Simply Babies Magazine

Page 16



Sleep is complex in children, but you can implement healthy sleep habits at any time, it is never too early or late. Children don’t arrive with a manual for the toughest and most rewarding job in the world so please do not beat yourself up if your child doesn’t sleep as well as you’d like them to.You are not alone and as long as you have the knowledge you need there is light at the end of the tunnel. You can start today and achieve better sleep this Christmas.

Here’s my Top Christmas Sleep Survival Tips:

1. Avoid over scheduling yourself – late nights on top of all the Christmas excitement will make sleep harder for an overtired child. I suggest sticking to routines and bedtimes as much as possible. Even if you are staying away or have guests visiting, be mindful children find it harder to cope when they are tired. An hour of missed sleep here and there all adds up! 2. Be 100% consistent - consistency is key. Whatever routines you have established I suggest sticking to them. Whatever you do to settle your child to sleep at any time try remain consistent with your usual approach and support. This will avoid doing something different which will create really confusing messages making it harder for them to settle. If family or friends offer to put your little one to bed accept their help, let


them know what your child is used to, and you can enjoy some time to yourself. 3. Earlier bedtime - If you are going to allow your child to get up extra early on Christmas morning, make bedtime 30 minutes earlier for a couple of nights beforehand to allow them to be extra well rested in preparation. An earlier bedtime won’t mean they will wake earlythe next morning – we are just banking some extra sleep for them to cash in on Christmas morning if you’re usually up earlier. 4. Naps - are super important and can be easily forgotten about in the hustle and bustle of Christmas especially when you’re busy. Daytime sleep is a reflection on night-time sleep and

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