A publica*on of the Samutprakarn Interna*onal Ladies Club
Dec 2016/ Jan 2017
Wishing all our members a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Committee Members Responsibility
Jane Campton
Vice Chairman
Kay Hickey
Sally Dicken
Rocelyn Keilnhofer
Coffee Mornings
Karen Tye & Lek Burrell
Jimmy James & Carla Rijnders
Jo Thomas & Sue Williams
Jeanne%e Rademaker & Mireille Vogelsang
Welfare Coordinator
Chris Rajakarier
Newsle&er Editor & Adver(sing
Clare Nevin
Online Media & Web Adver0sing
Jan Briggs
Tracey Hewison
Evening Events
Kay Hickey & Irene Gray
Cra$ Club
Debbie Morton & Tracey Hewison
Book Club
Sara Carr-‐Legg
General Commi,ee
Shirley Tan, Sudeshna Srivastava, Debbie Morton, Herma Vos, Kate McDonald, Sunita Kulisra
Link Ladies Area
Garden Towers
Jan Briggs
Shirley Tan
Lakeside 1
Lakeside 2
Sunita Kulisra
Thana City
Irene Gray
Bangkok Area
Chris Rajakarier
Moo Baan Panya
Clare Nevin
Fantasia 2
Debbie Morton
SILC News Copy Deadline for February Newsletter
Monday 23rd January
If you have any recipes, book reviews, recommendations for holidays or items for our bulletin board please forward them to the Newsletter Editor:
SILC Dec 2016 & Jan 2017
Chairman’s Message Dear Members My goodness, how quickly this year is going, it’s nearly 7me for the fes7ve season already! November saw our annual Bazaar, which was a huge success with more shoppers, more volunteers and more exci4ng new vendors than ever before thanks to Tracey and her team. We also had our fantas1c over-‐night tour to Nan and Phrae, taking in glorious countryside, hill tribe cra4s, gli5ering temples and a heap of fun, thanks to Carla and Jimmy. Taking part in both of these events reminded once again what SILC is all about-‐ making new friends, helping each other out, helping the community we live in and having a great 3me where ever it may b e. Which brings me nicely to our Christmas Lunch at the Royal Orchid Sheraton on the river. This promises to be a super occasion too, celebra,ng not only the season but also all things SILC-‐ if you haven’t booked your place yet, details are enclosed. We might not have a visit from the big fella in red but we do h ave our infamous gi4 exchange. I am taking extra care n ot to fall over and break anything this year; Christmas without it last year just wasn’t the same! All that remains then is for me to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a fabulous New Year. Happy holidays ladies!
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Advertising Adver&sements for non-‐profit community events are welcome and are free of charge. Personal Adver-sements for S ILC members are free of charge. Email reminders for SILC events and non-‐profit community events will be sent out free of charge; other events must be adver(sed in our magazine.
1500 Baht
800 Baht
Annual Contract (10 adverts/year)
Quarter Page 400 Baht
(Only one discount may be applied)
Rates (per issue)
Full Page
Half Page
3000 Baht per annum (no discount) Includes Link
Adver&sing requests and payment must be received prior to the published deadline. Further details on adver0sing in the Newsle4er contact: Clare Nevin: Further details on adver0sing on the SILC Website contact: Jan Briggs: To arrange payment contact: The Treasurer: Rocelyn Keilnhofer:
SILC Dec 2016 & Jan 2017
Aims & Policies Organisa(on of the Club SILC creates an opportunity for women of all na6onali6es living in the Samutprakarn area to meet socially and par$cipate in a variety of ac$vi$es. We invite members to join monthly mee$ngs, tours and interest groups. Members pay an annual fee of 1000 Baht to cover costs and receive a newsle2er and club directory.
Privacy The Members Directory and addresses sourced from our legi7mate club business such as Lunches or Coffee Mornings are for the sole us of members in a social se3ng and must not be used for commercial purposes.
Newsle&er The newsle)er is published ten &mes a year with ar&cles and informa&on on club ac&vi&es. Contribu&ons are welcome and can be sent to the newsle/er editor.
Commi%ee Mee)ngs These are held once a month and are open to all members. Please inform the mee5ng hostess if you wish to a'end. All SILC events are subject to change. Please confirm your attendance with the relevant contact. Please advise of your cancellation as soon as possible so that another member may take your place.
