Secondnighters Magazine #13 February 2012

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COVER by Hacsa Karillon

SECONDNIGHTERS MAGAZINE - The Entertainment Magazine by - #13 February 2012





Hello SecondNighters! February has arrived and we’re so glad to see you - welcome to this month’s issue of SecondNighters Magazine! Are you a visitor to our website? If so, you may have noticed our site looks a little different. We thought what better time than the new year to spruce things up a bit.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support and kind words - you’re the reason we love what we do!

We’ve made our site even easier to navigate and we’ve added several new features, including an easy-to-use social network that’s linked to Facebook. We will continue to feature our current great categories of content, and in the coming days we will be adding more to serve you, our SecondNighters, in an effort to fit the needs of our readers in all aspects of Second Life.

Our best to you…

This month our magazine brings fun and fascinating topics to explore, including an interview with the manager of Second Life’s own football league brought to you courtesy of DjNight Fhang, dirt car racing from Chris Wycliffe, an interview with RL/SL DJ/Artist, Johser Eyren, and introducing our new culture writer, Charmer Dreadlow, who takes us on a tour of the Pop Art Display museum. Add to that a look into the world of SL’s flash mob dance scene, read about Sonya Jevette, a blues musician who hails from Texas, USA, a conversation with financial advisor, Cecil Nintai, and, as always much more!

Simone, Eithne and the SecondNighters Team Send us your opinions about SecondNighters! We want to know what you think is good and what you think isn’t so great. Tell us what you’d like to see and where we can improve. Your suggestions are important to us - we want to be the very best we can for you!

We create men and women clothes, with a fresh and colorful style. We offer Low Prices and good quality Clothings, leggins, jeans, tops, dress. clothing Casual. Guinevere Silverfall Monique Congrejo

Website: SL Group: 443243b7-34c1-4e55-1c6a-84fe5ff3d727 CumBia Team Email:

50 58





20 A Hunting we will go

178 Limited Couture



26 Venexia

120 Pop Art Display



50 A Bluesy Lady - Melissa 58 Showcase Live - Flash Dancing For Fun 66 Digital Art Talent Agency by Sandy Demina

138 Nintai Brokerage and Money Management 142 - SlBLog Advertising


150 TOP Places Slurl 154 Customizing Me

74 Franks Elite 80 Dj of the Month - McJOHSER POPSTAR

92 TV, MEDIA, MACHINIMIA 96 Dirtfield Racing

100 SPORTS AND RPG 104 SFL football


160 CREDITS & STUFF 164 Advertise with Us 166 Secondnights Stuffs & Goodies






Secondnighters Magazine Staff and Managment Simone Peterman CEO Dafne Watanabe PR Manager SebCaen Neox InWorld Development Kafka Frugel Non Profits Area Manager Managing Director Eithne McBride Journalists Carlotta Ceawlin Christiana Wycliffe DjNight Fhang Hacsa Karillion Joanna Kay Medeena Resident

Melissa Islanders Sandy Demina

Graphics and Design by Simone Peterman

Secondnights main sponsor


Events, par ties, hunts... An eye on what happens in SL and a quick look to the upcoming events

by the Secondnighters Magazine’s Scouters

Eithne McBride

A Hunting We Will Go SL Hunts news

Hello Lovers and Anti-Valentine’s Day fans alike! February has arrived and with it, a myriad of new hunts for you to enjoy!

Jack Or Jill Hunt (1 February - 29 February) You can rest assured that, with sponsors like KMadd, Razorblade Jacket, and American Bazaar, the folks at Depraved have a top-shelf hunt ready for avid hunters and novices, too! There are 50 stores along the two hunt paths, one for males and one for females, including such designer greats, Insanya, KMadd, Vera Modero and many more. For more information including a sneak peek at some of the prizes, visit: http://

Season’s Palatte Hunt (29 January - 29 February) The Season’s Palatte Hunt has already begun and you SERIOUSLY need to do this one - hurry but don’t worry; you have ‘til the end of the month!! Each designer (and there are 50 of them) is required to use three colours from the sample selection chosen by hunt organizers for their designs and the results are breathtaking. Don’t believe me? For more information (and a look at the stunning prizes), visit: http://

Where’s the Love Hunt (3 February - 29 February) This hunt presented by Happy Hunters (starting point: Kabuki so you know it’s gonna have some good things) has 75 stores - you can rest assured there’s a little something for everyone, from furniture to clothing and everything in between. Some items are for the romantics. Others….not so much! For more information: http://happyhuntershunt.

Womenstuff (1 February - 29 February) Right. Where to begin with this one? First, how about this: The 150 designers participating in this hunt are off the HOOK, including some of our favourites: Gizza, Sassy!, Legal Insanity and Energie Footwear! For more information and prize previews, visit:

Future Hunts To Watch For:

Nature’s Hunt (3 March - 31 March) SecondNighters received the inside scoop on this hunt straight from organizer, Resje Bailey herself. What’s the deal? Nature’s Hunt will celebrate their second anniversary with a theme: My Wish Is Music. All hunt items will be music-themed and, as a special bonus, several in world musicians are working on a CD that will also be offered as a hunt prize! Watch for forthcoming information at: http://www.

The March Hare Hunt (1 March - 31 March) The theme of this hunt is slightly insane and, of course, rabbits. For more information about this sim hunt, please go to: http://dumbbunnyhunts.

Travel ideas... with Turistas do SL

by Hacsa Karillion

Hacsa Karillion


A land of vampire-themed RPG that takes place in a medieval Gothic‌‌totally immersive!

An extremely luxurious land, mixed with the beautiful streets and alleys that are classic in this Italian city, where you’ll find several stylish gondolas scattered throughout, ready to take you through an unforgettable ride through this magical place! In order to have access to land, remember to pick up a visitor tag at the entrance, then go straight ahead along the great hall. Down the hall, sit on the gondola and get teleported to start your adventure!

