SIMplified Living Magazine - Top Secret

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Crime Report Date: 15 Oct 2012 By: mwjessica723

D.N.A. (Designing Nature and Architecture) Request Team was founded by Sims 3 community member ZooProfessor3 (a.k.a. Zoo) in late October 2011. Her real life experience in business and teaching made her a perfect candidate to start such a venture: she is organized, methodical, and passionate about everything she does. The team started with Zoo (of course), DarkAmaranth1966, calmorezoo, mvande, koapsychocore, WibbleLikeAJelly, and me. As soon as our very first thread went live, we welcomed several more members: Cmnshtr, Lissykin, Gobstopped, and Sarademoor! The team was growing fast! With requests pouring in, it was decided we had to add another member. Sashraf joined us just 12 days after we opened up shop.

Zoo runs a well-oiled machine, and it shows in the success of this team. We continued receiving so many requests that we decided to carefully choose more members to join our family. Not everyone has been able to stay, but we are proud of everyone who has contributed to the group. Currently, D.N.A. has 25 members and 40¬–50 open requests at a given time. We are very thankful of the abundance of business we get, and truly love to give simmers their dream creation, whether it’s a house, community lot, Sim, pet, or household! D.N.A. Request Team is approaching its one-year anniversary. Visit our thread to see how we’re celebrating! DNA Thread:

Witness Report 001 Date: 4 Oct 2012 By: TrinkaLs

I met ZooProfessor3 through a contest that she held recently. I was very impressed with how she conducted the contest. The rules were very clear and concise. The idea for the contest was a lot of fun and attracted a multitude of talented gamers. She collected a panel of qualified judges. It was a blast working with her and her team. Many contestants wrote their praises on the contest forum. At the end of the contest, everyone got a small prize just for entering, I think it made all of us feel encouraged even if we didn't win the contest. I hope to collaborate with ZooProfessor3 in the future. Thank you ZooProfessor3 for making interactive game play rewarding.

Suspect: ZooProessor3 Alias: Zoo Occupation: Crime Boss of DNA Serial Builder Part Time Look Out for DNA

Date: 8 Oct 2012 By: Zulie234

You run the DNA Request Team, you help Jess update the threads, you take on requests, and then you have to be a math professor! Never mind hobbies, how do you fit everything in? I agree, you should have been born independently wealthy; you really deserve to have a break in life. Thank you for all you do!

Witness Report 002

Date: 18 Oct 2012 By: Senior Detective Nik

I met Jess about a year ago when I started a game in gift gathering, since then she’s been a very good friend to me. Jess is one of those people you meet and know for the rest of your lives. They come in and teach you things and help you better yourself, that is surely Jess. She’s always looking after the team and making sure things run smoothly. She’s a very organized and creative person and not to mention hard working. Jess is an exceptional person and I’m very glad she’s my friend and a part of this special team.

Suspect: mwjessica723 Alias: Jess Occupation: Look out for DNA

Date: 2 Oct 2012 By: Candygurl84

Jess is such a sweet friend/simmer. She has a very lovely studio. Her sims are very beautiful and creative, and she makes them CC free! She is a very talented person, and a special person in our simming community. Thank you for all you do, Jess!

Witness Report 003 Date: 15 Oct 2012 By: mwjessica723

I’ve known Cal for about a year, now, and highly respect her! She loves animals and is a caring soul to people. Like many of us, simming is her creative outlet, and boy does she let it out! I’ve seen some awesome creations hit her studio, such as Pier Point Board Walk and Calmore Railway Station. In fact, everything in her studio is awesome; these are just two of my personal favorites. Cal and I have had our share of disagreements, but I absolutely consider her a kind person and a friend! She’s definitely one person to keep on your good side! *wink*

Suspect: Calmorezoo Alias: Cal Occupation: Serial Builder Back Alley Surgeon Pet Smuggler

Witness Report 004 Date 19 Oct 2012 By: Itzmee Oh Wibble! I remember when I first stumbled upon your work and was completely in awe. I still cannot believe the work you produce, and at such a young age too! I can tell that your future is bright. You’re kind, literate (quite rare in today’s young society), talented and so, so helpful. Your builds inspire me, and I honestly look up to you. You’ve really impacted me on the way I create, and every so often, I head back to your studio just to gain more inspiration. Keep up the great work, Wibble.

