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Chinese Face Reading

Chinese Face Reading
Face reading or physiognomy is an ancient Chinese method of using various aspects of the face to determine one’s health status, personality traits, one’s abilities and talents, possible areas of stuck energy or unresolved emotions and even how one gets along with certain people. In my practice I rely heavily on face reading to diagnose my patients. Often on their initial visit they are surprised at how their medical problem is inquired about even before they disclose what disorder they have come to have treated. Facial reading is so accurate that one can determine the quadrant of the uterus an embryo has implanted in within a few weeks of pregnancy.
As the above examples show, face reading is a practical option for health diagnostics. It is especially useful to those with diseases of unknown etiology or mystery illnesses. In the least, face reading will give clues as to which body system merits further testing and investigation. Face reading is reliable for finding hormonal imbalances, metabolic disorders, origins of disease, immune system problems, digestive issues, assessing reproductive soundness and organ weaknesses among many other issues. Chinese face reading is beneficial in preventative care, where the weaknesses in a system can be discovered and addressed before diseases appear, sometimes even thwarting the illness. Several years ago I had a patient that came in for a general health reading. I saw some tooth and bone issues from certain characteristics of her face and when I inquired about any tooth or bone problems she said that those issues had never been problematic for her. Unfortunately, she called back two weeks later to report that two of her molars had broken and when the dentist investigated further it was due to a severe weakness in her jaw bone that resulted in not just replacing the broken teeth but also a series of surgeries to graft new bone into her jaw.
Another application of Chinese face reading is identifying one’s personality traits. It is possible to identify unique preferences, defining attitudes, individual mannerisms, tendencies and personal characteristics. Just a few of the many personality traits that might be gleaned from physiognomy are: introversion versus extroversion, one’s decision making methods, practicality versus emotionality, and talents such as being artistic, mechanically inclined or being a athletic.
In face reading it is also possible to discover talents that may be known as well as unknown. Abilities passed down from previous generations or inherent to one’s family line can be uncovered to encourage further growth in areas in which one may not realize they have life enhancing gifts.A face reading that readily exemplifies this was a woman whose talents according to her face seem to lay in two completely contrasting areas, mathematics and dance. I inquired as to her involvement in either and she said that she was an accountant by trade and had been dancing ballroom for decades.
Matchmaking and interpersonal relationships are other arenas in which face reading can be employed. In ancient China face reading was an excellent tool in assessing a good marital match. In modern days face reading can be used to trouble-shoot problems such as differing communication styles, expectations, as well as perspectives that may cause friction in a relationship. For those that are single, advice about the most auspicious facial features to look for in a mate can be extrapolated from an analysis of your own face to pare down potential candidates. In business applications face reading can bring light to possible areas of friction in workgroup dynamics and can provide valuable insight into the hiring or firing of employees.
An additional application of Chinese face reading is to identify old emotional traumas. Many imbalances and health issues are rooted in unprocessed or stuck emotional energy and childhood trauma. This may help add clarity to the origin of current mental, emotional or physical states thereby aiding in the resolution or remedy of those imbalances.
Career counseling is a point of inquiry that face reading easily addresses. Different features on a face help determine one’s calling by identifying one’s strengths and weaknesses. This can be used by those that are feeling unfulfilled in their work to sleuth out what options would be a more satisfying occupation. I had read a young man who had strong facial features for an engineer with notable but less profuse characteristics of a creative. He disclosed that he had recently switched his art major to engineering because although he enjoyed art, the problem-solving aspect of engineering fascinated him more.
Finally, forecasting the decades of our lives to come and interpreting years that have passed is possible with face reading. Evaluating certain ages, poignant aspects of our past that may strongly influence our future and being able to prepare for future years that may be difficult is an advantage of face reading.