Women of Wealth Summer Irono Issue

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DR. OGAY IRONO Fearless, Relevant Relentless & Intentional

“A Woman Shaping The World” 90

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Dr. Lei Lewis CEO/Publisher Women Of Wealth Magazine


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Dress by Linda Bezuidenhout Photography Rhino Valley Makeup by Christian

Dr. Jasmin Sculark


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W O M E N O F W E A LT H M A G A Z I N E ’ S

List of Top



Women Icons with Global Influence Inspired by Women Worldwide

Suzanne Shank Chairwoman, CEO & Co-Founder of Siebert Cisneros Shank & Co., LLC

Elaine Farrell Wynn American Billionaire Businesswoman Philanthropist and Art Collector. CoFounder Mirage and Wynn Resorts

Isabel Dos Santos Angolan Businesswoman

Shelia Crump Johnson American Businesswoman, Co-Founder of BET, CEO of Salamander Hotels and Resorts

Phyllis Winchester Newhouse Co Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Xtreme Solutions, Inc. Atlanta, Ga.

Kiko Davis Trustee of Donald Davis Living Trust, Majority Stockholer of First Independence Bank

Sarah Blakely Founder & CEO, Spanx

Lori Greiner Self-made Inventor & Entrepreneur, Shark on ABC’s SharkTank, Show on QVC

Stacey Yvonne Abrams American Politician, Lawyer and Former Candidate for Governor of Georgia

Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms An American Politician and Lawyer, Mayor of Atlanta, Georgia

Cynthia N. Day President & CEO, Citizen Trust Bank, Atlanta, GA

Mryna White Director of Public Affairs, Atlanta Airport

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Janice Bryant Howroyd Founder & Chief Executive Officer of the ACT-1 Group

Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama American Lawyer, Former First Lady of the United States

Gina Rinehart Australian Mining Magnate Chairman of Hanock Prospecting

Nancy D’Alesandro Pelosi An American politician serving as the Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives

Hillary Rodman Clinton An American Politician, Diplomat, Lawyer, Former Candidate for President of United States

Debra l. Lee Former CEO & Chairman of BET Networks

Shonda Rhimes American Television Executive Producer, Screenwriter, Author. Showrunner and Head Writer

Meryl Streep An Iconic American Actress

Cheryl Boone Isaacs President, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, known for its annual Academy Awards

Barbara Ann Corcoran American Businesswoman, Investor, Speaker, Author, Television Personality

Edie Fraser Founder of STEMConnector, a businessleader, author, entrepreneur, and philanthropist

Folorunsho Alakija A Nigerian Billionaire Businesswoman

Kay Kent CEO, CFO at Continuum Aquatics

June Davidson, PHD President of Coaching Firm Internationaland American Seminar Leaders Association

Oprah Winfrey American Media Executive, Actress, Talk Show Host, Television Producer & Philanthropist

Christel Dehaan Germanborn, American businesswoman, philanthropist and Founder of ChristelHouse International

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Women of Wealth WOMEN OF WEALTH








Dr. Lei Lewis Frank Lewis Brandy O Neal

Shondalon Hoffler Somalia Hoffler Richard Brickus III Rick Robbins Remi Osi Sheryl Nance-Nash Nykole Wyatt Lydia Pace Ayana Finch Sheryl Nance-Nash Pamela Johnson Marilyn Helgeson Remi Osi Krystol Diggs Jan Robertson Kenneth Turner Photography Jared Zem Photography Berlin Kerry Grant Photography Tory Brown Photography Daniel Evans Photography Dee Moore Alyiah Thomas Satia Thomas Sonya Savoy Christian Info@womenofwealthmagazine.com www.womenofwealthmagazine.com womenofwealthmagazine@gmail.com Magazine Availability Issues are available at Barnes and Noble and national airports. In addition to freelance writers, Women of Wealth seeks experienced advertising sales executives. Inquiries should be sent to womenofwealthmagazine@gmail.com

Magazine Issues are available at Barnes and Noble and NATIONAL AIRPORTS TO INCLUDE ATLANTA, MIAMI, DALLAS AND LOS ANGELES. Letters to the editor at womenofwealthmagazine@gmail.com Correspondence may be edited for length and clarity. Please include name, address and email address. Published 4 times a year | Subscription Rate: U.S. 1 year $49.95 Copyright©2020 Women Of Wealth Magazine USA Inc. 786-510-3571


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STORIES Dr. Lei Lewis Jeanna Robinson Dr. Nephetina Serrano Apostle Shirley Ferguson Dr. Sandrie Serrano Bermudez Dr. Hattie Washington Dr. Ogay Irono Michelle Reese-Wiseman Josette Simpson

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Dr. Lei Lewis, CEO/Publisher, WOMEN OF WEALTH MAGAZINE 10 Years of



fter retiring from the practice of law, one of the first things I did was to set out on a mission to discover the mindset of wealthy people and how can I, and others acquire that mindset. I needed to carefully articulate a concept of wealth that comprehensively defines wealth. I noticed that with this mission, one of the first things I had to do was to enlighten people on the very significant difference between ‘success’ and ‘wealth’. I fully realized that the greatest confusion in the lives of most people is the ability to properly situate these two very fundamental aspirations in their proper places as they journey through life. Thankfully, I have also learned a lot as I set out on my own journey to create Women of Wealth magazine as the vehicle for my crusade.


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At Women of Wealth Magazine, we celebrate wealth because it can give us many pleasant experiences. But, we also celebrate wealth and the wealthy, not because wealth is an end unto itself—there being other important parameters that guarantee a successful life, but because one of our greatest possessions on this earthly plane is freedom, and wealth can give us this freedom. We believe that it will be good for people to experience this freedom, for with it, many an illusion they labor under will dissipate into thin air, allowing them to see more of the beauty in their world each day of their life.

Defining the Wealthy Mindset, Now, if we say that to acquire wealth requires a certain type of mindset, we need to identify what type of mindset that is. But first, let me talk briefly about myself. I practiced as a full time lawyer for over thirty years. Then, the time came for me to retire and do something else. I began to look around to see what it was that I could do. That came with its own peculiar challenges. I had been a lawyer most of my life, and I had to pray hard about fashioning out a new identity for myself. The prospect of stepping back and following a leader was not a very attractive one for me and it required me to sincerely identify what it was that I would want to do if I could do it at all. I acknowledged that I loved to read, and that I love to write. I had been told that I was a good writer, so why not start there? That was how and why I eventually figured that I would create a magazine, and I did. I came to that decision in 2009; that would be about ten years ago. So, my journey into magazine publishing started at that time, and here I am today. The magazine is

currently enjoying wide distribution at airports all around the nation, and outside this nation as well as in national bookstore chains.

The Multi-Dimensional Me In many respects, I’m a multifaceted personality, and because of that, chapter two of the book of my life might be talking about the three phases, or the three dimensions of Dr. Lei Lewis’ life. Yet, that might still prove to be an inaccurate proposition. I will explain. There is Dr. Lei Lewis the minster, Dr. Lei Lewis, the retired lawyer, and now we have Dr. Lei Lewis the writer and publisher. But, does that sufficiently describe my odyssey? I would say it does not. If it were that easy to lock my life into three dimensions, or three phases, where would you place Dr. Lewis the mother, Dr. Lewis the CEO and business owner, Dr. Lewis the mentor, and the military woman? Yes, I served in the military. And, believe it or not, there is the wife. Yes, I tried the ‘wife project’ a couple of times. That did not work out. In the final analysis, I am probably in error by trying to constrain my journey so far into three phases. In truth, my life has been a multi-faceted one. I have played so many roles that it is now difficult for me to fit snugly into any one compartment of description. Ultimately, I can only safely describe myself as a multi-dimensional person. Yes, that is so very true depending on who I’m relating with, and God knows I have been so many things to so many different people.

The Carrot Chasers I would say that wealth is like a carrot. As human beings, we are seemingly traveling on our individual roads trying to catch up with the carrot which is speeding

in front, and just ahead of us. Sometimes–thinking that we are so close to it, we reach out and make a triumphant attempt to touch it. However, the moment we stretch out our hand to grasp it; it’s almost as if the carrot picks up speed, and the next instant it is once more that much farther out of our reach. From a broad point of view, it’s as if the world is divided into different categories of people when it comes to wealth. We have those who were born into wealth however; they are constantly chasing after more of it. In fact, although they already have it, it is never enough, and the more of it they have, the more of it they want. We also have the ‘carrot chasers,’ and these are the ones who seem to be consistently on the chase for elusive wealth. The carrot chasers seem to be always looking out the window and trying to see how they can be of benefit to the world, even while their eyes are on the elusive carrot, just ahead. I recognized these paradoxes as I set out on my own journey to find wealth.