Venexia was created with realistic textures that make a good blend between fantasy and reality. It is an environment to be exploited in a sense. We take a journey through the tastes and pleasures of March tourist real life! Good Ride! :)


and the SL Music...

by Melissa Islander

A Bluesy Lady…

Sonya Jevette From Texas, here she comes! Sonya Jevette performs at the Cool Cat every Thursday and I have been there a couple of times… I just love the sound of her guitar. Sonya was born and raised in Dallas, Texas and graduated from North Mesquite High School. She took music classes at Richland College. Sonya grew up singing to the great R&B tunes that dominated the airwaves in the seventies. As a teen, she honed her vocal talent through the church choir.

She basically taught herself to play guitar. But it was winning a talent contest at the age of seventeen that was truly the beginning of Jevette’s journey. From there, she went on to win dozens of competitions. After I attended my second concert, I had the opportunity to chat for a moment with Sonya. Her style is described as sultry, cool and eccentric. Sonya combines her rich, passionate voice and her gut-wrenching lyrics with classical, Latin and jazz style guitar.

Her configuration produces a style that can only be described as unique. She discovered SL a little over a year ago and uses each opportunity to perform as a learning experience. She says “Every gig is a rehearsal for the next one and I learn a new thing every time I perform.” Jazz and classically trained, she enjoys listening to all styles of music. One of her website factoids says that, if you like Nina Simone, you will love Sonya’s performances.

These days, she has been playing also at a website called Younow; you might check her there, too. She also has started a CD project called Psychedelic Soul Music. Let’s hear what she tries to tell us: “As artists, we learn the beauty and the hardships of creating every day. It drives us. It’s in our blood.” She continues, ”I did everything the hard way.

I’m a black woman singing and playing my guitar to my own music.” Well, BB King has mentioned that the blues is an expression of anger against shame and humiliation. That certainly resonates with what Sonya has lived. Close to her fans, she says that no one is alone and that we all have things in common - we share more than we admit. So take the time to check one of her concerts. If you love the blues, you’ll love with this lady has to offer!

Showcase Live music news...

by Sandy Demina

Flash Dancing For Flash Dance is a relatively new group that basically shows up during live music shows: they dance, socialize and show support for some of SL’s best performers. The Flash Dancers send a notice in the group chat that a show is starting and then whoever is online from the group can join the event . Once they arrive at the sim where the performance is taking place, they will dance together on each other’s huddles or alone wearing the group tag and showing support to the musicians. Everyone loves it: the artists and the club owners appreciate the fact that a good crowd will attend their shows and all the dancers love the great fun they have. I recently met Trav Neox who created this group a couple of years ago for a fun little conversation. Trav found SL by reading about it in the local paper. He doesn’t consider himself to be a gamer at all but he still spends 8 hours a day or more in SL on average.

Fun In Second Life He never considered using his real name for what he usually does in Second Life. Of course, some of his closer friends know his name but he really doesn’t think using his real name is important for what he does. “In my group, we focus on having fun with our avies and discovering the members of our group. We are a community of people from around the world,” he says. I asked him in what way his RL job is similar to what he does in world. Trav says he’s fully retired and that his RL job was not even close to what he enjoys in SL.”I am thinking I missed my opportunity and should have been in the MATRIX,” he says The Flash Dancers group was conceived as a result of accidentally watching a video on youtube about flash dance mobs. “I discussed the possibility of creating a group like this in SL with some friends. Whisper Ampan and Gizbourn Malifozik both encouraged me so I gave it a try and, with their support and assistance, Flash Dance was born. The rest is history.“

The group grew quickly and only rarely lose membership. “It is all about fun. No stress, no cost, no pressure, just play and just fun. The flash dancers are about dancing and fun, nothing else. We have minimal rules and try to project only a positive attitude about what we do. “The greatest reward for flash dancing is rarely spoken of and that is the camaraderie and friendship gained by meeting new and exciting people. Imagine never being alone in SL. There is always a flash dancer close by or someone wanting to flash dance, close.” I asked Trav to explain the composition of the group to me.”Flash dancing membership encompasses all walks of life. Membership ranges from new SL members to venue owners and musicians. You would be surprised who wears the tag, ‘Flash Dancer.’ We are still growing rapidly. At the time of this writing, we had over 530 members in our group which is less than 8 months old - more than most venues or performers!” Each Flash Dance is a social event and that is why it works. A flash dancer always has company or friends close by wherever they are. Trav shared this little anecdote with me: ”I was in a tux last night at a club that had about 40 people present and dancing. 15 of those people were flash dancers there to encourage the performers. They did not all have their tags on but they were still there. It is amazing to me. Friendships grow and I know so many members talk and meet up at various times. We meet at the lounge randomly just for the fun of it. As a matter of fact, our upcoming belly dancing party is just a social event. Be sure to attend!” The live music scene in SL seems to be escalating - was this a factor?- I asked Trav. “No, our spin is that there is less live music than there was 6 months ago. We go to our lounge and play when we find empty time slots during our normal free time. Remember, dancing is only the vehicle for making friends. The group is wonderful. Most of the time, the Flash Dancer IM channel is busy, busy, busy when a flash dance

is going on and sometimes even when it is not. It even surprises me that people who are not even dancing will say hello when they are away busy doing something else. It’s lovely to see it all happen.” I asked Trav if is there a reason, apart from having fun, since I noticed the group also took part in a little fund-raising. “I am unaware of any fund raising events we have sponsored. We do dance at some fund raisers but it is purely coincidental. Actually, if you read the note cards, you will find that we are very firm in our belief that the group is about the dancers, and may not be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever. We owe allegiance only to ourselves. This may sound harsh, but it means that all venues and musicians are treated equally which works to the group’s benefit in the long run. We are always welcome wherever we go. “Another tidbit is that the group requires hardly any money to operate. Everything the group needs is normally voluntarily donated for as long as needed. We have a lounge at no cost, we have 1/4 full prim sim for our use when needed at no cost. Full prim sims if needed. We have FD shirts at no cost. The list goes on and on.“ My last question has been, as usual, about the future of Second Life: ”Where do you see yourself a year from now? Will Second Life still exist?” Trav’s answer? “In one year SL will exist and be even better than it is now. The Flash Dancers will have a 1000 member group and we’ll be dancing like crazy.” underthewillows#!vips/vstc2=vips-2 flash-dance.html watch?v=zlnxSNXok1Q

The values of sport

fair play, comradeship and spirit of self-improvement.

