一帮精干的工人们。 电已经输送到各个工作点,灯把暖棚里各 个角落照得通明,暖风机已经把室内温度

升到了 15℃以上,材料都已经从专门的保 温仓库运到的暖棚外,所有的工具都整整 齐齐地摆放临时工作台上,汽油发电机发 着隆隆的声音,似乎在催促大家“我们都 已经准备好了,开始干吧!”

“看见了!过来了!”从一个小伙子 口中蹦出了兴奋的呼声。尽管已经流过了 4m 多,灌浆料一点也没有露出疲态,气 势汹汹地涌了过来。此刻所有在场的人都 露出了满意的笑容。

“开始搅拌!”从李总口中发出那带 着浓重川音的命令。工人们有条不紊地开 始了。一桶接着一桶,搅拌好的灌浆料被 连续送进了暖棚,注入了高位漏斗。此刻 大家能做的就是默默地等待灌浆料从模板 的尽头冒出来。

一个区域接着一个区域,施工队用 2 天时间完成了对整个设备的灌浆施工。 我们又一次出色地完成了专业且完美 的技术服务工作。

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Grouting for Large Installations


整个灌浆区域划分成 15个小的独立区域。

The grouting area was divided into 15 independent areas.


Chuandongbei Natural Gas Project is located in the remote mountainous area of Gaoqiao Town, 370 km from Chongqing. Co-developed by China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) and Chevron from the US, the project is CNPC’s largest land-based joint-venture petroleum and natural gas project. TAKING OVER THE PROJECT In November 2014, we received an inquiry email from the Chuandongbei Natural Gas project. According to the email, in September 2014, they grouted cement into one installation but were unsuccessful. They found several holes in the grouting area and asked Sika to offer some advice. After further communication, we identified two major problems in their grouting. First, the construction team chose


NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Grouting for Large Installations

cement, which was the wrong material for grouting. The slurry needs to bear the weight of a large air compressor, which generates strong and continuous vibrations during its running. The continuous vibration easily wears out the solidified cement slurry. According to API rules, in such conditions, epoxy slurry should be used due to its better resistance to vibration. Second, the construction team wrongly adopted a conventional construction method rather than design site-specific construction methods. The external size was 4.5 m x 10.6 m, and 5.5t of slurry was needed. This was therefore a particularly difficult grouting task. After correctly analyzing the failure of the pr ev ious grouting at tempt, Sika won the trust of the project site depar tment of Chevron. The project department hoped that the Sika engi-

neers could help them fix the previous mistake and guide the grouting process of the other two installations. MAKING A PLAN We immediately sent engineers to the construction site for observation. We first visited Mr. Brown, the person in charge of Chevron’s project department. Mr. Brown was a very experienced engineer and he agreed with our advice to replace the cement slurry with epoxy slurry. He then requested that staff in the project department provide us with all the necessary technical documents including the site drawings. We were pleased to be so ably supported by the project department. However Sika China had never before participated in epoxy slurry grouting on such a large scale.


Wires and pipes were densely placed across the steel base plate.

During the on-site observation, we discovered the actual grouting construction was to be much more difficult previously thought. Wires and pipes were densely placed across the steel base plate. Underneath the plate, there were 56 cement blocks in irregular shapes. Therefore we located and measured the placement of all wires and cement blocks and brought all the data back to the hotel for further analysis. After analysis and repeated discussions, it was decided to divide the grouting area into 15 independent areas. In each small area, we placed high funnels at every possible position. We hoped that the potential difference energy could propel the slurry to flow the 4.5m length of construction. SIMULATIVE CONSTRUCTION In order to guarantee 100% success, the project department organized a model construction, in which the reliability of the plan could be tested, problems could be identified in time, and the construction team could rehearse the grouting process. We chose one area with the longest flow distance and one with the largest mass. The sample construction was carried out on December 17. A huge crowd was drawn to observe the construction, including representatives from the property owner, design department, project department of Chevron, and the supervision department in addition to ourselves and the site construction team.

This was the first time the workers had used epoxy slurry. Therefore we explained every step in the construction/ process in detail and highlighted the key aspects. Under our guidance, it took a little more than an hour to complete the model construction. Fortunately, we succeeded the first time. Seeing the successful model construction, no one was more pleased than Mr. Tang, representative of the property owner. He excitedly congratulated us and shook our hands. He said: “Seeing the model construction, I believe that Sika’s materials can certainly meet our requirements. Sika’s technicians are great. We are very confident for the work afterwards.” CONSTRUCTION In the end of January 2015, the real construction began. As the first step, we hired a large crane to remove the huge installation from the previous position. The workers then chiseled away the previously grouted base slurry completely. Finally the construction team started to work according to the plan step by step. Every worker was full of energy as they wanted to complete the work before the upcoming Spring Festival. On Februar y 13, it was time for the actual grouting. After over a month of discussion and two weeks of preparation, it was the final moment.

Li and his hardworking construction team were already on site. Electricity had been connected to all the working positions and the construction shelter was brightly lit. Inside, the temperature was raised to above 15°C by the fan heater. The materials had been delivered to the outside of the shelter from a special thermal warehouse. Tools were placed all around the work station. The sound of the petrol engine seemed to be encouraging everyone to start right away: “Everything is ready. Let’s start!” “Start the mixing!” was the order from Manager Li in his strong Sichuan accent and the team began the mixing right away. Mixed slurry was sent to the shelter one bucket at a time and input to the high funnel. At that moment, all those watching could do was to wait quietly for the slurry to flow out of the other end of the plate. “Look, here it comes!” A young man shouted excitedly. Even after flowing through a length of more than 4m, the slurry was still running fast. Everyone on site showed a satisfactory smile. One area at a time, the construction team took two days to complete the grouting. Once again, we achieved outstanding success in providing a professional and perfect technological service.

By 8:00, all relevant personnel had arrived at the construction site. Project Manager

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Grouting for Large Installations


摩登苏州 MODERN SUZHOU, MORE THAN JUST GARDENS 提起苏州,大部分人想到的是她闻名于世的古典园林和古镇。其 实如今的苏州早已不再是江南水乡的姑苏小城,而早已经发展成 为一个摩登的现代化城市。在苏州蜕变和发展的进程中,西卡也 出着一份力:西卡的产品尤其是门窗幕墙系统,应用在多个现代 建筑和设施中。

When mentioning Suzhou, most people generally think of classical Chinese gardens and historical water towns. In fact, Suzhou is no longer a small water town, having already developed into a dynamic modern metropolis. Sika has contributed to the modernization of the city by supplying products used in the construction of these new buildings and facilities. 文/图:司林刚



提起苏州,大部分人想到的是她闻名 于世的古典园林和江南古镇。其实如今的 苏州早已不再是江南水乡的姑苏小城,而 早已经发展成为一个摩登的现代化城市。 如今你来了苏州如果仅仅去园林是不完整 的。你可以抽出时间到苏州的工业园区或 者新区走走,去感受一下这个城市的另一 面;或者也可像苏州本地人,到苏州乐园 和太湖旅游度假区去,或疯玩游戏,其乐 融融,或欣赏山水,陶醉于中。 在你惊叹于这个古镇的快速发展时, 你或许不知道在苏州蜕变和发展的进程中, 西卡也出着一份力:西卡的产品,尤其是 门窗幕墙系统,应用在多个现代建筑和设


NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Modern Suzhou

施中:苏州科文中心(园区)、建屋大厦(园 区)、晋和洲际(园区)、中茵皇冠(园区)、 园区人力资源市场大厦(园区)、苏州法 院(新区)、狮山广场(新区)及苏州湾 美食新天地(新区)等。

统团队即已开始配合进行技术咨询服务。 2013 年开始苏州金螳螂幕墙和苏州苏鑫幕 墙最终选定西卡工程硅酮密封胶产品进行 幕墙组装和现场密封。2014 年底,幕墙安 装工作已基本完工,外立面效果完美呈现。

毗邻苏州乐园和太湖旅游度假区的两 幢刚刚完工的建筑也应用了西卡门窗幕墙 系统。

苏州湾美食新天地“原名吴江餐饮一 条街”,地处吴江滨湖新城延湖区域核心 地段,坐享 1800 太湖绮丽山水。造型独特、 通透敞亮的 8 座建筑单体立面幕墙选用了 西卡工程硅酮密封胶产品进行粘结及密封 处理。

苏州狮山广场二期(日航酒店及高档 公寓),地处苏州新区长江路和狮山路交 叉口,与苏州乐园景区入口隔路而望,建 筑 高 度 115m, 幕 墙 面 积 40000m2。 瑞 士 知名幕墙顾问旭密林把控幕墙选材、设计 及施工细节。早在 2011 年西卡门窗幕墙系

苏州的现代化进程还在继续,西卡亦 会继续为这个城市的发展和建设添砖加瓦。

When mentioning Suzhou, most people generally think of classical Chinese gardens and historical water towns. In fact, Suzhou is no longer a small water town, having already developed into a dynamic modern metropolis. When visiting Suzhou, a visit simply to the gardens would miss out everything else the city has to offer. You could visit the industrial park or the new developed area to experience the other side of the city. Or you could do as the locals do and take a trip to Suzhou Amusement Land or Lake Tai for a fun or relaxing time. Whilst you may be amazed at how much the city has developed, you may not know Sika has also contributed to the modernization of the city by supplying products used in the construction of these new buildings and facilities. For instance, Sika engineering silicones were used as the façade sealing & bonding materials in many

projects in Suzhou, such as the Suzhou Cultural & Art Center (SIP), Suzhou Genway Tower (SIP), Suzhou Jinghope Intercontinental Hotel (SIP), Suzhou Crowne Plaza (SIP), Suzhou Human-Resource Market Tower (SIP), Suzhou Court (SND), Shishan Plaza (SND) and Suzhou Bay Xintiandi (SND) and many others. Two of these newly built iconic buildings, adjacent to Suzhou Amusement Land and Lake Tai respectively, both used Sika facade systems. The Suzhou Nikko Hotel, within Stage 2 of the Shishan Plaza development is located at the junction of Changjiang Road and Shishan Road, facing Suzhou Amusement Land just across the road. The total height of the building is 115m with a façade wall area of 40,000 m2. The well-known building façade consulting firm Mero-Schmidlin took full responsibility for supervising the

selection of materials, façade design, construction and installation processes. Since the very early stages of development back in 2011, regular and close technical consultancy between Schmidlin and Sika had been in progress. In 2013 contractors Suzhou Gold Mantis and Suxin selected Sikasil® Engineering Silicones for the façade construction and bonding. By the end of 2014 the outside appearance of the building had been perfected. The other construction is Suzhou Bay Xintiandi’s “original Wujiang gourmet street”, located in Binhu New City in Wujiang, with 180 degree views of Lake Tai. The 8 uniquelydesigned buildings all used Sikasil® Engineering Silicones for bonding and sealing. So as the city continues to develop, Sika will continue to play its part.