Mentorship Is Vital In Acquiring a Wealthy Mindset Along my journey, I also discovered something else. As a woman involved in the car ride, and who like most other people was chasing my carrot, I knew I should expect to find men and women in front of me blocking the carrot I was chasing, and that was exactly what happened. Women, especially, were always there, in between one’s car and the carrot speeding ahead. Sadly enough, what I continually experienced was just that. Difficult as it is to explain, women seem to have a hard time helping other women. What I also discovered was that, generally, women are inclined to lead their fellow wom-

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The truly wealthy woman is a truly successful woman, not only because her bank account is brimming with millions of dollars, but also because of her noble disposition, she willingly helps another woman become wealthy.” With that supposition, I would go on to testify that Women of Wealth Magazine believes that mentoring and philanthropy in a multicultural society will soon be the new norm. It will be the new paradigm of wealth.”

en to believe that they are willing to help them in some way or the other, only to eventually leave them stranded in the ocean of their forlorn hopes. Mentorship is very important. Few people achieve their ambitions and aspirations in life without mentorship of some kind or the other. Such a mentor could be anyone. A mentor could be a parent, or even a total stranger. You need someone other than yourself to help you in the race to catch that carrot you call wealth. Mentors tend to know things that you don’t. Additionally, they are more likely to have gone through certain experiences that are totally alien to you. Some of them have already been down the path you are just about to tread, and they know the exact location of all the potholes, craters and sinister bends on that road. The one special privilege they have, and which they are qualified to avail you of, is to help you in saving invaluable time and avoidable trouble by sounding that crucial note of warning that you should not go down a certain road. However, mentorship is a two-way street. It is one thing to be mentored; it is an entirely different proposition to receive mentorship, humbly and in good faith. To benefit from mentorship, you must have a teachable mindset, or call it a mentor mindset, if you will. But, that is still not all that


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it takes. You need to always find a way to remain in the company of women who are already so far ahead of you. The truth is that there is little or no benefit in walking with women who are of the same status as you. The blind cannot lead the blind. You need to have mentors that are so far ahead of you within the context of whatever meaning you ascribe to wealth; whether that meaning is money; whether it is optimal health and wellness; whether it is your emotional well-being or, whether it is success on some rare platform of human endeavor. Great is the man or woman who will sit at the feet of another and tap from his wisdom. Great is that person who puts himself at the disposal of another’s superior knowledge and wisdom. Indeed, when the pupil is ready, the master materializes! For, in truth, no man is wise enough by himself. Doesn’t the Book of Life proclaim that no servant is greater than his master, nor can a messenger be greater than the one who sent him? For, what (after all) is wisdom if not to learn all one can, and then have the humility to realize that one does not know it all? He who teaches himself has a fool for a master. Indeed, wise is he who will humbly sit at the feet of someone more successful. For, his superior wisdom will flow down to the pupil, as if propelled by some form of spiritual gravity.

So, I urge you to partake of the fellowship of wisdom and knowledge that exists amongst those who are traveling between you and your carrot. To fly the way the eagle flies, you must perch on his back, and spread out the way he spreads his wings. Wealth is an acquired mindset. The acquisition of true wealth, in whatever form, is the fulfillment of a certain dream. Speaking of women; I think we almost owe to ourselves to feel obliged to help other women—if for no other reason that we know how hard the struggle can be. If we possess the ability and the power to assist, then we should do so. Permit me to explain something of a crucial nature. A wealthy woman with influence can pick up the phone and introduce you to someone who can and probably will make a tremendous impact on your life. My tragic discovery is that many women can do this but will not do so. My sincere cry is for women to help other women. Speaking from my own experience on this journey, one of my greatest challenges has been, keeping the communication doors open with some of the wealthy women with influence that I met on this journey; for I understood they were reluctant to help me enlarge my territory, or to acquire a wealthy mindset.

The Case for Marketplace Ministry by Dr. Lei Lewis – Theme: “A Covenant with Divine Love”

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Now what else have I experienced along my journey? I noticed this. Those who are extremely wealthy love God. They know that there is a God who does it for them. Most of them would tell you,” I don’t want to do anything until I have thanked God. I honor God by giving back. I honor God by hiring, not for me personally, but for my business. In some of my challenges, I know there’s a God because I felt God intercede in what I was going through at that particular time.” One woman comes to my mind, and I feel compelled to share her story. She said, “You know, Dr. Lei, I’m a five-time cancer survivor!” I was stunned because she looked so good. For most of us, we can only imagine what it means to be diagnosed with cancer. Someone once told me it’s like being in hell, and that the trick is to go through it so quickly that people don’t even realize that you have been through it and back. Life is like a theatrical stage in which we are all playing different roles. The key is not so much the role we are playing, but how we effectively go through that role. If we walk with dignity, and with faith, and remain firm in our belief until we can come out looking so good that other people—being totally baffled will look at us and say, “I thought something was going on with you, but you don’t look like you’ve been through anything!” Your simple response would be, “You know, we can only thank God!”

The Right Attitude is in The Wealth Mindset So, attitude matters a great deal. Attitude is a big part of the wealthy mindset. Sometimes however, we get stuck in a difficult place in which it becomes tough to wheel


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ourselves out of the situation we find ourselves in. It is all part of the struggle in ‘chasing the carrot’ stage of our evolution. Yet, when this happens, and we get stuck in that unfortunate place, it becomes all about the mindset that we need to help us out. When we get stuck in that manner we must be able to reach down into our innermost being and turn the wheel of progress in order to get back on track. It is also at such times that we need someone to help us to get through it; to help us get unstuck. May I suggest a mentor? My own experience is that I’ve had to continually encourage myself. One of the first things we need to do is pray unceasingly for strength, and for intestinal- fortitude in the face of adversity. This isn’t easy and can be quite heart-wrenching. As I once told someone, a mentor can be someone you have never even met yet. The beauty and utility of present day technology is that the Internet allows you to know anyone you wish to know. You can also meet a potential mentor through her book. Read all about her struggles, and her successes. Examine her attitude critically. This is called ‘virtual mentoring.’ A mentor, of course can be male or female. My good friend and mentor Dr. Yomi Garnett once told me that, apart from a mentor he calls the Sage, he has met not even one of the other people who have been his greatest teachers. He said to me, “You know, Dr. Lei, my teachers are all great American motivational speakers and spiritual authors. Yet, I have never met one of these people.” Get yourself a mentor. Find out what meeting that virtual mentor of yours will be appearing next. Find a way to at-

tend the meeting. It could turn out to be a rare opportunity to meet him or her. It’s all part of your car ride ‘chasing your carrot’. Learn to re-listen for what you’re not hearing properly. I can remember life being so awful when I lost my mother at the tender age of 13. I felt like my heart had been ripped out. It was a terrible situation, and it was so horrible because I was not there when she was killed. I never got the opportunity to say goodbye to her. Let me share an enduring secret with you. Your environment does matter. DNA does matters. Let no one tell you otherwise. These are the factors that keep propelling you to victory; to fulfill your mission and to become the person you are destined to become. Having lost both parents at the age of thirteen, my siblings and I were now faced with the harrowing prospect of teenagers trying to raise teenagers. But we had great DNA from our mother on the inside of us, and we were able to merge that with our mindset. All nine of us achieved success. What we went through without a mother or father can only be imagined. The nightmare that could have easily incapacitated my siblings and me for the rest of our childhood was the horrible fact that my father killed my mother. I encourage you to buy the book on Amazon, “Icons of the Boardroom” and read the rest of my compelling Journey that has brought me to this place called Now! You can reach us at: info@womenofwealthmagazine.com or womenofwealthmagazine.com

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When I met Jeanna Robinson, she was

preparing for her retirement in July 2020 from the federal government after working 38+ years, which includes military and civilian service. She told me her plan is to work her passion which is Mary Kay Skincare and Cosmetics along with Real Estate. “I believe in leaving a legacy for my family of FAITH, Wisdom, entrepreneur knowledge, understanding finances, and wealth management” says Robinson. She goes on to say, “this is a continuous learning process because things seem to change so often. I want to help people achieve their very best while encouraging them and giving a hand up along the way” I learned that Jeanna Robinson resides in two World, the Mary Kay Culture and the Real Estate Culture, when I asked why, she stated. “I will make a bigger impact by serving both communities.” Well said.

Robinson goes on to share with us that she is a licensed realtor in MD since 2013 and affiliated with Samson Properties Brokerage in the Greg Evans Group serving the District of


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Columbia, Maryland, and Northern Virginia areas. She is a Military Veteran and specialize in programs that help veterans and first time home buyers. According to Robinson, her passion is helping people achieve all their real estate desires. She states that, her clients have been and are currently purchasing or selling residential properties, investment properties, leasing properties, and/or in need of residential rental properties. Robinson goes on to say that she has impacted the lives of people by short sales preventing foreclosures and leasing commercial properties for their businesses. I asked Robinson, what encourages you to rise early and go for it, she stated, customer service and understanding my client’s real estate needs are very important to me and being available to provide the very BEST in total customer Satisfaction is my mission. I said, thank you for your willingness to serve others. To contact Robinson, for your real estate needs, you can reach her at Samson Properties, Greg Evans Group jeannarobinsonrealtor@gmail. com, Office: 240-839-4343, ext-106, Bus Cell: 202-599-6775.




