Executive Summary This proposal documents an approach and scope of work to conduct a feasibility study on the viability of personal rapid transit in Ithaca, New York. (Project Category 1. Policy Research and Feasibility Studies) Personal rapid transit (PRT) is an emerging technology that has the potential to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and the consumption of petroleum products by reducing vehicle miles travelled (VMT). Developing a PRT system in conjunction with implementing policies to promote transit oriented development (TOD) will enhance the quality of life and promote economic development in New York’s small and mid-sized cities. With increasing fuel prices, transit ridership is growing, particularly in communities with a population of less than 100,000. A recent study documented that urban and suburban areas with over 30,000 jobs, as well as college campuses and activity centers, are suitable locations for the introduction of PRT. Given these statistics, PRT technology could serve the growing demand for transit in New York’s small and mid-sized cities. PRT infrastructure can also be accommodated within the existing built environment resulting from 19th Century industrialization. PRT can be used to supplement traditional bus and light rail service, using each technology where it is most eective and eďŹƒcient. Ithaca has been selected as a case study for the application of this technology. The city’s population is 29,287 and the metropolitan area has a population of 100,135. The total number of jobs within Tompkins County, where Ithaca is located, is 57,032. The area is also home to two major college campuses: Cornell University and Ithaca College. These demographics are consistent with areas that have a growing demand for transit and where PRT is most eďŹƒcient. Several local studies have also documented the need for improved transit service and the desire to have increased development density that would rely on alternative transportation modes. The study will include the following components: t 4UBUF PG 135 EFWFMPQNFOU t "QQMJDBUJPO PG 135 JO *UIBDB t 1SPKFDU CFOFmUT t *NQMFNFOUBUJPO t "QQMJDBUJPO JO /FX :PSL CFZPOE *UIBDB The study will show that PRT, in conjunction with transit-oriented development, has the potential UP TJHOJmDBOUMZ SFEVDF WFIJDMF NJMFT USBWFMMFE BOE BTTPDJBUFE HSFFOIPVTF HBT FNJTTJPOT 135 T DPOvenience and exibility make it attractive to switch from auto use and traditional bus service and will eliminate VMT by buses with low ridership. TOD along the corridor will allow commuters to relocate along the PRT system eliminating their single occupancy vehicle commute. The development of a PRT system will also support development density, increasing property values and enhancing business development along the corridor. Finally, the development of a PRT system and associated EFWFMPQNFOU XJMM TJHOJmDBOUMZ JNQSPWF UIF RVBMJUZ PG MJGF JO /FX :PSL DPNNVOJUJFT‰JNQSPWJOH BJS quality, enhancing walkability, improving public health, and reducing travel time and costs. Proposer:
A study like this is not likely to be funded if not thru this NYSERDA grant. However, if the study is done, and shows that PRT can be viable in small and mid-size cities, it could create substantial momentum and spur future studies by other entities, perhaps including federal transportation funding.
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Study Map
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Background and Proposed Approach As noted in the Program Opportunity Notice (PON) 1239, “New York State is fortunate to have the most energy-eďŹƒcient transportation sector in the United States. The State’s extensive support for public transportation contributes to the lowest per capita transportation energy consumption in the nation.â€? However, the high share of public transportation use in New York is skewed by the disproportionately large participation in public transportation in the New York City metropolitan area. As summarized in the following table, smaller urban areas, particularly those in central and western New York have a much lower participation in public transportation. 2000 Census Percent Mode Share Comparison Ithaca, New York National Tompkins State County Drive alone 75.7 56.3 59.8 1 12.2 10.5 12.5 Carpool Transit 4.7 23.6 4.8 Walk/Bike 4.1 7.0 18.3 Telecommute 3.3 3.0 5.1
Syracuse, Onondaga County 80.1 10.4 2.5 4.2 2.8
Rochester, Monroe County 82.7 9.4 2.3 3.2 2.4
Bualo, Erie County 80.9 9.7 4.5 2.9 2.1
Sources: Bureau of Transportation Statistics State Transportation Statistics, 2004; Genesee Transportation Council; Ithaca-Tompkins County Transportation Council, 2000 Census Transportation Planning Package 1 includes taxi/other means
To further reduce the footprint of New York State’s transportation system on the environment and improve energy eďŹƒciency, there is a need to reduce vehicle miles travelled (VMT) in these smaller VSCBO BSFBT ɨF BEPQUJPO PG 135 IPMET TJHOJmDBODF GPS BMM DJUJFT JO 6QTUBUF /FX :PSL BOE CFZPOE Personal rapid transit (PRT) is an emerging technology that meets the public transportation needs of these smaller urban areas and can be accommodated within the existing built environment resulting from 19th Century industrialization. Developing a PRT system in conjunction with implementing policies to promote transit-oriented development (TOD) has the potential to reduce VMT and associated greenhouse gases while enhancing the quality of life and economic development. This proposal outlines a study to evaluate the feasibility of implementing PRT and associated land use policies in Ithaca, New York. Using Ithaca as a test case, the study will identify the potential for VMT reduction and the general applicability of the technology and land use policies throughout the state.
Why PRT?
PRT is an electrically powered public transit technology that utilizes numerous small automated vehicles holding two to four passengers. The vehicles move quietly on dedicated guideways. The system is accessed at boarding stations that can be as small as 50 feet long (depending on demand) Stations can be spaced so they are within easy walking distance of potential riders, and be placed inside buildJOHT 135 TFSWJDF JT EFNBOE SFTQPOTJWF SBUIFS UIBO SVOOJOH mYFE TDIFEVMFT BOE JT BWBJMBCMF IPVST a day. The system is set-up as a network, similar to a street grid, allowing vehicles to travel a variety of paths, minimizing travel time. The fully automated vehicles, capable of operation without human drivers, transport passengers between any two stations on the network with no transfers or stops,
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yielding fast travel times and origin-todestination service. Because of its design, PRT systems typically have higher average travel speeds and reduced travel time when compared with other modes, increasing its attractiveness and potential ridership. It is designed to be highly automated with low staďŹƒng levels, energy use, and maintenance, making its operation and maintenance costs lower than other modes. Theoretically, PRT uses less energy per passenger mile than other modes due to its non-stop nature and on-demand service. Based on currently documented research, PRT systems can be expected to have operating system capacities of between 1,200 and 7,000 passengers per hour. The recently completed Viability of Personal Rapid Transit in New Jersey study, prepared for the New Jersey Department of Transportation and NJ Transit by Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center and Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc., concluded that urban and suburban areas with over 30,000 jobs, as well as college campuses and activity centers, were suitable locaUJPOT GPS UIF JOUSPEVDUJPO PG 135 ɨFSF EP OPU BQQFBS UP CF BOZ EFmOJUJWF studies on optimum system size; however, Martin Lowson of University of Bristol and Advanced Transport Systems Ltd suggests the PRT would be a “cost-eective match to the needs of cities with populations below 1 million.â€? The low line speed of PRT vehicles and length of time spent in the vehicle (passenger comfort issue) may determine the maximum extent of system coverage, and govern the decision of the rider to take another mode for the trip instead. With this in mind, the applicability for use of PRT in New York includes smaller cities like Ithaca, Utica, and Watertown, where PRT could serve as city circulators, allowing for enhanced connections to other modes of transportation and oering citizens an alternative to their cars within the urbanized areas. In medium-sized cities like Syracuse, Rochester and Bualo, PRT could be used to increase access to and redevelop the core downtowns that face parking and congestion problems and as linkages to college campuses. PRT could also supplement a traditional bus or future light rail system that serves longer distances or heavily travelled routes. PRT is ideally suited to serve park-and-ride facilities located on the perimeter of downtowns. Parking provided on the perimeter provides the opportunity to develop existing surface parking lots at their highest and best use while reducing vehicle miles travelled in the congested urban core. PRT provides a 24-hour demand-responsive service, providing convenient access to vehicles throughout the day. Proposer:
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Why Ithaca? The City of Ithaca is the center of the Ithaca-Tompkins County metropolitan area. In 2000, the city’s population was 29,287, and the metropolitan area had a population of 100,135. The City of Ithaca is faced with several issues which make it a prime candidate for the use of PRT. 1. Ithaca developed as a small manufacturing and retail center in the 19th Century. Its neighborhoods consist of tightly spaced buildings close to the street edge, and narrow streets. Downtown Ithaca was founded on at land in a valley at the southern end of Cayuga Lake. As the city developed, it spread to the adjacent hillsides. East Hill, West Hill, and South Hill are fairly steep and rise several hundred feet above downtown. These hills make mechanized transportation a necessity; however, the topography has limited the available routes for WFIJDMFT BOE UIF FYJTUJOH SPVUFT DBO OPU CF XJEFOFE XJUIPVU TJHOJmDBOU JNQBDUT UP UIF CVJMU environment. 2. TraďŹƒc congestion on critical corridors diminishes the quality of life for adjacent neighborhoods. The volume of vehicular traďŹƒc has and will continue to reduce pedestrian and bicycle activity in downtown and surrounding residential areas. 3. 20th Century growth in education has made the city a major educational center, with almost 20,000 students at Cornell University and an additional 6,300 students at Ithaca College. The high transient student population could be well served by a convenient transit system, eliminating the need to bring vehicles to campus. 4. The county is a net importer of employees. Based on the 2000 Census the total number of persons working within Tompkins County was 57,032, while the number of persons that live and work in the county is only 43,319 (2025 Long Range Transportation Plan Update, ITCTC Transportation Policy Committee, Dec. 14, 2004). Recent market research indicates that there is a desire for more aordable housing within the city to reduce commute length, cost, and time. 5. Several areas of the city, including Collegetown and the Business Improvement District, are BTTFTTJOH UIF OFFE GPS SFWJUBMJ[BUJPO BOE UIF BTTPDJBUFE FDPOPNJD CFOFmUT Proposer:
