Silicom no2

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SiliCom Where Silicon Community Connects No.

SiliCom No.2


傾聽 2014 September

張忠謀 學習世界的胸襟


2014 Sep


台積電董事長 張忠謀

Listening Morris Chang

傾聽 張忠謀.學習世界的胸襟 文.袁青


Learning with an Open Mind 晶圓代工已超過半數,市占率全球第一的台積電,不但是台灣,也是全世界科技產業的龍頭,如何保持不 墜的競爭力和舉足輕重的影響力 ?「我是一個總是在找雙贏的人,」身為台積電大家長張忠謀說,這種又 能贏、又可以快樂的人生,其實來自他一直強調的「夥伴精神」。

Occupying over fifty percent of the world's semiconductor foundry market, how does Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), a leader in technology for both Taiwan and the world, remain competitive while retaining a decisive level of influence? "I am always seeking winwin results," said the head and founder of TSMC, Morris Chang. According to Chang, an ability to balance success with happiness stems from what he calls a "spirit of partnership."


近 20 年來,絕大部分的創新,都是從這樣的 Grand Alliance 出來的;每個 part 都去做自己最擅長,做的最好的事,便能將 整體效益發揮到最大。 在 2013 年,台積電市占率已經達到 49%,2014 年更將超越

50% 大關。之所以能夠達到目前這樣的成功,Grand Alliance 當然是因素之一,但更基本的,應該是台積電將上、中、下游 廠商或客戶視為合作夥伴,不去跟客戶與供應商競爭,這樣的 精神也是成功的重要因素。 台積電從未抱著當一方得益,對方一定受損失的「零和遊戲」 心態;張忠謀追求的目標是,讓雙方都獲利,並且保持愉快合 作關係的雙贏局面,這也是這 20 多年來,台積電努力的方向。 當然,在這樣的理念下,基礎的製造、研發仍是最重要的,有

絕大部分的創新, 都是從這樣的 Grand Alliance 出來的; 每個 part 都去做 自己最擅長,做的最好的事, 便能將整體效益 發揮到最大。


The Partnerships within the Grand Alliance As manufacturing technologies become increasingly more complex, silicon IP has also become more necessary. As a silicon IP provider, TSMC plays an important role by providing a platform to access different resources through a division of labor framework. Bringing together customers, EDA tool vendors, silicon IP providers, and key equipment and materials suppliers, the TSMC Grand Alliance has been a positive force for driving innovation in the semiconductor industry through specialization and win-win collaborations. Given the fact that TSMC's main competitors have

午后,新竹園區的台積電,有一股安靜而無形的能量在醞釀。 這是一個分工合作的時代,不以「領導」地位自居的台積電, 科技規模不見得最大,但其角色之重要在全球半導體業界,幾 乎無人匹敵。做我們最專業的事,晶圓代工;上下游一起共榮, 「我從不和客戶競爭,」二十多年來的創新都來自找到互贏的 路。至少目前為止,證明了台積電的策略是成功的。 說 到 雙 贏, 不 能 不 提 已 經 存 在 相 當 長 一 段 時 間 的 Grand

Alliance( 大同盟 )。Grand Alliance 便是由客戶、設備與材料 供應商、IP 供應商構成,台積電一直以來致力於專業晶圓代工, 並創立了此商業模式。但這樣的商業模式並不能單獨地發揮效 果與影響力,必須跟客戶 ( 大半都是無晶圓設計公司 ) 合作。 當然跟設備或材料供應商,也都是 SEMI 的會員們同樣有密切 合作的同盟關係;像是與 ASML 這間半導體設備製造商創辦時 間相當接近,從一開始就採用他們的產品,可說是一同成長的。 012 SiliCom 2014 Sep

In the afternoon, a calm and invisible energy brews within TSMC, which is located at Hsinchu Science and Industrial Park. This is an era defined by division of labor. Keeping a relatively humble attitude in its role as a market leader, TSMC might not be one to boast of its vast technological scope. But, it plays an important, indomitable role in the global industry for semiconductors. "We just do what we do best - semiconductor foundries," Chang explains, "and we share the rewards with the rest of the supply chain." "I never compete with my customers," he adds, emphatically. Indeed, most of the innovations achieved over the past twenty years at TSMC have been products of Chang's belief in win-win situations and use of a division of labor framework. So far, his vision has guided TSMC to achieve great success. Speaking of win-win situations, the TSMC Grand Alliance is a longstanding partnership of IC designers, suppliers of semiconductor equipment, materials, and silicon IPs. Since its inception, TSMC has been operating on a business model focused on dedicated semiconductor foundries. However, with such a

model, market influence and success can only be achieved through

become integrated device manufacturers (IDM) in recent years by

customer (mostly fabless IC design companies) partnerships. Of

establishing internal supply chains outside of equipment, the Grand

course, the equipment and material suppliers within the alliance

Alliance now plays an even more important role for TSMC.

are all members of SEMI who share close relationships with TSMC. For example, ASML has been supplying TSMC since its inception. Having also been established around the same time, these two companies had in effect grown alongside each other.

In 2013, TSMC's market share reached forty-nine percent before surpassing the fifty percent milestone in 2014. Of course, the Grand Alliance was key to its success. More precisely, however, the success was due to TSMC's view of its up-stream and middlestream suppliers and down-stream customers as partners, not competitors. This is the key factor that has driven TSMC's

大同盟的夥伴關係 隨著製程技術越加複雜與困難,過程中便需要許多 IP( 矽智 財 )。台積電本身也提供部分 IP,透過分工合作的方式,更由 台積電扮演重要角色,整合所有資源。而近年來,主要競爭者 除了設備層面外,其他元素都由自己企業內提供,因此 Grand

accomplishments. The company has never believed in the practice of a zero sum game in which one has to lose for another to profit. Indeed, Chang's mission has always been to achieve win-win results and maintain warm business relations with partners. This is exactly what TSMC has been accomplishing over the past two decades. Of course, other factors, such as manufacturing and research and

Alliance 對台積電來說,是十分重要的。Grand Alliance 已對

technological development, have been fundamental towards laying


a solid foundation on which to exercise this approach effectively.

COVER STORY 期,以現今的發展速度,也很難看到之後的走向,二十年可說

Always in the spotlight, Morris Chang has become synonymous



with success. Yet, he does not like to boast about his achievements.



"This is a form of balance." According to Chang, a person who is

「不用非法的人,但卻不在乎不同主張的人。」 至於個人政治、


happy and content is a successful person. Wealth is not the only



measure for this. For him, a stable income, a happy family life, a


標準。對他來說,金錢上不致匱乏,擁有美滿的家庭、社交生 活、朋友和自己的嗜好,足夠就好。當然,工作的成就感絕對 比無上限追求名利都來得更實在。 「我人生第一個重要決定,」張忠謀回憶,在麻省理工學院考 (MIT)博士資格考的挫敗,是轉捩點。在這之前,為學位讀書; 之後,我還是讀書,但更加用功,卻是為興趣和工作而學習。 從此徹底改變學習態度的張忠謀決意開闢自己的路,24 歲時, 博士資格沒過,轉而走向經營管理之路。從學士到碩士都是主 修機械系,剛進半導體業,對產業一竅不通,所幸物理相當好, 但當時為了徹底瞭解,去買了 William Shockley 的半導體經典

good social circle, and personal interests are good enough. Of course, accomplishments at work are worth much more than fame and fortune. "My first major decision in life," Chang recalls how failing the qualifying exam for MIT's doctoral program marked a turning point in his life. "Before this, I studied for the goal of obtaining a degree.

此外,人才是不可或缺的核心,在台積電內,待遇、福利等等 激勵都相當好,足以留住好人才。但是,另一方面來看,人才 問題要從根本解決,很可惜台灣的教育,學生是為了學歷、名 校而學習。張忠謀原本高中的興趣是中文寫作,嚴謹的古文之 外,也愛看《紅樓夢》熟讀詩詞,文采自通。但父親認為不足

Later, I continued to study, but more for my work and interests."


With a changed view on learning, Change decided to explore


his options. "Here I go!" he still remembers saying to himself as a twenty-four year old who just failed his doctoral exam, and was about to embark on a career in business management. For his

Nothing is More Important than Listening

著作 Electrons and Holes in Semiconductors,花了將近四、

undergraduate and master's degree, Chang studied mechanical

Being a "good listener" is a prized quality in Morris Chang's mind.


engineering. He was considered a layman in semiconductors

This is an area in which most smart and so-called successful


when he first entered the field. Luckily, he had a solid foundation

people with a higher education background can improve upon.


in physics. For four to five months, he set aside three hours every

Most people obtain new knowledge by reading or listening.

night to read the book, Electrons And Holes in Semiconductors, by

Reading ability does not vary across people, since it is more an

the famous William B. Shockley. Sometimes he could not even get

issue about concentrating. Using himself as an example, Chang

past ten pages due to the complexity of the subject. Fortunately,

says that when he is focused, he can understand what he reads

Chang was able to consult with a colleague who was deeply

rather quickly. Even when he isn't, he will eventually understand the

knowledgeable about semiconductor concepts and theory.

material after reading it a couple of times.

Success is Balance in Life As a CEO on the world stage, Morris Chang employs a greater vision than most. Having a long term vision means not being

For him, "listening" is a very arduous task. Many years ago,

swayed by short term market fluctuations. He views his career as being comprised of two major parts: the first half at Texas

someone who had just listened to a speech of his came up to him


and said that it must've taken a lot of effort. Chang contradicted the

using a long term perspective. In my early thirties, I was already


There is no substitute for good listening skills. If a person does

responsible for a product division's general management. Before


not listen carefully, they might miss out on important details. Say it


I was even forty, I was frequently having discussions with stock


only once. "Can you understand? Can you completely grasp the

market analysts."


thoughts a speaker is trying to convey just by hearing it once?"

作為一位全世界矚目的 CEO,張忠謀的眼光總比別人看得遠也

Chang admits that when he established TSMC he had already


Chang requests that his staff observe a speaker's expressions and

been disregarding the notion of a corporate strategy focused


solely on short-term profit because he did not have to fear being


Instruments and the latter at TSMC. "Working at Texas Instruments in my younger years, I fostered an ability to think about business

想得多。如何不受短期市場影響,就是眼光與佈局放遠。他將 自己事業歷程分為兩個部分,前半部是在美國的 TI ( 德州儀器 公司 ),第二部分就是在台積電。而長期的經營觀念,是年輕時 在德州儀器公司薰陶出來的;當時三十多歲,就擔任了某產品 部門的總經理,不到四十歲,已經常常與市場分析師討論情勢。 張忠謀坦言,創立台積電,他早已擺脫企業汲汲營利的格局, 事業不該只擔心短期的落後,是否職位就要被撤換。永續經營,

replaced. After all, business should not just be based on short-term schedules and the key to achieving business sustainability is to employ a long term vision. However, there is still a limit to just how long of a term that might be. As Keynes stated, "In the long run we are all dead." Admittedly, Chang recognizes that business leaders must meet certain expectations for business competitiveness.

對他來說,「聽」是一件非常累的事。許多年前,有人聽完演 講後向他致意,說他講的很好,一定很辛苦;張忠謀反倒回答, 「聽的人,應該比我更辛苦。」 聆聽,沒有辦法彌補。當下沒有仔細聆聽吸收內容,或許之後 便再沒有這樣的機會。「只講一次,」聽不聽得懂 ? 聽不聽得

person by saying: "It must take more effort to listen to me speak."

body language rather than take notes. "This might lead to a better level of understanding." TSMC employs over 40,000 people. However, it is not the number of employees that determines the difficulty or quality of the management. In fact, he only needs to manage seven or eight core executives. The rest of the responsibility is delegated across the hierarchy. "An open-mind must be used for hiring." According to Chang, his principle for hiring talent is, "don't hire people who

"To be honest, a period of one or two decades is actually very

出對方真正的心思 ? 張忠謀要求部屬聽話時,應該把強作筆

reasonable." With a smile, Chang added, "We are not all dead yet."


Political/personal preferences or individual characteristics should


A twenty year vision is the limit because it is very hard to gauge the


not be determining factors. But more importantly, those who can


distant future given the rapid developments of today.


handle pressure well, can persevere, and willingly accept new

不二法門便是放眼長期;但也不是說,沒有上限。張忠謀引用 凱因斯的話,「In the long run we are all dead」。張忠謀不

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do not obey the law, and don't reject those with different opinions."

COVER STORY challenges are the best candidates. Furthermore, good talent is key. TSMC's offers wonderful benefits for its employees, which is why it is able to retain the best talents. Talent issues must be solved at its roots. It is a pity that in Taiwan, most students only study for the sake of obtaining a degree or entering a famous educational institution. In high school, Chang was mainly interested in Chinese literature. He was an avid reader of the classics, including Dream of the Red Chamber and more. Yet, his father did not think a career in literature was viable, and persuaded Chang to enroll in the banking department at University of Shanghai. Later, he studied engineering, since it was seemingly the only way for a Chinese person to develop a career in the United States.

終身學習的「收訊力」 張忠謀感謝父母對他養成教育的遠見,高中時代,分別請了中、

or two editorial articles from Taiwan local newspapers everyday. He mostly reads English media, such as The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. He also reads The Economist, Bloomberg, young. For Chang, the Kindle is an amazing invention that allows a person to buy a book with little effort. When he was young, a wise person once told him that a person must start reading a book on the day of its purchase. If they are not going to read it on that day, then they shouldn't buy it. He practiced this principle before the introduction of the Kindle. With the convenience of the Kindle, he now finds himself buying books that he still hasn't begun reading. According to Chang, English is important because in the foreseeable fifty years or more, of the ability to read English will be absolutely essential. Chang considers "logical thinking," "life-long learning habits," and, most importantly, "a trade that can make a living," as three qualities


that people must cultivate when young. Although he did not gain


much professional wisdom during his first year at Harvard, he


did gain an interest in literature, music, and newspapers, which

讀為主,量也相對多的多;New York Times 紐約時報、Wall

continue to serve him well today.

Street Journal 華爾街日報是幾乎每天都看,The Economist 經濟學人也經常看,Bloomberg Businessweek 美國商業週 刊、Fortune 財富雜誌則是從以前看下來的習慣。 此外,對張忠謀來說,Kindle 是非常好的一項發明,在上面不

寄情人生 鍾情古典





計畫,那就先不需要買了。在 Kindle 出現前,他一直都身體力 行這種做法,但在 Kindle 出現後,因為太方便了,現在有幾本 書在 Kindle 上買了,但還沒看過的。這也是為什麼強調英文學 習的重要,因為未來的五十年,甚至於更長,英文是很重要的 能力。 「邏輯思考」、「終身學習的習慣」和其中最重要的「謀生技能」 是張忠謀建議年輕人一定要學會 3 件事。在哈佛的一年,雖沒 學到多少專業技能,卻養成了張忠謀對文學、音樂、看新聞雜 誌的興趣,讓他一生受用無窮。

The "Receptiveness" of Lifelong Learning Chang is grateful for the prudence and vision his parents used for his upbringing. During his high school years, he received Chinese and English language tutoring. This made him particularly "receptive" of Chinese literature and global trends. Even today, he spends a lot of time reading. Although he has been reading less in Chinese recently, he maintains a habit of reading at least one 016 SiliCom 2014 Sep

不後悔走上科技之路, 若再回首重新來過, 仍不打算搖筆桿, 反而是雄心在握地要再 提早十年創業。

Businessweek, and Fortune, which were habits he picked up when

寄情的就只有閱讀了,而且是和夫人一起。至於音樂,一年參加 音樂會的次數可能只有 6~10 次左右,主要是邊閱讀時做為背景。 類型都是古典音樂,一開始還是 Beethoven 貝多芬、Brahms 布拉姆斯等,以交響樂、大編制的樂團為主;後來就聽的更古一 點,Bach 巴哈之類的。但最近十年到二十年,至少最近十年, 結婚後,太太比較不聽交響樂,也不太喜歡小提琴演奏或是歌 劇,覺得「歌喉好尖」,而獨鍾鋼琴演奏。 摘 下 眼 鏡, 張 忠 謀 感 性 地 說,「 書 房 裡 我 都 依 太 太, 只 放

Chopin 蕭邦,投其所好,」如果一個人在視聽室裡,當太太不 在,還是聽聽交響樂;這時候 Mozart 莫札特或歌劇 Verdi 威爾 第與 Puccini 浦契尼也不錯。 如果,工作不再只是賺取金錢的手段,也是一種「實現自我」, 張忠謀說,並不後悔走上科技之路,若再回首重新來過,他仍不 打算搖筆桿,反而是雄心在握地要再提早十年創業。 台積電董事長,像閱讀一本 CEO 人生傳奇;而站在出自夫人手 筆,綠油油翠竹油畫前,氣定神閒的張忠謀,則彷彿令人傾聽著 「風景不在別處,自在心裡」的那分豁達。

A Love for Life and Classics The CEO of TSMC, Morris Chang, is fond of playing bridge. This fact is well known throughout the semiconductor industry. His skills in the game are on par with that of a professional. Unfortunately, the game is not played as popular in Taiwan as it was in the old days. So, now, Chang focuses on reading, a hobby he shares with his wife. As for music, Chang might only attend six to ten concerts in one year. However, he reads while music plays in the background. Mostly listening to classical music, he started off with symphonies and orchestral pieces by Beethoven and Brahms. Later, he also developed an appreciation for earlier works, such as those by Bach. Yet, in the last ten years, Chang has switched to listening to piano music more often, mainly because his wife does not enjoy the "high pitches" often heard in violin or opera performances. Taking off his glasses, Change states with a sensual voice: "In my

study room, I listen to my wife and only play the music by Chopin. This makes her happy. When she is not there, I would go back to listening to symphonic music. I would play operatic pieces by Mozart or Verdi. Puccini is pretty good as well." If work is not only a means for making a living but also could be a form of "self-realization", then Chang states that he does not regret pursuing a career in technology. If he could live his life again, he would make the same choice of making a career in technology. The only thing that he would have done differently would be to start his own business ten years earlier. Talking to the chairman of TSMC is like reading a biography of a legendary CEO. Standing in front of an oil painting of green bamboos made by his wife, he exudes a presence of mind, as if trying to grasp the notion of "scenery can only be found from within."