“BECOMING A DIRECTOR IN MARY KAY AFFORDS ME THE OPPORTUNITY TO MENTOR, EDUCATE AND ENCOURAGE OUR UNIT MEMBERS,” She states, I am under the Phenomenal Elite Executive National Sales Director, Gloria Mayfield-Banks of Ellicott City, MD and I’m currently a member of the Vision Unit. I received The Mary Kay pin with the Crest around it because I became a Team Leader when I shared this opportunity with five (5) women who became new business owners on my team. I started an amazing business with Mary Kay Skincare and Cosmetics. I wholeheartedly believe in the vision that Mary Kay Ashe believed which is God First, Family Second, and Career Third! To me, this is called balancing life. She also believed in the “Golden Rule” Treat others the way you want to be treated and make people feel Special. This truly resonated with me, as well as the products being one of the Best Ever! Currently, I am a Red Jacket, Future Director in Qualification with a Team consisting



of eight (8) or more of my personal recruits. My team members and I shared this amazing opportunity with twenty four (24) or more other people showing them how to start a home based business. This movement resulted in us becoming our own unit and me qualifying as their Director. After my retirement from the military, the name of our future unit will be “Heavenly Divine Majestic Grace” (HDMG). Becoming a Director affords me the opportunity to mentor, educate and encourage our unit members and others to become Mary Kay Stars thereby receiving recognition, continuous learning and earning the use of company cars! Get Excited!! Mary Kay has skincare for every skin type, which includes a new skincare line called “Naturally” which is certified as “All Natural”. For more infor mation about the Mary Kay phenomenal products and opportunity, you may reach Jeanna Robinson at the infor mation marykay.com\jrobinson4 or jeannalenterpriseinc@gmail.com

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Dr. Nephetina Serrano



ame-Changer. Powerhouse. Influencer. Mentor. Counselor. Lover of God and His people. Advocate of Marriage and the Family. These are just some of the many descriptions that could describe this magnanimous woman of God. Today we are excited to introduce to you Dr. Nephetina L. Serrano. She is an American Pentecostal Evangelist, Relationship Expert, Certified Marriage Counselor, International Inspirational Empowerment Speaker, Author, Certified Counselor (NBCA) Mentor and Certified Life Coach. Dr. Nephetina Serrano, along with her husband of 30 years, Dr. Richard Serrano is co-founder of Covenant Marriages, Covenant Rescue 911 and Covenant Marriages Institute. The Serranos are highly motivated visionaries and are a purpose-driven Christian couple. They actively coach and counsel couples in transitional phases within their marriages and lives. They offer life-changing advice, guidance and tools to deal with the challenges incident to achieving authentic oneness in marriage. They are known as The Marriage CEOs. Dr. Nephetina Serrano and her husband will be starring in a new TV show, “Your Marriage Matters� airing on Dominion Network TV beginning January 2020 every Saturday at 10:30am EST.

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This female entrepreneur is co-author of the book, THE MARRIAGE CORPORATION: Corporate Strategies for Fulfilling God’s Purpose in a Covenant Marriage. THE MARRIAGE CORPORATION seeks to give guidance on the establishment of a coherent family structure. It also highlights the organizational needs of a covenant marriage. In addition, Dr. Nephetina is the publisher of Marriage CEO Magazine (Real Couples, Real Issues, Real Talk) which is a publication tailored to meet the relationship needs of married couples, especially those in leadership positions in the community, business and ministry. The publication will focus on the real issues that matter most to couples and their families, while also providing a learning platform for singles preparing to embark on their own marital journeys. In the WOW Magazine interview with Dr. Serrano, She speaks about how she advises couples concerning marriage and relationships. According to her, love is not a contract, but a covenant that is based on a biblical principle that has its foundation in the Word of God, stating that “marriage is, and should be forever.”

Dr. Nephetina Serrano! We are so blessed to have a powerhouse like you sit down with us and share some gems of knowledge with our readers. So let’s dive right in. Dr. Serrano: Thank you for having me!

Dr. Serrano, in society’s past, it seemed as though the church played a major role in the institution and foundation of marriage as we know it. However, in today’s society, it seems that marriage and church are two separate institutions that have been deemed unnecessary and optional in the 22

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decision-making process. What do you feel is the role, goal and necessity of the church in marriage today? Dr. Serrano: Great question. It is unfortunate that many churches neglect the need for marriage ministry. Churches have ministries for children, men and women, but there are no marriage ministries to take care of and guide the newly married couple along. Most of the time, the church has only the pastors for marriage counseling. Even so, couples should do their best to survive by holding onto each other and saying “enough is enough”, not allowing defeat to be an option in their marriage. My belief is that pastors, teachers, preachers and leaders in the church should be more transparent with their own struggles and challenges faced in the marriage, thereby being more relatable and setting a realistic example for couples. Not to air dirty laundry, but to be real, human. People are looking for real; this generation is looking for transparency. We, as leaders should share our testimony as God leads, of course, and with wisdom so that others can be blessed.

So, as a marriage CEO relationship expert, what would this counseling look like for a newly married or engaged couple? Dr. Serrano: Most of the couples we counsel have been in a marriage for seven years or more. Marriage starts from the moment you say, “I Do”— which at that time goes from a promise to a covenant. Covenant is a game changer and couples must believe they are better together, and declare divorce not an option! When we counsel couples, we have them go over those vows again because I believe that beforehand they are just repeating what someone is saying without understanding what it fully means. So, it is im-

portant for us to go over them, for them to understand its meaning all the more. After that, we talk about the things that should have been considered in premarital counseling like faith, health, finances and sex—which most new couples think is going to sustain them. It absolutely grieves my heart to consider the rate of divorce in the world, especially within the church today. We did a quantitative study on the rate of divorce two years ago and we actually want to repeat the studies due to the statistic we hear a lot: marriages in the church have a higher divorce rate compared to all marriages worldwide. According to the studies we conducted two years ago, I disagree with the notion, although the rate of divorce in the church has increased in recent times. Divorces are happening because there is no covenant accountability; oftentimes, people go to church out of religious identity, not because of their relationship with the Creator. However, most premarital counseling programs should last from eight to twelve weeks. Most people counsel for just three sessions. This prepares couples to fail in their marriages; three sessions are just introductory and only able to scratch the surface. It doesn’t allow the space to deep dive into the real issues that are going to keep a marriage together during the trials of life. Moreover, during our counseling sessions, the husband and the wife are counseled separately at first because we need to talk about foundational things such as their upbringing. For example, if there was abuse in the childhood home, if their parents were separated or they were married and unhappy in a previous relationship, this could be the contributing factor of their view of marriage as individuals. In our research and practice, I also find that people have a misunderstanding of what cove-

Where no counsel is, the People fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety. nant marriage is all about. And this is where the two become one—which includes mind, body and soul. Many marriages are failing because people are going into marriage with their hurt, pain and disappointment, and are thinking that getting married is going to fix everything. The Covenant concept is a game-changer and couples need to determine they are better together, refusing to allow divorce to be an option. Wow, these are insightful things. Please share the story of how you and your husband met and how you came about starting this wonderful ministry. Dr. Serrano: This ministry has turned into our life’s work and devotion. It is a unique and exceptional ministry, unlike traditional ministries. It’s more so comprised of outreach. Most of what we do is outside “the four walls.” My husband and I have been married for over 30 years now; July 1st is our anniversary date. My husband is a Puerto Rican born in the USA. We met when I was a senior in high school in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I grew up in a household that was privy to domestic violence. It was very challenging living at home. I couldn’t talk about some of the things that were happening behind closed doors.

~ Proverbs 11:14

I was a little bit sad on the day that I met my husband, and I remember praying because I wasn’t the kind of girl that dated a lot of guys. All I wanted was a friend, so I just started talking to him at a pizza place at which I worked at the time. I share our story in a book compilation of which I am a co-author called Wives on Fire. In my chapter of the book called “No Pain, No Promise”, I talk about how I met my husband and some of the things that we went through. Before meeting him that day, I had gone into the bathroom of the pizza shop and had prayed and prayed to God for a husband, not just a boyfriend. I prayed for a man like my uncle Dalton, my auntie’s husband.

What a beautiful testament to the power of prayer! This testimony is key that God hears us, young or old. How do you continue to minister to and encourage young and older women in their life journeys? Dr. Serrano: When we lived in Delaware, I started doing sleepovers, and I cooked for children and ladies at my house. That was my way to bring girls together in the community to help them know each other, and for me to also do a little mentorship, encouraging them to support

one another. Mentorship is very important to me; one of the central points of my mission from a woman’s standpoint is to encourage, uplift and inspire women to believe in themselves and begin to L.I.V. (Live In Victory) again. They must know, no matter what they have gone through yesterday—the moment we wake up, a new day brings new opportunities to seize and make good use of the time we have.

Appreciating new opportunities is so key in marriage and in the pursuit of our individual and collective purposes. Tell me, how did you and your husband discover marriage ministry as your collective purpose? Dr. Serrano: One Sunday morning, my husband sat maybe three rows behind me. I sat at the front with my ministerial team. As we were driving home after service, my husband said: ‘Honey, I’ve got to tell you something.” He said that he started talking to God about himself and everything going on around him. He said he could not concentrate because his mind was with a couple that he knew was in trouble; my husband told God that he wanted to be with the couple, helping them and

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My advice is that couples should be transparent with each other.

not be where he was. When he said he didn’t want to be there right now, God told him, 911. My husband asked God what it meant, and God gave him the whole Covenant Rescue program. My husband shared with me that the program was going to help couples. He saw us building a 24-hour network of support systems, organizations and churches- all geared to be a resource for marriages in their time of need. Before he left that day, the vision of Covenant Rescue 911 was birthed out of a conversation with God and desire to help couples. We can tell you that that couple is still together and stronger in their relationship today.

What an amazing story! Dr. Serrano, do you have any closing advice for today’s couples that need a word of hope and encouragement? Dr. Serrano: My advice is that couples should be transparent with each other. That means that even through hardships, tribulations and trials in marriage (because a marriage does have bad and good times), you need to understand that

there is something greater that can help you get through that process, and that greater thing is Christ. It’s hard for people that don’t know Christ in a personal way to get through marriage.

