SILVIA LUCCHESE Portfolio | 2019
May 2019 3D MODELING & RENDERING COURSE Archiviz 6 days Full-Immersion CINEMA 4D + V-RAY (Milan, Italy) October 2015 - July 2018 MASTER DEGREE in Architecture Technological and environmental design 110/110 L, Politecnico di Milano (Milan, Italy) October 2010 - March 2014 BACHELOR DEGREE in Architecture science 101/110, UniversitĂ IUAV di Venezia (Venice, Italy) September 2005 - June 2010 DIPLOMA in Architecture and design School of art Napoleone Nani di Verona (Verona, Italy)
Born in Verona (Italy) 24.03.1990
May - Today 2019 INTERN SGS Architetti Associati (Milan, Italy)
Living in Milan (Italy) Cellular, +39 347 6712208
November - December 2017 INTERN Presting S.r.l. (Milan, Italy)
E-mail, Linkedin, Silvia Lucchese
September - October 2012 INTERN Renato Rizzi architect (Venice, Italy)
Instagram, silvilucchese
June - July 2009 INTERN Massimo Baldini architect (Verona, Italy)
In compliance with the GDPR 679/16 and the Italian Legislative Decree no. 196 dated 30/06/2003, I hereby authorize you to use and process my personal details contained in this document.
June - July 2008 INTERN ABW architects (Verona, Italy)
OTHER October 2017 - Today WAITRESS AL25 Officina enogastronomica (Milan, Italy)
October 2015 - Today VOLUNTEER Event Green city Milano (Milan, Italy) Retake Milano
I am looking for a full-time job that stimulates me and allows me to use and improve my knowledge in the field of architecture and design. I am ready to give my best to learn and improve my weaknesses!
May 2014 - January 2015 BARTENDER Asti Restaurant (Edinburgh, Scotland)
competitions & calls December 2017 COMPETITION under 40 RIPROGETTAMi-Co with Presting S.r.l. (Milan, Italy) March 2016 CALL FOR DRAWINGS 30>30 Tulpenmanie Gallery (Milan, Italy) January 2016 CALL FOR POSTCARDS Ri-formare Milano e oltre_Projects for places in state of degradation and neglect Politecnico di Milano (Milan, Italy) November 2015 - January 2016 COMPETITION ATMOSPHERE 2016 Feeding student’s life @Polimi Fuori-Salone del Mobile 2016 (Milan, Italy)
WORKSHOPS 31th -9th September 2018 1st- 10th September 2017 ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN WORKSHOP RE-START with Laura Daglio, Roberto Podda, Giuseppe Boi, Francesco Spanedda, Carlo Atzeni (2017) Annalisa Cocò, Simone Solinas, Giulia Ricci (2018) (Oliena, Sardinia, Italy) 27th February - 1st March 2015 WORKSHOP ARUNDO DONAX AND BAMBÙ MANUFACTURE with CanyaViva & Bambuseto (Camaiore, Tuscany, Italy) September - December 2014 OPEN COURSE JAPANESE ART, DESIGN AND VISUAL CULTURE Joanne Soroka The University of Edinburgh (Edinburgh, Scotland) 29th August - 6th September 2014 WORKSHOP CAMPOSAZ 1:1 with Aguaz, Campomarzio, Anålogo architecture & landscape (Transacqua, Trentino Alto Adige, Italy) 1st - 19th July 2013 W.A.VE FUTURE MARGHERA TYIN Tegnestue Architects Università IUAV di Venezia (Venice, Italy)
2nd - 20th July 2012 W.A.VE PROJECT AGAINST THE TREND Paolo Desideri architect Università IUAV di Venezia (Venice, Italy) 2nd - 20th July 2011 W.A.VE URBAN REGENERATION/2 Sara Marini architect Università IUAV di Venezia (Venice, Italy)
COMPUTER SKILLS Mac OS X - Windows XP/10 Autodesk Autocad Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe Indesign Sketchup Rhinoceros Autodesk Revit QGis Maxon Cinema 4d Graphisoft Archicad V-Ray
LANGUAGES Italian (Mother tongue) English B2 (TOIEC Certificate 715/990)
PERSONAL SKILLS Eagerness to learn Creativity Drawing and Model Making Comunication Adaptability and Flexibility Hard work Meticulous and Eye for detail Initiative and Autonomy
INTERESTS Architecture and Design Sustainability and Enviroment Participation practices Photography and Illustration Handicraft and Bricolage (oil painting and clay) Travel and meet new people Acting and Performance (Theater course September 2016 - June 2017) Wine and Cakes Yoga
New square in Porta Genova Urban volunteering - 2019
A Platform to Re-Start Master degree thesis - 2018
RiprogettaMi - Co Competition - 2018
