Market Segment Development of Commercial Flooring
25 水务涂料在广州 环博会上火了
Sika from Above
Education is Change
Water Treatment Coating Draws Crowds at the IE Expo
WELCOME 亲爱的朋友们: 2015 年已悄然离去!由于经济从借贷和重工业为 支撑的模式转换成以消费为驱动的模式,这让我们在 中国都经历了波动的一年。近期,以商品和材料的生 产来加快现代化进程的中国经济,现已向逐步壮大的 中产阶级提供商品和服务来转化。日渐增长的双重性 导致中国经济成为全球金融危机以来发展最低值,而 服务业经济强势扩张,首次为中国国民生产总值作出 了过半数的贡献。欢迎来到新常态!以往的业务模式 不再可能获得持续性的成功。现在,必须通过值得信 赖的合作伙伴提供创新的解决方案和可靠的支持和服 务才能战胜前面的挑战。现在,西卡时代来临! 西卡一直致力于提供满足客户各种挑战性需求 的创新解决方案,是全球领先企业。时不我待,西卡 已经准备好为您迎接新的经济模式提供支持。在本期 New Horizon 杂志中,您可以看到西卡在各个方面影 响着市场: - 西卡针对冰箱门体闪缝的创新解决方案帮助 合作伙伴赢得“质量奥运会”质改大奖。 - 通过改善混凝土表面,让混凝土不仅仅只发 挥功能性作用,还能成为一件美的艺术品,在一个地 标性项目中,您可以看到这两者的完美结合。 - 从工业地坪到商业地面的转型,让纯功能性 的地面变得色彩和图案丰富,并兼具环保性。 - 教育带来改变。西卡在中国捐赠图书馆,回 报社区。 - 西卡的年轻经理人们正在以积极的方式影响 着这个行业。 本期包含了项目故事、创新解决方案、西卡在可 持续发展方面的努力以及上个季度的各种活动,预祝 阅读愉快! 和您并肩工作我深感骄傲,期待充满活力 的 2016 !
康秉仁 西卡中国总裁
Dear Friends, We have finally come to the end of Fiscal Year 2015! This has been a tumultuous year for all of us in China as the economy shifts from one fed by debt and heavy industry into one driven by consumption. In recent times, China’s economy has been driven by the production of goods and materials to speed its modernization and now shifts to providing goods and services to its growing middle class. The increasingly dual nature of the Chinese economy has delivered the lowest growth rate since the global financial crisis while the services sector expanded strongly accounting for more than half of China’s GDP expansion for the first time. Welcome to the new normal! Business as usual is no longer possible to achieve a lasting success. Now is the time to deliver innovative solutions and robust support and services from trusted partners to conquer the challenges that lie ahead. Now is the time for Sika!
MIKE CAMPION President of Sika China
Sika is the global leader in developing innovative solutions to meet the ever changing needs of our customers. Now more than ever, we stand ready to support you in adapting to the new economy. In this 19th Edition of the New Horizon Magazine, you will see some of the many ways we are impacting the market: - Cooperation in helping our partner win in the “Olympics of Quality“ for an innovative solution to an old problem in sealing a refrigerator door. - Changing the face of concrete from a functional requirement to a thing of beauty. The combination of form and function on a new Landmark structure. - From Industrial to Commercial, moving the market from a purely utilitarian approach to one of rich patterns and environmental friendliness. - Education is Change! Sika helps to build Libraries throughout China in support of our local communities. - Sika’s young professionals are changing the face of the industry in a very positive and influential way. Please enjoy reading about our exciting new projects, innovative solution to customer problems, sustainability initiatives and a host of other activities we have provided over the last quarter. We are proud to work with you and look forward to an exciting 2016!
Yours Mike Campion President of Sika China
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Preface
NEW HORIZON #19 2015 18
西卡助海尔冰箱获 ASQ“质量界奥运会” 质改大奖
Sika Helps Haier Win ASQ Award
The Beauty of Fair-Faced Concrete Experience of Luxury and Safety Sika from Above
Market Segment Development of Commercial Flooring Protect Steel Re-bars from Corrosion More than Concrete
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Contents
Young Professionals Shine in the Flooring and Coating Team
Education is Change An Interview with Alice Ma Caring for the Elderly
西卡地坪涂料团队的年轻 经理人们
Cross-Departmental Cooperation and Selling 水务涂料在广州环博会上火了
Water Treatment Coating Draws Crowds at the IE Expo
48 66
2015 年中国国际屋面和建筑防水技术展
2015 China International Roofing and Waterproofing Expo
西卡亮相 2015 海尔技术创新论坛暨展览会
西卡再次通过 CNAS 及德国 DIN6701 实 验室认可
Sika Passes Certifications of CNAS and DIN6701 Again
ISO9001 & ISO14001 换版培训 Training on Revised ISO9001:2015 & ISO14001:2015
Sika Showed Up on 2015 Haier Technological Innovation Seminar and Expo
Supplier Audit Training in China
欣赏 ENJOY 欢度圣诞节
Have a Fun Christmas Day
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Contents
西卡助海尔冰箱获 ASQ“质量界奥运会” 质改大奖 SIKA HELPS HAIER WIN ASQ AWARD
在西卡全新的反应型热熔胶方案的助力下,海尔冰箱团队提报的“冰箱玻璃 门体闪缝全新解决方案”在 2015 年世界质量与改进大会上获得“最佳公司战 略贡献奖”。
Haier won the Best Company Strategy Contribution Award at the 2015 World Conference on Quality and Improvement with its fridge door seam total solution, in which Sika’s brand new reactive hot melt adhesive is used to replace the old tape-style solution. 文/图:王鹏飞
在由美国质量学会(ASQ)主办的被 誉为质量界奥运会的 2015 年世界质量与 改进大会上,海尔冰箱团队提报的“冰箱 玻璃门体闪缝全新解决方案”以领先的技 术和六西格玛的品质,获评“最佳公司战 略贡献奖”。 冰箱门体闪缝是日常生活中经常遇到 的问题,冰箱门体过度挤压,使用年限长 都可能导致冰箱门体出现闪缝。此外,在 冰箱生产过程中,粗糙的工艺、门体铰链 安装不到位或门体上下不平诸多原因也会
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — ASQ Award
导致产生闪缝。闪缝的存在会影响冰箱的 密封性,从而造成冷气流失,无法有效地 保鲜食材。 针对此问题,西卡提出全新的反应型 热熔胶代替过去使用胶带的方案,提高生 产的工艺强度,并实现生产工艺的全自动 化。该方案实现了两大颠覆性技术,保证 了冰箱内胆冲孔、铰链制造以及安装等全 过程的高精度,将容错率严格限制在六西 格玛内,为用户打造最安全可靠的产品。
参赛过程中,西卡团队全力支持,与 海尔冰箱团队一起为评委们呈现了热熔胶 方案的优越性和先进性,对破解整个冰箱 行业面临的难题(依赖劳动力,无法自动化, 冰箱长期使用性能退化)亦具有指导意义。 对于西卡而言,为客户提供解决方案, 帮助客户提高产品质量,优化产品工艺是 我们的职责,这是一个新的起点,西卡将 以关注客户,帮助客户实现价值为己任, 继续引领行业和客户的创新和进步。
西卡提出的全新反应型热熔胶,提高了 生产工艺强度,并实现生产全面自动化。 THE BRAND NEW REACTIVE HOT-MELT ADHESIVE SOLUTION PROPOSED BY SIKA HELPS ENHANCE THE PRODUCT DESIGN AND REALIZE PRODUCTION AUTOMATION. At the 2015 World Conference on Quality and Improvement organized by the American Society of Quality, dubbed the “Olympics of Quality”, the fridge door seam total solution proposed by Haier’s refrigerator team won the Best Company Strategy Contribution Award for its leading technology and 6 sigma quality. The fridge door sees common use in daily life. Due to experiencing repeated pressure and extended use it can often become damaged. In addition, rough craf twork during the production of fridges, improper installation of the door hinge and unevenness of the door may also cause cracked seams. The damaged seam can affect the sealing
of the fridge so that the food cannot be effectively kept fresh due to the leakage of cold air. Faced with this problem, Sika proposed a brand new reactive hot-melt adhesive to replace the old tape-style solution. In addition, the product design was enhanced and full automation in production was realized. The solution also contained two concealed technologies that guarantee the high precision of fridge inner perforation, hinge manufacturing and installation. Since the errortolerance rate was strictly controlled within six sigma, this solution produces the most safe and reliable products for users.
In competing for the award, the Sika team provided full support to the Haier fridge team who presented the advanced and effective hot-melt adhesive solution, able to solve the problems facing the fridge manufacturing industry (such as dependence on the labour force, impossible to realize automation, deterioration after long-time use), to the judges. At Sika, it is our responsibility to provide solutions and help clients improve their product quality and optimize designs. As a new starting point for us, Sika takes it as our mission to care for clients and help them realize value, whilst we continue to lead both client and industry innovation and improvement.
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — ASQ Award
天然雕饰尽,清水芙蓉出 THE BEAUTY OF FAIR-FACED CONCRETE 混凝土一直给人灰突突、脏兮兮、粗糙的印象,而港珠澳大桥人工岛清水混 凝土防浪墙却肤白细腻,宛如芙蓉一朵。是什么让丑小鸭变成白天鹅?在西 卡产品里,你应该能找到答案。
Since concrete was invented, it has been looked upon as an ugly child, with a dirty body and coarse skin. However, the fair-faced concrete used in the artificial island of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is white like a delicate lotus, natural and pure. What made the ugly child change? The answer lies in Sika’s products. 文:刘丁富 图 :杨鸿壮
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Auto-glass Installation
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Auto-glass Installation
提到桥,也许你会迅速联想到自己最 熟悉的那座,可能是童年岁月里与小伙伴 们愉快玩耍时的月下枫桥,也可能是横跨 淼淼烟波的大桥,承载着青葱岁月里的第 一次感动。 桥历来被赋予很多含义,关于桥的诗 词也非常之多。不得不佩服古人的智慧, 因生产力发展制约,现代气势磅礴的跨海 大桥在古代也许仅停留梦中,可那时的诗 人们却能用热情挥洒出极度的大气。比如 唐代陈润的:轮势随天度,桥形跨海通。 我觉得用来描写港珠澳大桥那是极好的, 依势而建的桥,缩千里为咫尺,联三岸成 一家。 港珠澳跨海大桥连接香港大屿山、澳 门半岛和广东省珠海市,全长 49.968 公里, 主体工程“海中桥隧”长 35.578 公里,包 含离岸人工岛及海底隧道,建成通车后, 开车从香港到珠海的时间将由目前的 3 个 多小时缩减为半个多小时。大桥的设计寿 命为 120 年。主航道位置采用隧道形式, 并修建两个人工岛提供桥隧转换设施,确 保不影响前往广州和深圳港口主行道的通
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Hong Kong- Zhuhai-Macao Bridge
行来往。港珠澳大桥也是目前全球在建中 的最长的跨海大桥。 关于西卡对这座大桥的贡献,几年前 就有香港同事特地撰文描写我们对桥梁不 同部位的技术支持。可对我这个颜控而言, 真正打动我的却是目前正在进行的项目 大桥东西人工岛的清水防浪墙。混凝土自 降生以来,在世人的眼中一直是灰突突, 脏兮兮并且皮肤粗糙的丑小孩,可是港珠 澳大桥人工岛的清水混凝土却肤白细腻, 宛如芙蓉一朵,天然本真。 是什么让丑小鸭改变?答案就在西卡 产品里。 西 卡 为 客 户 提 供 的 Sika® ViscoCrete®-3310 C 聚羧酸高性能减缩型减水剂, 用于人工岛两万立方 C30 清水混凝土防浪 墙施工,解决了浮浆、冒黑、滞后泌水等 问题,保证了清水砼表面质量;同时该产 品还用于人工岛暗埋段 + 敞开段 2.5 万立 方米的 C45 大体积海工清水混凝土施工, 辅助其他混凝土降温防裂措施、清水混凝 土模板技术、振捣工艺,同时解决了大体
积混凝土的开裂问题、清水砼表面的气泡、 色 差、 砂 斑 砂 线 问 题; 在 约 3 万 立 方 的 C45 底板大体积混凝土施工过程中,无裂 缝出现,保证了工程质量。 那在这些略显枯燥的描述后,真正的 秘密到底藏在哪呢? 西卡团队人员配合中交港湾院对于不同 部位进行了大量清水混凝土足尺模型试验, 试验时间长达半年之久。桥分多种,一张木 板两秒走完是桥,无边无际目不能及也是桥。 我们一直尽力在用更大的耐心更认真的地做 事,没有团队能随随便便成功。 卞之琳的那句:你站在桥上看风景, 看风景的人在楼上看你,经常用来描述深 恋却不敢靠近的小心翼翼。我们一直在努 力,从楼上走下来,邀你一起为这世界建 造更多更美妙的风景!
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Hong Kong- Zhuhai-Macao Bridge
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Hong Kong- Zhuhai-Macao Bridge
Mentioning a bridge may remind you of something you are most familiar with. It may be a stone bridge under the moonlight where you and your friends once played happily when you were young. Or it may be a giant bridge that crosses a raging running river that witnessed your first sentimental moment. A bridge has many symbolic meanings and there are many poems about bridges. Although in ancient times, a magnif icent sea- cr ossing br idge was just a dream due to technology limitations, the ancient poets could imagine and describe how magnificent it could be with wisdom that I can’t help admiring. For example, Chen Run from the Tang Dynast y once wrote: The ship sails to the boundary of the sky, the bridge connects the other side of the sea. In my opinion, nothing is better than this verse to describe the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. The bridge, which was built over the sea, links three cities across the strait and greatly reduces the distance to travel. The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge c o nn e c t s D a y u M o un t ain in H o n g Kong, the Macau Peninsula and Zhuhai in Guangdong Province. With a total leng th of 49.968km, the under sea tunnel, which is the main body of the project, is 35.578km long, including an offshore artificial island and a tunnel. After its completion, it will only take a little more than half an hour to drive from Hong Kong to Zhuhai, compared more than three hours at present.