益華電腦總裁暨執行長 陳立武

若是在金庸小說中,陳立武不是故事的主角,但絕對是指點高手的那位世外高人。自小聰穎,但謙虛、隨 和,五年內帶領益華電腦由虧轉盈,入列世界前四大半導體 IP 供應商,他卻總是把自己放在團隊之後, 不追求鎂光燈焦點,他說,即使沒有觀眾掌聲亦無妨,「因為在我心裡,真正的觀眾只有一位,就是上帝。」

If this were one of Jin Yong's novels, Lip-Bu Tan would not have been the main character, but the extraordinary master who advises them. Since childhood, Tan had always been highly intelligent yet humble and easygoing. Within five years' time, he led Cadence Design Systems back to profitability and transformed the company into the world's fourth largest semiconductor IP provider. Given his achievements, however, Tan never placed himself above his team, nor did he ever seek fame or recognition. As Tan once said, "There is only one who truly knows me - God." 188 公 分, 皮 膚 黝 黑, 身 形 魁 武 的 益 華 電 腦 (Cadence Design Systems)總裁暨執行長

years, Tan has maintained a habit of swimming


three sisters and one brother. All his sisters


are variant in music. One obtained a Ph.D. in


pharmacology, another serves as a linguistic expert,

擅長音樂,其中一個姐姐是藥理學博士,一個 是語言學專家,一個是海洋生物學專家,哥哥 更是國際知名的心臟科專家,而他,小時候連 五分鐘都坐不住,母親了解他的好動,就順著 個性讓他自由發展。但陳立武從小就是資優生, 求知心旺盛,除了上學讀書之外,更喜歡廣泛閱 讀、報章、雜誌到現在工作上的報告,研究精神 十足,書架上總是滿滿的各類書籍。想起小時

before going to work. He is the youngest amongst

and the other became a marine biologist. His elder brother is a renowned heart specialist. As a child, Tan was always restless. His mother understood this and let him pursue his own interests. Tan was an excellent student and avid learner. Apart from his academic studies, Tan read up on a vast range of topics from books, newspapers, magazines, and now from work related reports. He has a natural curiosity. His bookshelf is filled


with a variety of genres. During his childhood,


Tan's mother forbade him to read wuxia novels,


so he secretly read them in bed. From Condor

Standing at 188 cm with a dark complexion and

Heroes to The Legend of the Condor Heroes

strong physique, the president and chief executive

to The Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils, Tan read

officer of Cadence Design Systems, Lip-Bu Tan, is

many of Jin Yong's wuxia novels. Of course, he

actually a very approachable and humble person

also never missed out on a chance to watch a

in spite of his masculine sounding name. Over the

wuxia movie.

Seeking Answers from Within, Not Applause for Success 但求問心,成功不問掌聲 文.邱瓊慧 圖片提供. Cadence

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勇於冒險,峰迴路轉卻精彩 幾次人生道路的轉換,想起教授曾經對他的鼓 勵:「年輕人要放開心胸、多方嘗試和冒險」因 此,當受邀一起創業,陳立武便決定一試,創立

三個 成功之道

了華登國際創投。「自己衡量過,有幾分把握, 覺得可以承受起這份風險。」他認為,懂得跳脫

1. 在不同領域多找幾


位人生導師,態度誠懇 謙虛,高手多半會願意






2. 帶領團隊培養團隊

enrolled in the University of San Francisco to study financial management. Later, he also obtained an MBA degree. At school, work, entrepreneurial endeavors, or discussions with clients, Tan has always remained humble and sincere, which indirectly helped him expand his network and broaden his horizons. "The more I learned, the more I realized how little I knew. This only made me more humble. I face clients with an attitude of learning, as I try to understand their needs. "When our clients succeed, we succeed. This leads to the formation of long lasting partnerships.



外行 CEO 領公司轉虧為盈

個 人 的 長 處、 短 處,

個創投基金 - 國際創業 (International Venture


Capital Corporation),直到現在旗下管理基金
























再說,從代理 CEO 到現在,帶領公司轉型成

3. 了解自己可以承擔

The Three Paths to Success 1. Seek out mentors from across different fields. Remain humble and sincere, and most experts will be willing to share their knowledge and experiences. 2. Cultivate a team spirit, and take the time to learn everyone's strengths, weakness, and philosophies. Communication is a must. Each member has to be aligned with the team's common objective to be on the same side. 3. Determine the amount of risk you are willing to bear, and then fully embrace the endeavor. Give serious thought to one's goals in life. Don't live for the sole purpose of obtaining admiration from others.

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"Humanity, morals, and life... Wherever there


brotherhood). The real world and that portrayed in


wuxia novels share some commonalities. Now fifty,


Tan has led a life filled with twists and turns. Born


in Malaysia, Tan grew up in the world of academia


and university due to his mother's job,. He earned

於馬來西亞,因為母親工作的緣故,陳立武從 小在大學環境裡成長,後來獲得新加坡南洋大 學理科學士學位,繼續深造,就讀美國麻省理 工學院,但當時世界關注能源問題,因此選擇 核子工程。後來發生美國三哩島核能爆炸案, 核能發展停擺,他毅然決定只拿核子工程學位, 不從事核能研究,從此踏上職場之路。「求學 過程對我來說是很好的訓練,學習各種解決問 題的方法。」

Humanity through the Lens of Wuxia Novels

is people there is the jianghu (underworld/

his master's degree in engineering from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, after which he continued his studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States. At that time, the world was experiencing a global energy crisis. This led Tan to pursue a degree in nuclear engineering. Yet, after the nuclear accident at Three Mile Island, development in nuclear energy came to a halt in the United States. In spite of this, Tan remained adamant about obtaining his degree in nuclear energy, though he would never use this knowledge in his future career. "Academic life served me well because I learned many approaches to problem solving during that time."


Boldly Adventure on Bumpy Roads Every time Tan faced a turning point in his life, he would recall his professor's encouraging words: "Young people have to be open-minded and try many things. "Therefore, when Tan was invited to join a business venture, he quickly accepted. This led to the founding of Walden International. "I made assessments and felt confident. I knew I could bear the risks. "According to Tan, when a person can think outside of the box, everything becomes clear. At that time, venture capital was still a new concept. It was also a business that was hard to enter. Obtaining initial funding for this venture proved to be a tough challenge. "We prepared for a year and only amassed three million USD for our company. "With the support from his wife's family, father's friends, and later Kwoh-Ting Li and Vivian Wu, Tan founded Taiwan's first venture capital company,

"Wuxia novels are filled with accounts of strategy.

International Venture Capital Corporation, which

From them, one can learn about the intentions,

now manages investments worth over two billion

good or bad, and life skills of great masters.

USD. With the support of his business partners, Tan

電、ARM 等客戶也維持著良好的關係,並漸漸 著重在 IP 領域上。陳立武坦言一路上始終戰戰 兢兢,因為自己並非 EDA(Electronic Design

本頁:(上)馳騁在球場上,是 陳立武紓壓方式之一。 (下)透過籃球拉近與部屬的距 離,也培養良好團隊合作精神。 左頁:對陳立武來說,商場就如 武俠小說中的江湖一般。


PEOPLE Automation,電子設計自動化)專長,「抱持

Tan did not have the confidence to accept this


position. But, after deep consideration, he finally


took on the role. Each day, he would conduct a


one hour commute to work. "My wife was a bit worried because she knew little about my work. "Tan indeed has a habit of walking the walk before talking the talk. From acting CEO to his current role, he successfully transformed Cadence. Last year alone, the company introduced six new products. It continues to enjoy stable relationships with clients, such as TSMC and ARM. Gradually, Cadence has been shifting its focus to the realm of intellectual property. Admittedly not an expert in Electronic Design Automation, Tan confessed that his road to success was a bumpy one. "Wielding an attitude for learning, I tried to attract the best talent. The more I asked, the more I learned. Even subjects I had little knowledge of became clear after many rounds of questioning."

團隊精神,貴在信任與溝通 管理上,他非常注重團隊精神,「信任感很重要, 培養團隊需要時間,了解每個人的優缺點、做法 以及哲學,想法不同,要溝通,每個成員必須對 目標有共識,才能站在同一陣線。」無論溝通、 信任,陳立武自己先做到,下面的主管就會跟 著,「我不太會去質疑別人的做法,放手讓人去 做。要清楚員工的能力,承受的風險有多大,」 可以將時間多用在客戶身上。成功帶領益華創新 轉型,陳立武提到決策很重要,「可以蒐集很多

Layman CEO Turns Company Around

(上)對陳立武來說,人生的觀 眾只有上帝一個。

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After Walden International's reputation as a venture firm grew across the Asia-Pacific and beyond, Tan changed course in his career again. Ten years ago, Tan was invited to become the director of Cadence Design Systems. Six years ago, when the company faced a crisis, he took on the position of acting CEO. One year afterwards, he was officially appointed as president and CEO of Cadence Design Systems. In this capacity, he led the company back to profitability by creating innovative products. Initially,

的資料、研究,但最終還是在決定,最怕的是懸 而未決,抓到重點,其他就是執行的問題。」 陳立武認為公司要成長就必須能吸引年輕人,儘 管新舊世代做法可能不同,但公司文化必須要 改變以吸引年輕人。相對的,年輕人要多學習, 放開心胸,像武俠小說裡面,偶有際遇之外,一

Team Building Relies on Trust and Communication


In terms of management, Tan stresses teamwork. "Trust is important. It takes time to cultivate a team where everyone knows each other's strengths, weakness, and philosophies. Communication is a must. Each member has to be aligned with the team's common objective for them to be on the same side. "Whether in terms of communication or trust, Tan would set an example that his subordinates could follow. "I usually don't question other people's methods. I take a hands off approach. One must understand the abilities of their employees and the amount of risk involved. "This allowed Tan to dedicate more time to clients. The key to Cadence's successful transformation lies in decision making. "A person can amass a lot of data and conduct many studies. Yet, it's the decisions that determine the final outcome. Being indecisive is the worst scenario. Once key objectives are determined, the rest is all execution." Tan believes that for the company to grow it must attract young employees. Even though different generations employ different approaches, a company's culture must be malleable enough to attract young talent. Conversely, young employees must seize the chance to learn and remain openminded. This is similar to the common wuxia novel scenario in which a protagonist has to work hard to master a specific technique. "Seek out a few trustworthy mentors and listen to their advice. By taking advice from those with experience, one can quickly grasp a situation. Furthermore, a person must find mentors from more than one field." According to Tan, humility and honesty are important, and a person should not pretend to understand. "Those who are most humble are often experts in their field. Even if they know a lot, they always know there is more to learn."



稱讚而感到高興。陳立武常常提醒自己,「我 自己每一天都很努力,盡其在我就足夠了。 最 近 正 閱 讀 Clayton M. Christensen 的 著 作 《你要如何衡量你的人生》,作者因為癌症而 開始思考人生最終的目的是什麼?陳立武說, 「很多人認為應該是事業成功,但其實很多時 候,所謂的成功是在這些過程中你遇到的人、 獲得的樂趣。」這本書提醒他要思考人生真正 的目標,適時調整,才不會讓白走一趟。對知 識謙虛,對生命謙虛,放開心胸去體驗,自然 海闊天空,是否成為萬眾矚目的焦點並不重要, 該在意的是,屬於自己人生的節奏。

Life is about Knowing When to Let Go At his current age, Chen said he can take life more slowly and prioritize what matters to him now. "I became a Christian when I was in middle school. As I grew older, I realized that a person must work hard. But, success was often outside of a person's control. One must accept this. A person shouldn't do anything for the purpose of gaining accolades from others. "Tan often reminds himself that, "God is the only one who knows me. "So, as long as I know I did my best, it would be sufficient. Recently Tan began reading 《 How Will You Measure Your Life? 》, a book by Clayton M. Christensen. As he struggles with cancer, the author questions the ultimate meaning of life. Tan said: "Many people think that a successful career is the final goal. Yet, it is the people and things that one encounters during their journey to attain success that are the most rewarding. "This book reminded Tan that he needed to seriously think

信任的導師,經常聽取他們的意見。」讓曾經 歷練過的人來為自己指點,就能很快掌握情況。



導師要在不同領域多找幾位。陳立武說,謙虛、 誠實很重要,不要不懂裝懂,「最謙虛的人往






about the true goals in his life. Adjustments had to be made or time would be wasted. Remaining humble in life and learning while embracing new experiences is what matters the most. To become the center of admiration is not important, since life has to be lived on one's own terms.

陳 立 武,2004 年 起擔任半導體軟體 設計公司益華電腦 ( Cadence Design Systems, Inc.)董事, 2009 年起擔任該公司 總裁暨執行長至今。 他於 1987 年創立創業 投資集團 - 華登國際, 為創辦人暨董事長, 旗下管理基金總額逾 美金 20 億元,主要專 注於半導體、新能源 及數位多媒體等產業 投資。陳立武也是美 國多家頂級高等學府 的顧問,包括麻省理 工學院(MIT)的工程 學院院長顧問,卡耐 基梅隆大學(CMU) 校董及工程學院顧問, 加州大學伯克利分校 工程學院的院長顧問 等,並 0 曾獲清科公 司評選為中國 10 大創 業投資家,及富比士 雜誌評選為全球 50 大 知名創業投資家。

Lip-Bu Tan Since 2004, Lip-Bu Tan has been a member of the Cadence Board of Directors. He has served as President and CEO of Cadence Design Systems, Inc. since 2009. He is also the chairman of Walden International, a venture capital firm he founded in 1987 that manages investments worth over two billion USD primarily in the semiconductor, renewable energy, and digital multimedia sectors. Tan also serves as a consultant to many U.S. institutions of higher education, including Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He also serves on the Board of Trustees and the School of Engineering Dean's Council at Carnegie Mellon University, and the College of Engineering Advisory Board at University of California, Berkeley. Tan has been ranked among the Top 10 Venture Capitalists in China by Zero2ipo and the Top 50 Venture Capitalists on the Forbes Midas List.


美商應用材料公司 AMAT 台灣區總裁暨集團副總裁 余定陸


Playing the Life of Game Brilliantly 文.陳玟晴 攝影.Anew-Chen


對大多數人而言,擁有國外名校學歷在科技業是基本保障,也是升遷必要條件, 然而全球最大的奈米製造技術領導廠美商應用材料公司卻不這麼認為,2006 年,一路由業務做起的余定陸以台灣本土學經歷背景獲升集團副總裁。一位沒 喝過洋墨水的台灣人讓老外服氣的心法,或許正是打拼台灣時代的縮影。

For most people, an elite foreign education serves as a basic guarantee in the High-Tech industry, as well as necessary condition for promotion. However, Applied Materials, Inc., a leader in the manufacturing of nanotechnology, does not think so. In 2006, Erix Yu, who had an educational background in Taiwan, worked his way up from the position of salesperson to vice president. This Taiwanese native, who had never studied abroad, managed to convince foreigners of his skills and abilities. Perhaps, this is the epitome of the notion of working hard in Taiwan. 步入位於新竹科學園區美商應用材料公司


(Applied Materials,以下簡稱 AMAT)的總






灣半導體產業重要支柱的 AMAT 集團副總裁余






本土學經歷背景出身晉升 AMAT 高階主管,余








從 1993 年進入 AMAT 擔任銷售工程師開始, 余定陸遇到困難不輕言放棄,而是試著從小地 方尋找自己在工作中的價值。如同他期許年輕 人「做一份工作要對事有責任、對自己有承諾, 而不是對老闆有交待」,擔任銷售工程師期間,

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Upon entering the president's office of Applied Materials (AMAT) in Hsinchu Science Park, one will be greeted warmly and cordially. AMAT is the world's largest semiconductor equipment supplier, as well as one of the world's 500 largest


companies. The gracious and dignified vice


president, Erix Yu, serves as an important pillar to

三個 成功之道


本頁:在橄欖球中,余定陸深刻體會 團隊精神的重要性。 右頁:拿著經典賽中華代表隊全隊簽 名球,余定陸對棒球的愛溢於言表。

Taiwan's semiconductor industry. With a Master's degree from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering of National Cheng Kung University, Erix Yu is the first person bearing a Taiwanese educational background to rise to the position of a senior executive. Yu believes that this might have something to do with the unique characteristics of being a "fifth grader": They are not picky about the things they do, and sometimes even take up the work that other people despise to seek new challenges. In 1993, Yu started work at AMAT as a sales engineer. When faced with difficulties, Yu would never give up easily. Instead, he attempted to pursue his own value of work from small areas. He hopes that young people "can be responsible to their job, while being committed to themselves and not the orders of their boss". During his period as a sales engineer, Yu would also take the time to ask his customers about their needs when quoting prices. He would find opportunities to talk face-toface and take advantage of these small occasions to learn. He became a sort of consolidator who could help customers find the right people and approaches to problem solving. Starting from the basics, Yu realized that a profound understanding of customer needs was key to a sustainable survival in an industry that constantly competed in technology, time, and cost. As a salesperson, Yu attempted various methods to solve the needs of his customers, enabling him to

能多觀察以找到最適 合的人,因為唯有將 對的人放在對的位置 上,他們才能充分發 揮所長。

2. 提昇團隊精神:充 分授權讓所有人都負 有責任,從而建立每 個人能獨立思考、提 出策略、有自信並能 主動運作的高效團隊。


3. 為客戶多想一分:



動作要比客戶快,做 想得遠一點,用積極







似一直在衝撞的運動,實際上卻非常講究團隊 The Three Paths to Success

精神與紀律:你得相信夥伴、擁有強烈團隊精 神、把球傳給別人,如此才有可能贏得勝利。 剛開始只是好玩,但長期下來,團隊精神已置 入內心,而這些觀念、態度也塑造出余定陸獨 樹一幟的領導風格。

AMAT 是一間大公司,服務的客戶也同樣是知 名大廠,彼此間各自有產品發展部門、製造部 門、售後部門等十分繁複,因此余定陸希望扮 演一個整合者的角色,把所有部門人員串在一 起,「就像 One Stop Shopping 的概念,客 戶只要對一個人就可以。」因為團隊合作,同 仁不會互推責任,而是一起服務客戶,這樣不 只讓客戶更容易與 AMAT 溝通,同樣也更有效 解決問題。 好的團隊文化,領導者必須帶頭做起。「信任 和尊重就是 AMAT 的公司文化」,余定陸的管 理方式是對經理人充分授權,但授權的同時意 味著要能容忍犯錯,因此他勉勵大家「獲勝者 只是站起來再試一次的失敗者。」有錯沒關係, 但一定要能改而且不要再犯,提昇團隊的成長。


in his heart. This attitude and concept also helped


shape Yu's unique leadership style.