The artisan court Academic work - 2017
Textiland Academic work - 2017
Forlanini under the bridge Academic work - 2016
Residences Pastori Casanova Academic work - 2016
Bamboo pavilion Workshop - 2015
Salvanel Workshop - 2014
Marghera in wood W.A.Ve. - 2014
The modesty's space Academic work - 2011/2012
0 New square in Porta Genova Urban volunteering - 2019 Retake Milano The intervention is part of the "Open Squares" project, and follows the objectives of sustainability and urban regeneration of Milan 2030: enhancing the squares as meeting places in the center of the districts, improving public space, expanding pedestrian and usable areas and promoting sustainable forms of mobility for the benefit of the environment and the quality of life in the city. The path from the exit of the M2 stop to the Biki gangway was colored with white and blue stripes, along which benches, plants, vases and racks were placed. The square in front of the small railway station has been transformed from a chaotic and lacking identity, into a large livable and orderly pedestrian area for a total of 4.100 square meters of areas that add to the 1.200 square meters already pedestrian with the maintenance of both transit of public transport, as well as vehicle access for the residents of piazzale di Porta Genova 2. "Open Squares" follows the successful examples realized in big cities of the world such as Bogota in Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo, New York City and Los Angeles, Addis Ababa, and Bombay and in Milan.
4.100 m2 new Pedestrian area!
I A Platform to Re-Start Master degree thesis - 2018 R. Podda, L. Daglio Dissertation research examines a current topic: the problem of depopulation and abandonment of smaller towns in Italy and Europe, introducing a vision and a change of perspective compared to the centrality of the city which affected the architectural panorama of the recent years. There are numerous projects and initiatives that are moving in this direction, as highlighted by this year's Italian Pavilion (Venice Biennale), curated by Mario Cucinella architect. The theme "Arcipelago Italia" tackles the relaunch of territories temporally and spatially far from large urban areas and holders of an invaluable cultural heritage, as a strategy for the whole country.
The work intends to draw attention to Oliena (NU), a village of Barbagia, subject to a gradual abandonment and degradation of its historical center, as a result of population transfer to the surrounding suburbs. The aim is to experiment temporary solutions for the regeneration of degraded green open spaces, through the insertion of urban devices that give added value to the resources and peculiarities of the places. The design approach has a dual purpose: to stimulate the population to rethink the once-identifying places of their daily life, athrough a manual of tools for the selfconstruction of urban devices; and to re-actualize these places according to contemporary lifestyles and contemporary sociality, which activated permanent mechanisms of re-appropriation of space.
urban area _ Oliena
Natural system
Minimal urban space for aggregation
Agricultural system
Urban system
Urban room 3X3 m
Room opening and sharing
Aggregation of rooms
List of materials
PINE WOOD type 1 PILLARS Dimensions 10X10 cm
Cedrino's forest complex (Forestry site)
PINE WOOD type 2 STRIPS Dimensions 8X10 cm
PINE WOOD type 3 STRIPS Dimensions 2X10 cm
PINE WOOD type 4 STRIPS Dimensions 5X5 cm
FERULA COVERING Diameter 3 - 4 cm Working and transport phases of wood
Structure costruction
Forniture costruction
Ferula communis
Ferula harvest sites
Walk cross sections
Theater and performance space
Playground andWalk fitness area section
Front view of the market adhering to the existing wall
Drawing by Costantino Nivola
Reinterpretation of the traditional alley
Artisan Lab & Atelier
The devices sit alongside the blind walls and the corners of the buildings overlooking the green space.