The estimated life span of the bridge is 120 years. Under the main channel, the tunnel structure and two artificial islands will be built to connect the bridge to the main tunnel in order not to affect the traffic on the main sea channel between the ports of Guangzhou and Shenzhen. The Hong KongZhuhai-Macao Bridge is currently the longest sea crossing bridge/tunnel under construction in the world. Concerning Sika’s contribution in building this bridge, our colleague in Hong Kong once wrote an article about our technical support for different parts of the bridge several years ago. However, as an enthusiast of beautiful things, what really moves me is the project under construction — the sea wall built with fair-faced concrete. Since concrete was invented, it has been looked upon as an ugly child, with a dirty body and coarse skin. However, the fairfaced concrete used in the artificial island of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is white like a delicate lotus, natural and pure. What made the ugly child change? The answer lies in Sika’s product. Sika® ViscoCrete® -3310 C is a highperformance polycarboxylic acid water reducer, which was applied in the con3 struction of a 20,000m C30 fair-faced concrete sea wall. It solved the problems such as laitance, discoloration and seepage and guaranteed the surface quality of the fair-faced concrete. The product was also used in the large
25,000m3 C45 fair-faced concrete construction on the concealed section and open section of the ar tificial island to improve the crack-proof capability of the concrete in low temperatures, improve the structure of the concrete and its vibration resistance, The product also helped to solve the problems of the concrete cracking, surface bubbles, colour difference, mortar spots and mortar lines. There were no cracks on the approximately 30,000m3 concrete construction. So what is the real secret behind these dry technical descriptions? Sika’s team worked with CCCC Harbor Engineering Design & Research Institute to conduct many full-scale model experiments using fair-faced concrete for different sections of the project over a period of half a year. There are many t ypes of bridge. Both a wood board that only takes two seconds to pass or an overseas highway can be called a bridge. We have been trying our best to work with more patience and conscientiousness. No success comes easy. A well-known poet in China called Bian Zhilin once wrote: “While you enjoy the landscape looking from the bridge, a man who is looking at the landscape is also watching you.” It is often used to describe the feeling of not daring to approach the things one loves. We are committed to working hard to build more beautiful landscapes for the world.
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Hong Kong- Zhuhai-Macao Bridge
奢华与安全的体验 EXPERIENCE OF LUXURY AND SAFETY 当你在商场享受购物的乐趣时,当你在餐厅与朋友们轻松愉快地聊天时或当 你在高空的天幕游泳池游泳时……,你绝对不想为安全担忧。重庆洋世达在 为城市打造一个顶级的生活社区的同时,安全也是开发商考虑的重中之重。
When you are enjoying shopping in a shopping mall, or chatting with friends in a nice restaurant, or swimming in a cantilever swimming pool, you definitely don’t want to worry about your safety. When Youngstar is building a top community in Chongqing, luxury is not the only focus but safety is also a top priority. 文/图:张洪国
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Experience of Luxury and Safety
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Experience of Luxury and Safety
2014 年洋世达地产 50 亿资本倾注重 庆南滨 9 万平米土地上,创造一个前所未 有的“洋世达·南滨特区”。洋世达南滨 特区独占南滨路上最菁华的路段,独特稀 有的地理位置让其与众不同。248 米地标 建筑、190 米天幕无边际泳池、私家直升 机坪、天际城市空中花园、骄阳游艇会、 水上精品商店、全球购物中心、美食享乐 地标、娱乐都汇等城市顶级生活配套将在 这里汇集,为城市封面,为时代立杆。 奢华并不是开发商唯一的关注,安全 也是重中之重。洋世达还打造了独有的“私 家生命空间”,当遭遇火灾、地震时,业 主可躲入避险。 开发商对安全的重视在今年四月开放 的营销体验中心也可略见一二。体验中心
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Experience of Luxury and Safety
建设于长江江畔,主体结构搭建于悬坡之 上,共计 4 层,结构全部采用钢材。根据 中国消防法规和政策,此建筑必须用防火 涂料,且要采用室外厚型防火涂料以达到 3 小时防火等级。由于钢结构暴露于室外, 因此防火涂料必须具有优异的耐候性能, 不能开裂或脱落。 根 据 项 目 需 求, 西 卡 推 荐 了 Sikacrete®-50160 Primer + Sikacrete®-50160 Unitherm® 防 火 体 系 , 不 仅 能 满 足 3 小 时 的 防 火 性 能 要 求, 且 因 其 优 异 的 表 观 效 果 和 耐 候 性 能, 无需增加找平层和面漆。
Sikacrete®-50160 Unitherm® 防火涂 料应用于钢结构承重柱及柱支撑。该产品 为水化粘结材料,并配以优化级配的中空
微珠为填料,含结晶水的不燃柔性玻璃化 纤维为增塑材料,达到了非常高的粘结强 度、抗压和抗弯性能, 并可有效隔热耐火。 产品通过了 GB14907-2002 的全项室外型 测试,其在 26mm 厚度下,耐火性能可达 3 小时。 该防火体系极易施工,施工时加入水 即可,无需额外固化剂,操作非常方便。 西卡技术人员对施工商进行现场技术指导 与培训,使施工人员熟练掌握产品施工方 法,保证了项目按时保质地完成。
In 2014, Youngstar announced that it would invest 5 billion RMB to build a 90,000sq m community called Nanbin One, which will occupy the most upmarket section of Nanbin Road by the Yangtze River, a unique geographical advantage unmatched by many highend residential developments. The community will be equipped with top facilities for metropolitan life including a 248m high rise building, an infinity pool at the height of 190 m, a helicopter pad, sky gardens, the Jiaoyang Yacht Club, boutique stores on the waterfront, a large shopping mall, restaurants and an entertainment center.
center which opened in April this year. The experience center was built on the bank of the Yangtze River. The steel structured building has four stories. According to the fire protection regulations in China, the steel structured building must use outdoor thick-layer fireproof coating, which should be able to resist fire for 3 hours. In addition since the steel structure extends to the outside, the coating should be weather resistant and must not crack or peel off.
Luxury is not the only focus. Safety is also a top priority. Nanbin One will build a “private life space” which will provide refuge to property owners in case of fire, earthquakes and other emergencies.
According to the requirements, Sika recommended the fireproof system, including Sikacrete®-50160 Primer and Sikacrete®-50160 Unitherm®, which can meet the three-hour fireproof requirements. In addition, there is no need for any additional leveling layer and surface coating thanks to its excellent finishing appearance and weather resistance.
Nanbin One’s emphasis on safety could be seen from its sales and experience
Sikacrete®-50160 Unitherm® fireproof coating was applied to the load-bearing
pillars and pillar supports of the steel structure. The product is a water-based bonding material filled with high quality hollow microbeads and non-combustible glass fibers which contains crystal water as the plasticizer. Its unique formulation makes the coating excellent in bonding strength, pressure resistance, bending resistance as well as insulation and fire resistance. It has passed the full test for outdoor coating regulated by GB149072002 and the product is able to resist fire for three hours at a thickness of 26 mm. Moreover, it is very easy to apply. Only water with no additional hardener is needed during the installation. Sika technicians provided onsite training and instructions to make sure the project was finished within schedule.
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Experience of Luxury and Safety
鸟瞰西卡 SIKA FROM ABOVE 2015 年美国国家地理发布了一部《鸟瞰中国》的纪录片,一时间引来各种赞誉, 大家才发现原来自己身处的国家是如此之美。换个角度看世界总会有不同的 体会和感受,但那些名胜古迹,地标建筑毕竟不是我们每天所见,离我们还 是有点远。有没有想过苏州总部的规模到底有多宏伟,有没有完整见过宛如 蛟龙横卧的厦门集美大桥?今年我们利用最先进的航拍设备拍摄了一些与西 卡有关的照片,请随着我们的相机镜头享受一场视觉盛宴,换个角度看看你 最熟悉的场景是不是真的会有不同的体验呢。 西卡进入中国二十余载,参与建设的项目遍布神州,告诉我们你最想在空中 看到的西卡项目,2016 年我们的无人机可能就会盘旋在它上空哦。
In 2015, a documentary called China from Above produced by the National Geographic Channel raised great interest and received a lot of praise in China. We were overwhelmed by the fascinating views from above and found that the world looks so different from a different angle. However, the sights and buildings in the documentary are somehow far from our daily life. Have you ever thought how Sika factories and projects look like from above? This year, the Marketing Communication Department has organized aerial photography of Sika factories and projects. Please enjoy these amazing pictures and see what the places you know look like from a different angle. Sika has been making its mark all over China for over 20 years. Which Sika project do you want to see from above most? Please contact the Marketing Communication of Sika China and then you may see a drone fly above it in 2016.
文 :戴昌积
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Sika from Above
Xiamen Xiazhang Bridge, Sika refurbishment project
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Flooring for Carsberg
大疆S1000+,专业的八轴无人机,本身不配备拍摄设备,可携带专业单反相机拍摄, 视频及照片质量由所携带设备决定。体形较大抗风能力强,今年参与厦门集美大桥等 靠海桥梁的拍摄。
DJI S1000+ is a professional eight rotor drone. It doesn’t have a built-in camera but is capable of carrying a SLR camera. Big as it is in size, it is able to maintain stability even in strong winds. It was used in the shooting of Xiamen Jimei Bridge, Xiazhang Bridge and Xiamen Bus Rapid Transit.
厦门集美大桥, 西卡修补加固项目
Xiamen Jimei Bridge, Sika refurbishment project
厦门厦漳大桥 ,西卡修补加固项目
Xiamen Xiazhang Bridge, Sika refurbishment project
NEW HORIZON Issue 18 — Flooring for Carsberg
Xiamen Bus Rapid Transit, Sika refurbishment project
Xiamen Bus Rapid Transit, Sika refurbishment project
NEW HORIZON Issue 118 — Flooring for Carsberg
The library donation event, Sika's charity project
大疆悟系列,准专业四轴高画质无人机,擅长拍摄视频, 可得到大片的拍摄效果,是常见的航拍视频设备。今年参 与西卡图书馆计划视频拍摄。
DJI Inspire, a quadcopter, is a brand new drone with the most advanced technology. It is the top option especially for video shooting, used in the shooting of the Library Project.
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Sika from Above
Qingdao Oriental Movie Metropolis, Sika concrete project
Shanghai Factory, Sika China
大疆Phantom 3系列,准专业四轴高画质无人机,体形较紧凑 易于使用和和操控,可拍摄4K视频及相当像素照片,是常用的 航拍设备。今年参与西卡苏州、上海、特密斯工厂的拍摄。
DJI Phantom 3 is a quadcopter which makes high quality aerial footage. It is relatively small in size and easy to control. It is capable of capturing 4K video and stills. It was used in the shooting of the factories of Sika China.
TMS Factory, Sika China
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Recreating Hollywood in China 苏州工厂,西卡中国
Suzhou Factory, Sika China
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Sika from Above
Qingdao Aquarium NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Recreating Hollywood in China
从工业地坪到 商用地面
MARKET SEGMENT DEVELOPMENT OF COMMERCIAL FLOORING 正如西卡地坪 2015 年期望词“达权知变”,西 卡在保持传统工业地坪优势的基础上创新知变, 2015 年商用地面市场也在逐步从导入期向成长 期过渡。
As the 2015 vision of Sika flooring “Innovation against convention” suggests, Sika seeks innovation whilst maintaining its strengths in its conventional industrial flooring business. In 2015, the commercial flooring market was in transition from the introductory phase to a period of growth.
文:陈俊逸 图:西卡中国
行业细分市场发展 教育市场(用综合解决方案在现有市 场中寻求突破) 从幼儿园到小学,从中学到大学,凭 借着西卡全方位的解决方案,2015 年西卡 在教育市场可谓发展迅速。在山东东岳幼 儿园、北师大幼儿园项目中,西卡弹性聚 氨酯地面满足了业主对环保和图案丰富的 要求;舟山普陀小学简约的西卡耐磨地面 与绚丽多彩的建筑外立面形成了鲜明的反 差;丰富的花色和无缝的特点使得雅彩地 面在武汉关山中学业得以成功应用;耐磨 性能和化学性能良好的纯彩地面则成为了 大连理工大学实验室的首选。2016 年西卡 将继续发挥综合解决方案的优势,在教育 领域大展拳脚。 医院市场(用改良的产品进入新市场) 医院市场一直是西卡比较关注的市场, 也是弹性地面材料的主战场,如果选择与 其正面交锋则较难突破,2015 年西卡采用 了侧翼进攻的方式,在弹性地材不为关注 的改造项目上形成突破,同时弱化 PVC 弹 性优势强化西卡无缝地面优势并将西卡原 有产品改良成与 PVC 无方向碎花纹相似的 雅彩系列, 在武汉第五人民医院赢得了西 卡在医院市场的首个案例。 展览展示市场(用成熟产品进入新市 场,然后在新市场中逐步导入新的产品) 西 卡 在 展 览 展 示 业 的 案 例 众 多, 如 重庆国际博览中心、上海国家会展中心等 知名建筑,但主要以低端耐磨产品为主。 2015 年北京雁栖湖国际会展中心大议会厅 采用了简约而不简单的西卡纯聚氨酯地面 系统,实现了在新市场中从成熟产品向新 产品的推广,同时西卡地面也从 APEC 的 幕后走到了台前(从地下车库到地上建筑)。 区域市场发展 山东市场(用新产品直接进入新市场) 图案丰富,环保一直以来是西卡弹性 聚氨酯舒适地面 Comfortfloor 的卖点。凭 借 Comfortfloor 优异的产品表现,西卡在 山东市场击败传统弹性地材的强敌,一举 拿下青岛水族馆、山东东岳幼儿园等项目, 为山东市场的拓展夯实了基础。 河南市场(用新模式进入新市场) 传统工业地坪与施工商合作模式以单 一项目为主,此次西卡在河南市场以授权
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Commercial Flooring
Shandong Dongyue Kindergarten
经销商模式将 Comfortfloor 系统授权给河 南新汇林公司,借助该公司在河南设计界 的影响力,2015 年 5 月 26 日在郑州万豪 酒店成功举办了西卡商用地面河南发布会 并在河南市场实现了商用项目的零突破。
目上采用了西卡产品,实现了西卡在湖北 商用市场零的突破,为 2016 年武汉市场 的高速发展奠定了良好的基础。
湖北市场(用现有渠道进入新市场) 随着湖北市场工业项目数量逐步减少, 如何实现从传统工业地坪到商用地面的转 顺利转型是摆在西卡面前的一个重要课题。 西卡在湖北市场深挖施工商潜力,引导其 逐步向商用地面转型,肯耐特、澳卡、博 申等施工商都纷纷加入到拓展商用地面市 场的队伍中,先后在武汉绿地办公楼、武 汉新世界办公楼、中铁十一局办公楼、武 汉第五人民医院、武汉关山中学等商用项
图书馆计划 2015 年,西卡中国携手公益组织“图 书馆计划”启动了西卡图书馆项目。自 3 月 份 捐 赠 第 一 所 图 书 馆 以 来, 西 卡 中 国 2015 年共为 21 所学校捐赠了图书馆,捐 赠了 15,950 册图书,让 3,810 多名学生 受益。同时,西卡还使用西卡建筑产品将 部分学校的图书室修缮一新。西卡雅彩地 坪也为图书馆计划尽了一份自己的绵薄之 力。
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Commercial Flooring
上海市养老院铺地材料阳光工程 2015 年,上海市化学建材行业协会与 上海市社会福利行业协会共同发起“上海 市养老院铺地材料阳光工程”。
社会责任营销 在本次项目中,西卡免费为中国福利 会养老院和金色港湾老年公寓的卧室、小 餐厅、活动室、淋浴房的地面改造提供了 地坪材料,引入了西卡性能优异、环保的 无缝整体地坪系统,为老人们提供了安全、 温馨和舒适的环境。这是西卡作为负责任 的企业公民,又一次为社会公益贡献力量。
Shandong Dongyue Kindergarten
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Commercial Flooring
DEVELOPMENT OF MARKET SEGMENTS EDUCATION MARKET (SEEKING A BREAKTHROUGH IN THE MARKET WITH COMPREHENSIVE SOLUTIONS) From kindergartens to primary schools and middle schools to universities, Sika achieved rapid development in the education market in 20 15 with its comprehensive solutions. In the projects in Shandong Dongyue Kindergarten and the Kindergarten Affiliated to Beijing Normal Universit y, Sika’s elastic polyurethane flooring met the clients’ requirements in environmental friendliness and decorative patterns. In Zhoushan Putuo Primary School, the simple wear-resistant flooring provided by Sika created a strong contrast with the colorful exterior walls. The seamless and elegant color flooring from Sika was also successfully applied in Wuhan Guanshan Middle School and Sika’s pure color flooring became the first choice for Dalian University of Technology in decorating its labs due to its good durability and chemical performance. In 2016, Sika will continue to make use of its strength in comprehensive solutions and work hard to further develop in the education industry. HOSPITAL MARKET (ENTERING A NEW MARKET WITH UPGRADED PRODUCTS) The Hospital market is one that Sika has long attached importance to and it is a key market for elastic flooring materials. It would be difficult if Sika to break into the market directly. Therefore, in 2015, Sika adopted an indirect market penetration strategy by breaking through in renovation projects, a submarket which is not a major concern for elastic flooring material producers. At the same time, Sika reduced the relative market strength of PVC elastic flooring by improving its own seamless floor solutions, upgrading the old product to the new elegant color series which is similar to PVC but also offers delicate floral patterns. The Wuhan No.5 People’s Hospital project was Sika’s first in the hospital market.
