SimmedUp Magazine Issue 18 - February 2022

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EDITOR’S LETTER So... hello and welcome to the SimmedUp magazine’s second issue of the year, a.k.a. the Valentines issue! You probably don’t know me because I don’t have a big name in the community, so let me introduce myself first, the editor of this February issue :) I’m Ivana (a.k.a BunnyBananaSims on Tumblr and Twitter) from Manila, Philippines, and I’ve been a part of the SimmedUp team since January 2021, doing mostly design and Tumblr stuff. I’m a Live Mode player, but sometimes, I build when I need to LOL. You can call me a “Retro Simmer,” since I only play The Sims 2 and The Sims 3, but mostly The Sims 3. I have my reasons for not playing The Sims 4 anymore, but that doesn’t stop me from interacting with TS4 players and appreciating their amazing creations. Speaking of amazing creations, we got a lot of amazing Simmers featured here, and I feel honored for putting together this issue for them and the whole community in general. We got PandaSama, OBiGem, ItsKatato, EA Creator Jason Sterling, our own KawaiiFoxita in Titan Architects, Jaquie561, and many more. We also got in Retro Corner the famous The Sims 2 couples from Mel, more Simspiration, tips and tricks, and an easy Heart Cake Pops recipe that you can treat to yourself, not just through getting it from Icemunmun for your Sims. And many more. Hope you all love this special issue, and it inspires you to create... or just simply play and enjoy the Sims games more. Happy reading and Happy Simming!


Content 5 9 13 17 21 25 33 35 43 47 53 61 69 75 83 87 91 95 101

NON BOB NEWS INTRODUCING Bailey Cheshire CC SPOTLIGHT more CC finds for your Sims’ homes TIPS & TRICKS Create a Save File & Back Up Your Game GEEKING OUT A Sims comic by GhostFace PANDASAMA changing the game for toddlers & children COOKING - SIMS STYLE Heart Cake Pops MAKING A SIMMER feat. OBiGem RETRO CORNER feat. iconic couples from The Sims 2 ITS KATATO the genius behind the Pre-teen mod & more MEET THE EA CREATOR Jason Anthony Sterling TITAN ARCHITECTS feat. KawaiiFoxita FB SHOWCASE feat. Jaquie561 YOUR SIMS from Aneta Blake, Vyo4, & ThSimmer MOD REVIEW feat. Private School Mod by SHEnanigans SIMSPIRATION 10 Things to Remember when Building OFF-TOPIC with House Flipper THE ROSE CHRONICLES Chapter Five SIM SCOPES


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By GhostFace Happy February everyone! We have made it through the first month of 2022, and we even have a few surprises to talk about. We have a new roadmap!! This is not a drill. The Sims team released this on 5th January on their Twitter account, and the reaction has been understandable. At this point in time,

we Simmers are hungry for content, and The Sims team seem to be delivering some soon. We actually have a Game Pack coming out soon. The teaser is “A Game Pack that throws a party for love,” which many have speculated to be a Wedding pack. From the confetti in the image, many have pointed out cake and ring decals. I think it’s safe to say that our speculation is almost fact.


We also have “two vibrant kits that celebrate fierce design,” which seem to be supported by wings and animal decals in the background of this image. At least one of these kits is a CAS one. More on that later…

Lastly, there are some free food items coming, probably in an SDX, as well as some community collaborations. The Sims Team have confirmed this roadmap is only for the next 3 months, so don’t panic about the lack of Expansion or Stuff Packs. Some Simmers are worried that Stuff Packs are dead, but I’m hoping that we might get one this year. At the very least, this upcoming Game Pack is exciting news.

SDX On 10th January, we got another SDX. We have some new CAS items which are displayed in this image posted by The Sims team on Twitter.

The latest limited edition scenario was released on 10th January and is available until 2nd February. The New Year, New Hustle scenario is about making positive choices about the skills your Sim has to enable them to progress in their career. “It’s never too late to start a new hustle. After moving to a new place and making a New Year’s resolution to focus on building marketable skills, can your Sim channel that momentum and keep making big changes for a more prosperous future?” The potential outcomes of this scenario are: • •

This traditional Korean set includes a new hairstyle, a feminine outfit with shoes, a masculine outfit with shoes, and a hat. You can see each of these demonstrated in this image. Unfortunately, the hair has a slight issue behind the ears, while the masculine outfit has tassles that are flat rather than 3D. Aside from this, this SDX is a set of interesting CAS pieces, and provides some important representation that hopefully will continue throughout the course of The Sims 4. Plus, the hair is so cute!

Have $25k and reach level 5 of a skill Reach level 3 of a career

While this doesn’t sound particularly challenging, this scenario is likely targeted at the casual Simmer who prefers a short and sweet scenario rather than a long-winded challenge.


Extra! On 25th January, a brand new kit was announced. Titled the Carnaval Streetwear Kit, this new little collection will feature some CAS items inspired by “the energy, selfexpression, freedom and vibrancy of one of the world’s biggest celebrations, Brazil’s Carnaval.” According to the News page on the EA website, the new Kit was made in collaboration with Brazilian entertainer-activist Pabllo Vittar. In what inspired the creations, Vittar said, ”Carnaval represents a lot of joy, where, at that moment, people forget some of the frustrations from the rest of the year. You have to look extravagant, drawing lots of attention and shining a lot. This kit is full of things that will help you do that. Each person is going to be themselves inside the game, because there are tons of outfits and accessories, which I know for sure will make you rock the runway!” This new Kit will be released on 3rd February, alongside some Brazilian food in an upcoming SDX. Will you be buying the Kit? Either way, why not chat with us about it at www.supinmedia. com where you can connect with other gamers and make friends with anyone in the gaming community.


Also recently mentioned by The Sims team was the addition of customisable pronouns to CAS. The Sims Team have been working hard on this since May 2021, hoping to make the game more diverse and representative of the entire global community of players. By developing a feature into the game where players can customise the pronouns of their Sims, they hope to give more freedom of expression in an effort to become more inclusive. The Sims Team have said that they understand this is not the final step in making a fully gender neutral game, but that they will continue to work on this for the duration of The Sims 4’s life, as well as assumably any subsequent iterations of the game. How do you feel about the introductions of customisable pronouns into the game? Do you hope that it is a feature used more often in Sims games, or is it something you’ve never really thought about before? However you identify, you will always have a place in the Sims community, as well as with all of us at SupInMedia.

Bailey Cheshire Introducing

By Ivana


n this issue, we’re going to introduce you to a Simmer who’s somewhat new to the community, and just recently joined our team, Bailey Cheshire. She started her YouTube last 2021, where she mostly does LPs and Build videos. A gamer at heart, she also plays RPG games in addition to The Sims, and loves photography, makeup, and cosplays. Get to know her more in this article.


Hey baes! I’m Bailey, a gamer, SimTuber, variety streamer, chaotic bisexual, and adoring cat mom from the United States. I’ve always been creative and sought any outlet possible to express that creativity. In the summer of 2021, I took a chance on myself and started my YouTube channel, and I’m slowly growing and finding my place. I’ve been playing The Sims on and off since the original, and I’ve dabbled in all aspects of the game, though I spend most of my time in Live Mode. For me, The Sims has always been the height of escapism and wish fulfillment, so I imbue that into my content by creating stories and scenarios that combine my favorite things and people with lofty aspirations and the unhinged chaos and energy that only The Sims can deliver. Since diving into the Sims community, I’ve learned so much from my fellow creators, from tips to improve my building to the best mods and custom content to breathe new life into my game. Being part of this community has been so important for me as a creator and as a person as I’m constantly inspired and challenged to be my best. When I’m not making Sims content, I’m playing other simulators, story-based RPGs, tabletop RPGs, and trying to improve my sewing, make-up, and photography skills so I can cosplay all my favorite game characters. I’m currently developing some exciting Sims 4 projects for my channel, including a new let’s play series, the Esposito Legacy, and a Mass Effect-themed save file. I post new videos every Wednesday and Friday, and I stream other games on Twitch every Tuesday and Thursday. You can find me on Twitter and Instagram @baileyxcheshire and on the Gallery as BaileyCheshire. Take care of yourselves, baes!

Follow Bailey for more Sims and Gaming content!




This month I wanted to share with our readers two previous rooms that I By KawaiiFoxita designed and the CC that I used for them. There are so many amazing custom content creators in the community, both Maxis Match and Alpha. You can see a full list of the creators I use regularly on my website. I hope you find these useful in creating your own stylised rooms.

ESSA Marble Top Counter Peacemaker @


Barrowell Bauhaus Armchair Hel Studio Find a similar chair by Meinkatz @

Hay CPH Deux Table [novvvas] + MXIMS @

Sowden Kettle by Hay Meinkatz @

Mila Kitchen BuffSumm @ The Sims Resource

Delicata Teens - Plant SIMcredible @ The Sims Resource

Germanium Celining Lamp Wondymoon @ The Sims Resource

Stockholm Stove Range Hood SIMcredible Patreon @ The@Sims Resource

Ferm Kitchen Utensils Enisota Chim Chim Scent Diffuser by Hay Meinkatz @


Charlotte Bed Spacesims @ The Sims Resource

Autumn Décor Console Table Sims4Luxury @


AnYe Como Mirror Pinkbox AnYe @

Madison Bench Cowbuild @

Simply Styling Living Chair Mio-sims @

Adjana Décor Baskets Soloriya @ The Sims Resource

BJ Birds Deco Leosims @ MISCELLANEA Salt Rock Lamp Charly Pancakes @

Blend Wall Surface TillyTiger @

Barrowell Rattan & Linen Curtain Hel Studio @

To find out more about KawaiiFoxita visit 16

By K8 Simsley


nowing how to back up your game can be a lifesaver. You put a lot of effort into creating the world precisely the way you want it, but when something goes wrong, all that work can be ripped away instantly. If you have ever had your PC fail or bought a new PC, you know the struggle of discovering that all the families and homes you spent hours creating in the Sims are no longer in your game. It can be heartbreaking. Thankfully, backing up your game by creating a save file can help you avoid disaster. Creating a backup of your game is easy. You can even make custom game saves as well. Here is how to do it.


Why Should You Backup your Sims, Creations, and Saves? Losing the saves in your game can quickly go from a minor annoyance to an earthshattering disaster, depending on the amount of time you have invested into playing and creating. In The Sims, your saves are stored locally on your computer. While this can be handy and definitely benefits EA, it means that issues with your PC can cause trouble. A corrupted save file, a new PC, or a reset of your operating system can result in you losing everything you have worked to create. Creating a backup file of your game is easy, and it ensures that all your families and homes

are safely stored elsewhere. Thus, a failure or error on your PC will not affect them, and all your hard work will not be wasted. Where Saves and Sims are Stored All of the saves you have created while playing or building in The Sims can be found in Documents>Electronic Arts>The Sims 4>Saves. The lots and rooms that you have created or added to the game can be found in the Tray folder, which is usually located in Documents>Electronic Arts>The Sims 4> Tray. In general, the Documents folder is the storage point for all game files, unless you have specified to save elsewhere. Your mods can be found in the mods folder using the same path, Documents> Electronic Arts>The Sims 4> Mods. When you open these folders, you will see that the files within them have complex names made up of a series of letters and numbers. The game creates these files, and their names have meaning to your computer. While they mean nothing to you, the file names used are specific, and they are vitally important to the execution of the game. Thus, it is best to refrain from changing the titles of these files to avoid issues.

Creating a backup file is something that you will have to do more than once to maintain consistency. However, you can create a custom “Starting Save File” and use it to develop new saves. Creating Your Backup File

To create a backup of your current save files, you must copy your saves to another specified location. The process is easy. You simply copy and paste the files to another specified location to create a backup and keep them safe. Players often begin by creating a folder called “The Sims 4 Backups.” You should set up this backup folder in another location separate from your main hard drive (more on this below). If you simply want to backup the game as it is now, go to Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > saves and copy everything in the file.