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November Lunch Review Our November Lunch saw us at Sue Williams’s for a Pot Luck Lunch. A Pot Luck is where everybody takes a dish and we share the delicious offerings. At least this is the theory. It works well if people remember to bring something. Sadly I had a li<le hiccup on the plate to share front. I my own defence, I had been sent to MBK on a mission by my sister-‐in-‐law, always a mammoth task, and m y plan to bodge a dish was thwarted when Tops didn’t have any sushi. I took a bo:le of Prosecco instead. It worked well; it just didn’t fill tummies like the sushi would have done. Sue requested a good review. The décor was smart casual as were my fellow dinners. Some of us were so smart we had brought both food and wine. The menu was fab, including a stunning Camembert salad made by our hostess and a very fine beetroot and feta salad (recipe in Bilingual Bites 2. Order your copy today from if you don’t already have one!) and a super selec,on of quiches. We certainly had a feast and cleared the table, which was just as well given the amount of fizz we got through. * The very best bit was, as ever, the company and the varied topics for conversa)on, most of them very funny indeed. I obviously had to take some s"ck for turning up empty handed then asking if we could hurry up and eat. Mr Humphrey, the Williams rather large cat, was a good sport and showed us his big bald belly. We shouldn’t have laughed really, he has previously been on Prozac, but I don’t think we $pped him over the edge this -me. We had a chuckle at one of the girls shopping in the butchers with her blouse undone and her rather magnificent bosom on display. It’s not that she shops like this in the hope that she gets a free sausage, rather that her bust had freed itself from the confines of her blouse. As a strategy it didn’t work anyway, he only gave her his business card but it’s a start, it will be fillet steak and wagyu burgers in her handbag next 1me. We then moved onto discussing the packing list for our up-‐coming trip to Nan-‐ would everyone know what a nigh2e was? Would 2 pairs of pants be enough? Would Irene really be walking on air in her Croc wedges a-er in and out of a pick-‐up? Would we need a woolie or would a pashmina be enough? Was my snoring really that bad I needed a single room? **We touched on childbirth and if Sami/vej is good place to do it-‐ yes was the answer, so long as you get there in 1me. We also advised our mum-‐to-‐be that one of the best bits about being a parent is ge+ng the chance to embarrass your children-‐ you do this many, many !mes without even trying but there are also golden opportuni!es to be had in being pro-‐ac#ve in making them squeal. My personal favourite is making a peacock call in inappropriate places like the supermarket or airport***, it never fails to get them rolling their eyes and hissing at me. It was a fantas)c lunch; the food and the company were great and the sheer quan+ty of LOL moments made it very memorable. Thank you very much to Sue for having us-‐ your apartment really is lovely and your cat isn’t fat. And your salad was indeed superb. * We don’t usually get drunk at lunch 4mes. **Yes, it would wake the dead. *** I tried it on the ladies at Nan airport and it worked on them too! Jane 6
SILC Dec 2016 & Jan 2017
November Coffee Review This months coffee morning coincided with the Full Moon celebrations, on the evening of the full moon of the 12th month – Loy Krathong. We made our Loy Krathongs which is a small floating raft, claimed to have begun in the 13th century by a court lady named Nopphamat and according to legend is the first person to float the decorated raft, this festival was also accompanied by a beauty contest, as she was rumoured to be the most beautiful lady at court. Many Thais use the floating of the Loy Krathong to thank the goddess of water and use it as a symbol of letting go of past transgressions and negative thoughts by placing clippings of fingernails and hair on them. Some of our ladies went to Khun Jimmy’s house where with loads of coffee and food we made our Loy Krathongs. With a section of a banana tree and loads of their leaves, we set about covering and folding them to create our bases, then with some beautifully selected flowers we decorated them, this was then topped with a candle and some incense sticks. That night many of us then went out in Bangkok to float them at some of the celebrations around town. Karen
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SILC Dec 2016 & Jan 2017
November Book Reviews The Muse -‐ Jessie Burton London 1967