Great words of wisdom. How can we follow you and learn more about your work? Dr. Serrano: My husband and I are coauthors of the best-selling book, The Marriage Corporation. The Marriage Corporation basically gives guidance on the establishment of how to have a coherent family structure. It highlights the organizational needs of covenant marriage. The objective of the book is predicated on the fact that a family unit requires administrative structure for it to function effectively, efficiently and properly the way God intended. Whether you are single, engaged, a veteran couple, a pastor, a minister, leader or a layperson, it doesn’t matter. This is the kind of book that will help you tremendously. It’s going to expound on some useful

values and qualifications needed for a healthy marriage. It will help you to build a very successful relationship. The book, The Marriage Corporation is basically intended to be a roadmap to help couples establish structure during their enduring times within the home. The Marriage CEOs Drs. Richard and Nephetina Serrano have earned a distinguished reputation both nationally and internationally as a power couple, being revered as an example of authentic true love in marriage by all who encounter them. To learn more about their ministry and work: Visit their website: covenantmarriagesinc.org The 24-hour hotline for couples and families in crisis is: (855)737-2911 x4855. Email: covenantmarriagesinc@gmail.com FACEBOOK: facebook.com/covenantmarriagesinc. HELPLINE: help@covenantrescue911.com Check out other books by Dr. Serrano: Ain’t No Plan B, When Doves Cr y- Stories that Heal, and Wives on Fire

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This is no ordinary article; it is a Story of a Minister. Entrepreneur. Author. Mentor. Humanitarian and a Story of God, His People,Their Faith and Their Finance


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hirley Ferguson is a woman of many parts. Being a person with a multiplicity of interests and divinely-endowed creative pursuits, she is what is intellectually referred to as a multipotentiality. She is a devoted minister of the Word of God, an accomplished realtor, a consummate entrepreneur, a respected motivator, a revered mentor, a sensitive humanitarian, and a serial philanthropist. Her story is a classic study in total commitment to the Will and guidance of God in a quest to fulfill her ordained destiny. Additionally, and to all intents and purposes, she seeks to impact positively on the lives of others through the dual instrumentality of preaching the Word of God and Christ-centered entrepreneurship. This is her remarkable story. Her Journey Apostle Shirley Ferguson is the Founding President of Living Waters Deliverance Ministries, Inc., whose goal is to expand the Kingdom of God by fulfilling His purpose for Man on earth; and by developing Living Waters Deliverance Ministries globally, in the process providing servers built to equip and strengthen Christians, Churches, and various ministries through the facilitation of conferences, support systems, workshops, and health programs.

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The aim is to ensure enablement for effective stewardship of God’s resources. Living Waters Deliverance Ministries Inc., in real terms, is a faith-based behemoth that serves as the umbrella organization under which she runs Women of Faith Ministries, Young Women of Purpose, Kid With A Purpose (KWAP), Ambassadors For Christ, Women of Wisdom, My Brother’s Keeper, Marvelous, and ACTS Pastoral Alliance, all of which operate out of the city of Fairfield, California. Her ecclesiastical journey, which has spanned all of thirty five years, began at Emmanuel Christian Center, in San Francisco, California, where she served under the supervision of Pastor R. Miller, and later Pastor C.M Haynie. Her work at Emmanuel Christian Center was nothing short of a celebration of total dedication to ministry as was evident in her commitment as a Sunday school teacher, choir director and devoted assistant to Pastor Haynie. She further deployed her boundless energy to enormously effective urban outreaches in an enthusiastic evangelical mission that has remained one of the outstanding hallmarks of her work in Christian ministry. If Apostle Ferguson’s devotion and commitment to the development of her own ministry has been total, then her support for other churches and ministries can only be accurately qualified as selfless and self-relinquishing. She has not only been keynote speaker at several churches, and at multiple women conferences, her fervent desire to fulfill and totally exploit her God-given potentials for edifying the body of Christ has seen her untiringly teaching people the keys to deliverance and righteous living. A preacher who unapologetically believes in the omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence of God in the affairs of Man, Apostle Ferguson, in her unflagging mission to guide people to a place of righteous change, deliverance, freedom and healing, never tires of boldly proclaiming the need for people to unshackle themselves from the tentacles placed on them by people, and get closer to God. Married to a loving and devoted husband of thirty six years, and mother to two wonderful children, Shirley Ferguson’s preparation for life in the service of God has been thorough and intensive, if not both exhaustive and all-inclusive. She graduated from pastoral training at World Harvest Bible College, and she is currently pursuing studies for a Master’s degree in Theology at Friends International Christian University. Her involvement, both in organizing and attending, seminars, workshops and conferences, is nothing short of formidable. She has held conferences that include ‘Unity Prayer,’ Radical Anointed Women (RAW), Motivation Momentum Women


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Empowerment Summit and Empowerment Business Expo. She is also an affiliate of Chitwood and Chitwood, the Tennessee-based organization that is specialized in providing value-driven, comprehensive financial service packages to Christian ministries. Widely known and acclaimed for her bottomless magnanimity and philanthropic works, which include aiding the poor and homeless, Apostle Ferguson is author of the Book, “No Longer Bound.” She has authored her second book, “Knowing Your Spiritual Authority.”

Her Ministry Her ministry is a place “where the Spirit of the Lord dwells.” That salient fact is incontrovertible, if only for the fact that Living Waters Deliverance Ministries Inc., is compassionately fulfilling the Great Commission of God on earth. At the ministry, Gods’ Word is taught by well-trained indigenous pastors, resulting in remarkable transformations in the lives of people. A potent platform on which the Divine mandate is deployed is that each member of the ministry is inspired to aim for a total submission to the Supreme Will of God. It therefore comes as little or no surprise that, in encouraging hitherto unreached people to repose total and unalloyed trust in Jesus Christ, the ministry is employing the most potent spiritual tools possible to fully equip them to become disciples, leaders, missionaries and pastors. In Apostle Shirley Ferguson’s own words, “We see nations being overturned by the love of Christ. Our aim is to continue being the church that will touch humanity through miracles, signs and wonders. We are proud to be part of a generation that is witnessing the planting of churches at the ends of the earth, and to the treasured glory of Christ. We are beginning to see things that are, so far, so wondrous that words of mouth are inadequate in explaining them. As the scripture in Habakkuk 1:5 says, “Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvelously: for I will work a work in your days which ye will not believe, though it be told you.”

The Entrepreneur Shirley Ferguson has been an active practitioner in the financial arena since 1988. In an exciting career as a Licensed Real Estate Agent that has spanned the last twenty years, she started out in the Title and Escrow Business sector, before migrating to the Mortgage Broker sector of the Realtor business. In truth, Shirley and her husband have been more focused on the business of Buying and Selling of Homes, an entrepreneurial odyssey that saw them starting out in San Francisco, from where they moved to Oakland, and then on to

Sacramento, all major towns in California. After a stint in Texas, they moved back to Fairfield in California. Shirley and her husband obviously repose a fondness for buying and remodeling houses, in all probability because of the tremendous thrill, satisfaction and fulfillment they derive from helping several individuals and families to establish themselves in safe, secure and comfortable environments. In achieving this objective, they have also assisted a lot of people who had hitherto felt sidetracked and marginalized in repositioning and reorganizing lives that were previously quite dysfunctional. The phenomenal success of their realtor business was merely a precursor to other fulfilling business ventures. They soon inaugurated a new business called SF Global Financial Services through which they assist people with the crucial elements of the sound financial education that can both help them re-order their financial life and put them back on viable financial footing. Relatedly, they have also established a company called Transitions 2 Life LLC which actively runs programs that helps society’s displaced to transition back to supportive environments in which they can have adequate and appropriate resources that will enable them to both exploit and create opportunities that will equip them to evolve into peak performing members of society, with the potential of contributing meaningfully to their world. Such resources include resume skills positioning, budgeting skills and sound financial methods. The company also locates homes for unwed mothers, so as to make the prospect of single parenthood less daunting for them.

Touching Lives In poignantly touching the lives of people in ways too numerous to mention, it is clear that Apostle Ferguson is eloquently proving herself to be one of an emerging brand of Ministers of the Living Word of God that are fervently committed to revolutionizing impartation in many more ways than one, all with the singular purpose of breathing new life into what authentic and impactful ministration is all about. A few personal testimonies of the tremendous impact she is making will suffice.

GOD’S GIFT TO ME – My Testimony, Tamela Gospel

“I had just lost my mother when I met Apostle Shirley Ferguson for the first time. I was feeling lost, alone, and depressed. I wanted nothing more than to give up on life. When I told her about my loss, she helped me by being there for me. She attended my mother’s funeral and offered me badly-needed spiritual advice. She truly embraced me with open arms, and took me in as one of her own, becoming my spiritual mother from then on. She not only took me in as one of her own, but also took in my kids, encouraging them, and helping me mold them into the beautiful young ladies that they are today. Apostle Ferguson is an exuberant and prudent woman with a beautiful smile that can brighten up any room. She is always ready to make everyone around her laugh and smile. She has a personal relationship with the members of the church, making it seem like a second home for them. Since I’ve known her, she has taught me how to be a strong woman in Christ, encouraging and pushing me to be great in every aspect of my life. She sends me random encouraging texts that tell me she loves me, and which seem to come right when I need to hear such words. Without Apostle Ferguson, I don’t know where I’d be in life today. When I felt lost and wanted to give up, she helped me to see that God has a plan for my life. She also runs classes that help with our everyday concerns, such as financial growth and marriage matters. She truly walks the path of a Christian and she is a gift from God to me! I’ve always referred to her as my angel, because, she is always there for me. Apostle Shirley is a beautiful and phenomenal woman who God has placed here to do great things for Him and his people. I am so glad I am a part of her life.” As Apostle Shirley Ferguson continues to impact positively on the lives of others, she also proves that life in ministry can be used to edify one’s entrepreneurial inclinations. She also validates the concept that financial empowerment is a natural accompaniment of kingdom dominion, and that economic power is supposed to be a natural birthright of the children of God Apostle Shirley H. Ferguson, Founding President, Living Waters Deliverance Ministries, Inc. Fairfield, California. You can contact her at 707-384-1362 x2, www.lwdm.org, apostleferguson@lwdm.org”

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Dr. Sandrie Serrano Bermudez

THE CALL TO LIVE INTENTIONALLY LASER FOCUSED A Global Unstoppable Woman – C.E.O, of The Hand Foundation NJ


recently had the privilege of attending an event in Vineland, NJ where a phenomenal woman Dr. Sandrie Serrano Bermudez, a blessed Entrepreneur | Mentor/Life Coach | Global Public Speaker | Wife of the former Mayor of New Jersey | Chancellor and Author is intentionally laser focused and hard at work. Gliding from room to room, with poise and grace, Dr. Bermudez reviews the program that she and her team have carefully ordered. The seminars and VIP luncheon are filled, and looking at the audience, one gets the sense that this event has been crafted with the people in mind. Conference attendees have clearly come out to support their favorite artists but they have also come with an expectancy and ready for a move of God. As she prepares to take the stage, I realize that I am in awe of her passion and cannot wait to hear what she is getting ready to say to the masses. Full of energy and enthusiasm, she delivers a message with power and humility. “Are you ready to See Beyond?” she asks the crowd. “I believe so much in all of you…I and my team have been in much prayer for ALL of you to receive what God has in store for you today!” It was such a blessing to have met her. So, let’s get started with HER STORY.