Reinterpretation of the typical Olianese house:
Cell repeated and aggregated in height with pergolas and stairs.
Portion of shared and educational gardens
Organic composter
Spices crops
Vegetables and vines crops Pumping water into the tanks through a solar-powered hydraulic pump
Water distribution in the gardens Section B-B'
Section A-A'
Information panels
Section B-B'
Pear tree Apple tree Fig Pomegranate Almond tree Chestnut Berries
Orchard and walk along the river
Panoramic tower with a view towards the mountain (Supramonte)
Device with reflecting mirrors for people with disabilities
Structure and covering
Medicinal crops
Panoramic tower and cultivation of medicinal plants
II RiprogettaMi - Co Competition - 2018 Presting S.r.l.
The MiCo completed by Mario Bellini in 2009, overlooks, with its south head on the new urban centrality of City Life. With the "RIPROGETTAMi-Co" contest, Fondazione Fiera, owner of the congress, aims to redevelop the MiCo faรงade (north wing), to rethink the entrance of Porta Carlo Magno, the academy building and to design the margin between the areas of Fondazione Fiera Milano and the CityLife Park. The intent is to give a new face to the historical areas of MiCo-Milano Congrssi and adapt them to the architectural quality of the context.
The project aims to rethink, strengthen and where necessary rebuild the spatial, functional and aesthetic relations of the entire sector, taking care to calibrate all the elements of the composition. For the formal choices it was decided to work on pairs of opposites such as opacity / transparency; reflection / reverberation; light / shadow; interior space / outer space; leather / mass; Artificial / Natural; active / contemplative that that allow an overall dynamism that coexists and compares with the context. The organizational / distributive solutions rethink the flows, the accesses and the traffic; while the technical / constructive ones, prefer dry assembly and innovative materials for durability and eco-sustainability. In addition, enough photovoltaic panels have been inserted to balance a possible increase in consumption.
TO ACCOMPANY Define the boundary with the Citylife park through a path that accompanies to the raised square (+5.00 m).
TO PROTECT Cover the existing fixed and mobile stairs that lead from the 0.00 level to the raised square (+5,18 m).
TO COAT Covering the old back of the MiCo in relation to the existing elements that redefine it as a new facade.
TO WRAP Redefining an isolated building and creating a new driveway and pedestrian door (Carlo Magno).
3 +0,00
Detail of the coating and exhibition gallery
Cross beams
Reticular beams
Existing structure
Ground floor THE GALLERY The new faรงade of MiCo works, from the spatial point of view, on the concept of thickness: it takes advantage from the double skin between the coating and the building, to create an internal gallery for different activities and exhibition. The external coating is made of panels of a special copper alloy, with holes of different diameters. The internal space, instead, is defined by a light tensostructure with a more or less transparent texture.
Exhibition gallery section
Photovoltaic roof Solar roof system that integrates solar cells and modules within the roof structure. Solar cells + color slit film + tempered glass.
Polycarbonate panels Self-supporting system for polycarbonate sheets, with honeycomb structure, to be applied by snap on steel joining test tubes. Plate thickness: 20 mm
Outdoor paving Slabs in white granite with a hammered finish. 30 x 60 x 6 cm
Detail of the polycarbonate walls that flank the ramp from the park
View of the ramp from the park
Cross section from the park to the square
Photovoltaic panels
Polycarbonate panels
Cross beams
New entrance door
Ground floor THE TAPE A polycarbonate structure surrounds the Academy building defining a new pedestrian entrance and a new intimate and green environment, isolated from external flows. The ribbon continues on the border edge, breaking and falling off in correspondence with the descent on the park.