*UIBDB JT TFSWFE CZ UIF OPO QSPmU 5PNQLJOT $POTPMJEBUFE "SFB 5SBOTJU 5$"5 XIJDI DBSried 3.1 million passengers in 2005 over 38 routes. Market research as part of a 2003 transit study, NESTS Transit Planning Project, prepared for ICCTC by Multisystems, Creighton
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Manning Engineering and CAST of Cornell University, indicated that the following transit system changes would be needed to increase ridership: t *ODSFBTFE EFTUJOBUJPOT t .PSF GSFRVFOU TFSWJDF t 'BTUFS USBWFM t 4FSWJDF MBUFS JOUP UIF FWFOJOHT t (SFBUFS SFMJBCJMJUZ BOE TNBMMFS vehicles The TCAT bus system is at capacity and is faced with both physical and operational constraints that currently limit their ability to expand the system. Constraints include limitations on the vehicle garage and ability to increase the number of drivers and routes. Rising fuel prices have caused considerable hardship and will continue to have an ever expanding impact on operating costs. In addition, increasing traďŹƒc on the constrained roadways imposes a real limit to bus service. Without dedicated routes, faster service, lower headways, and more energy-eďŹƒcient vehicles, the bus system will likely not be able to sustainably meet potential demand. 7. As noted in the above table, Tompkins $PVOUZ BMSFBEZ IBT B TJHOJmDBOU TIBSF of total trips in alternative transportation modes: transit, pedestrian, and bicycle. The prevailing social culture and the general understanding among the city, its residents, and the academic institutions, is that something must be done about the energy and climate change crises. These characteristics increase the likelihood of PRT implementation in Ithaca. ɨFSF JT TJHOJmDBOU JOUFSFTU JO 135 JO *UIBDB ɨF GPVOEFST PG UIF 4XFEJTI *OTUJUVUF GPS 4VTtainable Transportation (IST) selected Ithaca and Upstate New York as the site for the 2nd Podcar City conference, September 14–16, 2008. The development and promotion of alternative modes of transportation is consistent with the following regional and local plans. Proposer: 2025 Long Range Transportation Plan Update This report, approved by the ITCTC Transportation Policy Committee in December 2004, noted PON 1239 6
that “travel patterns for the greater Ithaca-Tompkins County show increases in walking, public transportation and bicycling. National trends indicate increases in total person trips, person miles of USBWFM BOE WFIJDMF NJMFT PG USBWFM ɨFTF USFOET DPNCJOFE XJUI MJNJUFE MPDBM mOBODJBM SFTPVSDFT BOE the growing evidence of the negative externalities of continued over dependency on the automobile as the principal mode of transportation, has made it particularly important to understand and seek to maximize the role of transportation modes that serve as alternatives to the automobile.â€? Cornell University Master Plan/ Transportation Focused Generic Environmental Impact Statement These studies identify the need to move more people with fewer vehicles. A recommendation from the transportation planning eort is to “strengthen public transit for the Cornell community and the HSFBUFS *UIBDB BSFB‰GPS FYBNQMF JNQSPWF GSFRVFODZ BOE DPWFSBHF JODSFBTF WJTJCJMJUZ BOE GVODUJPOBMity of primary stops.â€? County Comprehensive Plan ɨF $PVOUZ $PNQSFIFOTJWF 1MBO JEFOUJmFT UIF OFFE UP iQSPNPUF IPVTJOH PQQPSUVOJUJFT GPS MPDBMMZ employed persons who would prefer to live in Tompkins County.â€? The transportation section calls for addressing road system capacity limitations, enhancing bike to transit intermodality, and seeks to “promote a transportation system that supports nodal, compact development patterns and reduces negative environmental impacts.â€? The forthcoming energy section of the plan recommends study of PRT and use of renewable electricity for transportation uses in the county. Downtown Ithaca Alliance BID Density Study This study was conducted to determine the allowable build out of the Business Improvement District (BID) per existing zoning and parking regulations. Downtown Ithaca Alliance will assess how much development is needed to achieve BID goals and a vibrant economically sustainable downtown. Collegetown Urban Plan and Design Guidelines. ɨF QMBO BEESFTTFT FDPOPNJD QSPCMFNT JEFOUJmFE in the “Collegetown Vision Statementâ€? endorsed by Common Council. The plan proposes to increase building height and lot coverage and decrease parking requirements. A convenient public transportation system connecting Collegetown and the surrounding neighborhoods to the larger Ithaca community is one of several strategies aimed at reducing car traďŹƒc in Collegetown and enhancing the environment for pedestrians. Studying the viability of personal rapid transit in Ithaca is supported by the following agencies and institutions. Copies of letters of support are provided in the Appendix: t *UIBDB 5PNQLJOT $PVOUZ 5SBOTQPSUBUJPO $PVODJM MPDBM NFUSPQPMJUBO QMBOOJOH PSHBOJ[BUJPO
Study Approach The study will document the current state of PRT development and implementation and assess the viability of implementing PRT in Ithaca. In addition to studying the technical and operational feasi-
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CJMJUZ UIF TUVEZ XJMM BTTFTT UIF TZOFSHZ BOE CFOFmUT BTTPDJBUFE XJUI DPNCJOJOH 135 EFWFMPQNFOU XJUI implementing transit oriented development policies. Although Ithaca will be used as a case study, the report will document the applicability of this technology to other areas in New York State. The study will include the following components: State of PRT Development This study will build on substantial PRT research already completed by others. The team will use the extensive body of information they have previously collected related to PRT to minimize the eort. The study will document the components of PRT and assess the status of implementation readiness. Application of PRT in Ithaca ɨJT TFDUJPO PG UIF TUVEZ XJMM EFmOF UIF MPDBM USBOTQPSUBUJPO DPOEJUJPOT UIBU NBZ CF NJUJHBUFE CZ PRT. A full PRT system would include an extensive network throughout the area but the study will GPDVT PO B WJBCMF mSTU QIBTF UIBU BEESFTTFT TPNF PG UIF NBKPS USBOTQPSUBUJPO DIBMMFOHFT BOE IBT UIF potential for future expansion. A full PRT system for Ithaca would serve as a circulator route between downtown and the major educational institutions, as a connector between park and ride facilities and these major employment centers, and provide access to retail and medical facilities on the city’s perimeter. This larger system is envisioned to serve regional park-and-ride facilities that would capture commuters approaching the city from the west along State Route 96 and from the east along 4UBUF 3PVUF #PUI PG UIFTF DPSSJEPST FYQFSJFODF QFBL IPVS DPOHFTUJPO BOE XPVME CFOFmU GSPN UIF reduced traďŹƒc volumes associated with park-and-ride facilities and a transit system. However, this larger system would have broader right-of-way impacts, higher implementation costs, and reduced opportunity for transit oriented development. Therefore, the study will focus on a Phase 1 section that will link Cornell University and Collegetown with downtown and Ithaca College. The full buildout PRT system and the Phase 1 section are depicted in Figure 1. The study will prioritize system alignment, document right-of-way requirements and potential acquisition and document physical constraints and constructability issues. The study will also evaluate current zoning within the corridor and make recommendations to modify zoning to promote transit oriented development. BeneďŹ ts The study will document potential reduction in vehicle miles travelled associated with the combined implementation of a PRT system and transit oriented development resulting from changes in zoning policies. The study will also qualitatively document potenUJBM FDPOPNJD CFOFmUT GSPN JOEVDFE EFWFMPQNFOU BOE FOIBODFE quality of life for the area served by the PRT system. Implementation The study will document opportunities and challenges associated with implementation of PRT in *UIBDB JODMVEJOH UIF SFRVJSFE BQQSPWBMT BOE mOBODJOH TUSBUFHJFT Proposer:
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Proposed Statement of Work Task 1.0 Project Management. Task 1.1—Subcontracts C&S Engineers, Inc., shall enter into a sub-consultant agreement with Connect Ithaca.
Task 1.2—Meetings The C&S team will hold a kick-o meeting, up to two interim review meetings (held at key milestones in project development as noted on the schedule), and a wrap-up meeting at the end of the project.
Task 1.3—Reporting The C&S team will submit monthly progress reports to NYSERDA and NYSDOT. The reports, signed by the project director, will document the cost of work in the reporting period, work progress during the reporting period and any diďŹƒculties encountered, planned work in the next reporting period, and status of adherence to project schedule.
Task 2.0—State of PRT Development The C&S team, led by Connect Ithaca, will conduct a thorough review of existing literature and DPOEVDU LFZ JOUFSWJFXT VQ UP mWF CZ QIPOF XJUI SFTFBSDIFST BOE NBOVGBDUVSFST UP EPDVNFOU UIF history and current status of PRT development. Since the history and early development has been widely documented, the C&S team will summarize this data, but focus on recent developments (since 2000). The review will identify system developers that have the potential to support near-term implementation. The review will also include the status of PRT approvals required for implementation in the United States. At the end of this task, Technical Memorandum #1, Status of PRT Development, will be developed for review by NYSDOT and NYSERDA.
Task 3.0—Application of PRT in Ithaca Task 3.1—Stakeholder Outreach The C&S team will identify key stakeholders that would have the local transportation, employment and land use knowledge and insight needed to conduct the feasibility study. It is anticipated these stakeholders would include: Tompkins County, City of Ithaca, Town of Ithaca, Ithaca-Tompkins County Transportation Council, Cornell University, and Ithaca College. Proposer:
The C&S team will facilitate and summarize up to four stakeholder meetings over the course of the project. Meetings may include one or more of the stakeholders and will address a variety of topics inDMVEJOH EBUB HBUIFSJOH SPVUF QSJPSJUJ[BUJPO JEFOUJmDBUJPO PG JTTVFT BOE DPODFSOT BOE TPMJDJU GFFECBDL on preliminary analyses.
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Task 3.2—Research and Data Collection The C&S team will compile and review relevant studies conducted in the area to obtain background transportation and travel behavior information. Information will also be collected on potential for employment growth and interest in additional housing in Ithaca. Several market research studies regarding travel behavior and interest in transit and housing location have been conducted and will be reviewed for relevance to this project. Studies may include the Cornell Master Plan and Transportation GEIS, Park & Ride Study for Downtown and Cornell Employees, Vision Report for Collegetown, Downtown Ithaca Alliance Density Study, Corridor Management Plan for NYS Route 13/366, NYS Route 96 Corridor Study, and the Transit Development Plan. The C&S team will also obtain documentation of existing traďŹƒc conditions as represented in the peak hour Transcad model maintained by ITCTC. The result of this task will be a summary of existing traďŹƒc and mobility issues that can be mitigated by PRT.