Odelle is a shy yet determined educated young woman who wants to be a writer. She moved from Trinidad to London thinking it would be a magical land full of order, honesty and green fields. Delly lands a major job as a typist at art gallery The Skelton and her boss Majorie Quick encourages her to start writing. Quick, as she wants to be called, never talks about herself much and she remains a mystery to Odelle. At her best friend’s wedding Odelle meets Laurie Scott. Laurie recently lost his mum and all she left him was a painting called The Lion Girls -‐ a girl holding another girl’s severed head with the initials I.R. Its a while until Odelle sees Laurie again, he surprises her at work and sparks fly. Laurie has his painting with him and shows Odelle’s boss Quick. Majorie Quick is definitely put off by something and she runs out off the office after seeing the painting. Another colleague h as a look and maybe It could be a long long masterpiece by Spanish Painter Isaac Robles who was mysteriously killed in the 1930s. Spain 1936 Olive Schloss and her parents are renting an estate in Spain on the brink of the civil war. Olive is 19 and she has just graduated from The Slade school of Fine Art in London. Her father Harold Schloss is an Austrian Jewsish artist and art dealer and her mother Sarah just wants to be young, single and gorgeous again. When Isaac Robles, a painter and activist, and his half sister Teresa rock up at the estate to work as housekeepers, life gets much more interesting for Olive. The housekeepers turn out to be illegitimate children of the landowner. Olive falls in love with Isaac and secretly starts to paint to funnel her emotions. She only shows Isaac and Teresa as her dad always told everyone that woman are incapable of great art. It gets even more interesting when Olive’s mum commissions Isaac to paint a portrait of herself with Olive. Olive’s mum seems to fancy young Isaac as well. Isaac and Teresa are both bad eggs and have been stealing in the past from foreigners staying on the estate. Teresa keeps Olive’s secret about her painting and as they grow closer she shares the story of Santa Rufina, the Lion Girls -‐ two Christian sisters living in Seville who were brutally killed by Roman soldiers The two voices of Olive and Odelle come together over common ground as they both hide their creative work from most people and find inspiration only from love. Both girls are drawn into a web of lies and deceit with the question who really painted The Lion Girls…. The two plots come together for an unexpected grand finale. Sara Carr-‐Legg
The Samurai's Garden -‐ Gail Tsukiyama
The novel focused on Japanese culture in the 30th last century when Japan was invading China. I read this book about a year ago while my family and I lived in Japan. We lived 20 minutes away from Tarumi the village where the story took place. It was extremely interesting to read and to find the differences and similarities between the village that I visited and the one that was described in the book, to figure out that Japan hasn’t changed a lot during the last century. The book is about a boy whose family sent him from Hong Kong to their family house in Japan to recover from tuberculosis. Mazu the house caretaker looked after him; there the boy met Sashi the old friend/wife of Mazu who spent most of her life in the isolated village for people with leprosy. All three main characters of The Samurai's Garden had found the incredible ways to enjoy the lives despite the hardships and difficulties. This story is about loneliness, love, betrayal, desire to live and how small things can change and help us. This is one of my favorite books, which is b eautifully and very p oetically written. We learn about Japanese daily life, festivals, ceremonies, food and gardens. Liliya Andreeva. Like us on SILC (Samutprakarn International Ladies Club)
November Welfare Update Welfare Ac"vity at Mahawong Friday November 18th The SILC ladies came in with many ears, tails and white paper bags! There were 200 excited pupils wai)ng around …”what will we make today”?? It’s was a paper bag cat….which they could use as a speaking hand cat. The pupils started with s/cking the eyes, ears and tail on, a$er that they made their free art on the paper bags. Some cats coloured totally pink or purple, others full coloured like the rainbow and a few cats did “walk” away with only a few stripes. Every cat has his own signature! Herma
SILC Dec 2016 & Jan 2017
New Members Vera Canters Hello all, I'm Vera Canters, 52 years old and I'm Dutch. I lived in Bangkok for 8 years now, previous I have been teaching Dutch at NIST for elementary students, last year I stopped doing this and now I'm focusing on painting and drawing, my big hobby. I have four daughters a husband and a dog. The two oldest, twins, live in the Netherlands (26) the youngest two live in Bangkok, both studying at Assumption university, one (23) is almost finished with product design, the other (17) just started studying computer generated imagery. My husband has his own company which sells and imports medical lasers, mostly from Italy. I'm looking forward to meeting new friends, hope to see you all soon. Vera
Sara Gill Hi I’m Sara. My husband Oliver and I have been living in Bang Pu in southern Samut Prakan for over a year now. We moved after he was given the opportunity to manage a factory here for the Australian company that he works for. We’re both originally from the Brisbane area of Queensland, Australia. I am a nurse but haven’t been able to work since moving abroad so I decided to take the opportunity to study a Masters in nursing majoring in education, which I’m now over half way through. I study online through the University of New England based in Armidale, NSW. Since moving to Thailand I’ve kept busy mostly with the study, travelling, setting up our house and garden, trying to learn to speak Thai, and occasionally pursuing some other interests in permaculture, sewing, yoga and cooking. I’ve been back to Australia a few times since moving here to manage some homesickness, to do some work back at my old job, and attend to some study commitments. Australia will always be home. We look forward to spending the next couple of years in Thailand and I hope through SILC that I can join a great social network and make some good friends. We are excitedly expecting our first baby in March next year. Like us on SILC (Samutprakarn International Ladies Club)