View of the polycarbonate structure that surrounds the academy building
Academy section and new shelter
III The artisan curt Academic work - 2017 L.Daglio, R.Podda The design activity concerns the intervention on the building with particular reference to the smaller historical centers that in recent years have attracted the interest ifor recovery, redevelopment and enhancement with respect to the new needs of contemporary living and attention for local places and resources. The object of the design exercise is the typetechno-morphological redevelopment of a block in the historic center of Oliena (NU) in Sardinia, as part of strategy to regenerate the urban context. The strong presence of local traditions has led to investigate the arts and crafts sector as a project theme. The goal is to create a system of spaces and services for young people who want to invest in artisanal products and local specialties, allowing dialogue between the new generations, local associations and older citizens who bring knowledge, in optics of their transmission and innovation. The idea is to create a common system of laboratories and shared work spaces that combine the artisan tradition with digital innovation, recovering and improving some traditional courts present in the urban fabric. This will be joined by a system of residence and reception that allows new users to live and work immersed in natural and cultural beauties of the place.
Courts like microcosms
Old Town
N Ground floor
the court
as a place of aggregation
Fablab building and artisan workshops
Lighting system, curtains and spray water
Perimeter walls delimiting the court
Inner space of court
Construction portion of building
Laboratories section and internal facade
Main facade on the road
1. SOLAIO DI COPERTURA (Tetto rovescio) - Parapetto in tubolari di acciaio; - Pavimento flottante di copertura; - Strato separatore, guaina impermeabilizzante; - Isolante XPS; - Strato di tenuta; - Massetto di pendenza; - Lamiera grecata collaborante con rete elettrosaldata e getto in cls, 5 cm; - Elemento separatore; - Guaina impermeabile; - Blocchetto in cls; - Scossalina metallica di protezione; - Profilo a “C” di copertura; - Profilo a “C” di protezione all’isolante; - Isolante; - Schermatura di tipo automatizzato. 2. SOLAIO INTERPIANO - Scossalina metallica di protezione; - Massetto in cls; - Muro esistente in pietra; - Architrave in profilo a “C”; - Schermatura di tipo automatizzato; - Lamiera grecata collaborante con rete elettrosaldata e getto in cls, 5 cm; - Pannello isolante XPS resistente a compressione; - Sottofondo di livellamento, passaggio canalizzazioni impiantistiche e isolamen to termico in argilla espansa; - Materassino in sughero (o polietilene), 2 cm; - Foglio di tessuto-non tessuto; - Pavimento in legno flottante 100x20x1,5 cm.
3. SOLAIO CONTROTERRA - Terreno; - Magrone; - Vespaio areato tipo “Iglù”; - Rete elettrosaldata e cappa in cls; - Pannello isolante XPS resistente a compressione, 4 cm; - Guaina impermeabile; - Sottofondo di livellamento e passaggio impianti in argilla espansa; - Massetto autolivellante; - Materassino in sughero (o polietilene); - Foglio di tessuto-non tessuto; - Pavimento in legno flottante 100x20x1,5 cm; - Canale di aerazione; - Bocca di lupo; - Due cordoli di sottofondazione atti alla distribuzione dei carichi, 45x78 cm; - Muro di riempimento in cls. 4. muro esistente - Muro esistente in pietra; - Isolante di protezione; - Intonaco bianco interno.
5. struttura portante - Trave principale HEA 200 in acciaio verniciato bianco; - Trave secondaria IPE 180 in acciaio verniciato bianco; - Pilastro HEA 200 in acciaio verniciato bianco. 6. curtain wall - Montante Schuco; - Traverso Schuco; - Vetrocamera basso emissivo con intercapedine riempita ad Argon, 8.20.8 7 . APERTURA ESISTENTE - Apertura fissa in legno con vetrocamera e apertura a doppia anta; - Vetrocamera basso emissivo con intercapedine riempita ad Argon, 8.20.8
IV Textiland Academic work - 2017 B.Croce, S.Cattaneo, L.Sdino The project theme concerns an intervention of reuse, redevelopment and integration of Schiatti textile ex-factory in Lentate sul Seveso (MonzaBrianza) very famous in the world for its velvet, which represented the source of livelihood for many families and today in a state of neglect. The main objective is to rethink existing spaces and buildings and to relate them to the urban fabric, trying to maintain the identity of ex-factory.
