6 minute read
Who is GLovely?
I’m a wife, mother, teacher, creator, giver and big time lover of all things sims!
How did you come up with the Quick Creative CAS Challenge?
I’ve always loved hosting random creative gallery challenges. I’d mainly host room challenges and CAS challenges which were coordinated in the gallery only. When our world changed dramatically in March of 2020 and we were all quarantined due to the Covid pandemic, I knew I had to do something bigger to support our sims community through such an extremely stressful time. I chose the forums as my main challenge home for a few reasons. I’ve always admired Rosemow’s weekly room challenges located on the forum and figured we could use a weekly(ish) CAS challenge there too. Also, there is a large, dedicated section on the forums for challenges which is pretty easy to find and the forum is the main location for information on Maxis Favs and nominations. Nominations are a big part of my challenges and creators happily deliver great things I can nominate weekly! I’m so thrilled to say that there have been 20 Maxis Favs awarded to QCC entries so far after 40 creative themes! Let’s keep that trend going!
When did you first get into The Sims?
I actually started with Sims 3 in 2009 and was instantly hooked. I found a copy of Sims 2 at a garage sale a few years later and dabbled in that gameplay a bit, however, I went back to Sims 3 almost immediately. Now, I’ve been happily playing and creating in the world of Sims 4 since 2015.
What is your favourite thing about The Sims? Which one of The Sims do you like best from 1-4?
The best by far for me personally is Sims 4.
Oh gosh, there’s no way I could name just one thing lol! Those who know me know I’m such a talker so I could go on and on about all of my favourite Sims things. We’ve been getting some pretty awesome game updates lately which I’m definitely loving but I think right now I would have to say I love all of the friends, collaborators & helpful simmers in this beautiful community that I’m blessed to know.
For those who don’t know, what is Maxis Fav and how can Simmers get my Sims nominated?
I feel a Maxis Fav is one of the greatest
single honours a creator can receive in the gallery. They are a tradition in the gallery which gives any creator, whether they are new, veteran or at any level in between, visibility and recognition in the gallery. To get nominated specific to households, a creator would need to use only game content (no cc) and share to the gallery without using custom poses. I strongly recommend a story to go along with your sims too.
What are The Sims Forums?
Basically, the forums are the official site for all things Sims! You can share and find news, opinions, tips, creative showcases, challenges and so much more.
What would you say should Simmers look for when nominating a household, room or build for Maxis Fav?
I would first say, “please take an 5 extra minutes out of your day to make someone else’s day special and go nominate! Anyone can give a Maxis nomination on the forum or Twitter and I’d love to see more simmers sharing thoughtful nominations. It truly does feel amazing when one of your nominations gets selected. When I see something I not only admire but am blown away by due to the imaginative uniqueness of the creation then I have to nominate! There are some basic guidelines, for example sims cannot be in custom poses, but all guidelines can easily be found on the Maxis nominations forum thread.
With so many social media platforms to interact with other Simmers, why do you think the forums are still relevant?
There is a wealth of history woven throughout the forums that I’ve always found extremely helpful. From “how to appease our gnomes during Harvestfest” to the humorously entertaining patch notes, there honestly is something for every simmer on the forums. So many times when I do a google search for something sims related I receive a search result that takes me to the
forum. It’s a bit outdated, sure, but the vast amount of information there makes up for it.
Why do you love CAS so much?
I love sculpting and styling in CAS mainly because we all need at least one good sim to actually “play with life” in the land of the sims. Trying to create different looks, different story-lines, different ways to engage other players to try something new with a sim I’ve created is so fun. It’s the best feeling to hear from a simmer that they are getting hours of enjoyment playing with the sims I’ve created in their households. I also fall in love with gameplay over and over again with a wonderfully created sim, especially if it’s created by someone I admire.
The Sims forums can be a little daunting for a new comer, what is your top 5 tips for those joining the forums?
The best tip I can share is that the search bar is your best friend :) It has never let me down when I go to the forums looking for something. Also, the “Welcome to the Forums” section is very helpful. I definitely recommend a visit to Rosemow’s “Hello! Come and introduce yourself” thread. Another tip would be to remember there is an organisational flow to the forums so always start at the 4 major menu tabs at the top. Lastly, pop on over to my QCC forum thread as there are so many wonderfully creative people there willing to help!
Is there anything you’d like to change or add to CAS?
The easy answer would be the colour wheel right lol :) Personally though I feel like body hair is desperately needed. I really must have a good pair of cc eyelashes to play now so an update that brings lashes and all other body hair would be welcome.
What other games do you play?
Not many actually. I do enjoy a quick Mario Kart race and I was into Planet Zoo for a bit but there just aren't enough hours in the day. The free time I do have is mainly spent in some aspect of the Sims.
How do you pick a theme for QCC’s?
I love to try to take something we have in game and flip it into something more. Sometimes I’m inspired by an upcoming pack or holiday. Many times my ideas will come directly from my personal gameplay. I also get into voice chats with my Planet Sims Discord friends & we brainstorm themes. I’ve also had wonderful opportunities to collaborate on themes with talented simmers like you Sue! The Deadlands is definitely in my top 5 favourite themes!
What other Sims projects are you working on?
The other Sims projects that are close to my heart right now are continuing to build my Twitch streaming channel and community as well as Planet Sims Discord which I co-own and manage.
Social Media Links: Twitter ~ @lovely1_g Twitch ~ www.twitch.tv/glovely1 Tumblr ~ GLovely1 (tumblr.com)