4 minute read
Kohei and Linda Koyama

Church: Greater Phoenix Chinese Christian Church, Chandler, Arizona, US.
Where are you serving? We are partnering with Zao Christ Church, a local church in Yamagata City, Japan.
What are you doing? Starting some English-type ministries through the church, learning language and building relationships.
Pray: For our family as two of our kids move to new schools in April; for Linda and her language studies and acquisition; for us as we build relationships with neighbours, businesses we frequent, school friends and their families, that they would get glimpses of the Lord through our family.
Melanie Fels

Church: Lutheran Church, Germany.
Where will you serve? Nairobi, Kenya.
What are you doing? I will help in the Ark School in a disadvantaged district of Nairobi. I will teach German and music and spend time with the children.
Pray: That I am well prepared for my work and that I can witness God’s love. I’m also praying for good cooperation with the SIM Kenya team.
Sarah Schulz

Church: Evangelische Stadtmission, Friedberg, Germany.
Where will you serve? Nairobi, Kenya.
What are you doing? I will help at the Ark School. My focus is to support the teachers in physical education and to contribute my own experience and ideas.
Pray: For a good relationship with the children and a safe stay in Kenya. Also pray I would have great experiences and encounters with God.
Blessed Ozgi Kudu-Kudu

Church: ECWA Gospel 2 Jenta, Jos, Nigeria.
Where will you serve? Benin and Togo. What will you do? Literacy and evangelism/discipleship; teaching English language; sports with teens and young people.
Pray: For a good finish to my masters programme at Jos ECWA Theological Seminary; for partners to join with me in ministry and God’s provision as I prepare to go.
Michael Leong

Church: Penang Christian Centre, Penang, Malaysia.
Where are you serving? Penang, Malaysia.
What are you doing? First full-time Interim Director of SIM Malaysia, hoping to be a catalyst for mission.
Pray: For my wife Rachel and I to ‘keep the main thing the main thing’; for church planting teams to be established for international student and diaspora ministries.
Papavi and Hannah Ayena

Church: Living Hope Church, Findlay, Ohio, US.
Where will you serve? Central Togo.
What will you do? Developing a discipleship and agriculture training centre to support new believers and the local church.
Pray: For our integration into the team and community; for God to transform hearts in our city.
Matt and Lisa Wallis, Joshua, Charis and Lydia

Church: Avenue Community Church, Leicester, UK.
Where will you serve? Jos, Nigeria.
What will you do? Matt will use his physiotherapy skills and Lisa will teach women and do trauma healing. We’re passionate about sharing the gospel with the people of Nigeria.
Pray: We would raise a great team to partner with us prayerfully and financially; for all the practical preparations involved in moving to Nigeria.
Jessica Koch

Church: Clearwater Evangelical Church, Clearwater, Kansas, US.
Where are you serving? Nigeria.
What will you be doing? To be decided.
Pray: For God to make my future ministry clear; for diligence as I begin language school; for all Nigerians to have a heart for Jesus; for me to keep reaching out to the marginalised and unwanted in Nigeria.
Johnson Solomon Olayinka

Church: Kingdom Light Church Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria.
Where will you serve? The Middle East.
What will you do? Teach and bring hope to African refugee children.
Pray: For me to reach the full support level needed to go; and that the light of God’s glory will radiate in the lives of everyone I come into contact with.
Elija and Alice Amah

Church: ECWA Gospel Kabong, Jos, Nigeria.
Where will you serve? Djougou, Benin.
What will you do? Discipleship, church planting among Dendi people.
Pray: That the Dendi will discover their real identity in Christ Jesus and the way to the Father; for God’s protection over our family.