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Excellence on Purpose is more than a personal training service - it’s an invitation to change your life for the better. Having been a personal trainer for 20 years, owner Manny Rothmiller is no stranger to what it takes to become fit, but his business expands well beyond that. With the help of numerous health and wellness professionals such as trainers, researches, and nutritionists, he has cultivated a philosophy to help those in the community and beyond achieve their goals - on purpose.

Balancing family on two opposite sides of the fitness spectrum, Rothmiller knew from an early age that he was interested in being fit. He chose to study pre-med in undergrad, taking classes in anatomy, physiology, and nutrition to gain a better understanding of how the body works. After being injured in the military, through rehabilitation he gained a deeper passion for exercise and wellness. Through the combination of these aspects of his life, Excellence on Purpose was born.


Excellence on Purpose, Rothmiller’s philosophy, came into existence in 2009, with it’s incorporation as a business in 2011. “Excellence on Purpose as a lifestyle is to get people to focus on being the best versions of ourselves with processes,” he said. It involves taking a holistic look at things besides solely diet and exercise while having one look at specific goals and working from there. There is an emphasis on tracking and managing habits to lead one to these goals - therefore achieving them on purpose. Their main audience are people who are simply interested in being the best versions of themselves. “Excellence on purpose is about identity. It’s about, you know, understanding who and what you need to be, and then working as hard as you possibly can to become that” he said.

“I come across a lot of people that do affirmations and they have inspiring vision boards, but they don’t have scoreboards”, he said. “They show me their, vision board and I say, what’s your scoreboard? How do you keep track of what you’re doing? How do you know?” More than anything, Excellence on Purpose is a philosophy that’s main focus is on measurable goals that will get one to where they aspire to beinstead of making empty promises to oneself.

What makes Rothmiller’s business different, is that he is in the unique place of having been on the other side of the very issues that they focus on, whether that be physical or mental. He also comes from a place of understanding the need for fitness in the community. “If you look at the statistics, they say four out of five women of color are overweight. And you know, women of color are the center of our community,” he said. Seeing this overall need is what keep Excellence on Purpose going.

During the 2020 pandemic. The company began it’s current phase, which is lifestyle and personal training. One begins with a free consultation, where both a questionnaire and a movement assessment is given. Along with this, new customers receive a free workout so they can meet them where they are. After this, there are different program options such as one-on-one training, small group, and bootcamp. Along with physical fitness, there is also an emphasis on other aspects of help, with offerings of lifestyle and nutrition coaching. Excellence on Purpose has also recently partered with a genetics company, through which customers can find out how their DNA plays a role in their health, wellness, but moreso their overall life.

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