Enjoy the SL Soccer game!

Bahyiaa JumanyaI

Bahyiaa JumanyaI grew up in Egypt & Jordan and came to the United States at 18 for University. she got a great job after graduation and decided to make her home here in the States. How she discovered SL is kind of a funny story. One evening five years ago, while she was watching a sitcom on television one of the character, a young teenager on the show was on a computer game called “Second Life”. Her passion for Marketing and new technologies brought Bahyiaa immediately to take notice of the name of this game and to Google it. “ I suppose I was trying to find out whether this game existed or if the catchy name was created for the sitcom alone.”- she says to me. Once she found the Second Life website and read a few blurbs about it she immediately created an account , at the beginning purely to investigate what Second Life really was.

“My first impressions of Second Life were that of confusion. - she says - I couldn’t quite figure out the purpose of the game and had casually mentioned to a real life friend of mine about SL. Amazingly he was on SL and told me about his company. He, along with his wife, were great skin and shape makers. I became intrigued with the idea of working and owning my own company, so with an influx of $30 USD I made an investment in finding out what type of success I could find as well. I asked Bahyiaa if she did ever think to use her real name for what she usually does in Second Life. “Well my real name is, actually, Bahiyaa. My real last name is freakishly similar to my avatar’s last name, Jumanya. I wish I could tell you that it was some brilliant scheme and flash of amazement that I chose to use my real first name; however, in actuality I couldn’t think of anything clever enough at sign-in. But, I was happy when I got to choose a last name so similar to my real one.” Bahyiaa describes her work with these words: “I don’t know that “event manager” is what I refer to myself as on Second Life as much as an “Entertainment Facilitator” and a Marketing Executive- she answers -In real life I have experience in both. I’ve managed bands in real life, I’ve done extensive Marketing for companies both large and small and I’ve also coordinated, and assisted with, huge events for some spotlight individuals. Basically, Second Life is something I’ve always seen as a means to further expose the world to any product, whether it is music, art, film, dance, fashion or

sports. The ability is here as long as you have the ingenuity and drive to succeed and have a clear picture in your head on where you’d like to go.” Bahyiaa in SL owns a company, Digital Arts Talent Agency and Marketing , and I asked her which are her aims, business or just fun. “Well, my company has been a long process for me which encompassed many smaller parts to get to this project. It is the second birth of my ultimate vision and will evolve into the creation I’ve dreamed of since I started on Second Life. - she says -What we do at Digital Arts Talent Agency and Marketing is to help live musicians, dj’s, dancers, actors, models, film makers and athletes find the best way to showcase their talents and desires. We work with various clubs and events and provide professional, trained, poised individuals who match the criteria they’re seeking and eliminate the need for these clients to have to shuffle through tons of applications and screenings to fit their needs. Also, it helps our talent by giving them freedom to know that they have a dedicated, educated and professional company working hard for their success! “ Bahyiaa usually provides marketing packages for new and existing companies on Second Life who are looking to start out on the right foot, or inject new life into their existing projects. Her experience in this area in real life is very important with a background of some well-known, high profile clients. :

”I’ve always ran any and all of my companies on Second Life as if they were Fortune 500 companies, why shouldn’t I share my talents, passions and knowledge with others out there and help them be the best that they can be as well” she states with a strong conviction. Bahyiaa definitely thinks that SL can be a valid showcase for art in general, that has proven to be an amazing tool to get art exposed on a global scale. “ With the updates to Second Life’s capabilities this is even more of a possibility now than it was 5 years ago when I began with my original avatar. - she says- I can honestly say that nearly every day I meet someone on Second Life who inspires me – creative individuals who have taken Second Life to a new level. I know of artists who create beautiful paintings, photographs, etc. who display them in-world and then once you purchase their in-world creation, they send you the real life item. I know jewelry makers who do the same with their craft, fashion designers, and builders. The list goes on and on. Those are the people who continue to make Second Life a joy for others. In my opinion, they truly understand the capabilities of Second Life and embrace it for what it has become.” I asked her what she usually does in SL, if she likes to go to art exibits, parties and such... “I’ve truly enjoyed my time on Second Life. I’ve met amazing people and have had some absolutely incredible experiences that I’ll take with me for a lifetime. Mostly, I work on

Second Life. However, when I allow myself some downtime, I do visit a few clubs and hop on a chimmy and shake some pixels. My favorite things to do are to see, and experience, live music and art exhibits. I love attending SFL Football games and cheer on my favorite team! But, I must admit, I love decorating and furnishing my home as well and spend evenings just sitting and talking with friends.” And then my last question has been”Where do you see yourself a year from now:will Second Life still exist?” “In a year from now I see my company, Digital Arts Talent Agency, expanded to encompass my full vision. I see an expansion of the brand which includes print media, television, radio as well as the beginnings of the transition into bringing my in-world company out to the real life public. I think Second Life will always be here; however, I think the capacity of it will change. It has to metamorphasize to remain relevant. But that’s the beauty of Second Life. We, as residents, are what help to create that metamorphosis and I feel that if we have fun, do what we enjoy and allow the experience to be spread amongst the grid that Second Life can, and should, still exist. I, for one, would be quite sad if it disappeared tomorrow. As I’ve said before, I’ve met so many amazing individuals and truly have a love for this medium, as it relates to business as well as human interaction, that if it were to disappear it would most definitely be a huge adjustment for me, and surely a lot of people on this amazing ride we call Second Life.”

Explore the world of clubs and disco, find the best places for your parties!


Franks Elite


As a longtime entertainer and club connoisseur here in Second Life I am always on the lookout for a place that I can relax, let go of the stress of my day and move back into a simpler more elegant time. I spend my days in a semi constant state of panic working on both my non profit company and of course my writing.

