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Tips & Tricks
The Sims 4 has been around since 2014 and shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. Even if you have been playing since its inception, there are probably still things that you do not know about The Sims 4. Despite all the flak it gets in the community, The Sims 4 is deep… Perhaps not as deep as its predecessors, but the game still has a lot to offer. Let’s turn off The Sims 5 talk for a minute and take a look at a few tips that can help you enhance your gameplay so you can enjoy this infamous series.
Making Mythical Drinks.
At level 9 of the mixology skill, your Sims can create a drink called the Snaggle Fluster. This drink gives you a huge skill boost, enabling your Sims to gain skills faster then any other method. You pay 200 for the guide that holds this recipe and can then use it to create the Sims of your dreams.
“Let them eat cake”
Food in the Sims 4 can actually make your Sims fat! Depending on what you feed your Sims, they will gain weight and this can get out of control if you are not careful. The only way to burn fat in the game is through cardio exercises, so jump on the treadmill to get your Sims slim again. Setting your Sims' aspiration to a fitness aspiration, such as body builder, will increase their metabolism and connect to their physical appearance. A fitness aspiration makes it more difficult for your Sims muscles to decay or for them to gain excess weight.
How Your Sims Feel Matters.
While creators removed ideal moods from careers, there are still some ideal moods to consider in your game play. Creative Sims are boosted by the inspired emotion, mental Sims are boosted when focused, physical Sims are boosted when energized, and social skills increase faster when your Sim is confident. Use these moodlets to succeed in your career and in life. Energized is a great mood for going to work because your Sims hunger will decay faster and they will be less tired when they arrive home at the end of the day.
Build a Better Man.
Creating male Sims can be a struggle. If you are trying to create the perfect man for your Sim, try making him as a woman first. Create a woman with features that are
slightly masculine and then switch her into a he…By starting with a female sim, the features and shape of the face will be softer and more appealing.
Say Cheese!
If you want to b u i l d relationships but don’t have the time or energy to deal with the erratic effects of the game, we have you covered. Grab yourself a camera from build/buy and take some pics with your soon-to-be-bestie. Taking pictures with someone will increase your relationship and provide you with some cute photos that you can frame and hang in your house.
Stop Starving Your Sims.
If you are out and about and you come across some food that you want to take home you may find that the game does not let you put it in your inventory. Solve this problem by packing it in a sack lunch instead. This lunch will appear in your inventory as a brown paper bag that you can then store in the refrigerator and eat later. Did someone say free food? Yes, please!
Go Wild!
You can actually live in Salvadorada without the use of mods, but there is a catch. You can create a home in the Jungle Adventure world and live there fulltime but it needs to be a haunted house.To do this enter the lot from the main map build or place a haunted house and create a family to move into the home. Note: This family must have the funds to afford the house. You can then move the family into the Haunted House and live your best jungle life alongside some creepy companions.
Create A Sim That Is Extra Unique.
You can mix an alien, a witch, and a vampire using cleats to create an interesting tribrid Sim. Start by creating an alien in CAS. Once created, ensure testingcheats true is enabled and type the following… T r a i t s . e q u i p _ t r a i t trait_OccultVampire Now that you have an alien vampire you can enter the following cheat… t r a i t s . e q u i p _ t r a i t trait_occult_witchoccult You now have a Vampire/Alien/Witch.
It is interesting to note that your TriBrid Sim has a ‘Dark Form’ which is your alien's human disguise.It is all a bit odd but might make for some interesting storytelling!
Hit The Spa To Start A family.
If you’re looking to grow your family of Sims, Spa Day may be a useful pack for you. With the Spa Day pack there is the option to ‘Get a fertility massage.’ This massage is a great way to increase the chances of having twins - or God forbid triplets - and increases your Sims chance of getting pregnant overall. Be warned, the fertility massage is quite powerful, so if you do not want children you should avoid this type of massage.
A Little Something For The Littles.
Dream Home Decorator came with some stunning furniture. This pack also came with an adorable play tent for toddlers and kids. What you may not know is that this tent inspires creativity and impacts toddlers/kids emotions. When kids/toddlers are playing in the tent an older Sims can play outside as ‘the monster’ and scare the littles. When done, this adds a scared or angry moodlet to the toddler or child sim and provides some fun realism in the game. Sims are also able to sleep in this tent, which is super handy if you are short on beds,
Quench That Thirst.
This tip involves the Vampire pack but was a d d e d long after Vampires was released. In the Sims 4 you can d i s a l l o w vampires to prevent them from sneaking in at night and ruining your plans by biting your Sims while they sleep. To do this you simply click on your front door and select No trespassing - Disallow vampires. This will prevent Vampires from appearing in the night in search of a meal. There are other options in this menu as well, including locking the door for neighbors, for solicitors, and for everyone but your Sims.
Addicted To Technology.
Along with locking your doors there are other ways that you can get the most out of your game play. It is no secret that Sims who visit your household will immediately seek out the computer and park themselves there for the duration of their visit. This gets old fast! To prevent visiting sims from using your p r e c i o u s PC you can click on the P C , navigate to security, and lock the computer f o r everyone but the household. To be honest, this is one of the first things I do when starting a new game.
What A Monstrosity!
If you have ever played The Sims with children you know how annoying the monster under the bed can be. This being will rouse your children at all hours of the night and send them screaming in horror to their parents room. Parents then must go and “spray the monster under the bed” so the child can return to their slumber. If you are tired from being jolted awake each night by terrified children there are a few options for you. First, you can purchase a bed in Snowy Escape called ‘The Monster Free bed’ that
does not allow the monster under the bed to take residence there, or you can buy the Coolala Defender Wall Light. The Coolala light protects your children from the monster under the bed and allows your Sims to have a restful slumber. While these items are handy, your children Sims can actually befriend the monster under the bed by talking to it. This means that they will no longer wake you from fear, but they may be tired for school tomorrow. traits.remove_trait Strangerville_Infected Once possessed you communicate with the Motherplant telepathically and you can request gifts each day. The Motherplant will provide things like career gains, simoleons, energy, and life extension. Your Sims can visit the Motherplant once a day to request gifts, which can be quite lucrative.
A Strange Side Of Strangerville.
Strangerville came with a gorgeous world, but the game play itself was a bit lackluster for many players. With that said, you do not need to forget about this pack entirely once you have played through the story and defeated the mother plant. In fact, while the point of this story-line is to defeat the mother plant and render it useless, you can revive the plant and even become friends with it! You befriend the mother plant by attempting to communicate with it several times. Once you have established your bond, you can then request gifts and other things from the plant than can be very helpful in your everyday life. Note: To communicate with the mother plant you can eat a bizarre fruit to make your Sim possessed or use the following cheats to turn possession on and off: traits.equip_trait Strangerville_Infected
Avoiding Tragedy!
The Sims 4 is fantastic, but let’s be honest,the Sims 4has a lot of death! All this loss can quickly become difficult to deal with at t i m e s . When a Sims dies suddenly, it is often devastating, but it doesn’t have to be. The game creators have provided an item that can literally save a Sims life, The death flower. When the death flower is offered to the Grim Reaper, Grim will bring your Sim back from the dead rather than reaping their soul and shipping them off to the afterlife. Unfortunately, the death flower is hard to acquire, and even more challenging to create. Thankfully this item is available through the debug menu and is probably something that you will want to grab and hold in your inventory for when tragedy inevitably strikes.