New Horizon Issue 18

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Recreating Hollywood in China

18 西卡中国赞助中 瑞建交 65 周年

解决方案 SOLUTION 西卡集团以客户为先

Sika Group Puts Customers First



Sika Products Applied in Aircraft Production


Sika China Sponsors The Sino-Swiss 65th Anniversary





NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — LNG Tanks

WELCOME 亲爱的朋友们: 很高兴再次借 New Horizon 杂志向我们忠实的客 户以及员工致以问候。刚过去的这个季度对于西卡团 队与客户以及业务伙伴在所有的目标市场都是极具挑 战的。缓速发展的经济和资金流短缺的冲击了整个市 场,我们所有人都深受影响并遭遇前所未有的困难。 但正是这个时候,我们必须与合作伙伴一起肩并肩共 度难关,奋力争取胜利。 西卡的价值观是以客户至上为核心。我们坚信保 持客户至上的原则在思想和行动上的一致性,在困难 时期更为重要。西卡将一如既往地为客户提供高品质 产品、一流的支持和技术服务并持之以恒。 从拥有卓越耐久性和耐化学腐蚀性的地坪系统应 用在国际一流的啤酒厂到高性能的成品灌浆材料应用 在能源行业的液态天然气生产设施中,本期您可以看 到西卡产品应用非常广泛,并帮助我们在各行各业的 客户获取更大的利益。 西卡的创新技术并不局限于建筑行业。比如,西 卡高性能的聚氨酯树脂应用在飞机生产行业,帮助制 造更安全更耐久的飞机;西卡赞助的汽车玻璃安装大 赛向技工和分销商展示了如何更好地粘接汽车玻璃; 西卡在汽车胶粘剂的创新技术广泛地应用在交通行业。 可以说每一天西卡产品都在您的身边。 本期包含了项目故事、解决方案、西卡在持续发 展方面的努力以及上个季度的各种活动,内容有精彩、 有创新、有亮点,预祝阅读愉快! 在接下来的几个月里,我期待与更多的人相见, 再次感谢大家对西卡的持续支持。

康秉仁 西卡中国总裁

Dear Friends, It is a pleasure for me to once again address our loyal customers and valued employees in this next addition of the Sika New Horizon magazine. This past quarter has been a very challenging one for both our Sika team and our customers / business partners across our target markets. We have all been affected by a slowing economy and a lack of liquidity in the overall market. This has created difficulties for all of us and now more than ever we must pull together as partners and strive for success. Sika’s values are centered on a Customer First mentality. We believe we must keep our customers first in our minds and in our actions. This is never more true than during periods of hardship or difficulties. Sika will stand strong and continue to provide the high quality products, superior support and technical service our partners have become accustomed to for so many years.


MIKE CAMPION President of Sika China

In this issue, we will discuss a number of very exciting projects which highlight the breadth and scope of the Sika product portfolio and the ways in which our customers’ projects benefit from this range. We will discuss projects ranging from durable, chemical resistant flooring applications in world class breweries to using high performance, ready-to-use mortars for critical applications in the Energy industry for LNG production facilities. Sika’s innovation technology is not limited to Construction activities, as seen in our use of high performance, PU resins used in the Aircraft manufacturing industry to build safer and more durable aircraft. Further, we will also discuss other Transportation related topics from our Auto Glass installation competitions showing installers and distributors better ways to seal windshields to Innovations in Automotive Adhesives systems for various applications in the transportation industry. Sika products are literally all around you in your everyday life! Please enjoy reading about our exciting new projects, innovative solution to customer problems, sustainability initiatives and a host of other activities we have provided over the last quarter. I look forward to meeting more of you in the coming months and thank you for your continued support for Sika.

Yours Mike Campion President of Sika China

NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Preface


NEW HORIZON #18 2015 10







采访 INTERVIEW 西卡集团以客户为先

Sika Group Puts Customers First



Double Glazed Modules Used with Sika Silicone Adhesive

合作 COOPERATION “西卡杯”福耀东北区汽车玻璃安装大赛

Sika Sponsors Fuyao Auto-Glass Installation Competition


西卡硅酮胶携手双玻光伏组件引领太阳 能新技术

全球 GLOBAL 创新粘接剂体系

Innovation in Adhesive Systems







Sika China Sponsors the Sino-Swiss 65th Anniversary

Sika Assists Carlsberg in Brewery Construction 40 Recreating Hollywood in China

西卡中国赞助中瑞建交 65 周年









Making a Contribution to The LNG Industry


Sika Products Applied in Aircraft Production 50

NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Contents

Opening Ceremony of the Sika Guangzhou R&D Center Sika China Builds a New Plant in Suzhou 西卡人在行动

Sika People at Work


26 30 52 54 56

58 59 60






For Us to Meet Again 梦开始的地方

Where Dreams Begin 我眼中的西卡

How I Feel about Sika

编辑部:西卡中国市场传媒部,上海市华宁路 4555 号 Editors’ address: Marketing Communications, Sika China, No. 4555 Huaning Road, Shanghai, 201108, China, e-mail: Printer: Achieve-Tech Printing and Packaging 本杂志中的所有注册商标受法律保护。除特殊标注,西卡拥有所有 图片和文字的版权。未经允许,禁止转载或复印。 All trademarks used or mentioned herein are protected by law. All photo and text copyrights are owned by Sika except when mentioned. Reproduction or repost is permitted with the written consent of the publisher.

欣赏 ENJOY 穿着西卡战衣的少年

Teenagers in Sika T-Shirts 参与杂志问卷调查,赢取精美小礼品。


Charity Bazaar

Fill in the online questionnaire on the magazine.


Company Outings

NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Contents



西卡集团以客户为先 SIKA GROUP PUTS CUSTOMERS FIRST 2015 年 8 月 4 日,西卡中国总裁康秉仁先生接受了《中国日报》的采访。在 采访中,他强调了坚持西卡客户至上的原则,以帮助客户解决问题为己任。 同时,西卡非常重视员工发展以及履行社会责任,认为这些是企业成功必不 可少的因素。

On Aug 4th, 2015, Michael Campion, President of Sika China, received an interview by China Daily. In the interview, the President says to the newspaper that Sika always has the customer first and helps customers solve their problems. At the same time, human development and social commitment are also the focus of the company, as Sika believes that these are key elements for a successful company. 文:宋梦醒 《中国日报》 图:戴昌积



瑞士特殊化学品公司西卡集团多年来 一直坚持一个原则:把客户和员工放在首 位。西卡主要为建筑、交通和新能源行业 的客户提供解决方案和服务,产品涵盖混 凝土外加剂、密封剂和胶粘剂、防水、工 业地坪和屋面系统等。 西卡中国总裁康秉仁说:“我们坚信 应该始终坚持客户至上的原则,并保持思 想和行动上的一致性。”他讲到一些竞争 对手仅仅注重销售产品,却并不真正关心 客户的问题。而西卡首先会询问客户存在 的问题,并根据问题提供解决的方法。康 秉仁先生进一步解释道:“西卡拥有丰富 的产品系列可以满足客户大部分需求;但 有时如果现有产品不能满足需求,我们会


NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Interview with the President

为客户专门研发相应的产品。”西卡已经 把创新融入到企业的 DNA 中,不断探索全 新方法和技术,以解决客户问题。2014 年, 西卡共投入约 1.7 亿美元用于研发,占公司 营业额的 3%。 自 1910 年成立伊始,西卡就十分重视 员工,为员工提供良好的工作环境。康秉仁 总裁说道:“我们授权于员工,让他们在各 自的岗位上发挥出最大的作用。”“授权” 使各级员工都形成了一种“主人翁意识”, 他称之为“企业家精神”,并认为这可能是 西卡最令人激动的精神,是在西卡工作最棒 的一部分。此外,西卡采用扁平化组织结构, 而不是严格的等级制度。因为西卡认为这样 能够让每一位员工都有机会走进总裁的办公

室,坐下来与他交流。 为了帮助员工的职业发展,西卡中国 开展培训生计划。自 2007 年以来,培训生 计划已经培养了 127 名毕业生。培训的一 年期间,培训生们需要在不同的部门轮岗, 由公司高管担任他们的辅导员,与他们分 享工作经验。2012 年加入该计划的桑波玲 说:“西卡有一种特殊的魅力吸引了我, 并且吸引越来越多的优秀毕业生加入。” 一些已毕业的培训生已经在西卡担任重要 岗位,例如在兼并和收购企业中担任工厂 经理、质量控制经理和业务发展经理等。

2013 年西卡中国启动了“年轻经理人 发展计划”,在公司内部培养职业管理人员,

以满足业务增长的需要。河北久强建材有 限公司的工厂经理助理张方是该计划的首 批学员之一。他说,这个项目给了他一个 实现自我发展的机会。“我会努力提高自 己的能力,成为一名合格的职业管理人员, 为西卡的发展贡献自己的力量。”张方说道。 西卡中国在 2011 年收购了河北久强建材有 限公司,这家公司主要从事混凝土外加剂 的研发和生产。康秉仁总裁表示,西卡希 望能为年轻专业人才提供一个良好的工作 环境,让他们想要一直工作下去。 社会责任 西卡来到中国大陆市场已有 22 年, 康秉仁总裁说他已经把西卡中国当作成为 一家中国公司,说:“西卡在中国取得了 辉煌的成绩,我们认为应该回馈社会。”


3 月向重庆朱砂小学捐赠了 1000 多本书以 及相应的家具。西卡的 10 余名志愿者来到 学校,和孩子们一起做游戏并帮助他们整 理新书。一名志愿者说:“当我们在布置 图书室时,孩子们迫不及待地涌进来寻找 自己喜欢的书,这让我更深刻理解和体会 到捐赠的意义。” 康秉仁总裁说:“对我而言,我们为 孩子们打开了一个世界,让他们看到原本可 能没有机会了解的东西。”公司计划向更多 的学校捐赠更多图书,并帮助一些学校使用 西卡建筑产品维修和装饰图书阅览室。

品的用水量(不包括产品中使用的水)比 前一年减少了 28.6%。2012 年到 2014 年, 西卡上海工厂共回收了 2100 吨 PVC 卷材。

2014 年,西卡中国的年营业额突破 22 亿元人民币(3.44 亿美元),目前拥有员 工 1200 余人。在全球领先的品牌咨询公司 Interbrand4 月份发布的 2015 瑞士最佳品 牌名单中,西卡位列第 39 位。西卡网站显 示,只有少数 B2B 公司能够跻身 50 强瑞 士品牌,其余大部分都是雀巢和劳力士等 消费品品牌。2014 年,西卡集团的销售额 高达 55.7 亿瑞士法郎(57 亿美元)。该集 团在 91 个国家都设有分公司,员工总数超 过 17000 人。

作为企业公民,西卡中国一直关注可 持续发展,一直尽可能采取有利于人和环 境的措施。2014 年西卡中国生产一吨产 NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Interview with the President



Put ting cus tomer s and employ ees first is an important principle that Sika Group, a Swiss construction chemicals company, has been practicing for years. Sika serves construction, transportation and new-energy customers. Its product lines cover concrete admixtures, sealants and adhesives, waterproofing, industrial flooring and roofing systems. Michael Campion, President of Sika China, said, “We believe we should always have the customer first, in our mind and our actions.” He said some competitors just sell products and do not really care about the problems of the customer. In comparison, he said Sika asks about customers’ problems and helps them until the problems are solved. “Sometimes we have the products because we have a huge array of products in the Group,” Campion said. “But if we don’t have the product, we’ll develop one.” The company regards innovation as part of its core DNA and always looks for new ways and technologies to solve customers’ problems. Sika spent $ 170 million, 3 percent of its turnover, on research and development in 2014, according to Campion. The company, which dates back to 1910, also values its employees and provides them with a nice working environment. “We give people a lot of empowerment and let them really stretch the limits of their positions,” Campion said. The empowerment has created “a sense of ownership” that goes to all levels of the company. Campion called it “entrepreneurial spirit” and said that is probably


NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Interview with the President

the most exciting element and best part of working at Sika. The company also favors a flat organization instead of a strict hierarchy, which the firm believes allows every employee to walk through the president’s door and encourages them to sit down and talk to him. To help employees develop their careers, Sika China, which is headquartered in Suzhou in East China’s Jiangsu province, has carried out training programs. The annual managing trainee program has recruited 127 graduates since 2007. The trainees work in different departments for a year. Senior managers act as their tutors and share career experience with them. Maria Sang, who joined in the program in 2012, said “Sika has a special charm which at tracted me and is drawing more and more excellent graduates.” Some of the trainees have gone on to take up impor tant positions in Sika including a plant manager, a quality control manager and a business development manager working on mergers and acquisitions.