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Who is Dr. Sandrie Serrano Bermudez? I am glad you asked! First, let me say this. She is an inspirational woman with great wisdom & wit. A Resident of the beautiful city of Vineland, New Jersey, Dr. Sandrie Serrano Bermudez is the former First Lady and is married to former Mayor and entrepreneur; The Honorable Ruben Bermudez elected in 20122016. She has served for more than 40 years in the corporate & lecture circuit where her focus has been on leadership development, personal growth, and global operations management. She is also the overseer of the Hands Fellowships, CEO of the Hand Foundation, NJ and an Executive Director of the John Maxwell Team as an effective, inspirational and influential speaker. Whether in the public or private sector, her teaching style is engaging, well researched, pertinent to her audience, entertaining, distinguished, and distinct. Her style is “big, broad and animated.” She leaves her audiences hungry for more with an unforgettable experience. She teaches and equips individuals on


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a local and global stage via her rich life experiences and through a myriad of entrepreneurial platforms, which include but are not limited to: Sandrie Global Media, Sandrie Global Ministries, and Global Government Leadership Institute. With vast experience working in entertainment and media, Dr. Serrano Bermudez is working in partnership with Wave Network and protégé Michelle Bonilla as an executive producer for “iDesign” – an unscripted reality TV show merging the worlds of the high fashion runways and the heartlands of social injustices on a global scale.

Equipping Families Worldwide Since 1978 Dr. Bermudez has been serving God since 1978, equipping families, from the neighborhoods to the Nations. “I believe in creating an environment where everyone feels, accepted, challenged, supported, and affirmed…it is at the core of who I am and part of my kingdom work” says Bermudez. As I looked at her and listened to her, I remember thinking, “What

a powerhouse! What a leader!” –A true scholarly intellectual and motivational force called and sent to the Nations. In writing this article about her, certain words came to my mind as I attempted to describe Dr. Sandrie Serrano Bermudez: She is a passionate visionary, entrepreneur, mentor, life coach, destiny helper, and philanthropist. She is intentionally laser focused while on her mission to transform lives one family at a time. Helping others achieve their dreams and the greatness within themselves is at the heart of her core values.

Honors & Awards Ber mudez has received many honors including the following: T he Rosa Parks Award (2016), United to Ser ve America Diamond Award for effective leadership and outstanding ser vice in Washington, D.C. One of the 50 top influential Latina Businesswomen in the United States by “El Diario La Prensa” (A Spanish Newspaper in New York City). She has represented Youth Entertainment Studios (YES) at a Global Level and served on the

SoBe Collin Powell Youth Summit to name a few. One would expect that with her many accomplishments, she might be ready to slow down, right? It is exactly the opposite! Stay tuned for more from this dynamic woman of power, influence and faith. Dr. Serrano Bermudez is just starting to warm up! She has currently released her devotional book “The Power of One Moment”. In her own words: This book is a unique journal that serves as a creative an engaging way to experience the power of many words, moments and insights from my heart to yours. These are stories from my personal journey that I hope will inspire you to create your very own personal thoughts, ideas, and lists so that you too can set your sights high and SEE Beyond.

So Where Does She Go From Here? For anyone who knows Dr. Serrano Bermudez, she is ready to FLY Beyond, staying intentionally laser focused and careful to promote a global vision with a local view. One more phrase that sums

up her passion and captures her heart, Dr. Serrano Bermudez is often quoted saying “Though we are many we are one” which speaks to her relentless commitment to building families, churches, and communities always at home and abroad. When asked about some of the most memorable events that she has hosted, Dr. Bermudez says: “I am proud of our Tasha Cobbs Concert where we hosted well over 1000 people and recently hosting RealTalkKim – from Atlanta, GA. – has also been a successful and incredible experience. In the midst of the COVID-19 crisis looming overhead, we had a great turnout! These events

were created in partnership with Jarivette Andujar Swope, and Dr. Lauretta Pierce (a.k.a. the Cookie Lady). We also featured speakers such as Prophetess Sister Perri Reid, (formerly known as Pebbles), Pastor. Jr Serrano, Dr. Lei Lewis (yours truly) with Women Of Wealth Magazine, and recording artists Raul Sanchez and Michelle Bonilla. Look for more upcoming SEE BEYOND – The Gathering events in the near future! For more information on where to connect with Dr. Sandrie Serrano Bermudez please visit: handfoundationnj.com or e-mail: Handfoundationnj@gmail.com

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Washington speaking at The Yellow Dress Foundation

Washington & precious Granddaughters, Cam & Rea.


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Washington’s Driven To Succeed book has been translated into Spanish.





Dr. Hattie N. Washington (AUNT HATTIE)




he made history as the first female vice president of the Coppin State University in its one-hundred-year history. It was during this time that she also worked as the Executive Director of their Development Foundation. Her goal, while in this position, was to implement a capital campaign to raise $3 million within five years. When her campaign ended, she had raised over $8 million dollars within five years. I am referring to Dr. Hattie N. Washington. We were delighted to finally get the interview from this Renown Educator, Motivational Speaker, Award-Winning Author of several books, and Founder of Aunt Hattie’s Place, Inc. As I talked with her it soon became obvious to me that she had a heart for disadvantaged, homeless, and special needs youth, especially young boys of color. She was affectionately called “Aunt Hattie” by them. Washington tells the story how she came to be known as Aunt Hattie.

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Dr. Washington shares her fundraising success strategies for her university and her non-profit, Aunt Hattie’s Place. “I have a passion for disenfranchised youth; therefore, I took them into my own home for a time. It was doing that time I realized they needed a permanent home of their own. Thus, without thinking twice, I decided to use my retirement money to support the opening of a boys’ home. I called it Aunt Hattie’s Place (AHP) because that name invoked a welcoming and homey kinship feel to the boys home. Aunt Hattie’s Place, Inc was a 501(c) (3) non-profit residential facility in Baltimore to service males from the foster care system who had special educational needs. God was with me, and I was able to bring in dedicated and loving staff, volunteers, and a team of professional practitioners to work with me. We worked tirelessly to provide care, treatments and nurturing for young boys and men ages 8 to 21 years old who had been abandoned, neglected, and abused. After obtaining our 501©3 non-profit certification, we were later able to accept donations, apply for grants, bond bills and other revenue to establish even more group homes in Sandy Spring and Randallstown.” I firmly believe that every child is intelligent, full of hope, talented and loveable, but just needs love, structure, and guidance. We were able to provide those. We did require them to have high expectation, self-discipline, and self-dignity to actualize their potential.” I said to Washington, very few would do what you did, what drove you to make such a bold


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move, especially with young boys who grew to become young men under your guidance. According to Washington. it was because she truly believes investing in foster children is worth the effort, encouragement, and time. She continued with conviction, “I believe that it takes a village to raise a child. Aunt Hattie’s Place is a home where foster boys who have been neglected and abused can find a safe haven. My responsibilities as a foster parent began when I found kids on the corner in the middle of the day. I stopped my car to see why they were out of school because they were in my school district as Baltimore City Schools’ Assistant Superintendent. I found out that they did not have an address.” Washington said they told her they were foster kids and were confused about the school they were supposed to be attending. As a result, she put them in her car and drove back to her office. “My secretary called social services and explained the situation. While they were looking into the matter, I took them home with me; supposedly just for a night. One night turned into a week, and one week turned to a month. After several months had passed, I decided that I would keep them because they were no bother

Washington and daughter, Cheryl, at WOW Award Banquet

Wayne & Daughter, Cheryl, take Washington out for Mother’s Day Brunch at all.” In 1997, this is where we found ourselves, my boys and me. At the (now group home) the young men called all the volunteers, board members, and staff, ‘uncles and aunts’. Aunt Hattie firmly believed that all her boys needed was support and a “helping hand”; not a “handout”. Aunt Hattie’s Place began because a group of young boys needed someone to care. She saw it as a call to action and her life’s lessons learned through faith, family and favor caused her to step up to the plate and hit a home run. That, she did. WASHINGTON THE EDUCATOR She holds a certificate of Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education from Norfolk State University with a minor in Special Education. She engaged herself in further post-graduate studies in Multiculturalism and Special Education Administration (on a Rotary International Scholarship), at Glasgow University, Scotland, UK. Washington has attended several institutions of higher learning such as: Harvard University in Boston, Oxford University in London, England, Ball State University (an Athens, Greece Overseas Program), and received her Doctorate from the University of Maryland Col-