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Commercial Flooring
EXHIBITION MARKET (ENTER THE NEW MARKET WITH MATURE PRODUCTS AND THEN INTRODUCE NEW PROJECTS IN THE NEW MARKET) Sika has completed many successful projects in the exhibition market, including some for well-known buildings, such as the Chongqing International Exhibition Cen ter and the Shanghai Na t ional Con v en t ion and Exhibition Center, but these have mainly involved lowend wear-resistant products. However, in 20 15, B eijing Yanqi Lake International Convention and Exhibition Center adopted Sika’s pure polyurethane flooring system, a product simple in nature but powerful in function, in its conference hall. The year saw a transition from promoting mature products to new products in a new market. At the same time, Sika flooring also moved to the front from backstage with APEC (from underground parking lots to above-ground building construction). GEOGRAPHIC MARKET DEVELOPMENT SHANDONG MARKET (ENTERING THE NEW MARKET DIRECTLY WITH NEW PRODUCTS) With rich patterns and environmentalfriendliness being the key selling points of its elastic polyurethane Comfortfloor, Sika defeated strong competitors in conventional elastic flooring and won the projects awarded by Qingdao Aquarium and Shandong Dongyue Kindergarten in Shandong, laying a solid foundation for further expansion in the region. HENAN MARKET (ENTERING A NEW MARKET WITH A NEW MODEL) In the conventional industrial flooring market, cooperation agreements with contractors are usually based on single projects. In the Henan market, Sika adopted a dealer authorization model by
licensing the Comfortfloor system to Henan Xinhuilin Company. By making good use of the company’s influence in Henan’s design field, Sika was able to organize its commercial flooring press conference in the Marriott Hotel Zhengzhou on 26 May 2015 and establish itself in the commercial project market in Henan. HUBEI MARKET (ENTERING A NEW MARKET WITH AN EXISTING CHANNEL) With the decline of industrial projects in Hubei, it is a challenge for Sika to transform the conventional industrial flooring market into a commercial flooring market. Sika has been exploring the potential in the industrial and commercial markets in Hubei and has led its transformation towards commercial flooring. Constructors like Kenet, Aoka and Boshen have assisted in the development of the commercial flooring market and adopted Sika’s products in the Wuhan Greenland office building, Wuhan New World office building, CR 11 Group office building, Wuhan No.5 People’s Hospital, and Wuhan Guanshan Middle School. This represented a breakthrough from zero for Sika in Hubei’s commercial market, thus laying a good foundation for the rapid development of the Wuhan market in 2016.
Wuhan No.5 People's Hospital
China Welfare Institute Rest Room
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY MARKETING THE LIBRARY PROJECT In 2015, Sika China worked closely with The Library Project, a non-profit charity organization. Since starting with the first donated library in March, Sika China has donated a total of 15,950 books to create libraries in 21 schools, benefitting 3,810 children. Sika also helped to repair some classrooms using its construction products, in which Sika’s elegant color flooring system was used to refurbish the floors.
The reading classroom of Xinlian Primary School.
SHANGHAI NURSING HOMES FLOORING MATERIAL SUNSHINE PROGRAM In 2015, the Shanghai Chemical Construction Material Association worked with the Shanghai Social Welfare Association to co-launch the Shanghai Nursing Home flooring material Sunshine Program.
Bay Nursing Home and installed its seamless overall flooring system with excellent performance and environmentalfriendly properties to create a safe, warm and comfortable environment for the elderly residents. As a responsible corporate citizen, Sika is proud to make its contribution to social welfare once again.
In this program, Sika provided free flooring materials for floor renovation in the bedrooms, small canteens, recreation rooms and bathrooms at the China Welfare Institute Rest Room and Golden
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Commercial Flooring
加固修补新演绎 ——钢筋阻锈剂应用 PROTECT STEEL RE-BARS FROM CORROSION 老旧建筑或桥梁时常会发现钢筋生锈的现象,看上去不起眼的锈蚀却可能给 建筑物带来极大的破坏,西卡独特的阻锈手段 Sika® FerroGard®-903+ 结合 混凝土修复及保护系统可有效地延缓钢筋锈蚀,延长钢筋使用寿命 15 年。
It is common to see rusty steel re-bars on old buildings and bridges. A small amount of rust can cause great damage to buildings. Sika® FerroGard®-903+ is a product specially designed to protect steel re-bars from corrosion. Combined with Sika’s concrete repair and protection systems, the service life of steel can be effectively extended by 15 years. 文:忻颖 图:路伟斌
TEXT: RACHEL XIN PHOTO: WEIBIN LU 大家有没有注意过,在老旧建筑或桥 梁上能看到钢筋生锈的现象?那么是怎么 样的洪荒之力,使得锈蚀的钢筋顶破混凝 土并裸露出来,给建筑物的安全带来隐患? 原来建筑物在使用过程中会受到二氧化碳、 水、氯离子、融冰盐、机油等的侵蚀,当 这些有害物质通过混凝土的孔隙进入并到 达钢筋表面时,就会促使钢筋逐步锈蚀并 导致体积膨胀,在此过程中,钢筋的体积 会增大约 2.5 倍,给建筑物带来极大的破坏。 正是存在着钢筋锈蚀的风险,西卡独 特 的 阻 锈 手 段 Sika® FerroGard® -903+ 却可以大显神通了,只需通过在建筑物表 面涂刷或喷涂的手段,Sika® FerroGard® -903+ 就可以渗透到混凝土内部并形成一 层保护膜,能够有效延缓钢筋锈蚀开始的 时间并能降低钢筋锈蚀的速率。当结合使 用西卡系列的混凝土修复及保护系统后, 能有效延长钢筋使用寿命达 15 年之久。
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Protect Steel Re-bars from Corrosion
通过销售团队的不断努力和强有力 的技术支持团队,修补加固团队将 Sika® FerroGard® -903+ 成 功 的 推 荐 到 了 上 海 闵浦二桥的维护工程中,在桥面板下使用 Sika® FerroGard® -903+,施工非常简便 只需喷涂,材料本身特有的粉红辨识色在 施工过程中也保证了不遗漏任何一块施工 部位 , 而其粉色也会随着时间的推移变淡直 至消失,不会改变建筑物表面的颜色。
附 Sika® FerroGard® -903+ 的 国 外 报 告目录 BRE 报 告 No. 224-346,2005。 使 用 Sika® FerroGard® -903+ 能降低氯离子 在硬化混凝土中的对钢筋的锈蚀作用
长期的实验和实际工程案例表明 Sika® FerroGard® -903+ 在钢筋阻锈方面的卓越
SMARIS(用于道路基础设施的可持续 和先进的产品),2006 年的报告
性能,我们期待着该材料能在建筑物维护 领域得到更广泛的应用。
Mot t MacDonald 评 估 Sika® FerroGard®-903+ 和 Sika® FerroGard® -901 作为钢筋阻锈剂
1999 年 Mulheron, M., Nwaubani, 关 于高性能混凝土结构钢筋阻诱剂的报告 2000 年 C-Probe 系 统 公 司 钢 筋 阻 诱 剂性能的报告
Have you ever noticed rusty steel re-bars on old buildings and bridges? What kind of force can expose rusting steel re-bars to the air, posing a potential threat to the security of the building? In fact, any building will gradually become eroded by harmful substances such as carbon dioxide, water, chloride, ice-melting salt and machine oil, which will reach the steel re-bars through pores in the concrete to gradually erode the steel. This can also cause the steel re-bars to expand by approximately 2.5 times, causing great damage to the building. Even though there is a high risk of steel re-bar corrosion, Sika® FerroGard®-903+, Sika’s unique anti-rust method, can perform a great miracle. Simply by brushing or spraying on the surfaces of buildings, Sika® FerroGard®-903+ can penetrate into the internal concrete and form a protective film to effectively delay the erosion and slow the process down. By using the Sika series of concrete repair
and protection systems, the service life of steel re-bars can be effectively extended by 15 years. With continuous efforts made by the sales team and support from the strong technical team, the repair and strengthening team successfully recommended Sika® FerroGard®-903+ for use on the Shanghai Min Pu Second Bridge maintenance project, which used Sika® FerroGard®-903+ on the panel under the bridge. Application was simply done by spraying the product on the surface. Its unique pink color enables the workers to make sure there are no gaps on the construction site. It will fade over time until it disappears and the original color of the building surface will be maintained. Based on long-term experiments and practical engineering examples, Sika® FerroGard®-903+ has a superior performance in terms of steel re-bar rust protection. We look forward to developing
further applications of such materials in building maintenance. SIKA® FERROGARD®-903+ FOREIGN REPORT APPENDIX BRE R No. 224-346, 2005. The Anti-rust Effect on Chloride Ions of Sika® FerroGard®-903+ Used on Hardened Concrete Mott MacDonald Assessment on Sika® FerroGard®-903+ and Sika® FerroGard®-901 as Steel Anti-rust Chemical SMARIS (Advanced Product for Road Infrastructure Sustainable Development), 2006 Report 1999 Mulheron, M., Nwaubani, the Report on High Performance Concrete Structure Steel Anti-rust Chemical 2000 C-Probe Systems Report on Steel Anti-rust Chemical Performance
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Protect Steel Re-bars from Corrosion
那些未曾被看到的美 MORE THAN CONCRETE 得益于现代文明魔术师的耐心和决心,混凝土的美学价值如今不仅停留在只 有内行人才看得到的内部结构,越来越多精致大方的混凝土建筑出现在我们 身边。
Thanks to the patience and determination shown by the modern civilization magicians, the aesthetic value of concrete is not only about its internal structure known only to expert personnel, but it is also shown by those refined and elegant concrete buildings we can all observe.
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — More than Concrete
最近的一次面基活动上,和小伙伴们 聊到了彼此久未谈及的职业规划。说到我 目前从事建材行业,引起了周围人一片侧 目。为了解锁“混凝土外加剂”这个鲜为 人知的概念,我甚至不惜把方便面和调料 包的关系拿出来深入浅出地做个引子,但 即便如此,仍未能屏蔽掉周遭一片围观“灰 姑娘误入泥潭”的眼神。 外界人对建材行业不了解。建材人眼 里的混凝土,是工业社会的时代标签,是 今天除了水之外的世界第二大消耗品,是 经常在深夜搅得施工方不得安睡的乖戾小 宝贝;而外行人看到的混凝土,是暴土扬 长的工地上一摊摊湿软的泥巴,是夜里 11 点后外环路上风尘仆仆的搅拌车,是乏善 可陈的外表加粗犷的作业方式。所以这场 讨论中,在很多人眼中辩解之心大于解释 的我,终究未能避开众人一贯的一叶障目 所带来的偏见。 对于这样的误解,我感到遗憾,却并 不奇怪。因为这种不以为意的态度在我们 自己人当中也是普遍存在的。就拿日常施 工做例,有的工地会在施工第一天杀鸡宰 羊,放鞭炮,挑好日子,甚至禁足工地上 的女性,他们认为这样就会避免工程事故,
提高工程质量;有的人仰仗经验,一切以 老师傅教的为准,以前怎么弄,现在就照 着来;有些人会依靠科学,用化学、力学 的知识来表述问题,用实验、分析来解决 问题;而最常见的一种人,是以上三种方 法轮着来。硬要在这里掰扯个孰对孰错, 或许多余,甚至荒唐。但作为一个初心尚 存的新人,对于如此模棱两可的行业规则, 实在找不出一个合理的借口去认同。 犹记一年多前的新人培训课上,看到 的那段有关减水剂作用原理的精短视频, 那是我人生中第一次看到水泥颗粒内部遇 水后缓慢生长的晶体,在水泥颗粒间徐徐 蔓延出成片的雪花;看到聚合物和晶体在 吸附与排斥中产生的巧妙制衡;看到显微 镜下玫瑰一般娇美盛开的钙钒石单体。这 简直颠覆了我之前对这种材料的沉闷印象, 无论在当时还是当下,都是一番不小的冲 击。这种在材料内部悄悄释放的美丽,背 后是材料科学家、化学家、结构工程学家、 工程力学家们半个多世纪来的不懈努力, 把“糊墙的烂泥”逐渐打造成更科学,更 可持续发展的科学艺术。
在只有内行人才看得到的内部结构,越来 越多精致大方的混凝土建筑出现在我们身 边。比如大型工程中常用到的清水混凝土、 装饰混凝土,外观光滑,颜色均一,是当 代建筑师们追捧格调之路上的必要装备。 Sika®Perfin 气泡控制剂系列是西卡建筑化 学品专家们为建筑艺术奉上的又一力作, 通过大幅减少空气在拌合料生产过程中的 介入,减少了混凝土表面的孔洞形成;同时, 在改善外观的同时,不会对混凝土原有的 工作性能产生丝毫影响。 不过,那些被我们目睹的高规格建筑, 只是混凝土打造出的一小部分世界,而看 不到的那部分,或被潜藏在隧道山间,或 被深埋在海底水边,默默承受着来自大自 然积年累月的各种变数和考验。你或许从 不知道它们所处的确切位置,甚至从未看 过他们来到这世上的样子,但却能随时享 受它们提供的舒适、安全,而这才是混凝 土的魅力所在,是一代又一代的建材人为 之殚精竭力的意义所在——那就是,让这 个世界在不知不觉中,越变越美。
而得益于这些现代文明魔术师的耐心 和决心,混凝土的美学价值如今不仅停留
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — More than Concrete
Sika® Perfin的气泡控制效果对比:左图为添加了Sika® Perfin的效 果;右图为未添加Sika® Perfin的效果。
Sika® Perfin is used to improve finished concrete surfaces and reduce the surface defects.