They specialize in jazz, blues and ballroom music with a real flair for finding great live acts as well. For a night out with the one you love, or to randomly meet someone to fall in love with you can’t ask for more than an evening with Nanceee’s staff and her entertainers.

At the end of the night, what I want most is to slide into my favorite tuxedo and listen to the croons of an old time jazz singer as I enjoy the beauty I find around myself. It is after all the simple things that matter most. There is something to be said for the revitalizing effect of jazz on the soul. When you have hit that wall, and can’t even consider one more step the mellow sound of trombones, trumpets.. woodwinds and of course the piano are a balm. “Mr Artis, I hope you are enjoying your evening with us :))” I look up from my writing, to smile at kathryn carlucci who is my hostess tonight. It is the little things, like this that make all the difference. Talking to each of your guests by name, and making sure they are happy. Offering casual small talk to those who happen to be alone enjoying the music, and making sure every person in the room feels welcome and valued that so often gets lost in both worlds. Franks Elite family of clubs have been around since early 2009.

Club Owners

Jernae Sweetwater xxDexterxx Dagger (club coowner and tech lead)

DA Boss

MoonKiss Unplugged

General Manager SweetKiss Vyper


Hope Serande

Schedule Manager DarkDiva Mystiere


NAME McJOHSER POPSTAR/JOHSER EYREN SL BIRTHDAY 31 December 2008 RL Country Brazil Experience RL DJ for 4 Years Music Style Progressive House Mic/Voice Yes (English and Portuguese) SCHEDULE Wednesdays - Element, the 8th Club at GOL

Cover DJ at Bar None, Energy Club, Scoutlounge, Tunes Lounge, B.E.D, Papa’s Beach Club (reopening in 2012) SL Fan Group .::~ *Fan Club Dj-Johser* ~::.


A LITTLE BIT ABOUT ME AND WHY I LOVE DJING Johser Eyren (SL Name McJohser Popstar) is a charismatic, hot, 22 year old DJ and musician who hails from central Brazil. Luckily for us, he’s brought his talents in world and can be heard performing several times a week around the grid. After learning the ropes in world and trying several clubs, Eyren found his place as a popular, friendly and respected DJ in SL. Because his RL performance schedule is so hectic, Johser only has one permanently scheduled set at this time - and that’s at Element, the 8th Club at GOL on Wednesday evenings from 4 - 6pm SL time. That said, he often performs as a last minute cover DJ at a myriad of clubs and for special events when he can, depending on his availability. Want to hear Johser in world? No problem. Join his fan group - it’s free! And if you’re lucky enough to live in his area in RL and want to catch Johser in action, stop by Night Lounge, Empório Club, or Fabric Hall. SecondNighters was able to catch Johser between gigs recently to learn a little more about his passion for house music… SecondNighters: Obviously, you’d been DJing in RL before you found SL. How did it all begin for you? When did you first learn about house music? Johser Eyren: Well, I’ve always liked music. I’ve been a musician since I was 10 years old, singing and playing the keyboard. Like a lot of kids, I played around with my CDs, remixing them and trying to create some sort of style with just one player and no beats to work with. I kept at it though and, eventually, after learning about various tools and programs to use, I found my own “voice” as a DJ. I am drawn to beautiful melodies and that passion led me to falling in love with the Progressive House sound that is the style I prefer to play today! SN: How long did it take you to understand how to mix songs together and develop your style? JE: I’ve never taken classes. I think it’s “blood music” - mixing music is the magic that I live. I don’t just play the music - I live it; I feel it like a heart beat!

SN: So many musicians say that and it’s true! When you are a musician, music isn’t something you do. It’s part of who you are - it flows through your veins. JE: Exactly. You do not see it happening, you feel it. SL: When you came to SL, how long did it take you to find the music scene? JE: I attended some Brazilian parties but I hadn’t discovered any sims for DJs so I started looking around the grid. At that time there were a few Brazilian DJs playing in international clubs. That’s when I met FerrisBuellers Ferraris, Cae Diesel, and Nod Petrov. I told them, “It might take a little work to learn how to do it in SL but I can do this!” SN: Many House DJs say that the house music scene in SL has changed pretty dramatically - what are your thoughts about that statement? JE: The people and DJs who say this are absolutely right. SL is not like it was before - the culture of club music has changed and it’s not good. It used to be that the public showed more love for a good list of unique songs and they appreciated the work a DJ would put into mixing sounds, creating new ones and making DJing an art form. It’s not like this anymore and many really good DJs left SL because they were so discouraged. What’s especially disappointing is that what matters now has very little to do with actually being a DJ/Artist - these days, it’s all about being popular, having friends and filling a club no matter what it takes, even if that means bringing in a DJ who only spins commercial shit and doesn’t work to create a unique and artistic style - there’s a place for that and it’s not in the house music clubs. It’s pathetic! SN: So where ARE the DJ/Artists now - have they all left? JE: Many have become quiet in the music scene, sure, but there are still great DJs around who I hope will play again. There are some great clubs that can bring back House Music as it was meant to be played! SN: If you could tell your fans - current fans, future fans - one thing, what would it be? JE:: First I want to thank my fans today - thank you for always being present at my parties and supporting me. I cannot tell you enough how thankful I am for you. The fans of the future are welcome - my arms and my heart are always open to you! And to everyone, always remember this: Music is feeling, music is energy - it makes you feel alive - and most of all, music is joy!!

MUSIC STYLES Progressive House



We are an organization dedicated to bringing the public a great time. We believe in outreach and variety. DJs and Live Musicians in the group will have easy access to help if need be, but also to be amongst peers to share their music and beliefs amongst others within their same trade.