AMAT is a large corporation and their customers


are also well-known manufacturers. They


each have their own product development,


manufacturing, sales, and other departments.


As a result, Yu also hopes to play the role of a consolidator, linking the people of various

Learning Teamwork from Sports During his time at National Cheng Kung University, he had a chance encounter with rugby. "This sport has very strange rules because you are only able to pass backwards even though you have to run forward to score." This unique logic

departments together. "Like the concept of One Stop Shopping, customers only need to interact with one person." Due to a sense of teamwork, colleagues would not just push responsibilities to each other. Instead, they service the customers together. Not only does this make it easier for customers to communicate with AMAT, it also

led Erix Yu to play rugby during his four years as

serves as an effective method for problem solving.

an undergraduate and two years as a graduate

A good team culture needs a leader who leads.

student. Even though rugby might seem like a

"Trust and respect make up the corporate culture

sport merely filled with collisions, it is actually very

of AMAT." Yu's management style provides full

particular about teamwork and discipline: You

authority to managers. At the same time, however,


need to trust your teammates, have strong team

this means he has to be able to tolerate mistakes.


spirit, and be able to pass the ball to others in

He also encourages everyone with the notion that,

Joe Torre 的經典名言:「競爭的最高境界並

order to win. At first, Yu played just for fun, but he

"Winners are losers who got up and gave it one


began to gradually establish a sense of team spirit

more try." Mistakes are okay, but there must be

當經理人感受到能力與權力的影響力時,自然 對下屬也會有同樣的態度;再者,要能以「對 事不對人」的觀念討論問題,同仁們才會朝向 正面、積極的態度去提計畫,而不會消極的只

030 SiliCom 2014 Sep

1. 知 人 善 任: 盡 可

be one step ahead of them. He was always active in solving problems and reaching goals. As a result, customers would happily pay without complaint. This meticulousness allowed Yu to gradually rise to a management position, where he led and managed his team, set goals, strategies, and so on. To improve human interaction and empowerment, one needs to know how to "lead hearts".

1. Use the right people for the right jobs: Observe as much as possible to find the most suitable people. Only by placing people in the right position will they be able to exert their abilities to the fullest. 2. Enhance teamwork: Provide people with full authorization to entrust them with responsibilities. Only by establishing independent thinking, proposing strategies, and building trust can a highly efficient team be formed. 3. Think more for the customers: Your actions must be faster than your customers, and you must take action earlier than them. Think one step further for your customers, and actively come up with methods to relieve pressure off them. This will open up opportunities to satisfy your customers.


Profile 余 定 陸,1966 年 生 於新竹,國立成功大 學材料系碩士。1993 年進入台灣 AMAT 公 司擔任銷售工程師,

1996 年 擔 任 DRAM 客 戶 總 監,1998 年 任客戶事業群總監,

2002 年任命為 AMAT 公 司 副 總 裁,2003 年起擔任台灣區客戶 服務事業群總經理, 後升為台灣區總裁,

2006 年晉升為 AMAT 集團副總裁迄今。

Erix Yu Born in Hsinchu in 1996, Erix Yu obtained his Master's Degree from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at National Cheng Kung University. In 1993, he was employed by the Taiwan regional branch of AMAT as a sales engineer. In 1996, he became the DRAM account director and, in 1998, he became the client business group director. He was appointed the vice president of AMAT Inc. in 2002. In 2003, he began serving as the general manager of customer service for the Taiwan region. Afterwards, he rose to the position of president for the Taiwan regional branch. Then, in 2006, he became the vice president for AMAT Group. www.appliedmaterials. com

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change to make sure no additional ones are made. Only in this way can a team grow. When managers feel the influences of ability and authority, they will naturally bestow the same attitude on their subordinates. Furthermore, the concept of "don't make it personal" is necessary in any discussion of issues. A positive and active attitude needs to be taken, and not a passive attitude for the purpose of avoiding mistakes. With a love for sports, Yu often quotes the manager of the Yankees baseball team, Joe Torre: "Competing at the highest level is not about winning. It's about preparation, courage, understanding and nurturing your people, and heart. Winning is the result." To shape a good team culture, leaders should draw upon the wisdom of this quote. Of course, culture is not shaped in one day. There are bound to be throes and breaking in that need to happen. After the team is on track, they will be able to run automatically. Not only does a good team culture with a virtuous cycle need effective management and communication of their leaders and managers, it needs to let all of the people be at ease with work.

閱讀,是改變想法的關鍵 另一個凝聚團隊向心力的方法是閱讀。余定陸 閱讀習慣和大多數人一口氣看完一本書的方式 不同,他常同時閱讀不同類型的書,辦公桌旁 疊放著《思考的藝術》、《行為的藝術》、《透 過錢眼看大國興衰》、《權謀至尊司馬懿》、《領 導禪》等書,有空的時候就拿本看一下,沒有 看完的壓力,希望能得到新觀念、新思維並把 它內化成想法,這樣結果反而比起看完卻沒有 消化來得更有意義。 正因為自己許多生活想法、態度都是透過閱讀 一點一滴累積起來,因此深知要改變一個人的 想法唯有心態上的改變才有可能,而心態的改 變絕對是無法用要求的,因此 AMAT 會舉辦 讀書會來凝聚所有人的想法。例如有次一起讀 《QBQ !的五項修煉》,為了和同仁分享心得, 余定陸是下了功夫唸完,還做筆記、標重點, 用自己的行動去感染同仁們,這就是余定陸之 所以能擁有一個強而有力團隊。


finest weapon and best defense. If you would


establish harmony, compassion must surround


you like a fortress. Therefore, a good soldier


does not inspire fear; a good fighter does not


display aggression; a good conqueror does not

智慧地讓同仁充分發揮所長。同樣是讀書,余 定陸內化成自己的觀念,運用在工作職場和日 常生活中,不斷進步,持續領導眾人前進。

Reading is the Key to Changing Idea Another method to unite the centripetal force of a team is through reading. Quite uniquely, Erix Yu reads books in one take. He often reads books from various categories, such as 《The Art of Thinking Clearly》, 《The Art of Acting Clearly》, 《Taking a Look at The Rise and Fall of Great Countries》, 《Tactics of the Supreme Sima Yi》, and 《 Eleven Rings: The Soul of Success》 . When he has the time, he will read a book casually without any pressure to finish it. Through this method, he hopes to gain new concepts and ways of thinking that could potentially be incorporated into ideas. In this way, the end result is much more meaningful than finishing a book without actually digesting it. Because Yu manages to accumulate many ideas and attitudes bit by bit through reading, he understands that, to change a person's mind, one must first change their mindset. It is impossible to change someone's mentality simply by requesting it. AMAT holds book clubs to bring together ideas. For example, one time the club read 《Flipping the Switch - Unleashing the Power of Personal Accountability Using the QBQ! 》 . To share experiences with his fellow colleagues, Yu took the time to finish the book, even taking notes and highlighting key points. He used his own actions to infect his peers. This is precisely why Yu is able to have a strong and powerful team. Looking upwards, one will be able to see what Yu has written on the whiteboard across from his desk. The handwritten words are extracted from the book, 《Tao Te Ching》: "Compassion is the

engage in battle; a good leader does not exercise authority. This is the value of unimportance; this is how to win the cooperation of others; this to how to build the same harmony that is in nature." Yu often reminds himself to be a leader who knows how to assign jobs that match people's abilities and wisely enables his colleagues to make the


best of their abilities. While reading, Yu assimilates concepts and applies them into his daily life and work. He constantly seeks to improve himself, while continuing to lead people forward.

認真每一個當下才能無憾 窗前擺著一幅漂亮的多彩魚畫作,這是兒子在 幼稚園時畫的,每次看到那繽紛的顏色總能讓 心情愉悅起來,座位後方好幾幅全家福照片一 同陪伴著余定陸辦公時光。一顆比棒球更大的 經典賽全隊簽名球令人好奇,原來,從小看台 灣最輝煌的成棒長大,棒球比賽也是他快樂的 休閒活動。余定陸說,「揮棒的時候要很專注, 那是一種動態放空的方法。」非常專注反而讓 大腦休息,因此余定陸每週必定要去揮個一、 二百球,日積月累下來時速 140 公里的快速球 也難不倒他,俐落身手在日本與客戶面前意外 小露一手,搏得滿堂彩。 余定陸笑說人生若能重來,希望成為一位球隊 總經理,可以善用自己策略規劃的能力在球隊 經營上,同時帶給人們歡樂。正如同打球時體 悟到:「即使輸球也要打到最後一刻。」每個 人都要用心體驗每個時刻,因為那些不會重複。 余定陸以此心態認真過著每一分鐘,因為人生 如此豐富,唯有認真品嘗,方能嘗出真味。

Take Every Moment Seriously to Leave No Regrets A beautiful and colorful painting of a fish sits in

front of his window. It was drawn by his son, who is still in kindergarten. The bright colors bring joy to Yu every time he glances at it. Behind his seat, many photographs of his family accompany Yu in the office. A ball bigger than a baseball and signed by the whole World Baseball Classic team is quite intriguing. It turns out that Yu had grown up watching baseball in Taiwan. Indeed, baseball is his favorite form of recreation. Yu states that, "Batting requires immense concentration. It is a way to unload." Since the immense concentration is a form of mental relaxation, Yu goes batting every week. He bats between one to two hundred balls every time. Even fastballs travelling at a speed of 140 kilometers per hour are unable to faze him. He unexpectedly shows off his skills in front of his Japanese customers to much applause. With a laugh, Yu declares that if he could relive his life, he would want to become the general manager of a baseball team. In that role, he would be able to use his planning strategies to manage the team, while also bringing joy to other people. While playing, he realized that, "Even during a losing game, one must play until the very last moment." Each person must experience every moment carefully. That way, there will be no repetition. Yu applies this mentality to every minute of his life. Because life is so rich, a person can only experience its true flavors through careful tasting.

(由上至下) 1. 談起運動對工作與人生的啟發,余 定陸有著許多體悟。 2. 將兒子幼稚園的畫作放在窗前,看 見就能讓自己心情愉悅起來。 3. 桌前白板抄寫著「道德經」的佳 句,時時自省一位領導者應有特質。 4. 為了與同仁的讀書會,余定陸仔細 研讀並做滿筆記。




FASHION TREND 權力套裝,傳達出 POWER,更強化劇情張力。


強烈色彩、大膽細條紋或圖案,搭配背心與招 牌的尖翻領,讓肩線在視覺上看來更寬,更像



風。60 年代,西裝強調窄劍領,搭窄版西裝


褲。一件兩扣或三扣式都要確實合身,但以能 向前完全伸展雙臂而不會感到緊繃為原則。藍

西裝透過標準三件式 – 西上裝、西褲、背心和




更進一步的色彩、面料和紋理、圖案之間互相 對應出對比或協調的美學。這也或許能夠解釋







裝流行窄版風,身形壯碩也不宜效法;反之, 個頭小的就不適合雙排扣的壓迫感;領形和領 帶的繫法有其比例問題,換言之,溫莎雙結適

Broken Suit「破碎西裝」這個男裝上的新名


詞,是指以奢華材質,既低調又大膽的,將三 件式西裝包括西上裝、長褲與背心作混搭,把 男人穿西裝的風格推向另一時尚感高峰。 最棒的例子便是把成套的西裝拆開來搭配。經 典剪裁西裝外套搭緹花圖騰長褲也許是一種大 Gucci


膽的嘗試,既正式又經典,點綴個性與獨創性, 提供了穿著西裝全新的態度。上下身拆解成不 同套是現代西裝的挑戰,也是樂趣。方法是,


縱然在瞬息萬變的時尚趨勢裡,西裝仍有其引領潮流的力量。 就算以現代眼光來檢視,好的剪裁是關鍵,這得感謝傳統手工, 但懂得運用細節穿搭更是表現個人風格之必要。 文.伊森 圖.Alfred Dunhill、Boss、Bottega Veneta、Gucci、Hermès、Louis Vuitton、

Ralph Lauren、Salvatore Ferragamo




034 SiliCom 2014 Sep


Suit 在男裝世界裡一直是一種穿著指標,看似變化不大,但其實學問不小。

Alfred Dunhill

Suit Up!



Ralph Lauren

正 統 固 然 可 取, 但 為 了 不 落 入 一 成 不 變,

本頁:(上)西上裝配條牛仔褲, 休閒中仍能顯出英挺。 (左)好的配件能為整體造型畫 龍點睛。 (右)不論是三件式西裝,或是 外搭大衣,各有不同風情。 左頁:(左) 上下身以不同色系作 出區隔,便能穿出西裝休閒感。 (右) 從一只手提包,便能看出使 用者穿著品味與風格。

才有看頭。 格子西裝和條紋襯衫或領帶能不能擺在一塊 搭 ? 這是個進階的穿法,只要掌握格紋行距 和色系就應該不至離題太遠;相對於細條紋, 八字領打溫莎結領帶,展示「有趣而年輕」

look;或者深色保守的西裝版型,搭配窄劍領、 窄領帶也十分有型。西裝周邊的配件,要巧, 要創造個人風格。口袋巾和袖扣最顯而易見。 今天,口袋巾和領帶不必成套已是司空見慣,


量身訂製 西裝

Bottega Veneta

Bespoke 倫敦 Bond St 之間的

Savile St 鬧中取靜, 像守護著紳士穿著風 格的最後一道防線, 可以說是當今手工訂 做西裝的聖殿。





記得,袖扣將能讓整體看來,更像一切都在掌 控中,也可見男人考究的功力。 至於皮帶和襪子也是男人體現穿著上的幽默感 的畫龍點睛。今天西裝褲子的長度日趨上提, 而腰卻相對不再流行高腰,讓一條簡潔有質地 的皮帶有機會兼具功能和美感,倒是襪子不妨

基 本 上,Bespoke 量身西裝一旦確定 了布樣和款式之後, 來回要經過兩次試 樣 Fitting,專屬的裁



男人,so cute。不要拒絕所有的顏色,反而 小處稍稍釋放,會有意想不到的效果。

最後修正。傳統英式 西裝來自軍服,一切 以英挺為主,換句話

時裝,還沒來得及開口,最能揭示你的信息; 不論你喜不喜歡,一個人的穿著是十分有力的 表達,走進時裝、欣賞時裝,服裝已成為大眾

說,特別強調胸部線 條,而合腰和衣襬開 單或雙衩是基本款。 突出手臂和肩部線條


優 美,Rope 像 塞 了







手工細節的內裡做 工,「名字繡在內袋 Louis Vuitton

的客人的打樣會一直 留在 Savile St 總店, 直到客人再回來光顧 的那一天。平均一套 Boss

036 SiliCom 2014 Sep

眼,」通常 Bespoke Salvatore Ferragamo

不同場合穿上不同款式的西裝, 更能展現品味。


Bespoke 從 五 千 英 鎊起跳。

From Milan

男人跟時尚,一定得若即若離嗎 ? 讓自己變得更有自信,請照過來 ! 時裝毫不費力地展示時代的情緒, 也反映自我風格,米蘭是全球時裝 流行重鎮,看他們怎麼穿出自我

style。 單扣、雙排、三件式背心、襯衫、 領帶和袋巾,不論單獨從一個配件 和一整套的搭配上,義大利陽光燦 燦,髮型、手拿包、墨鏡和鞋襪, 缺一不可。現學現賣,試著找出一 些 Tips! 原來型男都是這樣穿 !