Sika® Perfin 气泡控制剂系列是西卡建
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — More than Concrete
Recently on a gathering with my friends, we came to the topic of career planning, something that had not been discussed for a while. Upon mention of my occupation in the building materials industry, even though I tried to explain the concept of “concrete admixture”, little-known to them, using a comparison of instant noodles and seasoning sauce as an analogy I still saw a look of confusion in the eyes of my audience. The building materials industry is not generally well understood by the public. To us, concrete materials account for the second largest consumption of goods in the world after that of water. The industry sets the time of an industrial society, regardless of its warped scheduling which keeps the construction team up late at night. While for those pedestrians walking past, it is just untidy pools of mud on a noisy building site, or the dusty mixer travelling on the outer ring road after 11 o’clock at night. Until the end of the conversation, I was unable to break through the usual prejudices held by many about the nature of the industry. For such a misunderstanding, I feel regret but not surprise, as this attitude also prevails among our own people. Take daily construction for instance. On the first day, some people will try to avoid accidents to achieve a better project quality by killing chickens and lambs and burning firecrackers and even restricting women from accessing the site. Some just rely on
experience and do accordingly as before. While some people will interpret the problem based on science and chemical and mechanical knowledge, and attempt to solve the problem by using experimental analysis. Most commonly, some alternate between the three ways above. I think it is unnecessary or even absurd to take a side here. However, even as a newcomer, I really cannot persuade myself with reason to observe such archaic rules within the industry. Recalling the training courses more than a year ago when I watched the short videos about the water reducing action principle, it was the first time in my life seeing how the crystals inside the particles of cement slowly spread out into pieces like snow after coming into contact with water. The polymerized substances and the crystals achieved a subtle balance after their mutual adsorption and rejection process. The ettringite monomer under the microscope showed its charm like a rose blossom. All of these simply erased my earlier impression of the dullness of such material. The beauty quietly released within these materials is actually the result of the unremitting efforts of the scientists, chemists, structural engineers and mechanical engineers over the past half a century, during which time the sustainable development of concrete has become a scientific art.
is not only about its internal structure known only to expert personnel, but it is also shown by those refined and elegant concrete buildings we can all observe. For example, the fair-faced concrete and decorative concrete of smooth appearance and uniform color, commonly used in large-scale projects, is necessarily there to help contemporary architects create their masterpieces. Sika® Perfin is another masterpiece by Sika construction chemicals experts. It can dramatically reduce air involved in the production of mixing materials to decrease the number of air pockets forming on the concrete surface, whilst keeping its original performance. However, those high-profile buildings we see are merely the tip of the iceberg in the world of concrete, leaving those unseen structures in the mountains and the ocean, silently suffering over the years as nature wears them down. We might not know where they are or witness their coming into the world, but we still freely enjoy a comfortable and safe place to live in their presence. The charm of concrete, the significance of the endeavors made by generation upon generation of those in the industry, is to help create a more and more beautiful world imperceptibly.
Thanks to such patience and determination shown by these modern civilization magicians, the aesthetic value of concrete
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — More than Concrete
教育带来改变 EDUCATION IS CHANGE 文:吕小萍 图:西卡中国
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — The Library Project
2015 年,西卡中国携手公益组织“图书馆计划”启动了西卡图书馆项目。自 3 月份捐赠第一所图书馆以来,西卡中国 2015 年共为 21 所学校捐赠了图书馆, 捐赠了 15,950 册图书,让 3,810 多名学生受益。同时,西卡还使用西卡建筑 产品将部分学校的图书室修缮一新。
In 2015, Sika China worked closely with Library Project, a non-profit charity organization. Since starting with the first donated library in March, Sika China has donated a total of 15,950 books to create libraries in 21 schools, benefitting 3,810 children. Sika also helped to repair some classrooms using its construction products.
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — The Library Project
Mike Campion, President of Sika China, is on the library donation ceremony at Xinlian Primary School in Longjie, Sichuan Province.
西卡捐赠的 21 所学校均位于中国西南 的重庆和四川等地的山区,普遍缺乏高质 量的图书资源。捐赠的图书为孩子们送去 丰富的精神食粮,修缮一新的阅览室为孩 子们提供了良好的阅读环境。孩子们通过 阅读书籍,开拓了视野,点燃希望和梦想。 西卡中国一直重视公司作为企业公民 的社会责任。总裁康秉仁先生在接受《中 国日报》记者采访时表示:“西卡在中国 取得了辉煌的成绩,我们应该回馈社会”。 图书馆项目从一开始就得到了管理层的大 力支持,总裁先生讲道:“对我而言,我 们为孩子们打开了一个世界,让他们看到 了原本可能没有机会了解的东西。” 2015 年 11 月 9 日,在总裁康秉仁的 带领下,由西卡中国管理层组成的志愿者 队伍一行来到捐赠的其中一所小学:四川 省资中县龙结镇新莲小学。简短而又庄重 的捐赠仪式后,西卡志愿者们走进图书阅 览室,在焕然一新明亮整洁的教室里和孩
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — The Library Project
子们互动做游戏。大家一起拼七巧板(西 卡地坪材料制成),给混凝土娃娃上色(混 凝土娃娃使用西卡水泥基材料添加了特种 添加剂制成;颜料是西卡水泥基材料表面 装 饰 涂 料 Sikagard® ElastoColor CW)。 欢声笑语中,孩子们和志愿者们都度过了 一个愉快而难忘的下午。志愿者们还给孩 子们读故事,并一起打篮球、做游戏。互 动结束后,西卡还为孩子们送上了文具礼 包,而同学们送给西卡志愿者们更为珍贵 的礼物:他们亲手绘制的图画。然后志愿 者们对图书进行分类、编号、贴标、上架, 一起布置好图书馆。 一位管理层的志愿者深有感触:“我 很高兴也很自豪西卡加入图书馆计划。不 管对于企业或者我自己,帮助别人,让这 个世界更美好,这是让我们前进的动力。 我们将持续关注图书馆项目,持续关注这 些学校和孩子们。”
西卡的正能量还得到了进一步扩散, 西卡的承建商也加入到这个公益行动中 来。除了如普通图书馆项目捐赠图书和家 具之外,西卡中国还与承建商吉林省得实 建筑工程股份有限公司进行合作,使用西 卡建筑材料对 7 家学校的图书阅览室进行 了修葺和装饰。由于这些学校地处山区, 常年气候潮湿,教室的地面、墙面和天花 板的表面都有不同程度的脱落或损坏。吉 林得实在对基面进行修补之后,使用西卡 墙 面 涂 料 Sikagard® Wallcoat 对 墙 面 和 天花板进行涂刷,地面采用了西卡环氧地 坪 系 统 Sikafloor®-264 T + 彩 片 抛 撒 + Sikafloor®- 315 罩面;同时重新涂刷门窗 漆,针对个别学校顶灯损坏严重的也进行 了更换。 在材料和颜色的选择上,西卡也特别 用心。墙面涂料和地坪材料都是绿色环保 材料,为孩子们创建一个健康安全的环境。 所选的地坪系统拥有出色的防滑性能,保 护孩子们不会因滑倒而摔伤,同时耐磨损
性能可抵抗课桌椅对地面的损害,同时抛 洒的彩片又不乏美观。地面颜色选择了海 洋蓝色,为阅览室营造一个静谧的阅读环 境,同时也象征着知识的海洋让孩子们遨 游其中;门窗刷成了热情的黄色或是红色, 代表是充满希望的未来,孩子们通过阅读 成长,打开窗户走向广阔的世界。
教育就是改变,通过教育可以改变一 个人、一个家庭、甚至一个国家。西卡通 过图书馆项目,为中国孩子的教育贡献着 力量,体现了西卡的企业社会责任感。 关于图书馆计划 图书馆计划是一家非盈利慈善组织,
为亚洲发展中国家资金短缺的学校捐赠书 籍、捐建图书室。 自 2006 年起,图书馆 计划至今已经为中国偏远地区的小学建立 了 1,700 多家图书室。图书馆计划是中国 人口福利基金会的慈善合作伙伴,中国人 口福利基金会是由中国民政部批准的非盈 利慈善组织。
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — The Library Project
2015年11月9日,在总裁康秉仁的带领下,由西卡中国管理层组成的志愿者队伍一行来到捐赠的其中一所小学:四川省资中县龙结镇新莲小学。志愿者们 和孩子们一起做游戏、读故事、打篮球,一起度过了一个愉快的下午。
On November 9th, 2015, a volunteer team comprised of Sika China management, led by Mr. Mike Campion, visited Xinlian Primary School in Longjie, Sichuan Province, one of the schools to which Sika donated libraries. Sika volunteers and the children played games, read stories and played basketball together. They both had a great and unforgettable time together.
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — The Library Project
孩子们在使用西卡建筑产品修缮一新的教室里, 尽情地享受阅读带来的喜悦。
The children enjoy reading in the reading classroom refurbished with Sika construction products.
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — The Library Project
扫描二维码观看《西卡公益 · 图书馆计划》视频。
Scan to watch the video of Sika Library Project.
The volunteer was assembling the book shelves.
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — The Library Project
The students presented their drawings to Sika as a thank you gift.
The volunteers were surrounded by the children when they were sorting books.
These schools are all located in the mountainous regions of Chongqing and Sichuan province, in the south of China and most do not have a quality school library. To the children, the books are like a magic window, through which they can see a wider outside world. The newly refurbished classrooms provide a nice and comfortable reading environment.
to the students and played basketball together. Both the volunteers and the children had a great and unforgettable time together. After the games, Sika staff gave stationery kits to the children as gifts while the students presented their drawings to Sika as a thank you gift. Sika volunteers then sorted, numbered and labelled the books.
Sika has always been committed to social responsibility. Mr. Mike Campion, President of Sika China, when interviewed by China Daily replied, “We do excellent business in China and we feel we should give something back to the communit y.” Therefore, the librar y project received great support from top management right from the very beginning. The President continued, “To me, we have opened up the world to these children so that they can see something that maybe they would never have had an opportunity to see.”
One of the management volunteers said, “I am very glad and proud that Sika has joined the Library Project. Whether for the company or me personally, to help others and make the world a better place is the motivation that keeps us driving forward. We will continue to support the project to help these schools and the children.”
On November 9th, 2015, a volunteer team comprised of Sika China management, led by Mr. Mike Campion, visited Xinlian Primary School in Longjie, Sichuan Province, one of the schools to which Sika donated libraries. After a short opening ceremony, Sika volunteers went to newly refurbished reading room to play games with the children. They played tangrams made of Sika flooring materials, and gave out colored concrete dolls (made from Sika cement-based materials, special admixtures and with a coating called Sikagard ElastoColor CW). Moreover, Sika volunteers read stories
The positive energy is not limited to Sika but also extends to Sika’s contractors. In addition to books and furniture donated, Sika also worked with contractor Jilin Deshi Construction Company to refurbish the reading classrooms of seven schools. Due to the damp climate in the southwest of China, the floors, walls and ceilings of the classrooms had become damaged. After repairs to the base, the surfaces of walls and ceilings were then coated with Sikagard® Wallcoat. On the floor, Sika epoxy flooring system (Sikafloor®-264 T + color chips+ Sikafloor®315) was installed. The window frames and doors were cleaned and repainted and broken lights were replaced with new ones.
materials and colors. The wall coating and flooring materials are environmentally-friendly, creating a healthy and safe environment for the children. The flooring system, with its excellent antislip and anti-wear performance, is safe for use by the children and durable. The color of floor was selected as ocean blue, creating a calm atmosphere in the reading classroom suitable for reading and study. In addition, the blue color of the ocean symbolizes the ocean of knowledge where the children can explore. The windows and doors were painted in enthusiastic yellow or red, which represents a bright future full of hope. Children grow through reading, which also opens a window to a wider outside world to them. Education is change. It can change a person’s life, a family and even a nation. Through the library project, Sika’s contribution to the education of children in China, reflects its commitment to social responsibility. ABOUT THE LIBRARY PROJECT The Library Project is a non-profit charity organization. It donates books and libraries to under-financed schools and orphanages in Asia. The Library Project has donated over 1700 libraries since 2006 to primary schools in remote regions in China. The Library Project is a partner of the China Population Welfare Foundation, a charity organization approved by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China.