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Modern Suzhou



隧道渗漏的长效修补 加固方案 LONG-LASTING REPAIR SOLUTIONS FOR TUNNEL LEAKAGE 武汉最长的下穿隧道 —— 1735 米的水果湖隧道发现渗漏问题。西卡的 Sikadur®_ Combiflex SG 高性能接缝密封胶带体系可以完美解决隧道渗漏的问题。

A water leakage was found in the expansion joints in the Shuiguo Lake Tunnel, the longest underwater tunnel in Wuhan. Sikadur®_Combiflex SG joint sealing tape system can solve the leakage perfectly.

文/图: 忻颖



NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Repair for Tunnel Leakage

Sikadur®_Combiflex SG 密

封胶带不仅能很好的解决渗 漏的问题,还为后期隧道自 身结构缝收缩位移提供了柔 性保障。


或许大家都有这样的经历:一场大雨 后,走在地铁站内冷不丁有水滴滴在头顶 上;或是汽车行驶在过江隧道时,会有渗 漏水滴在车身上。这些看似很小的水滴, 却是个大麻烦。由于地下结构环境复杂, 既需满足防水防渗的要求,同时也要承载 主体位移带来的应力。如果出现漏渗情况 而没有及时修补,容易导致混凝土结构中 的钢筋发生锈蚀,从而影响结构安全,缩 短工程使用年限。而传统的封堵、堵漏材 料往往只能解燃眉之急,数月之后又旧病 复发。 去年年底,武汉最长的下穿隧道——

1735 米的水果湖隧道发现渗漏问题。隧道 内顶面间隔 25 米设置一道 10 米长的伸缩 缝,缝宽约为 2cm。检测发现伸缩缝存在 不同程度的渗水、滴水等渗漏现象。水果

湖隧道处于武汉武昌区南北交通的中轴线 上,交通繁忙,业主要求修复渗漏部位, 并具备良好的耐久性。 西卡在此类修补项目中有着丰富的 经 验, 所 推 的 Sikadur®_Combiflex SG 高 性 能 接 缝 密 封 胶 带 体 系, 该 系 统 包 含 了 Sikadur®-31 CFN 双 组 份 环 氧 粘 结 剂 以 及 Sikadur®_Combiflex SG 高 性 能 接 缝 密 封 胶带。 在 对 渗 漏 处 进 行 临 时 封 堵 后, 再 施 以 Sikadur®_Combiflex SG 密 封 胶 带, 不 仅能很好的解决渗漏的问题,还为后期隧 道自身结构缝收缩位移提供了柔性保障。 Sikadur®-31 CFN 在粘贴高性能接缝密封胶 带时不仅起到了良好的粘接作用,同时由 于水果湖隧道为仰面施工,且维修基面因

凿除劣化的混凝土而变得凹凸不平,实际 涂胶较厚,此时 Sikadur®-31 CFN 表现出了 良好的触变性和抗流挂性,不但完美粘贴 了接缝密封胶带,材料本身也做到了无掉 落零损耗,为项目节省了资金投入。

Sikadur®_Combiflex SG 高性能接缝密 封胶带具有良好的耐久性,并可长期抵抗 水、石灰水、水泥、海水、盐溶液、家庭污水、 沥青、乳液沥青涂料等的侵蚀,即使在一 定水压及接缝产生不规则和较大的位移时, 仍能确保高质量的密封效果。 西卡在项目测试阶段派出了技术支持 和产品管理的人员对施工方进行了现场跟 踪服务,保证了产品系统的正确应用。

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Repair for Tunnel Leakage



NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Repair for Tunnel Leakage


No doubt we have all experienced the sight of water dripping from the roof of the metro station when we walk by or the tunnel roof dripping when we drive our cars through tunnels under rivers after heavy rain. However you may not know that these small water drops may cause serious problems. Complex underground structures must be waterproof and prevent seepage and also be able to bear the stress caused by movement. If leakages are not quickly repaired these can corrode the steel within the concrete structure, which will jeopardize its structural safety and shorten the tunnel life. Traditional grouting and sealing methods only can stop the leakage temporarily in emergencies and do not last. At the end of last year, a water leakage was found in the expansion joints in the Shuiguo Lake Tunnel, the longest underwater tunnel in Wuhan. The expansion joints are 2 cm wide and 10 m long, placed every 25m along the tunnel. Investigation revealed differing

degrees of seepage along the tunnel. As the Shuiguo Lake Tunnel is on the main north to south trunk road in Wuchang District, the traffic is very busy. The owner was therefore seeking a longlasting solution. Sika has rich experience in tunnel repair and refurbishment. The high-performance Sikadur®_Combiflex SG joint sealing tape system includes Sikadur®-31 CFN twocomponent epoxy adhesive and Sikadur®_ Combiflex SG joint sealing tapes. After temporarily plugging the leakages, Sika applied Sikadur®_Combiflex SG tapes to seal the leakage. These flexible tapes not only solve the leakage effectively but also provide flexibility for later structural movement. Sikadur®-31 CFN has excellent adhesion performance when applying high-performance seam adhesive tape. In addition since the repair in the tunnel is overhead work and the surface is uneven after the deteriorated concrete is removed, a thick layer

of the adhesive should be applied. Sikadur®-31 CFN not only perfectly fixes the tape with its strong bonding strength, due to its excellent thixotropic property and sag resistance, the material itself does not sag and has zero waste, saving money for the project. Sikadur®_Combiflex SG high-performance seam tape has good durability and is able to resist erosion caused by water, mortar, cement, sea water, saline solution, household drainage, asphalt, and emulsion asphalt coating in the long run. It maintains a quality sealing effect even when water pressure or irregular or large shifts of the seams occur. Sika sent technological support and product management staff to the construction site to carry out site follow-up services during the test phase in order to ensure correct application of the system.

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Repair for Tunnel Leakage


西卡屋面商标印制服务 SIKA ROOFGRAPHIC LOGO PRINTING SERVICE 将您的屋面转变成广告牌来替您传递信息,为自己做一个持久、经济、且新 潮的宣传吧!

Turn your roof into a billboard to communicate your brand or message, advertising your company in a long-lasting, economic and fashionable way!




NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Roof Graphic Logo Printing


(英文版 English)


Watch online the installation video of Sika RoofGraphic logo printing.


在空中巴士日益繁忙、卫星地图日益强大的当今,各种航拍 各种定位服务的兴起,如何充分利用一直以来就被忽略的屋顶开 始进入人们的视线,屋面广告 —— 一种有趣、独特的媒介传达品 牌概念和讯息。 屋面商标印制服务,可遥控的机器人,通过数据传输,将您 的公司商标、口号导入机器人程序中,再由机器人进行转化将商 标轮廓打印在空旷的屋顶,随后填充对应的色块涂料。根据商标 图形的大小和复杂程度,打印仅需要数小时或一两天即可完成。 填充的色块涂料,是西卡生产的色彩稳定的 Sikalastic®-721, 一种双组分、脂肪族聚氨酯树脂涂料,可涂刷在西卡渗耐干净的 聚氯乙烯防水卷材上,涂料工具是毛刷和滚筒。Sikalastic®-721 具 有良好的抗紫外线能力,优秀的覆盖力和稳定的色彩保持率,应 用简单快捷。

Thanks to busy air traffic and powerful satellite mapping services, more and more kinds of aerial photo and positioning services are emerging. Therefore making good use of roof space which was previously neglected is becoming a concern. Advertising on the roof is an interesting, unique medium for brand and message transmission. Sika RoofGraphic logo printing service can turn your roof into a large billboard. The Sika proprietary remote-controlled robot, after being imported with the company logo or slogan, will automatically print out the outline onto a vacant roof. Then it is only necessary to add in the colors. It takes a few hours or a couple of days to print out the logo depending on the logo’s size and complexity. Sika also provides the filler coating: Sikalastic®-721, a two component, aliphatic polyurethane resin based coating. It can be applied on the clean Sika PVC membrane by brush and roller. Sikalastic®-721 has excellent performance in UV resistance, opacity and color stability and is easy to apply.

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Roof Graphic Logo Printing


1. 空旷屋面,适当冲洗屋面,清理垃圾及散落石子 。 On a vacant roof, clean and remove the rubbish and loose stones.

2. 机器人打印轮廓中。打印过程中,时刻注意机器路线方 向有没有石子或其它障碍物,以免引起机器停止移动。

The robot is printing. During the printing, identify if there are any stones or any other obstacles on the route, which may cause the robot to stop.

3. 轮廓打印结束。 The printing is over.


NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Roof Graphic Logo Printing

4. 沿轮廓线粘贴美纹纸,用来修饰及隔离在填色过程中的过度涂刷。 Tape the frame of the logo around the lines to avoid over-painting.

5. 修边。修边过程注意保护商标外区域的干净整洁,以免影 响最后的美观效果。

Paint the lines with small rollers and protect the area which has no coating inside. Make sure the whole view of the logo is fully painted and protected.

6. 填色施工。在涂刷的过程中,时刻注意涂 刷区域是否正确,涂刷过程中涂料是否滴 落在商标以外区域。

Painting. Pay attention to areas with / without coating. Do not drop coating on the clean areas.

7. 移除美纹纸,注意在涂料未干前将美纹纸移除,以免成膜后撕除带走商标内的涂层。 Remove masking tape before the coating dries; otherwise the coating will be damaged.

8. 搞定! Done!

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Roof Graphic Logo Printing


Sika® FloorJoint “凤凰”型材创新技术 INNOVATIVE SOLUTION FOR FLOOR JOINTS 如何才能摆脱车轮通过地缝产生的声响和振动,让我们的生活更舒适、孩子 的梦更甜呢?西卡,在您身边!