Task 3.3—Technical Feasibility Connect Ithaca will lead this task building on their strong relationship with the Institute for SustainBCMF 5SBOTQPSUBUJPO BOE UIF mOEJOHT PG UIF OE 1PEDBS $JUZ DPOGFSFODF IFME JO *UIBDB ɨJT UBTL XJMM EFmOF PQUJNVN TZTUFN DIBSBDUFSJTUJDT GPS MPDBM DPOEJUJPOT 0ODF TZTUFN DIBSBDUFSJTUJDT BSF EFmOFE Connect Ithaca will compare and contrast existing and emerging systems and their applicability to local conditions. The task will result in preliminary recommendations for systems that would be approQSJBUF GPS JNQMFNFOUBUJPO JO *UIBDB "O BQQSPQSJBUF QPXFS TPVSDF XJMM BMTP CF BTTFTTFE BOE EFmOFE
Task 3.4—Right-of-Way Assessment/Route Prioritization $ 4 XJMM MFBE UIJT UBTL ɨF UBTL XJMM CFHJO XJUI UIF JEFOUJmDBUJPO PG VQ UP BMUFSOBUJWFT SPVUFT within the Phase 1 corridor that will achieve the goal of linking Collegetown and Cornell University XJUI %PXOUPXO BOE *UIBDB $PMMFHF 1PUFOUJBM TUBUJPO MPDBUJPOT XJMM BMTP CF JEFOUJmFE &BDI BMUFSOBtive will then be analyzed separately to demonstrate the dierences between them and the advantages and disadvantages of each. The alternatives will consider short- and long-term needs and particularly the potential for facility expansion in the future if needed. For each of the alternatives, C&S will assess right of way needed and land or air rights acquisition required. Alternatives will be analyzed to assess physical constraints and constructability.
Task 3.5—Assessment of Transit Oriented Development (TOD)
This task will be lead by Connect Ithaca with assistance from C&S. Once the preferred alignment has CFFO JEFOUJmFE $ 4 XJMM EPDVNFOU FYJTUJOH [POJOH BMPOH UIF QSPQPTFE 135 DPSSJEPS $POTJTUFOU with existing studies for the Business Improvement District and Collegetown, the C&S team will assess the potential to increase density and reduce parking requirements to encourage transit oriented development. In particular, the feasibility of increasing housing along the corridor will be assessed. .BSLFU SFTFBSDI IBT JOEJDBUFE UIBU B TJHOJmDBOU TIBSF PG *UIBDB CBTFE FNQMPZFFT XIP DVSSFOUMZ SFTJEF in outlying areas would choose to live in Ithaca if aordable housing was available. It is anticipated that the development of transit oriented housing would provide the highest reduction in VMT. For analysis purposes, it is assumed that the PRT system would be fully operational and supported by transit oriented development in 20 years.
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Task 3.6—Ridership Forecast C&S will lead this eort. Based on transportation survey data by Cornell University, C&S will estimate the potential PRT ridership associated with employees and students living and working along the PRT corridor. If transportation data is not available for Ithaca College, projections for Ithaca College will assume that employees and students will have similar characteristics to Cornell. Existing mode share data will be used to document if current trips are made by auto, transit or bicycling/walking. Estimates will then be made as to how much of these existing trips will transition to the PRT system. It is anticipated that the PRT system will supplement or replace some of the existing transit bus service along the proposed corridor. Using ridership data from Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit (TCAT) and estimates for the PRT system to replace some routes, ridership shifts from bus transit to PRT will be forecasted. The next step would be to estimate potential ridership associated with increased housing along the corridor. Existing employment data and market research, available through the MPO, will be used to estimate the potential shift in employees who currently live in outlying areas but who would live in Ithaca is aordable housing stock were available. Since these downtown and academic institution employees will be drawn to the transit-oriented housing, their commute trips will be assumed to transition to the PRT system. The same methodology will be used to estimate the number of projected new employees that will choose to live along the system and commute by PRT. Ridership estimates will focus on the morning and evening peak commuter period. Planning level assumption will be used to translate peak hour ridership to daily activity. At the end of this task, Technical Memorandum #2, PRT Development; Case Study: Ithaca, NY, will be developed for review by NYSDOT and NYSERDA. An interim review meeting will be held to review UIF mOEJOHT BOE QSPWJEF DPNNFOUT
Task 4.0—BeneďŹ ts ɨF $ 4 UFBN XJMM EPDVNFOU UIF QPUFOUJBM CFOFmUT PG UIF DPPSEJOBUFE EFWFMPQNFOU PG B 135 TZTUFN and implementation of transit oriented development policies. Documentation will include theoretical CFOFmUT JODMVEJOH DPNQBSJTPO PG 135 CFOFmUT PWFS USBEJUJPOBM NPEFT PG USBOTQPSUBUJPO ɨF EPDVNFOUBUJPO PG CFOFmUT XJMM JODMVEF 1. Energy and Environmental BeneďŹ ts‰ɨJT UBTL MFE CZ $ 4 XJMM GPDVT PO UIF QPUFOUJBM reduction in vehicle miles travelled and the associated reduction in greenhouse gases and consumption of petroleum. Reduction in VMT will be calculated in three ways, supported by ridership forecasts developed in Task 2: a. Potential PRT ridership associated with employees and students living and working along the PRT corridor. Existing trip length and mode choice will be documented to determine existing VMT that would transition to PRT. Proposer:
b. Reduction in existing bus transit service that will be supplemented or replaced by PRT. c. Documentation of existing VMT travelled for commute trips that would be eliminated by the development of transit-oriented housing.
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A planning level assessment will also be made as to the potential reduction in delay related congestion when existing commute trips are removed from already constrained corridors of NYS Routes 96 and 13/366. 2. Quality of Life BeneďŹ ts (Led by Connect Ithaca)—The density of development aorded by PRT will provide for a mix of uses within a walkable environment and a reduction in the required parking. The result is a reduction in land use to accommodate automobiles, including both street width and parking facilities. The study will qualitatively address potential enhancements to the streetscape and the resulting increase in bicycling and walking. The study will also note the how the reduction in commute time will enhance employee’s quality of life. The study will also qualitatively assess the potential for enhanced safety and security associated with 24-hour operation of a transit system that will increase the number of “eyes on the streetâ€? and reduce the potential for impaired driving. The anticipated reduction in vehicle trips and congestion and the system grade separation will also contribute to a reduction in auto accidents. 3. Economic BeneďŹ ts (Led by Connect Ithaca)—The study will provide a qualitative assessNFOU PG QPUFOUJBM FDPOPNJD CFOFmUT BTTPDJBUFE XJUI 50% EFWFMPQNFOU BMPOH UIF DPSSJEPS The assessment will include increased density and associated increase in property values, increased housing aordability and potential commercial business opportunity including increased sales potential. The economic assessment will also note potential adverse impacts on transit and taxi operations. 4. BeneďŹ ts Over Other Modes (Led by Connect Ithaca)—Based on existing literature review, UIF TUVEZ XJMM TVNNBSJ[F QPUFOUJBM CFOFmUT PG 135 PWFS PUIFS USBEJUJPOBM USBOTJU ɨJT TVNmary will include a projected PRT capital and operating and maintenance costs in comparison to traditional transit. The summary will also compare right-of-way requirements. At the end of this task, Technical Memorandum #3, PRT BeneďŹ ts; Case Study: Ithaca, NY, will be developed for review by NYSDOT and NYSERDA. An Interim Review Meeting will be held to review the mOEJOHT BOE QSPWJEF DPNNFOUT
Task—5.0 Implementation This task, led by Connect Ithaca, will focus on identifying key issues associated with PRT deployment in Ithaca and outline the next steps to progress implementation. The team will identify the necesTBSZ BQQSPWBMT SFRVJSFE " QPUFOUJBM mOBODJBM TUSBUFHZ XJMM CF EFWFMPQFE EPDVNFOUJOH UIF DPTU PG UIF Phase 1 system and identifying potential public and private funding sources.
This task will also document the anticipated opportunities and challenges and potential approaches to address these issues. For example an anticipated challenge will be overcoming the public perception PG UIF WJTVBM JNQBDUT BTTPDJBUFE XJUI B mYFE FMFWBUFE HVJEFXBZ "O PQQPSUVOJUZ NBZ CF UIBU UIF mYFE infrastructure will guide land use patterns rather than follow them, as the current bus system does. This guidance will allow for greater insight into development patterns and improved land use and utility infrastructure planning.
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At the end of this task, Technical Memorandum #4, PRT Implementation; Case Study: Ithaca, NY, will be developed for review by NYSDOT and NYSERDA.
Task 6.0—Applicability in New York In this task, the C&S team will use the data collected in Tasks 2.0-5.0 to determine the potential apQMJDBCJMJUZ PG 135 JO /FX :PSL CFZPOE *UIBDB *EFOUJmDBUJPO PG BSFBT GPS 135 BQQMJDBUJPO XJMM CF JO general terms with documentation of characteristics needed for successful application. Characteristics may include size of area, development density, employment projections, existing transit availability, congestion levels and transportation constraints. At the end of this task, the Draft Report—Viability of Personal Rapid Transit in Ithaca, NY will be developed for review by NYSDOT and NYSERDA. A wrap-up meeting will be held to review the mOEJOHT BOE QSPWJEF DPNNFOUT 'PMMPXJOH UIF XSBQ VQ NFFUJOH UIF $ 4 UFBN XJMM NBLF BOZ OFDFTsary edits to the report and submit a Final Report—Viability of Personal Rapid Transit in Ithaca, NY to NYSDOT and NYSERDA.
Project Schedule JAN TASK # 1.0 1.1 1.2
1.3 1.4
Project Management Subcontracts Meetings Kick-off Interim Review 1 Interim Review 2 Interim Review 3 Interim Review 4 Wrap-up Reporting Final Report
State of PRT Development
3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6
Application of PRT in Ithaca Stakeholder Outreach Research/Data Collection Technical Feasibility ROW/Route Prioritization Assessment of TOD Ridership Forecast
Applicability in New York
TM #1, Status of PRT Development
TM #2, PRT Development: Ithaca
TM #3, PRT Benefit: Ithaca TM #4, Implementation: Ithaca
6. Proposer QualiďŹ cations Proposer:
To meet the unique needs of the feasibility study including PRT knowledge, transportation planning and engineering expertise and local knowledge of the Ithaca area, we have assembled a team that includes C&S Companies (C&S) and Connect Ithaca.