Sika was very selective in the choice of
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — The Library Project
不忘初心,方得始终 AN INTERVIEW WITH ALICE MA 一个 20 多岁的女生,三年多来跑遍大江南北,去过近 300 所农村小学,为成 千上万的小朋友送去了他们喜爱的儿童图书,她就是来自图书馆计划的 Alice, 是西卡中国图书馆项目的项目经理。她很多时间独自奔波于农村、山区的学 校,她乘过拖拉机,坐过牛车,颠簸的山路和简陋的旅馆是旅途中的家常便饭。 然而,在捐赠现场以及访谈过程中,她很少谈及工作中的辛苦,更多的是与 我们分享这份工作给她带来的快乐,让我们一起走近这个善良、乐观的女孩。
A young lady in her twenties, who has travelled around the country during the past three years to send children’s books to thousands of students in almost 300 primary schools in rural areas. She is Alice Ma, who worked fulltime in TLP and has acted as the project manager of the Library Program of Sika China. She spent a lot of time traveling to the schools in rural villages or mountainous areas, even on tractors and ox carts. Uneven mountain roads and dilapidated inns are a common sight on her trips. However, during the donation work or during our conversation, she seldom mentioned the hardships in her work but instead shared the enjoyment she gets from her job. Now let’s hear her story! 文:吕小萍 图:马冯赟子
为什么会加入图书馆计划? 加入 TLP 的想法很简单,就是把爱好 和工作相结合。喜欢这里的工作氛围,与 其说是同事,我更愿意称大家为姐妹。
我们知道在公益机构工作,其实非常 辛苦,工资也不如在其他公司高,是什么 让你一直坚持下来的? 我是一个很感性的人,尽管经历过几 百次的相聚,和孩子们分开的时候我有时 你在图书馆计划工作多长时间了? 候还是会忍不住红了眼眶。这些孩子们多 从 2012 年夏天加入图书馆计划到 2015 好啊,一个个像小天使一样,他们简单、 年的年末,我在这个大家庭已经工作了三 纯粹,对世界充满着热忱和好奇。孩子们 年多。这三年多的时间来,我走遍大江南北, 迫不及待地打开图书,双眼闪烁求知光芒 亲自去过了将近 300 所农村小学,为成千 的样子,在我眼里是这世上最美丽的画面。 上万的小朋友送去了他们喜爱的儿童图书。 我仿佛看到更广阔的精神世界在冲着他们 招手,而他们遨游其中,其乐无穷。
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 —An interview with Alice Ma
这三年多来,给你印象最深的是什么 事情? 那是第一次在安徽的一所学校捐赠的 时候,老师安排同学们表演了手语《感恩 的心》,当时非常感动。 那在工作中,你遇到过什么样的困难? 对于公益机构的工作人员来说,在开 展工作的时候被拒绝、被误解导致工作难 以进行时会感到很困难。刚刚加入 TLP 的 时候,我负责前期考察评估和回访,兼任 捐赠领队。前期考察的工作内容是在全国
范围内寻找到愿意与机构合作的教育部门 或者政府相关部门,希望得到他们的信任 与支持后,可以让机构的项目进入当地实 施。一开始在区域合作关系的建立阶段, 我的失败率能达到一半以上,当时很彷徨, 很失落也很委屈,也很困惑问题的症结所 在。在与机构其他团队人员不停的沟通和 交流后,我改变了工作方法,改善了工作 技巧,失败率降低了很多。现在即使我已 经不再任职这个岗位,但我从这个岗位中 获得了非常多的工作经验,更好地理解了 项目执行各利益相关方的需求,也对我这 次执行西卡项目提供了很大的帮助。 能谈谈这次和西卡合作的感想吗? 西卡项目目前是我们机构第一个涉及 到阅览室装修的项目,在项目设计初期,
我们的项目团队和筹资团队为此召开了数 次会议,根据西卡方面的提议,我们反复 讨论了各种方案,涉及到项目可行性、捐 赠对象选择、项目执行时间表等各个方面 的问题。非常令人鼓舞的是,尽管涉及到 全新的装修项目,但我们在捐赠对象选择, 服务商沟通,项目具体执行等方面开展地 非常顺利。这真的要得益于西卡团队本身 的专业性和高效性。在这次西卡项目的执 行过程中,我作为 TLP 方的项目经理,也 得到了不小的成长。 我能说目前由西卡项目捐赠的阅览室 是我们建过的最美丽的阅览室之一吗?我 尤其喜欢蓝色的地板。蓝色令我想起大海, 有一种宽大包容的感觉,这种感觉很像企 业方、服务商、公益机构、当地政府以及
学校等各个利益相关方在一起为这个项目 各自克服困难,相互信任,相互支持时的 一种隐形力量。任何公益项目的顺利实施 都是整个生态链里所有参与者的共同努力 结果,我们相信并期待我们的付出在未来 的某一天会开出美丽的花儿来。 能谈谈你对未来的规划吗? 在图书馆计划的时光真是过得很快。 我的同伴们都非常聪明,易于相处。同事 间的默契和信任也让我在这里的工作非常 愉快,我愿意与我这些姐妹们一直在一起 成长,一起为更多的儿童送去更多更好的 儿童图书。不忘初心,方得始终。
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — An interview with Alice Ma
Alice Ma and Sika volunteers.
WHY DID YOU JOIN IN THE LIBRARY PROJECT? It was a simple idea to join in TLP, which was to combine my hobby with work. I like the working atmosphere in this group. My co-workers are more like sisters than colleagues. HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN WORKING IN TLP? It’s been more than three years by the end of 2015 since I joined in the Library Project in the summer of 2012. During the three years of time, I have travelled around China and visited almost 300 primary schools in rural areas to send favorite children’s books to thousands of students. WE KNOW THE WORK IN CHARITY ORGANIZATIONS IS VERY DIFFICULT AND THE SALARY IS NOT AS HIGH AS IN OTHER COMPANIES. WHAT MAKES YOU STICK TO THE JOB? I’m a sentimental person. Although I have
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — An interview with Alice Ma
paid hundreds of visits to these schools, I still can’t help weeping when I depart the children. They are such amazing children, like angels, innocent and pure. They are always curious and passionate about the world. For me, it is the most beautiful moment to see the children eagerly open the book and with the desire for knowledge in their eyes. I seem to see the world is waving to them and they are having a lot of fun in exploring it. DURING THE THREE YEARS, WHAT IS YOUR MOST IMPRESSIVE THING? It was the first time that I organized the donation in a school in Anhui Province. I was moved by the students’ sign language performance “A Grateful Heart”. WHAT ARE THE DIFFICULTIES THAT YOU’VE COME ACROSS AT WORK? Working in a charity organization, we are usually rejected and misunderstood in our work. I feel difficult at those moments.
When I just joined in TLP, I was responsible for the investigation, evaluation before hand and return visit afterwards, as well as the group leader of donation. The before-hand investigation is to look for educational department or relevant governmental department nationwide that are willing to work with us. After winning their trust and support, our organization is able to carry out project in that area. However, in establishing regional cooperation, my rate of failure could be higher than 50%. I was hesitant, lost and sad and also wondered why. After a lot of communication and exchanges with my team members, I changed my way of working, improved my working skill and as a result the failure rate dropped a lot. Now, even if I don’t do this job anymore, I’ve gained a lot of experience from it, better understand the requirements of the relevant parties in project execution. It is helpful for me to implement Sika’s project.
孩子们迫不及待地打开图书,双眼闪 烁求知光芒的样子,在我眼里是这世 上最美丽的画面。 THEY ARE ALWAYS CURIOUS AND PASSIONATE ABOUT THE WORLD. FOR ME, IT IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL MOMENT TO SEE THE CHILDREN EAGERLY OPEN THE BOOKS AND WITH THE DESIRE FOR KNOWLEDGE IN THEIR EYES. COULD YOU TALK ABOUT HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT WORKING WITH SIKA? Sika’s project is the first library decoration project for our organization. In the beginning of the project design, our project team and financing team had several meetings. According to Sika’s proposals, we discussed on various solutions related to the feasibility for many times, screening of donation receivers and project implementation timetable and etc. The inspiring thing is that, although it was a brand new decoration program, everything went very well in choosing donation receiver, communicating with service suppliers and project implementation thanks to the professionalism and high efficiency of Sika’s team. In implementing Sika’s project, as the Project Manager of TLP, I also grew a lot. I can say that the library donated by Sika’s project is the most beautiful library we’ve every built. I like the blue floor, which re-
minds me of the wide and generous sea. It feels like the invisible power that enterprises, service suppliers, charity organization, local government and other relevant parties work hard together to overcome difficulties, trust and support each other. The smooth implementation of any charity project is a result of the hard work from all the participant in an eco-chain. We believe and hope that our effort will grow in the future. CAN YOU TALK ABOUT YOUR PLAN FOR THE FUTURE? How time flies working for TLP. Our fellows are smart and easy going. The tact and trust have made us work happily together. I’d like to grow with my sisters and send more better books to more children. Stick to your original heart and have a successful ending.
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — An interview with Alice Ma
老吾老以及人之老 CARING FOR THE ELDERLY 重阳节前夕,西卡荣获了一份珍贵的荣誉:由上海市化学建材行业协会与上 海市社会福利行业协会颁发的公益证书,感谢西卡参与“2015 上海市养老院 铺地材料阳光工程”公益项目,表彰对养老行业做出的贡献。
Before the Double Ninth Festival, a festival for the elderly, Sika received a precious glory. The Shanghai Chemical Construction Material Industrial Association and Shanghai Social Welfare Industrial Association co-issued a charity certificate to Sika to show gratitude to its participation in the 2015 Sunshine Program of Flooring Materials for Nursing Houses as well as a compliment to its contribution to the aged industry. 文:季光奕 图:西卡中国
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Caring for the Elderly
The recreation room before and after renovation.
上海市养老院铺地材料阳光工程”由 上海市化学建材行业协会与上海市社会福 利行业协会共同发起,以主题为“倡导社 会责任,传承致富思源”的公益活动,旨 在关爱社会养老机构,探索弹性地板为养 老场所的服务途径,进一步推进弹性地板 在养老行业的应用。
于安全性及美观性考虑,西卡提供了防滑 耐磨的彩片状地面系统——西卡炫彩地坪 系统。
湿滑,出于安全性、易清洗性及耐磨性考虑, 我们依旧推介聚氨酯砂浆地面系统。
活动室:抗冲击、美观、防滑 进入卧室后,老人需要一个舒适安静 西卡彩砂自流平地面系统 的空间,为了更好的满足老人平时的日常 活动室原先采用的是木地板,考虑到 起居,我们推介使用具有高弹性、脚感舒适、 吸音降噪等特点的西卡弹性聚氨酯舒适地 该区域是老人平时休闲娱乐的场所,地面 对抗冲击性有较高的要求,而且需要具有 在本次项目中,西卡免费为中国福利 坪系统。 一定的美观及防滑性能,对此我们提供了 会养老院和金色港湾老年公寓的卧室、小 卫生间和浴室:防滑、耐温变 西卡彩砂自流平地面系统。 餐厅、活动室、淋浴房的地面改造提供了 西卡聚氨酯砂浆地面系统 地坪材料,引入了西卡性能优异、环保的 本次地面改造项目由西卡认证的地坪 无缝整体地坪系统,为老人们提供了安全、 卫生间和浴室原来采用的是地砖。由 承建商上海睦鑫工程有限公司负责施工, 温馨和舒适的环境。这是西卡作为负责任 的企业公民,又一次为社会公益贡献力量。 于这两个区域地面经常潮湿,容易发生滑 在非封闭的施工环境下,克服了面积小而 倒,同时地面还经常需要用热水冲洗消毒, 施工难度大等困难,出色地完成了地面施 为了给老人们提供最舒适安全的地面, 因此对地面的防滑性能以及耐温性能有很 工。 针对各区域不同的功能需求,西卡提供了 高的要求。 西卡 “一站式”地面系统解决方案, 多种地面系统组合。 出于地面安全性能和抗热冲击性能考 给老人一个安全、舒适、温馨的家。 虑,西卡提供了高防滑,耐温变的聚氨酯 卧室:美观、安静、安全 西卡炫彩地坪系统和西卡弹性聚氨酯 砂浆地面系统。 舒适地坪系统 小餐厅:耐磨、易清洗、防滑 西卡聚氨酯砂浆地面系统 卧室原先采用的是木地板。在进门区 域,考虑到老人从走廊进入房间时,可能 会因不适应空间的变化而滑倒;同时进门 的区域也是平时走动相对密集的区域,出
原先采用的是地毯,考虑到餐厅经常 需要用水清洗、消毒,环境相对来说比较
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Caring for the Elderly
The bath room before and after renovation.
The bed room before and after renovation.
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Caring for the Elderly
The small canteen before and after renovation.
The Sunshine Program was co-initiated by the Shanghai Chemical Construction Material Industrial Association and Shanghai Social Welfare Industrial Association with the theme of “advocating social responsibility and inheriting inspiration leading to a rich life”. It was aimed at caring for social nursing houses, exploring ways for elastic floors to serve nursing houses and further promoting their application in the aged industry. In this program, Sika provided free flooring materials for the floor renovation in t h e b e d r o o m s , s m a ll c a n t e e n , recreation room and bathrooms in the China Welfare Institute Rest Room and Golden Bay Nursing House and introduced a seamless overall flooring system with excellent performance and environmentfriendly properties, creating a safe, warm and comfortable environment for the elderly. As a responsible corporate citizen, Sika made its contribution to social welfare again. In order to provide the safest and most comfortable floor, Sika provided several flooring system portfolios according to the different functional requirements in all these areas. BEDROOM: BEAUTIFUL, QUIET AND SAFE Sikafloor® Decorative and Sika® Comfortfloor
In the past, the bedrooms were laid with wooden floor. At the bedroom door, the old people were likely to fall at the transition of two floor materials from the hallway to the room. Also, the hallway is also an area that people pass very often. Out of the consideration for aesthetics and safety, Sika provided Sikafloor® Decorative, an anti-slippery and wear-resistant color flake flooring system. In the bedroom, the old people need a quiet space. In order to meet their requirements in daily routines, we recommended Sika® Comfortfloor, which has high elasticity, is comfortable for feet, and noise absorption. BATHROOM: ANTI-SLIPPERY, TEMPERATURE CHANGE RESISTANT Sikafloor® PurCem Originally, ground tiles were laid in the toilets and bathrooms. Since above two area is always damp, the old people are likely to fall. At the same time, the floor needs to be washed and sterilized with hot water, it has a high requirement in the anti-slippery and temperature-resistant property. Out of the consideration for safety and high temperature resistance, Sika provided Sikafloor® PurCem that is highly antislippery and resistant to temperature change.
SMALL CANTEEN: WEAR-RESISTANT, EASY TO CLEAN, ANTI-SLIPPERY Sikafloor® PurCem Originally, carpet was laid in the canteen. However, as the restaurant needs cleaning and sterilizing with water, it is always damp and wet in the canteen. Out of the consideration for safety, being easy to clean, and wear-resistance, we still recommend Sikafloor® PurCem. RECREATION ROOM: ANTI-IMPACT, BEAUTIFUL AND ANTI-SLIPPERY Sikafloor®-263 SL Decor Originally, the recreation room was laid with a wooden floor. As it is a place for the old people to have recreational activities, it needs the floor to be highly impactresistant as well as beautiful and antislippery. So we provided Sikafloor®-263 SL Decor. The floor renovation project was taken on by Shanghai Muxin Engineering Co., Ltd, a floor constructor certificated by Sika. In an open construction environment, the company overcome the difficulty of small working area and did a very good job in floor construction. Sika’s one-stop flooring system solution gave the elderly a safe, comfortable and warm home.