Washington’s family: two daughters, two granddaughters and son-in-law at her retirement celebration at Coppin State University. lege Park in Curriculum and Instruction. She worked as a professor of Education for over twenty-years at Coppin State University (CSU), Baltimore, Maryland. She also served as the assistant superintendent of Baltimore City Schools, and an evaluator and program specialist for the Maryland State Department of Education. WASHINGTON THE AUTHOR Dr. Hattie Washington is a motivational speaker who has authored of two books DRIVEN TO SUCCEED: An Inspirational Memoir of Lessons Learned through Faith, Family & Favor and AUNT HATTIE’S COOKBOOK: Southern Comfort Food Favorites. In her Driven to Succeed:… book, she wrote about relationships, family, and the complexities of growing up during the segregation and desegregation era where the student strike at Robert Russa Moton High School, in Farmville, Virginia in 1951, was significant to the historic Brown vs. Board of Education landmark case. Her strong belief and high self-expectation shone through despite her early humble background being educated in a two-room elementary schoolhouse that was in Prince Edward County, VA. Her school closed in 1959 due to Virginia’s massive resistance to the Brown vs. Board of

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Throughout her over 50-year career as a teacher, administrator, professor, entrepreneur, and consultant, Dr. Hattie N. Washington never forgot her humble beginnings as a country girl, who to this day, loves to cook. Coming from a long line of great cooks, she learned how to cook by watching her stepmother, aunts, and cousins, who taught her well. Whether you are an experienced cook yourself or a novice, don’t worry. She walks you through how to cook such succulent dishes as her fried apples, homemade hot buttermilk biscuits dripping with freshly churned sweet cream butter, crackling sour cream cornbread, golden brown fried chicken, scrumptious blackberry and other fruit cobblers, mouth- watering rice and bread puddings, and, of course, her stepmother’s “Ole-Fashioned Traditional Christmas Fruit Cake”. She also shares a few special anecdotes about some of the dishes that bring back pleasant nostalgic memories of her bygone days that went in greater detail in her memoir (which you must get to add to this collection). A plus is her Resource Directory in the back of this book that has valuable information, articles, websites and other pertinent food-related “Stuff: This & That”. So, sit back and prepare for your mouth to water and get to cooking her southern comfort food dishes and beyond! Enjoy!

Education desegregation/civil rights case. In her book, she also talked about how an ongoing series of her setbacks brought on many stumbling blocks, yet she was able to break the barriers trying to stop her. The proceeds from two other books and the recent one released in 2020 (in Spanish) help to benefit her scholarship fund at Coppin State University to foster youths who endeavor to further their education. Her book, AUNT HATTIE’S COOKBOOK: Southern Comfort Food Favorites, a companion book to the DRIVEN TO SUCCEED:… book is loved by novice and expert cooks. The book will guide you through many special dishes, such as her homemade hot buttermilk biscuits dripping with her melted honey butter sauce, fried apples, golden-brown fried chicken, and her scrumptious desserts, such as sweet potato pie, her signature bread pudding, blackberry cobbler, apple pie, peach cobbler, and her stepmother’s old-fashioned traditional Christmas fruitcake.


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WASHINGTON’S RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS Dr. Hattie N. Washington has received numerous rec-ognitions, plaques, citations, and awards, for her work in fostering community and children organizations through Coppin State University, Aunt Hattie’s Place, and other community service organizations: National Council for Negro Women (NCNW), Black Women for Positive Change (BW4PC), Sisters 4 Sisters Network (S4SN), just to name a few. Some of the awards she received include: the 2018 Maryland Women’s Commission Hall of Fame Award, nominated by Dr. Valencia Campbell, President of Prince George’s Country Drug Policy Coalition, Inc. In addition to the above, she received the Sisters4Sisters Network 15th anniversary Jewel Diamond Taylor Inspirational Life Changer Award, the 2013 Outstanding Service to Youth award by the Montgomery County Commission

Aunt Hattie’s Theme: We are ‘CREATING’ Leaders; Not Just ‘PICKING’ Leaders.

My mission, my passion and my ministry—working with underserved, but deserving youth.

Aunt Hattie Place, Baltimore, MD on Youth and Families, the Outstanding 2017 Graduate Faculty Award from Coppin State University and the Top 100 Minority Business Entrepreneurial of the Year (2009 and 2012), and others.

somehow this was why she had such a heart for disadvantaged children. Her parenting and teaching skills were also demonstrated in rearing her two accomplished biological daughters (a physician and an attorney).


Some people in this life get to choose their destiny, and for others…it’s already chosen for them. But, she believes one can change their negative path, as she did, through faith, family and favor; just Dream Big, Think Positive and Work Hard. Contact Aunt Hattie at: drhnwashington.com for workshops, speeches, and book signings.

The most tremendous thing I noticed about Dr. Washington was her outlook on life. She revealed to me that it wasn’t until her later years that she found out the sobering truth from the only mother she knew. She was not her biological child. She was her stepmother but made no difference in her love for he step-children (four of us) than her own biological children (six of them). Hattie had to wonder if

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Dr. Ogay Irono


he above words seem inadequate to describe a philanthropist like OGAY IRONO. She operates within these power words, whether it is to tackle women issues, economic empowerment, education, global health, food security, water, sanitation, hygiene, agriculture or solar power training. I found her and her husband Emanuel Irono so passionate about making a global impact in this world. I wanted to learn about the global footprint that she intends to leave in this world. We met at one of her charity events at their beautiful home. I was fascinated by this beautiful, Nigerian philanthropist. I wanted to know more about her so that I could send her through to our WOW Readers. She was gracious enough to grant WOW an interview and did not disappoint. I started with the basis. Mrs. Irono, how would you describe yourself? Boldly, she focuses on who she is. I am a non-profit leader, educator, counselor, mentor, philanthropist, business strategist and champion for women, youth and families. As a Nigerian-born woman, I leveraged the discipline and knowledge gleaned from my undergraduate studies in molecular biology and Master’s degrees in Public Administration and International Community Development to address the needs of for high poverty communities here in the US and abroad.

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As the President of TIS Foundation and ACBF, I have devoted 25 years to service. As a leading expert in entrepreneurship and business development, I have been able to positively touch the lives of many women and children in Africa through our flagship, African Community Bridge Foundation. Now my mission is to replicate what we have accomplished in the U.S. through TIS Foundation by focusing on the fight against inequality and poverty. Tell us about your family. I am married to Emmanuel O. Irono, President and CEO of MOTIR Services, Inc., who had the vision to create MOTIR, which stands for Memory of Theresa Irono Romanus and a foundation to serve. My husband is also a global social entrepreneur who generously supports my philanthropic work in the U.S. and Africa. Each year, his company that provides construction, facilities management, environmental services, moving and logistics, information technology, medical staffing, and consulting support, donates up to 20% of net profits to the non-profit organizations. Emmanuel and I have been growing our business and serving others together for


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decades, and our marriage has birthed a beautiful family. I am a mother of three children, Chidera, Zikora and Obinna. And I’m proud to say that my oldest son is now in his first year at Morehouse College.

began 400 years ago. We believe that we can begin to have an impact in this area by focusing on research, international convenings, leadership development, education, training and business investment from the private sector.

What is the mission of the TIS Foundation?

Do you mentor young women in Nigeria?

TIS Foundation’s mission is to revitalize high-poverty communities through the delivery of essential support services, innovative educational and workforce development programs, and creative entrepreneurship opportunities to highneed families.

Yes, it is one of my passions. As a Nigerian woman, I know the capabilities and the strength of Nigerian girls and women. The Conversation US noted in 2019 that forty-percent (40%) of Nigerian women are entrepreneurs contributing to the data point that women in sub-Saharan Africa have the highest entrepreneurship rate in the world. I do everything I can to encourage them to live up to their potential regardless of their circumstances.

What type of work do you do in Nigeria? I am President of TIS Foundation based here in the United States, and President of African Community Bridge Foundation (ACBF) based in Nigeria. I oversee the work of ACBF and lead a team of committed individuals who are working hard to help Nigerians overcome extreme poverty. We are now trying to work with the Nigerian and U.S. governments to strengthen economic relations and build bridges across the divide between Africans and African Americans that

Your Charity work, how much of a priority is it for you. My husband and I started our charity and philanthropic works in Washington, DC and Prince George’s County, Maryland area in 1994. Most of the work that we do is done through the two non-profit organizations, TIS and ACBF. ACBF has made a significant impact on the lives of people in some of the most underserved rural regions of

sub-Saharan Africa. Using our existing infrastructure, we are scaling up to fill more unmet needs. I know you are an Influencer, so, How do you impact the lives of women? In addition to addressing the basis needs of women like food, health and education, we are helping them to develop into entrepreneurs. We are very proud of the fact that through training, startup grants and mentoring, we have been able to give women, like those affected by Boko Haram who have virtually nothing, a new start in life. We believe that they are the foundation to the future of the family and that’s why we are committed to investing in them. We are deeply grateful to our partners at the Central Bank of Nigeria and the Bank of Industry for their generous investment in our work. Equally, our work with faith-based food pantries makes all the difference in feeding families that number more than 400 people a day and 5000 families per month. Mrs. Irono, Do you consider yourself to be an Influencer? I have learned to embrace the reality that