How can we eliminate the noise and vibration as the wheels pass a floor joint to make our lives more comfortable and children sleep better? Sika, will be at your side to solve the problem! 文:殷飞



NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Solution for Floor Joints


朋友,当您的爱车通过车库接缝时, 您肯定想让车里的孩子继续沉浸在美梦之 中;当移动病床上的亲友通过地面接缝时, 您也肯定想让他们感到舒适安静。如何才 能摆脱车轮通过地缝产生的声响和振动, 让我们的生活更舒适、孩子的梦更甜呢? 西卡,在您身边! 西卡——全球领先的建筑材料供应商, 为您提供一种超薄并且几乎无缝的地面解 决方案。“凤凰”型材是碳纤维增强聚氨 容得到了广大地坪技术人员及施工商由衷 酯聚合物砂浆预制件,有专门为您爱车设 的认同。 计的 Sika® FloorJoint PD 版和标准的 Sika® 对于复杂的地面接缝或者有降噪要求 FloorJoint S 版。 的区域,传统的金属板解决方案受到了明 “沾衣欲湿杏花雨,吹面不寒杨柳风”, 显的限制,这时 Sika® FloorJoint 显示出了 西卡如春雨一般滋润西卡身边的人。西卡, 优势,让我们焦头烂额的破损接缝“涅磐” 在您身边!西卡不仅为我们提供完美的地 重生,重新焕发青春,带来诸多优点: 缝解决方案,还义务为广大施工商提供培 通行中无噪音,无振动 训实践的机会。在这样一个春意盎然的季 修 补 后 无 明 显 视 觉 差 异, 可 涂 覆 节,在苏州工业园区西卡中国总部,来自 Sikafloor® 涂层系统 西卡的国内外专家为大家准备了一场关于 优异的耐腐蚀性能 地缝修补的饕餮盛宴。 防水,型材底部有单独的防水结构 首先地坪与涂料业务产品管理及技 安装方便,易于维修 术服务总监季龚深入浅出地为大家作了关 方便处理建筑立面与平面的连接过渡 于 Sika® FloorJoint “ 凤 凰” 型 材 的 工 作 Sika® FloorJoint “凤凰”型材不仅适 原理及物理化学性能分析精彩报告;接着 来 自 德 国 的 亚 太 区 地 坪 项 目 经 理 Harald 用于新建建筑,同样适用于破损地缝板的 Sturm 详尽地介绍了 Sika® FloorJoint 的 维修。安装时间短,对日常运营的干扰小, 施工步骤及施工过程的注意事项。报告内 有效减小了预算压力。通过打磨形成平滑 的板面,避免了车辆通过时的噪音和对地 ■

面的冲击。仓库、车间、厂房、医院以及 商场中糟糕的地面接缝问题将得到轻松解 决。SO EASY ! “实践是检验真理的唯一标准”,在 西卡苏州汽车事业部工厂,技术人员选定 了一条严重影响日常生产的地缝,现场演 示施工方法。主要步骤有:地缝周边混凝 土划线 / 切缝、移除松散的破碎混凝土、 Sika® Floor Joint“凤凰”型材水平检查、 地缝的拓宽、安装背衬条、涂胶、安装 / 调试、 水平检查以及最终面层的涂覆。就这样, 一条曾让工厂工作人员惴惴不安的糟糕地 缝如凤凰涅磐般的重生了。

在全国各地的技术培训和研讨会纷纷 举办,上海通用汽车,大连大众汽车、沈 阳宝马以及北京比泽尔等项目验证了“凤 凰”型材的优异性能。 “凤凰”型材犹如凤凰一般精彩动人!

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Solution for Floor Joints


Sika® FloorJoint “凤凰”型材不仅



When you drive over the floor joints in the garage, no doubt you wish your sleeping baby to remain undisturbed. When you push your sick family member’s bed across a floor joint, no doubt you wish him to feel comfortable. How can we eliminate the noise and vibration as the wheels pass a floor joint to make our lives more comfortable and children sleep better? Sika, will be at your side to solve the problem! As a world leading construction materials supplier, Sika provides a super-thin and almost seamless flooring solution. Sika® FloorJoint is a mortar-preformed unit made of fiber reinforced polyurethane polymer. It has two types, carspecific Sika® FloorJoint PD version and standard Sika® FloorJoint S version.


NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Solution for Floor Joints

Sika is always by your side. Not only does Sika provide perfect floor joint solutions, it also offers complementary training and practical opportunities for construction companies. In the beautiful spring in Suzhou Industrial Park, Sika’s headquarters in China, Sika experts from China and overseas prepared a special demonstration in floor joint repair. First, John Ji, Head of Product Management & Technical Service of Flooring and Coating of Sika China, delivered an insightful lecture on the working principle and physical and chemical properties of Sika® FloorJoint. Next, Harald Sturm, Flooring Project Manager from Sika Asia Pacific took the audience through the application process and key matters to consider in the use of Sika® FloorJoint. Both lectures

received excellent feedback from both flooring technicians and builders. In terms of specif ic f loor joints or areas that require noise reduc tion, conventional metal flooring solutions have clear limitations. In these situations, the advantages of Sika® FloorJoint stand out and it perfectly solves the worn-out joint problems due to the following advantages: ■■





Zero noise and vibration under the wheels No visible gaps after repair and Sikafloor® coating system can also be applied Outstanding resistance to erosion Waterproof - separate waterproof structure on the underside of the material Easy to install and repair


The construction area and flooring can be simultaneously worked on

Not only can Sika® FloorJoint be applied to new buildings, it can also be used to repair worn-out floor joints. Since it can be installed in a short period of time, it has little impact on daily operations, so that budget pressure is effectively reduced. The polished smooth floor greatly reduces noise and pressure applied to the floor when vehicles pass over. Floor joint problems in warehouses, workshops, plants, hospitals and shopping malls can be easily solved.

Practice is the only method to test a theory. At the Suzhou Factory of Sika China, technicians chose a floor joint that had become seriously worn through daily use to demonstrate the method of construction on site. The main steps include: marking out guidelines on the concrete floor near the joint/cutting, removing loose concrete blocks, carrying out an evenness check on the Sika Floor Joint Phoenix material, widening the joint, installing backing strips, applying adhesive, installing/testing, a final evenness check and then final coating. After all these steps, a previously ruined floor joint is given a second life just

like the reemergence of a phoenix from its ashes. Technology training and seminars have been held all over the country and the outstanding per formance of Sika® FloorJoint has been proven time and time again in projects such as those of Shanghai GM, Dalian Volkswagen, Shenyang BMW and Beijing Bitzer.

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Solution for Floor Joints



西卡中国荣获西卡亚太区 可持续发展奖 SIKA CHINA WINS 2014 SIKA ASIA PACIFIC SUSTAINABILITY AWARDS 4 月 27 日 -28 日,西卡亚太区运营经理会议在泰国举行,会议对 2014 年在可持续发展 方面最佳表现的公司颁奖。该奖项考核亚太区各个公司在安全、节能、水(不包括产品 用水)以及废品降低等方面的表现,以 2013 年的数据为分析基准。西卡中国凭借在可 持续发展方面的优秀表现,荣获了亚太区最佳节能奖和节约用水最佳表现奖。

The Sika Asia Pacific Operations Managers Meeting (ROMM) was held on 27-28 April in Thailand. One of the meeting topics was to present the 2014 Asia Pacific sustainability awards. The sustainability awards included safety performance, energy saving and water (excluding water in products) and waste reduction in the countries and the regions. The EHS figures in 2013 were used as the baseline for data analysis. With its great achievements, Sika China won the Best Energy Saving Award and Best Water Saving Award. 文: 杜万生



NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Sustainability


120000 度 28.6%



2013年广州工厂将原材料 SIK9001的加热模式从电加热 改为蒸汽加热,从而每批次的 加热时间从22小时缩短到5小 时,每年省电12万度。同时, 也避免了在加热过程中由于原 材料泄漏引起火灾的风险,从 而大大提高了生产安全性。

与2013年相比较,2014年 西卡中国生产每吨产品耗水 (扣除产品中用水)节约了 28.6%。

Sika China achieved 28.6% reduction of water (excluding water in products) per ton produced in 2014 compared with the baseline in 2013.

The Sika Guangzhou factory changed the heating mode of the RM SIK9001 in 2013, from electric heating to steam heating, which reduces the annual electricity consumption by 120,000 kWh. The site safety was also improved to eliminate the risk of fire in the heating process due to the leakage of raw materials.

减少 CO2 排放


3695 吨

从2012年至2014年,西卡渗 耐上海工厂约有2100吨卷材 废料得以回收,显著降低了 工厂的废品率,并大大节省 了成本。

From 2012 to 2014, about 2100 tons of PVC membrane scraps were recycled and reused in the course of PVC membrane production.

特密斯工厂生产使用稻谷壳替 代煤炭作为燃料,每年可节省 使用1566吨标准煤,从而每年 减少3695吨二氧化碳的排放。 另外,稻谷壳燃烧后的灰富含 二氧化硅,可作为硅粉替代品, 从而节省了原材料。

2100 吨 回收卷材废料 MEMBRANE RECYCLE


ENERGY SAVING 同2013年相比,西卡中国在 2014年生产每吨产品的能源 消耗减少了9.2%。


TMS achieves excellent performance on energy saving during production by using rice husks to replace coal. According to Corporate energy conversion factors, it is equivalent to an annual saving of 1,566 tons of standard coal, and a reduction of CO2 emission of 3,695 tons. The ashes are silica rich and can be used as a substitute for silica fume, saving raw materials.

Sika China achieved 9.2% reduction of energy consumption per ton produced in 2014 compared with the baseline in 2013.

