Silicom 2015 May

Page 1

SiliCom Where Silicon Community Connects


活力颯爽 快意人生




2015 Summer

Contents 004

020 工藝傳經典









無限可能的領航者 李世光


T 型人才,代表對

066 訂做美好人生 美好人

將講究細節的正裝經典 融入現代休閒。


品味超凡 鼎峰領袖旗艦



052 成功不必在我 溫健宗 客戶成功,我們才會成功。


024 回到初心 何幼梅 人生就像多元多次方程式。





封面故事 ── 活力颯爽 快意人生 高啟全


向健康說 說 YES !



滿懷雋永 雋永

LSUV 移動奢華 L

懷錶,不再是計時器, 計時

LSUV 豪華型運動休旅車,



042 一種時刻,一種感受 奧地利皇室體驗 葡萄酒就如同每個人一樣,



日商的全壘打 黑瀨康令



藏鋒顯貴 協調就是美感 !


發 行 人 曹世綸 Terry Tsao 監

製 何玫玲 Mavis Ho

電 話 03-560-1777 傳 真 03-560-1555


編務統籌 許菁兒 Joy Hsu

Walden C. Rhines


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002 SiliCom 2015 Summer


The Warmth of Technology 科技的溫度 台灣半導體產業亮眼實力背後,蘊藏深厚人文內涵。 Behind the great strenghth of the semiconductor industry in Taiwan are the profound cultural cconnotations. 在全球行動裝置、穿戴裝置與物聯網(IoT)等應用接單熱絡, 帶動封裝測試、晶圓代工、IC 設計等項目產值持續成長,台灣 半導體今年產值將較去年成長 9.3%。 雖然中國來勢洶洶,相繼推動「十二五計畫」、「國家集成電 路產業發展推進綱要」不僅威脅外商,台灣也面臨挑戰。但我 相信以台灣領先的製程技術和豐沛專業人才的優勢,中國一時 之間,仍難以項背。SEMI Taiwan 將持續舉辦國際市場 / 技術 研討會、展覽、市場採購洽談交流會等,引領優勢。

SiliCom 雜誌的發行,有機會近距離地了解台灣半導體產業亮 眼實力背後,蘊藏深厚人文內涵。豁達及謙虛,是這個世代的 典範;身兼專業經理人,不忘對家庭投入的溫柔。多位大老發 揮熱愛運動精神;一如秉持對逆境的無懼。不禁讓我想起,李 安導演改編成電影的【Life of Pi】,身處逆境所激發的生命潛 力,印証科技人把壓力化為動力的正向性格。 富蘭克林說:「閒暇,是為了作出某種有益的事而有的時間。」 一只懷錶、啜飲葡萄美酒、一雙好鞋和一台好車的美妙經驗裡,

SiliCom 讓我們體會「人生得意須盡歡」的箇中深意,同時更 看見冷硬科技背後,來自人性的溫度。 The surge in global demand for mobile and wearable devices and Internet of Things (IoT) applications have propelled the related industries of IC assembly and testing, and wafer foundries, while Taiwan's semiconductor sector this year recorded a 9.4 percent year-on-year gain in annual throughput. Backed by Beijing's twelfth five-year plan and an initiative to setup up a state-run fund to stimulate its domestic integrated circuit industry, notable international and Taiwanese players in the field are

expected to face heightened competition from their Chinese rivals. However, with its lead in semiconductor fabrication technology and abundance of professional talent, it is unlikely that China will be able to overtake Taiwan in the near future. SEMI Taiwan will continue to conduct international exhibitions, technical and market seminars and other events to retain its edge in the field. The launching of SiliCom magazine is motivated by the desire to allow readers to gain a familiarity with the many compelling stories of the individuals behind the achievements of Taiwan's semiconductor industry. The ethos of the contemporary period is exemplified by humility and an emphasis on the big picture; such as the dedicated professional managers who maintain a balance between their careers and their families. Taiwan's semiconductor industry is abundant with corporate leaders who abide by good sportsmanship who fearlessly persevere against all odds. Similar to Ang Lee's film "Life of Pi", the leaders of Taiwan's technology sector are experts at turning the pressures and adversity into motivation pushing them towards greater heights amid adversity. Benjamin Franklin once said "Leisure is the time for doing something useful." The finer things in life, whether they are fine time pieces, wines, shoes or cars allows one to enjoy wonderful experiences. At SiliCom Magazine, we realize that happiness and fulfillment from accomplishments must be accompanied by revelry, and we strive to bring the heartwarming of the individuals behind cold, hard technology.

台北旗艦店 BELLAVITA 2F Tel:02-8786-9119 晶華酒店 B2 Tel:02-2521-6116 總代理 : 世新國際 台北市天母西路 58 號 Tel:02-2872-3345 004 SiliCom 2015 Summer


č?Żäşžç§‘技董事镡 éŤ˜ĺ•&#x;ĺ…¨

Profile éŤ˜ĺ•&#x;ĺ…¨ďźŒç?žäťťč?Żäşžç§‘技

A Joyful Life Full of Vitality & Vigor 洝力颯çˆ˝ 忍ć„?äşşç”&#x; 文Vanessa Hu  ć”?役劉俥佑

董事镡〠ĺ?—亞科技總çś“ ç?†ă€‚ĺ?°ç Łĺ¤§ĺ­¸ĺŒ–塼糝學 壍ă€ çžŽĺœ‹ĺŒ—ĺ?Ąçž…č?Šç´?塞 獋大學ĺŒ–塼所碊壍ďźŒć›ž äťťçžŽĺœ‹ FairChild 雝ĺ­? ĺ…Źĺ?¸ĺˇĽç¨‹帍ă€ č‹ąç‰šçˆžč¨˜ ć†śéŤ”ç ”ç™źéƒ¨çś“ç?†ă€ ĺ?°çŠ? é›ťä¸€ĺť ĺť é•ˇă€ ć—şĺŽ?剾螌 人〠ĺ?—科全ç?ƒ漭ĺ‹™ĺ&#x;ˇčĄŒ ĺ‰Żç¸˝čˆ‡ç‡&#x;é ‹ĺ&#x;ˇčĄŒĺ‰Żç¸˝ă€‚

Charles Kau Charles Kau is currently the President of Inotera Memories whilst also the CEO of Nanya Technology. He received his B.S. in Chemical Engineering from National Taiwan University, before attended North Carolina State University to study for an M.S. in Chemical Engineering. He has been an engineer at FairChild Semiconductors, a research and development manager at Intel, the factory manager of TSMC's Plant 1, the founder of Macronix and the Vice President of Operations and Vice President of International Business Operations at Nanya Technology Corporation.

ĺžžč?Żäşžç§‘螌兏大樓一樓掼垅大坳ć?›ä¸Šé˜˛ĺĄľéž‹ĺĽ—ďźŒé€šé Žč­ŚčĄ›ă€ 犿é Žé–€çŚ ă€ ć?­äš˜é›ťć˘Żç™ťä¸ŠéŤ˜ ć¨“ďźŒćœ€ĺžŒčľ°é€˛ć•ž于ć˜Žćœ—çš„螌ĺ…ŹĺŽ¤ďźŒ饯焜塲眓準備弽çš„č‘Łäş‹é•ˇéŤ˜ĺ•&#x;ĺ…¨äż?č?˝čľˇčşŤč‡´ć„?ă€‚ä˝†ĺœ¨ é ?ćƒłäš‹ĺ¤–ďźŒćŽĽä¸‹äž†ä¸?ć™‚é ťçš é&#x;żčľˇçš„é–‹ć‡ˇĺ¤§çŹ‘ďź é‚ŁçŹ‘č ˛äź´éš¨č‘—éŤ˜ĺ•&#x;ĺ…¨č‘Łäş‹é•ˇĺš˝éť˜ć´ťĺŠ›ç‰š 質ďźŒ䝼ĺ?Šçˆ˝ĺżŤäż?č?˝çš„ć€§ć źďźŒçŹ‘č ˛čŁĄĺ„˜ć˜Żčą é ”ă€ ć˜Żć źĺą€ă€ ć›´ć˜Żć™şć…§ďźŒäš…äš…čż´ç›Şä¸?厝。 At the reception hall on the ground floor of the Inotera office building, I put on shoe covers, I pass the security guards, go through the access control, take the elevator, and Ă€QDOO\ ZDON LQWR WKH EULJKW DQG VSDFLRXV RIĂ€FH 7KH FKDLUPDQ &KDUOHV .DX KDV REYLRXVO\ SUHSDUHG IRU P\ YLVLW +H VWDQGV XS QHDWO\ WR JUHHW PH 2XW RI WKH EOXH WKH VRXQG RI KHDUW\ ODXJKWHU EXUVWV RXW IURP KLP 7KLV ODXJKWHU DFFRPSDQLHV &KDLUPDQ &KDUOHV .DX DQG LW LV WKH FKDUDFWHULVWLF RI KLV HQHUJHWLF KXPRU DV ZHOO DV KLV VWUDLJKW IRUZDUG DQG QHDW PDQQHU +LV UHYHUEHUDWLQJ ODXJKWHU LV IXOO RI RSWLPLVP FKDUDFWHU DQG ZLVGRP

COVER STORY 雖然從小生長於富裕之家,並在極年輕的時候就經歷了包括:美

the Taiwanese industry's unique talent." Apart from the numerous

國 Fairchild 電子公司工程師、Intel 研發部經理、台積電一廠廠

setbacks in his prime years, his leaving Macronix, the company


that he built with his own hands, and being called the country's

彩的資歷。但是高啟全一路走來,在產業界三十幾年的時光,卻 也並非都是讓人能夠開懷大笑的順遂之境。相反的,當年他還曾 被主流商業媒體以「多舛的半導體職涯,堪稱台灣產業一絕。」 來形容。除了壯年時期曾重重跌跤過,黯然離開自己一手親創的 旺宏電子,過程堪稱國內「DRAM 版賈伯斯」之外,當時南科 將他推上火線,讓他同時擔任華亞科董事長與南科總經理,一肩 扛起台灣兩家 DRAM 廠的營運成敗重任,也被業界視為等於是

"DRAM version of Steve Jobs," he was also pushed into the line of fire by Nanya Technology Corporation. Therefore, he had to serve as chairman of Inotera and as President of Nanya Technology Corporation at the same time, carrying on his shoulders the heavy responsibility of the success or failure of Taiwan's two DRAM manufacturers. At that time, he was considered by the industry as someone who fell into living hell. 今年高啟全參加路跑

跳火坑。 然而,高啟全終究書寫了屬於他的精彩傳奇。華亞科從曾經被 投資人列入「下市黑名單」,到一躍翻身成為黑馬飆股業績長

九公里後搭捷運回家。 在車上,對面有位女


性一直看著他。過了 幾站後她下車前給了

紅,今年三月中才公佈的 2014 財報榜單中,更拿下記憶體族









常你打到的都是最大的那一顆 -- 地球!」話語才剛剛結束, 又












However, Kau eventually wrote a book about his fascinating life. Inotera was once included on the "market's black list" by investors, but eventually took a huge leap forward and became an unexpected winner on the stock market. In the middle of March this year, the company was published on the 2014 earnings list

起來很 Terrible !」

事情,許多事都將豁 然開朗。

不如意的地方,總是以為自己打得很好。然後下一次來再打, 再讓如意的地方更多。」 在他眼裡,高爾夫其實是一個「心理的競賽」,「它裏面蘊藏 了很多心理層面的問題,不只是技術,更是一種心理的力量」!

well as the highest gross profit margin and operating income in the


semiconductor industry. As for the Nanya Technology Corporation,


and thirty billion, although more than thirty billion was earned last

訴 他,「 先 生, 你 看


as having made the highest profit in the memory chip industry as

the accumulated losses of the last two years reached two hundred


The Philosophy of Seeing Success through Golf

year. Charles Kau boldly traveled to many countries at a young age, and he gained an abundance of experience while also

Looking around in his expansive office, Kau says the objects which

creating a social network. What's more, he forged an indomitable

he attaches the most value to are the golf trophies that fill his glass

spirit after experiencing defeats and eventually developed his

display cabinet. Humorous as he is, he jokes, "The most difficult

wonderful character. Looking back at his life, what Kau sees are

thing in golf is, that even though it does not move, you still cannot hit

the unique, mutually dependent, traits of his own personality: an

it! And usually you when you do hit something, it is the biggest ball

elegant manner and a willingness to help.

- the Earth!" Our dialogue has just ended, another bunch of hearty

He grew up in a wealthy family, and gained work experience at

laughs burst out from him, almost choking him! Even so, speaking

a very young age. This included being an engineer at America's

about the charm of golf, he changes the subject, "Why does it

Fairchild Electronics, R&D manager at Intel, factory manager of

attract me? Because it is a challenge! It needs the cooperation of

TSMC's Number One factory, founder of Macronix, chairman of

your muscles. You need total coordination and memory. It is very

Inotera, and President of Nanya Technology Corporation. Still,

important that when you hit the ball, it usually won't work out the

his 30 years in the industry were not always a happy time. On the

way you wish it would! Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't,

contrary, in those years his experiences were described by the

but every time I go home, I always forget the unsatisfactory part,

mainstream media as the "unfortunate semiconductor career of

and always think that I played well. So the next time when I go play,

008 SiliCom 2015 Summer


After participating in a 9 km marathon this year, Charles Kau took the MRT home. Whilst on the MRT, a girl sitting across from him kept staring at him and, after a few stops, she handed Charles Kau something just before getting off. At first he thought that it would be her telephone number written on a slip of paper, but what she gave him was instead a few pieces of tissue, telling him, "Sir, you look terrible!" It was actually quite an embarrassing situation, but Charles Kau's outlook on life is that being able to look at things from another angle, often allows you to live and let go.

Charles Kau ponders for a while then says, "People say that a



bad environment will make someone work harder. Actually, it's


(Micron) 順利談成合約,成功重整南科和華亞科。「這裏面包

not necessarily the case. I often reflect on the decisions I made







一個很不好的 Charles,太臭屁了!人其實沒有那麼厲害!真








in this life and the average person couldn't have made them! For example, when I left Intel and returned to Taiwan to work, my salary was eighty percent less, but I never thought about it. I felt that I had enjoyed a decent family environment since I was a child, and 熱愛高爾夫的高啟全,從中領悟了人生哲學。

this gave me a "very strong sense of security!" The 1970s was a relatively poor era, many people had problems making a living.

I'm more satisfied." In his eyes, golf is actually a "psychological contest". "It contains a lot of psychological problems, not just technique, but also a kind of psychological force!" What he says is seemingly knowledge about golf, but is it also not a very accurate description of the philosophy of success in Charles Kau's life?

Kau's grandfather started from scratch, working in the mines of Jin Gua Shi, and thus creating the first generation of wealth and bringing benefits to two generations of descendants. The good greater wealth. In his own words: "a high degree of security." As a

At a young age everything went smoothly, but eventually, at the age

consequence, he possesses an "active and exploratory" attitude

of 37, Kau suffered a major setback, forcing him to leave Macronix,

towards life.

the company he founded himself. "When I was 36, I created


School, he was audacious. He recommended himself to be the


his medical studies, and chose chemistry instead. When it was time

不好的才會奮發圖強,其實也不一定。我常在回想,其實我這 輩子做的一些決定,一般人是做不出來的!譬如說,當初從美 國 Intel 回到台灣工作,我的薪水減了八成,但是我從來沒有考 慮過這一點。我覺得從小家裡環境不錯這件事帶給我的是「很 高的安全感」!在那個民國六十幾年,物質比較貧乏的年代, 很多人吃飯都有問題,白手起家的祖父以在金瓜石挖礦為事業 起點,創造了第一代的財富並澤被了兩代子孫。富裕的家境帶

Setbacks, a Hidden Gift

financial situation of the family brought Charles Kau an even

Since the time he started studying at Taipei Municipal Jianguo High



class leader and guide the whole class. At university, he gave up to take up a job, he refused the high salary position the chemical industry offered him because of the energy crisis and rather chose an opportunity in a new and developing industry: the field of hightech. He did this because, deep inside, he felt that he was not

Macronix, in 1995, we went to the stock market, and in 1996, I left. There weren't any problems during the foundation, but as we were joining the stock market, there was a lot of friction. Later, the CEO had to start from scratch again. I rented an apartment, and I even had to clean the rooms and the toilet by myself. Building something from zero is like having your own child, if they take it away from you, of course, you are very sad. Really sad, but what do you do after? I had a year or so feeling very low, but what did I do? I just kept

he returned to Taiwan from the United States. Later when he was

moving, but also, I engaged in self-reflection."

32 he went to South Korea, and at the age of 33 he went to Japan

He says that when he engaged in self-reflection, he realized,

to serve as a consultant. "Now that I think of it, actually, someone

"Mostly it was my own mistake! This is because everything had

has to have a brave character to run away at such a young age!

been going too smoothly for me, and it helped me to succeed in


But precisely because of this, I was able to meet a lot of people

life and it created a strong attitude. So, looking back now, I was a


from the industry when I was young. Later, when I left TSMC, and

very bad Charles. Too arrogant! I wasn't actually that great! Really!


founded Macronix, I had a strong relationship with this network of

You have to learn to listen, learn humility, and only then will people


people. So now I encourage young people, that if they have the

cooperate with you!" Using introspection, he learned from setbacks


opportunity, they should do their best and try, rather than look for

and adjusted, which helped him realize that behind every setback

興趣不在研發,而在管人、管 Project,而由美國回到台灣;接

a good salary. I have always believed that as long as you have

there is a hidden gift.


strength, an increase in salary will come sooner or later."