Suspect: WibbleLikeAJelly Alias: Wibble or Wibs Occupation: Serial Builder

Witness Report 005 Date 19 Oct 2012 By: will2586

MV When I first saw you, you were I think still a builder or a sim maker. Now you have progressed into making great signatures and helping me figure that out! Even though I’ve never had a request made by you, I still think highly of you as a friend and as a fellow creator. I didn't even realize you were on D.N.A. until a few months ago and ever since then you have been so nice and getting way more creative! You have absolutely been a great influence on me and I hope you stay with the forums a lot longer!

Suspect: Mvade Alias: MV Occupation: Serial Builder Back Alley Surgeon

Witness Report 006 Date 15 Oct 2012 By: mwjesscia732

Meg is a strong-willed, opinionated person who tells you exactly what she thinks. I can tell that she also really enjoys life and lives it to the fullest. I admire her tenacity and courage in everything she does. She’s rarely indecisive, and I think that’s reflected in her creations. Each pattern, furnishing, and decor item is deliberate and well thought-out. If I had to pick two things from her studio as my favorites, I would choose her version of Michael Jackson (named Michael Jacksim) and the Baitsileir Pad. I’ve noticed that she enjoys making modern homes, and let me tell you, I sure enjoy seeing them! And she does all of this while caring for five children (in real life!) and working! She is one of the community’s super-women!

Suspect: Cmnshtr Alias: Meg Occupation: Serial Builder Back Alley Surgeon

Witness Report 007

Date: 19 Oct 2012 By: SimsManiac2k9

Lissykin is a wonderful friend of mine and I think the creations she does for the DNA request team are fantastic. Her builds are absolutely beautiful and she really does put a great amount of effort into everything she creates. Her studio is one I always find myself checking out to see what she's done next. Many of her builds I use in my own game because I love them all so much. My favorite creations by her are both her wonderful castles Goodrich Castle, Bramblebottom and her Hogsmade. Lissy is an amazing builder and a wonderful person. I’m very glad I know her.

Suspect: Lissykin Alias: Lissy Occupation: Serial Builder Back Alley Surgeon

Date: 22 Oct 2012 By: Senior Detective Nik

I was so thrilled when Lissy joined the team. I’ve never seen Victorians like hers, they always blow me with away with their creativity and attention to detail. Lissy is one of the hardest working team members for both DNA and SLM! Her assignments are always on time and she’s always offering to help wherever it is needed. Lissy is a fantastic builder, a wonderful decorator but most of all she’s a great friend. She’s touched my heart in so many ways and I’m so thankful to have her in my life.

Witness Report 008

Date: 15 Oct 2012 By: mwjessica723

What can I say about Sara? I first met her in the Gift Gathering forum when she joined my Painted Lady Contest. I immediately clicked with her and loved her personality. She quickly found out just how much time I spend on the forums while I’m at work. Since becoming teammates at D.N.A., I have gotten to know Sara so much better, and love her to death! We have joked that we’re star-crossed twins, because we are almost the exact same age (just under one month apart) and have so much in common. Granted, I don’t have a hunky Belgian husband and two adorable children, but it’s something to aspire to! Oh, yeah: I also don’t have the uncanny ability to build realistic spaceships and beautiful Victorian homes with equal ease. Sara is truly one of the most talented builders in our huge online community. Even her avatar is talented (I saw her jumping on a trampoline in an evening dress, stockings, and high heels…without breaking a sweat)! I love you, girl!

Suspect: Sarademoor Alias: Sara Occupation: Serial Builder

Date 19 Oct 2012 By: will2586

Sara, I remember when you were on SimAngels and took my requests a lot! That was always a fun thing to do with you because it was the only request team around! Now that you've been on D.N.A. it has been a blast because you and all the others have changed the request team business. I'm so glad that you decided to be on a request team when I entered Creative Corner and found the thread. Thank goodness for your requests because I probably wouldn't be where I am now in my building stage, your builds were my inspiration! Thanks so much for being here for me and for being on D.N.A!

