Explorers Innovation Academy 4xi is on a mission to curate the best in class innovation, products, services, and technology that brings impact to the world of work. We carefully selected our Partners and take each through our Explorers Innovation Academy to help them scale. Using our TRUE NORTH methodology, we help you navigate the sometimes stormy oceans and to discover new horizons. Global Consulting & Solutions
Package | Match| Articulate | Connect | Grow
After years in the food, facilities, and work experience industry we recognized that clients were hungry for innovation, and often operators struggled with keeping ahead and exploring the latest in innovation – a perfect storm and an opportunity for the 4xi Explorers Innovation Directory. The Innovation Directory is a carefully curated listing of best-in-class innovation that can really drive a difference and make an impact in the world of work – it might be a product, a service, or a technology, we put through its paces before listing. For these innovators who want to explore and expand in the world of work, we have created the Explorers Innovation Academy as a means of support to help you ready for the market:
TRUE NORTH© guides you through the process of selfreflection, ideal client characterization and profiling and leads you on the journey to growth and success. The Explorers Innovation Academy is a 3-to-6-month journey through which you will build your go-to-market strategy and connect that to real conversations with ideal clients who are most likely to need, value, and benefit from what you have to offer. The Result? Shorter sales cycles, using less resources, with higher conversion rations, and more likely happier, more content customers that will sing your praises, and be likely less price sensitive as they are a true partner and see the true value of what the partnership brings.
Contact us today to learn more:
TRUE NORTH Retaining and Winning Better Business
TRUE NORTH: Charting a Journey to Strategic Partnership In building TRUE NORTH, we recognized that not only the Journey to Strategic Partnership is an imperative for businesses to succeed, but also that there exists an opportunity - to take a complex and dynamic process and turn it into an initiative that builds culture and changes behaviors - to embrace all stakeholders and partners, and to retain and win better business.
“A practical leadership and development platform to create a focused approach in creating Strategic Partnerships”
Global Consulting & Solutions
FINDING TRUE NORTH Inspiring the future, together. Start your Journey, Today.
“Our Strength is in the Power of Our Collective Experience.” w: e: San Francisco | New York | North Carolina | Orlando | London | Porto | Tokyo