想想,其實那要性格很勇敢,因為那麼年輕一個人就跑去了! 來我離開台積電成立旺宏電子的時候,跟這些人脈很有關係。

謙虛 帶來更大的成功 挫折,隱藏的禮物

所以我現在會很鼓勵年輕人有機會儘量去嘗試,而不是看薪水, 我一直相信,只要你的實力在那裡,加薪不過是早晚而已。」

The First Gift of Life: A Sense of Security After all the things that happened in the outside world, how can we still have a powerful psychological force? For this question, 010 SiliCom 2015 Summer

"So, what you see now is a better Charles. Much better! My optimistic personality still hasn't changed, but I am more modest now, and this is also a good thing! As a matter of fact, people are insignificant. What has passed is past. Each generation is a mere 25 years. You can become more humble. You are able to listen and

asked me to leave. At that time, of course, I was very sad, since I

interested in R&D, but rather in managing people and projects, so


Modesty Brings Greater Success

「 所 以 你 現 在 看 到 的 Charles 是 比 較 好 的 Charles。much

年輕時一帆風順,終究在 37 歲的壯年遭遇重大挫折,迫使高啟

better !我樂觀的個性還是沒有改變,但是會比較謙虛了,這

全黯然離開自己一手開創的旺宏電子。「我 36 歲就創旺宏電


子,95 年上市,96 年我就離開了。創業的時候沒有問題,上

一代不過 25 年,你能夠變得更謙虛,能夠聽進別人的話,這些







樂觀,是高啟全面對任何問 題的解答。

COVER STORY understand what other people say. This has been of great help! So, the sooner you meet with setbacks in your life, the better." After his words, another burst of valiant but relaxed laughter roars. In his

and amiable attitude also made him understand how to see things

Taiwan's semiconductor industry, besides TSMC, Inotera is the

from other people's perspectives, and not only from one's own point

second company that has not accumulated losses and hasn't

of view. "What does that mean if you can achieve this? It means that

suffered from capital reduction. What does this mean? I am not

laughter, there is optimism, style and wisdom.

you can listen more, you have a wider perspective and a further

in debt to the shareholders. At last year's Lunar New Year press

Also, thanks to this personality-adjustment and self-evolution, two years ago, Charles Kau successfully negotiated a contract with Micron, and reorganized Nanya Technology Corporation and Inotera. "This includes the Formosa Plastics Group and Micron. Two companies that are not easy to handle. Even though, I still had my own standpoint, and I insisted on it, they slowly started to understand that I was very willing to explain my views, but that I was also a very humble man." He says the most important thing when negotiating is mutual trust! In addition, besides communication skills and a clear expression of a standpoint, re-learning a modest

field of vision! So, I think a humble attitude in the negotiations on

conference, I said that our goal is to complete the making up of

cooperation helped me a lot, and the end result was also great."

the accumulated deficit, and it proves that we have now actually


earned back every dime. If I press on, I can accomplish it. This is a sense of achievement!"

信念 就是價值 也許外界眼光聚焦的會是華亞科或南科現在閃亮的成功光環, 但是高啟全看見的是一種對於信念的堅持。「你看一件事,頭

跑步爬山閱讀 鍛鍊身心三部曲



each time I run five thousand meters! Then on weekends I play golf,

在做 DRAM,後來就一直關門一直關門。那時候我們相信總有


and on Sundays I go climbing." He says that the first kilometer of
























他也是音樂癡,「不過是白癡的癡喔,音樂對我來說,就是砰砰 砰有節奏就好了!」整個辦公室又揚起大夥不約而同的大笑聲!

Faith Equals Value

在樂觀正向、隨時以幽默自嘲提供自己與他人飽滿活力的表象之 下,高啟全同時也以「正向激勵」、以及「人性本善」、「物競

jogging is very painful, but the next four kilometers are pleasant. He also says that he thinks about a lot of things when he is exercising because he has a particularly clear mind at that time. Especially when running, since running is more boring than climbing. As part of his leisure activities, Kau also readily shares his own long-term passion for reading. "I read. I read a lot of books. A lot of people ask me how to pick books. What I say to them is that you don't need to pick them. I often go to the bookstore, then take a big pile of books home with me. Whenever I have time, I read, and if I can't continue, I just put it down. I think reading is the best investment! It's cheap, and makes everyone's mind work. If you buy ten books and eight are not good, it doesn't matter! It doesn't matter if you have many books, or if you cannot read the book at that time. Maybe two or three years later, you suddenly have the opportunity to continue reading it." It is at this seemingly serious and quiet time that Kau changes the subject entirely and says that

Perhaps, what the outside world is focusing on now is Inotera and


Nanya Technology Corporation 's shining aura of success, but


what Charles Kau sees is a kind of persistence in faith. "When you

is bang bang bang. If it has a rhythm, I like it!" The entire office


resonates with laughter!


An optimistic person with self-deprecating humor, who is ready


to display an energetic manner at any time, Charles Kau chose


"positive incentives", "good nature", and "natural selection" as his


core beliefs of self-cultivation. He successfully led his team through


challenges, eventually achieving comprehensive success. What

look at things, the mind must have a long-term perspective. In the early days, there were only forty companies doing DRAM in the whole world, and later they were all closing down. At that time, we believed that one day we would reach a monopolized market, just like it is today. The only key point is whether you survive or not during the process." For him, this is the most essential element when doing something: "to believe in faith". In addition, a constant review of errors and an adjustment of direction during the process are a must. It is equally

Jogging, Hiking, Reading: the Trinity for Forging the Body and Mind

he is also a music nut. "But more like a nut than a fan! For me music

emerged was a man in the semiconductor industry with both a keen insight and a boldness of vision. Besides working in the semiconductor industry, he also seriously began to be engaged in countryside elementary school education and environmental

important to have an "optimistic spirit"! Standing here now, and

012 SiliCom 2015 Summer


looking back to the whole process, Kau suddenly changes his

Apart from doing business, the dark-skinned and energetic Kau

protection under the guidance of Wistron chairman, Lin Xian-Ming.

always humorous and relaxed manner. His tone turns serious and

spends his weekdays running, hiking and reading to train his body

The vigorous and valiant Charles Kau still leads with great optimism

real, "In fact, what I am most happy about is that in the history of

and mind. "I just love sports. Basically, I run three days a week, and

and continues to write freely with strength and force.




2014 SEMICON Gala Dinner 科技菁英領袖晚宴

左頁 : 1. 副總統吳敦義蒞臨現場,並頒發年度產業貢獻獎給 SEMI 會員。 2. 台積電志工社社長張淑芬,呼籲 SEMI 會員一同加入高雄氣爆救災活動。 3. 精彩的歌唱與京劇表演,讓貴賓們看的入神。 本頁 : 4. ( 左起 ) 南茂科技總經理王偉 ,日月光執行長吳田玉,乾坤科技 總經理唐和明。5. ( 左起 ) 台積電執行副總經理暨共同營運長劉德音,台 積電副董事長曾繁城,華亞科董事長高啟全。6. ( 左起 ) 精材科技董事長 暨執行長關欣,艾克爾科技總經理梁明成,Multitest Electronic System 日本分公司市場開發部經理小野寺英典,愛德萬測試 Advantest Taiwan 營業本部副本部長中原真人。7. 台積電資深財務副總何麗梅。8. ( 左起 ) 鈺創科技董事長盧超群博士,副總統吳敦義,SEMI 全球營運長 Richard Saleman 及 SEMI Taiwan 總裁曹世綸。

文.Carlos Yuan 圖.SEMI

2014 年 9 月 3 日,科技界巨星們閃耀台北夜空 ! 年度半導體界盛事-「2014 SEMICON 科技菁 英領袖晚宴」假台北君悅飯店舉辦。SEMICON 科技菁英領袖晚宴,已成為台灣半導體界一大交 流平台,全球半導體產業高階管理、具產業影響 力之菁英都受邀出席;晚宴中,副總統吳敦義 先生也親自蒞臨,肯定台灣半導體業領先全球, 為台灣在國際間提升能見度做出重大貢獻。同 時頒發特殊貢獻獎予十位半導體業菁英,而國 際半導體產業協會營運長 Richard Salsman 亦 回贈刻有「國泰民安」字樣的 12 吋晶圓給副總 2

統,賓主盡歡。 台積電志工社社長,台積電董事長夫人張淑芬 也透過預錄影片,感謝 SEMI 台灣地區會員對於

2014 年高雄氣爆事件災後重建慷慨解囊,提供 許多資源協助。不僅讓災民重新回復正常生活, 也讓 SEMI 會員回饋社會,為國人盡一份心力。


014 SiliCom 2015 Summer



6 7




2014 SEMI Taiwan Golf Day 科技人 高桿!

文.Carlos Yuan 圖.SEMI




行之有年的「SEMI Taiwan 高爾夫聯誼賽」,在大溪高爾夫俱樂部舉辦,今年共 有近百位來自半導體、平面顯示器、太陽光電產業之球友共襄盛舉,以球會友。 活動當日晴空萬里,眾家好手經過近五小時的較勁後,由台灣港建廖豐瑩總經理 技壓群雄,以優異的成績奪得淨桿冠軍,總桿冠軍則由 KLA-TENCOR 戴榮志先 生以職業級水準 76 桿拿下,成為半導體產業新一代球王。 5

此 次 產 業 界 如 漢 民 科 技 (Hermes-Epitek)、 東 京 威 力 (TEL) 及 斯 特 伯 科 技

(STEPPER) 皆大力支持聯誼賽;而其他贊助單位如 FIUGGI、寒舍艾麗酒店、創 新生技、丸萬國際、ONE GOLF 玩高爾夫、UNIQLO 及華譽加納等也提供包含 日本頂級 MAJASTY 球桿、衣物袋及五星級精緻客房住宿一晚等豐富獎項,讓球 友們盡興地滿載而歸。

016 SiliCom 2015 Summer

1. SEMI Taiwan 高爾夫聯誼賽全體合影。 2. 台灣港建廖豐瑩總經理奪下淨桿冠軍。 3. KLA-TENCOR 戴榮志先生以 76 桿拿下總桿冠軍。 4. 賽後於大溪高爾夫俱樂部舉行晚宴與抽獎活動。 5. 新鮮海鮮讓貴賓們大快朵頤。



Enjoy the Elegant Night 美酒 V.S. 名錶

文.Carlos Yuan 圖.ZENITH、The Macallan





就在今夜,台北六福皇宮邱吉爾爵士雪茄館,瑞士鐘錶品牌 ZENITH 真力時與 The Macallan 麥卡倫單一麥芽蘇格蘭威士忌,一同為台灣 SEMI 的貴賓,帶來一個與眾不同的夜晚。 活動中,每位貴賓不僅能夠近距離鑑賞並把玩,擁有百年歷史的 ZENITH 真力時飛行員系列

1903 限量腕錶,並透過品牌人員的專業解說,更了解身為首批於二十世紀初,為飛機和其 他飛行器製作飛行儀器設備的錶廠之一,ZENITH 真力時將當時走時精準,堅固耐用,具有 防震、防磁化、可抵禦溫度劇烈變化等優異性能,做為品牌標準的意義。 3 1. ZENITH 真力時以飛行儀器設備的嚴格標準 來製作腕錶。

2-3. The Macallan 麥卡倫單一麥芽蘇格蘭威 士忌與 ZENITH 真力時一同為貴賓們獻上精彩 夜晚。 4-6. 貴賓們聚精會神地聆聽專業解說。

018 SiliCom 2015 May

而來自蘇格蘭,創始自 1824 年的 The Macallan 麥卡倫單一麥芽威士忌,則讓活動現場的 氣氛更為熱絡。在 The Macallan 麥卡倫品酩大使的帶領下,貴賓親自體會 15 年、18 年與

21 年威士忌所呈現出不同香氣、風味與口感,配上精心搭配的各式小點,更加令佳釀芬芳香 溢滿室,賓主盡歡。

酒 後 不 開 車

安 全 有 保 障


Salon de Milan 2015 2



文.Andrea 圖.Poltrona Frau Taiwan


Poltrona Frau,自 1912 年創立,即 堅持純粹手工技法上乘材質運用,以 百年傳承的工藝精神及專業的 皮革知識,賦予每件 傢俱典雅的氣質


和獨一無二的個 性。2015 年全球設計盛典米蘭國際家具展上,

Poltrona Frau 延續以往,復刻傢俱史上的經



藝術品。而造型極其有機的「Bird 邊几」,則

括臨摹自芬蘭藝術家兼設計師 Tapio Wirkkala (1915-1985) 的 作 品「Bird 邊 几 」、Lella

是從 Tapio Wirkkala 的自然風格創作中發現靈 感。顧名思義,「Bird 邊几」為鳥兒優雅飲水

and Massimo Vignelli 於 1985 年 所 設 計 的 純 粹且造型洗鍊的「Mesa 桌 」、 以 及 1934 年 Guglielmo Ulrich 所設計的「Brera 長椅」。

的側影,然而如此輕靈的線條,Poltrona Frau 竟是以厚度不一的樺樹一片片拼貼出表面,細 緻的紋路將鳥兒羽翼的自然肌理展露無疑。至 於「Mesa 桌」,在 Poltrona Frau 重新演繹下,

使用 2mm 厚的 Cuoio Saddle Extra 馬鞍皮革 編織而成的「Brera 長椅」,其結構和椅腳是由 梣木實木為基底,在實木與皮革編織的手感對 020 SiliCom 2015 Summer

檯面使用傳統方式打磨的 Ligurian 石板,底座 的錐狀支柱是由 Pietra Serena 砂岩製成,在石 與岩的原始況味中,發現了簡練的當代之美。

1. Brera 長椅結合了簡單線條及 幾何造型的拼接,是許多環境中 的理想配置。2. Mesa 桌檯面完 整保留石材的觸感和線條,整體 結構扎實卻輕巧。3. Bird 邊几 圓滑彎曲的線條,呈現簡約且抽 象的優雅姿態。


Luxury Lifestyle 頂級奢華休閒 文.Angela 圖.BRUNELLO CUCINELLI LI

來自義大利的 BRUNELLO CUCINELLI(布魯內諾 • 庫奇內利),以頂級 純手工織造工藝,被譽為「服裝界真 喀什米爾羊毛、獨特一流的剪裁與傳統純手工織造工藝,被譽為「服裝界真 正的奢侈品」。 打破以米、棕色天然原色為主的習慣,BRUNELLO CUCINELLI 絕佳手工 染色技巧開啟喀什米爾的繽紛時代。舒適簡潔設計搭配極致細膩的輕柔質 適簡潔設計搭配極致細膩的輕柔質 材,將講究細節的正裝經典融入現代休閒, 閒,BRUNELLO CUCINELLI 可謂 低調的奢華休閒代表。 設計強調曲線;喀什米爾與各種輕質 男裝循義式正裝的剪裁,以高雅的修身設計強調曲線;喀什米爾與各種輕質 在。與眾不同地搭上休閒夾克、編織 棉料、亞麻及真絲的巧妙搭配,輕鬆自在。與眾不同地搭上休閒夾克、編織 展現自信不凡的休閒雅痞風格,是 背心或牛仔單品,跳脫嚴肅卻不失優雅,展現自信不凡的休閒雅痞風格,是 經典風範。 BRUNELLO CUCINELLI 最為人稱道的經典風範。 1

性氣質的明快線條與舒適設計,各 本季從旅行者的優雅態度出發,體現男性氣質的明快線條與舒適設計,各 爽羊毛與輕質真絲製成的套裝和夾 式厚薄面料的襯衫、背心到長褲,與涼爽羊毛與輕質真絲製成的套裝和夾 季節變換,為高雅品味增添活力。 克,豐富搭配出不同場合的需求,抵禦季節變換,為高雅品味增添活力。 的好質感一決勝負,為世人展示真正 BRUNELLO CUCINELLI 以無庸置疑的好質感一決勝負,為世人展示真正 低調奢華的生活體驗。



1. 日常的正裝穿著,舒適感 該是選擇上的重要因素。 2. 有設計感的輕柔材質,是 低調奢華休閒的最佳代表。 3. 頂級面料帶出的好質感, 無可比擬。


科林研發台灣區總經理 何幼梅

科技瞬息萬變,反而阻隔了人與人之間的交流,但 對科林研發台灣區總經理何幼梅來說,真誠對待, 是她待人處事的不二法門。從小蒐集、閱讀皇冠雜 誌、愛聽民歌、從最愛的「未央歌」一書中看見那 份純真;這一切都圍繞著「回到初心」。 Rapid advancements in technology have actually been severing the bonds of human connection. However, for General Manager May Ho of Lam Research Taiwan, always being sincere with others has been her way facing life challenges. In her childhood, Ho liked to collect and read Crown magazines, listen to folk songs, and read books. Amongst them, her favorite Never-Ending Saga gave her a particular glimpse at pure innocence. All of these experiences embody the concept of "returning to original intentions."

Back to the Start


rare. Having graduated from the Department of

以女性之姿,掌管 Lam Research Taiwan 科林

Materials Science and Engineering of National


Tsing Hua University, Ho has never gotten first

1989 年畢業於清大材料系時,沒拿過什麼第一, 但可是班上第一個結婚的! 清楚了解自己不適合走研究路線,隨即投入職 場,當時拿到三個 offer,一個是工程師,一個 是採購,還有一個是外貿協會的職缺。長她幾歲

place in her classes. "However, I was the first in my class to get married!" Ho says with a smile. Ho began her career understanding that conducting research is not her strength. "At the time, I received three job offers: an engineer, a procurer, and a position at the Taiwan External


Trade Development Council." Her then-boyfriend


(an upperclassmen by a few years) suggested


that she take the engineering job because if she took one of the other two job options and


As a woman in the technology industry, Ho is

then decided she wanted to go back to being

already considered to be a "rare asset." Even

an engineer, that would be nearly impossible to

文.Carlos Yuan 攝影.陳威文

more, a woman taking charge of such a big

achieve. In the end, Ho accepted his suggestion

corporation - Lam Research Taiwan- is truly

and they eventually got married.

024 SiliCom 2015 Summer

PEOPLE superior, share her feelings. This sparked a fighting spirit that went on to inspire her to solve one problem after another, giving her a firm foothold in the workplace. After eleven years at Taiwan Applied Materials, Inc., Ho believes that working alongside Wu helped her to grow quickly. After a series of duties related to products, technology, and relationships local suppliers, she finally entered the management level. These valuable experiences helped her understand how to create and develop a company one step at a time. Furthermore, it helped her advance beyond the position of an engineer, while facilitating her development of large-scale enterprise management capabilities.