PON 1239 13
The team will be lead by the C&S Companies. C&S is a leading engineering, planning, architectural BOE DPOTUSVDUJPO TFSWJDFT mSN IFBERVBSUFSFE JO 4ZSBDVTF /FX :PSL $ 4 IBT B TUBĊ PG PWFS QSPGFTTJPOBMT TVQQPSUFE CZ B GVMM BENJOJTUSBUJWF TUBĊ 0WFS IBMG PG UIF mSN T TUBĊ TFSWFT UIF USBOTQPSUBUJPO mFME $ 4 IBT TFSWFE UIF EJWFSTF USBOTQPSUBUJPO OFFET PG DPNNVOJUJFT TJODF JUT JODFQUJPO in 1968, from initial data collection and analysis to comprehensive planning to highway and bridge design and construction. C&S has strong, positive working relationships with the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA). In addition to providing transportation planning and engineering expertise, overall project management, quality control and coordination among team members, C&S will serve as the primary point of contact with the NYSDOT and the NYSERDA. Connect Ithaca, through their research and professional relationships, will provide knowledge of PRT development and implementation and local knowledge of Ithaca’s transportation and land use issues. Connect Ithaca was launched in July 2007 as a citizens group with the goal of transforming Ithaca NY into a model “Eco-City.� In order to relieve development pressures on surrounding rural land and sensitive natural areas and to help prepare the region for a future constrained by the realities of global climate change and oil prices, a focus on creating a more sustainable, dense urban environment was JEFOUJmFE "T LFZ SPBECMPDLT UP EFOTF VSCBO EFWFMPQNFOU XFSF TUVEJFE UIF SFHJPO T EFQFOEFODF PO the automobile stood out as the most critical challenge. Confronting this issue as part of the group’s mission, Connect Ithaca developed an overall vision for the City of Ithaca that re-balances transportaUJPO NPEFT TP UIBU CJLJOH BOE XBMLJOH BSF HJWFO mSTU QSJPSJUZ QVCMJD USBOTJU TFDPOE BOE DPOTJEFST UIF importance of the private auto last. Connect Ithaca has formed into an LLC to not only advocate for improved transit options and smart growth strategies, but to also help make them a reality. Connect Ithaca has strong relationships with the Institute for Sustainable Transportation, Ithaca-Tompkins County Transportation Council, the City and Town of Ithaca, Cornell University, Ithaca College, and other project stakeholders. ɨSPVHI JUT BUUFOEBODF PG UIF mSTU 1PEDBS $JUZ DPOGFSFODF JO 6QQTBMB 4XFEFO JO 0DUPCFS PG it has also formed a strong working relationship with the Institute for Sustainable Transportation, a Swedish group that has become a nexus for PRT information and networking. The 2nd annual Podcar City conference in Ithaca is an outgrowth of this relationship. Hosting this conference will enhance Connect Ithaca’s access to people and information useful to the proposed study, and solidify relationships with individuals, organizations and businesses critical to the eventual implementation of PRT technology in Ithaca and New York State. Connect Ithaca will also work with IST to organize the 2009 Podcar City Conference and Sustainable Transportation industry Expo in Copenhagen, to occur in conjunction with the COP15 Global Climate Change Conference.
Project Team The following brief resumes describe the knowledge and experience of proposed key team members: Proposer:
PON 1239 14
C&S Companies Paul W. Wilke, P.E. Paul will serve as principal investigator for the study, providing client coordination, team direction, BOE RVBMJUZ DPOUSPM 1BVM JT B QSJODJQBM PG UIF mSN BOE IBT NBOBHFE UIF $ 4 5SBOTQPSUBUJPO (SPVQ for 14 years. His experience includes 25 years of transportation planning, design, and construction, including dozens of projects for NYSDOT and locally administered, federal-aid transportation planning/traďŹƒc engineering and highway projects. Representative samples of his transportation planning experience include corridors studies in Dutchess County, NY, and the Town and City of Plattsburgh, NY. Paul also served as the principal investigator for the NYSERDA sponsored (No. C02-53) Yankee and Shea stadiums access and alternatives study, which assessed ingress and egress conditions, transit accessibility, and parking availability to develop alternative traďŹƒc management schemes. Aileen Maguire Meyer, P.E., AICP Aileen will serve as lead transportation planner. Aileen has over 15 years of professional experience in traďŹƒc engineering and transportation planning. She has managed and conducted traďŹƒc impact assessments, circulation planning, and traďŹƒc mitigation associated with a variety of development/ redevelopment projects including mixed-use developments of 175,000 to 1.5 million square feet. These projects, located in a variety of settings, have addressed the roadway, transit, pedestrian and bicycle systems. As project engineer, she has conducted traďŹƒc needs studies to examine the existing and future transportation of roadway corridors and examined the impact of proposed roadway improvements. Roadway improvements have included a combination of land use regulations, access management techniques and traditional roadway and signal improvements. Aileen has also served as transportation planner in the development of several traďŹƒc calming programs and streetscape improvement projects to better serve the needs of alternative transportation modes. Tom Siwula, P.E. Tom will serve as lead engineer. He has 31 years of experience in infrastructure design and construcUJPO ZFBST PG FYQFSJFODF XBT XJUI .JTTPVSJ 1BDJmD BOE 6OJPO 1BDJmD 3BJMSPBE T EVSJOH XIJDI IF held positions with increasing responsibility within the Engineering Department. His experience spans management and engineering of railroad track structure, bridge and building inspection and condition assessment, maintenance, rehabilitation and construction, railroad design, construction and operations. With C&S Companies and the railroads he has inspected rail lines in various parts of the country and has determined track upgrade costs to handle 286,000-pound railcars, developed track and structure maintenance costs and renewal program costs, and determined net liquidation values of multiple line segments. His experience includes evaluation and design of highway-rail at-grade crossings in several states. He’s managed the environmental and engineering studies and design required UP EFUFSNJOF UIF TQFDJmDBUJPOT BOE DPTU PG VQHSBEJOH UIF NJMFT QFS IPVS USBDL PG B NJMF TIPSU line railroad to 40 miles per hour track. Tom’s experience includes design and negotiation of industrial track agreements implemented by the railroad for various industry shippers. Tom was the principle author of a NYSERDA sponsored study (No. 6764B-1) for NYSDOT titled Remsen-Lake Placid Travel Corridor Infrastructure Preservation in April 2003. Proposer:
Connect Ithaca Jason Demarest, RA Jason is principal architect of JKD Architects in Ithaca and is Connect Ithaca’s VP for technology. He has 13 years experience in commercial, institutional and residential architecture, with a considerable
PON 1239 15
GPDVT PO BĊPSEBCMF IPVTJOH IBWJOH DPNQMFUFE UISFF TJHOJmDBOU BĊPSEBCMF EFWFMPQNFOU QSPKFDUT JO the Ithaca area. His independent research interests focus on sustainable development planning, building material innovations and manufactured green building systems. Robert F. Morache Robert is Connect Ithaca’s VP for operations and has 20 years experience as a project architect, with B DPOTJEFSBCMF CBDLHSPVOE JO IPVTJOH JODMVEJOH VSCBO JOmMM OFJHICPSIPPE SFWJUBMJ[BUJPO NBTUFS planning and development planning. His work has included all aspects of pre-development feasibility studies, site and building design, environmental impact statements, controlled site approvals, construction documentation and construction management for commercial developments up to 500,000 square feet, and both aordable and market-rate residential development projects up to 150 units. Currently a design consultant, Robert is engaged in independent research focused on intentional community design, sustainable shelter, food and energy strategies, and green building technologies as applied to aordable housing. Frost Travis Frost is chairman of Connect Ithaca’s board and its treasurer. He is a partner in Travis and Travis DeWFMPQNFOU BOE IBT ZFBST FYQFSJFODF JODMVEJOH QSPQFSUZ BOE DPOTUSVDUJPO NBOBHFNFOU mOBODJBM and marketing analysis, and mixed use real estate development.
NYSDOT and NYSERDA Projects " MJTU PG /:4%05 BOE /:4&3%" QSPKFDUT BXBSEFE UP $ 4 JO UIF QBTU mWF ZFBST JT QSPWJEFE CFMPX Project NYSDOT Reconstruction of Route 104, Oswego, NY Area Backdrop Contract—Central Zone: Reconstruction of Route 104, Oswego, NY MPT on I-81, I-690 Area Backdrop Contract—Eastern Zone: Overhead & Ground Mounted Signs, Route 17 Route 17, Exit 90 Ramp Rpute 12 Rehab, Greene, NY Area Backdrop Contract—Western Zone: Route 64 Bridges I-590/ Winton Rd Interchange Route 77 Rehabilitation Region 9 Term Agreement I-81 Bridges, Whitney Point, NY Parksville Bypass, I-86
Project Type
NYS Project Manager
Design Design
Cynthia Bell, P.E. Cynthia Bell, P.E. Cynthia Bell, P.E.
Design Ronald Romanosky Dev Devadoss TBD (Summer 2009) Design
Const. Inspection Const. Inspection Const. Inspection
Arnold Sobol Dwight Mateer Dwight Mateer Thomas Hoskins, P.E. Thomas Hoskins, P.E. Thomas Hoskins, P.E.
Access Study
Ian Francis
Proposer: NYSERDA Yankee & Shea Staduims Access Study PON 1239 16
Remsen Lake Placid Railroad- Maintenance Plan Bomax, Inc. Energy Audit Syracuse Energy Evaluations 4ZSBDVTF &OFSHZ &WBMVBUJPO‰%18 4ZSBDVTF &OFSHZ "VEJU‰*DF 3JOL 4ZSBDVTF &OFSHZ 4UVEZ‰4PVUIXFTU $PNNVOJUZ Center 4ZSBDVTF &OFSHZ 4UVEZ‰1BSLT 'BDJMJUZ Anheuser Busch OďŹƒce Energy Audit CNYRTA Energy Audit Hampshire Chemical Engergy Audit Emerson Power Transmission Corp. Energy Audit B&B Lumber Co., Inc. Cogeneration Cayuga County Energy Audits Riverview Business Park Energy Audit Esco Turbines Energy Audit Broome Community College Energy Audit Kraft Ammonia System Evaluation
Railroad Study Energy Audit Energy Audit Energy Audit Energy Audit Energy Audit
Joseph Tario Jaime Ritchey Jaime Ritchey Jaime Ritchey Mark Mayhew Mark Mayhew
Energy Audit Energy Audit Energy Audit Energy Audit Energy Audit Feasibility Study Energy Audit Energy Audit Energy Audit Energy Audit Energy Audit
Jaime Ritchey N/A Jaime Ritchey Jaime Ritchey Jessica Zweig N/A Jaime Ritchey Jaime Ritchey Mark Gundrum Jaime Ritchey Mark Mayhew
7. Project BeneďŹ ts ɨF QSPQPTFE GFBTJCJMJUZ TUVEZ JT JOUFOEFE UP FTUJNBUF UIF QPUFOUJBM CFOFmUT GSPN UIF JNQMFNFOUBUJPO of a Phase 1 system in Ithaca, New York. The following estimate of potential VMT reduction is based PO B OVNCFS PG OPUFE BTTVNQUJPOT UIBU XJMM CF WFSJmFE UISPVHI UIF GFBTJCJMJUZ TUVEZ ɨF BQQMJDBUJPO of PRT for small and medium sized cities or major institutions is not unique to Ithaca and could be applied broadly across New York State.