How To Create a Backup of Your Game Before creating a backup file, you need to know a few things. •

• •

Backup files should be stored on a separate drive. This will prevent problems if something goes wrong with your current hard drive. You must ensure that you COPY the files from the folders. Do not CUT them. The files in these folders have computerspecific titles. The titles of each file are essential to execution and should not be changed.

Be sure to COPY, not CUT the files from this folder. You can copy items by highlighting them and pressing Ctrl + C. To paste these 18

items later, you would press Ctrl + V. You can also right-click on the saves folder and choose copy - remember to change the folder name to backup once you paste it elsewhere. You can also copy the entire Sims 4 folder by right-clicking on it and choosing ‘copy.’ Doing this will back up the whole game and all its folders. Although this is rarely necessary, copying only the files you need in the game is often preferred. Some players choose to create a file inside The Sims 4 Backups called “Starting,” which they can use anytime they want to start a new game with specific sims or lots in it. The ‘Starting’ folder will be a file with all the things you have specified at the time of creation. Once copied, paste these files into your newly created The Sims 4 Backups folder by pressing Ctrl + V or right-clicking and selecting paste.

available. Doing this will give you a new game without all the stuff you had before. Create a Starting Save There may come a time when you decide that you want to start fresh and create a new world with all new people. Luckily, you can save yourself time by making a starting save file. Start a new game by creating a Sim. Once your Sim is created, enter the game and place them on a lot.

If you opted to copy only the files in Documents> Electronic Arts> The Sims 4> Saves, you may want to repeat this process with the mods and tray folders found in Electronic Arts> The Sims 4 to backup your mods and sims as well. A Fresh Start Return to Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > saves and delete everything in the folder if you want a fresh start with a clean game. Remember, you backed up this folder already, so you can always add files back if you ever want to use them again. Once deleted, you will start the game and see only ‘Start New Game.’ There will be no Load option 19

You may want to give this Sim a house to live in if you plan to keep them in your save. You can build a home or add one from the gallery by pressing F4. When creating a custom starting save, most people want to add and remove things from the basic EA starting game save. If you decide to add items to your newly created world, you can enter the ‘Manage Worlds’ option at the top right of the screen. From Manage Worlds, you can build the world exactly as you want it right from the main map. Building from manage Worlds means creating lots without placing a sim on the lot itself or creating community lots to fill the world. A bonus of building in Manage Worlds is that building will be free unless you have a Sim on the lot. Building from the main map can be convenient.

For example, you can create a world where every lot is empty or give all the townies makeovers. When creating a custom save file or start file, the sky is the limit. Once you have your new save file the way you like it, be sure to back it up in a separate location where it will be safe. Note, creating a custom save file can take months or even years. There are many save files available online that you can download, including empty ones. Whether you are backing up your game or creating a custom save file, be sure to replace the backup file regularly to keep it up-to-date with the changes you make or any updates to the game. Safely Storing Your Backup Files Creating a backup of your saves, sims, or builds is just good practice. However, storing this file on the same hard drive that the game is on is not a good idea.

The point is to have the backup files somewhere else to ensure they are not corrupted or lost if something happens to your computer. Premade Saves If you are not a builder or do not want to invest the time into creating a custom save file, there are plenty available for download online. Players worldwide have done the hard work for you and made their files public to download for free. Like anything you download, it is essential to be careful where you are getting your content. With that said, there are many popular save files out there seek out some of the more popular ones to add some new interest and excitement to your game today. Placing a Premade Save Placing a premade save into your game is so easy. Download the save file, extract if required, and simply place the file into your saves folder. Next time you load up the game, you can load that save and play. It is that easy.

You want to store your backup file somewhere safe, preferably on a different hard drive. Keeping your backup somewhere separate from the main game files is helpful. If something happens to your computer, and your saves and backup are on the same drive, both can be corrupted or lost. However, if your saves are safely backed up elsewhere, you will be able to place them back into your game at any time. Where you choose to store your Sims back up is up to you. • You can save to an external or second hard drive. • Use a thumb drive to store your backup file safely. • Store your save file using Google Drive, One Drive, or another storage service.

We all love The Sims and want to play it endlessly for years to come. However, if you find that you are sick of the EA townies, tired of the hideous EA lots, and fed up with seeing the same old scenery game after game, you can always pop a new save file into your game or create your own to add some spice to your Sims lives. Have fun!


Geeking Out

with Ghostface2018xx


The Doctor turns to the trio of Xinar women, ready to help them get home…

Of course. It’s not far. It’s in this ‘other world’.

First things first, we need to check out your ship.

Other world? What do you mean?

We’ve been looking up this place in our super hybrid computer-

Oh cool, kind of like Ziggy.

Sim credits: REOspeedwaggin - Pleiades Sisters Cbunte01 - Rose GlitchingGaz - The Doctor 21

You like human television too?

Oh yeah, Quantum Leap reminds me of…well me. A little while ago I saw that new Harry Potter play. It was pretty good, but it was in 2022 so everyone was in masks and all that.

What, a Harry Potter play? And what’s with the masks exactly? Sorry Rose, you weren’t supposed to hear that. Your future. Just ignore it.


Anyway, we’re in a video game. It’s called The Sims 4, part of a franchise and it’s incredibly buggy. There are a bunch of worlds in it, and the way you travel between them is by walking off the edge of the map. You just have to know where to walk off.

This tree is the point where we can get to Strangerville.

Well then, allons-y.

The five of them walked past the tree, leaving Henfordon-Bagley and heading towards Strangerville.

To Be Continued… 23

This month’s Guess the CAS was created by TheSimBoutique. Find them and this fantastic sim on the gallery

Choo wagga choo choo! / Something in the way Sulsul! Plerg Majah Bliff? / Hello! Can I do something else? Badeesh-Vadish / Thanks Cuh teekaloo? / How are you? #



SAMA By LaarStudio


nyone ever attempted the 100 baby challenge, and after the 7th baby just ended up buying 7 wabblets, disabling autonomy, placing all the toddlers in one room with the wabblets and that’s all the gameplay you get until they age up? No? Just me? Well… if you do get easily bored with toddlers in the Sims 4 like myself, you should be super excited to check out PandaSama! This CC Creator and Modder is revolutionising the Sims 4 gameplay for toddlers and children with her awesome additions to the game, and we’ve had the pleasure of getting to know them more! Welcome, please tell my eager self and our readers a little about you, your name, age, where you are from, your star sign, any pet peeves, hobbies, favourite food and anything else that comes to mind! Who are you outside of the Sims?


Hi thank you so much for having me! I am Pandasama! I am from the great white north, Canada. I love taking naps, watching netflix and learning new things. I am currently learning Python and am absolutely fascinated by it. I have a cooking skill level of -2, but luckily I’m not a very picky eater when it comes to food, I can and will eat basically anything. Please tell us how your Sims journey started, when and how did you start playing the Sims and why? I think I first played The Sims when I was around 11 years old. I can’t remember if I played the The Sims 2 or The Sims 3, but I did have a great time playing it and I was so proud of myself for knowing how to use cheats. But, I think I got too busy with school and stopped playing after a while. Fast forward to the first year of university, I got a new laptop and had some free time on my hands, so I bought The Sims 4 and started playing again because I remember how much I loved it as a kid. I actually never used cc or mods when I played because I thought they were too complicated and I didn’t think I could figure out how to use them. How did you start on your CC/Mod making journey for the Sims 4? I started making mods around May 2020 when the pandemic first started. I had just graduated college in April and was supposed to start working, but my job offer was postponed due to the pandemic. Naturally, I then spent a lot of time playing Sims 4 when my city was in

lockdown. When Eco lifestyle came out, I was somewhat disappointed it wasn’t a farming pack like everyone was speculating, so I looked up to see if there were any farming mods out there. I didn’t find anything I liked but I did notice very few mods had custom animations. Since I studied 3D animation in college, I thought I should give it a try. I was immediately fascinated by the modding process and before I knew it I was spending all day learning how to mod. The first object I made was a rocking horse, seeing something I made appear in the game I loved felt surreal to me, and it only motivated me to work on it even more, I then spent more time to make it functional for all ages and was able to release it in June. Your work is primarily focused on Toddlers and Children in the Sims 4, was that your intention when you started creating CC and Mods, and why have you chosen that niche? I focused on making functional objects for toddlers and children because I’ve always felt the kids’ rooms in the game all looked so sad, and there is especially not much to do for toddlers, which is why I never liked raising toddlers when I played. You get the dollhouse and the big stuffed animal and that’s pretty much it for every single kid’s room. Toddlers can’t even play with the stuffed animal, so they just play with blocks over and over. In real lifem childhood is supposed to be the time where you have the most fun and play with all kinds of toys. So, I listened to what my patreons wanted the most and started working on them one by one. 26

What is the single most wanted functionality you wished EA would provide in the Sims 4? Actually, I wish the sims could have more distinct personalities and more variations of animations. Although I know there is no way that can be added to the game considering the amount of work it would involve and how the game is made. But, I always feel like no matter what traits you give a sim or what the sim looks like, they all act and behave the same, because they use the same animations and same facial overlay for each emotion. Sims 4 has a somewhat exaggerated and almost comical animation style and that makes all the sims feel comical as well. Are there any other games you play or mod apart from the Sims 4? If so, what attracted you to them and what makes them enjoyable? The most recent games I played that I really enjoyed are Animal Crossing:New Horizons, Pokemon Sword and Shield and Planet Coaster. I enjoy games that allow me to play at my own pace and just relax. I really enjoy Minecraft as well. I love going on adventures to explore different areas, but unfortunately, I get motion sickness easily so I haven’t played it in a while. Having dabbled a little in code myself, I can imagine how time consuming it is to create CC and Mod games, what do 27

you do to unwind and relax, to avoid the creative block? That’s a good question and it’s still something I need to work on lol. Unfortunately, for most days, my schedule consists of me working from the moment I wake up until the moment I go to sleep, which is normally around midnight, and it is no way a healthy thing to do. In order to have a healthier schedule, I actually quit my job as a web designer last December, so that I can have more time to myself. Right now, I am working on taking more breaks during the day, eventually I want to start picking up my hobbies again. I enjoyed playing the piano growing up and I’m planning on getting a piano keyboard soon so that I can start playing again. How can one start Modding for the Sims 4? Where to start? Any general advice for beginners? The one advice I have is please please please start small. You have to have a good understanding of tunings first before you can work on any actual projects. Starting small allows you to dip your toes and get a sense of what modding takes and whether or not it is something you are passionate about. And you can always join Creator Musings discord if you have questions, there’s lots of talented creators there helping each other learn and grow. Are you part of any Sims communities on any of the social media platforms

or off-line? If so, what makes those communities great? I’m not very active on any social media, but I guess the community I’m closest with is the modding community. I’m in this discord server called Creator Musings which is a modding/cc discord where creators gather and help each other with their projects. Modding is not easy at all, and in fact, it is a constant struggle, so it is nice to be in a community that understands the struggle and choose to come together and help each other learn and grow. What projects are you currently working on? What can we look forward to from you this year? I am currently working on a realistic childbirth mod. I know it is different from what I normally do, but I felt like I wanted to try something different for a change. It is a larger mod and I’m planning on releasing it in mid February. This mod will give players the option to have their sims give birth in a more realistic way. I am especially not a huge fan of how sims give birth at the hospital, the surgery machine just seems so random. I hope my mod will make the childbirth experience more intimate and memorable. Is there a project that you had in mind which you really want to do but just don’t have the time or are unable to do for any other reason? I really want to add more animals to the

game, maybe even a zoo mod that lets you take care of animals. The reason I haven’t done it yet is because it is incredibly time consuming if I want to make free range animals, and the lot size in game is pretty limited, it will be hard to create a zoo with large enough space to host animals like elephants and giraffes. But, I definitely want to work on it one day if someone comes out with a open world mod. 28

What is the one thing you would completely remove from the game if you could? The one thing that bothers me the most is the idle animation in the game. I hate having to wait for my sim to finish playing an idle animation before doing what I tell them to do, it’s a small thing but it makes me feel like I’m always fighting my sims. If you were an advisor for EA, what core game functionality would you ask them to change to create an easier experience for modders? I wouldn’t ask for any changes to the game functionality but I would appreciate it if they can give more support to the modding community. There is very little documentation when it comes to modding The Sims 4 and all the tools we use to create mods are created by the modding community. But, you can only go so far without proper documentation, I would appreciate it if they can answer some of the burning questions we have or provide some of the resources we need. Where do you get your inspiration from?