The urban project involves the breaking of the edge and the strategic demolition of some portions of the building too degraded, to create a system of punctual spaces (squares and gardens) and linear (streets and paths) that make the whole lot permeable. The activities relate to the existing neighboring areas, allowing a functional mixitÊ that makes the area a new active element for the development and improvement of living. There are new residences with different housing cuts, secondary and tertiary exercises such as auditoriums, marked indoor, coworking spaces and craft workshops and different open spaces (green and paved) for meeting and socializing. The subsequent design analysis concerns the old frame building, converted into coworking and craftsmen atmospheres, characterized by a different architectural structure that leads to the choice of a different facade treatment by declaring the irregularity of the building. Even inside the spaces are designed following the different existing architectural configurations, trying to keep the idea of ​​a large open working space as it was in the past. On the outside, however, the demolition of some degraded portions favors the creation of a green space overlooking the new main front and connects the building with the other interventions.
Insert Add Remove New buildings
New buildings
Existing buildings
Transformed buildings
Upgraded buildings
Main open Secondary open Main covered Secondary covered Accesses Flooring 1 Flooring 2
Municipality Green
Playground Senior centre
Loft floor in the coworking area
Ground flo 1.SOLAIO SOPPALCO - Pavimento in legno flottante, 100X20X1,5 cm. - Materassino in sughero, 1,5 cm. - Doppia lastra in gessofibra, 2,5 cm. - Sottofondo di riempimento a secco in argilla espansa, 5,5 cm. - Impianti. - Lamiera grecata TIPO A55/P 600, 5,5 cm, spessore 0,1 cm. - Trave secondaria IPE 180. - Trave principale IPE 400. - Pilastro HEA 120. A. Piastra imbullonata in acciaio.
A. 1.
Axonometric view
External view
Plan detail 38
Internal view
single aggregation
longitudinal aggregation
Flexibility schemes 39
Transversal aggregation
West elevation and coworking section 40
Detail section
- IPE 180 main beam. - Traverse with box profile, 15X6X80 cm. - Isolated closing profile. - Vertical shielding in lamellar wood lamella 2.5X20X720 cm (h max). - Water-repellent, water-repellent and resistant to UV0, 40 cm. - Insulating panels in wood fiber, 8 cm / 16 cm (8 + 8). - Water-resistant steam barrier screen 0.45 cm.
A. Concealed gutter channel with support bracket. B. Closing C-profile.
A. B.
9. CONTINUOUS GLASS FACADE Insulated thermal break with aluminum uprights and crosspieces (Uf = 0.8 W / m2K) with EPDM seals. - Upright with box profile 15X & X700 cm (h max) - Double glazing 8-20-8 8 mm tempered glass with HST + Argon + laminated with 0.50 mm acoustic pvb Ug = 1.1 W / m2K EN 673 and 42 DB acoustic reduction, with anti-burglar WK ÂŁ (UNI V ENV 1627), air permeability class 3 (UNI EN 12207), watertight class 7 (UNI EN 12208), wind resistance class 3 (UNI EN 12210). - Vertical shielding in lamellar wood lamella 2.5X20X720 cm (h max)
A. Aluminum frame composed of C-profiles in correspondence of the cross-pieces and fixed to the uprights, 6X4.5 cm. B. Aluminum bracket for brisesoleil fixing. C. Existing concrete pillar.
10. GROUND FLOOR ATTACK, CONTINUED GLASS - Horizontal aluminum crosspiece, 15X6 cm. - L-plate bolts for connecting the mast to the ground. - Extruded polystyrene foam insulation panel (XPS). - Isolated closing profile. - Cement curb for sub-foundations + armor + magrone.
A. Metal grating and protective metal flashing. B. Foundation drainage pipe.
B. C. D.
11. WORKSHOP WINDOW - Isolated thermal break window with single-leaf door, with aluminum window (Uf = 0.8 W / m2k) and EPDM gasket, 120X100 cm, - 8-20-8 double glazed magnetronic tempered glass + HST + Argon + stratified glass with 0.50 mm acoustic pvb Ug = 1.1 W / m2K EN 673 and 42 DB acoustic reduction, anti-burglar WK3 water tightness class 9a (UNI EN 12208), wind resistance class C5 / B5 (UNI EN 12210) - Insulated window with fixed thermal break, with aluminum window (Uf = 0.8 W / m2K) and EPDM gaskets, 120X100 cm. A. Metal side closing panel, 0.3 cm thick. B. Closing insulation. C. PVC window sill covered with steel plate. D. Wooden counterframe.
