SIM MAG | Issue 23 July 2022
Coki Creative Titan Architect
When looking through the gallery or browning across social media we always find so many amazing Sims builders which makes us so proud of our wonderful community and their neverending talents. On this occasion, we come across one of those extra special simmers who go the extra mile, whilst making their Builds they do not use cc, enabling the community to download them from the gallery, as well as playtesting each build to make sure you get 100% simming
72 | Titan Architect - CokiCreative
pleasure in your game. It simmers like this that we have to count as a true community-supportive Titan Architect. One such simmer is the gorgeous and talented CokiCreative, who you can find on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Twitch sharing their builds, videos, yoga and pictures of the truly adorable Coki. Confused? Well don’t be all will be revealed below as we introduce you to Alana.