Overnight Tour to Nan & Phrae We started early Monday morning with 14 ladies. One lady thought the tour was one day later…but luckily she is crea-ve and flexible so she arrived Nan just 8 hours later… The ones that did m ake it on .me piled into our tour buses and set off on our first adventure. The Nan Valley is stunning and the views were amazing-‐ clear blue skies, golden chedis, rolling green hills and interes-ng locals with no traffic jams or city smog for miles. The bus rides were very much part of the adventure, we shared all sorts of stories and experiences, including discovering that mineral deodorant m ight be kind to your armpits but it’s not very efficient on a hot day and Ziploc sandwich bags are much sturdier than a 7/11 bag when it comes to sick amongst m any, many other things. First stop-‐ we get the great experience to see how H(n & Yao people make unique embroidery and for which party they prepare each kind of skirt. At a hill top market we bought nice fresh vegetable, fruit, rice and bamboo s1ck filled with small worms, which we all loved…. We travelled to Baan Mla Bri Village, all the homes were made of bamboo. There were 30 families living there, 180 people. We were invited into the village by the village elder, a small bow legged man of indeterminable age wearing a shirt but no trousers! The homes were basic, a dirt floor with a raised sleeping pla4orm for each family and a cooking area with a small shelf and a few basic pots. The young girl si8ng inside the house holding her baby boy, told us that she had 7 children. She did not know how old she was herself though or even the age of her child. It all seemed desperately sad but our guide told us that they traded vegetables for m eat and other items they needed and they were very happy with their lives. To our privileged western eyes though, it all looked very poor indeed and we were very moved. So much so that we hope to arrange a collec*on of items to send to them over the next few weeks once we are back in Bangkok. We were all ready for lunch and we were given a spicy feast overlooking the river Nan-‐ fried fish, lemon & lime chicken, larb, s2r fried vegetables and rice a plenty. The worms from the market were fried up and tried by one of our ladies. We were all set up for the temples in the a"ernoon although really most of us just wanted to snooze in the bus! However, there was no .me for a nap, but we con.nued our tour to look at a teak temple, Wat Phu Min where there were the most amazing wall pain1ngs. One wall is especially famous, a mo#f being shown in m any places: the Whisper. The pain*ngs are about 150 years old, and it’s been a challenge to restore them. Some trials were made with modern acrylic paint but the result didn’t get anywhere near the original natural colours, so they gave up restora6on altogether. A"er checking into our hotel, which was very nice and smart, and gree6ng our long lost missing-‐ lady with a rousing cheer, we set off for dinner at another charming riverside restaurant. Food wise we were spoiled as well. The dinner was so spicy m y lips and mouth were burning like … even rice and beer could not cool it down. Favourite meal for sure were the Chang Mai noodles (kao soy) arroy maak! We were up and off bright and early next morning, one of us regre9ng the beer and Bacardi which had seemed such a good idea the night before, another leaving her house keys in the room and another her balls (protein in case you were wondering) in the fridge. 12
SILC Dec 2016 & Jan 2017
The bus journey to Phrae…Ive not laughed so much in ages. We had hot flushes and car sickness. Local Thai 3ps were rubbing Thai herbs under your nose followed by rubbing it around your belly bu2on. However please listen carefully and do not rub it in your belly bu2on… If you thought you had hot lips above, you can imagine what a hot belly bu6on feels like! Our 2nd day began with a visit to the Indigo Dyeing workshop which was a real treat and highlight of the trip! It was so interes+ng to learn about the natural dyeing process called “Moh Hom”. The Hom Tree leaves are fermented for 72 hours, then the water le# over is mixed with limestone powder. The clothes are dipped into this liquid. The lady heading the place demonstrated as we watched the wonder of the process -‐ while soaking in the pot, the Hom cloth is greenish, then when li-ed into the air it m agically turns blue as it oxidizes! Then the best part – we all got to pick our choice of white top or T-‐shirt, choose our indigo pa/erns and get our very own Hom dyed garment! It was fascina)ng to see how by fastening wooden clips or elas)c bands in different ways, you can create amazing designs! {Pictures} Needless to say we were all thrilled with our final products. We then visited a very pre/y 150 year old golden teak house, a Burmese temple and our final hill top temple where we dinged all the bells and bonged all the gongs before our last stop to view sandstone rock forma5ons in the Na'onal Park. As well as not knowing what day it is, our missing-‐lady also does a good line in rude jokes and went into over-‐drive with sugges-ons on what the rocks looked like. Being good girls, we didn’t know what she was talking about!
