SILC Newsletter April 2017

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A publica*on of the Samutprakarn Interna(onal Ladies Club

April 2017

Committee Members Responsibility




Jane Campton

Vice Chairman

Kay Hickey


Sally Dicken



Coffee Mornings

Karen Tye & Lek Burrell


Jimmy James & Carla Rijnders


Jo Thomas & Sue Williams


Jeanne%e Rademaker

Welfare Coordinator

Chris Rajakarier

Newsle&er Editor & Adver(sing

Clare Nevin

Online Media & Web Adver0sing

Jan Briggs


Tracey Hewison

Evening Events

Kay Hickey & Irene Gray

Cra$ Club

Debbie Morton & Tracey Hewison


Book Club

Sara Carr-­‐Legg

General Commi,ee

Shirley Tan, Sudeshna Srivastava, Debbie Morton, Herma Vos, Kate McDonald, Sunita Kulisra

Link Ladies Area


Garden Towers

Jan Briggs


Shirley Tan

Lakeside 1

Lakeside 2

Sunita Kulisra

Thana City

Irene Gray

Bangkok Area

Chris Rajakarier

Moo Baan Panya

Clare Nevin

Fantasia 2

Debbie Morton


SILC News Copy Deadline for March Newsletter

Monday 24th April

If you have any recipes, book reviews, recommendations for holidays or items for our bulletin board please forward them to the Newsletter Editor:

SILC April 2017

Chairman’s Message Hi everyone, Exci%ng %mes ahead! My big boy finishes school forever next week, seems like only yesterday he was se+ng off for his first day in his smart new trews and school jumper. Now we are facing 3 dress up days and a final prank to say farewell. The dressing up is proving rather difficult though. He is 6’ 3” and built like an outside lavatory so we can’t find anything in the shops. Then it’s Coldplay. I haven’t been to a pop concert for many years and, whilst I am looking forward to it, I am a bit worried about staying up way past my bed5me. Songkhran is next; Mr C and I are heading for the Golden Triangle on a large motorbike. I am a bit worried about that too-­‐ never mind falling off, how will I cope with 42 degrees in full safety gear? It’s going to be mighty sweaty in my helmet! A"er the hols, it’s .me for our SILC AGM. I do hope we can rely on you to a@end, we give you a delicious lunch as a reward! If you can’t make it, please give Sally our secretary your proxy vote, we need a good percentage of members to reach the required numbers set out in our cons)tu)on. We will be elec)ng our new commi3ee who will con)nue the fun next year-­‐ again, please give stepping up some thought. Its good fun and you can have a direct say in how the club is run. All posi4ons are available. And if no one steps up, we don’t have a club which would be incredibly sad. Jane

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Advertising Adver&sements for non-­‐profit community events are welcome and are free of charge. Personal Adver-sements for S ILC members are free of charge. Email reminders for SILC events and non-­‐profit community events will be sent out free of charge; other events must be adver(sed in our magazine.


1500 Baht


800 Baht

Annual Contract (10 adverts/year)


Quarter Page 400 Baht

(Only one discount may be applied)


Rates (per issue)

Full Page

Half Page

3000 Baht per annum (no discount) Includes Link


Adver&sing requests and payment must be received prior to the published deadline. Further details on adver0sing in the Newsle4er contact: Clare Nevin: Further details on adver0sing on the SILC Website contact: Jan Briggs: To arrange payment contact: The Treasurer: Rocelyn Keilnhofer:


SILC April 2017

Aims & Policies Organisa(on of the Club SILC creates an opportunity for women of all na6onali6es living in the Samutprakarn area to meet socially and par$cipate in a variety of ac$vi$es. We invite members to join monthly mee$ngs, tours and interest groups. Members pay an annual fee of 1000 Baht to cover costs and receive a newsle2er and club directory.

Privacy The Members Directory and addresses sourced from our legi7mate club business such as Lunches or Coffee Mornings are for the sole us of members in a social se3ng and must not be used for commercial purposes.

Newsle&er The newsle)er is published ten +mes a year with ar+cles and informa+on on club ac+vi+es. Contribu+ons are welcome and can be sent to the newsle/er editor.

Commi%ee Mee)ngs These are held once a month and are open to all members. Please inform the mee5ng hostess if you wish to a+end. All SILC events are subject to change. Please confirm your attendance with the relevant contact. Please advise of your cancellation as soon as possible so that another member may take your place.