Reduction in VMT The implementation of a Phase 1 PRT system in Ithaca will reduce VMT in two ways: 1. Supplementing existing transit bus service. It is anticipated that along the PRT corridor, some transit routes can be supplemented or eliminated by the PRT system. 2. The development of transit oriented housing along the PRT corridor will allow for relocation of employees of the three business centers served: Cornell University, Downtown Ithaca and Ithaca College. Commute trips for these employees would shift from existing modes to the PRT system. Proposer:
Supplement Existing Transit Bus Service Assumption: PRT will replace 50% of existing peak hour service (7–9 am and 4–6 pm) and 100% of o peak service on the following routes:
PON 1239 17
1. Route 10 Cornell–Commons 2. Route 11 Ithaca College–Commons 3. Route 12 Cornell–Commons–Ithaca College Estimated Annual VMT Reduction: 65,000
t PG DPNNVUFST BSF XJMMJOH UP NPWF DMPTFS UP FNQMPZNFOU DFOUFS JG BĊPSEBCMF IPVTJOH were available. However, 80% of commuters prefer a single-family home. (Tompkins CounUZ $PSOFMM 6OJWFSTJUZ &NQMPZFF $PNNVUFS 4VSWFZ 3FQPSU 'FCSVBSZ ‰BTTVNF PG commuter population would relocate to be served by transit oriented housing. Estimated Annual VMT Reduction: 14,690,000
Energy BeneďŹ ts “As conceived, PRT systems will operate non-stop, on-demand service using lightweight vehicles on exclusive-use guideways. As such PRT developers estimate that PRT systems will consume 50 to over 300 percent less energy than conventional public transportation systems and could achieve an automotive equivalent energy use of 70-90 miles per gallon.â€? FromViability of Personal Rapid Transit in New Jersey, page 63.
Environmental BeneďŹ ts By reducing VMT and the associated consumption of petroleum from traditional bus transit vehicles and personal autos, the implementation of PRT will reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and provide a corresponding improvement in urban air quality.
PON 1239 18
t 4JHOJmDBOU DPNNJUNFOU UP 135 UFDIOPMPHZ EFQMPZNFOU JO /:4 XJMM MJLFMZ BUUSBDU NBOVGBDturing of the related equipment to the state, including track infrastructure components, PRT WFIJDMFT QSPQVMTJPO TZTUFNT DPOUSPM TZTUFNT BOE TPGUXBSF " TJHOJmDBOU SFTFBSDI FÄŠPSU DPVME also be expected to emerge in partnership with academic institutions.
Safety and Security BeneďŹ ts t &MFWBUFE 135 HVJEFXBZT DPVQMFE XJUI DPNQVUFS DPOUSPM PG WFIJDMF NPWFNFOU XJMM SFTVMU JO TJHOJmDBOU SFEVDUJPOT JO QPUFOUJBM DPMMJTJPOT BDDJEFOUT EFBUIT BOE JOKVSJFT SFTVMUJOH GSPN UIF VTF PG UIF BVUPNPCJMF $PSSFTQPOEJOH FDPOPNJD CFOFmUT GSPN SFEVDFE IFBMUI DBSF DPTUT NBZ also emerge. t #FDBVTF WFIJDMFT BSF mYFE UP 135 USBDLT JO NPTU TZTUFNT BOE PQFSBUF BCPWF HSBEF XJOUFS weather impacts will not aect the safety of commuting or create delays in PRT service areas, and will reduce weather related productivity losses in the workplace, an added economic CFOFmU t "VUPNBUFE IPVS 135 TFSWJDF XJMM IBWF B TJHOJmDBOU JNQBDU PO JNQBJSFE ESJWJOH JO /: State by removing the temptation to drive to nightlife venues because transit service stops before bars close.
Quality of Life BeneďŹ ts Both the density of transit-oriented development and the reduction in auto traďŹƒc in urban centers implementing PRT will improve the pedestrian experience, encourage more walking and bicycling and therefore improve general public health.
8. Budget The C&S team has prepared the following budget and detailed breakdown of tasks to demonstrate our approach and general understanding of the level of eort needed for this project. We would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss these tasks and assumptions and work together to arrive at a project eort and budget that will meet your needs.
PON 1239 19
Cost Sharing The table below illustrates our cost sharing breakdown.
Proposal Funding By Task (Cash and In-Kind)
Project Total
Funding Source
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
Task 5
Task 6
New York State
Co-Funder (identify) Co-Funder (identify) Task Total ($)
Indirect Costs C&S’s fee is based on hourly rates of the sta anticipated to work on the study, adjusted for a year of ination. Our overhead rate, that is factored into the loaded rates shown in the Contract Pricing Proposal Form (attachment C), is based in part on our NYSDOT audited overhead rate for 2007. A copy of NYSDOT’s letter documented our 2007 overhead is included in the appendix for reference. We anticipate our overhead rate for 2009, when the work will be done on this study, will be approximately 10 percentage points higher than the 2007 rate. We would be pleased to provide more information related to our pricing structure if you so desire.
Prior and/or Competing Proposals C&S is also submitting a separate proposal for the funding of a feasibility study under PON No. 1239. The other feasibility study is titled Personal Rapid Transit at JFK International Airport
PON 1239 21
Attachment B - PON 1239 Disclosure of Prior Findings of Non-responsibility Form (Mandatory) Name of Individual or Entity seeking to enter the procurement contract: C&S Engineers, Inc. Address: 499 Col. Eileen Collins Blvd, Syracuse, NY 13212 Date: 9/12/2008 Solicitation or Agreement Number: PON 1239 Name and Title of Person Submitting this Form: Paul Wilke, P.E. Has any Governmental Entity made a finding of nonresponsibility regarding the Individual or Entity seeking to enter the Procurement Contract in the last four years? (Please indicate with an “X”) Was the basis for the finding of non-responsibility due to due to a violation of §139-j of the State Finance Law? (Please indicate with an “X”) Was the basis for the finding of non-responsibility due to the intentional provision of false or incomplete information to a Governmental Entity? (Please indicate with an “X”)
No Yes
Yes X
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, please provide details regarding the finding of non-responsibility below. Government Agency or Authority: Date of Finding of Non-responsibility:
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PON 1239 1
Connect Ithaca Title A Title B Title C Title D Title E Subtotal - Connect Ithaca
C&S Engineers, Inc. Service Group Manager Managing Engineer/Planner Sr. Project Engineer Project Engineer Engineer CADD Operator Tech Typist Subtotal - C&S Engineers, Inc.
ESTIMATED LABOR COSTS (Including Overhead and Profit)
24 8 8 8 12 20
0 12 12 8
2 0 2 2 2 2
TASK 3.0 - APPLICATION OF PRT IN ITHACA Task 3.1 Stakeholder Outreach Task 3.2 Research and Data Collection Task 3.3 Technical Feasibility Task 3.4 ROW Assessment/Route Prioritization Task 3.5 Assessment of Transit Oriented Development Task 3.6 Ridership Forecast
Subtotal - TASK 3
Subtotal - TASK 1
Service Group Manager
4 32 6 0
Loaded Rate
Managing Planner/ Engineer
TASK 1.0 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT Task 1.1 Subcontracts Task 1.2 Meetings Task 1.3 Reporting Task 1.4 Final Report
Viability of Personal Rapid Transit in Ithaca, NY C&S Engineers, Inc. and Connect Ithaca
Sr. Proj. Engineer
0 8 0 32 8 0
0 0 0 24
Project Engineer
0 0 0 0 0 16
0 0 0 0
C&S Engineers, Inc. Person Hours
0 24 0 20 0 0
0 4
0 0 0 0
4 0 0 8 0 0
0 4 0 4
Subtotal - Connect Ithaca
Connect Ithaca Mileage Lodging/Meals Phone/Fax/Copies Report Reproduction
Subtotal - C&S Engineers, Inc.
C&S Engineers, Inc. Mileage Lodging/Meals Phone/Fax/Copies Report Reproduction
0 0 0 0 0 8
0 0 0 8
Tech Typist
CADD Oper.
20 8 16 16 32 4
2 12 0 4
Project Manager 125
4 8 40 12 8 4
2 12 0 4
Project Architect
Connect Ithaca Person Hours
8 0
0 0 0
0 12 0
Development Analyst
Telephone: Planning & Development – 607-274-6550 Email: planning@cityofithaca.org
Community Development/IURA – 607-274-6559 Email: iura@cityofithaca.org
Fax: 607-274-6558
Fax: 607-274-6558
NYSERDA 17 Columbia Circle Albany, NY 12203 Attention: Mr. Joseph Tario, P. E., Project Manager, Research & Development Re: Sustainable Transportation Systems PRT Feasibility Study for Ithaca, New York Dear Mr. Tario: It is our understanding that C&S Engineers, Inc in association with Connect Ithaca is submitting a proposal to conduct a feasibility study for a Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) system in the city and town of Ithaca, NY. We are familiar with the initial work done by Connect Ithaca to develop concepts for the PRT system and are very excited about the positive effects such a system could have on our community. We believe the PRT would help encourage other modes of transportation and decrease our residents’ and commuters’ reliance on the automobile. The City of Ithaca will cooperate with the study team by making existing information available to them . Please consider this letter as evidence our full support of this worthwhile study. Sincerely, JoAnn Cornish Acting Director of Planning and Development City of Ithaca
"An Equal Opportunity Employer with a commitment to workforce diversification."