真誠面對 2002 年, 何 幼 梅 加 入 科 林 研 發 的 陣 營。 跟 Daniel( 科林研發亞太區總裁,廖振隆 ) 談之前: 「我還跟他說,很榮幸有機會認識您,但我應該

she eventually changed her mind. As a result, Ho entered the second phase of her career. At Lam Research, Ho was mainly responsible for business management. With Daniel by her side, Ho learned to build partnerships with customers. "The greatest difference between us and an ordinary company is that we stand on the same side as the customers. We are reliable even amongst adverse conditions." says Ho. These were all achieved by a continued process of cultivation - there were no shortcuts. In 2006, Ho applied for a transfer to internal office operations due to her children enrolling in school. As a Special Assistant for President, Ho began to relearn things from the perspective of a consultant. "For me, this was a very important change. Because of this experience, I was able to apply more comprehensive thinking when making decisions." says Ho. It was also due to these experiences that Liao again invited Ho back to the management team in 2013 to serve as the General Manager of Lam Research Taiwan.

不會加入科林研發。因為我們在市場領域上身 何幼梅一如「未央歌」書中所描 繪的那份真誠態度,對待客戶與 同事。


The Beginning of Career


在天下電子 ( 現元隆電子前身 ),何幼梅遇見台

IIn Microelectronic Products Inc., May Ho met her



Chiam Wu, who later bought her into the Applied

客戶建立 partnership,我們與一般公司最大不

時她是美國公司的 marketing,來天下電子拜訪

Materials Taiwan. Regarding their first meeting, Ho



recalls, "At the time, she worked in marketing for


還要她跟我進 fab 去看一下機器。」或許正是

an American company. She had come to visit a

2006 年,因為孩子要就學,何幼梅申請轉為內

client. When I saw her, I told her bluntly that there


were many problems with the tool and invited her


to go to the fab to take a look." Perhaps it was Ho's


straightforwardness that left a deep impression on

2013 年廖振隆再次力邀她歸隊,擔任科林研發

Wu. So, after she returned to Taiwan to set up an


如此直接了當,讓吳子倩對她印象深刻。後來 受命回台灣設立 office,何幼梅就成了台灣應用 材料創始員工之一。 來到台灣應用材料,何幼梅回憶第一個案子便是 大客戶買了一台新機器,但問題很多;經過數週 來回,業務表示客戶沒有耐心,要將機器撤出。 當時剛入公司,不到 25 歲的她面對挫敗,泫然 欲泣,上司吳子倩不斷鼓勵她;這卻讓原本委

employees of Applied Materials Taiwan. Ho recalled that the first case she received a local top client had bought a new machine

materials Taiwan, However, Ho never thought that

from them, but it was prone to malfunction. After

she would go on to join a competitor company -

several weeks of struggling to resolve the issues,

Lam Research Corporation. "Before, when I talked


the sales personnel stated that the client had lost

with Daniel (President of Asia Pacific Operations of


their patience and sought to return the machine.

Lam Research, Daniel Liao), I told him that I was


Having just started working at the company, Ho,

honored to have met him, but that I would never


not even 25 years of age, felt a sense of horrible

join Lam Research." said Ho. Yet, to Ho's surprise,


defeat and wanted to cry. Yet she saw Wu, her

they proceeded to talk for more than an hour, and

在台灣應用材料 11 年的經歷,何幼梅認為是種

發股份有限公司台灣 區總經理,台灣國立 清華大學材料工程學 系,台灣國立交通大 學高階主管管理碩士 學 程 (EMBA), 曾 任 台灣應用材料製造處 資深處長,育有二子。

May Ho Ms. May Ho is now the CEO of Lam Research Corporation. She first received her B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering from Taiwan's National Tsing Hua University before completing an EMBA at Taiwan's National Chiao Tung University. She was previously a Senior Director at Applied Materials Taiwan. She is also the mother of two sons.

女性在男人堆的科技業界有何不同 ? 何幼梅的 答案是,好壞參半。男人較容易建立交情,而 與女性就沒那麼容易打成一片;但在會議劍拔 弩張之際,女性往往是讓衝突不再擴大的關鍵。

A Sincere Attitude In 2002, May Ho decided to leave Applied




office, Ho proceeded to become one of the early

working at Applied Materials Taiwan, was that


026 SiliCom 2015 Summer





paths or limit them? At a certain age, however, "the

何幼梅的用 人管理哲學


most important thing becomes whether the path


you chose made you happy," says Ho.

1. 帶 人 要 帶 心, 員



看清最糟狀況,自己是否能夠承受 ? 一旦做了決


定後,走得越寬還是越窄 ? 但到了一定年紀,何

2. 每 個 人 有 不 同 風 格,最重要的是讓客 戶喜歡你。

幼梅說,這條路是否快樂,才重要。 「人生就像多元多次方程式。」房子、車子、事

"Life is like a multivariate equation." A house, a car, a career, and marriage are just all xyz constants. The more you want, the harder it is to solve the equation. Sometimes you need to convince yourself to lower your standards and let go of some things. It should never be perfunctory, nor should there be


業、婚姻、家庭等等就是 xyz 常數,要的越多,




and step out of their comfort zones to return to


original intentions and live a happy life.


May Ho's Hiring and Management Philosophy 1. When leading, you must win hearts. Only then will your employees be dedicated to their work. 2. Everyone has their own different style. The important thing is that you are liked by clients. 3. "You can't kill a cockroach." Always hang on until the end, giving up halfway will tarnish your reputation forever. not give up halfway. Reputation follows a person for a lifetime.

shortcuts taken. People should exert themselves


The "Multivariate Equation" That Belongs to Yourself

家庭擺第一 說起家庭,何幼梅堅定的語氣轉為溫柔。一對寶

So, how is it different being a woman in the male-


dominated technology industry? May Ho says it is


a "mixed blessing". Men form friendships easier, while women are initially more reserved towards one another. However, when meetings get tense, women often serve as the key to calming conflicts. Once, Ho encountered an implacable client that would not accept the negotiated price, nor let the sales personnel leave. Furthermore, Ho's colleagues were under a lot of pressure at the

風光明媚的花蓮長大,一心希望拋開不必要煩 惱,快樂地,回到初心的那個小女孩。

Read and Relive the Good Old Days In addition to spending time with her family, May Ho also enjoys reading in her spare time. The Crown magazine she subscribed to when she was young has acted as a sort of close friend. "There weren't many resources in the past. On some of green bean soup my mother cooked and read an issue of Crown magazine. While listening to the chirp of cicadas, I would feel very happy." says Ho. It was because of this that Ho started to collect Crown magazines. Searching in places, such as secondhand bookstalls or on the Internet, she has managed to collect every issue. For Ho, they are


not just reading materials, but also mementos from

我一定會給孩子一個擁抱、一個 kiss,並在耳邊

her nostalgic past.

輕聲地告訴他們,你是媽媽的心肝寶貝。」 此外,不像一般父母,何幼梅並不時時盯緊孩子 課業,當然一開始需要相當耐性。「看著他們慘 不忍睹的成績,但我還是忍住,不說教,而是讓 孩子體會父母的關心,」他們自然會回到正常軌

閱讀 重溫好時光 休閒時間除了與家人共度,閱讀也是最大興趣之

Never-Ending Saga is another one of her favorite in middle school. "I have read it so many times that


some pages have been torn. As a result, I bought


a new one, and the old book became a souvenir


from my life." Her favorite part of the story was the


moment when Tong Xiaoxian accompanied Lin


Yanmei to the station, laughing and talking together.


Ho is truly fascinated by the sense of purity painted

perfume. So, on the day of the price negotiations,


she sprayed on heavy perfume beforehand. As a


result, the client caved in earlier and they were able


by the book.

to accomplish their mission. This was something


兒子曾經在住過同學家後回來問她,「原來爸爸 媽媽是會吵架的 ? 」家庭氣氛和諧,乖巧的孩


Because of her busy work schedule, Ho is only

only a woman could accomplish.


able to help out public interest groups, such as


"Boyo Social Welfare Foundation" (which was

in life, Ho evidently has made all the right decisions. She says that the most important thing is to do your duty earnestly, and

When speaking about family, May Ho's firm tone

the right choices will naturally

becomes gentle. With twin sons currently in the

come to you. The second

tenth grade, she is bound to experience rebellious

point is to not make important

behavior. She believes that perhaps her close

本,就當作人生的紀念品。」書裡令她印象最深 刻的,是童孝賢送藺燕梅去車站前,一起開心嬉 笑的片段;何幼梅認為書中描繪的「純真」,正 是最令她神往之處。 平時因為工作繁忙,何幼梅僅能以捐款來資助如

founded by Professor Lee Chia-Tung), through donations. However, due to her love of children and considerations for life after retirement, she has been thinking of more direct ways, such as volunteering, to help children coming from poor families and environments. To her husband and children, she is the world's

connections with colleagues for so many years has


sure to carefully consider all

taught her to treat her children with sincere actions.


strong woman with the ability and determination

situations without being led by

"No matter what, I always give my kids a hug and a


to achieve every objective. As for Ho herself,

emotions. Examine the worst-

kiss every day, and remind them that they are the


perhaps what she really wants is to grow up in

case scenario. Are you able

pride and joy of my life."


scenic Hualien. She is bent on throwing away

to endure it? Once you make

In addition, unlike most parents, Ho pays no


unnecessary worries and happily return to being

a decision, will it expand your

heed to her children's academic performance.


that girl with her original intentions.

choices immediately - make


Family First



writings. She still keeps the book that she first read




afternoons, I would sit in the backyard with a bowl

time. However, she knew that the client disliked

Facing important turning points

028 SiliCom 2015 Summer

Of course, this required quite a bit of patience in the beginning. "Even if they achieved poor grades, I force myself to hold back from preaching to them. Instead, I focus on letting my children to feel that we care as parents," says Ho. As a result, they would naturally get back on track. At first, her children were not used to this, and even rebelled and resisted against this. However, Ho's persistence eventually led to the development of a very close relationship with her children. "Making friends or encountering problems, my children are always very willing to open up and share their lives with me." says Ho. The most important thing is to teach by example. After her son returned from a sleepover at a friend's house, he asked her, "So, parents actually quarrel?" With such a harmonious family and well-behaved children, Ho is considered to be very fortunate and well-respected.

best wife and mother. In the industry, she is a

1. 何幼梅一本本將皇冠雜誌自第 一期蒐集到手。 2. 閒暇之餘與家人一同爬山運 動,是何幼梅最佳紓壓方式。 3. 國中買的未央歌珍藏至今,已 然成為紀念那段時光的見證。


Just for You 只為特別的妳


文.Kelly 圖.Goyard

當 2008 年 6 月,第一家《Chic du Chien》寵物精品店開幕時,重現了 Goyard 最古老的傳統之一:訂製服務。早在 1890 年代,Robert Goyard


先生開始發展訂製皮件,立刻獲得巨大成功。 不同於其他精品,Goyard 各式稀奇古怪,提供鑑賞家們精心挑選稀有的限 量單品。Goyard 不僅是間精品店,簡直就是一個藏寶庫,所有最精緻工藝 都出自一位工匠進行以確保其一致性與獨特。 自 1853 年以來,世世代代技巧純熟的工匠們在 Goyard 巴黎市自家工坊 獨力製作,這種獨特的工藝資產被悉心保留下來。Goyard 客製化的訂製傳


統始終是品牌重視的核心精神。 創立自 1853 年的 Goyard,以手繪的人字紋飾聞名;但你可能不知道,鱷 魚皮系列更是 Goyard 的「夢幻逸品」。工匠巧手使用專屬的天然色素, 為每位客人以全手工打造超凡的 Haute-Maroquinerie 包款,包括 233、 Saigon、Vendôme 和 Monte-Carlo 等經典款式,不僅使用全球公認最珍 貴的 Porosus 鱷魚皮,在製作前便要先精挑細選,才能找到鱗紋、染色及 品質皆達 Goyard 標準的完美皮革。仔細端詳,每一塊 Porosus 鱷魚皮革 上的方格,不論大小都有著氣孔,這也是頂級鱷魚皮的天然印記。 製作上採用木頭和皮革拼接,Goyard 鱷魚皮系列使用皮革十分費料;製作 工時平均是小牛皮包的 10 至 15 倍。每一包款從鱷魚皮切割到最後完成, 經過數十道步驟,更特別的是,Goyard 每年推出的鱷魚皮系列,全都是新 調出獨一無二的色調;全球限量 20 個,分別是兩色拼接,與兩種單色各一。 宛若藝術品的 Goyard 訂製鱷魚皮包,一眼看出不凡,品味獨到 !

1. 精選頂級鱷魚皮製作包款,Goyard 每年都以獨一無二新 色令人驚豔。 2. 順著皮件外型,找出最適合的鱷魚皮,用心在每一處細節。 3. 鱷魚皮系列製作工時是一般小牛皮件的 10 至 15 倍。

Porosus 鱷魚 灣鱷 (Porosus) 可見於印度、澳洲北部等地,其中 又以澳洲北部的鹹水灣鱷皮質最佳;觸感柔軟卻十 分堅韌,極佳光澤,紋 路整齊而對稱。每格皮 上都有著微小氣孔,是 辨識特點。由於產量稀 少,且灣鱷體型較大, 一線精品視其為上上選。

Goyard 訂製系列全採用 灣鱷 (Porosus) 皮。


Graceful 翩翩。

文.Ethan 圖.Van Cleef & Arpels


春風拂動,生生不息。 蝴蝶顫動,纖纖美麗。

1920 年代,蝴蝶成為 Van Cleef & Arpels 梵克雅寶珠寶藝術的靈感泉源。 將蝴蝶輕盈的美態凝於永恆,Main d'Or ™(黃金之手)—梵克雅寶大師級工 匠傳承工藝;珍珠母貝和亮漆木材在 Mystery Setting ™隱密式鑲嵌法下,網狀、 細工、包鑲等精雕細琢,無論正面、背面,甚或隱蔽處,均極臻完美,化作妝 點蝴蝶翅膀的神奇魔力。 蝴蝶身影時而停駐腕錶;時而投映胸針;轉換式設計、可拆卸墜式的設計巧思, 詩意而戲劇化,令人玩味又別出心裁。 彩蝶。Van Cleef & Arpels 梵克雅寶珍視的傳統。

034 SiliCom 2015 Summer

2 1. 自 20 年代起,蝴蝶就是 Van Cleef & Arpels 靈感來源之一。 2. 當年的胸針設計手稿與實品細節,頗具歷史意義。


明導國際股份有限公司總裁 Walden C. Rhines

When Adversity Becomes a Challenge 當逆境變成挑戰 文.Hobbit Lee 圖. 陳威文

明導國際股份有限公司總裁 Walden C. Rhines, 業界稱呼他 Wally。1972 年自史丹佛大學材料科 學與工程學系拿到博士學位後,一腳踏進半導體產 業,問他 40 多載持續不斷前進的動力是什麼 ? 「把 壓力當動力! Stress is motivation! 」 Walden C. Rhines is the CEO of the Mentor 036 SiliCom 2015 Summer

Graphics. He goes by Wally in the industry. After obtaining a PhD in Material Science and Engineering from Stanford University in 1972, he went into the semiconductor industry. When asked what has been motivating him for more than 40 years, he said, "stress is motivation!"


almost never affected by stress. The bigger the

相較於自行創業,學術家庭出身的 Wally,畢業

I become!" He always see stress as a motivation!

後選擇進入當時正在壯大中的德州儀器 (Texas

Instruments,簡稱 TI),向當年也曾是他在 TI 的大主管,現任台積電董事長張忠謀,多所請 益學習。因過去工程背景培養的「問題解決能 力 (problem solving)」,讓當時在 TI 的 Wally 面對各種計畫,不論執行、管理都能駕輕就熟。 所屬團隊曾經在 40 年前開發過一個感光耦合元 件 (CCD Image Sensor),該元件一直到 5、10

project, the more stress it brings, the more excited That is a kind of passion for work. "I don't play golf very often. Even if I do, I think it should be a leisure activity done in moderation." He is so devoted to


from "work prison". Wally cannot imagine himself in a place where he's not in a state of excitement from being desperately needed by opportunities and growth.


色。相較下,Wally 早就在物色比自己更聰明、


更有能力的夥伴共事。建立在這種正向循環概念 下,Wally 相信比自己優秀的夥伴,鼓勵他們發 展,確保努力被肯定、被看見,是獲取信任的不







Stress is Motivation Raised in an academic family, Wally chose to join the then growing Texas Instruments (TI), as opposed to starting his own business. He often learned from now chairman of the board of TSMC, Zhang Zhong Mou, who was his big boss at TI at the time. Given Wally's problem solving skills from an engineering background, he could quickly ease into any project, whether it be execution or management. The team he was a part of developed a thinned CCD image sensor 40 years ago, which has only begun to be commonly used in a digital camera 5, 10 years ago. Furthermore, they developed the first minor device for projectors. As for dealing with stress, Wally explained, "I am 040 SiliCom 2015 May




往返世界各地工作,Wally 不以為苦。

夥伴,可以表現得比我更好 對於經理人,面對管理團隊中出現明星,或許會

作,就連 Morris ( 台積電董事長張忠謀 ) 也曾希 望將他從牢廄 ( 工作狀態 ) 中帶離;他無法想像


of the board of TSMC) has tried to pull him away

何保持巔峰 ? Wally 指出 :「失敗從來不在我的 選項中,從小即被教育要非常具競爭力,非常

對於壓力,Wally 也有一套見解:「我幾乎沒有

兼執行長,美國史丹 士。曾任德州儀器半

第一個投影機使用的鏡面裝置 (minor device)。 掌控大局時,便被晉升到下一個計畫,問他如

Walden C. Rhines, 現任明導國際董事長

his job, even Morris (Zhang Zhong Mou, chairman

年前才開始普遍用於數位相機上;後來更開發了 每當一個計劃結束,Wally 覺得自己能獨當一面


WALDEN C. RHINES WALDEN C. RHINES is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Mentor Graphics. He holds Ph.D. in materials science and engineering from Stanford University. Prior to joining Mentor Graphics, Rhines was Executive Vice President of Texas Instruments' Semiconductor Group.

因此,每當公司內部有更大計劃展開,他總能輕 鬆地找到取代他的人選,同時也讓自己增加被提 拔到其他位置的可能。科技產業裡,Wally 認為 經理人的角色其實並不是在管理人,而是有效率 地幫團隊協調出清楚方向、明確策略,並驅動大

與台灣區總經理 Nina(左三) 在 內 的 高 階 主 管 相 處 融 洽, Wally 信任夥伴。

team by lending clear directions and strategies, and


to motivate. Once partners know their opinions and


effort are valued, they will become loyal and identify


themselves with the company.