Most of my inspirations come from my patreons, I get a ton of good suggestions from my lovely supporters every day, and it’s always so hard to choose which ones to work on. Is there anyone you want to give a shout out to, someone who has helped you a lot or just a generally great person/people? There are too many people I’d like to give a shout out to, I met so many incredible creators along the way who have helped me in my journey. Ravasheen is the first creator friend I made, she reached out to me when I was still completely new to modding and has always been willing to share her knowledge with me. I would also like to thank Mizore Yukii for creating the Creator Musings server and constantly helping others to learn. She has helped me countless times and I am forever grateful for that. Lastly, I’d like to give a shout out to the Pancake1, he single handedly the most knowledgeable modder I know, and he has inspired me to better myself in many different ways. On that note we have come to the end folks. Make sure to check out PandaSama’s socials and follow her to never again be bored of toddlers in your game!


Cooking Sims Style with

Granny Ruth

Photos from Horsing Around in LA and AU

Heart Cake Pops Valentine’s Day Treat by bestideasforkids #bestideasforkids

Ingredients • white and red candy melts • cake pop sticks • heart sprinkles • cake mix • cake frosting • heart mold Instructions 1. First, you need to bake your cake. Once it’s baked and cooled, use a food processor to crumble the cake. If you don’t have a food processor, you can do this by hand but it will just take longer. 2. Next, you mix in your frosting. I used about 2/3rds of the jar but start slow and mix and add more as needed. You want it to be sort of like playdough. You don’t want it too sticky or creamy with the icing so add a bit at a time until you get a good consistency that will allow you to roll it easily into a ball. 3. Insert cake mix into your heart mold. Press down so you fill the full mold. If you don’t have a heart mold, you could also lay out your mix in a pan and use a small heart cookie cutter. 4. Now chill for 2 hours in the freezer or refrigerator. 5. Before you are ready to pull out from the fridge, melt your candy melts. Melt slowly or you may overcook them. Follow the package directions. Typically, they suggest melting 30 seconds at a time. I like to do half power for 30 seconds and then add 30 seconds if I need it. If partially melted, use a spoon to stir and allow the heat to melt the rest. This will ensure you don’t overcook your candy melts! 6. Remove your cake pops from the fridge.

Dip some chocolate onto your candy sticks and insert part way into your cake pop. 7. Now is the fun part! Time to decorate! This is also where the ‘easy’ part comes in. I have never been able to perfect the cake pop ‘dip’ so I cheated a bit in decorating these (which I find is the easy way to do it!). Here’s the easy way: taking your spoon, drizzle the chocolate on top of your cake pop. They will almost look professional this way! Either way, they taste delicious. Now sprinkle with your Valentine’s day themed sprinkles.


Making a Simmer featuring

By Bailey Cheshire


f you love watching Sims LPs or reading Sims stories on Twitter, then there’s a chance you might have seen OBiGem’s page, known for her vibrant Sims photos and rich storytelling. WIth over 900 sunscribers on YouTube and over 1,800 followers on Twitter, she’s really getting her name and stories out there. Know more about her and her content creation process in this interview.


Tell us more about who OBiGem (the person and the creator) is. For some reason, this question always trips me up because I feel like I’m either really bad at talking about myself or I’m really boring! In any case, I’m a dreamer. I live in my own head a lot thinking about stories I can create, write, or live out. That’s always been me and it’s always been the one thing I’ve turned to when everything else in the world or my life may not be so rosy. “OBiGem” was really born out of a time in my life where I was burnt out on everything. I was working a job that I had once believed was my dream job, but I had become so overworked and underpaid by it that it had become the biggest nightmare. I worked all the time and barely was taking any time for myself toward the end of it. I had just purchased the Sims 4 for PC and thought, this is it. This is my time to unwind and rediscover that dreamer that had almost entirely been stamped out by doing things out of necessity. I began playing and watching other simmers and it really sparked the idea of “hey, why not do this too?” So then OBiGem was born as that part of myself that only had to be creative and nothing else. The person behind that obviously has way more responsibilities though! I’m a mother of an incredibly energetic four-year-old boy, so when I’m not simming or generating content for the channel, a lot of my time goes to him. He’s literally the biggest light in my life and I don’t think I ever thought I could love someone more than I do him. He’s such a funny and smart kid, but being his mom definitely comes with its share of challenges, so it’s nice that I’m able to balance being Mom and being OBiGem with each other so that when I get my breaks I can disappear into these other families for a minute while I take a break from mine. When did you start playing The Sims? What drew you to the game? I’m an OG simmer, really, because I started playing with the very first iteration of the game “The Sims.” I was about 11 years old at the time and never would’ve described

myself as a gamer. I was actually quite terrible at video games, to be honest. My brothers played a lot of sidescrollers, racing games, and first-person shooters, and I didn’t have a natural gift for most of any of those games. But that was what was appealing about The Sims. It wasn’t like a “regular” video game. I would be able to make my own families and play out their lives. That was exciting to me. I didn’t know it at the time, or maybe I just didn’t connect the dots, but I feel like the reason I was so excited by that was because I loved to play with dolls as a little girl. I was hitting that age where I was “too old” to still be playing with dolls and dollhouses and a lot of the girls my age had already stopped playing with them, but if I could’ve kept playing with them forever, or at least a while longer, I would’ve wanted to. The Sims allowed me to do that. It was the “a little while longer” I was looking for, and I’m so glad it appeared in my life at that time so I could keep playing pretend house with different families and live out those fantasies. What is your favorite thing about the Sims community? The Simming community is one of the most welcoming, inclusive communities you can find. I feel like because it revolves around a life simulation game where the only barrier to entry is existing and wanting to create stories, it opens it up to a level where there’s no way you can’t be accepted. I’ve been able to make friends and connect with people easily just from sharing my stories and interacting with other people’s stories, and I love that. I feel like in any other setting if I were to stay geeked on some imaginary story I made up with these pixel people, I would get the weirdest stares or be met with people who don’t care or understand why it’s a big deal that I maxed out all my toddler’s skills while I’m still going through it getting my real life toddler to consistently use the toilet. But that’s the appeal. This is our escape that we’re bonding over, and it gives us common ground to be able to then bond over the real life things too. I can talk about my real life toddler with people who’ve fallen in love with my virtual ones because it’s like we know each other now, and naturally we want the 36

best for each other now that we have that bond. On your YouTube channel, you’ve carved out your niche as a storyteller with several different Let’s Play (LP) series. Do you have a favorite of all the stories you’ve created? This is so hard to answer because each of the stories I’ve created for my LPs are each ones I’ve put a lot of love into. A lot of times if I put out more of one than another in any stretch of time, it’s not even because I like that one more, it’s just because I was in a mental space that suited filming that LP over another. However, I think if I had to lean more toward one over any other, it might actually be Growing Up Genki. It’s the one that I feel like after I sat with it a while and set up story arcs to pay out later that it actually grew and met that level of storytelling I was trying to achieve. It’s the series that showed me I can build an audience based on just the story being engaging enough and not just because it was part of a popular challenge. That’s so important to me because I hope to achieve that with every LP I put out, and I love the reception that Growing Up Genki has garnered as a result of that. It still puts a smile on my face when just over a year later people leave comments on those early episodes talking about how they just discovered the LP and are already hooked. Any LP creator loves to see that! Tell us a little about your storytelling process. How much do you plan out your LPs in advance? What do you consider when structuring individual episodes? I love this question! So it’s funny because before I started making YouTube content, I considered myself strictly a writer in the written form. I would write by the seat of my pants as they say, or for those who don’t know that writer speak, I would sit down and write the story as it came out in the moment. I never really have that much far ahead thought out, as the story would just unfold as I thought of it. I’m sure anyone who’s a writer can tell you that can sometimes be a problematic way to write because without foresight on where you’re going, you can 37

very easily end up lost. To be frank, I do end up lost in my written longform works very easily because of my penchant to write this way! And when I first started storytelling in LPs, it was definitely a problem there too. My very first LP on the channel was definitely conceptualized by the seat of my pants, and it shows. I do not recommend going in to record for an LP with barely an idea of where it’s going. You will end up lost, your content will likely be meandering, and eventually you’ll either lose interest or your audience will. I quickly had to develop a new system. My new system is a lot more planned, but also still leaves a lot of spontaneity to happen despite that. So, there are still twinkles of my tried and true writing by the seat of my pants method left in how I make my LPs now. But essentially, I’ll have a general idea of how long the series will be for the first season. I’ll ask myself, what is the overarching story arc of the season, and what beats will the story hit along the way to build toward that arc? That helps me break down about how many episodes I’ll film for the series (or a single season) and it helps me determine what the goal of each episode should be as I film them. I think about who the characters will be, what they want, and what story beats I want them to hit along the way. For each individual episode, I have to think about who I am featuring, and what they are accomplishing. I always have to think about that for each episode because there’s nothing worse than sitting down to record without any idea of what you’re recording. Because I’m a mom and I work full time, my free time is limited. I can’t record for hours and then spend additional hours trying to retroactively piece together a story based on my footage (been there, done that, have the lack of sleep and dark circles under my eyes to show for it!). So I have to be very purposeful when I’m recording so I can quickly film those shots and tightly edit out the dead air around each of those set pieces in my video editor and be able to turn that episode out in a week or two. Occasionally, something unexpected will happen while filming that wasn’t planned out


or thought of beforehand. If that happens, I’ll take a moment to pause and think, will keeping this in make the story more interesting? If the answer is yes, I will on the spot roll it into the story and use my trusty writing by the seat of my pants abilities to tweak the story in the moment to make this new occurrence make sense. Some of my crazier story elements were born out of unexpected moments just popping up such as the controversial Kiyoshi and Hana arranged marriage in my Growing Up Genki series or Julien Tinker sticking around for essentially the entire run of Rose Gen in my Not So Berry series, instead of being a one and done first boyfriend. I appreciate how doing this has essentially taught me a new skill I don’t think I had before, which is to be able to improvise and roll with the punches. It’s given me more confidence in my storytelling abilities, especially as it relates to live storytelling while streaming, which was the biggest learning curve that I feel like I’m finally at a place where I’m developing a comfortability with that too. You also create the sims who star in your LPs. Which of your sims are you most proud of, and why? Another hard question! This is actually really difficult for me to answer because I feel like I’m always dissatisfied with the sims I make. The dissatisfaction doesn’t come from them as characters - I love them all, they’re like my babies - but really in the aesthetic. I tend to be very critical to the point where I feel like the ones I really fall in love with as full packages are the ones that are born in the game. I never feel like I can take full credit for them though because the game pieced together some of the genetics and I just edited them, but honestly, my born in-game babies are always the ones that feel like fully realized people to me. Of late, I’m such a fan of my Not So Berry Rose Gen heir, Sienna. She’s such a spitfire! She’s drop dead gorgeous, smart as a whip, has so much confidence, but she’s now hitting that point in her life where she’s really having to confront what it is she wants now that she seemingly has everything she’s worked for. I literally wanna be her 39

because I definitely don’t have that level of confidence where I can walk into a room and just command it like she does! But what I feel like I’m most proud of when it comes to her is that despite the fact that she’s an heir for a challenge, she doesn’t feel like a blank slate that only exists to check off items on that generation’s checklist. She feels just as real if not more real than characters I’ve created for my more slice of life let’s plays, and I really appreciate the fact that I actually was able to achieve that within this challenge. The goal for me is never to make my sims feel empty and just blank slates that exist to achieve things. I always want my sims to feel like real people you want to root for or hang out with or aspire toward, and Sienna has become very much that. What mods and custom content can you not live without? If you’ve been watching my channel for any length of time, then it becomes quite obvious that I use all the mods! I don’t like to limit myself when it comes to the mods and cc I use in game. If I have the room and the power behind my machine to run a bunch of mods and cc, then I prefer to do that. I have a lot of staples that my game would

when I start growing my same-sex couple’s family in my current household. And last, and maybe most notoriously, I cannot lie, I prefer to play my game with Wicked Whims. Why Wicked and not Wonderful? I find baby making through the less PG way to be so challenging and thus more realistic, and realism in my gameplay is a must! In addition to LPs, your YouTube channel features instructional content on what creators should consider when making their own LPs. What do you think is the most important thing you’ve learned in researching and making these videos?