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Sustainability




NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — New Horizon

为贫困地区儿童 打开一扇通往外 面世界的窗 OPEN A WINDOW TO THE WIDER WORLD 生活在中国一些偏远的山区的孩子,很少有 机会能走出大山去看看外面的世界 ,“读万 卷书”几乎是他们了解外面世界的唯一通道。 西卡中国加入“图书馆计划”,给山区孩子 带去丰富的图书资源,为他们打开一扇通往 外部世界的窗户。

Children who grow up in China’s remote rural communities may never be able to see the rest of the world. The Library Project knows that exposure to books can make a world of difference to children. Sika China joins the Library Project to provide books and libraries for poorly funded schools. 文:吕小萍 图:戴昌积


NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — The Library Project


“非常高兴公司有这样的活动,我很 幸运能被选为志愿者,来到这里才能 真真切切地感受到孩子们对知识的渴 望。” 62

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — The Library Project


中国有句古话:“行千里路,读万卷 书”。对于生活在中国一些偏远的山区的 孩子,很少有机会能走出大山去看看外面 的世界,因此“读万卷书”几乎就是他们 了解外面世界的唯一通道。“图书馆计划” 的成立理念即知识就是改变,致力于为中 国的贫困小学和孤儿院捐建图书馆,给那 里的孩子们带去丰富的图书资源,为他们 打开了一扇通往外面世界的窗户。英国哲 学家培根曾经说过“知识就是力量”,知 识也是消除贫困的催化剂,“图书馆计划” 给贫困地区的孩子们种下理想的种子,为 他们改变生活、创造美好的未来提供了契 机。“图书馆计划”成立于 2006 年,2012 年初开始与中国人口福利基金会合作,如 今在中国的 34 个省份,捐赠了 1488 个儿 童图书阅览室,受益学生人数达 480,727 名。 来自瑞士的西卡集团与图书馆计划秉

持相同的理念,公司的赞助活动主要关注 教育、社会和环境问题。西卡坚信履行社 会责任是企业成功必不可少的因素,公司 专门设立了 Romuald Burkard 基金会,在 全球各地赞助对可持续发展以及人类发展 有益的项目,例如帮助唇腭裂儿童的“微 笑行动”、“一升水照明计划”、全球自 然基金会等等。

2015 年,西卡中国加入图书馆计划, 捐赠的第一个试点学校为重庆市彭水县郁 山镇朱砂小学。该校有 287 名学生,而只 有 57 本图书,图书资源严重不足。西卡中 国为该校共捐赠 1000 多本图书,以及干净 整洁的家具,为孩子们提供一个舒适惬意 的阅读环境。

仪式之后,志愿者们和孩子们一起互动做 游戏,还带来西卡的吉祥物“卡卡”以及 文具套装作为礼物送给孩子们。之后志愿 者们对图书进行分类、编号、贴标,一起 布置好图书馆。 来自西卡的一名志愿者表示:“非常 高兴公司有这样的活动,我很幸运能被选 为志愿者,来到这里才能真真切切地感受 到孩子们对知识的渴望。在我们布置图书 室时,孩子们就迫不及待地涌进来寻找自 己喜欢的书,这让我更深刻理解和体会到 这项活动的意义。”

西卡中国副总裁黄坚先生表示:“通 过加入图书馆计划能改变这些学校的孩子 们的教育环境,我们为能帮助下一代的成 2015 年 3 月 18 日,由西卡中国人事部、 长而非常高兴。” 市场部和西区组成的志愿者队伍 10 余人来 到重庆市郁山镇朱砂小学,在简短的捐赠

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — The Library Project



NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — The Library Project


There is an old saying in China: “A man should read a lot and travel a lot to see the world.” However, children who grow up in China’s remote rural communities may never be able to see the rest of the world. Therefore reading books may be their only chance to experience what the world has to offer The guiding principle of the library project is “knowledge brings change” and it is dedicated to providing books and libraries for poorly funded schools and orphanages giving children a rich source of education and a window to the wider world. The English philosopher Francis Bacon once said “knowledge is power”. It is also a weapon to help alleviate poverty. The Library Project knows that exposure to books can make a world of difference to children, changing their lives and improving their future. The Library Project began in 2006 and began to cooper ate with the China P eople’s Welfare Foundation in 2012. It has established 1488 libraries in 34 provinces benefitting 480,727 children.

Sika, headquartered in Switzerland, has similar guiding principles to the Library Project, focusing on education, society and the environment. It considers social responsibility to be a key aspect of its success and regards the sponsorship commitments as a long-term partnership. With these sponsoring activities, we wish to make a useful contribution to the society and the environment in which we live. Therefore Sika on a global level focuses on sustainable development and social development. It set up the Romuald Burkard Fund, sponsoring social, educational and environmental issues, such as Operation Smile, Liter of Light, the Global Nature Fund and many others. In 2015, Sika China joined in the Library Project. The first school to receive donations from Sika China was Zhusha Primary School in Yushan town, about 300 km from Chongqing. There were 287 students with only 57 books. Sika donated 1000 children books and new tables and chairs to establish a library for this school.

On March 18th, a team of 12 Sika volunteers from the HR, Marketing and Western China Region departments, visited the Zhusha Primary School to make the donation. After a short ceremony, the volunteers played with the children and helped to sort, number and label the books. The volunteers also brought stationery and the Sika mascot “kaka” toys as gifts for the children. A Sika volunteer remarked: “I’m very proud of our company to help these children and feel honored to be a volunteer. I am impressed with their enthusiasm for reading. When we were still organizing the library, the children could not wait and rushed into the room and took the books to read. This made me realize the meaning and importance of this project for the children” Frank Huang, Vice President of Sika China, said: “We are very glad that we can help the growth of the next generation by joining in library project to improve their educational environment.”

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — The Library Project



让地铁站滴水不漏 CONSTRUCT DRY STATIONS IN BANGKOK 目前曼谷正在进行地铁蓝线(Blue Line)的扩建工程。新线路将由地上和地下两 部分组成。工程采用了西卡的 Sikaplan® WP 1120 -20 HL 防水系统。

Currently the extension of the Blue Line is under construction in Bangkok.This new route consists of an elevated part and an underground part. The new stations were waterproofed with Sikaplan® WP 1120 -20 HL. 文/图: LIAM GUISE



NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Blue Line in Bangkok

Sikaplan® WP 1120 -20 HL 系统是地下工程中先进的防 水 系 统。60 年 来, 该 系 统 一直广泛应用于全球各地。


目 前 曼 谷 正 在 进 行 地 铁 蓝 线(Blue Line)的扩建工程。新线路将由地上和地下 两部分组成。 蓝线扩建中的地下部分共设计建设 4 个 地 下 车 站。 其 中 旺 布 拉 帕 站(Wang Burapha)施工难度较大。为避免施工造成 地上交通堵塞,本站建设采用特殊挖掘方 法。简单来说,工人在地下 6 米左右的地 方架起一个临时钢管顶棚,其位于两面防 渗墙中间,工人可以在此进行地底和临时 顶棚之间的挖掘工作。 在临时钢管顶棚(仅根据建设需求临 时搭建)下建造实际应用所需的钢筋混凝 土顶棚。这一设计还考虑到了在临时钢管 顶棚和实际顶棚之间铺设防水卷材。

根据施工方法和周边环境情况,本方 案只能采用空铺防水卷材系统。西卡提议 使 用 Sikaplan® WP 1120 -20 HL 系 统。 该 系统是地下工程中先进的防水系统,60 年 来一直广泛应用于全球各地。

Sikaplan® WP 1120-20 HL 是一种厚度 为 2mm 的聚氯乙烯匀质卷材,设计为黄色

该部件一边是一条 PVC 带可焊至防水卷 材,另一边可使用环氧树脂(Sikadur®-31 CF)粘接固定到墙面。 在防水卷材系统下方安装钢筋混凝土顶板。

根据工程要求混凝土顶板采用自密实 混凝土,为此西卡提供了第三代 PCE 混凝 土减水剂—— Sika® Viscocrete®-10。

信号色。西卡防水系统由以下部分组成: ■

和钢管顶棚相连的水泥纤维板。 Sika ® Geotextile 300 gr/m2 保护层通过 Sika ® WP disc 点固定至水泥板。 Sikaplan® WP 1120-20HL 防水卷材焊接 到盘上。每张防水卷材约 2 米宽,卷材 与卷材之间通过热焊连接。 防 水 卷 材 和 防 渗 墙 之 间 通 过 Sika ® Dilatec ® ER 350 确 保 整 体 的 防 水 性。

除防水卷材和混凝土减水剂之外,西 卡泰国还为该项目提供了其他建筑材料。

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Blue Line in Bangkok



Currently the extension of the Blue Line is under construction in Bangkok.This new route consists of an elevated part and an underground part. The design for the underground part of the extension of the Blue Line has 4 underground stations.One of them, Wang Burapha station, presents a challenging construction method.In order to minimize the disturbance on the street that could have led to serious traffic jams, the construction of this station


NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Blue Line in Bangkok

is realized using a special excavation method.Simply explained, a pipe roof consisting of the alignment of several steel tubes take place between the 2 diaphragm walls, about 6 meter below the surface. This temporary roof allows the excavation of the ground between 2 diaphragm walls and the temporary pipe roofing. Below this pipe roofing (temporar y structure from a structural view point is concerned) a permanent steel re-

inforced concrete roof will be put in place.The design considers the implementation of the waterproofing membrane between the pipe roofing and permanent concrete roof. Due to the construction method and boundary conditions only a loose laid waterproofing membrane system could be used. Sika proposed Sikaplan® WP 1120 -20 HL system. Such a system is the state of the art of waterproofing systems for underground structures.

Over the past 60 years, such systems have been implemented worldwide. ■■

Sik aplan® W P 1 1 2 0 -2 0 HL is a ho mogenous sheet waterproofing membrane with a yellow signal layer, based on poly vinylchloride (P VC-P) and is 2 mm thick. ■■

The Sika waterproofing system consists of: ■■


Cement fibre boards that are fixed to steel pipe roofing. Sika® Geotextile 300 gr/m 2, (acting as protective layer) is spot wise fixed


thanks to a Sika® WP disc onto the cement board. Finally the Sikaplan® WP 1120-20HL membrane is welded onto these discs. The joints between each sheet of Sikaplan® WP 1120-20HL that is supplied in roll of 2 m wide are hot welded together. The waterproofing continuity at the diaphragm walls is insured by Sika® Dilatec® ER 350. This is a PVC strip that is welded to the membrane on one of its edges and bonded by epoxy (Sikadur® 31 CF) on the other edge to the wall. Below the waterproofing membrane

system, a steel reinforced concrete roof slab will be installed. The concrete roof slab due to the construction method was made using a selfcompacting concrete. Sika supplied Sika Viscocrete 10 which is a 3rd generation PCE based superplasticiser to produce such a self-compacting concrete. Finally besides this particular scope of work – water proofing membrane and self-compacting concrete production – Sika (Thailand) Limited has supplied several other construction products to this project.