40 多年來的工作經歷,Wally 為自己下的註解

Wally was just at his 50th high school reunion, showing that he also places importance on networking. Every time he visits Taiwan, Wally always meets up with his alumni and ex-colleague Zhang Zhong Mou (chairman of the board of TSMC). Zhang, in turn, introduces Wally to his friends to further his Wally 年輕時在 TI 留影。


networking. The semiconductor industry is small,


so Wally never stopped following up with everyone,

才剛參加第 50 年高中同學會的 Wally,同時也

whether they were colleagues or connected through


business. Wally states, "those who might have


disappeared from your life temporarily always seem


to show up again at a new place, with new roles,

人,進一步也擴大自己的 network。半導體產業

connecting you and me. A lot of business comes


from your network, from connections."

總會不經意地出現在新的地方,伴隨著不一樣的 角色,而有所關聯。畢竟生意有很大的一部分來 自人脈,來自關係。」

人脈是 Wally 最重視的資產。

很多朋友不解他為什麼要扛下重擔,但走過風 雨後所獲得的成就感,激賞且教人回味。擁抱 逆境,樂在工作,是 Wally 的最佳寫照。人生 下半場,他從不設限,因為還有好多事想做, 想要挑戰!

Refuse to be the American who only speaks only one language


an important role in global economy. However, at

戰 後 世 代 (post-war era) 下 長 大,Wally 遇 見

There was a joke that reflected the era: People who

業都在世界經濟體系中,扮演了舉足輕重角色; 然而,當時美國文化是非常「內向」的(inward

the time, American culture was very inward focused. know three languages are called trilingual. People who know two languages are called bilingual. What about those who only know one language? Americans!

partners to work with since a long time ago. In this concept of positive cycle, Wally trusts those partners


diverse cultures and multiple languages. Whenever

who are better than he is and makes sure they are


he got a chance, Wally would enroll his children

given positive affirmations and recognition; such is


go a public school of the country he was staying


in at the time. He started with schools that offer

is a hero in his team, in fear of that person excelling at in search of those smarter and more capable/able

the way to gain trust from them. If there happens to be a failure during execution, he never points fingers. Instead, Wally moves the project forward by sharing the responsibilities, making his partners feel important and treated fairly. He can always find his replacements easily whenever

進不同國家的公立學校,學習不同語言。從最 早在美國附設課後華語教學的公立學校開始, 隨後因為工作遷移,一家又分別在日本、法國、 甚至台灣停留。Wally 的女兒目前除了會說流利

there is a bigger project within the company because


of this special way of thinking. At the same time,


1. 雇用比自己聰明的 人。不要害怕被取代, 因為他們補償了你的不 足,更增加隨時被升遷 的可能。

2. 處理大家不願面對 的燙手山芋。在舒適圈 內做事,既不能獲得成 就感和認可,動手解決 就已經超出預期!

3. 讓他人願意為你 / 和 你工作。這些因為工作 而建立的人脈關係,在 未來總會不時地對你有 所回報。

The Three Paths to Success

Growing up in the post-war era, Wally was there to

focus);有此一說,在那個時代背景下,會 使用三種語言的人叫做 "trilingual",兩種語言 叫做 "bilingual",那只會一種的人呢?美國人 (American)! 相較之下,Wally 因自幼的海內外旅遊經驗、工

Most managers feel jealous and nervous when there work more than they do. In contrast, Wally has been

040 SiliCom 2015 Summer

進 Mentor Graph 並不是公司狀況最佳時機,

auto, steel, or technology industry, they all played


Partners can better than I do


witness American economy taking off. Whether it's

往來,Wally 都會持續性地關心大家的動向,他 表示:「這些可能在你生命歷程中短暫消失的人,


has their own culture. If you want your business to succeed, you should understand your clients, and not force them to compromise to your own culture." After working for 40 plus years, Wally explains that he prefers adversities that are full of challenges over smooth sailing; the latter puts you at ease, but the former makes you grow. Mentor Graph was not at its best when he stepped in. Wally's decision to join the company puzzled his friends. However, his achievements through all the tough breaks are admirable and memorable. Embracing adversity and enjoying work are the best portrayal of Wally. As for the rest of his life, Wally never sets limits for himself. There are still many things he hopes to accomplish, and many challenges waiting for him to embrace!

三個 成功之道

In contrast, Wally has travelled and worked all over the world since he was young. He has always known the importance of international market and diversity in the work environment in the future, so he and his wife decided to expose their children to 1

after-school Chinese lessons in the U.S. Due to

1. Hire people who are smarter than yourself. Do not be afraid to be replaced. It is precisely because they make up for what you lack, it increases your chance of getting a promotion. 2. Handle/Take care of whatever people are reluctant to take on. Staying in your comfort zone does not give you a sense of achievement nor recognition. By taking on a tough case, you're exceeding everyone's expectation. 3. Become the person who people are willing to work for/with.The network you built through work will always reward you in the future from time to time.

many work relocations, the family went on to live in Japan, France, and even Taiwan. Wally's daughter is not only fluent in Chinese, but also French and Japanese. Looking at a picture with a little blond girl amongst all the Japanese children, Wally said, "growing up is

Wally increases the possibility of getting himself

女孩,Wally 說:「成長是有趣的,但當你身

promoted to other positions. Wally feels that the


in an (unfamiliar?) country. Meanwhile, every other

role of a manager in the technology industry is not


country in the world is progressing continuously, so

to manage people, but rather to effectively help the

因此你必須學習 open-minded(心胸開放)。

you have to learn to be open-minded. Every country

fun. It is boring when you have a stagnant business

1. Wally 與現任台積電及明導國 際董事 Sir Peter Bonfield 一同


漫步在日本街頭。 2. Wally 的一對女兒,從小就體 驗了多國文化。



Estoras 系 列 是 埃 斯 特 哈 希 (Esterházy) 酒莊最具代表性的旗 艦 酒 款, 字 義 源 自

Esterházy 的拉丁文, 酒標上印有金羊毛騎 士 團 (the Order of the Golden Fleece) 標誌,象徵神聖羅馬 帝國的最高榮譽。這 一系列酒款各具鮮明 個性,同時也展現了 奧地利葡萄品種的優 良特質。有時也會與 其他國家的高貴品種 混種,以培育出品質




位於奧地利,布爾根蘭州最大葡萄酒博物館中, 古老儲酒釀酒木桶蓋上有由 S. Riedel 所做,


冠以及短詩文 : “Guter Trunk schenkt guten

Muth”,”beides komt dem Land zu gut”「好

(Maria Theresia) 女王大為激賞。知名宮廷音樂 家海頓 (Joseph Haydn) 著迷於這種極致感官



希家族自 17 世紀起投入葡萄栽種,致力結合傳 統與先進的酒窖技術,在兩者間達到完美平衡,


呈現出奧地利葡萄酒文化裡傲視群倫的特質; 古典優雅、摩登清新。

Experience 奧地利皇室體驗 the Royalty 文.Eddie 圖.軒尼品酒

042 SiliCom 2015 Summer






奧地利 Esterházy 酒莊於 2006 年秋天,在埃森 施塔特 (Eisenstadt) 擁有最先進設備與展示廳 的新釀酒廠正式開幕,可說是全奧地利最先進 的釀酒重鎮。

The Order 金羊毛騎士徽章 金 羊 毛 騎 士 團

(The Order of the Golden Fleece) 是 由來自法國中部勃 艮 地 (Burgundy) 的 Philipp der Gute 公爵 於 1430 年所創立,金 羊毛騎士勳章是神聖

西元 1758 年,埃斯特哈希王子保羅安東二世

(Prince Paul II. Anton Esterházy) 夫人瑪莉亞

Esterházy 酒 莊 總 經 理 Stefan Tscheppe 說,





魯納提維斯康提 (Maria Lunati-Visconti) ,下


令布爾根蘭 (Burgenland) 地區開始種植勃艮地

香氣與風味。Esterházy 酒莊更禮聘 Stephane

(Burgundy) 的黑皮諾 (Pinot Noir) 葡萄,以釀

Derenoncourt 這位享譽歐洲波爾多知名釀酒師









20 世紀,這份榮耀就 在埃斯特哈希家族中 代代相傳。

1. Esterházy 酒 莊 現 任 總 經 理 Stefan Tscheppe。 2. 從採收開始,三道篩選只留下 品質最佳的葡萄來釀酒。 3. 新落成的釀酒廠,有著最先進 的設備。


任何美麗的東西都離不開「手作」,因 為那是創作過程中的一種學習。陳智權 解釋,「手,賦予力量,才會感動。」不 由純鈦金屬及 18K 金精心打造的 蜻蜓,即使鑲滿了粉色 及紫色藍寶石、鑽石、尖晶石、 白剛玉等寶石,仍然相當輕盈, 配戴起來絲毫沒有負擔。

從 Nocturne 戒 指 好 似 夜色般無窮的寶藍中,彷 夜色 彿可瞥見月光星辰;戒指的 彿可瞥 紫色藍寶花瓣間鑲有三顆 紫色藍寶花 GIA 美鑽及多顆球狀切割鑽石,如顆顆 美鑽及多顆球 露水在花瓣上閃耀。

忘在工藝和價值之間找尋平衡二十多年的 他,立志把珠寶創作當作品味的傳承。

1994 年, 陳 智 權 接 觸「 鈦 」 材 質, 從 此 大 大 改 觀 了 珠 寶 創 作 的 量 體 和 結 構;AKACHEN 為 了 考 慮 佩 戴 更 舒 適、自然,即使長時間也不過敏,非常挑剔地只用美國純鈦 (99.9%)金屬,2007 年成功研發製作出第一件純鈦珠寶,

AKACHEN 珠寶精挑細選純鈦,要求「微鑲、微拋」工法製



AKACHEN 珠寶大得霸氣,但 360 度仔細審視,不論寶石配



搶主石風采, AKACHEN 珠寶將設計和工藝「相乘」而不只 是相加,「有的時候尖的、亮的鑽石,刻意擺放在次要位置,









AKACHEN 珠寶作品力求各個角度面相兼顧高低 ( 2 維 ),立 體感 (3D),「至於 4D,」陳智權說,留給佩戴者自己想像了!

AKACHEN 珠寶擁有傳世恆久意義。在法國、德國、瑞士、 英國、義大利、西班牙、杜拜、紐約、莫斯科、比利時、烏

「協調就是美感!」獨一無二的藝術價值來自大自然律動和 層次,陳智權勾勒童年赤足的快樂回憶,造就了 AKACHEN

克蘭、以色列等地擁有不少頂級顧客,多次獲歐洲及中東各 皇室收藏,如:阿拉伯聯合大公國王妃項鍊、冰島第一夫人


Dorrit Moussaieff 的項鍊及胸針也都指定 AKACHEN,陳智



顏色切割的寶石,從大小,排列和鑲工角度的拿捏都經過精 算,「我很少用直線排列,」無論髮簪、串鍊、胸針、戒指



腳步,陳智權鼓勵佩戴珠寶的人要戴出 一種暗暗含光的貴氣。光影流轉,招 牌蜻蜓滿鋪彩寶的翅膀,忽明忽暗、 忽顯忽藏;正應了陳智權說的「貼


在身上是硬的,看去卻是軟的;一 眼看不穿的光澤,卻又「透」著亮」

文.Eddie 圖.AKACHEN

The Glory of Jewelry 用精緻形容 AKACHEN 珠寶,不如說具有雕塑美感造型的藝術性令人動容。 藝術總監陳智權拿起顯微鏡瞇著眼睛,不急不徐地說,「有虛有實、有深有淺、有濃有淡、有高有低、有 顯有藏」。一面把玩著斗大的立體蘭花胸針,一面以檢視的心情形容著眼前的傾心之作。

044 SiliCom 2015 Summer

忍不住再看一眼,AKACHEN, 一個真正把 Art 用心加在 珠寶創作上的品牌。

精緻蠟雕展現花瓣上的細緻脈絡,以純鈦金屬獨 有的漸層色彩,淺粉到深紫似在光影間跳躍,中 央的黃寶石花芯更突顯層次之美,在不同場合配 戴都像是一次新面貌的呈現。 在老師傅專注的工藝下,情感賦予了蜻 蜓的力道及生命力,精細蠟雕及顏色變化的寶石使蜻 蜓更具栩栩如生,宛如真的蜻蜓停駐在胸前。


國立台灣大學特聘教授 李世光

發表過三百多篇學術論文,擁有百餘項國內外專利,帶領無數團隊的李世光, 眼前這位笑容親切的發明家、學者、教授,豐富的產官學歷練,不斷在印證廣 泛知識對於專業研究的助益,正是所謂典型「T 型人才」。 C. K. Lee sits there smiling kindly. With over three hundred academic articles published, he holds hundreds of domestic and foreign patents and has led a countless number of teams. As an inventor, scholar and professor, his experience in the public sector, world of academia and private industry is extensive. Lee is a prime example of what we call a "T-type talent" ; a person who constantly affirms the benefits that broad and extensive knowledge can have towards specialized research.

Profile 李 世 光, 目 前 為 國 立台灣大學應用力 學研究所特聘教授、 國立台灣大學工程科 學及海洋工程學系 特 聘 教 授。 美 國 康 乃 爾 大 學 博 士, 模


financial sector, who saw Taiwan as the place to



set root. Lee notes that, "At the time, IBM showed

(modal sensors and


great generosity in trying to keep me, allowing me

回到台灣。「當時 IBM 表現出極大誠意,從留 職停薪到一年後,再次確認動向,最後 IBM 奉 上一筆退休金。」李世光笑著分享這段 IBM 對 他器重有加的往事,表明了他心向台灣故鄉奉 獻的決心。 回到台灣,在不同的環境與結構下,要建立起 一個研究團隊,這是李世光人生裡很大的挑戰。

one year leave then actually following up to ask about my decision a year later, before finally still providing me with a pension." Lee laughs jovially

曾任行政院國家科學 委員會工程技術發展 處處長、財團法人工 業技術研究院副院長、

while sharing this story from his past. IBM had


placed such great value in him yet his resolve and


devotion held true to his homeland, Taiwan. Establishing a research team back in Taiwan, in a different environment and under a different


framework, was one of the great challenges in


Lee's life. He mentions that,"I often say, if I wanted


to make big money, all I need to do is quit my

確面臨 reverse culture shock。不過這 20 年,

professorship." Upon his return to Taiwan to teach


at National Taiwan University, not only was the


pay and research funding a sixth to a seventh of what it was in the United States, but there was

Upon completing their PHDs twenty years ago,

also the issue of reverse culture shock. Still, in the

C. K. Lee and his brothers gave up promising

20 years that have passed, he has retained his

opportunities in the United States to return to

optimistic mindset and believes that the path he

Taiwan one by one. They had been strongly

chose has been both interesting and informing of

influenced by their father, a significant figure in the

the direction of his thoughts.

Leader of Endless Possibilities

無限可能的領航者 046 SiliCom 2015 Summer

actuators) 發 明 人。

文.Carlos Yuan 圖. Anew Chen

Chih-Kung Lee Chih-Kung Lee is currently a Distinguished Professor at National Taiwan University in both the Institute of Applied Mechanics (IAM) and the Dept. of Engineering Science & Ocean Engineering. He holds a Ph.D from Cornell University, and is the inventor of modal sensors and actuators. C. K. Lee has previously held the positions of Director General of Engineering & Applied Sciences at Taiwan's National Science Council (NSC), Executive Vice President of Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), and President of the Institute for Information Industry (III).

included the then Dean of Tamkang University's


chemistry department, and Lee's brother, Lee


Shi-yuan. Using the concept of the N95 face


mask and starting by looking at its weaknesses

但卻可能會 lost 掉事物的全貌。

in protecting against SARS, they developed a new compound called"8-hydroxyoctanoic acid". This type of compound could be used to treat face masks or other protective clothing through immersion or spraying, providing protection against the SARS virus by destroying the structure of its membrane and envelope. This discovery allowed helped for the successful


acid, their susceptibility to electricity was several


統整合等各科技領域的知識,他認為跨領域的 合作及整合,能讓研究既深且廣,並且真正解


26th Tokyo World Innovation Conference and Exhibition of Inventions Gold Genius Award, and the 2013 Ministry of Economic Affairs Bureau's National Creation and Invention Award. Without crossdisciplinary cooperation, these major inventions may


of the public sector, as well as performing roles at the National Science Council and the Industrial


發抗 SARS 噴劑「台大抗煞一號」的過程為例,

different technical fields such as mechanics,

academic collaboration all the time means that they

當時全台籠罩在 SARS 散佈的恐懼中,而他帶

optics, electrical products, semiconductors,


machinery, nanotechnology, and systems

等方式,在口罩或防護衣物上,形成能崩解病 毒的套膜構形,協助當時具有高傳染力的 SARS 疫情獲得控制。

had a negative perception of industry-academia collaborations. Despite telling his team that "A

產官學研經歷 學術實務並重

are not focused on academic research.", CK Lee also

integration. He believes that only through cross-


its science and technology. Do not do research that

disciplinary cooperation and integration can


does not help Taiwan and do not do research without

During research, many details may seem irrelevant. However, when the final results are looked at, these details can link together to form a chain. Lee cites the 2003 research and


team,要抱著「Be vital to Taiwan. Be Famous for its Science and technology.(對台灣沒用的

reminded them to "Be vital to Taiwan. Be famous for

innovation." Applied research provides an excellent opportunity for cooperation between the industry, public sectors, and academia. When asked whether more at ease within the academic community or in public service, CK Lee states that both have their advantages, and that

development process of an anti-SARS spray



named, the"NTU Anti-SARS No.1". As Taiwan

As the head of several major units, he must be able


was shrouded in the fear of a SARS outbreak,

以實際出發點做研究,是產官學研合作的契機。 問起在學界輕鬆自在,還是在公部門如魚得水 ?

of an entire team's performance whilst not being


因此讓工研院開發出了紙喇叭技術,並於 2012


his return to Taiwan, the general community still

research institute that focuses on conducting industry-


護衣上破壞病毒為當 的台灣社會打了一劑

primarily focus on the integration of various

solve problems.


