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Soul Contract Change

Soul Contract Change
For many of you, during the period of April - August, it has been an intense time of challenges, lessons and some steep learning curves, especially those of you who are travelling at high speed. As we are letting go of the old identity and still feeling a bit wobbly about the new version of ourselves, there is a strong theme emerging for many of you, it is the Changing Guard of the Soul Contract.
Before we incarnate, our souls tend to map out the relationships, family ties and other scenarios based on the lessons we wish to learn in human form. This is called a Sacred Contract or Soul Contract.
Once the contract is complete and the healing or learning is done, you are called to move on from a person, a position or a place in order to shift into your new identity.
This can be quiet uncomfortable for many of us, because it signifies ‘ending’, ‘dissolving’, ‘closure of one chapter in your life’, it can also means ‘saying goodbye to certain people’. For some of you, it can manifest outwardly in your physical body as dizziness, old pains in your body reoccurring with vengeance and burst of strong emotions. This is because our human body is going through a ‘shock wave’.
We are finishing the Shedding phase (metal season) and entering the “Adjust, Adapt and Reset’ phase during October - December. You are stabilising with this new stream of energy and allowing it to find ground.
Whatever the emotions or physical pains you are going through, the good news is, the fire of those pains and uncomfortableness will only burn for a short while before it become integrated with the new life force energy if you are open to changes. Be patient and tread gently.
It is only when you resist this inescapable change at the fundamental level, you become sick or stuck energetically.
• What part of yourself that is so precious that you will fully lose it if you move forward?
• What relationship in your life, past or present, you are afraid to change for fear of who you might become if you step forward? Is this fear rational?
• Am I feeling through things or Am I thinking through things?
October can be explosive times for enormous identity shift and your usual awareness of feeling can be very different. During this time, we are called to shift out our old patterns, life long habits so we can rise into the new energy. Below practices can support you during this contracted state:
• Release judgement. It is natural to hold onto what you know with your dear life. Instead, pay attention to where the energy wants to flow and move with it with love , at the same time heighten your awareness in those areas that feels restricted.
• Know that you do not need to get rid of everything in your life in order to change. You simply allow those areas that need to be adapted transform and trust the process.
• Be willing to surrender yourself to the higher guidance on daily basis. When the confusion kicks up, you can overcome this recoil from life by asking the higher force to assist you through invocation so you can re-connect with life.