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Caring for the Elderly
西卡地坪涂料团队的 年轻经理人们
西卡地坪涂料团队中有这么一群人:他们年轻、充满活力、锐意进取,是地 坪涂料市场的销售和技术精英;在特定的细分市场经验丰富而且乐意分享, 为整个团队的发展积极献计献策。可以说西卡地坪涂料团队能够成为当今中 国地坪市场上最具影响力和战斗力的团队,与他们的卓越表现密不可分。他 们就是地坪涂料团队引以为傲的年轻经理人团队。
We have a group of bright and vibrant young individuals in the flooring and coating team. They are elites in the fields of sales and technical support and have all accumulated rich experience in their own market segments. They are also always willing to share their expertise and contribute their ideas towards team development. With their efforts, the flooring and coating team can become the most competitive in the flooring market. They are the young professionals in our team that we are all proud of.
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Young Professionals Grow in the Flooring and Coatinng Team
2015 年对于整个建筑行业而言都是一 段艰难的日子,突如其来的市场变化让所 有参与其间的企业措手不及:投资放缓, 项目开工数量骤减,竞争加剧到白热化的 程度,有些竞争对手在生存压力之下引鸩 止渴,以亏本的价格冲击市场。 达权知变 面对巨大的市场压力,地坪涂料团队 需要迅速做出战略调整来应对挑战。这些 年轻经理们很快建立了一个自己的平台, 借助这个无隙的平台,他们分享经验,交 流信息,也会谈谈自己的人生理想。这个 平台也成为重点项目管理的有效工具,他 们将各自的优势整合到一处,发挥到极致。 从项目伊始的 Specification 阶段,就致力 于为客户提供从地坪到墙面再到防火 / 防腐 涂料,从工业厂房到办公楼装修,从工业 到商业的全系统解决方案,业主为此可以 节约大量时间和精力,同时也降低了成本。 而竞争对手还停留在单一或者几个产品的 竞争上,自然无法与西卡抗衡。西卡能够 赢得福特,宝马,费列罗,嘉士伯 , 雀巢等 一系列大项目也就在意料之中了。
勇于担当 几位分区经理根据各自区域的市场特 点,积极开拓细分市场。钟小敏领导的福 建江西分区,多年来已经在地下车库市场 闯出一片天地,由此理所当然成为整个团 队车库细分市场的领军人物。他开始主动 承担全国车库地坪市场的发展任务,根据 西卡的不同产品系统设立金银铜牌策略, 制定了不同市场的发展模式,还建立了一 套信息收集,案例分享,竞争对手分析的 数据库,为其它区域车库市场提供支持。 其他分区经理除了自己分区的销售经理职 责外,也分别承担了不同细分市场全国经 理的角色,如张锋在医药,梁维立在电子, 李鑫在物流,陈俊逸在商业建筑,聂林林 在环氧水磨石等领域,他们都蓄势待发, 为 2016 年全团队的突破做好了准备。 作为销售的坚实后盾,新产品开发和 技术服务是西卡的优势所在,张洪国所在 的产品部门 2015 年完成了 9 个新的地坪 涂料系统的导入工作,销售团队自豪地宣 称,我们“一直被模仿,从未被超越”。
协作精神和交叉销售 在地坪涂料团队内部,团队协作和交 叉销售一直受到鼓励。张锋在医药地坪领 域颇有心得,对于有独特卖点的西卡环氧 彩砂自流平体系的施工诀窍也熟稔于心, 在山东齐鲁制药样板制作的关键阶段,张 锋和技术支持工程师殷飞提供了跨区服务, 为拿下后续 3 万平米的项目打好基础。海 天调味品的总部在佛山,广东分区经理梁 维立秉承广东人“同声同气”的传统,主 动协助完成了江苏宿迁海天项目西卡的入 围选型工作。 不懈的激情 年轻人从来不缺乏激情,面对比当年 金融危机时期更加困难的局面,这些年轻 经理人直面挑战,坚持梦想,他们有个微 信群叫“奔向 3 个亿”- 那是他们自己设 定的高于公司给予的 2016 年目标。他们 的愿景,是能够成为中国地坪涂料市场最 佳的系统解决方案供应商,为客户与合作 伙伴提供科技领先,高质量的产品,先进 的商业模式和完美的技术服务。
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Young Professionals Grow in the Flooring and Coatinng Team
Zhong Xiaomin is the market segment manager of carpark. (Project: Fuzhou South Railway Station)
Zhang Feng knows well about the flooring business in the pharmaceutical segment. (Project: Pfizer Suzhou Pharmaceutical Plant)
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Young Professionals Grow in the Flooring and Coatinng Team
2015 was a tough year for the whole construction industry. A sudden decline in the market accompanied by a slowdown in investment, a reduced number of projects and increasing competition has affected all companies in the industry. Some companies, under survival pressure, sought quick-fix relief regardless of the potential disastrous consequences by selling products at below cost. INNOVATION AGAINST CONVENTION The flooring and coating team had to response to the changing market quickly with effective measures. The young professionals soon established a platform, where they can share information, experiences and also talk about life ideals. This platform also became an effective project management tool by integrating and making good use of their collective skills and experience. Starting from the specification phase, the team provides the client with solutions integrated with flooring, wall, fireproofing and corrosionresistant coating systems, solutions for both factories and office buildings or solutions covering both industrial and commercial buildings, saving clients both time and effort and reducing costs. That’s why competitors cannot compete when they are still offering only a single product or several products. It is no surprise that Sika won a series of big projects from Ford, BMW, Ferrero Rocher, Carlsberg and Nestlé among other household names.
COURAGE TO TAKE THE LEAD The area managers explored market segments according to the specific market features in their own regions. For example, Zhong Xiaomin who has developed the flooring business very well for underground garages in the Fujian and Jiangxi market, is the market segment manager of carpark. In 2015, he took the initiative to lead business development nationwide in this segment of the market. He has developed a strategy to classify different products and systems at the gold, silver and copper levels, according to which different development modes are planned. In addition, a database for information collection, case sharing and competitor analysis was set up to provide support to the relevant teams in other regions. Other area managers also took the lead in different market segments in addition to their duty as regional sales managers, such as Zhang Feng in the pharmaceutical segment, Liang Weili in electronics, Sebastian Chen in commercial construction and Lie Linlin in the epoxy terrazzo segment. They are all prepared for further breakthroughs in 2016. As a strong support to sales, new product development and technical service is one of Sika’s strengths. Henry Zhang from the product management team, together with his colleagues, has introduced nine new flooring and coating systems, so the sales team can proudly claim, “Sika products are imitated by many but surpassed by none.”
TEAM SPIRIT AND CROSS-SELLING In the flooring and coating team, camaraderie and cross-selling is encouraged. Zhang Feng is an expert in the flooring business in the pharmaceutical industry and knows Sikafloor®-263 SL Décor very well. In the Shandong Qilu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd project, Zhang Feng and technical engineer Yin Fei provided close support during the demonstration flooring construction, which helped Sika to win the 30,000 m2 flooring project. When Foshan Haitian Flavouring and Food Co., Ltd., headquartered in Foshan, Guangzhou Province, was selecting flooring systems for its new factory in Suqian, Jiangsu Province, Liang Weili, the Area Manager of Guangdong province, provided support using his own initiative. RELENTLESS PASSION Passion never ends for the young. When facing a market even more challenging than that seen during the financial crisis several years ago, these young professionals never shrink back but hold course with strong confidence in their objectives. They organized a WeChat group called “Run to 300 million”, which is the target they set for themselves in 2016, even higher than that set by the company. They hold the vision of becoming the best solution supplier in the Chinese flooring and coating market, to provide high-tech and high quality products, advanced business models and perfect technical services to our customers and partners.
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Young Professionals Grow in the Flooring and Coatinng Team
CROSS-DEPARTMENTAL COOPERATION AND SELLING 通过船舶团队和地坪团队的通力合作,在船舶地坪项目上的专业表现, 赢得船东的肯定和赞赏。
Through the team work of the marine team and flooring team, Sika earned the recognition and appreciation from the ship owner for its excellent work in the flooring project on ships. 文/图: 梁锐
持,派出专业的技术人员到现场进行施工 指导,帮助卫生单元生产商出色地完成了 施工任务,得到了油轮的最终客户瑞典船 东 Terntank rederi A/S 的肯定,其总经理 Tryggve Möller 发来感谢信并表示对后续 项目的期待。 船舶和地坪团队在船舶地坪方面已经 进行了多次合作,比如 2013 年 5 月的上 海中远船务的巴西国家石油项目,那时候 地坪技术总监季总的孩子刚出生,他本人 亲自上船指导;以及在启东中远马来西亚 KS DRLIING 项目中,地坪团队都提供了有 力的支持。
船厂恶劣的工作环境、船级社国际的 标准、船东完美的最求以及船舶远洋的服 务范围,都对船舶地坪的施工带来了不小 的挑战。西卡拥有专业的船舶团队和专业 的地坪团队,两个团队的通力合作,为客 户提供最专业的产品和技术支持。 今 年 7 月, 船 舶 团 队 的 项 目 —— 四 艘 15000 吨化学品油轮的船舶卫生单元的 地坪施工又一次得到了地坪团队的大力支
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Cross-Departmental Cooperation and Selling
我们更期待好好利用西卡广阔的产品 线,在公司跨部门销售政策的支持下,将 来有机会获得更多的船舶客户。比如:钢 结构的防火涂料在船舶远洋和海工平台上 的使用,高强度耐磨地坪在汽车滚装车的 应用等。 瑞 典 船 东 Terntank Rederi A/S 公 司 总经理 Tryggve Möller 的感谢信:
亲爱的西卡朋友: 首先,我们对西卡派出专业的技术人 员到油轮的卫生单元生产商深圳华南建材 进行现场指导表示感谢。深圳华南建材告 诉我们这是他们第一次使用西卡产品,所 以施工需要指导。 虽然,我们没有到过现场进行检查, 但我们收到的现场图片和报告显示地坪做 得非常好,希望这些地坪很多年都不会被 腐蚀或者开裂。 进一步的合作: 我们将在我们新的船舶的备餐间、厨 房、干货区以及房间中使用西卡产品。这 个项目可能在明年的二月份或三月份进行。 这些区域以及潮湿区域的施工,我们 以及船厂都需要你们的帮助和支持。
Tryggve Möller 总经理
Dear friends of Sika, At first we must say thank you that you was sending one Sika representative to HNBM (wet Unit Producer in China). They told us that this was the first time they use Sika and off course they need guidance from Sika to get the application right plus proper.
The poor working environment in the shipyards, the high standards of the International Association of Classification Societies, the high requirements of ship-owners and also the service range of ocean liners have brought great challenges to the construction of flooring on ships. For Sika, close cooperation between the marine team and the flooring team allows us to tackle these challenges in a highly professional way to provide the best products and support services to our customers. In July, 2015, the flooring team provided close support for the flooring construction of the toilet units of four 15000 dwt chemical tankers. The technician from the flooring team visited the site to guide the contractor on the flooring construction. The ship owner Terntank Rederi A/S praised Sika’s professional support and the company’s managing director Tryggve Mölle
sent a letter of thanks to Sika expressing his wish with regard to future cooperation. It was not the first time that the flooring team and marine time had cooperated on ship flooring projects. In 2013, in the Cosco shipyard Petrobras project, John Ji, Head of Technical Service – flooring and coating, carried out onsite instruction. Sika also provided close support in the later KS drilling project. We are anticipating many more crossing selling opportunities in marine projects with the wide range of products that Sika offers. For example, the fireproof coating for steel structure can be used on marine vessels and offshore and high strength and wear-resistance flooring systems can be used in car carriers. The thanks letter from Tryggve Möller, Managing Director of Terntank Rederi A/S:
We have not made any Inspection on site but the photo and the reports we have received looks wonderfully. Hopefully we now have getting floor in Wet units which will be without rust and cracks for years. Future Next Step We shall have Sika in pantry / galley / dry provision and some more room onboard on our new buildings – if we guess this shall be installed in February- March something next year. And now we are talking about big rooms which means whole other areas then in the Wet unit – and here we and yard definitely need your help/ support on the Shipyard AVIC Dingheng. Tryggve Möller Manager TERNTANK SHIP MANAGEMENT AB
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Cross-Departmental Cooperation and Selling
水务涂料 在广州环博会上火了 WATER TREATMENT COATING DRAWS CROWDS AT THE IE EXPO 一个养着热带鱼的水缸,在广州环博会上火了。
At the Guangzhou International Environmental Protection Exhibition and IE Expo Innovation Conference 2015, a simple water tank for tropical fish unexpectedly became the centre of attention. 文:中国环保在线 图:西卡中国 TEXT : CHINA ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION ONLINE PHOTO: SIKA CHINA
11 月 10 日—12 日,2015 广州国际 环保展览会与中国环博会创新创业大会(简 称“2015 广州环博会”)在广州琶洲展馆 隆重举行。本届展会汇聚了来自 13 个国家 的 201 家知名企业华丽亮相,在 10000 平 米展示面积上集中呈现囊括水与污水处理、 固体废弃物处理、废气大气治理、场地修 复在内的环境污染治理全产业链。西卡携 带水务涂料案例盛装出席 2015 广州环博 会,展位内人头攒动,人气爆棚。这个水 缸便是吸引众多参展商和专业观众眼球的 重要原因之一。
用泡有涂料的水,仍可健康地存活在水缸 里。”雪山经理进一步解释道:“这也证明, 西卡涂料安全、无毒,可用于自来水厂、 自来水管网上,输送至居民家中,居民也 可以放心饮用。”
事实证明,西卡的决定并没有错。经 过 3 年的发展,西卡中国在水务涂料行业 内取得了诸多令人瞩目的成绩并获得良好 的口碑,“西卡的涂料真不错”、“选涂 料就选西卡”……这些均是业内对西卡涂 料的评价。
西卡在国外做水务涂料行业已长达 60 西卡在水务涂料行业十分讲求“总寿 多年,拥有众多成功案例。丰厚的行业经验, 也为对西卡中国在国内水务涂料行业布局 命期的成本”概念,这也是西卡及西卡中 国一贯在宣传的概念,“我们的涂料要与 打下坚实基础。 我们的建筑寿命期相匹配,”雪山经理解 “十一五”期间,我国登上了涂料生 释称,通过关注产品整个寿命期,实现成 产和消费大国的宝座,2010 年全年产量 本的节约。 一个水缸,又有何特别的呢?鱼儿欢 突破 1000 万吨;“十二五”期间,我国 做环保行业,在产品研发阶段就得立 快地在水中游荡,一切看似并没有什么特 涂料业高速发展,2013 年,涂料生产突破 别的,但实际上西卡中国在其中藏匿着巧 1303.349 万吨。涂料业的繁荣,为涂料企 足于环保起点;追求产品的寿命,更多地 保护自然,生产环境友好型产品,是西卡的 妙的理念, “保护自然,做环境友好型产品。” 业生长孕育肥沃土壤。 宗旨,更应成为中国环境产业的一个共识。 西卡(中国)有限公司业务发展经理雪山 显然,西卡中国也看到了水务涂料行 佳穗女士向中国环保在线记者如是透露。 业的乐观前景。2012 年,西卡高层做了一 立足环保起点,做环境友好型水务涂料 个对当下西卡中国发展起重要作用的决定, 西卡的环保理念在本次展品之一的水 “将 60 多年的行业经验引入中国,在中国 务涂料得到展现。“这个养着热带鱼的水 大力开展水务涂料业务。”雪山经理说道。 缸内壁涂着西卡的水务涂料,鱼儿长期饮
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — IE Expo
西卡中国水务涂料业务发展经理雪山佳穗 接受《中国环保在线》记者采访。扫描二维 码,可观看采访视频。
The BD manager Yukiyama Kaho was interviewed by the journalist from China Environment Protection Online. Scan the QR code to watch the interview video.