Technology Research Institute. Yet, at the time of

果來看,卻是環環相扣。李世光舉了 2003 年研


在 20 天內研發出全球

has held senior positions in technology related fields

C.K. Lee's expertise and research interests





research be broad and in-depth enough to truly


Turning through the pages of CK Lee's career, he

have missed out on their benefits.


2003 年,李世光帶領

第一個對抗 SARS 的


的弟弟李世元也是成員之一。從 N95 口罩的原

048 SiliCom 2015 Summer

This paper speaker technology earned the 2012

The Importance of Experience in Industrial, Public and Academic Practice

never have been discovered and mankind would


在美國獲頒的獎座,由於特殊材 質,當通過海關時還讓安檢門警 示響起。


Integration of Cross-disciplinary Platforms to Create Infinite Possibilities

work smart,「但沒過多久我就體會到,你得 work hard,也要 work smart,才能做好每件

spray treating materials with 8-hydroxyoctanoic

develop a technology for making paper speakers.


一天,主管就告訴他,不要 work hard,而要


Institute was therefore able to use this research to

將艱澀的科學觀念以漫畫詮釋, 科普是李世光近年來積極行動的 領域。

這樣的整合平台可無法運轉。進到 IBM 的第

Most surprisingly, the research team found that after

in speakers. The Industrial Technology Research




like this also happens to be an important component

跨領域整合平台 創造無窮可能


control of the SARS epidemic.

times more than that of untreated material. Electret

李世光以跨領域整合合作,解決 許多難題。


these advantages need not conflict with each other. to look at the big picture and determine the direction

Lee lead a cross-disciplinary team comprised of


年獲得第 26 屆日本東京世界創新天才大會暨發

academics and industry experts from the medical


involved hands-on. Being too involved would render

明展金賞、2013 年榮獲經濟部智慧局國家發明

and engineering fields. Members of the team


the entire mid-management levels ineffective and

In 2003, C. K. Lee led a research team comprised of top researchers from multiple fields from Taiwan National University to develop the first organic compound that could combat SARS, taking only 20 days. The compound was named "NTU Anti-SARS No.1," and can be applied to face masks and protective clothing to destroy the virus, thereby addressing the dangerous lack of SARS fighting equipment that Taiwan's society faced at the time.

所有資源與面對的問題,來決定自己可以做出 什麼。當學生的組成不同,訓練的方式也得改 變;他舉了在華頓商學院進修時上到的例子, 「工業革命初期,工廠外圍滿了想找工作的勞 工,工頭如何挑選 ? 只需拿起桌上蘋果往外一 扔,誰搶到蘋果,誰那天就有工作。」想當然爾, 在現代社會這是個笑話,因此每一代的教育都 應該有所不同。 李世光心中最理想的教育,是能夠培養出所謂 的「T 型人才」,「T 字上面一橫,代表他們有 廣博的知識面,直的那一豎,則是在專業知識 培養所謂「T 型人才」,李世光 心中有張教育藍圖。

result in catastrophe. Academia, on the other hand,


is the exact opposite. You are there to provide just

科技成果都是多領域交融後的結晶,T 型人才

one specific piece of the puzzle and to then find out everything there is to know about that one specific piece. However, in doing this, you may run the risk of losing sight of the bigger picture. Public sector resources and contacts can often promote numerous award-winning research projects

的複合性,完全符合趨勢。 每個月科普網站都會採訪李世光,他戲稱是「說 故事」。百忙之中願意抽空,「教育就像金字塔, 基礎越寬廣,頂端就會越高」,將基礎理工原 理用日常生活中的事物舉例,就算沒有理工背 景的人也能透過思考理解,便是他所謂 T 型人

and innovative inventions, but without proper


communication skills, trust between team members


and healthy and mutual interaction, this kind of


integrated platform cannot operate. On his first day


at IBM, his manager told him, "Don't work hard, work


smart." Not long after, Lee came to realize that, "you


must work smart AND hard to do things right." Lee believes that it is possible to look through both micro

study,該如何釣魚,而且這些知識是真正有用 的。」1990 年在國科會時期,與其他幾位處長

and macro lenses. He has the tendency to sleep late


and wake early to fulfil both his duties to the public


sector and to the school. Still, Lee laughs heartily, as if his work provides him with a great enjoyment.

廣泛知識對於專業研究的助益。 個人發表過三百多篇學術論文,擁有百餘項國 內外專利,帶領過無數團隊的李世光說,「一

從科普開始做起 培養 T 型人才

個一流的研究團隊,怎麼可能沒有社會責任 ?」 從人才培育、養成,及研究團隊成果,在在顯 露出他當年放棄在美國的大好前景,回國服務

在科普網站專欄中介紹,美國甘 迺迪太空中心運輸太空梭履帶車 道上的石頭。

當然,在台大任教 20 年來,教過學生無數;親




步的方向。在研究團隊,李世光反問學生想知 道些什麼;準備了一百多頁的投影片,由他來 向學生報告,研究團隊的方向以及未來大環境 的趨勢。

050 SiliCom 2015 Summer

Training 'T-Shaped Talent' From the Fundamentals of Science


After teaching for 20 years at NTU, Lee has of


course taught countless students. As a mentor,

嗎 ?」人類社會不斷進步,工具、想法都在改變;

Lee is reputed to be approachable and direct with

身為一個 leader,永遠要思考自己所處環境、

his words, and is often involved in helping students

to find their next step. Within his research team, Lee asks students what they want to know before preparing hundreds of slides to report back to his students on the direction their research will take and trends in the greater environment. Speaking of the criticism often levelled at students that their quality decreases with every generation, Lee asks instead, "When we were young, didn't the teachers say the same about us?" Human society is continuously progressing together with the tools we use and the ideas we hold. As a leader, we must always think about the environment that we exist in, the resources that we have and the problems that we face when it comes to deciding what we can accomplish. When the composition of students is different, educational methods must also change. Lee provides an example he once heard while taking courses at the Wharton School of Business. "During the dawn of the last Industrial Revolution, the perimeter of the factory was surrounded by laborers looking for work. How should the foreman pick? All he has to do is take an apple sitting on the table, and throw it out the window. Whoever manages to catch the apple gets to work that day." Naturally, applied to modern society, this would be seen as a joke. Thus, the way in which education is provided to each generation must also differ accordingly. In C. K. Lee's mind, the most optimal education method is one that can nurture what are called T-shaped talents. The horizontal line of the T represents the idea of a T-shaped talent possessing 2

broad and extensive knowledge, while the vertical line of the T represents depth of expertise in a particular area. Lee believes that in technological advancements, advanced technological results are all crystals formed by cross-disciplinary interaction. The versatility of T-shaped talents is a complete fit for needs created by today's trends. Every month, popular science websites interview C. K. Lee, which he jokingly calls "storytelling." Always willing to find time in his schedule, Lee believes that, "education is like a pyramid, the broader the base, the higher the tip." Looking at basic engineering concepts by using examples from everyday objects and occurrences, even those without the relevant engineering background can come to an understanding through logic and reasoning. This sort of reasoning is what he sees as the source of T-shaped talent. In his free time during the day, aside from reading, C. K. Lee enjoys jogging and cycling. After having seen Lee's pleasant and cheerful side, it is hard to imagine that during high school and college, he once served as a martial arts instructor. But what he is most enthusiastic about is fishing, a skill and interest he picked up from a senior classmate while studying at Cornell. In describing this hobby, he says, "At the time, I very seriously studied everything about how to fish and the knowledge gained has been truly useful." In 1990 while at the National Science Council (NSC), his knowledge of fishing came to good use when promoting a project for the farming of Taiwan's Cobia fish. C. K. Lee's life has been a constant confirmation of the benefits that a broad and extensive knowledge base can have toward specialized researc. With over three hundred academic articles published, Lee also holds hundreds of domestic and foreign patents, and has led countless teams. He asks, "how can a first-class research team not have any social responsibility?" As demonstrated by the training and nurturing of new talent and the results of his research team, his resolve to return to Taiwan and, in doing so, give up the promise of prospects in the US, Lee's responsibility to society is still clearly evident. Lee, is a major force in taking Taiwan into the next era. C. K. Lee will play a key role in taking Taiwan into a new era.


1. 特殊的立體眼鏡,能夠將特製 漫畫內容變得立體。 2. 開朗的李世光,將繼續為台灣 科技界發展無限可能。


ĺ…ƒĺˆŠç››粞密ćŠ&#x;械董事镡兟總眓ç?† ćşŤĺ ĽĺŽ—

燒垗一手上垗了檯é?˘çš„弽č?œďźŒćœ?č†şă€Œ躍ĺ…ˆ壍ĺ?’ă€?çš„ć—Ľĺź?粞çĽžçš„ćşŤĺ ĽĺŽ—ďźŒ15 ĺš´ĺ‰?ĺ‰ľçŤ‹ă€Œĺ…ƒĺˆŠç››ă€? 粞密ćŠ&#x;械ďźŒčś…é Žä¸‰ç™žĺŽśĺť ĺ•†ĺ?ˆä˝œçš„çľ„čŁ?ĺ° čŁ?設ĺ‚™ă€‚ç§‰ćŒ č‘—俥䝝çš„夼䟴é—œäż‚ďźŒäť–說ďźŒćˆ?ĺŠ&#x;ä¸?ĺœ¨čłŁ 出多少ĺ?°ćŠ&#x;ĺ™¨ďźŒč€Œć˜Żĺ šĺ°?ĺ?°ç Łćœ‰ĺƒšĺ€źçš„事。 Only by burning one's hands can a delicious feast be prepared. Fifteen years ago, John Wing, who adheres to the Japanese spirit of "leading men into battle", established Evest Corporation, which now provides assembling equipment to more than 300 Electronics and Semiconductor 0DQXIDFWXUHV :LWK D Ă€UP FRPPLWPHQW WR VXFK SDUWQHUVKLSV -RKQ VWDWHV WKDW 6XFFHVV LVQ W LQ the number of products you sell, it is in the value that you can bring for Taiwan.' 荇辡ç•śĺˆ?剾獋的ćŠ&#x;硣ďźŒĺŽ&#x;ćœŹĺœ¨ IBM äťťč ˇçš„ćşŤĺ ĽĺŽ—ç›´č¨€ďźŒ

From one point of view, despite having extensive

ă€Œĺ š設ĺ‚™çœ&#x;çš„ĺžˆčž›č‹ŚďźŒă€?ä˝†čˆ‡永大ćŠ&#x;é›ťč‘Łäş‹é•ˇč¨ąä˝œçŤ‹ĺ…ˆ

experience working with foreign companies

ç”&#x;ĺ?ŞčŤ‡äş†ä¸€ĺ°?ć™‚ĺ°ąćąşĺŽšćŠ•ĺ…Ľć­¤ĺĄŠé ˜ĺ&#x;&#x;ă€‚ć—˘ç„śç­”ć‡‰ďźŒĺ°ąĺž—

helping foreigners marketing their products.


Making local equipment, however, helps Taiwanese

ĺš´čł‡ć­ˇďźŒĺ°?ĺ?°ç Łĺ?ťĺ?Şć˜ŻĺšŤĺ¤–ĺœ‹äşşéŠˇĺ”Žç”˘ĺ“ ďź›č€Œĺ š設ĺ‚™čƒ˝

manufacturers compete for order and promote

ĺ?”劊ĺ?°ç Łĺť ĺ•†çˆ­ĺ?–č¨‚ĺ–ŽďźŒäżƒé€˛ĺœ‹ĺ…§ç”˘ćĽ­ç™źĺą•ďźŒĺ°?ćşŤĺ ĽĺŽ—

industry growth is more meaningful. For Wing, this

䞆說ďźŒé€™ć‰?ć˜Żĺ°?ĺ?°ç Łç´Żĺž—ćœ‰ĺƒšĺ€źçš„äş‹ă€‚

is also a way to do something good for Taiwan.

ă€Œ厢ćˆśćˆ?ĺŠ&#x;ďźŒćˆ‘ĺ€‘ć‰?ćœƒćˆ?ĺŠ&#x;ă€?ć˜Żć ¸ĺżƒĺƒšĺ€źă€‚ćşŤĺ ĽĺŽ—說ďźŒ

With the core value of "We can only succeed when

ă€ŒčłşéŒ˘ďźŒä¸?ć˜ŻčłŁä¸€ĺ?°čłşä¸€ĺ?°ďźŒă€?ćœ‰厢ćˆśĺ?ˆĺ›žé ­č˛ˇäť–çš„ćŠ&#x;

our customers do so", John declares that, "Making

ĺ?°ć™‚ďźŒç§ ä¸‹ĺ‘Šč¨´ćşŤĺ ĽĺŽ—說ĺ? ĺˆ†ĺžŒć‚”ďźŒă€Œĺ› ç‚şć—ĽćœŹč¨­ĺ‚™ĺ•† çš„ćŠ&#x;ĺ™¨ć˛’ćœ‰äťťä˝•äž‹ĺ¤–čŚ?ĺ‰‡ďźŒä˝†ă€Žĺ…ƒĺˆŠç››ă€?ĺ?ťĺ?Żé…?ĺ?ˆä¸?ĺ?Œ 厢ćˆśéœ€ćą‚ďźŒă€?富用的塎ç•°ć€§äžżĺœ¨ć­¤ĺą•ç?žă€‚近嚴䞆厢ćˆś é€?é Žĺ…ƒĺˆŠç››ĺ?”ĺŠŠďźŒćŽĽä¸‹ĺŒ…ć‹ŹĺžŽčť&#x; XBOX ONE〠SONY PS4 的鍔ć„&#x;樥çľ„č¨‚ĺ–ŽďźŒéƒ˝ć˜ŻĺťŁçľ?ĺ–„硣。

Discussing his initial experiences establishing the business, John Wing, who used to work at IBM, bluntly states that, 'Making equipment is difficult.' However, the talk with Jimmy C.L. Hsu, the chairman of Yungtay Engineering Co. Ltd convinced him to join the "equipment making" business. And he gets things done as promised.

money is not merely about selling an item to turn a profit". Whenever a customer coming back for new orders, John always receives the customers' voice "because there are no flexible rules to the machines of Japanese equipment manufacturers, but Evest is." However, Evest Corporation must meet the needs of different customers. From this, flexibility and variety in use become apparent. The customers who have Evest Corporation assistance in recent years, have manufactured Microsoft XBOX ONE or SONY PS4 and has built good relationship with EVEST too.

Success Doesn't Need to Involve Me ćˆ?ĺŠ&#x;ä¸?ĺż…ĺœ¨ćˆ‘ 052 SiliCom 2015 Summer

文Carlos Yuană€€ĺœ–ďźŽ Anew Chen


日式精神 身先士卒 自創立始,與日方有著密切合作,讓溫健宗去學 日文,了解日本文化。他舉例,其實現代企業, 和日本江戶時代的藩主體系,如出一轍;經營者 是藩主、下面的藩士當然就是員工,正如企業領 導人及員工間關係,讓溫健宗養成「身先士卒」

John can be seen participating in all kinds of company activities, always choosing to personally stand at "the front lines." He advises to "avoiding bureaucracy, doing things yourself, and leading your employees are all beneficial for the whole company." Since the transfer of related-techniques from Japan, the disparity has become considerably large. One cannot


expect to obtain all the techniques. However, the


important thing is that your own group sufficiently


prepares for the next step.

手,帶動員工風氣,對整體企業文化是好事。」 從日本進行相關技術移轉,落差其實相當大, 溫健宗對各種運動都充滿興趣與 熱情。

不可能期望取得完整技術。重要的是本身團隊 要做足準備,跟上腳步。

The Japanese Spirit of Leading Men into Battle

施展長才 留住「人」才 人才,是「元利盛」成功最重要資產。從延聘、 開發到留住人才,溫健宗有自己一套哲學。直言 1

或許在薪資待遇比不上如台積電等一線大廠,但 他強調,「理念」相同、從事研發而非製造,讓

John has always maintained a close collaborative



employee families to establish a spontaneous and

relationship with Japan, even learning Japanese



warm relationship with the company. By personally

to better understand its culture. Wing mentions


Retaining and Making Good Use of Talent

able to understand and record expectations and

that modern corporations are structured just like the feudal systems of Japan's Edo period. Managers are the feudal lords while those underneath are the employees. This relationship between business leaders and employees has 凡事身先士卒,是溫健宗希望給 員工的好風氣。

prompted Wing to evoke the spirit of "leading men into battle."

出的人才。 具體來說,溫健宗希望「元利盛」營造出大家 庭的情感。有了藍圖,員工才會對公司有信心, 自然願意留下來一起努力;定期舉辦家庭感恩

Talent is Evest Corporation's most important resource


for success. John Wing holds a personal philosophy


for developing and retaining talent. To be blunt,


perhaps the salary of its employees cannot compare

合日式與美式,再加上屬於台灣本土的親切感, 是「元利盛」最獨具的企業風格。 溫 健 宗 參 與 選 才 的 auditing, 對 他 而 言, 誠 信絕對是最重要的基本要求,「每一間大企業

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation. However, he stresses that the concept is all the same. It's in research and development instead

recommendations of the employees. These types of productive interactions not only integrate both


but also include the friendly warmth of Taiwan. This is the most unique aspect of Evest Corporation's


management style. In the auditing of talents, John Wing believes that

大機電工業 ( 股 ) 公司 副總經理。

honesty is the most important element. "All large

John Wing

companies prioritize honesty," he says. Honesty

John Wing is currently the Chairman and CEO of Evest Corporation. He holds a Master's from Case Western Reserve University. He has previously held the positions of systems engineering manager at IBM Taiwan, industrial manager, and Vice President at Yung Tay Engineering Co..

eliminates the need for the company to worry about the personal integrity of employees, allowing Taking responsibility is also extremely important.

the company and workplace must be harmonious.