I am an influencer. I’d rather think of myself as someone who is simply trying to lead others, especially my children and other young people, by example. I now understand that the number of people watching what we do and the ability to make one phone call or send one email or text can help those in need, provide access to vital resources and open doors that otherwise may have been closed. As a family, we remain committed to giving back as much as we can, not just with money, but with our time because we have been blessed with so much. That is a principle that we are trying to instill in our children. There is so much need and suffering around the globe and I’m just trying to do my part to make a difference. Let’s talk about Partnerships with the TIS Foundation, do you have any? “This has been an exciting period in the life of TIS Foundation,” She goes on to say, last year, we celebrated 25 years of working with populations in socio-economic distress. After many years of hard work, we have begun to attract the support of major funders like Capital One, Fannie Mae, SunTrust, DC Lottery, DC Department of Health

and the Jane Bancroft Robinson Foundation. We have also become a grant funder establishing partnerships and providing support with several grassroots organizations that directly benefits our target communities. And, as if that is not exciting enough, we have established a partnership with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to provide one million dollars in scholarships to students over the next ten years. We began this commitment with five schools that are near and dear to our heart – Howard University, Morgan State University, University of the District of Columbia, Bowie State University, and Elizabeth City State University. When asked when and where did it all begin? Irono replied: My visions and dreams for an inclusive global world are tied up with the goals and objectives of TIS Foundation and African Community Bridge Foundation to end global poverty and inequalities. In the quest for the fulfillment of our dreams we established TIS Foundation whose original focus was primarily on providing humanitarian support in Nigeria. We later established ACBF in

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Each one of us has the power to transform and improve the lives of others. I would just encourage others to give back and partner with us in transforming as many lives as possible.”

2002, to serve as our on-the-ground partner. ACBF started small and has grown continuously since our inception over 20 years ago. I conceived ACBF based on Dr. King’s global vision of a place where all people can equally share in the abundant resources of our world. In ACBF the tolerance for poverty, hunger, and homelessness are replaced with human dignity, mutual respect, and love for one’s neighbor. While we want to see tribalism and all forms of discrimination, bigotry, and prejudice, replaced with a spirit of fellowship, equality and love, we know that economic empowerment, education and training are the keys to unlock doors and transform hearts and minds. Tell us about challenges you experienced along the way and how you overcame them. One of the most challenging experiences I’ve encountered thus far in my life was when we experienced a devastating fire at TIS Foundation’s Headquarters in Washington, DC,


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a place we share with my husband’s business, MOTIR. The fired wiped out everything and we had to start over. The hardest part was finding the emotional strength to fight our way back from the loss that effected our entire team. Thankfully, no one was physically harmed and today our international headquarters stands as a beacon of hope on East Capitol Street blocks from Capitol Hill. We know that you are all in with your Two non-profits so, please tell us what is in this for you? With transparency, Irono answered; For me, it’s about seeing the transformation that even the smallest effort can make in someone else’s life. Transforming the life of one individual can transform a family, transforming a family can transform a community and brick-bybrick, community-by-community we can transform a state, a country and make a global impact in the world. By serving this greater mission to eliminate economic and social inequality across

the globe, we can each do our part to change the world. What an awesome mission, so tell us, how can we the people help? We need resources in terms of funding, human capital including volunteers, supplies, infrastructure and so many things to bridge this incredible gap in underserved populations that seems to be growing every day. As has been rightly noted by many, the world has never been this rich and yet we see such an incredible number who are very poor. We must all join hands to do something about it. When we asked Ogay Irono to tell us about the work she did for the former Governor of Imo State, Emeka Ihedioha, she spoke with deep passion as she went on to explain the controversy centered around the Nigerian election:

She explains, You know there is a saying that, ‘something new always comes out of Africa.’ This view is usually presented from the derogatory point. But in the administration of the Governor of Imo State, Emeka Ihedioha, something new and very positive came out of the political leadership in Africa. However, it has been temporarily cut short by a shocking judgement by the Supreme Court in Nigeria, when it unexpectedly cancelled the election of Governor Ihedioha and went ahead to anoint the candidate who came a distant 4th as the governor. The good news: however, is that the same Supreme Court has agreed to review its decision and there is hope to continue the new ideas that are planned for Nigeria. One of the most significant “new things” was Governor Ihedioha recognizing the value of the African Diaspora community in the U.S. especially Imo citizens who have excelled in all aspects of lives endeavors.

The Ihedioha Administration empowered the kind of creativity that is essential to moving Imo State and Nigeria forward on the global stage. During the short time that I served as a Senior Special Advisor to the Governor of Imo State on Youth Empowerment and Development, over 4000 were provided entrepreneurship training that included the development of their agricultural skills and being given startup kits for jumpstart their agricultural endeavors. I was able to get Bill No. 37 passed by the Imo State House of Assembly. This very important bill, called for the establishment of an agency charged with training, fundraising and disbursing funds for trained startups and youth businesses under the Imo State Youth Employment and Empowerment Act. This bill also called for the creation of a search engine for job search and placement for youth and industry. We were also successful in arranging Governor Ihedioha’s meetings with a cross section of key leaders and

professionals in the African Diaspora in Washington DC. We also coordinated bilateral discussions between his government and major U.S. government agencies and international organizations. These efforts began a powerful journey that we hope to continue for the good of Imo State, Nigeria and the world. Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers, I asked? In her own words, Irono closed the interview with “Each one of us has the power to transform and improve the lives of others. I would just encourage others to give back and partner with us in transforming as many lives as possible.” You can learn more about what they are doing and make a donation to the TIS Foundation at www. tisfoundation.org and ACBF at africancbf.org/.

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Michelle Reese-Wiseman

BOLD, INTELLIGENT AND FEARLESS written by Shivonne Stellar


e were challenged to write such an article as the one below but knew there was such a need for this type of knowledge to be shared. Michelle Wiseman came well recommended to us. We did indeed find her to be very engaging, beautiful and so knowledgeable about her industry. Wiseman is the owner and principal mortician of Wiseman Funeral Home & Chapel located in Clinton Maryland and the recently established Wiseman Funeral in Camp Springs, Maryland. We knew this article would be very timely and comforting given the space the world finds itself in. Power exuded from Wiseman as she walked towards me to participate in a pre-interview conversation. I was extremely impressed and fascinated with this woman as I intently listened to her as she boldly discussed her industry. I gleaned from the conversation that mentoring, educating and caring for her community was a passion of hers. I concluded the conversation with understanding that Michelle Wiseman is a woman that easily walks with power, purpose and influence. My subsequent interview with Wiseman proved my point.


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I asked, what in the world is a beautiful young lady like you doing in this business? How did this happen? Wiseman: I think the thought of women morticians have always given people pause for thought. This profession has historically been a male dominated industry. Women started to really dominated in the 21 century. We are here to stay.

Is this a family business? Wiseman: Yes, I am the first person in my family to graduate from mortuary college and open a funeral home. I graduated from The University of the District of Columbia in 2007. I opened the business in 2008. My parents and sisters are all very instrumental in helping to run the day to day operations. My mother is head administrator, my father is the hearse & limousine driver. My sisters Monique is HR, Marline


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is the chapel clergy and Monica sometimes helps out with catering. I have been fortunate enough to employ other great staff members however it is largely family business.

We as a people tend to look at what you do from one aspect. But in my conversation with you, I learned there is more to it than just helping someone to rest in peace, so let us talk about the living. We talked about some things you have had to deal with such as human trafficking. We talked about how prevalent the theft of organs is. This part of the conversation led me to how you empower people in your community. Wiseman: The death care industry is very unique & requires a specific skill set. Morticians are

certainly empathetic & sympathetic to families who have experienced loss. However, the general public isn’t aware of one of the largest responsibilities morticians have. We are responsible for containing potential public safty hazards. Human remains are dangerous. They are often riddled with disease, airboure and blood-bourne pathogens. We must protect the public. Funeral homes are federally regulated by OHSA and must meet their stadards in order to legally operate. Additionally, every state has it’s own governing body. One of the concerns I have right now as the owner of a funeral establishment is the increase in black market tissue & organ harvesting. As morticians we must be vilgilant inspectors of human remains that enter our facilities. Black market organ harvesting is especially dangerous because of it’s potentail to spread disease.

So, people will buy

someone’s organ and they do not know the health risks involved in buying that . Wiseman: I speak often with community associations, churches and social groups. I always encourage them to preplan, to get warm and fuzzy with their mortician. If someone passes in middle of the night, you don’t know who’s coming to get your loved one if you haven’t maintained a relationship with your local mortician. So upon leaving your home or leaving your loved one’s home on the way to the morgue, they have what is called chop houses. Before they get to where they’re going, they’ll stop off and take a heart or a liver or some blood or some tissue or some bone, anything they can do to salvage, to save a life. This is an extremely dangerous crime.

And you said there is a lot of missing black women?

Wiseman: Yes. The Washington Metropalitian area is begininng to show signs of this epidemic. Black people are missing. Some have fallen victim to sex trafficking while others have met the ill fate of black-market organ & tissue harvesting. Human organs are big ticket item on the black market.

Do you motivate and mentor women, young girls in other areas than the one that you work in? Wiseman: Absolutely. I love being a mentor; giving away the professional gift that was given to me. Watching a young apprentice grow into a confident mortician and fly on its own is extremely rewarding to me.

not do that. So how do you get the community to be more responsive to the pre-planning? Wiseman: I think it is most effective when you come in from an educational point. You must educate the community and let them know that if you leave this earth and the business is undone, the government will seize the property. So it’s a matter of educating. You have to promote their curiosity to the point where they feel motivated to act because they’re empowered with knowledge. Secondly you pretty much ask them to leave a love letter for their family. Pre-Planning, it is just basically a love letter letting your family know where to find their business once they are gone, how they like to be remembered, how they would like to be celebrated their likes and their dislikes.