本 頁:( 上 ) 位 於 Bellavita 百 貨的旗艦店,大器的門面宛若貴 族宅邸。 (下)運動鞋、短靴與莫卡辛鞋, 將男人解讀的面面俱到。 左頁:sergio rossi 為男人的每 個時刻都準備了一雙好鞋。


Moccasin 莫卡辛鞋

MOCCASIN 這個字的 原意是舒適又方便(可 摺疊),之後,舒適 好走的鞋型便以莫卡 辛鞋為名。莫卡辛鞋 原本是印第安人所穿 的鞋子,在室內作拖 鞋用,在營地也可作 便鞋用。長途旅行, 雙腳和腳底極度疲乏 時,讓腳更為舒適。

Mock 孟克鞋 孟克鞋最早是在 15 世 紀時,由義大利修道 士所設計出的一種鞋

1950 年,Sergio Rossi 先生在義大利的 San



Mauro Pascoli 開 始 了 他 的 製 鞋 事 業, 並 在



1986 年創立同名品牌,為追求最高工藝技術


帶裝飾與金屬環扣, 並壓附於鞋舌上;此

鞋履的人們帶來最佳選擇。在全球各大頒獎典 禮紅毯上,或是名流私下穿著,你都能見到


sergio rossi 的蹤影。

計,sergio rossi 除了傳統製鞋工藝外,為年 輕化做出最佳聲明。sergio rossi 帶給男人的


Fashion Step

sergio rossi men's collection


038 SiliCom 2014 Sep



的義大利鞋 sergio rossi,不但為女人編織美



sergio rossi 最少都需經過 120 道精細程序, 層層關卡的檢驗才能完成,確保其完美品質。 在男鞋系列呈現小而精緻,不以量取勝,但各 鞋款都別具特色。包括莫卡辛鞋、孟克鞋、踝 靴、德比鞋與運動鞋款,將男人一天中各個時 刻、各種場合所需一網打盡。



文.Shaq 圖.sergio rossi


橫帶裝飾稱為 monk-

strap,便因此叫做孟 克鞋。穿著時一定要 將環扣扣上,是紳士 鞋款中的代表作。

sergio rossi 旗艦店 BELLAVITA 寶麗廣塲 1 樓

+886 2 2723 7939


ATALIA 蝴蝶展翅水鑽魚口鞋, 宛如沾上七彩露珠般的翅膀輕柔 停歇在足際。

Poetic Surrealism


Bridal Collection





品品牌,也鮮少能做 到專為即將步入禮



大自然間充滿生命力的美麗萬物,在 sergio rossi 眼中,

新娘,打造能帶來幸 福的華貴婚鞋。sergio


rossi 每 年 推 出 的 婚 禮系列鞋履,擁有七

文.Angela 圖.sergio rossi

種不同風格款式及各 五種顏色可供挑選,



裡,名列世界慾望美鞋之一的 sergio rossi,







西方諺語「Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.」 為

現任設計總監 Angelo Ruggeri 以超現實夢幻 詩意演繹今季秋冬系列,翩翩起舞的彩蝶與層






兼顧穿起來的舒適感」,sergio rossi 的美麗



1. 極簡率性的 MATRIX STRETCH 過膝長靴。 2. 宛如滿夜星斗,SMOKING 系列水鑽裝飾魚口鞋,閃爍的光芒一路璀璨到鞋跟。 3. 利用水鑽疏密排列出特殊視覺效果的 MINUDIERE 系列手拿包。 4. 搖滾黑金 FORTUNY 金屬縷空高跟涼鞋。 5.PLACEBO 系列珍珠裝飾踝靴,運用古典宮廷元素的珍珠,展現女人柔美的韻味。

轟烈。 以巧妙弧度與恰到好處的 7.5 公分高度,Blink 眨眼系列展現性感曲線,腳背上微妙的開了小

藍色飾物。除了基本 婚 禮 鞋 款 外,sergio

rossi 也 特 別 推 出 Made to Order 訂 製 鞋款系列,可依照新 人名字縮寫打造,下





以 2-3 個 月 為 主, 預

PIERROT 系列俏皮的鮮明個性,不需言喻;


金屬質感的 AGNES 系列,搭配鉚釘的鏤空切



帶領妳走向幸福前方」 的想法更是巧妙契合。

更不用說各大國際盛會紅毯上,閃爍、造型獨 具的手拿包,全面擄獲瑪麗詠歌蒂亞、潘尼洛



普克魯茲及珍妮佛洛佩茲等一票好萊塢女星的 芳心。 040 SiliCom 2014 Sep



SUPREME CHOICE Cindy Chao 與 Sarah Jessica Parker 兩位好友為 CINDY CHAO 2014 年度

(左)Black Label 大師系列 Masterpiece No. I 「芭蕾蝴蝶」胸針: * 鑲配重達 26.27 克拉的枕形棕色彩鑽。 * 三顆共 47.71 克拉的淺棕色鑽石。 * 三顆共重 10.76 克拉的海螺珍珠。 * 四千六百九十八顆鑽石及彩色鑽石,共重 98.09 克拉, 360 度環繞鑲嵌於蝶翼以及蝴蝶身體部份。 * 鈦金屬及 18 克拉黃金鑄造。





Chao(趙心綺)用珠寶創作證明,自己的存在。蝴蝶,對她來說是一種璀𤨪的 生命共同體。每隻蝴蝶宛如充滿生命力的微型藝術品。更代表了 Cindy Chao 燃 燒生命熱情,自然流露著創作者豐沛情感的記錄。 自 2008 年起開始 Black Label 大師系列年度蝴蝶創作,擁有屬於自己的年份編


號以及量身訂製的珠寶盒。2010 年,「皇家蝴蝶胸針」被全球最大也最具權威 的美國 Smithsonian 國家歷史博物館列館典藏,奠定了 Cindy 珠寶藝術指標地位。

2012 年「重生蝴蝶」於日內瓦佳士得拍賣會中,以比估價高於 5 倍的落槌價成交。 今年「芭蕾蝴蝶」胸針,是 Cindy Chao 跟好友兼國際知名巨星莎拉.潔西卡. 帕克(Sarah Jessica Parker)歷經兩年,結合彼此對藝術的敏銳和創意之作。 談到芭蕾,Cindy 回想起幾年前曾在巴黎歌劇院(Palais Garnier)觀看表演後, 無意中發現歌劇院裡百年前用來作為芭蕾舞者熱身的練習室,在樑柱上竟然雕刻

The Art Jewel


Ballerina Butterfly 文.伊森 圖.CINDY CHAO

著蝴蝶圖案。原來 19 世紀設計歌劇院的建築師深信「每一位芭蕾舞者都應該跟 於是萌生結合芭蕾與蝴蝶的創意,這件正面看起來像是旋轉舞動時、舞衣飛揚的 芭蕾舞者(作品背面可以看到馬甲等細節),旋轉 180 度後另一個角度看起來則 是 CINDY CHAO The Art Jewel 知名的蝴蝶。 為了呈現輕盈的感覺,特別使用鈦金屬創作。作品上的三顆 conch pearl 代表著

Sarah Jessica Parker 的三個孩子。而作品呈現以粉、淺咖啡為主色調,代表著 愛以及兩人的友誼。

042 SiliCom 2014 Sep


蝴蝶一樣輕盈(a ballerina should be as light as a butterfly)」。 (由上至下)

1. Cindy Chao 與 Sarah Jessica Parker 共同創作出 2014 年度 蝴蝶胸針。 2. 2008 年 Masterpiece No.1「紅寶側飛蝴蝶胸針」。 3. 2009 年 Masterpiece No.1「皇家蝴蝶胸針」,典藏於全球最 大博物館—史密森尼美國國家歷史博物館中,為立館 164 年來 唯一首件華人藝術家珠寶作品。 4. 2012 年 Masterpiece No. 1 重生蝴蝶。


Chopard × Porsche 2014 年賽季的利曼 24 小時耐力賽,迎來一項 重磅消息—自 1958 年首次征戰利曼賽事, 於 1970 到 1998 年間,16 度奪冠的保時捷車 廠,將再次回歸賽道上。而蕭邦錶 Chopard 也將以身為保時捷官方計時合作夥伴的身分, 進軍利曼。


Rolex × F1 勞力士宣布自 2013 年起與一級方程式錦標賽 (Formula 1)成為合作夥伴,作為官方計時 器與授權腕錶品牌。早自 1930 年代起,勞力 士即與賽車運動結下不解之緣。包括 Malcolm

Campbell 爵士、Jackie Stewart 爵士等都是 勞力士知名的代言賽車手。當然,最為人熟知 的, 便 是 在 1963 年 以 美 國 佛 州 Daytona 國 際賽道命名的傳奇腕錶系列—Cosmograph


本 頁:1. 整 體 造 型 充 滿 賽 車 動 感。2. 蕭 邦 贊 助 logo 登 上 保 時 捷 利 曼 戰 駒。3. 設 計 靈 感 來 自 全 新 保 時 捷 919 Hybrid 混 合 動 力 賽 車, 蕭 邦 Superfast


為 了 慶 祝 此 次 合 作, 蕭 邦 也 推 出 一 款

Superfast Chrono Porsche 919 Edition 腕 錶,以與保時捷全新之 919 Hybrid 混合動力 賽車相互輝映。45 毫米大錶殼設計,具有飛返 (flyback)功能,搭載獲瑞士官方天文臺認證 (COSC)的蕭邦 03.05-M 機械機芯。

Chrono Porsche 919 Edition 腕錶散發動感氣息。4. 獲瑞士官 方天文臺認證(COSC ) 的蕭邦 03.05-M 機 械 機 芯。5. 位 於 美 國 佛 州 的 Daytona 國 際 賽 道, 是賽車迷心中的聖地之一。 左頁:Rolex Oyster Perpetual Cosmograph Daytona計時腕 錶,外型經典。

底 蓋 鐫 刻「Official Timing Partner Porsche

Daytona 計時腕錶,不僅外觀優雅而雋永,更

Motorsport」(保時捷官方計時合作夥伴)字 樣,設計靈感來自全新保時捷 919 Hybrid 混



最早只在錶面上鐫刻 Cosmograph 字樣,超

流器,於計時盤 9 時位置紅色長方形框內刻上

堪 稱 完 美 的 Oyster Perpetual Cosmograph

Need for Speed 贏在毫秒 賽車 × 錶廠 跨界傳奇



式)、「Perpetual」 (恒動)、「Daytona」


( 迪 通 拿 ) 及「Superlative Chronometer

胎如出一轍。全球限量 919 只,蕭邦以此傳世

Officially Certified」(瑞士官方鑒定認可精密

經典向保時捷利曼團隊致敬。 4



賽車場上,勝利與失敗的差距往往僅在毫秒間, 這與頂級錶廠對時間精準時的要求,不謀而合。 許多賽道上的科技元素,也因此被導入製錶工藝, 將錶廠悠久歷史與最新尖端科技,完美結合。 文.Carlos Yuan 圖.Chopard、IWC、Rolex、TAG Heuer、TUDOR

044 SiliCom 2014 Sep

5 3


TAG Heuer × McLaren TAG Heuer 與 McLaren 車 隊 合 作 可 追 溯 到 1985 年,這也是史上首次有製錶品牌與 F1 車 隊合作,延續至今。超過 150 年歷史的 TAG Heuer,始終勇於挑戰自我,與創立超過 50 年 的 McLaren 企求創新科技,追求精準一拍即 合。除了在賽道上合作外,更以 McLaren 高 性 能 賽 車 MP4-12C 為 發 想,TAG Heuer 為 經 典 Carrera 系 列 創 造 出 Carrera McLaren MP4-12C 自動飛返計時腕錶。 43mm 錶 徑, 搭 載 Dubois-Depraz Calibre 4900 機芯,擁有年曆及飛返計時功能;特輕 2 級鈦錶殼、碳化鈦塗層指針、黑色鋁材質錶圈, 與外圈黑色碳、內圈煙燻藍寶石材質的錶盤搭 配出不凡氣勢。TAG Heuer Carrera McLaren

MP4-12C 全球限量 1000 只的珍稀性,也正如 McLaren 重質不重量的精神,絕對完美。

TUDOR × 機車之王 DUCATI 來自義大利,被譽為「重型機車中的法拉利」的 DUCATI 杜卡迪機車,與合作夥 伴 TUDOR 帝舵表結盟。TUDOR 表於 2013 年巴塞爾世界鐘錶珠寶博覽會上發 表了新款 TUDOR Fastrider Black Shield,而 DUCATI 則為此攜手 TUDOR, 打造出全新 Diavel Carbon 重型機車,驚豔世人目光。

TUDOR Fastrider Black Shield 以高科技黑色啞光陶質製成,DUCATI Diavel Carbon 全車也經黑色啞光處理;這兩款機械傑作將爆發力與強悍氣質完美演繹, 野性一觸即發,皆以 DUCATI 經典紅做為錶身與車身細部點綴。


TUDOR Fastrider Black Shield 有著一體式設計,整個錶殼是單一元件,在同類 腕錶中十分罕見。也因此並未有塗層在表面,具有抗刮損效果。腕錶防水深 150 米(500 呎),而 42 毫米的錶殼配有自動上鏈計時機芯,動力儲備可達 46 小時, 展現與 DUCATI Diavel Carbon 堅固耐操特性,機車之王的剽悍,氣勢懾人。

眾所周知,IWC 萬國錶工程師系列以精準、 高 效 率 與 卓 越 做 工 著 稱;MERCEDES AMG

PETRONAS F1 車 隊 也 以 驚 人 速 度 與 穩 定 調 校 在 賽 道 上 屢 創 佳 績。 自 2004 年 起 IWC 便 與 Mercedes-BENZ 旗下高性能品牌 AMG 成 為合作夥伴,更在 2013 年成為 MERCEDES AMG PETRONAS F1 車隊官方工程夥伴,旗 下兩名車手 Nico Rosberg 與 Lewis Hamilton 也自然成了 IWC 形象大使。

搭載 IWC 萬國錶自製 80110 型機芯,配備一 體式吸震系統,可以有效保護擺陀不受各種撞

(左)Carrera McLaren MP4-12C 自動飛返計時腕錶呈現科技氛圍。 (上)Nico Rosberg 與 Lewis Hamilton 榮膺 IWC 形象大使。 (右)錶面的鈦金螺絲將 F1 賽車 工程基因融入錶中。

046 SiliCom 2014 Sep

IWC 萬國錶推出工程師自動腕錶 AMG 黑色系

擊和震動的影響,最高能承受 5000G 以上重



陶瓷材質則取法 F1 賽車採用之陶瓷煞車盤。

動上鍊裝置與黑色擺陀一覽無遺,也將 IWC 與

10 顆帶著亮眼陶瓷螺帽的鈦金螺絲將錶面緊緊





華亞科技總經理 Scott Meikle 梅國勳

Sitting and Looking Up at the Clouds in Paradise 身在桃花源,坐看雲起時

「我喜歡冒險、挑戰、策略及不確定性,因為不承擔風險,你將會錯過許多機會!」加拿大內蘊的冒險、 運動精神,充分展現在華亞科技總經理梅國勳 No Risk No Fun !的人生經驗中。

"I like adventures, challenges, strategy, and uncertainty. Without risk, a person loses out on many opportunities." The adventurous and athletic spirit of Canada can be found in the personal motto of Scott Meikle, the president of Inotera Memories: "No risk, no fun!" 文.Vincent 攝影.劉信佑

1986 年,Scott Meikle(簡稱 Scott)選擇在加拿大修讀完碩士後,飛至千里之外的日本靜岡大 學攻讀博士,是他人生的第一個冒險及重要轉捩點。 冒險源頭源起於理性的邏輯思考,「我在加拿大的碩士研究就專注於半導體,在日本就讀有兩個 動機,其一是當時日本的半導體非常厲害,其二則是語言,因為我想學對未來事業有幫助的第二 外國語。」90 年代半導體版圖與現今截然不同,台灣仍在發展起步中,日本雄踞半導體科技研發 的最前線及市場,Toshiba、富士通、NEC、Hitachi、三菱都在做 DRAM,當時的日本,「半導 體產業就是記憶體產業」,所有材質及主體研究,都在討論記憶體。因而他選擇來到產業最臻成 熟的日本,學習第一手知識,每六個月就參加日本的應用物理學會,建立人脈,學習日語,方便 日後與日本產業溝通,每一步都有明確的目標。 In 1986, after earning his master's degree in Canada, Scott Meikle (hereinafter referred to as "Scott") decided to obtain his doctoral degree at Shizuoka University in far-away Japan. This decision marked the beginning of the first adventure and major turning point in Scott's life. This adventure was sparked by a particular line of thought. "In Canada, I focused on semiconductors in my studies for my master's degree. I decided to continue my education in Japan because it was very advanced in the field of semiconductors at the time. I also wanted to learn a foreign language that could benefit my career." During the 90s, the landscape for semiconductors was very different from the one today. Taiwan was still a newcomer in the field, while Japan held a commanding lead in research and development. Toshiba, Fujitsu, NEC, Hitachi, and Mitsubishi were all in the business of manufacturing DRAM. In Japan at the time, "the semiconductor industry was synonymous with the memory chip industry." All materials and theme-based research had been focused on the development of memory chips. This motivated Scott to move to Japan, a place where he could learn firsthand from the best in the field. Every six months, he would attend gatherings held by the Japan Society of Applied Physics for the purposes of networking and practicing his Japanese. These experiences would help Scott in his future dealings with Japanese industries. Indeed, every step he took had a purpose. 048 SiliCom 2014 Sep




"At that time, Micron was still at its earliest stages

學習。從初期在日本、之後到美國的 Micron


of memory chip development. So, when I joined,

Virginia 擔任管理職、最後來到 Micron 投資的

選擇加入 Micron 是 Scott 人生的第二個重要

Micron,證實了當年 Scott 的眼界。

I became involved at the onset. During my first


decade in the research department, my role was


Life is an Endless Adventure

very different from my current one. It was not


focused on strategy, acquisitions, or business

要 冒 險 些(take the



Joining Micron marked the second major turning

models. At the time, technological innovation

在過去其實是 IBM 所擁有的 Micron Virginia

選擇。他笑著說:「我可是投了兩次履歷,他 們才錄取我耶!」其實在 Scott 取得博士後, 即有富士通、NEC 等 4 家不論規模、或是科 技掌握上皆占有優勢的公司積極爭取他。但

Scott 卻選擇了當時約莫只有 2000 名員工、市 占率僅約 2% 的 Micron,近在眼前碩大豐盈的 果實卻不拿 ? 關鍵字仍是「挑戰」。

90 年代,原來專注於記憶體業務的 Intel,轉 投資 PC 產業;德州儀器仍在記憶體開發的起 步階段,美國遠遠落後於日本半導體的規模 及產業發展,但 Scott 從中看到了「機會」。 「當時 Micron 正開始記憶體的發展,當我加 入公司時,就從頭開始參與。剛開始十年,我 在研發部門,不同於現在偏向於策略、或是 購併等商業模式的思考,不斷研發新科技是當 時 Micron 的發展武器。因而新科技的研發, (下)出生加拿大、在日本就學、美國 與台灣工作的 Scott,人生閱歷豐富。

point in Scott's life. With a smile, he once said:

was Micron's primary tool to achieve market

"I had to submit my resume twice for them to

success. Therefore, my greatest challenge lay in

consider me!" In fact, four major companies,

inventing new technologies that could be applied

including Fujitsu and NEC, offered positions to

to production. "What attracted Scott to join Micron

Scott after he obtained his doctoral degree. Yet,

was that he saw ambition in the company. Even

Scott chose to join Micron, which at that time was

though Micron did not have the largest market

a small company with only 2,000 employees and two percent market share. Why did he forego the sweet fruit that dangled before him? The keyword

share, it did offer an environment for Scott to maximize his potential.

was still a "challenge." During the 90s, Intel shifted its business from memory chips to the PC market, while Texas Instruments was only a nascent player in the field of memory chips at the time. In terms of the scale

能在一家公司及其相關企業工作 23 年,對新


and development of semiconductors, the U.S. was

世代來說,似乎難以置信,但 Scott 的原因很

戰。」Scott 看中 Micron 的是一間充滿野心與

far behind Japan. Yet, Scott saw an opportunity.