"Some people will say this is within my sphere of

Managers should not put on an air of superiority.

responsibility; if it's not my job, I won't do it. But

They should have a natural line of communication


most of the time, responsibility cannot be so clearly

with workers. These conditions have enabled the

divided." John Wing says that if you encounter


company to retain and cultivate talent.

a problem, you should take it upon yourself to


Specifically, John hopes that Evest Corporation is

come up with a solution. You also shouldn't rely on


able to invoke the atmosphere of a large family. Only

managers to instruct your every move. This way,


with this blueprint can employees believe in their

nothing will ever get done.


company and become naturally willing to put in their

The actual skill of this talent lies in the ability to see


hard work. Also, regularly holding parties allows

future trends, to plan and implement strategies,


事長兼總經理。美國 士,曾任職台灣 IBM

everyone's energy to focus on their profession.


精密機械 ( 股 ) 公司董


necessary to thrive. Furthermore, the environment of



Japanese and American styles of management,

of manufacturing that talent is given the space


054 SiliCom 2015 Summer

to those offered by top-tier manufacturers, such as

speaking with all the main departments, John is


1. 溫健宗領導的元利盛,帶著日 式企業文化。

自 1999 年元利盛精密 機械成立之初,溫健 宗便擔任總經理,負

and to take the necessary precautions to prepare for possible risks. Stressing team collaboration rather than individualism with the motto, "The team is always stronger than the individual", is a way to ensure that the team shares the glory.

溫健宗對生活的體現;從史地、文化乃至於藝 術等領域,都有獨到見解。推薦台南文化之旅,

good balance between work and home life.


Reflecting on his life, he is most grateful to the chairman of Yungtay Engineering, Mr. Hsu Zuoli, as well as the co-founder of Acer and chairman of InveStar Capital, Mr. Tai Chung-Ho. "Without their support and faith, there would have been no way that the equipment industry could have had a place in Taiwan." In the eyes of his colleagues at Evest Corporation, this is Wing's perfect interpretation of the phrase, "Life is just like a company."

募培育,尖端設備核 心技術建制以及日常


兼任董事長職。元利 盛精密機械以「客戶 成功才是公司最終評 斷」做為營運信念。

允文允武的溫健宗生活單純,週末是留給家庭。 自己喜愛下廚的他,假日也是早起上市場採買 食材,為家人料理出一道道美味。就連近三十

Since the establishment of Evest Corporation in 1999, John Wing has served as CEO whilst overseeing the company's business strategy, team recruitment and training, the creation of core skills for operation of the sophisticated equipment and everyday operations. He began to serve as Chairman in 2012. Evest Corporation operates under the notion that, "the company's success is judged by the success of its customers."

人的家族聚會,也都能一手包辦。曾在尾牙宴 上親自製作關東煮給員工享用,「最後發現剩 下的高湯,都被餐廳人員打包了。」可見廚藝 真有兩把刷子。

說古蹟歷史,還熟門熟路地吃遍三間米其林星 級餐廳。「資訊上網找,邊找邊整理進行消化, 就成為我知識的後盾。」 學生時代就喜歡運動,溫健宗說,籃球、棒、 壘球等團體運動,無形中也是一種加強領導能 力與團隊合作的訓練,對公司運作有益。最近 與兒子一同瘋美式足球,週末也會帶著兒子去 打球;工作與生活的平衡,拿捏的恰到好處。 回首一路走來,溫健宗最感謝的還是永大機電 的許作立董事長,以及前宏碁共同創辦人、旭 揚管顧董事長邰中和先生,「沒有他們支持與 信任,無法在台灣設備廠佔有一席之地。」和 人分享光環,正是「元利盛」同仁眼中「生活 幾乎就是公司」的溫健宗,最完美的詮釋。

Culinary Arts for a Good Life

對生活各層面,溫健宗都有自 己的獨到研究與見解。

056 SiliCom 2015 Summer

in the kitchen. Regarding life, John has come to the realization that history, culture, art, and other fields all offer unique insight. Recommending cultural travel in Tainan, he often acts as a tour guide for his friends from Kyoto. Aside from explaining historical monuments, he also guides friends to his 3 favorite local Michelin Gourmets. "I find the information online. Browsing while arranging before digesting has become a source of knowledge." When he was a student, Wing liked to play sports. He says that basketball, baseball, softball and other team sports are ways of improving leadership qualities and team collaboration, all which benefit a company. More recently, Wing and his son have become fans of American football. On weekends, he takes his son to play ball. Indeed, he has found a


營運責任;2012 年起

the kitchen workers." He clearly has quite some skill

The easygoing John lives a simple life. He spends his weekends with his family. In particular, he loves to cook. Even on holidays, he gets up early to go to the market and buy ingredients to prepare a delicious meal for his family. Even serving the nearly 30 members of his extended family, he's able to take care of it all himself. At an end of year banquet, he once made a Japanese oden soup for his employees to share but, "In the end, all that was left was clear soup. The rest had been taken home by

自己規劃行程帶著好友出遊日 本,有著快樂的回憶。

溫健宗出現在工廠內,員工可一 點也不意外。


對生活和藝術充滿熱情和創見的「岱嵐創建」 副總楊晴嵐,嘗試以當代藝術手法,一如打造 高級訂製服般,賦予居家「潘朵拉精靈盒子」 的驚喜;大面積落地窗、環繞曲線的陽台,寬 敞舒適,和多元層次的藍色調,她笑著說,「歡 迎入住藍色島嶼。」

藍色幻象 楊晴嵐大膽地透過,不同材質反射、不同配比, 各具功能的藍,傳遞想像;讓光譜中不同波長的 藍色系,暈染整個空間,創造出一種平靜和放 鬆。中軸走道將 50 坪空間分割成兩部分,從開


放公共空到最私密的臥室,一氣呵成。藍色像基 底的畫布貫穿室內;義大利 Bisazza 馬賽克多 層次藍色鋪成的地面與牆、藍寶石石材的廚房中 島與櫃體、藍絲絨沙發,帶著一種隱形的秩序 與邏輯,精緻而當代。餐廳崁入弧形凹槽天花, 維納爾·潘頓 (Verner Panton) 在 1964 年設計的 Fun 系列吊燈,薄如翅膀,宛如浮動在空中的 貝殼,發出風鈴聲,讓人沉澱疲累心情。

穿透三度空間 主臥室以深色系 Bisazza 玻璃馬賽克磚,藍色 水波紋絨布床架、如同置身湛藍地中海,床緣 線形鉚釘增添異國風情。 浴 室 的 Bisazza 玻 璃 馬 賽 克 壁 畫「 東 方 飛 翔

What A Wonderful iLAND 住進藍色島嶼

文.Eddie 圖.岱嵐建設

(China Bird)」, 是 設 計 師 Marco Braga 的 精心傑作。 起居間法國名設計師帕威爾· 古魯 (Pawel Grunert) 的環保傢俱座椅 (Sie 43 PET Bottle Seat),藍色如花的造型,多了一處安全 私密的角落。



藝術營造律動 將藝術創作應用在室內的創新手法。小孩房 ( 或 做為書房、客房使用 ) 以白為主,客製青綠色布








帕威爾·古魯設計,內鑲鮮豔黃色小球的不銹鋼 網椅,對比而戲謔。《岱嵐 ILAND》概念實品屋,

學歷:日本東京早稻 田大學企業管理碩士、






在這裡,歡迎盡情揮灑多彩的熱情。藝術融入居室?寶特瓶變成椅子?不妥協的 45 度斜

笑說,「我是處女座啦 !」


角拼貼與弧線施工準確度 ?《岱嵐 ILAND》概念實品屋,透過材質和空間的規畫,環繞在 色彩和光影層次中,打破一般住家的侷限,帶領生活進入精緻而當代的氛圍。 058 SiliCom 2015 Summer

建築設計學士 1. 主臥室的藍色水波紋絨布床架讓人如同置身於湛藍的地中海。 2. 布幔的延伸為小孩房帶來更多流動感。 3. 浴室中的馬賽克磚,給人無限想像空間。 4. ILAND 概念實品屋外觀夜景。

現任:岱嵐建設有限 公司 ( 岱嵐創建 ) 副總 經理


DISCO 台灣副總經理 黑瀨康令

Wind up & Swing, a Japanese Home Run


adventurous and international spirit.


As the output value of the international


semiconductor industry continues to rise,


companies are met with rapid changes and intense competition. To increase competitiveness

DISCO 國際精神。

in response to the fierce competition in an


international market, partnerships with international


semiconductor equipment manufacturers to jointly


develop applied technologies and manufacturing


processes, so as to create new value for their


product, has been a widely adopted strategy

1937 年以研磨切割刀具起家、掌握全球市場佔 有率 70%的日系半導體設備供應商 DISCO,是

within the industry. DISCO, is a Japanese semiconductor equipment


supplier that first started producing abrasive


cutting tools in 1937, and is now controlling 70%

DISCO 於 2007 年成立了台灣分公司,更為提 升對台灣客戶的服務品質,也決定自 2015 年 4 月 1 日起,在台的銷售業務、應用工程、售後

從小打棒球的黑瀨康令,基本功 到現在都沒忘記。


growing semiconductor market in Taiwan,


DISCO established a branch in Taiwan in 2007.


To further improve the customer service quality


provided to their Taiwanese clientele, DISCO

越的一大步。他表示,「2007 年台灣分公司成

also decided that starting from April 1st, 2015, all customer services relating to marketing and sales, applied engineering, aftermarket service and

研究機關及 IC 設計公司、晶圓廠等上游業者合

maintenance, supplies and parts inventory and


distribution, would be handled by the Taiwanese


branch company, DISCO Hi-Tec Taiwan Co., Ltd..

前 DISCO 已積極拓展與台灣的大專院校、研究

Kurose admits that this is the greatest challenge

機構或其他 IC 設計公司、晶圓廠之技術合作機

文.Sabrina Lee 攝影.陳威文

060 SiliCom 2014 Sep

"In 2007, when establishing the Taiwan branch,

而現今半導體產業變動劇烈,難以預測,黑瀨 康令認為 2015 年半導體封測、LED 等相關領

in addition to servicing existing customers, the


mission we wanted to accomplish was create

DISCO 的成長動能也將集中在此兩大相關領

黑 瀨 康 令,1973 年

institutes, IC design companies and similar



upstream industry partners, to spread out the



KIRU ( cutting )、 KEZURU ( grinding )、


打過棒球的人都知道,當你手握球棒,心中唯一想的就是「判斷,然後揮棒」,熱愛棒球的 DISCO 台灣 Anyone who has played baseball before knows that when you're holding the bat, the only thing on your mind is, "Decide, then swing." Through the implementation of a new customer-oriented business model, the baseball-loving Vice President of DISCO Hi-Tec Taiwan Company., Ltd., Yasunori Kurose, hopes to be able WR PRUH GLUHFWO\ DQG DFFXUDWHO\ SURYLGH WKH FRPSDQ\ V 7DLZDQHVH FXVWRPHU EDVH ZLWK ÁH[LEOH DQG UDSLG support.

of his life, and it is also a huge leap. He stated,




therefore become a key player in this industry. To improve customer service quality in a rapidly



of the global semiconductor market and has

DISCO is a Japanese semiconductor equipment supplier known for their expertise with KIRU ( cutting )、 KEZURU ( grinding )、 MIGAKU (polishing) processes. Through a company culture of communication, and a value system emphasizing selflessness and inclusiveness, DISCO has grown to have a responsible,

熱愛棒球與高爾夫, 育有二子。

Kurose Yasunori Born in 1973, currently the Taiwan area Vice President of the Japanese company DISCO, loves baseball and golf, has two sons.

a greater amount of cooperation with research

MIGAKU(polishing) techniques from DISCO." Currently, DISCO has actively developed partnerships with Taiwanese universities, research institutes, and other IC design companies, wafer foundries to develop innovative manufacturing processes. With the dramatic changes that have occurred within the semiconductor industry recently, it has become difficult to predict what will happen


黑瀨康令希望帶領台灣分公司,揮出 令人印象深刻的全壘打。

next. Kurose believes that developments in

行溝通,最終希望將員工導向對 DISCO 價值與

semiconductor closed beta testing and LED

信念的認同,這價值與信念正是 ---「透過 KIRU

related markets will be highly anticipated in 2015.


Therefore, DISCO's growth can be targeted at these two primary industries, increasing the distribution of service and quality staff within these two areas to provide a first line of response to customer needs in a more timely fashion.

價值信念造就 DISCO 人

且舒服的生活。」 此 一 信 念 也 正 是 DISCO 的 社 會 使 命 「Mission」。DISCO 為此還特別設定了 2011 至 2020 年 階 段 性 的 願 景 里 程 碑『VISION

2020』,其中除了量化的目標,更希望利用 DISCO 所研發的最先進切、削、磨技術來滿足 客戶需求。而兩年前甫調任台灣的黑瀨康令更希

面對變化,懼怕是本能。黑瀨康令直言 4 月 1 日

望可以將台灣打造成可以實現 DISCO mission

的營運模式切換對 DISCO 員工是很大的挑戰,





強 !」黑瀨康令認為不同年代、不同出生地,都



DISCO 合作能帶來更高的價值,也期望透過這





然,DISCO 會努力提供人才持續成長的環境,

而 這 些 理 想 能 否 達 成, 完 全 取 決 於 人。 在


Whether or not these ideals can be achieved,

DISCO 一望無際的辦公空間裡洋溢著一股不太





感覺臺灣年輕人(至少 DISCO 的年輕人)的國

事,也曾在日本大型建設公司與 DISCO 人事部


門歷練過的黑瀨康令表示,DISCO 花很多時間






DISCO 的 企 業 文 化 中 不 斷 強 調 的 DISCO Values,著重全員思考。經營者思考:以何種想 法經營公司?員工思考:「DISCO 是為何而存 在? DISCO 的成長是什麼?應以何種態度投入 工作?」期望透過與員工共享思考的方式凝聚共 識,讓員工與公司朝向更好更茁壯的方向邁進。

DISCO Values 是跨越國界的。DISCO 總公司 雖在日本,但在世界各據點如台灣、美國、中 國與歐洲等國,也都進行著相同的思想教育。 黑瀨康令說明 DISCO 總公司每年有一次經理級 會議,目的在討論 DISCO Values,也花許多 時間進行價值再造。而在各地分公司,也透過

workshop 讓經營者與員工互相討論,或是派遣

062 SiliCom 2015 Summer


in Japan, all branch offices around the world in

DISCO Values 是迪思科的企業

depends entirely on the people involved. The

locations such as Taiwan, USA, China, and Europe


spacious office and working areas seen at DISCO,

undergo the same type of thinking training. Kurose

create an atmosphere strikingly different from that

explains that there is a high level management

typically found at Japanese companies. There is

meeting once a year at the headquarters where

more freedom, brightness and liveliness. There

the goal is to discuss DISCO Values and a

is also less of a sense of distance between the

great deal of time is also spent on recreating

interactions of Kurose and the employees. Kurose,

values. Furthermore, at each branch company,

2015 年 4 月 1 日 啟

who majored in human resources at college and

management also exchanges ideas and values

動直營模式對 DISCO

also has had a large amount of human resources

with employees through workshops or sends


experience during his time at a large Japanese

employees to Japan for exchange meetings. "In


construction company, states that, "DISCO spends

short, communicate with each other."


Faced with change, fear is a natural response.

a lot of time making the company better, which can

Having once spent over 5 years in Shanghai,

Kurose bluntly states the operation mode switch

create quite a challenge for human resources but

Kurose recognizes that the nurturing of culture and

on April 1st created a huge challenge to DISCO

is also considerably attractive."

shaping of values can not be made overnight, nor

employees. It is also easy to imagine the large

In DISCO's company culture, DISCO Values

within a short period of time. Therefore, DISCO

number of challenges the future will hold. For

are constantly emphasized. That is, to focus on

has invested a large amount of time engaging in

this, the company has not only increased the

comprehensive thinking. What kind of thought

communication, hoping that in the end, employees

amount of manpower, but Kurose also expects

process does management consider should be

will ultimately be guided towards, and come to

that employees within the company can have

used to manage the company? Employees think,

have faith in, the DISCO Values. These values

more autonomy with their ideas and responses

"Why does DISCO exist? What growth can be

and beliefs, "through the three types of techniques

to help the customer feel more directly that their

achieved for DISCO? What kind of attitude should I

of KIRU ( cutting )、 KEZURU ( grinding )、

Values and Faith created DISCO

partnership with DISCO can bring greater value.

put into my work?" It is hoped that through thought

MIGAKU(polishing), help the relatively far away


Furthermore, it is also expected that through this

sharing methods between employees to cultivate

advanced technology bring humanity wealthy and


process of directly reporting the needs of clients

consensus, the employees and company can both

comfortable lives."


back to the research and development units in

set out in a better, more robust direction.

This belief is also DISCO's social mission. For


Japan, an overall increase in communication

DISCO Values is something that crosses national

this purpose, DISCO even specially created a

間可成,所以 DISCO 投入很多時間去做、去進

efficiency can be seen.

borders. Although the DISCO headquarters are

milestone plaque titled "VISION 2020," depicting, in

考與應對,讓客戶直 接 感 受 到 與 DISCO 合作能帶來更高的 價值。 The April 1st, 2015 change to a direct operations mode creates a great challenge for DISCO. Kurose hopes that the members of their organization can grow to independently think and respond to challenges, so that customers can feel that partnering with DISCO can bring greater value.


擁有多元經歷的背景,讓黑瀨康令勇 於接受挑戰。

phases, their vision for 2011 to 2020. In the VISION, aside from quantitative targets, they also wish to utilize their R&D’s cutting, grinding, and polishing technology to meet the needs of customers. Kurose, who was transferred to Taiwan two years ago, further wishes that he can mold the Taiwan branch into one that can best fulfill the DISCO mission. "My job is to create an environment in which employees can slowly grow stronger!" Kurose believes that being born in a different generation, or a different place, gives one a certain kind of personality and ideals, but the mentality and attitude of a person is the most important thing. Therefore, during recruiting, he pays special attention to whether the individual agrees with the companies values. Are they willing to work hard together? "Of course, DISCO will strive to provide an environment which supports continuous growth, and train each individual equally." In his two years of experience in Taiwan, he has been amazed by how much Taiwanese youth demand of themselves in terms of continuous improvement. They are also responsible and hard

working. He also strongly believes that in general,


outside of the company, business developments

the youth of Taiwan (at least the ones at DISCO)


and changes mean that we are also faced with

have a much better international outlook and have

黑瀨康令說他很幸運地透過在 DISCO 公司換

changes in interpersonal relationships. I hope


that everyone refrains from making preemptive

better language skills than in China and Japan. Furthermore, they are also diligent in regards to self-development, they possess an international mindset, and can take action. "Perhaps this is because the semiconductor industry is an international one, and that has in some sense influenced the international outlook and values of the younger generation in Taiwan."