Mr. Wilke serves as Transportation Group Manager. He is responsible MANAGER, TRANSPORTATION GROUP for the technical, administrative and financial performance of the group. EXPERIENCE Mr. Wilke has more than 25 years Mr. Wilke serves as Transportation Group Manager. He is responsible for the experience in consulting engineering. His experience includes design technical, administrative and financial performance of the division. He has over 25 years experience in consulting engineering. His experience includes and construction inspection of a design and construction inspection of a wide variety of civil works. The past wide variety of civil works. The past 12 years his design work has primarily involved roads, bridge, and airports. 12 years his design work has primarily involved roads, bridge, and airIn addition to transportation design, Mr. Wilke has been responsible for a ports. In addition to transportation variety of transportation planning and traffic engineering projects. design, Mr. Wilke has been responA representative sampling of transportation planning/traffic engineering pro- sible for a variety of transportation jects completed under Mr. Wilke’s guidance is as follows: planning and traffic engineering projects. Yankee & Shea Stadiums Traffic Study, New York City—Project manager for study of traffic congestion in vicinity of these two baseball stadiums in urban areas of New York City. Study includes traffic data collection, EDUCATION inventory of existing ingress and egress conditions, proximity to transit, adequacy of parking and traffic management schemes. These data will be Master’s of Engineering, 1984 analyzed, and alternative traffic management schemes developed. (2004Univ. of Calgary, Alberta 2005) B.S., 1979, Civil Engineering, Univ. Plattsburgh Corridor Study—Project manager for this broad study of the of Waterloo, Ontario corridor comprised by SR3, SR374 and CR26 in the Town and City of Plattsburgh, NY. The study identified existing and future transportation needs for the area and a series of 30 highway, intersection, and bridge imREGISTRATION provements were recommended over a 30 year period to address these needs. (1998) 1986/P.E., NY, PA, FL 1993/PE: NJ (inactive) Route 22 Corridor Study & Management Plan, Dutchess County, NY—Project manager for study of a 50-mile segment of Route 22 to evalu- 1981/Canada ate existing and projected land use and traffic; and development of a corridor management plan. The management plan included changes to land use/zoning and physical improvements to the transportation system to proactively control corridor development so that it efficiently moves traffic, preserves the unique character of the area and stimulates business. Project included extensive public outreach program. (2000-2002) A representative sampling of NYSDOT and locally-administered, federalaid highway projects completed under Mr. Wilke’s guidance as group manager is as follows: Roadway Reconstruction, MP 289.3-304.5—Preliminary and final design of 15 miles of mainline I-90 reconstruction between interchanges 39 and 40. Work included extensive pavement investigation and design of new PCC pavement with HMA shoulder, road profile adjustments, roadside grading improvements, drainage system replacement, and stormwater management. Route 635—Design Phase I-VI for 2.2 miles of rehabilitation and widening of principal arterial including intersection and drainage modifications, Syracuse, NY
Route 31—Phases I-IV design of 1.7 miles of reconstruction and widening of principal arterial from Old Route 57 to Route 481, Onondaga County. Old Route 57—Phases I-IV design of 1.2 miles of rehabilitation and widening of principal arterial from Gaskin Road to Route 31, Onondaga County. Reconstruction of Aqueduct and Maxon Roads, Schenectady County —Preliminary design of 2.5 miles of minor arterial highway and intersection improvements; including design report, environmental assessment; public meetings, and final design of maintenance/protection of traffic, signage and pavement markings (1996-98). Conklin Avenue Reconstruction; City of Binghamton—Preliminary and final design of 1.2 miles of arterial city street, including design report, public meeting, water/sewer replacements and drainage improvements (19971999). Route 31—Design Phases I-VI for reconstruction and widening of arterial highway from 2 to 5 lanes. Project included replacement of 2-lane truss with 5-lane multi-girder bridge. Project included extensive public outreach process. (2001) NYS Thruway Rehabilitation MP296-314—Project manager (1993— 1994) for 72 lane miles of concrete rubblization and overlay, bridge rehabilitation, and safety improvements. Route 7 Rehabilitation, Oneonta, NY—Project manager for 1.8 miles of street resurfacing and selective reconstruction, sidewalks, and sewer replacement. (1993). Prospect Street Bypass, Hartford, CT Alignment Study—Provided engineering evaluations and report comparing alternative alignments along existing 45 foot flood control dike and through wetlands. (1991). I-490/I-590 Reconstruction, Rochester, NY—Design of 2 miles of post and panel retaining and noise walls up to 35 foot height. (1991).
AILEEN MAGUIRE MEYER, P.E., AICP MANAGING PLANNER EXPERIENCE Ms. Maguire has sixteen years of professional experience as a traffic engineer and transportation planner. She currently serves as project manager on various projects. Some examples of her experience include: Transportation Planning • As transportation planner for Harvard University, provided technical expertise and managed the transportation component of permitting and approvals for university development projects. Conducted transportation studies including a campus bicycle plan, development of campus transportation guidelines, and streetscape improvement/traffic calming plans. Provided transportation expertise and analytical services to support policy decisions and coordination with public agencies on transportation projects that affect the university including the transportation component of Harvard University’s Allston Campus master planning effort focused on 340 acres. Improvements studied include: new river crossings, new transit service including PRT, enhanced shuttle service, new and relocated roads, interchange modifications, and transportation demand management measures. • Project manager for a Travel Time Data Collection Program for the Genesee Transportation Council. The Global Positioning System (GPS) based program involves data collection and analysis of all principal roadways (515 directional miles) within the Rochester Transportation Management Area (TMA) in support of the Congestion Management Process. • Ms. Maguire is currently managing a Transportation and Parking Survey for the University of Rochester. The survey to over 22,000 employees will be distributed in hard copy and available on-line. The focus of the survey is to solicit employee opinions on potential short- and long-term measures to address parking shortages including aspects of a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program. • Project manager for municipal parking studies for the cities of Syracuse and Rochester, New York. For the Rochester project, C&S is provided stakeholder meeting facilitation, data collection and GIS services. In Syracuse, C&S is provided a full range of services including GIS based data collection and analysis, assessment of existing policies and regulations, evaluation of existing and future supply and demand and development of short- and long-term recommendations. • Ms. Maguire managed a study to assess pedestrian operations in and around the University of Rochester Medical Center. The study provided short- and long-term recommendations to improve pedestrian accommodations and encourage alternative modes of transportation. Concurrent with the pedestrian study, C&S provided permitting and design services for the installation of a in-pavement flashing light system for a busy crosswalk connecting the Medical Center and River campuses. • Transportation planner for the formulation of a traffic calming program in
Ms. Maguire has 16 years of experience as a planner and engineer. Her expertise includes traffic impact studies, corridor studies, and campus transportation planning. EDUCATION Boston University, Master of City Planning, Boston, MA Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute B.S., Civil Engineering, Troy, NY
REGISTRATION P.E., New York, Massachusetts, American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) American Planning Association (APA)
the Town of Brookline, Massachusetts. Traffic calming features proposed and implemented included raised crosswalks and intersections, chicanes, flush sidewalks and various pavement treatments. As transportation planner, conducted circulation evaluation and developed conceptual geometric and signal improvements in support of streetscape improvements for the Capital Gateway in Des Moines, Iowa and Cleveland Circle in Boston, Massachusetts. The Des Moines project evaluated changing a set of one-way pairs to accommodate two-way traffic flow and recommended the necessary mitigation to accomplish these changes. The Cleveland Circle project included accommodation of two light rail lines. Both projects included modification to intersection geometry and traffic signals and implementation of traffic calming measures. Project manager for the transportation component of campus planning efforts for the University of Memphis (Memphis, TN); Wellesley College (Wellesley, MA); Brown University (Providence, RI); Wheelock College (Boston, MA) and several private and public elementary and secondary schools in eastern Massachusetts.
Traffic Engineering • •
Provides traffic expertise and technical reviews of traffic impact studies for the City of Syracuse, Department of Public Works, traffic and transportation engineering term agreement. Served as project manager for the transportation component of an environmental impact statement for the Oneida Indian Nation. The study focused on cumulative impacts associated with the development of Nation properties including the Turning Stone Resort and Casino. C&S provided data collection, capacity analysis, trip generation studies of various land uses and a toll plaza analysis. Managed and conducted traffic impact assessments, circulation planning, and traffic mitigation associated with a variety of development/ redevelopment projects including mixed-use developments of 175,000 to 1.5 million square feet. Projects included the evaluation of urban signal systems of up to 60 intersections. Travel forecasts and analysis included vehicle, pedestrian, bicycle and transit (light/heavy rail and local/regional bus service). Studies included recommendations for geometry and signal improvements, traffic calming and travel demand management measures to address project related impacts. Developed and implemented signal coordination plans for approximately 100 signals in 13 systems for the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) in Monroe, Erie and Niagara counties. Signal phasing and timing plans were developed in Transyt-7f and programmed into a Model 179 controller for testing prior to field implementation. “before and after” studies were conducted for each system to quantify the benefits of coordination. As project engineer, conducted traffic needs studies to examine the existing and future transportation of roadway corridors and examined the impact of proposed roadway improvements on the following projects: - Southern Corridor Mobility Study; Monroe County, NY - Route 22 Corridor Planning Study; Dutchess County, NY
- SR3, SR374 and CR26 Corridor Study; Plattsburgh, NY - River Road Corridor Study; Marcy, NY - Eastern Onondaga Traffic Needs Study; Dewitt and Manlius, NY - Route 31 Reconstruction Preliminary Design; Clay, NY - Route 57 Reconstruction Preliminary Design; Clay, NY These projects included capacity and level-of-service analysis, accident analysis, origin-destination studies, traffic projections (using compounded annual growth rates based on population projections or a land use based model – TModel2), development of signal phasing and timing, development of alternatives and associated construction cost estimates. Traffic analysis was conducted using a combination of TModel2, NETSIM, FRESIM, HCM and Synchro. Alternatives were evaluated based on compliance with NYSDOT, FHWA, and AASHTO standards, implementation feasibility, ability to meet project goals and construction costs. Several projects also included coordination of extensive public and agency participation. The Route 22 Study focused on maintaining the existing rural character through development of a management plan to guide decisionmaking about future land uses, site access, and transportation proposals. The Southern Corridor Mobility Study included coordination with FHWA on an interchange justification report. Served as project engineer for the preparation of a Project Design Report and preliminary design plans for the rehabilitation and widening of Route 78, Transit Road and Bailey Avenue for the NYSDOT in Buffalo, NY. Analyses of existing and future conditions lead to the recommendation for a two-way center turn lane. Preparation of a technical report and conceptual design of roadway network improvements associated with closing five roadways in the vicinity of the Eastman Kodak campus on NYS Route 104 in Rochester, NY. The analysis including a numerical gravity model, based on an origindestination survey, to re-distribute traffic associated with the road closures. Modifications to signal operation and intersection geometry were recommended to mitigate the effects of re-routed traffic. Project engineer for traffic analysis, signal design and geometric layout of intersection approaches for Carrier Signal Improvements (NYS Route 635) – Syracuse, NY and Traffic Signal Main Gate Stewart Air National Guard – Newburgh, NY. Project Engineer for the maintenance and protection of traffic associated with I-287 Cross Westchester Expressway, Stage 2 Final Design for the NYSDOT and the North Dorchester Bay CSO conduit for the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority. Responsible for the development of construction-period maintenance and protection of traffic plans, including temporary signalization, signing and pavement marking.