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Book Review The Lie by C.L.Taylor The Lie by C.L Taylor is a tense, compelling and dark novel that will leave you with no idea what will happen next. With unexpected events on almost every page, shadowy characters with secret motives, and an exploration of the manipulation involved in certain female friendships, it’s almost guaranteed to keep you up late reading it.

This is what was promised and it was gripping and I did wonder where it was all going to go but at the same time I wanted to knock these girl’s heads together! The story starts with Jane Hughes trying to put her past behind her. She is working in an animal shelter and wants to move on from the traumatic events that happened in Nepal 5 years ago. One day she gets a note with the message: I know your name’s not really Jane Hughes.

So we go back 5 years to Emma Wolfe (aka Jane) and her 3 friends she met at uni. The book switches from the nightmares in Nepal to present day and how the main character is dealing with life. This seemingly innocent retreat, the friends go to in Nepal, was cofounded by this nutter Isaac; where visitors are brainwashed into obeying the strange rules of Ekantra Yatra. There is both mental and psychical abuse and a bit of murder and rape going on. Every time our main character tries to escape something happens to stop her and after a couple of times it does get a bit old.

Back to the present and Emma aka Jane is getting death threats from old friends who were supposed to be dead. The poor girl has been knocked off her pushbike and she is getting very very paranoid now and suspects almost everyone around her of trying to bump her off. We go backward and forwards some more and finally Emma aka Jane is ready to spill all the beans.

I enjoyed the book, it was an easy read but for me the characters just didn’t make sense. However, put yourself and your 3 best friends in a scary and threatening situation would you really know who your true friends are……. Sara x x x 6

SILC April 2017

March Welfare Update Songkran celebra-ons at Prakkasamai Every year we celebrate Songkran at the Daycare Centres we visit. Usually a lot of water is involved, but because we as SILC Welfare decided we did not want to spoil so much water, we did it different this ;me. Lek came with the idea to celebrate Songkran in a more tradi4onal way. A lot of sand and flowers was brought to the school and the children build sand castles or stupas with the sand and decorated the stupas with flowers. This is an old tradi4on and we should have buried coins under the stupas for could luck, but that we did not do. The children enjoyed playing in the sand so much and is was so lovely to watch. The sand will stay and the children will be able to play with the sand for a long 4me to come. Thank you ladies for organising this wonderful ac%vity!

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Your Club Needs You! At the end of April, we will be elec2ng our new Commi7ee for the coming year. This year all posi2ons are available-­‐ a nomina'on form will be sent nearer the date for the AGM but meanwhile, can we ask you to look at the job descrip1ons and see if there is a role for you. Please do think about stepping up over the coming weeks. SILC has an awesome reputa<on for both great fun social events and helping out in the local community but without volunteers none of this can happen. Get in touch with our Chair, Jane, on if you would like to know more or just to have a chat about what the job involves. SILC Commi)ee Posi-ons 2017 Officers Chair –main du#es are to chair our monthly mee/ngs and to serve as official representa/ve of the club at both our own func,ons and in the wider community; to write monthly ar,cle for the newsle6er and to oversee the smooth running of the club in line within our aims and objec-ves. Vice-­‐ main role is to support the Chair in her du1es and assume responsibility in her absence. Secretary-­‐ to prepare and distribute an agenda for each mee3ng; to keep notes at the mee3ng then circulate these as minutes shortly a0er; to arrange AGM venue. 8