The IE expo, held at the Guangzhou Pazhou Exhibition Hall from 10 to 12 October 2015, attracted 201 organizations from 13 countries to showcase a full industrial chain in environmental pollution abatement including water and sewage treatment, solid waste treatment, exhaust gas abatement and floor repairs. Sika participated in the expo to display its coating solutions for water treatment. Sika’s booth was filled with visitors and the water tank was one of the main attractions. So what was so special about an apparently common fish tank? The tank was special in fact since it displayed the concept of Sika China, “Protect nature by producing environmentally-friendly products. That’s our secret.” explained Mrs. Yukiyama Kaho, BD Manager of Sika China, to the journalist from China Environmental Protection Online. PROTECT NATURE BY PRODUCING ENVIRONMENTALLY-FRIENDLY WATER TREATMENT COATING PRODUCTS Sika’s environmental protection concept
is fully integrated into in its water treatment coating products. “Even with Sika’s water treatment coating applied to the inner wall of the water tank, the fish are still able to live healthily in the tank.” Yukiyama Kaho continued: “This proves that Sika’s coating is safe, non-toxic and can be applied in water works and running water pipes. Citizens can drink with confidence.” Having been engaged in the water treatment industry for more than 60 years overseas, Sika has accumulated many successful cases in this area, laying a solid foundation for its development in China. During the Eleventh five-year plan, China had risen to No. 1 in the world with regard to coating manufacturing and consumption. In 2010, its annual output exceeded 10 million tons. During the Twelfth fiveyear plan, the coating industry in China developed rapidly with an annual output of over 13 million tons in 2013. The prosperity of the coating industry therefore provides a great development opportunity for coating production companies.
Having seen the rapid development of the water treatment coating industry, in 2012, Sika made an important decision to enter the water treatment coating market in China. It has been proven that the decision was correct. After three years of development, Sika China has achieved great success and developed an excellent reputation in the industry. “Sika coating is really good” “Sika coating is our No.1 choice”... are some of the comments of the industry. Sika focuses on the cost of the whole life span of the water treatment coating. “Our coating should live as long as the construction itself to achieve the best cost efficiency.” explained Yukiyama Kaho. Since Sika aims to protect nature by producing environmentally-friendly products with a long life, this philosophy must be taken into consideration during the product research and development phase. We also hope that this concept can become a common theme in the industry.
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — IE Expo
2015 年中国国际屋面和建
2015 CHINA INTERNATIONAL ROOFING AND WATERPROOFING EXPO 2015 年度中国国际屋面和建筑防水技术展览会告一段落,本次西卡以“天 时、地利、人和”为主题,结合公司相应产品及配件组成系统向外界展 示西卡的实力。西卡,作为全球知名企业,致力于为客户提供从上到下、 从里至外的全方位防水解决方案。
At the 2015 China International Roofing and Waterproofing Expo, Sika showcased its professionalism in waterproofing with its integrated solutions from roofing to basement application and from inside to outside use. 文: 卢嫔婷 图:西卡中国 TEXT : BETTY LU PHOTO: SIKA CHINA
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Roof and Waterproofing Expo
西卡屋面防水系统展示 Mock-up of Sika roof waterproofing system
屋面技术服务团队的丁忠明荣获高分子防水卷材施工技术比赛 季军。 Ding Zhongming from Sika China won the third place in the high polymer waterproofing membrane installation competition.
天时—天—屋面—西卡屋面防水系 统—聚氯乙烯(PVC)防水卷材及配套配件 在聚氯乙烯卷材日渐成熟的高分子防 水市场,为客户提供贴心的屋面配套设施 越来越重要。本次展会上,西卡制作了一 个 1.5 米宽 2 米长的轻钢屋面模型。模型 采用了最为通用的屋面层次结构,重点展 示在 PVC 防水层上的西卡专业的配件,如 落水口、穿出管线、避雷支座、太阳能支 座等。这些配件拥有与 PVC 防水卷材相同 的高品质,且不需要破坏原防水层即可达 到客户所要求的效果。
今 年 展 会 首 次 引 入 Sikaproof 地 下 防 水 系 统, 目 前 国 内 的 地 下 工 程 普 遍 使 用预铺反粘式改性沥青防水卷材,与结构 主 体 结 合 为 一 体, 防 水 防 窜 水。 这 也 是 Sikaproof 防水卷材的工作原理—皮肤式防 水系统。在反应性改性沥青铺天盖地的市 场,以 TPO 为基材的预铺反粘式防水卷材 是本次西卡展台的一大亮点。该模型吸引 人数最多,对于预铺反粘的 TPO 地下防水 材料,大家都说第一次遇见,同时系统使 用的胶黏剂也受到了广泛关注。
一些来自设计院的观众将每个配套配 件都详细询问并拍照,表示之前都不曾了 解这些专业配件,而是用传统方式处理防 水层上的节点,并索要宣传册备用。也有 不太了解 PVC 材料的客户对系统施工、固 定以及抗风揭等问题进行了详细询问。
Sarnafil® G-476 防水卷材及接缝密封与分
地利—地—地下—西卡地下防水系 统—聚烯烃(TPO)防水卷材及配件
销产品的全国范围的代理招商 在 以 人 为 本、 以 客 户 为 重 的 西 卡, 招商一直是我们与合作方保持共赢的方 式。此次招商,屋面 Sikalastic® LAM 液 体防水卷材依旧是主打产品,同时 Sika® Sarnafil® G-476 耐根穿刺防水卷材亦展 开新一轮的招商征集令,吸引了来自全国 各地的观众前来询问。
西卡屋面增值服务—屋面商标打印系统 西卡传统的增值服务如太阳能屋面、 绿色种植屋面、功能型屋面等已比较普及。 今年新增的机器人商标打印服务,可以帮 助客户在自己的屋面印上专属的商标或口 号,将被闲置的屋面转化为免费的广告牌, 成为客户特别的品牌宣传平台。在两天的 实际打印演示过程中,场内观众无不停下 脚步,驻足观看,并表示这项服务非常新颖, 在屋面上打印商标将闲置的屋顶重新利用 起来,是一项很好的变废为宝的措施。 最后,在全国建筑防水行业职业技能 大赛“联盟杯”上,西卡屋面技术服务团 队的丁忠明先生过五关斩六将,在激烈的 比赛中脱颖而出,荣获高分子防水卷材施 工技术比赛季军。
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Roof and Waterproofing Expo
西卡地下防水系统展示 Mock-up of Sika basement waterproofing system
防窜水系统模型 Mock-ups of water migration resistant system
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Roof and Waterproofing Expo
西卡屋面商标打印系统为客户提供增值服务。 Sika Roofgraphic printing robot provides added value to customers.
SIKA WATERPROOFING ROOF SYSTEM WITH PVC MEMBRANE AND ACCESSORIES In the gradually maturing high-polymer waterproofing market, being able to provide supplementary roofing accessories and services in addition to the waterproofing membrane can create more value for customers and is increasingly important. At the expo this year, Sika displayed its roof accessories including outlets, penetrating pipes, lightening conductors and solar panels using a 2m x 1.5m light-weight steel roof model composed of standard roof components. These high quality professional accessories which are compatible with PVC membranes can be installed on the roof without damaging the original waterproofing layer. Some visitors from design departments were very interested and said that it was their first time they had seen such accessories which were different to traditional ones. They asked for further details, took pictures of the mock-up and took away brochures. We also received a number of visitors who were relatively unfamiliar with PVC membrane and asked for details about the system,
such as the installation process, windresistance and other issues. SIKA UNDERGROUND WATERPROOFING SYSTEM WITH TPO MEMBRANE AND ACCESSORIES For the waterproofing of underground engineering projects in China, pre-applied modified bitumen membrane, which is integrated into the main structure as a whole, is the most used material. The Sikaproof underground waterproofing system, one of Sika’s highlights of the expo, applies the same “skin waterproofing” theory but the main material is TPO membrane. It was a key attraction at the expo and it was the first time many people had seen a pre-laid basement waterproofing TPO membrane. Visitors asked a lot of questions about the system, its installation and also the adhesives used in the system. ONSITE RECRUITMENT OF AGENTS FOR L AM, SARNAFIL® G -476 PVC MEMBRANE, SEALING AND BONDING PRODUCTS Sika always puts customers first. Cooperation with agents is therefore a mutually beneficial strategy. This year, Sika was seeking agents at the expo for
its Sikalastic® liquid-applied membrane and Sarnafil® G-476 root-resistant PVC membrane. Numerous parties came to Sika’s booth to show their willingness to cooperate with us. VA LU E A D D E D S E RV I C E - RO O F GRAPHIC ROBOT In addition to the already well known value-added services, such as its solar roof, green roof and functional roofing, Sika rolled out a brand new service, its Roof-graphic Robot which can print the customers’ own logo or slogan on their roof to turn it into a free advertising bill board for their brand. The two-day onsite demonstration of logo printing by the robot attracted a large audience who were impressed with the novel concept of re-using idle roof space. In addition, in the National Construction Waterproofing Skill Competition, the “Union Cup”, Ding Zhongming from the roofing technical service team of Sika China won third place in the high polymer waterproofing membrane competition after several rounds. .
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Roof and Waterproofing Expo
文/图: 王鹏飞
2015 年 10 月 22 日 -23 日,白色家 电龙头企业 - 海尔携手西卡等 30 家供应商 举办了声势浩大的技术创新论坛。论坛以 “聚焦用户、交联并互”为主题,海尔致 力打造全球一流模块商资源与用户交联并 互、共创共享,人人创客的生态圈。 海尔推行的“人单合一双赢”模式, 如今已从传统制造企业转型为创业平台。 模块商、用户的互联是拉动海尔互联工厂 的两驾马车。西卡以“创新技术,启航智能” 为主题强势入驻展会。
西卡作为胶粘剂的先进制造商和一流 的供应商,此次以两种交相呼应的形式参 与了现场的技术交流和用户交互。各种技 术方案的样品展台展现了西卡在胶粘剂领 域的技术实力和客户价值为导向的理念。 另一方面海尔公司研发、技术以及相 关部门的人员参加了西卡的创新方案主题 发布,通过详细的阐述展示了西卡在白色 家电的技术创新,为实现白色家电的工业 智能制造贡献一己之力。 为继续开发新的增长点,推动西卡方 案在家电产品的应用,西卡在本次创意大
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Haier Seminar and Expo
会推出新的针对性方案:完善细节的管焊 密封方案,安全智能的防火方案及打造舒 适家居的隔音降噪方案。 公司高层对此次活动给予高度重视, 西卡中国总裁康秉仁先生莅临西卡展位并 与海尔集团副总裁陈录城先生会面,讨论 和阐述了西卡与海尔的强强联合及西卡在 家电行业的未来发展战略。 为期两天的展会暨交流会圆满结束, 我们的努力仍然在继续,我们准备着以最 好的服务,最新的技术,最完备的方案为 家电行业工业 4.0 的进程助力。
From 22 to 23 October, Haier, the leader in white goods home appliances, worked with 30 suppliers including Sika to organize a grand technological innovation seminar. Determining the theme of the seminar as “Focus on users, Interconnected and Mutual Support”, Haier is committed to creating a global industry circle, in which the world’s first-class module manufacturers interact with and support users by creating and sharing together. By implementing the mutually beneficial mode of “combining people with orders”, Haier has transformed itself from a conventional manufacturer to an entrepreneurial business platform. The module manufacturers and the link with users are the two driving forces of Haier’s interconnected factory. Sika also enthusiastically engaged with the exhibition theme.
As an advanced manufac turer and first-class supplier of adhesives, Sika engaged in the technological discussion and exchange in two corresponding ways. Sika’s samples of various technological solutions on display showed Sika’s technological strength and also its client value oriented concept in adhesive products. Personnel from Haier’s R&D, technology and other relevant departments also participated in the release of Sika’s innovative solutions. Sika’s technological innovation in white goods home appliances was displayed via the use detailed demonstrations, showing its contribution to intelligent industrial manufacturing of white goods home appliances. In order to develop new growth points continuously promote Sika home appliances solution’, Sika launched its new products including its new improved
sealing solution for pipe welding, a new safe and smart fire-proof solution and a noise-proofing solution for comfortable homes. The management team of Sika China attached great importance to the conference. Mr. Mike Campion, President of Sika China, attended the conference and met with Mr. Chen Lucheng, Vice President of Haier Group to discuss the strong alliance between Sika and Haier, as well as Sika’s future development strategy in the home appliance industry. The two-day exhibition and exchange conference concluded successfully, and we will continue to make efforts to improve. We are ready to further advance the progress made in the home appliance industry 4.0 with our best service, latest technology and sound solutions.