Club owners in the group will have quick and easy access to a wide variety of DJs and Live Musicians for whatever needs they may have. Club Owners can post notices on what they need reguarding music. PLEASE DO NOT POST EVENTS... ONLY DJ NEEDS!!! Please make sure in your notice you list.... »» Where and when you need a DJ or Live Musicians »» 100% tips and /or salary pay amount »» Contact info for who the DJs and Live acts need to respond to »» What type of music you are looking for (we have DJs and soon Live Musicians that are in many and every genre...this will help narrow down to good replies)

THE DJ NIGHT Besides these great benefits, DJ World provides a showcase of DJ talent by having a monthly showcase called DJ NIGHT. This is like a 12 hour marathon of 12 different DJs in the group, going for a set an hour each. This showcase is bought to you by AQUA LOUNGE, ARSENAL, BEYOND OBSESSIONS, IRONWORKS and a guest club. This event gives the DJs exposure to an audience that they might not have DJ-ed for before. Same as stated above, club owners and people planning parties will be able to view some of the talent in the group if they need them for further use.

STREAM RENTALS Details about these service can be taken up with Sascha Laval (Stream Rentals). This service may be essential needs for beginning club owners that need a house stream (for DJs that don’t have their own streams and need to connect to a server to stream their music in via their software). A new and very simple way to rent a stream directly. With DJ World’s “Speedy Stream”

you will get an object called payment device. you can take it with you and can rent a stream whenever you want. Streams for 100 listeners and 192 kbit. You can rent the streams for 1 day, 7, 30 or 60 days. Now in the group: about 200 DJ’s and about over 110 Club Owners. If you want to be a member of the group send an IM to Sasch Petrov, InsyX Piranha Kaj Juutilainen, MountainBear Botanical, Jacki Jayaram or Sascha Laval.

For more info on the group, DJ Nights, services, or whatever: then please contact the necessary people below. Also, thanks for showing interest in DJ World.

DJ MEETING POINT A space with a lot of advertise boards for DJ’s. A cheap possibility for DJ’s (groupmembers of DJ World) to show their pics and give their notecards to inform interested people who are looking for DJ’s for their events.


DJ WORLD OWNER (english, german)


DJ WORLD OWNER (english)


DJ WORLD STREAM OWNER (english, german)










YOU ARE A DJ ? SECONDNIGHTS IS THE PLACE FOR YOU! Promote your DJ set on our system, invite friends, Get your DJ page and deliver your events over 400 HUD in SL. And with our EXCLUSIVE partnership with the DJ World Group, be a member of the Most Important SL DJ group today

YOU HAVE A CLUB ? SECONDNIGHTS IS THE PLACE FOR YOU! Promote your Events on our system and get your FREE CLUB PAGE and banner, deliver your events over 400 HUD in SL, on 35 social network on the web and on the MAJOR SL Blogs. What are you waiting for ? it’s totally FREE..

GET FOR FREE FROM THE MARKETPLACE OR FROM OUR INWORLD KIOSKS THE DANCE MACHINE This button allows you to choose your dance animations when you are at your best party night. you can also put your favourity dance animatons on it and create your best dance HUD combinations.

HOW TO ADD YOUR DANCES Adding dances to the HUD is really simple. 1) Rez it on the ground 2) choose your dances from your inventory 3) Drag it on to the HUD 4) Take the HUD and Wear again. With a click on the central button a men첫 will appera. You can turn the dance mode ON and OFF and you can set the time for dance changes by clicking on the button "Timer".

A special gift for all the Secondnighters... A special HUD to keep in contact with your favourity community of the net. With this fantastic gift you will have all the nightlife entertainment world in your hands.


With this new version we add an amazing function to our HUD. Now you can post your event message directly on the site from SL. Click on the icon and follow the instructions in the local chat. Your message will appear directly on the Secondnights home page with the SLURL link too!


This functions send you a message in Open Chat with the events of the day with: * Title * Time * Genre * Venue and SLUrl


Now by clicking on the Heart icon you can create your accound in World in a simple and quick way, be a secondnighter today...

Exclusive presentation of the industry leaders in television, radio, magazines and media...

by Christiana Wycliffe

Dirtfield Racing

I sat down to see what else there was to see on Treet TV and what did I find but racing at its best on Dirtfield Racing. The All Pro Dirt Series features races in Dirt Modifieds, Pure Stocks, and Figure 8s right on Second Life. So if you are looking for the sit down and grab a snack or maybe even a beer kind of show to watch, this might just be the venue you are looking for.

The fascinating part of watching the races was that you find yourself really getting involved with what was happening, almost as if you were watching the races in real life. Another interesting aspect of SL Racing is that men and women alike drive and keep the viewer watching as they try to get through that figure 8 without getting tagged or hit and you root for them when they go on two wheels, forgetting momentarily that this is, after all, Second Life. What’s truly incredible about Dirtfield Racing is the fact that the League has been a presence on Second Life since 2006, hosting a variety of series’ with the Holiday Series wrapping up in November and the Spring Season in preparation as this goes to press. Each racing event seems to include some upset victories and you end up cheering for the racers and cringing when there is an accident or if a driver happens to go off course. Many of the drivers are the same from race to race and the leaderboard keeps track as you watch so even if you have to step away for a moment (to replenish snacks or get a nice cold one out

of the fridge), you just have to glance at the board to see how your favorite racer is doing! Because the track is not always the same one and needs to get rezzed, it is important to check on the racing circuit’s website to find out the next location, but unlike real life, it’s far easier to get there and, even better, if it is your dream to race, Dirtfield Racing will help you get started in racing on SL. The commentator and co-founder of the Digital World Racing League, Suku Ming is truly wonderful at his job and sounds like an announcer straight off of the professional racing circuit. He tells you what you are seeing as you watch with a well-done constant stream of explanation, keeping it real as you watch the show. For information not only on where the next track is, but also on how to get started in racing on Second Life one can go to DWRL. net. Find your passion and become part of racing on Second Life with DWRL or if you are more the fan type, tune in to Treet TV to see SL Racing at its best!

Sports, RPG games and and more, followed for you each month...

by DjNight Fhang

By: DjNight Fhang

ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL?!? Football????......Yeah, that’s right, I said football! With new owners and new teams, the SFL has launched into its sophomore season with a fervor. The inaugural season while ultimately successful in launching full contact football into Second Life, exposed many shortcomings within the league and its ownership. Conceived in 2009, the league started up with the 2010 season and met with some success. Fast forward to 2011 and you will find a leaner, meaner virtual pro football experience.