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Blue Line in Bangkok






随着生活水平的不断提高,消费者对长期居住的家居装饰材 料的环保性要求越来越高。东易日盛装饰集团作为家装行业的龙 头企业,以“作今日名牌,创百年企业”为宗旨,始终坚持使用 环保材料及工艺。 西卡作为瑞士独资的百年跨国企业,同样坚持环保理念。西 卡注重技术的可持续性、产品的环保安全、生产的节能减排等。 西卡中国作为西卡集团的全资子公司,秉承百年企业的可持续发 展战略,致力通过优化的产品性能、合理的施工方案给合作伙伴 及消费者提供最佳产品与优质服务。

2015 年 4 月中旬,东易日盛在六朝古都南京举办了国际环保 工艺巡展。作为优质合作伙伴,西卡中国携多款环保材料助力东 易日盛此次环保工艺巡展。现场很多家装业主积极参与西卡产品 体验活动,对西卡品牌、产品质量及环保性予以认可。西卡家装 系列材料结合东易日盛装饰集团的特有工艺赢得在场的广大业主 好评。此次活动增加了南京地区中高端家装用户对西卡家装系列 材料的品质、施工性及安全环保等方面的了解。

In pursuit of high quality life, consumers are increasingly concerned with the environmental-friendliness of home decorative materials. As a leading enterprise in the home decoration industry, Dong Yi Ri Sheng Interior Design Group uses environment-friendly materials and processes in their projects. Sika, a Swiss multinational with over 100 years of history, insists on its environmental philosophy by focusing on the sustainability of technology, environmental product safety and energy conservation and emission reduction during production. Sika is committed to providing its partners and consumers with the best quality products and services via optimized product performance and suitable construction plans. In April 2015, Dong Yi Ri Sheng hosted an exhibition on green products and processes in Nanjing. Sika China showcased its environment-friendly products for home decoration at the exhibition, which were warmly welcomed by attendees. Sika’s products together with Dong Yi Ri Sheng’s processes greatly impressed the audience. This event increased awareness amongst mid and high-end home decoration users in the Nanjing region on the quality, constructability, safety and environmental-friendliness of Sika’s home decoration products.


NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Green Show

西卡首席科学家曲军博士介绍西卡汽车轻量化 的结构粘接与增强技术。

Dr. Jun Que, Principle Scientist of Sika introduces Sika’s structural bonding and reinforcing solution for automotive lightweight structure.





2015(第八届)全国汽车胶粘剂 / 密封胶行业会议在广东佛山 召开,本次会议由广东时利和汽车实业集团公司协办。 随着中国汽车工业快速发展和汽车技术水平的不断提高,各种 新材料、新工艺在汽车生产中不断推出。传统的材料结合方式如铆 接、螺栓连接或焊接,将被粘接取代。胶粘剂提供更高的强度,并 且保留自身的弹性,使传统方法无法实现的极度轻量化车身设计成 为现实。 本次会议的主要议题为加速开发无污染、轻量化、减振降噪的 汽车胶粘剂 / 密封胶产品,以适应和满足汽车安全、环保、舒适及 新能源汽车发展的要求。本次会议吸引了包括汽车主机厂专家、汽 车胶粘剂及配套生产厂家、政府主管部门以及相关媒体杂志记者约 200 人参加。 在过去的 25 年中,西卡汽车事业部一直致力于成为汽车行业 的领导供应商,西卡提供车身结构粘接及密封、玻璃粘接和密封、 车身加固以及隔音降噪等解决方案。 本次会议中西卡公司首席科学家曲军博士深入介绍了西卡汽 车轻量化的结构粘接与增强技术。通过讲解,西卡公司的创新轻量 化方案引起了与会人员的强烈反响。 本次会议投票选举产生了第六届协会理事单位及理事,经过西卡 公司的积极争取以及参会代表的投票决定 2016(第九届)全国汽车胶 粘剂 / 密封胶行业会议将于 2016 年 3 月份在苏州由西卡中国汽车事业 部协办。

From 21 March to 23 March 2015 the Annual Automotive Bonding and Sealing Conference was hosted by the Guangzhou Shilihe Car Industry Group in Foshan. With the rapid development of the Chinese automotive industry and its automotive technologies, more and more new materials and new processes are being applied within the industry. Traditional methods of joining materials, such as rivets, screws or welding are being replaced by adhesive joints that are not only high-strength, but which also retain their elasticity. This allows the use of radical lightweight designs which cannot be achieved with traditional technologies. The main focus of this meeting was to accelerate the development of green, lightweight, vibration and noise reducing car sealant and bonding reducing products to meet the requirements of safety, environmental protection, comfort and new energy vehicle development. The event drew over 200 people from car OEMs, adhesive suppliers, government organizations and media and press reporters. In the past 25 years, Sika has been dedicated to becoming a leading automotive industry supplier by virtue of its structural adhesives, glass bonding and sealing products, reinforcing materials and acoustic noise reduction systems. During the conference, Sika’s Chief Scientist Dr. Jun Que introduced Sika’s structural bonding and reinforcing solutions for lightweight vehicles. The audience was greatly impressed by Sika’s innovative lightweight solutions. The conference also voted for its sixth board of directors. Sika successfully won the bid to host the 2016 China Automotive Bonding and Sealing Conference, which will take place in Suzhou in March 2016.

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — News of Sealing and Bonding






中国胶粘剂和胶粘带工业协会第七届八次理事会于 2015 年 4 月 7~8 日期间在郑州召开,在本届会议换届选举之际,西卡公 司当选常务理事单位成员。 会议重点审议了胶粘剂和胶粘带行业“十三五”发展规划的 征求意见稿。翟海潮副理事长首先介绍了行业“十三五”规划的 主要框架:包括行业发展现状、“十三五”行业发展的指导思想、 基本原则和发展目标、产业发展方向及重点技术突破、政策措施 和建议。

The China Adhesives and Adhesive Tape Industry Association’s 7th Council Meeting of the 8th Session was held in Zhengzhou on April 7-8 2015. At the general vote, Sika was elected as a standing council member.

The meeting mainly considered the exposure draft of the “13th 5-year” development plan for the adhesives and adhesive tape industry. The Vice Chairman Zhai Haichao introduced the main framework of the industry’s “13th 5-year” plan which included: the development status of the industry, the guiding ideology, basic 会议还重点听取和审议了副理事长潘世国所做的“关于开展 principles and development goals, industry trends as well as ma胶粘剂和胶粘带行业信用等级评价工作安排与情况说明”的报告。 jor technological breakthroughs, policies and suggestions. 他指出,协会 2015 年将在全国范围启动行业企业信用评价申报 工作。他同时介绍了信用等级评价工作的备案程序、信用等级评 Pan Shiguo, the Association Vice Chairman, made a report en价工作的班子成员组成、2015 年的工作流程、申报企业需要提供 titled “Arrangement and overview regarding credit rating assess的书面材料等。他欢迎会员单位有实力、信誉好的优秀企业踊跃 ment for the adhesives and adhesive tape industry”. He stated 报名参加信用等级评价,并希望通过这项工作能建立起胶粘剂和 that the Association will initiate a nationwide application for an 胶粘带行业企业的信用信息档案,并建立起行业内信用信息数据 industry corporate credit assessment. He also introduced the fil库,这将对企业扩大产品销售、企业信贷、对外贸易、经营管理 ing procedures for the credit rating, the team members for the 等起到不可估量的作用。 credit rating assessment, what documents must be provided by declaring organizations and the relevant workflows for 2015. He encouraged those enterprises with strength and good reputations to participate in the credit rating assessment. He hoped such efforts could establish a credit information archive for companies in the adhesives and adhesive tape industry, and help build up the industry’s credit information database, thus playing an invaluable role in expanding product sales, corporate credit, foreign trade, operations management and other such processes.


NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — News of Sealing and Bonding


Lingang Si, Product Manager of the Facade, Door & Window & Insulation Department from Sika China delivered a presentation on the topic of “The Application of High-strength Silicone Structural Adhesives in European Façade Construction”.





四年一次的中国胶粘剂与胶粘带工业协会建筑胶粘剂专业委员 会换届改选暨第四届建筑胶粘剂专业技术与信息研讨会于 2015 年 4 月 8 日 -10 日在郑州举办。作为国内胶粘剂行业最权威的专业性 协会,本次会议汇集了国内外主流胶粘剂生产企业、原料供应商、 建筑施工单位、材料检测单位、科研院所及政府主管部门,各方就 国内建筑胶粘剂产业的发展、新配方、新工艺及创新型应用等信息 进行了全面的分享和讨论。 针对国内幕墙用硅酮结构胶材料检测标准已经逐步向欧标过渡 及国内现行设计标准对结构胶设计存在诸多限制的现状,西卡工业 部门窗幕墙系统产品经理司林刚以“高强度硅酮结构胶在欧洲幕墙 项目中的应用”为主题介绍了欧洲在解决此类问题的灵活性思路和 现有成熟产品方案,并以典型项目实例证实了选用高强结构胶组合 对幕墙设计及施工领域的革新性改变。 同时经过中国胶粘剂与胶粘带工业协会提名选举和公示,西卡 (中国)有限公司顺利当选为中国胶粘剂与胶粘带工业协会第二届 建筑胶粘剂专业委员会副主任委员单位。

The China Adhesives and Adhesive Tape Industry Association 4th Structural Adhesives Technology and Information Seminar were held in Zhengzhou on April 8-10 2015. As the most authoritative association in the adhesives industry in China, this seminar attracted major domestic and foreign adhesives manufacturers, raw material suppliers, construction companies, materials testing organizations, research institutes and governmental authorities, who all shared ideas and discussed the development of the domestic structural adhesives industry, new methods, new technologies and innovative applications and other relevant issues. The test standards for curtain wall silicone structural adhesives in China are gradually catching up with current European standards. However, existing domestic design standards are still restricted by the design of structural adhesives. To address this situation, Lingang Si, Product Manager of the Facade, Door & Window & Insulation Department from Sika China delivered a presentation on the topic of “The Application of High-strength Silicone Structural Adhesives in European Façade Construction”. He described how such problems are solved in Europe and showed that the use of high-strength structural adhesives would bring evolutionary changes to the façade design and construction fields. As nominated and publicized by the China Adhesives and Adhesive Tape Industry Association, Sika (China) Co., Ltd. was successfully elected as the vice chairman organization for the second term of The Structural Adhesives Professional Committee within the China Adhesives and Adhesive Tape Industry Association.