簡單,因為 Micron 不斷提供各種工作磨練與


2. 必須相信自己的判 斷,當你相信自己,







3. 適當地讓組織內的

因而更挑戰。面對問題,Scott 相信某些決定





是我們所說的 Power


Organization, 公 司 才能快速運作。

快,讓組織及工作有效率。 認為適當地「下放權力」也是一門學問,「其 實在一家大公司,可能每天要做 1000 個決定, 必須很快。除了某些決策必須自己做,也要適 當讓組織內的人自己判斷,當然對錯會有獎懲, 也就是我們所說的 Power Organization,公司 才能快速運作。」多地的工作經驗,讓 Scott 觀察到台灣產業善於快速決策,日本則不然。 但在台灣要讓整個組織遵循企業發展的政策及 方向,相較於日本則較為困難。如果能調和雙 方的優缺點,會是一個最妥適的企業文化。

Trust Your Decisions The notion of working for a company for twentythree years might be difficult to grasp for younger generations. Yet, for Scott, the reason to stay with Micron was a simple one: each stage of his career at Micron provided an opportunity for learning. From studying in Japan to holding a management position at Micron Virginia in the U.S., Scott eventually relocated to Taiwan to join Inotera Memories, Inc., a company in which Micro held equity. From the unique business cultures of Japan, the U.S., and Taiwan, Scott's career at Micron was indeed marked with much diversity. He did not have to change companies to experience different cultures. "Yet, it felt like I was 050 SiliCom 2014 Sep

1. 勇 於 面 對 挑 戰, 在人生中我覺得應該

擔任 Pilot Line 經理,對他而言是管理上的重



三個 成功之道

The Three Paths to Success 1. Boldly face challenges. In life, a person must take risks and get outside their comfort zone. 2. Trust your own judgment. When you believe in yourself, you won't waste too much time making decisions. 3. In an organization, trust people to make their own decisions. Reward or penalize them appropriately. This is what defines a power organization, which makes a company run more efficiently.

PEOPLE working at entirely different companies." A role as pilot line manager at IBM-owned Micron Virginia was pivotal in honing Scott's managerial expertise. A company has its own business culture similar to how a country has its own culture. This was also true for Micron


Virginia. A manager not only has to adapt to a

Scott Meikle, 日 本

company's business culture, but also take on


the challenge of finding a suitable management


model. Scott believes that managers must make their own decisions, and that third parties should not interfere in the process. "You must trust your decisions. It is essential that you learn to trust yourself. Achieving such confidence will expedite the decision making process." Although not all decisions will necessarily be right, organizational and productive efficiency will be improved

總 經 理。 於 1991 年 加 入 Micron 半 導 體 的 研 發 部 門、2002 年 至 2005 年 於 美 國

Micron Virginia 擔 任 Pilot Line 經理、2005 年專責管理 Micron 在 日本的製造廠、2010 年至台灣華亞科技擔 任執行副總,2012 年



"Delegating authority" appropriately is a skill in


itself. "Working at a large corporation, a person might have to make a thousand decisions a day. And, speed is essential. Some decisions have to be made by yourself, while others have to be made by other people. Of course, good decisions are rewarded, while bad ones have their consequences. This is what we refer to as a power organization. Only in this way can a company become efficient." With his experiences working in different countries, Scott was quick to identity differences between the Taiwanese and Japanese industries. Unlike Japan, Taiwanese companies are able to pivot more quickly. However, aligning an organization with strategy seemed to be more difficult in Taiwan than in Japan. If the strengths of both countries could be combined, then it would be ideal for business.

親愛的家庭與想念 每天工作長達 11~12 個小時的 Scott,是一個 晨型人。凌晨 4 點多就起床,這段時間是他一 天中最放鬆的時刻,享受全然安靜,然後沿著 河岸開始他熱愛的慢跑,面對長遠的一條大河, 一些人事的情緒以及決策,都在緩吐氣息的之 間,一切落定。 052 SiliCom 2014 Sep



半導體及 DRAM 記憶

人一起吃晚餐。Scott 的辦公室,白板上還留

如同 Scott 勇於面對挑戰並承擔風險的人生經




的照片,家庭始終是 Scott 希望能兼顧的一面。




Scott Meikle Scott earned his Ph. D. in Engineering Physics from Shizuoka University. He is currently the President of Inotera Memories. He joined Micron's semiconductor research division in 1991. From 2002 to 2005, he served as Micron Virginia Pilot Line Manager. Starting from 2005, Scott was in charge of managing Micron's manufacturing facility in Japan. In 2010, he became the executive vice president of Inotera. In 2012, Scott was appointed the president of Inotera. His expertise lies in semiconductor and DRAM production and management.

他堅持全家必須一起生活,如果外派時點落在 孩子不易轉學的階段,他寧願放棄,因為家是

Family Life

他生命中最重要的根。 生長於鄰近洛磯山脈的卡加利(Calgary),

Every day, Scott wakes up at four in the morning


to prepare for his usual eleven to twelve hour work

拿大?開懷的 Scott 眼神中閃過思念的沈靜,

day. The calm quiet that the morning offers is the


most relaxing part of his day. During this time, he


always jogs along the river. As he reflects on life


and work, he also makes many decisions.

過往決定,活在當下的他,滿足於現在,畢竟 人生的捨與得,無法量化,能做的,就是在人 生道路上繼續前進。 精 通 英 文、 法 文、 日 文, 也 會 說 寫 中 文 的

Scott,辦公室門前的春聯就是出自他的手筆。 擁有日本、美國及台灣多地國際工作經驗,面 對經濟停滯、因為少子人口逐漸老年化的台灣,

Scott 提醒職場新鮮人:「這個世代的年輕人 可能會遇到人口的最高峰,積極主動,不預設

Another reason for rising early is that it gives him the chance to get off work on time to eat dinner with his family. On a whiteboard in Scott's office, there are sketches his daughter drew a few years ago. A photo of his family sits on his desk. It is important for Scott to have a balanced family life. Stationed abroad, Scott often has to relocate. He insists that his family move with him. However, he rejects offers that require relocation that would interfere with his children's education. For Scott,


his family is the center of his life.


Taipei is very different from his quiet and peaceful


hometown of Calgary along the Rocky Mountains.

(be comfortable with risk),尤其還年輕,

Does he miss Canada? When asked this question,

a look of longing flashed across Scott's cheerful face. He thought for a while in silence before answering in a calm voice: "I do miss Canada. There, I can go hiking, camping, fishing, or rafting. It is a very peaceful place." However, Scott has never regretted his decisions, as he is a man who lives in and appreciates the present. It is impossible to quantify the gains and losses of life. The only thing a person can do is to keep moving forward in life. Fluent in English, French, and Japanese, Scott also can read and speak Chinese. The Chinese spring couplets hanging by Scott office were written by the Canadian himself. Having worked in Japan, the U.S., and Taiwan, Scott often reminds the young generation of the following: "This generation might experience a peak in human population, they must be prepared to face any challenge." When choosing a career, they should be more adventurous and not stay within their comfort zone. If one does not take a risk, they will forgo many opportunities. One must be comfortable with risk, especially when one is young and can afford to do so. A person should draw from Scott's adventurous and risk-taking lifestyle, and look beyond big corporations for career opportunities. After all, niche markets and companies also have potential for growth. An alternative route might just land you a bright future.

(左)辦公桌後方的國旗塗鴉, 是女兒多年前隨意之作,至今仍 伴著他工作。 (右)辦公室門上的春聯,可是 出自 Scott 之手。 (下)曾在日本求學的經歷,桌 上的和風小物即可看出端倪。


蔚華科技董事長 許宗賢

Two Hearts of a Fun Life 兩顆心玩轉人生

Profile 許宗賢,1959 年生於 台南,1987 年與兩位 夥伴合創蔚華科技,

文.陳玟晴 攝影.劉信佑

現任蔚華科技董事長 兼總經理。2011 年短


暫退休,2013 年重掌





To live an exciting life, David Sheu, chairman of Spirox Corporation, uses the four major directions of "Happiness, Achievement, Significance and Legacy" to define his so-called "way for living his own life". Having already "lived life his own way" during the earlier half of his life, Sheu returned to the company and regained control. Without a doubt, his determination and perseverance not only come from his sentiments for Spirox, where he launched his career, but also his passion for Taiwan's civil standard progress and Social Innovation.


老人家總說,一次做好一件事,一心一意才能專 「人生要適時放鬆沉澱,才會有更大的能量;說 心致志,讓事情成功;然而蔚華科技董事長許宗


賢卻說,「我有兩顆心,分別是蔚華的科技事業 和教育基金會;既要帶領蔚華科技走出新氣象,

2011 年交棒後,在美國矽谷有了兩年以基金會 NGO 和創業投資為重的生活,才讓許宗賢真正






路再次有了重大改變。 The elderly always like to say, "Concentrate on doing one thing first, and dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to making it successful." However, David Sheu, the chairman of Spirox Corporation, likes to reply, "I have two hearts - one for my career at Spirox Corporation and the other for the education foundation. Not only do I want to lead Spirox to new heights, I also want to let the foundation have a greater impact on society." However, with the competition as fierce and fastpaced as it is in the semiconductor industry, can he really achieve both wishes? Sheu has no doubt whatsoever because the lessons and experiences

的學習、經驗與歷程,都是將他推往這個方向的 動力;「夢想越大,心才會大」許宗賢說。

1987 年創業以來,許宗賢全心經營蔚華科技, 適逢半導體業蓬勃發展加上團隊齊心打拼,不 僅連年營收成長,在 2002 年也從一個小而美的 公司轉為上市公司,這是他個人事業與蔚華成 長史上的第一個轉捩點。儘管如此,許宗賢的 企業理念卻告訴自己,一個公司經營 25 年後一 定要有所改變,企業才會有再一次成長的契機, 因而在 2011 年交出董事長與 CEO 職務,只擔 任蔚華教育基金會董事長,轉而全心投入另一 人生軌道。

054 SiliCom 2014 Sep


社會公益的熱情與日 俱增,持續推動基金 會運作,致力為社會 創造與傳承更多正面 影響力。

David Sheu Born in Tainan in 1959, David Sheu founded Spirox Corporation in 1987 along with two partners. Sheu is currently the chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Spirox Corporation. Sheu briefly retired in 2011. In 2013, he returned to the company to lead Spirox towards a new era. Furthermore, Sheu has served as the chairman of Spirox Education Foundation for many years now. His enthusiasm for social welfare has not diminished over the years. He continues to drive the foundation and is committed to the creating and passing on more positive influence to society.



In 2013, David Sheu returned to the frontlines, and introduced this new line of thinking to the company. The first step for reorganizing the company was to improve its health. In addition to the company's operating performance, the health and happiness of his colleagues also served as important indicators. "The greater the pressure, the stronger the heart needs to be." A few years ago, Sheu fell in love with bicycles after a company event. Drawing from his lessons in California, Sheu encouraged his fellow colleagues to exercise. To do this, Sheu, who is over fifty years old, took on the challenge of participating in a triathlon. For most who did not have exercise habits, Sheu specially invited the ultramarathon athlete, Kevin Lin, and his team to help everyone complete their fitness goal of running 10 km in five weeks' time. The leadership style of leading by example formed

間帶領大家最後達到跑完 10 公里的健身目標。

an unshakable foundation for Spirox culture.

自行車、跑步,身體機能都是不可思議的好,年 齡從未限制冒險的精神,反而更激起接受新事務 與挑戰的能量。於是,許宗賢兩年間與他們一起 生活的過程,終於知道那裡之所以不同,是因為 「人」的素質不同,因而創造出截然不同的文化 與創意力。許宗賢悟出,激發思維要從人的角度 出發,不僅讓生活品質更好,同時更能催化工作 品質提升,更富創造力。 於是當 2013 年中重回第一線打拼時,許宗賢將 這新思維帶入,整頓公司的第一步,就是讓公司 健康起來。除了營運績效外,同仁健康、快樂才 是重要指標。「壓力大,心臟就要強壯」,幾年 前因為公司活動而愛上騎自行車,加上加州生活 的體悟,許宗賢不僅鼓勵同仁要運動,為了激勵 大家,年過五十的他自告奮勇挑戰三鐵,對於沒 運動習慣的大多數人,許宗賢特別請來超馬好手

以身作則的領導風範,形成蔚華文化不可動搖的 根基。

Rekindling Passion for Life through a Paradigm Shift

三個 成功之道 1. 創業要不怕失敗,要

of life motivate and push him forward. "The bigger

handing over the reins in 2011, Sheu focused on

the dream, the bigger your heart will be", says

a NGO foundation and venture capital business



in U.S. Silicon Valley for two years. This period


Since his startup in 1987, David Sheu had been

allowed him to realize the importance of striking

3. 注重細節,才能打

fully committed to the daily operations. With the

the right balance between work and life. His values

flourishing development of the semiconductor

for managing life and business underwent a major

industry and the united efforts of his team, revenue

shift, and the seemingly straight path to his life

has grown year after year. Furthermore, Spirox

changed once more.


2. 以終為始,目標明


The Three Paths to Success 1. Do not be afraid of failure in entrepreneurship. Be as determined as a hardto-kill cockroach. 2. Begin with the end, employ clear objectives, and obtain short-term success first to continue moving forward. 3. Pay attention to details to build a strong Infrastructure.

056 SiliCom 2014 Sep

went from being a small company to a publicly

Nevertheless, Sheu drew from his corporate philosophy to tell himself that a 25-year old company required change to obtain room for more growth. Thus, Sheu handed over the position of chairman and CEO, and only remained as the chairman of Spirox Education Foundation, where

around the world, living in Paris, Tokyo, Shanghai, and Singapore. However, he settled in Palo Alto in the San Francisco Bay Area near Silicon Valley, California. Close to Stanford University and near the homes of Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg, the area exudes an atmosphere found nowhere else in the world. There, everyone smiles with fresh energy, and excels at a particular sport. They are happy to both jump in the water and go for a

traded one in 2002. This was the first turning point in the history of his career and Spirox.

Slowing down his pace, David Sheu travelled

swim, or complete an eighteen-hole course in golf.


Their physical fitness is generally great, even for


the overall spirit for adventure. On the contrary, it


has actually sparked an energy for accepting new

加州矽谷的舊金山灣區 Palo Alto。這裡靠近史 丹福大學,Steve Jobs 和 Mark Zuckerberg 的

biking and running. Indeed, age has not limited

things and challenges. And so, during those two years, Sheu experienced this lifestyle of work and life. Due to natural differences in people, various

he devoted himself to another path in life.


"People need to know when to relax in life, so that


they don't wear themselves out. This sounds easy,

都有擅長的運動項目,82 歲的阿嬤跳下水可以

perspective not only elevates the quality of life, but

yet few people really know how to do so." After

游得很開心,高爾夫也可走完 18 洞,更別說騎

also the level of creativity and work.

cultural and creative energies emerge. Sheu came to realize that doing things through a human

快樂,是最值得做的事 如果說,矽谷生活是轉變的觸媒,那蔚華教育基 金會應該就是串連所有事情的因子。最初成立基 金會,始於在地企業回饋鄉里的念頭,但隨著每 一件專案執行後得到驚人回饋,許宗賢愈做愈有 興趣。例如在「愛鄰舍」計畫的「新竹尖石部落 兒童教學活動」中,只需要一點經費上的資助, 能讓修女打造的天主教方濟托兒所每天照顧眾多

本頁:(上)就是修女抱著女孩 的這一刻,讓許宗賢思索,基金 會能為弱勢做些什麼。 (下)各界曾受許宗賢協助的友 人,每年寄來的卡片也都放在辦 公室一隅。 左頁:許宗賢侃侃而談基金會各 項計畫與核心價值。


(下)孩子們臉上的笑容,就是許 宗賢願意付出許多時間的動力。


















having fun,更能激發主動積極與團隊合作的參




力」。由「思維轉換」(Paradigm Shift)促成





Happiness is the Thing Most Worth Doing If we were to say that his life in Silicon Valley served as a catalyst for change, then Spirox Education Foundation would be the factor that links everything together. David Sheu initially established the foundation for the purpose of providing local enterprises with an avenue to give back to their communities. However, with the amazing feedback that came after every successful project, Sheu became increasingly more passionate in its operations. For example, the "Hsinchu Jianshih Tribal Children Teaching Activity" in the "Love Your Neighbor" program only required people to provide a small bit of funding. Through these actions, they were able to help the Catholic Franciscan nursery, which was built by nuns, to feed, clothe, and educate aboriginal children. Now, every time people climb up the mountain, they are greeted by the smiles of children. "This is the thing that excites people - you will finally realize the true value of money!" Sheu says that he knows money just cannot be given directly. Instead, money should be used to transform the values and attitudes of children, helping them "develop their own fishing abilities" to become their own leaders. Only in this way would they have the necessary skills to face the world of the future. Indeed, Sheu employs unique strategies and thoughts for the foundation. To decide the allocation of support and grants, Sheu always first asks,“What would provide the greatest amount of assistance to 058 SiliCom 2014 Sep

children?”Implementing the notion of "source management is more important than anything" in business management has allowed the foundation's resources to generate the maximum amount of benefit and long-term influence. This is different from the scholarships generally provided by other foundations. Spirox Education Foundation focuses on the three major directions of "foster fishing ability", "love thy neighbors", "to promote after school activities" .After spending time with children, the foundation discovered that children were the happiest and energetic during the period after class. Thus, it continued to collaborate with schools to cultivate another type of educational environment - one in the schoolyard after class. By doing so, it sought to stimulate children's' energy and enthusiasm, while fostering a good and happy learning environment. Seeing the smiles of children, Sheu states that, "Inspired by the foundation, breaks during company meetings and learning courses would be used to plan basketball activities. Not only is this fun, but it also inspires active teamwork and participation. As a result, the effectiveness of meetings is elevated, creating unity among colleagues. The "paradigm shift" facilitates livelier discussions, leading to more new ideas. This virtuous cycle allows the company to be more creative and dynamic.

