Week 1- Week 8
On March 6th we completed our mid-semester review and have been online since March 16th. Following presentation is Week 8 onwards......
Mid-Semester Review
Empty space for Models
Empty space for Models
Introduction to Studio:
• The studio focuses on ‘design’ role of technology in the field and practice of interior design.
• To set up an exploratory attitude to the program with emphasis on interior design-space as an outcome of relationship between technology and expression.
• The possibility of serving and practicing design knowledge needs systematic and structured explorations to resolve modes of technologies in construction of enclosed interior spaces where interior elements are agents of feasibility of assembly based construction and its technology.
• This studio also synthesizes technological changes in solving interior design field problems.
Brief Outline:
The studio is seen as an experiment between making of interior elements, organization of interior elements and modes of technologies in resolving assembly based construction of enclosed spaces.
The studio also relates initial hands-on workshop outcomes to apply them to different contextual situations and occupational patterns.
The course will formulate, resolve and apply assembly based construction as different approaches in the current practice of interior design.
Students will use multiple design abilities developed from resolving constraints of assembly based construction and apply as approaches in concertizing interior design projects which will be critically evaluated to specific relationship between site and program.
Learning Outcomes:
Students will learn to develop and explore ABC through abstraction and experimentation. Students will learn to develop an experimental attitude to resolve and apply problem solving methods for given constraints of assembly based construction.
Students will learn to test and resolve technique of assembly based construction for necessary design development and its conceptualization.
Students will learn to formulate strategy to adapt and tackle challenges within the interior design parameters and constraints of assembly based construction of design project (Site and program).
Final Design Process Panel
• The designed process for the project involves understanding Structure and distribution of forces from previous exercises, the exercise of cantilever is a great start understanding forces and designing structure, with the limitations of kit of parts and their assembly construction profile shapes to create an equilibrium of forces. ( pg 08 )
• The understanding of material behavior and using a technique to design Kit of Parts and assembling together to create Mass modules helped standardize them to form an assembly system. ( pg 11 )
• The propagation is used to design Shop of Mask developing the geometry and form into an assembly construction which helps resolves and refines the mass to help design the final project. ( pg 13 )
• Alleys of time is a Multi Art Exhibition Centre whose main function is to preserve and promote the various fields of art on International Level. The space is designed to provide a platform that connects visitors, scholars, art enthusiasts with artists & artisan through a rich programme of exhibitions, music & Theatre production. ( pg 17 )
• The site, Bharat Bhavan was designed as a state level scheme which today is a National level centre. The program imagines Bharat Bhavan taking the next step incorporating an International Exhibition Centre. The site has different volumetric levels and spaces with an orthogonal grid, the project tries to celebrate the existing and incorporating Alleys. ( pg 20 )
• Alleys are the spatial theme, spaces designed displaying the exhibit from wings of the program. While the alleys also divide the continuous volume of the existing site. They are designed to be a continuous way to reach different volumes where the alleys are the motion in the space and the volumes are hault. The kit of parts to create the dimension of alleys are such that they become the enclosure to the volumes. The new structure creates multiple eye levels in the space as the perforated vertical surfaces help get a glimpse of the vast space. ( pg 19 )
• With the understanding of Structure and distribution of forces from previous exercises, the geometry of the space follows the process and propagation of Mass.
• Designing the process before the introduction of the site helped define combinations of the Kit of Part to be able to solve various interior design problems like Height, Display Systems, Flooring, Volumes, Circulation, Signages, Lighting and Transparency in the space. ( pg 22 )
• The material palette contrasts with the site while helps in stability of the structure with the orthogonal geometry formed by the standardised kit of parts. The kit of parts allows the space to expand with the grid for future expansions. ( pg 24 )
Exercise Brief & Attempt:
Developing Cantilever models to understand Structure and distribution of forces like tension, compression, shear, bending and torsion with the focus of the studio.
Kit of Parts:
1. 1 strip of 30 x 2 cm
2. 3 strip of 10 x 2 cm
3. 2 strip of 2 x 2 cm & 13 x 2 cm
4. 15 strip of 2 x 2 cm
5. 60cm String for 2nd set of models
Outcome Limitations:
1. Length of the cantilever should not exceed 22 cm
2. Pin joint connection between vertical support and cantilever
Learning Outcomes:
The exercise is a great start understanding forces and designing structure, with the limitations of kit of parts their assembly construction profile shapes to create an equilibrium of forces. The understanding is analyzed Visually, Natural Deviation, Geometric, Technicality, Construction, Role of parts and Assembly. The detailed analysis of selected model helped understanding material and construction
of existing Assembly based project
Example of shop drawing of existing Assembly based project
Example of existing Assembly based project
Example of shop drawing of existing Assembly based project
Study of construction, structure acting as the main spine directing the roller coaster
Study of construction, structure acting as the main spine directing the roller coaster
EX Mass 02
Exercise Brief & Attempt:
Understanding material behavior and using a technique to design Kit of Parts and assembling together to create Mass modules keeping in mind the learning outcomes of structure and distribution of forces from previous exercises. Designing the porosity in the model defined by the opacity created by assembling the parts and components
Outcome Limitations:
1. 10x6x5.5 m in 1:50 Scale module
2. 30/40 % Opacity ( Material )
70/60 % Porosity
Follows set of angles repeated and mirrored
Propagating the understanding of two material and junction to construct a mass
Propagating set of junctions
Propagating set of
Follows set of angles repeated and mirrored
Understanding material behaviors with pin joint junction in 3 dimension
Learning Outcomes:
The exercise helped understand material behavior to construct a set of techniques and standardize them to form an assembly system. Further understanding the geometry and form and propagating it with iterations of actual material application as a scaled design.