V Forlanini under the bridge Academic work - 2016 G. Concilio, P. Carli, A. Panza The Forlanini Park is located in the east of Milan, in front of the Linate airport, and presents several problems that do not allow it to be known and exploited by the citizens. The lack of recognizable inputs and the absence of relationships with the activities and the actors that surround it make it an isolated entity with respect to the context. The project rethinks a new entrance, in the abandoned and degraded area under the Via Corelli bypass, along which there are various spaces for recreational and recreational activities (event containers, skateboard track, climbing, mural spaces, cinema all 'open ...) and the inclusion of a botanical garden where there is currently a degraded green area. The buildings present in this last area will be recovered and partially transformed into greenhouses and in part will be made available for associations and activities of the Park. The design of the open space is characterized by an organic shape that contrasts with the linearity of the context: it incorporates buildings, pillars of the ring road and accompanies users within the new aggregation areas in a fluid game between artificial and natural.
It was also designed by a cilo-pedestrian track, connected with the already uneven ones, which surrounds the whole area and continues until it crosses the Lambro river.
Forlanini Park
Under the bridge
Abandoned area
N Ground floor _ Forlanini under the bridge
New entrance to the park
Events and market area
Skateboard area
Recreational sports area
Path to the Lambro river, open-air cinema
Botanical Garden
Events and market area
Botanical Garden
V Residences Pastori Casanova Academic work - 2016 C. Magni, E. Bartolini, A. De Matteis The design theme concerns the inclusion of a new residential complex in a portion of a lot densely occupied by an old textile factory (PastoriCasanova) in a state of abandonment and decay. The idea is to maintain a portion of identity buildings along the edge of the block, to convert them into multifunctional spaces to support new residences and to insert the new complexes in the heart of the lot. It is the morphology of the old sheds and the idea of maintaining ​​ an identity of the old complex, which leads to a process of "gemmation" of the existing building that is multiplied and generates new artefacts. These are arranged within the block by relating to the existing buildings, both horizontally and vertically, creating new paths nearby public spaces. The meeting between the building and the construction of the open space breaks the existing regularity, leads the bending of both and creates a space that is simultaneously dynamic and intimate. The material used for covering is the brick that characterizes both the directional buildings of the former factory which has now been redeveloped, and the exedra that makes a wonderful backdrop for the new intervention.
Study maquette, plasticine and poliplat
Identity of the factory
Gemmation and reinterpretation of the existing building
Posting and new opening on Via Dante, Relationship with a multifunctional building
Green cone required by PGT
The green creeps and bends the buildings
Several accesses, and framing of the exedra and the monument
Territorial sections
External facade
Grounfloor plan
Study maquette, vegetable carton
Plan type floor N
Cross section 54
View of the model
Material detail, internal facade
View of the model
Detail section 57
VI Bamboo pavillion Workshop - 2015 CanyaViva, Bambuseto CanyaViva is a multidisciplinary Spanish collective whose goal is to strengthen the connections between man and his natural, social and cultural environment. It is a project that expands from bio-architecture to permaculture and artistic, therapeutic and cultural research, working on different levels and integrating them creatively into a holistic vision. Over the years, the group has developed, tested and standardized a system of structural arches in Arundo donax and / or BambĂš, designed by the English architect Jonathan Cory-Wright. The undeniable properties of the reeds (Arundo donax L., like Bamboo), such as flexibility and resistance, are optimized by the CanyaViva System to the point of giving a proven structural capacity and the possibility of creating structures with innovative organic forms. During the workshop, was created a bamboo pavilion using resources at zero km: the arches of the structure were made directly in "Bambuseto di Camaiore" (LU) and then transferred to "Fabbrica del Vapore" (MI) during Green Utopia: the Fuori Salone part dedicated to plant architecture and sustainable practices. The pavilion has hosted a series of artists as a multifunctional venue in which to carry out workshop and performance activities.
