Working Online Program

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2024-25 Season Working



From the book by Studs Terkel

Adapted by Stephen Schwartz and Nina Faso

Localized format conceived by Daniel C Levine for ACT of CT Orchestrations by Alex Lacamoire

Songs by

Craig Carnelia

Micki Grant

Lin-Manuel Miranda

Mary Rodgers and Susan Birkenhead

Stephen Schwartz

James Taylor

Blank Performing Arts Center

Barnum Studio Theatre

February 14-16, 2025


Jennifer Nostrala

Scenic & Props Designer

Natalie Hining-Bruce

Costume, Hair & Makeup Designer

Caroline Frias

Music Director

Damon Stevens

Lighting Designer

Rick Goetz

Deputy Stage Manager

Katrina Colahan

WORKING is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI. Any video and/or audio recording of this production is strictly prohibited.

Lyza Cue……………..……………..

SharonAtkins, receptionist; Grace Clements, millworker; Janet S., server* ; Jennifer P., cleaning business owner*

Elainë Frey…………………...Amanda McKenny, project manager; Kate Rushton, housewife; Jennifer P., cleaning business owner*; Zee B., Simpson student*

Evan Frey…………………………

Man Wearing Headphones;Alex C., gas station attendant*; Jairo Trujillo, elder care worker; Eli J., Simpson student*

Jasper McGrath…………………………………………………….Another Woman in Cubicle; Kiersten J., elementary school choir teacher*; Jessica P., 911 dispatcher*; Jennifer P., cleaning business owner*

Kylie Ozbun…………………………………………………...Rikki P., animal shelter worker*

Theresa Bautista, nanny; Meredith D., Simpson student*

Aaron Scholes Rex Winship, hedge fund manager; Joe; Simpson father

Joey Ulrich……………………………………………………Freddy Gomez, fast food worker; Anthony Coelho, stone mason; Jack C., Simpson student*

Maxwell Wearmouth-Gweah………………………….Man in Cubicle; Raj Patel, tech support; Thad K., rock quarry worker*

Hunter Weppler..…….….……………………………Zach K., welder*; Frank Decker, trucker; Tom Patrick, fireman*


Damon Stevens

Guitar Don Salting Bass

Gary Goudelock


Jordan Gould

• These monologues were created by interviewing local workers and Simpson students

Musical Numbers

“All the Livelong Day”

Music and Lyrics by Stephen Schwartz (with acknowledgments to Walt Whitman) Ensemble


Music and Lyrics by Lin-Manuel Miranda Freddy and Ensemble

“Nobody Tells Me How” Lyrics by Susan Birkenhead, Music by Mary Rodgers Kiersten

“Brother Trucker”

Music and Lyrics by James Taylor Frank and Truckers

“Just a Housewife”

Music and Lyrics by Craig Camelia Kate and Homemakers


Music and Lyrics by James Taylor Grace and Workers

“If I Could’ve Been”

Music and Lyrics by Micki Grant Ensemble

“The Mason”

Music and Lyrics by Craig Camelia Anthony and Thad

“It’s An Art”

Music and Lyrics by Stephen Schwartz Janet and Customers


Music and Lyrics by Craig Camelia Joe

“A Very Good Day”

Music and Lyrics by Lin-Manuel Miranda Jairo, Theresa

“Cleanin’ Women”

Music and Lyrics by Micki Grant Jennifer and Cleaners

“Fathers and Sons”

Music and Lyrics by Stephen Schwartz Dad and Ensemble

“Something to Point To”

Music and Lyrics by Craig Camelia Ensemble

Working: The Localized Version

In 2019, Daniel C. Levine, Artistic Director of ACT of CT, developed the first localized version of Working, creating a pathway for other companies to create a project related to their community. Levine edited versions of the video interviews for the ACT production. For our production, I took the transcripts of the interviews and edited them down to monologues that our performers could present.

The Process

Last fall, we interviewed 12 local people for the project. These interviews were conducted primarily by two students, Lyza Cue and Hannah Rosenfeld. It was important in many cases that the person's job was similar to the person represented in the original production. For instance, the original waitress, Dolores Fuente, spoke right before the song "It's An Art," was replaced with a local server. We decided to interview Janet S. since she works both on campus and at Crouse Cafe. I conducted the interview with Kiersten Johnson '19, a Simpson College alum who teaches at Irving Elementary. The students contacted the individuals, created the interview questions (based on the guidance provided by Levine), and conducted the interviews. I then edited the interviews, some of which were about 30 minutes long, so that they could fit into the context of the production. I was careful during the editing process to represent the person accurately. The monologues are verbatim but spliced together from different moments in the interview.