Sika started its Young Professional Development Program in 2013 to develop professional managers within the company to meet the demand of business growth. Zhang Fang, factory manager’s assistant at Hebei Jiuqiang Building Materials Co, was among the program’s first trainees. He said the program gave him an opportunity to develop. “I will improve my abilities to become a qualified professional manager and contribute to development of Sika,” Zhang said. Sika China acquired Hebei Jiuqiang, which focuses on research, development and production of concrete admixtures, in 2011. Campion said the company hopes to provide young professionals with a good workplace that they will never want to leave. SOCIAL COMMITMENT Sika has had a presence on the Chinese mainland for 22 years and Campion said he thinks of Sika China as a Chinese company. “We do an excellent business in China and we feel we have to give back to the community.” he said. This year, the company joined a library project in Xi’an, the capital of Northwest


China’s Shaanxi province, and donated more than 1,000 book s to Zhusha Primary School in Chongqing in Southwest China in March. More than 10 volunteers from Sika went to the school to play games with the pupils and helped them sort out the new books. One of the volunteers said, “When we were furnishing the library, the kids could not wait and rushed into the room to find their favorite books. It made me further understand and realize the significance of the donation.” Campion said, “To me, we opened up the world to a child and let them see something maybe they would never have an opportunity to see.” The company plans to donate more books to more schools and help some schools

repair and decorate the reading rooms with Sika construction products. Sika China, as a corporate citizen, has focused more on sustainability in the past few years. The company tries to do the right thing for the environment and people, according to Campion. Sika China’s water consumption to produce one ton of products, excluding the water used in products, was reduced 28.6 percent in 2014 compared to the previous year. The company’s plant in Shanghai recycled 2,100 tons of PVC membrane from 2012 to 2014.

employees. Sika ranked 39th on the list of the Best Swiss Brands 2015 issued in April by Interbrand, a world-leading brand consultancy. Only a few business to business companies were listed among the top 50 Swiss brands and most of them were consumer goods by brands such as Nescafe and Rolex, according to Sika’s website. Sales of Sika Group in 2014 hit 5.57 billion Swiss francs ($5.7 billion). The group has subsidiaries in 91 countries and employs more than 17,000 people.

Sika China’s annual turnover hit 2.2 billion yuan ($344 million) in 2014 and the company now has more than 1,200

NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Interview with the President



“西卡杯”福耀东北地区 汽车玻璃安装大赛 SIKA SPONSORS FUYAO’S AUTO-GLASS INSTALLATION COMPETITION 汽车玻璃安装系统作为汽车安全系统的重要组成部分,与安全带、安全气囊 合称汽车安全保障三要素。汽车玻璃维修技师安装的每一片汽车玻璃,都直 接或间接地关系到驾驶员和乘客的安全。挡风玻璃只有通过适当的装配才能 保证安全气囊在汽车发生意外时提供保护。

Auto-glass installation, together with seat belts and airbags, are considered to be the three key elements of vehicle safety. Each piece of glass installed impacts on the safety of the driver and passengers. Only if the windshield is properly installed, can the airbag provide protection in the event of an accident.




5 月 17 日,“西卡杯”福耀集团东北 地区汽车玻璃安装大赛在牡丹江市举行。 这不仅仅是提升汽车玻璃安装技师的技能 和提供玻璃维修行业相关同仁们相互学习 交流的平台,更是向全社会向广大车主打 开玻璃安装的安全性和重要性的大门。 西卡作为全球最大的单组分聚氨酯胶 生产商,已有 105 年历史,福耀集团作为 国内最具规模、技术水平最高、出口量最 大的汽车玻璃生产供应商,两家国际型公


NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Auto-glass Installation

司目前都已成为通用、福特、大众、丰田、 本田、日产、雪铁龙、克莱斯勒等世界八 大汽车厂家的全球战略合作伙伴,为世界 各著名汽车厂商宾利、路虎、奔驰、宝马、 沃尔沃、奥迪等提供国际原车配套件产品 及服务,通过强强合作,来推动中国汽车 玻璃维修行业向更高标准更具专业度的方 向发展。

业的技师和机构进行维修。而目前很多挡 风玻璃安装人员实际上采用廉价劣质材料 (并未满足欧美等国家所要求的 FMWSS 212/208 标准)来安装挡风玻璃。很多事故 报道中,人们因为在车祸中挡风玻璃松动 而失去了宝贵的生命,据不完全统计,车 祸中因挡风玻璃松动而造成死亡的比例超 过 10%。

很多车主可能没有意识到挡风玻璃 是要通过使用高性能聚氨酯胶粘剂和专

福耀集团和西卡公司合作的共同核心 原则之一就是保证车主的安全,尽可能提

据不完全统计,车祸中因挡风玻璃松 动而造成死亡的比例超过 10%。

供最安全的系统。双方不仅仅只关注于产 品性能和服务,还注重于不断改善产品、 提高维修技术和创新,降低甚至是杜绝一 切安全隐患。 活动当日,来自东北三省的玻璃安装 技师们聚集在一起,角逐“福耀集团东北 地区最佳技师”的头衔。他们在保险公司、 供应商、车主和同事面前展示他们娴熟的 技术。通过三轮激烈的评选,沈阳代表队 最后获得了冠军。

此次活动获得了牡丹江新闻传媒集团 的大力支持,黑龙江福耀总经理曹志强先 生和西卡中国有限公司汽车后市场全国销 售经理周琦女士接受了电视台专访。 比赛结束后,技师们进行了西卡新产品

台上一分钟,台下十年功,我们看到 的是本次主办方福耀团队全体员工对工作 的极大热情和超强正能量,我们看不到的 是他们五年如一日坚持早会晚会分享,坚 持团队一起锻炼,坚持为客户提供满分服 务和满分产品。

30 分钟粘接强度展示。西卡玻璃胶用于玻璃 粘接 30 分钟后, 用吸盘吸附在前挡风玻璃上, 车外 5 人拖拽,车上坐站 10 人,成功将整 车拖走,玻璃不会发生脱落和任何变形,此 展示引起了所有到访人员和车主们的围观。

NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Auto-glass Installation


使用西卡玻璃胶粘接挡风玻璃 30 分钟后,用吸盘吸附在前挡风玻璃上,车外5人拖拽,车上坐站 10人,成功将整车拖走,玻璃没有发生脱落和任何变形。

The windshield was bonded to a car with Sika adhesives. Just thirty minutes later, five men were able to successfully drag the car containing 10 passengers by a chain attached to the windscreen without any damage or deformation to the windscreen.


Sika Aftermarket National Sales Manager Ms. Zhou Qi was interviewed by Mudanjiang TV.


NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Auto-glass Installation



On 17 May 2015, the Sika sponsored Fuyao Group Auto-glass Installation Competition for Northeast China was held in Mudanjiang. The event was not simply a test of the skills of autoglass technicians but also provided an exchange platform for knowledge sharing amongst competitors. More importantly, it highlighted the importance of proper installation of autoglass for car owners. Sika is the largest manufacturer of onecomponent polyurethane adhesives in the world whilst Fuyao Group is the largest and leading auto-glass supplier in China. The two companies have both become strategic partners of wellknown car brands including General Motors, Ford, Volkswagen, Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Citroen and Chrysler among others. They also provide components and services to the OEM factories of Bentley, Land Rover, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Volvo and Audi. The two companies have together helped to further develop the auto-glass repair industry in China. Many car owners are unaware that windscreens should only be installed

us in g hig h - p e r f o r m a n c e p o l y ur e thane adhesives by professional technicians and organisations. However, many ser vice providers use inferior adhesives (not complying with international FMWSS 212/208 standards) for windscreen installation. It is estimated that around 10% of car accident fatalities are caused by improperly installed windscreens. The core principle behind the cooperation bet ween Sika and Fuyao is to guarantee the safet y of drivers and passengers. Both companies not only focus on product per formance and service but also seek continuous improvements and technical innovation to reduce or even eliminate any potential risks. On the day, auto-glass technicians from the provinces of Northeast China gathered together to compete for the title of Fuyao Group Best Autoglass Technician in front of insurers, suppliers, car owners and colleagues. Af ter three rounds of intense competition the championship was won by the team from Shenyang.

T his e v en t w as abl y suppor ted b y the Mudanjiang Broadcasting Group. The Fuyao Heilong jiang General Manager Mr. Cao Zhiqiang and Sika Aftermarket National Sales Manager Ms. Zhouqi were both interviewed by Mudanjiang T V. After the competition, technicians carried out a 30 minute demonstration of Sika’s new bonding products. The windshield was bonded to a car with Sika adhesives. Just thirty minutes later, five men were able to successfully drag the car containing 10 passengers by a chain attached to the windscreen without any damage or deformation to the windscreen. During the event, the professionalism of Fuyao‘s technicians was clearly demons tr ated on s tage. Ho w e v er, what was not evident was the years of hard work and dedication that the team has put in behind the scenes in order to be able to provide a perfect service to customers.

NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Auto-glass Installation



西卡助力嘉士伯大理 啤酒酿造项目 SIKA ASSISTS CARLSBERG IN BREWERY CONSTRUCTION 作为世界一流的啤酒酿造集团,嘉士伯一直致力于打造酿造环境和硬件标准 全球领先的啤酒厂区。从屋面到地坪,再到结构密封粘结,西卡凭借卓越的 产品,在全球范围内为嘉士伯提供设计方案和技术支持。

Carlsberg, one of world’s leading brewers, sets strict requirements with regard to the brewing environment and facilities in order to brew the best beer. Sika, a world-leading construction solution provider, is able to meet the high quality requirements of Carlsberg and provides solutions and services to Carlsberg world-wide with its roofing, flooring and sealing and bonding products. 文/图 :宋凯



NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Lego


“嘉士伯大理啤酒有限公司年产 100 万吨异地搬迁技改扩建项目”(简称嘉士 伯云南新工厂),座落于风光秀丽的云南 大理市凤仪镇创新工业园区。作为嘉士伯 集团全球样板工厂,云南新工厂从设备效 能到厂房建设,都坚持行业最高设计标准, 从最大限度满足生产需求。至 2025 年,嘉 士伯在云南地区预计将实现年产 160 万吨 啤酒的产能扩充目标。 啤酒生产流程涉及麦芽糖化、过滤、 煮 沸、 发 酵, 储 存 等 多 个 酿 造 工 序, 对 厂 区 环 境 尤 其 是 地 坪 材 料 依 赖 极 高, 必 须 符 合 食 品 加 工 卫 生 要 求。 同 时 嘉 士 伯 业主对啤酒主加工和罐装区域的地坪设计 建造提出了严苛要求。主加工区域地坪需 要优良的耐腐蚀性能,作为高湿区域需具 备高效防滑性能;罐装车间需要良好的抗 冲击性能和耐腐蚀性能,尤其是酸类和糖

类。通过西卡地坪团队和合作施工商与业 主 的 多 次 交 流, 西 卡 推 荐 了 技 术 领 先 的 Sikafloor®-20N PurCem 重载聚氨酯砂浆系 统。该地坪不但保证了车间地面具有优良 的耐磨耐荷载性能、耐高温以及耐化学物 腐蚀性能,同时还具备防滑性能等特点, 很好地满足了业主的使用需求。 项目施工期间,西卡多次派出技术团 队前往现场提供服务,协助施工商完成高 品质专业施工。 经过 3 个月的西卡和施工商团队努力, “嘉士伯云南新工厂”地坪项目主体已顺 利完工,西卡重载聚氨酯砂浆系统的卓越 表现也得到了业主频频赞誉。

市后仓改造项目已过去整整九年,这九年 里,西卡通过不断革新和推广 Sikafloor®PurCem 系列,在全国范围内完成了多个有 代表性的食品行业项目,如可口可乐,雀巢, 辉山乳业等,逐渐赢得 Sika PurCem 品牌 在食品行业的影响力,涉及乳业,饮料, 肉联等,成为食品冷链 / 仓储建设的首选。 据不完全统计,截止今年 7 月,Sikafloor®PurCem 地坪在中国累计完成项目近 400 个,项目面积超过 100 万平方;这一切成 绩既是西卡强势品牌影响力的再一次体现, 也得益于西卡地坪团队专业性的技术优势, 以及合作施工商精诚合作。在未来,西卡 将继续秉持不断创新的创业理念,为客户 提供最优质的解决方案。

西卡聚氨酯砂浆地坪系统在此项目 的 成 功 应 用, 距 离 2006 年 Sikafloor®PurCem 在中国的第一个项目莲花连锁超

NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Flooring for Carsberg




The newly-built Carlsberg Dali Brewery, located in Dali Fengyi Innovation Industrial Park, Dali, Yunnan province, has an annual capacity of 1 million tons of beer. As a demonstration factor y for the worldwide group, Carlsberg applied the highest standards to the new plant in all aspects such as equipment and buildings construction. It is planned that the new plant in Dali will expand to have an annual output of 1.6 million tons of beer in 2025. T he beer brewing process includes numerous different processes such as malting, filtration, boiling, fermenting and storage, each of which has


NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Flooring for Carsberg

very strict requirements with regard to the production environment, especially regarding flooring, which must meet the hygiene standards for food pr o cessing. T his is especiall y tr ue for the main processing and canning workshops where Carlsberg has the strictest requirements for the flooring design. The flooring of the main processing workshop, as an area often likely to be wet, should have excellent resistance to corrosion and have good anti-slip properties. The floor of the canning workshop should have great shock resistance and resistance to corrosion especially in relation to acids and carbohydrates. After close liaison

between Sika, the contractor and the owner, Sika recommended the technically advanced Sikafloor®-20N PurCem heav y dut y resistant polyurethane screed system. This flooring system has excellent resistance to high temperatur es, chemical cor rosion, has good anti-slip properties and has the ability to carry a heavy load, making it perfect for use in the project. During the installation, Sika sent out its technicians on numerous occasions to provide onsite technical ser vices and instructions. After three-months of efforts by Sika and the contractor, the project was finished and the high

西卡地坪系统应用在冷链 / 冷库。

Sika flooring system is used in the cold chain industry.