Witness Report 009 Date: 20 Oct 2012 By: Senior Detective Nik

What can I say about She that hasn’t been said a billion times. Go look in her studio. I’ll wait til you’re done. *waits* Now that your face has fallen off from pure awesomeness I shall continue writing. But in all seriousness, She is amazing. I’m always wandering off to her studio when I don’t feel like building, because I know it won’t let me down. She you are the master of the exchange and I love you to pieces.

Suspect: sashraf Alias: She Occupation: Serial Builder

Witness Report 010 Date: 15 Oct 2012 By: Junior Detective Pepper

When I’m asked who my favorite builders are, KylieS21 is always at the top of my list. Her historical homes have so much detail and character they look realistic. Though her Historical and Victorian homes are two of her strong suits, she can successfully illustrate a wide variety styles. From Modern to Ranch to Romantic styles, you can see the effort and time she puts into each one of her builds. I don’t download from the Exchange often, but her studio is my first stop when shopping for new builds.

Suspect: KylieS21 Alias: Kylie Occupation: Serial Builder Pet Smuggler

Witness Report 011

Date: 17 Oct, 2012 By: Itzmee

Pam, do you remember making a Secret Santa gift for me last year? It has almost been an entire year, and wow, look at your builds! They were always amazing, but as they say, practice makes perfect, and you’re definitely stepping on the doorstep of perfect! You produce such a diverse variety of builds, ranging from beautiful Europeans to outstanding moderns. You continue to produce amazing work, Pam. Absolutely amazing.

Suspect: EMPRESSPAMELA Alias: Pam Occupation: Serial Builder Back Alley Surgeon Pet Smuggler

Date: 22 Oct, 2012 By: SimsManic2k9

EMPRESSPAMELA has some really wonderful creations and I think they are all beautiful. I know her Lissykin and Calmorezoo worked on "The Tomb of Hidden Secrets" together and they made the perfect team because the Tomb was amazing, I have used this one and I think it's better than most tombs that actually came with World Adventures. Pam's Circus builds are really beautiful and she has done an amazing job with the circus theme!

Witness Report 012

Suspect: KLorelei Alias: Elle Occupation: Serial Builder Back Alley Surgeon

Date: 13 Oct 2012 By: SimsManiac2k9

Elle is another one of my favorite builders, her creations are stunning! I have many of her creations in my game and use them often because I am in love with her work. Elle's "Apothecary Todd" is one of the most unique creations I have ever seen in my time on this site, I’ve not actually seen anything like that before. Her modern creations are really beautiful and they are some of my favorite builds, her cottage style builds are amazing. I really don't know how people can build such beautiful builds and I'm shocked by the talent that we know as the DNA team.

Witness Report 013 Date 24 Oct 2012 By: Seascape

YOTEAMO has been working on my request for the Hamptons Beach House in the movie “Something’s Gotta Give.” This has been a perfect match, as she diligently continues to work on this house to make it perfect, despite the challenges of working off of movie studio sets pictures as much of the inspiration for this build. Sneak peeks and her open communication style are so appreciated and welcomed. She spends time on the minor details, introducing a sophisticated and luxurious color palette, interesting design elements, and pictures that look like they could have been snagged off the pages of Architectural Digest. I am very much enjoying our interaction, love her style, and can’t wait to see more creations from YOTEAMO.

Suspect: YOTEAMO Alias: Yote Occupation: Serial Builder Back Alley Surgeon

Witness Report 014

Date 5 Oct 2012 By: VamPanda

When we think of the DNA request team we think of grand buildings and beautiful sims, don't we? Well let me tell you that Itguysinc epitomizes this statement! Her attention to detail and her care taken when dealing with a request is astounding. Each pattern, each color and each layout is carefully thought out for the player to not only give a stunning home, but a home that is functional and not chock full of clutter. Beautiful color palettes, textures and interesting shaped rooms means that her builds are detailed without a ten tone of objects everywhere and this is why I love her builds so much. The architecture on these builds is fantastic too. Such interesting buildings with different stones and woods, they are just a beauty to look at.