The Interviewees

By interviewing people in our community, we are reminded that all of the characters in Working are real people. These people, and the labor they do, are essential but often invisible. We are grateful to all the interviewees for taking time out of their day to share their experiences with us.

The Workers

Alex C.

Kiersten J.

Thad K.

Zach K.

Jennifer P.

Jessica P.

Rikki P.

Janet S.

The Students

Zee B.

Jack C.

Meredith D.

Eli J.

--Jennifer Nostrala, Director

WORKING is a non-fiction musical. A musical documentary. The words spoken, and generally the words sung, did not spring from a writer's imagination; they were spoken by real people. It is not the only musical of its kind. There was a wonderful off-Broadway documentary musical in the seventies called THE ME NOBODY KNOWS. To some extent, A CHORUS LINE and RUNAWAYS are documentary musicals as well, though those two are significantly fictionalized. But suffice it to say it is a rare genre.

In musicalizing WORKING, Studs Terkel's insightful collection of interviews with people about their jobs, my fellow songwriters and I were determined to try to preserve the documentary quality of the text. Therefore, in most cases, we stayed as close as possible in our lyrics to the actual words of the characters portrayed.

The music has a similar intention. When I was first contemplating composing songs for WORKING, it quickly became apparent to me that, in order to have the music reflect the characters, I was going to wind up writing a great deal of pastiche. After all, I don't naturally write in the voice of an older black parking lot attendant. So I decided to invite other songwriters, from other backgrounds and with other natural styles, to join me in the enterprise. That black parking lot attendant, for instance, became the province of Micki Grant. James Taylor had a notion for a song for the Millworker, whom I had never even envisioned singing. Craig Carnelia knew how to compose music for a man struggling with retirement that was so evocative, one knows who he is from the music alone, without even having to hear the lyrics. Mary Rodgers and Susan Birkenhead instinctively understood a teacher of long standing struggling with a changing neighborhood.

Of course there came a time when the show needed to be updated. Obviously, the workplace has changed greatly in the quarter-century since WORKING first opened. Just to cite one significant example, the advent of computers has made office work a very different experience. A monologue by a secretary about how she torments her boss by deliberately misspelling words is no longer valid in an era of word processers and Spellcheck. But in order to update, once again my fellow authors and I have striven to remain true to the documentary nature of the show. New interviews were conducted, and new material was based once again on the words of actual people.

We hope we have achieved our intention of honoring the real people whose words and lives we have borrowed for WORKING. And we hope you enjoy spending time in their company.

Production Staff

Technical Director Natalie Hining-Bruce

Assistant Stage Manager. Lupe Contreras

Assistant Scenic & Props Designer Maddy Gunzenhauser

Assistant Costume Designer Robyn Aguilar

Deck/Prop Crew Head Vanna Freese

Deck/Prop Crew

Wardrobe Crew Head

Wardrobe Crew

Light Board Operator

Sound Engineer

Sound Board Operator

Sound Technician

Box Office Manager

House Manager

Head Usher



Poster Design

Keira McLain, Arseydia Rodriguez, Larry Schippers, Todd Whelan

Piper Jackman

Aurora Bales, Paisha Goodrich, Hannah Roth, Ian Wilde

Kenneth Norris

Chris Williams

Bekah Geerdes

Larry Schippers

Amanda Orozoco

Cade Clark

Hannah Larsen


Abby Hintz

Nayeli Mejia

Production Crew

Scene Shop Supervisor: NatalieHining-Bruce


Costume Shop Supervisor: CarolineFrias

Costume Construction Crew: Robyn Aguilar, Piper Jackman, Kylie Ozbun

Set Construction Crew: VannaFreeseUGA ,SeanChavez,AaronScholes

Lighting Crew: Nox Bazer, RebekahGeerdes,McFarland, MaxMonroe,LarrySchippers

Sound : LupeContrerasUGA


Simpson Productions:

Production Assistant: Hannah Larsen UGA

Marketing: Abby Hintz UGA

Audience Services: Amanda Orozoco UGA

Faculty Supervisor of Marketing: Jennifer Ross Nostrala

Educational Outreach Coordinator: Ann Woldt

Faculty Supervisor for Audience Services: Kara Raphaeli

Simpson Productions Student Leadership

Simpson Productions Scholarship Students

Scholarship recipients hold theatre as an essential part of their lives and are an integral part of the Simpson Productions company.