A"er the park we went back to Nan, and made a quick stop at a Silver shop where local cra,smen were displaying how they decorate the silver. A li*le shopping and then a quick bite to eat at a local restaurant before being taken to the airport. Tired but we managed a li6le more shopping and then it was .me to board. This really was a fun filled, informa$ve trip enjoyed by everyone. Big thanks go to Carla and Jimmy for being great organisers and for booking this tour. We all had a fabulous .me.
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A Grand Day Out Thai Human Imagery Museum and Riva Floating Cafe One grey Saturday morning, we decided to take a trip to visit the Thai Human Imagery Museum that I had read about in a magazine. The museum is in Nakhon Pathom Province and it took us about an hour to get there and was fairly easy to find as it is on the main 338 Highway (we followed Google Maps). As you may expect there is the normal dual pricing system in place, so as usual we showed our Thai Driving Licenses and lo and behold, it worked – well sort of, we received a discount J On the way into the museum, like in many tourist a0rac2ons you have your photo taken which they then s1ck onto a plate and sell to you when you leave (our daughter was very happy with her Mummy and Daddy plate in her bedroom – NOT J) Once inside we entered the first exhibit hall where there are many waxwork monks (actually I think because of the climate they are actually fiberglass). The monks are amazingly lifelike – wow! We really felt like they might stand up and start talking at any *me! There is informa*on in English about who everyone is and some brief history which was all very interes'ng. The Museum also features Thai children at play, all the way up to the kings of Thailand and includes notable musicians, ar6sts, social ac6vists, and a few famous foreign figures. Outside in the museum grounds there are many stalls, food outlets and toilets. A"er our visit to the museum, we drove approximately 10 minutes to the Riva Floa,ng Café, which is part of the ParnDhevi Resort and Spa, which as it states floats on the river. We waited for a table and was seated inside but we moved when a table became avaialbale outside. The café is really very nice, great to be on the waters edge and even a few bloats came by selling fruit. The food was very good and the coffee excellent. Clare N
SILC Dec 2016 & Jan 2017
What’s on in December?
December 2016 Monday
NNR Charity Bazaar @ Nichada
SILC Commi%ee
Book Club @ Quince
SILC Christmas Lunch @ Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel
Aladdin Jim Thompson Sale
Patana closes for Xmas
Christmas Eve
Jim Thompson Sale
Jim Thompson Sale
Christmas Day
New Years Eve
Notes For any NON SILC events please always double check the date and times. Like us on SILC (Samutprakarn International Ladies Club)
Cook Book
Volunteers will be required a1er Christmas also at the various fairs/bazaars around Bangkok. Please email if you are willing to help. Thank you
SILC Dec 2016 & Jan 2017
December Book Club Friday 9th December BOOKGROUP goes to Quince Lunch and a chat in a Christmas hat 11:30 onwards Quince 4, Sukhumvit Soi 45, Bangkok Please rsvp to December Books
A Street Cat Called Bob - James Bowen recommended by Jane C and Jo T The moving, uplifting true story of an unlikely friendship between a man on the streets and the ginger cat who adopts him and helps him heal his life.
