SimmedUp Magazine Issue 17 January 2022

Page 12

The Sims 4 has been around since 2014 and shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. Even if you have been playing since its inception, there are probably still things that you do not know about The Sims 4. Despite all the flak it gets in the community, The Sims 4 is deep… Perhaps not as deep as its predecessors, but the game still has a lot to offer. Let’s turn off The Sims 5 talk for a minute and take a look at a few tips that can help you enhance your gameplay so you can enjoy this infamous series.

Making Mythical Drinks. At level 9 of the mixology skill, your Sims can create a drink called the Snaggle Fluster. This drink gives you a huge skill boost, enabling your Sims to gain skills faster then any other method. You pay 200 for the guide that holds this recipe and can then use it to create the Sims of your dreams.

“Let them eat cake” Food in the Sims 4 can actually make your Sims fat! Depending on what you feed your Sims, they will gain weight and this can get out of control if you are not careful. The only way to burn fat in the game is through cardio exercises, so jump on the treadmill to get your Sims slim again. Setting your Sims' aspiration to a fitness aspiration, such as body builder, will increase their metabolism and connect to their 12

physical appearance. A fitness aspiration makes it more difficult for your Sims muscles to decay or for them to gain excess weight.

How Your Sims Feel Matters. While creators removed ideal moods from careers, there are still some ideal moods to consider in your game play. Creative Sims are boosted by the inspired emotion, mental Sims are boosted when focused, physical Sims are boosted when energized, and social skills increase faster when your Sim is confident. Use these moodlets to succeed in your career and in life. Energized is a great mood for going to work because your Sims hunger will decay faster and they will be less tired when they arrive home at the end of the day.

Build a Better Man. Creating male Sims can be a struggle. If you are trying to create the perfect man for your Sim, try making him as a woman first. Create a woman with features that are

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