Mr. Siwula's experience has included the planning, design, and construction inspection of road, track, and bridge projects for industrial clients, Cities, Counties, State Department’s of Transportation, and other Agencies. He was Division Engineer for two Class 1 Railroad Carriers. This experience over 12 years involved design, construction, maintenance, inspection, and emergency replacement of Fixed Property, which included track, bridge, and grade crossings. His experience spans management of infrastructure, and engineering related to construction and maintenance of railroad track, drainage structures, bridges, and grade crossings. Tom has spent countless hours providing inspection and condition assessment, maintenance, rehabilitation and construction, railroad design, railroad operations, and long/short term planning. EXPERIENCE y Responsible for bridge and rail projects at various locations across New York State. y Currently providing on-call services for new rail leads to serve coal fired power plants for Sithe-Global, an energy development company constructing power plants domestically and internationally. y Various railroad bridge inspection and repairs for Short Line Railroad y Prepared a 10-year maintenance and capital renewal plan for the 117-milelong Adirondack Railroad in 2003. The study was undertaken to define requirements for preservation of the railroad. The study progression involved the fixed property assets, which were inventoried and inspected. A work plan and budget was developed to accommodate the mission of the Adirondack Railroad. The annualized expenditure for the designated rail operator and State to maintain and renew the entire railroad to a minimum track quality for 45-mph passenger trains was determined. The annual expenditures broke down to 23% for maintenance and 77% for capital renewals. y Sithe Energy 260-MW Coke Fired Petroleum Plant, Tamuin, Mexico. Provided inspection documentation for a $1 million credit claim in 2003 against the contractor, Alstrom. A 3.84 kilometer rail yard loop track constructed to provide hopper dumping of unit coke trains was in noncompliance with specifications. Sithe as plant operation provided quality control review of the construction. y 1988 to1999—Senior Project Manager with Konski Engineers, PC. Project Manager/Engineer responsible for design, and inspection of various public transportation projects with construction values between $0.5 and $5.0 million. y 1985 to 1988—Division Engineer with Union Pacific managing rail infrastructure in four states. His responsibilities have included the management of some 693 employees. Some of his accomplishments include a first place safety award in 1986, administering a $27 million annual maintenance budget and $33 million capital budget, and constructing a $10 million facility. y 1986 to 1988—Timber Deck Conversion Program to Prestressed Concrete Decks in Idaho, Wyoming & Utah. Planned, supervised and executed replacement of 32 bridge decks. Each conversion was completed in an 8 hour Mntc. Window on mainlines with 30 to 70 million gross tons annually utilizing company forces and contractor equipment. y 1976 to 1985—Terminal Engineer with Missouri Pacific Railroad.
Mr. Siwula has over 24 years of experience in the transportation field involving fixed property management, design, inspection, and construction. His responsibilities include supervision of bridge and rail design projects involving rehabilitation or replacement work. Tom currently provides railroad engineering services to power plant owners for construction of track leads for new unit train unloading facilities and bridge design services to owners and contractors for bridge replacement and rehabilitation projects. Before joining the consulting engineering field in 1988, he served the Union Pacific & Missouri Pacific Railroads as a Division Engineer, Terminal Engineer, Roadmaster, Designer, and Inspector in the Construction Department. EDUCATION Syracuse University, MBA, 1992 Texas A&M University BSCE, 1978 NYSDOT Bridge Insp., 1988 NYSDOT Level II Ld. Rtg., 1990 FHWA Stream Stability & Scour at Highway Bridges, 1995 REGISTRATION New York State Professional Engineer, 1988 (Also TX and ID) AFFILIATION ASCE - Member AREMA- Member ABCD Central NY - Member
Mr. Siwula worked in various departments obtaining broad experience in railroad engineering. In 1980, he was assigned as Roadmaster until 1982 when he was promoted to Terminal Engineer at St. Louis, Missouri. He directed construction, inspection, and maintenance of all fixed property on the terminal until 1984 promoted to Division Engineer, Illinois Division of Missouri Pacific RR. y 1980 to 1982—Resident Engineer in charge of construction of Loyd Yard in Spring, Texas. Work involved construction of a new gravity classification yard on a 500 acre site. Two million yards of excavation, contaminated soil disposal, construction of 70 miles of yard and main track, sound barrier, roads, yard air, lighting, and support facilities for railroad personnel. y 1984—Desoto Subdivision Track Upgrade. Division Engineer responsible for design and supervision of 165 mile track rehabilitation involving “out-of-face” tie renewal, crossing replacement, surfacing, and super-elevation changes on curves to increase speed posting and track classification from FRA class 3 to class 4. y 1985—Grand Avenue Interlocker Rearrangement, St. Louis, Missouri. Supervised feasibility study, design, and construction to increase freight speed from 10-mph to 30-mph through interlocker involving 8 mainlines operated by 5 railroads with 216 possible routes. Scope of work called for retirement of 10 No. 7 double lap switches with moveable point frogs and installation of 10 No. 14 cross-overs.
301 S. Geneva St., Suite 101 – Ithaca, NY 14850
JASON K. DEMAREST, AIA Principal Architect SELECT PROJECTS x Architecture Technology Corporation Office Building- 2008 x Cedar Creek Affordable Housing Development- 2008 x Morning View Housing Development, Syracuse, NY- 2007 x Ithaca Shopping Plaza Renovation2005 x INHS- Elm St. Multi-family housing2004 x Mutual Housing Development Feasibility- 2004 x Lama Law Offices- 2003 x Northside P&C Revitalization Study2002 x Meadow Court Inn Expansion- 2002 x YMCA - Gymnasium Expansion2001 x Advest, Inc. - Office Renovation2000 x Transact Technologies, Inc. (formerly Ithaca Peripherals)- facility expansions in 1995 and 2001 x Lansing Town Hall- 1997 x Numerous custom residential and small commercial projects
Jason is a licensed and registered architect in New York State and has his own architectural practice. He has worked on numerous projects in the Central NY community for over 13 years. Most importantly Jason has a real-world philosophy, derived from his hands-on construction experience and his education at RPI. This is evidenced by good working relationships with the local contractors & municipalities. His approach has a strong technical and engineering basis blended with the traditional design aspects of scale, proportion, and aesthetics found in the architectural profession. Jason’s primary areas of interest include sustainable land use planning and architectural design, alternative energy, synergetics & tensegrity structures, “Hyper Car” design, and affordable housing.
Experience: 2007 to present – Owner, Jason K Demarest, Architect, Ithaca, NY x Sole owner & principal of firm x Development of new business direction into housing development projects & planning x Commitment to Building Information Modeling x Focus on alternative & progressive design strategies including SIPs & other advanced building technologies, geothermal systems, healthy design philosophy, and overall sustainability. Integrative design philosophy and pursuit of cradle-to-cradle solutions. 2001 to 2006 - Architect, Tallman & Demarest Architects, Ithaca, NY x Responsible for day-to-day operations x Project architect and manager x Full partner in firm 1995 to 2001 - Architect, Tallman & Tallman Architects, Newfield, NY x Experience in all facets of design development x Oversaw and implemented design-build solutions x Construction management experience 1990-1992 – Knewstub Construction, Ithaca, NY x Carpentry and general construction experienceȱ Education: 1990 to 1995 - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY x Bachelor of Architecture x B.S., Building Science ȱ
Robert F. Morache 527½ North Aurora St , Ithaca, NY 14850 607.342.3599 robmorache@gmail.com
Experience 2008 – Present: Connect Ithaca LLC Founding member of Connect Ithaca LLC, which is exploring and seeking to implement more sustainable mobility modes and urban design strategies for Ithaca. I am the primary designer of the principal concept plan upon which our vision is based, have conducted our core technical and planning research and have created many of our presentations. Responsibilities include design and project coordination. 2004 – Present: Self-employed design consultant Currently re-organizing as New Earth Strategies, I have a design consultancy stressing sustainable principles and green building techniques in the area of housing and community design. I provide residential and commercial design solutions and some architectural support for C. Lewis Tomaselli Architects (see below), and design and pre-development planning for several Ithaca and Northeast Pennsylvania builders and developers. The benefit of my services to these firms has been; an enhancement of the design quality of their products; the ability for them to offer their clients the level of attention, respect, and clarity necessary to effectively manage design projects; and a rapid generation of design ideas to give projects clear direction in a cost-effective timeframe. My most recent professional interests involve zero-energy housing, green affordable housing, sustainable development planning, and urban design strategies to cope with energy descent and climate change. 2006 – 2008:
Adjunct Professor of Design, Syracuse University.
Courses I have taught at Syracuse University include senior level design studios and classes in drawing and visual communication. Woven through the curriculum is a constant emphasis on environmental sustainability, practical yet creative solutions, and a high standard of professional ethics. I have also been actively involved in the Design Department’s community outreach, which engages students in real design projects for not-for-profits and community groups in the Syracuse area. 1994 – 2005:
Self-employed architectural support consultant
I served three upstate architectural firms with outsourced support to handle projects that their regular staff members were unable to accommodate due to either time constraints or the limitations of their technical abilities. My focus was in providing background technical and design support to architects from a project’s inception through the construction document phase. I also handled some training of staff. Each firm routinely handled most client contact and negotiations, bidding, contracts, specifications and construction management in-house. These firms included: C. Lewis Tomaselli Architects, 1432 Genesee St. Utica, NY Craig Polhamus, Architect, 215 North Park St. Fayetteville, NY J. S. Hagan, Architect P.C. 180 Intrepid Lane, Syracuse, NY C. Lewis Tomaselli Architects - I began consulting with Chuck Tomaselli at CLT Architects in 1994, first as an outsourced CAD draftsman and soon after as a project-architect handling most of his light commercial, residential and public housing projects from initial design through the construction document phase. Much of the work for CLT architects was single and multifamily housing rehabilitation for the city of Utica, including aspects of Hope 6 neighborhood revitalization planning. The firm also focused on rehabilitation and adaptive re-
use of commercial properties and public facilities. Private residential work usually involved additions or renovations as opposed to new construction, with a special emphasis on closely integrating physical environments and client lifestyles to create more fully workable everyday lives. With the exception of field visits and client meetings, work for CLT Architects was handled electronically in a virtual office setting. Craig Polhamus , Architect - My work with Craig Polhamus had its primary focus on new residential construction and small scaled community facilities. 1990 – 1997:
J.S. Hagan Architect, P.C.