just feel naked without. First and foremost, MCCC. I know a lot of people have this in their games, but I don’t feel like a lot of people use it to its full capacity. I’ve gotten rid of mods that I used to have simply because I could use a setting in MCCC to achieve what that mod did more seamlessly. For instance, I can set a lot of different autonomy tasks through MCCC that I love. My favorite is autonomous proposals. I love having that chance that my sim’s significant other could just propose at the drop of a hat without me making it happen. Lumpinou’s First Impressions and Woohoo Wellness have become incredible staples in my game as well that I often forget are mods because they work so seamlessly with the gameplay. I rely fully on first impressions to decide who my sims date and become friends with, and it’s the best tool in having your sims form their own relationships without you making them be with people. All the options in Woohoo Wellness just makes the whole journey of romancing your sims and starting a family with them a way richer experience. It was so much fun being able to use the poly relationship options within this mod when I was playing my Rose Gen in Not so Berry, and I look forward to exploring all the added fertility options the mod provides

I’ve really enjoyed the journey of researching what can make an LP work. Not gonna lie, it’s been puzzling throughout as sometimes it feels like there’s no overlap between what makes an LP soar versus what makes one flounder. There’s so much talent in this community, so it’s especially hard when I see people making truly fun and engaging let’s plays, but the views don’t really reflect the love they deserve. So I think the most important thing I’ve learned is that even if the views aren’t supporting what you consider to be your best work, don’t let that discourage you. I know that sounds generic and cliche, but it’s honestly the truest and most meaningful advice I can give. You never know when a certain keyword or topic or theme will spontaneously come into fashion thus driving more traffic than not to your content, so instead of chasing trends, focus on making quality content that people can enjoy, that will push them to want to play their games, or even emulate your story techniques because those things will build loyal dedicated audiences, that are in many ways far more valuable than overwhelming numbers. I’m sure any content creator will tell you the joy they feel when they get flooded with amazing comments from people who obviously watched their content from start to finish and instantly became invested in it. There aren’t tricks to making content that does that outside of developing stories and 40

“Instead of chasing trends, focus on making quality content that people can enjoy, that will push them to want to play their games, or even emulate your story techniques because those things will build loyal dedicated audiences, that are in many ways far more valuable than overwhelming numbers.” characters that feel real and relatable. If you focus on that, you will eventually build numbers. It may not happen overnight, but for most people that isn’t how this journey unfolds, so make sure you’re putting in the time and effort so you’re able to enjoy your individual journey. That’s the only way this is both fun and rewarding. Do you have any upcoming projects you’d like to tell us about? I do! I’ve got a lot planned for 2022, probably more than I actually have time to execute, but in February, I plan to finally release my upcoming 21-Day Fiance Challenge Let’s Play. It’s a short challenge, so it won’t be generational, but you’ll get to see me take a single sim from single and looking to married to a sim “abroad” within the span of 21 ingame days. I’m super excited to finally play through the challenge as I’ve been dying to do something that’s a bit shorter in between my longer running let’s plays. I also have been conceptualizing a makeover series that focuses on rewriting Sims 4’s alternate timeline lore and making over townies to fit into that. I feel like a lot of simmers take issue with the Sims 4’s alternate timeline because they’re so attached to the lore built from the Sims 1-3. But I never took issue with the fact that the lore is different, just that it isn’t fleshed out at all. It feels like such a missed opportunity that the team decided to start with something new but 41

not really fill in what that “new” was, so I’m excited to actually fill in those blanks and give people an alternate sims 4 lore they can get on board with. I don’t yet have a timeline for when this series will come out, but it will probably be closer to May or June. Lastly, and this is another long-term project that will take a while to come to light, but I recently started a group on Facebook to put together an all black save file. As a black simmer, I’m super passionate about advocating for other black simmers in this space, so I wanted to do something that gave us and all of our different cultures visibility in this simming space. The project is still in its infancy, but I’m super excited to finally start to build on the vision I have for it in my head. Thank you so much for taking the time to chat with us. Where can our readers find you on social media? It’s been such a pleasure! Thank you for inviting me to interview with you. You can find me on YouTube obviously, but I am also on twitter under the handle @itsOBiGem, and I am on Tumblr where I reblog cc finds and share my gameplay story, the Fletcher legacy. You can find that at Lastly, if you’re a black simmer and would like to become involved in my all black sims save, feel free to join my Facebook group, The Black Simming Collective, here: https://www.

By Melissa

Covering your old school favourites from the sims franchise I must confess, I am a lonely Simmer this year. Nothing changes there, haha! Will I take advantage of reduced Valentine’s day gifts and flowers for myself? Absolutely. In this month’s issue, I’m diving back into the wonderful world of The Sims 2, to explore the love shared by some of the game’s iconic Sims and couplings, both computer-generated and Simmer generated. I personally feel I have neglected this area over the past few months, so it's time to reinject some passion into rediscovering this game once again by living vicariously through these top couplings. Notorious for family drama, the mysterious disappearance of Bella Goth, troubled teens, the Caliente’s and the town’s casanova, Don Lothario stirring up trouble, what better way to start off this article, than to take a look into Pleasantview.

Daniel and Mary-Sue Pleasant Perhaps it was because of the age I started playing The Sims 2, but there was just something I really did not enjoy about the scandalous affair Daniel Pleasant was having with the maid. Obviously, I was old enough to have seen these stories played out on soap operas on television, so I did understand the entertainment factor in using this scenario. However, I remember one time I tried to play against my wishes and dabble into this pre-programmed affair and have Kaylynn Langeark give birth to an illegitimate child with Daniel Pleasant and then sent on her way. But under normal circumstances, I would try to fizzle out the affair completely. As I’ve grown older, I have seen the potential damage this affair could cause, not to mention to impact it would have on the already neglected Lilith Pleasant. Needless to say, I love Daniel and Mary-Sue as a couple, they seem to be so perfect together, and now as an adult I could see how truly heart-breaking it would be to disrupt that.


Angela Pleasant and Dustin Broke Following on from her father’s scandalous affair, I wanted to see what sort of couplings the game had pre-generated for the twins. I have often wondered if Angela’s perfect personality was all just a facade to gain popularity as per her aspiration. Did she ever feel tired of playing the little Miss perfect persona? Perhaps by dating bad-boy Dustin Broke, she seeks some downtime and channels her inner rebellious behaviour through him. Angela is always viewed as the angelic twin despite having an extremely similar personality to her twin sister, Lilith. However, in my game I’ve seen her start fights with Lilith so I reckon she could be potentially manipulative - the popular high school cheerleader bully persona comes to mind. However, Angela and Dustin’s relationship gives character depth, but I do wonder if Dustin relies heavily on Angela without knowing her true intention. What if someone richer, or a “badder” boy entered the scene? Something tells me that she would ditch Dustin if someone better came along.

Lilith Pleasant and Dirk Dreamer Similarly, to her sister and Dustin, this pairing also balances out the good and evil / Yin and Yang vibes. Lilith strikes me as someone who is simply a misunderstood teenager clearly going through a challenging time at home. The environmental factors alone could cause her to act out. Perhaps she witnessed her father’s affair with their maid? Perhaps she has been repeatedly put down or silenced when expressing concerns? Or more likely, she feels the need to act out to get the attention of her parents, who seemed preoccupied with Angela’s talents and gifts. With that said, Lilith is capable of love. Like her sister, she finds an escape from her chaotic family life and schooling through Dirk Dreamer. Dirk too, has his challenges at home; the passing of his mother, and potentially a new one entering the scene (if we’re thinking about Cassandra Goth and Darren Dreamer). He too finds solace in Lilith. However, I think Dirk is a better influence on Lilith as an A grade student, and I think Lilith provides Dirk with the fun he has surely missed out on over the years. I can understand why developers decided that the twins should be with a partner of completely opposite personality and upbringing, and not just the wise saying, “opposites attract” but because this provides an element of balance and escape for the girls within their current family-life situation.


Nina Caliente and Don Lothario I debated whether to force Don to sort his life out and marry Cassandra, but she’s too innocent, too pure for a man like that. She deserves so much better, and potentially someone like Darren Dreamer, or Goopy GilsCarbo (yes, I paired them up once). Nina however feels like a good match for Don Lothario. They’re both romantic Sims and it just seems fitting that they would finally settle down together. Would they cheat on each other? Potentially. Would it be expected? Definitely. Even in The Sims 4, I paired these up and subsequently left Dina to have an affair with Malcolm Landgraab.

Dina Caliente and Malcom Landgraab Again, like Daniel and Mary-Sue Pleasant, I detested the idea of Dina and Mortimer coupling up. Personally, I’m not a fan of Dina as I think it’s completely immoral to take advantage of Mortimer in his vulnerable current state. I shoo’d Mortimer away when he first arrived on the lot during my first play through of the family, and rightly so. Shipped with Open for Business is the lovely shopping district, Bluewater Village, home to business entrepreneur Malcolm Landgraab. Both gluttonous, gold digging, narcissistic swines Dina Caliente and Malcolm Landgraab suit each other a lot better. As they have matching aspirations and goals, one could argue that they could overthrow Bluewater Village and live on a massively corrupt bank of investment.

Nervous Subject and Pascal Curious As previously mentioned in Issue 11‘s article, it appears the game developers wanted these two Sims to become a potential pairing. This is demonstrated by his arrival on the Curious Brothers’ lot when Pascal Curious gives birth to his alien offspring. From this article, we know that Nervous Subject prefers the company of male Sims anyway, so these two Sims suit each other. Within the Sim Community, most Simmers have paired Nervous Subject up with Pascal Curious either way.