Suspect: itguyinsc Alias: Itguy or Itsy Occupation: Serial Builder

I even filled my Lucky Palms with her farms, one of which was made for me and I absolutely love it. I have four different farms of hers (I placed two of each in my world) and what character they give! If you ever fancy giving your world a makeover her studio is the place to go, there is every style, every theme and every color. Itguy spends a lot of time and attention on her requests and it is showed in the bulging studio of awesome she has, and it is for this I would love to salute her. It takes a special person to take so much time out of their lives in order to make things for others, so hats off to Itguy and all the other DNA members for being such amazing members of the Sims 3 community. We thank you! ♼

Witness Report 015 Date: 15 Oct 2012 By: Senior Detective Nik Rose is such a talented builder! Her studio is filled with new and creative builds and lovely sims. I think my favorite build from her would be Tuscan Sanctuary. I love the architecture on this home and the decorating is ace! Rose is a wonderful part of the team and she’s always looking after us all. Very glad she hopped on this crazy train.

Suspect: orisisrose Alias: Rose Occupation: Serial Builder

Witness Report 016

Date 13 Oct 2012 By: Zulie234

Wow, your builds are really something, you’ve really raised the bar high for your boys’ expectations of all Sims lots (and even in Real Life!), it is obvious that you work hard on these builds, and balancing that with raising two sons and working on the request team? I don’t know how I could survive! Amazingly, you do, and we are all happy for that! Suspect: Imoger Alias: Ildi Occupation: Serial Builder Back Alley Surgeon

Witness Report 017 Date 14 Oct 2012 By: Seascape

Baking Nerd aka BN, calls the Sims her “little creative escape.” I am so glad she does, as her recreation of Rosehill Cottage, my request for the English cottage from the movie “The Holiday” is both delightful and charming. This wonderful builder has an eye for detail and painstakingly decorated the home with all of the elements included in the movie cottage, from fireplaces to loads of books and bookcases to holiday decorations, to the color palette and the ex terior design and landscaping. It was a sincere pleasure to see her transformation from inspiration pictures to a Sims home. Baking Nerd is one of the best of the best!

Suspect: BakingNerd Alias: BN or Cakes Occupation: Serial Builder Back Alley Surgeon Date 6 Oct 2012 By: romagi1

Are you looking for a quaint kitchen, a super cute Tudor or an adorable little Shop? Look no farther than BakingNerd! Was I ever shocked to find out she was such a youngin’! Hadn’t even been to University yet! But wait! D.N.A. recruited her and wow, she can do so much more… modern’s, cabins and Victorian too! But the one I LUV best is Trudy's Toys and Trinkets. Adorable, BN, just adorable! Date 16 Oct 2012 By: aricarai

BakingNerd, I adore Birchcrest. It is stunning and I can tell you put a lot of effort into thinking of all of the little things that make a house a home.

Witness Report 018 Date: 23 Oct 2012 By: Senior Detective Nik

Last year when I first joined the forums I kept seeing the name “Originalsim” as a winner for all these contests and I just had to know who this person was. Boy am I glad I did! Original seriously is an original. Some of her builds just leave me awe stricken because they are so fantastic! When she applied to be a builder for SLM I about had a heart attack!! I was in shock that this amazing builder wanted to be a part of my little magazine, and again I’m glad she did. Working with Original is like playing basketball with Michael Jordan, it doesn’t get any better. She literally is my favorite builder of all time.

Suspect: Originalsim Alias: Original Occupation: Serial Builder Part Time Look Out for DNA

Date: 17 Oct 2012 By: Itzmee

Original, you were one of the first builders I stumbled upon. In fact, you were one of the first builders who inspired me to begin uploading my creations. I remember scrolling through your studio, and continuously being stunned by your work. Your work for the D.N.A Request Team is phenomenal, and made to perfection. I always keep my eye out for you when scrolling through Creative Corner, in hopes there’ll be something new for me to see. Stunning means extremely impressive or attractive, and your creations are just that.

Witness Report 019

Suspect: chewablechain Alias: Morgen Occupation: Serial Builder

Date: 22 Oct 2012 By: romagi1

I first met chewablechain during Jess’ Painted Ladies contest. Wow, that was awhile back. But, she went on from there and mastered CFE! I knew right then she was unstoppable! She’s always so nice and her builds are fantastic, so it wasn’t any surprise when D.N.A. recruited her. A wise decision on their part! I have to say my FAV build is her latest. The Cabalina Mansion has found a permanent home in my LP. Gorgeous, chewable, simply gorgeous!