效提升台灣整體社會的公民素養與能力。」要幫 助別人,首先自己要健全,要有強大的熱情才能 去影響更多人,而董事長許宗賢,正是那顆散播 能量和歡樂的強健種子。

Creating a Strong and Healthy Seed that Brings Hope and Happiness


Compared to the solemnness of the chairman's office at Spirox Corporation, the foundation, located at the 13th floor, offers a much more gentle and sensible atmosphere. With the ambiance of Yu Lina's performance of Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto in 1959, bike helmets and frames are located at the entrance. Thank you cards written by children helped by the foundation sit on the cabinet... The vision and accomplishments manifested here are not in any way less than those of the corporation. "The bigger the dream, the bigger your heart will be." "Find the biggest problem and solve it." David Sheu cites the original vow metaphor of Tzu Chi Master Cheng Yen. With the powerful engine of his that is equipped with two hearts, a synchronized start would help regain success in business, while supporting a constant level of hope and happiness within the foundation. This is precisely the vision of the foundation: "With an optimistic, enthusiastic, and joyful outlook, we dedicate ourselves to reinvent the content and process of Taiwan's school and civic education, effectively uplift the civil standard and potential of the Taiwan society." To help people, one must first be healthy themselves. Furthermore, they must wield a powerful passion to influence others. David Sheu is indeed the strong and healthy seedling


that disseminates both ability and happiness.

做顆帶來希望與快樂的強健種子 相較於蔚華科技董事長室的嚴肅氣氛,位於 13 樓的基金會辦公室就溫和、感性多了;流洩著

1959 年由俞麗拿演奏的《梁祝小提琴協奏曲》, 安全帽與車架就在進門處,櫃子上擺著受過基 金會幫助的朋友們寄來的感謝卡片……,這裡畫 出的願景與成就不比科技少。「把夢想做大,心 才會大」、「找到最大的問題,解決它」,許宗 賢引述慈濟證嚴上人當初的發願做比喻,以堅定 的信念,用他那兩顆裝了強力引擎的心,同步啟 動,在事業上重新獲得成功,支持基金會持續湧 現的希望和快樂。

(上)收藏多種「梁祝」演奏版 本,最鍾情 1959 年俞麗拿演奏 版本。 (下)由身為發燒友的同仁,為 許宗賢打造出自己的音樂殿堂。


Bentley's Fantasy Trip


Bentley Flying Spur V8 英國試駕 對於 Bentley 的記憶,總是雋永。 街頭一隅,偶然發現渾厚的身影悄然移動, 好奇心引誘你忍不住隨載後,接著發現車尾鑲了一雙翅膀, 沒錯!這就是屬於 Bentley 的低調奢華。

來到英國試駕全新的 Flying Spur V8,就在擁擠的倫敦市區、

自然的鄉間小路,一場豪華的旅程,就此展開。 文.Seven Lo 圖.Bentley

060 SiliCom 2014 Sep


既是司機 也扮總裁


抵 達 倫 敦,Heathrow 機 場, 疲 累 卻 被 眼 前


Aston Martin、Mini、Rolls Royce……也是如

Bentley 早 已 備 妥 Mulsanne, 煥 然 振 奮! 西 裝筆挺的司機載著穿越紛擾,以總裁的姿態前

全新 Flying Spur 延續傳統 Bentley 的調子,

往飯店。不但可以試駕全新上市的 Flying Spur



造型變得更低、更寬,加上降低車頂高度、 流線化車頭造型、高張力肌肉線條……如此


Flying Spur,更具運動能量。細節方面,全新 Flying Spur 給人濃郁的氣度,四顆圓型 LED

去過德國 Nurburgring 賽道或無限速高速公路,


就不能瞭解 Porsche 要如此造車;若未來到義


大利 Modena 的 Fiorano 賽道兜上兩圈,就永


遠不懂 Ferrari 的精髓到底是什麼 ? 同理可證,

為方矩造型……整體的第一印象,全新 Flying

來到英國,才可以體會 Bentley 的低調哲學。

Spur 變得更年輕、更有活力。

打開 Road Book,發現試駕路段的豐富程度超

以上是 2013 年新世代 Flying Spur W12 的設

乎想像,首先,駕駛 Flying Spur V8 穿過倫敦

計重點,到了今年,更年輕的 Flying Spur V8

市區,接著上高速公路,驅車前往 New Forest

接棒,設定的客戶年齡層低於 40 歲,換言之,

國家公園,回程時再乘坐 Mulsanne 返回倫敦。

這是有史以來最年輕的 Bentley。


可以扮司機,也可以扮總裁,全程 Bentley 試 (下)美麗的儀錶、細緻的指針、講 究的細節,每個畫面都能給人欣賞藝 術品的感動。


環保節能 動力概念


顧名思義,V8 引擎是 Flying Spur V8 的靈魂。

自 2005 年問世以來,Bentley 已製造二萬部

力為一具 6.0 升的 W12 雙渦輪增壓引擎,最

Flying Spur,對於一家年產八千多輛的奢華汽 車品牌來說,這是極為亮眼的數字。自 VW 集 團入主之後,不僅為 Bentley 提供穩健後盾,

大馬力 625 匹馬力、最大扭力高達 81.6kg.m


去年在北京試駕過 Flying Spur W12,搭載動

, 大 排 量、 多 汽 缸、 高 扭 力, 是 很 標 準 的


Bentley 作風。今年的 Flying Spur V8 引擎排 氣量縮減為 4.0 升,汽缸數量減少 4 顆,動力

統,讓 Bentley 成為當今最炙手可熱的奢華品


牌。除了挹注資金、科技,VW 也很清楚一件

(右頁) 1. 來自 down sizing 高效率動力策 略,這具 4.0 升 V8 引擎雙渦輪引擎 能釋出 507 匹最大馬力,加速能量 源源不絕。 2. 位於車身正前方的紅色廠徽象徵年 輕與活力,這也是辨識 V8 車型的最 佳途徑。 3. 紅色 B 字廠徽內隱藏著高抓地力、 低噪音的特殊輪胎,霸氣的輪框充滿 精緻、渾厚的設計風尚。

062 SiliCom 2014 Sep


這具 4.0 升 V8 雙渦輪增壓引擎是 down sizing




擎效率皆青出於藍。來自 Audi 的鋁合金汽缸


本體、缸內直噴供油系統、雙渦輪增壓器、低 阻抗軸承、優化散熱系統、ZF 製造八速手自排



向。因此在 2013 年,多數人看到全新 Flying

再加上 Bentley 工程師的精心調校,帳面上的

Spur 很難明白究竟有何改變?仔細比較,你 將發現新舊 Flying Spur 的基本比例差不多,

性能數據分別為最大馬力 507 匹,67.34kg.m


止 加 速 至 100km/h 時 間 為 5.2 秒、 最 高 極

扭 力 峰 值 則 出 現 在 極 低 的 1,750rpm, 從 靜 2



Bentley Flying Spur V8

在英國駕駛最高檔的英國汽車, 就好比到倫敦 Savile Row 訂做一套西裝,筆墨難以形容的。

速 295km/h,相較於 W12 引擎,並未遜色多


少。之所以出現這具 V8 引擎,環保節能扮演

功厥偉的角色。 引擎型式

了重要關鍵,根據 Bentley 提供的測試數據,

Flying Spur V8 平均行駛一公里排放 254g 二 氧化碳,因此提前通過歐盟第六期 Euro 6 環保

如果要真正擁有 Bentley,飛一趟英國,你將體驗更多。




507PS/6000rpm 最大扭力


不安;這具 V8 引擎的出力活潑、拉轉暢快,

67.34kg.m /1750rpm



點火,因而大幅節省燃油支出。這具 V8 引擎


8ST 驅動方式


Spur V8 的滿油續航能力可達 840km,若在台






的英國手工,整車使用的皮革數量高達 14 張,


駛里程超過三百公里,Bentley 的測試數據確

以雷射精準切割為 326 塊,再送到師傅手上一


針一線慢慢縫製;車內使用的實木面積高達 10 平方米,還得經過 72 小時處理……過程繁瑣,

進化 變剛、變輕的科技


全新 Flying Spur 擁有多項進化工程,除了看



Savile Row 訂做一套西裝,筆墨難以形容的。 如果要真正擁有 Bentley,飛一趟英國,你將 體驗更多。


2425kg 底盤型式 前後 多連桿+氣壓懸吊

CO2 排放量 254g/km 0~100km/h 5.2 秒 極速




抗扭曲因而提升 4%,來到 36,500Nm/ 度的傲

NT$ 1,168 萬

人水準。當車身剛性提升,NVH 表現亦隨之進 步,全新 Flying Spur 變得更安靜、行駛震動 更低。 輕量化也是重點技術,Flying Spur 的引擎蓋與 前葉子板採用鋁合金材質,葉子板還特地使用 航空工業技術,將合金板材加溫至 500 ℃,再 以壓縮空氣塑型,可以打造更銳利的鈑件線條, 還可以偷輕重量。此外,Flying Spur 的後行 李箱蓋也導入高分子合成材料,結果同樣是瘦 身減輕。相較於舊型,全新 Flying Spur 不僅 剛性提升,車身重量還減輕 50kg。

064 SiliCom 2014 Sep



先是車體,Bentley 加強門檻、B 柱、前方橫

剛性變強、車身減輕、動力提升、油耗降低…… 這是科技的功勞,也是容易理解的層面。倒是 懸吊設定的思維耐人尋味,Bentley 宣稱全新

Flying Spur 的防傾桿、彈簧、橡皮襯墊硬度 3







除 了 上 述 科 技,Flying Spur V8 還 使 用 了 汽


1. 完美的內裝是軟化心靈的良藥,背 後蘊藏極端繁瑣的製作過程,所以價 值連城。 2. 流線化車頭造型、高張力肌肉線條 讓 Flying Spur V8 更具運動氣息。 3. 全新設計的尾燈造型內斂,內建 LED 燈具,遠距離辨識度提升不少。

V8 48V +雙渦輪增壓

Spur V8 為我們帶來絕對優勢,只要出現空檔 就能輕鬆奔馳,在高速公路上以超過 200km/h

的油耗表現頗為優異,Bentley 表示, Flying





微熱山丘執行長 陳來助

Human Touch of a Technologist 科技人的人情味


When exploring a new domain, one must observe with their leg, think with their hands, and act with their heart. 文.李國芬 攝影.張明偉

微熱山丘宣布,友達光電前任總經理陳來助出任企業執行長。全球第四大面板廠專 業經理人轉戰烘焙業。 暫且不急著以面板業與烘焙業的產業屬性、營業額、員工人數等的懸殊差異,來合 理解釋面對備受關注的眼光。當了解「執行長」現階段的工作重點,是工廠生產管 理、上下游產業鏈的合作順暢、導入科技應用以更確保食品安全的萬無一失、海外 市場的開拓與管理……所有人都會恍然大悟:原來轉換跑道後被賦予的重責,正是 應用陳來助過去所有工作經驗的總和,至此不得不佩服微熱山丘力邀陳來助的慧眼 識人。 連陳來助也不認為自己能有所貢獻,他謹慎地先以顧問身分參與微熱山丘,讓彼此 再確認:他的加入,有機會讓微熱山丘「Think Different」。 Sunny Hill appoints former chief executive of AU Optronics, Lai-Juh Chen, as new chief executive officer. Executive of world's fourth largest panel producer makes career change to pastry industry. Let's cast aside the differences in industry, revenue, and personnel size between a panel and pastry business when interpreting Chen's career change. As it becomes clear that his immediate focus as CEO will be production management, supply chain operations, technology implementation, food safety, and foreign market expansion, this career change seems like a logical move. It turns out that Chen's previous experiences coincide perfectly with his new role. Sunny Hill showed real vision in hiring Chen. Initially, even Chen was not convinced he was up for the job and only served as consultant to Sunny Hill to test the waters. Now, his hiring gave Sunny Hill an opportunity to "Think Different."

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The first time was during a transition from



manufacturing to services marked the second



reset. The third reset was when Chen was



handling a five-hundred-day long antitrust case in



the U.S. in 2010. From 2011 to 2013, he turned his



focus to the solar energy industry, which marked













現在則重視消費者體驗,著重『價值』與『品 牌性格』的創造。」


the fourth change in his career. Many years ago, Chen once said: If one stays

Chen to make even more adjustments: "one must observe with their leg, think with their hands, and act with their heart."


When visiting Sunny Hill's factories during his

次是從 DRAM 產業轉入面板業, 2003 年從


role as consultant, Chen felt immediately familiar

製造端轉進業務端是第二次,第三次是 2010



with the "production" aspect of pastry production.


"Whether producing panels or pineapple cakes,

年因為反托拉斯案件意外開始停留美國的 500



a factory is always defined by its combination

雖然陳來助過去管理的海外據點多達二、三十 個,如今面對發展「國際知名糕點品牌」的目 標,他務實地認為,「每個字都很難」。 不過,挑戰性激起了興趣。陳來助發現,農業、

of machinery and personnel." Chen's deep understanding of "technology" will be key to bringing production to a higher standard. By deploying a new system of factory management, Chen knew he could bring Sunny Hilly to new heights. For a young company with a short history of just five years, Sunny Hill expanded into foreign markets relatively early. Currently, it has three outlets outside of Taiwan, which include a shop in the Bund of Shanghai's, Tokyo's Omotesando, and Raffles Hotel Singapore. Although Chen managed over twenty to thirty operations across the world in his prior career, he expressed that this new task of developing an "international pastry brand" is "a challenge in every sense." Nevertheless, this only heighten his interest. Realizing that technology can help agriculture and food industries flourish in new direction, Chen became deeply passionate with this new endeavor and signed on as chief executive officer.

(左)在東京表參道耗資新台幣二億元,請來知名建築師隈研吾, 打造出一個完全與「微熱山丘」理念相符的建築。 (上) 陳來助將科技人的元素注入微熱山丘這個食品品牌中。


天,2011 至 2013 年專心投入太陽能產業是 第四次。 多年前他曾經分享過:只要能重置自己的慣性, 就可以做什麼像什麼。而這次跨入全新領域, 重置的功課作得更全面:「用腳去看、用手去 想、用心去做。」

Five Career Resets In his previous career, Chen was known for his problem solving abilities, quick adjustments, and



他一一走訪具有技術底子的公司,比對出具競 爭力的技術,也看到許多產業機會。 以關乎賞味期限與美味的鳳梨酥包裝紙為例, 他認為有機發光二極體(OLED)產業應用的


一件事或價值鏈具有 大影響力、帶來很久





所使用的進口烤箱,精準度只有正負 5 ℃,但

into the consumer industry. One cannot tell he


came from an engineering background. And, as


always, he is able to make sharp decisions.


Never disregarding the cultural and taste


preferences of Sunny Hill's domestic and


competition revolved around "price points"


Influence」、「Return on Inspiration」、 「Return on Insight」 等新的 ROI 概念,當


and profit were the performance metrics, and

意 的 數 字 之 一。 不


his new role, as Chen has assimilated perfectly

experience. In my previous job, efficiency, cost,


更多思考「Return on

國內業者已經做到正負 2 ℃,「如果國內烘焙

strategies deployed must lead to an analog

on Investment,ROI


humane approach. This record still stands true in

international clients, Chen insists that all digital

的 多 元 意 義

The transition to an entirely new industry, requires




true to their instincts, they can achieve anything.

Digital Concepts in Brand Creation


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DRAM to panel business. In 2003, a shift from

Alternative definitions of

「用腳去看」的成果豐碩,信手拈來已是三、四 個新的產業機會,「希望有更多跨界人才投入 食品業,然後以 10 年時間,為台灣打造 100 個品牌。」

and "specs." Now, the focus is on consumer


experiences and creating "value" and "brand



市場規模,「大陸、東南亞、日本合計有 22

Until now, Chen has reset his career five times.

億人口,大約相當台灣的 100 倍。」

Return on investment is a number professional managers pay close attention to. However, Chen believes that Taiwan should instead focus on "return on influence," "return on inspiration," and "return on insight." When there is a chance to create value and inspire, one must seize the opportunity.


Irrepressible Business Acumen According to Chen, technologies and business opportunities discovered by "observing with

Profile 陳來助,1963 年生,



improvement in farming technologies.