Though there are many components and people who make the SFL fun and exciting, there is one lady who is putting it on the map. Labella Farella is the SFL Media and Marketing Director and I was able to sit down with her for a few moments and learn a little more about the SFL. DjNight Fhang: So you’re in charge of making sure people in SL know about the league? Labella Farella: Yes!

?!?!?!? DF: I can imagine it’s a pretty daunting task to market LF: Well, this is a new season with new owners. Really, information to the entire world about this league. the biggest obstacle is overcoming last season and the old owners. They made some mistakes that LF: Oh yes, there are so many aspects! We have really had put the SFL in a bad light. Bru and Tess a website, radion (which also streams the live Sands have done a great job turning everything commentating) and also we just launched our SFL around and the SFL is slowly making believers out network that will be showing recorded games! of people again. DF: Very interesting - I’ll have to check that out! DF: Now, for those who are reading the magazine So tell me, what have you seen as your biggest and don’t know, who are Bru and Tess Sands? obstacle in making people aware of SFL?

LF: They are the owners of the SFL - they are the LF: Very much so, yes! top of the pyramid; you name it, they probably do it. They keep everything intact here in the SFL so DF: I have just one more question, LaBella.....if you that we have games and everything else SFL-related. could say one thing about the league that you want everyone to know what would it be? DF: Okay, so the SFL is billed as “8 man scripted LF: Can you feel it!! LOL! That’s our slogan but full contact football”....does that mean the winner is seriously, once you check us out you will be hooked. determined ahead of time or is it a metered script It’s a fun yet competitive atmosphere, especially for football lovers! and the coach with the best game plan still wins? LF: “Scripted” simply means that the field has scripts, the players play the game and that’s it. They have With the games averaging two hrs in length, the to come up with their game plan against their experience of finding and rooting for your favorite opponent. In that sense, it’s very real - there are no team is one that can be shared by most here in SL, and of the 32 RL NFL teams, 11 of them are represented predetermined winners. DF: So, for the fan experience, it’s like watching a right here in SL with room for expansion for more. true virtual version of the real thing?

For more information on the teams and how to find and listen to the games, go to http://www. Now would be a great time to get onboard the SFL train as the season winds up and the time for playoff football in SL draws near. Playoffs begin on February 17th and the SFL SUPER BOWL will be played on March 3rd. Check it out, experience the heart-pounding action of SFL football and you too will be asking your friends.........�CAN YOU FEEL IT!!�

Eithne McBride


AN INTERVIEW WITH CREATORS JOKE BUBBLE AND DIVINNA ANSAR! It’s no secret that fashion in Second Life is alive and thriving. Designers are constantly trying to stay on top of things with new and fashion-forward ideas for residents all around the grid. Have you ever had that experience in which you’ve shown up at a ballroom and - oh no! - someone across the room is wearing the exact, same gown? It happens and, after you’ve spent a pretty Linden to buy your gown, it’s easy to get a little miffed… Well never fear, the wave of the fashion future is here! Am I talking about mesh? No no… even mesh items can be purchased over and over again by fashion mavens. What I AM talking about is Limited Couture, the brain-child of Joke Bubble and divinna Ansar. Recently, I caught up with these two brilliant ladies to discuss their new concept and how it’s progressing. Read on to learn more! SecondNighters: Tell everyone how this idea became a reality. Where did the idea come from and what did you two do to make it happen? Joke Bubble: When divinna close the doors to Chic Boutique (a similar concept to Limited Couture but based more on fashion offered in limited quantities at discounted prices), I sent her an IM. I’d always had an event idea and I wanted to talk to her about it. Later, together, we developed the idea into a specific style. divinna Ansar: Yes, some months ago, Joke told me about an idea she had to create a event with me. One day, she sent me an IM and we started to talk about it. The ideas just started to flow from both of us - we really wanted to create something new and different! SN: Okay, so Joke had this idea that was *similar* to chic boutique but different, in that it’s couture and a limited number of items. JB: Exactly! Divinna already had the experience to make the idea happen. I don’t think Limited Couture has any of the Chic Boutique participants though - this is a whole, new project. But finding designers wasn’t difficult, really, because I am connected with every designer here in some way. SN: That’s just such a great idea! So you two were friends before this all began? dA: Yes we were but we’ve gotten to know each other much better since we began this project together, of course! SN: Okay, so how did you two get everything started? dA: I think I came up with the idea of offering limited ideas but as Joke said, she had so many contacts - she just started calling and recruiting people! JB: It was simple, really! I wanted to work with her and she liked my idea. I just said, “Do you want to do this with me?” and her answer was positive. Once we decided to work together, I began talking with various brands about our idea. They liked the idea and accepted our offer to take part. Later, we added a new team member, Abyss Artful. She is my best friend in SL and she’s our live translator and manager.

SN: When exactly did the Limited Couture begin? dA: It officially kicked off on the 17th of December! SN: So how does this work? How many items do you have in each collection’s line at the start? And how long do you think each collection series will last? A few weeks, a few months? Something else? dA: well, for each collection, a group of designers will put a new exclusive item in the room, with only 100 units for sale. The item doesn’t have to be a unique design, but in order to be admitted to the Limited Couture collection, it has to be modified (color, shape...) and, of course, new and exclusive items are welcome, too!