Witness Report 020 Suspect: Lucyena Alias: Lucy Occupation: Serial Builder

Date: 18 Oct 2012 By: Senior Detective Nik

Lucy is such a joy to have on the team! She’s always so polite and friendly to people, it just makes me want to hug her every time she posts and don’t get me started on her wonderful creations. She always takes such good care with her builds, leaving me constantly amazed. She’s a real gem and I’m glad she’s with us now.

Witness Report 021

Date 24 Oct 2012 By: Senior Detective Nik

Before I met Ruth I would always see her work and say “wow this lady is a legend!” Now that I know her a little more I can say she’s a sweet person, very helpful and still a legend! Ruth has some of the most amazing builds I’ve ever seen while playing TS3. They are just so well done both inside and out. You can always expect a top notch house when you’re downloading from Ruth, she does not slack at all. Pure awesomeness in each creation. Suspect: ruthless_kk Alias: Ruth or Ruthy Occupation: Serial Builder

Witness Report 022

Date 16 Oct 2012 By: aricarai

TarynTempestwind, I love how you are always thinking outside of the box, especially with Welcome Home! Building on that scale and using only base game items genius! I admire you and you are a huge inspiration to me as I'm sure you are to many others on the forums. Some day, I hope to be able to build on the same level as you do. Suspect: TarynTempestwind Alias: T or Taryn Occupation: Serial Builder

Witness Report 023 Date 13 Oct 2012 By: Senior Detective Nik

I haven’t know Annin long but I can say he is a very talented builder. When I first looked in his studio I was blown away by his creativity. My favorite build from him would have to be the Modern Boat House he made for Lucky Palms. That house is so unique and well planned out! I love playing in it. Annin is just getting his start on the team, but I see a bright future for this talented gentlemen.

Suspect: Annin7 Alias: Annin Occupation: Serial Builder

Witness Report 024 Date 18 Oct 2012 By: Senior Detective Nik

One thing I love about Ginger is that she always builds with a story in mine. I wish I could do that. Create a wonderful and intricate story then build something just as great around it. Her studio is so unique and interesting that you will never get bored. She has a great imagination and I’m so glad she shares it all with us through her builds. She’s a sweet person and I adore all of her work.

Suspect: gngrsnp Alias: Me or Ginger Occupation: Serial Builder

Evidence Report I9

Sunset View Cottage By VamPanda Made for: Itguyinsc

Sunset never looked so good then from your own private cottage up high in the hills of Sunset Valley. This 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom cottage is perfect for 1 sim. The best part? Its only base game items!! No CC. Under 12K. Enjoy ~ Panda Link:

Evidence Report B6

Brigham and Denton By: aricarai Made for BakingNerd & TarynTempestwind,

You may not know this, but I'm a huge fan of both of your work. I have no other words for your builds except for absolutely jaw dropping. Half of the ideas that you put into the game are ideas that I would never even think of attempting. I am in awe of the time, energy, and love that you put into everything that you ladies build. Because you are both fabulous builders, I decided to make you a little tester family. Please enjoy Brigham Walcott and Denton McCoy, two best friends that couldn't be more different! I hope you are able to find good use for them.! Link:

Evidence Report Z1 Charlotte Drake By: Rawr2019 Made for ZooProfessor3 Charlotte is a young witch just learning the ways of magic. She’s mastered over 7 skills including gardening, handiness, cooking, fishing, logic and more. She’d make a great tester sim for any lot. She’s very smart and proper and reminded me a lot of you Zoo. Hope you’ll be able to find a place for her! Link Lesley Ryna By: Rawr2019 Made for gngrsnp Lesley is a fairy unlike any other. Unlike most fairies who spend their time gardening or playing tricks, Lesley spends her time studying for work. She dreams of being a World Renowned Surgeon. Even though she’s got a big brain, Lesley also enjoys gardening, and fishing. She’s also a bit of a perfectionist. I thought she would be fun to play around with and see where she goes in the game. She’s an interesting gal, just like you hun. Enjoy! Link