After Chen's appointment as Sunny Hill" events

院 EMBA。1999 年進



have kept on coming Chen's way. Interestingly,


價值鏈,10 年、100 個品牌的夢想,也可能在

清華大學化工系博士、 美國 Thunder Bird 學

his legs" and problems solved by "think with


his hands" reflect his business instincts as a


professional manager and highlight the unique


丘與 300 多位契作農夫建立夥伴關係,因為這



contributions he can make as an outsider in the food industry.

聯友合併後曾任友達 光電總經理。曾是竹


故事,5 年來不斷發生,有想法的年輕人因而 產生信心,陸續有人回鄉務農。

He visits companies that have solid technology


foundations to analyze the competative



經理。2014 年,微熱


techniques. During these visits, he also discovers many industry opportunities. Chen thinks that anti-oxidizing and waterproof materials used in OLED production can be applied to the paper packaging of pineapple cakes to better maintain the cake's freshness. Through investigation, he discovered that over twenty thousand pastry producers in Taiwan use imported ovens in their production. Yet, these ovens have a margin of error of 5 degrees Celsius, which is inferior to domestic oven's margin of only 2 degrees Celsius. "If all pastry producers in Taiwan switch to more accurate domestic ovens, then Taiwan can foster an entire new industry." To preserve the flavors of pineapple cakes, Chen implemented Taiwan's most unique refrigeration technology. A pressure sterilization method is used to achieves food safety standards without sacrificing flavor. "Instead of using heat which affects flavors, 3,000 atmospheric pressure can also achieve sterilization." This is the result of "observing with one's legs." With little effort, three to four industry opportunities were discovered. "I hope more talent will cross over to the food industry, so that in ten years' time a hundred new brands can flourish in Taiwan." Obviously, Chen sees great potential in the food industry. He believes that the pineapple cake business alone can expand by a hundred folds. "China, Southeast Asia, and Japan have a combined population of 2.2 billion, which is about a hundred times the population of Taiwan."

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Creating a Value Chain for Public Interests Chen envisions a supply chain that connects the agriculture and food industry, which creates a larger value chain. And, the key to establishing a hundred brands in a decade's time might lie in this value chain. Due to its great demand

most of the invitations are coming from the technology sector. Is it that technologists desire to be closer to the land and want to understand the connection between agriculture and pastry making? According to Chen, the answer is simply that "many in the technology field want to change careers!" Not only does Chen's new job give him the freedom to flourish as a professional


for pineapples, Sunny Hill has established

manager, but it also gives him an opportunity


partnerships with over three hundred farmers.

to give back to society, which was not possible

Chen Lai-Zhu


This led to stabilization of purchase prices, which

in his previous job. This realization must have

Born in 1943, Chen Lai-Zhu holds a Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering from National Tsing Hua University, and an EMBA degree from America's Thunderbird School of Global Management. In 1999, he began working at Acer Display Technology Inc. (ADTI) as director for various departments, such as research and development, factory, information systems, operations, marketing, and global manufacturing. After ADTI merged with Unipac Optoelectronics Corp, he became the general manager of AU Optronics Corporation (AUO). He was the youngest factory director in Hsinchu Science Park and the youngest general manager in Taiwan's panel industry. In 2014, SunnyHills was proud to announce that Chen had been appointed its Chief Executive Officer (CEO).


helped improve farmers' lives. Over the past five

initiated many in his audience to reflect on life


years, these positive results have encouraged a

and work.


業與烘焙業的連結?「是很多科技人都想轉 行!」陳來助的答案,其實不問可知。聽他興 致勃勃談現在的工作,有專業經理人的發揮空 間,又有先前工作不易兼顧的公益實踐,想必

new generation to take up farming. Sunny Hill requires that its partner farmers to "not use pesticides," which forcing them to "adjust their farming methods" and acquire new technologies. With this approach, both the farmers and


consumers, as well as the environment are being


protected. It also sowed the seeds for an overall

Chen is again doing what he does best, which is to combine value creation with work. He can apply his positive thinking to the maximum extend. He is making history by being a technologist in Taiwan's agriculture and food industry.

(上)在微熱山丘門市內,有著濃濃 的人文氣息。 (左)用腳去看、用手去想、用心去 做是陳來助對於重置人生下的定義。 (右)微熱山丘鳳梨酥不僅國內熱銷, 在海外也引起一陣旋風。


厚生市集創辦人 張駿極

距離現在不太遠的 1984 年,出版了一本新書《美食家官方手冊》,書中清楚定義美食家的特質: 「美食家」想知道食物的來源與真實的味道,對他們來說,烤雞或烤蛋糕的香氣,就是「家」這 個概念的核心。

「看天吃飯」 教我們的事 接觸農事久了,張駿 極了解順應自然的必 要,不能貪多,不能 強求,也很難計劃,







2011 年,二女兒才出生,40 歲的張駿極帶著「未被職場磨光的不安分因子」,以及對孩子未來


生長環境的關切創業,離開象徵高薪的科技業,創立厚生市集。「向在地農民買當季安全食物」 的主張,很快就在網路上引起關注:民以食為天,一日三餐是降低食物里程、擴大安全栽種面積 最家常且永續的實踐,滋養口腹還能穩定農民收益,世上少見如此皆大歡喜的買賣。 《The Official Foodie Handbook》, was published in 1984, a year not too distant from the present. The

book clearly defines the characteristics of a foodie as a person who desires to know the sources and true tastes of food. For them, the aroma of roast chicken or a baked cake forms the core to the concept of "home". As the entire world contemplates issues regarding people and the environment, increasingly more "foodies" are lighting the fires to their own stoves and carefully seasoning their food. The local fruits and vegetables placed around the table showcase the distinct characteristics of the four seasons. The definition of a foodie precisely depicts the work and life of Farm Direct founder, Chang Chun-Chi. When he was forty-years old and his second daughter had just been born in 2011, Chang founded his company with "a restlessness that had not yet been polished by the workplace" and a concern for the future environment in which his children would live. To do so, he chose to leave the technology industry and the high salaries it symbolically afforded. Advocating the buying of safe, seasonal food from local farmers, Farm Direct quickly attracted attention across the internet. People regard food in the absolute highest. Three meals a day reduce the amount of food miles. Expanding safe planting areas is the most domestic and sustainable practice. Nourishing diets can also help stabilize the incomes of farmers. There are few examples of sales in the world that are as immensely enjoyed by everyone as this.

Savoring the 識得食滋味 Taste of Food


"The most satisfying return for establishing Fam Direct is the connection with 'people' ". 文.李國芬 攝影.張明偉

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Learning from "Living off the Land" Being in the agriculture business for many years, Change is well aware of the importance of adapting to nature. One cannot be too greedy or overly insistent, as plans do not always pan out as expected. Remaining levelheaded is a must when living off the land. "A capitalist system does not fit the field of agriculture, as fixating on maximization will only lead to disappointment.


本頁:(上)親自到農地與農民們 搏感情 ,才能了解各類食物來源。 (下)架上各種農產品,都經過嚴格 篩選,才能讓消費者安心選購。 右頁:(左)每天下午出貨時,就是 所有員工最忙碌的時刻。 (右)新鮮蔬果經過處理後在冰箱中, 賣相更佳。

一定要 可追溯的食物來源

第一步」,並且更堅定「向農民買」的營運模式: 消費者從外袋標示的生產者資料,了解食物來











與只要 20 至 45 天就可採收的短期葉菜類,各




或捕撈、後端是否連接加工、深海或迴游魚類, 排列交錯出不同的供應鏈、安全與品質。 張駿極朝幾個農業大縣出發,探詢與在地農家 合作的可能。彼此初見面的一問一答,意外觸 及生鮮蔬果的產銷實況。 農民問張駿極「在不在意農藥殘留?」「如果

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There Must be A Traceable Food Source Preparations for starting the business lasted nearly a year. To look for safe sources of food, Chang


Chun-Chi visited various experts and suppliers.


He gained an extensive level of knowledge


by categorizing and researching vegetables,


mushrooms, fish, meat, etc.


Even though they are all vegetables, radishes,


potatoes, and garlic are harvested once a year,


while some vegetables only need about twenty

to forty-five days to be ready for harvest. Each vegetable features noteworthy details. Fish cannot be generalized either - farmed or fished? Is the back end connected to processing? Deep sea or migratory? Interwoven arrangements result in the formation of different supply chains as well as levels of safety and quality. Chang travelled to several large agricultural counties to inquire about possible cooperation with local farmers. Unexpectedly, the contents of his first meetings usually revolved around the current production and marketing of fresh fruits and vegetables. The farmers asked Chang questions like, "Do you care about pesticide residues?" and "What would you do if the test results revealed these residues?" In response, Chang would answer quite honestly, "I would not buy it from you then, and I might even report you to the authorities." Understanding the needs of their visitor, the farmers divided the crops into two piles: Goods that "could be sold to" Farm Direct and those that cannot. Chang was curious where the products that "could not be sold" would go. "They would go to wholesale markets for fruit and vegetable." This dichotomy led him to the realization that "traceability is the first step to agricultural safety". Furthermore, he was even more determined to operate by "buying from farmers": Consumers get to know the source of their food from the information labeled on bags. The revenue from all sales goes directly to the farmers. It is not so much that the purpose of traceability is to establish a way of supervising farmers, but also to let positive feedback live up to its name. "There are many farm experts who collaborate

with Farm Direct." Chang points to the boxes scattered around the workplace, constantly referring to the names labelled on each of them as "very brilliant". Each one is an agricultural master who wields original techniques. "We need to learn more from them."

以為蔬菜 長在超市的 台北俗 張駿極是土生土長的 台 北 人, 在 大 學 畢 業、到嘉義野戰部隊 服役前,只熟悉都會 生 活, 並 且 五 穀 不

味蕾遊戲 全家來「品」梨

分,甚至以為蔬菜就 長在超市裡。

受限 30 公里的配送距離,加上據點有限,不

彷彿社會小縮影的 1


年 10 個月服役生活,



好消息是,厚生市集終於構想出「多贏」的拓 點及營運模式,接下來,將陸續與新竹華光社

己樂於交往不同背景 朋友的天性,以及輕 易融入鄉間生活,算





完成人員訓練就能提供服務,未來半數營運利 潤歸社福團體所有,張駿極對於持續在各地複 製這個合作模式,充滿期待。 張駿極還有另一個目標:吸引更多消費者因理 解「吃在地、當季、向農夫買」而轉向。不過, 「吃」是快樂的事,訴求社會責任未免沉重, 他只想以美味收服人心。 「家」是最好的實驗室,在高接梨盛產的季節, 他會切好包括豐水梨、新世紀梨、幸水梨等不 同品種的拼盤,和兩個女兒一起品嚐,然後看 看誰終於能準確猜出品種。 他發現孩子對吃梨的新方法很感興趣,厚生市 集於是向消費者推薦這個適合家人共享的吃 法,並且以市場僅見的多品種組合方式,包裝 一袋梨,讓味蕾有機會記憶不同的風味。 厚生市集還常提醒消費者:「當季」就是美味 保證,不信的話,試試羅宋湯。當季的洋蔥一 煮即化,天然鮮甜能為整鍋湯提味加分;季節

A Taipei Dweller Who thought Vegetables Grew in Supermarkets Chang JunJi is a native of Taipei. Before graduating from university and fulfilling military duties in Chiayi, Chang knew little of life outside of a city. He could not even tell grain from rice, and thought that vegetables were grown inside supermarkets. During his one year and ten months of military service, Change, to his surprise, realized that he enjoyed meeting people of different backgrounds and had an affinity for country life. These early experiences paved the way for him to establish Farm Direct.


不對的洋蔥久煮還是脆硬,即使是大廚也料理 不出那一口綿密。

A Game of Taste Buds "Savoring" Pears with the Whole Family Restricted to a distribution distance of 30 km, Farm Direct has a limited amount of bases. Many people living outside its distribution network often lament on social networking sites, "Farm Direct doesn't send to my region". The good news is that Farm Direct has conceived a "win-win" model for expansion and operation. They will collaborate with Hsinchu's Huakuang Social Welfare Foundation and Taipei's Victory Potential Development Center for the Disabled. The shelters and workshops of these social welfare organizations will help serve as its bases. After the personnel is trained, they will provide services on behalf of Farm Direct, with half of all revenues going directly to these social welfare organizations. Chang Chun-Chi is looking forward to continue this method of collaboration throughout various locations. Chang also holds another goal: To attract more consumers to shift to the concept of "eating local and seasonal food, and buying from farmers". However, "eating" is an occasion for joy, and simultaneously demanding social responsibility can be a bit heavy. He merely wants to introduce people to delicious flavors. "Home" is the best type of laboratory. During the richest season for pears, he prepares platters consisting of different varieties, including Fengshui, new century, and lucky pears. He would then enjoy them along with his two daughters. Afterwards, they would play a game to see who could most accurately guess each variety. He discovered that children seem to be very interested in this new method for eating pears. Farm Direct promotes this method of eating that is suitable for families by packaging pears through a variety of combinations. This provides taste buds with a chance to remember each different flavor. Farm Direct also frequently reminds consumers: "Seasonal" guarantees deliciousness. If you 076 SiliCom 2014 Sep

Profile 張駿極,英國牛津大 學物理學博士、美國 麻省理工學院企管碩 士。從經手 40 億元的 穩懋半導體副總經理, 因為對兩個女兒成長 環境的關切,毅然投 入一把 40 元蔬菜的有

don't believe it, try borscht. Seasonal onions melt instantly when cooked, and the naturally sweet flavor serves as a bonus for the soup. Nonseasonal onions are still brittle even after being cooked for a long time. Not even great chefs can make them tender.

機農業,以「早上訂、 下午送」、「食材安 全新鮮」為原則,創

食物風土誌 吃的旅行


每個在地風土,涵養獨一無二的飲食文化。從 Chang Jun-Ji

1994 年留學英國開始,直到離開科技業前,

Chang Jun-Ji holds a Ph.D degree in Physics from University of Oxford, and a MBA degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. As the deputy general manager of WIN Semiconductors Corp, he handled deals worth four billion NTD. But, due to concerns for the environment and future for his two daughters, he resolutely began investing in the organic industry of " a handful of 40 NTD vegetables". With the principles of "morning order, afternoon delivery" and "fresh and safe materials", Chang founded Farm Direct.

與妻子一同預約各地米其林餐廳的美味,是兩 人的共同興趣,更是辛勤工作的犒賞。 身為資深美食家,關於在地與進口,張駿極有 聰明吃法:尋常生活搭配禁得起細細品嚐的在 地滋味,至於精心雕琢的異國美食,就留作每 次旅行的必訪風景。

Food Terroir The Journey of Eating Each local terroir features a unique culinary culture. From when he went to study abroad in 1994 to before his departure from the technology sector, he and his wife would make reservations at various Michelinstarred restaurants. This was their shared interest, as well as a well-deserved reward for their hard work. As a veteran foodie, Chang employs a brilliant method of eating regarding localization and importation: Seek local flavors that can be savored. Be sure to visit and taste all the carefully crafted and exotic cuisine on every journey.

本頁:張駿極希望將自己對吃的體悟, 帶給每一位消費者。 左頁:員工們依照網路訂單,將消費 者所選購的產品裝箱準備運送。


The Amazing Alsace 阿爾薩斯


「多麼美麗的花園哪!」 — 路易十四 白酒在法國人心中崇高而美好,甚至不惜一戰,只為了捍衛這上天賜與的佳釀。 文、圖.夏維爾

車行進入阿爾薩斯的葡萄酒大道(Route des




vins d'Alsace),放眼望去盡是窗台栽植著鮮













次見到阿爾薩斯時不自覺地驚呼:「多麼美麗 的花園哪!(Quel beau jardin!)」

(上)阿爾薩斯葡萄酒大道上的美麗 葡萄園。 (下)阿爾薩斯可說是世界頂級白酒 產區。

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多了幾分德式精準。 阿爾薩斯種植的白葡萄品種主要為麗絲玲

格烏茲塔明那 × Ispahan 馬卡龍

麗絲玲 × 各種海鮮

象深刻的品種。極度甜美的荔枝、玫瑰等花果 香氣,總是能讓台灣人在搖晃酒杯的第一時間





灰皮諾(Pinot Gris)、蜜思嘉(Muscat)、白皮




諾(Pinot Blanc)及席瓦娜(Sylvaner)等六種,



孚日山脈(Massif des Vosges)阻擋來自大
















(上)阿爾薩斯小鎮隨處可見窗台栽 植著鮮花的木造小房子,有著濃濃 的德式風情。 (下)阿爾薩斯可說是世界頂級白酒 產區。當地大器建築,就如同阿爾 薩斯白酒一般,令人印象深刻。


身的法國當代甜點大師 Pierre Hermé 在他的






我在吃 Ispahan 馬卡龍的時候,我喜歡和阿爾







(左)一桶桶白酒,正靜靜等待著開 桶時香氣四溢的那一刻。 (右)最原始的種植技術,讓風土最 純粹的滋味在酒液中呈現。 ( 下 ) 阿 爾 薩 斯 菁 英 酒 莊 ZindHumbrecht 會在酒瓶上標示甜度,指 數 1 最干,指數 5 最甜,釀造的灰皮 諾貴腐甜白酒(SGN),甚至擁有如 同陳年白蘭地一樣的濃郁香氣,令人 著迷。

灰皮諾 × 中式菜餚 灰皮諾來自於黑皮諾的皮諾家族變種,雖是白 (上)Zind-Humbrecht 是 阿 爾 薩 斯 著名的菁英酒莊之一,使用自然動力 農法(Biodynamique)釀造的阿爾 薩斯白酒,風格強勁宏大。 (下)Ispahan 是 Pierre Hermé 所創 作的馬卡龍甜點,結合了玫瑰、荔枝 以及覆盆子的酸甜口味,以粉紅色的 討喜外觀席捲了全世界,與放肆地展 現荔枝和玫瑰香氣的格烏茲塔明那甜 白酒是最棒的結婚!。