SILC April 2017

Treasurer-­‐ to invoice and receipt all payments on SILCs behalf; to arrange payments to be made, to re-­‐ imburse all expenses incurred on behalf of the group and to bank all monies into the club; prepare accurate monthly accounts for distribu3on to the Commi#ee and externally audited annual accounts, to be submi&ed to the membership at the AGM. Commi%ee Assistant Treasurer-­‐ to assist the Treasurer in general tasks and presenta2on of monthly/ annual accounts; to assume responsibili/es should the Treasurer be absent. Membership-­‐ to keep up to date list of all members and their details, to be shared with the Editor; to arrange for collec+on of annual subs, in liaison with the Treasurer; to welcome new members by email and remind exis*ng members for renewal; to send regular emails to members with club ac%vi%es and community no*ces; to digitally distribute the Newsle7er to all members and to produce and distribute our annual Members Directory. Newsle&er Editor-­‐ responsible for producing our monthly digital newsle6er which includes up to date informa$on on our ac$vi$es; to collate and edit ar)cles submi0ed; work with adver-sers and Treasurer to arrange details of ads and payments for them. On-­‐Line Media-­‐ to keep the SILC website up to date and arrange relevant Facebook posts in line with our not-­‐for-­‐profit protocols. Welfare-­‐ to be responsible for the inves/ga/on of and contact with chari/es, based on the Club goals for Welfare; prepare monthly progress reports to be shared at mee4ngs and with the Editor; lead and co-­‐ ordinate the broader Welfare team including holding regular Welfare mee2ngs; to co-­‐ordinate monthly cra$ ac&vity and weekly English programme in the pre-­‐schools; to co-­‐ordinate weekly food and fruit delivery at the same; provide a monthly cash flow report for the Treasurer and annual budget proposal; to provide details/ recommenda1ons on projects and to liaise with chari1es on funding and volunteers. Coffees-­‐ to arrange regular Coffee Mornings for the group, finding suitable venues and menu selec:ons; to make reserva)ons, take bookings and arrange payments where needed, in liaison with the Treasurer; to provide advert for the Newsle&er and email for Members. Lunches-­‐ to arrange monthly lunches for the group, finding suitable venues and menu selec8ons; to make reserva!ons, take bookings and arrange payments where needed, in liaison with the Treasurer; to provide advert for the Newsle/er and email for Members. Tours-­‐ to make all arrangements for regular tours including loca2on, transport, reserva2ons and calcula%ons of cost; to be contact person for bookings; to work with the Treasurer to arrange payments if required and to provide Advert for Newsle4er and email for members. General Commi,ee, Maximum 2 Posi4ons – to support and assist the other Commi0ee members as requested; to assume du-es of officers temporarily unable to carry out their du-es or in the event of their departure. With the excep*on of the Officers, most jobs can be shared with a friend, though we do ask that you take turns to a)end the monthly Commi+ee Mee.ngs Like us on SILC (Samutprakarn International Ladies Club)


Date: Thursday 27th April Time: Coffee served from 10am, Meeting starts at 10.30am Place: Bangkok Patana School, Room CON 306 Lunch will be provided by I'm Tasty Food Company Please RSVP to Sally by Thursday 20th April on


SILC April 2017

What’s on in April?

April 2017 Monday
















Commi%ee Mee#ng























Notes For any NON SILC events please always double check the date and times.

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SILC April 2017

May Book Club Date: Thursday 4th May 2017 Time: 12noon – 2pm Venue: TBC (if you are already in the Book group, we will send via the Whats App Group, if not please contact Sara and she will send you the address) Please bring yourself and a plate to share. Don’t worry if you haven’t read these books or any book lately, come along for a chat and meet some new friends, also this month we will see what current affairs have caught our attention. Please RSVP to Sara on

May Book to Read Early One Morning by Virginia Baily One of the women, Chiara Ravello, is about to flee the occupied city for the safety of her grandparents' house in the hills. The other has been herded on to a truck with her husband and their young children, and will shortly be driven off into the darkness. In that endless-seeming moment, before she has time to think about what she is doing, Chiara makes a decision that changes her life for ever. Loudly claiming the woman's son as her own nephew, she demands his immediate return; only as the trucks depart does she begin to realize what she has done. She is twenty-seven, single, with a sister who needs her constant care, a hazardous journey ahead of her, and now a child in her charge - a child with no papers who refuses to speak and gives every indication that he will bolt at the first opportunity. Three decades later, Chiara lives alone in Rome, a selfcontained, self-possessed woman working as a translator and to all appearances quite content with a life which revolves around work, friends, music and the theatre. But always in the background is the shadow of Daniele, the boy from the truck, whose absence haunts her every moment. Gradually we learn of the havoc wrought on Chiara, her family and her friends by the boy she rescued, and how he eventually broke her heart. And when she receives a phone call from a teenage girl named Maria, claiming to be Daniele's daughter, Chiara knows that it is time for her to face up to the past. This epic novel is an unforgettably powerful, suspenseful, heartbreaking and inspiring tale of love, loss and war's reverberations down the years.

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SILC April 2017

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to our members that celebrate their birthdays in April Arunya Dixon

Liliya Andreeva

Rachael Quinn

Asrana Rotoe

Debbie Morton Hui Tamaporn Jeanette Rademaker Jessie Wong Rashi Dhawan Apologies if I have missed your birthday, please let me know as it means we do not have your birthday on record.


SILC April 2017

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