Brochure - Online Databases (with masthead) (rev May 2013)

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Online Databases @ SIM Libraries Online databases are useful tools for locating journal articles, reports, statistics, dissertations fast with the added advantage

of allowing one to search from many access points such as author, keyword, title, etc. Articles selected from online databases may be downloaded, printed or even emailed to your own account.

You may access the online databases from home or office using either the Members’ Hub (if you are a SIM Individual Member) or Student Portal (if you are a SIM Student).

The online databases currently available from SIM Libraries are as follows:

Online Databases (available on-campus / off-campus)

50 Lessons

Comprises 1,200 video lessons from 250 global business leaders covering a wide range of industry sectors and job functions and offer guidance, inspiration and support for success with today’s most pressing business issues. Topics include Leadership,

Communications Skills, People Development, Strategic Management, Change Management, Global Business,

Innovation & Creativity and more.


Consists of a comprehensive database covering over 6,800 business and management journals from around the world. Includes information on almost 200,000 companies, with coverage from 1992 onwards with a backfile coverage dating to 1923. Also offer access to over 18,000 full-text business Doctoral dissertations and Master’s theses.

Academic Search Premier

Comprises a multi-disciplinary database that contains over 8,450 journals with full-text offered for more than 4,600 of these titles. PDF backfiles date to 1975 or even further for over 100 journals.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Electronic Library (AIAA) Offers full-text articles from core aerospace journals with backfiles dating back to 1963. (Off-campus access available ONLY to UniSIM student members. Individual and Corporate members may access on campus at HQ / MH libraries.)

Asia-Studies Full-text Online

Encapsulates a premier database for the study of modern Asia Pacific. Brings together full-text of reports covering 55 countries on a multitude of issues related to business, government, economy, and society.

(Off-campus access available ONLY to student members. Individual and Corporate members may access on campus at HQ / MH libraries.)

Blackwell Reference Online

Furnished with over 30 of Blackwell’s best business and management titles. Includes an up-to-date edition of the Blackwell

Encyclopedia of Management.

(Off-campus access available ONLY to student members. Individual and Corporate members may access on campus at HQ / MH libraries.)

Bloomberg Professional Service

Provides real-time data, analytics, history and news. Useful for researching industry and company trends, as well as quantitative analysis and forecasting.

(On-campus access ONLY at HQ Library)


Constitutes a full-text database of over 8,000 business books covering over 75 different business topics from over 100 of world’s most reputable publishers.

Business Book Summaries

It provides comprehensive and concise summaries of the best business books available. Using stringent criteria, only the top 1% of the more than 6,000 business books published each year in the United States is selected for inclusion in the database. Summaries and reviews are provided for more than 700 of the top business books from the last 20 years.

Business Source Complete

Integrates full-text content of journals in all disciplines of business dating as far back as 1886. Complemented by Harvard

Business Review from 1922. Also includes market research reports, case studies, and author profiles.

Career Insider

Provides career information to research employers, industries and career subjects. Includes Vault career guides, articles on career advice, as well as profiles on employers, companies, industries and occupations. (Off-campus access available ONLY to student members. Individual and Corporate members may access on campus at HQ / MH libraries.)

China Academic Journal (CAJ)

Consists of an expansive collection of Chinese Journals covering literature, history, philosophy and early childhood education with full-text for over 700 academic journals from 1994. (Off-campus access available ONLY to student members. Individual and Corporate members may access on campus at HQ / MH libraries.)

中国期刊全文资料库收录中国大陆出版的700种专业特色期刊1994年至今的文章. 内容包括文学, 历史与哲学. (校外浏览权限:仅限在职学生)

China Doctoral/Masters Dissertations Database

Includes over 300 Doctoral dissertations and Masters theses from 2006 onward covering literature, history and philosophy. (Off-campus access available ONLY to student members. Individual and Corporate members may access on campus at HQ / MH libraries.)

中国博硕士论文全文资料库收录300种以上博硕士学位论文全文2006年至今. 内容包括文学, 历史与哲学等. (校外浏览权限: 仅限在职学生)

Ebrary Academic Complete

Equipped with an interactive eBook collection with 80,000 titles covering academic subject areas from more than 220 of the world’s most leading academic, STM and professional publishers. Off-campus access available ONLY to student members. Individual and Corporate members may access on campus at HQ / MH libraries.)

EIU Country Reports

Furnished with countries reports of recent political and economic developments; includes detailed review of economic policy and forecast, and key data and statistics for Australia, Brazil, Brunei, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Thailand, United States and Vietnam. (Off-campus access available ONLY to student members. Individual and Corporate members may access on campus at HQ / MH libraries.)

Emerging Markets Information Service

Furnished with news, company and financial data directly from more than 100 emerging markets in Asia, Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa.


Provides access to education literature and resources from journals included in the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. ERIC contains more than 1,300,000 records and links to more than 323,000 full-text documents from ERIC back to 1966. (Off-campus access available ONLY to UniSIM student members. Individual and Corporate members may access on campus at HQ / MH libraries.)


Provides current and archive news and business information from over 35,000 global news and information sources from 200 countries in 28 languages.


This database consists of Arts & Sciences Collection I, II, IV & VI, VII, IX & X which offers core journals from 21 disciplines in

the humanities and social sciences as well as the profession of business, education, and law.

(Off-campus access available ONLY to UniSIM student members. Individual and Corporate members may access on campus at HQ / MH libraries.)

MLA Directory of Periodicals

Offers information on over 5,500 journals, with 4,400 currently indexed in the International Bibliography. (Off-campus access available ONLY to UniSIM student members on selected programmes. Individual and Corporate members may access on campus at HQ / MH libraries.)

