SimScopes Sep 23 -Oct 22 Nothing is ever as it seems, look beyond the veil of life and really see whats beind everything you see. Listen to your gut instincts and believe in everything you CAN do. believe in yourself and 2022 will be an amazing year.
Oct 23 - Nov 22 Everytime I think of you I always catch my breath, is a line from a famous song, and it mkes me think, who are you missing right now? Isn’t it time you sent them a message and let them know how you really feel. Either way you will finally have your answer.
Nov 23 - Dec 21 No the answer is simply that, NO. You can say this little word without feeling guilty but you must understand that others will not appreciate you not giving in the way you usually do. You’re a big softie when it comes to family, but it doesnt mean they have a right to take advantage.
Dec 22 - Jan 20 You are amazing, and super smart, so why do you downplay your intelligence? Let the world know the real you, show them all exactly what you can do and 2022 will be your playground. Just remember locking horns gets you no where when ‘Z’ makes an appearance.
Jan 21 - Feb 18 The flow is strong with this one. Your centered is centered, your mind is clear and you finally have made that decision that has been plaging you for so long, the only thing is Aquarius, is when are you going to tell the other person?