Johnny Smith and Ripp Grunt I highlighted in Issue 11 that Simmers identified Ripp Grunt as being bisexual. Therefore in my game, I changed the relationship dynamics between Johnny Smith and Ophelia Nigmos; they’re now best friends rather than lovers. I decided that, despite the drama it could potentially cause for both families, (similarly to the Monty’s and Capp’s in Veronaville) Ripp Grunt and Johnny Smith should be together as they have a high friendship at the beginning of the game. Even Grunt’s bio states that, “Ripp totally doesn't care what you think of him. He is going to do whatever he wants to do, which is mostly what everyone else is doing.” So by rebelling against his father’s wishes of joining the army, why not take it one step further and merge with “the enemy”. Unfortunately, I can only include so much in one article that it is not possible to add all my favourite couplings. Therefore, honourable mentions include Brandi Broke and Darren Dreamer from Pleasantview, Puck Summerdream and Hermia Capp from Veronaville, Romeo Monty and Juliette Capp from Veronaville and of course, the iconic Mortimer and Bella Goth from Pleasantview. Venturing on a trip down memory lane is always exciting, and even more so having the opportunity to replay each of my favourite families from The Sims 2. I completely forgot how explorative the game itself was, creating endless opportunities for different storylines with a plethora of different characters each with their own unique personalities; something that is still lacking in the most recent iteration of the franchise. The only issue I have (which I know, cannot be helped), is that in order to redo a particular storyline, I must reinstall the game in its entirety, which granted, doesn’t take as long as it used to in the past (remember the chore of using 10+ discs) but it’s still a long process of re-introducing relationships, lots, characters etc. Perhaps if I rediscover the world of CC, I’ll find a mod that can add clones of the neighbourhoods, allowing for essentially a “new save” like we see in The Sims 3 and 4. It’ll probably clog up the loading screen and potentially cause a few glitches… But alas, I have thoroughly enjoyed writing about some of my favourite pairings in The Sims 2 Base game (and Open for Business) and I hope you’ve enjoyed reading about them. Until next time, Melissa x



“My favorite part about modding is le p eo p t a th gs in th te ea cr to le b being a actually find value in.”


Get to know

ItsKatato by SueSimming


nown for her game-changing mods like the pre-teen mod and mods for various active careers, Katato is really leveling up the gaming experience of many Sims 4 players out there. Get to know her more in this interview.

Tell us something about yourself. My name’s Kaelah, and I’m a 19-year-old college student from Texas. What was your very first mod and why did you create it? My very first mod was a rabbit-hole cosmetology career. I created it cause of the number of people I saw that played the sims and worked in the field of cosmetology in real life. Everyone deserves to make their simself as accurate as possible and careers are a part of that. Your Pre-Teen Mod is a game changer, giving a majority of Simmers everything we needed to make Teens fun. How long did it take to create this mod? The base of the preteen mod took me about a month to create. The only reason I released it was because of the encouragement from other modders. They know I have a habit of adding more and more to a mod without actually releasing it. I released the base version with plans of adding more in the future. What add-ons or changes to the mod can we look forward to?

I have a lot planned for this mod. The first add-on pack that’s actually being worked on right now is the “First Crush” pack. I disabled the romance menu for preteens just so I can create their own romance/crush system. Other packs that I have planned in the future are a pack that focuses on puberty/self-care and another focused on middle school. At last count, you had created 11 mods. Which one is your favorite and why? Out of all my mods, I have to say my preteen mod is my favorite. I just feel like it adds something that’s missing to family gameplay. Which modder do you admire and what is your favorite mod? A modder that I admire is definitely Lumpinou. Her mod “WooHoo Wellness and Pregnancy Overhaul” is a mod that enhances gameplay and I honestly believe that’s a mod I couldn’t play without. Besides The Sims, what other games do you play? I’m not really that good at video games and since I started modding, I haven’t had much time to play, but I’ll play anything honestly. I do enjoy playing games that I’m able to get 48

immersed in like Skyrim, Stardew Valley, and Minecraft. I also play Roblox too, and I’ve been playing that for over 11 years!

Do your friends and family understand what it you do with The Sims 4, and what do they think about it?

How has the response been to your mods and how do you deal with negative feedback?

My friends and family are actually my biggest supporters. They may not know exactly what I’m doing, but they will always listen when I have a new idea or breakthrough.

The overall response to my mods has been great. There have been some situations with people being angry that I have a Patreon, but I choose to believe that they aren’t really angry at me but angry at the creators that use Patreon and put their mods behind a permanent paywall. Creators like that give modders that use Patreon a bad reputation. Did you play The Sims 2 or The Sims 3, and what would you like to take from those games and add to The Sims 4? I’ve played both Sims 2 & 3, and have to say that the Sims 2 is by far my favorite Sims game. What I would take from The Sims 2 and add to The Sims 4 is the autonomous interactions between sims. Everything seemed genuine and had real meaning. You got to see the personalities of the sims.


Favorite pre-made/NPC Sim in the entire The Sims franchise? My favorite pre-made sim is actually Connor Frio from The Sims 3. I don’t know, he was always such a sweet sim and my sims would instantly love him! What is currently problematic in The Sims community and how can we change it? One thing that I dislike about the Sims community is how divided we get whenever a new pack is released. So much hate happens during this time. This is something that would almost be impossible to fix because everyone has different opinions and beliefs. What future content would you like to see for The Sims 4?

I would love to see new active careers. We have a limited amount of them in the game, but I love being involved in my sims life. What goals are you currently working towards both in your gaming and real life? From modding, I learned that I love computer science and programming. I plan on transferring to my local university in the fall to be a computer science major. My goal is to be a game developer and it would be pretty awesome to work at EA and be on The Sims team. We shall see! What is your favorite part of modding? My favorite part about modding is being able to create things that people actually find value in. Knowing that people enjoy my mods brings me so much joy! Are there any other modders or CC creators you’d like to collaborate with? I would love to collab with PandaSama one day! We’re both pretty busy, so I don’t know if that would happen any time soon though, lol!

What are some of the things you’d like to see in The Sims 5? 2 words: Open World. I loved how the sims 3 was open world, but it wasn’t optimized at all. We have the technology now to make that possible! How has The Sims impacted or changed your life? The Sims have definitely changed my life and I wouldn’t be on the path that I am now without it. If I didn’t start making mods for the Sims, I wouldn’t have known my genuine love for coding. I would have no idea what I would major in if it wasn’t for the Sims, which sounds pretty silly, but it’s true!




Meet the EA Creator

Jason S by The Simming Spoonie


n this second issue of the year, we’re proud to feature one of the well-known EA Creator / EA Gaymer Changer in the community, the captain of the RM Cascadian YouTube channel, Jason Anthony Sterling.

How did you become a Game-Changer? The Game Changers program had a substantial increase in size and diversity of participants in the summer of 2018 driven by an open application process aimed at bringing in a myriad of different disciplines outside of the standard Youtube and Twitch influencers that Game Changers Program was gaining a reputation for favoring. I applied as a Gallery Content Creator, specifically building though I also maintained and regularly updated a Youtube channel, wrote articles for The Sims Community and had a small Facebook page and presence on Twitch. I was accepted in August 2018. Who inspired you to apply for the GameChanger programme? No one actually. I rarely if ever watched anyone presenting early access material and I still don’t, to be honest. I’m usually too busy creating content to watch much and when I do it almost always will be the Maxis live streams exhibiting the packs or a few closer friends on Youtube. What are your favourite and least favourite parts of the Game-Changer programme?


My favorite part was the early access aspect of the program allowing for early content creation to engage an audience with and the atmosphere of growing in conjunction with the program as it was executed in the first couple of years. With an emphasis on exposing smaller creators along with larger ones and in non-traditional means like sharing creations, blog sites, channels through the community managers presence on platforms such as Twitter. My least favorite part is the more recent climate of distrust and non-communication with a focus nearly entirely on “high-value” or large audience creators leaving many of us with a feeling of being unwanted within the program and even ignored. There’s a sense now of a two-tier system within the program favoring large creators. That’s not entirely the case, some small number of smaller creators have been occasionally included, but it’s rare and feels like adding them just to say they did. The feeling of being left out and mostly ignored persists nonetheless. That said, my favorite part now I suppose is the free code supplied to host a giveaway in conjunction with the program. I often do giveaways from my own personal funds, but the organization supplying an additional


This is the RM Cascadian, the mascot of everything I do. It’s a steampunk airship, forever carrying its passengers on an adventure around The Sims world.


High Fashion code means one more simmer will have access to the new pack that may have otherwise not been able to have it. I really want everyone to be able to participate in the fun and excitement of a new pack, so that is my favorite part at this time, being able to host an extra giveaway and make at least one extra person really happy. How does being a Game-Changer fit into your everyday life? I would say quite well as there just isn’t much to it as such. I don’t really think about the program much except right when a pack has launched. I usually see and hear about it at the same time as everyone else when the trailer and/or hints leading up to the trailer are posted. Otherwise, there’s rarely any communication whatsoever from the program and even at trailer launch we’ll usually just get marketing assets, like pack art and very little else. Now, content creation which is how and why I wanted to be a part of GC fits into all the free time of my life, lol. I’m usually working on something whenever there’s a moment at home or at work. And I’m thinking about a good deal of the time when I’m not actively working on it. I do love the process of creating builds and stories with the game. 55

If you could choose just one pack to keep, which one would it be and why? That’s a little tough, but City Living. It was an extremely well-wrought and full pack. There are four different and uniquely designed neighborhoods with three separate lot types - standard lots, penthouse lots and apartments. When combined together, it results in a large number of potential households and the apartments with neighbors are well done and interesting, providing a build challenge in various ways, especially when using the TOOL mod by Twisted Mexi. There are also activities such as karaoke, festivals, basketball and the “yard sale” table. San Myshuno is the best realized urban environment to date in The Sims as a franchise. It’s not perfect, but it’s still the best. If you had to get rid of just one pack, which one would it be and why? That’s easy. Luxury Party Stuff. I very rarely use it. In the beginning, I liked it because I could fashion a pretend restaurant using the buffet table, but after Dine Out, even that faded from my use. I feel like there were numerous other stuff packs released since that time that is far greater in scope and

execution. As well, being a stuff pack, I’m not losing much overall by dropping it.

What is your favourite social media platform for all things Sims and why?

Do you prefer building, CAS creation or gameplay? Or something else entirely?

I suppose Twitter, I’ll cautiously say. It has an immediacy to it and there’s a fast flow of information, often conversational in tone. It’s quick exposure and a quick way of getting to know people. That said, I prefer Youtube for sharing actual content creations. That platform provides an outlet for sharing that Twitter can’t even come close to due to the limitations of Twitter at 288 characters and 2-minute videos for posts.

I supposed the “something else” option. I blend all three as my primary drive with The Sims is storytelling. So I build the sets, create the Sims and then act out the story through gameplay or create the story in some cases through gameplay. It’s part of how I never tire of the game, I suppose. When one aspect loses some appeal, there are the other two to fall back on. Where do you find the inspiration for your creations? Everywhere. Primarily, I’m inspired to build and that can come from travelling, watching a movie, reading a book or even just daydreaming. Storytelling comes from imagination, often on the spur of the moment while playing the game. I’ll set out with one idea and then evolve it as I play. I think it’s particularly evident in my storylines for Journey to Batuu and Dream Home Decorator, although that method impacts everything I do fiction-wise. Storytelling often is also seeded by real-life events.

Who is your favourite SimGuru and why? My favorite is the fan-favorite SimGuruNinja because he is a genuine person. He has a realness about him. There’s nothing fake or affected in his behavior and he shares himself outside of just The Sims or just “the job” which expands on the idea that he’s a three-dimensional being. He also is not an elitist. He interacts with all manner of people in the community as opposed to focusing his attention on only larger creators or other gurus and that approachability tied to a genuine humility in conduct, as though he realizes he’s not perfect just like the rest of us makes him friendly and solid. He is in fact the best frontman I see in the industry currently, 56

because he is just himself and not trying to be a representative, but instead, a gamer who truly likes games and other gamers and truly likes the game he’s creating. Where can readers find and follow you? I am on Twitter @JasonSterlingRM; Youtube Channel: JasonSterlingRMC; Facebook: Jason Sterling / My World of Sims (Updated at least once a year! LOL), and Instagram: JasonAnthonySterling (Updated slightly less than Facebook- Ha!) I have on occasion been a Twitch Affiliate and may at some point return to Twitch Channel: JasonAnthonySterling, which I usually announce on Twitter when I do. This build, the High Fashion, is one of my favorites, although this next one, the Foxbury Dorm, is my largest downloaded build. Lastly, here’s a link to my salute to The Sims 20th Anniversary, highlighting a lot of my content creation and also a speed run through The Sims pack releases through the years in the middle. Thanks for having me today in your publication. I’m flattered to be considered and I hope everyone finds the information here interesting.