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — News of Sealing and Bonding


2015 广州门窗幕墙展 GUANGZHOU WINDOW DOOR FACADE 2015 文:姜杰




2015 年 3 月 18 日 -20 日, 西 卡 如 约 而至地携全系门窗幕墙解决方案和家装用 粘接产品参加 2015 第 21 届全国铝门窗幕墙 行业年会暨铝门窗幕墙新产品博览会。本 届博览会总展出面积超过 7.5 万平方米,设 6 大展馆 7 大展区,集中展示门窗幕墙系统、 铝型材建、筑玻璃、结构胶等各类产品及 技术。国际展商阵容庞大,汇聚了包括中国、 美国、德国、荷兰、瑞士、日本、台湾等 28 个国家和地区 500 多家精英企业参与本 届展会。

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Windoor Expo 2015

春意盎然的花城依旧如往昔般闷热、 潮湿,但与这个陌生而熟悉的城市却早已 有了份约定。我们越过万千山水不负这场 春日之约—广州门窗幕墙展。三天展会期 间,总共有逾 12 万人次来参观。在西卡展 台前有不少全国各地经销商来洽谈合作, 亦有幕墙公司和顾问公司来咨询、了解西 卡最新产品方案,在他们眼里西卡是一个 以技术为先导的国际化公司。 沉闷湿热的“回南天”似乎可以慢慢 消怠观展者们的热情,西卡代理商台湾崇

越黄玉麟先生、深圳固达鑫柯胜进先生以 及他们的团队依旧用热忱微笑来迎接往来 的宾客,介绍西卡产品时的专注笃定,笑 谈项目间的怡然从容,从他们眼中看到的 是承担,是信任,是自豪。 三天的展会依旧短暂,将告别这座古 老而隽秀的城市时竟也有些不舍,如果说在 这里留下了点什么,那就是与她不变的春日 之约,还有就是与代理商们深厚的情谊。

西卡 FFI团队与代理商崇越的合影。

Sika FFI team with Topco team, the agent from Taiwan.

From March 18-20, 2015, Sika brought all its all window, door and facade solutions and adhesive products to the 21st China Aluminum Window Door and Building Facade Exhibition 2015. With a total exhibition area of over 75,000 square meters and 7 pavilions in 6 exhibition halls, the Expo collectively showcased various products and technologies including door, window & building facade systems, aluminum profiles, architectural glass, structural adhesive, and other such products and technologies. The exhibition attracted over 500 companies from 28 countries and regions including China, the United States, Germany, the Neth-

erlands, Switzerland, Japan, Taiwan and many others. The hot and humid weather in Guangzhou could not stop the enthusiasm of the audience. During the three-day event, over 120,000 individual visits were recorded at the Expo. We saw visits from distributors enquiring about business partnerships, and industry producers and consulting companies who came to consult Sika’s latest product solutions and cooperation.

zhen led by Mr. Yulin Huang and Mr. Sheng jin Ke provided assistance at Sika’s stand to warmly welcome visitors and introduce the products. Throughout the exhibition they showed their enthusiasm, commitment, trust and pride. The three-day Expo was short, and at the end we felt a little reluctant to leave the beautiful and ancient city behind. What we were left with was a deep impression of this grand spring appointment and the deep friendship with our agents.

The teams from Sika’s agents Topco from Taiwan and Gudaxin from Shen-

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Windoor Expo 2015


2015 中国国际地面材料及





2015 年 3 月 24 日 -26 日,西卡携最新 商业地坪系统解决方案及木地板粘结系统方 案又一次成功亮相 2015 年第十七届中国国 际地面材料及铺装技术展览会。 自进入中国以来,西卡中国各个事业 部一直坚持服务市场和客户导向,以及持 续创新的坚定步伐,其地坪材料在工业应 用领域也已取得了市场第一的骄人成绩。 为继续开发新的增长点,推动其在商业领 域的应用,在本次展会上西卡制定了有针 对性的市场推广策略,分别推出了适用于 医 院 手 术 室 的 Sikafloor® Comfortfloor 地 坪系统,适用门厅、走道的 Sikafloor®-263


NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Domotex 2015

SL Decor 地坪系统以及适用于商业餐厅的 Sikafloor®-260 PurCem 地坪系统,适用于 地下停车库系统的 Sikafloor® Carpark 地坪 系统等。同时,西卡也推出了新的装饰地 面系统可应用于商业各个领域,如医疗卫 生、教育、办公等场所。 西卡木地板胶 SikaBond® 作为地坪领 域的新工艺适用于各类地面装饰的粘接, 已被越来越多的客户所接受,如住宅、商 场以及户外公共场所。 展会期间,前来参观咨询的经销商、 业主和设计师络绎不绝。公司高层领导更 是对此给予了高度的重视,西卡中国管理

层携西卡专家组成员莅临西卡展位并阐述 了西卡地坪和涂料未来的发展战略,即“继 续强化我们的品牌和功能,绝对的领导技 术和产品的先进性,保持市场绝对第一的 地位。从工业到商业的多元化也将是我们 未来几年的发展目标,医疗卫生和教育将 成为我们新的市场增长点”。 为期三天的展会圆满结束了,但是属 于我们的战斗仍在继续,我们每一位西卡 人都时刻准备着,以最好的服务、最新的 技术以及最完备的解决方案助力商业地材 市场。

On March 24-26 2015, Sika once again successfully appeared at the 17th DOMOTEX Asia/CHINA FLOOR 2015 (DACF) along with its latest commercial flooring systems and wood floor bonding systems. Since entering the market in China Sika has followed its philosophy of serving the market and customers whilst continuing to innovate. Its industrial flooring solutions have achieved the No. 1 position in the market in China. In order to develop new growth and advance the application of its products in the commercial world, at the exhibition this year, Sika unveiled a targeted marketing strategy. As part of this strategy it showcased its flooring solutions for commercial buildings: Sikafloor® Comfortfloor for hospital operating rooms, Sikafloor®-263 SL Decor for hall-

ways and aisles, Sikafloor®-260 PurCem for commercial restaurants, and Sikafloor® Carpark for underground parking garages. In addition, Sika also promoted its newly developed decorative flooring systems which can be used in many commercial fields, such as health care, education, offices and more. Moreover, the SikaBond® wood floor bonding system which can be used for bonding in all types of decorative flooring was exhibited. This product is being used more and more in homes, shopping malls and outdoor areas. The Sika stand attracted many distributors, property owners and designers. The company’s leadership placed great emphasis on the event. The manage-

ment and expert team visited the stand and explained the future development strategy for Sika’s flooring and coating products, which is to maintain the No. 1 position in the market by continuing to strengthen the Sika brand and product capabilities whilst maintaining its technological and product leadership in the market. The ongoing industry and commercial diversification of Sika is a continuing goal of the organization and the healthcare and educational markets represent a new focus for growth. The three-day event has ended, but our efforts continue. Sika is always ready to provide the commercial flooring market with the best service, state-of-the-art technology and the most complete solutions.

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Domotex 2015







3 月 26 日, 伴随着初春时节江南温润 的小雨,西卡中国混凝土事业部在镇江工 厂迎来了 2015 年度的第一次混凝土目标市 场销售工作会议。此次大会由混凝土目标 市场部负责人、西卡中国副总裁杨鸿壮先 生主持,邀请来自混凝土事业部分布在全 国各区域的资深销售和技术服务人员齐聚 一堂,共同分享成功案例经验,并各自就 心得体会进行了总结;另一方面,还针对 2015 年的市场形势进行了预测,并提出了 一系列的应对措施。

了详尽的分析汇总。即便由于产品版块之 间存在部分的不相交,在场的每一位还是 能从这个环节中充分体验到经验分享带来 的共同利好,在他人的成长中反思自己曾 经的领悟与教训,不失为一种独特而又深 刻的进阶方式。

此次会议的另一个亮点是来自技术中 心研发部的经理助理刘江虹女士及混凝土 事业部的技术服务总监郭景强先生所做的 新产品推广报告。2015 年西卡中国混凝土 事业部根据对市场未来发展趋势的预测及 作为本次会议的发起人和团队领导者, 新兴用户的多样化需求,计划针对以下几 杨鸿壮先生首先就上一年的混凝土目标市 个版块向市场普及新的产品系列:湿拌砂 场销售业绩进行了通报,并就各产品版块 浆外加剂、半干预制混凝土外加剂、稳定剂、 在上一年度的表现及未来发展趋势作出了 石膏缓凝剂、阻泥剂以及喷射混凝土速凝 总结与规划;此外,对于未来市场的战略 剂。在会议上对于这些新产品的性能及使 制定及目标设定也是此次报告的重点;最 用方法进行了详尽解说,通过观察一系列 后,针对团队在内部与外部的互动协作, 对比试验的结果,向在场销售及技术服务 杨鸿壮先生还阐明了个人见解与公司期望。 人员充分展示了产品的各方面优越性能, 在随后的项目报告环节,近十名区域销售, 为产品面向市场的进一步推广打下扎实基 先后为在场同仁介绍了天津周大福金融中 础;另一方面,郭景强先生还对刚进入市 心、港珠澳大桥等各自负责的重大项目, 场不久的 Sika® Low-ViscoFume 混凝土防 并从中围绕市场的前期考察、客户的沟通 腐流变剂、Sika® ViscoCrete® G1 石膏板减 与维护、各部门之间的相互配合、销售与 水 剂、Sika® FerroGard-921 阻 锈 剂 进 行 了 技术服务人员的职业素养等多个方面进行 进一步的性能阐释及案例应用说明。此外,


NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Concrete Meeting

为了给常年活跃在一线的技术服务人员创 造更广阔的技术分享平台,此次会议还邀 请了来自西卡中国苏州总部的技术中心总 监 Dieter Honert,在会议间隙与在场的销 售和技服同仁们一同参观西卡特密斯工厂, 并分享产品概念与研发经验。 对于每一位混凝土事业部的同仁来说, 过去的 2014 年是忙碌而充实的。每一次案 例的成功不过是由一个个朴素的故事成就, 而延续这种成就的则是西卡人不畏挑战、 诚信服务、脚踏实地的专业态度——经典 的西卡精神。 作为对在场同侪的激励,杨 鸿壮先生在会上援引了来自于毛泽东书信 《星星之火,可以燎原》中的一段话:“中 国革命高潮快要到来 […],它是站在地平 线上遥望海中已经看得桅杆尖头了的一支 航船,它是立于高山之岭 [ 巅 ] 远看东方光 芒四射喷薄欲出的一轮朝日,它是燥动于 母腹中的快要成熟了的一个婴儿。”桅杆 之所以能展露尖头,是因为航船已在海上 漂泊万里;日光即将似火喷薄,是因为朝 日在黑夜中的漫长跋涉。就像这句话所说 的那样,一个目标坚定的团队,一个热忱 而坚毅的团队,是注定会肩负起发展重任 并有机会见证不断涌来的胜利高潮的。

On March 26 th , accompanied by mild spring rain, the Sika China Concrete Department held its first sales and marketing meeting at the Zhenjiang factory. Presided over by Mr. Bruce Yang, the head of the Sika Concrete Target Market Department and Vice President of Sika China, the conference invited senior sales and technical personnel from all around the country to gather together to share their successful cases and experiences. At the meeting, current market trends in 2015 were analyzed and specific response measures were discussed. Bruce Yang first reported on the sales per formance of the concrete target market in 2014 and gave an overview of all products’ performance last year and their future development. The report also emphasized the strategy and targets for the future. Bruce also shared his personal insights and the company’s expectations on internal and external communication and cooperation. Subsequently, senior sales personnel shared news of their successful cases such as the Tianjin CTF Financial Center and Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. They shared their secrets on market investigation, customer communication and retention, inter-departmental coopera-

tion, technical know-how and other topics. Despite participants coming from a variety of product backgrounds they were able to benefit from the collective insight and experience and benefit from the knowledge sharing. At the meeting, Assistant Manager Liu Jianghong from the Technical Center and R&D Department and Tom Guo, the Concrete Industry Technical Service Director delivered a report on new products. In 2015, in order to meet future market trends and the diversified demands of emerging users, Sika plans to promote new product series of wet-mixed mortar admixtures, half-dry precast concrete admixtures, stabilizers, gypsum retarder, mud blocking agents and shotcrete accelerating agents. The capabilities, usage methods and advantages of these products were explained to the audience in detail, including the results of product tests. In addition, Tom Guo gave further explanation and case reports regarding the Sika® Low-ViscoFume concrete anticorrosive rheological agents, Sika® V iscoCrete® G1 plasterboard water reducer and Sika® FerroGard-921 rust inhibitor, three products that have just entered the market. Dieter Honert, Director of the Technical Center at the Sika

China Suzhou HQ was also invited to the meeting to share his views on the product concept and R&D experiences. It was a busy year for everyone in 2014. There were many stories behind each successful case. This success was achieved by the strong spirit of Sika’s people who rose to the challenges, their sincere service and their down-to-earth attitude. To the audience, Bruce quoted a passage from one of Mao Zedong’s letter “A Single Spark Can Start a Prairie Fire”: “China’s revolution is coming […]. It is a ship of which only the tip of the mast can be seen far way along the horizon. It is the shining morning sun in the east seen from the summit of the mountain. It is a nearly-matured infant in the womb.” The only reason why the mast of the ship can be seen is that the ship has already sailed for thousands of miles at sea. The only reason why the sunlight is about to rise in the morning is because the sun has traveled a long distance in the dark night. As indicated in this passage, a team with firm target, or a dedicated and persistent team is destined to prosper and has the opportunity to witness the coming success.

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Concrete Meeting




西卡广州工厂是西卡在中国内地建立的第一家工厂,如今已 走过 20 个年头。西卡在中国蓬勃地发展,随着市场的需求,公司 推出了越来越多的产品。目前,广州工厂生产的产品种类超过 500 种。为满足大量的生产需求,广州工厂将生产班次从一班调整为 两班。 大量的产品生产,产品的质量管理也越来越重要。为了更好 地把控产品质量,提高西卡产品的品质及竞争力,广州工厂投资建 造新质检实验室。新实验室的选址更加靠近卸货区域和生产车间, 有利于更有效地取样,提高检测效率。同时新实验室紧靠砂浆研 发实验室。两个实验室能共用一部分测试仪器,资源共享,为西 卡在技术上提供强大的支持。 新实验室有更大的办公空间,能容纳新增的员工。工作环境 也大大改善,更利于激发员工的工作热情及创造力。此外,新实 验室的地面也采用了西卡自己的地坪系统,可以成为客户参观的 样板。


NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — New Lab in Guangzhou

Sika Guangzhou Factory was the first factory Sika opened in China 20 years ago. To meet the growing demands in the Chinese market, Sika China has developed a lot of new products. Now over 500 kinds of products are produced in the Guangzhou factory. Due to the large amount of production need, the factory has adjusted its production runs into two shifts. The increasing amounts of products require more quality control work. Therefore, the company built up a new QC/QA laboratory in the Guangzhou factory to meet the increasing quality control need. The new lab is closer to the unloading area and workshops, which facilitates the product sampling and tests. It is also next to the mortar R&D Lab, so the two labs can share some test equipment and provide strong technical support together. The new lab also provides a better working environment and allows more technicians to work there. Moreover, the floor of the new lab was decorated with Sika flooring systems, which can be used as a reference case to show to the visitors.

修补加固部门章谦(左)与市场传媒部 闻洁虹(右)。

Johnson Zhang from TM Refurbishment (left) and Lucy Wen from Marcom Department (right).

西卡中国荣获西卡全球 SAW 比赛“创新奖”




“Sika at work” (以下简称 SAW)是用于优质项目分享的 快速渠道,通过生动的项目图片和简要的案例描述,来展示成功 项目案例,由此向客户或合作伙伴展示西卡产品的专业性。 西卡 中国市场传媒部自 2012 年开始统筹制作 SAW,累计从各业务领域 提取了近 30 个本土项目案例制成 SAW,并通过线上和线下各种 方式积极推广。

2014 年西卡总部推出 SAW 年度评选活动,西卡中国市场部 与各业务部门紧密合作,搜集项目素材、翻译、编辑、校审,共 计完成 7 篇 SAW 参加西卡全球竞赛,其中《宁波市北环快速路广 元路立交工程》从全球投稿中脱颖而出,荣获“创新奖”。 2014 年度 SAW 评选的获胜名单为: 创新奖:德国和中国 联合销售奖:美国 大项目奖:波兰 可持续奖:西班牙 分销奖:瑞士

“Sika at work” (SAW) combines impressive success stories with project pictures to display successful cases and show the professionalism of Sika to partners and clients. Sika China Marketing and Communications (Marcom) Department has organized its SAW collection and edition since 2012 which now includes almost 30 successful local reference projects, shared both on-line and off-line. Sika AG launched its SAW contest in 2014 to activate and promote its SAW channel. Supported by industry departments, Sika China’s Marcom department collected a total of 7 SAW entries. The "Nigbo North Ring Road Guangyuan Road Expressway interchange project" was awarded the innovation award. THE REST WINNERS OF 2014 CONTEST ARE: Innovation winner: Germany and China Cross selling winner: USA Large size winner: Poland Sustainability winner: Spain Distribution winner: Switzerland


(英文版 English)

在线阅读 SAW。

Read the SAW online.

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — SAW Award




HAVE FUN IN THE SEASON FOR CULTURE 在西卡,我们一直坚信西卡现在及未来的成功,不仅取决于正确的战略和所有员 工的信任与奉献,更离不开鲜明的企业文化。2015 年,西卡中国隆重发布《西卡 价值观及准则》,开展西卡文化季,采取多种多样的形式和一系列有趣的活动来 进行全面推广。

At Sika, we always believe that the present and future success of the company is not only dependent on pursuing the right strategy and the trust and dedication of all employees, but it is also just as much based on the distinctive entrepreneurial culture. In 2015, Sika China rolled out the “Culture Season” to promote values and principles through a series of interactive activities. 文: 吕小萍



在西卡,我们一直坚信西卡现在及未 来的成功,不仅取决于正确的战略和所有 员工的信任与奉献,更离不开鲜明的企业 文化。2014 年,西卡集团在全球范围内推 出了全新的《价值观及准则》。2015 年, 西卡中国隆重发布《西卡价值观及准则》, 开展西卡文化季,采取多种多样的形式和 一系列有趣的活动来进行全面推广,在西 卡中国范围内刮起了一股文化风。 专属图标有创意 西卡价值观及准则的本源是人,我们 的企业文化将通过西卡人的言行来实现。 标志巧妙地以西卡价值观及准则的英文 “Values & Principles”的首字母 V&P 的变


NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Values and Principles

形,动态的人物形象跃然而出,结合象征 着西卡五大价值观的五角星,标志整体简 洁并富有寓意,象征着西卡人在五大价值 观的指引下奋发努力,共创辉煌。 卡通漫画添趣味 在员工和客户中间颇受欢迎的西卡中 国吉祥物——卡卡成为了本次文化季的推 广大使。在 2015 年的年会中,卡卡形象做 成了玩偶作为开门礼送给每个西卡中国的 员工,在卡卡身上系着价值观和准则的宣 传卡片。

3 月初,西卡中国员工通过通过微信、 邮件、海报等看到了以卡卡为原型设计的

一系列宣传价值观和准则的漫画,画面诙 谐有趣,让大家在谈笑间又加深了对价值 观的理解和印象。 融入文具处处现 为了在公司全面营造文化气氛,除了 在各地张贴宣传海报之外,公司还将价值观 及准则的内容和精神融入员工日常使用的如 笔、纸杯、纸带等文具,还设计了专题电脑 屏保和桌面,让员工在潜移默化中吸收了西 卡西卡价值观及准则的内容和精神。 在线互动影响广 手机已成为人们日常生活沟通的必不可 少的工具,因而基于手机沟通的西卡中国微

2015 年会上,西卡中国副总裁黄 坚先生正式发布《西卡价值观及 准则》。

Frank Huang, Vice President of Sika China, rolled out Sika Values and Principles on the 2015 annual dinner.