一群人為達成共同目標而努力;而當他接觸到 日本以外的文化習慣與思考方式,透過一次次 的衝突學習適應調整,他驚訝於那一趟趟發現 的旅程竟為他的生命帶來了更多包容與多樣 性,這令他欣喜的收穫不僅被他收藏在一隻隻

assumptions, and considers things from other people’s perspectives when interacting with line "first to understand, then to be understood," from the book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People to encourage employees to bravely confront the future. Having experienced countless failures in life,


his love of sports and sportsmanship has taught



him to believe that, "things in the past can't be


A Love of Hard Work and Passion

changed. When met with failure, the first thing you do is reflect on your mistakes and find a way to make up for it." He modestly expresses

細化;而當市場從手機端產品向網際網路與物 Competition in the semiconductor industry

that he isn't really that successful, but that he

is fierce, and is bound to become more

was influenced by his father, "in regards to

refined. When the market development shifts

things that you set your mind to, and things

from mobile phones toward the internet and

that must be done. Just work hard until you

product network, the market will also become

reach your goal." After having worked hard, or

broader. Faced with such a trend, DISCO has

when about to flip the book to a new chapter

continuously improved their thinning capabilities

to continue the struggle all over again, he likes

while developing laser technologies. Further,

to buy himself a nice watch as a pat on the

due to having encountered strict customer

back. When he was transferred from Shanghai

requirements, Kurose hopes to realize and

to Taiwan, he gave himself a nice watch which

implement within the company the three

combined Italian design with Swiss watch

principles he adheres to for both work and his

making technology, subtly revealing Kurose’s


personal life; that is to be honest, modest, and

great expectations of his mission in Taiwan.


upright. Of these three, uprightness is a core

Kurose says that he has been extremely


value of DISCO. It isn't about who is correct, but

fortunate to have seen the world through the

200 多名員工一起開創未來。「商流的變更,

what is correct. Kurose hopes that instead of

experience of DISCO sending him to work


preemptively making assumptions when looking

in different places. Although the purpose at


at an issue, employees can utilize personal

each location and for each transfer is always

judgment to come to a resolution based on

the same, what makes him the happiest is that

facts. He believes that this sort of open-minded

no matter which location he goes to, he can

thinking can hold a great amount of possibilities,

strive to achieve the same goal with a group of

carrying DISCO toward a bigger and brighter

people. Having been exposed to cultural habits


and ways of thinking outside of Japan, and after

Although young for his position, Kurose has a

wave of culture clashes and adjustments, he

diverse range of experiences under his belt.

has been surprised to find that each trip has

聯網方向發展時,市場也會愈來愈寬廣,面對 此一趨勢,DISCO 不斷精進提升薄化加工技術 與發展雷射精密加工技術,也為因應愈見嚴格 的客戶要求,黑瀨康令希望在公司落實他自己 無論工作或私人的 3 大原則—誠實, 謙遜、公 正。其中,公正是 DISCO 的一套中心思想: 康令期望員工在思考事情時不要預設立場,而 能要求自己依照事實判斷事情,他認為這種

open mind 的思考足以容納很多的可能,讓 DISCO 朝向更寬廣的未來。

的立場思考,也不要畏懼失敗。」他更以《與 成功有約》一書中所提到的「先理解才會被理 解」鼓勵員工勇敢面對未來。 人生曾經經歷不計其數的失敗,熱愛運動的球 員本色卻屢屢讓他採取「過去的事無法改變, 失敗後先反省,並找出修正與彌補的方法」的 正向思維。他謙虛地表示自己並不算成功,只


them, and to not fear failure." He further uses the



064 06 0 64 SSili SiliCom Sil i iC ili Co Com om o m2 20 2015 015 1 Mayy


Still, he admits that at this most difficult point of

added to and given him a greater appreciation


his life, he hopes to create an environment in

for diversity and tolerance. This delightful


which everyone can jointly make great efforts.

surprise was not only commemorated by him


An environment in which the company, with

with a nice watch, but also follows him into each


now over 200 employees, can create a future

different chapter of his life, becoming a unique


together. "Whether it be within the company or

style over the years.


1. 這些獎座,都是黑瀨康令人生的 軌跡。 2. 高爾夫球也是黑瀨康令熱愛的運 動之一。


美酒、美味與創意料理,隱身法國葡萄酒鄉波爾多名莊內的米其林二星餐廳,靜謐而愜意。 或是,循著蜿蜒小路走進峇里島最具標誌性的度假療癒會所,來一場修養之旅。 如果這些還不足以讓你放下身心,戒掉那些不良習慣, 且聽專家 2015 年的健康、健身、養生趨勢報告。

Customize a Healthy Life 訂做美好人生

066 SiliCom 2015 Summer



Balance the Mind, Body & Soul 養身靜心 智者之丘 文.Stephie Chiu 圖.Como Shambhala Estate



真正的度假或許更像是場修行,不是暫且歇息, 而是從挖掘潛藏內心的正面能量開始,放鬆身 體、再鍛鍊身體,收放之間,找回與自然韻律 的和諧共處。也因此,不同於峇里島上多數以

SPA 為主的度假飯店,只短暫放鬆了身體,位 在智者之丘(Begawan Giri)山中的 COMO Shambhala Estate 從內到外,從環境、飲食 到活動全方面的關照,並依照每個人的獨特量 身打造修身養心之旅,讓此處不僅屢次拿下最 佳住宿、最佳 SPA、最佳瑜珈修習地等國際獎 項,也體現了梵語 Shambhala 所指的:一個 平和、寧靜的理想國度之原型。

禪宗的修行之處,如今成為現代人修養身心的聖地。循著蜿 蜒小路走入傳說中的智者之丘,隸屬於 COMO 集團旗下最 具標誌性的度假療癒會所 COMO Shambhala Estate,為 身、心、靈訂做一場專屬的療癒與修養之旅。

068 SiliCom 2015 Summer

1. COMO Shambhala Estate 體現了梵語 Shambhala 所指的: 一個平和、寧靜的理想國度之原型。 2. 在這,為身、心、靈訂做一場專屬的療癒與修養之旅。

FEATURE 1-3. COMO Shambhala Estate 除了住宿、SPA 外,包括瑜珈、皮 拉提斯、氣功、冥想、攀岩、泛舟、 網球等各種課程,都有專業的教練 或師傅在此指導。 4. 重視每個人的獨特性,針對每 個人的不同規劃出最適合的身心療 程,還包含專屬健康菜單。




位 於 峇 里 島 烏 布(Ubud) 北 邊, 智 者 之 丘


(Begawan Giri)相傳曾是禪宗修習之處,位 處熱帶,終年常綠,且位置十分獨特,同時擁






的美譽。最初,英國珠寶大亨 Gardner 夫婦因



將近 1,200 噸的天然石材建構出這間別墅型住



Koichiro Ikebuchi 共同打造飯店,耗時九年時








「親土」則具有爪哇古皇室的宮廷風格,許多 通往飯店的路狹窄且巔頗,越往前越是人煙稀





面越來越窄小,而後突然豁然開朗,來到飯店 所在。入口隱密、低調,沒有醒目的招牌,淨


白樸實的大門設計,襯著滿眼綠意,格外舒心。 當初 Gandner 夫婦與建築師在打造這間飯店 時,即希望建築能與環境融為一體,尊重自然



一開始就以完整的健康、養生概念 理念,並以



2,500 棵樹木、各式花卉與灌木等,而後才開

獨特性,認為無論是 SPA 或活動課程都不該制



諧共處的建築,COMO Shambhala Estate 從




專屬健康菜單。諮商性的養生理療成為 COMO

Shambhala Estate 最大的特色,將量身訂製




供從短期的 3 晚、5 晚或 7 晚養生計畫,到長





慢慢的跟著緩慢下來,感受自身內在的步調。 佔地 23 畝,只建造了五棟度假住宅、四棟私人






名為風吟(Bayuglta, Windsong)、淨水(Tirta


Ening, Clear Water )、 火 鳴(Tejasuara, Sound of Fire )、 霧 林(Wanakasa, the Mist ) 與 親 土(Umabona, House of the Earth)。

日三餐則是以在地有機食材製作,並且不定期 會邀請各領域的大師客座,帶領旅人們渡過長 達幾週的課程,曾規劃過瑜珈週、靜修週、強 身健體周、舒壓減重週等,無論是想要鍛鍊體 魄或靜心養身皆可。在這裡的一小段旅行時光,


070 SiliCom 2015 Summer








圖.Dandy House

1986 年在日本正式成立的 Dandy House 專業男士美容美體沙龍,根據科學理 論首創「三段燃脂瘦身法」,利用音波震動的急速震燃和桑拿蒸氣加速細胞脂 肪、皮下脂肪、內臟脂肪的有效燃燒,號稱「躺著也能運動」的情況下,同時 消除橘皮組織、體脂肪,塑造健美體態。另外除了瘦身還有美顏、除毛等男性 療程,讓都會男士改善、解決肥胖困擾。Dandy House 揮軍台灣,以健康、 療癒的日系美容美體沙龍,不讓女性 SPA 專美於前,為現代男性魅力加分! Dandy House SOGO 台北敦南店 電話:02-2775-2848 地址:台北市敦化南路一段 246 號 太平洋 Sogo 敦化館店 5F 官網


Purely Food & Wine 純粹的人情與風土 文.Stephie Chiu ⺀圖.Relais & Chateaux

相較於大城市裡的米其林餐廳,隱身於歐洲莊園、小鎮內的米其林更具在地風情與滋味,米其 林二星餐廳 Château Cordeillan-Bages 即為其一,隱身在法國葡萄酒之鄉波爾多的四級名莊 內,四周葡萄田環繞,享受道地美酒、新鮮食材與創意料理共舞,靜謐愜意。

072 SiliCom 2015 Summer


1. Château Cordeillan-Bages 行 政主廚羅夏 Jean-Luc Rocha。 2. 平衡、和諧的美食,是這裡最吸 引人之處。 3. 以傳統法國菜發想,再做創新變 化的新菜單。


Château Cordeillan-Bages 是在前任主廚馬克 斯(Thierry Marx)領導下獲得二星殊榮,在他 離職之後,由原本的行政主廚羅夏(Jean-Luc Rocha)擔任主廚,維持二星殊榮至今。





去曾待過維也納 La Pyramide 餐廳,2005 年來


到 Château Cordeillan-Bages 擔任馬克斯的左 葡萄酒講究風土,美食亦然,於米其林二星餐 廳 Château Cordeillan-Bages 的 用 餐 體 驗 絕 對令人難忘,自然的氣息、葡萄酒園、17 世紀

在 Château Cordeillan-Bages, 絕不需擔心沒有好酒。

氛寧靜親切,葡萄藤蔓在經心照料下默默成長, 準備著下一次的豐收。


職後接手獨自掌廚。他於 2007 年時獲頒法國餐






受 完 全 是 種 自 然 的 日 常 習 慣。 飯 店 Château

17 世紀的優雅古堡

Cordeillan-Bages 的 主 人 就 是 此 處 極 為 有 名 的 Lynch Bages 酒 莊 莊 主 Cazes 家 族。 Chateau Lynch Bages 為波爾多第五級酒莊,

Château Cordeillan-Bages 位於法國葡萄酒之 鄉波爾多內,五大產區之一梅多克(Medoc)


右手,任職行政總主廚,並於 2010 年馬克斯離


藝 師(MOF, Meilleur Ouvrier de France)。 前任主廚馬克斯定調餐廳風格,仔細研究當地

過羅夏也有自己獨到的見解,他不那麼喜歡分 子料理,而是結合傳統知識與技術,喜歡平衡、


和諧的美食,沒有廢話與多餘的裝飾,只為料理 注入一點點幻想與成熟的感覺。由於餐廳位在大 海與田野之間,於是他偏愛將海鮮與肉類結合,



葡萄評論家 OzClarke 曾讚譽 Chateau Lynch

口(Fironde Estuary)僅有 1.5 公里,餐廳隸 屬於同名飯店 Château Cordeillan-Bages,由

Bages 的葡萄酒陳年 5 年即有著令人印象深刻 的酒體,陳年 10 年將充滿迷人韻味,20 年後 則成為讓人無法抗拒的優質葡萄酒。1973 年起 由 Jean-Michel Cazes 經營管理,他不僅將酒

團 羅 萊 夏 朵(RELAIS & CHATEAUX), 以 及法國頂級餐廳刊物 Les Grandes Tables du

17 世紀古堡改建而成,富有歷史的建築經過整







才有 Château Cordeillan-Bages 餐廳的誕生。





Château CordeillanBages 擁有佔地兩公頃的 葡萄園,飯店內僅有 28 個房間,大廳為為傳統







的心臟地帶中,葡萄酒名莊聚集的波亞克村 (Pauillac)。環境優美迷人,距離吉倫特河

Château Cordeillan-Bages 除 了 獲 得 米 其 林 二星肯定,也獲選加入法國知名的精品酒店集



074 SiliCom 2015 Summer

FEATURE 1. 這裡的菜單都與品酒師一起研 究、討論,確定菜單能與葡萄酒之 間完美搭配。 2. 悠閒的在這享受美食,無疑是人 生一大快事!


與名酒、美食的近距離接觸 由於餐廳所在地區就是一處寶庫,因此除了品 嘗美食、美酒之外,探訪鄰近的知名酒莊如一 級酒莊慕同酒堡(Ch.Mouton-Rothschild)、 拉 斐 酒 堡(Ch.Lafite-Rothshild)、 拉 圖 酒 堡 (Ch.Latour)等。卡茲家族將貝奇村(Village

of Bages) 經 營 成 美 食 美 酒 之 村, 包 含 一 間 麵包坊、兒童遊戲區、葡萄酒與餐桌藝術商店

用心慢食 (Mindful Eating)






NDP Group 美國市調組織發現,







測等)因 Apple Watch 開賣達到

營養師與暢銷作家 Joy McCarthy




令人感到愉悅。」 Joy McCarthy








(Bages Bazaar)、概念商店、小咖啡館(Le Café Lavinal)等,其中咖啡館還請來米其林二 星主廚 Ludovic 掌理,店內許多獨創的甜點值 得一試。 想 跟 美 酒、 美 食 更 多 親 近 的 話, Château Cordeillan-Bages 餐廳內也特設小型烹飪班, 由主廚羅夏親自授課,每堂課均包含一道主菜以




訣竅。鄰近也有一間葡萄酒學校(The Cercle Lynch-Bages Wine School),由專業釀酒師、 品酒師帶領,傳授波爾多葡萄酒的相關知識、品


酒,領略上等葡萄酒的美好。在愜意的鄉村氛 圍裡,享受名酒美饌,感受純樸的人情與風土, 1




076 SiliCom 2015 Summer



高強度間歇訓練 (High-intensity interval training)




動,效果十分顯著!研究指出,完成 HIIT 比起傳統訓練


後 24 小時,能多燃燒 10% 卡路里。如果只花 20 分鐘



TIME MACHINE 卡地亞 Grande Complication Squelette 鏤空懷錶將經典羅 馬數字鏤空呈現,十分吸睛。

tch O s Never Get



a 雋永 W t Pocke

江詩丹頓 Patrimony 傳 承系列懷錶透明錶背, 機芯運轉一覽無遺。

傳統懷錶以錶鍊固定在衣領或腰帶上,也可以 直接放入口袋;懷錶指針式錶盤讓時刻一目瞭 然。因此 19 世紀鐵路普及時,鐵路公司都會 配給員工懷錶。製錶業透過這種古典的錶款, 將當時最複雜的技術放入小小的空間內,內外 兼具,一如智慧男性的魅力。 卡地亞 Cartier,在鐘錶界一向以打破常規、 與眾不同的設計讓人驚豔;就連該充滿紳士 優雅的懷錶,在其巧思下展現不同風貌,帶 來 更 多 可 能。 卡 地 亞 Grande Complication Squelette 鏤空懷錶將經典的羅馬數字元素以 鏤空方式點綴錶面。多達 300 個凹角和倒角皆 經手工打磨,在清透的透明藍寶石水晶錶鏡下, 不僅能欣賞彷彿浮懸的錶盤,背面的 436 MC 型手動上鏈機械機芯,與精雕細刻的主夾板、 錶橋和齒輪,一覽無疑。 此款複雜功能手動上鏈機械機芯不僅有陀飛輪 裝置,同時還搭載單鈕計時機制,僅需按動鑲 可以完成計時開始、停止和歸零操作。直到

1775 年,江詩丹頓 Vacheron Constantin 推 出首只懷錶;多年後,以 Patrimony 傳承系列

2100 年的萬年曆功能更是需考慮到閏年,設





頓 Patrimony 傳承系列懷錶以低調卻現代的設

卡地亞這枚鏤空懷錶限量發行 10 枚白金款;5

計重新定義。包括 18K 5N 玫瑰金修長錶殼、 乳白色銀質錶盤、玫瑰金棒型指針和典雅低調






1510 年 Peter Henlein 彼得亨萊製作一種從口袋中掏出的「時鐘」,風靡了歐陸,從此,懷錶 成為紳士的象徵。面對科技產品充斥的今天,當電腦、手機與平板等裝置隨時都顯示時間, 反而需要調整校時的懷錶,不再只是計時器,而是一種與眾不同的優雅。 文.Carlos Yuan 圖.Breguet、Cartier、Jaeger-LeCoultre、Vacheron Constantin

078 SiliCom 2015 Summer


江詩丹頓 Patrimony 傳承系列懷 錶有著雋永俐落外型。


採用積家自製 382 型手動上鍊機芯,全球僅

家 Jaeger-LeCoultre 懷 錶 也 不 例 外。Hybris

有 三 只 的 積 家 Duomètre Sphérotourbillon Pocket Watch 雙翼立體雙軸陀飛輪懷錶是首

Artistica 超 凡 複 雜 工 藝 系 列 的 Duomètre Sphérotourbillon Pocket Watch 雙 翼 立 體 雙 軸陀飛輪懷錶直接取材自一枚於 1928 年問世、