High Fashion


Pride Shot 2020

Pride Shot 2021 - using the first picture, but more representative of my game rather than just my primary family - me gazing proudly on them all, lol.


Foxbury Dorm





By LaarStudio


immedUp magazine is delighted to chat with the talented Gemma, known as KawaiiFoxita in the gaming community. Does the name ring a bell? You are not mistaken! We had the pleasure of getting to know KawaiiFoxita before, in our 7th issue of the magazine. Now 11 issues down the line, Gemma has made immense progress, reaching over 13,000 followers on Twitter, acquiring some awesome partnerships, and of course, creating more gorgeous designs by the day! We just could not resist chatting with her again and finding out more about her exciting journey.

Just to refresh everyone’s memory, could you tell us how and when you joined The Sims community, what were your motivations behind becoming a streamer and a Sims interior designer back then? I began playing The Sims 4 back in March of 2020, but didn’t really begin building until around May. Before that, I hadn’t played since the original game came out many years ago! I’d already been streaming on Twitch for about three years, so when I realised how much I enjoyed working on builds and interiors in The Sims, it was a natural progression to also stream it. The decision to study Interior Design was suggested to me by the community since I had an eye for it and a keen interest. Talking about the past a little, was there a time when you were known by something other than “KawaiiFoxita”? Did you ever have to re-brand and why did you feel the need to do so? I began my internet social “career” back on the Dragon Age BioWare forum BSN (BioWare Social Network) as Gemaphrodite. I had that name for a few years, so when I joined Twitch, it was natural to use it. I used to stream Destiny back in those days, but the toxicity of the community led me to take a break for a year. When I returned, I wanted to move away from all of that, so a rebrand made sense. Would you say a lot has changed for you since you started? What were some of the biggest hurdles you had to overcome in the past year? I’ve seen a lot of changes within the gaming and streaming space - a lot of it has been a slow but positive progression in the right direction in terms of accountability, diversity and equality. Which is fantastic! There are still a lot of challenges, though. Women only make up about 20% of the industry, so being taken seriously can be difficult. And, for me personally, it’s been very difficult because I’m not from a gaming background. I haven’t any professional experience in this field, so

I’m having to carve my own path and build up my reputation. You have become part of the SimmedUp team, which has now evolved to be SUPinMedia in 2021, as a CC Spotlight promoter where you showcase CC you use in your builds. How did your journey evolve, what have you done previously that you now do differently? How was your experience overall, what inspires you to create different interiors each month? I am so grateful that I’ve been trusted with these opportunities and I love being part of the team, but it was something that came to me out of the blue. Since joining The Sims community, I’ve come to understand the need for consistency. That’s really what I’ve strived for - a consistent and high quality approach to what I do. And in doing that, I hope to open other doors. The builds and interiors I have done have been a mix of referenced material (Case Study #21 or Farnsworth House) or completely unique creations (Minimalist Mid Century Home), so it’s very fluid. I tend to browse books and websites for inspiration, and I also take a lot of inspiration from the community. There is so much talent here. We know that you are British, but we also know you have lived and travelled to many places. Can you tell us a bit about your experience, where was the place you learned a lot from, where would you like to go back to if you could? I think you take a bit of something with you from everywhere you go, but I learned a lot about myself during my time living in Los Angeles briefly. Something that could have been life changing and life defining happened to me, but I didn’t let it destroy me. I’ve taken all those sorts of experiences, some of which have been incredibly devastating and tragic, and built myself up from them. I inherited my soldier-on ethic from my parents, though. You just get on and do it. You are known by some in the community 62

Case Study #21

to be a staunch supporter of social justice issues which you express in some of your streams, so we’d like to hear your experience with one of those issues - being an attractive woman in gaming, people sometimes assume that gaining followers is not about your gaming talents but more about your looks. Have you come across this before, if so, how do you deal with this stigma? What effect did it have before and still has on you now? This attitude is incredibly frustrating, and as a woman, it’s something we face on a daily basis. We aren’t taken seriously in a lot of industries and by a lot of closed-minded, uneducated men. We constantly have to prove ourselves to be worthy of opportunity - and at a far greater rate than men do. I know a lot of men don’t like to hear these facts, but it’s up to us to keep shouting about it. I will always speak up about these things, and as someone who has a relatively large following now, it’s even more important that I use my platform to share those thoughts. People need to know they have allies. In addition to being a successful content creator and streamer, you are also a mother. How do you find the balance juggling all of the responsibilities and tasks that are required on a daily basis? 63

I don’t always! There are times where I’m completely overworked and burnt out. I’ve had to take a few steps back from streaming over the last few months, whilst I was also working on my Interior course, but I’m slowly getting back to it. I think I understand the importance of balance more than I ever have, and it’s good to see so many people in the space talking about self-care and the value of taking breaks. We are changing the old mindset of “grinding” and it’s even better now that the world is moving towards remote working. In your streams, you openly talk about your mental and physical health, which is extremely brave and admirable. You mentioned you developed Crohn’s Disease in 2021. How did that affect your online presence and daily routine? How are you dealing with this setback today? My mental health has been a challenge for me since I was first diagnosed with depression back in 2004. I’ve never taken antidepressants - a choice I made throughout the years - so I’ve had to find other ways to deal with my issues. There have been setbacks, like the death of my school friend to suicide in 2016, or being diagnosed with Crohn’s, but I’ve mainly kept things under control. Learning I officially had Crohn’s was

devastating for me because I was also going through redundancy from my job of 20 years at the same time, during the uncertainty of a global pandemic. It was a lot! I suffered for it, both mentally and physically. It’s taken a while to come back from it. But, I can genuinely say that The Sims community and my Twitch community have helped with that. It’s given me motivation, drive, focus and friendship, so I no longer dwell and fixate on the tragedy or my hopeless feelings. I feel positive more often and eager to see what lay ahead for me on this journey. Going back to your gaming, can you tell us a little about your process of creating the stunning builds, you mentioned on your website you recreate real world builds as closely as possible. How do you find all the necessary CC items that would match, do you make a list of things you need and then try to find them or is there any other process you follow? Has your process changed from years ago? I don’t really have a set method of doing anything. When I find a real building or room that I like and want to create, I will mentally try to recall from my large catalogue of CC if I have something the same or similar. Sometimes I’ll know, sometimes I won’t. I

don’t waste as much time as I once did on a build. If it’s not working within about 10 minutes, I know it’s time to bulldoze it and try something else! And, because my catalogue is so large, I tend to lay everything out at the beginning. For example, I’ll get everything that I think looks like it could fit into a Mage’s room and lay it out on the plot like a weird yard sale. Sometimes I’ll organise it. From there, I’ll then start adding to the built space. It really helps. What are your most favourite styles of interior design, if you were to design a house for yourself to build in real life, which style would you choose? Which is the “You”? I used to hate anything Mid Century, but in the past year, I’ve grown to love it. It’s my favourite style and one I go back to often. I also enjoy minimalism, brutalism and Japanese themes. Of all the builds I’ve done, if I could live in any of them, it would probably be my Minimalist Japanese House or Orleston Mews. I just love the vibe of them, even though they are different periods - all that wood and natural lighting. I think I’ve probably become known for my lighting above all else. In addition to the Sims, are there any other

Farnsworth House

“Since joining The Sims community, I’ve come to understand the need for consistency. That’s really what I’ve strived for - a consistent and high quality approach to what I do.”


games you have fallen in love with recently since the last time we spoke to you? What was it about them that attracted your interest? I very rarely actually play games these days, but I have been enjoying Kena: Bridge of Spirits lately. It’s beautifully written and the graphics / environments are stunning. emberlab really did an incredible job. I’ve always been interested in Environment Art, so it appealed to me for that reason. I also loved Little Nightmares because of the emotional story-telling and the (again) beautiful environments. But I anxiously, impatiently and excitedly wait for Dragon Age 4! Finally, this question is for future KawaiiFoxita, to read it a year from now and compare what you had planned and where you are (will be). What are your plans for the future, where do you want to be next year? My main goal is to keep doing what I do with passion and inspire others to create. Nothing makes me happier than someone telling me that they love what I do and that I’ve inspired them to try something. It’s the biggest reward for my time. Next year, I’d love to be working within the industry in an official sense, and I’m working on myself to enable this to happen. It would also mean a lot to me to be recognised by The Sims team and EA for my work in the game by being invited onto the EA Creator Network program this year. I don’t shout my own praises often, but it is something I feel I’ve earned for the time and work I’ve put in. We’ll see. On that note, with reluctance, we have come to the end of this interview. If you haven’t followed Gemma before reading this article, be sure to follow her on her social media, which I can assure you will inspire you all on your own creative journeys!


Mid-Century LA House

Minimalist Japanese House


Orleston Mews

Mages’ Quarters


English Village

Follow KawaiiFoxita for more Amazing Builds and Updates!


Showcase Jaquie561


By The Simming Spoonie


his month’s FB Showcase is about a Simmer who caught my eye recently, Jaquie561, from what I can tell they are fairly new to showcasing their work on the old Book of Face, but the builds I have seen are amazing. My guess is they have enjoyed playing various challenges and are now showcasing the builds they make for them.

the simple but well thought out landscaping. This is definitely a family home, with one double and two single bedrooms, one of which has been turned into a nursery. Walking in the front door, you are greeted with a gorgeous open plan area. This room is well planned and makes some good use of some of the more recent packs.

This first build is “Flower Legacy Daisy House” I just love the architecture of this home, and

I don’t know about you, but I’d love to cook in that kitchen!

Flower Legacy Daisy House


Open living, dining and kitchen area

The kid’s bedrooms are adorable, Jaquie561 made great use of the wall decals in that nursery, don’t you agree?

Kids’ bedrooms

Master bedroom

The master bedroom looks glorious, and why do I always forget that wooden lighted tree?



They have packed so much into this compact 20x30 lot, including a family bathroom, a half bath, a laundry room and master bath and closet. I love the clutter they have added throughout this home. It looks well lived in without being too overwhelming. The backyard is just as pretty as the front. This home has been uploaded with the

Laundry Room

following lot traits, Great Soil, Study Spot and Child’s Play. Jaquie561 has also added Daisy Harper as the resident of this home. She’s gorgeous, isn’t she? Her traits are neat, loves the outdoors and vegetarian, her aspiration is Freelance Botanist! I think she goes perfectly with this eclectic home, and I can see her meeting someone and creating a happy, healthy family here!



Daisy Harper


Nookstone Scenario

The next home I’m going to showcase is Nookstone Scenario, it was built with the “Finding Love After a Breakup” scenario and is a remodel of Nookstone in Oasis Springs. I am really impressed that you can still tell that it’s Nookstone, but better! The interior layout is the same that I have come to love and although there are some improvements it keeps its rough edges that we all know

Living Room


EA’s base game lots tend to have. I think Jaquie561 has a serious affinity with cooking as all the homes I have seen of hers have some amazing kitchens and this one is no different. I think that the way she has kept the original flooring and just changed the cabinets to update the look is just amazing.


The bedroom has subtle feminine undertones. There is also a small desk and laptop in here, along with a cool postcard collection. Now, this scenario is of course all about making up and breaking up, so there is also space in the garage for whoever was in the “wrong” to stay. At least they are going to be warm and dry ;)


You can find all their builds and Sims on the gallery under their EA ID: Jaquie561.