Sika flooring system is used in the central kitchen of the food industry.


Sika flooring system is used in the tobacco factory.

quality of the flooring was acknowledged by Carlsberg. It has been nine year s since 2006 when Sikafloor ®-Pur Cem was first used in China in the Lotus supermarket chain project. During these nine years, Sika has continuously upgraded and promoted the Sikafloor®-PurCem flooring series, which has been used

successfully in many food processing factories, such as those of Coca-Cola, Nestlé and Huishan Dair y, covering the f ields of dair y, beverages and meat processing. It has become the first-choice flooring option for food production, cold chain and storage facilities. It is estimated that up to July 2015 Sikafloor®-PurCem flooring systems have been used in around 400

projects in China, covering an area of over 1 million square meters. These great achievements are a reflection of the strong Sika brand, Sika’s technical strength, and its close cooperation with contractors. Sika maintains its innovation tradition to provide customers with the best solutions.

NEW HORIZON Issue 118 — Flooring for Carsberg


东方好莱坞 RECREATING HOLLYWOOD IN CHINA 青岛东方影都,万达集团投资建设的世界级全产业链影视产业园,意欲将其打造 成为东方好莱坞。建成后每年一百多部国内外影视作品在此拍摄制作。项目位于 青岛西海岸,作为海洋项目一部分的岛上建筑,须参考比陆地工程更为严格的工 程标准。该项目选用 Sika FerroGard®-901 C,来保护建筑并延长建筑的寿命。

Qingdao Oriental Movie Metropolis, funded by China’s largest property developer Wanda Group, aims to become the Hollywood of the East. According to the Wanda Group, 30 foreign movies and 100 Chinese movies will be produced here every year. The project is located by the sea and its buildings therefore require special protection from corrosion. Sika FerroGard®-901 C was used to protect the buildings and prolong their service life. 文:刘杉杉 图:张广浩


自加入西卡第一天起,工作内容必会涉 及的环节之一,便是了解、接触形形色色的 工程项目。作为外语出身的化工小白,每次 接触新项目都意味着一场多渠道的备书,而 在随后亲临工程现场,才能将这份略显紧张 的陌生感逐渐淡化。直到今年春天,有幸受 邀考察青岛万达东方影都项目进展,方有机 会稍稍改变了之前的备书体验。 不得不承认,相比以往任何一次现场 考察,此次出行更令我感到期待。或许是 因为“万达”几十年来,作为房地产品牌 在个体消费人群中积攒下的高度人气;又 或许是因为借助了消费时代东风的它,不 断创造着新的 GDP 奇迹。一切都让我不由 自主地好奇,这回它为人们带来的东方影 都项目综合体又是怎样一副作品。 青岛东方影都坐落于与中心城区隔海 相望的黄岛区,横跨当中的海底隧道用短 短十几分钟的车程瞬间拉近了两个城区的 距离。尽管已被告知过项目的工程范围, 却还是在一路眼见为实的过程中不由为自 己有限的想象力暗感惭愧。270 公顷的规划


NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Recreating Hollywood in China

格局沿着海岸线如画卷一般徐徐铺展,尽 管目及之处大部分还仅是布满机械设备的 广袅工地,却不妨碍人们对来日一番熙熙 攘攘的尽情畅想。整个项目被划分为八个 功能区,用作拍摄工作地的影视产业园占 了整块用地超过一半的面积,是该项目的 主要功能区;为之延伸出的包括万达维多 利亚湾海公馆、游艇会等在内的另外七大 功能区,集商业、旅游、娱乐休闲数项功 能于一体。无论是一年一度的国际电影节, 琳琅满目的国际游艇展,抑或超大型顶级 购物娱乐中心,无不在向人们宣示着这家 地产巨头的超凡眼界与野心。 从规划图上能够清晰看到,建成后的万达东 方影都,将沿海岸线放射式铺开后覆盖近半个黄 岛区。由于黄岛的西海岸自身即为填海工程的产 物,作为海洋项目一部分的岛上建筑,须参考比 陆地工程更为严格的工程标准。项目部为此专门 选用了来自西卡的 FerroGard®-901 C。作为一款 卓越的复合型混凝土阻锈剂,FerroGard®-901 C 可用于海港码头、沿海核电站、桥梁浪溅区结 构等多种海滨盐碱地地区建筑领域,通过在钢 筋表面形成一定厚度的保护膜,降低锈蚀速率。

即便锈蚀已经发生,此款产品也能通过竞争吸 附作用延缓锈蚀。而在此前的经典工程案例中, Sika® FerroGard 更是以提高至少两倍钢筋混凝 土服务寿命的高标准记录力证了自身的优秀性 能。西卡已为该项目提供了 FerroGard®-901 C 以及兼具抗硫酸盐侵蚀和改善混凝土工作性 能的 Sika® Low-ViscoFume 防腐流变改性剂。” 从工程现场的开阔僻静转换到市区中心 的拥挤喧闹大概只用掉了二十多分钟,而从一 片荒芜变幻出一场繁华却非要花掉不下二十 次四季更迭方可。很清楚地记得不久前在异地 出差时同事对我讲过的一句话: 这些地方, 十年前我就来过了,而你绝对想象不到当时这 里的模样。我想, 这样轻轻抛出的一句话, 绝不仅仅是一个优秀销售对年轻下属略显格 调的激励。 就像万达从二十年前的一家单体店, 一直发展为今天的城市综合体打造者,也不是 转瞬间灵光闪现的一蹴而就。那是怎样精彩的 一场演出,幕后就有着怎样一群彼此扶持共同 成长的出演者——无论那里上演的故事,是有 关一个人,一家企业,还是一座城。


NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Recreating Hollywood in China



Qingdao Oriental Movie Metropolis, funded by China’s largest property developer Wanda Group, aims to become the Hollywood of the East.


Since I joined Sika, one aspect of my work has been to learn about and get involved in various projects. As a foreign language graduate who knew little about the chemical industry, every time I took over a new project, it was necessary to make preparations and conduct research. I was often unfamiliar until I visited the project site in person. It was not until this spring when I had the chance to visit Qingdao Wanda Oriental Movie Metropolis that my project preparation changed. I have to admit that I looked forward to this site visit more than previous ones. Maybe it’s because Wanda has developed a great image among individual consumers as a real estate brand in recent decades. On the other hand, it has helped to create record-high GDP growth assisted by rising consumption. I couldn’t help but wonder what the comprehensive Oriental Movie Metropolis would look like. Qingdao Oriental Movie Metropolis is located in Huangdao District, which faces downtown Qingdao across the bay. The two districts are closely connected by an undersea tunnel and a drive of just over 10 minutes. Although I had already been told about the scale of the project, I still could never have imagined what I would see on site. The planned 270 hectares of land follows the coastline like a landscape painting. Although most of the


NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — LNG Tanks

site was still under construction and full of equipment, it is easy to imagine the site in action after its completion. The development is divided into eight functional areas, among which the movie industrial park, which will be used for movie production, covers half of the total area and is also the main functional area of the development. The other seven functional areas include the Wanda Victoria Bay Club and a yacht club. The innovative development integrates commerce, tourism and entertainment and leisure. The superb insight and ambition of this real estate brand is on display throughout the development, including at its planned annual international film festival, the eye-catching international yacht exhibition, and the excellent shopping and entertainment center. Based on the current plans, after completion, Wanda Oriental Movie Metropolis will stretch along the coastline and cover almost half of the entire Huangdao District. Since the western coastal region of Huangdao was formed by land reclamation, there are more stringent engineering requirements and standards compared to a pure land-based development. The developer specifically selected Sika FerroGard®-901 C, which is an excellent compound type concrete corrosion inhibitor. FerroGard®-901 C can be applied in construction projects on saline-alkali soil near the sea, such as ports, coastal nuclear power stations, and bridge splash zones. By forming a

protective film over the surface of the metal, the product is able reduce corrosion. Even if corrosion already has occurred, the product can also slow further erosion via competitive adsorption. In previous cases, Sika® FerroGard has proved its outstanding performance by more than tripling the life span of reinforced concrete. So far, Sika has provided FerroGard®901 C and Sika® LowViscoFume, which is an anti-corrosion rheology agent that is able to resist sulfate corrosion and which improves concrete performance. It took just over than 20 minutes to travel from the open and quiet construction site to downtown Qingdao. However, to build a marvelous city from nothing should take at least 20 years. I still remember not long ago when I was on a business trip, my boss said to me: “I visited these places ten years ago. You can never imagine what it was like at that time.” I truly believe his words were much more than encouragement from an outstanding salesman to his young subordinate. Just like Wanda, which has developed from a single store two decades ago to a creator of comprehensive urban developments today, this was not accomplished in an instant. In order to put on a great show, there must be a support team working together backstage, no matter what the subject of the show, or whether the producer is a man, a company, or even a city.


The demonstration center of the Oriental Movie Metropolis is like a nautilus.

NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — LNG Tanks


助力液态天然气储罐建设 MAKING A CONTRIBUTION TO THE LNG INDUSTRY 中国石化天津液化天然气(LNG)项目是国家“十一五”重点项目,是国家 清洁能源战略的重要组成部分。项目位于天津市南港工业区东港池东突堤 顶端,总占地面积 51.7 公顷,一期投资约 156 亿元,单座 LNG 储罐容量为 16×104 m³。SikaGrout®-200 为成品预应力管道灌浆材料,应用于 LNG 储 罐的预应力管道灌浆工程中,用于保护预应力钢绞线不被锈蚀。

The SINOPEC Tianjin LNG project, part of the clean energy strategy of China, is one of the key projects of the Eleventh Five Year Plan of China. The project is located in the Nangang Industrial Park in Tianjin, covering an area of 5.7 hectares with an investment of RMB 15.6 billion for the first stage. The single LNG tank capacity is 16×104 m³. SikaGrout®-200 is a ready-to-use grouting material applied in prestressed pipes of LNG tanks to protect the prestressed steel strands from corrosion.




NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — LNG Tanks

SikaGrout®-200成品预应力管道灌浆材料应用于 LNG 储罐的预应力管道灌浆工程。 SikaGrout®-200 is a ready-to-use grouting material applied in prestressed pipes of LNG tanks to protect the prestressed steel strands from corrosion.


Onsite quality control.


The grouting parts.

NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — LNG Tanks



2015 年初,我们接到了来自预应力专 业施工公司中核华兴特殊建筑工程有限公 司的咨询,在天津 LNG 项目中,预应力管 道灌浆部位需要使用成品预应力管道灌浆 材料,这引起了我们极大的兴趣。在以往 LNG 储罐建设项目中,基本都是由施工单 位自行采购水泥并添加外加剂包在现场配 制灌浆材料。采用成品预应力管道灌浆材 料在 LNG 储罐建设项目中非常罕见。我方 很积极投入到了参与该项目的准备工作中, 经过一系列的产品介绍、产品比选、现场 试验等,我们获得了设计、施工单位等各 方的认可。

施工单位和西卡的技术人员参与,同时业 主、设计、监理等各方都派了人员到现场 观摩。在进行了技术交底之后,模拟施工 正式开始。2 个小时后,模拟施工完成。但 很遗憾,在这一次的模拟施工中,我们遭 遇到了严峻的挑战,在对施工完成后的模 型进行切割观察后,我们发现局部区域灌 浆不密实。各方立即在项目现场组织会议 进行分析,对整个模拟施工的过程进行了 回顾,对每一个细节都仔细斟酌,最终找 到了问题原因。7 天后,进行第二次模拟试 验。压力依然存在,心情依旧紧张,同样 一批施工人员,但是施工组织和方案更为 细致了,这一次,我们成功了。

模拟施工 为了确保施工的顺利实施,设计和施 施工 工单位共同组织了模拟施工试验,并制作 2015 年 6 月 20 日,中国传统节日— 了 1:1 的模拟试验模型。面对如此“巨大” 端午节,但是,这一天对于我们而言,具 的模型,我们内心有惊讶,但更多的是压力。 有另外一层更重要的意义,天津 LNG 预应 模拟施工的当天,现场非常热闹,不仅有 力管道灌浆正式开始施工。清晨,我们抵


NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — LNG Tanks

达项目现场,在互道一声“节日快乐”后, 我们开始了繁忙的工作,各项准备工作都 在有条不紊地进行,各项准备工作完成后, 对讲机里传来了项目经理的指令:“开始 灌浆!”搅拌好的材料通过泵送源源不断 地注入 LNG 储罐的预应力管道中。 “进浆口出浆”、“出浆口出浆”、“保 压”……等等一系列指令通过对讲机传达 给了每一位施工人员,大家各司其职、齐 心协力,当对讲机中传来“收工”的指令时, 第一次正式施工顺利完成,现场传来了喜 悦的欢呼声。 成品预应力管道灌浆材料应用于天津

LNG 项目中,这对于推动 LNG 行业对成品 预应力管道灌浆材料的认识和认可,具有 十分重要的意义。


Early in 2015, we received an inquiry from Jiangsu China Nuclear Huaxing Specialized Project Co., Ltd., that the prestressed pipes in their project needed ready-to-use grouting materials. This attracted our interest. Usually in LNG tank projects, the grouting material is made through mixing cement and admix tures together onsite by the construc tion contrac tor. Ready-touse grouting materials were previously rarely used in LNG projects. Therefore, Sika was very interested and immediately became involved in the relevant preparation work. After several rounds of product demonstrations and field testing, Sika was awarded the project. SIMULATIVE CONSTRUCTION In order to guarantee 100% success, the design and construction contractors organized the construction of a 1:1 scale model. This huge model was both a sur-

prise and a challenge for Sika. Success was our objective. On the day of construction, a huge crowd was drawn to observe the construction, including technicians from Sika and the construction contractor as well as representatives from the owner, designer and project management department. After technical consultation, the model construction started. Two hours later, the construction was finished although some parts were not completely grouted. After detailed observation and analysis of every aspect, the problem was identified and an improved construction solution was proposed. Seven days later, the second model construction was carried out under great pressure by the same team with successful completion achieved. CONSTRUCTION June 20th is the traditional Chinese festival Dragon Boat Festival. To us,

it was also the day when the grouting construction of the project star ted. Early in the morning, all relevant personnel had arrived at the construction site. Af ter simple holiday greetings to each other, everyone started their work. “Start grouting“ was the order from the project manager. The mixed material was then pumped to the prestressed pipe of the LNG tank. Orders were shouted out to the workers: “Slurry out at the inlet“, “Slurry out at the outlet“, “keep the pressure“. Ever yone on site was working hard. When the order to finish was given to announce successful completion, everyone on site cheered with joy. The success of this project was a milestone and a great advertisement for the use of ready-to-use grouting materials in LNG projects.

NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — LNG Tanks




“创新”是西卡的传统精神,西卡的科学家和工程师们一直孜孜不倦地开 发新的产品和应用。日前,西卡新型模具材料 Sika Biresin® G48 应用在 飞机生产中,帮助解决了飞机蒙皮拉伸模具开裂、变形等难题。

Innovation is Sika’s tradition. Sika’s scientists and engineers are committed to the development of new products and applications. We are so proud that Sika’s innovative new PU resin Sika Biresin® G48 is used in aircraft production in China to help solve many problems such as cracks forming and deformations during the aircraft skin stretch forming process. 文/图: 刘寒春




中国航空工业集团公司(简称“中航 工业”)是由中央管理的国有特大型企业, 下辖 140 余家成员单位,近 30 家上市公司, 员工逾 50 万人。2014 年连续第六次入围 《财富》世界 500 强企业,排名第 178 位。 集团公司设有航空装备、运输机、发动机、 直升机、机载设备与系统、通用飞机、航 空研究、飞行试验、贸易物流、资产管理、 金融、工程建设、汽车等产业板块。

环保问题 要材料,其特点是易加工、可制作复杂型面、 可加工树脂材料在加工过程中会发挥 不易损坏蒙皮表面、可减轻蒙皮拉伸模具 的重量等。在新机型的研制阶段及老机型 出刺鼻的气味并产生粉尘,危害工人健康。 Sika Biresin® G48 产品严格按照欧盟 REACH 的改造阶段,均需要制作蒙皮拉伸模具。 认证进行生产,并且符合欧盟的职业健康 然而,客户在使用可加工树脂制作蒙 安 全 管 理 体 系(OHSAS 18001:2007), 确 皮拉伸模具的过程中遇到了一系列难题, 保在产品使用及加工过程中不会产生任何气 例如环保、气泡、开裂以及变形等问题。 味。此外,Sika Biresin® G48 在数控车床加 工时基本没有粉尘,减少加工阶段粉尘对工 难题各个击破 人的损害。 Sika Biresin® G48 是西卡针对模型模 飞机蒙皮拉伸模具制作的难题 不同型号的飞机根据其设计功能需要, 具市场推出的聚氨酯浇注树脂,主要应用 气泡现象 外形需要用轻质铝合金蒙皮拉伸出不同形 于金属板成型工具和铸造模型的表面铸造 一般可加工树脂制作成模具后,模具 状,蒙皮拉伸模具的制作一直是各主机厂 层,具有易加工、高填充量、耐磨和耐冲 表面有气泡,会刮伤蒙皮表面,因此完工 的重点科研攻关方向。2000 年以后,新型 击 等 特 点。 针 对 客 户 目 前 存 在 的 难 题, 后还需对气泡进行修补。 Sika Biresin® G48 的可加工树脂逐步成为蒙皮拉伸模具的主 Sika Biresin® G48 各个击破。 产品的特性决定,气泡主要集中于模具表

NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Application in Aircraft Production

面 被 加 工 层, 确 保 加 工 完 后 的 表 面 光 滑 无气泡。

及配比比例,确保在各种应用情况下,解 决客户模具开裂的现象。

模具开裂 蒙 皮 拉 伸 模 具 容 易 产 生 开 裂, 由 于 不 同 的 模 胎 材 料、 模 具 大 小 以 及 制 模 方 式( 正 浇 方 式 与 反 浇 方 式、 敞 开 式 浇 注 及封闭式浇注),开裂的表象各不相同。 但根本原因在于树 脂 材 料 反 应 产 生 大 量 的 热, 导 致 模 具 内 应 力 集 中, 引 起 模 具 开 裂; 由 于 存 储 环 境 较 差, 产 生 的 环 境 应力而导模具开裂。

模具变形 模具的变形主要是由于可加工树脂 材料与模胎材料的热膨胀系数的差异而 引起的。模具尺寸越大,越容易发生变形。 模 具 在 浇 注 过 程 中, 树 脂 反 应 产 生 大 量 的 热 量, 模 具 在 脱 模 前 后 的 温 度 差 异 会 达到 100 ℃左右,由于不同材料热膨胀系 数 的 差 异, 在 模 具 内 部 会 形 成 较 大 的 拉 伸 应 力。 加 工 模 具 时, 由 于 拉 伸 应 力 释 放 程 度 不 均 匀, 从 而 造 成 模 具 加 工 后 变 形, 严 重 时 会 出 现 模 具 反 复 加 工, 反 复 变形的情况。

西卡经过近三个月的内部试验验证, 在大量试验数据的支撑前提下,通过不断 调整和升级 Sika Biresin® G48 产品的配方

西 卡 通 过 调 配 Sika Biresin® G48 的 填料材质及填料的配比值,缩小树脂材料 与模胎材料热膨胀系数差异,从而减少模 具的变形量。 目前国内的前三位的飞机制造厂都通 过了西卡模型模具材料的使用认证并开始 了批量使用。成都飞机制造厂该项目被评 为中航工业集团 2014 年技改项目优秀成果 奖。随着和中航工业合作的进一步深入, 西卡在特种密封、粘接、复合材料领域不 断的有新的项目产生。 西卡努力在蓬勃发 展的航空工业领域上做出自己的贡献。

NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Application in Aircraft Production



Deformation of the moulds.


Bubbles in the resin material.


Cracks on the mould.


Many problems occurred during the production of skin stretch forming moulds even with the new-type processable resin, leading to bubbles, cracks and deformations.



The Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) is a Chinese state-owned aerospace and defense company, which has 140 subsidiaries, nearly 30 of which are listed, and more than 500,000 employees. In 2014, AVIC ranked 178th among the Fortune Top 500 enterprises, having been included in the list for the sixth successive year. It mainly provides advanced aviation equipment for government and the armed forces and for the civil aviation industry. Its business units cover defense, transport aircraft, engines, helicopters, avionics and systems, general aviation, research and development, flight testing, trade and logistics, asset management, financial ser vices, engineering and construction, automobiles and many more. The group with its plants in Xian, Chengdu, Shenyang and Jiangxi have produced hundreds of civil aircraft designs over a period of more than 50 years.

NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Application in Aircraft Production

DIFFICULTIES IN MAKING AIRCRAFT SKIN STRETCH FORMING MOULDS In aircraft production, the skin made o f lig h t w e ig h t t hin aluminum al loy sheet is stretched into different shapes for each type of aircraft. The production of the skin stretch forming mould is therefore a key research topic for aircraft manufacturers. Since 2000, the new-type processable resin has become the main material used to produce skin stretch forming moulds. This new material features many advantages such as the ease of processing, use to form complex shapes, lack of damage caused to the skin surface and reduced weight of the mould. These forming moulds are necessary for both research and development of new aircraft types and updates of old types. However, many problems occurred during the production of skin stretch forming moulds even with the new material,

leading to bubbles, cracks and deformations. The environmental friendliness of the material was also a concern. SOLVING THE PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED Sika Biresin® G48 is a polyurethane resin that Sika has specifically designed for moulding and modelling. It is mainly applied in the face casting layer for metal sheet forming tools and foundry patterns. It has very good workability, high abrasion and impact resistance and is high filler addition possible and able to solve the traditional problems encountered during the mould production process. ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLINESS T h e pr o c e ss ab l e r e sin pr o du c e s a pungent odor and dus t dur ing the process, harmful to workers’ health. Sika Biresin® G48 is produced in strict compliance of regulations issued by RE ACH and European Occupational

Sika Biresin® G48 产 品 严 格 按 照 欧 盟 REACH 认证进行生产,并且符合欧盟

的职业健康安全管理体系。 SIKA BIRESIN® G48 IS PRODUCED IN STRICT COMPLIANCE OF REGULATIONS ISSUED BY REACH AND EUROPEAN OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ADVISORY SERVICES. Health and Safety Advisory Services (OHSAS 18001:2007). The product will not generate any odor during use and produces little dust when processed by digitally-controlled machinery. BUBBLES Bubbles will generally appear on the surface of the mould made using common resin. The bubbles can scratch the sur face of the skin, which will then require repair after production is complete. By using Sika Biresin® G48, bubbles will be concentrated on the processed layer, so the surface will be smooth without any bubbles after the processing is complete. CRACKS During the mould production process a large quantity of heat is produced, gener a t ing con cen t r a t ed in t er nal stress within the mould which can cause cracks to appear. Cracks also can be caused by the environmental stress generated during storage.

Within the skin stretching mould different types of cracks appear due to the different materials, sizes and die making processes. This is because the resin will produce a huge amount of heat during the mould production which the internal heat reaction within the product is unable to counter, causing the cracks to appear. Af ter undergoing three-months of repeated tests and constant improvements, Sika Biresin® G48 is able to solve the cracking problems very well for all types of uses. DEFORMATION T he coef f icient of thermal expansion dif ferential between the resin and mould materials can cause mould deformation, especially for large size dies. The resin will generate a large amount of heat dur ing the mould casting process. After the mould is removed there will be a temperature difference of 100°C compared to before. The large thermal expansion dif-

ferential will generate a large stretch stress inside the mould. When the stretch stess on the mould is released, the mould will deform, meaning that the moulding process must be redone with the same problems. By adjusting the ratio between Sika Biresin® G48 and fillers, Sika managed to reduce the thermal expansion coefficient differential between the resin and mould materials, thus reducing the deformation. Sika Biresin® G48 has been approved by the top three aircraft manufacturers in China and is now being used in batches. This solution applied by Chengdu Aircraft Industry Company was awarded as the Best Technical Revolution Project for AVIC. In close partnership with AVIC, Sika’s special sealing, bonding and composites will be used in more industry fields. Sika is proud to have made contributions to the development of the aviation industry in China.

NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Application in Aircraft Production




NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Solution for Floor Joints

西卡硅酮胶携手双玻光伏 组件引领太阳能新技术 DOUBLE GLAZED MODULES USED WITH SIKA SILICONE ADHESIVE 近年来,一种被称为“双玻光伏组件”的产品开始成为太阳能行业的新宠儿, 西卡作为太阳能行业的长期合作伙伴,率先与客户一起开发出粘结新方案, 西卡双组分硅酮胶成为应用于双波光伏组件的首例胶粘剂产品。

In recent years, double glazed PV modules have become a key topic in the solar energy industry. As a long-term cooperative partner of the solar energy industry, Sika took the initiative to develop a new bonding solution along with our clients. The new two component silicon adhesive has now become the first adhesive product applied in double glazed PV components. 文:陈建峰



随着石油、煤炭等传统的燃料能源一 天天减少,与此同时,其对我们生活环境 造成的危害也日益突出, PM2.5 爆表,空 气污染黄、橙色报警,雾霾,全球变暖等 现象的频繁出现无不促使着世界各国大力 发展清洁能源。西卡作为一个引领创新技 术和可持续发展的公司,积极响应全球环 境保护政策,致力于为风能和太阳能等清 洁能源发展提供系统的解决方案。

名思义,双玻光伏组件指由两片玻璃和太 阳能电池片组成复合层,电池片之间由导 线串、并联汇集到引线端所形成的光伏电 池组件。

双玻组件与传统组件相比的一大区别 是封装材料的不同。传统组件的背板主要 由 聚 偏 氟 乙 烯(PVDF) 等 高 分 子 材 料 组 成,其具有一定的透水率,会吸进氧气、 水汽加速材料的降解,引起背板老化开裂, 今 年 4 月 底 上 海 闭 幕 的 国 际 光 伏 展 同时会导致组件内部发生电化学腐蚀,增 ( S N E C ) 上 , 双 玻 组 件 几 乎 被 每 家 光 加出现 PID 和黑线的概率。双玻组件,顾 伏 企 业 摆 在 了 自 家 展 台 最 显 眼 的 位 置 , 名思义,其背板使用无机材料的玻璃,因 而 西 卡 作 为 太 阳 能 行 业 的 长 期 合 作 伙 为玻璃材料不透水,户外长期使用中不会 伴 , 为 该 组 件 提 供 了 安 全 可 靠 的 粘 接 降解,并且具有优良的耐盐雾、酸碱、沙 近年来,一种被称为“双玻光伏组件” 方 案 , 为 其 在 全 球 范 围 内 的 快 速 发 展 尘等性能,且防火性能可以达到最高等级 的产品开始成为太阳能行业的新宠儿。顾 助 力 。 Class A,远高于传统组件的 Class C。由于

NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Contribution to Solar Energy


胶粘剂在双玻组件使用的 30 年里, 需要抵抗高温、低温、湿热、风沙和 紫外线等的影响。


双玻组件优异的耐候性能,绝大多数企业 给予双玻组件的使用寿命为 30 年,而传 统组件为 25 年。 此 外, 在 胶 粘 剂 的 使 用 上 也 有 很 大 的 区 别, 传 统 组 件 使 用 单 组 分 硅 酮 密 封 胶 进 行 边 框 密 封, 该 部 位 只 需 要 胶 粘 剂 提 供 良 好 的 密 封 性 能, 无 需 提 供 高 的 粘 接强度,故国内大多产家都选用价格较低 的 国 产 硅 酮 密 封 胶。 而 双 玻 组 件 采 用 了 更 便 捷 的 安 装 设 计, 先 使 用 高 强 度 的 硅 酮 胶 将 导 轨 粘 接 在 背 板 上, 然 后 将 导 轨 直 接 挂 在 使 用 现 场 即 可。 然 而 这 个 设 计 对 胶 粘 剂 提 出 了 非 常 高 的 要 求, 其 要 求 该胶粘剂在双玻组件使用的 30 年里,不


NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Contribution to Solar Energy

仅 要 承 受 高 温、 低 温、 湿 热、 风 沙 和 紫 外线等老化,还要一直支撑组件的自重, 抵 挡 风 压、 雪 压 和 冰 雹 的 侵 袭, 所 以 客 户 在 胶 粘 剂 的 选 用 上 也 非 常 谨 慎。 西 卡 专家们根据该项目的应用需求并结合西 卡 胶 粘 剂 在 类 似 户 外 条 件 的 应 用 经 验, 将 Sikasil®-AS 785 这款双组分结构硅酮 胶 推 荐 给 客 户, 并 与 客 户 一 起 在 其 国 家 重点实验室里对胶粘剂进行了多项测试, 如 3000h 的高温高湿( 85 ℃ /85%RH , DH3000 ), 200 次 高 低 温 循 环( TC 200 )和 21d 水浴( 55 ℃)耐候性测试, 5400Pa 正面雪压和 2400Pa 风压载荷测 试, 以 及 直 径 35mm , 速 度 97km/h 的 冰雹冲击测试, Sikasil®-AS 785 展现了

优 异 的 耐 老 化 性 能 和 杰 出 的 力 学 性 能, 通 过 了 客 户 的 所 有 内 部 测 试, 并 随 后 在 权威第三方机构获得了欧洲 TUV 和美国 UL 的双重认证。 目前,使用 Sikasil®-AS 785 进行背导 轨粘接的双玻组件已在国内前五的光伏组 件厂批量生产,部分已交付于电站使用。 未来,随着双玻组件逐渐成为光伏行业的 主流产品,西卡产品在太阳能行业的应用 也会越来越广。


Reserves of traditional fuels like oil and coal are decreasing ever y day whilst the harm that is being caused to the environment is now clear. The frequent occurrence of record-breaking PM2.5 air pollution levels, yellow and orange air pollution warnings, fog and global warming has encouraged great effor ts to develop clean energy all over the world. As a company that provides leading innovative technology and sustainable development solutions, Sika is active in responding to global environmental protection strategies and is dedicated to providing systematic solutions for the development of clean energies, such as wind power and solar energy. In recent years, double glazed photovoltaic (PV) components have become big news in the solar energy industry. As its name suggests, the component is composed of two pieces of glass and an array of solar cells. The cells are connected by wires in series and parallel to the lead side. During the SNEC PV Power Expo that concluded in Shanghai at the end of April, double glazed components were the most prominently displayed units by almost every PV producer. As a long-term cooperative partner of the solar energy industry, Sika has provided safe and reliable adhesive solutions that have helped the product’s rapid development worldwide. The biggest difference between double glazed components and conventional components is the packaging material. The back plate of the conventional component is made of high-polymer materials, such as PVDF, which is per-

meable to some extent. These materials will absorb oxygen and moisture that accelerates the degradation of the material, causing the cracking of the back plate and the electrochemical corrosion of the internal parts that increases the chance of potential induced degradation (PID) and black lines. As the name suggests, the back plate of the double glazed component is glass made of inorganic material. Because the material is not permeable it will not degrade over long term outdoor use. In addition, the materials are resistant to salt spray, acids, alkalis, sand and dust and its fireproof performance is Class A, which is the highest level, whilst conventional products only achieve Class C. Due to its outstanding weather resistance, most manufacturers estimate the life span of the double glazed components as 30 years while the life span of conventional components is 25 years. In addition, the use of adhesives is also different. For a conventional component, single silicone adhesive is used to seal the frame. This only requires the adhesive to have good sealing performance rather than high bonding strength so most manufacturers choose low quality domestic-made silicon adhesive. The double glazed component has a more convenient installation design, in which the guide rail is bonded to the back plate with high strength adhesive, and then the guide rail is hung directly on site. This design has a high requirement with regard to the adhesive. During the 30 years of shelf life, the adhesive must be able to endure conditions including high temperatures, low temperatures,

humidity changes, wind and storms, and UV rays. In addition, it has to bear the weight of the component in bad conditions, such as wind pressure, snow and hail. Therefore, clients are very careful in choosing adhesives. Taking project requirements into consideration, combined with the application experience of Sika’s adhesives in outdoor use, the Sika experts recommended Sikasil®-AS 785, which is a two component silicon adhesive to clients. Sika also conducted multiple test demonstrations with the clients in its main labs, including a 3000h high temperature and high humidity test (85°C/85%RH, DH3000), 200 high/ low temperature cycles (TC 200) and a 21d water bath (55°C) weather resistant test, a 5400Pa snow pressure test on the front side and a 2400Pa wind pressure load test, and a 35mm hail test with a speed of 97km/h. Sikasil®-AS 785 has shown excellent anti-ageing and mechanical performance and has passed all of the internal tests of the clients. It has received certificates from authoritative third-party institutes, TUV Europe and UL from the United States. To date, double glazed components using Sikasil®-AS 785 to attach the back plate to the guiding rail have been put into scale production by the top 5 PV component manufacturers in China and some have already been delivered to power stations. In the future, as the double glazed components become the mainstream product in the PV industry, Sika’s product will also become more widely used in the solar energy industry.

NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Contribution to Solar Energy




NEW HORIZON Issue 17 — Sustainability

创新粘接剂体系 INNOVATION IN ADHESIVE SYSTEMS 2015 年 7 月 2 日, 在 瑞 士 Dynamic Test Center( 动 态 测 试中心),西卡现场展示了汽车玻璃更换的最新技术。 来自欧洲各地的超过 120 人出席了此次活动。现场使用了 SikaTack® ELITE 和 PowerCure 粘接系统来安装两辆乘用车 的玻璃。根据联邦机动车安全标准 FMWSS212/208,玻璃 安装好仅 30 分钟后,大众高尔夫 6 就通过了真车碰撞测试; 安装 50 分钟后,标致 206 SW 就能直接通过挡风玻璃起吊, 均达到了汽车原厂级固化水平。

July 2, 2015: Sika showcased the latest technology for auto glass replacement during a live show at the Dynamic Test Center in Switzerland. More than 120 people from all over Europe were present. SikaTack® ELITE and the PowerCure dispensing system were used for the glass installation on two passenger cars. The VW Golf VI was crash tested with 95th percentile dummies in accordance with the FMVSS212/208 standards just 30 minutes after the installation. The Peugeot 206 SW was lifted on the windshield, just 50 minutes after the installation, to demonstrate the Cured to OEM Level feature.


NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Innovation in Adhesive Systems


玻璃安装好仅 30 分钟后,大众高尔夫 6 按照FMVSS212/208 标准使用 95% 假人模型进行了碰撞测试。

The VW Golf VI was crash tested with 95th percentile dummies in accordance with the FMVSS212/208 standards just 30 minutes after the installation.

玻璃安装 50 分钟后,标致 206 SW 就通过挡风玻璃起吊,显示达到了汽车原厂固化的水平。

The Peugeot 206 SW was lifted on the windshield, just 50 minutes after the installation, to demonstrate the Cured to OEM Level feature.


NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Innovation in Adhesive Systems

当胶粘剂完全固化时,挡风玻璃可占 车辆刚度的 35%。 >

POWERCURE - 快速固化胶粘剂和密 封剂的系统解决方案 Sika PowerCure 系统采用了创新方式, 结合了单组分和双组分胶粘剂系统的优点。 PowerCure 适用于各类手动和移动应用, 操作简单,且提供最高的可靠性。从设计 开始,就考虑到 PowerCure 的具体施工, 系统能够在所有条 件 下 使 用。PowerCure 系统包含新的胶粘剂分配器、高效的动态 混合器和经济型包装。它兼容所有种类的 胶粘剂技术,包括硅烷改性聚合物 (SMP)、 聚氨酯和聚硅氧烷。 POWERCURE - 终极修复解决方案 得 益 于 PowerCure 技 术,SikaTack® ELITE 固化不受气候影响,可从胶粘剂内部 开 始 固 化。SikaTack® ELITE 在 60 分 钟 内 即可达到汽车制造商 OEM 对于新车的强度 级别;因此它几乎能够立即将汽车车体结 构恢复到原来的水平。PowerCure 系统适 用于恶劣的户外条件,这对于车辆玻璃更 换和维修行业非常常见,并适用于其他领 域的应用。 汽车原厂级固化水平 在汽车维修售后市场,更换挡风玻璃

后,车辆重新上路,人们往往会忽视整体 车身刚度,这是有很高的安全隐患的。安 全驾驶时间表明车辆是否满足最低安全行 驶标准,是需要遵守的,对于是否允许车 辆重新上路,许多汽车制造商都有着更高 的要求。 汽车所要求的车身强度不但针对金 属 车 身 结 构, 还 针 对 挡 风 玻 璃。 当 胶 粘 剂完全固化时,挡风玻璃可占车辆刚度的 35%。在车辆达到原有刚度之前驾车上路, 可能会导致车身变形、舒适度降低、风噪 增大,甚至是造成漏水,以及导致玻璃部 分剥离,造成安全隐患。使用单组分系统 将车辆恢复原状,可能需要一个星期。而 使用 SikaTack® ELITE 只需要短短 60 分钟, 这是因为 PowerCure 技术能够通过第二种 组分加速胶粘剂的固化。