Last Christmas - Julia Williams It's the most wonderful time of year. Isn't it? Discover the true spirit of Christmas with this seasonal treat for fans of Love, Actually and The Holiday. Discover the true spirit of Christmas! Catherine Tinsall is dreading Christmas. As the 'Happy Homemaker' she is an online sensation, but the reality couldn't be more different. With Catherine's marriage in tatters, her children running wild and her mother increasingly forgetful, seasonal cheer is running low. Husband Noel also hides a secret: he's facing the axe at work. Until he chances upon the village of Hope Christmas, deep in the Shropshire countryside, which could be the second chance he's searching for. If he can save it from the developers! An irresistible gift of a tale that will warm the hearts of Christmas-lovers and Scrooges alike!
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SILC Dec 2016 & Jan 2017
Cost of this lunch for members 1500 Baht Net including free flow red and white wines from 12.30pm- 2.30pm. Cost for lunch only for members 500 Baht Net Non- members 1700 Baht Net including free flow red and white Non- members Cost for lunch only for 700 Baht Net
Christmas is almost upon us again ladies, so please come and celebrate the festive season with Jo, Sue, Karen and Lek at Royal Orchid Sheraton along the Chaophraya River. Coffee, tea and fresh juices plus fresh fruit platter will be served from 10.30am, followed by buffet lunch at 12.30pm. Please see menu below. As in previous years we will have the ever- popular Christmas gift exchange and if you would like to take part please bring a wrapped gift to the value of 500 Baht.
In light of the mourning period if you choose to wear a bright colour could we please ask you wear the black ribbon, which will be supplied at the lunch.
Please RSVP to Jo or Sue stating whether you want the free flow lunch option or lunch only to
Please note the deadline is Tuesday 6th December – numbers are to be confirmed later in the day to the hotel for catering purposes. No RSVP’s will be accepted after this date and any cancellations after the 6th will have to be paid for in full.
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Christmas Coffee & Lunch MENU VEGETARIAN Beetroot & orange salad with sour cream Grilled green asparagus salad with parmesan flakes and balsamico dressing Coleslaw salad
NON- VEGETARIAN Tuna salad with mustard dressing Potato salad
HOT LUNCH Grilled lamb chops with condiments of mint sauce, mustards and thyme sauce Roasted snow fish on sautéed spinach and lemon butter sauce Spinach ravioli with vegetable tomato sauce Sautéed fresh vegetables Gratin potatoes
CARVERY Roasted turkey with bread stuffing, giblet gravy, cranberry sauce, roasted potatoes, Brussels sprouts with bacon and Vichy carrots. All the above comes with bread selection and butter, plus complimentary iced water.
DESSERTS Christmas pudding Mince Pies Lemon Meringue 20
SILC Dec 2016 & Jan 2017
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What’s on in January?
January 2017 Monday
1 8
Tour to Lopburi & Sunflowers
SILC Commi%ee
16 Cra$ Club
Social Mahjong Evening
SILC Lunch @ Wine Connec&on
Deadline for February Newsle&er
ANZWG Melbourne Cup
Book Club
Marrakesh Charity Luncheon
Notes For any NON SILC events please check the event is still running as there a lot of cancellations and postponements.
SILC Dec 2016 & Jan 2017
January Lunch
WINE CONNECTION AT MEGA BANGNA FRIDAY 20th JANUARY 2017 12 NOON WINE CONNECTION is on the ground floor of the food court in Mega Bangna. There is a shuttle bus service from Udomsuk BTS station exit 5 every 30 minutes. Come and join us for a lovely lunch and indulge in some retail therapy whilst at Mega Bangna. If you would like to attend this lunch, please RSVP to by Monday 16th January. We hope you can join us Jo and Sue
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January Book Club Date: Wednesday 26th January Time: 12noon – 2pm Venue:
Sue William’s House Sukhumvit Road Soi 29 BTS Phrom Phong or Asoke station Please bring yourself and a plate to share. Don’t worry if you haven’t read these books or any book lately, come along for a chat and meet some new friends. Please RSVP to Sara on And Sara will send you Sue’s address
January Books to Read A Man Called Ove - Fedrik Backman Ove is almost certainly the grumpiest man you will ever meet. He thinks himself surrounded by idiots - neighbours who can't reverse a trailer properly, joggers, shop assistants who talk in code, and the perpetrators of the vicious coup d'etat that ousted him as Chairman of the Residents' Association. He will persist in making his daily inspection rounds of the local streets. But isn't it rare, these days, to find such old-fashioned clarity of belief and deed? Such unswerving conviction about what the world should be, and a lifelong dedication to making it just so? In the end, you will see, there is something about Ove that is quite irresistible...The word-of-mouth bestseller causing a sensation across Europe, Fredrik Backman's heartwarming debut is a funny, moving, uplifting tale of love and community that will leave you with a spring in your step - and less ready to judge on first impressions a man you might one day wish to have as your dearest friend.