寶璣瑪麗皇后大複雜 功能懷錶有著傳奇歷 史在身。

款將球形陀飛輪運用在懷錶上的大膽嘗試,為 手工雕琢的錶盤增添獨特亮點。三枚小錶盤以







寶璣複製瑪麗皇后大複雜功能懷 錶 N °1160,其複雜機芯縱使在 現代也是極高工藝。

時光之芯 圖.江詩丹頓 江詩丹頓製造於 1923 年的內嵌琺瑯錶盤的黃金 懷錶彷彿拉開了時光序曲。這只由瑪莉.格爾

(Marie Goll) 操刀的微型琺瑯彩繪底蓋,複製了 尼古拉.普桑 (Nicolas Poussin) 的畫作《阿爾卡 迪的牧人 (Les Bergers d'Arcadie)》,內蓋中則 繪上李奧波.羅勃特 (Leopold Robert)「收割者 來到蓬蒂內沼澤」("l' Arrivée des moissonneurs dans les marais pontins") 畫作中的田園風光和

江詩丹頓 Patrimony 傳承系列懷錶,採用自製


手動上鍊 4400 機芯,遵照嚴苛的日內瓦製錶


標準來開發和製作,動力儲存約可使用三天; 同時也通過了日內瓦印記最新標準,內外皆臻 完美。 懷錶並非男人專有。愛慕者為了要討美豔動人 的法國瑪麗皇后歡心,向 Breguet 寶璣訂製 一只以黃金打造,匯集所有鐘錶功能的懷錶。 沒想到,一晃 44 年,瑪麗皇后和連寶璣先生



N°1160 經典鉅作於焉誕生。 這只輾轉被耶路撒冷博物館收藏,卻又於 1983 年失竊;2005 年寶璣完美復刻重新複製此錶。 全新的懷錶外殼寬 64mm,採用自動上鍊機 1. 積家 Duomètre Sphérotourbillon Pocket Watch 雙翼立體雙軸陀飛輪 懷錶取法 20 年代當時懷錶,琺瑯燒

芯,有著 48 小時動力儲存,萬年曆、時間等

製,造型典雅。 2. 以瑪麗皇后花園內橡樹死亡後製 成的錶盒更具收藏價值。


式、三問報時、獨立秒針、跳時與溫度計等功 製造。 緩緩自口袋掏出一只懷錶,優雅地按下按鈕開 2

080 SiliCom 2015 Summer



Moving in the Luxury Flagship LSUV 移動奢華 自悍馬車與吉普車演進而來的 SUV(Sport Utility Vehicle,運動型休旅車),

1 1. 方向盤後的換檔撥片,讓駕馭樂趣更提升。 2. BMW 2015 X6 有著近乎跑車的外觀,令人 血脈賁張!

有著比房車更大空間、動力更充沛的優勢,頗受青睞。 但是,LSUV 豪華型運動休旅車,既然多了 Luxury 一字, 舉凡高階影音配備、尖端安全科技、強化性能到霸氣外觀, 對金字塔層峰級消費族群,更具吸引力。 文.Carlos Yuan 圖.AUDI、BMW、MERCEDES-BENZ、PORSCHE

BMW X6 性能跑旅 尊榮霸氣 一直以來,BMW 便以性能與充滿運動感的外型吸 引眾多忠實愛好者。全新 2015 年版 BMW X6 在車 身略為加大的前提下,車重卻較前代 X6 降低 10 公 斤;更寬的尾部車身、更加誇張的霧燈造型,保留 了強烈視覺印象,強化肌肉感線條。 當然不只是金玉其外 ! 全新 BMW X6 xDrive50i 所 搭載之 BMW TwinPower Turbo V 型 8 缸汽油引擎 具有兩個渦輪增壓器,帶著 450 匹馬力與 650 牛頓 米最大扭力,0 到 100 公里加速僅需 4.8 秒,令人 瞠目結舌的爆發力很難相信這是台 LSUV;柴油款 的 xDrive30d 258 匹德制馬力,從靜止加速至 100 公里也能在 6.7 秒完成,配合換檔撥片,讓跑車駕 馭樂趣延續到休旅車上。而新一代 X6 在平均油耗與 二氧化碳排放量上也全面降低,對環境盡一分心力。 車內空間以駕駛人為導向,從中控台到 iDrive 控制 旋鈕皆偏往駕駛,在行車時更能專注在道路上無須 分神。全車系皆配備電動尾門啟閉系統,還搭載了 電動玻璃天窗、雙前座電動調整座椅、車況抬頭顯 示器、360 °環景顯示系統、原廠繁體中文衛星導 航與 iDrive 手寫觸控面板等實用裝置,由外到內,

BMW X6 展現出截然不同面向,令人著迷!

082 SiliCom 2015 Summer



PORSCHE CAYENNE ENNE 優雅外型 跑車基因 講到 Porsche 保時捷,經典

科技感,在 Q7 上更是顯露無疑。以駕駛座為




最 新 的 MMI(Multi Media Interface, 多 媒 體 介面 ) 系統升級大觸控螢幕,並支援了 Google

之視聽娛樂系統,分別搭載 DVD 播放器、8 吋

911 車型,深植人心;但自 從 2002 年推出了 Cayenne

彩色顯示螢幕、無線耳機、遙控器以及 Aux-in 插孔,能在不受影響的情況下獨享最佳影音樂


趣。此外還能夠選配全車共 14 支揚聲器,總

Android 與 Apple CarPlay 系統,更簡單的控 制,B&O 音響大幅提升影音享受。Q7 也採用 在新款 AUDI TT 上首見的新一代 TFT 全數位

輸出達到 830 瓦的 harman/kardon 音響系統,


放入休旅車外殼的 LSUV 就 成了 Porsche 最佳代名詞。

2015 年 Porsche Cayenne 系 的 Turbo 列從 Diesel、S 版本到最頂級的 式混合動力車 Cayenne S E-Hybrid,一次征 服各種級距 !


帶來聆聽極致享受。 1

AUDI Q7 極致舒適 動感效能

版本任君挑選,甚至還有 LSUV UV 中第一款插電 代減輕近百公斤,安全與性能兼顧。層峰級乘 客重視安全性,整合了 3 階段 ESP 電子操控



這款 Cayenne S E-Hybrid,使用與 Porsche Panamera S E-Hybrid 和 918 Spyder 相同的

系統、ASR 加速防滑控制系統、ABS 防鎖定

Plug-in Hybrid 插電式油電混合動力系統,配 備一組電容量達 10.9 千瓦時的鋰離子蓄電池,

Assist 駕駛注意力輔助系統的 PRE-SAFE 當然 是 GL350 標準配置;另外還加上側風穩定輔

純電模式下能行駛 18 到 36 公里,極速達到時


速 125 公里;油電混合模式下則能繳出最大馬


力 416 匹、最大扭力 590 牛頓米的跑車級數


煞車系統、BAS 煞車輔助系統以及 Attention

全新 AUDI Q7 除了汽油與柴油款,還首次採 用 Plug-in Hybrid 油電式複合動力系統,純電 模式能夠持續行駛 56 公里;油電混合模式下,

自 2005 年第一代 AUDI Q7 問世後,長達十年

一公升則達到 58.8 公里的油耗表現,環保綠袍

一直都保有 AUDI 旗下休旅車旗艦地位,2015


年,迎來第一次大改款的全新 AUDI Q7,大 幅減輕車身重量,透過較輕卻有著高強度的鋼


鋁混合車體,比起前代輕 325 公斤,最直接反

元素注入設計,造就 LSUV 間各有不同個性,

應在油耗表現上,燃油效能成長約 26%,且




LSUV 吃油怪獸惡名。

座駕 !

1. 使 用 B&O 音 響 與 支 援 Apple CarPlay 系統,Q7 影音效果極佳。 2. 油電混合加持,AUDI Q7 有著驚 人的油耗表現。

據,0 到 100 公里加速 5.9 秒,極速 243 公里, 毫不遜色。

內裝舒適度一向是 MERCEDES-BENZ 最引以 為傲之處,GL350 身為品牌 LSUV 指標,自然

2015 年新版 Cayenne 從車頭、葉子板、引擎 蓋到車尾,更為立體、霸氣的設計震懾眾人。 整合以往的全新運動化多功能方向盤附換檔撥 片,不論操控性與實用性一次到位。底盤調校 帶來更佳舒適性,在性能與乘坐感受間找到最 佳平衡。

MERCEDES-BENZ GL350 大器空間 豪華休旅


對於頂級房車,SUV 提供更大空間與使用彈性; 在 MERCEDES-BENZ GL350 無人能出其右。


完整複製品牌旗艦 S Class 的豪華乘坐感,全 車長超過五公尺,提供完整的七人座空間;同

2. 全新運動化多功能方向盤,兼具操


1. PORSCHE 的經典優雅外型,辨

控與實用性。 3. 全新 MERCEDES- BENZ GL350 以鋁合金材質打造,降低車重卻提升 了剛性。 4. 方向盤後的換檔撥片,讓駕馭樂趣 更提升。

084 SiliCom 2015 Summer

讓第三排乘客上下車自如。 外觀看似龐大的 GL350,實際上因車身大量採 用高剛性卻質輕的鋁合金材質,車體重量較前




GROHE Eurodisc Joystick


易雅居 x「融域」 ─韓藝三個路

飆風浴室 文.Carlos Yuan 圖.楠弘廚衛

衛 浴 系 統 不 再 是 一 成 不 變,GROHE

文.Angela 圖.易雅居進口傢俱當代空間

Eurodisc Joystick 系列龍頭讓你的玩心在 水龍頭上展現 ! 由曾榮獲紅點大獎最佳設





名的當代藝術家:定居瑞士的梁光子與旅居美 國多年的金鳳台,兩人在 1970 年代深受西方現

型的搖桿式手把,讓使用者輕易由指尖享 受操控的快感,更讓浴室煥然一新。 除了有三種不同尺寸,更備有鉻色和鉻白



早午餐 & 香檳

透過 GROHE Eurodisc Joystick,讓用水

文.Elki 圖.Perrier-Jouët 香檳


Sunseeker 遊艇登台

OO7 的玩具

瑪德琳.帕克特曾說:「香檳,一日三餐都適合 享用」,打破飲用香檳的迷思,法國頂級香檳 皮耶爵 (Perrier-Jouët) 首度發表年份香檳 2004 與特級粉紅香檳,帶動早午餐的法式奢華浪漫。 皮耶爵花漾年華白中白年份香檳以單一收成、

文.Eddie 圖.Sunseeker




標;擁有「海上勞斯萊斯」美譽頂級遊艇品牌 Sunseeker,堪稱全球遊艇品




Sunseeker 每年限量精工客製 240 艘游艇,目前在全世界排名前三大的英國


代主義的洗禮;另一位則是出生 1970 年代的新 銳藝術家金善。 三位創作共通點在於皆以複合式跨媒材藝術, 試圖透過拼貼混合的手法進行「融域」的概念, 在自我與認同、本地與異地、回憶與回歸之間, 以自己的藝術語言從三個面向進行不同樣貌的 創作,呈現不同世代在當代藝術的異質語言與 嶄新詮釋。 擅以居家空間交融藝術作品的易雅居,結合韓 國當代藝術勢必帶來令人耳目一新的獨特視野。 「融域」─韓藝三個路

Melting domain: Triangular Matrix of Korean Arts 時間:2015.5.29 ∼ 6.28 地點:易雅居進口傢俱當代空間 台北市敦化南路一段 252 巷 22 號 電話:02 8 3

頂級遊艇品牌,嚴格遵循英格蘭傳統造船工藝,強調細節精工手製,融合時 尚外型和卓越性能。因應客戶特殊需求,Sunseeker 可以滿足各尺寸遊艇的 客製化設計。

Sunseeker 獲得 007 詹姆士龐德青睞,成為系列電影中無往不利的海上坐 騎。就連 F1 喬丹車隊創始人 Eddie Jordon、前威廉姆斯 - 雷諾車隊著名車 手 Nigel Mansell、香港首富李嘉誠之子李澤楷、台灣旺旺集團蔡家都擁有 Sunseeker 頂級遊艇。2015 年 Sunseeker 遊艇在台灣區己取得獨家銷售授 權,即將正式登台,預料為台灣頂級休閒掀起全新視野。

me Issey ssey Miyake

衝浪去 浪去


PH 3½-2½ 限量版桌燈

光的療癒 文.Kelly 圖.Louis Poulsen

一盞好燈,就像藝術品,讓人得到療癒的平靜。 吊燈仿若交響曲中的長笛,讓空間有動感。擁有近 140 年歷史的丹麥燈具 Louis

Poulsen,件件經典。最為人所知的就是大師 Paul Henningsen 所設計的 PH Artichoke 吊燈及 PH 系列, 層疊展開的 72 張葉片,每張雷射切割後再以手工 塑型的葉片,讓燈光透過反射、折射後,傳遞出柔和溫暖又不刺眼的光線。

Louis Poulsen 也持續與藝術家或設計師合作,突破傳統。為了向經典致敬,推 出 PH 3 ½ -3 限量紀念版黃銅吊燈,獲得全球市場極為熱烈的迴響;今年以此為 藍本,推出 PH 3½-2½ 限量版桌燈,保留獨特的三層燈罩設計,簡潔俐落,確保 舒適照度;頂層燈罩採黃銅打造,下方的兩層燈罩仍選用蛋白石霧面玻璃,燈罩

文.Elki 圖.台灣君梵


加州,衝浪者天堂,今季日系 me Issey Miyake



Louis Poulsen 史無前例地在限量版 PH 3½ -2½ 黃銅桌燈的配件中另外加附了


一個蛋白石材質的頂層乳白燈罩 以及一付白色棉質手套與黃銅擦亮劑,讓使用



針織物,以先進電腦精算、織成一體成形的筒 狀單品,消費者買回家可依照衣服上的虛線剪

擇。即日起至 2015 年 8 月 20 日為止,全球開放訂購,Louis Poulsen 將依全球 實際的訂購數量進行產製。因此,該款限量桌燈將成為絕版,深具收藏及投資增



086 SiliCom 2015 Summer


HTC One M9

精品手機 文.Carlos Yuan 圖.HTC

HTC 在 2015 年西班牙 MWC(移動通訊展)上發表年度旗艦機種 HTC One M9,以創新科技與經典藝術結合,成就「世界之最、傳奇之美」。 金屬機身雙色調,玫瑰金邊框搭配銀色機身,如頂級珠寶般拉絲做工;五吋

Full HD 1080p 螢幕讓視覺享受再升級。主相機提升為 2,000 萬畫素,拍攝 4K 高畫質影片,搭配 HTC UltraPixel 前置鏡頭。HTC BoomSound 音響結 合 Dolby Audio 音效體驗,搭載 5.1 聲道環繞音響,極致影音震撼。 全新 HTC One M9 有金鑽銀、靚絲灰與耀眼金可供選擇,展現個人風格。

Nespresso Lattissima Touch

解你的咖啡癮 文.Ramos 圖.Nespresso

美好的早晨來杯好咖啡,是許多人忙碌 一天的開場白;Nesspresso 全新推出 的 Lattissima Touch 咖啡機,則讓一 切變的更為簡單 !



首見於 2007 年的 Lattissima Touch 不 濱之屋


烏龍麵 鍋物料理


文.Sherlock 圖.濱之屋


極致濃縮咖啡 (25 毫升 Ristretto ) 以及 新鮮熱奶泡按鍵,輕鬆享受滑順且濃郁



譜,其中包括兩只全新牛奶咖啡按鍵 :



ఆ྆ટ๾అ‫ߏࣱܮ‬ѱᒿཌࠎ๦Ӭͽ ๦਩௩ࡎࣱ˚ϣࡳि౐‫ܢ‬



鍋物結合,透過精緻的食材與考究的用餐順序, 吃出不一樣氛圍。 主打「黃金湯頭」與「手作烏龍麵」兩大招牌, 濱之屋針對台灣,將日本口味做了些許調整, 以無添加物的作法,調配出合適的製麵配方, 提供口感 Q 彈帶嚼勁的白烏龍與艾草烏龍兩種 可供選擇。湯頭部分,以四種時蔬加上北海道 昆布與台灣老字號柴魚,熬出金黃色澤湯液, 味鮮而濃,將鍋物美味引出,令人食指大動。 多達 15 種食材的什錦鍋物盤,除了常見的時蔬, 更多了如發源自葡萄牙傳入日本,在板豆腐中加 入山藥泥、木耳根與紅蘿蔔油炸而成的「飛龍 頭」、以鯛魚漿混合玉米醬、蛋白與山藥泥製成

TUMI 40 周年限量珍藏系列

秘魯古印加「加持」 文.Curry 圖.TUMI

創立自 1975 年,來自美國商務、旅遊配件精品 TUMI 來說,今年為了「四十 不惑」的里程碑,推出”1975”獨家 TUMI 40 周年限量珍藏系列,以品牌創 立初期由南美進口的純手工牛皮,與 TUMI 著名的彈導尼龍設計發想,包含登 機箱、公事包、後背包與方型旅行袋,上面皆有壓印 TUMI 原始創始人取法自 秘魯古印加文明的神靈圖騰與限量編號,頗具收藏價值。

i n v i tat i o n ढ෢ : 6 ̢ 30 ̠ ଏ෢ʜᔈ ϴ ᔈ ĈĶ ‫ ۑ‬ј ࡵ ˿ O n e f i f t e e n ķ ˃ Њ ຅ ؈ ‫׹‬ ͕ͮͿ˃Њ੢˃Њ཯ʙ޲ 92 ༴

的「玉米真薯」、特製雞肉丸等等手工鍋物料, 且上桌前皆已先用黃金湯頭加熱過,更勝日本 傳統關東煮滋味。 濱之屋 地址: 台北市大安區光復南路 240 巷 55 號 電話: 02 2711 2213

පჽϪᖞฉࡩ 20 ϪĂቜၾОౢϪ੤͑ ǖ ౢϪટሣ : (02)2721-9233 088 SiliCom 2015 Summer

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