POWERCURE - 精密输送,尽在掌握中 PowerCure 系统具有高端泵系统的一 流精度和性能,可用于小型密封和粘结应 用。 对 于 泵 难 以 操 作 的 应 用,PowerCure 是 一 种 理 想 的 解 决 方 案。 从 设 计 之 初, PowerCure 就配套开发了计量器分配器, 以提供最具人性化的加速固化的分配系统。

POWERCURE - 现场应用更加灵活 PowerCure 系统是现场工作中高度机 动、极为可靠的伙伴。无论任何工作环境,

PowerCure 都是更大型应用的理想选择。 POWERCURE - 快速接头密封 PowerCure 是西卡加速胶粘剂和密封 剂系统的新平台。PowerCure 的动态混合 器保证两种组分的均匀混合,从而使胶在 数小时内完全固化。这是各种应用中大型 密封接头的理想解决方案。

POWERCURE – 加速粘结的整体解决 方案

PowerCure 是加速密封和粘接的最终 解决方案。PowerCure 采用了诸多新技术, 拥 有 超 过 13 项 专 利。 丰 富 的 产 品 系 列 使 这套系统成为快速固化胶粘剂和密封剂的 理想解决方案。欢迎访问 powercure,了解更多详情。 备 注: 美 国 联 邦 机 动 车 辆 安 全 标 准

FMVSS212/208 是汽车碰撞时测试挡风玻 璃保留程度的唯一相关标准。制定该标准 的目的是通过限制乘员从车内抛出,从而 降低伤亡程度。西卡严格按照其最苛刻的 条件。

NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Innovation in Adhesive Systems



NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Innovation in Adhesive Systems


POWERCURE – THE SYSTEM SOLUTION FOR QUICK CURING ADHESIVE AND SEALANTS Sika’s PowerCure system design combines the benefits of both one- and twocomponent adhesive systems in a new and comfortable way. PowerCure delivers simple application and highest reliability for all kinds of manual and mobile applications. From the very beginning the design was developed together with applicators and made to work under all conditions. The PowerCure system consists of a new kind of adhesive dispenser, a highly efficient dynamic mixer and a waste-saving packaging solution. It is compatible with all kind of adhesive technologies, including silane modified polymers (SMP), polyurethane, and silicones. POWERCURE – THE ULTIMATE REPAIR SOLUTION Thanks to PowerCure technology, SikaTack® ELITE is curing independently of the climate from the inside of the bead. SikaTack® ELITE is cured within 60 minutes to a strength level specified by vehicle manufacturers for new vehicles; it therefore reinforces the car body structure to the original level almost immediately. The PowerCure system was developed to work at harsh outdoor conditions which are typical for the vehicle glass repair and replacement industry and are also relevant to other fields of application.

CURED TO OEM LEVEL Body stiffness is often neglected when it is about putting a vehicle back on the road after a windshield replacement. The Safe Drive Away Time, which indicated a vehicle meets the minimum safety standards, is typically followed, as it can be reached in as little as 30 minutes with high-end one-component adhesives. Many car manufacturers have higher requirements when it is about releasing a vehicle back to the road. Modern cars require body stiffening either from the metal body structure or also from the windshield. The windshield can account for up to 35% of the vehicles stiffness when the adhesive is fully cured. Driving a vehicle before the original stiffness is reached, can cause the body to be too flexible, resulting in reduced comfort, wind noise and in a worst case partial delamination of the glass followed by potential entry of water. Returning a vehicle back to original conditions may take up to a week using one-component systems. With SikaTack® ELITE it can be reached within only 60 minutes, thanks to the PowerCure technology which accelerates curing of the adhesive with a second component. POWERCURE – PRECISION OF A PUMP IN YOUR HANDS The PowerCure system delivers the precision and performance of a high

end pump system for smaller sealing & bonding application. PowerCure is the ideal solution for applications which are difficult to be reached with a pump. From the beginning PowerCure was developed together with applicators to achieve the most user friendly dispensing system for accelerator adhesives. POWERCURE – MORE FLEXIBILITY ON-SITE The PowerCure system is a highly mobile and reliable companion on the job site. PowerCure is ideally suited for bigger applications independently of the working environment. POWERCURE – RAPID JOINT SEALING PowerCure is Sika’s new platform for accelerated adhesive and sealant systems. The dynamic mixer of PowerCure ensures homogeneous mixing of the two components, allowing toolable sealants that are fully cured within hours. This is the ideal solution for large sealing joints in various applications. POWERCURE – TOTAL SOLUTION FOR ACCELERATED BONDING PowerCure is the ultimate solution for accelerated sealing and bonding. PowerCure is full of new technology, protected by more than 13 patents. A range of products make the system the ideal solution when it’s about fast curing adhesives and sealants. Find out more on

NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Innovation in Adhesive Systems






中 国 和 瑞 士 的 友 谊 源 远 流 长。 瑞 士 于

1950 年 1 月 17 日正式承认新成立的中华人民 共和国,同年 9 月 14 日,与新中国建立外交 关系,是最早与新中国建交的西方国家之一。 今年是中国瑞士建交 65 周年,瑞士驻华大使 馆将举办一系列丰富多彩的庆祝活动,见证中 瑞两国长期友好关系。作为 “中瑞建交 65 周 年”的金牌赞助商,西卡参与并支持着中瑞建 交 65 周年的系列文化活动。 众所周知,瑞士和中国都是注重创新的国 家。除了政府机构间的对话,企业也为两国在很 多领域的密切交流铺平了道路。西卡作为瑞士企 业的杰出代表, 为中国极速发展的铁路公路交通, 建筑以及汽车工业做出了杰出的贡献。随着中国 与瑞士两国之间的交流持续发展,两国关系愈加 密切,也取得了许多里程碑式的成就。如今,中 国已经成为瑞士第三大重要贸易伙伴。已拥有百 年历史的西卡进入中国市场二十多年,也参与成 就了如北京水立方游泳馆、盘古七星酒店、上海 环球金融中心等中国地标式建筑。 正如瑞士驻华大使戴尚贤先生所言:“中 国瑞士建交 65 周年,我们要庆祝过去已经取 得的成就,更要为今天喝彩,还要启程攀登两 国未来合作的新高峰。”西卡祝愿中瑞关系在 未来蓬勃发展,取得更大的成果。


NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Sino-Swiss 65th Anniversary


Sika team was with Mr. Jean-Jacques de Dardel, Ambassador of Switzerland to China, on the Swiss-Chinese Friendship Day.


Mr. Jean-Jacques de Dardel, Ambassador of Switzerland to China.


Sika team was with Mr. Didier Boschung, Consul General of Switzerland in Guangzhou.

The friendship between Switzerland and China has a long history. Switzerland was one of the first Western countries to recognize the newly founded PRC on 17th January 1950 and to establish diplomatic relations on 14th September 1950. Year 2015 sees the 65th anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic relations between Switzerland and the People’s Republic of China. Swiss federal institutions will hold many events in China to celebrate the anniversary. As we all know, Switzerland and China both focus on innovation. In addition to governmental dialogue, companies from both countries maintain close commu-

nications and exchanges in many areas. Sika, as an outstanding Swiss representative organization, has already made a great contribution in China’s transportation, construction and automotive industries. With the advancements in sustainable development and closer ties in the relationship between the two countries, the Sika group has achieved numerous successes. China has now become the third largest trade partner for Switzerland. Sika, with its centuryold history, has already been working in China for more than twenty years, and has assisted in the construction of some of China’s landmark buildings such as the Beijing “Water Cube” Swimming pool,

the Pangu 7 Star Hotel Beijing and the Shanghai World Financial Center among many others. Mr. Jean-Jacques de Dardel, Ambassador of Switzerland to China, said in his welcome speech “This year’s anniversary of the establishment of bilateral relations between China and Switzerland is a perfect opportunity not just to celebrate the past, but also to celebrate the present, and to set out to climb new heights of co- operation in the future.” Sika w ishes the r ela tions be t w een China and Switzerland will flourish and make greater achievements.

NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Sino-Swiss 65th Anniversary





NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — New R&D Center in Guangzhou


2015 年 7 月 3 日,在历时 6 个月的装 修整改后,焕然一新的西卡广州研发中心 隆重开业。开业典礼受到了西卡亚太区和 中国管理层的高度地重视。西卡亚太区总 裁季瀚思先生,中国区总裁康秉仁先生, 运营副总裁洪子和先生以及人事副总裁黄 坚先生出席开业典礼剪彩并揭牌。 广州研发中心承担着西卡中国刚性粘 结的结构胶粘剂、地坪、涂料等产品的研 究和开发,秉持着“直面挑战,勇于创新” 的西卡价值观,不仅为中国地区提供极具 竞争力的产品和强有力的技术服务,同时 也为整个亚太地区提供技术支持。 重新装修的实验室根据不同目标市场 的划分而设置了相应的实验室,分别为环 氧实验室、聚氨酯实验室、涂料实验室以 及测试室。 环氧实验室和聚氨酯实验室 这两个实验室是一个整体实验室的不 同功能区的划分。以带试剂架的中央台为 界,左边为环氧实验室,右边为聚氨酯实 验室,整个实验室采用半玻璃视窗的设计, 地坪采用西卡浅灰色的自流平彩砂系统与 实验家具色彩统一,整个空间显得通透, 明亮,统一和谐。通过空调与排风系统的 设计,该实验室可实现标准条件下的温度 和湿度的控制,结合人工恒温恒湿箱,目 前广州实验室可实现较宽温湿度范围内的 施工条件控制,从而对产品全方位的性能 判断更为全面。

庆典当天,该实验室安排了各类地坪 产品的样板与演示,让大家能更清晰和直 观的了解到我们的产品和研发工作的内容, 为实现更好的交流和沟通提供基础的平台。

由来自亚太区的技术服务经理 Harald 精心 设计施工而成,该条长廊横穿整个实验区 域,与实验室的浅灰色调形成强烈对比, 让整个实验室环境在严肃严谨中不泛活泼。

测试室 目前广州实验室为结构胶粘剂配备有 全套制样模具、拉力机、压力机、热变形 温度测试仪、喷砂机等设备,为地坪涂料 等产品配备有拉拔仪、冲击仪、制膜器、 电阻仪等,基本上能按照相关的测试标准 为西卡产品提供全项性能测试报告。

办公室 紧邻茶水间是办公室。整个办公室采 用落地玻璃的设计,整个空间通透,采光 超级棒,是整个研发中心通风采光最佳的 地方,此处不得不为西卡越来越人性化的 理念点赞。办公室区域采用了西卡舒适地 坪系统,是西卡广州研发中心独立研究开 发的聚氨酯地坪系列产品,弹性佳、脚感好, 该系统专为商业应用领域而开发。该产品 采用 I-Cure 技术,有效地改善了聚氨酯不 耐湿气这一“痼疾”,可以实现宽温湿度 范围的施工。

涂料实验室 由于特殊的使用领域和施工要求,西 卡部分涂料产品为溶剂型产品。稀释剂和 溶剂的使用会产生大量的刺鼻性气味新实 验室专门为涂料配制设置了落地式的通风 橱,高速搅拌机直接放置其中,投料和搅 拌均在通风橱内完成,刺鼻性气体直接通 过通风管道排出,并经过净化后排入大气, 不仅大大改善了实验室工作人员的工作环 境,同时也达到一定的环保目的。

作为广州研发中心的一员,我为我们 的新实验室感到相当高兴和自豪;作为一 个加入西卡 8 年的老员工,我经历了实验 从无到有,到更大的变化过程,非常感慨, 也期待着我和我的小伙伴能在如此好的环 境中再创佳绩!

办公环境和休闲区 推开研发中心的大门,首先让人影响 深刻的当然是我们颇为温馨舒适的开放式 茶水间以及那条“土豪金”的长廊了。茶 水间的主题色调采用西卡黄色,吊柜和饮 水台设计简洁大方,颜色搭配温馨和谐, 工作之余来这里放松放松是个很不错的选 择呢。而那条“土豪金”的长廊,采用西 卡中国的艺术地坪产品和独特的施工工艺,

NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — New R&D Center in Guangzhou



NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — LNG Tanks

NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — LNG Tanks


After six months of renovation, the brand new Sika Guangzhou R&D Center held its grand reopening ceremony on 3 July 2015. The opening ceremony was well attended by the management of Sika Asia Pacific and Sika China. Mr. Heinz Gisel, President of Sika Asia Pacific, Mr. Mike Campion, President of Sika China, Mr. Ivan Hung, Head of Operations and Mr. Frank Huang, Head of Human Resources were present at the ceremony to cut the ribbon and unveil the nameplate. The Sika Guangzhou R&D Center is responsible for the research and development of structural adhesive for rigid adhesion, flooring and coating products. Embracing Sika’s values of overcoming challenges and daring to innovate, the Center not only provides competitive products and powerful technological services in China but also technological support to Asia Pacific as a whole.


NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — New R&D Center in Guangzhou

The renovated lab is divided into several sections to serve different target markets, including the epoxy lab, polyurethane lab, coating lab and testing lab. EPOXY LAB AND POLYURETHANE LAB These two labs are separate functional sections of a general lab, divided by a shelf. The epoxy lab is on the left, and the polyurethane lab is on the right. The lab has a half-glass window design and Sika’s self-leveling light grey color sand was applied to the floor in order to match the color of the equipment. The area appears spacious, bright and harmonious. The design of the AC and ventilation system enables temperature and humidity control for optimum conditions. With the help of constant artificial temperature and a humidity box, it is possible to control work conditions with a wider range of temperature and humidity levels in the Guangzhou lab. It is therefore possible to test all aspects of the products’ functions.

On the day of the opening ceremony, a demonstration of various flooring product samples was arranged in the lab to improve the understanding of our products and R&D, and to provide a platform for better exchange and communication. TESTING ROOM Currently, the Guangzhou lab is equipped with a full set of modules, tensile machines, machine presses, heat distortion testing machines and sand blasting machines for testing structural adhesive. For flooring and coating products, there are pultrusion machines, impact testing machines, film-making machines and electrical resistance instruments. In general, the lab is capable of providing full-function testing reports for Sika products in accordance with relevant testing standards. COATING LAB Due to the special applications of the field

and construction requirements, some of Sika’s coating products are also solvent products. The use of diluents and solvents will create a large amount of noxious gases. Therefore, in the new lab, a hanging ventilation cabin was set up during installation. A high-speed mixer was directly installed inside so that the mixing of the materials all occurred within the ventilation cabin. In this way, the noxious gases were directly extracted by the ventilation pipe and were then filtered and released into the open air. This not only improved the working environment for the lab staff greatly but also fulfilled the environmental protection requirements. OFFICE ENVIRONMENT AND RELAXATION LOUNGE Opening the door of the R&D center, you will be impressed by the cozy tea room and the plush decorated corridor. The tea room is decorated with Sika yellow as

the main color. The cupboards and water dispenser have a simple design with harmonious color matching. It is a great place to relax from work. The decorated corridor is lined with Sika’s artisanal flooring products and employs unique construction techniques. It was designed by Harald, the Technological Service Manager of the Asia Pacific region. The corridor goes through the whole lab area and creates a strong contrast with the light grey color of the labs, adding a lively vibe to the working environment of the labs. OFFICE Next to the tea room is the office area. The office area has French windows that make the whole space transparent and bright, and it that has the best lighting of anywhere in the R&D Center. It is impossible not to like the personalized design philosophy of Sika. Sika’s comfort flooring system, a polyurethane flooring product

independently developed by the Sika Guangzhou R&D Center, was applied to the office area. It is a system that is specifically developed for commercial use due to its good flexibility and comfort under foot. The I-Cure technology effectively solves the polyurethane’s vulnerability to humidity, which is a common problem of the material. It enables the material to be used in a wider range of temperatures and humidity levels. As a staff member of the Guangzhou R&D center, I’m happy and proud of our new lab. As an old employee who has been with Sika for eight years, I have witnessed the lab develop from the beginning. My partners and I look forward to continued success within this excellent work environment.

NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — New R&D Center in Guangzhou



NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — LNG Tanks

西卡中国在苏州 新建生产厂房 SIKA CHINA BUILDS A NEW PLANT IN SUZHOU 文:赵勇 图:段杨



2015 年 6 月, 西 卡 中 国 在 其 苏 州 总 部新建的厂房正式完工,新厂房占地面积 3000 平方米,分为办公区域和生产厂房。 其中厂房区域约 2100 平方米将用于汽车注 塑件产品的生产和仓储,另外一部分将用 于生产胶粘剂产品。 新工厂从屋面到地面都应用了西卡自 己生产的产品。屋面使用了西卡渗耐 PVC 防水卷材,并在办公去的屋顶修建了西卡 渗耐绿色屋面系统;建筑钢结构采用西卡 佑民生防火涂料,而地面则使用了西卡环 氧地坪系统以及地面硬化剂。

Sika China has constructed a new plant in Suzhou with an area of 3000 m², divided into an office area and a production area. About 2100 m² of the production area is used for the production and storage of automotive injection molding components and the rest is used for adhesive production.

of the office area, Sika ’ s green roof system was applied. Sika ’ s Unitherm fireproof coating was applied to protect the steel structure of the building and Sika ’ s epoxy flooring systems and hardener products were used for the floor.

Many Sika products were used in the construction of the new plant from roofing to flooring. The roof was waterproofed with Sika’s PVC membrane. On the roof

NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — New Plant in Suzhou


西卡人在行动 SIKA PEOPLE AT WORK 西卡是建筑及施工行业可靠的合作伙伴。除先进的技术和可靠的产品系统之 外,我们还为客户提供全方位的技术支持和培训。从客户会议室到尘土飞扬 的工地或热闹喧嚣的市场,都活跃着西卡人的身影,他们在行动,目标只有 一个:为客户提供更多的价值,帮助客户解决问题。

Sika is a proven and reliable partner to the entire construction industry. We provide our customers far more than just the best ‘state of the art’ and technically proven products. We also add value for our customers, by providing comprehensive support services and technical training. From meeting rooms and construction sites to crowded markets, you can always see Sika people at work with a common objective: create more value for customers and help them solve problems.

修补和加固团队到目前为止共组织8次对外培训、2 次 对内培训以及3次技术交流会。

The refurbishment team has organized 8 external trainings and 2 internal trainings and participated in 3 technical communication meetings.


NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Sika People at Work

混凝土团队今年到目前为止共参加 6次研讨会,6次技术沟通会议以及 组织9场内部培训。

The concrete team has to date participated in 6 training seminars and 6 technical discussion forums and has organized 9 internal training sessions.

屋面团队今年到目前为止共参加 7 次研讨会,举办了15次承建商施工培训。

The roofing team has to date participated in 7 training seminars and has organized 15 installation training sessions for contractors.


The flooring team has so far participated in 71 seminars and has organized 30 installation training sessions.

工业部团队今年到目前为止共参加60多次研讨会,举办了3次销售技术培训,一次新人 培训和2 次技术服务培训。

The industry team has participated in over 60 seminars and has organized 3 technical training sessions for sales staff, one training session for new staff and two training sessions for technical service support staff. 分销团队今年到目前为止共组织20场路演、26 场施工和技术培训。

The distribution team has organized 20 roadshows and 15 installation and technical training sessions.

NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Sika People at Work




FOR US TO MEET AGAIN 谨以此文献给西卡 2014 级的每一位管理培训生。

The article is to every 2014 Sika Trainee. 文: 刘杉杉



2015 年 7 月 10 日是一个平凡的日子。 假如对于这样的一天,还有人看到了平凡 之外的所在,那么很高兴在这里与你重逢, 和我同届的西卡 2014 级管理培训生。 平凡,因为就像我们在不同时空经历 过的每一次毕业典礼一样,它朴素、简短, 甚至因为沾染了些许竞技色彩而显得有些 仓促;个人展示的机会总是有限,像从前 不多的几次一样,总能对视到几双慌乱的 眼,尴尬的衔接、被误解的重点,不会有 比拥有这些缺憾更平凡的平凡。 然而,之于我,之于你,之于在这场 用时一年的培训中,同样往来匆匆却不曾 敷衍倦怠过的每一个人,它是不止于记号 形式的特别的一天。三期培训,十天朝夕 相处,被分散在 365 天的大分母里,实在 太过短暂;两场汇演,相识相知十天,记 录了两个半年的改变,又太像一部被浓缩


NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — For Us to Meet Again

的超长纪录片。慌张时组员们及时的补充, 尴尬时同伴们圆滑的过渡,词不达意时还 能被台下的学员们心领神会出别样的笑点, 从最初的同班室友相处成最后的“同屋那 哥们儿”,同样的出演,不一样的表演。 特别,是因为它没有宣告结束,而是 预示开始。谁也无法保证,曾经上过的寥 寥几节课,能从讲师的口若悬河中借到几 丝职场哲学的真谛,但可以保证的是,无 人以空白离场。以陌生的身份进来,以为 总有告别;以熟悉的身份离开,领悟不争 朝夕的默契。 我在西卡最亲爱的同学,不知你会不 会也像我一样,在最初面临这样庞大的人 事体系时也会有一些不知所措,在不熟悉 的领域奈何怎样舒展都还会觉得惘然。尽 管在一年后的今天,我仍然会面对工作中 的挑战不小心露出一丝诚惶诚恐,最初的

焦虑却已然褪去。因为我可以从容的抓起 电话,在需要帮助的时候,给永远热情的 你打过去,即便交流的结果可能会偏离求 助的初衷,也正因为交流可以不仅限于求 助的初衷。你对于我在这里最大的意义, 是情义的交叠,是勇气的来源。但愿慷慨 的你,也在我这里感受过同样积极的诚恳。 我在西卡最亲爱的同学,尽管我们来 自不同的部门、不同的区域,尽管我们会 为了不同的目的地而不得不选择告别彼此, 甚至在接下来很长的路程上都难再擦肩, 我还是倾叹与你的相遇相知,即便相处是 遥远的,因为一路有你。 感谢一路有你。


The article author.

10 July 2015 was just an ordinary day. If you can see something special about the day, you must be my fellow alumni from the 2014 Sika Trainee program and I’m happy to see you again. Just like ever y graduation ceremony that we have become used to, we could say the day was ordinary because it was simple and short. It even passed too quickly because of the many competitions. Opportunities for individual expression were limited. Just as before, there was some nervous eye contact and some awkward moments. However, for those of us who experienced this year’s training together, this day was extra special. The three sessions of training over ten days, dispersed throughout the year, was only a short period of time. The two shows and ten days that we spent together were like a shortened version of a long documentary that marked our changes over the two half years. Dur-

ing the team presentation, when one was too nervous to remember anything, the other one took over in a smooth transition. When we had no idea what we were talking about, the audience would always laugh at a humorous point. From starting off as just classmates to becoming good friends, we all had a great time and put on an extraordinary show. We say it is special because it is not the end but a beginning. No one can say for certain to that he learned the true essence of work philosophy from the teacher in just a few classes. However, it is certain that no one left without learning anything. We came together as strangers and when the moment came we to say goodbye, we were already good friends. My dearest friends in Sika, do you also feel lost when facing such a huge HR system or working in an unfamiliar field like me? One year has passed and although sometimes I still feel nervous about the

challenges at work, I do not feel as nervous as I was at the beginning because I know I can give you a call whenever I need help. Although our conversations sometimes drifted away from the request for help, it made the relationship special because assistance was not always the only purpose. What you mean to me most is our friendship and source of courage. I hope as generous as you are, you feel the same sincerity in me. My dearest friends in Sika, although we come from different departments and fields and have to say goodbye as we head toward different destinations, even if we cannot meet again in the near future, I still feel proud to have met and known you. Even if we are far apart, you’re always in my mind. Thank you all!

NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — For Us to Meet Again






在毕业的季节里,我们走出校园,带 着期待与未来的憧憬,去迎接自己人生的 第一份工作。心里也许会有些恋恋不舍与 些许迷茫,恋恋不舍的是习惯的校园生活, 迷茫的是新的起点,梦的开始。其实不必 迷茫,因为西卡会给我们带来一个好的开 始! 第一次邂逅西卡是在一次校园招聘会 上,正当我在会场茫茫人海中迷茫时,前 面排着长队的西卡(中国)有限公司吸引 了我,于是我抱着试一试的心态走进了队 伍中。由于排队人数过多,中午会场结束 就停止面试,一个上午我都在焦急的排队 等待中度过,不过幸运的是,我作为最后 一个求职者进行了初面。经过简单交流后 我用我的自信心和良好的沟通能力得到了 HR 的肯定,同时也拉近了我与西卡之间的 距离,最终如愿与西卡结下缘分,让我找 到梦的起点。


NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Where Dreams Begin

来到西卡,就像来到一个大家庭,在 这里你可以认识来自五湖四海的同学和朋 友,走进西卡大楼,就被西卡主色调黄色 所深深吸引,让我第一眼就喜欢上了这里。 公司办公环境非常的人性化,在办公区域 都有公共的茶水间,为员工提供茶水、咖 啡等,在这样一个轻松、舒适的环境下工作, 相信大家都事半功倍。 入职第一周,公司给我们培训生精心 订制了职场培训课程,旨在让我们尽快的 适应环境,完成从学生到员工的角色转变。 在这一周的时间里,我们互相认识,并以 团队形式完成各项任务,锻炼团队协作能 力,并建立起深厚的友谊。一周的相聚是 短暂的,但却留下了美好的回忆,大家都 各自走上自己的工作岗位,进行深入的专 业技能培训。公司给我们提供了良好的学 习平台,导师制定了详细的学习计划与目 标,作为运营部的培训生,我的第一阶段

培训被安排在包装车间。在一个月的培训 中,我按照计划进行包装工艺的学习,从 标准作业流程的学习到实际动手操作再到 分析问题原因直到最后能够提出自己的解 决方案这样层层递进,我很快的适应了工 作环境,进入了工作状态。 西卡给培训生提供了广阔的学习平台, 让我们快速成长,同时职场技能的培训让 我快速完成了从学校到职场的心态转变, 它不仅是梦想的摇篮,更是通向梦想的云 梯,让我们早日实现自己的梦想。

In the graduation season, we all say farewell to our student life and start our first job with great expectations. We might still be a little reluctant to leave behind the student life and have concerns about the future. However I find that there is no need to worry because in Sika I have already had a great start for my future. It was at a campus recruitment fair when I first met Sika. That day, when I felt lost among the huge crowds, Sika’s booth with a long queue of students waiting attracted my attention. So I joined in wishing to give it a go. The queue was so long that I was worried that I might not get be seen before the interviews were stopped at noon. Luckily for me, I was the last student to get an interview. My good communication and confidence impressed the interviewer and I finally got the offer from Sika to

become a trainee after the round of interviews. Then I came to Sika to start my dream career. Sika is like a big family which gathers people from all over China and the world. When I first visited Sika my attention was immediately drawn to the bright yellow color on the office buildings. The Sika office is ver y personalized. Each office is equipped with common rooms to supply tea, coffee and other refreshments to staf f. With such a relaxed and collegiate environment everyone can work better together. In the first week, all trainees gathered in Suzhou, the headquarters of Sika China, to take an induction training course specially designed to help make the transition from student to employee. During the week, we got to know each other and finish tasks as a team improving our team working skills, establishing lasting friendships and leaving

memories we would cherish. Afterwards we all had additional professional training at our individual depar tments. The company gave us an excellent training platform where senior managers acted as our tutors, and made detailed study plans and objectives for us. As a trainee of the operations department, my first post was to work in the packaging workshop. In one-month training, as planned, I learned about the packaging process and procedure with hands-on training. Finally I was able to analyse problems and put forward my own solutions and was able to quickly adapt to the new environment. I feel lucky that I joined in Sika to start my career because Sika provides a great training and study platform for new graduates to help them grow. To me, Sika is not only a dream career but also a highway to realize my dream.

NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Where Dreams Begin



HOW I FEEL ABOUT SIKA 文:吕小萍 图: 张欢欢



今年的上半年,西卡中国在全国范围 内展开了一场西卡价值观及准则的活动, 活动采取线上线下相结合的方式,不仅吸 引了西卡员工积极参与,同时也鼓励西卡 的客户以及合作伙伴通过线上微信活动的 方式参与到活动中来。活动还设置了价值 5000 元的培训基金最为最终的大奖,由西 卡中国总裁康秉仁先生从参与了每一场活 动的人群中抽取。本期 New Horizon 就为 你揭秘西卡价值观与准则推广活动的大奖 得主。 他是大家口中的“欢欢”,确实也为 大家带来了欢乐和帮助:在主管眼里,他 认真负责,协助行政部做了很多工作;在 西卡员工眼里,他乐于助人,带领队员帮 忙西卡员工搬重物任劳任怨;在队友眼里, 他有那么一点点小严肃,每周都必须进行 例会和训练……,他就是西卡上海工厂的 保安队队长——张欢欢,也是今年西卡中 国“价值观与准则”推广活动 5000 元培训 基金大奖得主。他说:“我为西卡服务了 3 年多了,我早已把自己视为西卡的一员。 西卡的价值观与准则我深有体会,多年来 也对我有着潜移默化的影响。” 你为西卡服务了多少年了? 我 于 2012 年 5 月 12 日 来 到 西 卡, 至 今已经 3 年多了。 我们注意到这几年来,你们保安队的 队员一直在变化,而你却一直在这里担任 队长,能告诉我们原因吗? 保安队员流动性大,是整个行业的规 律,而我一直在这里担任队长是因为我已 经感受到西卡这个大家庭的温暖,与每个 部门甚至每个员工都有着一份难以割舍的 感情存在。 为西卡服务的这些年来,什么事情让 你印象最为深刻?


NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — How I Feel about Sika

给我印象深刻的事情很多,列举其中 一件吧:2013 年的一个夏天,保安员赵功 连在上班时中暑晕倒,行政部领导王蕾和 谢周佳、QEHS 苗荣荣闻讯后迅速赶到现场 询问并带来相关药品,盐汽水冷饮等,此 事让我感受到了无限关怀。 能谈一谈你与西卡员工相处的感受吗? 我们属于外包公司派遣。保安向客户 单位提供的服务存在着检查、监督等工作 内容,其实这样的工作内容还是比较容易 使员工反感,但我们在执行此类工作时, 都与员工能保持良好的沟通,也使我们和 员工之间产生一种良性的默契,总体感觉 和西卡员工相处还是很 ok 的。 在你眼里,西卡是怎样的一家公司? 我觉得西卡是一个管理相对比较人性 化的公司。

这次西卡“价值观和准则”的推广活 动你每一场都积极参与,除了礼品,还有 其他吸引你的地方吗? 说实话礼品还是比较有诱惑力的,但 我参与活动的主要原因还是想通过各个方 面来体现我已经加入西卡,关注西卡,更 是真心认可西卡。我还鼓励我们保安队队 员一起参加。 谈一谈获得西卡“价值观和准则”活 动 5000 元培训基金大奖的感受?你准备将 基金用在什么培训上? 获得大奖首先肯定是比较激动的,也 真心觉得应该推出类似的活动,让更多员 工参与进来,使他们更好的融入西卡了解 西卡文化。这 5000 元的培训基金我已报名 参加大专培训课程,更好的提高自己,为 西卡提供更好的服务。

In the first half of this year, Sika China carried out a series of online and offline activities to promote Sika’s Values and Principles. The event not only attracted Sika employees but also encouraged Sika’s customers and partners to join in via Wechat. Training to the value of 5000 RMB was set as the final prize and the winner was drawn by Mr. Mike Campion, the President of Sika China. New Horizon interviewed the winner of the prize. He is not an employee of Sika but woks for Sika. We call him Huanhuan (means “joy” in Chinese). To the managers, he is diligent and responsible, providing a lot assistance to the Administration depar tment; to Sika’s staf f, he and his team are very helpful; to his team members, he is a lit tle strict as he insists on their weekly meetings and drills… Who is he? He is Huanhuan Zhang, the captain of the contracted securit y guard team of the Sika Shanghai Plant. He is also the winner of the grand prize of the Sika China Values and Principle Promotion Event. He said: “I’ve been ser ving Sika for over 3 years and I always regard myself as a member of the Sika family. In these years, I have rich experience in Sika’s values and principles, which have influenced me greatly.”

warm and friendly towards me. I regard myself as one of Sika’s family members. WHAT IMPRESSED YOU MOST IN THESE YEARS? There are a lot of things that impressed me. For example, one day in the summer of 20 13, one of our securit y guards fainted with heatstroke. Lei Wang and Lavenda from the administration department and Henry from the QEHS department immediately came to see him bringing medicine and cold drinks. We all felt the great care and concern and were most grateful. HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT SIKA STAFF? We are from an out-sourced company and our job includes inspection and supervision of employees. Such work sometimes may be disliked by the employees so we always ensure to maintain good communication with Sika employees. We get along well with Sika employees.

HOW DO YOU THINK OF SIKA? I f e e l S ik a’s m a n a g e m e n t is v e r y human oriented. YOU TOOK PART IN EVERY ACTIVITY IN THE “SIKA VALUES AND PRINCIPLES” EVENT. BESIDES THE GIFTS AND PRIZE, WERE THERE ANY OTHER REASONS? Well, I cannot deny that the prize was ver y at tractive. However, the main reason was because I want to express that I am also part of Sika, I care about Sika and to recognize Sika from deep in my heart. I also encouraged my team members to participate in the activities. HOW DID YOU FEEL WHEN YOU KNEW YOU ARE THE WINNER? WHAT WILL YOU USE THE PRIZE FOR? I was very excited. I think it’s a really good event to learn and understand Sika’s culture that involves all of the employees. I’ve used the prize of RMB 5000 in a college training course to improve myself and provide a better service to Sika.

HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN SERVING SIKA? It has been over three years. I came here on 12 May 2012. We have noticed that the members of your securit y guard team are al w a y s chang ing bu t y o u ar e s t ill here as the captain. It’s a common problem that the security industry has a high staff turnover rate. But I choose to stay here at Sika because each depar tment and staff member in the Shanghai factory have been so 2 013年张欢欢(中)被西卡上海公司评为“西卡服务之星”。 Huanhuan Zhang (middle) was awarded as the "Sika Service Star" in 2013.

NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — How I Feel about Sika




TEENAGERS IN SIKA T-SHIRTS 这群来自成都七中的孩子,披上西卡战衣,代表中国赴美国参加世界少年机器人锦标赛。

These teenagers in T-shirts with Sika logo, from Chengdu No. 7 High School, attended the FIRST Tech Challenge in USA on behalf of China.


NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Teenagers in Sika T-shirts


CHARITY BAZAAR 西卡上海参加莘庄工业园区组织的义卖活动。所得款项全 部捐赠给红十字基金会。

Sika Shanghai set a booth at the Charity Bazaar organized by Shanghai Xinzhuang Industrial Park. The money collected was donated to the Chinese Red Cross Foundation.

NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Charity Bazaar


公司旅游 - 华东区

OUTING - EAST REGION 中华恐龙园、淹城野生动物园和泰宁大金湖

Global Dinosaur Town, Yancheng Wildlife Zoo and Taining Dajin Lake


NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Outings

公司旅游 - 广州公司


Wanlv Lake and Hezhou

NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Outings


公司旅游 - 苏州公司


Hui-Hang Ancient Path and Mogan Mountain


NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Outings

NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Outings


NATIONAL CONTACT 全国联络方式 西卡(中国)有限公司



JINAN SIKA ENGINEERING CO., LTD. 济南市经七路 83 号润亨大厦 1102、1109 房间 邮编:250001 电话:+86 531 8191 1728 传真:+86 531 8191 1700

苏州工业园区泾东路 28 号 邮编:215121 电话:+86 512 6273 2888 传真:+86 512 6287 7070 网址:

广州西卡建筑材料有限公司 西卡北京分公司


SIKA ( CHINA ) LTD. BEIJING BRANCH 北京市朝阳区东土城路怡和阳光大厦 C 座 1401 室 邮编:100013 电话:+86 10 6448 9567 传真:+86 10 6448 9581


SIKA ( GUANGZHOU ) TRADING CO., LTD. 广州经济技术开发区东区骏达路 96 号 邮编:510530 电话:+86 20 8226 6066 传真:+86 20 8226 6022




天津市北辰区铁东北路天穆镇都市产业园南仓园区天 盈四支路 18 号 邮编:300400 电话:+86 22 8688 8308 传真:+86 22 8688 8301-219

SIKA LTD., DALIAN 大连市甘井子区工兴路 47 号 邮编:116031 电话:+86 411 8678 0060

四川西卡柯帅建筑材料有限公司 西卡渗耐防水系统(上海)有限公司


SIKA ( CHINA ) LTD. SHANGHAI BRANCH 上海市莘庄工业园区华宁路 4555 号 邮编:201108 电话:+86 21 3407 3788 传真:+86 21 3407 3799


NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — LNG Tanks

SICHUAN SIKA KESHUAI CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL CO., LTD. 成都市新津邓双川浙合作 工业园区兴化路 2 路 89 号 邮编:611430 电话:+86 028 8259 2299 传真:+86 028 8259 2333 传真:+86 411 8678 0070



SICHUAN SIKA KESHUAI CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL CO., LTD. CHONGQING BRANCH 重庆市九龙坡区奥体路 1 号附 6-22-9 邮编:510260 电话:+86 23 8806 0828 传真:+86 23 8806 0858

HEBEI JIUQIANG BUILDING MATERIALS CO., LTD. 石家庄市正定县正灵公路 8 公里处 邮编:050800 电话:+86 311 8826 4988 传真:+86 311 8826 4961 网址

西卡香港有限公司 四川西卡柯帅建筑材料有限公司云南分公司

SICHUAN SIKA KESHUAI CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL CO., LTD. YUNNAN BRANCH 昆明市晋宁县工业园区二街片区 邮编:650600 电话:+86 871 6789 9129 传真:+86 871 6789 9129



SIKA HONGKONG LTD. 新界沙田安平街 6 号新贸中心 A 座 15 楼 1507-12 室 电话:+852 2686 8108 传真:+852 2645 3671


SIKA TAIWAN LTD. 台湾桃园市卢竹区富国路三段 1380 号 邮编:33849 电话:+886 3352 8622 传真:+886 3352 0470

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NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — LNG Tanks


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