VII Salvanel Workshop - 2014 Camposaz 1:1 Camposaz is a laboratory for the design and manufacture of small wood installations in 1: 1 scale. It started in 2013 as an initiative born from the collaboration between the cultural association Aguaz and the Campomarzio studio, with the ambition to promote interaction between disciplines and professionals professionals involved in architectural design. The projects concern the enhancement of the landscape and the recovery of disused spaces, underlining the importance that the use of sustainable and locally materials is taking today in the building industry. In this edition the design site was a small circular square at the entrance to the village of Transaqua, at the foot of the Dolomites in Trentino Alto Adige. The area, previously not used by local populations, was characterized by a good exposure to sunlight and is faced with a dual context: urban and natural. On the square were built two independent wooden elements that divide the space into two semiprotected areas and follow the circular course of the square. The first structure is open towards the sun, while the second one is open towards the Dolomites landscape, multiplying the viewpoints and generating surprising spatial experiences.
VIII Marghera in wood W.A.Ve. - 2014 TYIN Tegnestue Architects
This work was carried out during the summer workshops held for students at the Iuav University of Venice. The aim of the workshop is the representation of the aesthetics of Marghera, or rather of Porto Marghera (or '' other Venice '') one of the biggest industrial areas in the world affected by the problem of disposal and the need for reclamation, but also characterized by a new vitality that makes it unique for the relationship and the direct view towards Venice. The design theme, is about creating a '' beautiful object '', a sculpture that represents, after a careful survey, what is the impact with the place, defined by two key words. Contradiction and Reflection are the two concepts that inspired the sculpture and the consequent pavilion that contains it. This is characterized by three sections: the first and the last are asymmetrical and opposite, and their design is inspired by a photo taken in one of the decommissioned warehouses, while the central one is symmetrical and connecting. The structure expresses the entrance with an idea of ​​departure or preconception, and the exit with a changed mentality, upside down. The sculpture is placed in correspondence with the median 'frame', the summit of change. The covering binds the three sections and makes the expression of the transformation evident while the reticular confers solidity.
Percorso espositivo
IX The modesty's space Academic work - 2011/2012, Exhibition, Pubblication 2013 R. Rizzi The city considered is Parma, in particular the reflection focuses on the urban periphery, and consequently on the problem of all our suburbs: their "informal and dissolutive" character that reflects exactly the "informal and dissolutive" character of socio-technical-scientific "contemporary knowledge". In this project an unexpected operation is accomplished: an urban regeneration that starts from the redesign of the gaze, one of the greatest urgencies of our time. In this sense, the project is aimed at the periphery, no longer a place of waste but of redemption. Because of the overturning of the point of view of thought, the summit of the project is placed in the most delicate and frictional point of the periphery: at the confluence of the two rivers, Parma with Baganza. Point that has always kept open the figure of the city. How the "space of modesty" is now open. With respect to these objectives, the project is based on three main issues: theoria as an effective practice, the image as an invisible power and the place as unrepeatable space. The work brings to the surface all those images that are latent or repressed in the folds, not only geographic-historical but also iconographic, of Parma and its territory. From the corrugated Apennine of Emilia, to the hydrographic markings, the network of the centuriation, the forms of the walled city, up to the formal structures of extraordinary urban monuments such as the Baptistery and Pilotta, through a narration of great aesthetic appeal and propaedeutic capacity.
Geographical setting
Hydrographic system
Old roman centre
Historic urban area
Gypsum models, 104X104X5 cm composed of 16 modules of 26X26X5 cm
Detail of gypsum model
Dome section
Battistero of Parma, Ground floor section
Pilotta palace section
Farnese theater plan
Internal view of Farnese theater
Plan, gypsum model
Section, gypsum model
Section towards the mountains
Models preparation
Temporary exhibition San Ludovico Gallery, Parma
Silvia Lucchese +39 3476712208