Wonderful. Now obviously our community needs much education about what we talked about previously, pre-planning Moving on to the next because we absolutely do subject. I asked her,

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Serving you professionally with utmost respect.

what do you think of the political climate? Wiseman: Politically there is good & bad in every party. I don’t swing to far left or right either way. However, I have noticed no matter who’s in office the plight of the black race remains largely the same. I believe if we opened our own business, support our own, kept funds in our own community we might be better off.

My sentiments entirely. Any final thoughts? Wiseman: I would like to

encourage our youth along a path that leads to financial 52

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independence, wealth and entrepreneurship. The business of mortuary science possess all three of the aforementioned qualities. It is a solid business with deep historical roots. If managed correctly will certainly lead to generational wealth. It is grown through the dispensing of great service and is extremly rewarding. There is no greater calling!

If someone wants to reach out to you where would they contact, you?

Awesome. Do you consider yourself a philanthropist?

That concludes my interview but thought I would add a little more about the woman of power and influence.

Wiseman: Absolutely. In every way and any time, I can.

Wiseman: Via email, michelle@ wisemanfuneralhome.net. Or they can reach me on our office line at (301) 899-2005.

Wonderful. Thank you so much Michelle Wiseman for this interview. I appreciate you.

“She is the co-author of the Amazon bestselling book, Permission to Win. It is compiled of some of the most powerful advice, offered to those young women who will come after us. This copulation is from strong and successfully women who are winners in their fields. The word tool given to young women is a kind of a “heads-up”, in the business world and life in general. It encourages them to be tenacious. And it promotes health not only the body, but also in the

mind, and the spirited. Wiseman holds a Degree of Applied Science, in the field of Mortuary Science, from the University of the District of Columbia and is an avid speaker. Mrs. Wiseman also sits on the Advisory Board of Academics for the University of The District of Columbia and has also been certified as a Pre-Need Funeral Counselor by the National Funeral Directors Association. She is a member the National Funeral Directors and Morticians

Association. She is an accomplished licensed Master Barber who uses this skill to donate her time grooming men, who are homeless or in nursing and senior care facilities.” A true philanthropist. Michelle Wiseman has been married to Lt. Colonel Dewey R. Wiseman Sr, for 20 years & they reside in the beautiful town of Bowie, located in Prince Georges County, Maryland.

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Josette Simpson



hen Women Of Wealth Magazine was introduced to Josette Simpson, we were so impressed with this beautiful woman. Immediately, we knew we had to introduce her to our readers. Her story was so inspiring. Enjoy. Josette, your coping mechanisms amaze me, look at you standing there as if nothing challenging has ever happened to you, that your life was perfect. I would be fooled except I know your story. Will you please let my readers in on your little secret about how to stay strong even in the midst of the storm. What coping mechanisms did you use to come through your storm(s)? I come from an impoverished background and neither of my parents had more than a high school education. My father also suffered from substance abuse, so my home life was often times difficult. Because of the financial instability in my home, I was frequently shuffled between my parents’ and grandparents’ homes.


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Honestly, I was pretty unhappy most of my childhood and I yearned for a better life. Once I graduated high school and left home, I was determined to create a better life for myself. I focused on completing my education and eventually earned a Master’s Degree in Nursing. Professionally, I have financial stability and independence. In my personal life, I make sure that I have as little drama as possible. Of course, I have faced challenges in my life, and at those times, I have turned to my faith in God to see me through. It is my faith that enables me to withstand and surmount the challenges that I face. In addition to my faith, I rely on my husband’s abiding love and support. He has taught me to love, to forgive, to be patient, and to be generous. I thank God every day for his friendship and guidance.

Is the discussion about your first marriage acceptable? Absolutely! I met my first husband when I was seventeen years old. Initially, we were very close friends. Later in our friendship, he


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expressed a desire to have a romantic relationship with me. I naively moved forward with a romantic relationship believing that the friendship would be fundamental to the success of a romantic relationship. Unfortunately, I was incorrect! We were great as friends, but romantically, we had too many incompatibilities. My divorce seemed inevitable, but actually getting a divorce left me feeling a little defeated. Rather than beating myself, I tried to learn from the experience. Being in my first marriage helped me to get know myself as a woman and to more clearly understand what I was looking for in a husband. I felt so bad about getting divorced, but on the bright side, I got the most wonderful son from that relationship.

really learned a lot about myself and what to look for in a husband. When I met my current husband, we hit it off immediately. We were married within three years! He has owned a technology firm for twenty-seven years now. So, when he told me that he wanted to open a restaurant, I was a little shocked. Neither of us had any culinary experience, so we had to do a lot of research before opening in February 2015. SoBe is a very a beautiful restaurant that is one of kind in our county. We have served our community and have met so many wonderful people at the same time.

Well, you have picked yourself up very quickly, haven’t you? Tell us, how did you do it?

Yes! We are very blessed to have community support. We talk to our customers all of the time, and they tell us how proud they are to have a beautiful, black owed establishment in their neighborhood. SoBe

Well, as I said, after my divorce, I

Does your community support you? If, yes. How?

SoBe has the ambiance and quality of a Washington D.C. restaurant, but you don’t have to leave home and deal with all of the traffic and parking issues. We have regular customers who thank us for building SoBe. They are happy to have some place nice close to home and a place to bring out of town family and friends. The local government is also very supportive. They host government sponsored events at SoBe frequently.

Josette, how do you define wealth? I define wealth as having love, peace, education, and happiness. If you are blessed to attain these things, then the money will follow and you’ll know how to manage it responsibly. I have the benefit of having both perspectives. I have been poor and I am where I am now. Money only makes you more of what you already are as a person.

That is a great line of thought. Now tell me, does any part of your belief system include helping other women?

Of course it does. A lot of people know me through the restaurant, but I am a nurse anesthetist, and I work in an operating room giving anesthesia for patients having surgery. I’ve been a nurse since 2001 and that’s probably my biggest avenue for women’s empowerment. I work with women all of the time for health maintenance issues. I talk to women about women’s health issues, such as breast cancer and cervical cancer and preventative health maintenance. I am particularly focused on this area because the black community is truly underserved. There are fewer resources in this area and the patients lack education. Some patients have inherent fears about health care, and I really try to educate the patients and dispel as many fears as possible. I have met several men who were afraid to get a prostate exam and women who were afraid to get a mammogram. I spend a lot of time educating those people and encouraging them to get their exams. My biggest focus in helping women is on my two daughters. I met my step daughter when she was seventeen years old. I have spent a lot

of time with her making sure that she pursued her education. Now that she has finished college, we talk about so many issues. I want to make sure that she is successful professionally and happy and healthy personally. I also have a five year old daughter. I’m making sure feel that she feels good about herself and that I instill that value of education. I want to serve as a role model to both of them. I think it is very important for them to see a strong, educated black woman.

Josette what is your next Chapter, you are succeeding at so many wonderful things, nurse, businesswoman empowering other women, restaurant owner, mother, wife and community leader. Thank you so much for asking! My husband and I are actually about to open a hair salon. Once the salon opens, I want to start a blog. I want to cover issues, such as health, wellness, and beauty. I want a platform where people feel comfortable to talk about very personal issues. For instance, I would film myself getting a mammogram and talk about

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the importance of the exam. Hopefully, seeing the actual exam would help women feel less fearful about getting mammograms. Mammograms are uncomfortable, but the benefits of having a mammogram far outweigh any discomfort you might experience.

Great, now let’s discuss the three qualities that we believe a woman should possess. Be Fearless in her pursuit of her happiness, stay relevant in her pursuit and be intentional at all times in her pursuit. I have talked about these things 58

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myself. I would love to hear your thoughts on the topic? Health and beauty are at the top of that list for me. I’ve always tried to live a healthy life. I have a healthy diet and I exercise regularly. The secondary benefit to regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle is beauty. As I’ve gotten older, I’m still in great shape and I still have the confidence of looking great. In terms of staying relevant, my children keep me relevant! They keep me apprised of current trends, including the use of social media. Frankly, I cannot understand the concept of posting your private

business on the world wide web! But my children have explained the benefits of social media from a business perspective, and so I have professional social media pages. As far as being intentional, my husband and I are living our best lives and we are not apologizing for it! We have been kind to so many people and we work so hard. I think we have earned the right to live our best lives. We are truly happy and it’s not by accident! We keep it that way. If any of your readers desire to reach out to me, please do so at info@soberestaurantandlounge. com or look for the blog for McKenna Jordan Salon Bar.

Because of the financial instability in my home, I was frequently shuffled between my parents’ and grandparents’ homes.

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Media Kit 2020 60

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Leveraging Power, Influence and Assets.

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Our Magazine from then to NOW! Women of Wealth Magazine is a full color, full size, highly sought-after publication. It is a resource driven, innovative media communication device dedicated to empowering women through motivation, financial education and mentoring. Our mentoring component is powered by Affluent Women, Corporations and Executive Women Leaders of today. Our editorial content is encouraging and very informative. It offers extraordinary solutions to ordinary people. WOW Magazine thrives because of our strategic partnerships, proprietary technology, smart marketing and advertisers that are looking to form long-term relationships that will develop into strategic partnerships. We will continue to be an influential driving force in women-catered media and entertainment. Our vision and

For more information or to advertise with us please contact Shivonne Lewis E: wowmagz@gmail.com | 786-510-3571

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