The Icasus Girl - Helen Oyeyemi recommended by Sara C The story of a troubled eight-year-old haunted and ultimately possessed by family secrets, this spooky debut novel from a 20-year-old Nigerian-born Cambridge student is sure to garner attention for its precocity and literary self-consciousness. The sensitive protagonist, Jessamy Harrison, born to a British father and Nigerian mother, writes haikus and reads Shakespeare, but regularly throws tantrums and avoids social interaction both at school and at home. As an intervention, her parents take her to stay with family in Nigeria for the summer. At her grandfather's compound, she encounters Tilly, a mysterious girl who seems to know everything about Jess and who, Jess realizes, is not visible to anyone else. In confident, heavily stylised prose, Oyeyemi illustrates Jess's cultural dislocation, using both Nigerian and Christian imagery to evoke a sense of her unreality. As sophisticated as she is, Jess's eight-year-old observations provide a limited lens, and at times, the novel's fantasy element veers into young adult suspense territory.
SILC Dec 2016 & Jan 2017
January Craft Club
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January Night Out Fun Social Mah-‐jong Night Never played before? Come and learn. Tuesday 17th January 7 to 10pm Irene Grey’s House Thana City Bangna Trad Km14 Please RSVP by 12 January to and then Irene will send you her address Please bring a plate to share and/or a bo2le
SILC Dec 2016 & Jan 2017
January Trip Day tour Tuesday January 17 Lopburi & Saraburi sunflower fields
A great day tour outside Bangkok. Located 155 kilometres (2.5h. drive) north of Bangkok, Lopburi is one of Thailand’s oldest cities, developed from 6-10th century. The remains of temples are from the later Khmer and Ayutthaya period. We will go and visit Phra Narai Ratchaniwet, a former royal residence in 1666. Another residence is Ban Luang Rap Ractchathut and other interesting sites nearby. December/January is the time of year when the sunflower fields bloom abundantly, between Lopburi and Saraburi. We will go to the fields and enjoy the beautiful scenery Date: Tuesday 17 January Time: 7:30am from Patana Finish: around 5:00pm at Patana Costs: THB 700 p.p., excl. lunch (own expenses) Minimum number: 7 par'cipants, max 16 pax If you would like to join, please respond before Friday 13 January to: Jimmy & Carla
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to our members that celebrate their birthdays in December and January Jane Campton Caroline Routhier ::: Mie Ghesquiere Debra Bentley-Leek ::: Mijung Cho Helen Tighe ::: Tracey Hewison Ingeborg Leutwiller ::: Justine Rea Laura McDonald ::: Marion den Hartog
Apologies if I have missed your birthday, please let me know as it means we do not have your birthday on record.
SILC Dec 2016 & Jan 2017
What’s On?
Bangkok Community Theatre will present The Vagina Monologues in February 2017. The show will be staged only 3 times – Valentine’s Day, Tuesday, February 14, Friday, February 17 and Saturday, February18. All profits will go to a local women’s charity in Bangkok. Please mark your calendars for this very special event. We will be back to you in a few weeks with the final details. Thank you, Mimi Carter Director
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What’s On?
Christmas at Christ Church Sunday – 11th December
Holy Communion
All-age Christmas Celebration
Sunday – 18th December Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Readings & Carols by Candlelight (A service for adults)
Saturday – 24th December
Christ Church 11 Convent Road (Next to BNH Hospital) Near BTS Sala Daeng Near MRT Silom or Lumpini Tel 02 234 3634
A Candlelight Children’s ‘Christingle’ & Nativity Service
Christmas Eve Midnight Communion
Sunday – 25th December
Christmas Day Communion
Christmas Day All-Age Family Communion
SILC Dec 2016 & Jan 2017
Like us on SILC (Samutprakarn International Ladies Club)