6 minute read

Kendra Calhoun




Many little girls have dreams of growing up and owning their own corporations and/or businesses or as we know it becoming a “Boss Lady” aka The Head Woman In Charge. They dream about the clothes they will wear, the car they will drive, the lifestyle they will live but very seldom do they think about the challenges that come with accomplishing that goal. Many defeat themselves before they even get started but not this Boss Lady and Woman of Wealth.

Living a life of poverty, moving from a homeless shelter to shelter, and sometimes even sleeping on the street under a bridge or in tents, Kendra Calhoun was determined to make a better life for her and her mom. She stayed vigilant, finished school, graduated with multiple degrees, and is now the founder and CEO of Bridging the Gap Industries & Financial Services LLC, an innovative leadership business development company that specializes in information technology, infrastructure & business project management, creating appropriate financial strategies for individuals and corporation, providing consulting and outsourcing support for Fortune 100 IT and Financial corporations. She holds a B.A in IT Computer Science & Business Finance. She is driven as a single mother raising 2 young men and also taking care of her elderly mother. She strives to be successful to provide a certain lifestyle and support for her family. Although Kendra has been working for over 20 years in the Information Technology and Finance Industry, she makes a high 6-figures salary in both industries. She brings sustainable long-term growth and value creation for transformation into this industry and also a wealth of industry knowledge and expertise as one of the leading Senior Financial Marketing Directors supporting the Mission—“No Family Left Behind.”

I find it’s best to lead with your heart and not your business.

Tell us more about the nature of your business, which include your vision, mission, and companies value?

At Bridging the Gap Financial Services, LLC (BTGFS), we believe in the five F’s: Faith, Family, Finances, Fitness, and Fun are the key to having a successful business and living a fulfilling life. We offer financial services and strategies that help meet your unique goals and needs. Our platform offers you the power of choice. We have relationships with well-known insurance and financial services companies, which allow us to offer a wide selection of products and services. When creating a diverse strategy, it allows you to prepare for your future and can help safeguard the lifestyle you have built. Our vision is to create massive change in the marketplace, change the financial industry for the better, and transform people’s lives. Our mission is to build a largest financial services company with at least 100,000 licensed agents, create at least one hundred millionaires, and help one million families pursue financial independence. Our values to our clients are to provide the knowledge, support, guidance, and confidence to build their financial future. Our values to our agents include providing the tools, environment, mentorship, and examples of success to allow them to flourish.

What are the biggest challenges you have faced thus far as an entrepreneur?

America has a major financial literacy problem. The situation of most families is that they are living with too much debt, they are under-protected, they are not saving, or do not know how much to save. They do not have a strategy and they do not know what to do about it. Our Crusade is to fight against that illiteracy with education. Another challenge is the lack of financial education. We take information that usually reserved only for the wealthy and teach it to the masses. We believe that when you know better, you do better financially. Furthermore, the traditional financial industry typically only services clients with wealth already accumulated. However, that leaves the rest of America out in the cold. We believe everyone should have a chance at financial independence! In my conversations with people, it is evident how people can be influenced to think about money in a limited way. Unfortunately, schools do not teach fundamental financial skills, and due to limited knowledge passed down within our families and communities, we do not understand how money works. One of the biggest challenges I face as an entrepreneur is finding people who want to be or are a business owner, but still have an employee mindset. In

addition, financial companies are not coming out to our communities to close the gaps.

When it comes to building wealth, what advice would you give to women today?

When it comes to building wealth, I would advise a woman today to immerse herself in financial literacy by reading books on wealth strategies and learning from others’ mistakes. Most people are doing the same things and ending up in the same place. Find a mentor, teacher, or coach who knows how to get you from your level of understanding and get you to where you want to be. She should also focus on a nontraditional route for personal development and mental toughness. Sometimes, we can feel pushed into certain fields, because this is what we have been socialized to do but if we are to master wealth we must be in sectors where the money naturally is. Know the numbers, I am not encouraging you to simply chase money but recognize the earning potential of your field.

What are the three most important habits a woman should have if she aspires to be successful in philanthropy?

Faith – Foundation to know your success is not your own and God has a hand in all things. A solid foundation of habits includes waking up early, hydrating, eating healthy, moving your body, and practicing gratitude. When you feel good, you will have a positive impact on others. Direction – know where you are going, be specific and have a plan to get there. Trust herself as the voice of authority. What are you saying to yourself? Most people must rewire their subconscious belief system to trust their own authority without the need for validation from others.

Connections – network for net worth, your relationships will push you forward or pull you down or backward. Advocate for yourself and know when to ask for help and when to say “No.” Being a philanthropist can be impressive but to give to others, one must first know how to give to herself.

When it comes to giving to your favorite causes, should you give anonymously or publicly, and why?

It truly depends on your intentions for giving, but people give anonymously because they do not want their name associated with a controversial cause, either for reasons of personal safety or because the association might offend other people. Giving publicly may encourage or inspire others to contribute and sometimes people want to get recognition.

How did you build strong relationships with donors and other people in the philanthropy space?

It is best to lead with your heart and not your business. People must know what you do, and you must be willing to collaborate and be interested in what others do.

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