Iterations of material application & junctions
Understanding the geometry and form of the Mass with iterations of material application
Iterations of material application while understanding forces to design a structure
Iterations of material application & junction to achieve kit of parts incorporating interior elements
Iterations to solve different interior design problems with profile and design of the kit of parts while creating a structure
Exercise Brief & Attempt:
Interior Design for a shop selling masks from the designed process keeping in mind the focus of the studio. The design should reflect the understanding of the previous exercises to construct a structure solving interior design problems. The design concept
Outcome Limitations:
1. 10x6x5.5 m dimension of the shop with 200cm thick wall on both sides 2. The shop is to be designed according to the concept - Interlock
Interlocked Porosity:
Propagating the module and creating iterations to get different forms and geometry to solve interior design problems
Interlocked Porosity is a shop which Auctions the masks. The display of masks are divided in collection of General, Themed and Exclusive. The customer would later Bid for Mask at Information Counter and sharing their information for it, Receiving the results, weekly or monthly.
The space explores material behavior to create mezzanine, display units, facade system, railings, information counter which creates interlocked spaces.
Ground floor & Mezzanine plan showing first attempt of propagating the mass into a shop of
First attempt to detail the module with material application and structural forces
Further propagating the module and creating iterations to get different forms and geometry to
Detail showing one module and its junctions. Design of placement of mask and code display
Influence of Translucent Fabric Surface of K.O.P. reflecting dissolved light
Final Project 04
Alleys of time is a Multi Art Exhibition Centre whose main function is to preserve and promote the various fields of art on International Level. The space is designed to provide a platform that connects visitors, scholars, art enthusiasts with artists & artisan through a rich program of exhibitions, music & Theatre production.
Year: 1980
Architect: Charles Correa
Selected Site Area: 2050 sqm
During 1970s, the Government launched an initiative to build institution celebrating the culture and art of the nation, Bharat Bhavan still stands being a state level institution to National level institution. A multiarts center which facilitates visual arts and performing arts. Opening its door to Graphics, Ceramics as well as film making. The modern architecture is designed to take the climatic conditions of the location as it continues to maintain the terrain of the land adapting multi-level spaces with courtyards and terraces.
Excitement of Elements:
With the designed process, creating excitements of elements and initial ideas of Kit of Parts and Assembly based construction in the site.
The excitements questions different design concepts in the same space achieving various iteration of kit of parts to fulfill different interior design problems from the same process creating different spatial experiences
Can K.O.P. become a suspended ceiling element?
Can K.O.P. become a connected display element?
Can K.O.P. follow the principle of suspension?
Can K.O.P. follow the principle of triangulation?
Can K.O.P. become a volumetric enclosure?
Can K.O.P. become an enclosure element?
Can K.O.P. become a linear display element?
Can K.O.P. solve anything as it is?
Can K.O.P. become a display element?
Can K.O.P. become a fragile vertical surface?
Can K.O.P. create different transition in the space?
Can K.O.P. create different levels to join the existing levels?
Spatial Theme: Alleys
The spatial theme of the project are Alleys. These alleys are spaces designed to incorporate displays to exhibit the work while also dividing the continuous volume of the existing site. These alleys are created as a residue of area of volumes in the space.
The alleys are designed to be a continuous way to reach different volumes where the alleys are the motion in the space and the volumes are hault. The project stems from the need to characterize the space through the use of it.
The kit of parts to create the dimension of alleys are such that they become the closure to the volumes.
Propagating the Mass:
The geometry and form of mass after the Shop of mask design has an orthogonal geometry in XYZ direction. To achieve the spatial theme of the project the mass is propagated in a way to achieve linear spatial character according to the site context.
The propagation allows iteration of spaces which can create different volumetric spaces and connections.
The spaces created are in repetition in the entire design with same geometry achieved by standardized kit of parts variating as the site changes
Zoning & Organization:
It not just has a collection of art but will be creatively participating to showcase international art works. It aspires to preserve the tradition and promote its immense contemporary creativity in all its glory and diversity.
Activity Hours :
Exhibition - 02:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Staff - 10:00 am to 8:00 pm
Maintenance - 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
The Multi Art Exhibition Centre is set up to create an interactive proximity between the verbal, visual and performing arts. It has different wings under it divided into types of art forms
1. Entrance at lvl -2600 mm
2. Help Desk at lvl -2100 mm
mm Exhibition of Fine Arts
• Paintings • Sculpture
• Graphics • Ceramics
Indian Poetry
Why such process?:
The design process helps to design an interior space from a conceptual model and understand the structure required to create spaces.
The designing process before the introduction of the site helped define combinations of what the Kit of Part was able to achieve by solving different problems of an interior space.
After the site, program, spatial theme introduction the kit of parts created the interior space according to the information, which gives the understanding of Assembly based Construction.
The final outcome through the process allows the interior spaces to create a dimension of alley giving a contrasting ambience in the interior space from the rest of the site.
100 mm mild steel pipe
60mm cast iron member
8mm tension cable 10mm mild steel rod
60mm cast iron member 50mm mild steel pipe
16mm mild steel plate for pin joints and connection to the ceiling
60mm cast iron member
18mm plywood planks 12mm veneer floor tiles
50mm mild steel pipe welded perpendicular to 100mm mild steel pipe
5mm stainless steel perforated sheet welded to 100 mm mmild steel pipe
Sectional Perspective showing experience of natural light from skylight
540 x 540 mm 12 mm thick veneer flooring planks
250 x 250 mm 18mm thick plywood plank
50mm mild steel pile 5mm guage
400 x 400 mm 18mm thick plywood plank
65 x 65 mm cast iron member connects 50mm pipe while the shape supports veneer plank
60 x 120 x 175 mm cast iron member connecting flooring pipe to the main structure
Isometric view showing layers of flooring construction
D. Interior view showing created different eye levels in the space