I began working with Jim Hagan as a draftsman in 1990 and was exposed to a wide range of “suburban” experience during my time with his firm. The primary focus at J. S. Hagan was on light-steel and wood frame commercial building projects, commercial and residential development planning, and single family residential projects from 1500sf to 7000sf. In addition to the design and construction document phases, I was engaged in client contact, environmental impact statements, code analysis, bid coordination, contractor contact, shop drawing review, field supervision, and coordination of field changes and documentation. In 1995 I set up the AutoCAD 13 CADD system and standards for the office, which had before then been paper based. (see project list attached) The firm was a fast-paced, construction oriented design-build environment, with a high degree of multi-tasking and time management involved. The extreme emphasis on budgetary restraint, deadlines, and the straightforwardness of solutions has had a formative impact on my own approach to design. In 1997 I left J. S. Hagan to devote full time to my own business, ultimately offering Jim Hagan consulting services until 2002. Education
Syracuse University School of Architecture, Class of 1989 Summer internships with Architects Incorporated, Northampton, MA, 1985 – 1988: Duties included drafting, design presentations, field surveys and coordination for residential and institutional projects in Western Massachusetts. Holyoke Catholic High School, class of 1984
Frost Travis 323 North Tioga St Ithaca, NY 14850 (607) 273-1654 WORK EXPERIENCE Ithaca Rentals and Renovations, President
March, 2007-Present
Responsible for overseeing all aspects of a property management and real estate development enterprise in Ithaca, NY with $10M in revenue on an asset base of $75M. Travis & Travis Development, LLC Partner
March, 2007 - Present
Principal in the $13M brown field redevelopment of the former Ithaca Gun Factory, which project was awarded $3M in public-private partnership grants for remediation and redevelopment from Empire State Development Corp. (Restore New York) and Department of Environmental Conservation (Environmental Remediation Program). Connect Ithaca, LLC, Chairman
January, 2008 – Present
Founding member of Connect Ithaca. Responsible for enterprise issues including organization of Podcar City Conference. Construction Director, UA Development Corp. A subsidiary of Urban American Housing, a private REIT
January, 2003-March, 2007
Grew UA Development in 2003 from a staff of 11 with an annual budget of $1.5M to a construction and administrative staff of 84 with an annual budget of $12M in 2006, adding more than $35M in value annually to the parent company.
Responsible for delivery of 300 complete apartment renovations annually across an aggregated portfolio of 158 working-class, occupied apartment buildings
Oversaw project management staff responsible for estimating, contract administration, scheduling, material deliveries, contractor payments and municipal inspection for 80 different contractors and vendors
Acquisitions Analyst, Urban American Housing •
June 2000 – January 2003
Analyzed apartment portfolio of 500 units in 31 buildings in the urban market of Judson County, NJ. Performed initial due diligence and detailed financial analysis including defeasance analysis used to make a successful purchase
Provided financial analysis and coordinated final due diligence for lenders in support of three successful separate re-financing events for Urban American Housing and related entities
Developed a multi-period proforma template for potential acquisitions and performed financial analysis and due diligence on more than 30 potential acquisitions
Conceived and developed 35-page marketing presentation including demographic and market analysis for Hudson County, NJ. This was used by venture capital partners to raise $25M in equity capital for future expansion and became the basis for a later marketing tool used to raise a $100M equity fund.
Operations Manager, Urban American Housing
June 2000-March 2001
Supervised a maintenance staff of 30 superintendents and 15 construction workers
Wrote an employee manual for all maintenance employees.
Wrote a database to track tenant service requests and developed a dispatch system to efficiently distribute service requests.
Construction Coordinator, Tishman Speyer Properties June-August 1999 New York, NY Involved in budgeting and scheduling tenant improvements for 30 commercial renovations in the Chrysler Center in Manhattan. Project Manager/Commercial Property Manager
January 1996 – May 1999
Provided budgeting, leasing, construction, and property management and financial reporting for a 38,000-sq. ft. medical building.
Assisted in marketing and leasing of a 144,000 sq. ft. mixed-use building and 300 student apartments in Ithaca, NY.
Led development effort for proposed 32-unit apartment building
Commercial Fishing Developed navigation and marine safety skills working as a deckhand for three different boats and five different fisheries in southeast Alaska and Key West, FL. EDUCATION Cornell University, Masters Degree in Real Estate
May, 2000
Coursework specializing sustainable development and finance and member of the Associate Real Estate Council. American University BA Literature/German Studies Memberships and Affiliations Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce Downtown Ithaca Alliance Rotary St. Paul’s UMC Trustee Tompkins County Climate Protection Initiative
December, 1992
Traffic and Transportation Engineering Term Agreement City of Syracuse Department of Public Works Syracuse, New York The City of Syracuse initiated a term agreement with C&S to provide traffic and transportation engineering services, including accident review and mitigation correction, data collection, development plan and traffic impact study review, parking studies, pavement marking design, roadway design, traffic signal design, traffic signal operations, and traffic control signage design. Stop Control Warrant Analysis: The city frequently receives requests for stop controls installations at neighborhood intersections due to speeding in the area and concern for pedestrian safety. C&S collects traffic volume and speed data, receives accident reports from the city, and obtains roadway geometry data necessary to conduct a stop control warrant analysis. If a stop control is not warranted by the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, other mitigative measures are explored, and recommended if appropriate, such as better pedestrian accommodations, sight distance improvements, or installing appropriate warning signage. Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis: A number of intersections in the city are currently controlled by traffic signals that, due to changes in traffic patterns and volumes over time, may no longer be warranted. C&S has conducted traffic signal warrant analyses at these locations to de119.348.001
termine if a signal can be decommissioned and replaced with two-way or multi-way stop controls. The analysis includes collecting traffic data, calculating vehicle delay, and reviewing accident histories, as well as investigating other factors, such as pedestrian activity. Bicycle Lane Studies and Design: C&S conducted a number of bicycle lane feasibility studies to determine if existing roadway geometry will accommodate standard bicycle lane pavement markings and associated signage according to NYSDOT and AASHTO standards. Once a bicycle facility is deemed feasible, C&S prepares designs for the appropriate signage and striping. Parking Study: C&S inventoried and evaluated parking in the residential area just east of Syracuse University. Currently, the area is overwhelmed by student parking and there have been complaints by area landowners. A study was performed to give recommendations for increasing available parking while preserving spaces for residents in the area (i.e., issuing special permits, introducing time limited parking, etc.) Development Reviews: Reviews performed include reviewing traffic impact studies to assess impacts on existing traffic operations, review of site development plans to ensure easy and safe access and egress to the site, review of maintenance, and protection of traffic plans, and review of modifications to existing street geometry and operations.
Downtown Parking Study City of Syracuse Syracuse, New York The City of Syracuse is faced with a number parking challenges. Planned development projects will remove existing parking supply while creating additional demand, and residential development has increased, creating different parking demands and preference than those created by businesses or entertainment venues. They were also concerns that future development may be impeded by real and perceived parking issues and constraints. C&S worked with the city to address these challenges by providing a variety of strategies to resolve existing and future parking problems while taking advantage of potential opportunities. The ďŹ rst phase of the project included an extensive data collection effort that focused
on determining existing parking regulations and roadway geometric data within the study area. Occupancy data for on- and off-street facilities was also collected during typical weekday and weekend time periods. The second phase focused on the development of a future supply and demand analysis. It considered additional parking provided in new developments, but also the potential loss of parking when existing lots are replaced by development site. C&S developed short-, intermediate, and long-term recommendations for both on- and off-street parking during the third phase of the project. Recommendations for improving parking focused on three categories: physical or geometric improvements, regulatory actions, and parking management.
Transportation Corridor Study Poughkeepsie-Dutchess County Transportation Council and Harlem Valley Partnership Dutchess County, New York The Poughkeepsie–Dutchess County Transportation Council (PDCTC), in partnership with the Harlem Valley Partnership, contracted with the consultant team, C&S and Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc., to initiate a study to assess current and forecasted mobility needs in the Route 22 corridor. The state Route 22 corridor from the Putnam County line, just south of Pawling, to the Columbia County line, just north of Millerton Village in Dutchess County is an uncontrolled-access, arterial highway that serves an important role for both through-traffic and support of development.
The study involved traffic data collection and analysis, including traffic counts, origin-destination studies, postcard surveys, land use analysis, and future traffic and land use projections. A study was conducted by C&S to assess current and forecasted mobility needs along 40 miles of NYS Route 22, stretching the length of Dutchess County and traveling through six municipalities, including three villages. The product is a corridor management plan to guide municipalities and the NYSDOT in making decisions about future land uses, site access and transportation proposals. In developing the plan, various potential strategies were considered including land use and zoning, transportation systems management, municipal management tools and access management. Access management techniques considered included shared driveways and parking, adequate corner sight distance, increased driveway setbacks from intersections, limited access overlay district (limiting the number of driveways per mile), provision of climbing lanes and the establishment of a local access permit program with more stringent access standards than NYSDOT. Associated land use and zoning tools considered included growth in defined areas (similar to nodal development), density bonus provisions, mixed-use zoning and infrastructure provisions.
Transportation Corridor Study NYS Department of Transportation Plattsburgh, New York Main roadways in Plattsburgh, New York, were rapidly deteriorating. Traffic conditions were worsened by the presence of extensive commercial development in the area. C&S’s goals in this transportation study were to identify existing and future transportation needs for the Town of Plattsburgh, identify and evaluate alternative solutions to alleviate the amount of traffic on these roads, and recommend a schedule of improvements for implementation. A geographic information system (GIS) was the tool used to meet these objectives.
Building a GIS that would address the required parameters involved integrating the place with the problem, or in other words, linking geographic conditions with demographic conditions for the area. Many information sources were used to create the GIS including a census database, a tax parcel database, a license plate survey, and a transportation survey that was sent to residents of the town. A digital base map was created by rectifying and edge-matching aerial photos of the study area, digitizing their street centerlines, and geo-coding these images to USGS Quadrangles of the study area. Other graphic layers were digitized from maps in-house, including tax parcels, census blocks, soils, flood plains, wetlands, agriculture, aquifers, and parks. As these layers were formed they became GIS coverages and were linked to their corresponding databases using a GIS package called ARC/CAD. The tax database and a land-use database that was developed in-house were attached to the tax parcel coverage. A soils database was also created in-house and was attached to the soils map. The processes of spatial query and analysis were soon to follow. Results can be in either tabular printouts, black and white plots, or detailed color images of the study area.The results were readily available to be attached to status reports or be presented in town meetings.