葡萄品種,但葡萄外皮顏色卻較深,常被人誤 認為紅葡萄。灰皮諾獨特且複雜的香料、乾 果、甚至帶有一點煙燻味,以及特出的礦石風 味,往往能在第一時間迅速擄獲葡萄酒迷的芳 心。漫畫神之 形容阿爾薩斯的灰皮諾交纏著 花草果香以及芬多精,「就像是療傷系森林浴 那樣的葡萄酒。」也正因為她的滋味豐富,架 構紮實,與中式菜餚習慣的海陸全餐一次上 桌,一拍即合。

白酒就是阿爾薩斯的語言、 文法、文化。 法國葡萄酒評論家貝爾納(Bernard Pivot)曾 說:「白酒就是阿爾薩斯的語言、文法、文化。」 「光是麗絲玲、酸白菜和蜜李派,法國就有充

未 080 SiliCom 2014 Sep

CUISINE 魚,所謂「原汁」指的就是顏色及味道全來自


於鮑魚本身,其口感彈性十足,味鮮醇厚。 1985 厲善麟決定於北





色澤,選用豐富膠質的花膠 ( 魚肚 ) 淋上雞湯 蒸煮,程序繁複,爐肉與花膠相得益彰,味道 鮮美。焌油石斑魚:同樣是厲家菜特色之一, 將蔥花及石斑魚放在鍋裡以高溫加熱,使整道

1986 美國默克石油公 司總裁造訪厲家菜, 成為厲家菜第一位洋 人貴賓。

菜品散發蔥香味,且石斑魚肉質鮮嫩,最後再 淋上以醬油特調的私房醬汁,香氣四溢。 美國暢銷書《1000 Places to See Before You

Die》,「如果你一輩子得做一千件事,其中 一件便是要到厲家菜館吃頓飯。」"If you have 1000 things to do in your whole life, one of them would be to dine in the Family Li Restaurant."。的確在中國,厲家菜和針灸、按 摩並列為是許多洋人對中國難以忘懷的體驗。

1990 厲家菜首度獲邀 赴澳洲墨爾本開設首

傳聞慈禧太后喜愛吃燕窩,因此厲家菜御膳料 理中有多道以燕窩入菜,燕窩綠豆水飯為宮廷 宴客常菜,也是養生飲品:將綠豆泡水去皮後 煮透,再加入梨水冰糖燕窩,冰凍而清新,雪


2003 厲家菜日本東京 六本木店開幕,為全 球第二家海外分店。

梨粒清甜爽口。至於「三不沾」:因不沾筷、 不沾盤、不沾牙而得其名,香甜而不膩口,是

2008 日本厲家菜連續


三年被評比為米其林 二星餐館。

中國厲家從爺爺傳到父親,再到孫子,的祖傳 珍寶「厲家菜」。源自清代宮廷御膳,每一餐 菜式多達百樣,可以說集漢、滿、蒙、回多種 民族菜系之精華。御膳菜譜上頭寫著如何取材、 配料,也註記了重點料理手法,鉅細靡遺,共 計一百八十餘道。為了保持宮廷風味純正,烹 製過程繁複而傳統。一桌菜色的規矩是「必須 提前預訂,現場不能點菜」。發揮中菜精髓,

挾著獲選「亞洲最佳 50 餐廳」,東京分店曾連續 3 年摘下米其林 2 星的輝煌厲家菜,以中國宮庭御膳 之姿,不負眾望地一舉收攏了全球老饕們的胃口。祖傳的厲家菜,不以排場取勝,而以小巧精緻,點到 為止的皇帝私房口味見長,吃的是文化歷史淵源的滋味,更可謂中國末代貴族華麗的最後見證。 文.翊修 圖.BELLAVITA 寶麗廣塲

不愧是宮廷菜的代表。 源自北京,道地宮廷御膳料理,有別於坊間僅

誰也沒料到,末代皇弟愛新覺羅溥杰揮毫寫下 的「厲家菜」,就這樣飄香世界,至今已接待

2010 九月北京開設新 分店,取名為「蘭亭






於 2010 世界博覽會期

房 11 號」傳奇,體驗現代皇上的好滋味呀 !


(上)厲家菜經典名菜爐肉扒花膠,程序繁複,美味非同凡響。 (下)原汁鮑魚以長時間熬製,將大海的豐饒濃縮於口中。 左頁:(上)精緻各式小點在擺盤下宛若美麗山水。 (左)一餐厲家菜吃下來,絕對是一生中難忘經驗。 (右)甜品「三不沾」,因不沾筷、不沾盤、不沾牙而得其名。



2014 台北 BELLAVITA 寶麗廣塲店開幕。 厲 曉 麟 獲 得 The

Diners Club® 2014 年 「亞洲五十最佳餐廳」






分店,為北京 ( 三家 )、






精工細活 百味之尊 厲家菜


台北市松仁路 28 號


寶麗廣塲三樓 訂位專線



魚:台北厲家菜選用日本吉品縣頂級的溏心鮑, 以長時間熬製的老母雞高湯慢火烹煮出原汁鮑 082 SiliCom 2014 Sep


WORLD HORIZON 如遺世天堂般,正是體驗奢華的開始。 鬱鬱青青、湖泊環抱小島,馬爾地夫的自然原 始環境,得天獨厚。揉合現代建築和傳統,優 雅低調,盡顯原始風情的「白馬莊園」Cheval

Blanc Randheli 悠然如畫,島上 45 幢度假別 墅講究手工精細度和專屬隱私性的創意,品味 體貼入微又極富現代時尚感。高高的閣樓式屋 頂、七米高的手工房門,穿透式的室內外和環

Just Like Heaven

境相連接,打造出強大的空間感。巨大的玻璃 門外如畫般綿綿風景,門內則是溫馨舒適的悠 閒氛圍。看似平實,卻不乏法式優雅的多樣性





從一千五百多英呎的高空望去,一片碧波, 馬爾地夫保存完好的努努環(Noonu Atoll),遙遙在望。 近在眼前是 LVMH Hotel Management 精品集團旗下

繼阿爾卑斯山 Jardin Alpin 打造滑雪勝地之後, 第二間富豪的私人度假基地。 文.伊森 圖.Cheval Blanc Randheli

(上)延伸到海上的步道,予人開闊的視野與心境。 (下)七米高的手工房門,令人印象深刻。 (左)空中鳥瞰馬爾地夫,一片蔚藍。

084 SiliCom 2014 Sep



45 5 棟別墅


1 16







作 為 精 品 現 代 標 竿, 白 馬 莊 3

奏。知名建築師 Jean-Michel


Gathy 主 掌, 以 天 然 為 幕 將 當代藝術的精緻和隨興展露無

12.5 9 呎私人游泳池



遺。隨處散見的藝術品與室內 完美結合。


海上遠遠望去 Arch 這座具有

1 300


標誌性的雕像,有如海浪中聳 立一座拱門,歡迎著來訪貴賓。 這 是 由 Vincent Beaurin 創 作







另一個以 46 個色點,每一色 點都是獨一無二,由大理石和

橋頭、沙灘、池畔或島上任何一處用餐,」甚 5


石英砂塑成的藝術品,在每棟 別墅開闊而舒緩的氛圍裡,象

他處的法式浪漫。 「這裡擁有風和自由,」海釣、追海豚、風帆、

園 Cheval Blanc Randheli, 是藝術和大自然最完美地合

徵著馬爾地夫日出和日落的藝 2

術裝置,有一種獨特的,讓人 墜入幻境般的魔力。

逐浪,各式海上活動中,經 PADI(國際專業潛 水教練協會)認證的潛水,帶領一同探索馬爾

Yellow Circle, 環 顧 無 處


不 在 的 一 抹 黃 色, 是 藝 術 家

疲了,特地和嬌蘭 Guerlain 攜手量身的私人療 理服務,洗去煩囂。還有什麼比整個人浸泡在 海水裡的去角質療程,教人驚喜和難忘。

Manuel Merida 以單色的律動 感,強調當代藝術的存在感。 有機材質緩緩地透過律動蔓延 開 來, 創 造 出 無 窮 可 能 性。

White Bar 裡 的 馬 頭 是 超 過







夫的白馬莊園,一沙、一島;什麼是奢華 ? 只 有海平面吹來的風和自由。

在這裡傳統與現代完美相遇。 手工製的鏡子,裝置在更衣室 別墅牆上的陶瓷雕塑及大型落 地鏡框,黏土透過細緻而專業 的 手 做 完 成, 陶 瓷 碎 片 的 組

1.2. 想在沙灘上享用美食,這裡能夠滿足您的所有需求。 3. 莊園內的裝置藝術與自然景致相輔相成。 4. 在美景中享受 SPA,人生就該如此愜意。 5. 挑高空間與摩登室內設計毫無壓迫感。

086 SiliCom 2014 Sep

成,代表對馬爾地夫海洋的種 種回憶。


Royal Designer for Industry 皇家工業設計師



義大利經典美學 跨界盛行的今日,愈來愈多建築師愛玩家具設計,然而,多數建築師只是小試身手設計幾件令人驚艷的 單品,少有人如 Antonio Citterio 般專精,其工業設計作品之精采程度,甚至讓人忘了他是米蘭理工學院 建築系出身。

文.陳玟晴 圖.BVLGARI、MOT/CASA、大陸建設



INTERIOR BOMB 學與市場實用度上,輕易找到平衡的支點。也 因此,執業 30 多年來,Antonio 早於 1987 與

1994 年分別以 L 型沙發「Sity」及全球第一件 半透明果凍色彩塑膠家具「Mobil」,兩度獲 得代表業界最高榮譽的金圓規獎(Compasso d'Oro-ADI award),英國皇家工藝與商業協 會更於 2008 年頒發「皇家工業設計師」的殊 榮。為 Kartell 設計的「Battista」折疊桌受到 紐約 MoMA 和巴黎龐畢度中心永久收藏。

布置,其為義大利家具品牌 Flexform 設計的


MAXALTO 品牌設計總監一職授與 Antonio, 結 合 Antonio 多 年 的 空 間 設 計 經 驗, 讓 MAXALTO 在處理木料與皮革上的細膩技術在

1950 年 出 生 於 義 大 利 Meda,1972 年成立公司, 1975 年畢業於米蘭理工學 院(Milan Polytechnic)

「Groundpiece」組合沙發、為 B&B Italia 設

建 築 系。 長 期 在 歐 洲、





所有設計皆從自身的需求開始 雖然設計範圍之大、品項之多,但 Antonio 談

(上)Antonio Citterio 為 Hermès 設 計的 Matières Collection 扶手椅。 (下)Via Salaino Milan。

外,室內設計、家具都同樣是以 Antonio 作品

被安然穩當地置入,讓居住空間成為 Antonio

Antonio 認為,好的設計師要能捕捉人們生活 的變化,提出解決之道。而在 Antonio 對人們




現代常稱的「減法設計」。Antonio 的「減」,













工 作。 在 工 業 設 計 方 面 與 多 家 知 名 廠 商 合 作, 如 Ansorg 、 Arclinea 、

人們絕對忘不了米蘭 BVLGARI Hotel 以大地


Axor-Hansgrohe、B&B Italia、Flexform、Flos、 Fusital、Hermès、 Iittala、Kartell、Maxalto、 Sanitec Group、 Technogym、Tre Più、 Vitra 等 皆 有 合 作。 因 其






代表業界最高榮譽的金圓 規 獎(Compasso d,Oro-


Antonio 操 刀 設 計。 此 外, 如 Ermenegildo Zegna 集團在義大利米蘭的總部、義大利老城 Seregno 街區更新、家具大廠 Vitra 的德國廠 房、休閒服品牌 Esprit 多處總部大樓等,從工

例如眾所熟悉的 B&B Italia 作品中,經典款如

業設計、家具設計、室內設計、建築設計到都 市設計,Antonio 都可以設計也無一不精采,

B&B Italia 的皮革技術與獨特的塑料,讓椅子是 有彈性的舒適;「Mart」沒有時下流行的氣壓

然而即使如此,Antonio 的設計卻從來不是辨







坐的椅子,自然成為 B&B Italia 的經典款式。



吧!自小在家具工廠裡打轉,Antonio 早已練

使 Antonio 獲得眾多大廠的信賴,包括 B&B


Italia、Flexform、Flos、Hermès、Iittala、 Kartell、Vitra 等 都 與 Antonio 合 作 設 計。 1993 年 B&B Italia 更 將 旗 下 頂 級 家 具 品 牌

格外敏銳而熟稔,也就是這樣的機緣,讓他設 計家具起來毫不費吹灰之力,就能在美學、力

090 SiliCom 2014 Sep

About Antonio Citterio

扶手椅「Mart」從流線椅身就可知道這是一張 依照人體工學設計的完美座椅,因為符合人體 工學,坐上去時彷彿人是被椅子緊緊包覆,而

ADI award);2008 年 獲得英國皇家工藝與商業 協 會(the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures & Commerce of London) 頒 發 的「 皇 家 工 業 設 計 師」(Royal Designer for

Industry)殊榮。 www.antoniocitterioand

(上)MAXALTO Recipio Fulgens。 (下左)Antonio 首度為台灣設計的建 築,將以菱格紋外觀展現米蘭的時代 風華。 (下 右 )Antonio 為 B&B Italia 設 計 的「Mart」扶手椅。

Montblanc Rita Hayworth

Mercedes-Benz The new C-Class

Most Wanted

文.邱羿瑄、Carlos 圖.Montblanc、SAMSUNG、PP Møbler、台灣賓士、台灣興華


萬寶龍 美國愛神

Mercedes-Benz 推出全新 The new C-Class,



萬寶龍 Montblanc 頂級限量系列書寫工具令人

最 佳 選 擇。 共 有 C 180、C 200 與 C 250 三

著迷之處。今年萬寶龍隆重推出全新麗塔 • 海

款車型,承襲 Mercedes-Benz 當家旗艦房車

華斯(Rita Hayworth)限量款書寫工具,將被

S-Class 的王者風範,導入客製化思維,有著 EXCLUSIVE、AVANTGARDE 與 AMG Line 額



《巧婦姬黛 Gilda》上映;半透明綠色亮漆的筆

現 The new C-Class 各種獨特魅力與多重個性。

身,重現當年電影海報上麗塔 • 海華斯那一襲

而 在 配 備 上, 更 將 奢 華 元 素 發 揮 的 淋 漓 盡


致;從 LED 智慧型頭燈、環景式座艙照明系

紋飾以 750 純金打造,象徵其迷人的捲髮。筆

統、 香 氛 套 件、Burmester 環 繞 音 場 系 統、


Agility Select 動 態 車 輛 設 定 功 能、 新 一 代 ATTENTION ASSIST 駕駛者注意力輔助系統、 Active Parking Assist 主 動 式 停 車 輔 助 系 統 等,讓駕駛與搭乘 Mercedes-Benz The new C-Class,都是享受。


限量 46 只,是為了紀念在 1946 年她的代表作





SAMSUNG 年度強勢新品,全球首款 78 吋黃 金曲面 UHD TV 才於 2014 美國消費性電子展 CES 上獲得最佳創新大獎 ,目前已正式在台上 市,包含 4200R 黃金曲度 UHD TV U8700 系 列、UHD TV U6000 系列皆同步登台。其技術

1934 年,英皇喬治五世將象徵卓越品質的皇室 認證頒授給 JOHNNIE WALKER;如今,身為 全球威士忌領導品牌的 JOHNNIE WALKER, 推出新作「JOHNNIE WALKER 黑牌 1930 恆




源於 1930 黃金年代的華麗裝飾藝術、好萊塢電


PP Møbler

影視野與景深感,具有身歷其境的效果。內建 的調光技術能精確校調畫面光暗,黑色更深邃、 白色更純然,提供更細膩的觀影體驗。

Leica M-A & M Monochrom

百年限量 101

相機中的奢華指標 Leica,今年恰逢品牌 100 週年,如此具紀念性的榮耀時刻, 趁勢推出的紀念產品自然不同凡響;於先前 Leica 德國總部全新落成開幕活 動中,正式發表 Leica M Edition 100 百週年紀念套組。 包括傳統底片相機 Leica M-A ,及全片幅純黑白單色調數位相機 Leica M

Monochrom 兩款機身,象徵對 135 格式攝影歷史的推崇,而黑白數位攝影 更使讓這款紀念套組有著向百年前致敬意義。首次採用不銹鋼材質製成的機 身,更具特殊性。此外,攜手 Rimowa 特製的黑色鋁鎂合金攜行箱讓整體質 感再加分,全球僅限量 101 組,絕對是攝影迷夢寐以求的發燒貨。 092 SiliCom 2014 Sep

影、及奢華旅遊等元素,信手捻來都是靈感。限 量黑色瓶身的透明部份和細緻醒目、華麗藝術






作為裝飾,而黑牌 12 年

文化價值與木紋如此美麗,為了讓其得到良好 及完善的運用,以精良木藝聞名的丹麥品牌 PP

Møbler 獲得了獨家購買這塊木材的權利,製 作 成 全 球 限 量 50 張 的 PP502 辦 公 椅 -Swivel Chair,座椅背靠、兩側扶手由同一塊木材製 成,銜接紋理更趨完美,同時, PP Møbler 也 重新發表丹麥大師 Hans J Wegner 所設計, 與 Swivel Chair 搭配的 PP571 建築師之桌。年 度新品則有 Thomas Alken 設計的 PP850-On Board,為經典長角桌的時尚翻版。


蘇格蘭威士忌的琥珀色酒 液從黑色瓶身穿透而出, 令人為之心醉。即日起在 全台指定酒類專賣店均 有販售,建議售價新台幣

1080 元。


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