Le livre de terminale (33)

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Terminales LycĂŠe FĂŠnelon Lille


Ce livre rassemble les ressources utiles pour l'année en classe de terminale. De nombreux documents ont des liens qui permettent d'aller plus loin . Vous aurez ainsi une idée de la progression sur l'année dans les quatre notions. Vous aurez aussi des occasions de collaborer, sachez saisir votre chance.

Sources pour les photos: http://www.deviantart.com/, https://pixabay.com/fr/, https://www.flickr.com/. Pour les documents: https://fr.wikipedia.org/, https://www.theguardian.com/usnews/2016/jul/26/michelle-obama-convention-speech-female-president, http://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Give-a-Boy-a-Gun/ToddStrasser/9781442433564, http://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2015/08/can-benedictcumberbatch-save-theater-from-cellphones/401042/, http://magazines.scholastic.com/news/2015/03/Banksy-Visionary-or-Vandal, http://www.manythings.org/voa/space/8.html http://www.irishtimes.com/news/offbeat/eight-completely-ridiculous-storiesabout-pokemon-go-1.2731042,

Terminales Lycée Fénelon Lille 1

Les outils:

https://todaysmeet.com/, plickers.com, https://www.genial.ly/, getkahoot.com

Special Thanks to Jillian Morris, Todd Strasser and Chris Cresci for letting me use some of their work for non-profit and educational use only. Anglais au lycée Fénelon à Lille


Index 1. “Bac to School”, methodology and revisions. 2. Share your thoughts on Today’s meet. 3. PLACES AND FORMS OF POWER, The Presidential election 4. Michelle Obama’s speech at the Democratic convention. 5. Michelle Obama’s speech on video and game. 6. Give a boy a gun by Todd Strasser. 7. Myths and Heroes, great actors. 8. Can Benedict Cumberbatch save theatres from cell phones? 9. Hopper’s America. 10. Banksy, visionary or vandal? 11. Divergent and Perfect worlds. 12. Auroville. 13. Slumdog Millionaire. 14. Epic Fails, Apollo 13. 15. Pokemon Go sad stories. 16. The notion of progress. The world most secret dress. 17. Jeans are toxic. 18. Among Giants. 19. Spaces and Exchanges. A nation of immigrants. 20. Jillan Morris, a shark angel.


"Bac" to school Roll over your mouse over 1 and 2




"Bac" to school








Trump VS Clinton Who will be the next president?



















Donald's platform

Kahoot Time


give a boy a gun Introduction Around 10 P.M. on Friday, February 27, Gary Searle died in the gymnasium at Middletown High School. After the bullet smashed through the left side of his skull and tore into his brain, he probably lived for ten to fifteen seconds. The brain is a fragile organ suspended in a liquid environment. Not only does a bullet destroy whatever brain tissue is in its path, but the shock waves from the impact severely jar the entire organ, ripping apart millions of delicate structures and connections. In the seconds that follow, the brain swells with blood and other fluids. The parts of the brain that control breathing and heartbeat stop. One doctor described it to me as "an earthquake in the head." At the moment of Gary's death I was in the library at the state university, where I was a sophomore studying journalism. As soon as I heard the news, I went home to Middletown, determined not to leave until I understood what had happened there. Returning to Middletown was like stepping into a thick fog of bewilderment, fury, agony, and despair. For weeks I staggered through it, searching out other lost, wandering souls. Some were willing to talk to me. Others spoke because they felt a need to defend themselves even though no one had pointed an accusing finger at them. Some even sought me out because they wanted to talk. As if speaking about it was a way of trying to figure it out, of beginning the long, painful process of grieving and moving ahead. 9

give a boy a gun Some refused to speak because it must have been too painful. For others, I suspect it was because they had learned something about themselves that they were still struggling to accept ­­ or to conceal. I spoke to everyone who would speak to me. In addition I studied everything I could find on the many similar incidents that have occurred in other schools around our country in the past thirty years. The story you are about to read is really two stories. One is about what happened here in Middletown. The other is the broader tale of what is happening all around our country ­­ in a world of schools and guns and violence that has forever changed the place I once called home. The quotes and facts from other incidents are in a different­style print. What happened in Middletown is in plain print. This, then, is the story of what I learned. It is told in many voices, in words far more eloquent and raw than any I could have thought of on my own. It is a story of heartbreak and fear and regret. But mostly it is a warning. Violence comes in many forms ­­ guns, fists, and words of hate and contempt. Unless we change the way we treat others in school and out, there will only be more ­­ and more horrible ­­ tragedies. ­­ Denise Shipley Copyright © 2000 by Todd Strasser





Plickers Time




Room: Silverteacher 15









18 19

1. A woman playing Pokemon Go in a cemetery had to call emergency services to rescue her after she got stuck up a tree. Firefighters in Clarksboro, New Jersey, said the woman climbed the tree inside Eglington Cemetery as she attempted to “catch them all” while playing the game on her smartphone. Firefighters came to her rescue and said she was “a bit embarrassed at that point”, and they refused to release her name to spare her additional embarrassment.

2. A man reportedly jumped out into a busy dual carriageway while playing Pokemon Go in Co Down. Police said the incident happened on the A2 at Holywood on Thursday morning. Officers posted details on a Police Service of Northern Ireland Facebook page. “Already this morning we had a reports of a male jumping out in front of traffic on the A2, Holywood,” read the post on PSNI Ards page. “Can you guess why?? “I don’t care how rare the Pokemon is, it’s not worth your life.

3. Indonesian officials banned the playing of Pokemon Go from the presidential palace. Hastily printed warnings that say “Playing or hunting Pokemon prohibited in the palace area” have been put up around the palace complex in Jakarta. “This is the office of the president, not a playground,” said palace worker Bey Machmuddin. Last week, cabinet secretary Pramono Agung said he had captured a number of Pokemon at the palace, but some officials voiced concern the game could pose a security risk. Further reading


Furthing Reading




Breaking News

Jeans are TOXIC

Further reading



Risking injury and incarceration, an environmental activist disrupts the clear­ cutting of an ancient redwood grove by sitting on a tiny platform a hundred feet up in the tree canopy. Already three years into the tree­sit when filming begins, AMONG GIANTS blends vérité cinematography with intimate personal reflection to create a vivid picture of life in the trees and the unwavering dedication of the activists. This film was shot and edited in 2011, and a year later, the tree­sit ended as a victory for the tree­sitters. As of 2013, negotiations are still underway for the sale of the land, and the exact acreage is still being determined. Huge thanks to "Farmer," "Bingmouse," "Amanita," and the rest of the tree­sitters for allowing us to live with them and film their story. Learn more about their work, donate, and see what they're up to now: 23 efhumboldt.org

copyright http://www.usagain.com/


A nation of immigrants.

Spaces and exchanges


A nation of immigrants


A nation of immigrants

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. from Title 4, Chapter 1, Section 4, US Code


Swimming with Sharks

Jillian Morris A shark Angel



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