StilllookingforaclassortwofortheSpring?Thefollowing classesstillhaveroom!
THTR-101ScriptAnalysis(4Credits)–Instructor: AnnWoldtM/W/F 9:10AM-10:10AM
This fundamental course will focus on the systematic analysis of dramatic texts. The course will emphasize the careful reading of play scripts for understanding, interpretation, and production. Students in the course will learn techniques to improve their critical analysis of play texts so as to develop their work as theatre artists. This course serves as the basic course in the theatre major. Includes Service Learning Component. Offered Fall semester. (AR,CT,CTI,WC)
THTR-209Vocation/PrfrmArtsI(4Credits)–Instructor:Jennifer NostralaM/W/F10:20AM-11:20AM
Through readings, exercises, class discussions, and conversations with guest professionals the student will begin the process of intentional self-reflection about their gifts and interests and potential career options in the performing arts. The student will also develop their skills for applying for internships and jobs. Skill development will include preparing a resume, audition monologues and headshot; writing cover letters and a personal statement, creating effective portfolios, and developing interview techniques. Pre-requisite: One theatre course.
This course will focus on the theories, practices and techniques of directing for the stage. The course will help students develop an understanding of the fundamentals of directing, including text analysis, conceptualization, staging and rehearsal techniques. Prerequisites: THTR-101 and THTR-130 or permission of instructor. (CL,WC)
THTR-265WorldTheatre(4Credits)Instructor:Dr.KaraRaphaeliT/Th 2:10PM-3:40PM
This course explores theatre and performance practices from around the world in order to investigate how humanity's impulse for shared creativity manifests itself in different cultural contexts. Students will read, analyze, and discuss plays as well as consider the circumstances of live productions in order to both understand and appreciate the samenesses and differences shared among theatres from around the world. Possible sites of study include Ireland, Australia, and Canada; China, Japan and India; the Caribbean; Mexico and Central America; South Africa and Africa; Argentina and South America; and Egypt and the Middle East. Offered every two years. (GP,GS,IL,OC)
Thecurtaincloseson SpeedDatingTonight!
Simpson Productions presented their second show of the 24-25 season, the comic opera Speed Dating Tonight! by Michael Ching, on November 15th-17th. The show was also presented to an enthusiastic crowd of over 300 students and educators at the 27th annual high school theatre festival. Congratulations to the company!
Eachmonth,wefeatureseniorswhohavebeenorarecurrentlyinvolvedin SimpsonProductions,onoroffstage.
Major/Minor:SportsCommunicationandGraphic Design
FavoriteSimpsonProductionsRole:Stage MangerforLittleWomen
FavoriteSimpsonProductionsMemory:Game nightwiththecastanddirector(TannerTillotson, 23')ofTheEveoftheTrialinthePickenbasement ononeofournightsoff
FavoriteSimpsonProductionsRole: Waitress/StephanieinSpeedDatingTonight!
FavoriteSimpsonProductionsMemory: Gettinglunchwiththecompanyduringwork call,itsalwaysagreattimetobondwithfellow castmatesandmakefriends!Itsalsofuntotry outdifferentrestaurantsaroundtown!
FavoriteSimpsonProductionsRole:HuldeyinThe Moors
FavoriteSimpsonProductionsMemory:When CadewasmimickingJenniferandthenJennifer appearedrightbehindher.
FavoriteSimpsonProductionsRole:Lighting DesignerforTheMoors
FavoriteSimpsonProductionsMemory:The passionatediscussionswithguestlighting designerEthanNewman14'ashislightboard operatorduringthelatenightsIwouldspendafter techweekforFefuandHerFriendsmyfirstyear!
SimpsonProductionshaspaidworkstudypositionsinthe sceneshop,costumeshop,andlightingdepartment openfortheSpringsemester.Studentscanapply throughHandshake.
SimpsonProductionsnowhasfauxfoamswordsthat studentscancheckouttopracticetheirstagecombat skills,useforevents,orothertheatre-ypurposes.Theseare thesameonesJennAlltonusedfortheSingleSword TechniquesworkshopinSeptember.Ifyou'reinterestedin checkingoneormoreout,pleaseemail productionassistant@simpson.eduwithhowmanyfaux swordsyouwant(uptosix),whenyouwantthem,and whatyou'reusingthemfor.Happyswashbuckling!