SN: Do you two have to do a lot of the talking convincing designers to participate? Or do they line up to be a part of it? dA: Well, every seems to be loving the idea everyone wants an exclusive, high quality and limited item to wear, including me, haha! And the designers love to be a part of the exclusive collection, too, so it’s really a win-win for everyone involved. SN: What is something you’d like new buyers to know? And how many do you have in your group already? Shoppers, bloggers, designers, etc? JB: Everyone needs to know that if they miss the collections, they’ll miss it for good - there will never be another offer of these items in Second Life again JB: We have 15 items right now but I want to bring in and they have to be speedy to buy. There’s a limited one or two more brands. Each collection will last for number of each item offered and once they’re gone, approximately one to two weeks - these are limited they’re gone forever! items so once they’re gone, they’re gone for good! JB: We have close to 300 people in the Limited

Couture customer group and we have 20 designers plus 21 bloggers in the Limited Couture team group. SN: Final question: If you could tell anyone just one thing about your group, what would you tell them? JB: If you’re the best - it’s enough for my team! ^.^ dA: Join us now because we plan to get much, much bigger and we’d love to have you with us! What do the designers have to say about this fascinating project? Just listen to these words from Gok Artis, owner of GoK: I LOVE the challenges presented by Limited Couture - the only thing better than that is the people on the team; they’re great to work with! Here are the participating designers you get to look forward to for this collection round: - Zenith Fashion - Izzie’s

- Gok - [sYs] Design - LoQ Hairs - Tableau Vivant - Glam Affair - SugarsmacK - Indyra Originals - Cheerno - Finesmith - GizzA - :::Line::: - Divine Get thee to Limited Couture post haste, SecondNighters! And here’s your SLURL to get there: Happy shopping!

The Writing community of SL

By: Charmer Dreadlow


If I were to say to you, “Campbell’s soup, Marilyn Monroe, world news and comic books,” would you think I was crazy? You might and that’s alright! But what if I added in this one iconic name...Andy Warhol. Does that change your line of thinking? Well, if it even only vaguely rings a bell, it’s because at some point in our lives, each of us has almost certainly run into his work.

and quite varied genre within the art world, and some names that I will mention later on just may strike a few chords with you as well. As you read this article, open your mind and let it wander, try not to assume and guess at what you think you know about Pop Art. Instead, let’s learn together as we go on a little field trip to the Pop Art Display right here in our very own virtual world.

However, his are not the only works that define the “So what is Pop Art?” you might ask yourself as you movement referred to as Pop Art. It’s a wide open ponder the idea of taking this field trip with me. Well,

on the surface, its bright colors and crazy designs not in written word or by giving a speech but in a don’t make a lot of sense…… and yet it moves us. It surely profound and unexpected way that grabbed is sometimes shocking but almost always thought the attention of the masses. provoking and certainly it’s a conversation starter. There are a few well-known names such as Andy But for those who are wrapped up in the feelings Warhol, that I mentioned earlier, Jasper Johns or Roy that it stirs - the creation and imagination behind it - Lichtenstein, but these make up just small portion it’s not really about those things. I’d have to say that of what this world-wide movement is all about. How it’s more about the attitude of the time in which it about, was created, a fight against the “norm,” a desire to stand out, be different and say your piece - maybe Tom Wesselman or Eduardo Paolozzi, ever hear of

them? Probably not, I know I sure hadn’t but what I have learned and I hope to pass onto you is the fact that its these people and so many others that toiled away, that build Pop Art up from its roots to what we as the masses, know today. Add in names like Robert Rauschemberg, Mimmo Rotella, Fabio Mauri and Allan d’ Arcangelo, only then does the picture begin to become more clear and yet the spectrum of work become even more diverse. Funny how that works isn’t it...we often judge art, politics, music, religion and everything else in our daily lives, by such a small sampling of what it is really all about and it’s a shame. I hope when you visit P.A.D and take a stroll through its ten levels of amazing exhibits that you really soak it all in, notice each little nuance from piece to piece, even in the same artist’s works as they changed throughout his or her career. On their own out in the real world, these pieces of art and sculpture might make you step back and ponder it, maybe blush a tiny bit at the thought of putting that on exhibit yourself or completely shock you and make you turn away. After all, isn’t that the truly great thing about art? It means something different to everyone. Well in SL, all of those things are heightened due to the extra level of interaction a person can have with these pieces of art. What do I mean by interaction? Well, take the Lichtenstein pieces in the picture I provided... can you pick out which of the three in that image is not the same as the others? It can be quite difficult to tell, because of the medium that he chooses to express himself in but it’s the middle one. This is a Second Life interpretation of one of his works. It has been turned into an immersive piece that we as avatars can climb inside.

Essentially, we become the art. Along with each piece at P.A.D. comes a small plaque noting the artist and date when it was done, but with some pieces (the red marked plaques) you can find more information leading to a YouTube video or other website, that helps to only deepen your understanding of what Pop Art is all about. Also, you can get exceptionally close to these amazing works, examine them, become almost intimately familiar with each brush stroke, pen mark and canvas on which they were created. All of these things are what makes SL the perfect place for viewing art and taking a slow, leisurely stroll through the multitude of museums and galleries that are offered to us. I submit to you this final thought on P.A.D. and the Pop Art movement as a whole.....get out and experience it, live it, breathe it, let it wash over you! Yeah, that may seem somewhat over the top, but hey it’s Pop Art we are talking about here, and is that not exactly what it’s all about? It grabs you, pulls you in and almost forces you to look at it. Like a car wreck that you cannot help but to stare at as you drive by, these pieces move you, make you question and double take at what you think they say and what is really there. So take advantage of this SL display, to learn, to grow and to maybe, just maybe, have a li’l fun along the way.

Explore the world of clubs and disco, found the best places for your parties! This month we’ll discover....