Your Si Aneta Blake

Hi! I’m Aneta, a Simmer living in Ireland. I put my hands on The Sims 1 for the first time in my teen years when it just came out, and since then, I cannot stop playing! It helped me in ups and downs in real life, get away from reality and relax. In mid-2020, I decided to start my own YouTube channel, AnetaBlake. A while ago, I made my 1st speed CAS video using Custom Content and I was amazed with such positive feedback and since then I’m pushing myself to do a variety of sims. I’m building small and family houses, but I try to challenge myself and build all sorts of lots. I’m taking my inspiration from the positivity of small sims youtubers. They are amazing and sometimes you may come across a small uncovered diamond. So, if you are looking to watch CAS with CC, speed builds or just relax with a let’s play (current one is Not So Berry Challenge Generation 6), my channel is right for you!



Follow Aneta for more Sims and builds!


Vyo4 My Sims can range from the macabre and creepy to the adorable and cute, and creating them can take anywhere from a few hours to an entire day to complete.


physical characteristics. I like pushing the envelope, and I think that helps my Sims stand out in the gallery. It’s very rewarding to see the faces I’ve designed play out in my game.

It all started when I looked around my Sim world and decided that it needed more unique faces. So I started playing around in Create-A-Sim, wondering, “How big do the eyes go? How far can I drop the nose? What happens if I slide this or tweak that?” I felt like a mad scientist, and as I experimented in my CAS lab, my Sims started coming to life!

I’ve been playing The Sims since Sims 1, concentrating mainly on gameplay at first. When Sims 3 came along, my focus turned to building, dubbing it the “architecture game”, as Sims 3 was rich with textures and build mode options. But it wasn’t until Sims 4 that my passion for character creation took off.

Each Sim starts with an idea for a story, not only for the gallery description but for gameplay. That story is shaped and expanded as I sculpt the face and fashion the body. I especially like working on the Sim’s face with the goal of creating a personality. That’s been a nice compliment I’ve received from my fellow Simmers; that my Sims are given a good backstory and expressive faces.

The CAS interface is easy to navigate and offers a lot of range, and I take full advantage of their Detail Edit Mode and rarely use presets. To complete their look, I tailor their clothes to match their story and I carry that theme across all eight outfit types. I avoid using Custom Content when posting to the gallery so my listings are more accessible and easy to find.

I learned I could capture the personality of a Sim by stretching and molding their faces to their most exaggerated extremes, much like how a caricature artist overemphasizes

Now my Sim world is rich with notably unique characters. And I’m happy I’m able to share my Sims on the gallery so other Sim worlds can have more unique faces as well.

“I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.”

e o P n a l l Edgar A

Follow Vyo4 for more Sims!


ThSimm Meet Tierra, a Sim who’s really into cooking and decorating.

Follow ThSimmer for more Sims!




Private School Mod Review By Bailey Cheshire


emember way back in The Sims 2, when parents could wine and dine the Headmaster of SimCity Academy for a chance to send their children to private school? Popular Sims creators have mourned the loss of this feature in recent Sims games, despite how difficult the Headmaster was to please. However, SHEnanigans has filled this void with the Private School Mod, which features a new event calling back to the infamous dinner with the Headmaster. Wealthy parents with high expectations now have the privilege of spending 500 simoleons to spend the night entertaining the Headmaster of Simston Academy, the world’s most prestigious (and only) private


school. And with your child’s future on the line, you’d better pull out all the stops to impress them. To start the event, have an Adult sim perform the “Schedule Headmaster Visit” interaction from the Household section of the cell phone. This event costs 500 simoleons to start, and your sim will receive a notification that the Headmaster will arrive at 6:05 pm. Before the Headmaster arrives, parents can perform the “Prep for Headmaster visit” on their children, which will give Child and Teen sims a Tense moodlet. In keeping with the tone set by The Sims 2, the

Headmaster is nearly impossible to please, so if you want your little darlings to get into Simston, be prepared to queue up actions like you’re trying to save a failing marriage in The Sims 1. While testing, I imagined all the wealthy sim families competing to see who could enroll their kids the fastest. Since it took me a few tries to pick up on the flow of the event, superstar mom Mila Munch managed to beat the Goths, Watsons, Itos, Bailey-Moons, Delgatos, Tinkers, Bjergsens, and Villareals in winning the Headmaster’s favor, and little Lucas was thrilled to go to Simston. Unsurprisingly, Wolfgang stayed up all night playing guitar and was late for his first day. To get into Simston Academy, you need to achieve a gold rating on the event, which means completing 20 social interactions with the Headmaster and 12 specific actions like “Discuss Private School Education” and “Eat Dinner with the Headmaster.” If you successfully manage to win over the Headmaster, all Child and Teen sims in the household can elect to attend Simston Academy by selecting the “Enroll in Private School” interaction from a computer, which will cost 1,000 simoleons per student. From what I can tell, there’s no discernible benefit to sending sims to private school other than the narrative and personal satisfaction of being able to rub it in Nancy Landgraab’s face. Students will attend school in their formal outfits, and Teens can “Gossip about Simston students.” Since this mod requires the “Child and Teen can Quit or Rejoin School” mod by Triplis, which treats school as a career, Teen sims applying for scholarships become eligible for the “Workplace Scholar” scholarship. If you use your imagination, you could think of this loophole as a scholarship provided by one of Simston’s many wealthy donors.


Want to save yourself some time and frustration? Here are some pro tips for nailing your visit with the Headmaster: •


The 20 social interactions must be initiated by the sim who greeted the Headmaster in order to count. The other actions may be completed by anyone in the household. While the Headmaster doesn’t seem to care how you decorate, what you serve for dinner, or what your sims wear, you will want to have a few items in your home before the event starts: a chess table with 2 chairs, speakers for playing music, a bar, and a coffee or tea maker. To complete the “Talk up child(ren)” goal, you can use the Friendly interaction, “Talk Up Sim” and select a Teen. This will not work for Child sims. Selecting the Headmaster interaction “Lie about Children” can also satisfy this requirement. The “Make a Toast” interaction is difficult to manipulate and works best when you have two playable adults standing while drinking beverages made at a bar. Since you have to “Greet” the Headmaster to start the event, it won’t work if you already know the Headmaster (so you can’t just invite them back the next day if you fail the event). A new Headmaster will

• •

spawn after a few days. For an extra hint of nostalgia, try serving the Headmaster a gourmet meal of Goopy Carbonara. You can win the event without completing the last task, “Craft a Great quality dessert.”

You can find SHEnanigans’ other mods on Patreon.


Simspiration By K8 Simsley


uilding in The Sims 4 is my favorite thing to do. In fact, I love it so much that I created a YouTube channel to share my passion with others. When I first created my YouTube channel, I planned to post videos regularly. I wanted to be like the other Simmers that I watched online and upload videos every day. I quickly realized this would not work for me, and I struggled to create content. Putting out basic, rushed homes that I was not proud of and lacked the detail I like to add to my builds left me feeling defeated and honestly depressed. I felt like a failure, and I was frustrated and overwhelmed. I knew I did not want to give up on my channel because I truly loved to share my creations with others, and the process of creating videos made me happy. So I was determined to find a way to make it work with my already chaotic life. After much debate and many struggles, I decided to take a different approach. I trashed the post schedule and uploaded videos only when I was finished with a build and happy with the result. This decision has been life-changing and has inspired me to build more in The Sims 4. It has also allowed me to take on other ventures that I genuinely enjoy. This change of direction has made a big difference, and it has also provided me with the time needed to create articles to share with you - something that I also love to do. Here in this month’s Simspiration article, I want


to share some tips that will help you create amazing builds in The Sims 4. These small tips are things that I have picked up over the last few years, but they are applied before you begin building. These 10 simple tips will help you add detail and dimension to your builds and are part of my building process. I hope that these tips can help you with your builds, whether you are just starting out or are a veteran builder. Find me on Social Media using the info at the end of this article and share your tips with me as well. I would love to hear all of your tips and tricks for building in The Sims 4. 10 Things To Remember As You Build Building in The Sims 4 can seem intimidating at first, but creating the perfect home for your sims can be fun and exciting with some patience and practice. Before you bulldoze a lot to build your empire, there are some things to consider… Make The Floor Plan Functional. Long before you begin to build a house in The Sims, you need to think about the purpose of the space you are creating. One of the biggest things I have

learned is that building in The Sims is a unique and often frustrating process. Usually, real-life floor plans do not function well in the game, and they can be challenging to create due to the size of furniture and game restrictions. Depending on the family you are playing with and your gameplay style, a realistic floor plan may not be a great option. In real life, houses are often a series of small rooms scattered throughout a space or one giant open space. While this may be beneficial in real life, it can be difficult to replicate in The Sims and even more challenging to play in. Before you start to create your dream home, think about the family that will live in the space so that you can lay it out in a way that will work for them. If you are doing the 100 Baby Challenge, carrying toddlers up and down three flights of stairs will get annoying quickly. Knowing who will live in the space can help dictate the style, layout, and result of your creation. Get To Know The Tools. When building in The Sims 4, you have various tools at your disposal. The Sims 4 has a wide array of tools to help you create great spaces from the grid system, half walls, and platforms to debug and live edit objects. Whether you are new to building or have done it a thousand times, getting better acquainted with all the available tools is an excellent way to grow and improve. Practice using the terrain tools, experiment with half walls, or add some platforms to your next build. Explore the tools that the game has given you and utilize them to create a unique home. You can build a house on a diagonal, create a floating castle, or construct an underground palace. The point is to try new things and learn how the different tools in the game work. There is no better way to improve your building skills.

Color Outside The Lines. When we think of houses, we often picture the typical family home. However, some of the most incredible builds in the game defy the norms we are accustomed to seeing. Try to think outside the box when planning your next project and look for ways to break the rules. Creating a house in the sky, building a bunker underground, or constructing a houseboat are great examples of the different types of homes you can make for your Sims. Think of all the fantastic places real-life people live and try replicating some of them in the game. Bigger Is Not Always Better. Sure, a big, fancy house is great in theory but when it takes 10 minutes for your Sims to walk to the kitchen, or heaven forbid the bathroom, bigger may not be better. Sims are notoriously slow. It takes Sims hours to eat, shower, or cook, and if you play the game at all, you know the struggle of waiting for your Sims to finish even the most basic task. Make life easier for them and yourself by creating cozy homes for your Sims. Having a comfy home does not mean that you need to sacrifice space. You can still have your mansion. It simply means that you should strategically place everything your Sims needs for accessibility and convenience. If you want a huge house, I suggest placing numerous bathrooms. Sims are prone to bladder failures, and if the toilet is too far away, they may not make it there. Not only that, if you have more than one Sim in a house, using the bathroom can become a serious issue. Save yourself some effort and energy by having multiple bathrooms if you want to live in a large house. Sometimes Size Does Matter. Choosing the perfect lot is vital when building a home. This aspect is something you need to consider before you start to build. Which city do you want your Sims to live in? What area are you going to choose? And, of course, 88

what size lot will you be building on? These are all questions to ask before you begin to develop your house. Sure, the Sims 4 makes it easy to move houses to different lots, but the process can create chaos and cause you to lose focus.

a clear vision but have no idea how I want the interior to look. If you start with a plan but end up going off track, then looking at inspirational images can help.

Thus, before you start building, consider the size of the home you want to make. You should also think about what you want outside of the house. Nothing is more frustrating than realizing you do not have the space for a playground or garden when you really wanted one in your game. Some builders prefer to create the outside of the build before constructing the interior. However, this approach comes with its own set of issues. Realistically, no matter how you approach building in The Sims, you need to put serious thought into the house you want to create.