信平台成为本次文化推广活动的主要渠道。 让分散在全国各地的西卡员工以及西卡的 客户或粉丝通过手机,在同一平台上实时 地进行互动,并且西卡中国的各地办事处 的电视屏幕上还直播线上互动的情况。 在年初各地的价值观和准则的启动仪 式上,西卡各地员工可通过手机扫描玩偶 卡卡身上的二维码阅读西卡价值观和准则 的全文,并通过链接可参与到现场在线的 幸运抽奖活动,这大大地激发了大家的兴 趣和参与性,西卡中国超过 70% 的员工参 与了活动。 而三月份开始的文化季微信推广活动 更是在西卡员工和粉丝中掀起了一股西卡

文化潮。根据价值观的内容,活动分为不 同主题的五周,设计了不同的线上互动活 动,同时线上线下结合,在线上参与了活 动的员工还可凭参与凭证领取礼品。以“客 户至上”为主题的“客户周”,大家在线 分享了自己对“客户至上”的理解和建议, 其中不乏很多精彩的留言;在“创新周” 大家上传的各种有趣的创意图片也为大家 的生活和工作增添了几分乐趣;在“可持 续发展周”,我们收到了许多对西卡提出 的有关安全、可持续发展等方面中肯的意 见;“激励周”更是展现了西卡开诚布公 的文化,邀请到西卡中国副总裁负责人力 资源管理的黄坚先生回答大家在微信平台 的提问,问题涉及员工的职业发展、公司 政策和策略、工作环境及待遇等大家关心

的问题;而在“目标周”,微信平台分享 了在 3 月底 4 月初举行的 2015 西卡中国 领导力项目中,来自各业务部门及支持部 门的公司中层管理人员总结出的 7 条有效 地达成目标的方法,大家在参与给心中达 成目标的最佳方法投票的同时,学习到了 有效地工作方法。 相较于传统的线下推广活动,线上活 动互动性更强、参与性更高、覆盖面和影 响力更广,在整个文化推广活动期间,超 过 1200 人次在微信平台上参与了互动活 动,参与对象不仅仅限于西卡中国员工, 还包括了西卡的客户以及粉丝。

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Values and Principles


Think win-win cooperation



Provide quality service

Take risks and have tolerance for failure

Actively challenge and accept being challenged

Benchmark the best within the market

Walk the talk

Act in compliance with Sika Code of Conduct


Optimize energy efficiency


Gain trust by keeping promises


Speak freely and listen patiently


Fast Response upon customer’s demand

Commit to safety


NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Values and Principles

Encouragement and generosity


Trust with mutual respect

Manners to people, honors to talent

Initiate openness and transparency

Maximum profit


Lead by example


Effective delegation

Clear definition of target and responsibility


“价值观及准则”专属图标 西卡价值观及准则的本源是人,我们的企业文化将通过西卡人的言行来实现。标志巧妙地 以西卡价值 观及准 则的英文“Values & Principles”的首字母 V&P 的变形,动态的人物形 象跃然而出,结合象征着西卡五大价值观的五角星,标志整体简洁并富有寓意,象征着西 卡人在五大价值观的指引下奋发努力,共创辉煌。

Specialized Icon for "Values & Principles" People are the foundation of Sika’s Values & Principles. Our corporate culture lives in Sika employees’ words and actions. The Icon, simple but meaningful, is transformed from the capital letters of Values & Principles, and is designed in the shape of a person, who holds a star. The five points of the star represent the five values and principles. The Icon as a whole symbolizes Sika’s people working together to create a brilliant future under the guidance of the five Values & Principles.

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Values and Principles



At Sika, we always believe that the present and future success of the company is not only dependent on pursuing the right strategy and the trust and dedication of all employees, but it is also just as much based on the distinctive entrepreneurial culture. Therefore, in 2014, Sika Group launched the brand-new “Values and Principles” concept globally. In 2015, following the corporate lead, Sika China rolled out its own “Culture Season” to promote values and principles among employees, customers and Sika fans through a series of interactive activities. SPECIALIZED ICON People are the foundation of Sika’s Values & Principles. Our corporate culture lives in Sika employees’ words and actions. The Icon, simple but meaningful, is trans-


NEW HORIZON Issue 17 —Values and Principles

formed from the capital letters of Values & Principles, and is designed in the shape of a person, who holds a star. The five points of the star represent the five values and principles. The Icon as a whole symbolizes Sika’s people working together to create a brilliant future under the guidance of the five Values & Principles. MASCOT OF SIKA CHINA The mascot of Sika China – Kaka, who is popular among employees and customers, became the ambassador of the company’s values and principles. At the 2015 annual dinner, every employee received a Kaka doll, to which a card printed with the values and principles was attached. Moreover, comic stories with Kaka as the character were sent out via newsletters,

social media and posters. The beautiful images and funny stories made people laugh and at the same time understand the company culture that the comic stories express. INTEGRATION INTO DAILY STATIONERY To create an overall atmosphere, the contents of the values and principles were printed on daily stationery items such as pens, paper cups and paper bags. In addition, a series of computer desktop background and screen-saver images of the values and principles were designed and sent to employees to use. ONLINE INTERACTION VIA SOCIAL MEDIA Currently, mobile phones are the most impor tant tool for communication. WeChat, the most popular mobile-

based communication app in China, has become the main channel for the promotion of values and principles. Employees, customers and Sika fans around the country can access the same activity platform and interact anytime and anywhere. At the same time, the TV screens in Sika offices were broadcasting the online activity in real time. At the 2015 annual dinners, employees were encouraged to scan the QR codes on the card attached to Kaka to learn the principles and values and they could also participate in a lucky draw through the link. Over 70% of the employees scanned the link and joined in the game. A series of influential promotional activities were held on WeChat from March. In

five weeks, different activities with different themes were carried out through Wechat. In the “Customer Week”, people were encouraged to share their understanding of the phrase “Customer First” online; In the “Innovation Week”, creative and interesting pictures were shared; In the “Sustainability Week”, we received many good suggestions and advice regarding safety, efficiency and sustainability from our employees and customers; In the “Encouragement Week”, we invited Frank Huang, Vice President of Sika China, to answer questions that we received on WeChat about personal career development, company strategy and policy, the work environment and welfare amongst other topics; In the “Objective Week”, people voted online for their preferred methods on how to achieve the objec-

tives, which were then summarized in the China Leadership Project training. Compared to traditional promotion activities, the online activities through WeChat are more interac tive with higher participation rates and wider influence. During the whole period, over 1200 people participated in the series of activities on WeChat. The participants were not limited to Sika employees and the activities also attracted many customers and fans.

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Values and Principles




THE VOICE OF SIKA 规模是相当地大、比赛是相当地激烈、水准是相当地高啊!

A great singing game on a gorgeous stage!


NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — The Voice of Sika

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — The Voice of Sika


2015 年会 2015 ANNUAL DINNER 一场堪称专业的晚会!

A fantastic party!


NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — 2015 Annual Dinner

NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — 2015 Annual Dinner


NATIONAL CONTACT 全国联络方式 西卡(中国)有限公司



JINAN SIKA ENGINEERING CO., LTD. 济南市经七路 83 号润亨大厦 1102、1109 房间 邮编:250001 电话:+86 531 8191 1728 传真:+86 531 8191 1700

苏州工业园区泾东路 28 号 邮编:215121 电话:+86 512 6273 2888 传真:+86 512 6287 7070 网址:

广州西卡建筑材料有限公司 西卡北京分公司


SIKA ( CHINA ) LTD. BEIJING BRANCH 北京市朝阳区东土城路怡和阳光大厦 C 座 1401 室 邮编:100013 电话:+86 10 6448 9567 传真:+86 10 6448 9581


SIKA ( GUANGZHOU ) TRADING CO., LTD. 广州经济技术开发区东区骏达路 96 号 邮编:510530 电话:+86 20 8226 6066 传真:+86 20 8226 6022




天津市北辰区铁东北路天穆镇都市产业园南仓园区天 盈四支路 18 号 邮编:300400 电话:+86 22 8688 8308 传真:+86 22 8688 8301-219

SIKA LTD., DALIAN 大连市甘井子区工兴路 47 号 邮编:116031 电话:+86 411 8678 0060

四川西卡柯帅建筑材料有限公司 西卡渗耐防水系统(上海)有限公司


SIKA ( CHINA ) LTD. SHANGHAI BRANCH 上海市莘庄工业园区华宁路 4555 号 邮编:201108 电话:+86 21 3407 3788 传真:+86 21 3407 3799


NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — New Horizon

SICHUAN SIKA KESHUAI CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL CO., LTD. 成都市新津邓双川浙合作 工业园区兴化路 2 路 89 号 邮编:611430 电话:+86 028 8259 2299 传真:+86 028 8259 2333 传真:+86 411 8678 0070



SICHUAN SIKA KESHUAI CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL CO., LTD. CHONGQING BRANCH 重庆市九龙坡区奥体路 1 号附 6-22-9 邮编:510260 电话:+86 23 8806 0828 传真:+86 23 8806 0858

HEBEI JIUQIANG BUILDING MATERIALS CO., LTD. 石家庄市正定县正灵公路 8 公里处 邮编:050800 电话:+86 311 8826 4988 传真:+86 311 8826 4961 网址

西卡香港有限公司 四川西卡柯帅建筑材料有限公司云南分公司

SICHUAN SIKA KESHUAI CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL CO., LTD. YUNNAN BRANCH 昆明市晋宁县工业园区二街片区 邮编:650600 电话:+86 871 6789 9129 传真:+86 871 6789 9129



SIKA HONGKONG LTD. 新界沙田安平街 6 号新贸中心 A 座 15 楼 1507-12 室 电话:+852 2686 8108 传真:+852 2645 3671


SIKA TAIWAN LTD. 台湾桃园市卢竹区富国路三段 1380 号 邮编:33849 电话:+886 3352 8622 传真:+886 3352 0470

镇江市丹徒区辛丰镇工业园 邮编:212142 电话:+86 511 8558 8866 传真:+86 511 8558 0578

Company brands owned by Sika 西卡中国旗下公司品牌

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NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — New Horizon


SIKA® CERAM BEAUTISEAL 西卡美缝剂 ́防潮、防霉、优良抗污性、耐腐蚀、耐酸碱 ́ ́高耐磨,优异的耐老化 ́ ́易清洁、色彩丰富 ́ ́低异味,绿色环保 ́



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