Interview with Cecil Niosaki

Nintai Brokerage and At some point in our second lives, many of us think, “wouldn’t it be great if I could actually make money in here?” but for many of us, there seem to be very few options for doing so. Fortunately, there are people like Cecil Niosaki around to help educate us about finance in SL and guide us on our path. “Who’s Cecil Niosaki,” you ask? Cecil is the owner of Nintai Brokerage and Money Management in world. The company’s objective is simply this: NBC (Nintai Brokerage Company) wants to help residents earn passive income in Second Life. Recently, Cecil and I chatted about how he discovered Second Life, his company’s history,

its present and his future plans for growth and development of NBC: Eithne McBride: Cecil, thank you so much for your time today. Let’s start from the beginning. Tell me a little about how you discovered SL, what you thought of it, how you came to the knowledge that you have and how you decided to start your business. Cecil Niosaki: I first came to Second Life after reading a news article about the business economy here. I believe that the article was about Ashley Chung and how she was the first person to make over a million USD from the world. My passion has always been gaming, and the thought of making

Money Management a profit through a game was appealing to me. However, when I first came to Second Life, I hated it. I quickly found out I didn’t possess any of the talent that I would need to pull a profit on the grid. Now, this was back in 2006. During that time the only talent I thought I possessed was a knack for writing, but I couldn’t fathom the idea of how a publisher would operate on the grid, so I gave up on that venture (not to mention I didn’t have the money to start a company! EM: LOL - a popular lament! CN: Yep! However, in 2011 I came back to Second Life. I cannot remember what brought me back

here, but I was dead set on becoming a waiter at this little RP restaurant. The hourly pay was around 50L per hour, but I was motivated. I went through three days of interviews, was told they were interested in me, and that’s when I found the Capital Stock Exchange. I immediately saw the profit that could be made through the stock exchange and quickly started to operate my own fund. I made a few mistakes during my first month of investing but I was new to Second Life finance. I wasn’t aware of the banking scandal or the scammer that would operate in the world, as I had somehow missed those two years during the time where I couldn’t figure out why anyone would go onto the grid.

As I persevered on the stock exchange, my fund started to do incredibly well and I doubled my initial investment of 150,000L. It was during that time that I started to talk to CEO of the CAPX, Skip Oceanlane. He is an excellent man and had a lot of helpful advice about the CAPX and the market. After a few chats with him, I decided to have an IPO for the Nintai Brokerage Corporation (although at that time it was called Nintai Brokerage & Money Management -- which is incredibly too long.) EM: Which brings you to your company, right? Tell me about Nintai. CN: Like I said, we first began as a fund which I was operating independently for two months. During the time I was talking to Mr. Oceanlane, I realized that the company needed more capital, and, in addition, there was an untapped market in Second Life that one could offer brokerage services to. With a lot of the grid being mistrustful of the SL financial sector, this was my chance to help improve its reputation. Our IPO (initial public offering) was done successfully for 250,000L, bringing additional capital that we needed to the company, and we also received publicity we needed as well for the exchange. EM: Ah, okay. So how did you build your business? CN: When we first began operating, I gave my shareholders three options. For 2011, NBC could focus on developing its portfolio, developing its website, or using the funds to create a bank in InWorldz (another virtual reality grid). We had obtained permission from the grid owner to do so, as long as we could get their community to ask for it on their forums.

The shareholders voted that we expand our portfolio, and that we did. In 2011 our portfolio went from 250,000L to around 1.3ML, which was quite an accomplishment for such a small IPO. A lot of that can be attributed to the Money Management Fund, which we operate for new investors so that they do not need to worry about placing buy and sell orders or researching stocks. Currently that fund has a value of around 700,000L, and we also started a day trading fund within NBC that year, too. In 2011, we largely created services, but didn’t advertise them well or make them accessible. For this year, we’ve already begun development of our website which will allow clients to trade, sell, etc through an easy to use interface. The website (albeit currently under construction) can be found at Our short-term goal at the moment is to begin Money Management Fund trading on our website and to actually take the services of NBC off grid to those that wish to invest but either don’t want to register for the grid or don’t want to invest with USD. We are currently targeting the BitCoin market, and I am quite excited about it EM: Really! How do you plan to market that off grid? CN: Our main plan at this moment is to list the brokerage through the BTC communities, as well as in the classifieds and advertising services that have popped up. However, I am aware of an MMO called Dragon’s Tale, which is basically a gambling/skill based game that used BTC for everything. In RL, I’m a Community Manager for a game development studio, and I believe that I may be able to use some connections to make a

partnership there. It would be incredibly neat to see something of NBC inside another MMO, and would be great exposure as well! EM: Tell me a little about BitCoin - many of our readers would be considered beginners on the subject of virtual stock markets, capital exchanges and financial services in world. CN: BitCoin is an anonymous peer-to-peer currency. Readers can learn more here: http:// EM: Can you tell a little about what sorts of profits you think you might make? CN: Initially, I will only be opening the Money Management Fund to BitCoin investors. The way we operate our money management fund, there are no fees when someone invests into it. This means that every Linden that they put in goes towards their investment. Their investment continues to gain value from this time, and NBC profits by taking 50% of the dividends from the stock that the fund invests in. When a client chooses to sell their shares, they receive the full value minus a 5% fee. Optimally, I am hoping that, for the beta run of the program, at least 10,000L more in dividends a month will be achieved than would be given to NBC as profit. I have no idea if that number is high or low at the moment, though. I think it’s a greatly untapped market, and I haven’t seen anything like investment offered for BitCoin. EM: Walk me through the steps of getting one of our readers started with your company please. CN: The best way to get start with NBC is to contact me in-world to consult on what exactly

you are looking for in an investment service. While we have a lot of services (which can be seen here: NBC/3957), the average Second Life user may not be knowledgeable about some of these items, so at NBC we like to make sure that they are getting the service that is best for them… EM: That’s great - not everyone’s going to pick up on it as quickly as you did. My own issue, for example, is that I knew *nothing* about the world of investing. I asked people and got a lot of answers that included ‘in the know’ that might as well have been hieroglyphics to me! CN: Haha, yeah, I wouldn’t recommend flying solo with little experience. That’s how I made my mistake with the MYEX and lost 30,000L. The up side is that I learned quite a bit from that ordeal! EM: What are some other things you’d like newcomers to know? If you could give them one piece of advice, what would it be? CN: The ultimate advice you can give when investing in SL finance is to know who you are giving your money to. If you’re investing on the Capital Exchange, either do so directly through their website or through a licensed broker. If someone approaches you asking for money, and you don’t know, ask around. EM: Great advice! Any last words from you to our readers? CN: Happy investing, and I hope that you find your passive income :) EM: I couldn’t have said it better myself - thanks so much, Cecil!

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