Now that you have a clear plan of how you want your Sims house to look, you can finally start your build. However, as you begin, there are a few things you may want to consider…

Seek Out Some Inspiration. You know how many bedrooms you want in your Sims house, you have thought about the extra rooms you want to create, and you have an idea of the style you are hoping to achieve. You have experimented with all the tools available to you in the game, and you feel pretty confident in your abilities… It is now time to start constructing walls and laying floor tiles, but you may find that you still don’t have a clear vision of how you want your space to look. Do you just wing it and hope for the best? While you can ‘wing it’ and just start building, many people find that seeking inspiration can be helpful. Looking at inspirational pictures can help you refine your vision and save you a lot of time. Find inspiration pictures online using Google, Pinterest, Instagram, or other design sites. Pinterest is great because you can save images and websites from all over the internet in one easy-to-access place. View images of both the inside and outside of different homes. I do not know how many times I have created a home’s exterior with 89

Once You Have a Solid Plan…

Experiment With Different Foundations. The Sims 4 has various foundation types to choose from depending on the packs that you own, and all these different foundations can add a unique flair to your build and help make it more realistic. Stilted foundations are great when building by the water. You can also use stilted foundations to create a rustic house or cottage. Adding a solid brick foundation will help you create a suburban-style home. In comparison, the invisible foundation that came with City Living can help you build the perfect caravan or trailer. Play around with the different foundations and experiment to see which you like best for each build. Utilize Roof Decorations. Roof decorations are a vastly under-utilized aspect of The Sims 4. Changing the swatch of the roof is one thing, but adding roof decorations can take a mediocre build to a whole new level. Explore the roof decorations found in the build/buy catalog and try to add them to your build. Roofing in Sims 4 is complex and challenging, but adding small details to the roof can help create a detailed, more finished look once you have your lot covered. Try adding some details to the roof to step-up your current project. Use Every Inch of Space. The best builds that I have ever seen utilize every possible inch of space to create an enjoyable and exciting environment. Add

attics, make basements, and tuck things under the stairs to create a unique, custom home that your Sims will love. This tips ties back to the “bigger is not better tip” outlined previously. Sometimes, the challenge of fitting everything you need into a small space is super exciting and can significantly enhance your creativity.

it generally works well for most lots. If you start with the 4, 3, 2, 1 approach to landscaping and only add more plants or items as needed, you are sure to create an exterior that you and your Sims will love. Don’t forget to use terrain paint and add fencing as well. These items can help you create a polished, finished-looking build.

Learn How To Landscape in 4, 3, 2, 1…

Create Unique Custom Items.

Landscaping can make or break a build. In real life, great landscaping invites a buyer into the home and is vitally important in The Sims as well. Placing inviting walkways, luscious gardens, and cozy sitting areas can take your builds to a new level turn a house into a home.

Creating custom items by pairing things together to create something new is a great way to give your builds a unique twist. If you are not creative or just not comfortable with this type of thing, there are plenty of online examples. Check out Simlicy’s video where she creates a custom upright piano, for example, or simply search Sims 4 custom furniture tutorials on YouTube for ideas and inspiration.

Many people, myself included, struggle with landscaping in The Sims. Thankfully, there are many online tutorials that can help you learn to landscape like a pro.

The more you use the items in The Sims, the more inspired you will become to use them in new and exciting ways. Play around and find something that works for your current build. Just be sure to have fun, and try not to take it too seriously. There will be 1000 things that do not work or function when melded together, but eventually, you will find something that works for you. It is all trial and error.

I suggest picking out the plants you want to use in advance to avoid overdoing it. I tend to get carried away when I enter debug to grab items for landscaping, and I end up with way too many plants and objects. If you are like me, try following my 4,3,2,1 rule… Start your landscaping by choosing 3-4 lowlying plants and repeating them throughout the lot. Pick out 2-3 bushes that appear a few times in your design and 1-2 trees. You will also need some rocks, and you may want to use ponds or fountains in your landscaping. Lastly, have 1 statement piece that will be the focus for a specific area. This item does not have to be a plant. It can be a statue, a fire pit, a pond, a pool, or any other item in the game. You can adjust this plan for smaller builds, but

Well, that’s it for this article. I hope these tips inspire you or teach you something new to use in your builds. I would love to hear your tips and tricks on social media. I am across social media as K8 Simsley. Find me wherever you are and spill some of your Sims 4 building secrets. Until next time, have a Simtacular day! 90

Off-Topic with

By Bailey Cheshire


never thought cleaning up other people’s garbage could be so… relaxing.

House Flipper is a home renovation simulator developed by Empyrean and published by Frozen District in 2018. You play as an enterprising handy person building up your business by completing contracts around town. Once you earn enough money, you can buy houses, renovate them, and sell them at a profit. The game’s primary mechanic involves using a variety of tools and skills to beautify homes: cleaning, painting, tiling, building, demolishing, and furnishing. When you start the game, your base of operations is a dirty, 91

rundown shed with no working amenities but a laptop, where you can browse not-Zillow for houses you can’t afford and check your email for jobs. These jobs serve both as income sources and guided introductions to the ways you can renovate homes. As you progress through these jobs, you gain access to more tools and skills, which you can use to improve your office if you so choose. While jobs have specific criteria to be met, full renovations of properties that you purchase are open to visions as wild and varied as the properties themselves. Want to restore a house that was ravaged by a fire or flood? How about modernizing a generational home looking for a new family?

You can even renovate a moon base or a castle if you have the funds, and you can be as creative as you want with color palettes, layouts, and furnishing. And if the base game doesn’t have the aesthetic you’re looking for, you can check out some of the DLC packs for more niche styles like Luxury, Apocalypse, or Cyberpunk.

House Flipper Office

Your budget and artistic integrity aren’t the only things to keep in mind during your renovations, however. The game also features a sassy and demanding collection of potential buyers who are not afraid to make their opinions known while you’re busy mopping and tiling the day away. While it

House Flipper properties

House Flipper jobs


On the job

may be tempting to just ignore Dolan Trusk as he whines about how he doesn’t have enough cabinet space for all his documents, disregarding the buyers’ wishes could cost you when it comes time to sell your new and improved property. As you renovate, the buyers’ comments will evolve, giving you valuable insight into their needs. The better

House renovation - before


you meet these needs, the more you will profit from the sale. What I find most appealing about House Flipper isn’t necessarily the Dream Home Decorator-style gameplay, though this game executes this flawlessly by grounding its functionality in its tool system while allowing

Bedroom renovation - before

Bedroom renovation - after

the player the freedom to use these tools as they see fit. What I love most is the slow, tranquil pacing and the character of the individual properties. As I play, I watch the in-game sun rise and set as I toil over these houses. Memorizing every nook and cranny as I wash away the grime of neglect. Brightening the dull facades with a fresh coat of paint and some new tiles. Placing beds and chairs, thinking about who might use them. The experience almost feels like finding a stray dog, lost and dirty and scared, and taking it home, cleaning it up, and giving it the love it deserves. Because the pace is so slow and intentional, renovating takes time and feels meaningful in a way I don’t typically associate with other simulators like The Sims. Then again, maybe it’s just the introverted perfectionist in me that finds joy in spending all day alone, restoring beauty to that which is broken. House Flipper and its 6 accompanying DLCs (Garden, HGTV, Pets, Luxury, Apocalypse, and Cyberpunk) are available on Steam, Xbox, and PlayStation.


Created by StassiJ 93 95




97 99


SimScopes Sep 23 -Oct 22 Sep 23 -Oct 22 Nothing is ever as it seems, look beyond the veil of life and really see whats Life can be hard, and canListen be interesting, and it can and be full of adventure. beind everything you it see. to your gut instincts believe in everything How are you going toinspend thisand year? Isn’twill it be about time youyear. seized the day you CAN do. believe yourself 2022 an amazing and had an adventure, instead of taking everything so seriously and making things harder for yourself.

Oct 23 - Nov 22 Oct 23 - Nov 22 Everytime I think of you I always catch my breath, is a line from a famous song,breath and it mkes me think, who yousuch missing right now? Isn’t it time you Deep and release. You areare in for a surprise this month. Scorpio, sent them a message and let them know how you really feel. Either way you you may need to nail your shoes to the floor before you put them on, just willfloat finally have to make sure you don’t away onyour suchanswer. a high.

Nov 23 - Dec 21 Nov 23 - Dec 21 No the answer is simply that, NO. You can say this little word without feeling guilty but you that others willletter not appreciate you The number 12 must and aunderstand name beginning with the O are going tonot be giving in the way you usually do. You’re a big softie when it comes to family, butand it extremely important to you this month. Make sure to keep an open mind doesnt mean they have a right to take advantage. allow the good chi to flow within and around you.

Dec 22 - Jan 20 Dec 22 - Jan 20 You are amazing, and super smart, so why do you downplay your intelligence? hurting? Not even little?them Well be unless you take LetHead the world know the realjust you,a show all warned, exactly what you can docare and ofwill yourself and your business, clear head youhorns havegets rightyou now, not 2022 be your playground. Just that remember locking nowill where be clear for much longer. Be preparedwhen and ‘Z’ be makes ready,an butappearance. most of all, remember, you come first. Jan 21 - Feb 18 Jan 21 - Feb 18 The flow is strong with this one. Your centered is centered, your mind is clear and youafter finally have that decision that been plaging you forMORE so long, Repeat me. I AMmade AMAZING, I DESERVE TOhas BE HAPPY, I AM WORTH the only thing is Aquarius, is when are you going to tell the other person? THAN I THINK. Sometimes, a few positive affirmations in our lives can make a huge difference. Isn’t it time you start supporting yourself?

101 #

Feb 19 - Mar 20 January has just flown past, and here we are looking at what February will bring to you. Joy, Pisces, lots of joy and happiness is about to come your way. I see a significant windfall, so maybe its time to get yourself that lottery ticket?

Mar 21 - Apr 20 Freedom, it can be looked at from many angles, but what do you want from your freedom? Believe in yourself and you can do anything and go anywhere. Take freedom in both of your hands and run with it. Don’t forget to smile and show the world you know how to be really truly free.

Apr 21 - May 20 Taurus, stop relying on everybody else to show you the way. You can do everything you need to do without having someone else handfeed you. Isn’t it time you grew up and took some of the responsibility for your own actions?

May 21 - Jun 20 When people say Gemini, they get blindsided by the ‘two face’ aspect, but listen up Gemini, having two faces isn’t a bad thing, having two sides isn’t a bad thing. You are a marvel who can multitask, not only everyday living, but anything you put your mind to. Two faced? No, TOO STRONG.

Jun 22 - Jul 22 You did it Cancer, you took what you believe in and pushed through. Well done, you deserve the recognition for all you have achieved. Now, when people say you do nothing, make sure you tell them exactly what you can do.

Jul 23 - Aug 22 Yes yes YES, Leo. Do we need to say more? You are on the right track, everything you have been planning is coming to fruition, and you deserve to enjoy everything you have and are going to create.

Aug 23 - Sep 22 Virgo, you are not going to like this, but you need to stop trying to please people who really have no interest in who the real you is. Find people who love and respect you for you, and not for what they want you to be. Stay strong because you are perfect just the way you are.


LaarStudio/ Maria


The Flaming Plumbob


Coming Soon John_Gylor

Ivana 103


SphereArcana Bailey Cheshire




Granny Ruth






The Simming Spoonie



To find out more about our amazing team, visit our website. Top - from left to right: Maria - Lead Graphic Design, SimSimmerly - CEO, TheFlamingPlumbob - Content Creator, AlphalsTimZ a.k.a. Timmy - Game Designer & Content creator, Ghostface2018xx - Content Creator, MyCupOfCC - Custom Content Creator, KawaiiFoxita - Content Creator. Middle Row - from left to right: John_Glynor - Graphic Design, SueSimming Director, Bailey Cheshire - Content Creator, K8Simsley - Content Creator, TheSimmingSpoonie - Director, StassiJSims4 - Content Creator. Bottom Row - from left to right: Ivana a.k.a. BunnyBananaSims - Deputy Graphic Design, Grace - Events Manager, SulziSim - Director, Granny Ruth - Awesome. 104

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