Evidence Report L8 Lydia O’Riley By: Rawr2019 Made for Lucyena Lydia is a sweet down home kind of girl, who loves art. If she’s not painting she’s off somewhere with her camera. Lydia is clumsy so you’ll want to watch her from time to time. But she doesn’t let that stop her either, she’s a big flirt as well. She’s very sweet and hardworking, and reminded me a lot of you, Lucy. Hope you two ladies have loads of fun together. Link: Perry Blossom By: Rawr2019 Made for Mvade Perry is not your average fairy. She loves music and she loves to party! She’s very into herself and making sure she’s the center of the crowd. She may be young and crazy but she's extremely talented. She’s mastered quite a few skills including, gardening, fishing, piano, guitar, bass and photography. She’s young, talented and care free but boy does she have big dreams! Hopefully she won’t get you into too much trouble in game! Link:

Evidence Report S3 Vlad Vincent By: Rawr2019 Made for Sarademoor I hardly ever create male sims, as they always looks the same to me for some reason. But when I was playing around in CAS I made Vlad and decided to keep him. Now that’s I’ve been playing with him for sometime, he’s grown very dear to my heart just like you have. Vlad is a Vampire Scientist with a heart of gold. He’s a hopeless romantic and he’s proper, so you can expect some lovely dates with him. He’s at the top of his career and he’s managed to master a few skills along the way some including, handiness, logic, fishing, gardening, inventing, painting, writing, and many more. Vlad Is quite the charmer but a very hard worker. I think you two will get along great! Link:

Evidence Report D7

Infinite Zen Fusion Spa by: Zulie234 Made for The Entire DNA Team The DNA request team is amazing, having remarkable builders who can handle all of the pressure of balancing real life and what they have to do for their requests. I couldn’t imagine that, it would be too stressful for me. But of course, there has to be some sort of stress for you guys! Even though you are the most incredible team of builders I have seen, it doesn’t mean that life is a snap for you. You (or at the very least your Sims) need a retreat, somewhere they can relax and de-stress. How about the Infinite Zen Fusion Spa? Taking many different types of Asian Cultures, this Spa is perfect for a day at the pool, a walk in the garden, or even your honeymoon with the Zen Suite! With saunas, a pool room and a beautiful Asian theme, your Sims will surely be happy to come visit the Infinite Zen Fusion Spa! Link:

New Suspects!

Suspect: paogae Alias: Paola Occupation: Serial Builder

Suspect: Kaztomp Alias: Kaz Occupation: Serial Builder

Word Key Detectives = Editors Witnesses = Contributors Crime Boss = Founder of DNA Look Out = Secretary Serial Builder = Builders Pet Smuggle = Pet Creators Back Alley Surgeons = Sims Creators Most Wanted List = Top Download lot, sim or pet Victims = Downloads Warrants = Recommendations Evidence = Gifts New suspects = new DNA members

Credits General: SLM Website: SLM Tumblr: SLM Fan Box: DNA Master Thread: DNA Party Thread:

Most Wanted: Underhill Farm: guru Hydra's cottage remodel Vista Peak Lodge: Annie Smooth: Angel Goodwin: Larissa Tate: Lakeside Victorian Manor II Celebrity Villa: Euro Modern:

Circus Maximus: Longleat House : Mystic Manor: Cocomilia Cottage Apartments: Ashley’s Place: Winter’s Breath: Modern Zen Garden: Starlight Shores Movie Studio: Tudor Rose Florists: The Stanton: Contemporary Loft: Row House Apartments: Griffins Guard: Modern Mushroom House: Tangerine Dream:

Evidence Sunset View Cottage: assetId=6526072 Brigham and Denton: assetId=6510289 Charlotte Drake: Lesley Ryna: Lydia O’Riley: Perry Blossom: Vlad Vincent: Infinite Zen Fusion Spa:

Note: Not all of the creations on the Most Wanted Lists are CC free. All Creations in the Evidence sections are. If you are not sure of something please read all description for more information.

The DNA Team is guilty of awesome service, amazing builds, fantastic sims, wonderful pets and most of all for being the best friends I could ever have. - Senior Detective Nik

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