MLA International Bibliography

Produced by the Modern Language Association, the MLA International Bibliography offers journal articles, books and dissertations dating back to the 1920's. The bibliography contains over 2.3 million citations from more than 4,400 journals & series and 1,000 book publishers. The indexed materials coverage is international and includes almost 60 titles from JSTOR’s language and literature collection as well as links to full text. (Off-campus access available ONLY to UniSIM student members on selected programmes. Individual and Corporate members may access on campus at HQ / MH libraries.)


An online newspaper archival service covering 16 unique newspapers published by Singapore Press Holdings (SPH). (Off-campus access available ONLY to UniSIM student members on selected programmes. Individual and Corporate members may access on campus at HQ / MH libraries.)

Passport GMID Offers a single gateway to business intelligence on countries, consumers and industries of more than 205 countries. It includes internationally comparable statistics, topical comments and latest consumer lifestyle research reports. (Off-campus













on campus at HQ / MH libraries.)

Political Science Complete

Contains full-text for over 530 journals, and indexes and abstracts over 2,900 titles, including British Politics, Ethnopolitics

and the Journal of Women, Politics & Policy. Offer a worldwide focus, reflecting the globalization of contemporary political discourse. Also features over 340 full-text reference books and 38,000 full-text conference papers. (Off-campus













on campus at HQ / MH libraries.)


Provides full-text online access to a comprehensive selection of humanities and social sciences journals. (Off-campus access available ONLY to student members. Individual and Corporate members may access on campus at HQ / MH libraries.)


Enlists over 158,000 full-text articles from over 80 journals published by the American Psychological Association (APA) and other publishers. Coverage spans 1894 to present. (Off-campus access available ONLY to student members. Individual and Corporate members may access on campus at HQ / MH libraries.)


Includes a database of over 25,000 chapters in PDF from over 1,600 books published by the American Psychological Association (APA), and other publishers. Offers over 900 classic books in Psychology dating from the 1600s. Also includes the exclusive electronic release of more than 1,500 authored entries from the APA/Oxford University Press Encyclopedia of Psychology. (Off-campus access available ONLY to student members. Individual and Corporate members may access on campus at HQ / MH libraries.)

PsycINFO Contains America Psychological Association’s (APA) resource for abstracts of scholarly journal articles, book chapters, books, and dissertations. Cover peer-reviewed literature in behavioural science and mental health. Contain over 3.2 million citations and summaries dating as far back as the early 1800s. Coverage span from 1887 to present. (Off-campus access available ONLY to student members. Individual and Corporate members may access on campus at HQ / MH libraries.)


PsycTESTS is a research database that provides access to psychological tests, measures, scales, surveys, and other assessments as well as descriptive information about the test and its development and administration

(Off-campus access available ONLY to student members. Individual and Corporate members may access on campus at HQ / MH libraries.)

Research Starters – Business, Education & Sociology

Offers students a starter kit for their research and assignments, as well as overview information on topics relevant to their studies. Articles averaging 3,000 words offer comprehensive more in-depth content. (Off-campus access available ONLY to student members. Individual and Corporate members may access on campus at HQ / MH libraries.)


Provides a searchable database with access to journals, abstracts, references and full-text articles in Business disciplines. (Off-campus access available ONLY to student members. Individual and Corporate members may access on campus at HQ / MH libraries.)

Social Work Abstracts

Social Work Abstracts offers extensive coverage of more than 850 social work and human services journals dating back to 1965. Produced by the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), the database provides citations and abstracts dealing with all aspects of the social work field, including theory and practice, areas of service and social issues and problems. (Off-campus access available ONLY to UniSIM student members. Individual and Corporate members may access on campus at HQ / MH libraries.)

SocINDEX with Full-text

Offers comprehensive coverage of sociology, encompassing all sub-disciplines. Integrates full text for 890 journals dating back to 1908, along with full text for over 850 books, and 16,800 conference papers. Projects over 25,000 author profiles covering the most prolific most cited, and most frequently searched for authors in the database. (Off-campus access available ONLY to student members. Individual and Corporate members may access on campus at HQ / MH libraries.)

World Scientific

Offers ebooks on subjects ranging from Environmental Sciences, to Finance and Economics. (Off-campus access available ONLY to student members. Individual and Corporate members may access on campus at HQ / MH libraries.)

How to Access Online Databases from Home or Office

You may access the online databases from home or office using either the Members’ Hub (if you are a SIM Individual Member) or Student Portal (if you are a SIM Student).

To Access SIM Student Portal •

Go to SIM GE home page at

Click MySIM Login to enter SIM Student Portal

Key in your User ID and Password and click Enter

Click on Library

e-Resources to access the Online Databases / e-Books.

To Access UniSIM Student Portal •

Go to UniSIM home page at

Click Login and select Student Portal

Key in your User ID and Password and click Log On

Click on Library

e-Resources to access the Online Databases / e-Books.

If you are a SIM Individual Member (Non-student) •

Go to SIM home page at

(Alternatively, you may access the Members’ Hub at )

Click Login to enter SIM Members’ Hub

Key in your User ID and Password and click Enter.

Click on Library

e-Resources to access the Online Databases / e-Books.

Articles selected from online databases may be downloaded, printed or emailed to your own account.

A s k


L i b r a r i a n

t o

A n s w e r

Y o u r

R e f e r e n c e

E n q u i r i e s

URL for Ask a Librarian – This service may be used to: (a)

Ask questions you might refer to Library Help Desk, or

(b) For assistance on how to conduct in-depth research

Please note that we are unable to undertake in-depth research on your behalf.

May 2013

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