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Haier Seminar and Expo
西卡(中国)有限公司工业部技术服 务实验室于 2015 年 4 月和 9 月再次通过 德国 DIN-6701 铁路安全认可及中国合格 评定国家认可委员会(CNAS)专家组的认 证评审。 西卡(中国)有限公司工业部技术服 务实验室于 2012 年 4 月首次通过评审, 获 得 DIN-6701 实 验 室 认 可 证 书, 并 与 2015 年 7 月通过了再次审核,获得了新 的 证 书。 同 时,2012 年 9 月 实 验 室 通 过 CNAS 认 可; 并 于 2015 年 7 月, 再 次 通 过了中国合格评定国家认可委员会专家组 对实验室增项和原有项目的认证评审,并 与 10 月初再次拿到了新的 CNAS 证书。 西卡中国有限公司工业部技术服务实 验室秉承着西卡公司质量方针“实守诚信、 互相尊重、客户至上、勇于承担”,采用 科学的,规范的质量保证体系和规章制度, 为内外部客户提供准确,公正,科学,可 靠的测试数据及实验结果。
CNAS 简介 1. 概述 中 国 合 格 评 定 国 家 认 可 委 员 会( 英 文 缩 写 为:CNAS) 是 根 据《 中 国 人 民 共 和国认证认可条例》的规定,由国家认证 认 可 监 督 管 理 委 员 会(CNCA)批 准 设 立 和授权的国家认可机构,统一负责对认证 机构、实验室和检查机构等相关机构的认 可 工 作。CNAS 与 2006 年 3 月 31 日 成
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Certifications of CNAS and DIN6701
立,是在原中国认证机构国家认可委员会 (CNAB) 和 原 中 国 认 可 委 员 会 (CNAL) 基 础上整合而成的。
2. 主要任务 按照我国有关法律法规、国际和国 家标准、规范等,建立并运行合格评定机 构国家认可体系,制定并发布认可工作的 规则、准则、指南等规范性文件; 对境内外提出申请的合格评定机构 开展能力评价,做出认可决定,并对获得 认可的合格评定机构进行认可监督管理; 负责对认可委员会徽标和认可标识 的使用进行指导和监督管理; 组织开展与认可相关的技术服务, 为社会各界提供获得认可的合格评定机构 的公开信息; 参加和合格评定及认可相关的国际 活动,与有关认可及相关机构和国际合作 组织签署签署双边或多边认可合作协议; 处理与认可有关的申诉和投诉工作; 承担政府有关部门委托的工作 开展与认可相关的其他活动
3. 实验室认可的意义 表明具备了按认可准则开展监测 / 校 准服务的技术能力
增强市场竞争能力,赢得政府部门、 社会各界的信任 获得签署互认协议方国家和地区认 可机构的承认 有机会参与国际间合格评定机构认 可的双边 / 多边合作交流 可在认可范围内使用 CNAS 国家实 验室认可标识和 ILAC 国际互认联合标志 列入获准认可机构名录,提高知名度
The Sika China TM Industry technical service lab passed the railway safety certification DIN-6701 and that issued by the China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) again in April and September 2015 respectively. The technical service lab passed DIN6701 certification in 2012 for the first time and in 2015, the lab passed the review again and received a new certificate. In addition, the lab also achieved the certification from CNAS in 2012 and once again passed the certification review by the CNAS expert team on the new and existing items of the lab in July 2015, receiving a new CNAS certificate in early October. The Sika China TM Industry technical service lab adheres to the company’s quality policy of being honest and trustworthy, with mutual respect, clients first and daring to take responsibilities. By adopting a scientific and regulated quality system and rules, we provide accurate, objective, scientific and reliable test data and experiment results for internal and external clients. CNAS INTRODUCTION 1. BRIEF INTRODUCTION The China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) is the national accreditation body of China responsible for the accreditation of certification bodies, laboratories and inspection bodies. It was established under the approval of the Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China (CNCA) and authorized by CNCA in accordance with the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Certification and Accreditation. CNAS was founded on 31 March 2006 by merging the former China National Accreditation Board for Certifiers (CNAB) and the China National Accreditation Board for Laboratories (CNAL).
2. MISSION To establish and operate the national accreditation system for conformity assessment bodies, and to develop and issue the normative documents e.g., rules, criteria and guidance etc. for accreditation, in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations as well as international and national standards and specifications;
To undertake tasks assigned by relevant government departments;
To assess the competence of local or foreign applicant conformity assessment bodies, make accreditation decisions, and conduct accreditation-related supervision and oversight on accredited conformity assessment bodies;
Enhance market competitiveness and win the trust of government and society.
To assume responsibility for directing and regulating the uses of the CNAS logo and accreditation symbols; To offer relevant technical services to conformity assessment bodies, and to provide society with publicly available information about accredited conformity assessment bodies; To participate in international activities related to conformity assessment and its accreditation, and to sign bilateral or multi-lateral accreditation cooperation agreements with relevant accreditation bodies, related bodies or international organizations;
To carry out other activities related to accreditation. 3. SIGNIFICANCE OF RECEIVING THE LAB’S RECOGNITION Evidence of having the requisite technical capability
Receive the recognition of national and regional organizations within the framework of the mutual recognition agreements. Opportunities to participate in bilateral or multi-lateral cooperative exchanges of international qualification assessment bodies. Authorized to use the CNAS certificate logo and ILAC logo in an agreed range. May be listed in the directory of certificated organizations for an enhanced reputation.
To deal with appeals and complaints related to accreditation;
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Certifications of CNAS and DIN6701
ISO9001 & ISO14001 换版培训
TRAINING ON REVISED ISO9001:2015 & ISO14001:2015 文/图: 朱琰
2015 年 10 月 下 旬, 西 卡 中 国 于 在 苏 州 举 行 了 为 期 2 天 的 ISO9001 & ISO14001 换版培训。
SGS 的专家老师以生动活泼,实际操 练的教学方式,让来自西卡中国各工厂 / 部 门的学员充分理解换版的内容,以利于后 期在各组织、各工厂、各制程进行管理体 系的改进工作。 通过此次培训,西卡中国共有 28 位同 事顺利通过考核,取得了 ISO9001:2015 & ISO14001:2015 的内审员证书,为今后 管理体系的有效及全面实施打下基础。
ISO9001:2015 明确了要求基于风险 的思想,以支持和改进对过程方法的理解 和应用,更少规定要求,更少强调文件化,
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — ISO Training
改善对服务业的适用性,要求需要定义质 量管理体系的界限,对组织的环境更重视, 增加领导力的要求,更加注重取得预期成 果,以提高客户满意度。
ISO14001:2015 的核心变化并非在条 款和标准结构的变化,它的深刻变化在于, 改变了旧标准的模块化和局限性,通过生 命周期思想的贯穿、基于风险管理的平衡、 追求绩效的务实,将环境管理体系标准升 华为真正的一个基础扎实、重视科学性、 关注结果和有效性的完整系统。 培训结束,西卡中国立即投入总部制 定的换版内部管理体系更改计划中,计划 包括了变更及执行的措施及时间要求,力 求在 2017 年初完成换证工作。
基于 ISO9001:2015 及 ISO14001: 2015,西卡中国的管理体系聚焦于一个核 心目的,管理体系的预期结果。满足客户要 求及适用的法律法规要求,增强顾客满意 , 顾客满意没有最好 , 只有更好。 从组织的环境出发,不仅考虑西卡中 国自身,同样关注相关方,基于风险和机 遇的思想及方法,重新评估西卡中国所有 的过程及活动,识别风险,寻求改善机会。 从上至下,发展改进内部完善有效的管理 体系,以确保向客户提供最高质量的产品及 服务;向世界展现一个富有责任心,为社会 发展及环境的持续性作贡献的优秀企业。
In October 2015, a two-day training session on the revised ISO9001 & ISO14001 was held at Sika Suzhou. To make sure that improvements to the management system are implemented in each organization, factory and process through comprehensive understanding of the revised QMS & EMS standards, SGS experts gave us a professional lesson with some real examples and interactive cases. 28 employees from dif ferent sites or depar t men t s o f Sik a C hina b e came qualified as ISOISO9001:2015 & ISO14001:2015 internal auditors, a good start to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the management system implementation throughout Sika China. ISO9001:2015 requires us to use a riskbased approach so that we can better understand and improve process application. It contains less rigid regulation and documentary requirements, improved applicability for the service industry and it is a requirement to define the scope of the QMS. It also puts more emphasis
on the environment of the organization and contains increased requirements for leadership, laying emphasis on anticipated results with the aim of raising customer satisfaction. The key changes within ISO14001:2015 are not about standard clauses and structure. Previous modularization and restrictions have been changed and it has now become an integral environment management system with a solid foundation based on lifecycle thinking, balanced risk management and practical performance. It focuses on scientific, results and effectiveness. After the training, Sika China was involved in Sika’s global plan for changing its internal management system (Corporate Management System: CMS & Sika Management System: SMS_CN). This plan included actions and a timeline for the transition. Implementation and adherence to the revised standards have been defined and it is expected that the updated certificate will be received by the beginning of 2017.
Sika China pays more attention to core targets in accordance with ISO9001:2015 & ISO14001:2015, including management system expected results. We meet customers’ requirements as well as adhering to all relevant laws and regulations. When considering customer satisfaction, there is no best but only better. Sika China not only takes account of our own internal environment but also those of interested parties. Sika will reassess its processes and activities using its “risks and opportunities” approach to identify risks and seek opportunities for improvement. Building and developing an integral and effective management system from the top down will ensure that Sika can not only provide and maintain the highest quality standards with regards to its products and services but can also contribute to the development of society and environmental sustainability through its commitment to social responsibility.
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — ISO Training
2015 年 11 月 11 日 至 12 日, 为 期 两天的西卡中国供应商审核培训在总部苏 州举行,采购部、质检部、研发部等多部门, 共计 24 名同事参加了培训。
和小组讨论相结合的方式,详细介绍了西 卡管理系统 CMS/SMS、供应商评价管理 流程、审核技巧、审核清单、合规 / 不合规 供应商的处理。
本次培训由亚太区质量 &EHS 经理杜 万生和大中华区采购总监郑松联合主讲。 培训围绕供应商审核展开,采用课堂培训
本次培训旨在增强审核员整体审核能 力,提高审核员对贸易产品和原材料质量 的把控能力,以及对供应商的风险评估能
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Supplier Audit Training
力。该培训由瑞士总部发起,预计在西卡 全球范围内开展,亚太区印度和中国已经 圆满完成培训。
The Sika China two day supplier audit training was held at its Suzhou headquarters from November 11 to November 12. In total 24 colleagues from procurement, quality control and R&D amongst other departments attended the training. The training was conducted by Wansheng Du, Regional Quality & EHS Manager, Asia Pacific, and Daniel Zheng, Head of Procurement, Greater China. Using classroom training and small discussion workshops, the following topics were covered: structure and main elements of
Sika management system (CMS/SMS); supplier management processes - qualification and evaluation; general audit technique and skills; Sika supplier audit checklists; expected audit results; nonconformity and no-go criteria; follow-up on actions; the case study (workshop on the preparation and execution of a specific audit).
materials, and the risk control ability regarding suppliers are expected to be improved. This training was developed by Sika’s Swiss headquarters and is being rolled out by Sika globally. Within the Asian pacific region, India and China have both completed the training successfully.
The supplier audit training was aimed at enhancing the ability of the auditor. After the training, both the quality control ability in trading products and raw
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Supplier Audit Training
HAVE A FUN CHRISTMAS DAY 每年圣诞节,圣诞老人都会来到西卡,给大家带来礼物和欢乐。
Santa Claus visits Sika on Christmas Day every year to bring gifts and joy!
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Christmas Party
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Christmas Party
SHANGHAI FACTORY 上海工厂还请来西卡的小朋友们和爸爸妈妈一起度过了一 个欢乐的圣诞节。
The Shanghai Factory invited the children of employees to join in the Christmas party.
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Christmas Party
NEW HORIZON Issue 19 — Christmas Party
NATIONAL CONTACT 全国联络方式 西卡(中国)有限公司
JINAN SIKA ENGINEERING CO., LTD. 济南市经七路 83 号润亨大厦 1102、1109 房间 邮编:250001 电话:+86 531 8191 1728 传真:+86 531 8191 1700
苏州工业园区泾东路 28 号 邮编:215121 电话:+86 512 6273 2888 传真:+86 512 6287 7070 网址:
广州西卡建筑材料有限公司 西卡北京分公司
SIKA ( CHINA ) LTD. BEIJING BRANCH 北京市朝阳区东土城路怡和阳光大厦 C 座 1401 室 邮编:100013 电话:+86 10 6448 9567 传真:+86 10 6448 9581
SIKA ( GUANGZHOU ) TRADING CO., LTD. 广州经济技术开发区东区骏达路 96 号 邮编:510530 电话:+86 20 8226 6066 传真:+86 20 8226 6022
天津市北辰区铁东北路天穆镇都市产业园南仓园区天 盈四支路 18 号 邮编:300400 电话:+86 22 8688 8308 传真:+86 22 8688 8301-219
SIKA LTD., DALIAN 大连市甘井子区工兴路 47 号 邮编:116031 电话:+86 411 8678 0060
四川西卡柯帅建筑材料有限公司 西卡渗耐防水系统(上海)有限公司
SIKA ( CHINA ) LTD. SHANGHAI BRANCH 上海市莘庄工业园区华宁路 4555 号 邮编:201108 电话:+86 21 3407 3788 传真:+86 21 3407 3799
SICHUAN SIKA KESHUAI CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL CO., LTD. 成都市新津邓双川浙合作 工业园区兴化路 2 路 89 号 邮编:611430 电话:+86 028 8259 2299 传真:+86 028 8259 2333 传真:+86 411 8678 0070
SICHUAN SIKA KESHUAI CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL CO., LTD. CHONGQING BRANCH 重庆市九龙坡区奥体路 1 号附 6-29-11 邮编:510260 电话:+86 23 8806 0828 传真:+86 23 8806 0858
HEBEI JIUQIANG BUILDING MATERIALS CO., LTD. 石家庄市正定县正灵公路 8 公里处 邮编:050800 电话:+86 311 8826 4988 传真:+86 311 8826 4961 网址
西卡香港有限公司 四川西卡柯帅建筑材料有限公司云南分公司
SICHUAN SIKA KESHUAI CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL CO., LTD. YUNNAN BRANCH 昆明市晋宁县工业园区二街片区 邮编:650600 电话:+86 871 6789 9129 传真:+86 871 6789 9129
SIKA HONGKONG LTD. 新界沙田安平街 6 号新贸中心 A 座 15 楼 1507-12 室 电话:+852 2686 8108 传真:+852 2645 3671
SIKA TAIWAN LTD. 台湾桃园市卢竹区富国路三段 1380 号 邮编:33849 电话:+886 3352 8622 传真:+886 3352 0470
镇江市丹徒区辛丰镇工业园 邮编:212142 电话:+86 511 8558 8866 传真:+86 511 8558 0578
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