Cadence Clark

Lyza Cue

Vanna Freese

Rebekah Geerdes

Paisha Goodrich

Maddy Gunzenhauser

Abby Hintz

Piper Jackman

Hannah Larsen

Keira McLain

Kenneth Norris

Kylie Ozbun

Arseydia Rodriguez

Hannah Roth

Larry Schippers

Ian Wilde

PerformingArts Theme House

The Performing Arts Theme House focuses on supporting the performing arts on campus by sponsoring workshops and hosting a monthly cabaret style show, The Underground. This is the twenty-sixth consecutive year for the PA House.

Piper Jackman (house manager), Lyza Cue,Maxwell Wearmouth-Gweah, Jasper McGrath


Undergraduate Assistants are positions across campus that are designed to offer students the opportunity to gain practical, in-depth experience complementing their formal education.

2024-2025 UGAs

Lupe Contreras-Sound

Vanna Freese-Tech Assistant

Maddy Gunzenhauser-Props

Abby Hintz-Marketing

Hannah Larsen-Production Assistant

Amanda Orozoco-Audience Services

Upcoming Shows

Pote Theatre March 28-30, 2025

Lies, betrayal, and revenge culminate in this Greek tragedy as a passionate exploration of the depth of Medea’s pain.

Aesop’s Fables

Adapted by James Brock

Barnum Studio Theatre April 25-26, 2025

Four of Aesop’s best loved fables, ‘The Fox and the Crow,’ ‘The Hare and the Tortoise,’ ‘The Donkey In the Lion’s Skin,’ and finally, ‘The Fox and the Sour Grapes,’ are delightfully created in this interesting approach to storyteller’s theatre. All the scene changes and costume adaptations are done in full view of the audience. As the actors become the Rabbit, the Turtle, the Fox, the Crow, or the Donkey in the Lion’s skin, the audience is brought into the action of the play by seeing the change from actor to character and back to actor again.


Want to hear more about our upcoming shows?



Simpson Productions



Simpson Productions Would Like to Thank:

Members of the Simpson College football team

Leah Wilson was a member of the cast and rehearsed the production, but needed to step away before performances.

Simpson Productions Mission Statement

Founded in 2019, Simpson Productions is an interdisciplinary, collaborative partnership between the departments of Theatre and Music at Simpson College. Previously two separate production entities, this merger of theatrical and operatic programming fosters greater creativity and connectivity across the college, allowing us to share resources, experiences and talents of students and professors alike. We seek to offer innovative and diverse programming to both the Simpson community and the greater Central Iowa region, keeping our college’s values of curiosity, discovery, and integrity at the core.


To create a unique, nationally recognized academic performance community for the study and practice of theatre and opera.


• To present high quality productions which offer our students and audiences experiences that embrace diverse performance modes.

• To explore performance as a communication tool and form of service that can reach multiple audiences.

• To provide students various opportunities to design, perform, and create collaboratively.

Into the Woods 2023

Caroline Frias

Costume Designer

Costume Shop Supervisor; Courses in Design and Tech

Rick Goetz

Natalie Hining

Jennifer Ross Nostrala

Lighting and Sound Designer Courses in Design and Tech

Scene Designer

Technical Director, Scene Shop Supervisor; Courses in Design and Tech

Simpson Productions Producer; Courses in Directing, Acting, Literature, Script Analysis; Director

Kara Raphaeli

Damon Stevens

Ann Woldt

Assistant Professor; Courses in Directing, Plays and Performances, Script Analysis; Director

G. Dewey and M. Maine Larsen Chair in Opera; Courses in Music History, Ensembles, CollaborativePiano,Opera; Conductor

Theatre Department Chair; Outreach Coordinator; Courses in Acting, Voice, Arts Management, Interpretation; Director

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